weapons grade plutonium for sale! - Page 2
05-04-2006, 00:49
Office 76
1217 Government Way
Balkan City, 85546
Druid Province, Armed Holy Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
TO: Chancellor Gerhard Donner, Bretton
FROM: The Office of Foriegn Affairs, Military Action Bureau
Greetings. We would enjoy a visit to your fine nation within the coming days. We appreciate your acceptance, but we wish to make this very clear: we DID NOT revert to a neutral position due to your threat. This decision was made on our own accord. Never-the-less, we would like to be within your nation by Friday, if possible. We will also bring some of the more prominent members from the Office of Foriegn Affairs. Thank you for your kindness, and acceptance.
General Thomas R. Redding
Commander In Chief of Foriegn Military Affairs
Imperial Nod
05-04-2006, 01:11
General Thomas R. Redding
Commander In Chief of Foriegn Military Affairs
As the Second in command of the imperial empire of Nod i would firstly like to extend our hand in friendship peace and brotherhood. This should not be seen as an act of as one one say 'buttering up' but more of an oppertunity to create better relations between our two nations.
In the current absense of our beloved majesty, i would like to invite you to Nod at a time suitable for yourselves.
If you are agreeable please send any corospondence to my office,
High Commanding officer and second in command of the Empire of Nod
Imperial Nod
05-04-2006, 01:24
Nod News Network
Seth Declares all Nod forces to stand down
In a suprise move this morning the high command issued a statement on behalf of His majesties second in command.
" In the absence of Kane (One vision, One Purpose) I am taking the reins to all Nod forces and declare a cease fire and an immediate end to all hostilities against Bretton forces. Despite the fact Nod is continuing to win against the aggressors with the minmul of loss on our own forces, I feel that the war should end with immediate effect and peace be declared amoungst our fellow brethens in bretton.
One can only hope the people of Bretton realise that this war was a mistake on both sides in which two commanders on both sides each attempting to overthrow their governments started. The death of the Traitor General Grigori shows to the world that Nod leadership is innocent in this affair and we trust that the bretton leadership will see that it too has a dangerous traitor amoungst its leaders.
Today parts of Nod are blazing, tomorow a new order and a new Nod shall bloom.
I ask my equal in Bretton to lay down your weapons, end this bloodshed and see that our too great empires can be as one!
In other news unrest is growing amoungst the Nod population to the lack of sightings of our beloved emperor. we only ask the heavens that our great leader is safe and well.
And finally in other news soldiers began closing down the uranium mines of Nod today, with one witness reporting that some kind of explosion could be heard from a mile away. A local official responded by stating that this was the sound of the heavy mining machinery closing down.
NOD NEWS NETWORK: Bringing the real news to the people
The Black Hand of Nod
05-04-2006, 01:42
OOC: Sorry couldn't log in for some reason
-Black Hand controlled Nod Radar Base-
In the short time that they had held it, the Black Hand had managed to restore power as well as provide a primitive Radar Array for the Nod defenses, however aside from the single message from CABAL all contact with Imperial Nod was lost. Until today when they got the comm link up fixed...
In the &(*$(#(@e * am taking the rei44 to all $od fo4s and declare a ce45e fire anf an i%m$%iate end to all hostilities agazzzt Bretzzn forces. Despite the fact Nod is continuing to win against the aggressors with the minmul of loss on our own forces,
"Clear that signal up!" "Yes sir!"
In the absence of Kane (One vision, One Purpose) I am taking the reins to all Nod forces and declare a cease fire and an immediate end to all hostilities against Bretton forces. Despite the fact Nod is continuing to win against the aggressors with the minmul of loss on our own forces, I feel that the war should end with immediate effect and peace be declared amoungst our fellow brethens in bretton.
One can only hope the people of Bretton realise that this war was a mistake on both sides in which two commanders on both sides each attempting to overthrow their governments started. The death of the Traitor General Grigori shows to the world that Nod leadership is innocent in this affair and we trust that the bretton leadership will see that it too has a dangerous traitor amoungst its leaders.
"Seth?" Slavik muttered... "Hmmm, Keep defensive positions, I must return to my command center." The rest of the Commandoes saluted as he left the Comm center.
Imperial Nod
05-04-2006, 02:03
One can only hope the people of Bretton realise that this war was a mistake on both sides in which two commanders on both sides each attempting to overthrow their governments started. The death of the Traitor General Grigori shows to the world that Nod leadership is innocent in this affair and we trust that the bretton leadership will see that it too has a dangerous traitor amoungst its leaders.
"Seth?" Slavik muttered... "Hmmm, Keep defensive positions, I must return to my command center." The rest of the Commandoes saluted as he left the Comm center.[/QUOTE]
cabal transmission. Encrypted routed codex.
My loyal friend, do not move against seth.. for yet anyway. He is a traitor to nod but his little plea for power has made him fall right into my trap. Let him run the empire in my 'absense' let him be the pawn for bretton. For soon we shall take this planet in the name of Nod.
get close to him, work for him if you must, but remember your loyatly is to the true Nod. and in the end you my Jackel, you will get your prey!
Brettonian Chancellery, mountainous region
Chancellor Donner's eyes scrolled over the printout of this mysterious 'Seth' character's overture.
"Begging for their lives, are they?" Donner pondered for a few minutes. He picked up the telephone on his desk and punched in a few numbers. "Eizenburg? The Nodees are weakening; I believe they have finally realized the error of their ways." He paused, letting the General reply. "Indeed. We shall introduce them to 'it.' We'll immortalize them forever, while they're still beautiful." Eizenburg replied. "Oh my, yes. Do be around for when the Asgarnian envoy arrives." Pause. "Righto." He hung up, then picked up the phone again.
"Patch me through to Axis Nova."
Imperial Nod
05-04-2006, 11:14
At 4.30 am it was reported that His royal Majesty kane has disappeared. He was last seen in the area around the palace shortly before part of it was bombed in a series of Air Raids. Two bodies where found in the debris but so far it is not certain whether his body was amoungst them.
Our hearts go out to oyr beloved and esteemed majesty and prey that the Throne servant (Seth) protects the nation until the return of Kane
Imperial Nod
06-04-2006, 11:42
Brettonian airbase
A long line of heavy-duty trucks, escorted by what could amount to a military parade under other circumstances, began slowly pulling into the airbase's security gates. Each truck was completely unmarked, and carried no license plates. The black-uniformed Military Intelligence officer in the lead truck simply flashed a document at the gate guard, who promptly opened the facility to them.
One by one, the trucks lumbered inside.
Imperial Nod
06-04-2006, 20:52
To the supreme chancellor of Bretton.
As of yet we have heard no response from your government regarding the new leadership situation in nod.
As the new acting leader of Nod I would like to offer a personal invitation to peace. As a goodwill on our part we are prepared to offer 99% of the uranium in the minds, the remaining one % would be for peaceful nuclear powered technology to which members of the Un and yourselves are welcome to oversee.
I hope our two nations will one day be joined in friendship.
Humbly yours Seth
Imperial Nod
07-04-2006, 10:12
08-04-2006, 01:21
It was a long flight. General Redding wasn't used to such long flights. The pilot informed him of their current location.
"General, we're just entering Bretton now. We should be at the airport within a few minutes," said the pilot.
"Wonderful," General Redding responded, "I hate flying. Just looking at an airplane makes me nervous."
They were within minutes of landing. Then, the obligatory request:
"Please fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for landing, thank you," said a voice over the intercom.
As they touched down, General Redding felt a rush of relief. As he looked out the window, he noticed what appeared to be Brettonian press.
"Great. Now I've got to deal with the press," General Redding complained.
Chancellor Gerhard Donner, dressed in his finest furs (both out of style and necessity - the temperature had dropped to -17° during the night and hadn't risen much in the interim), along with a largish security detail including several Stahlkörpe (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447922) assault suits, eagerly awaited the arrival of the Asgarnian envoy. In addition to his anticipation towards meeting a potential new ally, he was also quite anxious to get out of the cold.
As the Asgarnian plane began touching down, Donner's liasion tapped his shoulder.
"Chancellor," she began, holding up a PDA.
"What? Another message from the Nodees?" Donner muttered.
"Correct. A second peace overture," she said.
"Trash it," he said flatly. "They had their chance. We shan't be showing them a reprieve now."
Imperial Nod
08-04-2006, 21:27
ooc: am going to be a bit busy so this thread will soon come to an end. I wanna tie all loose ends up before it ends and yes bretton that means peace!
OOC: Oh, yes, there will be peace, though nobody in your country will be around to appreciate it.
Brettonian airbase
Sixty feet below the tarmac, the white trucks began arriving on massive heavy-lift elevators. The fleet of Arbiter II bombers was neatly tucked away inside dozens of honeycombed underground hangars; here, there would survive the destruction of the base above in case of a nuclear attack.
