NationStates Jolt Archive

Galactic Federation Of Free Alliances Meeting [Closed to none members] - Page 3

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13-11-2005, 06:26
"While we are fairly useful in a fleet battle situation, it is on the special forces front that we excel." Alex Masaki put down Coreworlds' own strengths. "We have the ability to go behind the lines and make life difficult for the enemy. Sabotage, hit-and-run tactics, guerilla warfare. These are where are real strength lies. But make no mistake. We're no slouches in the ground or space departments either."
13-11-2005, 06:28
OC: If you couldn't tell, he was agreeing with you. The speech was addressed to everyone all the same.

(OOC: Sorry, I really couldn't tell that he was agreeing with me. I could see that he was addressing everyone, but to me, it read as if he was stressing to everyone something that we all missed. (The first line gave me that impression.) Ok! My bad. @_@ .)
13-11-2005, 07:49
"Our tactical prowess is unmatched," Skye said simply, then continued.

"Like the honorable representative from Kyanges detailed, we utilize swarm tactics as well. However the respective militaries of Deatharon, Abh, and the Zetans can attest that the nature of our swarms reaches an unheard-of level."

"Firepower, ferocity, and focus. Our vessels are small, yet heavily armed, moderately well armored, and very very fast. Godulan Onslaught Mines also follow this trend, as does Red Rain and other superweapons we have in our arsenal. We also make exceptional use of heavy fighter craft that is amazingly maneuverable for its size and packs a punch roughly close to a small frigate. We also reserve the option of utilizing automated assault drones approximately the size of a corvette and equipped with capitol grade weaponry. Our vessels can strike from almost anywhere in a system with speed and precision.

Our strength is in keeping the enemy off balance to the point that they are always attempting to defend against our moves, rather than attack. The more they defend, the more we attack, and the more we attack, the more they die. Confusion is death, my friends, and the more we put into them, the better our chances of winning."
13-11-2005, 07:53
"Hmmm, do you think that we could assign roles based on our specialities? I mean, we can't all be the best at everything here. Some excel at ground roles, while others reign supreme in the skies above. I think that after it becomes apparent who truly conquers a particular realm, we should try to assign roles accordingly, then work on our weaknesses later."

"Excellent idea," agree Bridger, "That is similar to the set-up in the U.E.O.O., our regional alliance," he grins, "with the Holy Empire in the G.F.F.A., you also get help from our regional allies.

"And, as to the current topic under discussion," he said, "Seaquestian ships, troop armor, weapons, and mechs are designed to intimidate," he smiles, "quite easy to instill fear in a population when you got one or more one-kilometer diameter flight II Ha'taks landing.

"Of course, SeaQuestian forces also use surprise, as well as intimidation factor, to get the job done. Specialized units for each mission also come in handy. Plus the fact that most of the Holy Empire's ship class have atmospheric abilities is quite useful at times."
Neo Zeta
13-11-2005, 08:12
" While on the topic of what we excell at..." Bradley said

" Neo Zeta has a stroung space force and planetary invasion forces. We try and make sure all our forces are up to the task if need be. Tho our space forces are much more advanced then our ground forces. However what we lack in advancements in ground forces we make up for in brutalness. Besides if space forces do the job then we can make the job of ground forces oh such much easer."
13-11-2005, 08:26
Asuke listened intently to the rest of the representatives, slowly comparing and weighing the possibilities while trying to grasp just how such a diverse force were to work together. {We have a massive combined fleet here. One that covers virtually all aspects we could ever hope for in a military force. Godulan's unparalled tactics, and experienced, well rounded fleets, intimidating Starenellian and SeaQuestian ground forces, No endorse's battle tested, and rugged space force, CoreWorlds expert Special Ops, and the Sovereignty's own unmatched fighter wings and experience in command and control... And that's just a few members of the G.F.F.A.}

