Earth V - With Realism and Rules - Page 3
05-11-2004, 00:28
TGSR, the list in the first post, is it official and final now, or are there more updates to do?
I notice that many of the invasions from the war-thread is missing. Does that mean that you have missed them, or not recognized them?
Thanks alot, TGSR
Could you stick a claim down for Latvia, too?
Private Dunkum
05-11-2004, 00:57
yea, what about my south carolina, or am i not eligible for that ????
Wolf America
05-11-2004, 01:17
Not going to be on for three days. (First weekend of hunting season.)
Be back on Monday.
All attacks on my claims will not happen.
05-11-2004, 01:52
I was wondering if I could lay claim to Tunis and as for land holdings and considering how small Tunis is I was hoping to be able to take all of the african North Coast from Morooco to half way into Libya this would give me the size of an average Nation. Also if your having trouble about the estimates of land I pretty much want the territory claims that ancient Carthrage had.
05-11-2004, 02:21
TGSR - A slight change needs to be made on the master list - You recognized my claim to Columbia and Venezuela before the war started and about the same time that Fodmodmadtol invaded those countries, we worked the issues out ourselves and I gave up my claim to Venezeula and he gave up his claim to Columbia so I should be listed as the "owner" of Columbia. I have also, since I lost Venezuela, laid claim to Chile' and would think that should be approved. OK?
05-11-2004, 02:34
We're invading, I'm posting details in the "incidents" thread, we want Tennessee though.
05-11-2004, 09:01
I was wondering if I could lay claim to Tunis and as for land holdings and considering how small Tunis is I was hoping to be able to take all of the african North Coast from Morooco to half way into Libya this would give me the size of an average Nation. Also if your having trouble about the estimates of land I pretty much want the territory claims that ancient Carthrage had.
I'm invading Algeria now. See the Earth V news & incident thread. Also, Doomingsland controls Libya. AFAIK Tunisia is free.
TGSR I would like to claim New Calydonia as my island if that's not too much trouble. (Seeing as how I've gained 300 million people or so since the start of this thread). :D
I would like to ask that Greater Sixth Reich update the list, as I just annexed Idaho, Guatemala, and Belize in my war RP in the Earth V incidents.
Just stating it for the official record.
Yevon of Spira
05-11-2004, 20:55
Lots of nations haven't gotten their initial claims, so chill out a second people. This "Private Dunkum" claimed some land, and those monkey nations claimed some too. These claims don't affect me, but before you all start making new claims, let TGSR sift through some of the older ones first.
The Great Sixth Reich
06-11-2004, 04:22
I just created this nation today, after being away from NationStates for some time. Would I be allowed to have a territory (I wanted to be Wisconsin), or do I have to wait until my NS population record is larger?
07-11-2004, 04:46
hey, i asked before but you did'nt update it: can i have MOZAMBIQUE for TheEvilFlyingMonkies?
07-11-2004, 04:50
I would also like CONGO but if you give me either CONGO or MOZAMBIQUE i'll be happy.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-11-2004, 17:54
I'll give you Congo.
07-11-2004, 18:42
Has the war started yet?
Yevon of Spira
07-11-2004, 18:53
Has the war started yet?
Apparently iit's been going on in the Earth V incidents thread.
07-11-2004, 19:13
Apparently iit's been going on in the Earth V incidents thread.
OK Thanks
Yevon of Spira
07-11-2004, 19:15
OK Thanks
no problem
09-11-2004, 01:17
TGSR - A slight change needs to be made on the master list - You recognized my claim to Columbia and Venezuela before the war started and about the same time that Fodmodmadtol invaded those countries, we worked the issues out ourselves and I gave up my claim to Venezeula and he gave up his claim to Columbia so I should be listed as the "owner" of Columbia. I have also, since I lost Venezuela, laid claim to Chile' and would think that should be approved. OK?
TGSR - Could I please get a reply to this? Thanks. :cool:
09-11-2004, 02:34
...I've invaded the Canary Islands. The "Our Imperialism Itches" thread as well. I even had to fend off brutal warlords in this one! You can never have enough ports. :)
The Great Sixth Reich
09-11-2004, 03:26
...I've invaded the Canary Islands. The "Our Imperialism Itches" thread as well. I even had to fend off brutal warlords in this one! You can never have enough ports. :)
Did you contact Jonathana? He owns those islands (they are considered part of Spain).
Texarkania: What? Just tell me in a clear, list format who owns what. I can not make out what you said except that Fodmodmadtool gave up Columbia.
09-11-2004, 04:18
Texarkania: What? Just tell me in a clear, list format who owns what. I can not make out what you said except that Fodmodmadtool gave up Columbia.
Sorry TGSR - Fodmodmadtol has Guyana, Seriname, and French Guina and Venezuela.
I have Columbia and Chile'
09-11-2004, 04:30
According to TGSR's list Gameskater owns Herzegovina and Vineyard owns Bosnia. Now I have a problem updating the map of Europe. My atlas says that Bosnia and Herzegovina is the same country, so I don't know how to mark Gameskater's claim on the map...
Someone (Gameskater or Vineyard?), enlighten me please?
09-11-2004, 11:17
Blacktower wishes to lay claim to Manitoba (province) and North Dakota(state), as well as Kiribati (islands). If there is a problom with this please let me know.
I noticed noone had claimed them, but I didnt want to read the 35+ pages of posts to find out for sure :(
The Merchant Guilds
09-11-2004, 11:23
I would like to claim Georgia and/or Turkmenistan (failing one of those Liechtenstein), thanks GSR.
Again, sorry but I am not reading 35 pages of posts, so if anybody has claimed those two and it's not been updated, let me know, danke.
Yevon of Spira
09-11-2004, 18:33
I... Retract my Vatican Claim. I shall cede The Holy See from the Federation, kay? I no longer wish that to be reocognised as mine.
I will take the Holy See out of your hands. If your agree, $100,000,000 will be sent to you.
Is this going to be addressed?
Something with wings
09-11-2004, 23:06
Blacktower wishes to lay claim to Manitoba (province) and North Dakota(state), as well as Kiribati (islands). If there is a problom with this please let me know.
I noticed noone had claimed them, but I didnt want to read the 35+ pages of posts to find out for sure :(
i dont know about north dakota or kiribati, however ive been told that manitoba has been claimed. id tried to claim it, but some told me they already had. im not entirely sure, tho.
09-11-2004, 23:57
Yevon, it's not mine enymore. But if you still wish to pay for it... We'll gladly accept donations. Just go ahead and... Stick your flag in it.
Let's see. Yes, i did invade and annex that small string of countries in Southern America. What a battle that was. It included Venezuala, Suriname, French Guinae and Guyana. I had no idea that the Canary Islands were part of Spain.
