NationStates Jolt Archive

The Search For Matrimony (A Open RP) - Page 2

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Roman Greece
22-04-2006, 21:04
''The Ottoman Turks are said to have killed millions of Armenians. In fact, I have the movie, Ararat if you want to see it.'' Phillip said.

Katherine enjoyed playing with Ryan. ''Ryan, stick with me. My guys will protect you.'' she told him.
22-04-2006, 21:22
"Possibly later." She replied, "One negative movie a day is my limit."

"And mine will protect you as well." He replied as he had his character block a blow aimed at her's back.
Roman Greece
22-04-2006, 21:25
''I understand. But I have a fun movie, called Fun with Dick and Jane (Jim Carrey's new movie).'' Phillip said.

''Thanks for the help, Ryan!'' Katherine said as they fought the enemies.
22-04-2006, 22:59
"It seems we only watch movies." Sara commented, "Do either of you play cards?"

"No problem." He replied
Roman Greece
22-04-2006, 23:01
''We do play cards. Would you like to play?'' Phillip asked.

Ryan was being attacked when Katherine came and struck down his attackers.
22-04-2006, 23:14
"That would be enjoyable." She replied

"Thanks." He commented as Katherine came to his rescue like he'd come to hers.
Roman Greece
22-04-2006, 23:15
''What game shall it be?'' Martin asked.

''Anytime.'' Katherine said, happy to play with Ryan.

OOC-I am going to have Martin propose to Sara soon. Just to let you know.
22-04-2006, 23:21
"How about Cheat for now?" She suggested

The two continued to play the game.

ooc: K
Roman Greece
22-04-2006, 23:26
''I guess we could. Whatever you want.'' Martin said.

Katherine then said ''Ryan, do you want to watch one of the new movies? How about Johnny English? I think on one part, Johnny does something with the Archbishop of Canterbury.''
23-04-2006, 05:31
"What were you interested in playing, strip poker?" Sara asked archly.

"That sounds like it'd be funny." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
23-04-2006, 05:35
''Any game of cards is good. Did you want to play strip poker?'' Phillip said dealing the cards.

Katherine and Ryan watched Johnny English. ''The actor who does Mr. Bean does Johnny English!'' Katherine said.
23-04-2006, 05:53
"Not at present. I have a large bruise after all." She replied

"Yes, that's cool." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
23-04-2006, 05:56
''Perhaps later, eh?'' Phillip said after dealing. ''Let's begin.'' Martin said, they were at the table.

''It sure is.'' Katherine said. ''Ryan, do you like it here? Just wondering.''
23-04-2006, 16:30
As they played, Sara asked, "Phillip, are you married?"

"Yes, it's fun and I like the people." He replied
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 00:53
''I used to be, till my family died in an car accident.'' Phillip said.

''That's good. I'm sure I would like it in Theao.'' Katherine said.
24-04-2006, 01:18
"I'm sorry." She replied

"You probably would." Ryan agreed
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 01:45
''Thank you for your support. I was considering looking to remarry, I may do like Martin did, ask other nations.'' Phillip said.

''Perhaps I can visit one time?'' Katherine said.
24-04-2006, 02:33
"I think you'd do well." Sara replied

"You'll have to ask your dad about that." He replied
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 02:34
''I will post a notice up to other nations soon.'' Phillip said.

''I'll ask him.'' Katherine said before taking Ryan to find where their parents were.
24-04-2006, 03:04
"I wish you the best." Sara commented as she saw Ryan and Katherine appear.
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 03:06
''Thanks, Sara.'' Phillip said.

''Dad, can I go to Theao?'' Katherine asked. ''Sara, would my daughter and perhaps me would be able to see Theao?'' Martin said.
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 03:09
''Sara, I have one adopted child. They are traveling right now but perhaps they will be able to see you.'' Phillip said.
24-04-2006, 03:38
"Yes, you and Katherine are able to visit Theao, there is afterall a rather open tourism policy." Sara replied

"You have one adopted child, yet you refere to him, or her, as they?" She asked Phillip, confused at his syntax.
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 03:45
''Why don't we visit one time?'' Katherine asked Sara.

''My adopted child is a girl, named Anastasia. She had lost her parents so I adopted her. She is coming back today, perhaps you would like to meet her?'' Phillip said.

OOC-Phillip put up a notice. Look for the ''Second Search for Matrimony'' thread.
24-04-2006, 04:27
"If you wish, perhaps we can visit sometime." Sara replied

"Then you are did a good thing." She added

ooc: I know
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 22:30
''That would be good, Sara.'' Martin said.

''Thanks for saying that. I wanted to give her a good home. Every child should have things like that.'' Phillip said.
24-04-2006, 22:57
"I'm sure you've done that." Sara replied

"Would you like to go play another game Katherine?" Ryan asked
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 23:09
''Of course I have, I don't live here but near here.'' Phillip said.

''What kind of game do you want to play?'' Katherine asked.

''Sara, are you ok now? I mean, can you move your muscles or what not from that jousting issue?'' Martin asked.
24-04-2006, 23:16
"Of course." Sara replied, "And I could move before, it just hurt. Whilst still tender, not actually sore when I move anymore."

"How about a puzzle game." Ryan suggested
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 23:27
Phillp nodded and went downstairs, he decided to do stuff there. ''If you are able to move, I would like to tell you something, about us.'' Martin said.

Katherine took Ryan downstairs and said ''You like Tetris?''
24-04-2006, 23:33
"Yes I can move, so what would you like to tell me?" Sara asked

"Yes, I do." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 23:44
Martin went and said ''Sara Sheil, I have grown to respect you over the time you have been in my nation. I have developed feelings for you. So, will you marry me in Holy Matrimony?'' He pulled out a ring that was well made and must have been expensive.

''Let's play two player.'' Katherine said as she liked playing.

