NationStates Jolt Archive

European War Recruiting Thread. OOC

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20-07-2006, 22:24
Welcome to the OOC Thread!
20-07-2006, 23:08
I'll play as the Tuaregs.
20-07-2006, 23:24
Added. Welcome to the RP, btw. :D
20-07-2006, 23:46
Welcome to the European Wars Recruitment Center! We need 11 takers before the game can commence. (Population of your NS country doesn't matter, we just need decent RPers.) Rules of the European Wars are below the map. Make sure you read them. THIS RP WILL BE BASED IN THE NAPOLEONIC ERA.
If you can no longer participate, just say so in this thread and we will try to find a replacement RPer for you. Thanks!

European War IC (
European War Economic Treaties (

*Updated Map*

General Rules:

Based on what types of territories you hold, your nation will receive a number of Credits. That number can change depending on what you conquer through means of war, diplomacy, or other means. Players are paid every game year, in RT that is 12 DAYS, 1st day is Jan, and so on. A nation that runs out of credits turns into a number of rogue states, ceasing to exist as a nation. The rebel land can be bought for 5 times it's annual value. (The number on the territory.)

There are numerous types of diplomatic offers to choose from, including but not limited to the following treaties...

Alliance: Two or more nations band together in a military, economic, and friendly covenant. Breaking alliances is costly though, you must pay each member of the alliance 7 credits before you can successfully break away from the benefits/deficits of an alliance. Alliances can be measured out in game years in treaties or the default 12 years before the treaty must be renewed. (12 months, RT.) People in alliances share wartime status with a nation, and must pay support costs for such. As a benefit, nations in alliance all receive +2 credits bonus/allied nation to their annual yield. i.e. Germany is friends with Russia and France, thus receives 4 credits bonus.

Defense Pact: Two or more nations band together in a military covenant, where a declaration of war on one nation in the pact, is considered a declaration of war on all nations in the pact. No economic bonus is rewarded to nations in a pact. A hostile action made by a member of the pact on a third party automatically dissolves the pact, and a sum of 4 credits must be paid to each member of the pact by the nation who made the attack, merely for compensation. Pacts can be measured out by a treaty, so they can dissolve without cost that way. (or the standard 12 game years.) You cannot have a defense pact with a nation if they have trade rights with a nation you are at war with.

Trade Rights: Two or more nations band together in a economic covenant, where the nations involved are bound to each other by means of economic power. Benefits are +2 credits per trading partner, but +3 for Persia, Baltic States, Tauregs, and Italy. You cannot trade with nations who are trading with your enemies. It costs 2 Credits to break off a trading relationship with a nation, unless the treaty gives a specific time for the trading to cease. Or the basic 12 years before the treaty must be renewed.

*Edited*Peace/Ceasefire: Two or more nations band together in a friendly covenant, where nations agree to not fight each other in war, or to cease doing so. Breaking this covenant is a great penalty, one must pay 8 credits to the one you wish to break the covenant with. Expiration of a peace can be spelled out in a treaty, like all other treaties.

War: Two or more nations, depending on alliances and defense pacts, engage each other in a war. Wars are costly, though. It costs 8 Credits to declare them, and 3 Credits annually to keep them going. (First payment covers support costs for the first month) Defenders must pay 2 Credits per turn per war they are defending against. To attack a territory, it costs however much the piece of land is worth. (i.e. Germany declares war on Baltic, [costs 8] then decides to attack Oslo Territory. [costs 8]. For a total of 16 Credits that turn. However, it costs Oslo only 2 credits for the war support costs.)
All other people involved in a war must pay the 1 credit for support costs, even those in alliances and Organizations. Even those not directly involved in the fighting. Once a 3rd party gets involved in either attacking or defending, they must pay the 3 credits or 2 credits respectively. (Prussia attacks A-H who has alliance with Russia. Prussia pays 3 for support costs, AH pays 2, and Russia pays 1. But Prussia attacks Russia, and now Russia must pay 2 credits along with his ally. If Russia attacks Prussia, since he is allies with the defender, still only pays 2, because he is defending his ally.) If a nation is defending against multiple nations, they need only to pay the defense war support costs per declaration of war. I.E. Spain is defending against 5 other nations. But they nations at war are in an allied war. (3 Islamics vs. Spain, 2 others vs. Spain.) They need only pay the support costs for each declaration of war. In this case, only two nations actually paid to declare war. Therefore, Spain needs only to pay 2 Credits to each declaration. =4 Credits.

Conditional Surrender: A nation who is winning a war may offer a conditional surrender, or a surrender that has terms that can be negotiated for either side. (i.e., Germany will surrender if they can remain a protectorate with all of their land, etc.)

Unconditional Surrender: A nation who is absolutely crushing an opponent may offer unconditional surrender, or surrender solely on the terms of the winner.

Protectorate Status: An agreement between lesser nations and a superpower that surrenders the independence of the lesser nations to that superpower. Nations that are protectorates lose their ability to make other alliances, defense pacts, offerings of surrender, trade rights, basically any and all treaty forging is forfeited. Nations must pay 25% of their annual yield to the superpower, and in return, the protector receives the full benefits of alliance, not only that, but protection from enemies by that superpower's armies. Protectorates can still attack provinces, but only if the superpower is already at war with them. Protectorates can break away from their superpower if they pay the harshest of penalties...surrendering one of their provinces AND paying all of the next annual yield to the superpower.

Buy territory: A nation can offer to sell its land to another country for whatever it sees fit. The land must be adjacent to the country who wishes to make the purchase.

Any combination of these (or treaty items I have not listed), may be used at the diplomatic table.

Attacking a Territory and Decision of Victor
Your nation can attack a territory if it is adjacent to a piece of land your nation owns. Attacking land targets amphibiously is possible, if and only if there is a colored dot on the territory you want to launch the attack from.
Battles are fought via RP battles, and have two stages: The deployment stage, and the Battle/Victory stage. Participating nations write both the Deployment, and their victory posts. Winners are decided by vote in this thread. (Another thread will be made for battle and diplomacy IC. This will be used for OOC and other issues.) Please be fair and don't vote for your friends just because they are your friends, vote for the honorable victor and the better player. GODMODDING is NOT allowed. Based on how well your nation deploys and uses its troops, is how battles should be decided. Battles are fought based on the number of credits a territory is worth. Anything below 4 Credits is only one battle. Anything above or at 4 credits is two battles. Capital Provinces are decided in two or three battles, it is best out of three.i.e., What not to do: You say your troops are massed on the French Border, ready for attack, and then you attack someplace on the complete opposite side of your nation with your entire army...not realistic. You get the picture. *You cannot have more battles in a province than you have armies. (Say you have 1 Army in a territory with 4 credits value. You can only fight one battle because of your lone army. Same with Capitals.)Battles are further modified by building forts, which make the attacker have to pay 2 extra credits in order to take it. FORTS cost 1 Credit for upkeep. Current forts will be on the map.

Naval Battles
Navies can be used for a few things. For one, they protect your lands from amphibious invasion. They can also be used to blockade territories with ports, reducing their income by 1. But when it comes to actually fighting in a naval battle, there is a set of rules. Battles are to be fought in generally the same style as land battles: deployment, and victory stages. (Deployment you ready your troops, then victory is how YOU win the battle and what losses you feel you feel are reasonable to take.) Naval battles will be fought in sea zones (you cannot control sea zones unless you are in them) and if you control a sea zone next to a port territory, the enemy cannot amphibiously invade UNLESS he destroys all of your ships. (SEE EDITED MAP)

Nations can band together in a large (or small) organization for mutual protection, and economic prosperity. Similar to an alliance, Organizations offer many more benefits, but cost a lot to maintain. An organization may be comparable to the UN, or NATO, and can be named anything the organizers wish to call it. Organizations cost 35 Credits to start, (this covers the first game year of its functionality) and support costs are 1/3 of every nation's annual yield currently in the organization, so they are manageable. The benefits of an organization are much like an alliance, the same principles apply for defense, and economy. However, rather than acting as one nation, an Organization can act as many nations, with seats in a 'Congress' (again, called whatever you wish) and a leader elected every game year. Also a huge plus, any nation that declares war on an organization must pay half of their annual yield, making war a very costly option for the opposition, sometimes, even making a war so costly that they can't afford to use that option. Another benefit is that Organizations have a vault, where nations involved in the organization receive their money. The way to get money in the vault is either by donation, the cost of wars enemies declare as explained above, and 25% of the combined net worth of all the nations in the organization. This money is used for keeping nations afloat if a nation were to hit hard times, the money is used to fund wars, and to forge treaties w/ other organizations. Organization members cannot, however, have alliances or other treaties with other nations unless every member in the organization agrees to it.

Every game year, the nations in the game can choose to gather and discuss strategy, peace, war, and other diplomatic actions. This is strictly volunteer, nations who participate can earn +1 Credit to their yield.

Organizational Summits
Every game year, all of the Organizations (if any) gather and perform the same duties as a summit nation would. Again, this is strictly voluntary, but Organizations involved can earn +10 Credits to add to their vault.

A sole nation, protectorate & Superpower, alliance, and/or organization conquers other nations through diplomatic relations, or military conquest. Achieving world peace is another way to win, but it's not nearly as fun.

Your nation or another nation goes bankrupt, loses all of its territory, or shows no sign of life for 2 RT months or more without notification.