"It looks like we've all got something to contribute force wise, but when the time comes to fight, we're going to need leaders. Who will command this force? Are we going to expect Rei Zephon to handel it?"
13-11-2005, 08:33
Asuke listened intently to the rest of the representatives, slowly comparing and weighing the possibilities while trying to grasp just how such a diverse force were to work together. {We have a massive combined fleet here. One that covers virtually all aspects we could ever hope for in a military force. Godulan's unparalled tactics, and experienced, well rounded fleets, intimidating Starenellian and SeaQuestian ground forces, No endorse's battle tested, and rugged space force, CoreWorlds expert Special Ops, and the Sovereignty's own unmatched fighter wings and experience in command and control... And that's just a few members of the G.F.F.A.}

"It looks like we've all got something to contribute force wise, but when the time comes to fight, we're going to need leaders. Who will command this force? In the thick of battle, we can't have a council deciding the next move, and therefore, I think that we may need to appoint one supreme commander for the military forces..."

"That's simple," said Bridger, "Either the Head of the G.F.F.A. Military or the G.F.F.A. Praetor."
13-11-2005, 08:35
"That's simple," said Bridger, "Either the Head of the G.F.F.A. Military or the G.F.F.A. Praetor."

(OOC: I was only aware of the Praetor, but I didn't know we had a military commander already. Consider my previous post edited.)
13-11-2005, 08:37
"That's simple," said Bridger, "Either the Head of the G.F.F.A. Military...

Skye coughed surreptitiously.
13-11-2005, 08:47
(OOC: I was only aware of the Praetor, but I didn't know we had a military commander already. Consider my previous post edited.)

OOC: I'm not sure about the existance of a military commander myself. Bridger was just mentioning the position. I'll check the appointments list, just to be on the safe side.
Head of Military Operations: Godular
Godular isn't in a usergroup called that on the G.F.F.A. forums cause he is also on the Triad Council. So, Godular, got a character worked up for the post yet?
13-11-2005, 09:01
OOC:What post?

If you're asking who I intend to appoint as the Commander of Allied Forces, it'll either be General Lear or Arcturus.
13-11-2005, 09:05
OOC:What post?

If you're asking who I intend to appoint as the Commander of Allied Forces, it'll either be General Lear or Arcturus.

OOC: Yep, that one. If you want, I can quote Neo Zeta's post where you were listed as Head of the G.F.F.A. Military.

OOC 2: Last post for the night.
13-11-2005, 09:27
OOC: Oh that post. I know.
The Humankind Abh
13-11-2005, 23:52
Lamia let out a throaty laugh mixed with growls. "Yes the self proclaimed Godular technology only stopped a hundred Abh ships against their thousands. In the end you failed to hold the system. Give the Empires regards to the Vrone government the next time you talk to them. Tell them that they know who to ask if they want their system back. I am curious though. Are they even still alive? You must have ruined their entire ecosystem and weather patterns. Did they freeze to death or burn to ashes when gave them a completely new orbit around a new sun?"
14-11-2005, 00:04
Asuke was somewhat surprised at the comment, yet she some how saw it coming. With all the boasting, something like this was bound to happen. {The Godulans kept listing out their achievements a bit too long. I didn't want to say anything, but...} Asuke sighed quietly, and rested her head on her arm. She glanced over to the Godulans, waiting for their response.
14-11-2005, 00:11
Lamia let out a throaty laugh mixed with growls. "Yes the self proclaimed Godular technology only stopped a hundred Abh ships against their thousands. In the end you failed to hold the system. Give the Empires regards to the Vrone government the next time you talk to them. Tell them that they know who to ask if they want their system back. I am curious though. Are they even still alive? You must have ruined their entire ecosystem and weather patterns. Did they freeze to death or burn to ashes when gave them a completely new orbit around a new sun?"

"Give my regards to your crippled super star destroyer and the tyranid fleet we ruined. We hardly lost even 20 vessels against your pathetic little force, and with that, we lost... let me think... NO HUMAN LIVES. You were taking heavy losses even before the Kythons entered the system, fool. You and the Deatharon forces were being soundly thrashed on all sides by effectively NON-COMBAT VESSELS.

