NationStates Jolt Archive

Military Coup Occurs In The Peoples Freedom Federals Call For Help

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The PeoplesFreedom
19-04-2006, 23:41
To: Nations of the World.
From: The Peoples Freedom
Subject: Coup
About a month ago, a man named General Taylor with nearly half the Army attempted a Coup. The Coup Failed, and President Petsin was able to escape. Within hours, panic erupted in all major cities. rumours quickly spread that Petsin was dead and the Whole country broke into dissary. The Police Force are trying to get the Anarchy in check, but without the Military's help, it is near Impossible. President Petsin has cut off all trade. To make matters worse, over the last two years, serious promblems have arrised with the muslim population, which is one fourth of the population. The southwestern Muslim states have now threatend to leave the Union. In order to prevent this, TPF's loyal Military has enterned and is now involved in a major conflict. A week ago, the majority of Taylors Army has been destroyed in the Gothem Valley. The Coup is Crushed. However, Anarchy has engulfed the nation.The Army, severly short handend is overwhelmed. Out of the total four million remaining troops, nearly 3 million are fighting in the Southwest. In addition, Militia, weather commie, Facist,Mafia's or whatever, roam around and attack supply convoys and loyal military forces. General Taylor's, forces still control NewPeter, a City of about eight million. The Army cannot tske on his forces, Anarchists and Milita at the same time. In order to restore order, we estimate that we need about one million more troops. Aid would also be needed, as the major cities are now cut off. To make matters worse, attacks have been reported on some Nuclear labs. while we also cannot confirm, reports have suggested that nuclear material that was In Taylor's hands have been lost. It should be noted that TPF had a number of Terror Cells active in it.

Lower Sussex
19-04-2006, 23:48
Official Statement by King Fayiz Ullah al-Ghalib

Why have the Muslims of your nation threatened to leave your Union? Perhaps your union is wrong in its beliefs? I find it sickening that you have summoned your military to attack these religious groups for their desire to be free from your rule. Please tell us what the extent of the muslims' crimes are and why you decided to attack them instead of pursuing negotiative ends to your means.

Thank you.

King Fayiz Ullah al-Ghalib ibn Abdulaziz al-Suseqi
19-04-2006, 23:57
From: Minister of foriegn affairs Richard Saben
To: Peoples freedom

The Republic of Ustia is disturbed that you have attacked your own country men! Why have you gone straight to violence! Why couldn't you go through with negotations. Is there something we don't know like there doing terroist attacks or something, Please tell us your reason for killing your own citizens!
20-04-2006, 01:57
(this is for everyone else freedom)
From: Richard Saben
To: PeoplesFreedom

We will send peacekeepers to the southwestern states to restore peace and to get a load off your military. An airbase will be established in a safe zone down in the southwestern states so further supplies and men can be sent to help the muslim population and to restore order. I will also send the 3rd Ustian carrier battle group to protect against other possible threats. The commander of the battle group is admiral John Tuner just in case you need anything from them.

(If your nation is land locked tell me and ignore the navy part)
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 02:30
The Peoples Freedom Thanks you for your support. We however, Would like to know how many Peacekeepers are being sent, we Believe a million are required to create an effective DMZ while talk begin. Once they are in postion, we will withdraw 2 million troops and that should be able to deal with the civil Unrest and General Taylor at home. One million troops will remain near the DMZ in case the cease fire is broken.

OCC: our country has a ocean on the east side. But not near the Southwest
Phoenic States
20-04-2006, 02:41
The Phoenic States abhor violence of any variety we are interested in lending aid in any capacity possible. In the interests of getting the situation under control we are willing to insert peace keeping forces to complement those from other nations. Furthermore the other nations of The Coastal Region have agreed to lend peace keepers in the same capacity. Please keep us up to date about the situation on the ground so that we may continue to lend assistance.

-Phoenic States
20-04-2006, 02:55
To: PeoplesFreedom

We have a rather small military. The most I can bring is 110,634. I know its not much but you have to understand that our nation has not been in a single war and its rather new. Though now we have a reason to expand our military and make it larger. Don't think just because its small and has little combat experience that its not a good military. We have the finest technology and are soliders are highly trained in ever aspect of war and peacekeeping duty.

From: Richard Saben
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 03:02
Mr. Saben
That is Perfectly Alright. We would not want to drain your Military Capacity, so please feel free to send what you desire. The Peoples Freedom has set up an airbase in a safe area. It is about 120 miles from Urkdak, the Captial of the Muslims. Thats where the harshest fighting is. Feel free to fly in your troops.
20-04-2006, 03:09
Sounds good. Several transports will be landing at the airbase momentarily and supplies and other materials will be unloaded to establish the airbase. Several air force squadrons will be stationed there and tanks and other armored vehicles will arrive later. As for the carrier battle group it just arrived and is stationed off shore in the east.

P.S: can you tell me what equipment the muslims have? I want to know what I'm up against.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 03:26
The Islamic Liberation Army, as is formerly known, has two Armies. One is a is a normal Army. But is old. It uses T-72 tanks and things like that. That Army, poses us no major threat that I cant handle. Then theres the Irregulers. Thye are guerllia forces and are effective. They use hit and run tactics. Out of the 57,000 Military dead we have suffered 90% are from these. the Army is also Fromal, they should we easy to have talks with, the irregulers, however, I do not know. They fight in Urban areas to. Never open ground. If Muslim Peacekeeprs arrive, they might talk.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 03:40
OCC: If someone wants to roleplay the ILA they can. Make it harder for us.
Nam Nam
20-04-2006, 03:40
As mentioned by our friend in the Phoenic States, the people of Nam Nam stand ready to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict in The Imperialist Society of The PeoplesFreedom. We will offer as many troops as our military can spare.

Younes al-Jawwad, Representative of the Serene Republic of Nam Nam
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 03:42
To: Nam Nam
Thank you much for your Support. Please send what you desire. You can land when your ready at the Airbase.

President Petsin
West Corinthia
20-04-2006, 03:49
To The People's Freedom,

We would like to know more about the situation before getting involved. However, we would deploy the 2nd WCN Surface Fleet to secure your eastern coast with your permission. If things continue to escalate, we may commit ground forces to the civil war. West Corinthia has had uprisings in the past, so we are more than happy to help others.

Czar Vasili Kotov
20-04-2006, 03:49
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,

The Imperialist Society of The PeoplesFreedom,
We are willing devote 200,000 peacekeepers to your conflict. As a devout Muslim nation it is our belief that our peacekeepers will be exceptionally effective. It is our belief that this conflict can be resolved peacefully, to that end we offer our nation as a potential location for peace talks. Our commitment to peace and our religous background should make all parties comfortable.

Yasin Abdrahman al-Lahtif
Representative of the Holy Repulbic of Qashqai
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:08
To: quashqai:
Thank you very much. 20,000 Peacekeepers will be wonderful. In addition Muslim Peacekeepers will help greatly. I hope you dont mind, but you will be in the most dangerous place. If you object let me know. In addition I ask for some diplomats to help in the Peace talks.

Tyler Petsin

To: West Corinthia:
What information do you need? we will telegram to to you. Our Coast is secured by our Navy, they have been unaffected, However if you wish to deploy a Forward force there, Please do so.
West Corinthia
20-04-2006, 04:29
We wish to know the reasons behind the revolts, identities of militia leaders and suspected locations, and any other tactical information you can give us; be it terrain details, ethnic groups, or how much popular support the rebels command. Also, are the militia united in their cause or by their leader? A leader can be eliminated, but a cause dies hard.

This information could help us plan special operations into hostile territory for the elimination of high-profile targets and the like. We assume you want collateral damage kept to a minimum?
20-04-2006, 04:32
from: Richard Saben

We are honored to working side by side with your nation in this crisis. We would be glad to share the airbase at Urkdak with you and hope this working togther will bring are nation's closer.

Around Urkdak:
Lelflets were dropped all around the city to tell the people about the several nations coming to restore peace. It read "To the people of the southwestern states. Ustia and other nations are hear to restore peace and stop the killing. We wise to work togther in this troubled time and wish you will help us along the path to peace."
20-04-2006, 04:36
To: PeoplesFreedom

Ustia also request info on rebel weapon cash's, military leaders and other information so are special forces can get in there and end the fighting nice and fast.

From:Richard Saben

(got to go see you tomorrow!)
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:37
The Muslim Population has been Upset at Anti-terror laws recently passed in Congress. They believe it is distcrimintory. In addition, they have also been mad at our invansion of another muslim nation asscused of support terrorists. We invaded them in order to preserved the Union. they also wanted to join Taylors forces. They could of seriously threatned to destroy was stability there was left. We were afraid of a Civil war.

The region is plains with built up cities. The leader of the regular Army is General Hazad Uden. He used to be a military leader in the Army. His state recalled him to cmmand the ILA. He knows he cannot win, and is willing to talk. We believe one more sound defeat will knock him out. He however, does not have control of the paramilitary wing. they are die hard hard liners. they will stop at nothing. We know not who leads them, or do they have any major bases. They recently have had popular support due to the reasons stated above. However there is no long term resentmeant. They area also careful shits, our Intel agency cannot get to them.
20-04-2006, 04:40
Change your laws so they still obtain the goal but do not discriminate.

And should these riots be violent... you have our support in using lethal force.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:41
to: Ustia
Thank you for your help. Keep your forces at the airbase until we figuere out deployment. You are allowed to fly recon drones and conduct recon missions if you want. But wait before commiting your main force.

General Weston, Commander, Southwest Military Forces.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:43
The Congress has tried changing the law several times. They continue to work. So far, Lethal force has only been used against the Militia running around. We have to use harsh rioting tactics thouge. We also have to deal with Vigilainties. Peacekeepers area Also welcome in these areas.
20-04-2006, 04:44
The Congress has tried changing the law several times. They continue to work. So far, Lethal force has only been used against the Militia running around. We have to use harsh rioting tactics thouge. We also have to deal with Vigilainties. Peacekeepers area Also welcome in these areas.

Here, use our Pain Beams. Sixty will be delivered in short oder. They basicallt cauise no damage, but extreme pain.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:44
We thank you for your Sixty Pain Beams. However, there are many more than sixty people rioting.
20-04-2006, 04:47
We thank you for your Sixty Pain Beams. However, there are many more than sixty people rioting.

They are area-of-effect weapons. If need be, we can bomb the area with Incapaciton. It basically makes people slow to react, and rather... dumb for a few hours, depending on dosage, It takes a lot to kill.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:48
I see. Are they bombs or....?
20-04-2006, 04:49
I see. Are they bombs or....?

Basically, they explode in the air, but instead of spreading deadly fragments, they spread the gas.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:52
Do they attack the nervous system or Senses. TPF cannot use nerve gas.
20-04-2006, 04:54
Do they attack the nervous system or Senses. TPF cannot use nerve gas.

Nervous system, but it does not completely block anything. Only partially. If that is objectionable, we could give you sleeping gas, or something that temporarily blinds/deafens/numbs.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:55
The Peoples Freedom has the weapons needed, it just we are lacking manpower. But I will take them. Thank you for your Aid. We will pay you for them once order is restored.
20-04-2006, 04:58
The Peoples Freedom has the weapons needed, it just we are lacking manpower. But I will take them. Thank you for your Aid. We will pay you for them once order is restored.

We need no payment. Take 10,000 infantry as well.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 04:59
Okay. Would you like to command your own Peacekeepers? Where would you want them deployed. In the cities or South States?
20-04-2006, 05:01
Okay. Would you like to command your own Peacekeepers? Where would you want them deployed. In the cities or South States?

We'll place them under your command. Deploy them where needed. We want them back afterwards, of course.
20-04-2006, 05:01
guys, make it competitive, everyone is giving aid and support, and u make it sound like real world where all muslims are stereotyped terrorists!!!! someone roleplay ILA, and make them join Taylors army, and then have a REAL fight!!!! screw up the geography too, so that its difficult for supporters to come in...

**just a suggestion.. btw, i am a muslim in real life, i dont find some of these stereotypes pretty irritating

hell... want them deployed:headbang: he is sending in an army from another country, its not red alert 2 or harry potter that u just invent ppl and station them somewhere!!!
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:03
I didnt mean to sterotype. I was auctally basing it on Frances Situation, but worse. Why do you think i want Peacekeepers? I could just blow them to hell. Anyways, I alreday offered Rolepalying the ILA, do you want to?
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:04
Of Course. Ill keep you Updated on the situation. However, I would like to pick them up, are you shipping them, Flying them? Or, should I fly them? What role do you wnat them in? Non-combat or combat?
20-04-2006, 05:05
Of Course. Ill keep you Updated on the situation. However, I would like to pick them up, are you shipping them, Flying them? Or, should I fly them? What role do you wnat them in? Non-combat or combat?

My soldiers do very well in combat. They'll be flown in.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:07
Okay. Thank you. Just fly them into The Peoples Freedom International Airport.
( you can roleplay thier arrival if you want, otherwise, whatever works best.)
20-04-2006, 05:08
Okay. Thank you. Just fly them into The Peoples Freedom International Airport.
( you can roleplay thier arrival if you want, otherwise, whatever works best.)
OOC: Rping!


Several Carryall VTOL planes came in to the People's Freedom International Airport. The pilots radioed in, "Permission to land? We require helipads."
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:13
" This is traffic Control, premission granted to land"
" land at C13 C14 D15 D18 D21 D33 A22."
" Please have your boys unload thier weapons when they touch down"
" Welcome to The Peoples Freedom"
20-04-2006, 05:15
" This is traffic Control, premission granted to land"
" land at C13 C14 D15 D18 D21 D33 A22."
" Please have your boys unload thier weapons when they touch down"
" Welcome to The Peoples Freedom"

"Thank you, landing now."

The Carryalls landed near silently, and vertically. Thry began to unload Pythogrian troops. Each one was wearing full body armor, and had an assualt rifle with a grenade launcher attached.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:22
" Hey there boys, my name is Major General Gerves and I will will be your commander for the duration of your stay, Now if you would kindly head over to that big area. Good. Now, you may load your weapons if you wish. In a few hours you will be flown to the Southwest to help establish peace and order there. In the meantime, we have some A-ration for you men to eat. Just line up there. Okay, now any questions?"
20-04-2006, 05:24
" Hey there boys, my name is Major General Gerves and I will will be your commander for the duration of your stay, Now if you would kindly head over to that big area. Good. Now, you may load your weapons if you wish. In a few hours you will be flown to the Southwest to help establish peace and order there. In the meantime, we have some A-ration for you men to eat. Just line up there. Okay, now any questions?"

A soldier bowed low to his superior, as is the Pythofrian custom.

"En Taro General, sir. There is one question. Exactly what are the enemie's numbers, and what armaments do they have?"

OOC: En Taro *whatever their name is* is like "Hello" in Pythogria.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 05:28
" Ah yes a very fine question! Well son, I am not quite sure where we will be deployed. If we face thier normal army we should have no promblem kicking thier ass. However, the para's are a little tougher. But I hear you men are very fine warriors! and uh, El Taro To you"
Gerves Bows low.
20-04-2006, 05:30
" Ah yes a very fine question! Well son, I am not quite sure where we will be deployed. If we face thier normal army we should have no promblem kicking thier ass. However, the para's are a little tougher. But I hear you men are very fine warriors! and uh, El Taro To you"
Gerves Bows low.

"Ah. Thank you, sir."

He bows low once more.