''Anastasia, you are home. I would like to introduce you to some people.'' Phillip said after greeting his adopted daughter. He led her first to Ryan and Katherine and said ''Ryan, if you heard my conversation with your mother, this is my daughter, Anastasia.'' Katherine waved to her, they did know each other.
24-04-2006, 23:53
"You go and bash me off a horse, then propose?" She asked in a stern voice, adding a second later, "Of course I will."

"Alright." Ryan replied, "Hello, I'm Ryan, nice to meet you." He said, offering Anastasia his hand to shake.

ooc: How old is she?
Roman Greece
24-04-2006, 23:57
Martin carefully embraced Sara and then put the ring on her finger. ''I'll arrange the wedding but would you want it in Theao or Roman Greece?'' said Martin.

OOC-Anastasia is 14, I may want to change it as I forgot the age I set for her.

''Nice to meet you too.'' Anastasia said, shaking Ryan's hand. ''Hello, Katherine.'' she said before sitting down. ''You are playing Tetris? It's an old game, who's winning?'' Anastasia said.

Katherine and Ryan were playing with Anastasia watching. Phillp brought them some snacks later on.
25-04-2006, 00:35
"I don't mind either way." Sara replied as Martin put the ring on her finger.

"We're tied right now." Ryan replied as Anastasia took a seat to watch.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 00:40
''Let's do it in Theao.'' Martin said. ''When shall we have the wedding?'' he asked.

''That's nice. I see you and Katherine are getting along well.'' Anastasia said.

Katherine soon went ahead of Ryan in score-wise.

''Can I play the winner?'' Anastasia asked as she unpacked her things.
25-04-2006, 00:57
"How about on the 15th of May?" She suggested

"Sure, and it appears you'll be playing Katherine." Ryan said as his screen filled up.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 01:06
OOC- May 15th in NS time or RL time?

IC-''I guess that is a good date.'' Martin said.

''I see. Katherine, you should get ready to play me.'' Anastasia said. When they played, they got a tie. Afterwards, Anastasia said ''Ryan, tell me about yourself. Katherine and you must be good friends but I would like to know who you are.''
25-04-2006, 02:02
"Did you have a date you'd have prefered?" She asked

"What would you like to know?" Ryan asked

ooc: NS, RL would take to long
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 02:06
OOC-Fine with me. How about we fast forward to the wedding then?

''Perhaps this month, I suppose.'' Martin said.

''The basics. Where you are from and so on. Also, are you and Katherine friends?'' Anastasia said to Ryan in reply.
25-04-2006, 02:11
"A date might be nice." She replied

"I'm from Theao, and I'm ten. I think so, but you'll have to ask Katherine for her verdict." Ryan said

ooc: Finish the day, then advance
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 02:23
OOC-Fine. After this day, we will fast forward for the wedding.

''Perhaps May 29? That is the Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople to Mehmet II of the Ottoman Turks.'' Martin said.

''I'm from Roman Greece, primarily from the Greek lands. I'm 14.'' Anastasia said.

''Anna (Phillip called Anastasia names like this in short), Ryan's mother might marry my dad.'' Katherine said. ''He is also a good friend.''

''That's excellent. I'm happy for the newlyweds.'' Anastasia said.

Martin and Sara came down stairs and Martin greeted Anastasia ''Anastasia, this is Sara, Ryan's mother. Also, we have an announcement.''

They all listened to Martin for what he had to say.

''We are engaged! Isn't that great?'' Martin said. Katherine and Anastasia were happy at the news as well as Phillip.
25-04-2006, 02:29
"Sure." Sara replied

"So Katherine is now my sister?" Ryan asked, as he'd been half expecting this.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 02:33
''Thanks, Sara. Note there will be a parade for Constantinople Day.'' Martin said.

''Katherine will now be your sister, Ryan.'' Martin said. Katherine embraced Ryan and said ''We'll be a good brother-sister team.''

''I think Ryan should carry the ring and Katherine could be flower girl. Anastasia can be another one too if she wants to.'' Phillip said.

''I guess I could, it would be good getting to participate in the wedding with Katherine and Ryan.'' Anastasia said, reading her journal, which was recorded with things she did in her travels, she had had it since she was small.

''Also, what would you like for dinner everyone?'' Phillip asked.
25-04-2006, 02:57
"Yes we will." He replied

"That sounds like a very good plan, and seems like it'd work very well. As to food, how about we let you get creative?" Sara suggested
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:00
''I'm so happy, I can explode!'' Katherine said.

''Why don't we all make dinner together?'' Anastasia suggested.
25-04-2006, 03:04
"That sounds like a good idea Anastasia." Sara replied

Ryan chuckled, "But that'd be so messy."
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:07
''Thank you.'' Anastasia said to Sara. She turned to Ryan and said ''That's what Mr. Clean is for.''

They went into the kitchen and Phillip said ''We can cook what we want for dinner tonight. Go wild!''

Martin and Sara cooked as a team while Anastasia, Katherine and Ryan cooked together. Phillip worked by himself.
25-04-2006, 03:15
Ryan laughed as he asked what they should make.

As Sara seperated with her fiancee, she asked the same question in a slightly different manner.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:19
''Make anything you want to!'' Phillip said happily. ''Ryan, do you like it here?'' Anastasia asked as she kneaded dough.
25-04-2006, 03:21
Sara began looking through the fridge and shelves for food ingredients.

"Yes." He replied
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:23
Everyone looked for food ingrediants.

''I like it here too.'' Anastasia said, now chopping vegetables and doing other things.
25-04-2006, 03:28
Sara found some rice, as well as some canned veggies and meats. Setting the rice to boil, she waited as she had plans for the canned sections.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:33
Martin was making hamburgers and acting like Spongebob, calling Sara ''Squidward.'' Katherine was making pizza and Anastasia was making her own creations.
25-04-2006, 03:35
Sara scowled at Martin as she prepared the meals for her and Ryan, as he had no talents in the kitchen.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:43
''I am making many foods. I thought of hamburgers first. I call them Krabby Patties.'' Martin laughed. He was making all kinds of food, showing his talents.

