NationStates Jolt Archive

a mysterious planet (FT, closed, IC thread) - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
25-03-2006, 18:16
leason thre a wariior who is not ready for batlle is not worthy of the name of warrior
25-03-2006, 18:23
Fujiko nods and asks the computer for a towel. It appears in her hand and she wipes the sweat of her face.

"us Samurai are ready to fight" she answers "I had a short sword in the shuttle before your men cleaned out the weapons. I'm sure it'll with the rest of the plasma pistols"
25-03-2006, 18:25
standaed operating procedures
sorry we had to destroy the engines with c 9
25-03-2006, 18:29
"she is a nice little ship but can be repaired if you trust us and supply a new impulse engine and thrusters. I doubt you have an warp engine small enough to fit her but that was her purpose. Long range exploring without the need of a large ship which usually attracts a lot of attention.

Still you had your procedures and we had ours" Fujiko replies
26-03-2006, 18:22
we have a pryto ty[e warp engene desginged for an hell saber fighter but it may be too small
26-03-2006, 18:29
"I'm not an engineer but I know enough about engines in order to make small repairs. I'll have a look at the hell sabre engine and see if it can be modified to fit a Sakura" Fujiko says.

Asa and Mariko have finished their workout and they rest while Fujiko and Ace talk tech.
26-03-2006, 18:34
the ngine is a prototype coaxial warp engine desgeined for a hell saber drone fighter i dont think our two techs are compatable
26-03-2006, 18:41
"assuming that the specs aren't classified I could be the judge of that" Fujiko replies "Kirisuban warp engines are based on matter/antimatter power and thats the engine we put into the Sakura after we accepted it for service.

If its not compatiable an impulse engine can be installed and you'll have a tough 6 man science shuttle instead"
26-03-2006, 18:51
which they ate ace said
clasifed sephrion arms tech project lelvel omega clearance and above
26-03-2006, 18:57
Fujiko shrugs her shoulders and comments "It looks like you'll have a tough shuttle craft instead then. even with a stalker crawling all over it the worst it did was to short out a thruster"
26-03-2006, 19:01
maybe we might be able to arm it
26-03-2006, 19:05
"they can be armed" Fujiko replies "but ours was modified to be a science ship. It wouldn't take much to arm it again once the scientific equipment was removed.

Normally we would draw weapons power from the engines but you may have another way of doing it"
26-03-2006, 19:13
we draw weapons power from an naqaudia genrator
on these battle barges but our gig ships draw it from the warp core
26-03-2006, 21:34
Fujiko nods and adds "in that case if a generator is compact enough we could use it to power an engine as well as weapons.

I think we're onto something but what powers the generator?"

She towels herself down and despite her fatigue her mind is working overtime.
26-03-2006, 21:37
naqudia we have two spare generators nut we also use zero point moduales
26-03-2006, 21:44
"Ace, you'll have to show me" Fujiko says "I've never heard of a zero point module before.

However once i've a grounding in Sephriothian engineering I should be able to figure it out"
26-03-2006, 22:34
its quite complex the modeles are drass only knows how the engeneres repair em besides im goin 2 my qauters
26-03-2006, 22:44
"I'm done as well" Fujiko says "and it looks like Asa and Mariko are as well.

Maybe we can do this some other time?"

She bows and leads her team out of the holodeck heading to their quarters.
26-03-2006, 23:34
he rests up his time couter said o2.0o he took the turbo lift dow to the geusts qayters and knocked on the tritaium door he was casesed head to tow in death dealer power armour armour
he thought how long has it been since i last wore thes 5 years he asked him self.
26-03-2006, 23:38
the Kirisuban women get showered and changed in their quarters but still feel sore after dealing with the increased gravity.

"this will take time to get used to" Fujiko tells them "but I don't want to have to be wearing a powered suit on Sephrion Prime. We'll show Ace that we can manage"

She smiles and answers the door, now in clean clothes and drying her long black hair with a towel.
26-03-2006, 23:41
ace was geting in patient he punched the door and fellt it buckle slighty damn he cussed i forgot power armour enhances sternth and my gauntlet is screwed up
26-03-2006, 23:45
Fujiko looks up at Ace, the dented door and the damaged gauntlet.