Nation Economic Bonuses
+3 Trading bonus (over the base +2) for Persia, Baltic States, Tauregs, UK, and Italy.
Italy, Tauregs, Persia, and the Baltic all start with +15 extra credits added to the base amount they possess at the beginning of the game.*
The Ottoman Empire can receive +20 income if they can capture at least 8/9 light red ports.
The UK can receive +15 Income if they can hold 10 ports of any color.
The Germans can receive +20 income if they can conquer either the French, the Italians, the UK, the Baltic, or the Austria-Hungarians in military conquest, or buying out their territory.
The Russians can receive +15 Income if they can hold Istanbul, Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Finland, and Baltic States provinces.
The Italians can receive +10 income if they take all the dark red ports.
The Tauregs can receive +15 income if they can take out Castile and Orleans.
The Persians can receive +15 Income if they can take Turkey, Istanbul, and Moscow.
The Austria-Hungarians can receive +18 Income if they can take Moscow, Istanbul, Prussia, and Northern Italy.
The French can receive +15 income if they can capture Castile, Prussia, and Wessex.
The Baltic nations can receive +15 Income if they can take Prussia, Moscow, and Mercia.
The Spanish can receive +15 income if they can capture all the dark red ports, and +5 Credits if they capture 2 gray ports in conjunction with the red ports.

Nation Military Bonuses

UK- 50 free Ships of the Line w/no support costs.
France- 4 Free Armies w/no support costs.
Prussia- Armies cost 3 credits to raise instead of 4.
Italy- Can purchase 6 armies without support costs, but starts w/4 armies and 10 ships.
Russia- It costs 14 credits to attack Moscow. 2 Free Field armies w/no support costs.
Austria-Hungary- Compulsory Military service, total support costs halved. (If odd, we round up.)
Ottoman Empire- 20 free ships and 2 free armies w/no support costs.
Tuaregs- Support costs are halved.
Baltic States- Partisans make all territories cost +1.5 Credits to attack. Even territories you have recently conquered.
Persians- Can instantly conquer a territory with a base value of 2 or lower. (Limit 1, and must be at war with that person already, cannot use as a surprise.)
Spain- Ships cost 3 instead of 4.


Base Purchase Price: 6 Credits Support Costs: 2 Credits
1 Field Army. 80,000 men, 2,000 Cavalry, 100 Cannon.

Base Purchase Price: 6 Credits Support Costs: 2 Credits
1 Infantry Army. 100,000 men.

Base Purchase Price: 6 Credits Support Costs: 2 Credits
1 Cavalry Corps. 15,000 Cavalry.

Base Purchase Price: 6 Credits Support Costs: 2 Credits
1 Artillery Corps. 800 Cannon.

Base Purchase Price: 6 Credits Support Costs: 2 Credits
10 Ships.* 6,000 men, 700 Cannon.

Base Purchase Price: Value of territory.
+1 to territorial Credit yield on given territory.

Base Purchase Price: 15 Credits
Half support costs for duration of game. (Cannot purchase if you already have it.)

Base Purchase Price: 15 Credits
Can purchase Field Armies OR Ships for 4 Credits instead of 6. (Cannot purchase if you already have both versions of it.)

Base Purchase Price: 15 Credits
Build a port in a province next to an open sea.

Base Purchase Price: 8 Credits Support Costs: 1
Build a fortification in that province. Forts make land cost 2 extra credits to attack. (Can build more than one.)

Base Purchase Price: 15 Credits
Partisans make all territories cost +1 Credit to attack.

Base Purchase Price: .75 Credits Support Costs: Added to an army
Replacements. 10,000 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 15 Cannons. Up to (and no more than) 1,000 infantry, 50 Cavalry, and 5 Artillery can be rounded in without additional cost. I.e. I lost 800 men, 40 horses, and 2 artillery in combat. I don't need to buy replacements for that.

(If you have any ideas for purchasable items, please post them! ty)

Nations Involved and Factbook Links

Prussia- Cruxium
Russia- Dumii
Aus.-Hun.- Ten Thousand Maggots
Tuaregs- Aiti
Persians- Waldenburg 2
Italians- Lothrain
French- Vanatta
Spanish- Dumii
Ottomans- Moorington
Baltic States- Delesa

(Edited Constantly so keep your eyes open for updates)
Support Costs are 2 credits
Armies and Navies are 6 credits

UK- 20 Field armies, 2 Cavalry Corps. Tot. 1,600,000 men, 70,000 Cavalry, 2,000 Cannon.
150 Ships. Tot. 90,000 men, 10,500 Cannon
Credits Total: 50.5
Trade Bonus: (12) (4 trade routes @ 3 Creds)
Alliance Bonus: (6) (France & Italy)
Support Costs: .5(52+3 war support costs)= 27.5 Credits

France- 15 Field Armies. 8 Infantry Army Tot. 2,000,000 men, 30,000 Cavalry, 1,500 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 62.5
Trade Bonus: (0)
Alliance Bonus: (4) (UK & Italy)
Support Costs: .5(28+3 War support Costs)= 15.5 Credits

Prussia- 12 Field Armies. Tot. 960,000 men, 24,000 Cavalry, 1,200 Cannon.
40 Ships. Tot. 24,000 men, 2,800 Cannon
Credits Total: 110
Trade Bonus: (6) (3 Trade routes @ 2 Creds)
Alliance Bonus: (4) (A-H & Russia)
Support Costs: (20)
2 Forts in Bavaria

Italy- 9 Field Armies. 1 Infantry Army. Tot. 820,000 men, 18,000 Cavalry, 900 Cannon.
10 Ships. Tot. 6,000 men, 700 Cannon
Credits Total: 101
Trade Bonus: (3) (w/ Baltic)
Alliance Bonus: (6) (UK & France)
Support Costs: (1)
Partisans in Effect. All terr. costs +1 Cred. to attack.
You now must pay support costs.

Russia- 7 Field Armies. Tot. 560,000 men, 14,000 Cavalry, 700 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon.
Credits Total: 190
Trade Bonus: (2)
Alliance Bonus: (4) (Prussia & A-H)
Support Costs: (0)

Austria-Hungary- 9 Field Armies. Tot. 720,000 men, 18,000 Cavalry, 900 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon.
Credits Total: 176
Trade Bonus: (4)
Alliance Bonus: (4) (Prussia & Russia)
Support Costs: .5(8)= 4

Ottoman Empire- 11 Field Armies. Tot. 880,000 men, 22,000 Cavalry, 1,100 Cannon.
60 Ships. Tot. 36,000 men, 4,200 Cannon.
Credits Total: 108
Trade Bonus: (0)
Alliance Bonus: (4) (Islamic Alliance)
Support Costs: (10)+(3 for War support costs)= 13

Tuaregs- 14 Field Armies. 2 Infantry Armies, 1 Artillery Corps. Tot. 1,520,000 men, 28,000 Cavalry, 2,200 Cannon.
40 Ships. Tot. 24,000 men, 2,800 Cannon.
Credits Total: 42.5
Trade Bonus: (0)
Alliance Bonus: (6) (Islamic Alliance)
Support Costs: .5(33+3 for war support costs)= 18 Credits
1 Fort in Khamzata

Baltic States- 18 Field Armies. Tot. 1,440,000 men, 36,000 Cavalry, 1,800 Cannon.
30 Ships. Tot. 36,000 men, 4,200 Cannon
Credits Total: 30
Trade Bonus: (12)
Alliance Bonus: (0)
Support Costs: .5(28) = 14 Credits
1 fort in Denmark

Persia- 9 Field Armies. 2 Cavalry Corps Tot. 760,000 men, 44,000 Cavalry, 900 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 79
Trade Bonus: (3) (1 Routes @ 3 Credits)
Alliance Bonus: (6) (Islamic Alliance)
Support Costs: .5(18)+(3 for war support costs against Spain)= 10.5
1 Fort in Khamzata

Spain- 9 Field Armies. Tot. 720,000 men, 18,000 Cavalry, 900 Cannon.
30 Ships. Tot. 18,000 men, 2,100 Cannon
Credits Total: 41
Trade Bonus: (4)
Alliance Bonus: (0)
Support Costs: (10)+(2 for war)= 12

*All ships are Third Rate Ships of the line. 600 men and 70 guns.
*Support costs are not paid until the end/beginning of the old/new year.
20-07-2006, 23:49
I'll take Italy
21-07-2006, 03:51
I just wanted to say, this looks like a very cool RP, but I just don't think I have the energy at this point (though who knows about the future) for such a large RP.

Good luck though.

No prob. DMG, thanks for the compliment. I don't think I have a whole lotta time for it either, but we'll see! And welcome to the RP Siap, You'll be Italy. :D
21-07-2006, 03:55

and I think I'll be the French, why not?
21-07-2006, 04:20
Is there going to be a seperate forum for this rp?

I also have some questions about military. How many men to we get to have in our armies? Is it based off the annual credit value of our territories (I'd like to know because I'm already planning)

Send me a telegram with your AIM screen name if you have one, if not let's just exchange some e-mails.
21-07-2006, 22:03
Yes, this is the OOC thread. We'll do the voting, recruiting, and general discussion about the RP in here. The other thread, (coming when we have enough players) will be strictly IC, and everything that has to do with Politics and war will be in there.

Telegram sent and we will discuss it over AIM, maybe some changes will be applied to the rules in the game itself. (Since the RP hasn't started yet.)
21-07-2006, 22:10
I'll take the Ottomans
sry about the edi
21-07-2006, 22:14
Wow, this looks really cool. I'm very interested. I've got a lot of free time at the moment, so this looks like a good way to spend some of it.

I'd like to be Spain please. :)
21-07-2006, 22:17
You know what... f' it... I have decided to join. ;)

I will take Britain please.
21-07-2006, 22:31
Guess I'll snatch up the Russkies.

Rape time.
21-07-2006, 22:40
lol thanks guys. Glad to have ya'll on board.