10-11-2004, 01:26
damn, just rea don the main page that it is under 500 mill, OVER 200 mill. guess Im out then :(
10-11-2004, 03:43
damn, just rea don the main page that it is under 500 mill, OVER 200 mill. guess Im out then :(
No problems. We have many countries in Earth V that has way under 200 million people.
I think that you only may claim one land and NO island if you're under 200 million. Not entirely sure though, I'm only the official map-guy of Earth V (see the map-thread here: ), it's The Great Sixth Reich who's in charge for this earth.
Yevon of Spira
10-11-2004, 04:30
Yevon, it's not mine enymore. But if you still wish to pay for it... We'll gladly accept donations. Just go ahead and... Stick your flag in it.
I think I will stick my flag in it!
You can take your money even though its not needed. Consider it a gift, i guess.
TGSR: I claim the Vatican/Holy See
10-11-2004, 05:39
I was wondering if I was ever gunna be given claim to Tunisia or Tunis I had asked earlier in the thread but I'm guessing the War Halted all new claims so since no one has yet taken it I would like Tunis along with the Northern Coast of Morocco( land holding). I'm pretty sure that falls in my Range of Claim.
12-11-2004, 21:50
Could I claim South Korea, please?
I would like to state for the official record the following...
1. I now own Washington and Oregon.
2. I'm in the process of conquering and annexing British Columbia and Alaska.
3. All this info can be found in the Earth V Incidents thread. I'm RP'ing my claims and warfare in British Columbia and Alaska in that thread.
Can I have Malaysia as my second country?
Private Dunkum
16-11-2004, 00:28
i notice that my claim to south carolina has not yet been registered, could you get on that plz. thats all i want really, south carolina, nothing more.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-11-2004, 01:10
No problems. We have many countries in Earth V that has way under 200 million people.
I think that you only may claim one land and NO island if you're under 200 million. Not entirely sure though, I'm only the official map-guy of Earth V (see the map-thread here: ), it's The Great Sixth Reich who's in charge for this earth.
One nation or one island is the rule for those nations.
Earth V has been closed for a week now (If you went back several pages you would have seen my annoucement).
However, I will quickly "open & close" the Earth this second, allowing most nations with legit requests before this post onto Earth V.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-11-2004, 01:20
I think I will stick my flag in it!
You can take your money even though its not needed. Consider it a gift, i guess.
TGSR: I claim the Vatican/Holy See
Moderation OOC: Fine...
IC: Can our government buy it out of your hands for $1 Trillion? :) (It would be a smart idea as Italy just got nuked by Krrick)
A minor nitpick, TGSR.
Washington and Oregon are now mine, and I'm in the process of invading and annexing British Columbia and Alaska. (This was agreed by the two of us)
I still see Sir Peter The Sage owning Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska.
We agreed on my RP'ing and giving Sir Peter The Sage a second chance. He still hasn't replied to my TG, so I assume he is truly not interested in any RP'ing whatsoever as his last post in these forums was during 1st week of September during the Feminany incident.
16-11-2004, 03:04
Earth V has been closed for a week now (If you went back several pages you would have seen my annoucement).
However, I will quickly "open & close" the Earth this second, allowing most nations with legit requests before this post onto Earth V.
Thanks!!! :)
Yevon of Spira
16-11-2004, 21:02
Moderation OOC: Fine...
IC: Can our government buy it out of your hands for $1 Trillion? :) (It would be a smart idea as Italy just got nuked by Krrick)
Ahhh! Italy was nuked?! Damn you Krrick! It's time for me to step in. I'm putting your offer on hold for now.
TGSR, thanks for the update.
However, I still notice that you overlooked British Columbia. You forgot to change ownership of British Columbia to my nation.
Other than that, everythings just fine and dandy. :)
Erinin would like to Join Earth V.
We have no other RL land claims on any other Earth.
We would like to Claim Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The Canadian Union
17-11-2004, 21:29
We would like to claim the province of Manitoba.
Yevon of Spira
17-11-2004, 21:32
We would like to claim the province of Manitoba.
Canada: (Each province countes as 0.5 nations, excluding islands, which count as islands)
Alberta: Kormanthor
British Columbia: Sir Peter the Sage
Manitoba: Blacktower
New Brunswick: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Newfoundland: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Northwest Territories: Kormanthor
Nova Scotia: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Nunavut: Yevon of Spira
Ontario: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Prince Edward Island: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Quebec: Canadian Union (Sevaris)
Saskatchewan: Yevon of Spira
Yukon Territory: Yevon of Spira
Hopefully this will help
The Canadian Union
17-11-2004, 21:43
Hopefully this will help
Shit. I didn't think it was, since the map hadn't been updated.
Bedou now submits that
Ethopia -
Are annexed.
I didnt join to do Imperial crap, but, I was threatened.
18-11-2004, 06:39
The Great Armed State of Nutropinia would like to claim:
District of Columbia
North Carolina
United Arab Emirates (or if it isn't small enough The Cayman Islands)
18-11-2004, 07:33
The Great Armed State of Nutropinia would like to claim:
District of Columbia
North Carolina
United Arab Emirates (or if it isn't small enough The Cayman Islands)
You're gonna have to fight me for Tennessee, I've already occupied it and RP'd its conquest. See the Earth V incident's thread. You can have the rest as far as I'm concerned though.
19-11-2004, 00:03
The Great Armed State of Nutropinia would like to claim:
United Arab Emirates (or if it isn't small enough The Cayman Islands)
Bedou has the control over UAE at the moment.
19-11-2004, 00:42
Thats fine. I will drop the claim to Tennesee. Claim the Cayman Islands. And take Missouri instead of Tennesee.
20-11-2004, 01:50
Thats fine. I will drop the claim to Tennesee. Claim the Cayman Islands. And take Missouri instead of Tennesee.
Thanks (even though I had been considering going on into Missourri, guess I'll just go to *surprise announcement coming*)
TGSR - could you go ahead and recognize me in Tennessee so Kopparbergs can update the map officially? Thanks.
20-11-2004, 02:17
The Soviet State of Hrstrovokia claims Poland, Kaliningrad and Bornholm [Island in the Baltic, claimed by Denmark RL] I already claimed these nations on the original Earth V thread -
Anyone with claims to these states, prepare for war.
20-11-2004, 02:22
That isn't Earth V. That's NS Earth. Literally- A world of difference. Earth V exists on the multiverse theory, NS Earth existing on the omfgearth theory. Claims there and here do not coreallate.
Not that I have any problems with you claiming those lands, I just wanted to point that out.