"Besides, what need had we to hold the system when all we were concerned about was preventing the Genocide that allowing the Vrone world into Chronosian talons would bring? We prevented that, and as such our victory was won, while your forces could do nought but watch and whine.

"Your objective to take Vrone failed. So do not gloat, weakling."
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 00:18
OOC: Oh so you took casualties....

IC: Lamia's smile did not leave. "Check your sources again. There were no other forces there until you showed up. Our losses were minimal. If we were so weak then why did you not defeat us?"

He leaned forward. "You did not answer my question either. You moved the planet to completely different orbit without regard. That is a delicate balance you have disrupted. Did you mistakenly kill them thinking to be their saviors?"

His smile left. "If you want to establish dominance, I'll happily do it outside of the room right now."
14-11-2005, 00:30
OOC: Oh so you took casualties....

IC: Lamia's smile did not leave. "Check your sources again. There were no other forces there until you showed up. Our losses were minimal. If we were so weak then why did you not defeat us?"

OOC: Considering that I was essentially slaughtering you and the Deatharon forces with a Heighliner that just dropped off a cargo of Onslaught Mines, for about the first quarter of the battle I didn't NEED to take casualties as there were none to take. See, this is tactics. Its not just two fleets sitting on two sides churning cannonfire at each other. I learned a long time ago that when it comes to roleplaying, you need to say exactly where you are, what you're doing, and how its being done. For the most part you were just sitting there while I jumped directly inside your fleets and tore things up.

"The Kythons did not need to. They simply focused on weakening you with their Ion cannons. You may have only lost a hundred ships, but no doubt your other vessels were significantly hindered in the process. And also no doubt the nameplates of those vessels you DID lose adorn the main hulls of our Kython Pets. They replenish their numbers off the corpses of their fallen foes.

"Make no mistake, however. Had our Makos been so inclined you would have been slaughtered wholesale. And then I doubt that even our ties to our Coredian Brethren would have been enough to put the hostilities behind us."

He leaned forward. "You did not answer my question either. You moved the planet to completely different orbit without regard. That is a delicate balance you have disrupted. Did you mistakenly kill them thinking to be their saviors?"

"Do you have the mental faculties of a low order fungus? We did not move their orbit. We moved them to an entirely new SYSTEM. We carefully selected the location of their new home, and transported the world to the exact position around its new star such that environmental conditions were not altered. We have our Balroggan friends to thank for such techniques.

"By removing them from the system entire, your objective was lost. Oh the Chronosians gnashed their teeth and shook their fists and railed on about the number of mass murders they perpetrated in the past, but all that matters to us is that we stopped them from this one."

His smile left. "If you want to establish dominance, I'll happily do it outside of the room right now."

"I am secure enough in my superiority that your infantile challenge strikes as more of an amusement than anything else. Perhaps later, I would show you the intricacies of the Constant of Potential."
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 00:39
Lamia couldn't help keep from laughing. "You still need to garner better information. We do not leave fallen ships behind so that the enemy may take them for their own. Ships are either brought back to the Empire or destroyed."

His grin widened. "For someone that supposedly has superior mental powers, you need to work more on your hearing. You moved the planet to a new system yes, therefore they have a new orbit. Therefore the planet's balance is thrown into whack. Trying to play God has just killed the entire planet. Instead of thinking people, maybe you should have put more thought into what you were doing."

He sighed. "For someone that is secure in their superiority, you sure do resort to an abundance of name calling."
No endorse
14-11-2005, 00:42
His smile left. "If you want to establish dominance, I'll happily do it outside of the room right now."
Matt's hand slid down to his thigh, fingering a small three-shot stun charger strapped onto the inside. Releasing it from its holster, he palmed it, resting his hands in his lap. He uttered a short plea to the Gods to not need to use it, and the stregnth to if necessary.