Anastasia and Katherine were making food together.

After they were done, they placed them on the table and Phillip said ''Introduce what you made.''
25-04-2006, 03:48
"Mystery food." Sara said as she set out the dish holding a mix of corn, corned beef, rice, and some fried sausage all mixed and mashed up together.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:55
''Anastasia and I serve pizza, cakes, brownies, and many other foods.'' Katherine said while helping Anastasia.

''I serve many foods including Krabby Patties. Hey, Squid!'' he said, looking at his ''Squidward'', Sara.

''I am serving many foods too. Ryan, what did you make?'' Phillip asked.
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 03:56
''Mystery food? I would like to try it.'' Anastasia said nicely to Sara.
25-04-2006, 04:04
"Sure." Sara replied, "Help yourself."

"I can't cook." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
25-04-2006, 23:36
''That's fine, Ryan. You can also cook by assisting the others.'' Phillip said.

''Thank you.'' Anastasia said to Sara.

Everyone gathered some food for themselves and enjoyed dinner.

''You are getting engaged to Katherine's father? Congratulations.'' Anastasia said to Sara.
26-04-2006, 00:32
"Alright." Ryan replied

"Not a problem." Sara replied, "And thank you for the congratulations. Do you want to declare the date or should I?" She asked Martin.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 00:43
Martin said ''Sara, you may announce it if you want to.''

''No problem. I'm happy you are engaged. Someday I will be engaged to my own husband.'' Anastasia said.
26-04-2006, 00:56
"You're engaged?" Ryan asked Anastasia

"We're getting married on the twenty-ninth of May." Sara announced
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 00:58
''Ryan, I am not engaged. I said someday I would be engaged. Someday, I'll be married like your mother.'' Anastasia said.

''That's Constantinople Day. I mean, May 29th is Constantinople Day.'' Katherine said.
26-04-2006, 01:18
"Alright." Ryan replied

"Yes it is, I'm not use to all the holidays of Roman Greece yet." She replied
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 01:21
''Thanks, Ryan.'' Anastasia said.

''Constantinople Day is the remembrance of the Ottoman capture of Constantinople.'' Katherine said.
26-04-2006, 01:26
"You're pretty, so I'm sure you'll get a nice husband." Ryan commented

"I know, you're father told me that when he suggested the date." Sara said
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 01:30
''Thank you, Ryan. You are charming and handsome, so I am sure you will find a good wife.'' Anastasia said.

''Katherine knows a lot about things like that, Sara.'' Martin said.

''Sara, perhaps after we can get a group picture?'' Katherine suggested.
26-04-2006, 02:11
Ryan blushed at the compliment.

"That sounds like a good idea Katherine." Sara replied
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 02:15
Anastasia did feel something like Ryan did when he complimented her.

''Ryan, you're blushing.'' Anastasia laughed a little.

''Thank you.'' Katherine said to Sara.

After dinner, Katherine arranged a group picture and when the camera was about to flash, she got with the others.

Click! Flash!

The camera took a very good picture and everyone liked it.

OOC-Do you want to end this day and start the wedding?
26-04-2006, 02:18
He blushed even more furiously as Anastasia pointed out that he was blushing.

After they'd talked, and played a board game, Sara sent Ryan off to bed, and likewise excused herself.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 02:22
Anastasia seemed to like Ryan, laughing a little more when he blushed more, Katherine seemed to like it too.

When everyone went to sleep, Katherine and Anastasia came to Ryan's room and Katherine said ''Ryan, want to stay up with us?'
26-04-2006, 02:27
"And do what?" He asked blushing again slightly, as he was unuse to being roused out of bed by two girls.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 02:31
''You're blushing again.'' Anastasia teased. ''We can watch TV, play games, anything we want to!'' Katherine said.
26-04-2006, 02:51
"So what do you want to do?" He asked the two girls.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 02:55
Anastasia turned on the TV and said ''Perhaps some TV first.''

They all jumped into Ryan's bed and watched TV. Anastasia soon found a show about Joan of Arc. ''I know her. Joan of Arc is the French girl known for fighting the English in the Hundred Years' War.'' Anastasia said.

''Ryan, if we get in trouble, I'll make sure you won't get in that much trouble from your mother.'' Katherine said.
26-04-2006, 03:39
"Sure." Ryan said as he prepared to get up before the two girls got into his bed, causing his blush reflex to trigger once again. "Before she was caught and burnt as a witch." He added to Anastasia's explaination.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 03:46
''Ryan, you know of Joan of Arc? I have an icon of her if you want to see it.'' Anastasia said. ''By the way, you are blushing again.'' Anastasia said, teasing Ryan that he was blushing.

They all were in his bed, Anastasia teasing Ryan sometimes.

They watched the show about Joan of Arc, Katherine fascinated by it.

''Let's watch a movie. Ryan, what kind do you like?'' Anastasia asked.

Katherine went to look out the window, admiring Zwinglistadt at night.
26-04-2006, 03:47
"Do you happen to have the Medallion?" He asked as he liked Jackie Chan.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 03:53
''I do have it. With Jackie Chan, right?'' Anastasia said, starting the movie. They relaxed together in the bed, they had snacks, etc with them so they ate as they watched.

''Ryan, you watch Jackie Chan?'' Katherine asked.

Katherine giggled when Anastasia was imitating Jackie Chan, she was excellent in her martial arts classes.
26-04-2006, 03:57
"Ya, and yes I do. I've seen most of his movies." He said as he chuckled at Anastasia's antics.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 04:00
Anastasia saw the others laughing and did more of her antics. ''I do martial arts. I have a blackbelt you know.'' Anastasia said.

''Ryan, want me to show you some moves?'' Anastasia said.