"let me take a look at that then" she says "i've seen powered armour on my own ship before. they're still rare in our space service but i did get the briefing on it"
26-03-2006, 23:48
erm id rather not this power armour is only made in the sephrion empire so ill jus take it to down to engeneriering besides you 3 mentioned something about wanteing to see engenring be side my left leg servos could use tuning
damn i forgot how uncomfetrable this stuf ways waysa bloody tone he muttered
the he wallked to the turbo lft
26-03-2006, 23:51
Asa, Fujiko and Mariko follow after locking their door.

they enter after Ace does
26-03-2006, 23:53
deck 11 engenering he said ten mintues later he walked out on the engeiring deck oi chief he called look at my left gauntlet th 6 foot tall woman took the gauntlit of his mand just one fried strenthth regualtor
and check my leg servos ace asked
26-03-2006, 23:57
'so there are Sephrion women in board' Fujiko thinks as she looks up at the tall woman.

at five foot 2 inches she was average height for a Kirisuban woman. most others were smaller than her even in the services.
27-03-2006, 00:00
the chief grinned the typicalsephrion razor shape dagger like teeth showing only one on boared and my name is cheif engeneir aeries miths
and ace she snaped you an idiot
when was the last time you had the armour serviced
ace said erm five years ago after my last mission
27-03-2006, 00:06
the kirisuban women bow and introduce themselves to the chief engineer.

"Miss Smith" Fujiko asks "are there many women on board?"
27-03-2006, 00:09
just me and please call me areis mis smith reminds me of basic training and rather not have those memeories
she fixed the gaunlet
and tuned up the servos their ya go idiot boy
27-03-2006, 00:12
"of course Aeries" Fujiko replies "its good to see a woman in charge. all of my officers are female and theres only 20 men on my ship. the ones that know whats good for them give you respect"
27-03-2006, 00:14
these mucle headed idiots cant even repair thier guns they are soldiers not engeneirs i scored highly in weapon manananice and ship matanance
27-03-2006, 00:20
"if you were on a Kirisuban ship you would have been in the chain of command" Fujiko replies "I know some engineering since i'm a warp shuttle pilot and you sometimes need to do you own repairs on the surface. Mariko's our weapons specialist and i'm sure that you and her would get on well once you talk about guns.

Alyssa is our medic and eager to learn new things"
28-03-2006, 04:53
ithink i would not do well in comand im only the person who keeps the tub space worthy
28-03-2006, 23:06
"the men round here should respect and honour you for doing that" Fujiko counters "even if you're not in the chain of command".

She wasn't bothered that Ace could hear her. Aeries was still a woman and needed to feel that she was valued by someone.
30-03-2006, 01:28
yeah i supose she should but she was a comando team feild aquila she made some stupid descisions that cost the life of her sqaud
30-03-2006, 07:05
Fujiko looks back to Ace and says "honour can be redeemed from failure or will you throw her a sword and order her to commit seppuku? "
30-03-2006, 07:09
the murder is not alowed the honour of a blade ace said venomouly
30-03-2006, 07:24
Fujiko replies whispering "you seem to have this all worked out but Aeries is still one of your crew and one of the few people that keeps this battle barge together and functioning.

While she's motivated she'll keep doing her job but if she keeps being reminded of her failure without a chance of redemption whats to stop her walking out off an airlock and leaving you without a Chief Engineer?

give her a chance to regain her honour and she'll serve you and the ship better"
30-03-2006, 07:36
quite simple she has to earn the right to atone she let her unit get killed
and the fact is if she leaves engeniring see those two power armoured gaurds outside the door they have permision to use leathel force
30-03-2006, 07:45
"so Aeries is like us then, a prisoner" Fujiko responds "until she works of her dishonour. We may have similar outlooks but we've nothing like that.

A samurai that dishonours herself like that would have been allowed to commit seppuku and been assisted in it.

Still you have your ways and we have ours but unless you value your crew you won't get the best out of them"
30-03-2006, 07:49
normaly it would be aloud but until her dishounor is worked of she is a prisioner
but her failily name stays dishounered for 20 generations
30-03-2006, 07:56
Fujiko nods and says "no wonder she's sad then. I'm assumed dead by sepukku so my dishonour won't affect my family back home but to have to live the disgrace of knowing that her next 20 generations are affected will drive her to suicide.