"The first one to move would not wake up for a week, and that is assuming you have the resiliance of an average whale. Do not tear apart an alliance like this with petty differences. I thought since we entered into this group we would be past all of this. I say that as of now, we should take an oath. An oath to not allow our pasts to define our futures, and to put the alliance before petty feuds and past offenses.

It may be difficult, but our civilizations did not survive until this technological level by being deterred by difficulties."

Hopefully there are some security guys around. I'd rather leave this junk to them...
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 00:58
Lamia looked the ambassador from No Endorse. "You will not need that here. I am only pointing out that a fool who believes that their forces have weaknesses is of no use to this alliance. Everyone's fleet and armed forces here and abroad has a weakness. It is foolish to think otherwise."
14-11-2005, 01:07
Lamia couldn't help keep from laughing. "You still need to garner better information. We do not leave fallen ships behind so that the enemy may take them for their own. Ships are either brought back to the Empire or destroyed."

"Which makes the fact that you didn't notice the Kython acquisitional vessels making off with your ruined ships right under your noses even more amusing."

His grin widened. "For someone that supposedly has superior mental powers, you need to work more on your hearing. You moved the planet to a new system yes, therefore they have a new orbit. Therefore the planet's balance is thrown into whack. Trying to play God has just killed the entire planet. Instead of thinking people, maybe you should have put more thought into what you were doing."

"No they do not have a new orbit. They have a new home star. You foolishly presume that when an object completes probability transit that it just sits there. This is not the case. We can control how transit is completed, which is why you experienced a very large number of mines that probability iterated while utterly still, and completed transit within your fleet traveling at velocities most mass-drivers would fail to match.

"We had the exact coordinates and entry momentum plotted out precisely. The Vrone world now orbits serenely around a medium star with no instabilities in a system that had a nice little region of space all ready for it. Even now they flourish in their new system. We watch out for our friends, friend, and while our hospitality is not without limit, one would be wise not to test them."

He sighed. "For someone that is secure in their superiority, you sure do resort to an abundance of name calling."

"I like to test my vocabulary, as it helps keep the mind sharp. Unfortunately, due to prevailing circumstances I am afraid that the larger portion of my repertoire would not be understood by those in this room. It is the unfortunate side effect of coming from an impossibly diverse culture such as the Chamber: the challenge is not in the insults that hurt most, but in the ones that will be understood.
14-11-2005, 01:09
Lamia looked the ambassador from No Endorse. "You will not need that here. I am only pointing out that a fool who believes that their forces have weaknesses is of no use to this alliance. Everyone's fleet and armed forces here and abroad has a weakness. It is foolish to think otherwise."

"Oh, do not presume to believe that I purport my forces to be without weakness. I will simply not make mention of what they are."
14-11-2005, 01:17
Asuke grew tired of the constant bickering. She picked her head up and spoke, not angrily, but firmly.

"It's petty fighting like this that was partial cause for my people's retreat to isolationism until now. If this is any example of the type of alliance that the Sovereignty has joined, we will not hesitate to simply pack up, and leave. One retort leads to another and now both of you are going back and forth like children. Big vocabularies, minimal losses, changed systems or high technology, I don't think anyone here really cares. If either of you don't mind, I think we should get back to planning these training missions."
14-11-2005, 01:21
"I would heartily agree, as a matter of fact," Skye replied to the Kyanges representative's statement. "I shall voice an apology to the assembled diplomats for my behavior. I am afraid that while I am the most... diplomatic member of the Triad, I have had little practice with actual peacemaking, and that consistent contact with the more volatile members in my cadre has... caused some of their less desirable traits to rub off on me. It cannot be helped over the course of several millenia... I am afraid I do not react well to misguided individuals who do NOT represent their government attempting to start trouble."

"I would also like to offer the possibility of creating a mobile training base. One not only suited towards training joint troops, but also equipped to conduct space combat exercises in different stellar conditions."
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 01:24
"You still lack intelligence on the actual occurence of the battle. Abh forces never left since they still control the system minue one planet."