Stahlkörpes (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447922) began unloading warheads from the trucks, under the supervision of the black-uniformed Military Intelligence officers. These particular bombs were labelled 'N-9X' and prominently featured a stenciled 'Biohazard' symbol.
08-04-2006, 23:10
OOC: Really Bretton, he's new. Give hi ma break.
Imperial Nod
09-04-2006, 03:02
OOC: Oh, yes, there will be peace, though nobody in your country will be around to appreciate it.
Brettonian airbase
Sixty feet below the tarmac, the white trucks began arriving on massive heavy-lift elevators. The fleet of Arbiter II bombers was neatly tucked away inside dozens of honeycombed underground hangars; here, there would survive the destruction of the base above in case of a nuclear attack.
Stahlkörpes (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447922) began unloading warheads from the trucks, under the supervision of the black-uniformed Military Intelligence officers. These particular bombs were labelled 'N-9X' and prominently featured a stenciled 'Biohazard' symbol.
ooc: well then looks like am gonna have to break most of the rules in rping then cos u cant win a war in a thread if theres no thread to play.
Imperial Nod
09-04-2006, 03:03
ooc: and why are you trying to murder an entire nation that no longer has the uranium and has a totally different government?
09-04-2006, 03:04
OOC: Bretton, a little skirmish is fine. But you are far too powerful to actually consider war with Nod. Isn't that dogpiling?
Under these conditions, Nod has every right to simply say nothing in this thread EVER happened.
EDIT: Oh, and if you call ignoring this a godmod, so be it. Nod, you have my full support in ignoring Bretton.
ANOTHER EDIT: You have 600 times his population, for Mod's sake!
OOC: It was his decision to start this conflict, not mine. If the minnow wants to provoke the sperm whale, it's his choice, but as the sperm whale, I will respond accordingly.
Nobody who has ever instigated combat with me in the past has came out alive.
Perganum was conquered and occupied.
Chechen Republic was conquered and occupied.
Union Canada was conquered and occupied.
All these states remain as my property. Imperial Nod was going to share the same fate, but he elected to throw the first punch of a nonconventional war. Instead of wasting my effort to subjugate his people, I will simply 'fumigate' the entire country with Nemesis-9X. Once the virus has burned itself out, I'll have a nice new foreign property to start mining for resources and establish a forward military installation.
I'm a really nice guy, once you get to know me. However, I have not and will not tolerate smartalecking by other countries, especially after I've gone out of my way to ensure their safety. The fact that he's a new country doesn't concern me, much as it didn't concern me with the Chechen Republic. He will learn a harsh, firm lesson that the minnow shouldn't taunt the sperm whale, if he values his national well-being.
After infuriating the sperm whale in every concievable way, the minnow realizes the gravity of his position and attempts to make amends. Unfortunately, he's already in the sperm whale's gullet.
If you'd like to ignore me, feel free. However, I can and will haunt your decision from here on. I've done it in the past over the years, and I'll do it again.
The morale of the story: do not cross Bretton.
Pythogria: I'm rather saddened that you have decided to support his pitiful position. After his blithering comments at my expense, he deserves all he gets. Nonetheless, if you've chosen to stand behind national incompetance and shoddy roleplaying, I will respect your decision, and respond accordingly. We've had some good times in the interim. Please don't disappoint me now.
09-04-2006, 03:56
Here, if you really need to destroy him, go ahead, but allow Kane and his advisors and such to start a new nation. He can stil lhave fun and you get what you want.
OOC: I probably couldn't stop a few people sneaking out in one of those annoying subterranean APCs that were so popular in Tiberian Sun.
09-04-2006, 04:22
OOC: I probably couldn't stop a few people sneaking out in one of those annoying subterranean APCs that were so popular in Tiberian Sun.
OOC: Well then, seems like a good way for this to happen. Nod, do you agree with this?
The Black Hand of Nod
09-04-2006, 05:25
(This will only happen if Imperial Nod Accepts.)
-Imperial Nod Radar Base-
Comm Officer: Sir we've made full connection to the Imperial Nod database.
Slavik: Good, begin operation BackTrack.
Comm Officer: Yes Sir.
Slavik: To the rest of you, continue operations for the next 12 hours, then return to base.
The Various Nod Commandos nodded and went back to wiring the building up with explosives.
-Underground Nod Tunnel Network.-
In only a few hours they would be able to punch through into the Imperial Nod Missile Silos. Once in it would be easy to equip the Proton Rockets with a newer payload then seize control of them.
-Remote Portion of Imperial Nod-
"Bury them... Here." Said a Radiation suited officer. A bunch of Heavly armored Trucks set a Uranium Rod into the ground. A Insulated Shoveler began burying the Rod. "Good, Only 120 Rods to go." The officer said walking on. The soldiers continued scouting throughout a land covered with nothing but Tiberium, dead animals and Filled in Radioactive holes.
(Your People will pay in Pain for this Bretton, If you are to take Imperial Nod, I'll make sure NO one will get the nation.)
Imperial Nod
09-04-2006, 11:28
(This will only happen if Imperial Nod Accepts.)
-Imperial Nod Radar Base-
Comm Officer: Sir we've made full connection to the Imperial Nod database.
Slavik: Good, begin operation BackTrack.
Comm Officer: Yes Sir.
Slavik: To the rest of you, continue operations for the next 12 hours, then return to base.
The Various Nod Commandos nodded and went back to wiring the building up with explosives.
-Underground Nod Tunnel Network.-
In only a few hours they would be able to punch through into the Imperial Nod Missile Silos. Once in it would be easy to equip the Proton Rockets with a newer payload then seize control of them.
-Remote Portion of Imperial Nod-
"Bury them... Here." Said a Radiation suited officer. A bunch of Heavly armored Trucks set a Uranium Rod into the ground. A Insulated Shoveler began burying the Rod. "Good, Only 120 Rods to go." The officer said walking on. The soldiers continued scouting throughout a land covered with nothing but Tiberium, dead animals and Filled in Radioactive holes.
(Your People will pay in Pain for this Bretton, If you are to take Imperial Nod, I'll make sure NO one will get the nation.)
Kanes face appeared on the small device that all principle members of Nod carried. " You have done well my brother. And that traitor who sits in our seat will pay dearly. Bretton can drop they like on the wastelands Nod will not be destroyed, not will survive and when we are ready we will take the world.
Slavik, I want you to carry out the bascilus terminus order. Lets show them just how much venom this scorpion really has. (trade mark evil laugh)
Whilst I am gone I want you to take control of my forces. I will return soon.
Imperial Nod
09-04-2006, 11:37
OOC: It was his decision to start this conflict, not mine. If the minnow wants to provoke the sperm whale, it's his choice, but as the sperm whale, I will respond accordingly.
Nobody who has ever instigated combat with me in the past has came out alive.
Perganum was conquered and occupied.
Chechen Republic was conquered and occupied.
Union Canada was conquered and occupied.
All these states remain as my property. Imperial Nod was going to share the same fate, but he elected to throw the first punch of a nonconventional war. Instead of wasting my effort to subjugate his people, I will simply 'fumigate' the entire country with Nemesis-9X. Once the virus has burned itself out, I'll have a nice new foreign property to start mining for resources and establish a forward military installation.
I'm a really nice guy, once you get to know me. However, I have not and will not tolerate smartalecking by other countries, especially after I've gone out of my way to ensure their safety. The fact that he's a new country doesn't concern me, much as it didn't concern me with the Chechen Republic. He will learn a harsh, firm lesson that the minnow shouldn't taunt the sperm whale, if he values his national well-being.
After infuriating the sperm whale in every concievable way, the minnow realizes the gravity of his position and attempts to make amends. Unfortunately, he's already in the sperm whale's gullet.
If you'd like to ignore me, feel free. However, I can and will haunt your decision from here on. I've done it in the past over the years, and I'll do it again.
The morale of the story: do not cross Bretton.
Pythogria: I'm rather saddened that you have decided to support his pitiful position. After his blithering comments at my expense, he deserves all he gets. Nonetheless, if you've chosen to stand behind national incompetance and shoddy roleplaying, I will respect your decision, and respond accordingly. We've had some good times in the interim. Please don't disappoint me now.
ooc: Actually until now no nuclear weapons have been used. Nod likes a cloak and dagger approach. Those missiles where a distraction. So in all essence it was you who fired the first punch by threatening my NOD. And then you dropped that bio bomb. So it was you who fired the first shot! Bear in mind theres still subs slowly moving into your nation right now that really area armed. 300 of these multiple warheads which are armed with nuclear material will be fired. (The United States' Peacekeeper missile is a MIRVed delivery system. Each missile can contain up to ten nuclear warheads (shown in red), each of which can be aimed at a different target. These were developed to make missile defense very difficult for an enemy country.) Well every dictator attempts a scorched earth policy and as you will find out soon nod will (on this thread which doesnt effect my main nation anyway) will be a schored earth scene and your pitiful nation will no matter how few will suffer from nuclear attack. You may be able to take out a handful of missiles but when you have 300 multiple warheads you cant stop a large amount of them.