DMG-knew you couldn't resist. Dumii, ty for the compliment, and all of your nation requests are done. Wow, the RP just exploded in like, ten minutes. All we need now is Prussia, Austria-Hungary, the Baltic and Persia...I figured Prussia and A-H would be like, the first to go, thats why I picked france! :D
21-07-2006, 22:42
hey i've benn waiting for onw of these, i made this acount just for it, i'll take the baltic states.
21-07-2006, 22:47
lol thanks guys. Glad to have ya'll on board.

DMG-knew you couldn't resist.


I figured Prussia and A-H would be like, the first to go, thats why I picked france! :D

Though still strong, Prussia isn't what they were later as the military reforms of Bismarck have not been instated.

Everyone knows Britain can't be toppled! Muahahah!!!!
21-07-2006, 23:17

Though still strong, Prussia isn't what they were later as the military reforms of Bismarck have not been instated.

Everyone knows Britain can't be toppled! Muahahah!!!!

lol true that. I had to make Prussia the whole German mainland because, well, 20 factions in that small an area wouldn't make sense. And yes, Britain hasn't been toppled...yet. :eek: :D

The Baltic is yours, Delesa. Welcome to the RP, btw. ;)
21-07-2006, 23:19
lol true that. I had to make Prussia the whole German mainland because, well, 20 factions in that small an area wouldn't make sense. And yes, Britain hasn't been toppled...yet. :eek: :D

Napoleon couldn't do it then and he won't be able to do it now. Everyone has tried and nobody has succeeded... not the most powerful military machines and now the most cunning generals in history.

:D :D
21-07-2006, 23:21
I'd like to say that whoever choose Spain be prepared for some combat. I'm gonna want Spanish Morocco.

Also, anyone with ideas for how to regulate army/navy size post your ideas please.
21-07-2006, 23:25
Also, anyone with ideas for how to regulate army/navy size post your ideas please.

lol, I haven't even thoroughly read through this thread (i.e. the first post), but when I do, I will try to think of some ideas.
21-07-2006, 23:32
Yeah, I didn't at first. But then I started plotting the demise of the rest of Europe and I figured I needed to know the rules.
21-07-2006, 23:33
lol true that. I had to make Prussia the whole German mainland because, well, 20 factions in that small an area wouldn't make sense. And yes, Britain hasn't been toppled...yet. :eek: :D

The Baltic is yours, Delesa. Welcome to the RP, btw. ;)

thx, is this forum going to be on-site or off-site? And by baltics i get sweden, norway, etc etc
21-07-2006, 23:38
Delesa']And by baltics i get sweden, norway, etc etc

Yeah, they are the green nations on the map ;)
21-07-2006, 23:40
Yeah, lots of the rules are just common sense on Diplomacy, but some of the diplomatic reprocussions are nice reminders that the real world isn't cheap, and war has costs, both military and monetary. I also tried to make it so people won't constantly backstab eachother, but I made it a distinct possibility.

Whoever gets Prussia is gonna get raped...:mp5: so Prussia's gotta be a good RPer and a good strategic thinker. I have a feeling lots of people are going to jab at them all at once. Especially me. But that's off the record. :cool:

But remember, the RP starts with everybody Neutral to eachother. This is sort of an alternate history thing, but it can follow suit with history if we really want it to.

thx, is this forum going to be on-site or off-site? And by baltics i get sweden, norway, etc etc

This RP will be in a diff. Thread, this is just the OOC/Recruiting thread. ;)
21-07-2006, 23:43
Whoever gets Prussia is gonna get raped...:mp5: so Prussia's gotta be a good RPer and a good strategic thinker. I have a feeling lots of people are going to jab at them all at once. Especially me. But that's off the record. :cool:


Not me. Off the record Spain and France are my numbers 1 and 2 targets (big credit bonus). Other than that I think I'll try and focus on economy.
21-07-2006, 23:45
thx, is this forum going to be on-site or off-site? And by baltics i get sweden, norway, etc etc

This RP will be in a diff. Thread, this is just the OOC/Recruiting thread. ;)

We could make a forum for it. On Invison Free or whatever that site is.
21-07-2006, 23:51
we could do that. It'd be alot less crowded and we could have many different threads for the diff. functions of the game, like War, Peace talks, and other general diplomacy. (i.e. Summits and Org. Summits.)
22-07-2006, 00:32
thx, is this forum going to be on-site or off-site? And by baltics i get sweden, norway, etc etc

This RP will be in a diff. Thread, this is just the OOC/Recruiting thread. ;)

i know i know haha
22-07-2006, 00:33
Yeah that's what I was thinking.
22-07-2006, 00:38
Yeah, except the problem is that off-site RPs tend to dwindle in interest until they fail from lack of participation.
22-07-2006, 00:41
Yeah that happens, a lot. But it'd be so much less crowded!
22-07-2006, 00:45
Yeah, except the problem is that off-site RPs tend to dwindle in interest until they fail from lack of participation.

yeah... that happened to the one i created, and the fact the n00bs and that type or RPGing were wreaking it for the rest of us...
22-07-2006, 00:46
Well here there is a max of 11 players, plus the rules that have currently been set would look pretty intimidating to n00bs.
22-07-2006, 00:59
I don't know... I really don't care either way (or of the three ways: off-site, one thread, or multiple threads with some sort of tag [NE]).
22-07-2006, 01:10
I vote off-site
Waldenburg 2
22-07-2006, 01:41
Very interesting...I read the top part and everything but I have to ask, could I have Portugal? It's just that I'm not sure How much time I can devote to a new Rp. If I can't have Portugal than I'd be happy with Persia, but first I would choose Portugal.

And just one question do our Empires have their cooresponding colonies or is it just Europe?
22-07-2006, 01:46
And just one question do our Empires have their cooresponding colonies or is it just Europe?

I am pretty sure the colonies don't have any affect on the RP.
22-07-2006, 01:50
Very interesting...I read the top part and everything but I have to ask, could I have Portugal? It's just that I'm not sure How much time I can devote to a new Rp. If I can't have Portugal than I'd be happy with Persia, but first I would choose Portugal.

And just one question do our Empires have their cooresponding colonies or is it just Europe?

I don't think so, sorry. Adding Portugaul would probably just mess up the balance of the whole thing, putting more pressure on Spain, then Spain would have to get more annual creds, more creds means more capabilities for war against weaker neighbors, etc. Sorry again.

And we'll just say that the cooresponding colonies are integrated into the annual credit yield of the mainland. (ports and stuff, you know.)

So would you be OK with Persia? :)
Waldenburg 2
22-07-2006, 01:55
Then persia works for me.
The Scandinvans
22-07-2006, 02:20
Can I still rp as Austria Hungary?
22-07-2006, 02:58
Can I still rp as Austria Hungary?

I don't see why not... it is still open.
22-07-2006, 03:13
when will we start it up?
22-07-2006, 04:49
Hey we have all the nations filled. Sweet.
22-07-2006, 09:31
I'd like to say that whoever choose Spain be prepared for some combat. I'm gonna want Spanish Morocco.

Also, anyone with ideas for how to regulate army/navy size post your ideas please.

Ha! I laugh with scorn. Morrocco is mine. Ha! Ha! Ha!
22-07-2006, 12:45
Hey we have all the nations filled. Sweet.

Who is Prussia?
22-07-2006, 13:38
Im already Planning away haha, this should prove to be a good RPG.
22-07-2006, 15:11
I haven't done much planning, but I think I know what my strategy is going to be...

(Sit back and enjoy the great weather conditions of Britain :p )
22-07-2006, 15:12
yeah im just enjoying...umm the icy plains of norway!! haha!!
22-07-2006, 19:34
We still looking for a Prussia?
22-07-2006, 20:48
Yeah i think so.
22-07-2006, 20:49
Delesa']Yeah i think so.

Boo... we need somebody so we can get this started.
22-07-2006, 21:56
yeah its been real slow for me today, no real action.
The Football cup is slowly filling up. Nobody for Prussia. And other ones...
23-07-2006, 02:26
unless this RPG moves along, im going to resign as the baltic states
23-07-2006, 19:10
Prussia...we need a Prussia...If someone doesn't take Prussia in the next 2 days, I'll divide it between the Baltic, the A-H, the Russians, Italians, and/or the French.
24-07-2006, 01:03
24-07-2006, 01:08
I'm going to be out of town next week, and my internet access will be sporadic, but I will post when I can.
24-07-2006, 03:13
Prussia...we need a Prussia...If someone doesn't take Prussia in the next 2 days, I'll divide it between the Baltic, the A-H, the Russians, Italians, and/or the French.

That sounds like an iffy idea... :(
24-07-2006, 03:37
I'd like part of Prussia for the increased credits, but it would be better to have another player...
24-07-2006, 03:39
I'd like part of Prussia for the increased credits, but it would be better to have another player...

Yeah... I think it would be fairer and much more interesting if we had a Prussia... (though I do also want to get this started as it will take a while to RP).
24-07-2006, 04:31
Yeah... I think it would be fairer and much more interesting if we had a Prussia... (though I do also want to get this started as it will take a while to RP).

i agree
24-07-2006, 20:14
Do you guys know any RPers? I know only a couple good ones...
24-07-2006, 22:03
Do you guys know any RPers? I know only a couple good ones...

I don't really know any that would be good at this type of RP.
Waldenburg 2
25-07-2006, 13:55
Well there's Lachenburg, historical Rp's are his bread and butter but I haven't seen much activity from him lately. Of course that could be because I haveb't been on the forums much...
25-07-2006, 20:03
Well there's Lachenburg, historical Rp's are his bread and butter but I haven't seen much activity from him lately. Of course that could be because I haveb't been on the forums much...