Lamia sighed. "I see you still do not understand anything about simple physics and the ways of the universe. I'm sorry if the word orbit is not in your vocabulary repetoire. I'll explain it for you since you do not understand. When an object orbits another, it moves around it. That is not the problem. The problem is this. How do you know this star is the exact same as their original? How do you know the planet's orbit is the same as the original? Do you have the same size and amount of moons attached to it as well? These are all critical factors that must be thought about before even attempting to move a planet. You most likely ruined every weather pattern they have or put them endanger of crashing into this nice new sun. This is important since their lives depend on it."

Moving his focus elsewhere. "Grunts can train with grunts. Abh+ marines may work along side any other forces. They do not hold grudges or descriminate against other races."
14-11-2005, 01:33
OOC: Oh that's right... everybody BUT you left. Still not sure why you wanted an uninhabitable system. I will edit my post above to reflect that. However, I did gank your ships.

Lamia sighed. "I see you still do not understand anything about simple physics and the ways of the universe. I'm sorry if the word orbit is not in your vocabulary repetoire. I'll explain it for you since you do not understand. When an object orbits another, it moves around it. That is not the problem. The problem is this. How do you know this star is the exact same as their original?"

"Let me stop you right there. We knew it was not 'the same' as the original, and tailored the orbit to reflect the altered conditions."

"How do you know the planet's orbit is the same as the original? Do you have the same size and amount of moons attached to it as well?"

"Because we've been there since then and they haven't fallen into the star."

"These are all critical factors that must be thought about before even attempting to move a planet. You most likely ruined every weather pattern they have or put them endanger of crashing into this nice new sun. This is important since their lives depend on it."

"And you presume to lecture me on such things? Rest assured, my most vocal associate, we had a firm grasp on exactly where we were placing their world and exactly how the transfer would commence. We placed it exactly as it needed to be.

"Oh, and yes, we did make off with your wrecks. The Kythons took advantage of the momentary calm before we moved the planet to swipe your slag."
14-11-2005, 01:37
{Well that didn't last long...} Asuke thought to herself.

Rather than make another long winded speech, and risk becoming a preacher herself, Asuke quickly interjected, "Ah, the station sounds like a very interesting idea. Please, do tell more."
No endorse
14-11-2005, 01:42
Matt placed the stun charger on the table and began disassembling it, removing the power pack and seperating the three barrels from the grip. "Not the most elegant item, but by far and away quite effective. I'd be willing to foreward anyone the company I got this from."

Worthless now that it is known. "Never allow your enemy to count on what they know you have, and always make them think you have what you don't." Hopefully this move will make em think I've got more on me.

"I would also like to offer the possibility of creating a mobile training base. One not only suited towards training joint troops, but also equipped to conduct space combat exercises in different stellar conditions."
"The Inferno would be wholly and completly behind such a program. We would be more than willing to produce whatever you'd like us to for this base, especially the internal jump drive. Our sidejumper units are a little atypical, and may prove interesting in this case. It'd need some creative programming, but that's no problem."
14-11-2005, 01:42
OOC: Anything further about the argument will be OOC-ish.

"Gladly. We do not have one ourselves, but as it would be a joint training establishment, it would only make sense to make it jointly funded. The Station could incorporate multiple zones in which one faces differing conditions, such as cold-weather, desert, urban, forest, and so on. The lower portions of this station could become the berthing areas for vessels utilized in the training exercises that could be conducted wherever this station positions itself. And of course it will be capable of self-propulsion, though it need not be the swiftest ship in the sky."
14-11-2005, 01:53
OOC: Anything further about the argument will be OOC-ish.

"Gladly. We do not have one ourselves, but as it would be a joint training establishment, it would only make sense to make it jointly funded. The Station could incorporate multiple zones in which one faces differing conditions, such as cold-weather, desert, urban, forest, and so on. The lower portions of this station could become the berthing areas for vessels utilized in the training exercises that could be conducted wherever this station positions itself. And of course it will be capable of self-propulsion, though it need not be the swiftest ship in the sky."

