NationStates Jolt Archive

Decisive lifts the iron curtain (if just slightly) Embassies welcome - Page 2

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Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 20:06
The man was waiting in the limousine for her, he smiled and then invited her to step in, "Well ma'am, shall we go?"
05-10-2004, 21:54
Michelle shakes her head. "No, I'm really not. It's sweet of you to say so, though. I'm sorry you've lost so many brothers. I had one sister who died when El Cid Campeon bombed the Senate. She wasn't a Senator, just a librarian. We still haven't been able to put together any logical reason for El Cid Campeon to have even been in that war. None of our foereign policy people can make sense of there actions. I guess it's good for us to have some semi-autonomous territory but...they were also the only ones to kill civilians."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 22:11
Simon smiled, "Well, it is nice to have a semi-autonomous territory... Perhaps you'd like to become a citizen of a fully autonomous nation? I will sponsor you for Mississippian citizenship if you so wish? We recognize dual-citizenship status with most nations."
05-10-2004, 22:15
Michelle shakes her head. "That would compromise me as a diplomat. I have to represent the official opinion of one government and one government only, despite the fact that the private views we've been discussing are still rather to the right of official policy. With current laws, it will take three generations to even return to the de facto segregated society that most nations with no official race laws manage to obtain."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 22:21
Simon chuckled, "Curtis Fabus would be able to work out a plan to get you a totally white nation within a month."
05-10-2004, 22:22
The man was waiting in the limousine for her, he smiled and then invited her to step in, "Well ma'am, shall we go?"
She's already in the limo.
05-10-2004, 22:24
Michelle nods. "We have plans like that too. We just can't implement them because we're not the ruling party and likely won't be. El Cid Campeon has insisted on a centrist government. I am glad that you agree about the all white nation though, for us at least. I'd always viewed that point as the key difference between our party and the policies of your government."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 22:31
She's already in the limo.

Alessandro smiled at her and offered her a drink, asking her, "Well madame ambassador, what questions would you like to ask me, you may begin at your leisure, I will answer any and all to the best of my ability, so long as they don't compromise national security, you understand, yes?"
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 22:36
Michelle nods. "We have plans like that too. We just can't implement them because we're not the ruling party and likely won't be. El Cid Campeon has insisted on a centrist government. I am glad that you agree about the all white nation though, for us at least. I'd always viewed that point as the key difference between our party and the policies of your government."

Simon nodded, "Yes, yes, Curtis was for racial purity and a pure white state by any means. Roger prefers to use policies and peaceful means to drive the non-whites out... Curtis would just outright have them gassed or shot, or often hanged. But more often than not, they deserved it... Did you know prior to the 1984 white revolution of Curtis Fabus, over fifty thousand whites were murdered a year, and only two percent of the murderers ever went to jail. Over three hundred thousand white women were ravaged by negro beasts each year, and rape was almost legalized as they never enforced the laws against it. The week after Curtis Fabus came to power, black on white rape had dropped to less than a thousand, granted for that entire week, they'd been hanging the rapists instead of doing what the marxists did..."

He spat, "Pardoning them and blaming the history of white oppression against non-whites as the reason for black on white rape... That is what the marxists did!"

He calmed himself, "Sorry, I get worked up when I think of what they used to do..."
05-10-2004, 22:51
Michelle shakes her head. "No. no, no, that's not what I meant at all. We're not for mass gassings or anything of the sort." She seems genuinely horrified that he assumed she was. "We're white nationalists. We believe that whites should have a nation of whites and only whites, for whites, and by whites. We don't believe people of different races should ever live under the same government, under integration, segregation, or even slavery. And, while we're usually not concerned what other white nations do to the lesser races, being as we only see reason to defend the white race, we don't particularly want to harm them either. Our program is simple. The land of all non-whites in Emanara proper is to be confiscated. In place of the monetary payments normally made with government confiscation of land, the non-white will be given an equal chunk of land in certain areas set aside for that purpose. The landmass of, say, the Negro region would be no larger than land confiscated from Negros so we're not giving them land per se. After that, we cut withdraw both our security and our funding and tend only to the welfare of our own people, leaving the Negro area alone so long as they pose no security threat. The only contact we would have would be that normal for diplomatic contact with a nation of a different race, which is to say, polite and formal, but never involving eating at the same table, sharing a hotel, or anything else so uncouth as that."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 22:55
Simon sighed, "I suppose you are right..." He then cheerfully said, "We never were for exterminating them out of our lands until it became evident that peaceful relocation was nigh on impossible to do without a civil war starting."
05-10-2004, 23:00
Michelle nods. "We are fortunate in that many of the smartest and most influential Negros are themselves black nationalists. While relations with them were initially hostile, the two groups soon realized that our programs were essentially complimentary, even if our theories of racial science were radically different. It was these Negros themselves who started the all black colony where we wish to relocate the rest of their race, actually."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 23:05
Simon held back a light laugh, "I wish our nation would have had such smart negroes, all our negroes did was rape and murder. The smarter negroes got involved in the credit card and money frauds. The really smart negroes became judges and policy makers and made it easier for their friends to literally get away with murder."

Their food suddenly arrived, Simon paid the man and then set the plates down on the table, smiling at Michelle after the man left, "Well, shall we eat now?"
05-10-2004, 23:08
Michelle smiles. "Indeed we shall." She begins to daintily eat her food, slow and ladylike.
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 23:13
Simon sat down, place a napkin slowly on his lap and started to eat in the polite and proper manner. He smiled at her often as the two of them ate. A few times he spoke, "Do you like the food?" Another time he asked her, "So, what are you plans for the near future?"
05-10-2004, 23:18
Michelle smiles. "It's delicious."

The second question brings a light frown. "I'm not quite sure. Our status as a protectorate limits my options here greatly."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 23:25
Simon continued to smile at her as he finished his food and walked over into the kitchen to wash his hands. He hardly took his eyes off of her, much the reason why he walked into the wall instead of through the door and into the kitchen. He quickly dusted himself off and tried to act drunk, although who gets drunk off a single glass of wine. He smiled and nodded, and then successfully managed to make it into the kitchen.
05-10-2004, 23:32
Michelle giggles lightly, covering her mouth with her hand.
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 23:40
Simon walked back out of the kitchen, and he proceeded to trip over a chair that was obviously in his way. He just couldn't seem to do anything that wasn't clumsy and stupid that night. He never remembered being so clumsy and careless, but ah, first time for everything perhaps.

He sat down on the couch and yawned, "Well, that was a fine meal, yes? Would you honor me with your presence and consider joining me on the couch?" He asked, as he smiled at her, taking in all her beauty with his brown eyes.
05-10-2004, 23:53
Michelle laughs, walking over and plopping down on the couch next to him. "I feel so much better than I did earlier."
Decisive Action
05-10-2004, 23:57
Simon smiled at her, gently putting his arm around her, he sat there for a few minutes not saying anything. Finally he spoke, "I feel much better as well, I could sit here all day like this, what about you?"
05-10-2004, 23:58
Michelle smiles coyly. "Possibly..."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:03
Simon smiled at her words and lightly kissed her cheek, "If you want to sit here like this for a while, I'm game... Anything you want, I'm game."
06-10-2004, 00:04
Michelle nods a little, lost in thought.

((Reply on the CoC thread, please))
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:10
Simon slowly wrapped his arms gently around her and pulled her closer to him, and then softly kissed her on the lips.
06-10-2004, 00:16
Michelle kisses back, lightly. "You know, there are still unclaimed areas of the world."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:21
Simon smiled, "Yes there are, but at the moment, I'm not too concerned about the world. I can honestly say, been there and done that..."

He grinned, "I'd rather do some exploring right here..." he then kissed her again.
06-10-2004, 00:22
Michelle kissed him back. "That's not what I meant, exactly."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:26
He smiled as he kissed her again, "But you didn't not mean that... Your words could have been interpreted several ways... I merely decided upon what I felt the best interpretation was..." Simon leaned closer to her and kissed her again, while gently starting to massage her shoulders.
06-10-2004, 00:31
Michelle kisses him back passionately. "I meant that there's places like minded white Emanarans could colonize, outside of El Cid Campeon territory."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:33
Simon smiled, "I'd allow you to use my personal guards unit to help the colonization effort... You could also use a few divisions of mercenaries I could hire... But right now, there are some areas I'd like to explore and possibly colonize..." He grinned at the last part, then he added, "If you're willing that is..."
06-10-2004, 00:34
Michelle shakes her head. "Third date. Let's just make out tonight. And it's not the troops I'd need. I'd need men willingly to permanently settle down as husbands and fathers."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:43
Simon smiled, "I'd like to be both, if the opportunity ever arose and the woman was the right one..."

He chuckled, "Right now I'd like to take you back to the embassy, invite you out for a drink, then take you back, and invite you out for icecream, and bingo, third date." He smiled at that, hoping she'd fine it as amusing as he had.
06-10-2004, 00:45
Michelle nods. "I think you'd be a great one." Michelle laughs a little. "Now, now,'re a racial scientist so you know how our race got to be strong in the first place. A girl can't help but be attracted to as fine a specimen of white manhood as you but it's still female instinct to make the male work for it, to show off his superior heritage."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:48
Simon nodded, "Yes, I know... Well, what do you suggest we do now? We could watch the news from Western Sahara, there was supposed to be a battle between the rebel slaves and the Western Saharan Commonwealth Army, as well as the 3rd Republican Guard Armored Division and the 29th Federal Expeditionary Corps. Shall we see how it went?"
06-10-2004, 00:50
Michelle shakes her head. "I've had enough of war for now. What kinds of entertainment programs do you have here?"
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 00:55
He smiled, "Well we really don't have much of that, there is the popular youth cartoon, "The Kluxer", it's a about a mysterious horseman draped in white who roams the countryside making it safe for good citizens."

Suddenly the phone rings, he answers it, his smile drops, as though a bomb went off, "The entire force? Are you sure? 29th Corps as well? Even the 3rd RG? Goddamnit! Get the Czar on the phone, he must know of this at once."

Simon jumped up and started pacing as he continued to talk on the phone, "Hire some mercenaries, get some troops from ME and take them to WS... Call the governor-general up, yes, wake him, I don't care... Get him on the phone, now."
06-10-2004, 00:59
Michelle goes quiet, keeping her gaze on the Senator, horrified.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 01:03
Simon turned the TV on, it was the talk of the Commonwealth News from Western Sahara:

"Approximately three hundred and fifty thousand white soldiers were killed in a three hour battle in Western Sahara, the forces included half of the entire Commonwealth Army of Western Sahara, the 3rd Republican Guard Armored Division, and the 29th Federal Expeditionary Corps. The slave army is believed to have numbered fifteen million and lost at least one or two million in the battle. We now go live to the few officers lucky enough to have survived."

The commander of the entire army, Field Marshal Philippe Bon.

(Reporter) "What happened? How did this happen?"

(Bon) "It was an intelligence failure, a recon effort failure. Commonwealth Intelligence should have figured this ambush situation out."

(Reporter) "Almost every single surviving soldier states that you never issued orders to dig trenches, lay mines, mount patrols, or build any sort of fortified positions to defend against a possible ambush, is that true?"

Bon shook his head, "No, well at first I let the men rest, yes? They were building and had already built a great deal before the ambush. We had mines and other equipment ready."

The reporter smirked, "Why did the Commonwealth Authority officials state that the mines and bunker building equipment was left inside Stahlecker City by your army?"

Bon frowned, "This interview is over!"
06-10-2004, 01:06
Michelle just stares horrified at the screen, saying nothing.
06-10-2004, 01:11
you know,Decisive Action,most of the people like you and your friends are just stupid middle class white loser's who live with their parents when their 26 and join a cause just for the hell of it,cuz it "sounds cool",and cuz they have no godamn friends.Get a life,whitey.

((Dude, it's rp. Don't get the player and the nation confused.))
06-10-2004, 01:12
((Dude, it's rp. Don't get the player and the nation confused.))

OOC: Amen to that
06-10-2004, 01:16
((Alexias is on permanent ignore for...well, not knowing what rp is, by me at least.))
06-10-2004, 01:22
Alexias: Ignore
06-10-2004, 01:29
meant the joke was funny,by the way.Well,I thought it was funny anyhow.

The Resurgent Dream
06-10-2004, 01:34
((I was glanceing through this thread and I definitely feel the need to ignore Alexias for it. And I don't even play with DA cause he doesn't interact with fantasy nations. By the way, Alexias, if you think that I'm a racist then you're welcome to click on my profile and read my past posts. I guarantee you'll find not a single racist character or goverment policy, at least as far as real life, human races are concerned. There's fairy races that do have some conflicts.))
The Resurgent Dream
06-10-2004, 01:35
6th post ingnore...hmmm...are you guys just creating nations to say INGNORE?