OOC: My soldiers have a TON of respect fo rsuperiors. Of course, soldier-to-soldier, things are less formal.
20-04-2006, 06:02
The Principality of Wilhelmsborough would like to lend its assistance in this volitile situation. We are offering three E-3 Reconnaissance Planes, and thirty-six Sea Harrier BA2s to patrol the skies in the Southwestern Region. We would also like to offer a Corps of 28,800 troops under the command of Lieutenant General Alan Smith to cover the ground. We would bring an assorted number of tanks and transport vehicles as well.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 06:06
Alright, Pythogria, I look forward to your commanding your troops. Also, you may send an adviser with your troops. The are on their way to the airbase near darkurk. Also, Gerves is a jolly guy. This is his first command so hemay need advice. He works well with enlisted soldiers too. Hell earn thier respect.

Wilhelmsborough: Thank you very much for your military forces, they will provide a nice boost. Your General will work under Weston, but he will be free do to whatver he wishes. You may fly your forces into our staging airbase, or land at one of our ports.

( we are now at 400,000 Peacekeepers.)
20-04-2006, 06:17
ok, listen, i want to play a part in this thing, but the way the peacekeepers are building up, umm... would be difficult to keep it realistic AND competitive... btw, tell me about the locations of your cities, and is ILA, the guerilla unit, hidden in all your cities or particular ones only?? are they developed and have proper equipments, and the cities they r in, who r controlling the cities?? and wats the status of general taylor's army rite now???

and make up some name for ur cities where there is a substantial muslim population...
The PeoplesFreedom
20-04-2006, 06:24
The paramilitary unit is still somewhat intact. They have the standard weapons, mortars, Ak's, RPG's. They are mostly in the Captial City. That where the bulk of the fighting is taking place. Your Army is weak.... you have about ten divisions still currently operation. You have one Brigade of T-72's left. You have artilley stuff like that. The Paramilitary forces are Elsewhere too. the Cities are all within 300 miles of each other. connected by a highway. General Taylor has about 25 Divisons left, he is held up in NewPeter and is under siege by our forces.

Four Major cities, the capital, with 29 million, Nakdur with 10 million, Undum, with 5 million and bakr with two milllion. the rest live in rural areas. Bakr is the only Major City under our complete control. there is resistance in the others.
20-04-2006, 07:13
News of THe PeoplesFreedom

The rumours about ThePeoplesFreedom Army carrying out genocide in Bakr has further incensed the Muslim population of the 'Capital'. Early this morning, when the news filtered through, around 300,000 muslims, and a further 20000 people, christians, mormons and others included, took to the streets. The protest soon turned violent as shop windows, houses and other residential buildings were forced to close down. The police intervened effectively, as encouraged by a foreign 'peacekeeping' army from Pythoqria, by open firing at the innocent unarmed protestors. No cameras or media personnel were allowed in later in the afternoon, and it is believed that several hundred civilians were injured, and many killed.

'Last year this government invaded another muslim nation, and is rumoured to have carried out mass genocide and open conentration camps in the victim country. Today, hundreds of innocent women and children, protesting in this so called democratic country, were shot dead by the law-enforcers, and now we have foreign nations setting up military bases in our motherland. This government is a monster, and I see another Hitler in the making with ethnic cleansing ideas, they must be stopped. Honorable General Hazan Uden and General Taylor were trying to do their best to prevent these evil people from ruling our country, but now they are labelled as traitors, what a shame' quotes Ayatollah al-Biryani, leading muslim leader.


Location: classified, the room has only one window, and a screen...

There is a famous face on the screen, the world knows him as GrandMaster **ld**u, and is known to his regiment as Field Marshall ***i** **ld**u, his name for his immense tactical ability on battle. He speaks: General Hazan, I am disappointed by your performance uptill now. We have aided your cause by supplying the News of PeoplesFreedom with some intelligence that shall give you popular support for some time. But, you must not give up. As I promised you earlier, the chemical and biological weapons are on their way, and further supplies will be sent to the headquarters. Your stupid government is our common enemy, and help me defeat him, you shall have your rewards. Until the warheads arrive, continue with the fake peace talks... muhahahaha!!!!
20-04-2006, 18:19
All 475,00 troops from The nations states of the Coastal Region have arrived in The PeoplesFreedom, and are making their way South. The role is simply to ensure that civilians are protected and that humanitarian aid can be distributed in the regions where combat has left civilians with no access to supplies. Our intent is not to side with either group, but to make sure that the conflict remains between armies. As the UN delegate from our region as well as a devout Muslim nation, we have a delegation of diplomats and negotiators ready to engage both sides in peace talks.
21-04-2006, 00:11

We understand your caution with are forces and all personell are not aloud to leave the base. We will conduct recosinecse with are predator spy planes. We wish to know if we could get special forces to covertly inflintrate the city and gather intel on anything about the gureilla forces such as weapon cash's or hide outs.

In the east sea:
Are carrier battle group will conduct routine combat air patrol's in the south west to protect the sky from possible air threats.

From: Richard Saben

(Ahh crap this thread is going to get messy pretty soon)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 00:14
No, You see blakhole. It does not work like that. The Pyrothgram troops were not even deployed yet. And we decide waether they shot. The genocide thing is fair, cause it is propaganda.

The Costal Region Peacekeers are being deployed like so.... I would also like your Commanding Generals name: Capitol= & ___= DMZ

Costal Region Army
City Army
(100,000 Costal)
10,000 Pygros

Reserve Force: 70,000 Costals [/LEFT]

SouthWest Army Group (weston)
21-04-2006, 01:19
Over Urkdak:
The predator spy drone's flew over several parts of the city taking photos of ever inch of the city for intel on any guerilla movement's or hide outs and for the eventual convoys that would be going through the city streets.

On board the R.U.S fulcken fleet carrier:
Admiral John Turner took his set in the bridge of the carrier and looked out at the flight deck. He smilied and said "well they've finally given us something to do." The flight deck was full of planes and directors. The F-35's leaped forward from the cattlepult and flew away into the sky until they disappeared from sight. He looked away from the window and said "alright everybody lets get to work."
21-04-2006, 01:28
Office 35
1217 Government Way
Balkan City, 85546
Druid Province, Armed Holy Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu

TO: The Nation of The Peoples Freedom
FROM: The Bureau of Foriegn Assistance, Military Division
SUBJECT: Military Assistance

Greetings. We have heard about the problems arising in your nation. We have no current military operations going on in any nation as of now, so we are willing to send a small force to help your plighted nation. With your approval, we will send the following:

2 SuF-8 Phoenix Fighters
2 Divisions of M1-A1 Abrams MBT's
2 Divisions of Bradley Fighting Vehicles
1 RG-129 Recon Aircraft
1 AC-130U Spooky Gunship
5 Platoons of Asgarnian Marines
5 Platoons of Asgarnian Special Forces
3 Platoons of Asgarnian Army Soldiers
1 Platoon of Asgarnian Royal Parlimentary Guards
2 Units of HMMWV Patrol Vehicles
5 RAH-66 Commanche Attack Helicopters
5 AH-64 Apache Helicopters
2 AH-1 Cobra Helicopters
Support equipment for our soliders
Support items for our soldiers
Mechanics for our vehicles
Pilots/Drivers for our vehicles
Support Items/Equipment for your soldiers

If this is not enough, we are more than willing to send more. We thank you for considering our offer. We wish you good luck with your nation. Thank you.


General Paul C. Kulka
Commander of Foriegn Relief, Military Division
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 01:36
To: Asgarnieu
From: General Weston, Commander Soutwest Forces.

We Thank you for your support. That is a small group, but it will be fine. We are confused however bythe two divisons of M-1's. In The Peoples Freedom's military an Armoured divison has 1,000 Tanks. You may Fly your forces into our staging area Airbase whenever you wish.

Adam Weston, TPFA, General
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 01:39
To: Ustia
From: General Weston, Commander Southwest Force

Ustia, my Air Force is rather overstretched as of late. President Petsin has given me premission to allow you to begin combat sorties. Thank you.

Adam Weston, TPFA, General
21-04-2006, 01:48
To: General Weston
From: Admiral Turner

Thank you General for leting us conduct combat sorties. Naval and Airforce fighters are now conducting sorties. If you need any air or naval help please ask me or General Petterson, his in charge of all airforce operations in the southwest.
21-04-2006, 01:50
no no no... there was a post earlier which said that if the riots or protests turned violent, the Pythoqrian state will support if you respond with violence... by those lines i mean that the states that are 'helping' you, have already endorsed and backs civilian killings... i never said that a foreign army was involved...

but come on, there is a good propaganda that the government is racist, some army should condemn or question your government, but you keep getting military help... ILA will get trashed in no time and this thread will be over...

some nations please put up something, someone to help ILA please, and assume they are a proper liberation army, not a bunch of terrorists!!!
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 01:58
Okay. But they said they would support us to use lethel measures in the Cities that are in Anarchy. But I would let this go. It should be noted, however TPF has stopped all military operations. They only fire if fired upon. Of course, you can turn that around.
Remember. You have four tatical nuclear weapons. You also have enouge radioactive material for eight 'dirty bombs'
21-04-2006, 01:59
(Yeah I agree with blakhole. We need some nations to either roleplay taylors forces or support the rebels. Right now my forces are just seting around and waiting. There all cooked up in the airbase and there all bored out of there minds. Blakhole do you have any friends that could join so this thread can get more interesting?)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 02:01
No, your forces and your allies are now deployed in the formations I stated above. General Taylors forces are open for roleplay, I forgot to say that. In additon, I assumed a Muslim Nation would condem the attacks and claim only war and support the Rebels. This is possible.
21-04-2006, 02:10
(oh, whoops. well then in that case...)

In the city of Urkdak:
Ustian peacekeepers have started patrols in and around the city. Humvee's and strikers move along the various streets with caution. Check points are set up and people are checked for weapons of any kind. My special forces group the Wardog commando's have gone undercover to find any guriella hide outs, weapon stock piles and other objectives. So far its rather quiet in the city, to quiet....
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 02:13
Now Blakhole you are free to try and fuck us up. Just remember, the Peacekeeprs are allowed offensive operations. TPFA is not.
21-04-2006, 02:49
(I was thinking about trying to get some of my G.S.A.N friends involved in this but considering so many nations are supporting Freedom I've decided not to. I can explain if you want me to or you can look at are sign up thread, that will explain as well.)
21-04-2006, 02:57
(Yeah that can't happen either considering were not aloud to fight with each other unless you want to be removed from G.S.A.N. A fellow ally nation also can not help the opposite side in any way like ,finically,equipment wise anything. It's all explained on the sign up thread.)
21-04-2006, 02:57
It has come to the attention of our Commander of The Coastal Region's forces on the ground, Gen. Emelius al-Tikriti, that several divisions of Quashqai Marines have defected to join the resistance fighters.

"The defections of nearly about 25,000 of our finest trained Marines is a bitter pill to swallow for our Peace-Keeping efforts. Although their adherence to the faith is admirable, it could not have come at a worse time. Our efforts here are designed to peacefully resolve the conflict, not escalate it. At this time our leaders have made it clear that these traitors must no longer be looked at as brothers."
-Gen. Emelius al-Tikriti
In the mean time forces from The Coastal Region continue to distribute food and medical supplies to Bakr and Undum as well as people in the surrounding areas. At this juncture the fighting is too intense in and around the other two cities for our teams to be of much assistance.
21-04-2006, 03:01
From: Ustia

Did the defectors take all of there equipment with them? also do you know where they were headed? I need to know so my troops can be ready for a possible attack by them.
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 03:15
To: Quashquai
From: Lord General Busham

This is a regrettable occurence. 25,000 well trained troops provide a significant boost to the Muslims. We must be assured this will not happen again.
21-04-2006, 03:23
Out of character: I'd be happy to play as the rebel forces, with everyones consent.

Returning to character:

Mahrian newsmedia had made the uprising in The Peoples Freedom something of a cause. The Muslim minority was being applauded for taking to the streets to fight oppressive legislation.

The government, for it's part, had no desire for a public intervention. Public outrage, though present, wasn't great enough to risk lives-and political currency-by sending in standard troops.

That's why Mahrian Intelligence has never heard of the 37 trained agents who entered the country at 1600 hours today. Or of the plastic explosives, anarchist literature, or small arms shipments they were carrying.
21-04-2006, 03:29
To: Asgarnieu
From: General Weston, Commander Soutwest Forces.

We Thank you for your support. That is a small group, but it will be fine. We are confused however bythe two divisons of M-1's. In The Peoples Freedom's military an Armoured divison has 1,000 Tanks. You may Fly your forces into our staging area Airbase whenever you wish.

Adam Weston, TPFA, General

Our reasoning for sending the 2 Divisions of M1 Abrams MBT's is to protect our ground troops, protect our lighter vehicles, and eliminate (if nessicary) targets at long range. We will immediatley begin the sending of our air units to your nation. Thank you.
21-04-2006, 03:30
(thank god or allah or what ever for you. Now this can really get interesting.)
ustia would love to have you be the rebels
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 03:32
Well blakhole was playing them but there is no reason you guys cannot share. =]
21-04-2006, 03:34
(I thought he was the regular army.)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 03:35
From: General Weston, Commander Southwest Forces

Thank you very much. You may begin operations whenever. You are assigned to the City Army. Urban fighting.
21-04-2006, 03:40
ahh so his going to be in the same boat as me!
(here we go, brace yourselfs!)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 03:44
I'm not sure. Whatever works.
Once again, TPFA only fires if fired upon.
500,000 soldiers have been withdrawn.
Total strength now is: 2.5 million Soldiers,Marines, and Pilots.
21-04-2006, 03:48
To:Peoples Freedom
From:Richard Saben

enlight of your recent withdrawl of troops we have decided to send an additional 20,000 peacekeepers to the region. Its safe considering are nation is not involved in any other issue so why have my troops go to waste!
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 03:55
To: Richard Saben
From: General Weston

Thank you. We hope it will bring better stability. Of course international peacekeepers and medation is still needed.

( we took this move, as hopes that it will bring the muslims to the talk tables. You decide if they do or not.)
21-04-2006, 04:09
Over the southwestern states:
Naval pilot captain anderson noticed something on the radar during his patrol. "he pixy I've got something on radar." Pixy responded "yeah, I'm not geting a valued I.D symbol lets check it out." The squardon moved to investiage the blip on the radar. When they arrived the blip was already leaving. anderson say it from a great distance. It looked like a transport aircraft. his heart sanck at what he say. "pixy I've got transport aircraft at my two o'clock" "I see it. Damn! its out of southwest airspace we can't go after them." frustrated anderson said "alright lets go home."

(this is responding to your insertion of agents into the country Mahria)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 04:33
Intel agency Coded transmission, sent to President Petsin:
Our ally, Ustia, reports that they spotted a UFO flying over southwest Airspace. High Command confirms none unaccounted flights happendend that day. It then flew out of the airspace. We could be looking at another nation supporting the rebels. Nothing can be done. Reccomend increased CAP patrols.