Send him a TG and see if he wants to join?
Waldenburg 2
25-07-2006, 20:41
OOC I telegramed him, let's wait and see. if he says no I suggest we begin and just hope for someone to come along once it's started or, have a sort of commitee Rp as Prussia to make sure we have a Prussia and one Player dosen't take advantage of the position. But hopefully, lachenburg will agree.
25-07-2006, 22:52
Ty Waldenburg. Heh, I didn't even have to offer Creds or anything. :D

But anyway, I am open for suggestions on how the Combat system should work, because it is kinda sucky right now.
25-07-2006, 22:58
Ty Waldenburg. Heh, I didn't even have to offer Creds or anything. :D

But anyway, I am open for suggestions on how the Combat system should work, because it is kinda sucky right now.

What do you mean, "The Combat System"?
Waldenburg 2
25-07-2006, 23:02
You've got a nice Rp here colonel and I can make sure it dosen't get done over for 15 Bob a week.;)

As for the combat system actually I think the one we have is very fresh Ideam usually it's so hard to Rp with so many conflicting interests, but voting gives it an absolute sense of fairness. Of course it might be a little long to decide who wins what, but I say give this way a shot and see what happens.
25-07-2006, 23:12
Oh yeah, that "combat system." I actually like the voting idea... I say we keep it.
25-07-2006, 23:12
What he means by sucky combat system is that we have no way to calculate/regulate the size of every one's army or navy. Or population for that matter. All we have are the credits, and those could be used in determining the size of a nations army, navy, and population, but I don't know how.
25-07-2006, 23:51
Alright, Voting is is here to stay then. But Aiti has a point about the size of the army and navy and Population in General.

So here is my idea:

No Naval Battles
Too complex, so land battles will be the meat and potatoes of this RP. Even though Naval battles would be ultra awesome, I have no idea how we can manage the game mechanics.

Population Issue
Basically, the value of the territory is how much tax and production you collect from your 'human resources', or population. So population shouldn't be an issue for this, I think.

Army Issue
Maybe we can purchase armies with credits?? Like, it costs X credits to buy an army, then you can use that army to attack other players. We will have to keep track of where armies are and how many armies you have. (This whole thing could end up becoming a big game of Risk without the dice...)

But then how can we manage to fight battles, if say Prussia is a crappy RPer, and he sends 10 armies into Belgium, who is owned by the French. The French guy is a good RPer, better than Prussia, but he has only 2 armies in Belgium. Normally, the 10 Prussian Armies would easily overrun the French 2, but since France out-did the Prussian in the RP...he technically won. So somehow we have to integrate common sense into RPs or something...but common sense is difficult if there is bias. :eek:

If any of you have any ideas, please share. :)
25-07-2006, 23:57
On the Naval Battles, I agree (though there should be some penalty for attempting to land on a beach and attack).

As for the armies, I like the idea of buying them with credits. About the 2 vs 10 and the 2 winning because of better RPing, that actually is kind of accurate in the world. Just because you have a larger army doesn't mean you are going to win the war (look at the American Revolution). It is all about training, tactics, and knowing your land... and that basically translates to good RPing.
25-07-2006, 23:57
Large forces have been beaten by smaller forces, so if the French player is a good tactician he would be able to defeat the Prussians. Plus, since we're voting, our logic can come in. Like say a force of 10 armies would be a logistical nightmare, along with the communication and coordination problems. Also because France has a smaller army, maybe we can assume they are better trained or more experienced.

Also buying ten armies would probably be a lot of credits, so economically Prussia would be ruined, and he could get invaded by some one else while his armies are away rolling over France.

So yeah because we vote it gets balanced.

I want sea battles! It could work like normal, with the whole rp then vote thing. I'd have to put more thought in it.
26-07-2006, 00:00
On the Naval Battles, I agree (though there should be some penalty for attempting to land on a beach and attack).

I agree with the beach landing. Although in Napoleonic times, there is no way I'd try and land on a fortified beach. Maybe make a landing along an unoccupied stretch of land a few miles form the enemy, but not under fire.
26-07-2006, 00:39
but say that 10 armies marched on the 2, how do we calculate damage, and how many of those 10 survive, cause i highly doubt that 2 can wipe out 10.
26-07-2006, 00:43
Delesa']but say that 10 armies marched on the 2, how do we calculate damage, and how many of those 10 survive, cause i highly doubt that 2 can wipe out 10.

It is all about tactics, 2 certainly could wipe out 10 (and by wipe out, I mean make them desert or die).

We could allow it to be part of the RP or vote on it.
26-07-2006, 01:01
yeah they could make them run, but sometimes they can be regrouped. how do you count casulties? i dont think you can really vote on that. you would have to have 2 votes for one battle.
26-07-2006, 01:07
Delesa']yeah they could make them run, but sometimes they can be regrouped. how do you count casulties? i dont think you can really vote on that. you would have to have 2 votes for one battle.

As I said, we could just leave it up to the RP as it normally would be.

It can easily be done in 1 vote:

Each Vote would encompass the following:
Casualties for Side A:
Casualties for Side B:

Then average out the casualties.
26-07-2006, 01:52
what ever i just want to start haha
26-07-2006, 01:55
Delesa']what ever i just want to start haha

lol, so do I...

26-07-2006, 02:02
Let's just start and nobody touch prussia. we can have someone start late and play as them.
26-07-2006, 02:45
no no lets split the land up

26-07-2006, 02:50
Delesa']no no lets split the land up


Splitting up the land is probably the worst idea.

I would have no problem not having a Prussia (as I can't really attack them from my position), but it would change the strategy of the RP if nobody had Prussia for awhile...
26-07-2006, 02:52
Delesa']no no lets split the land up


yeah, and I want navyal combat. but it doesn't look like either of us are gonna get what we want.
26-07-2006, 03:05
MUahahaha!!! I get everything I want! :D
26-07-2006, 05:29
whats the prob with spliting them up with the surrounding nations?
Waldenburg 2
26-07-2006, 13:41
Delesa']whats the prob with spliting them up with the surrounding nations?

Well for one thing we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot, we'd have no options later with Prussia, I still haven't heard from Lachenburg so we should at least wait for that. Secondly it opens up Russia to kill everything in it's path if it should want to, with the additional territories and 1 less very powerful enemy. Of course France might be able to counter but Russia will have the advantage. Admin's choice as always.
26-07-2006, 13:49
If no one has Prussia yet, Ill take it.
26-07-2006, 19:38
Hurray Hurray!!!
26-07-2006, 21:51
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

The RP is FULL!!!
26-07-2006, 23:45
Ah I love the reaction people have when I join things.

After reading through all the material, I had a few ideas regarding armies and naval forces.

Perhaps have 1 point per 10,000 soldiers; 1 point per 1,000 cavalry; 1 point per 10 cannons; 3 points per frigate; 6 points per ship of the line. All ships come with a full crew and the ships of the line begin at the minimum required cannons of 50, with an upgrade to 74 cannons say at around 1806?

If this were implemented, I would suggest giving Britain an automatic 7 ships of the line.

27-07-2006, 00:08
If this were implemented, I would suggest giving Britain an automatic 7 ships of the line.

Gimme, gimme, gimme! :p
27-07-2006, 00:10
*laughs* Well, England has always been the foremost naval power in the world. Whilst I can appreciate that at the time other nations had other such strengths, I think it would be best to simply let those lie for now.

Britain really should have control of the channel from the start, though.

Note: I have just thought, what is the exact year we are beginning this RP?

I presume either 1786 or 1799.
27-07-2006, 01:25
Note: I have just thought, what is the exact year we are beginning this RP?

I presume either 1786 or 1799.

1786 isn't the Napoleonic Era.

1799 is the beginning of it, but that doesn't mean this is then.
27-07-2006, 01:31
1786 is the emergence of Napoleon as Second Artillery Lieutenant and the beginning of his military career, I was just wondering if we might start then or not.

1799 is the obvious year, but then it is all up to our resident GM. *grins*
27-07-2006, 01:50
1786 is the emergence of Napoleon as Second Artillery Lieutenant and the beginning of his military career, I was just wondering if we might start then or not.

1799 is the obvious year, but then it is all up to our resident GM. *grins*

It doesn't really have to be any year... this isn't an alternate history (I don't believe), just an RP with the technology and peoples of the era.
27-07-2006, 01:53
Out of interest, will we be using the reigning monarchs/rulers of the time? If so, how much are we allowed to alter? For example could I delay the death of Friedrich Wilhelm II by 5 years, or do leaders continue in the path they actually took?

Or, of course, are we just acting as the rulers personally and not taking on the part of ruler?
27-07-2006, 02:58
I don't think we should rp as historical rulers. Can you even tell me who was the leader of the Tuaregs? Cause I don't know.

Britain shouldn't get the free ships because then you'd have to come up with bonuses for everyone in order to make it fair.
27-07-2006, 06:54
All of your ideas are this is what we'll do and I'll edit the rules after I get everyone to comply to them. And welcome to the RP Cruxium, and thanks so much for snatching up Prussia!

Rulers are NOT historical. Everything is completely fabricated. You can base your ruler off of a historical figure if you truely wish it, so everyone is this game starts out neutral toward eachother. The time period will start at 1800 and will have no other historical references.

The style of Napoleonic warfare can change with the times, however.

I implemented the Naval system, and trashed the old system of attacking the colored dots. Now, any port can be attacked by any navy, assuming you have one. I added a Naval Battle Rules section to the Rule stuff on the first page, AND I edited the map w/sea zones. So basically, if you don't own a port, you can't build a navy, or even place it.