((And you can see I've been in plenty of rp before ignoring you.))
Ottoman Khaif
06-10-2004, 01:37
To: Decisive Action Government
From: Ottoman Empire Government
Topic: Non-Aggression Pact

Non-Aggression Pact for Ottoman Khaif and Decisive Action
Terms of the Non-Aggression Part
1.Ottoman Khaif and Decisive Action will not declare war on each other.
2.Both sides will not send support of any kind to a rebellion that is happening in one of the treaty nations.
3.The use of Proxy’s to support a rebellion within one of the treaty nations or start a rebellion is ban for both treaty nations.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 01:42
Michelle just stares horrified at the screen, saying nothing.

Simon sat down and sighed, "Oh well, we'll crush them, that commander is obviously an arrogant fool."
06-10-2004, 01:54
stupid whitey.

06-10-2004, 01:56
Michelle nods a little. "I agree. You can win but you need someone who takes the threat seriously."
06-10-2004, 02:17
Michelle eyes Simon for a long moment. "Sit with me?"
06-10-2004, 02:29
Official Samtonian Legal Procedures, in regards to International Embassies

I. Samtonia reserves the right to pull embassy out at any time.
a. Reasons are not required to be given.
b. Extraction may commence at any time.
c. Prior knowledge is not required to be given.
d. Refusal of the above is to be considered declaration of war on Samtonia.
II. Embassy Construction
a. Construction will be provided by Samtonian engineering
b. Blueprints will be submitted to appropriate foreign bodies.
c. Areas for helicopter landings will always be provided, however area in compound and size will be determined by Samtonia.
d. Defensive walls will always be allowed to be constructed.
e. Samtonian passive and active defenses will always be allowed to be placed inside embassy grounds.
f. Electronic transmission sites will always be allowed to be present on embassy grounds.
g. Generators will always be permitted on embassy grounds.
III. Delegations Within
a. No members of Samtonian diplomatic staff may be denied entry for any reason dealing with race, gender, religion, age, or any other policy of said nature.
b. No Samtonian staff member may be denied access due to prior military or intelligence service
c. No foreign national will be admitted without permission from Samtonian embassy staff or Government, except in cases of High Crimes.
d. No Samtonian staff member may be deported without Samtonian cooperation, except in cases of High Crimes.
e. No explosive weapons or heavy military vehicles will be permitted within embassy grounds, but the following will be permitted:
1. Personal Sidearms
2. Standard Rifle Weaponry
3. 2 LSAW weapons not exceeding a caliber greater then .56 mm
4. Armored transport vehicles, sans any vehicle-mounted weaponry
5. Tear gas and other non-lethal crowd-suppressant weaponry
f. Violation of sub-section e may be punishable by deportation of Samtonian staff and destruction of Samtonian embassy.
g. The maximum number of guards is not to exceed 25, but may be adjusted to any number below that by Samtonian consideration.
IV. Law in relation to Samtonian staff
a. Samtonian embassy staff will be immune to prosecution of minor laws and misdemeanors.
b. Samtonian embassy staff will not be immune to prosecution of High Crimes.
c. Samtonian staff may only be forced to take polygraph tests and other test in the event of arrest for High Crimes.
d. Any and all tests are to be applied with prior warning and at a reasonable time (local).
e. Samtonian laws will apply inside embassy grounds.
f. Samtonian laws will apply inside Samtonian vehicles, unless said vehicles are within foreign territory.
g. Samtonian staff may never be imprisoned without proof or accusation and must have a fair trial levied against them, as judged by the International community.
V. Miscellaneous rulings
a. Samtonia reserves the right to change or add to this document at any time.
b. Samtonia reserves the right to discuss any loopholes or gaps in this charter with nations where they apply, before said nations exploit said loopholes or gaps.
c. Samtonia reserves the right to change or ignore portions of this document in regards to the wishes of various nations.

Samtonia waits for DA's reply. We are ready to sign this document and need only DA's agreement.
06-10-2004, 03:40
Alessandro smiled at her and offered her a drink, asking her, "Well madame ambassador, what questions would you like to ask me, you may begin at your leisure, I will answer any and all to the best of my ability, so long as they don't compromise national security, you understand, yes?"

"Of course," Jenna laughed, acepting the drink. "I really do not have many sensitive things to ask, since you are no longer in the business of invading for land. Strange as it may sound, coming from an anarchistic nation, Weyr thinks you are one of the more decent states in the world. Still, you have systematically removed sources of dissent for twenty years, still have internal rebellions? I see a new uprising somewhere in the Commonwealth every year, why?"
06-10-2004, 13:29

what poster?

whats a falme?

I don't understand a damn thing and nobody will explain!
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 14:10
Official Samtonian Legal Procedures, in regards to International Embassies

Samtonia waits for DA's reply. We are ready to sign this document and need only DA's agreement.

I. Samtonia reserves the right to pull embassy out at any time. Agreed

a. Reasons are not required to be given. Agreed

b. Extraction may commence at any time. (If you have to violate our air space or our territory, then no, it cannot commence without approval)

c. Prior knowledge is not required to be given. (Again, no this cannot happen)

d. Refusal of the above is to be considered declaration of war on Samtonia.
(This clause causes me to immediately consider revoking your embassy permit)

II. Embassy Construction

a. Construction will be provided by Samtonian engineering (Denied, it would be a joint DA-Samtonia project)

b. Blueprints will be submitted to appropriate foreign bodies. (I am the only body concerned with approval)

c. Areas for helicopter landings will always be provided, however area in
compound and size will be determined by Samtonia. (Denied, this is not a landing site for a future paratrooper invasion)

d. Defensive walls will always be allowed to be constructed. (Denied)

e. Samtonian passive and active defenses will always be allowed to be placed inside embassy grounds. (Denied, this is an embassy, not a fortress)

f. Electronic transmission sites will always be allowed to be present on embassy grounds. (denied, what is this? A spy base?)

g. Generators will always be permitted on embassy grounds. (Fine, EMPs can knock them out should you do anything dumb)

III. Delegations Within

a. No members of Samtonian diplomatic staff may be denied entry for any reason dealing with race, gender, religion, age, or any other policy of said nature. (Denied, no non-whites are allowed to pass into Mississippi, so how would they even get into the embassy?)

b. No Samtonian staff member may be denied access due to prior military or intelligence service (We're not going to let spies and war criminals into our nation)

c. No foreign national will be admitted without permission from Samtonian embassy staff or Government, except in cases of High Crimes. (This makes no sense)

d. No Samtonian staff member may be deported without Samtonian cooperation, except in cases of High Crimes. (We don't deport criminals, we hang them)

e. No explosive weapons or heavy military vehicles will be permitted within embassy grounds, but the following will be permitted:

1. Personal Sidearms (Fine)

2. Standard Rifle Weaponry (Denied, no weapons heavier than sub machine guns are permitted)

3. 2 LSAW weapons not exceeding a caliber greater then .56 mm (Denied)

4. Armored transport vehicles, sans any vehicle-mounted weaponry (Denied)

5. Tear gas and other non-lethal crowd-suppressant weaponry (denied, the SRG, RGISA, and RG are excellent at handling crowd control. My crowds are not yours to gas)

f. Violation of sub-section e may be punishable by deportation of Samtonian staff and destruction of Samtonian embassy. (Denied)

g. The maximum number of guards is not to exceed 25, but may be adjusted to any number below that by Samtonian consideration. (!0 is the limit, and it gets adjusted at my consideration)

IV. Law in relation to Samtonian staff

a. Samtonian embassy staff will be immune to prosecution of minor laws and misdemeanors. (fine)

b. Samtonian embassy staff will not be immune to prosecution of High Crimes. (Fine)

c. Samtonian staff may only be forced to take polygraph tests and other test in the event of arrest for High Crimes. (Fine, but what we consider high crimes varies, most likely. We consider murder, rape, arson, robbery, race mixing, race treason, spreading marxist agitprop, and subversion, to be capital crimes)

d. Any and all tests are to be applied with prior warning and at a reasonable time (local). (Fine)

e. Samtonian laws will apply inside embassy grounds. (Fine)

f. Samtonian laws will apply inside Samtonian vehicles, unless said vehicles are within foreign territory. (Fine)

g. Samtonian staff may never be imprisoned without proof or accusation and must have a fair trial levied against them, as judged by the International community. (They'll get a trial by Mississippi and the same trial anybody else would get. We don't bring people to trial unless we are 99% sure they're guilty. Hence why 1% of trials end with not-guilty)

V. Miscellaneous rulings

a. Samtonia reserves the right to change or add to this document at any time. (Denied, I'm not signing something you can change to allow you to base an armored division on my Czar's estate. Agreements are set in stone)

b. Samtonia reserves the right to discuss any loopholes or gaps in this charter with nations where they apply, before said nations exploit said loopholes or gaps. (Fine)

c. Samtonia reserves the right to change or ignore portions of this document (Ignore the parts that you find don't suit you)

From: Arthur Frick
To: Samtonian government

"Your permission to build an embassy in Mississippi, or indeed in any of the Commonwealth nations, is henceforth revoked. Have a nice day."

Sincerely Dr Frick.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 14:56
"Of course," Jenna laughed, acepting the drink. "I really do not have many sensitive things to ask, since you are no longer in the business of invading for land. Strange as it may sound, coming from an anarchistic nation, Weyr thinks you are one of the more decent states in the world. Still, you have systematically removed sources of dissent for twenty years, still have internal rebellions? I see a new uprising somewhere in the Commonwealth every year, why?"

Alessandro shook his head, "The Commonwealth, you must remember two things. Firstly, they have slaves; secondly they never used genocide and forced deportations to make their nations pure white. There is a lack of national unity in Mississippian Egypt and Western Sahara, not amongst the whites, but the sort inherent with any multi-racial society. Granted the non-whites are literally kept out of white cities by minefields and walls, but still there is tension. The only white problem we had in Western Sahara was the Muslim converts, and then in Mississippi we had the lunatic Felben a while ago. However those are extreme cases involving Muslim and Christian fanatics
06-10-2004, 16:12
I. Samtonia reserves the right to pull embassy out at any time. Agreed

a. Reasons are not required to be given. Agreed

b. Extraction may commence at any time. (If you have to violate our air space or our territory, then no, it cannot commence without approval)

c. Prior knowledge is not required to be given. (Again, no this cannot happen)

d. Refusal of the above is to be considered declaration of war on Samtonia.
(This clause causes me to immediately consider revoking your embassy permit)

II. Embassy Construction

a. Construction will be provided by Samtonian engineering (Denied, it would be a joint DA-Samtonia project)

b. Blueprints will be submitted to appropriate foreign bodies. (I am the only body concerned with approval)

c. Areas for helicopter landings will always be provided, however area in
compound and size will be determined by Samtonia. (Denied, this is not a landing site for a future paratrooper invasion)

d. Defensive walls will always be allowed to be constructed. (Denied)

e. Samtonian passive and active defenses will always be allowed to be placed inside embassy grounds. (Denied, this is an embassy, not a fortress)

f. Electronic transmission sites will always be allowed to be present on embassy grounds. (denied, what is this? A spy base?)

g. Generators will always be permitted on embassy grounds. (Fine, EMPs can knock them out should you do anything dumb)

III. Delegations Within

a. No members of Samtonian diplomatic staff may be denied entry for any reason dealing with race, gender, religion, age, or any other policy of said nature. (Denied, no non-whites are allowed to pass into Mississippi, so how would they even get into the embassy?)

b. No Samtonian staff member may be denied access due to prior military or intelligence service (We're not going to let spies and war criminals into our nation)

c. No foreign national will be admitted without permission from Samtonian embassy staff or Government, except in cases of High Crimes. (This makes no sense)

d. No Samtonian staff member may be deported without Samtonian cooperation, except in cases of High Crimes. (We don't deport criminals, we hang them)

e. No explosive weapons or heavy military vehicles will be permitted within embassy grounds, but the following will be permitted:

1. Personal Sidearms (Fine)

2. Standard Rifle Weaponry (Denied, no weapons heavier than sub machine guns are permitted)

3. 2 LSAW weapons not exceeding a caliber greater then .56 mm (Denied)

4. Armored transport vehicles, sans any vehicle-mounted weaponry (Denied)

5. Tear gas and other non-lethal crowd-suppressant weaponry (denied, the SRG, RGISA, and RG are excellent at handling crowd control. My crowds are not yours to gas)

f. Violation of sub-section e may be punishable by deportation of Samtonian staff and destruction of Samtonian embassy. (Denied)

g. The maximum number of guards is not to exceed 25, but may be adjusted to any number below that by Samtonian consideration. (!0 is the limit, and it gets adjusted at my consideration)

IV. Law in relation to Samtonian staff

a. Samtonian embassy staff will be immune to prosecution of minor laws and misdemeanors. (fine)

b. Samtonian embassy staff will not be immune to prosecution of High Crimes. (Fine)

c. Samtonian staff may only be forced to take polygraph tests and other test in the event of arrest for High Crimes. (Fine, but what we consider high crimes varies, most likely. We consider murder, rape, arson, robbery, race mixing, race treason, spreading marxist agitprop, and subversion, to be capital crimes)

d. Any and all tests are to be applied with prior warning and at a reasonable time (local). (Fine)

e. Samtonian laws will apply inside embassy grounds. (Fine)

f. Samtonian laws will apply inside Samtonian vehicles, unless said vehicles are within foreign territory. (Fine)

g. Samtonian staff may never be imprisoned without proof or accusation and must have a fair trial levied against them, as judged by the International community. (They'll get a trial by Mississippi and the same trial anybody else would get. We don't bring people to trial unless we are 99% sure they're guilty. Hence why 1% of trials end with not-guilty)

V. Miscellaneous rulings

a. Samtonia reserves the right to change or add to this document at any time. (Denied, I'm not signing something you can change to allow you to base an armored division on my Czar's estate. Agreements are set in stone)

b. Samtonia reserves the right to discuss any loopholes or gaps in this charter with nations where they apply, before said nations exploit said loopholes or gaps. (Fine)

c. Samtonia reserves the right to change or ignore portions of this document (Ignore the parts that you find don't suit you)

From: Arthur Frick
To: Samtonian government

"Your permission to build an embassy in Mississippi, or indeed in any of the Commonwealth nations, is henceforth revoked. Have a nice day."