09-04-2006, 18:04
As per the threat of Nod using nuclear weapons against Bretton, Asgarnieu is now setting up Patriot Air Defense Missiles and R9-MX Air Defense Missiles. A strike force is at the ready if any weapons are fired at Asgarnieu. Thank you.
Imperial Nod
09-04-2006, 19:15
As per the threat of Nod using nuclear weapons against Bretton, Asgarnieu is now setting up Patriot Air Defense Missiles and R9-MX Air Defense Missiles. A strike force is at the ready if any weapons are fired at Asgarnieu. Thank you.
ooc: that was OOC am using excuses. as i have explained to bretton i am ending this thread. and i would advise you read brettons plans to wipe out all of nod with chemical and biological weapons
The Black Hand of Nod
09-04-2006, 19:19
As per the threat of Nod using nuclear weapons against Bretton, Asgarnieu is now setting up Patriot Air Defense Missiles and R9-MX Air Defense Missiles. A strike force is at the ready if any weapons are fired at Asgarnieu. Thank you.
That threat was OOC so no one knows about it.
-Montauk Unknown location Far from Imperial Nod-
Slavik: Yes My lord.
Kane's Face disappeared from the screen.
Oxanna: Commander, All systems are ready in the Silos.
Slavik: A Scorpion strikes unseen, they will never expect such an angle of attack. Prepare for countdown on my Mark.
The Montauk sped by on the underground tracks while more shipments of Depleted Uranium Rods were sent back to Imperial Nod.
-Imperial Nod's Now Irradiated Countryside-
Huge Figures wearing Radiation suits marched through the countryside pointing out locations and holding their huge weapons at the ready.
Finding a spot one pointed out.
Desolator: Put another here, We will make and Oasis of Death...
Slavik: All is going according to plan.
Mooz Kow Body
09-04-2006, 19:31
Trade oppertunity to all nations
His imperial majesty of the empire of Imperial Nod, has requested with the unanimous approval of the imperial senate, due to increase in militiary expeniditure and military advances , along with huge surplus of uranium, we are pleased to announce that military and nuclear technology assitance is being offered by Nod.
Any nation that is prepared to accep the assiatnce of our glorious nation then please estabilish diplomatic enquiries with our UN ambassador.
This message is also to be noted well by our nations natural enemies.
Any nation that disproves of our agreements and exchanges with other nations then it would be strongly advised that such displeasure be kept silent. And any agression will be challenged!
Lord Chancy. Minister of war and trade
Do You Know What Your Doing. Uranium is for wimps, swords are for the strong! only wimps use guns to fight for them because ther scarre of geting cut while the strong use swords, maces, axes, and other stuff. So dont buy wimpy stuff from this nation. Buy swords and axes from my nation.
:sniper: :mp5: :gundge: (bombs are good but only for walls and junk)
ps. IM NOT A COMY. not saying theres something rong with being a comunest because they have ther ups and downs just like deocrasy and fudalism.cheesekow
09-04-2006, 19:34
Do You Know What Your Doing. Uranium is for wimps, swords are for the strong! only wimps use guns to fight for them because ther scarre of geting cut while the strong use swords, maces, axes, and other stuff. So dont buy wimpy stuff from this nation. Buy swords and axes from my nation.
:sniper: :mp5: :gundge: (bombs are good but only for walls and junk)
ps. IM NOT A COMY. not saying theres something rong with being a comunest because they have ther ups and downs just like deocrasy and fudalism.cheesekow
Pythogria condemns your spammy practices.
09-04-2006, 22:58
Indeed. Quite noobish if you ask me. But no one did. Oh, well. *Sigh...*
OOC: lol
Spammy comments. Very true.
Anyway, IN, you can attempt to batter me with submarines if you like. If you've read my NSWiki article, you'll find it won't have too much effect. Of course, that's provided any missiles make it through in the first place. I'm not called a 'Fortress State' for nothing. But feel free to try, if you'd like to see some nice fireworks.
Asgarnieu, your envoy and my leader have stuff to babble about. I figure they're done de-icing his plane by now.
10-04-2006, 02:27
OOC: Fortress State? Sounds slightly dark...
IC: General Redding walked off the plane. It was -17 Degrees.
"Good God!" he said to himself, "It's like I walked in to a freakin' freezer!"
General Redding wasn't used to such cold conditions. He was born and raised in Druid Province, a very warm area.
"I know what this place needs," he said to his aide.
"What's that, sir?" she asked plainly.
"The sun," he replied.
They walked in to the airport's main buliding. He was looking around for a familiar face. It then hit him, the airport was absolutly massive.
"My...God..." he said astonishedly.
Just then he spotted his contact.
"Good day, sir..."
Brettonian airbase
"General Redding, I presume?" Chancellor Donner inquired, extending a gloved hand.
"I'm afraid the weather is often this merciless year-round," he stated, rubbing his hands together. "As much as the sights are worth seeing," he gestured at an A7V Peacemaker (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=444410) hovering by the distant north end of the airbase, "we should get back inside before our noses fall off. My limousine is well heated. This way, if you would."
Donner barked an order to his Stahlkörpe (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447922) security detail, which swiftly about-faced and began marching towards the terminal, their feet clanging metallically.
Beneath their feet, final preparations were underway to arm the incredibly potent N-9X warheads and prepare them for deployment across Imperial Nod.
10-04-2006, 05:00
"Wonderful place you've got here, Mr. Donner," General Redding complimented.
General Redding was suspicious of the assault suits. In Asgarnieu, it may be 2013, but they were just peachy with their MT equipment.
"Nice suits..." he added.
"The pinnacle of comprehensive protection, mobility and firepower for the common soldier," Donner stated, quoting directly from the Brettonian Military Industries' sales pitch. "You'll find they're one of the preeminent symbols of the strength and resolve of the Brettonian nation." The entourage proceeded towards a pair of parked limousines. "They've been universally adopted by the Army, and are quite popular in Civil Protection as well. Theirs are painted white, if you were wondering."
Donner's adjutant stepped up alongside him.
"Chancellor," she whispered. "The operation is about to begin. Are you sure on moving ahead with this?"
"Absolutely," he responded firmly. "Don't bother me about this any further."
"Understood, Chancellor."
"Now, where were we..." Donner stroked his chin. "Ah yes. Giving your mutual interests in our own, I'm quite certain the nice gentlemen at BMI wouldn't be against loaning you a few for your own national considerations."
The six assault suits lined up, three per side, of the first limousine. It featured a pair of flags sporting the Brettonian coat of arms.
"Come, you will ride with me in my car. Have your men follow in the other one," Donner said. His adjutant opened the door for the men to enter. "We have much to discuss."
The Black Hand of Nod
10-04-2006, 21:50
Comm Officer: Sir Last Operative has returned.
Slavik: Good begin launch and set all charges.
-Imperial Nod Missile Silos-
The covers of the Missile Tubes began to slowly open as the fuel began to vent for the launch, as they prepped for launch the control rooms sat empty save for the corpses of the Nod Soldiers who had run the place under Seth's command. The missiles themselves had been removed and replaced with another type. Instead of the ICBMs there were now Soviet Type Spacecraft Launch Rockets. but unlike their usual job, they were carrying a different Payload instead of Satelites or Humans.
-Imperial Nod Radar Base-
The building sat empty, all the repairs stopped halfway, in the center, a small beep was heard, instantly the complex turned from a former operational Base, to a massive Booby Trap.
Oxanna: Do you think Seth knows that over 10% of his nation's population has disappeared?
Slavik: He doesn't have a clue. It's too bad that they were the only true Nod Loyalists.
Computer Operator: We can always show up later and use their bodies for the Cyborgs.
Slavik: True, but for now... Destroy all tunnel Access to Imperial Nod. And finish the launches.
-Missile Silos-
At the end of the countdown they launched, Ten missiles launched from their silos heading for space. After a short time, the first seperation happened, continuing upward, then the second happened as it reached low orbit. 6 of the Rockets skipped off to other parts of the planet to deploy their payload in space. Three however remained in Place, one deploying as soon as it paused. Upon deployment Six foot long rods of Steel and Lead, over 200 of them, floated out into a dense Field a quarter mile long, settling into orbit after a few seconds.
Comm officer: 'Meteor' Storms coming online.
Brettonian Aerospace Defense Command
The three-dimensional electronic Earth map was once again put into action to trace the trajectory of Imperial Nod's missiles (or what was presumed to be theirs, in any case).