It costs 4 credits for a field army of 80,000 men (2,000 Cavalry, 100 Artillery included) and it costs .5 credits for support costs anually. It is up to you how you use deploy the troops. All nations start with a base 5 Armies at no cost. All nations except for Russia, Tuaregs, Persia, and Austria-Hungary start with 20 ships at no cost, to compensate for the nations listed, they can purchase up to 5 infantry and not pay support costs for them. At the bottom, a list of troop numbers and total ships will be listed.

I think we could make this fair by giving nations extra military bonuses on top of the economic bonuses at the end of the rules section...

UK- 50 free Ships of the Line w/no support costs.
France- 4 Free Armies w/no support costs.
Prussia- Armies cost 3 credits to raise instead of 4.
Italy- 30 Free Ships in and 1 free army w/no support costs.
Russia- If an army attacks the Russian Motherland from the 15th of a month to the 30th, (to simulate winter months) General Winter claims 25% of their armies. 2 Free Field armies w/no support costs.
Austria-Hungary- Compulsary Military service, total support costs halved. (If odd, we round up.)
Ottoman Empire- 20 free ships and 2 free armies w/no support costs.
Tuaregs- Support costs are halved.
Baltic States- If attacked on homelands, enemy loses 1 army instantly. This works every time a nation attacks a piece of your starting lands.
Persians- Can instantly conquer a territory with a base value of 2 or lower. (Limit 1, and must be at war with that person already, cannot use as a surprise.)
Spain- Immunity from attack on Spanish Morocco for 2 months.


Base Purchase Price: 4 Credits Support Costs: .5 Credits
1 Field Army. 80,000 men, 2,000 Cavalry, 100 Cannon.

Base Purchase Price: 4 Credits Support Costs: .5 Credits
10 Ships.* 6,000 men, 700 Cannon.

Base Purchase Price: 5x value of territory.
+1 to territorial Credit yield on given territory.

Base Purchase Price: 20 Credits
Half support costs for duration of game. (Cannot purchase if you already have it.)

Base Purchase Price: 20 Credits
Can purchase Field Armies OR Ships for 3 Credits instead of 4. (Cannot purchase if you already have both versions of it.)

(If you have any ideas for purchaseable items, please post them! ty)


UK- 4 Field armies. Tot. 320,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
70 Ships. Tot. 42,000 men, 4,900 Cannon
Credits Total: 27
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

France- 9 Field Armies. Tot. 720,000 men, 18,000 Cavalry, 900 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 32
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Prussia- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 31
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Italy- 6 Field Armies. Tot. 480,000 men, 12,000 Cavalry, 600 Cannon.
50 Ships. Tot. 30,000 men, 3,500 Cannon
Credits Total: 37
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Russia- 7 Field Armies. Tot. 560,000 men, 14,000 Cavalry, 700 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon.
Credits Total: 35
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Austria-Hungary- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon.
Credits Total: 35
Support Costs: .5(0)
Active Treaties: None

Ottoman Empire- 7 Field Armies. Tot. 560,000 men, 14,000 Cavalry, 700 Cannon.
40 Ships. Tot. 24,000 men, 2,800 Cannon.
Credits Total: 30
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Tuaregs- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon.
Credits Total: 35
Support Costs: .5(0)
Active Treaties: None

Baltic States- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 40
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Persians- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
0 Ships. Tot. 0 men, 0 Cannon
Credits Total: 35
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

Spain- 5 Field Armies. Tot. 400,000 men, 10,000 Cavalry, 500 Cannon.
20 Ships. Tot. 12,000 men, 1,400 Cannon
Credits Total: 28
Support Costs: (0)
Active Treaties: None

*All ships are Third Rate Ships of the line. 600 men and 70 guns.
27-07-2006, 12:02
Muahaha... I am the ruler of the sea.

I like all of the updates. Good job.

I think you meant have 3 Credits instead of 4 in the below statement.

Base Purchase Price: 20 Credits
Can purchase Field Armies OR Ships for 4 Credits instead of 5. (Cannot purchase if you already have both versions of it.)
27-07-2006, 12:55
I am loving the revisions. The only thing I would suggest is to remove 1 British army to compensate for the enormous navy and take into account the low population.

So when does this start? *grins*
27-07-2006, 19:38
Done and done! :D lets just hope that everyone who said they were involved are still involved...:eek:

New thread for diplomacy and war coming soon...
27-07-2006, 19:47 lets just hope that everyone who said they were involved are still involved...:eek:

Could just send TGs to everyone.

BTW, why is Italy so strong (6 Field Armies and 50 Ships)? At this time in history Italy wasn't even a unified country.
27-07-2006, 19:57
hm. I don't know, what do you think we should give 'em as a bonus if we can't give them troops and ships? Maybe immunity from attack on switzerland for a few turns?

anyway, here's the link for the IC thread. I'll start TGing. :)
27-07-2006, 20:36
hm. I don't know, what do you think we should give 'em as a bonus if we can't give them troops and ships? Maybe immunity from attack on switzerland for a few turns?

Something creative like that...

Just not a large military as they definately were not a power.
27-07-2006, 23:09
Perhaps wave the fee for the first to trade agreements it makes?
27-07-2006, 23:12
Perhaps wave the fee for the first to trade agreements it makes?

I wasn't aware that it cost to make trade agreements.
27-07-2006, 23:16
Nope. I just said the first 10 Field armies they purchase have no support costs. I think thats fair, enough. I've sent everyone (i think) a TG w/link except DMG and Cruxium so I think we can get this thing off the ground now.
27-07-2006, 23:28
Nope. I just said the first 10 Field armies they purchase have no support costs. I think thats fair, enough. I've sent everyone (i think) a TG w/link except DMG and Cruxium so I think we can get this thing off the ground now.

Alright, everything looks sound to me.

(Though other people who have been paying less attention to the thread may have gripes)
27-07-2006, 23:31
Do we announce purchases of things here, out of interest?

Also, I have done a list of troop types and where my forces are located. A factbook of sorts. Should I stick a link to it here?
27-07-2006, 23:32
Do we announce purchases of things here, out of interest?

Probably wouldn't hurt, but you could also make an IC comment about it. Like having a general talking to someone about the training of twenty thousand more troops or something.

Also, I have done a list of troop types and where my forces are located. A factbook of sorts. Should I stick a link to it here?

That would be cool...

(x.x) I haven't begun thinking about mine.
27-07-2006, 23:49
Oh I meant that in addition to doing something IC, so as to make things clear. Unless it would be easier to put an OOC statement at the bottom of the IC post declaring what exactly was bought?
27-07-2006, 23:51
Oh I meant that in addition to doing something IC, so as to make things clear. Unless it would be easier to put an OOC statement at the bottom of the IC post declaring what exactly was bought?

Maybe everything? :p

We should probably keep track of everyone's forces in the first post or something.
28-07-2006, 00:13
sounds good...not sure where to find finish and norwegin soldiger types... haha, wait i have sweden? man they were a formitible force back then...
28-07-2006, 00:15
Types? They are just regular soldiers. Men with guns...
28-07-2006, 00:15
My factbook for Prussia can be found here (

I have included various different soldier and cavalry types, however its all just for RP. *grins*
The Scandinvans
28-07-2006, 00:21
Sorry, about that I have been busy at work and now I will try to rp on the thread here.
28-07-2006, 00:35
Sorry, about that I have been busy at work and now I will try to rp on the thread here.

No need to apologize, we haven't really begun yet (well... maybe just now about 5 seconds ago).
28-07-2006, 01:30
I protest Spanish Morocco being immune to attack for two freaking months. It is not far because they can attack out of it but I can't attack it. Plus if I want to destroy Spain I have to do an immediate invasion of the Iberian peninsula rather than attack Spanish Morocco first.

Why don't I have ships? I have ports. I'm a trade nation. How come I don't have ships?
28-07-2006, 01:36
Why don't I have ships? I have ports. I'm a trade nation. How come I don't have ships?

Probably because you aren't a powerhouse with a navy at this point in time (or ever).
28-07-2006, 01:51
Nations with ships had, at the time in question, sizeable navies already in existence.

In regards to Spanish Morocco, I do agree that no nation should be immune to attack. Perhaps some other benefit for Spain, such as 1 free army in Spanish Morocco that doesn't need support costs. That gives Spain a better hold over SM, without making it immune. Nevermind the fact Spain can then add even more troops to SM.
Waldenburg 2
28-07-2006, 01:56
OOC I agree with Aiti he won't be able to move quickly against the Spanish, while they can take their time with him. Spanish Morroco shoould be open, it's one of only two options open to him at the beginning.

Oh and you don't have ships because:

1: Your People are mostly desert people and have never devised a Naval system as they have always survived through more and definate land based means.
2: Tauregs are more a lose confederation then a proper state, and the ships that you do have are usually involved in minor piracy. Although for the sake of the Rp their probably under your control and could slip past the heavier Spanish Fleets.
28-07-2006, 02:05
OOC I agree with Aiti he won't be able to move quickly against the Spanish, while they can take their time with him. Spanish Morroco shoould be open, it's one of only two options open to him at the beginning.

Oh and you don't have ships because:

1: Your People are mostly desert people and have never devised a Naval system as they have always survived through more and definate land based means.
2: Tauregs are more a lose confederation then a proper state, and the ships that you do have are usually involved in minor piracy. Although for the sake of the Rp their probably under your control and could slip past the heavier Spanish Fleets.

It doesn't really matter. I'm paying for a big navy.

As for the SM deal, I still hold my point of view, although now I'm thinking about some other places.
28-07-2006, 02:29
Cruxium where do you get the good info on Prussia in 1800 is there a website?
28-07-2006, 02:44
Well, since you asked I have a number of sources. *grins*

Firstly, wikipedia. Rarely steers you wrong generally, but I wouldn't rely on it for specifics.