Sincerely Dr Frick.

wow.Nicely written out,it looks almost real,except that you denied a couple things that were in your favor.
06-10-2004, 16:13
wow.Nicely written out,it looks almost real,except that you denied a couple things that were in your favor.

trully beautiffully written,this stuff is.You guys keep this like on a diskette or something?This could be a novel.
06-10-2004, 20:28
OOC- Yes, I know, problems in the document. But it's just a first draft!

However, I suggest you look at the actual wording of the last portion of the document.

c. Samtonia reserves the right to change or ignore portions of this document in regards to the wishes of various nations.

You'll notice this clause lets me decide to not bring in machine guns, etc.... as according to your wishes. See- It really is something you should like.

Now, the edited version in regards to you.


I. Samtonia reserves the right to pull embassy out at any time.
a. Reasons are not required to be given.
b. Extraction may commence at any time.
1. Violation of airspace may not proceed in events of subsection b.
c. Prior knowledge is not required to be given.
1. This is waived in the event of aerial extraction. (See I,b,1.)
d. Refusal of the above is to be considered declaration of war on Samtonia.
1. Refusal only considered if overland or naval movement of Samtonian
staff denied.

II. Embassy Construction
a. Construction will be provided by Samtonian engineering.
1. Monitoring by foreign nations may be done during construction.
b. Blueprints will be submitted to appropriate foreign bodies.
c. Areas for helicopter landings will always be provided, however area in
compound and size will be determined by Samtonia.
d. Defensive walls will always be allowed to be constructed.
e. Samtonian passive and active defenses will always be allowed to be placed inside embassy grounds.
f. Electronic transmission sites will always be allowed to be present on embassy grounds.
g. Generators will always be permitted on embassy grounds.

III. Delegations Within

a. No members of Samtonian diplomatic staff may be denied entry for any reason dealing with race, gender, religion, age, or any other policy of said nature.
b. No Samtonian staff member may be denied access due to prior military or intelligence service
c. No foreign national will be admitted without permission from Samtonian embassy staff or Government, except in cases of High Crimes.
d. No Samtonian staff member may be deported without Samtonian cooperation, except in cases of High Crimes.
e. No explosive weapons or heavy military vehicles will be permitted within embassy grounds, but the following will be permitted:
1. Personal Sidearms
2. Standard Rifle Weaponry
3. 2 LSAW weapons not exceeding a caliber greater then .56 mm
4. Armored transport vehicles, sans any vehicle-mounted weaponry
5. Tear gas and other non-lethal crowd-suppressant weaponry
f. Violation of sub-section e may be punishable by deportation of Samtonian staff and destruction of Samtonian embassy.
g. The maximum number of guards is not to exceed 25, but may be adjusted to any number below that by Samtonian consideration.

IV. Law in relation to Samtonian staff

a. Samtonian embassy staff will be immune to prosecution of minor laws and misdemeanors.
b. Samtonian embassy staff will not be immune to prosecution of High Crimes.
c. Samtonian staff may only be forced to take polygraph tests and other test in the event of arrest for High Crimes.
1. High crimes are limited to Internationally recognized High Crimes.
2. Other High Crimes in foreign nations may be adjusted for on a case by
case basis.
d. Any and all tests are to be applied with prior warning and at a reasonable time (local).
e. Samtonian laws will apply inside embassy grounds.
f. Samtonian laws will apply inside Samtonian vehicles, unless said vehicles are within foreign territory.
g. Samtonian staff may never be imprisoned without proof or accusation and must have a fair trial levied against them, as is judged fair by the International community.

V. Miscellaneous rulings

a. Samtonia reserves the right to change or add to this document at any time, in regards to changing loopholes and adding information.
1. Nations having signed document will receive opportunity to sign
document again.
2. Nations may close Samtonian embassy in response to any changes.
b. Samtonia reserves the right to discuss any loopholes or gaps in this charter with nations where they apply, before said nations exploit said loopholes or gaps.
c. Samtonia reserves the right to change or ignore portions of this document in regards to the wishes of various nations in embassy founding procedure.

Changes: IIA- Samtonian Engineering will build project, with supervision of DA staff allowed.
IIC- This was agreed to earlier, as you needed one landing site in the middle of the embasssy grounds. Maximum size will be two helicopters. One will be built.
IID- This was agreed to earlier by us.
IIE- This was agreed to earlier by us. However, we will submit defenses for review so you can selectively deny various defenses.
IIF- These would be satellite uplinks to Samtonia. No spy equipment. However, we need fast communication back home.

IIIA- AS this is your government's standard policy, this subsection will be waived.
IIIB- Agreed.
IIIE2- These are less than a submachine gun. They're rifles....
IIIE3,4,5- Agreed to.
IIIf- Why? This benefits you. If any illegal items are found, you may throw our embassy out of your country....
IIIG- And ten it will be. However, if you're not allowing members of Samtonian military into the embassy and your country, how will we get ten guards? Small flaw in your logic.
IVC- Please clarify final two capital crimes. We're not having "subversion" cooked up as a random charge to imprison our ambassador.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 20:43
IIIE2- These are less than a submachine gun. They're rifles....

You're in england or europe aren't you? Your ignorance of weapons shows. Rifles are more powerful than sub-machine guns. SMGs are pistol calibers, rifles are rifle calibers. I'm not going to be fooled on a gun issue, being in the militia, I know a great deal about guns. I own dozens, my friends have a few dozen, or dozen at least. A submachine gun is basically between the size of the pistol and rifle, fires fully-automatic (or selective) and is a pistol caliber.

A 9mm MP-5 is no way more powerful than a 7.62mm G-3 rifle. I dictate that you will have no weapons other than pistols and sub-machine guns.

Either you were truly ignorant or were trying to fool me. If the former, than shame on you for not knowing, shame on me for jumping at you. If the ladder, shame on you for trying to fool me, praise for my not falling for it.
06-10-2004, 20:47
((Post 302 needs a response))
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 20:51
Simon nodded and sat down next to Michelle. He suddenly started to cry as he thought about all the soldiers that were dead. He tried to wipe the tears from his eyes, but fresh ones took their place... He struggled to speak, "I... I... I must go there and join the fight..."
06-10-2004, 20:54
Michelle puts an arm around him, holding him. "I understand. But you should go rested. You can leave in the morning. Tonight, I'll stay here with you."
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 21:09
Simon nodded, "Yes, in a minute, let's watch the rest of the news first."

The news continued, "King William Fabus of TBD is still being held hostage by demons in Hogsweat. They have declared that they will publicly behead him unless Mississippi accepts the jewish god, Satan, as the one true Lord."

"They are also demanding that a million Mississippian women be sent to their land to be placed in rape camps for the twisted pleasures of negro males."

"Hogsweatian leaders have declared all they regret about TBD was not being able to capture the queen, Sylvia Katrina, so that they could take turns publicly defiling her purity."

"The last request of King William Fabus, before the palace was overrun, was that Mississippi send forces to safeguard the monarchy and maintain order. He temporarily placed the power of his decree in the capable hands of Roger Fabus.

"However, Roger will place the power back into the queen's hands, once she is safely inside of Mississippi and in a mental condition capable of running a nation. She is expected to require counseling and treatment to deal with the brutal treatment she suffered at the hands of Hogsweatian soldiers, right before they were gunned down by forces unknown."

"Currently Mississippian forces are operating inside of TBD to evacuate civilians. Many more forces are on the way to assure the monarchy can be restored at some point in the future."

"This has been the Commonwealth Mississippian Egyptian Triple K News Channel. Stay tuned for more information."
06-10-2004, 23:40
Either you were truly ignorant or were trying to fool me. If the former, than shame on you for not knowing, shame on me for jumping at you. If the ladder, shame on you for trying to fool me, praise for my not falling for it.
OOC-Rest assured, I was not trying to fool you.

And if you're getting niggly over minor details, then how about
"latter" instead of "ladder"? Shame on you for butchering the English language, shame on me for correcting you.

JK, seriously. I had no idea on the gun issue. I was envisioning the more standard bolt-action rifles that honor guards are usually equipped with. Probably what I get for not taking the minute or so it would take to find the information on the WWW. But if you want only sub-machine guns, that's fine. Editing will be done.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 23:47
"Samtonia, we ask that you follow the guidelines presented by our foreign ministry, for how your embassy should be constructed and manned."

Paul Stahlecker

Ooc- Page 1, post 1.
07-10-2004, 00:32
WE agree. Are the rest of our guidelines on crime and punishment and other misc. items agreed to then?

And remember, you can supervise construction of the embassy with as many persons as you want, but we will build it with our Engineering Corporation.

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
07-10-2004, 03:44

You guys should really keep this somewhere.You could edit it a bit and make it into a novel someday.And even if not,it'd be a nice thing to keep around.Really beautifully written.
Decisive Action
07-10-2004, 03:50
WE agree. Are the rest of our guidelines on crime and punishment and other misc. items agreed to then?

And remember, you can supervise construction of the embassy with as many persons as you want, but we will build it with our Engineering Corporation.

Samtonian Council of Thirteen

Minor crimes = immunity. If they physically harm a Mississippian, they will be held under Mississippian custody and tried in our courts. (Rape, murder, assault, etc)
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-10-2004, 04:33
Minor crimes = immunity. If they physically harm a Mississippian, they will be held under Mississippian custody and tried in our courts. (Rape, murder, assault, etc)

What about self defense? Say a Mississippian attacks a delegate. Can the delegate retaliate and defend themselves?
Decisive Action
07-10-2004, 04:35
What about self defense? Say a Mississippian attacks a delegate. Can the delegate retaliate and defend themselves?

Ooc- They may use enough force to defuse the situation but they may not cause permanent damage to the Mississippian. If we allowed anything more, then anti-Mississippianites would simply claim self-defense for killing our people.
07-10-2004, 18:27
Ooc- They may use enough force to defuse the situation but they may not cause permanent damage to the Mississippian. If we allowed anything more, then anti-Mississippianites would simply claim self-defense for killing our people.

Good point.
Decisive Action
07-10-2004, 18:30
Good point.

Would you please just keep out of my thread and take your spamming elsewhere? I don't need or want a remark from you to everything I say. What you are doing is called spam, please leave my threads permanently. Thank you.
07-10-2004, 18:43
Would you please just keep out of my thread and take your spamming elsewhere? I don't need or want a remark from you to everything I say. What you are doing is called spam, please leave my threads permanently. Thank you.

I apologize.I was just following your thread as I really liked the story.I was unaware that it was upseting you,as you did not say anything.I promise I will never compliment your writting skills again,if that is what you would like.

Again,I sincerly apologize,and hope this will not carry on into personel rivalry,or any other such unpleasant thing.

07-10-2004, 20:28
Minor crimes = immunity. If they physically harm a Mississippian, they will be held under Mississippian custody and tried in our courts. (Rape, murder, assault, etc)

This is agreed upon. We'll let minor functionaries handle the rest of the bargaining from here on out.

But if part of the embassy could be built on a hill, that would be appreciated. We in Samtonia like hills.

You should get a blueprint after a location is decided upon by our more minor clerks and yours and construction can begin immediately after that.

It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
Decisive Action
10-10-2004, 01:09
10-10-2004, 01:19
Will construction of these embassies be handeled by the Mississipian government, or can Avadrian crews come in to build?
10-10-2004, 01:26
OOC: How were field exercises and what branch of the Military are you with.

IC: The Great Armed Republic of Nutropinia's Great Leader Dictator Silver would like to come visit Fabus Island and to check up on his embassy. He will be staying at his embassy. However, we need permission to take a submarine into a port on the island and permission to come altogether. Also we were wondering how many guests and armed guards the Dictator can bring if permitted to visit.
10-10-2004, 01:28
Official Communiqué to DA

"The JRV Government requests the establishment of an embassy on DA soil."
Decisive Action
10-10-2004, 16:34
OOC: How were field exercises and what branch of the Military are you with.