(OOC: That's good. This thread was starting to descend into madness...)


Asuke listened intently. "Most intriguing. This kind of station would provide a secure base in which to train... Always a good asset. It would also have to possess a robust communications package to coordinate all the different forces that will be present as well. The Sovereignty can assist here."

She thought a bit before asking, "I wonder though, how will these different zones be created? Through holograms or something more real?"
14-11-2005, 01:56
"It can be through both, actually. We can use holoprojectors to alter the terrain, and climate control would assist in the weather conditions. It would not do to conduct weather operations where the landscape is the same each time."

Last post for a bit
New Dornalia
14-11-2005, 02:03
Baileygates then said, "The Workers State would be glad to contribute to this project, seeing as how it does seem to have mutual benefits for all concerned. We would be glad to provide personnel, as stated earlier, before the bickering started.....but enough of that."
14-11-2005, 02:12
Lamia let out a throaty laugh mixed with growls. "Yes the self proclaimed Godular technology only stopped a hundred Abh ships against their thousands. In the end you failed to hold the system. Give the Empires regards to the Vrone government the next time you talk to them. Tell them that they know who to ask if they want their system back. I am curious though. Are they even still alive? You must have ruined their entire ecosystem and weather patterns. Did they freeze to death or burn to ashes when gave them a completely new orbit around a new sun?"

"Ecological disasters," exclaimed Bridger, "the Holy Empire wouldn't do that. Why damage a useful planet when you can capture it instead. Not even our Sunbeams can be used longer than five seconds without causing serious environmental damge to a planet, thus the time limit."
14-11-2005, 02:16
"Ecological disasters," exclaimed Bridger, "the Holy Empire wouldn't do that. Why damage a useful planet when you can capture it instead. Not even our Sunbeams can be used longer than five seconds without causing serious environmental damge to a planet, thus the time limit."

(OOC: Hopefully, you've read everything past that post...)


"That's a good question, but we're past that little event for now."

Asuke listened intently for the next few contributions.
New Dornalia
14-11-2005, 02:20
(OOC: Hopefully, you've read everything past that post...)


"That's a good question, but we're past that little event for now."

Asuke listened intently for the next few contributions.

Baileygates then thought of an idea, and said, "This idea might be too much to handle, but would it be possible for us to adopt a standard set of energy weapon types and ammunition loadouts, to streamline supply?"
14-11-2005, 02:21
OOC: Anything further about the argument will be OOC-ish.

"Gladly. We do not have one ourselves, but as it would be a joint training establishment, it would only make sense to make it jointly funded. The Station could incorporate multiple zones in which one faces differing conditions, such as cold-weather, desert, urban, forest, and so on. The lower portions of this station could become the berthing areas for vessels utilized in the training exercises that could be conducted wherever this station positions itself. And of course it will be capable of self-propulsion, though it need not be the swiftest ship in the sky."

"If no one has anything suitable for this," Bridger grinned, "we can work together to build it."
New Dornalia
14-11-2005, 02:21
"If no one has anything suitable for this," Bridger grinned, "we can work together to build it."

Baileygates then said, "I second that. As I have said before, we'd be happy to help out."
14-11-2005, 02:28
Baileygates then said, "I second that. As I have said before, we'd be happy to help out."

"And until we have one," Bridger said, "we can use the Mech Battle Tournament as a starting point. Using multi-team matches, we can work on team work for at least some of our units."

OOC: @Kyanges: Yes, I did. That was the last post when I quoted it, but more were posted before I could edit it.
14-11-2005, 02:36
"If no one has anything suitable for this," Bridger grinned, "we can work together to build it."

(OOC: SeaQuest, that is something we've already agreed on, and I hope you're not using this thread to help promote your own other RP's. I can see where you're trying to connect the two, but not all of us use mechs here for one, and second, I don't really want to participate in that thread.