"You would think they'd have given up after the first strike was waylayed..." General Eizenburg flatly remarked. "Oh well. We'll kindly oblige them. Prepare SDMs for immediate launch! Bring them down like we did last time."
"SDMs are fueling for launch, ready to fire in twenty seconds," the technician reported.
"Very well," Eizenburg nodded. The ten red dots continued rising into orbit. However, their trajectory began sharply diverting. "What the..." Eizenburg said, leaning forward. "What the Hell is this?"
"Enemy missiles are beginning a wildly divergent course," the technician said. "Current trajectory matches no known parameters for intercontinental strike." Eizenburg was puzzled.
"I don't like it," he muttered. "Don't like it at all. Map out the trajectories of those missiles and intercept them with an Eighty."
"A what?!" the technical crew exclaimed.
"Did I stutter? I don't trust what those things are doing," Eizenburg tented his fingers. "To this effect, we shall intercept them with maximum firepower. Nothing an Eighty won't solve."
"...understood, General..."
Five gigantic missiles took off from their heavily-reinforced silos, each carrying a single, massive eighty megaton nuclear warhead. Five more followed behind the first wave.
The strategic limitations of the Eighties were quite encompassing. Short of levelling entire cities or crumpling naval assets for dozens of miles around, their only real tactical use was in virtually guaranteeing the destruction of any object that couldn't intercept the missile in the interim. Eizenburg was taking no chances with the new, mysterious projectiles launched from Imperial Nod.
The Black Hand of Nod
11-04-2006, 09:59
Comm Officer: Bretton is responding.
Slavik: Anti Satelite missiles or ICBM interceptors?
Comm Officer: Sir... Neither.
Slavik: What?
Comm Officer: These missiles are of a massive size!
Slavik: They wouldn't...
Comm Officer: Sir???
Slavik: Those have a nuclear Payload, I just know it.
Comm Officer: So they suspect?
Slavik: No, they just know that these missiles are going into orbit, Won't they be suprised when the missiles destroy themselves. They cannot detect the hammers. Speaking of hammers, I want 30 on the silo complex. 10 of them down those open silo doors and the rest to target the surrounding area and any sattelite dishes.
-Rod Field 1-
Thirty of the small six foot long objects, nearly unnoticable to all sensors save to be compared to space junk, recieved their signal. Quickly their small Retro Rockets fired to bring them in line to their Trajectory. Another shot and each entered the Atmosphere, Gravity took over from there, As the Rods fell the heat quickly melted them down into large molten balls of metal, to fall at Mach 2 towards their target in a scattered line over a mile wide.
With no Rocket vapor trail and no radar signal they would be only seen as the falling of possible space debris, except unlike most space debris, they won't be burning up before reaching the ground. At the speed they were to hit, there was a great chance of them going under the ground instead. An Estimated 150 Feet at max.
-Earth Orbit-
Four of the continuing Rockets continued on their path dropping their payload behind them. Finishing their last drop at about mid orbit, they exploded. Another group of Rods were scattered in the space around earth.
Imperial Nod
11-04-2006, 11:43
Comm Officer: Bretton is responding.
Slavik: Anti Satelite missiles or ICBM interceptors?
Comm Officer: Sir... Neither.
Slavik: What?
Comm Officer: These missiles are of a massive size!
Slavik: They wouldn't...
Comm Officer: Sir???
Slavik: Those have a nuclear Payload, I just know it.
Comm Officer: So they suspect?
Slavik: No, they just know that these missiles are going into orbit, Won't they be suprised when the missiles destroy themselves. They cannot detect the hammers. Speaking of hammers, I want 30 on the silo complex. 10 of them down those open silo doors and the rest to target the surrounding area and any sattelite dishes.
-Rod Field 1-
Thirty of the small six foot long objects, nearly unnoticable to all sensors save to be compared to space junk, recieved their signal. Quickly their small Retro Rockets fired to bring them in line to their Trajectory. Another shot and each entered the Atmosphere, Gravity took over from there, As the Rods fell the heat quickly melted them down into large molten balls of metal, to fall at Mach 2 towards their target in a scattered line over a mile wide.
With no Rocket vapor trail and no radar signal they would be only seen as the falling of possible space debris, except unlike most space debris, they won't be burning up before reaching the ground. At the speed they were to hit, there was a great chance of them going under the ground instead. An Estimated 150 Feet at max.
-Earth Orbit-
Four of the continuing Rockets continued on their path dropping their payload behind them. Finishing their last drop at about mid orbit, they exploded. Another group of Rods were scattered in the space around earth.
Meanwhile in the Ruins of the Nod palace-londonium
Seth looked up in the sky, his face bloody and his right eye cut. It wouldnt be long now before he was dead. He'd betrayed Kane he knew it was a long shot to lead under kanes nose but none the less he took the chance and failed miserably. the small screen that was placed infront of seth (who had been arrested and tied down to a chair) sprang to life. The smug face of Kane appeared. "Know this you fool, you cant kill the messiah. And if I am dead then why bleed? my people will live on its a sorry shame that the majority will be for want of a better word ' placed into history'. Be fortunate you wont suffer much pain when this land turns to ash. (evil sinister laugh) and the screen went blank.
Seth tears of fear running down his face saw his impending doom a few moments before he had seen severeal missiles launch into orbit he knew what was to follow.
brettonian coastline
"So its time is it?" the commander spoke with a sense of pride in his voice. "Right launch the missiles they are to detonate before impact. We just want to show the brettonians that there not as shielded as they think"
the sub fleets 1 3,5 and 6 moved forward at a top speed yes they all knew they where going to die but that didnt matter anymore Nod was going elsewhere kane had other plans the war was over long ago this was more of a farewell present from God.
The missiles launched from the missile bays one exploded above the ice field above the subs. The mushroom cloud slowly growing along the way the sky turned an ominous red. The remining missiles began raining down over the coastline. The mushroom cloud could be seen growing in the distance the shockwaves still reaching the coastline.
"In the name of Kane, in the name of Kane" the crew of fleets 2 and 4 almost in synchronous shouted as there subs hit the coastline. one of the subs fired a torpedo near the coast to form a crater in the ice above to allow easy access for the bombs to cause more scaremongering above in bretton.
One by one the subs exploded the warheads inside detonated and the coastline became a scene of unwarrented armageddon.
12-04-2006, 03:55
"Well, such a kind gesture," General Redding replied.
"OK, men," he said to his guards, "you get in the last limo."
"Aye, Sir!" they all replied in unison.
"I will have to talk to our Defense Minister and Secretary of The Military regarding the suits," General Redding said.
General Redding stepped into the lavish limo. Leather abound, tinted glass, and beverage holders. Very lavish indeed. General Redding was used to a large stretch H2 with few amenities.
"Honestly, this limo is the greatest car I've ever seen," he made clear.
The Black Hand of Nod
12-04-2006, 06:42
OOC: Nod just made all his subs detonate their nukes while they were still on board and you're commenting on the Limos? Since I don't see how Nod's post was a Godmode, you should be commenting on the Multiple Flashes of light instead.
"It truly is, another marvel of Brettonian engineering. The technicals are actually quite-" Donner's phone began buzzing again.
"Annoyance... what is it now?" he opened the phone and placed it to his ear. "What?" he demanded, angrily. "WHAAAT!? Yes, shoot them down! Open fire with everything! Turn the entire country into plate glass if you have to!" he yelled. There was a pause while he listened to the response. "I don't care what it takes! Annihilate them!" Donner hung up and dropped the mobile on the floor.
"Unbelievable! Nod's launched another suicide submarine attack, and they're packing nuclear warheads again. Rubicon will be doing them a favor..." he referred to the name of the operation currently underway. The two limousines made haste for Brettonia.
Brettonian coastline
The blockading Peacemakers turned their turrets at the sudden threat of Nod submarines appearing once again. The underwater detonation of several nuclear warheads caught their electronic eyes; their railguns were pointed firmly at the cascading sheets of ice as the Nod SLBMs began emerging. Each Peacemaker fired its goliath 78cm railgun at the first SLBMs to break through. The thin-shelled missiles crumpled from the sheer force and velocity of the slugs passing between them. More missiles emerged from below, before the railguns had recharged their capacitors. The Peacemaker nearest the ice hole apparently shut down for a moment, then began emitting a curious, ultra-low frequency hum. Seconds later the remaining Nod SLBMs began spiraling off course, their electronics fried by the omnidirectional microwave emitter mounted in the A7V's gut. As the Peacemaker resumed combat stance, its VLS cells exploded as dozens of ASROCs shot out of its back. The rocket-boosted torpedoes rocketed into the air, flipped over, then dived into the hole in the ice. The Nod submarines, easily exposed by the location of the holes they themselves had blown, would soon be rusting on the bottom of the ocean.
"Amazing," a Stahlkörpe pilot remarked.
"Why do you think they won't even tell us how those things work?" another responded, gesturing. "Because they can do shit like that."