President Petsin shook his head. He had been afraid of this. He wondered if this might turn into a major war with many nations supporting the radicals or Taylor's forces. Now it might even come true. All he wanted is the muslims to be part of the nation. His cousin was muslim for God's sake!! Now his forces were killing and dying over there. The deats were now at 59,000. And that was just after two months of fighting. Some Military advisors reccomendend carpet bombing them to the table. Now, Petsin was seriouly thinking about it. No, it cannot happen. But he saw few other choices. Despite the Peacekeepers presence, the violence had only sligtly toned down. He would wait a little longer. Maybe, just maybe, the world would come througe.
21-04-2006, 04:41
Over PeoplesFreedom Airspace

"Attention air base. This is Lieutenant General Alan Smith of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. There are forty C-17 Globemasters approaching with the first of our 28,800 troops and equipment. We are requesting permission to set down at the nearest air force base."
21-04-2006, 04:42
Inside Urkdak airbase HQ:
General petterson was informed of the transport sighting and his eyes suddenly became wide. He said "this is very troubling, if it was a transport then that means someone is trying to be involved in a sneaky way. I want air patrols increased and will request that ground security is tightened." As he walked out of the room he thought to himself "I really hope I'm wrong or were in big trouble."
21-04-2006, 04:44
(got to go see you guys tomorrow!)
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 04:45
" Roger, premission granted."
" stand by for Fighter Escort, over"
21-04-2006, 05:07
Out of character: ah, interesting Ustia. Perhaps your heightened security could succeed in capturing one or two of them? (Please not more than that.)

Tal Rek was a relatively new pilot with Mahrian Intell. Still, he was doing well. He'd managed to get into the target airspace undetected. His passengers had hurried out, dropping down a slight distance outside a small town (unnamed on the maps) remarkable only for it's functioning rail station and bus depot. Reks work was done.

The Mahrian-built Uninvited Guest-class transport plane is a decent piece of technology. It's excellent at what it does-quick, quiet insertion. What the Guest does not do, however, is aerial combat.

Reks radar picked up the Ustian warplane,s and he was suddenly, abundantly aware of that fact. Training, glory, reputation... none interested him. He only wanted to get the hell out. By abandoning secrecy and howling away, he managed to do just that.

His former passengers glared up, irritated, as they heard their plane open up it's engines. "Moron," hissed one of the agents, "What's he doing?" The Ustian squadron-too far away to be noticeable-was unknown to them. They were all in a rather bad mood.

Being packed like merchandise with your sweating, grumbling, coworkers will do that to you. The plane had little enough space for that many people, especially not with a diverse set of tools for raising hell.

They had used a simple harness rather than parachutes, so they had relatively little to hide. The civilian disguises most of them wore were only a little worse for wear. Over the next few hours, they would straggle into the town in twos and threes.

This division, and a handful of cover stories, were attempts to allay the suspicions of the locals. The first group set off, grumbling theatrically about their "broken down car," as the rest started setting up several small arms caches.
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 05:11
Captain James Brown was a Commander in The Peoples Freedom Marines. He had heard rumours that a group of strange man had arrived and set up arms caches. He was wanted to check it out, but it was out of his AO. So he held back. He made sure to report then went back to Patroling.
21-04-2006, 05:25
" Roger, premission granted."
" stand by for Fighter Escort, over"

"Acknowledged." replied Smith. "I would like to add that there will be three E-3s and thirty-six BA2 Sea Harriers that will be arriving shortly, after all the troops and equipment have been unloaded."
The PeoplesFreedom
21-04-2006, 05:28
" Roger."
" We request you deploy one EC-3 over the Capitol."
" Land when ready"
21-04-2006, 08:11
"At this time we know that our former brothers [the Quashqai troops who elected to defect] took all of their equipment with them. They shall be shown no mercy. You have my word of honor that this is the last time I shall be forced to refer to any son of Quashqai as a traitor. Our delegation of diplomats, negotiators and clerics has been assembled in Quashqai and can be flown to any location within the country in 14 hours or less. It is our sincere hope that both sides will give peace a chance and come to the bargaining table with and be willing to make concessions in order to restore peace. When we have recieved assurances of co operation from both camps the team will be brought in ASAP."

-Gen. Emelius al-Tikriti
21-04-2006, 08:26
The Republic of Waimakariri is prepared to contribute impartial military and foreign office observers to monitor the politcial situation. WE are disturbed by this situation as it maybe create a geopolitical crisis that will threaten world peace. In addition the Directorate of Security has recently been monitoring cellular communication between certain politically radical elements at home that intend to capitalise on the crisis to cause trouble at home.

The Foreign Office in Rangiora awaits developments....
21-04-2006, 12:23
It was 4in the morning, the sun has not risen yet. A lone figure, clad in a typical black gown that can be seen worn by so many locals in that area, walks, rather catiously towards the hydroelectric plant. The plant securities have tightened up recently, but they tend to cover the machinery and the expensive instruments at the base of the damn, not the river half a mile up the damn. Last few years, maybe it was the wrath of the Almighty, HE should be disappointed at the maltreatment of HIS followers, there has been little rain, and this hydroelectric plant, alongside producing very important electricty, supplied the region's farms with very important irrigation. However, the local town's governor has just announced that a large proportion of the new arriving army, more disbelievers from foreign land to aid this tyrant government, is to collect water supplies from this town. The supspicous figure, knew that the mineral water plant got the water from this plant, and this is the fact that he was going to use. The little tube he is carrying, was delivered to him by a faithful 'brother' sent by General Hazan. The tube contained a red chemical, which shows no immediate effect, but contains the virus of a deadly plague, and is lethal at a concentration of one parts per five billion. He feels bad for the innocent villagers that will die as a result, but, but he is doing this for a greater cause, and sacrifices has to be made. He opens the tube and pours the content into the river: should the peacekeeping army decide to collect water from the largest bottled water plant of The PeoplesFreedom, they are in for a nasty surprise.
21-04-2006, 22:42
" Roger."
" We request you deploy one EC-3 over the Capitol."
" Land when ready"

"We understand, and we will divert an E-3 to do patrols over your capital. But I believe that you should know: A standard E-3 Patrol requires a squadron of twelve Sea Harrier BA2s, and two Su-27 Flankers. We will send thew E-3 with the 12 Harriers. The two Su-27s will be arriving with the next troop delivery along with four more Su-27s which will be divided between the remaining two E-3s. Over."

Lieutenant General Alan Smith looked out the cockpit window of his C-17 Globemaster. They were over PeoplesFreedom territory. The air force base was coming into range.

As they got closer to their target, Smith felt a stirring of excitement. He had been waiting for his own command for a very long time. An ambitious man, he wanted to show his superiors that he was a capable military leader.

But more importantly, he wanted to send a message to the world. And that message was that Wilhelmsborough had a strong, capable fighting force, not to taken lightly or considered a pushover. The nations of the world would come to recognize and respect the power of the Principality.

"We're making our landing now, sir." said the pilot.

The Lieutenant General smiled as the the plane descended. Soon he would have a chance to prove himself.
West Corinthia
21-04-2006, 23:24
"We're approaching the coast now, Admiral."

"Excellent, Ensign. Drop our speed to 15 knots. Hail the Peoples Freedom on an open channel." Admiral Anatoliy ordered. He sunk into his captain's chair and rested his chin on his fist. Something was bothering him, he felt that West Corinthian forces weren't needed in this conflict, at least, not an entire fleet. Why, it was almost as if the Czar planned to aid one of the anarchist factions rather than the presidential government. The Admiral pushed such thoughts from his mind. As an Admiral of the Czar's Navy, he had a responsibility to set an example of loyalty for his crew.

"West Corinthian Flagship Cossack hailing The Peoples Freedom." the Ensign began his message. "On behalf of Admiral Anatoliy we request permission to enter your waters."

The Admiral looked out from the command deck one more time. To either side of the massive battleship Cossack were its protector frigates and destroyers. Behind them stretched a line of several battleships, a carrier, and dozens of supporting missile frigates, destroyers, and patrol craft. I hope the Czar knows what side he's on. Anatoliy thought to himself.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 00:36
" Roger Cossack you may enter our waters and begin unloading troops.
Lord Marshal Bradden will met you at the port"

From: General Weston

You may land your diplomats at any time. We look forward to operating with your loyal forces.

From: President Petsin
Thank you for your support. You are welcome to land your men at any time.

From: Lord Marshal Bradden
Understood, The Peoples Freedom Airforce can provide air cover for the time being.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 00:56
The Peoples Freedom Broadcasting Network Breaking News!

President Petsin has today promoted General Weston, Commander of Forces in the Southwest, to the rank of Marshal Of The Peoples Freedom. Petsin says that he is a great, talented military leader, and he is a man of action, he can lead us througe this crisis. Pervious Military commands included the leader of the famous 13th Shock Army. He is a graduate of the Eisenhower War Collage.

In other news, unconfirmed reports have stated that Muslim villagers have been contacted a illness. Sources say it could be from the water. We will bring updates as they become available.
22-04-2006, 02:02
Inside the R.U.S fulcken:
During lunch all captain randel could think about is that transport that they had spotted. He had so many questions in his mind "who were they?" "what country were they from?" "why were they here?" The questions spind around in his mind and he thought he was going crazy. Pixy noticed randel acting strange and walked over to him. "you alright captain?" randel repleyd "yea, I'm just worryed over that plane we spotted on are last patrol." "that! captain don't worry about it, it was probably just lost." "maybe" As pixy walked away Randel had a gut feeling that someone was spying on us.
22-04-2006, 02:16
In the streets of Urkdak:
Thomas remembered thinking about what was going to be for diner that night when he saw his first tast of combat. His convey was moving through the streets as normal when all of a sudden someone yelled "RPG!" and a huge explosion rocked Thomas out of his set in the Humvee. lieutant carrol yelled "Dismount!, Dismount!" Thomas was convised but he opened the door and looked out in the street. The Humvee in front of him was hit in the front and the engine was on fire. The heavy machine gun on the Humvee opened up on a rebel on the roof and he fell with blood splattering everywhere. Almost everyone was firing but he didn't see anyone. When he turned around there was rebel standing right down the steet. Thomas had a sudden shock of fear. The rebel turned his head and there eyes meet. Thomas knew he would die if he did nothing so he pulled the trigger and the rebel fell to the ground dead. It was the first time he had killed anyone.
22-04-2006, 03:12
In bridge of R.U.S fulcken:
"Ok, whats news today gentlemen?" the admiral asked with a smirk on his face. "well sir the West corinthian navy just arrived and its very large." "Is that it?" "Yea pretty much sir." John growned and fell into his seat and said "this is the most boring deployment I have ever done." the navy cadiet responded saying "would you rather like to have a huge sea battle and possibly lose your life?" john laughed a little and said "You have a point there cadiet but don't smart off to me ever again." the cadiet smiled and said "yes sir."
22-04-2006, 04:08
The majority of the Mahrian invaders had done their scattering. Eleven agents remained behind. Four were permanently stationed out in the country, setting the secret infrastructure needed for a rebellion-dumps of food or weaponry, safe hiding places and areas for training.

The others were simply hanging on, to avoid too concentrated a rush of recognizable foreigners. It would be difficult to explain their presence, should they be discovered. But, of course, the risk of that had been deemed negligible.

Out of caution (and nerves) Yul Hek, one of the agents, did occasional patrols of the woods. Not much visible from the air-a damn good sleeping bag and a tree each was all the camp they needed. He still worried about locals stumbling onto something...

He was close to one of the arms caches he himself had placed last night. He swung by, hoping to glance from a distance without leaving noticeable footprints.

Someone had already done that. The watertight box had been pulled out of the shallow hole he'd dug. A few pieces of wood and a broken circle of rocks looked to Hek like a half-dug firepit.

Hek hissed a (mercifully) short volley of blasphemy under his breath. "Of all the beast-gnawed luck," he moaned. He did a quick circuit of the trees around. Nobody seemed to have staked out the cache, so he felt safe to go up and poke through it. "Maybe some hunter or godsdamned berry-picker..." he muttered to himself. One of the loaded assault rifles had been taken, but the other two were left where they were.

His paranoia justified, Yul Hek hurried back to warn his comrades to scatter.
22-04-2006, 04:39
In briefing room of R.U.S fulcken:
"Alright pilots we had a siting of a transport aircraft inside Southwestern airspace. It left and the squadron could not go after them." Randel raised his hand and said "Were right here you know." The brass looked at Randel with an evil eye and Randel was quiet for the rest of the briefing.

"in response to the siting we are going to do a search of the area for any possible troop deployments. One of the pilots raised his hand and said "that area sir is very dense with trees and other plants, what makes you think will find something?" "We don't know if will even find anything, but thats why were going to do it, got that?" "yes sir."

"alright then. Close by were we sighted the plane theres a small town. A portion of the wardog group will go under cover in that town to see if any troops did parchute from that transport." " I know its a little over the top considering we don't even know if anybody even jumped from the plane but you can never be to careful."
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 05:41
Marine Major General Handson soon learned of the Ustia plot.
He was unhappy because he could not legaly go after them. He had spent a year working in TPFIA at the military attachment so he knew this was the perfect way to insert troops. In the meantime he would send a Company of Marines around there. If they were attacked, he could send in more.
22-04-2006, 06:09
On flight deck of R.U.S Fulcken:
Captain Randel keep on thinking of the transport in his mind as he and his plane were pushed up onto the flight deck. He didn't remember seeing anyone jumping but they had gotten there rather late so maybe they missed it. The plane moved out onto the right side of the carrier. He put the jet inline with the catlepult and waited. The directors chatter filled the airwaves. "pressure 60,80,90 catelpult ready for launch. "roger, blast shield up and white 5 you are ready for take off." Randel responded "roger this is white 5 taking off." Just before he took to the sky he did the tranditionl salut to the fleet crew and whamm! he was off. "alright pixy, halo, trigger form up and lets go."
22-04-2006, 06:25
In streets of Urkdak:
"I just killed a man." Lieutant carroll walked over to me and said "Thomas keep it togther were not out of woods yet." while he was talking bullets were flying everwhere and all I could say was "yes sir." Carroll continued talking "thomas I want you to get with your squad, we need to get out of here. I'm going to call in air support to clear a way for us so keep your head down!" "Yes sir!" "alright go!" I got up and ran towards my squad behind one of the strikers shooting at a machine gun post all the way and missing badly. "Were the hell have you been thomas?" "I was talking with the Lieutant were moving out." Joey responded saying "alright everyone back inside the humvee and uh crap look out!" Three rebels came out from an ally way behind us and starting pumping lead are way. I dove behind a destroyed car and raised my weapon only so my head wouldn't get blown off. The screen of the cross hair of the weapon came on the heads up display. two of the rebels were hiding behind a car and firing. When one popped its head out I popped it off. I was just about to shoot the other one when I was thrown to the side by a massive explosion. My heads up display went blank and I just laid there.
22-04-2006, 06:31

Ustia, when you were talking about a transport, were you referring to my C-17's?
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 06:32
" Delta one, this Alpha Charlie."
" copy, Alpha"
" Alpha, tangos in sector niner niner zero two one."
" copy, Alpha"

Two Apache gunships flew over the combat troops. About 100 rebels were coming out of an alley and were about to slaughter a platoon of Ustia soldiers.

" This Delta one to Bravo-eighteen"
" Copy Delta"
" We will clear the way, then you extract the men"
" Copy"

The two Apaches 30mm Chainguns began tearing into the rebels. Then they let loose 2.5 inch rockets into the alley. The building crashed down.

