Corneliu Places TFU under Full Embargo and Blockade - Page 2
25-02-2005, 02:37
I'll post something allright. LOL
Hive Fleet Imodius
28-02-2005, 03:37
Ok i would like to point out a few things that have occured in recent times:
The Aids virus becomming more and more resistant to ANY treatment.
Bacteria becomming more and more resistant
Various Virus comming out and being far more lethal then ever recorded.
This is somthing we biologists call EVOLUTION. Just because the human race stopped evolving around 5,000 years ago doesnt mean everything else has or will stop.
In this case the organisms that are part of the hive have been bioenginered to do their job's based upon information harvested on behalf of the hive.
Another thing this is FUTURE TECH, this isnt set in 2005 its probably not set in 2010 and i very much doubt its 2050 so how the hell do you know what kind of tecnologies will be around 50 years from now? or more when it is only JUST over 100years since man first flew and we are already capable of space travel. We don't do it because of costs, but what if a nation didnt have costs. What if the nation worked for the better good and acheivements of that nation. It wouldnt have to worrie about hinderances like cival war or lack of funding. It could do as it damn well pleased. This is how the hive works.
Your nations have been in existance for - lets say 100,000 years. This is a resonable time frame for humans it gives you 50,000 years from present day <ish> to get the tech you have now. Well thats just fine with your warp coil's and phasor guns and black hole torpedo's and antimatter cannons. But the HIVE has had the same amount of time that bacterial life on earth would have had. Only with NO interuptions AT ALL. Not one, not one animal eating them, not one clumbsy human farting. nothing. They were still simple organisms that worked as a collective when they first went into space. It was only when a borg like race attempted to destroy them that they began to develope the tech they needed to survive. Humans tried to stop them and by creating more and more potent virus that damaged and inhibited the brain's nero functions eventually they linked them into the hive and so the first designs of war came to be. The hive's creation is humanity's fault.
One thing above all you must remember is the TIME SCALE involved here. This isnt 2 years from now its thousands of years away. How can you say if i am right or wrong, how can you presume to be correct?
I am prepared to take steps however to "nerf" my nation and make it more acceptable.
I dont want flames or trolling i want helpful advice. What would make HFI more rp friendly.....
28-02-2005, 04:02
The moon-sized ships will have to go. I suggest you keep one as your Queen/King/other leader's main hiveship, but all others must shrink to smaller than the Queen's hiveship. Oh, and the ship can't be larger than the Death Star (120-160km diameter) and even that's pushing it, unless your entire civilization is on a mobile planet. Well, I guess you can keep the moonships, but really, it should be one moon/planetship and a bunch of other ships protecting it.
Swarmships are fine, but you can't really send millions or billions of ships after all of us, because that's just awful RPing, no two ways about it. No one in Nationstates ever fields more than 10,000 capital ships (AFAIK) at one time, because it's such a massive drain on the fleet. Hundreds of thousands of fighters is fine, but a main rule of thumb is no more than 100 fighters per 1 mile long ship (unless it's a pure carrier, then you can pack more). 10 miles or higher, you can pack 1000-10000 fighters at once, depending on the role that ship is taking. Others can add comments.
28-02-2005, 04:04
How can you say if i am right or wrong, how can you presume to be correct?
Because some things never change. Biological organisms will always be chemical reactive, will always have to have semi-permeable membranes, will always be composed of tiny cell like structures and will always be structurally weak when compared to heavy-metals.
Most of this fancy biotech stuff would be a huge survival advantage to any organism. The fact that it hasn't shown up in nature for the past 3 billion years despite it's obvious advantages shows just how limited biology is.
28-02-2005, 04:56
Righty then...
As CW said, most of your moon ships will need to go. One or two are fine, but I would (most of the time) ask before introducing them. I usualy do so with my Piledriver class ships (30km long planetbusters), because they are a bit godmoddish.
Turning your entire nation into a military force, for however breif a period, even if there IS a reason for it, is basicaly going to get you ignored by every nation out there in all cases. Part of NS is fun, and part of it is logic. Logic might say that it is possible to conscript your entire population, but fun makes it a moot point.
I have noticed that you have a tendancy to power-pose, that is, RP other peoples stuff, or 'instant damage' things, for example, your fragging the whole system in one post and turning its populace into HFI minions. TFU might have had shields or something which caused your little spine bugs to fry instantly, or blocked your queens explosion.
There ARE circumstances where this is allowable, there is a thread where I burned an entire planet in a single post, this was with the permission of the person in question. I had to ask because Dessicator is most definitly godmodish if used incorrectly, turning an entire world into a sort of miniature sun with a big ball of rock in the middle is moderatly 'modish.
Thus, there is nothing wrong with your nation as a whole, its just lots of 'little' things (EX: moonships and having 100,000 of them). So, either make things smaller, or build in some sort of weakness.
Case in Point:
Drone fighters in DGNT. There about three feet long and pack decent armament, I can pack more than a thosand into a Piledriver. The problem is that theyre STUPID. The size of the ship is somewhat limited and thus I cant put a good AI in without sacrificing engine power. So the fighters basicaly take orders along the lines of 'Go to point B, shoot whatevers there, when out of fuel/ammo return to point A, relaunch until orders are cancelled.'. The upside is that theyre cheap to build and expendable.
And they make great missile shields ^_^
Draconic Order
28-02-2005, 06:30
I believe "dark hole" weapons, the way they are described by CoreWorlds, is a little too powerful and dangerous a technology...
First, sending a coded transmission to stop a forming black hole is impossible, as a radio signal would be swallowed by the singularity, and the fact that the singularity would destroy all artificial creations that made it and maintained it under one's control.
Second, it would eventually expand to envelope the fleets that fired the weapon in the first place... especially since it seems to expand at a rate impossible of in real life, seeing as how black holes take centuries to expand by a small percentage.
I would suggest making a weapon that functions like a black hole, gravity wise, but doesn't go to the extent of an actual black hole. Such as some sort of artificial gravity well that may tear into and slow ships close to the detonation.
28-02-2005, 10:40
Yeah, but it's a gravitic signal, not an electromagnetic signal that closes the black holes. 'sides, it's just some obviously contrived and technobabbly way of cleaning up after battles, anyway. :p
Draconic Order
28-02-2005, 22:44
Yeah, but it's a gravitic signal, not an electromagnetic signal that closes the black holes. 'sides, it's just some obviously contrived and technobabbly way of cleaning up after battles, anyway. :p
gravitic signals dont exist...
but I'll drop the issue cause I don't really care.
28-02-2005, 23:05
ok. I usually ask before employing my MPW (Most Powerful Weapons) anyway.
01-03-2005, 00:41
As I pointed out[/grumble]
Ah, yes, one more thing HFI.
I would like to apologize for my rudness earlier in the thread, I realize that I was a bit mean. Since you have decided to apologize and ask for help, I will apologize as well.