EDIT: Ah, Ok.)
No endorse
14-11-2005, 02:38
"If no one has anything suitable for this," Bridger grinned, "we can work together to build it."
The Inferno would gladly submit our jump technology for this craft. A side-jumper is an oddity, and would probably prove useful in a craft this size, although for safety reasons would be quite restricted.

A side-jumper is a jump unit that does not need to jump along the ships main axis. This is very helpful in making jumps more precise than the maneuvering thrusters on a ship can allign it. Usually this is only to a maximum of a few degrees using a computer. However, you can do significantly more if you'd like.

For example, it is possible to jump at a ninety degree angle to the ship's direction of travel. This is extremely dangerous of course, requires manual control, and damages the hull due to the stresses involved, but such a move can catch unprepared enemies by surprise. There was a single test in an opposite-to-motion jump, resulting in total destruction of the testbed.

If we had technical help from some more advanced nations, maybe we could create one that could jump in any direction with one-hundred percent stability. This would allow for a circular design to the station, and would put far less stress on the maneuvering thrusters when it became necessary to jump."
14-11-2005, 02:49
By this time, all diplomats had been briefed of the latest developments and progress made by other diplomats, especially the revered work of Prime Diplomat Tsu... Asuke spoke up, "Ah, I believe that we offered to help you in that area."

{I wonder how far we've gotten in that...} Asuke thought to herself before being hit with a pang of embarrassment, {If we've gotten anywhere at all...}
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 02:49
Lamia's personal clyuno went off. The communicator was a nuecence to him since he saw no reason why he had to have one. He activated the small jewel in the center of the back of his palm. He merely nodded as he brought standard computer on line.

In no time he had the information uploaded and prepared to send it to all computers in the room. His pointed nail stabbed the "Enter" key and sent the following message:

Message from Chronosian Emperor:

A message was just recieved at the Abh Capital, Lakfakalalae from the Chronosian government. They are requesting to meet with the delegates from the GFFA.

Emperor Dusanyu himself is already on his way.
End Message~
14-11-2005, 02:53
(OOC: I guess this is a message we're all getting now?)


Asukes' own PsiCommu link to her PADD began to tone silently in her mind. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the device. The message began to scroll as she read closely.

"Well this is new..." She said quietly.
New Dornalia
14-11-2005, 02:54
Lamia's personal clyuno went off. The communicator was a nuecence to him since he saw no reason why he had to have one. He activated the small jewel in the center of the back of his palm. He merely nodded as he brought standard computer on line.

In no time he had the information uploaded and prepared to send it to all computers in the room. His pointed nail stabbed the "Enter" key and sent the following message...

Baileygates then said, "The Chronosians...this is serious. Perhaps I should like to have a chat with them, these persons who distrupted our talk."

As she began packing up, she then said, "By the way, guys, bring Force-sensitives or empaths-this is gonna get fun," as she left.
14-11-2005, 02:56
"Oh boy, should I pull my son out?" Julian grimaced, showing pointed teeth.
14-11-2005, 03:01
Baileygates then said, "The Chronosians...this is serious. Perhaps I should like to have a chat with them, these persons who distrupted our talk."

As she began packing up, she then said, "By the way, guys, bring Force-sensitives or empaths-this is gonna get fun," as she left.

Asuke couldn't help but laugh at Baileygates comment. "Heh, all Eshirians are Psionic to some extent. This should be interesting to say the least..."

Unlike some of the other Representatives, Asuke was only a holographic projection in the room as far as her presence was concerned. She flicked a switch, and disappeared. Back in the transmission room, she began to prepare...
No endorse
14-11-2005, 03:11
By this time, all diplomats had been briefed of the latest developments and progress made by other diplomats, especially the revered work of Prime Diplomat Tsu... Asuke spoke up, "Ah, I believe that we offered to help you in that area."