IC: The Great Armed Republic of Nutropinia's Great Leader Dictator Silver would like to come visit Fabus Island and to check up on his embassy. He will be staying at his embassy. However, we need permission to take a submarine into a port on the island and permission to come altogether. Also we were wondering how many guests and armed guards the Dictator can bring if permitted to visit.

Ooc- Who said it was the military?


In answer to JRV's request, "File a form 2 found on page 1 towards the bottom"

In answer to Nutropinia, "No submarines may go alone, ours will have to accompany it along with destroyers above them on the surface. When you get within 50 miles of Fabus Island, you may only move on the surface.

In answer to Avadria, "You may send some staff to see what is going on and offer advice, and to do the grunt work."
10-10-2004, 16:42
For the construction of the embassy we will be sending a fair sized group of laborers as well as the embassies architect and landscaper. I am assuming that machinery and resources are provided.
10-10-2004, 17:36
We would like a embassy on your land,
Decisive Action
10-10-2004, 21:01
We would like a embassy on your land,

Fill out form 2, on page 1, post 1.
10-10-2004, 23:14
OOC: Mind if I jump a few NS months ahead and start as if the embassy has already been built?
11-10-2004, 01:08
Michelle nods, seetling back, holding Simon tightly. She kisses him lightly and turns her attention to the news. "That might be what Hogsweat is actually doing but I'm not so sure it's what they actually said. Do you have actual diplomatic documents on this?"

Just then, a messenger arrives at the hotel. He is, of course, a white male, presumably heterosexual, who passed all the necessary tests, signed all the necessary documents, and is legally part of the embassy staff. He's about 18. He walks up to the man behind the desk. "Excuse me, sir ((change that to ma'am if it's a female)). I have an urgent message for Dr. Ericsson."
11-10-2004, 01:11
Full name:Steven Cheaster Stagalewind

Date of Birth: Jan, 2, 1954

Nation of origin: Brydog

Race Caucasoid


Gender: Male

Height:5', 8"


Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown

National Identification Number (If applicable) :



Current Citizenship:Brydog

Describe in one sentence your political orientation:I'm a right-winger.

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual


Prison record:None

Reason for applying:To repsent Brydog in your nation.

Length of time to be in nation in question:5 years

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi herself, etc) :Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?:yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?:yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?:yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
John C. Handstand
Thomas G. Keenad
Garry F. Hassron
Juile H. Farget
Bren Y. Hareton

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XSteven Cheaster Stagalewind

Date: Oct. 10,2004

Initial: SCS
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 01:18
Michelle nods, seetling back, holding Simon tightly. She kisses him lightly and turns her attention to the news. "That might be what Hogsweat is actually doing but I'm not so sure it's what they actually said. Do you have actual diplomatic documents on this?"

Just then, a messenger arrives at the hotel. He is, of course, a white male, presumably heterosexual, who passed all the necessary tests, signed all the necessary documents, and is legally part of the embassy staff. He's about 18. He walks up to the man behind the desk. "Excuse me, sir ((change that to ma'am if it's a female)). I have an urgent message for Dr. Ericsson."

The man at the desk hands him a piece of paper with Rutledges room number written down on it, it just says, "The Penthouse" and he points to the special elevator that will take him up there... Once he arrives, the two guards outside the front door search him for weapons and then let him enter the foyer of the penthouse. The buzz Simon and he activates the comm. Michelle hears the news that there is a man waiting to see her. Simon buzzes the man in and he walks into the living room.
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 01:20
Full name:Steven Cheaster Stagalewind

Date of Birth: Jan, 2, 1954

Nation of origin: Brydog

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?:yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?:yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?:yes

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XSteven Cheaster Stagalewind

Date: Oct. 10,2004

Initial: SCS

11-10-2004, 01:22
IC: The delegate for Brydog will be there in 5 days.
OOC: Im going to stop posting now.
11-10-2004, 01:26
The man walks in and hands Michelle a sheet of paper. He bows his head and then heads out again without bothering to speak. Michelle unfolds the paper and just gasps. She takes a long moment, reading it over and over again.
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 01:29
Simon held her tightly and out of genuine concern asked her, "What is wrong, what is it?"
11-10-2004, 01:29
OOC- Erm, wondering why Samtonia isn't listed on the embassy page.
11-10-2004, 01:31
Michelle shakes her head. "No, no, nothing's wrong. It's good news. We have a new settler state set up on an island away from the Western Emanara Occupation's jurisdiction."
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 01:37
Simon smiled, "Anything I can do to help? I have lots of money and mercenaries that could be very useful in providing security..."
11-10-2004, 01:41
Michelle shakes her head. "We need to build our own nation. The White State is named Meletia. The island as a whole has been named new Emanara. Anyway, they wanted to know if I'd like to switch to being Melestian ambassador, instead of Western Emanaran. I accept wholeheartedly."
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 01:57
Simon frowns, "With your new position, will you still be here? Will I still see you?"
11-10-2004, 02:02
Michelle arches a brow. "Why would I move?"
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 02:10
He smiled back at her, "I don't know, I was just saying, I hope your new job doesn't take you away from here..."
11-10-2004, 02:11
Michelle shrugs. "You're going away from here anyway."
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 02:18
He shook his head, "No, I've decided to stay, I've done more than enough battles for at least the time being, and they can handle it without me... I want to stay..."
11-10-2004, 02:19
Michelle smiles slightly and kisses him again. "Even if that means you have to wait a bit and don't get the 'he's going away and there might not be another chance' treatment?"
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 02:20
He smiled and nodded, "Yes... Certain things are worth waiting for."
11-10-2004, 02:22
She grins and kisses him again. "Then I should be getting back home to set up an embassy for a new, better government. Shall we plan a second date before I leave?"
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 02:31
He nodded, "Yes, tomorrow night if you're not busy, there will be an interesting talk on the 1984 civil war that saw Curtis Fabus rise to power, the talk is two hours long, I thought we could go to it, and then perhaps after catch a movie and then dinner, sound good to you?"
11-10-2004, 02:32
Michelle ponders. "Maybe we should skip the movie if we're going to a talk. Otherwise, it's four hours of sitting quietly and listening slash watching."
11-10-2004, 02:41
A black limosine, flying two small Avadrian flags, pulled in front of the wrought iron gate of the newly completed Avadrian embassy. The door furthest to the back opened and a young man stepped out. He was dressed casually, in kahki pants and a white, short-sleeved, buttondown shirt, it wasn't exactly the uniform of a diplomat.

Norin Fallsburg was escorted through the front gate and layed eyes on the large, elegant, fountain sitting in the center of the large, cobblestone, plaza. He stood there for several minutes admiring the lush greenery surrounding the inside of the complex. The Avadrian landscapers really had outdone themselves. Norin walked inside and found his bedroom. A large Avadrian flag was drapped across the bed. He smiled at the gesture and dropped his bags.

Norin was soon outside, dressed in a fine black suit. He strode over the fountain and was presented with an large Avadrian flag. He took his place far in front of the fountain and waited for a signal.

Suddenly the small military band that was present struck up the Avadrian national anthem. Norin slowly strode forward, walking inbetween the two columns of guards facing each other. He paused in front of the fountain, allowing for more photos from the small press corps that had assembeled. Then on cue with the anthem, he inserted the flag pole into it's resting place.

Norin was met with applause from the guards and staff at the embassy. It was offically opened.

((OOC: Please excuse the terrible quality of my writing for this post. It's hard to properly describe the ceremony.))
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 02:43
He nodded, "Well you decide then, the movie or the talk... The talk will about military and political efforts to win the civil war, preparations made years in advance, the royal connections, secret societies involvement in our victory, the role of the WKM, the role of the sovereign prince, and such. The movie is a historically based war drama involving Curtis Fabus playing Curtis Fabus, it's an oldie from 1987, it's great though..."
11-10-2004, 06:01
Full name: Richard Reynolds Head

Date of Birth (Currently AF 20 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". We also go by the standard AD/BC dating system. Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1984 as the AF 0 (the first year Fabus took power) and we are currently in AF 20): March 01, 1946 BF

Nation of origin: JRV

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Caucasoid

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft

Weight: n/a

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Gray

National Identification Number (If applicable): n/a

IQ: 100

Occupation: Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Republic of JRV

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Centre-left/moderate-liberal

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

Religion: Christianity

Prison record: Served 1 year for conspiracy to defraud

Reason for applying: To take up position as JRV Ambassador to DA

Length of time to be in nation in question: 3 years

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi herself, etc) : Mississippi her/himself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Sure. But not weekends.

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Same as above.

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Sure, but please not on Sundays.
5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
Elizabeth Lucy, JRV supermodel
Rt. Hon. Dr. Donald Brash, Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. John Garrison, Vice Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. Dick Head
Robert Schmit, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Peter Larson, JRV movie director

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)
I swear.

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Dick R. Head

Date: 11.10.20

Initial: DRH


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 06:09
Full name: Richard Reynolds Head

Date of Birth (Currently AF 20 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". We also go by the standard AD/BC dating system. Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1984 as the AF 0 (the first year Fabus took power) and we are currently in AF 20): March 01, 1946 BF

Not denied, form returned though. The year 1946 BF would translate to AD 38 (1 BF is 1983)

1984 is 0

1985 is AF 1
11-10-2004, 06:36
Full name: Richard Reynolds Head

Date of Birth (Currently AF 20 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". We also go by the standard AD/BC dating system. Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1984 as the AF 0 (the first year Fabus took power) and we are currently in AF 20): March 01, 15 BF (?)

Nation of origin: JRV

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Caucasoid

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft

Weight: n/a

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Gray

National Identification Number (If applicable): n/a

IQ: 100

Occupation: Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Republic of JRV

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Centre-left/moderate-liberal

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

Religion: Christianity

Prison record: Served 1 year for conspiracy to defraud

Reason for applying: To take up position as JRV Ambassador to DA

Length of time to be in nation in question: 3 years

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi herself, etc) : Mississippi her/himself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Sure. But not weekends.

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Same as above.

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Sure, but please not on Sundays.
5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
Elizabeth Lucy, JRV supermodel
Rt. Hon. Dr. Donald Brash, Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. John Garrison, Vice Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. John Hunt, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Robert Schmit, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Peter Larson, JRV movie director

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)
I swear.

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Dick R. Head

Date: 11.10.20

Initial: DRH


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
11-10-2004, 06:43
Okay, let's fix this.

0 is 1960 AD (The year of his birth, him= Curtis) AF 1 = AD 1961.

BF 1= AD 1959.

We are now thus in AF 43

11-10-2004, 07:51
Michelle ponders a moment. "The movie then...more romantic."
Decisive Action
14-10-2004, 03:15
Simon smiled, "Yes, that sounds like a great idea, we can go right after dinner if you'd like."
14-10-2004, 06:04
Michelle nods. "Works for me."
16-10-2004, 00:04
I been falling behind.

Must catch up.

lots to read.
16-10-2004, 17:53
I missed alot.

Oh,by the way,I've been meaning to ask.DC,could you explain too me again how The world church of the Creator and the Klanies are different again?
16-10-2004, 18:07
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Petski Huyy'illev

Date of Birth BF 15

Nation of origin: The Allied States of Celtayoshi

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Other (mixed)





Eye Color:Brown

Hair Color:Brown

National Identification Number (If applicable) :

IQ:unknown (no official test ever taken)

Occupation: Diplomatic Mission

Current Citizenship: Citizen of The Allied States of Celtayoshi and Protectorates

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Left of centre

Sexual Orientation:Hetrosexual


Prison record:none

Reason for applying:Celtayoshi wishes to open an embassy in this influential nation.

Length of time to be in nation in question: 5 years with removal at government discression

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) :Mississippi himself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?:No, treated by Celtayoshi Medical Personel only

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?:No, reason above

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?:No, Ambassador is a represntative of Celtayoshi and will be subject to Celtayoshi testing.

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.

Premier Németh (Premier Celtayoshi and friend of ambassador)
William Brown (Ministry of Culture, assistant)
Alexander Sergevich (friend)

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X____Petski Huyy'illev_____________________

Date: ____25/75/20________________

Initial: ___PH_____


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
17-10-2004, 22:40
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Petski Huyy'illev

Date of Birth BF 15

Nation of origin: The Allied States of Celtayoshi

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Other (mixed)
I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X____Petski Huyy'illev_____________________

Date: ____25/75/20________________

Initial: ___PH_____


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

Denied: Not white according to Mississippian Jackson City Race Laws (15/16th white, other 1/16th cannot be african or jewish)
Decisive Action
17-10-2004, 22:54
Michelle nods. "Works for me."

Rutledge smiled, "Well then let's go."