20-11-2004, 02:30
20-11-2004, 02:30
TGSR, you still haven't responded to me. Do you recgonize my claim of Cambodia?
Warta Endor
20-11-2004, 18:00
I noticed that my conquered territories (Malaysia, Brunei, Chagos Islands and the Solomon Islands) are not on the list.
22-11-2004, 09:40
could i claim India or Vietnam
Warta Endor
22-11-2004, 15:22
could i claim India or Vietnam
LOSER eerste klas! Earth VI hond! Vietnam and India are already claimed. I told you Earth VI!
Yevon of Spira
22-11-2004, 18:21
LOSER eerste klas! Earth VI hond! Vietnam and India are already claimed. I told you Earth VI!
There's an Earth VI already? Damn!
Warta Endor
23-11-2004, 18:16
There's an Earth VI already? Damn!
I heard that Morothania and Whittier have been deleted due to inactivity. Morothania claimed Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Whittier claimed Iraq and Grenada.
24-11-2004, 21:18
I heard that Morothania and Whittier have been deleted due to inactivity. Morothania claimed Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Whittier claimed Iraq and Grenada.
Whittier is still here, but you must spell it right, don't forget the - after Whittier: Whittier-
Don't know why he spells it like that. Maybe the original Whittier was deleted, and he made a new one?
Morothania (or Morathania in TGSR's list) seems to be gone though.
Yevon of Spira
25-11-2004, 03:08
Hey TGSR, on the first page, you have Alaska listed as 1/2 a nation even though it is the largest state (half of the size of the continental US) Is this a mistake?
Hey TGSR, on the first page, you have Alaska listed as 1/2 a nation even though it is the largest state (half of the size of the continental US) Is this a mistake?
I think its because most of Alaska is very cold and difficult to establish big cities or infrastructure in without massive investments.
The continental USA can be colonized, culivated, or developed pretty easily as it is in a temperate climate with easy access to rivers and water.
The Great Sixth Reich
25-11-2004, 03:49
Alaska's Alaska. It's just a bigger state that nobody lives in. Look at it's electoral votes!
Morothania's inactive? Interesting...
25-11-2004, 17:12
I recede my claims in Earth V. Make 'em free.
25-11-2004, 18:47
I also recede my claims in Earth V
I would like to claim Vanuatu plz. Thx TGSR
United North
26-11-2004, 22:36
I want to claim two small islands: Svalbard and The Faeroe Islands.
It will be nice to participate in the most active Earth in NS! Thanks!
27-11-2004, 06:32
Well since no one ever responded to me want for Tunasia I was wondering if you would allow me to obtain Pennsylvania. If you would be so kind just to give me the state I could start activley Rping in Earth V.
Warta Endor
27-11-2004, 11:19
Could I claim the Coral Sea Islands?
Right thinking whites
27-11-2004, 19:07
i would like to lay claim to delaware and north carolina
United North
27-11-2004, 20:31
I want to claim two small islands: Svalbard and The Faeroe Islands.
It will be nice to participate in the most active Earth in NS! Thanks!
Do I have to RP takeing it over, or can it be recognized just by this claim?
29-11-2004, 21:30
Can we please add to our claims Liechtenstein and Liberia? And out of interest are these both in Europe?
29-11-2004, 21:34
Can we please add to our claims Liechtenstein and Liberia? And out of interest are these both in Europe?
You can't take five whole seconds to look at a map?
29-11-2004, 21:53
You can't take five whole seconds to look at a map?
*looks ashamed*
Sorry sir, it's just I've never heard of them yet and so I'm wondering where they were, since I felt that TGSR would probably know. If it makes you happier I will though.
29-11-2004, 21:59
Liberia is in Western Africa right on the coast, Liechtenstein in Europe wrenched between France and Italia. No coast there, sorry. Landlocked!
And since I have my spiffy National Geographic Spiffin' Ginourmous Map off it's shelf... I need some new territory to annex. :D
30-11-2004, 00:46
Liechtenstein in Europe wrenched between France and Italia. No coast there, sorry. Landlocked!
I'll rather say that Lichtenstein is a small principality between Switzerland and Austria in the middle of the alps. Still no coast though... :)
OOC: I've been there in RL
30-11-2004, 00:48
Implying Switzerland and Austria aren't wrenched in that oh so congested area as well, then? You could hide Russia in that niche. Russia!
United North
30-11-2004, 13:41
OOC: I just was going to ask if my two claims, Svalbard and The Faeroe Islands, are recognized?
I'm sorry if I asks to much, I just want to start RP. :)
The Great Sixth Reich
30-11-2004, 23:29
OOC: I just was going to ask if my two claims, Svalbard and The Faeroe Islands, are recognized?
I'm sorry if I asks to much, I just want to start RP. :)
Graggo now has Nigeria.
01-12-2004, 05:34
Implying Switzerland and Austria aren't wrenched in that oh so congested area as well, then? You could hide Russia in that niche. Russia!
OOC: This issue brings to mind a question I have. Austria is a land locked country as well, so how in the hell did Captain Von Trapp from the "Sound of Music" get to be a naval commander that the Nazis wanted in their navy? Just a "curiouser and curiouser" thing that has bugged me for several decades.
01-12-2004, 18:16
Copied from the OCC Thread
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 344
Originally Posted by Jonothana
((OOC: Ok, I'd better be checking this out more ofen from now and. And I AM active. AND my name is Jonothana. Hurrumph!))
Following the activities that have been carried out near Jonothanian Spain, the defences there have been upgraded. As have those in all other Jonothananian territories.
((OOC: And can I have Kellathana Migration's nations, he's inactive now. What sort of proof would I have to give that he wants his nations to be mine? And should I repost this on the other thread?))
I think Kellathana Migration wants me to have them Jonothana .... you have enough already.
01-12-2004, 19:15
Hey TGSR, I have conquered Morocco, can you validate the invasion and all my others so Kopparsberg can keep my existing ones on the map and add Morocco.
Kellathana Migration
01-12-2004, 21:07
I have had my nation revived to prove that I want Jonothana to have all my nations. There
01-12-2004, 21:50
Warzack, you said you would reconize Zambia!!!!
01-12-2004, 22:03
I have had my nation revived to prove that I want Jonothana to have all my nations. There
Thanks *stares at VI*
02-12-2004, 00:30
Thanks *stares at VI*
You deserved that Jonothana after attempting to force VI to sell her only
Earth V country to you. At least the Lady has a sense of humor.
02-12-2004, 05:17
Yes I have checked your maps and see you still have some free land in Africa. I would like to join Earth V, I have spoke to the mapper earlier told me to go here and stuff, and this seems verry organized.