Then there was this, which I found on google quite by accident:

This is the site where I found some information, however I moved back to the powers section. Navigate at will *grins*:

Finally there is this, but there is no reference to it in my current work:
28-07-2006, 02:49
o man Cruxium you are really good at navigating through the web;)
28-07-2006, 02:50
I blame 4 years of vocational courses. No research becomes daunting after such a period of torture...

DMG, who is your royal family mate?

Note: If anyone in this RP has MSN, then please add me.
28-07-2006, 02:54
This is the site where I found some information, however I moved back to the powers section. Navigate at will *grins*:

*Yoink* I will be using this... (now I don't have to look myself :))

DMG, who is your royal family mate?

My actual Royal Family, The Royal Family of Britain at the time, or the Royal Family I am going to use?
28-07-2006, 02:59
What is the Royal Family you will be using? At the time England is controlled by Prince George, who is acting as Regeant due to his father's insanity. If you're using that lineage then logically our two parties should be quite close already, being as how the King is German.

If not, then I would like to know so as I can ensure the letter sent to you is appropriate. *smiles*

Also, got MSN? It'd make conversation easier.
28-07-2006, 03:06
What is the Royal Family you will be using? At the time England is controlled by Prince George, who is acting as Regeant due to his father's insanity. If you're using that lineage then logically our two parties should be quite close already, being as how the King is German.

If not, then I would like to know so as I can ensure the letter sent to you is appropriate. *smiles*

Also, got MSN? It'd make conversation easier.

I am not sure if I am going to use the actual political figureheads.

By the way, while George III is king now, William Pitt is in control (though only because he is favored by the king) as the PM.

MSN is on the left.
28-07-2006, 03:09
I've added you. Personally I invented a new branch to the existing family.
28-07-2006, 03:18
Wow Cruxium, I like your fact book! :D I think I'll make one for maself....

Anyway, I agree on the Spanish thing, but I don't really have any idea of what spain could have as a national military 'ability'. And yes, I made it so the Tuaregs didn't have a navy because yes, their navy was negligable. Besides, most of North africa at that time was colonized by other powers, and it was the Tuaregs who kinda played a guerilla war on them. Srry tho. But you get more troops w/out paying support costs, and you pay half support costs! :)

Yes, we are to purchase units in here, and somehow fit them into RPs. Lets just make this cool. :-)

Also, the reason the Baltic is so hard to attack is because historically, (even though this isn't a real HISTORICAL rp per se) the northern people were good at attrition damage, especially to the Russians. (Finland. Need I say more?)

My fact book and first post in the IC thread comin soon. Oh, and my Royal family is not in any way related to napoleon or its kings, however, there is an emperor and not a king. :cool:

I don't have MSN so I'll be on AIM or Yahoo or both.
28-07-2006, 03:43
Thanks, I thought it would make things easier and ensure that people can see there is no godly maneuvering of troops.

Quick notice, the Ottoman Empire has a value of 31, not 30. *grins*
28-07-2006, 04:43
Types? They are just regular soldiers. Men with guns...

man since the begining you have been critical about everything i've said, by types i mean grenadiers, fusiliers, lancers, hussars etc etc
28-07-2006, 07:16

Muahahahahahaaa! The French's info page is almost complete!
28-07-2006, 08:04
Edited cost of war, and the spanish national military power: Ships cost 3 instead of 4. Also reduced price on some of the items and powerups for territories. Hopefully this will make the game a little less expensive so stuff can actually work out.
28-07-2006, 11:04
Here's the link to the Spanish Factbook. I followed basically the same layout as VanAtta.
28-07-2006, 14:13
Factbook updated to include the newly purchased soldiers and cavalry.
28-07-2006, 15:17
Oh yeah, if anyone wants to add me on MSN, my address is
28-07-2006, 18:18
unit size and name, but its only for sweden, i dont know like finland, baltic, norway and enmark. Can i start with all these countries under command of one person, say all of them are part of the Baltic States Alliance? Just so its easier just cause i have several counties under my command.

and yeah msn is
and aim is Myhreguy
28-07-2006, 18:26
And you know what else i found out, norway had a allience with france and sweden was fighting along side britain and the coalition. and if britain gets a large navy so do i because denmark-norway had a huge navy, except britain had a sneek attack and destroyed alot of it, but being in the baltics, im sure all my nations hage a fairly large navy, and put together. So if we are goign to have bonus' for our nations, im thinking its a large navy for me.

And fact book here ( Its a working progress, currently based on sweden forces.
28-07-2006, 19:06
@VA: When you get a chance, could you link everyone's factbook to the first post of this thread (maybe where the names are with the force list).

Also, links to the other threads such as the war thread on the first page would be great.
28-07-2006, 19:25
yeah good idea
28-07-2006, 20:11
Who likes the idea of a Tuareg Chief who rules in a Machiavellian manner with a healthy amount of Populism?
28-07-2006, 22:39
Personally I think the delcaration of war system before was better. War should be very expensive, not just some cheap thing that can happen frequently.

To declare war (you only need to do it once, right?) should cost 10. As for support costs, I think you had those right before.

In my opinion war is too cheap now and can allow people to buy dozens of armies before declaring war.
28-07-2006, 22:54
The game is called European War. Wars are sorta meant to occur.
28-07-2006, 22:59
Is there going to be a seperate war thread or just one ic thread?
28-07-2006, 23:05
Meant to occur, yes, but having them so cheap is fairly ridiculous.
28-07-2006, 23:07
Is there going to be a seperate war thread or just one ic thread?

Might want to create a separate thread for each war.
28-07-2006, 23:18
OK then.

my fact book (still missing military) can be found here:
28-07-2006, 23:38
Has anything been seen of the Russian player, Verozan?
28-07-2006, 23:55
nope. somebody should telegram him.

thanks for the tactical advise Prussia!
28-07-2006, 23:58
*laughs* I didn't intend that actually... But stay away from Sardinia, I have my eyes on that. *grins*

Currently three people seem to have vanished; Scandivans, Siap and Verozan.
29-07-2006, 00:03
Hey back off! Mediterranean is so my turf! When did the Prussians want to invade Sardinia?

Yeah maybe we should telegram them...
29-07-2006, 00:06
Since I took over Prussia. *grins*
29-07-2006, 00:10
sneaky little pastry eating lederhosen wearing beer guzzling sons of...

29-07-2006, 00:24
VA has already telegrammed everyone.
29-07-2006, 00:33
DMG waht country are you??
29-07-2006, 00:33
He is UK.
29-07-2006, 00:59
DMG waht country are you??

It says everyone's country on the front page.
29-07-2006, 01:33
I have idea of something that could be purchased.

Port: 15 credits

Any non-landlocked territories can construct a port for 15 credits. This acts as a benefit to those countries without a port, while providing extra ports in the event of a trade embargo/war.
29-07-2006, 02:51
There is now a Prussian-Norsk trade agreement in effect.
29-07-2006, 03:18
Again, just so that it VA doesn't miss the link, my fact book:

Anyways I've made an offer to Prussia concerning trade.
The Scandinvans
29-07-2006, 05:30
I am sorry I have to leave I have to go to for a weekd due to personal reasons and I will surely rp as soon as I get back.
29-07-2006, 08:08
Hey guys, np. I'm getting kinda busy, especially with a death in the family recently. Not to worry though. I'm just wondering if you guys could somehow manage to keep track of all of your alliances and economic bonuses for me and I'll add them at the end of the game year. If one of you could start a thread especially for current alliances, and another one of you start a thread for monetary matters...that would help me out immensely. My workload is kinda...yikes. :eek:
29-07-2006, 08:28
Sorry guys, this is the last edit, I swear. I changed the cost of war back to the way it was, but it is now much more basic. I did not do Aiti's order because in his post he said 'I'm buying this because war is cheaper'. I just want to confirm his order, now that war is expensive again.

It now costs 8 to declare, (covers the first support costs), then 3 for the attackers for every month it continues. 2 for the defenders for every month, and 1 for every third pary involved. It also costs the base amt on the territory to attack or retake a province, for either Defender or attacker in a war. Hopefully that makes sense... sorry again.

I know Russia personally, (in my NS region) and he will get his arse moving soon. I don't know what happened to A-H and Italy though...we may need new players, unfortunately.
29-07-2006, 13:42
Ah excellent. Now that war is expensive again I might sit back and bide my time.

I can start an Economic thread. Perhaps in future, all posts to do with economic trades can go in there? Same for alliances and so forth. Then we can have the main thread for build-ups to war with actual wars themselves in a private thread.

Just a thought.

Economic Page (

VA, did you offer Prussia peace as well as Britain? I am not entirely sure what letter it is you sent to my King.
29-07-2006, 14:24
I dont know where I should attack
29-07-2006, 17:15
Well why would you be attacking anyone? *raises an eyebrow*
29-07-2006, 17:21
Ah excellent. Now that war is expensive again I might sit back and bide my time.

I can start an Economic thread. Perhaps in future, all posts to do with economic trades can go in there? Same for alliances and so forth. Then we can have the main thread for build-ups to war with actual wars themselves in a private thread.

Just a thought.

Economic Page (

VA, did you offer Prussia peace as well as Britain? I am not entirely sure what letter it is you sent to my King.

Dont worry, I'll post it IC. ;)

The threads are good ideas. We should def. do that to prevent the crowding of a single thread.
Warta Endor
29-07-2006, 17:37
Soory to interrupt you guys:

This looks really good! To bad every slot seems to be taken...