Ace, I'm telling you this now. If you don't help Aeries you'll be without a chief engineer and what will you command make of you if you can't get your ship home.

she needs a friend and it looks like i'm it if no-one else on this ship is willing to bother with her"
30-03-2006, 07:59
orders from the empereor
we arnt rellay sposed to have on board this battle barge but our regeualr cheif engires layed up sick in the aura sytem so base kind of broke here out of prison colony delta after this mission she will be returned to the correction barracks super maxium secrurity
30-03-2006, 08:07
"I'll do what I promised then while Aeries is here" Fujiko says and walks away from Ace over to Aeries.

"Ace told me what happened to you" she says softly "but I also follow a code off honour and we're both dishonoured. since we're in the same boat I'll be your friend if you want one"
30-03-2006, 08:09
she whispered the two gaurds out side what weapons have they got imm gonna try to run she said

she looked down at her ancles they where stil maciled
30-03-2006, 19:18
Fujiko whispered back trying not to make it too obvious "big guns which remind me off a gatling gun I once seen on a museum on Earth. they look just as nasty as well.

If you try it you'll die but there is another way. He still needs your skills to keep this ship going and he can't do without you. He broke you out of jail to get you on board so he's got things to answer for as well.

When your trial comes you can take him down wth you. Tell your story and he'll be in trouble as well"
03-04-2006, 12:27
it is better to die in battle the die discraged
03-04-2006, 18:23
Fujiko nods and whispers "very well. die with honour"

she joins the rest of her party not showing anything but thinking how futile the gesture would be.
05-04-2006, 10:10
she ta[ed the keyes on the door dang inside dppr cons disabled
05-04-2006, 20:21
Fujiko knew the reason the door wouldn't respond. Like Aeries she was a prisoner and you don't give a prisoner the key to a door. they may have been able to access their quarters but that was it.

the Sephriothan woman would find no release and Fujiko was unable to help for now. Aries would have to wait.
07-04-2006, 00:46
if the site to sites working i might be sable to transport the malfunatiuong security computer into engenering
07-04-2006, 07:21
Seeing Aeries persistance Fujiko goes over to her and says quietly "you've got transporters on this ship? the question is do they still work. I was a transporter technician for a while before I became a pilot so I may be able to assist"
07-04-2006, 16:59
yeah but im only using them to get the malfunctioning computer in here so i can fix it
07-04-2006, 18:04
All this was a bit over Fujiko's head as she looked over the panels in front of her. she found the transporter controls and said "this looks familiar but I'll need your help in translating the writing before I can get a lock on the computer."
08-04-2006, 13:27
ok click that symbol that looks like a shield
08-04-2006, 14:02
Fujiko hits the indicated button and tries to make more sense of the controls.

"it looks like they're still working" she replies "i'm reading what looks like a power build up"
08-04-2006, 14:15
yes about damned time ihad to replace the transport buffers yesterday
08-04-2006, 14:26
Fujiko smiles and says "i doubt any off the crew would know what a transporter buffer was.

We're getting a lock on the computer now. Aeries I'm ready to energise when you want it"
08-04-2006, 14:28
i hope the bio neural gel packs dont get that casade infection again
08-04-2006, 14:30
"energising" Fujiko says and hits the apropriate control.

a shape begins to form in engineering..
08-04-2006, 14:32
two eps condits blow up damn it
aeres swears this damn heap of scrap needs scraping pass me that gas mask plasma gas
she tries to fix them
08-04-2006, 14:37
Fujiko passes Aeries the mask and looks for one for herself. locating one she puts it on and tells Asa and Mariko to get to safety while she works.

the computer materialises and Fujiko tries to help Aeries with the fractured conduits.
08-04-2006, 14:40
she curses under her breath fucking sephrion arms tech too cheap to replace this battle barge she finds the problem a power surge
thier gonna have to be replaced
08-04-2006, 14:42
"we've have scrapped a ship like this years ago in New Kirisubo" Fujiko mutters as she nods her head.

"wheres the replacement parts kept" she asks
08-04-2006, 14:46
erm 4rth locker to the right for eps condits
08-04-2006, 14:51
Fujiko passes out the required number of replacement parts to Aeries and closes the locker again.