My population is currently:
97 million ( err told the mapper 101 lol I mis calculated hmm )
Anyways, I hope that can award me with something decent sized :-)
02-12-2004, 05:33
Yes I have checked your maps and see you still have some free land in Africa. I would like to join Earth V, I have spoke to the mapper earlier told me to go here and stuff, and this seems verry organized.
My population is currently:
97 million ( err told the mapper 101 lol I mis calculated hmm )
Anyways, I hope that can award me with something decent sized :-)
I've made a rough research, and here are some examples of free lands:
02-12-2004, 05:43
Guinea or Cote D'something
Or both?
There Both Connected, and thats really all I want, for now untill my nation starts to vastly grow.
Yevon of Spira
02-12-2004, 20:55
I say you take Cote D'Ivoire and Liberia for now.
Or if you want Guinea, take it and Sierra Leone.
Just some suggestions.
02-12-2004, 23:21
Yea I like Cote D'Ivoire and Liberia.
I'll take those then.
( I relooked at the maps and realized it would be awkward to have Guinea and Cot D'Ivoire, just looking at it 0o meh anyways.. )
02-12-2004, 23:33
OCC: Hey TGSR ...VirginIncursion has asked Kore Technologies to build a Space Elevator for her country here on Earth V. I am just wanting to make sure its OK by you first. She told me that you said you would open Earth V to limited space going type technology. Even though the Space Elevator is really considered obsolete by most Future Tech nations. I wasn't sure if you were familiar with the technology or what your opinion of it was.
03-12-2004, 04:11
Warta Endor
03-12-2004, 15:15
Ehm, check out the Earth V Incidents thread, I started conquering Maurentania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte D'Ivoire a week ago. They were conquered 2 days ago, and Mali is on its way. I would like to see them recognized.
03-12-2004, 18:37
Ehm, check out the Earth V Incidents thread, I started conquering Maurentania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte D'Ivoire a week ago. They were conquered 2 days ago, and Mali is on its way. I would like to see them recognized.
I think that it's time for TGSR to make a maximum nation claim level, or at least raise the level of RP made to get an invasion recognized. I notice that some nations claim a couple of new nations every week - sometimes even without proper RP (a couple of lines is not enough) - IMHO.
This is not just ment to you WE, I just felt that I must tell what I think.
If we don't do anything, the whole Earth V will be known as the earth where you can claim as many nations that you want - without proper RP (and sometimes even without notifying the owner of the invaded nation).
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 04:27
Yea I like Cote D'Ivoire and Liberia.
I'll take those then.
( I relooked at the maps and realized it would be awkward to have Guinea and Cot D'Ivoire, just looking at it 0o meh anyways.. )
I think that is good.
Warta Endora: Please! One at a time! I cannot recognize those all those claims. It's just too much.
04-12-2004, 04:32
Uhhh, TGSR are we supposed to give out nuclear information to you or something?
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 04:33
Uhhh, TGSR are we supposed to give out nuclear information to you or something?
In other thread, yea. OOC Moderation reasons only.
04-12-2004, 04:35
In other thread, yea. OOC Moderation reasons only.
What other thread?
04-12-2004, 04:36
In other thread, yea. OOC Moderation reasons only.
Can I just TG them to you instead? I mean its pretty vital info.
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 04:38
Can I just TG them to you instead? I mean its pretty vital info.
I understand. You can telegram me it and I will keep it for moderation information only. (I will not add it to the Nuclear Information list)
04-12-2004, 04:41
I understand. You can telegram me it and I will keep it for moderation information only. (I will not add it to the Nuclear Information list)
Just to clarify, do you want specific launching systems or just like number of missiles? Also for the defense, please keep it realistic as the mod, no uber energy shields and stuff.
04-12-2004, 09:03
OCC: Hey TGSR ...VirginIncursion has asked Kore Technologies to build a Space Elevator for her country here on Earth V. I am just wanting to make sure its OK by you first. She told me that you said you would open Earth V to limited space going type technology. Even though the Space Elevator is really considered obsolete by most Future Tech nations. I wasn't sure if you were familiar with the technology or what your opinion of it was.
TGSR I know you are busy however I am posting this again to make sure
you know about it. Sense you haven't responded to this earlier inquirery I
assume you don't have a problem with my starting the construction.
04-12-2004, 12:33
You deserved that Jonothana after attempting to force VI to sell her only
Earth V country to you. At least the Lady has a sense of humor.
I didn't force her. Oh no. I realsed that this was a...nasty thing to do, to say the least, and VI deserved it. But what I really wanted was Gibraltar. Meh...
Warta Endor
04-12-2004, 13:24
Ok, I'll just claim Senegal, Gambia and Maurentania. I give control of Guinea-Bissau to Anneburg and a occupation force stays in Guinea. I agree that the RP quality is not good. I just RP as 95% of the nations do, check the International incidents thread. Before I was "involved" in africa, my RP style was good. (in my opinion)
04-12-2004, 14:41
Hey, TG6R, can I have Switzerland from KM now?
04-12-2004, 17:11
Jew Power land is MINE Also, Kuwait is gonna be invaded soon, so you should go ahead and acknowladge it!
04-12-2004, 17:52
Hey, TG6R, can I have Switzerland from KM now?
I have Switzerland, I invaded it a while ago.
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 18:36
I have Switzerland, I invaded it a while ago.
All your invasions have been recognized, but I still need an offical telegram list of nations invaded by you.
But I'm still not sure about Switzerland. KM had it, and he never posted except to give his terrorities to Jonathana.
04-12-2004, 18:40
All your invasions have been recognized, but I still need an offical telegram list of nations invaded by you.
But I'm still not sure about Switzerland. KM had it, and he never posted except to give his terrorities to Jonathana.
Ok, its on the way.
04-12-2004, 18:44
All your invasions have been recognized, but I still need an offical telegram list of nations invaded by you.
But I'm still not sure about Switzerland. KM had it, and he never posted except to give his terrorities to Jonathana.
TGSR: Have my invasions in the South Pacific been recognized by you? To make things easy I claim to have conquered:
Clipperton Island
Christmas Island
I'm still RP'ing the conquest of the Northern Mariana's (where my invasion is supported by Warta Endor) and the Marshall Islands.
I forgot about another nation...
Can i claim norway?
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 18:49
I forgot about another nation...
Can i claim norway?
You could, but that would be like China claiming Taiwan. It's just a claim. (I control Norway if you've read the list)
Yeah, I know.
Funny, i didn't see your name on the list...
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 18:55
That is strange.
I know I updated it... I must of hit the wrong button or something...
04-12-2004, 19:02
Well, how about Sweden?
He owns all of scandanavia.
Ill have to settle with ethiopia, then.