" Clear Bravo, land"

Bravo, a Chinook helichopter landed a about a block away in open plaza.
22-04-2006, 06:37
(no I was talking about Mahria's inflitration agents that came in by transport. read some of the last few posts that Mahria made.)
22-04-2006, 06:49
In streets of Urkdak:
"Roger Delta one we will proceed to the plaza and extract wounded by your Ch-47 out." Carrol put down the radio and said "everyone mount you vehicles and gather wounded. Were geting out of here!" Thomas finally stood up and his battle suit systems went back to normal. He looked and say that the humvee next to him was destroyed. "Thomas help me! jacks hit bad!" He walked over and grabbed one of jacks arms. "Joey your hit too!" "its just my leg no big deal. Come on lets get out of here." They all piled in the Humvee and took gun postions at the windows. Carroll screamed over the radio "alright were out of here!" The convey moved once again but this time towards the plaza. Rebels popped out of nowhere and the 50 cals opened up. they slaughtered all resitence in are path.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 06:53
An RPG slammed into a Apache. It flew down and crashed a fiery death. A few minutes later, just as the chinook was taking off, two F-29 fighter screamed in. Four 500 pound bombs were dropped. There was nothing left of the area.
22-04-2006, 07:03
Outskirts of Urkdak:
After the plaza was leveled by freedom F-29's what was left of the convey headed back to the airbase. I hoped jack was alright cosidering he was in bad shape. The trip to the base was quiet with no resitience at all. I wasn't suprised. The convey moved into the massive airbase. The rumbles of jets was everwhere and gas was like air here. We all dismounted and headed to are barracks. Are battle suits were all reaped up and covered with dust from the RPG rounds. Everyone stared at us and someone actually saluted. I thought that was strange but I saluted back and he nodded.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 07:06
Coded Message to Marshal Weston
From President Petsin:
Our new Doctrine is now in effect. All forces is now a viable option.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 07:12
The Marines moved into the ruined area that the F-29's had just leveled. They were to check for any evidence or documents. As they moved in however, the rebels were waiting for them. Of course the Marines knew they would. Soon, M-110 Tanks arrrived. Dobermen Close Quarters Combat Infantry Fighting Transports arrived. About 300 Marines defeated over 750 rebels. This was the new doctine. Petsin wanted it to end. Overwhelming and unforgiving firepower would be used.
22-04-2006, 07:13
Urkdak airbase:
We learned that we lost 2 men in that firefight. Those two were the men inside the humvee when it all started. I thanked god jack was all right but I felt sad that we lost 2 men. To get my mind off it I cleaned my UMI-32. A great weapon that looked really cool too. After that I laid down and just fell asleep.
22-04-2006, 07:13
ok, seriously, do you guys want a competitive fight, or is it just about beating up the small guy??
22-04-2006, 07:15
( I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow Freedom)
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 07:16
you make it hard. we dont.
22-04-2006, 07:17
(before I go)
I actually got the crap beat out of me. If it wasn't for freedom I would of lost a lot more men.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 07:19
For Example, i have not yet shutdown your chemical attack on the water plant. we dont know about it yet. The first deaths have alreday occured.
22-04-2006, 07:22
I just made up that little ambush so I could get a character in the story and also maybe have you react to it.

(Ok now I'm going to bed see you!"
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 18:14
At the Airbase:
Dozens of Globemasters began landing. They were carrying Vogesteins Peacekeeping force. 100,000 Peacekeepers were to help restore Peace and order. In addition they have sent 300 warplanes to help. A Whole Brigade of Apaches also accompany them. 300 Abrams arrive as well.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 18:20
Barracks Urkdak.....

I dont understand it said Doctor Ryan. This is the 30th Soldier here to die from this type of infection.

It is odd, said General Davidson, Doctor, Could we be looking at some kind of chemical attack?

It sure seems like it, its very deadly, withing 48 hours of contacting the illness their lungs shut down. At 72, they suffer heart failure. at 90, thier brain stops. So, we can keep them alive on live support for about 90 hours. If this is a bio attack, its a new one, because its not anything i have seen.

Hm, could this be local?

It sure seems like it, your divison so far is the only one to contact it.

Well, doctor, if you can confirm this is a bio attack, then maybe I can get some experts up here.

The newest man who had contacted it, Sergeant Kilson, was nearing the 48 hour mark. His whole body was a bright yellow
22-04-2006, 18:40
Urkdak airbase:
Over the loud speaker General Willis the commander of the ground forces made an annoucement. "Attention all personal there have been reports of an infection that has killed several soldiers. Anybody showing signs of lack of breathing please report to the infamiery at once. All water that comes through this base will be extremely cleaned and purifed before being drank from. The reason for this percasion is that we think it may have to do with cantamitaing the water. That is all."
22-04-2006, 18:57
Above Southwest:
"Captain we have arrived at the target zone." "roger pixy do you see anything?" The squadron was flying rather low to the ground. The brass hadn't told the squadron that a few SH-60 Seahawks were searching as well. They were to the right of the squadron hovering just above the trees. Pixy responded saying "Sir I don't see shit, this is a waste of time." "Halo, trigger do you guys see anything?" they both said "nothing sir." Frustrated Randel said "roger." The squadron and the SH-60's circled around the area several times but didn't see anything. Finally they were ordered to RTB. "alright guys lets go home." "yes sir captain." It was geting dark and on the way back up very high in the air Randel saw the C-130 with the Wardog commado's. They were like ants because they were so high up. When they did there HALO jump they looked like little black dots if even that. He doubted anyone on the ground could see them. Then he looked away and headed home.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 19:01
Meanwhile, a Global Hawk was looking with infared cameras at the commandos. If they found anything or got into troubel, they had a platoon of Commandos standing by with four F-29's
West Corinthia
22-04-2006, 19:03
"That's a negative on the landing." the West Corinthian Ensign stated to The Peoples Freedom. "We won't be landing troops on the mainland at the current time."

The Ensign turned around and looked at the Admiral. "What's all this about? We came all this way and we're not going to help?"

"Do your job, Ensign." Admiral Anatoliy yelled. "Your job is not to question orders."

"My apologies, Admiral."

OOC: I'd like to help make this interesting but I don't want to get caught.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 19:06
" Roger, cossack
" Will you have Air combat Patrols?"

OCC: thats okay =]
22-04-2006, 19:25
HALO jump above the forest:
The wind was rushing through me as I flew to the ground. We all pulled are strings and are parchutes came out nice and easy. Sargeant Alex briefed us as we flouted to the ground. "Alright guys once we hit the ground were going to hide are parchutes in a good spot so no one can find them. Also were going to store all of are weapons too expect are sidearms. Then we will head into town one at a time from different directions so as not to draw attention. I'd like to find a cave to put are radio and equipment in. Once we land lets find a cave or some good hiding spot ok?" everyone in the six man squad said "yes sir" and we floated to the ground waiting to begin the mission.
22-04-2006, 20:37
In Forest:
We hit the forest. Smashing through limbs most of us got stuck in the trees and had to cut ourselfs down. We gathered up are parchutes that were tangled in the trees and we moved out. Moving with caution we found a small cave opening covered over by vines and tree limbs. Alex said " this is perfect. Everyone take off your combat suits and get on your civilan clothes." Everyone took off the suits and shut down the suits systems. We stuffed them all in the cave and are heavy weapons too. Sargeant Alex covered everything with urban camo just incase anybody found the cave. Before he put the radio up he sent out one message. "This is UCU 2 were are on ground, comensing mission now." SFC responded with a quick message "roger UCU 2 get to work." Alex then said to me " Gabe you'll go first. take the main road, It should lead you straight to town. When were all in town I don't want any of you talking with each other, use morse code or some other non virable communication like sign laugauge. Gabe take this bag so it looks like your a hitch hiker. It has food,water and clothing. If you can get a ride in town take it. Now get going." "Yes sir!"
22-04-2006, 21:09
At the Air Force Base

Lieutenant General Alan Smith of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough held a clipboard in hand and read the total forces at his disposal.

25th Army Corps
28,800 Troops

150 M1 Abrams Tanks
200 M998 HMMWV Humvees
300 URAL-43206 Cargo Trucks
400 Avengers

Air Patrol

3 E-3 Reconaissance Planes
6 Su-27 Flankers
36 Sea Harrier BA2's

There were also several tons of supplies, including food, water, wilderness survival gear, and communications technology, just to name a few. Standard Military Policy dictated that all armed forces had to be totally self-sufficiant.

At that moment, Lieutenant General Smith looked up and saw a PeoplesFreedom officer coming towards him.

Smith put down the clipboard. It was time for introductions.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 21:17
General Smith! Welcome welcome! said Lord Marshal Braddon. I see you have brought your fine fighting troops. Well before you mount up, is there any questions?
22-04-2006, 21:19
"General Smith! Welcome welcome!" said Lord Marshal Braddon. "I see you have brought your fine fighting troops. Well before you mount up, is there any questions?"

"Yes, Lord Marshal." replied Lieutenant General Smith. "I would like an update on the situation, as I've not been made aware of what has been going on in the past couple of days."
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 21:29
" Of Course, General. The situation remains the same on the ground. Attacks of somewhat declined. However, we now believe thier is forgein intervention on the side of the Rebels. If you have NBC gear, please bring it. We have confirmed cases of a Plaague weapon being used."
22-04-2006, 21:30
The bag I was holding was rather heavy. It was very quite. They only thing you could here was the occaisonl owl or grasshopper. You couldn't see anything in front of you it was so dark. the only light was from the moon or the street lights but those were rather dem and they looked really old. A pick up truck came down the road. Gabe put his thumb up and the truck came to a halt. "where you headed?" said the driver. "I'm going to the town down the road." "Its only a few miles, jump in." Gabe put his bag on the back of the truck and jumped in. He always liked riding in the back even as a child. The truck started up and they were off.
22-04-2006, 22:03
Yul Hek, in all his most paranoid dreams, had never considered the thought of a flight of commandos crashing down from the sky. The cursing, snapping, and smashing of heavily muscular young men parachuting into a forest canopy was as noticeable as a fireworks display.

The two junior agents with him looked to him, as senior, for a reaction. All were in thoroughly civilian clothes, and each carried some light luggage. They could likely pass as tourists, even if it was only a backup plan.

Heks reverie was interrupted as a late-arriving Wardog smashed through the canopy a few meters away. The Ustian was as surprised as anyone, but (commendably) didn't freeze up. He hauled out his sidearm and bellowed, "You three! Don't move!"

Hek hissed, "Follow my lead, we're tourists," at his companions and shrieked. "Not... hurting!" he begged, in a broken dialect of the local language. He threw up his hands, "Getting.... phrasebook, ok?" Yul asked, with a face contorted with fright. The commando nodded. "Slowly," he ordered, keeping his gun on the scared tourist. Hek reached into his bag, very slowly. He pulled out a phrasebook for the local language. All this time, though, Hek (perfectly fluent) was watching the young mans face carefully to guess whether he was buying it.

He made a great show of not speaking a word of the local language. Frantically, he flipped through the phrasebook, squinting at the small type. "We was... er, were, driving. Rented car. Guided tour. Guide... er, bad. Part of... argh, criminals? Government-fighters?"

The commando seemed intrigued, "The insurgency?"

Hek looked confused, "Er, not knowing that word. They rob us," he gestured to his friends. "Said they needed money, food. Three days ago happened, they throw us out of car. We lost here. Not hurting, please, not hurting. We not know anything... very hungry." He looked close to tears.

Gods and spirits, Hek cursed in his thoughts, Believe me, you damn big oaf.

Kilometres away, four Mahrians were packed into a terrible car. It had been the cheapest on the used-car lot in the small town, and they'd certainly gotten what they'd paid for.

These four were rather jealous of the others, sitting comfortably in trains. This rattling clunker, with it's cigarette-burned cushions and tobacco reek, was still necessary. It was devilishly hard to hide four shoulder-mounted missile arrays, quick military training guides, and a surprising quantity of C4 in public transit. They'd taken the cramped car to rendezvous with the main group in Nakdur, hoping to bolster the resistance there and make contact with the leaders.

All this was deeply necessary, they knew. They were serving the noble cause of a people seeking to secede from a tyrannical governement.

Still, that didn't make the seven hour trip feel any shorter.
22-04-2006, 22:22
" Of Course, General. The situation remains the same on the ground. Attacks of somewhat declined. However, we now believe thier is forgein intervention on the side of the Rebels. If you have NBC gear, please bring it. We have confirmed cases of a Plaague weapon being used."

"Of course. We have plenty of medicine to go around. Also, I must ask you: what other nations have elected to assist your country in maintaining your DMZ?"
22-04-2006, 22:26
(Nice twist Mahria. you'd think that one of us would get separated during the drop, thanks for doing that.)

Nathen felt like an idiot being seperated from his group and having to be seen by this three. He thought "nice one Nathen, real smooth." Something about this three didn't seem right but he couldn't put his finger on it. Either they are tourist our there just pumping out one big ly at me. He couldn't decide what to do with them. "You give me bag" nathen said it as simple as possible so he could understand. He was still thinking "why do I have a strange feeling that I've come across the spys?" The man tossed the bag at me and I caught it in my left hand. Then I dumped the bag out and looked at what had been inside but still keeping an eye on the three guys.

(I don't know what he'll find. I was wondering if you could decide that.)
22-04-2006, 23:00
On pick up truck:

The rush of the air relaxed gabe as the truck drove along the road. He was thinking "I hope Nathen's alright. The forest is large and he might get lost. But he did here the plan so he should be ok as long as he doesn't screw it up." The truck stoped at the town and gabe jumped off. gabe said "thanks for the ride" to the driver. He responded saying "no problem." and he drove off into the night. Gabe looked around and say a normal town. It wasn't to big but it looked like a nice place. He walked to the town inn and opened the door.

(everyone isen't coming in with a bag just gabe because his cover story is being the hitchiker. Everyone in the team has a cover story and a made up name so attention can be limited. Just wanted you to know that even though you already know who they are.)
The PeoplesFreedom
22-04-2006, 23:36
General Smith, Everynation in the Costal Region has sent us troops, in addition to that its You, Ustia, and West Cornithia.
22-04-2006, 23:58
Inside town inn:
Gabe walked up to the front desk and rang the bell. A lady came over and said "welcome to our inn may I get a room for you?" gabe responded "Yes I'd like a room for a few days." "Going to be here for awhile?" "Yeah, I'm tired and just want to relax for a little while." "Ok that'll be 60 dollars." "thank you, here you go." just before he left she grabed him by the shoulder "Um sir don't you want to know where it is?" "oh sorry I guess I'm more tired then I thought." "It's alright sir, just take those stairs up and take a right. It will be room 412." "room 412, got it." Gabe tiredly walked up the stairs and to his room. He unlocked the door and put his bag on the desk. He closed the door and jumped on the bed falling asleep with in seconds.
23-04-2006, 01:38
General Smith, Everynation in the Costal Region has sent us troops, in addition to that its You, Ustia, and West Corinthia.

"West Corinthia!" said Smith in surprise. "Erm, they're our neighbors. I'm just surprised they decided to come out as well.

"Anyway Lord Marshal, if you could kindly point us in the direction of the DMZ, we'll head over there and set up shop."
The PeoplesFreedom
23-04-2006, 02:50
Of Course. To Urkdak. North. 2,000 Miles.
23-04-2006, 03:13
Above Ustian fleet:
"This is Fulcken squadron requesting permission to land on carrier." the control tower responded saying "roger Fulcken squadron permission granted." Pixy landed first with a nice easy landing. So did Halo and Trigger. Once the rest of the squadron was out of the way Randel lined the plane up for landing. The lights from the landing observers guided him in. When he landed there was a big slam on the landing pad. The F-35 stopped right after that. While Randel was lowered to the bottom level he wondered about the commandos. He wondered if they would actually find anyone or they would just being walking around for no reason in the woods. Randel hoped that was the case.
23-04-2006, 04:15
Inside town inn:
Gabe awoke with the sun blazing on him. I got up took a shower and got a bite to eat.I then thought "alright now I've got to fine the rest of the squad."
I walked down the stairs into the check in room. The lady from last night smilied and said "good morning!" I smilied back and said "good morning to you too." I then walked out and opened the door out to the town. "I guess I could try one of the diners." while I walked I noticed Jack walking down the opposite side walk as me. He knew I was there but didn't look at me. He just pointed to the diner a block down. I nodded and he nodded back. I waited to walk to the diner until he went in so if anyone was watching they wouldn't know we were working togther. The bell of the door rang as I opened it. There was a lot of talking and some local music playing on the radio. Jack had a seat on the right side in the middle. I took a seat in the left to where I could see him. The waitress came over and said "may I help you?"
23-04-2006, 06:31
Urkdak airbase:
The big news today is that were suppose to get some reforcements from some foriegn nation that landed not to long ago. Everyone was a little mad about it considering everyone thought we didn't need any foreign help. I felt different about it because some peoplesfreedom guys saved are asses back during the ambush. I hoped these guys were ready though considering they've only been in the country a day at the most. "will I'll find out soon enough" thomas said to himself and he walked off to get something to eat.
23-04-2006, 07:09
Of Course. To Urkdak. North. 2,000 Miles.