Katherine meanwhile had fun making the movie's characters say their lines fast and that with things like fast forward.
26-04-2006, 04:18
"Sure." He replied as he watched Katherine fiddle with the movie.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 22:22
Anastasia went out before coming back, dressed in her martial arts attire. Anastasia showed him many moves, kicks, punches and the like.

''I am the Manager of Time!'' Katherine said, making the movie go fast forward, etc.

''These are just some moves, Ryan. Perhaps you would like me to ''demonstrate'' my moves when everyone's awake?'' Anastasia said.

Katherine then stopped with the movie and decided to watch TV. She was watching a show about the lives of Saints. The saint on TV was John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.
26-04-2006, 22:29
Ryan laughted at Katherine's declaration of her time managerial abilities. She was funny. "That might be good." He commented as he looked at the TV program.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 22:40
On the TV program, an mosaic of a man in vestments with Greek writing came on. ''This is John Chrysostom, the Archbishop of Constantinople. He is the one named in the Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgies....'' The narrator was saying.

When the program ended, the narrator said they would have the next program on St. Faustina Kowalska.

Anastasia and Katherine were with Ryan in his bed, Anastasia setting up a fort for them to stay in.

Katherine switched the TV around and found that the movie: Supersize Me was on.

''I know this movie. A guy eats McDonalds for a month.'' Anastasia said.
26-04-2006, 22:46
"Why would someone do that?" Ryan asked with puzzlement that anyone would want that much fast food.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 22:56
''It's a long story about nutrition, etc.'' Anastasia said.

They all watched the movie, Anastasia pointing out things to Ryan.

''The sun is rising soon.'' Katherine said, looking at the window.
26-04-2006, 23:18
"Still seems wierd, and it's that late?" He asked with a massive yawn.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 23:38
''Yep. It is that late indeed, Ryan.'' Anastasia said. Later on in the new day, footsteps were heard and the girls hid themselves in the fort with Ryan.

Phillp came in and said ''Ryan? Are you in here? I can't find Anastasia or Katherine.''

Anastasia whispered to Katherine somethings and then whispered to Ryan ''Want to throw pillows, etc at my dad?''
26-04-2006, 23:52
"Sure." He whispered consperiatorally.
Roman Greece
26-04-2006, 23:55
''Then its agreed. We will strike my dad down with fluffy pillows.'' Anastasia said. She slowly got up and threw a pillow at Phillip, hitting him on the face. ''Now!'' she said, getting Ryan and Katherine to throw pillows with her.

''What is going on?!'' Phillip said as he was getting hit by ''artillery fire.''

''Retalitory Fire!'' Anastasia said as Phillp began firing back.

''Shall we show ourselves?'' Anastasia said after a while.

Katherine had fun having pillow fights with Ryan, to her Ryan would be a excellent brother.
27-04-2006, 00:08
Ryan called out to Phillip, "Do you surrender?" He then lob another pillow at him. "After he surrenders." Ryan replied to Anastasia's question.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 00:17
Phillp called out ''Spare me!'' in a funny way. Anastasia came out and shouted ''Bonzai!'' like Japanese soldiers did in World War II. They cleaned the room up and then went for breakfast.

Martin was with Sara, showing affection towards her.

Katherine and Anastasia changed their clothing and came downstairs, sitting with Ryan so that he was between them.

Martin said ''The wedding is tommorrow. I can't wait at all.'' He gave Sara a kiss and then left. After some time, he came back and said ''I have a present for you.''

He showed her several icons. The first one was of Sara, the second one was of Sara and Ryan, the third was Sara and Martin and there were several others. He gave one to Ryan, an icon of Ryan.

He also had an icon of all of them together. ''I like to collect icons, Sara. I hope you like them.'' Martin said.

Martin gave Katherine and Anastasia their own and Anastasia looked at one of her saying ''It looks realistic. I like the way I look on this icon.'' On this icon, Anastasia was holding a rose and dressed in robes.

Phillip also had his own, one of his was Phillip holding Anastasia.

''Sara, do you like my presents?'' Martin asked.
27-04-2006, 01:08
"Yes, I do." She replied as she looked at the icon.

ooc: What kind of icon?
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 01:10
''Thanks for liking the icons.'' Martin said.

OOC-I guess non religious icons.

Anastasia said ''What would everyone like to do today? Should we have a celebration for tomorrow's wedding?''
27-04-2006, 01:39
Sara leaned over to Anastasia, "Perhaps you could arrange a hen night?" She whispered, sure that Phillip was intending a stag night for Martin.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 01:48
Anastasia whispered back to Sara ''Sure, I could arrange one but I would like you to help me.''

Phillp and Martin were also whispering to each other about a stag party.

Anastasia leaned in and whispered to Sara ''Sara, what about Katherine and Ryan? Are they allowed at the parties? I mean can Ryan go to the stag party and can Katherine come to the hen party?''

Katherine was busy teasing Ryan, flicking food at him. She was trying to have fun with him.
27-04-2006, 02:03
"I think they're a bit young for that." Sara replied as Ryan returned fire at Katherine.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 02:06
''I understand. They can celebrate it with each other with noisemakers, etc.'' Anastasia replied.

Later on, they divided the house into areas for the party.

In the part where the women's party was, Anastasia said ''Sara, it is going to be just us?'' She poured Sara and herself some drinks and then began to relax.

OOC-If you want, I can have guests, etc come to the parties.
27-04-2006, 02:36
"Yes they can." She replied

At the party, she replied, "Possibly."

ooc: Guests would be fine, but a stag/hen night can get pretty 'racy' so might be better to pass to the next day.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 02:50
OOC-I guess we could skip ahead, if you want to RP the party, just ask. Also, should we do the wedding?

''What a night!'' Anastasia said, fixing herself up from the excellent party.

Martin and Phillip seemed to have an excellent time as well. And so did Katherine and Ryan.

''Should we get ready for the wedding?'' Katherine asked. Anastasia went to get herself ready, so did Phillip and the others.
27-04-2006, 03:50
"I agree." Sara replied as she stretched out a kink in her back as she got ready.