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 19:12
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 19:13
Ill have to settle with ethiopia, then.
Mm. Thank you.
A billion people find it hard to stay inside lithuania's walls.
04-12-2004, 19:31
TGSR: Have my invasions in the South Pacific been recognized by you? To make things easy I claim to have conquered:
Clipperton Island
Christmas Island
I'm still RP'ing the conquest of the Northern Mariana's (where my invasion is supported by Warta Endor) and the Marshall Islands.
TGSR - Please, could I get a reply? I know you're busy, but I feel as though I'm being ignored since I've posted all over about this and sent you a TG as well. Thanks.
also, that map gives me:
Vi kunde tyvärr inte hitta filen du bad om
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2004, 19:36
TGSR - Please, could I get a reply? I know you're busy, but I feel as though I'm being ignored since I've posted all over about this and sent you a TG as well. Thanks.
Added to the list.
04-12-2004, 19:40
Added to the list.
Thank you. :)
04-12-2004, 20:24
TGSR - Could I get the master list updated to reflect my conquest of Tennessee? Thanks.
OOC:I withdraw from Earth V-other concerns leave me unable to to be here enough to RP.
04-12-2004, 22:54
Ooo ooo ooo! Can I have Kyrgyzstan? Or must I invade it...
05-12-2004, 05:23
- Perhaps i will look after bedous territories!
Warta Endor
05-12-2004, 10:57
- Perhaps i will look after bedous territories!ehm, Vineyard, calm down. Let newcomers have some land.
05-12-2004, 17:40
ehm, Vineyard, calm down. Let newcomers have some land.
awwwwwwwwww, ok. Mabye just the non-oil rich countries!
Karond Kar
07-12-2004, 19:11
The humble nation of Karond Kar kindly asks for south east russia, south korea.
07-12-2004, 22:08
The humble nation of Karond Kar kindly asks for south east russia, south korea.
IC: I am sorry, i am in the process of securing south russia. It is mine. Any attempt to invade will result in me crushing you. Good day.
Zuhair Malik
07-12-2004, 22:12
ummm, that lesser tsaurni dude who ownes turkey wants to hand turkey over to me. Is that alright? I am trying to get him to post his giving it up here.
Yevon of Spira
07-12-2004, 22:24
The humble nation of Karond Kar kindly asks for south east russia, south korea.
IC: I am sorry, i am in the process of securing south russia. It is mine. Any attempt to invade will result in me crushing you. Good day.
Vineyard, do you realize that Karond Kar's nation is almost a year older than yours?
07-12-2004, 23:52
Vineyard, do you realize that Karond Kar's nation is almost a year older than yours?
OOC: I know now. Oh, well. He still dosen't have an army and especially no nukes yet. He can still have South Korea though, provided that i am not in there. Probably won't though... unless there is... like... a mountain of uranium.. or... some of those peanut butter choclate thingies! Wait... ignore that.
Lessr Tsurani
08-12-2004, 09:51
I shall give my turkey holdings to Zuhair Malik and the rest are disbanded.
Zuhair Malik
09-12-2004, 00:23
I shall give my turkey holdings to Zuhair Malik and the rest are disbanded.
Thank you. I will claim Turkey. I will post my securing of it.
Aw, what the heck, I'll claim Djbouti.
The Knight Templars
09-12-2004, 01:17
Can I claim the United Arab Emirates?
OOC: I know now. Oh, well. He still dosen't have an army and especially no nukes yet. He can still have South Korea though, provided that i am not in there. Probably won't though... unless there is... like... a mountain of uranium.. or... some of those peanut butter choclate thingies! Wait... ignore that.
How do you know this? :confused:
Karond Kar
09-12-2004, 12:42
ooc: well mr vineyards thinks he's so fancy, you'll just have to wait and see won't you (though i'm not quite sure what there will be to see just yet). but the waiting, that still stands. come fifth period, i will, umm, do something, ya, that's it.
tg6r, can i still have north korea too?
09-12-2004, 13:28
ooc: well mr vineyards thinks he's so fancy, you'll just have to wait and see won't you (though i'm not quite sure what there will be to see just yet). but the waiting, that still stands. come fifth period, i will, umm, do something, ya, that's it.
tg6r, can i still have north korea too?
OOC:We will see after your land is completely saturated by nukes. Also, my veteren army and airforce would crush what little resistance you can offer.
Karond Kar
09-12-2004, 17:26
ooc: This is the end of fourth period right now, so i don't have the time to do a full IC post, but i wish to remind Mr. Vinyard that uranium mining is the focus of my country's production. It shouldn't take more than a couple of paragraphs to turn that into nukes.
09-12-2004, 20:55
Simply because you have uranium in Nationstates does not mean you have it in Earth V. Everyone gets the uranium in the rainforest issue. You're North Korea. You don't have much uranium. NK buys most of its uranium.
Why don't you ask the UFSR for some?
09-12-2004, 22:33
You remember Texarkania?
And how Texarkania had Columbia?
We're taking Columbia now. Texarkania... Evaporated or something. Either way, Fodmodmadtol claims Columbia.
10-12-2004, 00:28
Warzack, you promised me that you would update what i own. here is a reminder:
South East Russia
South Iraq
Basically everything that Jew power land owned.
10-12-2004, 03:09
You remember Texarkania?
And how Texarkania had Columbia?
We're taking Columbia now. Texarkania... Evaporated or something. Either way, Fodmodmadtol claims Columbia.
OOC: Just so I don't feel useless since I had to give it up under the newly created one puppet rule and since I promised I wouldn't claim or invade it out of a personal sense of fairness - RP a collapse of the government and your seizeing of control. I hated losing Columbia. :(
10-12-2004, 04:29
Updates for the claim-list that I'm aware of:
Delete all of Hogsweat's claims
Delete all of Bedou's claims
Delete all of Jew Power Land's claims as he is deleted due to inactivity.
Delete all of Texarkanias claims. Puppet not in use anymore.
Change Brazil to be conrolled by Mauiwowee. Dyethlyamide is no longer part of Earth-V.
North Carolina: Claimed by Nascent. Recognized.
North Korea: Claimed by Karond Kar. Recognized.
Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia: Tenebricosis.
It may be time for Al-Khalja (or what the name was) to decide which name his puppet has. That puppet controls Panama according to the list.
Have you heard anything from IDF about his claim of Israel? He told someone in the Eart-II thread that he should give it up, but I'm not sure if he has done that.
I got space on Earth I...
Has North Carolina been claimed? If not could I please have it?
10-12-2004, 05:35
Has North Carolina been claimed? If not could I please have it?
I don't think so, but I'm not sure if someone has invaded it.
Can someone active in North America give an answer to this question?