"Yeah. Out of this world..." the first replied. A massive explosion erupted near the coast behind them and their Peacemaker ride.
"What?!" the pilot exclaimed. A series of massive blasts annihilated the ice sheets off the coast as the Nod submarines detonated their missiles. Two Peacemakers disappeared as the ice beneath them was thrown into the air in the enormous chain detonation. The massive perma-ice sheets began seperating from the rocky coast as a result of the blasts.
Less than ten minutes after the blast, a wave of Arbiter IIs flew over the coast at low altitude, dropping innumerable ASROCs into the gaping holes in the ice sheets. If any submarines survived the initial launch and detonation, they'd be out of commission soon enough.
Brettonian Aerospace Defense Command
"General, reports from the anti-missile launch and subsequent re-entry attack," a liasion stated, scanning over a clipboard.
"Let's hear it," General Eizenburg said flatly.
"Sir," he began paging through the printout. "84% of enemy re-entry projectiles were either destroyed or incapacitated by our Eighty attack. At least 10% managed to proceed with their re-entry attacks. It looks as though they were targeting our missile silos."
"Damage?" Eizenburg inquired.
"I'm getting to that," he continued. "Eight silos sustained notable damage. Two have been incapacitated permanently. No detonation of payload, fortunately. The missiles are being excavated and will be re-deployed at other silo locations."
"Very well. Dismissed," Eizenburg said. The liasion saluted, and he returned the gesture. "Air Command!"
"Yes, General?"
"We're upping the ante a bit. The Chancellor has provided me with absolute authority to neutralize threats from Imperial Nod, and I intend to take this gesture to its fullest extent," Eizenburg stated. "I want two squadrons of Arbiter IIs to maintain a twenty-four hour ASW (anti-submarine warfare) patrol along the coast. We shan't be caught napping again. Secondly, you are to relay these orders to Colonel Nouls: 'Aerospace Defense Command authorizes the launch of six Eighties at major Imperial Nod population centers, as an addendum to Operation Rubicon. The bomber fleet shall proceed to disperse the N-9X on schedule, six hours following detonation of your missiles. You are to follow through with these orders immediately.' Like that."
"Understood, General. Anything else?"
"Negative," Eizenburg said. "Proceed with the operation as scheduled."
"Very well. Air Command out."
Eizenburg leaned back in his chair, letting the brim of his hat fall over his eyes. Good riddance, Mr. Kane, he thought. Your nation will make a lovely parking lot for our aircraft.
Axis Nova
12-04-2006, 12:15
Skies, near Bretton's outer air defense exclusion zone
Eleven metal behemoths rumble through the clouds, uncaring of the snow and wind. Six corvettes, four frigates, and a single massive carrier airship all tunnel through the weather, headed for Bretton.
"This is Air Flotilla Zulu Delta Niner to Brettonian Air Defense Command. We are inbound on vector Three Nine Bravo, Blue. Over."
The Axis Nova delegation has arrived, though it is a little unusual for them to be so untalkative...
Donner's phone buzzed again.
"Dammit, these things are more trouble than they're worth..." he answered. "What is it?!" There was a pause. "Ah, Axis Nova finally showed up. Excellent." Another pause. "Oh bollocks to that. Have them set down outside Brettonia. No sense making them drive all the way down to the capital when we're almost there. It'll give the people a good showing of what our allies are capable of." Third pause. "Yes, that's the one. We'll see them there." He hung up.
"Pardon the interruption," Donner said to General Redding. "Our long-time ally Axis Nova has finally sent its envoy over. Strange they'd take so long, but probably nothing. We've parcelled out conquered territory before; should help keep things going smoothly."
12-04-2006, 13:43
(OOC: sorry, stupid connection wasn't letting me post on forums for a while).
Imperial Isochron Military, Central Headquarters
"Sir", an aide called out to Field Marshall von Nien, "the Brettonians have launched nuclear weapons against the Nod; our Nodian allies responded with suicide submarine attacks with nuclear payloads!"
"You have got to be kidding me", said the Field Marshall. "Air Commodore, you know what this means, don't you?"
"Indeed sir." "Oh, and, Commander Trevelyan from the Missile Forces said that our silos are ready to launch on 2 hours notice".
Subsequently, Isochron air squadrons were scrambled to launch raids on the Brettonian capital. 500 B-1B bombers with 500 F-26 Locust escorts were enroute to carpet bomb the city. Not only were military targets pinpointed, but the airforce had orders to bomb anything and everything in sight, to level their capital.
Isochron borders were sealed; millions of troops kept at the ready for any attack on the homeland, and mobile SAMs placed in strategic locations around the Empire to complement fixed facilities in the event of any air-raid. More F-26 Locusts, Eurofighters, Su-29s, and F-22s were constantly patrolling the airspace and the navy was patrolling the waterways surrounding imperial territories with renewed vigour.
12-04-2006, 14:42
---Secret IC---
"Sir, there's been a nuc-"
"Stop. We are NOT getting involved. I don't care. We have to defend our homeland against KRaven, not get into a [Censored] NUCLEAR WAR!"
"Yes, yes sir."
The Black Hand of Nod
12-04-2006, 15:00
OOC: Just a reminder, any Sattelites over Imperial Nod and Bretton are now eithered EMPed or destroyed, if Bretton had any, they aren't in good shape now.
Slavik: Anything left?
Comm officer: Around 500 out of the 10,000 sent up. They're widely scattered so they should be hidden for awhile.
Slavik: Anything else?
CABAL: Launch a strike on Londonium.
Slavik: Yes, EVA seize control over the rest of Imperial Nod's silos, Launch all Chemical Missiles at Londonium. Kill every last Seth supporter at once. Bretton will be having some Visceroids for a welcoming party.
EVA: Confirmed
Slavik: Then launch the Multimissiles for Bretton.
Oxanna: Do you think that any of those missiles will reach Bretton?
Slavik: Of course not the fact that they'll detonate over the ocean will spread radiation throughout their already irradiated coastline.
Comm officer: Sir, at the first silos, we're reloading for the final rocket launch.
Slavik: Load everything on them.
-Imperial Nod Chemical Missile Complex-
As much as the command crew tried they couldn't override the hidden commands that Kane had set up. The Seth supporters could do nothing but watch as the Silos opened and almost every Chemical Missile took off for their command base. But one missile began to launch with the Silo doors still closed. Upon hitting the Hatch the Missile exploded spreading the mutagenic toxins throughout the base.
-Imperial Nod Multimissile Complex-
The scene repeated itself except instead of one missile getting stuck in it's silo, one instead rose straight up and detonated over the base, spreading its MIRV MicroNukes thoughout the outside of the base, leaving blasted burning crateors everywhere.
OOC: Imperial Nod, with the exception of the final load of Rods, now has NO more missiles left.
Imperial Nod
12-04-2006, 15:30
News reporter and camera crew running down street, air raid siren piercing area. fire, clouds of fire and ash fill the sky. debris of building all around
" Where here live in the capital which seems the worst hit. Kane our beloved is still missing and seth it is reported has been executed by loyalists for his betrayal to the nod people.
This unwarrented destruction is linked to Seth, some encrypted messages have been found reporting that he ordered the missile strikes around NOD.
a tenth of the population where succesful in fleeing nod before the atatcks began and it is widly believed that Kane was amoung them.
we will try and keep you updated as long as possible- In the name of Kane
Isochronous, I'm still waiting for you to respond to all those missiles I threw at your silly fleet in Imperial Nod's waters. I'd recommend you do something about that before going off to make some half-assed bombing run. I'll respond to your latest attack after you've responded to mine.
BHoN, I dunno about you, but I've set up my military satellites with Faraday cages. Can't have any random nuclear detonation in orbit knocking out all my eyes in the sky, as it were.
Brettonian airspace
A fully eighty-two BA-104B Arbiter II (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=452252) stealth bombers had taken to the skies on a direct course towards Imperial Nod. Or what remained of it, as the case may be. Within their bomb bays was the incredibly potent biological agent Nemesis-9X, or N-9X for short. A domestic 'home brewed' update of Raven Corps' original Nemesis-9, N-9X featured a few new abilities: for one, its ability to survive outside of a host was drastically increased. The virus would still be active a full two weeks after it had ran out of subjects to infect. Its ability to infect other species had been improved as well: N-9X could now infect virtually any subject with a full digestive tract. Rats, birds, possibly even insects would carry the virus into shelters and hardened areas where it couldn't originally reach. Finally, a powerful herbicide/defoliant had been packed away within the N-9X canisters as well. Along with killing off its animal population, the raid would also strip Imperial Nod of its vegetation.
An hour earlier, each Imperial Nod population center had been targeted by a single gigantic Eighty missile, so-named for its behemoth 80-megaton warhead. Any unfortunate survivors of the initial attack who hadn't already succumbed to the substantial after-effects of a hydrogen weapon of that size would be finished off by the massive, checkerboard bombing raid that would soon inundate the country with N-9X.