"Sounds like a good idea." Ryan replied

ooc: If you want it can be done, or we can just go on the happily ever after.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 03:54
OOC-Let's RP the wedding, then we can discuss any future things or whatnot.

IC-Anastasia came downstairs, dressed in a Byzantine Renissance Dress and Katherine came dressed in a Greek dress, similar to Queen Amalia's outfit.

They went to a small church in Zwinglistadt and the priest, a Lutheran minister said ''Shall we begin the wedding?'' He asked this so to make sure if he could continue.
27-04-2006, 04:03
Ryan was dressed in a child's tuxedo, while Sara wore a traditional wedding dress, complete with too many layers, a train and veil. To the accompeniment of the wedding march she walked to the alter and said, "Yes we should."
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 22:07
The Lutheran minister said ''Dear people, today we see Martin and Sara join one another together in Holy Matrimony.''

He then said ''Martin, do you take Sara as your wife, to love and to respect, to cherish, to protect, to always be there for her, and all similar ideals?'' Martin nodded and said with a smile ''I do.''

''And do you Sara, take Martin to be your husband, to love and to respect, to cherish, to protect, to always be there for him, and all similar ideals?''

The people looked at Sara, hoping she would say ''I do.''
27-04-2006, 22:21
"Yes, I do." Sara replied
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 22:30
''I pronounce you husband and wife.'' the Lutheran minister said. ''May God bless you and any children you have.'' he said before allowing for the kiss.

Martin leaned in and gave Sara a kiss.

''Sara, what do you think our honeymoon should be?'' Martin asked.
27-04-2006, 22:34
"Let's leave that till later." Sara said as they headed back up the aisle.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 22:37
As the wedding ended, Martin asked ''Let's go to the wedding party.''

They went to the party-banquet and sat in a round table. Everyone was happy, celebrating Sara and Martin's marriage.

A waiter came and asked ''What would you all like?''

Anastasia, Katherine, Ryan and Phillip were also there.
27-04-2006, 22:41
"Perhaps to begin with, a bottle of champane?" Sara suggested
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 22:50
The waiter left and brought a bottle of champagne. ''Anything else?'' the waiter asked.
27-04-2006, 23:03
Sara looked at Martin, "Any ideas?"
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 23:12
Martin whispered to the waiter and the waiter left, with Martin playfully not telling what he asked for. Soon, waiters brought back a great buffet and a Chocolate Fountain.
27-04-2006, 23:19
"Shall we eat?" Sara asked, putting action to words as she began picking food items to put on her plate.

ooc: Chocolate fountain?
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 23:27
OOC- Info on a chocolate fountain.

Anastasia and the others took some food, Katherine enjoying the chocolate fountain. Martin sat with Sara and Anastasia while Phillip was with Ryan and Katherine but they were all at the same round table, in a VIP style room.

''You are now my mother?'' Katherine asked Sara nicely. Meanwhile, Anastasia kept poking Ryan, teasing him but in a fun way.
27-04-2006, 23:33
"And you are now my daughter." Sara replied with a smile.

As Anastasia teased him, he blushed but began giving as good as he got in the verbal conflict.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 23:36
Anastasia continued, making noises and poking Ryan, playfully teasing him verbally as well.

Katherine smiled and said ''Welcome to our family, mother'' to Sara.

Phillip meanwhile was making a building out of his food.
27-04-2006, 23:43
Ryan returned the joshing in equal measure.

"And welcome to our family Katherine." Sara replied with an impish smile.
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 23:46
''Ryan, I like you. You are fun to be with.'' Anastasia said before giving him a noogie.

Katherine smiled at Sara before going back to eating.

Martin leaned in and said ''Sara, is there anything in Theao you want to be moved over here?''
27-04-2006, 23:51
"Gerroff." He protested and began squirming to get away from it.

"I'll make sure that end is dealt with." She replied
Roman Greece
27-04-2006, 23:58
''Ryan, you know I'm trying to have fun with you.'' Anastasia said, smiling as she continued giving him a noogie.

Martin nodded and placed his arm around Sara while watching Katherine talk to Phillip about Phillip's ''construction business''.
28-04-2006, 00:25
"I know, but how would you like one?" He asked as he continued to squirm.

Sara leaned over and gave Martin a kiss as he put his arm around her.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 00:29
Anastasia released him and said ''If you think you can give me a noogie, then try it.'' She smiled, enjoying the fun she was having with Ryan.

Martin was nervous but gave Sara a passionate and romantic kiss before saying ''I was nervous but I did it.'' Then he tried to open conversation with Sara.
28-04-2006, 00:36
"If you let me up, I'd give you one." He protested, continueing to squirm.

Sara looked at Martin strangely, "Nervous about what?"
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 00:51
Anastasia laughed ''Ryan, I already let you go!'' Then she said ''Let's see if you can do it to me.''

''Never mind, Sara.'' Martin smiled as he served her a glass of champagne.
28-04-2006, 01:01
"As you wish." Sara replied with a grin as she likewise took a sip of champane.

"Alright, but sit down, as otherwise you're too tall." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 01:05
Martin took a sip from his glass and said ''Sara, perhaps you would like Venice as our honeymoon?''

''You are funny. I am already sitting down.'' Anastasia said. She leaned in, trying to help Ryan. ''Now, let's see how you do.'' Anastasia said in a Viking style voice.
28-04-2006, 01:10
"That sounds like it would be an excellent idea." Sara replied

Ryan began giving Anastasia a noogie in return.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 01:14
''We will go to Venice first.'' Martin said.

Anastasia squirmed playfully ''Ryan, you can do this well.'' she remarked, trying to get away. She was having fun playing with him.
28-04-2006, 01:20
"First?" She asked, "Did you have other places you wished to go as well?"

"Thanks." He replied, relenting after a little bit.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 01:29
''Many places I have planned.'' Martin said.