I'll watch this and jump right in if you need another player ;)
29-07-2006, 17:46
Well actually it looks as though Italy is free. I sent Siap a message not long ago so let's see what he says *smiles*

Just so you know, if you try and get into the Palace, Otto von Kurnig will have you taken into a private chamber. National policy says that the only foreigners allowed to see the King are of foreign royal families.
29-07-2006, 18:37
Well actually it looks as though Italy is free. I sent Siap a message not long ago so let's see what he says *smiles*

Just so you know, if you try and get into the Palace, Otto von Kurnig will have you taken into a private chamber. National policy says that the only foreigners allowed to see the King are of foreign royal families.

Oh. whoops. Too late. I can edit it??
29-07-2006, 18:38
Soory to interrupt you guys:

This looks really good! To bad every slot seems to be taken...

I'll watch this and jump right in if you need another player ;)

Yeah, we'll prolly have a couple open slots soon because there hasn't been a single budge from either Austria-Hungary or Italy. I hope we could fit you in if you really want to play. :D
29-07-2006, 19:00
Don't worry about editing. *smiles*
Warta Endor
29-07-2006, 20:55
Yay, I'd be happy with Italy and Austria-Hungary :D
30-07-2006, 01:26
Quick question. Each game year is a month, however, are we doing it by actual months, or by every thirty days? The reason I ask is that if we are playing actual months, then it is currently winter and nearly the end of 1800. On the other hand, if it is every thirty days, then it is currently mid-spring and every new month begins on the 26th.

So are we at the beginning or end of 1800? Winter or spring? Real months or thirty days? *grins*
30-07-2006, 01:32
Another question, are bonuses for trade agreements and alliances paid instantly or at the end of the month? Same goes for support costs.

Logic dictates both support costs and credit bonuses are paid on the last day of the month to represent the long term drain/collection of funds.
30-07-2006, 01:41
Yeah, I had originally planned to have support costs and trade profits to be awarded and deducted at the end of 30 days. But since a few people made deductions when they did their math, I just followed suit. I can just as easily remove the trade bonuses that were paid up front as well as the support costs. So I think I'll clear that up right now.
30-07-2006, 01:52
So all trade bonuses and support costs are covered at the end of the 30 days?

And each IG year is 30 days starting from the 26/07?
30-07-2006, 03:17
The trade and support costs are added and subtracted respectively at the end of the month. This means that the initial cost of the unit serves as both the recruitment cost and the support cost for that 30 days.

And yes. Jun. 26 was the day it started so in 30 days we'll start again. (Unless you want to make it 20 days, which I fancy because we are all moving quite fast, save DMG, Siap, the A-H and Verozan....if we don't hear from Siap or A-H, we'll probably recruit Warta Endor to pick what he wants, either Italy or A-H.
30-07-2006, 03:31
here is my factbook so far.
30-07-2006, 03:34
save DMG

Yeah, sorry about that. I will try to catch up by tomorrow evening. I have been a little busy.
30-07-2006, 06:05
alright ppl the war has started, start posting in
30-07-2006, 06:16
Factbook up...
30-07-2006, 06:36
Hey, sorry about this, but would someone mind giving me an update on what everyone is doing currently (I just don't have the energy to read through all of the posts and mentally organize them as to what each nation is doing towards each other nation), especially if it involves me in anyway.

30-07-2006, 06:51
Currently France has declared war on Spain from the north, after Spain refused to become France's protectorate. The Tuaregs are attacking Spanish Morocco from the south. The Tuaregs, Ottomans and Persians have all joined together in an alliance.

The Prussians are watching the Spanish - French conflict, and have made a trading pact with the Baltic States. I think there might be an alliance there too.

Italy, Russia and Austria Hungary have not responded in the IC thread yet.
30-07-2006, 06:52
Yeah, sorry about that. I will try to catch up by tomorrow evening. I have been a little busy.

hey np man. I know how stuff can me...oi.

In september-June I may have a little bit of trouble getting on the internet, so I'll probably only get on once in a while...I'll probably stagnate and just camp around. Don't worry, I'll go out with a bang before my stagnation begins....:) ;)

I am also considering making support costs be a bit more expensive, like 1-1.5 credits instead of just .5, because you could get 30 armies and only pay like, 15 credits....thats 2.4 million men, and a small country like the Tuaregs who have about 2.4 million people in their kingdom could afford to keep that size an army...not realistic. Sorry Aiti for using your country like that. :D
30-07-2006, 07:14
Currently France has declared war on Spain from the north, after Spain refused to become France's protectorate. The Tuaregs are attacking Spanish Morocco from the south. The Tuaregs, Ottomans and Persians have all joined together in an alliance.

The Prussians are watching the Spanish - French conflict, and have made a trading pact with the Baltic States. I think there might be an alliance there too.

Italy, Russia and Austria Hungary have not responded in the IC thread yet.

Anything about Britain?
30-07-2006, 07:17
hey np man. I know how stuff can me...oi.

In september-June I may have a little bit of trouble getting on the internet, so I'll probably only get on once in a while...I'll probably stagnate and just camp around. Don't worry, I'll go out with a bang before my stagnation begins....:) ;)

I am also considering making support costs be a bit more expensive, like 1-1.5 credits instead of just .5, because you could get 30 armies and only pay like, 15 credits....thats 2.4 million men, and a small country like the Tuaregs who have about 2.4 million people in their kingdom could afford to keep that size an army...not realistic. Sorry Aiti for using your country like that. :D

I agree...

Also, a couple of other things I thought about:

Clearly in this time, certain militaries were just better than others:
For Example: The French Military is well trained and equipped, while the Tauregs... well...
For Example: The British Navy is super fine while the Russians...

This is just food for thought, but should anything be done about this?
30-07-2006, 10:52
I compensated for a lot of this, I gave Britain a smaller army but a large navy, I gave the French a large army, I gave the Tuaregs lower support costs because they are desert dwellers, the Russians don't even own a port, or a navy...etc. As of now, the French have the largest army, followed by the Prussians, Ottomans, and Baltics in a threeway tie for second.
30-07-2006, 10:53
How about a vote...

Anyone for raising support costs for the sake of realism, vote yes. If not, say no.
Warta Endor
30-07-2006, 10:59
I know I'm not (yet) involved in this RP, but I still have a question ;)

Can you build Fortifications, if yes, how many credits would that cost? I couldn't find anything about Fortifications in the main post.
30-07-2006, 14:11
I compensated for a lot of this, I gave Britain a smaller army but a large navy, I gave the French a large army, I gave the Tuaregs lower support costs because they are desert dwellers, the Russians don't even own a port, or a navy...etc. As of now, the French have the largest army, followed by the Prussians, Ottomans, and Baltics in a threeway tie for second.

What about the point I made in my edit.

How about a vote...

Anyone for raising support costs for the sake of realism, vote yes. If not, say no.

I vote yes, raising them to 1 credit each.

I know I'm not (yet) involved in this RP, but I still have a question ;)

Can you build Fortifications, if yes, how many credits would that cost? I couldn't find anything about Fortifications in the main post.

Good point, that should be another thing we could buy.
30-07-2006, 14:14
Britain and Spanish have made a trading pact.

(Cruxium, if you would add it to the economic page... thank you.)
30-07-2006, 14:57
The Ottoman Empire can recieve +20 income if they can capture at least 4/5 light red ports.

I have 4 light red ports!!!!!
30-07-2006, 14:58
Also, VA im in an economic alliance with persia and tuaregs!!!!
30-07-2006, 15:15
The Ottoman Empire can recieve +20 income if they can capture at least 4/5 light red ports.

I have 4 light red ports!!!!!

I don't think that counts as there are now 9 light red ports. It should be changed to all of the light red ports.
Warta Endor
30-07-2006, 15:30
I'll be gone till Wednesday, helping out my uncle in rebuilding his house. IO probably can log in every night or something so I can check this thread and see if anything changes.
30-07-2006, 15:39
DMG, Prussia (me) has offered you a trade agreement. I will update the economic page right after this.

I'm also up for raising support costs, however, I would suggest leaving it as it is for stationary troops, but troops that are involved in a war should cost 1 in support to represent the additional costs of moving the supplies.

However, if you lose the equivilent of an army prior to the end of the money, do you still pay support costs? Really since they are all dead there is no reason to support them.

Also, the base armies we start with, is that how many armies we always have without having to pay support costs? Or, once X number of armies are destroyed, do we pay support costs for everything?
30-07-2006, 15:52
DMG, Prussia (me) has offered you a trade agreement. I will update the economic page right after this.

Ah, well I believe I responded ICly... also, I obviously am going to accept as I sent one to you.
30-07-2006, 17:22
Hey everybody i'll be gone till wednesday, im going fishing and wont have acess to a computer
30-07-2006, 17:30
@Crux: Do you want me to have your messenger arrive at the PM's office and agree to trade and such?
30-07-2006, 17:35
Sure thing DMG.
30-07-2006, 18:02
Britain has a trade agreement with Prussia.
30-07-2006, 20:19
Done and done. I made an error with Prussia's trade output, I calculated it as +3 Credits instead of what you are supposed to get +2.

I also added stuff to the battle system.
*Forts- Make a territory cost 2 more to attack.
*How to take a territory- However many armies the defender has, or if the defender moves around and retreats from place to place, the battle will continue until the defender either is crushed, or has retreated from the province. They will take losses either way.
*Changed Ottoman Bonus to 8/9 bright red ports.
*Changed DMG bonus to Capture 10 ports of any color. (Including his own.)
*Changed IC Year to 10 RT days.
*Made many small edits to the bonus system. (To prevent the status of invincible because you have alot of money.)
*Changed support costs to 1 instead of .5
30-07-2006, 20:47
noooooo.darn it 8/9 light red ports??
30-07-2006, 21:01

Everyone now needs to keep track of their own stuff? Remember that everything costs money and has a support cost. Nothing is free, only the initial units you have are the free ones. Support costs are 1 credit per army/navy.