He called his car around and they headed off to the movie theatre. They moved in and sat down, the theatre was empty because Rutledge had purchased all the tickets so he and Michelle could see the movie in peace without any noise from audience members. The credits started at the beginning.

"Curtis Fabus as Curtis Fabus"
"Julia Fabus as Julia Fabus"
"Hans Stahlecker as Hans Stahlecker"
"Francesca Stahlecker as Francesa Stahlecker"
"Paul Stahlecker, as Paul Stahlecker"
"Bertrand Navarre as Bertrand Navarre"
"Reginald Smith as Reginald Smith"
"Joseph Mladic as Joseph Mladic"
"Francisco Salazar as Francisco Salazar"
"Karl Von Konig as Karl Von Konig"
"Baldur Von Schacht as Baldur Von Schacht"
"Fritz Ernst as Fritz Ernst"
"Alfred Speer as Alfred Speer"
"Wilhelm Ernst as Wilhelm Ernst"
"Philippe Bon as Philippe Bon"
"Antonio Don Juan Miguel as Antonio Don Juan Miguel"
"Gunther Lindemann as Gunther Lindemann"
"Ernst Raedar as Ernst Raedar"
"Herman Von Felben as Herman Von Felben"
"John Tallmadge as John Tallmadge"
"Gunther Thaller as Gunther Thaller"
"Hans Kaltenbrunner as Hans Kaltenbrunner"
"Edward Rutledge as Edward Rutledge"
"Helena Rutledge as Helena Rutledge"
"Simon Rutledge as Simon Rutledge"
"Vladimir Markovic as Vladimir Markovic"
"Radomir Stevanovic as Radomir Stevanovic"
"Slobodan Karloff as Slobodan Karloff"
"Juan Carlos De Rivera as Juan Carlos De Rivera"

Suddenly the screen went black, and the sounds of an old December 1983 marxist government speech were heard, "There is no right to bear arms, there is no right to free elections, so-called free and fair elections are the tools industrialists use to oppress the masses... Curtis Fabus will never be allowed to have his name placed on the ballot, the man is a ruffian and a maniac, the only way he will come to power is if he starts a civil war and crushes this government, this army, the will of our party, an impossible task!" (Applause from Marxist party members)

Suddenly the screen comes to life, big red letters 1984 "The War" on a white background.
18-10-2004, 00:38
I missed alot.

Oh,by the way,I've been meaning to ask.DC,could you explain too me again how The world church of the Creator and the Klanies are different again?

you see,I have forgotten,and I remember you knowing something about it.

Could you?
18-10-2004, 01:03
OOC: Quick question? I'm assuming that since we last touched this subject little has changed and I need to get the basic idea of where I now stand with my Ambassador ( and how she is being treated. As demonstated in the other thread she dresses respectfully while in your nation and her security is assumed to be tight (all tall white men, highly trained specialists in the field of VIP escort).

What I need to know is if she is being treated normally or not... I can understand that there will be some minor dislike for her, but I imagine she is still being allowed to do her job. I can understand your people may not like talking to her and probably don't listen to her, but they do tolerate that she is doing a job and they are generally complying with the normal methods of diplomacy despite her ethnicity.
Decisive Action
18-10-2004, 02:03
you see,I have forgotten,and I remember you knowing something about it.

Could you?

The World Church of the Creator is a religion that believes there is no God, and that "What is good for the white race is great, what is not is sin". They reject Christ as a "dead jew" and consider God a "spook in the sky" (quotes from their website) They are NOT a church in the conventional sense.

The Klan (well the true klans, not most of the losers who "play klan", the sort you see on Jerry Sringer, but the true klan, are Christian folks) The Klan has as a requirement for membership that the applicant be of the Christian faith (Protestant, Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox) and that they accept Jesus Christ as the one and only Son of God, and as their personal savior and only hope for salvation. (There is a process of between 10-50 questions, varies from klan to klan, to determine your faith in God and such, they are usually yes or no questions and your answers determine whether or not you get in.)

I suppose it is ultimately up to the Exalted Cyclops (local leader) if you're accepted or not, but the questions are usually the determining factor, and your reputation and character. No real klan that goes on traditional klannish values will accept ex-cons (some exemptions are made depending on the crime, but no sexual criminals are taken, period.)

I hope that clears it up for you, and helps you to realize why the WCOTC and KKK have about as much in common as Stalinists and Trotskyites. They have a few similarities, but they stop quickly and then diverge into massive differences.
Decisive Action
18-10-2004, 02:04
OOC: Quick question? I'm assuming that since we last touched this subject little has changed and I need to get the basic idea of where I now stand with my Ambassador ( and how she is being treated. As demonstated in the other thread she dresses respectfully while in your nation and her security is assumed to be tight (all tall white men, highly trained specialists in the field of VIP escort).

What I need to know is if she is being treated normally or not... I can understand that there will be some minor dislike for her, but I imagine she is still being allowed to do her job. I can understand your people may not like talking to her and probably don't listen to her, but they do tolerate that she is doing a job and they are generally complying with the normal methods of diplomacy despite her ethnicity.

Ooc- Your ambassador is being treated better than she probably expected to be, but folks are somewhat uneasy around her... Her recent declarations in favor of our cultural dress codes, and her seeming willingness to abide by them, mean she is likely to be warmly received by most government officials.
18-10-2004, 02:31
OOC: Thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't assuming something incorrect. She is being respectful because, well, she has to live there. I'll add some RP later today or sometime next weak, nothing big just a general bump with style to show how my diplomat is doing in the nation.
18-10-2004, 05:49
Full name: Richard Reynolds Head

Date of Birth (Currently AF 20 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". We also go by the standard AD/BC dating system. Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1984 as the AF 0 (the first year Fabus took power) and we are currently in AF 20): March 01, 15 BF (?)

Nation of origin: JRV

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Caucasoid

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft

Weight: n/a

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Gray

National Identification Number (If applicable): n/a

IQ: 100

Occupation: Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Republic of JRV

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Centre-left/moderate-liberal

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

Religion: Christianity

Prison record: Served 1 year for conspiracy to defraud

Reason for applying: To take up position as JRV Ambassador to DA

Length of time to be in nation in question: 3 years

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi herself, etc) : Mississippi her/himself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Sure. But not weekends.

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Same as above.

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Sure, but please not on Sundays.
5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
Elizabeth Lucy, JRV supermodel
Rt. Hon. Dr. Donald Brash, Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. John Garrison, Vice Chancellor of JRV
Rt. Hon. John Hunt, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Robert Schmit, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Peter Larson, JRV movie director

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)
I swear.

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Dick R. Head

Date: 11.10.20

Initial: DRH


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
18-10-2004, 05:50
Full name: Richard Reynolds Head

Date of Birth (Currently AF 20 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". We also go by the standard AD/BC dating system. Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1984 as the AF 0 (the first year Fabus took power) and we are currently in AF 20): March 01, 15 BF (?)

Nation of origin: JRV

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)
I swear.

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Dick R. Head

"You were already approved weeks ago, only requesting that you alter the date on your form to conform with our new regulations... Stop resubmitting the entire form or we'll flog you."

Arthur Frick
18-10-2004, 21:33
The World Church of the Creator is a religion that believes there is no God, and that "What is good for the white race is great, what is not is sin". They reject Christ as a "dead jew" and consider God a "spook in the sky" (quotes from their website) They are NOT a church in the conventional sense.

The Klan (well the true klans, not most of the losers who "play klan", the sort you see on Jerry Sringer, but the true klan, are Christian folks) The Klan has as a requirement for membership that the applicant be of the Christian faith (Protestant, Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox) and that they accept Jesus Christ as the one and only Son of God, and as their personal savior and only hope for salvation. (There is a process of between 10-50 questions, varies from klan to klan, to determine your faith in God and such, they are usually yes or no questions and your answers determine whether or not you get in.)

I suppose it is ultimately up to the Exalted Cyclops (local leader) if you're accepted or not, but the questions are usually the determining factor, and your reputation and character. No real klan that goes on traditional klannish values will accept ex-cons (some exemptions are made depending on the crime, but no sexual criminals are taken, period.)

I hope that clears it up for you, and helps you to realize why the WCOTC and KKK have about as much in common as Stalinists and Trotskyites. They have a few similarities, but they stop quickly and then diverge into massive differences.

ohhhhh.....Thank you,I never would have know half of that had you not told me.

I was under the impression that Klanies and WCOTC were extremly similar.That's actually very interesting.Your like a well of knowledge man,thanks,and so much detail.

Thank you for helping me indulge in my curiosity.
18-10-2004, 21:37
ohhhhh.....Thank you,I never would have know half of that had you not told me.

I was under the impression that Klanies and WCOTC were extremly similar.That's actually very interesting.Your like a well of knowledge man,thanks,and so much detail.

Thank you for helping me indulge in my curiosity.

And,I almost forgot.

Again,I apologize for my tyrade of insults earlier.

You see,I was under the impression you WERE one of those annoying loser skinheads/Klanies who lived in their parents basement and was just trying to portray themselves as such for the want of an Identity. Those people are rather annoying.

Again,I apologize,and thank you for clarifying the diffrence between the two groups.
18-10-2004, 21:52
Denied: Not white according to Mississippian Jackson City Race Laws (15/16th white, other 1/16th cannot be african or jewish)

Indeed *insert usual anti-racist lecture here*
18-10-2004, 21:58
Official Imperial Statement

We would like to request an exchange of embassies.
Decisive Action
18-10-2004, 22:25
Official Imperial Statement

We would like to request an exchange of embassies.

Form 2, Page 1, 1st post, fill it out.
19-10-2004, 00:58
oh,I just have one more questions,if it's not to much trouble.

Am I right in thinking that a Grand Cyclops is the co-ordinater of violent operations for Klu Klux Klan...stuff localy?

Oh,and one more thing,if I'm not bothering you to much,would you happen to know what Klu Klux Klan means?
Decisive Action
19-10-2004, 01:49
oh,I just have one more questions,if it's not to much trouble.

Am I right in thinking that a Grand Cyclops is the co-ordinater of violent operations for Klu Klux Klan...stuff localy?

Oh,and one more thing,if I'm not bothering you to much,would you happen to know what Klu Klux Klan means?

Okay, I'm going to answer your last question, if you ask me a single more question, in ANY of my threads, that is unrelated to the topic of the thread, I'm going to report you to the mods. You're crapping up my threads with unrelated stuff. I answer this because I am super friendly and I wish for misunderstandings about topics to be made clear.

The term is "Exalted Cyclops" for local klavern leaders, and the Grand Titan for county level. And no, there is no coordination of violence.

Any klans that go by the old traditions (the proper ways for klannish behavior), the leadership does not sanction violence and members who even talk of illegal activities have been kicked out.

(I know of people who have been expelled for various reasons, a few for drugs, liking children too much if you get what I mean, etc. The klan, well the real klan, polices its ranks and any who got in through an error in the screening process, they are kicked out as soon as they are found out)

Ku Klux Klan is an alteration from the greek word "Circos" (Circle) and then Clan into Klan. (Apparently in 1865-1866, one of the founders liked "Klu Klux" better because it sounded like Circos and it sounded like the cocking of his favorite revolver.
19-10-2004, 21:45
Okay, I'm going to answer your last question, if you ask me a single more question, in ANY of my threads, that is unrelated to the topic of the thread, I'm going to report you to the mods. You're crapping up my threads with unrelated stuff. I answer this because I am super friendly and I wish for misunderstandings about topics to be made clear.

The term is "Exalted Cyclops" for local klavern leaders, and the Grand Titan for county level. And no, there is no coordination of violence.

Any klans that go by the old traditions (the proper ways for klannish behavior), the leadership does not sanction violence and members who even talk of illegal activities have been kicked out.

(I know of people who have been expelled for various reasons, a few for drugs, liking children too much if you get what I mean, etc. The klan, well the real klan, polices its ranks and any who got in through an error in the screening process, they are kicked out as soon as they are found out)

Ku Klux Klan is an alteration from the greek word "Circos" (Circle) and then Clan into Klan. (Apparently in 1865-1866, one of the founders liked "Klu Klux" better because it sounded like Circos and it sounded like the cocking of his favorite revolver.

I see.There yah go,learn something more,eh?Thank you for your patience and kindness.

I'm sorry for annoying you,but you should have told me that,perhaps.I had absolutly no Idea.And I was under the impression that you didn't want me involved in any of your role plays,so I just contented myself with following them,complimenting your writting and asking you questions about subjects that you seemed to know about.

Sorry,and thanks again.
Decisive Action
20-10-2004, 21:04
bump, updated page 1 post 1 with royal/noble marriages.
21-10-2004, 21:06
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name:Marcus Julius Aurelius

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) :0 AF

Nation of origin:Doomingsland

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) :Caucasoid




Weight:245 pounds

Eye Color:brown

Hair Color:blonde

National Identification Number (If applicable) :6666666


Occupation:Imperial Ambassador, former marine officer

Current Citizenship:Doomingslandian

Describe in one sentence your political orientation:I am considered right-wing conservative by both my self and my peers.