"does this ship always give you so much trouble?" Fujiko asks and adds in a whisper "if you really wanted to end your life all you would have to do overload the warp core and they couldn't do anything about it"
08-04-2006, 14:52
not until of lately what with project hell breed and all
08-04-2006, 14:59
"whats that about then?" Fujiko asks as she continues to hand tools and parts up to Aeries while she watches the repairs proceding.

The replacement parts seemed to be modular and just slotted in makiing repairs easier.
08-04-2006, 15:00
erm no idiea but the empires verry keen on it
08-04-2006, 15:10
Fujiko shrugs her shoulders and says "if somethings that secret and attracts all that attention i'd be inclined to be worried about it"
08-04-2006, 15:12
i have a few ideas what it could be
08-04-2006, 15:19
"Aeries, I wouldn't want to know. I may have been a warrior but my people don't mess around with genomes or anything like that.

We lack men although and it looks I won't find one soon. I doubt any Sephriothan male would bother with human females"
08-04-2006, 15:20
dont take this wrong but you are puny compaired to a sephrion woman
08-04-2006, 15:26
Fujiko laughs and says "I know i'm small but I can't help that. i'm average height for my people but we make up for it in other ways.

so do you have families or are you all full time warriors?"
08-04-2006, 15:27
if we are mated we have families but being mated is rare
08-04-2006, 15:30
"so if you're not mated what happens then?" Fujiko asks.

"on my world we have a lot of female marriages and rely on sperm banks to keep the population going.

Thats unless you're lucky enough to have a man of your own"
08-04-2006, 15:32
males go to a breeding center so they can have young an imperial edict requires all sephrion femmales of breeding age to donate eggs
08-04-2006, 15:39
"I'm sure it works as well" Fujiko comments "and its your way but it seems like an impersonal way of doing the deed.

I grew up in a female family with two mothers to look up to. I miss them now"
08-04-2006, 15:41
[QUOTE=Kirisubo]"I'm sure it works as well" Fujiko comments "and its your way but it seems like an impersonal way of doing the deed.QUOTE]

its efecient if you are not mated i am mated my mate is a 20 star genreall
08-04-2006, 15:50
Fujiko looks up at woman towering above her and replies "i'm not mated and theres even fewer men in Kirisuban exploration fleet than there are at home. If I had got around to having a family I wouldn't be here now.

How does your dishonour relect on your mate? If he's as highly ranked as that couldn't he help you to die honourably"
08-04-2006, 15:53
bad but he is not of my blood
08-04-2006, 15:56
Fujiko notes this answer and asks "So it only really affects you and your future lineage? what about your children? Could they undo the dishonour?"
08-04-2006, 15:57
yes they could
08-04-2006, 16:01
Fujiko takes Aeries hand and says "at least thats something. the way Ace explained things it sounded like they would be dammed along with you.

My dishonour ends with me and won't reflect on my mothers and brother. They probally think i'm dead by now anyway.

I might as well be dead"
08-04-2006, 16:38
she grined urgh i hate this ship
08-04-2006, 16:41
Fujiko manages a little smile and says "since it looks like i'm going to be an engineer at least for this trip why don't you ask Ace if I can assist you.

I'm sure you could do with the help and some inteligent conversation as well. I learn fast as well"
08-04-2006, 16:58
in the ammo store a doom of the living virus miisiles warhead leaked the a.i in formed ace over a encypted coms

coms to asa and co meet me in the shuttle bay we must evac hurry
08-04-2006, 17:03
Fujiko heard the call that had been diverted to her comm badge.

She spoke in Kirisuban to Asa and Mariko and after telling Aeries that she'll be back later she leaves at a run.

She gathers her team and 10 minutes later arrives at the shuttle bay.

she sees that the engines on their warp shuttle have been replaced and the scientific equipment has been removed from their Sakura making more space in the vessel.

the Kirisuban women walk over to Ace and Fujiko asks "Ace, whats going on and what about the rest of the crew?"
08-04-2006, 17:04
no time for explantions we should be going now
08-04-2006, 17:12
"pile in girls" Fujiko says and they follow her orders.

Fujiko activates the flight controls while she waits for Ace and finds the warp and impulse engines working again.

"we can go right now" she tells Ace.
08-04-2006, 17:13
yeah coms to base we have a sitiation we require a new ship and a full sqaud to sanzite the armagedon
they flew to sephrion prime
08-04-2006, 17:21
this is now offically closed