Anastasia got out and crept under the table before covering Ryan's eyes. ''Guess who!'' Anastasia said in a funny voice.
28-04-2006, 01:36
"Might your wife enquire where?" She asked in a teasing voice.

"Anastasia?" He asked with a smile, "And we should probably get Katherine, I don't want my sister to feel left out after all. Is she ticklish?"
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 01:40
''Yes, it is I.'' Anastasia said. ''I was going to get Katherine in. I think she is ticklish. Here, you go get her first, then I'll come in.'' Anastasia said. Katherine was busy watching Phillip build with his food.

''I want to surprise you later.'' Martin said, smiling.
28-04-2006, 01:47
"Alright." Ryan replied as he went to find his new sister.

"As you wish, I do enjoy surprises." Sara replied
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 01:49
''Ryan, she is right there.'' Anastasia said, pointing to Katherine.

''Excellent.'' Martin said, copying Mr. Burns.

''Sara, would you like to try the fountain with me?'' Martin asked.
28-04-2006, 01:51
"That sounds delicious." Sara replied

Ryan went over to Katherine, snuck up behind her and began trying to tickle her a bit.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 02:00
''That tickles!'' Katherine said before turning to Ryan. ''You wappersnapper!'' Katherine said trying to tickle him back. Anastasia came in and it became a ticklefest.

As they ate, Martin pointed to the kids and said to Sara ''It seems our kids are either having fun or hyper.''
28-04-2006, 02:09
"That they do, most likely something of both." She replied with a grin at her son and step-daughter's, as well as Phillip's adopted daughter, antics.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 02:19
Martin nodded in agreement and Phillip looked to see them as well. Anastasia stopped and said ''Newlyweds, I think we should give you a toast.'' Katherine continued tickling Ryan though. Also, Martin tickled Sara a little as well.
28-04-2006, 02:23
Sara giggled and said in a teasing voice, "You randy sod, save it for later, " Thought her voice said she didn't mind him being a randy sod, here or later.

"To the newlyweds." Ryan said as he laughed at Katherine's tickling.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 02:27
Martin gave Sara more tickling. ''To the newlyweds!'' Katherine, Anastasia, Phillip and everyone said. They clapped and drunk their glasses.

Anastasia then began to tease Ryan again, Katherine wanted to rest. Anastasia kept flicking him in the back of his head.
28-04-2006, 02:29
"Should we sneak away to have a more private celebration?" She asked as Ryan began trying to dodge Anastasia.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 02:31
''Sure. We can have our own ''celebration.'' Martin grinned.

''Ryan, you are fun to play with!'' Anastasia said, embracing him before she gave him another noogie again.

Katherine had fallen asleep, she must had been tired. Phillip was still playing with his food.
28-04-2006, 03:11
"Shall we depart, as I'm sure Phillip will take care of the children." Sara commented

"Ya, but it's getting late, Katherine has already fallen asleep and my eyes feel like bricks." He replied
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 03:14
''I am getting tired, I think too.'' Anastasia said.

Martin took Sara to a private room. ''How would you like to celebrate?'' he asked Sara.

Phillip took the kids back home and they went to bed. Phillip stayed up, doing some things.
28-04-2006, 03:16
"I'm pretty sure you've been married before..." She said suggestively.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 03:24
''Are you sure you wish to take this step?'' Martin asked, wanting to know how she felt before they did anything.
28-04-2006, 04:29
"I did marry you and I do know what's involved in marriage." She said, "Or are you just shy?"
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 22:47
''I know that, Sara. I just wanted to know if you were ready for this.'' Martin said, sitting beside her. ''I respect you. I want to know that you are not being forced into anything you don't want, etc.'' Martin said.
28-04-2006, 22:59
"If I hadn't wanted to marry you, I'd have said so when you proposed. I said yes, follow?" She asked
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 23:02
''I follow. Very well. Shall I start it or do you want to?'' Martin said before giving Sara a tender kiss.
28-04-2006, 23:29
Sara grabbed Martin in a rather more passionate embrace, and the actions that followed...
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 23:32
After they ''celebrated'' their wedding, Martin said ''That was amazing. We celebrated our wedding well.''

''Would you like to see the others?'' Martin asked.
28-04-2006, 23:53
"Perhaps a bit later." She replied as she pulled Martin back down.
Roman Greece
28-04-2006, 23:55
Martin began kissing Sara and the actions that followed.....
29-04-2006, 00:28
After some hours, Sara asked, "Do you think Phillip would be willing to take care of the kids during our honeymoon?"
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 00:34
''Of course Phillip will take care of them, Anastasia will help him too.'' Martin said. ''Would you like to keep ''celebrating'' or have a rest?'' Martin asked.
29-04-2006, 01:00
"Do you need a rest?" She asked archly.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 01:04
''I can still ''celebrate'' if you want us to.'' Martin said.
29-04-2006, 01:16
"Let's put that to the test." She replied with a kiss.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 01:20
Martin began kissing Sara again and they ''celebrated'' their wedding once more.....
29-04-2006, 01:23
Sometime later, "Now we rest." Sara said
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 01:34
Martin and Sara rested for a long time. After, there was a knock on the door. It was Katherine. She handed Sara a picture. ''It is a picture of all of us that I made. Do you like it?''
29-04-2006, 01:48
"Yes I do." Sara replied, "What do you think Martin?"
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 01:55
''It is an excellent picture.'' Martin said. Katherine smiled and embraced them both. ''How is everything going? I have an idea. Could we all go swimming at the fitness center?'' Katherine said.

Phillip, Anastasia and Ryan had their swim gear ready, waiting to see if Martin and Sara wanted to go. Katherine had her swin gear as well.
29-04-2006, 02:05
"That sounds like an enjoyable idea." Sara replied
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 03:25
Martin took them all to the pool and they went swimming. Anastasia and Martin dove from the tall diving boards into the deep end. Katherine and Ryan played while Phillip swam laps.