After the virus had burnt itself out, all the Brettonian forces would have to do was bulldoze the irradiated remnants of Imperial Nod's cities, pave over them, and set up shop. There wouldn't be many attractions in Brettonian-controlled Imperial Nod, but there would be plenty of parking space.
Brettonian Aerospace Defense Command
"General, another wave of missiles has been launched from Imperial Nod," a technician remarked. General Eizenburg furrowed his brow.
"What's the trajectory?" he asked. The electronic map began displaying a blob of red dots representing the Nod missiles rising upwards.
"It appears to be a proper ballistic path, though, it seems they're going to undershoot our borders at this rate..." the technician said, scratching his head. "Perhaps a retaliatory strike for our deployment of the Eighties on their cities?"
"Possibly. Still, it's not worth the gamble to assume those missiles will miss us, for any reason. Launch SDMs immediately," Eizenburg ordered. "In fact, equip them with those new booster units. I want those Nod missiles in pieces before they even get into this hemisphere."
"Understood, General. SDMs are now launching," the technician stated.
Another flock of the skinny, almost needle-like Strategic Defense Missiles shot into the air, two for every missile put into the air by Imperial Nod, or whomever was actually running the show in the burnt-out nation at this point. It was irrelevent to the SDMs: they simply saw targets and hurdled towards them.
Axis Nova
12-04-2006, 21:00
Brettonian airbase
As usual, the skies over Bretton are gray, and cloudy. Over this particular airbase, the cieling is only about ten thousand feet.
The Axis Nova airship flotilla breaks through the cloud cover, the first ship, a carrier, beginning it's final approach as the OLED camoflauge on the eleven ships deactivates simultaneously. Pitching it's bow up to catch the wind, the carrier slows, and hovering, extends it's landing legs, slowly lowering itself to the ground.
A cavernous chunk-THSSSSS sounds as weight is put on the landing legs, and the wheels therein slowly begin moving it towards a hangar as the others begin landing nearby.
13-04-2006, 00:06
Isochronous, I'm still waiting for you to respond to all those missiles I threw at your silly fleet in Imperial Nod's waters. I'd recommend you do something about that before going off to make some half-assed bombing run. I'll respond to your latest attack after you've responded to mine.
OOC: You'll have to give me the page number, otherwise I'll have to take my time going through every page of this bloody thread.
13-04-2006, 00:26
OOC: Must you continue to waste my missiles? It's becoming quite irritating. Oh well, more sheep to the slaughter, I suppose.
Brettonian Air Command, northern region
General Hassler, famed commander of the Kahanistan Campaign, mused his gloved fingers over his chin at the spectacle of the electronic map before him.
An unidentified fleet had appeared off the Nod coast. Based on their actions, he could assume that they were present to assist in Nod's defense against the surgically effective Arbiter raids.
"Pull back all bombers still in the area," Hassler ordered. The other officers in the command center quickly echoed his orders. "Nod's air assets and early-warning infrastructure have been more or less neutered. These foreign forces will take priority for the time being."
"Your orders, General?" an officer asked.
"I was just getting there," Hassler remarked. "Once all bombers have been recalled, they will be outfitted with air-to-air and antishipping missiles, as well as ASROCs. The fleet will then fly a roundabout course to hit the foreign fleet from behind. At such an altitude, nevermind the impeccable stealth, they'll be invisible right up until the missiles start hitting."
"They'll fly East?" the officer exclaimed.
"Correct. The fleet will stop off in Axis Nova to refuel. I'm sure they won't mind," Hassler remarked. "Once the foreign assets have been neutralized, we may resume putting the Nodees in their proper place, as well as the retrieval of the uranium."
6th Isochron Armada, off the cost of Nod
A huge thundering sound resonated where the Isochron naval fleet was, bringing the attention of Rear Admiral Fadden. His assistant spoke up: "Ah, those 620 Locusts patrolling around the Nod have come to provide us with a bit of cover. How kind of our friends in the airforce".
"Get on the phone to the airforce. Our radar shows we might be able to catch some of their retreating bombers and inflict some damage. Order the Raptor wing to give some chase", said the Rear Admiral.
Lieutenant Waugh interrupted: "so far, the Brettonians haven't sent any scouts out over us, or attempted an attack. It's quiet, too quiet".
"And what, exactly, should we do then?", sneered another officer.
A frustrated Lieutenant Waugh responded in kind: "Shut up, merkin. I want to get an AWAC in the air to enhance our early warning systems; they could hit from any direction, so let's cover all bases. We should also activate the experimental lasers we have; if they do choose to rain missiles upon us, that contraption hopefully can eliminate some. In a sense it'll be fun to test it out."
Meanwhile, from the deck of the Isochron carriers, aerial defence was enhanced as they put 13 Harriers and 20 modified F-22Z STOVL to accompany the 231 F-26 Locusts; except the smaller wing of Harriers and F-22Zs were ordered to fly to the west.
Some called Lieutenant Waugh crazy; he thought himself a genius. He snapped to a subordinate, "You all called me a nutcase when I said we should take a HMMWV-3 vehicle on board. Drive it on to the tarmac so it may work together with our other anti-aircraft defence".
13-04-2006, 03:37
"Rubicon?" General Redding inquired. "What the hell is 'Rubicon'?"
General Redding was curious now.
"Well," he said with a slight smirk on his face, "have we a little secret? Ah, who cares. It's none of my business anyways."
OOC: Isochronous, I assume you found the part where I actually attacked your fleet. It's a page or so further along from the one you quoted.
Secondly, I also assume you aren't using the quote from my post as intelligence for up-scaling your fleet's air defense. That would be extremely tacky.
"Ah yes, that," the Chancellor stated. "Operation Rubicon is our 'final solution,' pun intended, to this debacle with Imperial Nod. I'll tell you more about it once we've arrived at our more... comfortable surroundings."
"Chancellor," the driver said. "Axis Nova's airships have landed as secheduled."
"Very good," Donner remarked. "Have their man meet us at the Festspielhaus, the security detail will see to it they find our box."
"Understood, Chancellor," he said, opening his phone.
The Black Hand of Nod
13-04-2006, 06:14
BHoN, I dunno about you, but I've set up my military satellites with Faraday cages. Can't have any random nuclear detonation in orbit knocking out all my eyes in the sky, as it were.
OOC: Considering you used 10 80-megaton Warheads to shoot them down, then your Satellites would have been destroyed by the actual blast, not the EMP, Faraday cages do not make Satelites immune to explosions. Don't forget the fact that exploding so many weapons in the Athmosphere will cause fallout and an EMP blast on the land below, (The Radiation goes all different ways even back towards earth) and the fact that you now have an Ozone hole the size of Texas over your nation. The 'cure' was worse than the disease in this case.
Comm officer: Missile strike on Bretton failed.
Slavik: Good.
Comm officer: Londonium has been destroyed by Brettonian Missiles.
Slavik: Fools, wasted a missile on a city of corpses. No matter.
Comm officer: Next launch will be ready soon.
Slavik: Then we'll be ready to end this game soon.
Comm officer: In the name of Kane of course.
Slavik: Yes, In the name of Kane.
OOC: If a missile can travel halfway across the globe in ten minutes, I assume it will have no problem getting out of my orbital space in time to intercept your little buckshot rockets. In reality, we probably just f**cked some random idiot's atmosphere who happened to be halfway between us and them. Oh well.
Festspielhaus am Brettonia
On stage, Der Freischütz was still in its first act. Caspar handed Max a rifle, loaded with one of the magic bullets he had recieved from Samiel, the dark hunter. These bullets never missed their target.
In an overtly lavish balcony at the back of the theatre, Chancellor Donner, General Redding, and their respective entourages watched the proceedings.
"Operation Rubicon is a truly historic event," Donner explained to Redding. "It will mark the first occassion of the Brettonian military summarily purging an entire country of miscreants."
Max fired a shot; the bullet struck a flying eagle at an impossible distance with ridiculous accuracy.
"Previously, we have targeted their major population centers with high-yield nuclear warheads," he stated, making a hand gesture to that effect. "As we speak, squadrons of our Arbiter II bombers are dropping a potent biological agent on Imperial Nod. The attacks are quite precise, and no part of the country will go unnoticed."
Max left the stage, vowing to travel with Caspar to the wolf's gorge that night to forge more magic bullets. Caspar would then offer up Max to Samiel instead of himself, as he had previously offered his soul for the use of the magic bullets.
"In less than a month, Imperial Nod will be a lovely parking lot. The best part is, its critical mineral resources will remain more or less intact, so we can finally get at that damn uranium," Donner said. "It's a very methodic and effective procedure, wouldn't you say?"
