Oil Reserves - Page 2
IC: The DSS Baracuda is now lying on the bottom of the black sea while the crew repairs the damage done by depth charges. Meanwhile the HBS Palmo has launched a wave of cruise missiles at the Griffencrest army.
18-07-2006, 18:43
IC: Helexion naval submarine DSS Baracuda has sighted a Griffencrest oil tanker and has fired 4 torpedoes at it.
Come on Helexeo how boring post i mean if you spot a oil tanker then show the crews rection and high command my sub firer 4 torpedos at you boring.
Blackhelm Confederacy
18-07-2006, 18:45
OOC: Yea sorry, I have like three different things I'm trying to juggle
The Mercury's quickly stopped, and sped back to their lines. In their place, the massive, lumbering Behemoth II's rolled into battle. About 25 Mercury's were destroyed, another 20 were damaged. The artillery barrage was truly breathtaking now. Hundreds of shells rained down upon Sochatopian positions every minute. There was no way their army would be able to sustain this fire for long.
OOC: What the hell I'm not going into massive amounts of detail thats just sad.
18-07-2006, 18:55
Just north of Blackhelms postiton.
Tank commander Creg saw the huge artillery barrage every one take cover damn it. The sound that followed was that of 1000 thunder bolts coming down at once. A particularly large explosion occured when the M2A2 next to him blew in to 1000 peices for 3 artillery shells hiting it at once.
As the Barrage began to die he saw the Behemoth II's. His reacion is this O shit. Ok heres the plan M2A2 find another tank one tank to the left one to the right. Done even firer at the Behemoth until you get behind and stay 200 feet away form the other tank. Javlin anti tank missle troopers firer at the front to try to distract the tanks.
Just south of Blackhelms position The artilary brage was just as bad if not worse as the Behemoth II's showed them selfs the commanders were baffled at what to do morter teams began to hit the enemy and 120MM howisers began to firer their own bombardment at the tanks as the Abrams stayed their distance. futher back than the rest of the troop. by 500 yards.
18-07-2006, 19:39
OCC Blcakhelm are you ignoring me im so bord this is kind of a bump.
Blackhelm Confederacy
18-07-2006, 19:43
OOC: Sorry didnt see the post
Seeing the 120mm barrage, the mercenary general ordered a massive counter barrage on the Sochatopian artillery. Still, it had taken its toll, and about 6 Behemoths were lost, as were about 30 men. The remaining Mercury's moved back up to defend the Behemoth's rear, and the entire force began moving on the Sochatopian position to the north. Once they were taken out, nothing stood between them and Helexeo city.
18-07-2006, 19:53
The Sochatopian position in the north
In coming said the artilary commander boom boom a medium amount of damage came to the sochatopian artilary. Witch began to firer back on the blackhelm artilary.
As the M2A2s got behind the Behemoths the mercuries began to attack them the order was given to continue to attack the Behemoths from behined and have the Javilen anti tank missles take care of the Mercury's how ever the plan kind of failed.
The M2A2s were able to destroy Quite a # of Behemoths but were getting destroyed by th Mercury's witch were only a little damaged by the Javilin missles. however it worked in destroying many Behemoth tanks.
in the north the line held but just Slightly. As Blackhelm troops approched they were getting massicured but their were to many of them fighting soon became hand to hand and The sochatopians pulled out their bayonets. Blood form both sides flowed every were.
In the South The Sochatopian Began to avance on the Blackhelm rear. Doing alot of damage. Fighting here wasnt quite as firce but both sides took alot of causitlys.
IC: Helexeo city is defended by the 4th and 5th divisions of the National Army of Helexeo this includes tanks, artillery etc. All civillians have been evacuated and the city is now a fortress ready for battle. The main highway from the south has been litted with landmines and bridges to the south have been rigged to blow up. The HAF has launced a massive aerial bombardment of the Griffencrest army involving cruise missiles, B-52's, TU-160, Pannavia Tornados and MIG-29's.
OOC:Hows that for detail then.
18-07-2006, 22:07
TO: All Nations Involved
FROM: Supreme Emperor George A. Loak
Let it be known that the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom cannot and will not help either side in this conflict. The Republic of Helexeo did send out a distress call to the GASN for help, but as they are not a member of our organization, the Dark Empire feels that it is not nessicary to aid them in their struggle. We will though keep an eye on this conflict as it progresses.
Sorry Helexeo, can't help ya.
18-07-2006, 22:27
IC: Helexeo city is defended by the 4th and 5th divisions of the National Army of Helexeo this includes tanks, artillery etc. All civillians have been evacuated and the city is now a fortress ready for battle. The main highway from the south has been litted with landmines and bridges to the south have been rigged to blow up. The HAF has launced a massive aerial bombardment of the Griffencrest army involving cruise missiles, B-52's, TU-160, Pannavia Tornados and MIG-29's.
OOC:Hows that for detail then.
Much better but you forgot to tell how many troops the 4th and 5th division have.
I'm no millitary expert I don't know how many troops a division has.
18-07-2006, 22:40
ooc: depending on the division's type, and country of origin, anything from 5000 to 15000 combat troops (and at least 2/3rds as many non combattant personell)
19-07-2006, 18:34
Bring Up My Post
IC: The goverment of the Republic of Helexeo would like to negotiate a cease-fire agreement with the Griffencrest armed forces.
Official Decleration from the Republic of Blaglug:
The Republic of Blaglug is sending forces to intervene in this conflict and help negotiate a cease fire.
Blackhelm Confederacy
20-07-2006, 20:19
Griffincrest will withdraw all forces from Helexeo in return for 10% of Helexeo's oil fields.
It's a deal 10% of the oil reserves will go to the Griffencrest oil corp.
Blackhelm Confederacy
20-07-2006, 20:29
Excellent. Griffincrest forces will begin withdrawing immediatly.
OOC:What about the mercanaries?
20-07-2006, 20:38
OOC:What about the mercanaries?
The Mercs are Griffencrest's Forces...
20-07-2006, 21:23
well its a good comprimise if Helexo supports it then its good. Now maby ill join the CA.