Martin came to Sara and said ''Want to go off the diving board with me?''

Anastasia swam to Ryan and said ''Ryan, want to play volleyball or something in the pool?''

Phillip was with Katherine, they were playing and swimming together.
29-04-2006, 04:42
"Sure, but I'm not sure how good I'd be." Sara replied

"How do you play volleyball in a pool?" He asked, puzzled.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 04:58
Martin took Sara to the diving board and dived first. ''You try it!'' he said from the water.

Anastasia got a ball (one of those aquatic balls) and threw it to Ryan. ''We just play volleyball as we would normally do but in water.'' Anastasia explained.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 21:30
29-04-2006, 21:33
Sara tried to dive, but ended up belly-flopping.

"Then how do you play volleyball?" He asked
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 21:36
''Are you ok, Sara? Nice try though.'' Martin said.

''Just play catch or something with me then!'' Anastasia said, smiling.
29-04-2006, 21:44
"Just a bit sore." Sara replied

"Alright." Ryan agreed
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 21:54
Martin tried to massage Sara's back and shoulders to relax her.

Anastasia took the ball and threw it to Ryan. ''Try to catch it and then throw it back to me!'' she said.
29-04-2006, 22:05
"That feels nice." Sara almost purred.

Ryan caught the ball and lobbed it back.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 22:34
''Thanks. I want to care for you and respect you.'' Martin said.

Anastasia caught it and threw it back to Ryan. Meanwhile, Phillip was in the hot tub and Katherine was resting out of the pool, enjoying some snacks Phillip got for her.
29-04-2006, 22:54
"You've made that clear." She replied with a slightly naughty grin.

"How about we get Katherine in on this as well?" He suggested as he tossed the ball back.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 22:59
Martin kissed Sara and said ''Let's go to the hot tub.''

Anastasia went to Katherine and then came back, catching the ball. ''Katherine said she is resting right now.'' Anastasia said before going underwater.
29-04-2006, 23:14
"Sure." She said as she swam to the side of the pool and got out.

Ryan began trying to figure out where Anastasia had gotten to.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 23:19
''Isn't the Hot Tub relaxing?'' Martin said while watching Emeril from the TV.

Anastasia was an excellent swimmer. She would not pull Ryan down, he was too young for that. She would brush his feet though. Soon, she came up and acted like a monster, trying to get him.
29-04-2006, 23:25
"Yes it is." She replied with her eyes closed, relaxing.

Ryan began trying to poke Anastasia with his toes when she swam under him.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 23:40
Martin placed his arm around Sara and they relaxed.

Anastasia had come up behind him and was acting like a monster. ''Run, Ryan, Run! I'm going to get you!'' Anastasia said.

Phillip went into the steam room and Katherine was still resting.
29-04-2006, 23:46
He turned and splashed her.

Sara began dozing in the warm water, sure that Martin wouldn't let her head go under.
Roman Greece
29-04-2006, 23:56
Anastasia kept splashing back at Ryan. She continued to splash at him before she stopped. She then said to Ryan ''Want to ride on my back? I'll swim and you can sit on my back as I do so. Don't worry, I'm built for it.''

Martin held Sara so her head could not go under. He kissed her and continued to watch Emeril.
30-04-2006, 00:17
"What do you mean?" He asked

Meanwhile Sara continued to doze in the hot tub.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 00:25
''Get on my back and I'll give you a piggyback swim.'' Anastasia said.

''Sara, want to ''celebrate'' in my hot tub at home?'' Martin whispered.
30-04-2006, 00:30
"Alright." He replied as he did so.

"Is that how you're going to term it each time?" She asked sleeply.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 00:52
Anastasia swam with Ryan on her back and began acting like a tour guide.

''No, but I don't want to say it out loud in public.'' Martin smiled.
30-04-2006, 00:54
"Thanks." Ryan said as she swam.

"Ah, that makes sense." Sara murmered
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:03
''Anytime. Now onto your left, you see Miss Katherine.'' Anastasia said.

''Sara, you are beautiful. My heart will always be for you.'' Martin said.
30-04-2006, 01:11
"Hi Katherine." Ryan called from Anastasia back.

"Likewise." She replied before dozing off again.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:14
Katherine waved and said to Ryan ''Make sure Anastasia does not be like the Titanic!''

''Sara, let's go swimming.'' Martin said. Then he pointed out Ryan. ''Look, Ryan is on Anastasia, like a ship.''
30-04-2006, 01:20
"Come join us." He called out to his sister.

"Oh all right." She said as she slowly pulled herself out of the hot water, and walked over and jumped into the cold, in comparison, water.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:23
Katherine nodded and when she was walking, she slipped. ''My leg! It hurts!'' she cried. Martin, Phillip and Sara and Ryan and Anastasia went to Katherine. Martin felt her leg and said ''It must be broken. Sara, get a doctor.''
30-04-2006, 01:28
Sara quickly went to phone 911 to get help for Katherine.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:30
They took Katherine to the hospital. She was in a hospital bed. ''She has a broken leg. Thank God she is still here though.'' a doctor said.
30-04-2006, 01:36
"Why wouldn't she be here, it was just a broken leg." Ryan said, not seeing why it was so bad as he'd broken a leg before and it was just boring rather than dangerous.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:39
''We only had her here to see what was wrong. You can take her home.'' the doctor said to Ryan. They went home and Anastasia said to Ryan ''I did agree with you back there.''