Sexual Orientation:heterosexual


Prison record:None

Reason for applying:Ambassador job.

Length of time to be in nation in question:unknown

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) :Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?:Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?:Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?:Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XMarcus Julius Aurelius
Date: 10/21/64
Initial: MJA


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:[/QUOTE]
25-10-2004, 04:24
A bronzed coloured limousine drove down the drive to the newly established JRV embassy. The flags of the Republic decorated the front of the car, three other identical cars followed closely behind.

As the motorcade came to a halt at the front steps of the main embassy building, a Republican Guardsman marched forward and opened the door of the lead car. Ambassador Head emerged. The guardsmen saluted and stepped aside to allow Head to pass.
"Lovely day," he uttered as his chief of staff, David Russell, joined him.

Bulbs lit up as reporters from the various JRV newspapers snapped pictures of the Ambassador and his senior staff arriving. Television cameras encircled them; beaming there images live back to the Republic. It was a day the JRV Government wanted to make known. The JRV National Anthem boomed through the grounds, loud speakers had been set up especially. The various JRVian flags, emblems and colours fluttered majestically in the breeze.
Decisive Action
25-10-2004, 04:35
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name:Marcus Julius Aurelius

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) :0 AF

Nation of origin:Doomingsland

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XMarcus Julius Aurelius
Date: 10/21/64
Initial: MJA


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:[/QUOTE]

25-10-2004, 04:35
Official Communiqué to Decisive Action from JRV Embassy

"His Excellence the Right Honourable Dr. Donald Brash, Chancellor over the Republic of JRV, hereby would like to declare his intentions to visit the great nationstate of Mississippi."

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Decisive Action
25-10-2004, 04:54
Official Communiqué to Decisive Action from JRV Embassy

"His Excellence the Right Honourable Dr. Donald Brash, Chancellor over the Republic of JRV, hereby would like to declare his intentions to visit the great nationstate of Mississippi."

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"We anxiously await the arrival of your honorable leader."

Paul Stahlecker, minister of foreign affairs
25-10-2004, 19:55
OOC- You still haven't re-added Samtonia to the list. Do you think you could do it sometime soon? I'd like to RP the arrival, but as it seems that there's still no reply on the Mississippian half...
Decisive Action
25-10-2004, 20:21
Samtonia, added.
Decisive Action
09-11-2004, 17:22
OOC- You still haven't re-added Samtonia to the list. Do you think you could do it sometime soon? I'd like to RP the arrival, but as it seems that there's still no reply on the Mississippian half...

Ooc- You've been added you know... Whenever you want to RP an arrival...
Decisive Action
09-11-2004, 17:24
OOC: Thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't assuming something incorrect. She is being respectful because, well, she has to live there. I'll add some RP later today or sometime next weak, nothing big just a general bump with style to show how my diplomat is doing in the nation.

Ooc- So what is your diplomat doing? Your planned post still going down?
09-11-2004, 17:33
OOC: I keep meaning to do it but I've been doing things in VERITAS summit and the difference between my usual "Thats silly" in character post and my one thousand word actual role-playing posts are quite alot...

I was thinking of doing it earlier... but you looked pissed and I felt I'd better leave it for a while.

I wasn't actually going to RP doing anything which will affect you, so don't wait up on my account, it was more along the lines of "we are here, this is what my character is like, this is how we are following the rules you gave us (white guards) and maybe a little description of IC opinions and so on. It was just something to give the thread depth... but I'm lazy when it comes to that.

I'll try and write something up later.
Decisive Action
09-11-2004, 17:40
OOC: I keep meaning to do it but I've been doing things in VERITAS summit and the difference between my usual "Thats silly" in character post and my one thousand word actual role-playing posts are quite alot...

I was thinking of doing it earlier... but you looked pissed and I felt I'd better leave it for a while.

I wasn't actually going to RP doing anything which will affect you, so don't wait up on my account, it was more along the lines of "we are here, this is what my character is like, this is how we are following the rules you gave us (white guards) and maybe a little description of IC opinions and so on. It was just something to give the thread depth... but I'm lazy when it comes to that.

I'll try and write something up later.

Ooc- Nah, if I'm pissed at you for OOC reasons (constantly nagging my threads and RP methods) that doesn't affect how I'll treat you IC. I don't play that way. :D
09-11-2004, 17:46
(constantly nagging my threads and RP methods)

OOC: Actually, you will find I don't mind your RP methods, otherwise I wouldn't RP with you. I just have issues with some of your military and scientific claims, as well as in-character concerns about your nations actions, which are often crude poor reactions. Though I will admit that I nag... and almost everyone gets a peice of it. Hogsweat in character told me to fuck off the other day, that made me smile.

*cough* moving swiftly on, I'll try and craft something tonight depending on my plans and my re-occuring writers block.
10-11-2004, 02:49
Ooc- You've been added you know... Whenever you want to RP an arrival...

OOC-Sorry. Haven't had time. I'll do it soon. Okay, sometime. Okay, assume if I don't post an entry they're in your country happy and content.
10-11-2004, 03:53
Iuthian Embassy (Interior)

It was a warm autumn day in Jackson City, the retreating yellow sun beating down on the clear, reinforced windows of the Iuthian Embassy. The week had been particularly slow for the people working within it's reinforced white walls, so far there had been a bit of action from government of Decisive Action, but it didn't require a great deal of attention from the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps.

Ambassador Katarina Tzing ( had already spoken to some of her Mississippian contacts this week and had generally recieved no more information then publically available, which was something she wasn't disapointed with... the meetings were on the whole a simple professional affair where racism seems to be put aside for the purpose of getting the job done. Some of the discussions she had with officials were actually pleasant affairs, though she imagined her respectful attitude was part of the reason she had been so warmly accepted despite her ethnic background.

However, there was a slight oddity in the Iuthian security. It was, of course, fully within the argeement of the both Iuthian Diplomats and Decisive Action officials, but if one was to pay attention they may notice that the Iuthian security were not just white; they were tall white men, mostly well built and in their physical peak, each one of them had blonde hair and blue eyes. Whats more they were very subservient to Ambassador Tzing. So far there hadn't been any comment, afterall, they are all perfect examples of Iuthian white males.

Currently, the Ambassador was filling in some paperwork, not the one to shy away from her duties as she enjoyed freeing up time for other activities.
11-11-2004, 04:23
We are pleased that your nation is opening up to foreign embassies. We shall send a representative to Mississippi if that shall be allowed. His name is Vegard Amsted, and it is unfortunate that he cannot be in two places at once, as he is a fine captain in our navy. He has completed Form 2, which we have enclosed with this message.

-King Haakon IX

Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Vegard Amsted

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959): August 17th, AF 16

Nation of origin: The Constitutional Monarchy of Callisdrun

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other): Other (Callisdrunian)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft. 5 in.

Weight: 227 lbs.

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

National Identification Number (If applicable): Not applicable

IQ: 167

Occupation: Navy captain

Current Citizenship: Callisdrunian citizenship

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: "Moderate Social Democrat" would be the best description.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religion: Callisdrunian Pagan (very similar to ancient Norse paganism)

Prison record: None, never been arrested

Reason for applying: Appointed by King Haakon IX

Length of time to be in nation in question: Five years, but may be recalled to serve in other offices before time is up

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc): Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
1. Rear-admiral Erzsebet Sorvik
2. Captain Knut Tveitan
3. Commander Katarina Farkas
4. Commander Leif Olsen
5. Professor Ilona Batory

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XVegard Amsted OOC: this part's in runes

Date: November 10th, 2004 (AF 43)

Initial: [more runes]


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

Vegard had been a natural choice for diplomatic duty. He was always cool and professional in his manner, and was dependable in getting things done. His handwriting was very angular, as runic was his native alphabet, but it was impeccably neat and legible. There was not a spec of dust on the form.
Decisive Action
11-11-2004, 04:39
We are pleased that your nation is opening up to foreign embassies. We shall send a representative to Mississippi if that shall be allowed. His name is Vegard Amsted, and it is unfortunate that he cannot be in two places at once, as he is a fine captain in our navy. He has completed Form 2, which we have enclosed with this message.

-King Haakon IX

Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Vegard Amsted

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
1. Rear-admiral Erzsebet Sorvik
2. Captain Knut Tveitan
3. Commander Katarina Farkas
4. Commander Leif Olsen
5. Professor Ilona Batory

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature XVegard Amsted OOC: this part's in runes

Date: November 10th, 2004 (AF 43)

Initial: [more runes]

11-11-2004, 05:22
We are pleased that our diplomat, Vegard Amsted, has been approved. For the embassy building itself, we are not picky. Any decent looking building that is suitable for office space will suffice, provided it has adequate facilities, such as plumbing, air conditioning, electricity, etc.

Our standard weapon for soldiers is the AK-103, and being 7.62 cal., it is unfortunately above your size limit for guard weapons. We shall find them another weapon though.

We shall not require a fortified compound or be building large walls with razor wire or any other such thing, as it would make our embassy look like a military base, which is not what it is.

Those are the only issues we can think of at present.

-King Haakon IX
16-11-2004, 13:49
Iuthian Embassy (Interior)

It was a complete change of pace in the Iuthian Embassy today as "Thought-Crime" had been declared illegal for all, a disturbing development which would undoubtably be abused by the corrupt government here to arrest anyone they pleased on a whim. The fact it could apply to the Iuthian Ambassador and others meant that all it took was to ask the wrong question at an meeting and then the man could accuse her of "Thought-crime". It didn't need proof (as Iuthia recognised it) and as such there wouldn't be a fair trial even for Iuthians.

To avoid international incidents it was time to pack. The Iuthian government had given in their notice and unless the government here changed their policy towards foriegn diplomats; unlikely at the best of sometimes, they would have to leave and give up on these people... they simply didn't have a clue about shaping a society. Were it not for out-right fear of the people open rebellion would have happened years ago.

Nevermind... the loss would be minor for the Diplomatic Corps and offically it would be concidered to be a flaw in the nation they were stationed and not the Ambassadors fault. She would probably be placed in another Embassy in time, but for now she could catch up on her petit-perception training at home with the others.


What a waste.
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 13:52
"We will not enforce anti-thought crime laws against foreign diplomats, be they on embassy grounds or off embassy grounds... Unless they are actively planning, in their mind, how to assassinate the Czar or Czarina, in which case, we will pre-empt their attack."

Minister of Interior, Arthur Frick

ooc- is that fair enough?
16-11-2004, 13:59
OOC- is that fair enough?

OOC: Almost, but it still seems that you can just pull a "The Duchess Eldanor" on us and not really need to prove that we want to kill you. I can only accept the normal laws against intent, which need physical evidence to be proven in a court of law...

I wouldn't give a damn but as it stands you could just get anoyed at my people any say "We arrest you for thought crime" which would then create an international incident which we could have avoided by not opening ourselves to such abusive laws.
16-11-2004, 14:21
"We will not enforce anti-thought crime laws against foreign diplomats, be they on embassy grounds or off embassy grounds... Unless they are actively planning, in their mind, how to assassinate the Czar or Czarina, in which case, we will pre-empt their attack."

Minister of Interior, Arthur Frick

While this is a step in the right direction, we feel that in order for us to accept any charges based soley on any accusion that Iuthian Diplomats are planning to kill your leaders we would need proof of intent, not just some vague reference to how you thought they would do it.

So we need re-assurances that physical proof will be aquired before any Iuthian is charged with such a crime.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 17:23
While this is a step in the right direction, we feel that in order for us to accept any charges based soley on any accusion that Iuthian Diplomats are planning to kill your leaders we would need proof of intent, not just some vague reference to how you thought they would do it.

So we need re-assurances that physical proof will be aquired before any Iuthian is charged with such a crime.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps

"We can guarantee that mere thought alone will not be considered as sufficient to convict or even charge. But thought with actual physical preparation might be enough to warrant charges or at least further investigation."

Arthur Frick
16-11-2004, 18:56
We find that much more agreeable. Though we would like to clear up any matters of Extraterritoriality which is granted to our Ambassador. We expect that like most nations, any crime she is accussed of commiting will usually result in explusion, saving only the worse crimes. This would protect our Ambassador from further unconventional laws which could be used to trap our Ambassador.

We don't expect that Ambassador Tzing will ever commit a crime, she is very professional and tried to follow the laws she is not even required to follow as an Iuthian Diplomat... but it is important to know where we stand. Most nations follow laws of Extraterritoriality carefully.

Never the less, we will call of our 24-hour notice and allow the embassy to return to normal services, though they will be intructed to take greater care.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 19:13
"We await your return to the embassy. As for the matter of expulsions, serious crimes of violence and/or terrorism would result in arrest and subsequent trial.. Minor crimes of a traffic nature or political speech violations, would likely be ignored, and mild crimes of violence or incitement of others to violate the law, might be grounds for expulsion. We are immensely pleased with the ambassadors conduct thus far and we do not anticipate any problems with her violating our laws."