"Thank you very much, sir." The Lieutenant General saluted Lord Marshal Braddon.

He turned to a subordinate, Major General Dane Martin, who was standing at his side.

"Major General!"

"Yes sir!"

"Inform our forces that we will be heading out immediately! Tell them to load up, and prepare for transport to the Demilitarized Zone!"

"Will do so, sir!" Major General Martin saluted and went to pass the orders on down the line of command.

Thirty minutes later, everything had been set. 28,800 Troops had been loaded into two hundred M998 HMMWV Humvees, three hundred URAL-43206 Cargo Trucks, and four hundred Avengers. Those soldiers which couldn't find any vehicle to sit in simply climbed onto some of the one hundred and fifty M1 Abrams Tanks.

Lieutenant General Smith sat shotgun in his Humvee. It was time to go.

"Alright everybody, we've got a 2,000 mile journey to make! Let's roll out!"

The massive military convoy rolled out of the gates of the PeoplesFreedom air force base and began their long trek north to Urkdak. Overhead, an E-3 patrol was keeping was keeping watch of the skies over the convoy.
23-04-2006, 18:40
Over southwest:
It was a normal patrol, nothing happening at all. Pixy noticed something on the ground. "Hey captain you see that?" Randel telted his plane down a little so he could see what was up. "oh that, that's the new guys from Wilhelmsborough. They must be making there way to Urkdak." Pixy laughed and said "oh yeah I forgot about that. Wait whats that." Pixy say the E-3 flying overhead. "hey captain why don't you give them a proper welcome." He smilied and said "alright" Captain Randel switched his frequency over to the E-3 and said "This is Fulcken squadron of the Usitan navy giving you guys a nice warm welcome to the southwest states. We hope you have a pleasant time down here so please injoy."
23-04-2006, 20:32
Over southwest:

It was a normal patrol, nothing happening at all. Pixy noticed something on the ground. "Hey captain you see that?" Randel telted his plane down a little so he could see what was up. "oh that, that's the new guys from Wilhelmsborough. They must be making there way to Urkdak." Pixy laughed and said "oh yeah I forgot about that. Wait whats that." Pixy say the E-3 flying overhead. "hey captain why don't you give them a proper welcome." He smilied and said "alright" Captain Randel switched his frequency over to the E-3 and said "This is Fulcken squadron of the Usitan navy giving you guys a nice warm welcome to the southwest states. We hope you have a pleasant time down here so please injoy."

The message came in over the radios of E-3. The pilot however did not know what to do, so he redirected the transmission down into the Lieutenant General's vehicle.

It had been a rough 5 days for Lieutenant General Alan Smith. Between having to endure listening to his soldiers sing "Convoy" and "Born to be Wild" for the millionth time, and dealing with the nightmare of moving an army 2,000 miles, he was quite stressed out.

And so, it was a great relief when a voice came in on the radio.

"This is Fulcken squadron of the Usitan navy giving you guys a nice warm welcome to the southwest states. We hope you have a pleasant time down here so please injoy."

"Finally!" Smith shouted. He grabbed the radio reciever and turned the frequency so that everyone could hear him.

"This is Lieutenant General Smith speaking. Alright everyone, listen up! We're getting to the end of this trip. We're approaching the DMZ line and we're going to be meeting up with elements of Ustia's military. Estimated time of arrival to Urkdak is 2 hours. Over and out."

Smith switched the frequency back to it's original station where he first heard the transmission from the foreign fighter craft.

"Fulcken squadron, this is Lieutenant General Alan Smith of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. It's good to hear from you. Our convoy will be arriving in Urkdak shortly, and will be scoping out the land in which to monitor. We look forward to seeing you there."

Overhead, the E-3, two Su-27s, and twelve Sea Harrier BA2s flew by the target destination. The E-3 took pictures of the topography, and beamed them down into Smith's laptop.
23-04-2006, 21:13
Above southwest:
"Roger Lieutenant General welcome to Urkdak." Randel switched back to the normal frequency. "alright pixy back to the boring patrol." pixy growned but said "yes sir." The squadron bancked left and continued there patrol.
23-04-2006, 21:20
Streets of Urkdak:
Thomas and the rest of the squad was ordered to run a check point that lead into the city. Everyone knew that this checkpoint was where the new guys were going to come through so we were all a little in pacient. Thomas looked up and say several aircraft flying overhead. They didn't look like Ustian aircraft. "Maybe there the foreign airforce" thomas thought. He looked away and asked joey how jack was doing. he answered "His doing fine, lucky bastard gets to go home and he wasn't even heart as bad as we thought." thomas asked "will what injures did he have?" "uh some bullet wounds to the shoulder, cuts to the arms and legs, nothing to bad." Thomas said "Will then he is a lucky bastard."
23-04-2006, 22:44
The gates of the city loomed before Alan Smith as the massive convoy of vehicles carrying 28,800 troops in one hundred and fifty M1 Abrams Tanks, two hundred M998 HMMWV Humvees, three hundred URAL-43206 Cargo Trucks, and four hundred Avengers approached in a long narrow line.

Presently, Smith noticed that there were some men in uniform standing outside the gates. Smith frowned. Those weren't Peoplesfreedom uniforms. Who were they?

"Those are Ustian soldiers sir." said Major General Dane Martin, who had noticed Smith's, quizzical expression. "We're approaching their checkpoint."

"Oh really?" smiled Lieutenant General Smith. "Well let's go out and greet them!"

Smith and Martin jumped out of the slow-moving Humvee and walked up to the men posted outside the gates.

"I'm Lieutenant General Alan Smith of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. Request permission to enter the city."
23-04-2006, 22:58
At checkpoint:
Thomas and rest of the squad watched as the massive convey approached there checkpoint. Two men got out and approached thomas's squad. Thomas had been ordered to give them permission to enter if they asked. After the ambush he was promoted to sargeant. He didn't like being in command but he took it like a soldier. One of them said "I'm Lieutenant General Alan Smith of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. Request permission to enter the city." Thomas was surprised that a general was here but he put out his hand so the general could shack it and said "Welcome to Urkdak Smith, and yes permission is granted." Thomas smilied to give off a good vibe to the new people and to distract the general from the high tech future force warrior suit that all ustian soldiers had.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-04-2006, 23:05
( Im glad to see you men are geeting along, of course, who says the forgeiners have to stay like that)

To: Kurba
From: Marshal Weston, Commander Southwest Forces

Thank you for your support. However half a million troops is quite alot. We wouldnt want to overstrecth you! anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 is perfectly alright.

( Im happy, Today is my birthday, and I got my Alienware! =D)
( I hope the rebels dont ruin it ;))
23-04-2006, 23:08
(happy birthday dud!):)
The PeoplesFreedom
23-04-2006, 23:22
( Thank you!)

Private Walkman looked up at a large skyscraper in Urdak. Normally, he would think it was cool. Now, however, he was looking for rebels. Snipers and men with RPg's loved shooting them from up there. It was greatly helped by his new uniform. Obejective Force uniforms had been given to all troops. He also liked his new M-8. Behind him the Company convey dronned on. It had eight humvees with .50 calibre guns, a platoon on foot, (which was him) and a platoon of older M-1 tanks, they had been replaced, but roughly half of the armoured force still used them. He brealy had time to scream out a warning, as he spotted a rebel with an RPG. the projectile slammed into the lead humvee. It exploded. cursing, Walkman brought up his M-8. His HUD had outlined, in red enemy soldiiers. One was firing around him with an AK. He brought up his M-8, and brought the target recpticle over it, and pressed the trigger. 3 round burts of 6.8mm bullets smashedinto the man. He got up. He couldnt believe his eyes, dozens of rebels were charging up. He double timed it back to the a wall. Behind him, he could hear a platoon leader yelling of air support
23-04-2006, 23:38
Over Urkdak:
captain randel caught wind of a Peoplesfreedom platoon leader calling for air support. He responded saying "this captain randel we confirm your request. My squadron can not provide effective air support because of the area being heavily populated. We can devert some Comanche's to your position though." captain Randel got in contact with an E-3 AWACs and they sent a squadron of Comanche's to support the Peoplesfreedom soldiers. Randel say them coming at high speed. They unloaded there chain guns on the rebels slaugthering them all.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-04-2006, 23:50
Walkman began rapdily advancing backward. Despite Ustia's Comandches, the rebels were stills shooting and advanceing. A firebase had begun delevering 155 and 105 artillery support, but they still needed to move, and fast. The M-1s moved past and thier large 120 mm to use, the guns fired. Walkmans squad began to rapidly advance to the Dobermans. Before they could get to them, more rebels pured out of a nearby alley. The convey was cut in two.
24-04-2006, 00:00
Above Urkdak:
After the first pass The comanche's did a rapid 360 back to the convey. Red triangles appeared when a group of rebels split the convey in half. The captain said "shit they've split them. conctreate your fire on the rebels inbetween the convey. The captain switched on his hellfire missiles and fired along with the chain gun too.
The PeoplesFreedom
24-04-2006, 00:11
The Hellfire Missles missed thier target. Walkmen was killed along with most of his squad.

" Cease fire Cease fire, goddamnit CEASE YOUR FUCKIN FIRE!"
24-04-2006, 00:16
Over Urkdak:
"fuck, god damn piece of shit!" the captain arupted in anger as he realized that he just killed an entire squad of Peoplesfreedom troops. "everyone hold your fire." The captain then cryed and went into a state of depression over what he had done.
24-04-2006, 00:16
Lieutenant General Smith heard gunfire in the distance. "What the hell was that?" Instantly, Smith's face turned from friendly to the deadly serious expression of an experienced General.

He turned back to the approaching convoy. "Men! Get ready! Out of the trucks, now! There's fighting going on this city!"
24-04-2006, 00:25
At checkpoint:
Just as the general was about to shack his hand both of the men heard the gun fire. the general instantly ralyed his men. Thomas ran to his squad and said "Every mount up!, lets go!" the squad went into there war mode as they mounted the striker. "Thomas what about the checkpoint?" right as he said that a group of ustian soldiers took there postions. "Never mind." The squad opened the top hatch and locked and loaded. The Striker moved out along with some other Ustian strikers and the foriegn convey.
The PeoplesFreedom
24-04-2006, 00:27
The remaining soldiers went into a buliding. they were trapped, outgunned, and almost out of supplies. They needed help and fast. Two TPF convoys that had went to get them were ambushed. Blackhawks that tried to land were pinned down by RPG fire, same with the apaches. a Marine Sniper team was nearby, directing atrillery and shooting commanders, but it was not enouge. There simply was not enouge.
24-04-2006, 00:41
Wilhelmsborough soldiers brandishing M16 Assault rifles piled out of the vehicles. They were clad in green camo outfits and matching helmets, Kevlar body armor, and black leather combat boots.

Smith motioned them along. "LET'S GO! LET'S GO! LET'S GO!!" he shouted, running alongside them.

Wilhelmsborough troops, following the Ustian soldiers, streamed into the city. The M1 Abrams tanks followed suit.
The PeoplesFreedom
24-04-2006, 00:49
What are they doing asked strider?
How the hell am I suppose to know? said Captain g'dong, commander of the patrol of four F-29's
Well, sir, thats alot of men, but they could get ambushed in a intersection and get bottled up.
Yeah I guess so grumbeld g'dong, guess well babysit thier asses, in formation
Yes Sir!
The Four F-29's dropped to about 1,000 feet, and flew over the troops. They were well armed, and got blow a hole througe any ambush, unless of course, thier were freindly troops in the area.
24-04-2006, 00:51
In streets of Urkdak:
The convey of strikers moved slowly through the city. The foriegn troops were on foot to the side's of us. Thomas activated his heads up display and looked around for any hostiles. he didn't see any. The foriegners were in nice clean uniform's with M-16's at the ready. thomas looked at his battle suit and say that it was all worn and dirty with some reap's here and there. The Striker gunner routied his 50 cal around searching for hostile's. thomas's squad with weapons ready looked around aspecially on the roofs waiting for an ambush to begin.
24-04-2006, 02:22
Smith looked at the massive number of troops before him and grew worried. So many troops were grouped together. If someone decided at that moment to attack...

"Ok listen up!" Smith said. "I want you all to fan out and search the surrounding city for insurgents. I want a Fireteam at every streetcorner! There will be order in this city!"

There was a chorus of "Yes Sir"s as the Principality soldiers moved to comply. Some troops took up positions at street corners. Others began to patrol the area, paying close attention for terrorists and other objects of suspicion.

Overhead, the E-3/Su-27/Sea Harrier patrol was looking down upon Urkdak, specifically, on the tops of buildings for anybody with a weapon.

OOC: In our military, a Fireteam is made up of 5 soldiers, and is led by a Lance Corporal.
24-04-2006, 02:31
Streets of Urkdak:
Thomas noticed that the foriegners were faning out and he ordered the convey to halt. he wasn't use to this kind of command but with out Lieutnant Carroll he was in charge. the door of the striker opened up and thomas and the squad walked toward lieutnant General smith. he said to him "If you guys are secureing the area then were going to rescue what is left of the Peoplesfreedom convey. I would like for you to have some of your men come with me." A Ustian Comanche soured over head searching for any rebels and a few SH-60 Seahawks had snipers fast rope down onto roofs. The snipers took there positions and scanned the surronding area.
24-04-2006, 02:58
Streets of Urkdak:
Thomas noticed that the foriegners were faning out and he ordered the convey to halt. he wasn't use to this kind of command but with out Lieutnant Carroll he was in charge. the door of the striker opened up and thomas and the squad walked toward lieutnant General smith. he said to him "If you guys are secureing the area then were going to rescue what is left of the Peoplesfreedom convey. I would like for you to have some of your men come with me."

Smith nodded. "Very well. I'll call up a Company to join you."

He turned to his soldiers. "Major Tannon!"

A soldier ran up to the Lieutenant General. He saluted and said "Major Jeff Tannon reporting for duty, sir!"

"Major, I want you to take your Company, as well as 5 tanks and 10 Avengers, and accompany the Ustians in their rescue operation."

"Will do so sir!" Tannon replied.

"Good! You leave in 5 minutes. Get your men and vehicles together and prepare to move out! And maintain radio contact in case anything happens"

Five minutes later Major Tannon and his company of 120 men, five M1 Abrams Tanks, and ten Avengers set off with the Ustian convoy.
24-04-2006, 03:14
Streets of Urkdak:
The sounds of gun fire increased as the convoy got closer to the pinned down soldiers. Comanche's soured over head covering the convoy as they made there way to the target area. Ustian snipers picked off as many of the rebels as they could but there were so many it did little to help. Thomas got on the radio and contacted Major Tannon "Major Tannon when we get to the men I want to have a buffer zone set up so none of the rebels can sneak up on us. Also keep the tanks in the rear. there very weak when it comes to street fighting."
The PeoplesFreedom
24-04-2006, 03:30
The soldiers in the bulding heard the freindlys coming in, they fought a little harder now.