''Does anyone want lunch?'' Phillip asked.
30-04-2006, 01:46
"Yes please." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 01:55
Phillp made for Ryan and the kids, Peanut Butter sandwiches. ''You like PB and J?'' Phillip asked Ryan.
30-04-2006, 01:59
"Yes I do." Ryan replied
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:11
''Ryan, did you like swimming?'' Katherine asked. Anastasia gave Ryan bunny ears as they talked.
30-04-2006, 02:15
"Yes, and I'm sorry you broke your leg." He replied
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:17
''Thanks, Ryan. You are a nice brother.'' Katherine said. Anastasia then said ''Ryan, want a handshake?'' She had a handbuzzer on the hand she offered.
30-04-2006, 02:21
He looked at her funny and asked, "Why?"
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:25
''Come on, let's have one.'' Anastasia said.
30-04-2006, 02:27
"But a handshake is for greetings and good-byes, not just for whatever." He replied
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:31
Anastasia sighed and took one of his hands and shook it with the hand with the device, shocking Ryan. ''That was why I asked.'' Anastasia said, smiling.
30-04-2006, 02:33
He scowled at her but otherwise did nothing but chuckle.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:37
Katherine chuckled also. ''Ryan, want to go outside? Me and you and Katherine?'' Anastasia asked finishing her lunch.
30-04-2006, 02:52
"Alright." He replied as he likewise finished.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 02:54
Anastasia helped Katherine and Ryan out and took them outside. Anastasia took Ryan to a hill and said ''Want to roll down?''
30-04-2006, 03:02
"Demonstration please." He said
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 03:03
Anastasia nodded. She got down like a log and rolled down. ''Your turn.''
30-04-2006, 03:35
"Alright." He replied as he copied her actions and followed down the hill.
Roman Greece
30-04-2006, 03:40
''That was fun.'' Anastasia said. ''Ryan, want me to give you a piggyback ride?'' Anastasia asked.
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 03:27

Do you want to RP the Honeymoon and end this after? Just want to know what you would want.
01-05-2006, 03:58
"Sure." He replied
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 04:18
Anastasia placed Ryan on her back and went on, she went like a tour guide again.
01-05-2006, 04:28
"Lead on." He said from his perch on her back.
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 04:44
Anastasia nodded and went on, acting like a tour guide. ''You are light, Ryan.'' Anastasia remarked. ''Pretend you are a wounded soldier. It will be like we are in a war.''
01-05-2006, 04:51
"How would I pretend that?" He asked
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:00
''Moan and groan like you are wounded, etc.'' Anastasia said.
01-05-2006, 05:04
Ryan began trying to pretending to be injured, but didn't do all that good a job at it.
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:10
''You are doing good.'' Anastasia said before acting like a soldier. ''The Luttwaffe is coming!'' ''Panzers at ten o'clock!'' ''Can't let the SS get us!'' ''For Mother Russia, charge!'' She was acting as if they were in the Eastern Front.
01-05-2006, 05:15
"Are you pretending to be Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, because it's the wrong war if so." He commented
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:17
''Think of Stalin and Hitler. Think of Stalingrad. That war. Also, you seem to know your Russian history. Anastasia is the daughter of Nicholas II and Alexandra, the Tzarina known for her ties to Rasputin.'' Anastasia said.
01-05-2006, 05:21
"But the Tzaritsa was executed as a part of the first world war, not the second." He replied
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:23
''I know that, Comrade Ryan.'' Anastasia said in Russian, smiling.
01-05-2006, 05:24
"What gobbly-gook is that?" He asked
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:28
''It is Russian. I know many languages.''
01-05-2006, 05:30
"Ah, lots of gobbly-gook." He replied
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 05:36
''You are funny, Ryan. I like you. I am sure you will be a good brother to Katherine.''
01-05-2006, 05:54
"I'm sure I will." He replied
Roman Greece
01-05-2006, 06:01
''Yes you will.'' Anastasia said before taking him off her back. She patted him on the head and said ''Ryan, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, what is it?''
01-05-2006, 06:06
"Five?" He asked
Roman Greece
02-05-2006, 00:48
''Five, it was seven.'' Anastasia said. ''Now you ask me.'' she said.
02-05-2006, 01:01
"Pick a number between one and ten." He replied
Roman Greece
02-05-2006, 01:28
''6?'' Anastasia said. ''I am trying to guess, I hope I get it.'' she said.
02-05-2006, 01:36
"You got it right." He commented
Roman Greece
02-05-2006, 23:39
''Excellent.'' she said, copying Mr. Burns. She patted him on the head and said ''Ryan, want me to show you pictures from my travels?''

Martin went to Sara and said ''Everything is set. However, when would you like to go on out honeymoon?''
03-05-2006, 00:18
"Sure." Ryan replied

"Day after tomorrow?" She suggested
Roman Greece
03-05-2006, 02:06
''That is good, Sara. Your things are already packed. We will have an excellent time.'' Martin said.

Anastasia took Ryan to her room and took out several books and other things. She showed him the first picture. ''This is a picture of me near a mosaic. It is of the Virgin Mary from the Byzantine Era.'' She took out another picture ''This is me with some of my dad (Phillip)'s family. We were out near Thessaloniki, I believe.'' ''Here is a picture of my dad with his hand stuck in a vending machine. He wanted to try a trick out but he got stuck.'' Anastasia said, laughing at the memory. ''I have many pictures and other things.'' Anastasia said.
03-05-2006, 02:16
"That's good." Sara replied as she looked at Martin with a sultry gaze. "Are you thinking what I am?"

"They're neat and funny." He commented as he looked throught Anastasia's pictures.
Roman Greece
03-05-2006, 02:21
''You are a mind-reader, aren't you?'' he smiled as he kissed her.

''Thanks, Ryan. You are a nice kid.'' Anastasia said, smiling. ''Ryan, Katherine told me you like video games. Do you want to play one? Perhaps a mystery game, I have a good one on the laptop I have, based on Agatha Christie.'' Anastasia stated.
03-05-2006, 02:24
She accepted the kiss gratefully, and returned it with vigor.

"Never heard of her, and not good at mysteries." He commented
Roman Greece
03-05-2006, 02:28
Martin began kissing Sara with his own vigor and the actions that followed...

''That's ok. What kind of games do you like?'' Anastasia asked.
03-05-2006, 02:31
"Action, adventure, fighting, that sort of thing." Ryan replied