Imperial Nod
"What a hellhole..." the lead bomber's bombardier remarked, looking at the computer-enhanced images of Imperial Nod far below. It looked more like a First World War battlefield than anything else.
"They got everything they deserved," the aircraft commander snapped, "And they're about to get more of it. Commence deployment!"
"Commencing deployment," the bombardier acknowledged, setting the operation in motion. The bomb bays of the Arbiters split open, and dozens of canisters began tumbling out of them. The air behind the flight group was soon choked with innumerable warheads containing the powerful biological warfare agent. The canisters deployed small parachutes and began their lazy descent towards the ground. As they got closer, they began venting their noxious contents.
Imperial Nod would be more or less devoid of life within two weeks.
13-04-2006, 22:54
"To think," the Supreme General said, "that we are the smartest spiecies on earth, is wrong. Look at this."
"Amen, sir. Amen."
13-04-2006, 23:39
"Well," General Redding began, "quite a, um, how do you say, strong retaliation. However, that is your business. We won't stop you. Anyways, nice theater you have here. This production is lovely."
"Sir," one of Redding's chief security officers began.
"What is it?" Redding said angrily.
"Intelligence called," the officer stated.
"And?" General Redding inquired, still angry.
"They said that Bretton is attacking Imperial Nod, should we be worried about our safety?" the officer asked.
"Not at all." General Redding replied, "They are interested in Nod. They want nothing from us. And besides, Nod can't do anything to Bretton. This nation is totally secure for right now. Now go away."
"Aye, Sir!" the officer responded.
13-04-2006, 23:46
OOC: Considering you used 10 80-megaton Warheads to shoot them down, then your Satellites would have been destroyed by the actual blast, not the EMP, Faraday cages do not make Satelites immune to explosions. Don't forget the fact that exploding so many weapons in the Athmosphere will cause fallout and an EMP blast on the land below, (The Radiation goes all different ways even back towards earth) and the fact that you now have an Ozone hole the size of Texas over your nation. The 'cure' was worse than the disease in this case.
OOC: There is NO radioactive fallout from a nuclear detonation in the atmosphere. Fallout comes from dirt and other debris that is irradiated when a nuclear weapon is detonated on the ground or just above the ground. Just thought you should know.
The Black Hand of Nod
14-04-2006, 01:00
OOC: There is NO radioactive fallout from a nuclear detonation in the atmosphere. Fallout comes from dirt and other debris that is irradiated when a nuclear weapon is detonated on the ground or just above the ground. Just thought you should know.
OOC: Okay then I'll change the term, Whoever was below the blasts would still get Bombarded by Radiation from the explosion, the amount of energy would have rendered the Protection of the Atmosphere useless. Someone suffered, maybe not Bretton but someone did.
14-04-2006, 02:12
OOC: Yeah, there would be a massive blast of Alpha, Beta, Neutron, Gamma, and X-Ray radiation during the initial blast. They would be generated for a few seconds, travel at the speed of light and then dissipate into structures or the ground. The Alpha radiation would also create X-Ray radiation from any heavy metal it hits, such as lead.
Imperial Nod
14-04-2006, 03:09
ooc: lol either it will be messy. oh and bretton. if u read back a bit you will see that the uranium mines are gone. they where destroyed a fair while ago
OOC: Yeah. Like I said, -somebody- got screwed.
Festspielhaus am Brettonia
Act Two opened in Agatha's chambers. Max had had his eye on her for some time, but after continually failing to score well in the marksmanship competitions, a nobody was going to marry her before him. Unknown to him, Caspar also had devices on Agatha. When Max fired the first magic bullet elsewhere, a picture of her ancestors fell from the wall and shattered, signaling the bad omen approaching.
"It is harsh, I will admit," Chancellor Donner remarked. "This will be the first time we have exterminated an entire country, but there was simply no recourse. The Nodees refused our overtures at every attempt, and given their fanatical devotion to this mysterious 'Kane' fellow, wiping them out as a whole was the only pertinent option."
On stage, Agatha eagerly awaited Max's arrival, where he would presumably reveal himself as the victor in the hunting competition. This was not to be, of course. Max returned and explained his loss, but all would be well in the final compeititon the next day.
"In any case," Donner began, "There's the business of parcelling off Imperial Nod's new nationwide parking lot. My topographical staff has made an arrangement I believe you will find is most reasonable. Have a look." Donner handed Redding a PDA. The map of Imperial Nod featured several radiation icons where its major cities had once stood. Imperial Nod's southwestern-most corner, roughly 14% of the country's total landmass, was partitioned off with a label 'To Asgarnieu' that buffeted against one of the radiation icons. "I trust your men will deal with that little mess in the most appropriate fashion," Donner said, indicating the site of the nuclear strike.
At the wolf's gorge, Samiel provided Caspar with the materials necessary to make six more magic bullets. There was a hitch, however: the final bullet would hit a target of Samiel's choice. Max arrived as Samiel departed; he had no knowledge of the dark hunter's involvement.
ooc: lol either it will be messy. oh and bretton. if u read back a bit you will see that the uranium mines are gone. they where destroyed a fair while ago
Yes, I'm very much aware of that. However, none of my people do. It's good roleplaying etiquitte, even though that knowledge would more or less invalidate the entire purpose of the operation in the first place. Oh well, wars have been fought over smaller misconceptions.
14-04-2006, 05:22
OOC: There should still be Uranium left underground in other places that are as of yet undiscovered.
Imperial Nod
14-04-2006, 12:15
OOC: There should still be Uranium left underground in other places that are as of yet undiscovered.
ooc:lol always an answer for everything
The Black Hand of Nod
14-04-2006, 16:54
OOC: Don't forget the fact that many years worth of Multiple Nation's Toxic waste and Depleted Fuel Rods have been buried throughout Imperial Nod. The people there would have died soon enough without Bretton's help. Either way it will be costly making Imperial Nod useful again. As of now I see only one use for the nation.
Comm officer: Bretton has deployed it's Virus.
Slavik: And how is it doing.
Comm Officer: It is taking the nation by Storm. *laughing*
Slavik: Let me know when every last person is dead.
Comm Officer: Yes sir.
Oxanna: We should convince Nod's allies to fight another day.
Slavik: Good idea, what would I do without you.
Oxanna: Have a lot less interesting life.
Slavik: *smirk*
MESSAGE TO: 6th Isochron Armada
FROM: Unknown location from within Imperial Nod.
We advise you to leave, there is nothing worth protecting,Vengence will come against Bretton, but it is better for your nation to fight on, declare truce then leave, it is your only option. -Imperial Nod Special Forces.
-Last Nod Missile Silo-
The Final 10 Space Bound missiles launched, Seven of them this time heading AWAY from Bretton. while Two headed straight up and one headed for orbit over Bretton.
Brettonian Aerospace Defense Command
"General... it seems Imperial Nod is still capable of launching missiles," a technician stated, bewildered.
"Now that is odd..." General Eizenburg scratched the back of his head. "Obviously some of their command and control infrastructure is still online."
"SDM launch confirmed," another technician reported; he hadn't bothered waiting for Eizenburg's obvious orders. The General nodded in his direction.
"What is our plan of action?" the first inquired.
"Call up the figures from the earth-penetrating radar," Eizenburg stated. "From when we did the original fly-over."
The electronic map switched over from an Earth view showing the missile trajectory to a three-dimensional topographical map of Imperial Nod. A tunnel network was overlaid under it.
"There," Eizenburg pointed. "Those tunnel junctions. We'll drop an earth-penetrating nuclear bomb on those junctions. That'll safely entomb whoever's still operating underground."
"How can we be sure they're operating underground?" a technician inquired.
"Pfft," Eizenburg scoffed. "There's nowhere else they could be operating from."
"It sounds risky, General," the technician mentioned.
"Hmm. I suppose you have a point," Eizenburg responded. "Drop another one on each of their missile silos. I don't care if they've already been launched, they'll definately never be used to fire off more missiles again. That'll be the end of them."
A reserve squadron of Arbiter IIs had taken flight, and passed by the main force of the bombers that were returning from dispensing the biological bombs. These Arbiters flew without their drones, operating in stealth configuration so whatever assets that might still be online in Imperial Nod would never detect their approach.
The Black Hand of Nod
15-04-2006, 09:02
-Underground Imperial Nod Border-
The heavy blast doors sealed shut for what was to be forever, from behind the charges went active. Seconds later multiple blasts began to cascade down the Tunnel system under Imperial Nod. Sinkholes opened up in the ground above as blast after blast leveled the System. By the time it was over the massive tunnel system was no more.
Slavik: Status?
Comm Officer: Bretton launched more SDMs but the majority of our missiles were outside their LOS, by the time they intercepted they had already deployed their payloads.
Slavik: Execllent.
Oxanna: Imperial Nod Tunnel network is completely destroyed.