Arthur Frick
16-11-2004, 19:28
"We await your return to the embassy.

OOC: They never left, they just handed in their notice and wish to leave. The perpose was to show intent and willing to do so, but not delay affairs should circumstances change. I also assumed that we would have to inform you in advance if our people want to leave the country as it's basic security.

Doesn't matter, I just don't like leaving assumptions so I felt I should point it out.
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 20:33
To: Iuthia

From: Ministry of Interior

"Your ambassador is hereby invited to attend a Fabus family gathering which will encompass over 200 Fabuses from across Europe and Mississippi... She will be thoroughly searched before being given admittance, and she will be issued a camera, by the SRG, with which she may film segments of the event."

Arthur Frick
17-11-2004, 07:26
Iuthian Embassy (Interior)

Things were now settling down in the Iuthian Embassy, the meager packing which had been done in preparation for the withdrawal had now been replaced and people were breaking back into their routine.

Tensions were still high and the current orders coming from Iuthia were that of caution, the IDC was one of the more paranoid parts of Iuthia's government, but it was also one of the most important and powerful. The orders were in place to avoid any actions which may give the Mississippian's reason to start a international incident, something which they prefered to avoid for the time being.

While the majority of diplomats got on with their duties, Ambassador Tzing was being debreifed via satellite uplink communication with the Foriegn Minister of Iuthia, Mick Lakely. The uplink included video transmission and was heavily encrypted to the Iuthian Military standard, concidered extreemly hard to crack and more importantly, the two were speaking an old variation on Iuthian Battle Language, a long thought dead language privately taugh in the IDC.

"... and that is the current situation between our governments. As you are aware the Mississippian's have given you room to think pretty much what you like so long as you don't act on it. Of course, caution and disgression are advised but I'm sure I don't need to remind you of all people of that." Mick smirked, he was getting on to be in his early forties and had shown signed of grey hairs, while other countries may have covered this up, the man left it as it was commonly linked with wisdom. He prided himself on his fitness, like most Iuthian's so he was inshape despite his age.

"How about the technology they use to read their citizens thoughts, any ideas on how they opperate, sir?" Katarina ( smiled a little herself at Micks previous comment, however she had a sombre apearance at this moment in time. These were serious days.

"At these early stages it seems that their technology is based on an advanced version of a lie-detector, it is possible to fool such technology and of course, your training will come in handy... though you will need to come back to Iuthia some time for some more treatments. In anycase that isn't the primary concern at this time... it seems you have made some powerful friends in Decisive Action."

"They like my respectful attitude, it comes across well."

"I can imagine, you've done well despite the problems we had at the start. We'll have to see about a payrise, though you are already being paid danger-pay for your work here. Anyways, our main concern at the moment is that you've been invited to the Fabus Family Gathering, from what we've been told it's going to be a very important event in Decisive Action and could be concidered an 'honor' to be invited."

"Ah..." she already understood the concerns.

"Yes, it would be an insult to turn it down... and given their opinion of your ethnicity it would probably be an even deeper insult to turn them down when they've offered it to someone who isn't 'pure' like they concider themselves. Meanwhile, the event itself is a dangerous affair... you will be surrounded by men and women who could very well hate you for your skin tone, status and sex. One wrong move and they could do something very stupid..."

"I fully understand, Sir."

"Yes, I'm sure you do. Don't give them the opportunity... we don't want an incident on our hands and these people don't respect other people opinions. Make sure to take care on this on, you're going to have to go whether we like it or not..."

Katarina simply nodded... it was a tricky situation, but she secretly relished the opportunity. So far she was simply doing her job because in a way it was a passive method of rebellion. She wasn't white, yet she held a position of immense power and trust... men who could be described as the purest white men Iuthia had got to volunteer for this assignment treated her as their utter superior, and enjoyed it. Meanwhile she was respectful, honest and almost without flaw... it was simply the best way of working here, yet it spoke more then she could have done otherwise.

And she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the subtle way the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps conducted itself... respect and honor were important to the IDC, such virtues made their job easier. While the racism would have detered others... she was attracted by the challenge of it all. She smiled, the conversation was pretty much over, the rest would just be pesky details.

Now she had something to look forward to, for better or for worse.

(OOC: Blue = Iuthian Battle Language)
17-11-2004, 07:50
To: Arthur Frick, Decisive Action
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: Invitation

After talking to Ambassador Tzing about the event, we both agreed that it would be an honour for our Ambassador to attend this event to represent Iuthia's diplomatic interest and thanks for the respect your government has shown to our diplomatic staff.

We don't see the need to record the event on camera however. I'm sure your people will have professionals to do that and we have little need for our own footage. I'm sure which ever pictures you open up to the public domian will suffice.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 08:02
From: Arthur Frick

To: Iuthian Diplomatic Officials

"We also are looking forward to the upcoming event, the Czar enjoys a good debate, as do many of those who will be present, if the ambassador can debate in a civil and non-offensive manner, and I am certain she can, then she is more than welcome to join in the debates that will surely be going on at the event."
17-11-2004, 11:08
cough for later consumption
17-11-2004, 15:03
To: Arthur Frick, Decisive Action
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: re: re: Invitation

Mr Frick,

Given some of the latest incidents we may need a list of "Offencive Manners" simply because your people seem to take offence at the simplist of things. You will find Ambassador Tzing to be a truthful person who will not hesitate to be honest if pressed about certain issues... while she is undoubtably respectful to your culture, that doesn't mean her deep rooted beliefs are any different. Given the manner your government has arrested other dignitories for simply stating their opinion we feel it will be nessicary for you to note exactly what is an "Offencive Manner". We can assure you she will be respectful in a very Iuthian manner, and she will observe what laws she reasonably can... but it's hard to follow some of the changes.

While she does look forward to this event, we don't want any incidents because someone asked her a question and she answered truthfully.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
29-11-2004, 02:48
OOC: Hm... ohwell, not really bothered looking here too much recently but I'm under the impression this idea has been called off then?


Probably for the better I guess, with the recent destruction of an Iuthian Embassy in Ottoman Khaif I really should be putting more effort into that thread for a while.
15-12-2004, 16:29
Full name: Augustus Craten

Date of Birth: June 27th, AF-0

Nation of origin: Moronyicka

Race: Caucasian

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Height: 6’2

Weight: 142 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark brown

National Identification Number (If applicable) : Not applicable

IQ: 153

Occupation: Navy commander

Current Citizenship: Citizen of Moronyicka

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Right wing capitalist.

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

Religion: Christian

Prison record: None

Reason for applying: To better our relations with Desisve Action

Length of time to be in nation in question: 5 Years

Which nation are you applying to enter: Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true:

1. King Jedo
2. Fleet Admiral Craig Swift
3. Luis Blage (Minister of Defense)
4. Jonathan Blaine (Professor)
5. Rear Admiral Blake Gorseph

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Augustus Craten

Date: December 15, 2004 (AF-44)

Initial: A.F.C
Decisive Action
15-12-2004, 18:26
Full name: Augustus Craten

Date of Birth: June 27th, AF-0

Nation of origin: Moronyicka

Race: Caucasian

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes
By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Augustus Craten

Date: December 15, 2004 (AF-44)

Initial: A.F.C

Accepted, if a bit reluctantly, as we regard capitalism as nothing more than a zionist monopoly to control both the capitalists and communists.
20-12-2004, 09:36
It was now two days after the events in Fabus City, Mark Jameson had gotten home, refusing the "gifts" offered to him as compensation for the incident. The man how now been debreifed and a message was sent to the Iuthian Embassy in Jackson City over secure channels.

For the past working day the Iuthian embassy had been busy preparing themselves for the worse case scenario and had already destroyed all confidential documents stored in the facility beyond repair. Computers memory which may have contained such information was wiped clean then destroyed in the safest possible manner in order to prevent any recollection of information.

Only important, non-confidential information remained such as offical papers given to them by Decisive Action themselves (which wouldn't be of any tactical use) and official papers given to them by the Iuthian goverment which would be needed and expected.

An information purge had taken place... this time they wouldn't be coming back.

It wasn't a hard decision to make for the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps because it was simply a matter of broken trust. One could argue that little trust existed in the first place, however the important part would be to remember that there was some trust there, such as the trust that these people would honor their agreements and assurances.

A diplomatic relationship had to be built on trust, without it you wouldn't know if a man would stick by his word and you couldn't make any long term agreements, not without special measures to assure yourself they wouldn't break such a bond.

And now that trust was gone. The people working in the Iuthian embassy once again packed their stuff for the last time in this nation.

To: Arthur Frick, Decisive Action
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: 48 Hour Notice

Mr Frick,

After the incidents which took place on Fabus Island during a recess at the 'World Conference' meeting we would like to take this opportunity to display our dismay at such events.

For sometime now the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps has been building up a level of trust based on getting a agreement in writing in order to protect our employees during their stay in such a potentially hostile nation. Until now that trust had proven to not only be working for the IDC, but it had done much towards the assuring us of your nations growth towards a more tolerent nation.

However, with the incidents during the 'World Conference' recently we find ourselves shocked at the sheer negligence of the people in charge of organising such diplomatic events, who would allow a unstable officer of their military, access to a representative of another nation. Especially after the man had actually insulted another delegate prior to the incident, giving warning that he no longer had the disapline to control himself.

We feel that this, along with other incidents which have taken place to other delegates over time has damaged Iuthian confidence in Decisive Action security enough to actually warrent a withdrawl of our embassy staff and the diplomatic effort for this time being.

This e-mail is the notice of such a withdrawl to take place within the next 48 hours to allow for transportation to be arranged and proper conclusions of affairs withint this nation.

Unlike previous agreements over protentially harmful laws, this is a more serious matter. Even with additional assurances in place the fact remains that the trust has gone, the manner of which it was dealt with was an insult to our diplomat and an insult to our nation. Simply put, we don't believe it's safe to operate an embassy here.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Decisive Action
20-12-2004, 09:46
It was now two days after the events in Fabus City, Mark Jameson had gotten home, refusing the "gifts" offered to him as compensation for the incident. The man how now been debreifed and a message was sent to the Iuthian Embassy in Jackson City over secure channels.

For the past working day the Iuthian embassy had been busy preparing themselves for the worse case scenario and had already destroyed all confidential documents stored in the facility beyond repair. Computers memory which may have contained such information was wiped clean then destroyed in the safest possible manner in order to prevent any recollection of information.

Only important, non-confidential information remained such as offical papers given to them by Decisive Action themselves (which wouldn't be of any tactical use) and official papers given to them by the Iuthian goverment which would be needed and expected.

An information purge had taken place... this time they wouldn't be coming back.

It wasn't a hard decision to make for the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps because it was simply a matter of broken trust. One could argue that little trust existed in the first place, however the important part would be to remember that there was some trust there, such as the trust that these people would honor their agreements and assurances.

A diplomatic relationship had to be built on trust, without it you wouldn't know if a man would stick by his word and you couldn't make any long term agreements, not without special measures to assure yourself they wouldn't break such a bond.

And now that trust was gone. The people working in the Iuthian embassy once again packed their stuff for the last time in this nation.

To: Arthur Frick, Decisive Action
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: 48 Hour Notice

Mr Frick,

After the incidents which took place on Fabus Island during a recess at the 'World Conference' meeting we would like to take this opportunity to display our dismay at such events.

For sometime now the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps has been building up a level of trust based on getting a agreement in writing in order to protect our employees during their stay in such a potentially hostile nation. Until now that trust had proven to not only be working for the IDC, but it had done much towards the assuring us of your nations growth towards a more tolerent nation.

However, with the incidents during the 'World Conference' recently we find ourselves shocked at the sheer negligence of the people in charge of organising such diplomatic events, who would allow a unstable officer of their military, access to a representative of another nation. Especially after the man had actually insulted another delegate prior to the incident, giving warning that he no longer had the disapline to control himself.

We feel that this, along with other incidents which have taken place to other delegates over time has damaged Iuthian confidence in Decisive Action security enough to actually warrent a withdrawl of our embassy staff and the diplomatic effort for this time being.

This e-mail is the notice of such a withdrawl to take place within the next 48 hours to allow for transportation to be arranged and proper conclusions of affairs withint this nation.

Unlike previous agreements over protentially harmful laws, this is a more serious matter. Even with additional assurances in place the fact remains that the trust has gone, the manner of which it was dealt with was an insult to our diplomat and an insult to our nation. Simply put, we don't believe it's safe to operate an embassy here.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps

From: Czar Roger Fabus

To: Foreign Minister Mick Lakely

"You've operated an embassy for nearly eight months now in our nation, and only one incident of any real importance, not even related to your embassy, has occurred during that time. If I give you my guarantee that the man responsible will be charged with something, perhaps assault or battery, would that make you reconsider... I believe that diplomatic relations with your nation are something worth pursuing further and working hard to improve. Please don't let the actions of one man make you abandon hope for improved relations."
20-12-2004, 13:02
To: Arthur Frick, Decisive Action
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima, Iuthia
Subject: re: re: 48 Hour Notice

Mr Frick,

We feel you don't understand how the basics of our problem here. While I would agree that it something as minor as a single blow which hasn't left any lasting physical damage on our diplomat is a rather somewhat silly thing to loose such an oportunity over, it's not the entirity of our problem:

We've heard of foriegn diplomats being arrested for criticism, we've heard reports of diplomatics being harressed and assaulted; all of which points to a specific lack of respect for foriegn representatives who have, when we get down to it, been welcomed into your nation.