{I wonder how far we've gotten in that...} Asuke thought to herself before being hit with a pang of embarrassment, {If we've gotten anywhere at all...}

"I believe that was Archer and Tsu, correct? Miss Tsu is sort of a celebrity in the government after that, and is held in good esteem in the general public. I'm not cleared to know how that is going on, but I hope that it is going well."

Lamia's personal clyuno went off. The communicator was a nuecence to him since he saw no reason why he had to have one. He activated the small jewel in the center of the back of his palm. He merely nodded as he brought standard computer on line.

In no time he had the information uploaded and prepared to send it to all computers in the room. His pointed nail stabbed the "Enter" key and sent the following message...

Matt's datapad vibrated. Checking it, his face grew quite dark.

"Chronasians. We must be cautious. I would be wary of any gifts they cary. I hope security will be tighter for them, they allowed me in with a stunner after all. I would also very much like to be quite distant from the Chronasian representative. I am from the Inferno, a GE nation. They won't like me here at all."
14-11-2005, 04:21
"I, too am quite intruged in what these followers of Chaos have to say, but let us beware..." Alex said warningly. "If there is nothing else, ladies and gentlemen..."

Replacing the items he placed on the table to his utility belt, he clonked his cane on the floor and leaned on it to get up. "...I shall take my leave."
14-11-2005, 07:57
(OOC: SeaQuest, that is something we've already agreed on, and I hope you're not using this thread to help promote your own other RP's. I can see where you're trying to connect the two, but not all of us use mechs here for one, and second, I don't really want to participate in that thread.

EDIT: Ah, Ok.)

OOC: Not at all. As for the other RP, it is a group effort. I apologize if I made you feel like you had to take part. I'll be editing that post to remove the link.
As for what I had Bridger say, that was because I had skimmed the post I had quoted and missed the part about it being jointly funded. My bad.

IC: "Chronisia," Bridger said after recieving the message after it was relayed from Ra's helmet to the ship and then to his Rune Stone, "I have heard of them, but the Holy Empire has had no contact with them, yet. This should be interesting," he stood up and started to work the kinks out of his legs with a few drum major steps before returning to his seat, "Sorry 'bout that. I'm not as young as I used to be.

"So, where will this meeting be taking place? Here, or somewhere else?

"If here, I can have the head of Mind Corps drop in for a vist."
Neo Zeta
14-11-2005, 08:15
Bradley nods at alex who stands " It was a pleasure to have you here. May you have a safe journy."

He then turns to the other members " I feel we have done what we set out to do in this meeting. There were some bumps but i feel it war productive. I know many of you might be heading to the Chronosian meeting. I mayself will not be going by the praetor of the G.F.F.A will be there."

He smiles as he hits a gavel twice signaling the end of the meeting.

" You are welcome to stay here and talk some more with each other. However i myself must being going i have matters of state to attend to."
14-11-2005, 09:16
"I believe we will rely upon our Coredian friends to provide us with the details of the meeting with the Chronosians. We are not on best terms with them. By which I mean it would likely immediately devolve into a shooting match.

"For now, however, I believe this meeting was productive enough, despite some..." he turned a serene smile upon Lamia, "proverbial dickwaving. For those interested, I shall offer the Godulan shipyards for production of this joint training station. We keep them over Terivine, which is accessible enough.

"For now, I shall thank you for the honor of coming here, apologize for the occasional outburst, and promise my most vocal counterpart here that I would be most willing to teach him some constants of probability."
14-11-2005, 10:36
Bridger said as he stood up, "Well, I won't be attending the meeting with Chronisia, I will send someone though, but I really should get back to running my Empire.

"Farewell, everyone. This meeting got most of the bumps out of the way and left only a few minor things to iron out."

With that, he and Ra retrieved the items they had placed on the table earlier. They and Thor left to return to the ship. Anubis got up and followed them.
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2005, 17:39
Lamia grabbed all three seeds and stuffed them back into his coat pocket hidden inside the jacket. He let computer keep running so the message would stay up for the rest of the representatives.

He leaned back in his chair waiting for everyone to leave.