10-12-2004, 05:39
I don't think so, but I'm not sure if someone has invaded it.
Can someone active in North America give an answer to this question?
This land is open. I thought about taking it and South Carolina from my territory in Georgia and Tennessee, but decided not to so we could get others in. You are second in command, as the nation (well, my puppet Norleans) who owns the surrounding major areas, I say let him have N.C. Norleans will support the claim.
10-12-2004, 05:42
This land is open. I thought about taking it and South Carolina from my territory in Georgia and Tennessee, but decided not to so we could get others in. You are second in command, as the nation (well, my puppet Norleans) who owns the surrounding major areas, I say let him have N.C. Norleans will support the claim.
Okay, thanks for the quick answer!
Nascent: I'll say that yor claim is recognized. I'll update the map and notify TGSR (the ordinary moderator of Eart-V).
10-12-2004, 05:59
Okay, thanks for the quick answer!
Hey, what can I say, I'm "Swuft" :rolleyes:
Thank you very kindly. (Actually I would rather of had Ohio as its where I live, but I figured North Carolina has some good college b-ball so what the heck ;))
10-12-2004, 06:15
Thank you very kindly. (Actually I would rather of had Ohio as its where I live, but I figured North Carolina has some good college b-ball so what the heck ;))
OOC: Welcome to the game. :) GO HOGS!! WOOW, PIG SOOIE, RAZORBACKS!!! Ooops, sorry, you said B-ball though, it's your fault. :D
Seriously I haven't checked your nation's stats, but if you intend to seriously RP, post something to Norleans, your neighbor in TN, and we'll get something going.
The Great Sixth Reich
10-12-2004, 21:22
Updates for the claim-list that I'm aware of:
Delete all of Hogsweat's claims
Delete all of Bedou's claims
Delete all of Jew Power Land's claims as he is deleted due to inactivity.
Delete all of Texarkanias claims. Puppet not in use anymore.
Change Brazil to be conrolled by Mauiwowee. Dyethlyamide is no longer part of Earth-V.
North Carolina: Claimed by Nascent. Recognized.
North Korea: Claimed by Karond Kar. Recognized.
Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia: Tenebricosis.
It may be time for Al-Khalja (or what the name was) to decide which name his puppet has. That puppet controls Panama according to the list.
Have you heard anything from IDF about his claim of Israel? He told someone in the Eart-II thread that he should give it up, but I'm not sure if he has done that.
10-12-2004, 21:32
What about ME and KM's claim (Switzerland!)!!!
The Great Sixth Reich
10-12-2004, 21:35
What about ME and KM's claim (Switzerland!)!!!
Did Tenebisiois (sp) argue with you about it yet?
10-12-2004, 21:38
dfd anyone take anteguia yet. I think I migh be a little bit late in jointing in this RP, but I am very enthuastic as always. I am a very great and talanted nation who enjoys to trade and do all taht sort of stuff.!
This is the offical message of the supereme dictorator of harrylandia and I approve this message!!
10-12-2004, 21:38
No. Has it been occupied? Damn! Surley that was a godmod of some kind if there was no KM. 'Cos Jonothana will come to the rescue!
And by the way, that was damn quick. Thanks.
10-12-2004, 22:35
Eh? What am I arguing about? Tell me...
10-12-2004, 22:49
Warzack, you promised me that you would update what i own. here is a reminder:
South East Russia
South Iraq
Basically everything that Jew power land owned.
*Waves arms in air franctically*
The Great Sixth Reich
10-12-2004, 22:53
*Waves arms in air franctically*
What's going on with my NATO thing anyway?
10-12-2004, 22:59
Well, it's unlikely you'll get in. Basically because you'd probably feel it was your duty to report the things on the Nato forum.
The Great Sixth Reich
10-12-2004, 23:01
Well, it's unlikely you'll get in. Basically because you'd probably feel it was your duty to report the things on the Nato forum.
Except that on the RWC forums I just said I was not going to do that... :)
(But the RWC forums are down, so that's impossible to check now)
10-12-2004, 23:08
Yeah, I heard. Have they gone paranoid or something? Sounds a bit stupid. Is the RWC disbanding or something?
10-12-2004, 23:15
Hmm. I'll post something in "Our Imperialism is Itching" about the Columbia Administration Collapse, or something, later tonight. Columbia is so Fodmodmadtol's.
10-12-2004, 23:17
Oh, and why is it version 3.0?
10-12-2004, 23:22
Maybe this is the third time TG6R tried to start up an Earth V?
The Great Sixth Reich
10-12-2004, 23:24
Oh, and why is it version 3.0?
Because I love to add random numbers...
10-12-2004, 23:32
Whatever. And have you checked the ATP forums recently, we're defunct. Wanna reactivate it with me?
The Great Sixth Reich
11-12-2004, 00:24
Whatever. And have you checked the ATP forums recently, we're defunct. Wanna reactivate it with me?
Sure, sounds like fun.
We always like fighting terrorists! :mp5:
11-12-2004, 00:26
Wait list? Ehat wait list?
The Great Sixth Reich
11-12-2004, 00:28
Wait list? Ehat wait list?
Yea... Like being on my bad side?
11-12-2004, 00:38
Sure, sounds like fun.
We always like fighting terrorists! :mp5:
Ok. Whatever. You got MSN or something?
11-12-2004, 00:51
Yea... Like being on my bad side?
See? SEE? Unbiased my ass.
11-12-2004, 01:39
Yea... Like being on my bad side?
OOC: ohohoh! Just wait for monday shorty!
The Great Sixth Reich
11-12-2004, 03:13
See? SEE? Unbiased my ass.
In moderation, yea.
I have the right to manage the master list however I want though, as that is what I recognize. I like to take my time with people who I'm annoyed with...
Yevon of Spira
11-12-2004, 03:33
New Zambuda
11-12-2004, 22:26
I would like to claim Quatar and the United Arab Emirates
The Great Sixth Reich
11-12-2004, 22:32
I would like to claim Quatar and the United Arab Emirates
12-12-2004, 01:28
Cough. Texasomethinghardtospell...! I claim Columbia. :D
The Great Sixth Reich
12-12-2004, 02:02
Cough. Texasomethinghardtospell...! I claim Columbia. :D
The Great Sixth Reich
13-12-2004, 01:50
13-12-2004, 05:10
TGSR Would you please officially recognize my conquest of the Northern Mariana Islands in this thread so that Kopparbergs can update the map? Extensive RP of the conquest in the Earth V Incident's threads has been carried out.
13-12-2004, 17:03
I shall give my turkey holdings to Zuhair Malik and the rest are disbanded.