( are avengers the anti-air humvees or....)
24-04-2006, 03:37
The soldiers in the bulding heard the freindlys coming in, they fought a little harder now.

( are avengers the anti-air humvees or....)

Yeah, they are
24-04-2006, 03:52
"Major Tannon do you read me? hello!"
24-04-2006, 04:09
"Major Tannon do you read me? hello!"

"I hear you! Troops are presently moving in!"

A fireteam (5 men) ran forward and got behind the wreckage of a blown up vehicle. They took their positions, then pointed their M-16s towards the shooting and opened fire.

Meanwhile, as that fireteam was shooting in the direction of the terrorists, a second fireteam wielding RPG-7s croached down and opened fire on the more concentrated groups of terrorists.

A platoon (40 men) moved to secure the nearby alleyways, taking positions behind dumpsters, trashcans, and atop fire escapes and shot at any enemy running past.
24-04-2006, 04:27
The PeoplesFreedom,
Our negotiating team can not depart from Quashqai until we can be assured that both your government and the rebel leadership are willing to ensure the safey of our delegates.
24-04-2006, 07:34
To: Nations of the World.
From: The Peoples Freedom
Subject: Coup
About a month ago, a man named General Taylor with nearly half the Army attempted a Coup. The Coup Failed, and President Petsin was able to escape. Within hours, panic erupted in all major cities. rumours quickly spread that Petsin was dead and the Whole country broke into dissary. The Police Force are trying to get the Anarchy in check, but without the Military's help, it is near Impossible. President Petsin has cut off all trade. To make matters worse, over the last two years, serious promblems have arrised with the muslim population, which is one fourth of the population. The southwestern Muslim states have now threatend to leave the Union. In order to prevent this, TPF's loyal Military has enterned and is now involved in a major conflict. A week ago, the majority of Taylors Army has been destroyed in the Gothem Valley. The Coup is Crushed. However, Anarchy has engulfed the nation.The Army, severly short handend is overwhelmed. Out of the total four million remaining troops, nearly 3 million are fighting in the Southwest. In addition, Militia, weather commie, Facist,Mafia's or whatever, roam around and attack supply convoys and loyal military forces. General Taylor's, forces still control NewPeter, a City of about eight million. The Army cannot tske on his forces, Anarchists and Milita at the same time. In order to restore order, we estimate that we need about one million more troops. Aid would also be needed, as the major cities are now cut off. To make matters worse, attacks have been reported on some Nuclear labs. while we also cannot confirm, reports have suggested that nuclear material that was In Taylor's hands have been lost. It should be noted that TPF had a number of Terror Cells active in it.

From: The foriegn office of The Peoples Republic of Quamarian
To: "Petsin"
Dear president of the country that requested our assitance. We formally reject your request and are disgusted at the call for help from an oppressive Capitalist ruling oligarchian government. From now on, The Airforce of Quamarian will take the war against your government, the muslim religious fanatics, and the rebellious taylor in hope that the anarchists and communist movements that you mentioned will be able to seize power.
24-04-2006, 16:36

"Hey it looks like our boys on the ground have met up with some action!" remarked a Harrier pilot.

"Shame on them for having all the fun!" smirked another pilot. "What do ya say that we get the drop on those rebels, aye Miller?"

The pilot, with the callsign Miller replied, "Sounds like a got idea, Shifter. Let's go!"

The two Harrier jets broke off from the main patrol and dived, streaking towards the militia fighters on the street.

"No missiles, Shifter! Machine guns only!"


The 30mm Aden gun pods opened up as the Harriers straffed the rebels. Deadly fire rained down upon the street.
24-04-2006, 23:25
Streets of Urkdak:
suddenly bullets started redling the street in front of the convoy killing a few rebels here and there. Joey said "what the fuck are they doing? We can handle the few stupid rebels that walk out in the street. They need to hit the roofs not the streets! Fucking idiots." The convoy contiued on toward the pinned down soldiers. With the foriegners covering all sides they wouldn't have to worry about being flanked as much. Thomas got on the radio and turned through the frequency's to contact the squadron. He finally found it and said to them "This is Ustian convoy, don't aim for the streets we can handle the rebels on the road. Aim for the rooftops. Be advised there are Ustian and Peoplesfreedom snipers close by so watch your fire."
25-04-2006, 00:05
Briefing room of R.U.S Fulcken:
"Alright guys the nation of Quamaria has stated that they will use there air power against the PeoplesFreedom and escently us too. In response combat patrols are going to increase heavily and Anti-air inplacements are going to be sit up at are airbase in Urkdak. You've all been through Top Gun so don't worry about this. Your trained and ready for this. Now lets get to it!" The pilots all walked out of the briefing room and gathered there gear for the patrol.
25-04-2006, 00:30
Nathen, the Ustian commando, picked hastily through the luggage he'd been thrown. He found about what he'd expect. Clothes, a sleeping bag, toiletries, a little money... (odd, considering they claimed they'd been roobed.) He pointed this out to Hek.

The Mahrian cursed to himself. "We... er, make-not-visible... hide it?" he shrugged, moving in closer (as if to examine it.)

Nathen tensed up, but the Mahrian tried nothing. "Back away," he barked, emphasizing it with a gesture. Throwing up his hands again, Yul Hek obeyed. Nathen went back to his examination.

Odd, he thought, this bag is still rather heavy... he started to pull at it's lining.

Godsdammnit! Yul howled in his mind, almost had him! He was buying it... I can't explain away what's hidden in there! He abandoned his subterfuge. A small pocket sewn into his shirtcuffs held a knife. A rough life and a rougher training regimen had taught him how to hurt people. And, most usefully, he had a pair of allies.

He hissed at them, "Capture, don't kill." Then he charged.

Hek threw himself into a tackle. The bulky young Ustian snapped up, started sinking into a fighting stance... Yul Hek collided with him, a knife appearing in his left hand. His momentum knocked Nathen to the ground and they started grappling. Each man seized his opposites weapon hand with his free one. Yuls knife hand was easily smashed against the ground as the bulkier Ustian got on top and pinned him.

Yul Hek managed to Nathens gun hand off to the side, holding it out to keep the weapon out of play.

The two men wrestled for a moment, Nathen firing twice into the trees. Then the other two Mahrians arrived. One, businesslike, seized Nathen's gun with both hands and tried to wrench it from him. The third Mahrian was armed with a cosh, rather than the regulation knife. The lead-weighted short stick thumped on Nathens temple twice. Seeing stars, the Ustian collapsed.
25-04-2006, 01:07
Former servicemen of the elite Magowadonian Airborne and Commando Corps
are available for hire. Commanded by officers of high reknown from the Vietnam War, the Cambodian Intervention, the War for the Liberation of Southern Africa and the Invasion of Iraq, experienced and dedicated professional warriors are available for your use as individuals or in unified commands. Adept in counter-guerilla warfare, insurrection supression, special operations, or as force multipliers, Black Talon Force, Inc. can begin service immediately.

For details,please contact:
Colonel John Conlan (Ret)
Late of the 3rd Magowadonian Airborne Division
Order of Fenians, 1st Class for Gallantry in Action
Triple Awarded Boru's Medal for Valour
Silver Shield for Combat Wounds

Colonel Conlan is President and CEO of Black Talon Force:sniper:
25-04-2006, 01:24
Nathen laid on the ground. His head was throwbing with pain. His vision was blury and he couldn't make out the bastard's that had attacked him. he heard them talking over him. "What should we do with him?" another man responded "Will it would be stupid to kill him considering the information we could get out of him and the forest is rather large so it wouldn't be hard to make him dissappear." Nathen couldn't move, He didn't know why. he thought that Maybe the blows to the head had messed with his brain but he hoped that wasn't the case. He then realized that the men had him pinned down. Three men were holding his arms and legs down to make sure he didn't get away. One of the men looked rather nerveis or he was shacking he couldn't tell. He thought that he said "I hope no one heard the gun shoots or we could be in trouble." one of them said "don't worry no locals go out this far." "No I'm worried that one of his friends heared us because come on look at his gear, that stuff must make you a little stronger and hear better."
"thats true." His eye sight was geting better and he looked slittly to the right and saw his gun lying on the ground. He quickly looked away so they wouldn't remember about the gun. He thought "come on Nathen think of something, remember your training." He then got an idea. He remembered about the laser on his helmet that can activate without even using your hands. Nathen turned his head looked at the guy holding his left arm and activated it. He screamed as the powerful laser burned into his eye. Leting go of his arm nathen through
it to the right and punched the other person in the head. With both arms free he grabed the gun and shot the person holding his legs in the shoulder. He tried to run but the two others jumped on him and wrestled him back on the ground.

(before you respond read the latest forest post so you can be up to date. It should be a little after this post.)
25-04-2006, 01:43
Shifter rolled his eyes at the Ustian officer's complants.

"All right, all right! Concentrating fire on the rooftops!"

Miller and Shifter spun around and doubled back towards the target location.

"Machine guns!" shouted Miller.

Again, the Harrier gun pods opened up, striking targets on the rooftops.

Meanwhile, the Company advanced closer. They were making good progress, only a couple soldiers had been wounded.

They had advanced an entire building closer to the rebels.

Wilhelmsborough Royal Air Force (W.R.A.F.) Headquarters

"General Sherman, we may have a problem."

The General from Liberia narrowed his eyes. "What kind of problem, colonial?"

"The nation of Quamarian has decided that it is against the Peoplesfreedom government and for the rebels taking over. They are going to launch an airial assault on the country."

The General of the Air Force's eyes widened in anger. "That is completely unacceptable!" he thundered. The colonial cowered in fear.

The General thought for a moment. "If they attack the country, our soldiers might get caught in the crossfire."

"We have thirty-six Harriers and six Su-27s over there sir."

"That's not enough! The Harriers would be torn to pieces. The Su-27s would put up a greater fight, but there's only so much that 6 aircraft can do. We need to send in reinforcements!"

The colonial gasped. "Re-reinforcements sir?" he stammered.

"Yes. Call up General Rossini! Tell him to get the 1st Air Fleet to Peoplesfreedom on the double!"


An hour later, the seventy-five combat airships of Wilhelmsborough's 1st Air Fleet, under the command of General Francis Rossini set out on a course for the embattled Peoplesfreedom.


The 1st Air Fleet (General Francis Rossini commanding)

3 Trojan II class Airborne Aircraft Carriers (Flagship: Hammersmith)
8 Trojan I class Airborne Aircraft Carriers
9 Mako class Airship Bombers
15 Hyperion class Rigid Airships
40 Spartan Fleet Defense Blimps

Total: 75 airships

Each Trojan II carries 20 Su-47s
Each Trojan I carriers 10 Su-47s

Total: 140 Su-47s
25-04-2006, 02:05
OOC: wait wait wait Airships? reminds me of SHIELD

Streets of Urkdak:
The 50 cal opened up on the rebels on the rooftops. Blood went everywhere when the heavy rounds blasted in them. Several rebels came out of an ally way to the left of the squad. Thomas and the rest of the squad opened up on them and they quickly dropped to the ground dead. The harriers soured over head and blasted the rebels on the buildings near the pinned men. Some of the rebels tried to hit them with RPG's but of course badly missed. We laughed at there stupidity but they started firing at us. One barly missed the striker and hit a building close by. The 50 cal quickly fired back and he dropped. Thomas got on the radio and briefed everyone "alright were coming on the building I want the strikers set up in a defense line around the building. The strikers and SH-60's will cover us as we get the men out." everyone said "yes sir!" Thomas then switched over to the harriers frequecny and said "Great guns! however were geting to close to the target area. I'm affaired that if you continue your passes your going to hit one of us but thanks for the help!"
The PeoplesFreedom
25-04-2006, 02:43
The fire seemed to be working. The only rebels left were the main group about 200, in front. If they could clear that, the TPF super-eagles could come in and evacute the forces.

From: The Petsin.

So be it.

25-04-2006, 02:44
During the night when everyone in the squad split up Alex had taken a route through the forest to reach the town. He quickly got lost but then heard gun fire coming from not to far away. He decided to check it out but thought that it maybe was some crazy hunters that came at night but deep down he thought something else. Quietly He made his way to were the shot had come from and when he got there he came upon a group of men struggling. He was behind a lot of brush so the men couldn't see him. There was a guy that was holding his shoulder, blood was coming out and he looked in pain. The man on the ground continued to struggle and when he through his head up once he realized it was nathen. He sat there and continued to watch.
25-04-2006, 03:00
Streets of Urkdak:
The convoy pushed forward into the bee hive of bullets. Most of the fire was coming from the front. The strikers took there positions and Laid down covering fire as the men dimbarked from there strikers. They formed a perimeter around the building and continued to rittle the front with fire. thomas and the squad took cover behind the striker. Joey laid down and put the tripod out. He then opened up on the building with his MG XM8. Thomas got on the horn and contacted the SH-60's over head. "This is ground forces requesting gun run on enemy postions to the north of us." they repleyed "roger ground forces we see them, were coming in hot." Thomas looked up and say the helicopter fly be. The door gunner opened up with his mini gun killing a lot of them. They keep coming though. He said on the radio "great run keep them coming!" He got off the radio and ran towards the Peoplesfreedom troops inside the building. He saw the commanding officer and all he said was "now were even."
25-04-2006, 03:05
Quamarian is willing to continue with full mobilization unless thses requests are met

1.) The government will allow free elections in which muslim sepratists, communists and and anarchists will be able to run for power.
2.)The law banning the communist party will be uplifted
3.)Unions shall be allowed to be set up within the federal body of "the peoples freedom".
4.The peoples freedom gov loyalist forces will stop this campaign against passive communist sympatheziers, as in the case of learned intellectuals.

More evidence shall be posted to show more of our requests, until then we will go through full militariaztion! If any civilian of Quamarian is targeted by the enemy forces of capitalism


We are willing to stop moblization, unless you do not accept our requests. The people of Quamarian are ready to die for the cause of Communism!


*note this will be hard to Rp in due to hw*

Note we through volunteers and conscription, jhave a standing military strength of one million, with 4 in reserve training......
25-04-2006, 03:10
You know really those demands seem pretty resoanable.

(and I'm not just saying this because your threatening us.)
25-04-2006, 03:22
This could actually stop the civil war all togather. Maybe the southwest could have an election to have politcal leaders or something like that. Really I think that we should agree because think about his demands really make since. Having everybody have equal rights and being able to vote could really came things down.
The PeoplesFreedom
25-04-2006, 03:27
No. The Peoples Freedom is only willing for free elections if they remain part of the union. as for threating the use of WMD's im sure the world will love that
The PeoplesFreedom
25-04-2006, 03:49
To reitarate, if the muslims can find a non-radical leader to take over, we will grant them atonamy.