*Italians can purchase 5 armies without support costs.
30-07-2006, 22:51
I'm getting severly confused with all these edits. VA, could you proof read my factbook to make sure my numbers are correct?
Warta Endor
30-07-2006, 23:03
Ok, I arived at my Uncle's home and I saw that Italy and A--H were open. It's a difficult decision...

Italy please :D
30-07-2006, 23:16
np Aiti, srry guys but I'm just trying to get this stuff right so we can make this enjoyable ASAP.

Oh and Warta Endor, welcome to the RP! :D Please read over your rules and your bonuses carefully.
Warta Endor
30-07-2006, 23:23
Yay! I'll try to get my (basic) Factbook up tomorrow. Don't expect it to be elaborate, I'll make it more interesting when I get home.
30-07-2006, 23:31
Hey, np Warta.


There seems to be a little bit of a problem. You have 40 ships and 7 armies. and with that, you have 3 credits remaining. Agh...let me show you.

Tuaregs- 7 Field Armies. Tot. 560,000 men, 16,000 Cavalry, 700 Cannon.
40 Ships. Tot. 24,000 men, 2,800 Cannon.
Credits Total: 3
Trade Bonus: (3)
Alliance Bonus: (4)
Support Costs: .5(6)=3 Credits

You only have 3 credits left. Remember that your trade bonuses and Alliance bonuses are added at the beginning of every GAME year, and so are the support costs. (.5x6=3) since you have half support costs. So like I said, you can't possibly afford to have another 10 ships. Not a problem or anything, just switch it around. :D

Any questions guys...I'm really sorry about the edits. Remember, 10 days is our game year; not the month.
30-07-2006, 23:44
I thought I corrected that earlier, but I'll double check. I know I have 3 credits left, which is way I haven't attack SM yet.

And ten days from when we started or ten days from when you say so?
Ten Thousand Maggots
31-07-2006, 01:10
I'd just like to say that this was an awesome idea on the creator's part, and once it is fine-tuned it should prove to be one of the better roleplays on I.I. I only wish I would've seen this earlier as I would've definitely expressed an interest in participating. Do you see any possibility of expanding in the near future to more continents?
31-07-2006, 01:15
Hey, thanks Ten Thousand. As a matter of fact, A-H is open due to this guys' inactivity. So you are welcome to join there if you want. :D
Ten Thousand Maggots
31-07-2006, 01:26
Oh, alright then! I'll take it! Give me a little time to read up on things...I should have a factbook ready by tomorrow at the latest. Thanks a bunch!
31-07-2006, 01:42
hey np. ;)

And ten days from when we started or ten days from when you say so?

Ten days from July 26th. We can make it ten days from the first if you all want to.
31-07-2006, 02:48
hey np. ;)

Ten days from July 26th. We can make it ten days from the first if you all want to.

10 days from when we started sounds good.
Waldenburg 2
31-07-2006, 03:29

rather quickly slapped togeather Persian factbook
31-07-2006, 05:02
ty sir! :D Fact book added.

anyway. I made the ends of years every 12 days instead of ten. Makes more sense.
31-07-2006, 11:37
Ten Thousand, have you got MSN or yahoo per chance? If so, add me:
Ten Thousand Maggots
31-07-2006, 12:17
Yes I do. I'll be contacting you shortly.
31-07-2006, 12:22
Yes I do. I'll be contacting you shortly.

@Maggots: Hey, just so you know, I sent you a trade offer in the RP.
31-07-2006, 20:31
Hey people. I would just like to say firstly that YOU'RE ALL VERY VERY NASTY PEOPLES! HOW COULD YOU BE SO MEAN TO POOR SPAIN (lol :D )

On a slightly less psychotic note, VanAtta is letting me have a go at RPing as Russia as well as Spain, maybe because everyone is being to unfriendly to Spain (although I know this is the point of the RP, to make war). Besides, I like it as I am a quarter Russian myself.

So, I will be making a factbook for Russia asap, and will start posting in the IC thread soon.
31-07-2006, 20:51
:) I no. I was forced to war with you with allies. sry
31-07-2006, 20:53
It's okay. Russia won't make any advances on the Ottomans or Persia just because of the Spanish situation. Unless Russia and Spain become allies. ;)
31-07-2006, 21:08
Grand Announcement

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and The French Empire have agreed to a twelve year alliance!
31-07-2006, 21:11
Muahahahahaaa! *Pets a kitten and brings a pinky to his lip*
31-07-2006, 21:14
Side Notes:
Anglo-Spanish Trade Rights are broken: 2 Credits to be ceded to Spain from Britain
Anglo-Austro-Hungarian Trade Rights have been brokered.

Also, I am awaiting a response from the Baltic States, Italy, Russia, Persia, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tauregs. All of whom I have sent trade proposals to.
31-07-2006, 21:29
o DMG im sry. Whats the trade deal? ill be ic soon
31-07-2006, 21:35
o DMG im sry. Whats the trade deal? ill be ic soon

No problem, I just sent it in my newest post about thirty minutes ago.

It is a simple trade agreement for 3 years, at which time it will be reviewed and if we still think it is beneficial, we will offer to extend it.
31-07-2006, 22:58
Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement created. (8 years - I hope this is okay, I didn't really spell it out ICly)
Anglo-Ottoman Trade Agreement created. (3 years)
31-07-2006, 23:29
ok cool how much extra vredits do we get?
31-07-2006, 23:38
ok cool how much extra vredits do we get?

2 per year at the end of every year... just like the rules say.
31-07-2006, 23:49
Anlgo-Tauregian Trade Agreement created.
31-07-2006, 23:52
Anlgo-Tauregian Trade Agreement created.

I'm pretty cetain it'd be Anglo-Tuareg Agreement.

Anyways hooray trade! More crdits! I'M GONNA BE RICH!!!
31-07-2006, 23:59
I'm pretty cetain it'd be Anglo-Tuareg Agreement.

Depends on what you want the adjective to be.
01-08-2006, 00:56
Just wanted to say that I am enjoying reading this RP.:cool:
Waldenburg 2
01-08-2006, 01:22
OOC i'm wonderinf if it's alright to augment our armies a little. Tnstead of 80,000 Infantry perhaps I could have more cavalry or cannons. mostly i'm asking because persian strength is in cavalry and if there was an arrangement to switch numbers around.
01-08-2006, 04:42
perhaps...I'll see what I can conjur up.

maybe 15,000 cavalry for 4 credits
or 800 Cannon for 4 credits.
or simply 100,000 Infantry for 4 credits. all the support costs remain the same.



please post how many Trade agreements you have and w/ who. the Same with alliances.

thank you:p
01-08-2006, 05:28
There will be a summit for all nations willing to participate, but you must have MSN to get in on it.

All nations who participate will get 1 credit added to their yield. It will be in IC. We will basically talk to eachother as if we were the kings, emperors, or regents having a normal convo.

A date will be established.
01-08-2006, 09:50
I like the idea behind the differing types of military force we can buy.
01-08-2006, 11:29
Here's the link to the Russian factbook. I'll post something about Russian military units later.
01-08-2006, 13:03
perhaps...I'll see what I can conjur up.

maybe 15,000 cavalry for 4 credits
or 800 Cannon for 4 credits.
or simply 100,000 Infantry for 4 credits. all the support costs remain the same.


That sounds good to me.


please post how many Trade agreements you have and w/ who. the Same with alliances.

thank you:p

Already did it (in this thread and the Economic thread).

[5 Trade alliances and 1 Alliance]

There will be a summit for all nations willing to participate, but you must have MSN to get in on it.

All nations who participate will get 1 credit added to their yield. It will be in IC. We will basically talk to eachother as if we were the kings, emperors, or regents having a normal convo.

A date will be established.

Sweet. I'm in.
Waldenburg 2
01-08-2006, 16:58
2 Alliances (islamic)
3 trade Agreements (Islamic + russia) 1 Pending with england
01-08-2006, 17:04
Hi. I'm slightly confused now. I was given information that I could take over Russia as the current owner (Verozan) wasn't posting. And Verozan has just posted in the IC thread. So I'm kinda looking for guidance here. Firstly I find it very embarrasing, and would like it sorted out asap.

I'd just like to say I'm fine with whatever VanAtta, as the starter of the RP decides.

(Sorry Verozan :confused: )
Ten Thousand Maggots
01-08-2006, 17:13

This is the Austro-Hungarian factbook. I know it isn't done, but it's a work in progress. Keep in mind my work schedule sucks, so I'm trying.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. I've got a trade pact with Britain, Spain, and Prussia, and an alliance with Prussia.
01-08-2006, 20:02
Hi. I'm slightly confused now. I was given information that I could take over Russia as the current owner (Verozan) wasn't posting. And Verozan has just posted in the IC thread. So I'm kinda looking for guidance here. Firstly I find it very embarrasing, and would like it sorted out asap.

I'd just like to say I'm fine with whatever VanAtta, as the starter of the RP decides.

(Sorry Verozan :confused: )

Don't worry about it. I'll inform him that he was inactive for too long and I had to replace him. He'll understand, he's been pretty busy I guess. Sorry all for the inconveniance. :(
01-08-2006, 20:16
Also guys, when you make an Alliance, you automatically establish trade routes. That's what the 2 Alliance credts are for. You cannot get both alliance credits and trade credits from the same person.

I.E. Russia gets and alliance with the A-H Empire. They both make 2 credits because the Alliance allows them to trade automatically. They cannot get trade rights with eachother while in alliance because they already have it. I know its a bit wordy, but do you all understand?