Slavik: Then everything is finished, now we wait for Bretton to take the nation. Driver take us home.
Pilot: Yes sir!
The Montauk departed for parts unknown.
Imperial Nod
Two months later...
A gargantuan Ouroboros flying boat/transport aircraft touched down in the waters off Imperial Nod's dessicated shore. The 2-kilometer-wide behemoth, almost impossibly large, closed to as close as possible with the shore before halting its path. The front doors opened, and several LCACs took off for the shore. These would not be the first Brettonian ground forces to enter Imperial Nod since its "sterilization" months earlier, but they would be the most important.
The LCACs hit the beach and proceeded a kilometer inland, coming to a halt at a prefabricated Brettonian field command center. Sixty Stahlkörpe (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447922) assault suits disembarked from each LCAC. The last off was a peculiar suit, painted in a glaringly bright white color with ornate gold trim.
A standard-model Stahlkörpe saluted the white one.
"Welcome to Imperial Nod, Chancellor," its pilot, the base commander, reported.
"My pleasure," Chancellor Gerhard Donner saluted back, raising the suit to its full height to get a good view of the surrounding terrain. There wasn't much to see. "Seems our N-9X did a thorough job."
"Very thorough, Chancellor," the commander replied. The two suits began conducting an inspection of the are around the command center. "Our deep probes into the former urban centers, or what remains of them at any rate, have shown the blanketing attack using Nemesis-9X were more effective than our wildest projections."
"How so?" Donner asked.
"Simply put, there's nothing left," the commander flatly remarked. "As far as we can determine, the bug eradicated virtually all fauna, and the defoliant has squashed that of the flora quite nicely. Our top bio-warfare experts have conducted rigorous inspections, and we are now satisfied that the virus has burned itself out."
"And thus the final chapter on this miserable debacle is closed," Donner stated. "Very good. What about residual fallout?" The two suits reached a desolate hilltop, looking over an expansive valley to the east.
"Even with our 'clean' warheads, we've deemed it suitable to situate a forty-kilometer 'dead zone' around all the sites we directly targeted with the large bombs," the commander reported. A map appeared on the Chancellor's screen showing the cordoned off zones. "The fallout did not likely spread that far, even with the wind at sub-optimal conditions, but even still, better safe than sorry."
"A good stratagem," Donner noted. "Security?"
"Top notch," the commander quickly reported. "Our field engineering teams have erected a high fence around all the 'dead zones.' Instigator (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=10814564) units have been deployed within the perimeter to act as patrol units. On the odd chance anything did manage to survive within the ruined areas, they won't get far from them. There is a bit of a gray area surrounding the tunnel networks, however..."
"A gray area? Not too big, I hope," Donner remarked. The two suits began returning to the command center.
"It's moderate, to say the least," the commander noted. "Imperial Nod was in posession of a substantial underground tunnel network. Most of the junctions of this network were knocked out of action by our earth-penetrating nuclear munitions, however, we believe significant stretches of them remain intact. Survivors of some kind may have taken refuge in these areas. Our chief speculation thus far is that populations of small, rodent scavengers have infested these areas. Given their high birth rate and short gestation period, they may be reproducing at an equivalent speed that the Nemesis-9 kills them off. Given the nearly limitless supplies of carrion in some areas, it's possible that these theoretical rodent populations may continue to sustain the Nemesis-9 in themselves for months before they finally are eradicated entirely."
"Unacceptable," Donner sharply responded. "If that is the case, we should demolish the remaining tunnel networks as soon as time permits. It's not like they'll be of any use to us, anyway."
"I have men in the planning phases of that operation as we speak," the commander shot back. "You won't find us lacking initiative, I assure you."
"Good. What of the remaining Nod facilities and urban complexes?" Donner probed.
"I was just getting to those," the commander returned. "It is my belief that we should demolish the ruins into the detonation craters and pave the entire hole over. That would free up space, eliminate the possible threat of radioactive dust being thrown into the air at a future date, and if anything happens to still be alive down there, that'll be the end of it. Three birds with one stone, if you will. However, there is a motion among some of the men that we should leave the ruined urban centers standing as is. A tribute to the awesome power of our armed forces. A bit whimsical, if you ask me."
"No, they have a good point," Donner remarked. "We must be politicans as well as generals. If we leave a few of the urban centers as they are now, it will serve as a lasting reminder to the power we have over this world. In a hundred years, Brettonians living here will drive their autos to the fenced-off perimeter and look on in awe. The husks of those cities would still be hopelessly radioactive and devoid of life, uninhabitable. That will be a lesson in the power we can exercise anywhere we so desire."
"Very poetic, Chancellor," the commander responded. "Ah, there is one notable I'd like to share with you, however."
"A notable?"
"Yes. We should proceed inside; our science team is presently analyzing our findings. Suffice to say, it would appear the Nodees were experimenting with some bizarre form of mineral and its mutagenic qualities. It's like nothing we've ever seen before."
Imperial Nod
22-04-2006, 20:24
ooc: nicely done thats just the thing i needed for the new thread. cheers
OOC: I aim to please.
Imperial Nod
"Remarkable, isn't it?" the base commander nodded, as he and the Chancellor overlooked a laboratory within the prefabricated command center. A science team was hurriedly going about their business: the centerpiece of the scene was a glass container, several inches thick, which contained a luminescent green crystal.
"What is that?" Donner demanded, looking confused.
"We're not sure," the commander remarked, shrugging. We don't know where it came from, what it does, or what the Nodees were doing with it. It has a very unusual elemental composition..." The commander put on a pair of reading glasses and began reading off a clipboard. "42.5% phosphorus, 32.5% iron, 15.25% calcium, 5.75% copper, 2.5% silicon dioxide, and 1.5% of trace other metals and unidentifiable substances."
"Unidentifiable substances..." Donner stroked his chin. "Disturbing. To think even with our technology, we can't determine something as simple as the elemental makeup of this... thing."
"The science team is ecstatic," the commander stated. "This is the 'biggest thing' since bubble fusion, from what they're telling me. I have some concerns about it, however."
"As I imagine you should," Donner made a gesture to that effect.
"This stuff grows, and it grows fast," the commander noted matter-of-factly. "We discovered small-scale 'orchards' of the stuff outside a Nod military complex that was hit by an earth-penetrating nuclear warhead. In three weeks, the stuff has started popping up all over what's left of the base. We had some highly-distinguished geologists come by and examine the things. They grow by absorbing minerals from the surrounding soil, and at an alarming rate."
"Can we kill it?" Donner demanded, suddenly looking worried. "Even with its... possible qualities... this thing strikes me as being more dangerous than it's worth."
"I feel the same, Chancellor," the commander nodded. "We've put in a call to one of the big biological warfare facilities back in the homeland. They're presently working on a chemical, a gas, that will break down this mineral growth at a high rate. Despite its mutagenic attributes and possible use as a potent chemical/biological warfare devince in and of itself, I believe it is too dangerous to be grown outside of a fully contained environment."
"And cooler heads prevail," Donner replied. "In any case. I'm returning to Brettonia. Keep me posted about any further findings and check in regularly."
"Of course, Chancellor," the commander saluted. "A pleasant return trip to you."
23-04-2006, 22:22
General Redding was at his office desk when he heard the news.
"Sir!" a young secretary exclamed, "Bretton has found something extremely interesting! I think you should have a look!"
"What is it this time?" the General inquired.
"It seems that they have found a crystal or a mineral of some sort. It grows at an alarming rate by using surrounding minerals."
"So what?" the General responded.
"Well, it has extreme mutagenic propeties. It also has potential as a biological or chemical weapon," the secretary said.
General Redding began to think of the possibilities.
"Hmmm. We need to get some research teams to look at this peculiar thing," the General said.
"Right. Should we inform Bretton?" asked the secretary.
"No, I will do it," replied the General.
Office 21
213 Government Way
Balkan City, 85546
Druid Province, The Armed Holy Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
TO: Chancellor Gerhard Donner
FROM: General Redding
SUBJECT: Possible Research Teams
Greetings. We have come to understand that you have recently found a crystal of sorts in Imperial Nod. We also understand that it has possible mutagenic properites, as well as the possibility to be used as a chemical or biological weapon. We are interested in researching this crystal for its strange properties. We wish to conduct our own tests on the said crystal and retrieve several samples. We assure you that anything we may find that is contrary to what you have found will be announced to you. We will send a special Bio/Chem research team from the Asgarnian Army. We also wish to make a diplomatic trip to tour the ruins of the old Imperial Nod. Thank you for considering our request.
General Redding
The Black Hand of Nod
27-04-2006, 19:53
OOC: Don't forget that there are hundreds of Buried piles of Nuclear Waste. But that wouldn't be noticed until the regular radiation failed. Nice work with the rats infesting the Tunnel Network.