As long as either an International or TPF team can stay in-country, witha military force and oversee things.
The PeoplesFreedom
25-04-2006, 04:29
The Peoples Freedom Decides

Elections will occur in one month:
Petsin will lead the conservative party (main)
Newler will lead the Liberal Party (main)
James brood will lead the Union Party
Senator Reed will lead the Moralist Party (semi-main)
John Reimhemer will lead the Lenist Party
Lord Marshal Braddock will lead the Imperalist Party (main)
King George Reymer will lead the Monarchy Party (semi-main)
Jose Mosaic will lead the Green Party
Gesh Walshejeja will lead the Anarchy Party
Habeeb Salloum will lead the Tolerance Party
25-04-2006, 05:30
Wow! It looks like things might possibly work out!
25-04-2006, 05:50
To: The Imperialistic Society of The Peoples Freedom
The muslims should have a right to vote if they want to cecede, all peoples have the right to self determination, a moral that is held dear by the qcp and all of the people of quamarian. The people of quamarian will also have to have a foriegn board to help make sure the elections, are clean. We know the tricks of capitalism to well,
We also hope that you put forth legeslation allowing the leader of the anarchist movement, Gesh Walshejeja to run for the elections as well, and that you strike down your laws that restrict unions so as the avert the wrath of the proleteriat.

The Council of The Peoples Republic of Quamarian
The PeoplesFreedom
25-04-2006, 06:10
from: The Peoples Freedom

The states do not have the right to leave. You can stay, but i want some of my evil capitalist friends to help. Others wise your wishes are met.
25-04-2006, 23:49
On this I must agree with Peoplesfreedom. It doesn't matter whether your nation is Capitalist or Communist, Christian or Muslim. Democracy is important, but too much Democracy could bring about disorder. Case in point, Quamarian's wish that Muslims be allowed to vote for whether or not they wish to split off from the country. If this was allowed to occur, then peoples all across Peoplesfreedom would ask for the same treatment. Eventually, Peoplesfreedom would be carved up and ceise to exist.

Quamarian, what you don't understand is that there are limits to Democracy. The government is charged with serving and protecting the people. But they are also charged with ensuring that the people don't do anything foolish or dangerous which could possibly threaten the existance of the country. The goal of any nation is to stay alive for as long as possible.

I would suggest, Quamarian, that you back down on your militarization. Much of what you wished to see has been granted; elections will be held. I suggest that you accept what Peoplesfreedom has done and stand down. Nobody ever gets everything they desire in situations such as these. They may get some things, but not everthing. That is called compromise. Compromise is what allows nations of the world to live and work together with one another.

So please, accept Peoplesfreedom's compromise and stand down. A war is simply not worth the time, money, and resources.

Prince William I, Sovereign
Principality of Wilhelmsborough
Crimean Peninsula
26-04-2006, 00:08
Out of character: (Please read this much, at least)
PeoplesFreedom, Wilhelmsborough, Ustia, Quamarian, and Quashqai: A newly named ambassador from the new government will approach either troops on patrol, a base, or whatever else you choose. You can RP their actions the way you think your group would react. Quashqai, you may assume that this ambassador will guarantee safe passage to your negociators. Actually, all of you are invited to negociations about your troops prescence in the disputed territories.

Please note: you don't haveto recognize them as a legitimate government. They only somewhat are one, actually, so feel free to bring that up. If nobody objects, I'll create a new, temporary country with the name Islamic Liberated Territories, and RP them as that. Cool?

The streets of Urkdak-emptied for so long by the fighting-were full again. Several groups of enraged demonstrators had joined up into a surprisingly large column. With difficulty, an observer could hear what they wanted out of the uproar.

"Democracy for all!" one group was chanting.

"End racism! Enough Islamophobia!"

"Fair elections! Throw the bums out!"

Scattered thoughout, however, masked ILA fighters were brandishing their weapons. A few tanks loomed out of the masses of people. Among this group, a handful were chanting "Death to Petsin!" Commanders were doing their best to silence this-radicals were an unfortunate necessity, for most revolutions.

Standing atop one of the tanks was a wild-eyed man with a bullhorn. He was inciting the crowd, seemingly oblivious to the grim-looking foreign soldiers around the edges of the protest.

"Petsin has declared elections for many parties," he jeered to the crowd, "He claims that they represent all legitimate groups within the PeoplesFreedom!" An angry roar went up. The speaker went on though, howling over the many voices, "Brothers! Quiet, I beg of you!" When the group grew quieter, he restarted his speech. "Friends, I tell you, his dishonest elections represent everyone under his rule!" He paused, dramatically, "For today, our brave general has redeclared our independance!" The crowd was deafening for minutes on end.

The speaker gave them their time to applaud. He continued yet again, "Yes! Yes! Rejoice, my Countrymen!" this sent up a new racket of approval. "We shall have our own elections. Legitimate elections, free of Petsin and his thugs! Victory to the Islamic Liberated Territories!"

Throughout the crowd, the ILA fighters took up his call, chanting, "The Islamic Liberated Territories!" It quickly spread, and soon half the city could hear them.

It wasn't all going their way. People were beginning to back away from the bulky peacekeepers. The ILA fighters were starting to condense a bit into more coherent units. Grim-looking youths, mostly male, were ignoring the trend and drifting towards the foreign troops. Some had bike chains, knives, or boards with nails driven through them.
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 00:46
(Thats fine, but that illegal. They have to have elections for a regular ruler. I siad they could rule themselves, as long as they remained part of TPF)

The Peacekeepers watched the protest at the city centre with increasing alarm. The man had said they had just declared independance, whatever the hell that meant. Now, The ILA soldiers seemed to be forming into units. Youth, marched toward the soldiers with knives, bricks, chains broken bottles, any weapon they could find on the ground. The Peacekeepers stood, rifles at the ready. Behind them, soldiers prepared grenade launchers full of tear gas. Above, Apaches and Backhawks countinued to circle.
26-04-2006, 01:47
(Thats fine, but that illegal. They have to have elections for a regular ruler. I siad they could rule themselves, as long as they remained part of TPF)

Out of character: of course, and there's no reason that it can't work out that way. This particular group has simply declared sovereignty, and the whole thing can be resolved either through negociation or reconquest.
26-04-2006, 01:47
Streets of Urkdak:
The officer seemed confused at what he had said but then his experiation changed and he nodded. "alright then get your men together and lets go."
The offcier tugged on his uniform and said "Theres not much of us left and we have a lot of wounded so could ..." he stopped when he saw thomas called over several men to help with the wounded. he said to a corporal "When you gather the men put them in the striker ambulance, that should hold them." the corporal nodded and got to work. Thomas got on the radio and called over the ambulance's. He returned to the officer and said "while mine and your men help with the wounded you wouldn't mind helping us keeping them back would ya?" The officer laughed and said "what do you think with been doing all this time?"

He smiled and the PF troops that weren't doing anything followed thomas and the officer. As soon as they went out the door an RPG rang out and hit a striker in the middle of the convoy. It hit the gunners sit and killed the gunner instantly. The driver ran out the back and fell to the ground and started rolling. His arm was on fire. Thomas ran over to him pating him down and at the same time dragging him out of the way.

Joey covered him as he pulled the driver behind the destroyed striker. The grumbling of a car got closer as the striker ambulances raced to the building and stoped next to it opening there rear doors. Thomas say a heavily armored car com toward the front of the convoy. He yelled out "technical! take cover!"

The heavy machine gun from the technical rang out shooting up a striker to the right of thomas. Thomas yelled "Get a fucking AT up here now! right now!" An ustain with an AT-4 ran up next to thomas loaded the weapon and fired blowing the techincal to pieces. Thomas got on the horn and tunned into the Peoples freedom air force units near by. "We have successfully retrived the men. Do you wish to land a helicopter as planned in a opening or do you just want us to get them the hell out of here?"
26-04-2006, 01:53
OOC: I agree with both of you this election could really work if done very carefully
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 03:12
" This is Bravo, to ustain ground forces, roger that clear the way, we will land.
26-04-2006, 03:20
The Company was there, at the building where the soldiers were being extracted. They covered the Ustians as they rescued the survivers, shooting at any rebel pointing their guns towards them.

Meanwhile, the Platoon took over and secured alleyways, clearing them of rebels in order to soften the attacks towards the convoy.
26-04-2006, 03:25
Streets of Urkdak:
"roger Bravo moving to better evac zone out." "Alright sattle up! lets go! lets uh shit!" another techincal came out from the road. It charged the convoy firing as it went. "Take it done! everyone open fire on that techincal!" A stream of bullets flew towards the techincal. 50 cals blasted the car to pieces. The tires were hit sending the techincal all over the place, it swerthed out of control and fliped over. Thomas launched a grenade from his launcher and killed any of the survivers of the crash. the convoy mounted up. All the wounded were loaded in and the PF troops hitched a ride in the strikers and humvees. They moved out and headed to an open market district that was clear enough for the choppers to land. They dismounted and formed a perimeter around the LZ waiting for the choppers to arrive.
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 03:29
Ther blackhawks served down thier side mini guns fring rapidly at rebels.
The four landed and awatied thier cargo.
" Ustain ground forces, do you need extraction, we have super eagles that can extract you and your strykers over"
26-04-2006, 04:24
Streets of Urkdak:
The choppers were overhead strafing the rebels that approached. The PF troops asked me if we required extraction. I looked around and say the rapid amount of rebels converging on the perimeter. I had no choose. "This is Ustian ground forces roger on that pick up. Make it fast there closing on are positions rapidly."

(Good night, see you all tomorrow.)
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 04:32
The Blackhawks took off
Then, Super-eagles rapidly came in. They landend, and waitied.
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 05:07
Early Poll

Elections will occur in one month:
Petsin will lead the conservative party (main) (20% of the vote
Newler will lead the Liberal Party (main) (23 % of the vote)
James brood will lead the Union Party ( 2% of the vote)
Senator Reed will lead the Moralist Party (semi-main)(10% of the vote)
John Reimhemer will lead the Lenist Party ( 5% of the vote)
Lord Marshal Braddock will lead the Imperalist Party (main)(30% of the vote)
King George Reymer will lead the Monarchy Party (semi-main)( 10% of the vote)
Jose Mosaic will lead the Green Party (1% of the vote)
Gesh Walshejeja will lead the Anarchy Party (3% of the vote)
26-04-2006, 23:36
Streets of Urkdak:
The massive helicopters landed in the LZ. thomas yeld "Alright everyone on board. Lets go! Lets go! I want this quick. The people not geting on will cover the people that do. Alright lets do it!" The first group ran over to the choppers. The strikers were loaded on first and then the men followed suite. "give them cover!" The rebels knew they were pulling out and increased there attack. More RPGs started flying. One of the helicopters was hit in the Engine part and it exploded killing everyone inside. 15 ustians were inside when it hit. the wounded were placed on other helicopters. As more people were lefted out of there the defense line got weaker and weaker. "Everyone were almost done keep the fire on them!" thomas yeld this several times. The squad and everyone else put as much fire on the rebels as they could. 50 cals,Machine guns, overhead minigun door gunners but they still advanced. Rumbling was heard, it got louder and louder. Thomas knew what it was "Tank! does anybody have an AT!" everyone shok there heads no. "Fuck" the tank came down the left road. It was an old T-62, you could see the smoke as it got closer. Thomas looked around. Everyone was out expect them. "Alright were last lets go! double no triple time it! come on run!" The remaining soldiers ran towards the last helicopter. The striker speeded foward and loaded up inside. The soldiers fired backwards as they ran. throwing smoke grenades and anything to keep them back. Thomas made it to the loading bay and covered everyone as they got aboard. Several rebels came through the smoke and thomas opened fire killing them all. Joey was covering the group as well. Then the tank came through the smoke. Thomas looked at joey and joey looked at him. They both said "Fuck!" and started firing at it to at lest do something to it. The last man got on board and the loading bay doors started to close as the helicopter begain to take off. The tank fired a round but missed just barely. It shook the helicopter violently and nocked thomas and joey to the ground. Finally the chopper took off and slowy begin to move away. Thomas and Joey got up. Joey looked around and then looked at thomas and said "all in a days work! right sir?" Thomas with a tired look answered "yeah all in a days work."
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 23:46
A few Vipers soon came over the horizon and wiped out the tank and the RPG's.

( by the way, the Super-Eagles are Jet craft, like The Osprey expect much bigger and powerful, they have four jets)
26-04-2006, 23:51
(I figured it was similar to the Osprey but engines SWEET!
Could you give me a low down on your designed weapons and vehicles so I can RP better because a lot of this aircraft and vehicles you say I have no idea what they are and what they do so could you because it would help.)
26-04-2006, 23:53
Major Tannen's Company began to fall back. But the rebels were not about to let them go leave so soon. As they fell back, the rebels began to open fire.


The troops fell back from the alleyways and burned out cars. Some troops were hit by gunfire. One soldier was climbing down a fire escape when he was hit in the back by a bullet and fell 15 feet to the ground.

The Company turned a corner. Many rebels followed in glee, hoping to shed the blood of the Wilhelmsborough soldiers. But when they rounded the corner, their glee turned to horror.

Standing before them, in the middle of the street, was a row of 5 Abrams Tanks.

"FIRE AT WILL!" Tannen ordered.

Similtaniously the row of tanks fired in to the crowd, shredding the armed rebels to bits with their heavy guns. The rebel threat, for the moment, was diminished.

"Alright, let's join up with the Corps!"

The Company and the row of tanks turned around and rolled back towards the secure section of the city.

Troops killed: 4
Troops wounded: 11
26-04-2006, 23:56
Ustian totally:
15 dead
6 wounded

They will be honored forever
The PeoplesFreedom
26-04-2006, 23:57
( sure, its all on my website, but if you need any specifics let me know, I just replaced the Neon tank with the new blitz tank but i havent updated it yet)
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 00:06
The Peoples Freedom:
dead: 63
woundend: 41
27-04-2006, 00:11
(could you give me the address?)
27-04-2006, 00:13
(Holy shit 63 dead! damn your convoy must of been hit really bad!
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 00:17
( oh ya... its my motto but its
27-04-2006, 00:24
We have received word from the resistance forces that our negotiating team will be granted total safety in all areas that they control. This is a historic first step for the peace process. In the interests of ending the bloodshed and to show commitment to peace we ask that all forces silence their weapons and cease troops movements for a period of 24 hours. During this cease fire a location for negotiations and the issue of whether or not to extend the cease fire will be discussed.
Gen. al-Tikriti
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 00:30
Okay. The Peoples Freedom forces have stood down for 24 hours. They will only conduxt defense opeartions
27-04-2006, 00:36
Annoucement to all Ustian personal:
Were are now under a 24 hour cease fire. All personal stand down. That is all.

(Can we still conduct air patrols? considering that is defensive)
27-04-2006, 00:46
(sweet website. Did you just make it? because there isen't that much)

I'm going to be gone for a little bet but I'll be on later. I'm going somewhere. Shouldn't take long
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 00:51
( ya i made it, I dabble in it here and there)
27-04-2006, 02:51
The Jet transport flew high in the air to avoid RPG's and anything that would hit us at low alt. Everyone was quiet and almost everyone was either a asleep or in a thousand yard stare mode. thomas laid next to the corner thinking about what he had done right and wrong. It was his first command and it had gone over pretty well. He then thought about the deaths of his men. He knew it wasn't his fault but somehow he felt guilty about it all. he decided to push this out of his mind and get some rest. A few minutes later the Jet transports arrived at Urkdak airbase. Joey shuck thomas awake and said "come on Sarge lets go." thomas moaned but got up. he said to joey "don't you ever call me that again. Call me thomas alright?" joey looked a little surprised but understood and he responded "alright thomas." The unit unloaded from the transports and steped onto the concrete. Thomas looked to the right and say several wounded men being taken to the base hospital on stretchers and other things. thomas smirked and said "deshavou" joey laughed and said "yeah expect in reverease." the two men walked to the barracks and then got a will earned shower.
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 04:19
( we havent taken out General Taylor yet. I forgot about him.
27-04-2006, 04:35
(Ah yes mister taylor what has he been doing all this time I wonder?)

occ:got to go, see you tomorrow
27-04-2006, 22:53
(If the peace talks end up happening, he could be included in that, perhaps?)