My ally still does not have his turkish holdings reconized b y TGSR. He has posted the takeover of Turkey in the Inter National News forum of Earth V.
14-12-2004, 22:05
South IRAQ, Kuwait, South east Russia NEED TO BE RECONIZED TGSR! I know i am off your "wait list" Because if not, i will get my supporters to reendorse me.
The Great Sixth Reich
14-12-2004, 22:21
South IRAQ, Kuwait, South east Russia NEED TO BE RECONIZED TGSR! I know i am off your "wait list" Because if not, i will get my supporters to reendorse me.
You should send me a telegram when you want stuff done in a timely manner. Confirmed. And if you actually read the list, I already confirmed Iraq and Russia, I just did not add your name to Kuwait for some reason...
And they still have not endorsed me anyway. If I do not get that done soon...
14-12-2004, 23:19
You should send me a telegram when you want stuff done in a timely manner. Confirmed. And if you actually read the list, I already confirmed Iraq and Russia, I just did not add your name to Kuwait for some reason...
And they still have not endorsed me anyway. If I do not get that done soon...
i see. that will be taken care of promptly.
The Great Sixth Reich
15-12-2004, 00:51
i see. that will be taken care of promptly.
Thank You. And your engines for your tanks should be taken care of with my E7000s...
Wolf America
15-12-2004, 05:28
I have forgot about this thread. So, I'm leaving it.
Norleans can get Texas.
Vineyard or The Great Sixth Reich can get North Iraq
Jackdonia can get North Vietnam
The Great Sixth Reich can get Ghana or get it somebody else.
Compy 386
15-12-2004, 05:31
I'm leaving, too.
New Mexico & Colorado & Arkansas & Oklahoma can go to Norleans.
Green Knights
15-12-2004, 05:35
Wolf America told me that some nation want his Texas. There is no reason to role-play with my Earth V nation.
So, I'm give them away.
Montana & Wyoming & Nebraska & Kansas can go to Norleans.
15-12-2004, 06:19
OOC: Important TGSR! Because of the one puppet rule and because there have been a couple of questions raised regarding Wolf America and it's two puppets, and before anyone gripes about stuff, I propose the following. TGSR, you have to confirm but I think it fair.
Wolf America was the first to post in this thread and make a claim, he can give the land away as he has indicated.
Compy 386 was his first puppet to claim and that land goes as he has indicated.
Green Knights was his 2nd puppet and that should be unrecognized since it violated the one puppet rule so Montana & Wyoming & Nebraska & Kansas are free and I will not accept them due to the technical violation of the one puppet rule. Rather they should be returned to the status of unclaimed territory.
Sharina - you're looking to invade some of North America, go for it (well, assuming TGSR approves this proposal)
Wolf America
15-12-2004, 07:11
OOC: Important TGSR! Because of the one puppet rule and because there have been a couple of questions raised regarding Wolf America and it's two puppets, and before anyone gripes about stuff, I propose the following. TGSR, you have to confirm but I think it fair.
Wolf America was the first to post in this thread and make a claim, he can give the land away as he has indicated.
Compy 386 was his first puppet to claim and that land goes as he has indicated.
Green Knights was his 2nd puppet and that should be unrecognized since it violated the one puppet rule so Montana & Wyoming & Nebraska & Kansas are free and I will not accept them due to the technical violation of the one puppet rule. Rather they should be returned to the status of unclaimed territory.
Sharina - you're looking to invade some of North America, go for it (well, assuming TGSR approves this proposal)
Compy 386 & Green Knights are not my puppets. I send them TM about what you said.
They are ran by two close friends.
The only puppets I own are: Wolf England & Blue Toes & All-Russia & Moldovia 01
15-12-2004, 07:16
Compy 386 & Green Knights are not my puppets. I send them TM about what you said.
They are ran by two close friends.
The only puppets I own are: Wolf England & Blue Toes & All-Russia & Moldovia 01
I apologize for my error, I assumed (you know what that make me I guess) I did not mean to offend you or your friends. Please let them know.
TGSR: In that case I want all I was given (unless I've PO'd someone who plans to take it all back now).
Wolf America
15-12-2004, 18:12
I apologize for my error, I assumed (you know what that make me I guess) I did not mean to offend you or your friends. Please let them know.
TGSR: In that case I want all I was given (unless I've PO'd someone who plans to take it all back now).
I'm not offened or my friends. I was just telling you that they are not my puppets.
Now, I have fun running the half of the United States of America.
15-12-2004, 18:48
I'm not offened or my friends. I was just telling you that they are not my puppets.
Now, have fun running the half of the United States of America.
I plan too, thanks :)
TGSR, please recognize my new holdings.
15-12-2004, 21:23
I'm not offened or my friends. I was just telling you that they are not my puppets.
Now, I have fun running the half of the United States of America.
Wait, are you completely quitting?
15-12-2004, 21:47
Wait, are you completely quitting?
No, he's just leaving Earth V. I believe he gave you the other half of Iraq as a going away present too. :) Check back a few posts.
Wolf America
15-12-2004, 22:16
Wait, are you completely quitting?
No. Only Earth V.
No, he's just leaving Earth V. I believe he gave you the other half of Iraq as a going away present too. Check back a few posts.
Norleans is right.
Vineyard or The Great Sixth Reich can get North Iraq
16-12-2004, 01:36
No. Only Earth V.
Norleans is right.
Vineyard or The Great Sixth Reich can get North Iraq
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Great Sixth Reich
16-12-2004, 01:38
I plan too, thanks :)
TGSR, please recognize my new holdings.
No problem.
Vineyard or The Great Sixth Reich can get North Iraq
I'll just assign it to both of us. We can share.
Thanks, Wolf!
Off Topic: Did you know?: I'm also Dyslexic! But I also have OCD, so :p.
16-12-2004, 21:44
Mmmk. I just have a few nitpicks, 'cause I'm like that and whatnot.
First off- What's the deal with puppets? Clear that up with me?
Second- Instead of quartering off the larger of the Nations, why not divie them up such as the USA? China has Provinces, Brazil has States, and so on and so forth. It just seems if you wanted to divide the larger Nations up effectively, you should keep a constant in dong so. Australia would be split into seven parts even. It just seems more fair for the smaller nations, if they can't claim a Continent, for it to be divded up.
Third- What's with the Earth V Incidents Thread? It confuses me. Someone please explain 'afore I have an anyeurism.
Fourth- Who wants to form an OCD Union?
Please disregard the preceeding post as it is a result of boredom, OCD overload, and results of what happens when someone is on a cleaning spree in their hardrive. If Fodmodmadtol is found broken, please return to the Vendor for a full Refund.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-12-2004, 22:10
Mmmk. I just have a few nitpicks, 'cause I'm like that and whatnot.