This lack of respect has been seen time and time again... it's this very lack of respect which forces our hand to make sure, in writing, that you agree not to harm our people. And still we it happens.

How can we build trust when we can't be sure that our lower level diplomat won't be beaten up for criticism... if it's happened once there is no telling that it won't happen again only with someone more important. They may not even stop at just hitting them either.

We don't like how this was dealt with, and we don't trust that it won't happen again. We feel our Ambassador's record is good, we also feel you yourselves showed tolerance... it's a shame for it all to be marred by this but given how wide spread this problem can be, even if it's only our first time it's not the first incidence of something like this happening, and thats you're problem.

Fix that attitude, and perhaps we can trust Decisive Action not to be a threat to our diplomats. Before now it was a tolerable threat we felt was under control, now we feel like we aren't respected just like the rest.

Sort our your problem with treatment of diplomats, and we can come back and continue to build what we once had here.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Decisive Action
30-12-2004, 09:21
"We are offering great deals on embassies, build an embassy in our nation, and we'll pay for all the construction costs up to 50 million dollars."

Czarina Alice Fabus
Camel Eaters
07-01-2005, 23:31
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Sir Gregger Mannzheim Garzivonni III

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : BF 7

Nation of origin: Camel Eaters

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) : Causcasoid

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 173 lbs.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blonde

National Identification Number (If applicable) : #3678921

IQ: 146

Occupation: Diplomat and Noble

Current Citizenship: Camel Eaters

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: I am a conservative.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Monotheist

Prison record: None. Crime is beneath me.

Reason for applying: We are neighbors and neighbors should stay on good terms.

Length of time to be in nation in question: As long as you see it fit.

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississippi himself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
King Linfield Hannon, Former Lord Governor of the Armed Forces Jaygus Lutch, Speaker Renna of the Monotheist Church of Camel Eaters, General Zi, and Hrall Thundaurwhaugung

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X_Sir Gregger Mannzheim Garzivonni III

Date: Jan. 7 AF 43____________________

Initial: GMG________


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
07-01-2005, 23:53
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Sir Gregger Mannzheim Garzivonni III

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X_Sir Gregger Mannzheim Garzivonni III

Date: Jan. 7 AF 43____________________

Initial: GMG________


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

08-01-2005, 00:06
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Andrew Alexander Valgurd

Date of Birth: AF 8

Nation of origin: Nycton

Race: Caucasoid

Age: 36

Gender: M

Height: 6'3.5

Weight: 205 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blond

National Identification Number (If applicable) : None

IQ: 167

Occupation: Ex-Marine, Ex-Imperial Senator, Senior Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Nycton

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Belief in Empire states with right leaning views.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Presbyterian (Christian)

Prison record: None

Reason for applying: To put Nycton and Mississippi at greater levels of diplomacy.

Length of time to be in nation in question: As long as possible

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
Imperator Augustii Valteen the I
Grand Field Marshal Zachary Greninger
Heir/Tribune Lance Valteen the II
Senior Diplomat Jacob Scott
Deputy of Dept. of Foreign Affairs Jonathon Lancaster

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature: Andrew Alexander Valgurd

Date: Jan. 7 AF 43

Initial: A. A. V.


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
08-01-2005, 00:11
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Andrew Alexander Valgurd

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature: Andrew Alexander Valgurd

Date: 1-7-05

Initial: A. A. V.


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

08-01-2005, 00:30
Full name: Ambassador Joseph Kakoris

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : 1979, AF 20

Nation of origin: Dimmimar

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) : Caucasoid

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'7

Weight: 173 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

National Identification Number (If applicable) : #212.67

IQ: 184

Occupation: Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Dimmimaran

Describe in one sentence your political orientation:

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: N/A [Avowed Atheist]

Prison record: None

Reason for applying: Expand diplomatic relations.

Length of time to be in nation in question: Indefinite period

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississippi herself

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true:
High Imperator, Gaius Serpentius; Doctor Hernan Klug; Dr Eva Kakoris; Baron Manfred von Konan; Louis Garrant; Joseph Serpentius.

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

I swear

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature Ambassador Joseph Kakoris

Date: 7/1/05

Initial: AJK
Decisive Action
08-01-2005, 00:34
Full name: Ambassador Joseph Kakoris

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : 1979, AF 20

Nation of origin: Dimmimar

Signature Ambassador Joseph Kakoris

Date: 7/1/05

Initial: AJK

Accepted, but be warned, keep your atheism to yourself. :)
Upper Xen
08-01-2005, 00:38
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Grigori Illyanovich Stoyanovich

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : July 5, BF 2

Nation of origin: Republic of Upper Xen

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) : Caucasoid

Age: 47

Gender: M

Height: 5 ft f in

Weight: 256 lbs

Eye Color: blue

Hair Color: blonde

National Identification Number (If applicable) :

IQ: 156

Occupation: Member of Xenizen Foreign Service (Diplomat), Ex-Soldier (Home Guard), ex-Teacher

Current Citizenship: Upper Xen

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: I am committed to preserving free trade and to opposing the spread of Communism and other such radical ideals that threaten society.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Russian Orthodox

Prison record: None

Reason for applying: To establish peaceful relations with Decisive Action

Length of time to be in nation in question: Six Months

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.

1. Nikolai Yaroslavich Markovich
2. Father Beniamin Fyodorovich Nabokov
3. Secretary of Foreign Service Robert Tang
4. Sgt. Andrei Yevgenyvich Ivankov
5. Anthony Zhang

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature: Grigori Illyanovich Stoyanovich

Date: January 7 AF 43

Initial: G.I.S


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:
Decisive Action
08-01-2005, 00:41
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Grigori Illyanovich Stoyanovich

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : July 5, BF 2

Nation of origin: Republic of Upper Xen
I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature: Grigori Illyanovich Stoyanovich

Date: January 7 AF 43

Initial: G.I.S


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

10-01-2005, 00:13
Full name: Henrick Mikalev Yordmen

Date of Birth: 1969, AF 9[?]

Nation of origin: Germano-Afrikaan

Race: Caucasoid

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 158 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

National Identification Number (If applicable) : N/A

IQ: 146

Occupation: Ambassador

Current Citizenship: Upper Afrikaan

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: A right-wing radicalist even by Afrikaan standards, supports the Kilgar regime and the Naso regime.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Luthern

Prison record: None

Reason for applying: Diplomatic Job

Length of time to be in nation in question: Indefinite period[forever]

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississippi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true:
Karl Catan, Hiejo Kijies[or any Kijies], Karleen Yeltkin, Amoika Lorst, and Tiegal Gunberg

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

I swear

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.


Date: 9/1/05

Initial: HMY
Decisive Action
10-01-2005, 00:16
Full name: Henrick Mikalev Yordmen

Date of Birth: 1969, AF 9[?]
I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)

I swear

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.


Date: 9/1/05

Initial: HMY

"Approved, but we are concerned that you might be underweight. If you're married, we'll send your wife some recipes so she can cook for you more. If you're not married, we'll find you a good woman in Mississippi for you."

Arthur Frick, Minister of the Interior
10-01-2005, 17:52
"Who are these people again?"

Vosselieu looked up from the papers he was reading to his Senior Staff standing around the room. Most of them were newly appointed; his administration was in its infancy since the elections. Still, the business of government never slept, which explained why Thomas was still sitting here at 1am going through the day's backlog.

They were getting to the final points of the meeting and were on to foreign relations - which were, at this time, pretty slim - when they had come across a point that advised the establishment of Embassies with nations on the same continent as soon as possible. One of his aides had pointed out that Mississippi was the one of the larger nations on North America.

His Chief of Staff was Andrew Thompson. A tall, fourty-five year-old man who was two years the President's senior, he had served as Vosselieu's Sergeant during the Secession War that had broken the Union. Now, they stood in the President's Office at the Yellow House in Olympia. 'How far we've come,' Vosselieu realised.

Thompson glanced at one of the other Staff. "The nation is called the Mississippian Federation, Mr. President," he said, leafing through his own sheets. "Controls a number of the Eastern and Mid-East states, along with numerous territories in Africa."

Vosselieu nodded. He leant back in his chair and smiled. "Well, we should probably give them a wave and let them know we're friendly over here."

A few of his Aides coughed and exchanged nervous glances. Thompson continued. "Sir, there are...issues regarding them."

The blue eyes flicked to him. "Issues?"

Thompson glanced at his papers again. "For several years," he continued. "The government over there has been considerably far-right White Supremecist. Establishing diplomatic ties could inflame certain groups of the population."

Vosselieu snorted. "Crap, Andy." He frowned at him. "Swapping embassies doesn't mean getting into bed with these people." He looked around the room. "Just because I open ties with a country, doesn't mean I'm going to adopt their policies or anything. We need to let people know we're here. Besides," he said, tapping his pen on the desk. "We don't get to tell nations several times our size how to run themselves."

Thompson nodded. He may not always agree with his former subordinate and current friend, but he never argued in front of the other staff. Besides, he served at the pleasure of the President.

To: Czar Fabus of the Mississippian Federation
From: President Thomas Vosselieu of the Republic of Christophskiffer


In the interests of future ties and continental solidarity, we would like to request an exchange of embassies between our two countries.

President Thomas Vosselieu
Commander in Chief, Christophskiffer

OOC: Hey DA - I'm across the continent from you on your Earth. Thought I'd establish diplomatic ties with some good RPers, if that's okay?
09-02-2005, 19:15
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Andrew Byrne Fyre (pron. Fee-Ray)

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : 20 September, AF 21

Nation of origin: Pterodactylus

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) : Caucasoid





Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown w/red and orange streaks

National Identification Number (If applicable) : N/A

IQ: 107

Occupation: Ex-student, Ex-factory worker, Ex-salesman

Current Citizenship: Bouvet Islander (Pterodactylus colony in Earth DA)

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Born and bred socialist.

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual


Prison record: 3 years for arson, 18 months for vandalism.

Reason for applying: To give security should Bouvet be invaded.

Length of time to be in nation in question: 3 years, on and off.

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississipi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true:
Jake Akkrane, Steve Hammer, Phil Jones, Dave Fitzgerald, Nicky Pierre Fabio Anders Freidrich Karol Dmitry Pieeter Smith.

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging) I swear

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Andrew Fyre

Date: 9 Feb 2005 or AF equivalent

Initial: ABF


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

We also would like an embassy in Pretoria. You can build one in Kòtrói.
09-02-2005, 19:28
Form 2 (Prospective ambassador)

Full name: Andrew Byrne Fyre (pron. Fee-Ray)

Date of Birth (Currently AF 43 "In the year of Fabus, twenty". Note, as of now, we no longer go by the AD/BC system for these forms. All forms must be in the AF/BF (In the year of Fabus, or Before Fabus). We go by 1960 as the AF 0 (the year Fabus was born) and we are currently in AF 43. BF 1 would be 1959) : 20 September, AF 21

Nation of origin: Pterodactylus

Race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Congoloid, Malay, Tartar, Semite, Moor, Berber, Persian, Turk, Mestizo, other) : Caucasoid





Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown w/red and orange streaks

National Identification Number (If applicable) : N/A

IQ: 107

Occupation: Ex-student, Ex-factory worker, Ex-salesman

Current Citizenship: Bouvet Islander (Pterodactylus colony in Earth DA)

Describe in one sentence your political orientation: Born and bred socialist.

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual


Prison record: 3 years for arson, 18 months for vandalism.

Reason for applying: To give security should Bouvet be invaded.

Length of time to be in nation in question: 3 years, on and off.

Which nation are you applying to enter (Commonwealth nation, Mississippi himself, etc) : Mississipi

Do you agree to submit to random screening for drugs?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to testing for sexually transmitted diseases?: Yes

Do you agree to submit to polygraph tests?: Yes

5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true:
Jake Akkrane, Steve Hammer, Phil Jones, Dave Fitzgerald, Nicky Pierre Fabio Anders Freidrich Karol Dmitry Pieeter Smith.

I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under DA Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging) I swear

By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.

Signature X Andrew Fyre

Date: 9 Feb 2005 or AF equivalent

Initial: ABF


Approved by:

Denied by:

If denied, reason for denial:

We also would like an embassy in Pretoria. You can build one in Kòtrói.


"No commie jews allowed"

Arthur Frick.
09-02-2005, 19:30

Go to the new Embassy thread from now on, please.