The riot-in-the-making on the streets of Urkdak ended surprisingly quietly. With soldierly discipline, the ILA and peacekeeper forces both held fire, watching each other like hawks.

The hothead with his bullhorn had exhorted the barrier of young toughs only to, "Stand firm! Allow a safe exit for our sisters, our elders, our children."

The youths needed no encouragement to stand still-volunteering to face down armed troops and staring into the muzzles of assault rifles are rather different in degree. Non-combatants hurried off, with relatively little chaos. With the vulnerable dispersed, the youths stood only to allow an orderly retreat for the ILA.

Reluctant to be the ones to start hostilities, the foreign troops didn't press the issue. The cease-fire order had gone out, and (by sunset) more or less everyone was back home.

Sealed away in a fortified basement, the ILAs senior leadership was hunched over a set of conditions to be presented at the (hopefully) upcoming peace talks. The Regular military forces had stood down-except for providing a little muscle behind orders to the irregulars and guerillas that had been recruited.

The less stable, less reliable auxiliaries to the ILA were being disarmed-whether they wanted to be or not. The ceasefire would be both complete and uninterrupted.
The PeoplesFreedom
27-04-2006, 23:47
The peacekeepers were glad no violence had occured. However, a worse promblem arrised. The civilians had left, leaving only grim ILA fighters. They has set up barricads and were moving in more soldiers and weapons. So too, did the peacekeepers. If the cease fire was broken, there could be a massive battle. One that would not at all be pretty
28-04-2006, 00:28
OOC: PeoplesFreedom mentioned how the Irregulars might be harder to talk to. I thought I should tie up that loose end for the sake of certainty.

The "reinforcements" coming up behind the ILA forces arrayed against the foreign troops were in fact one of the better divisions of the regular ILA.

They in fact had no intention of facing down the invaders. Yazid Sabeg with his bullhorn, sitting proudly atop one of the more expendable ILA tank, was a populist recruited to attract men to the Irregular forces. He'd certainly done that... but he still wasn't popular with the ILA high command.

He was a deeply unreasonable man. A fanatic, who had "failed to hear" previous orders for restraint. He attracted similar men: would-be mujahedein with a desire to destroy foreign invaders. The regular ILA had been grumbling about the unreliability of the "Peoples Brigades," and the problem had come to a head recently.

Mudasir Ahmed, chief of the ILA division sent, had his own bullhorn. "Comrades!" he declared loudly, "We have good fortune! A ceasefire has been declared! We're ready to negociate, to avoid bloodshed," most of the masked Irregulars lowered their weapons, recognizing a superior officer. The young men arrayed as a barrier looked thoroughly relieved.

Sabeg, on the other hand, looked angry. Thanks be to Allah that we arrived in time, Ahmed thought, This could have been a bloodbath.

"It would be best if we return to our homes," Ahmed reitereated. He passed the bullhorn off to the man beside him, a translator. The translator relayed the good news to the foreigners:

"These men here have been misinformed. News of the ceasefire had not yet reached them. We're going home now, perhaps you should do the same." The translator, seeing nods of acknowledgement, felt intense relief.

Seeing himself beaten, Sabeg nodded. "All praise to our wise leaders!" he called out, receiving a desultory cheer, "Even these brutal foreigners can be charmed into parley!" There were few to hear him. The organized units were dissolving. His followers were only too happy to avoid the fighting.

Sabeg started to hurry off, but Ahmed personally trotted up and grabbed his shoulder. "Another miscommunication, Yazid? I do hope you weren't deliberately inflaming the situation." His grip tightened as Sabeg tried to pull away. "I think you'd best come with me." snarled the regular forces commander.

Ahmed had no intention of letting Sabeg keep up his tricks. With gangsters, anarchists, and Communist forces still occasionally roaming the streets, people disappeared from time to time. Troublemakers rarely merited a serious investigation, anyways.

The riot halted, the Peacekeeper officers started herding their men back to regular activities as the ILA regulars made a dignified retreat.
28-04-2006, 00:42
Everyone was glad about the cease fire REALLY glad. everyone was smiling laughing and dancing. Of course we all knew that it most likely wouldn't last. I felt different after that battle. Carroll had come to me after it and said how good of a job I had done. I thanked him for it but deap down inside I didn't think so. the squad was different after that. We were all quiet most of the time and looked tired and felt tired all the time. the new people looked at us funny and talked about us behind are backs. We didn't care. The replasment for jack arrived a day ago. His name was perry, "private first class Perry" he said it like he was proud of the first class. It didn't matter he was still a private. He was a good man but ever time I looked at him he reminded me of Jack. He asked about him one time. He said "who did I replace when I came here?" I answered "a good friend named Jack."
"was he killed?" "No wounded. Wounded enough to be sent home." "oh" and he walked away saying nothing more. Going back to the cease fire we planned on sending a few of are ambassdors from the government and military. I had a feeling that shooting would continue real soon.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-04-2006, 00:50
The Peacekeepers left, thanking God that no battle could occur. A few UAV's stayed above the area watching for any deception that might have taken place. A few squads hung out here and there, but they soon departed. For the most part, they left. The UAV's observed a few houses, checkpoints, and arms dumps and marked them for future air strikes.

( right now, I am waiting for the rebels to set up a time and place and for Quashqaui's team to arrive)
28-04-2006, 03:55
Off the Peoplesfreedom coast the 1st Air Fleet under the command of General Francis Rossini came soaring towards the mainland.

On board the Flagship Hammersmith, General Rossini took the COM and switched it to a frequency that Peoplesfreedom would hear. He knew that he had to make their presence known to Peoplesfreedom. Bad things would happen if somebody looked off the coast and saw seventy-five very large, and heavily armed airships coming towards them.

"Attention Peoplesfreedom," he began, "This is General Francis Rossini representing the 1st Air Fleet of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. We are here to provide support for the peacekeeping mission and to prevent any outside forces from invading you. Request permission to enter the nation."

Location: Urkdak

The Corps under Lieutenant General Alan Smith had secured a sizable section of the area around the city gates that his forces had first entered. The area was relatively secure. Fireteams were on every corner. On the edge of the secured area, the fireteams turned into squads, and there was an Abrams tank, two Avengers, and a Humvee facing towards the still uncontrolled city.

At this moment, the Lieutenant General was not in Urkdak. He had left control in the hands of Major General Dane Martin. Smith had gone to the Urkdak air force base to meet with the Ustian officers and coordinate with them should the need for fighting arise in the future.

His Humvee had just been granted access to the base. It drove towards to building where the Ustian command were stationed.
28-04-2006, 21:36
Out of character: fair enough. Didn't think to have set a spot for the peace talks....

It was a pleasant surprise to many that the Caesar, a swanky hotel in Urkdak, had survived so much trouble. It's habits of hosting the wealthy and powerful had left it more than capable of hiring "extra guards" (mercenaries, that is) and making arrangements with the various warring parties. Aside from a few potshots smashing windows, the place was in fine shape.

The war had (understandably) made nobody eager to rent rooms. When approached by an ILA representative as an meeting place, they were only too thrilled to offer any one of their dozen empty (but sumptuous) conference rooms.

With a place set, the ILA sent out the call: two days from then, in the famous Caesar, the future of the Southwest region would be civilly discussed. (Not in real-world time: just start sending your negociators now, friends).

With all the weapons handed out to Irregulars accounted for, the Regular forces reduced to a skeleton crew (with the rest enjoying a surprise break), and negociations being set up, the ILA was confident that peace would come soon.

On a related note, some distance away, a MBC (Mahria Broadcasting Corporation) reporter captured a historic moment for posterity. The senior leadership of the ILA and many other respected members of the community signed the charter of a new political party.

Intended for the upcoming elections, the Tolerance Party charter contained several highlights. Military interference was strictly banned, the party was avowedly blind to race and religion, and a candidate was to nominated and set up in each riding in the Southwest Region at once. Later expansion was hoped for.

The party existed to give a strong voice to minority groups, most notably the Muslims, to prevent discriminatory laws. They presented to the people a platform of electoral reform, repealing of the hated antiterror law, and efforts to integrate the many peoples of the The PeoplesFreedom into a harmonious whole.

PeoplesFreedom, please add this party to your election list formally. The leader is Habeeb Salloum, a noted moderate and vocal opponent of violence against the central government.
28-04-2006, 22:40
Smith walked in to the H.Q. General Petterson of the airforce was there along with General Anderson of the ground forces was there. "petterson smilied as smith walked in, he said to him "ahh general Smith we've been expecting you, please sit down."
28-04-2006, 22:44
The representatives of the military and government flew in by Sh-60 seahawks to the hotel. It landed and the representatives made there way to the hotel as the chopper took off. Several armed mercneraies were guarding the hotel. The three representatives were guarded by 4 lightly armed guards. The men felt tense as they entered the building.
28-04-2006, 23:39
With a courtesy incongruous with their rough appearance, the mercenaries outside the hotel made a little half-bow at the Ustian delegation.

"This young lady," one of them pointed out a liveried maid, "Can show you to your conference room. Don't be too successful-we'll be unemployed." he winked at the negociators, smiling at his own joke.

He was only half kidding-guarding a five star hotel was a nice gig.
28-04-2006, 23:52
the delegation followed the lady to the conference room. She opened the door and said "Please come in." The delegaion walked into the room. It was a decent size with a circular table surronded by chairs. Lieutant Carroll didn't want to be involved with the meeting but he followed orders. He thought Thomas could handle the squad and the rest of them while he was gone but he still wanted to be there with them. Carroll and the rest of the delegation took there seats and waited. the airforce reprsentative made a comment saying "Well this is going over nicely we might actually accomplsih are goal." Carroll seting there responded "Yeah but its going to take a long time."
29-04-2006, 00:36
Smith walked in to the H.Q. General Petterson of the airforce was there along with General Anderson of the ground forces was there. "petterson smilied as smith walked in, he said to him "ahh general Smith we've been expecting you, please sit down."

"Thank you very much, General." replied Smith as he took his seat. "We both had quite a day today. I hope everyday isn't like this."

"Now then, what is our plan?"
29-04-2006, 00:45
"no no, its never been like this before. It's very strange. Anyones yes about are plan. As you know there is a cease fire in affect right now so now offensive operations can be done. All we can really do is UAV spy missions and build up are defense's in case fighting begins, unless you have something different in mind?"
29-04-2006, 01:10
"no no, its never been like this before. It's very strange. Anyones yes about are plan. As you know there is a cease fire in affect right now so now offensive operations can be done. All we can really do is UAV spy missions and build up are defense's in case fighting begins, unless you have something different in mind?"

"Aerial survailence you say?" said Lieutenant General Alan Smith. He thought for a moment. Then he leaned in to say something that only General Patterson could hear.

"If you would like, I could request headquarters to lend us an EB-180 Stargazer. They have a ceiling of over 100,000 feet and can't be tracked on radar. What do you think of this?"
The PeoplesFreedom
29-04-2006, 01:15
The Peoples Freedom delagation soon arrived. They landend near the entrance to the hotel, in a Blackhawk. Two more landend near by, and out of those two came heavily armed Special Forces troops. They took postions near the mercs, right inf ront of thier line of fire. Across the street, a number of Marine Sniper Teams dialed their rifles. Down the street a large convoy of Marines waited to come blasting in. Overhead, numerous Vipers zoomed about. Out of the chopper, came the Minister of the State, Chuck Groswold, followed by Prime Minister Hickim, both were the top diplomats in the nation. Not even the very easy going and well like President Petsin could match up to them. After they depatred, thier bodyguards followed. Despite the Peaceful nature of the talks, they were taking no chances.
29-04-2006, 01:21
General Francis Rossini waited a few moments for a reply. There was none.

He tried again. "Peoplesfreedom! This is General Rossini of Wilhelmsborough's 1st Air Fleet requesting permission to enter your country so as to aid in the peacekeeping effort! Please respond!"
The PeoplesFreedom
29-04-2006, 01:24
Do to an oversight, all of the the men manning the command center were at break

" roger Hammersmith you may enter"
29-04-2006, 01:31
Do to an oversight, all of the the men manning the command center were at break

" roger Hammersmith you may enter"

Rossini raised his eyebrows and tried to hold back his laughter at the revelation that everyone at their command center had been on break.

"Thank you very much. Rossini out."

One minute later, the seventy-five ships of the 1st Air Fleet flew over the Peoplesfreedom mainland. They set a course for the city of Urkdak.
29-04-2006, 17:53
OCC: I'm not sure what the Stargazer is. Isen't it the survilence version of the C-130?
29-04-2006, 21:06
Check the first page of the Pudite Military Arms Storefront. You'll find it under "bombers" I believe.
29-04-2006, 21:46
OCC: I found it while I was searching through the thread. Sweet bomber.

Petterson took he his head away and when Smith waited for a response he nodded his head. Petterson then said "will its great to be working with your nation. I hope that your presence will strengthen are resolve to bring back peace to this nation." Petterson then shacked his hand and followed him out the door. He whispered to smith "When can it be in the air?"
29-04-2006, 22:26
OCC: I found it while I was searching through the thread. Sweet bomber.

Petterson took he his head away and when Smith waited for a response he nodded his head. Petterson then said "will its great to be working with your nation. I hope that your presence will strengthen are resolve to bring back peace to this nation." Petterson then shacked his hand and followed him out the door. He whispered to smith "When can it be in the air?"

Smith grinned. "You just leave that to me." he said.

He turned and went outside to the Humvee. Inside was a satellite telephone. He positioned his signal and dialed.

The phone rang twice. Then somebody picked up.

"Sherman here." said General of the Air Force

"General?" came a voice. "This is Lieutenant General Alan Smith."

The General started. "Why are you calling me on this line, Smith!"

"Sir! I thought that you would be the right person to make my request."

Sherman furrowed his eyebrows. "And what request is that, Lieutenant General?"

The voice became nervous. "I...would like to request the use of an EB-180 for aerial survailence."

"A Stargazer?! Smith, you're just trying to keep two sides from killing each other! What reason could there be to expand something that powerful, and expensive, mind you, for something so trivial and small?"

"Well, um, I, um...well Sir, I don't believe that the Stargazers have been used in any military situation at all since we purchased them. Also, perhaps we can impress the foreign militaries with them?"

Sherman raised an eyebrow. Figures Smith would bring that up. He always was concerned with making an impression on others.

But he did bring up a point. The ten EB-180s were just sitting in their hangers collecting dust and wasting money. Perhaps...

"Alright Smith. You can have your Stargazer."

"Thank you very much, sir!"

Sherman suddenly remembered something. "Oh yes! I forgot to mention that we have deployed the 1st Air Fleet to assist you."

Sherman smiled as he heard an almost inaudible gasp on the line.

"Rossini's Fleet? They're coming HERE?"

Sherman's smile became a full grin. "Yes, Lieutenant General. They just crossed into Peoplesfreedom territory. They're on their way to your position."

There was a pause as Smith digested this information. "In that case, I'll inform my men and the Ustians of their arrival."

"Very well then. Good luck, Smith."

"My job is to serve! Sir!" Out of compulsion, Smith saluted. The driver of the Humvee choaked back his laughter.

"Over and out, Smith."

Smith came back to General Petterson. He grinned. "It's on its way. Along with a little surprise."
29-04-2006, 22:32
General petterson's eyes got wide as he said that. "What surprise?!" as soon as Petterson said that a loud roar was heard. Petterson and Smith went out the door and looked up in the sky.