First off- What's the deal with puppets? Clear that up with me?
Second- Instead of quartering off the larger of the Nations, why not divie them up such as the USA? China has Provinces, Brazil has States, and so on and so forth. It just seems if you wanted to divide the larger Nations up effectively, you should keep a constant in dong so. Australia would be split into seven parts even. It just seems more fair for the smaller nations, if they can't claim a Continent, for it to be divded up.
Third- What's with the Earth V Incidents Thread? It confuses me. Someone please explain 'afore I have an anyeurism.
Fourth- Who wants to form an OCD Union?
Please disregard the preceeding post as it is a result of boredom, OCD overload, and results of what happens when someone is on a cleaning spree in their hardrive. If Fodmodmadtol is found broken, please return to the Vendor for a full Refund.
1.a. One puppet with land rights as long as it is RPed as a completly separate nation.
1.b. Unlimited "states" which are puppets that are given control of land that a nation already controls (Example: "TG6R Poland").
2. That actually is allowed if it is requested by smaller nations. The main reason why the US and Canada are divided is because they are extremely popular claims.
3. It's where incidents (like invasions) are posted... and where Vineyard tries to annoy people to death with his posts.
4. You sure about that? OCDers are not a very good idea to combine because they'll start reorganizing wars (like if one person likes to do things in chronological order and one does it alphabetically)! :sniper: :mp5: :sniper:
BUT, if ALL OCDers agree to do things in pairs of three and in Chronological order, I agree (That's my way)!
16-12-2004, 22:15
Three is an odd number.
On these grounds, I shall invade you. In place of raping the women and burning the village- I shall organize the women by height order and install point symmetry.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-12-2004, 22:21
Three is an odd number.
On these grounds, I shall invade you. In place of raping the women and burning the village- I shall organize the women by height order and install point symmetry.
Three is an odd number! That's why it's GOOD! Odd=Good! Everything should be done in multiples of three, or once (that's the exception). Seven is also good, BUT NOT four, that's unlucky!
Welcome to Earth V Verson 3.6! :)
OOC: Now see what you started?!
Whats OCD if you don't mind my asking?
17-12-2004, 00:41
I could sing a song I could. But Google is such a dear.
Google Sings of OCD it does. (
The Great Sixth Reich
17-12-2004, 00:48
Whats OCD if you don't mind my asking?
There are several acronyms that are "OCD", here's the complete list:
The one we are talking about is "obsessive-compulsive disorder":
Noun: A psychoneurotic disorder in which the patient is beset with obsessions or compulsions or both and suffers extreme anxiety or depression through failure to think the obsessive thoughts or perform the compelling acts.
Not actually what it really can be... but a general definition. There are many,many, forms of OCD... Did you know?: There's even a USA Network comidy series, Monk, which is basically based on his OCD, and results in some very funny situations!
On "Unlimited" (which I voted for) on the poll: You can control as many nations as you like. But if you're too spread out, you're CERTAINLY going to be unable to defend any of them against attack.
So conquering the world (or maybe even a continent) is technically impossible, at least in theory.
I can't find links to the maps. Could they be linked to at the thread's beginning?
17-12-2004, 04:40
OOC: TGSR and Kopparsberg, just to make the maps and list easy you should now add the following ownerships and control to current holdings
Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska
New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana
You also may wish to note in some way (even if just in your mind) that citizens of Norleans and citizens of Sharina have equal occupancy rights in Nebraska and Colorado and we both have military bases in each state.
If anyone needs more info. see the Earth V incidents thread.
17-12-2004, 04:42
I can't find links to the maps. Could they be linked to at the thread's beginning?
Hows this? maps of Earth V (
17-12-2004, 04:54
On "Unlimited" (which I voted for) on the poll: You can control as many nations as you like. But if you're too spread out, you're CERTAINLY going to be unable to defend any of them against attack.
So conquering the world (or maybe even a continent) is technically impossible, at least in theory.
I can't find links to the maps. Could they be linked to at the thread's beginning?
I agree with you! I don't think it's realistic to have many states spread over the whole earth. Three or four maybe, but not ten nations in ten different locations. Well you can have them, but it must be really hard to defend them. Logistics will be a nightmare.
The map thread is found here:
The Great Sixth Reich
17-12-2004, 04:55
Got to go. I'll fix stuff tomarrow.
17-12-2004, 15:13
I agree with you! I don't think it's realistic to have many states spread over the whole earth. Three or four maybe, but not ten nations in ten different locations. Well you can have them, but it must be really hard to defend them. Logistics will be a nightmare.
The map thread is found here:
Look at my holdings. My logistics is a nightmare. I'm busy working on finding a lovely lagre country where I can settle down for a while and get a hold on things.
18-12-2004, 02:40
Look at my holdings. My logistics is a nightmare. I'm busy working on finding a lovely lagre country where I can settle down for a while and get a hold on things.
OOC: Join S.H.I.T. and grab Chile' in South America, there's a nice piece of land with Pacific ocean access and oil.
18-12-2004, 03:10
Pennsylvania. I would like that please. Gonna wreak havoc on my Maps, and send me into another hour of perfectionist editing of my Federation Cartography, yet Pennsylvania is something I desire.
I would like to claim Pennsylvania.
Imperial Expansion and war with half the Eastern Seaboard coming soon. But first, Pennsylvania.
The Great Sixth Reich
18-12-2004, 23:34
Pennsylvania. I would like that please. Gonna wreak havoc on my Maps, and send me into another hour of perfectionist editing of my Federation Cartography, yet Pennsylvania is something I desire.
I would like to claim Pennsylvania.
Imperial Expansion and war with half the Eastern Seaboard coming soon. But first, Pennsylvania.
Just as long as you RP as an invasion, Confirmed.
19-12-2004, 00:08
Suffice to say that Penn State is now Fodian. (
My invasion of Castillano's 3 Latin American countries is underway. Castillanos is gone, deleted for 28 days of inactivity, so I am expanding my Latin American territory.
The RP is in International Incidents... link provided:
19-12-2004, 15:39
Now that we have "come of age", we would be obliged if you were to give us the posession of Chile and The Gambia.
post #1591 i think, of the incidents page should give me claims to Palmyra Atoll.
The Great Sixth Reich
19-12-2004, 22:36
post #1591 i think, of the incidents page should give me claims to Palmyra Atoll.
20-12-2004, 23:16
TGSR do you count the following as independent regions?:
-The Azores
-Madeira Islands
Could I please get a reply?
The Great Sixth Reich
23-12-2004, 02:20
TGSR do you count the following as independent regions?:
-The Azores
-Madeira Islands
No, I do not. Should I?
24-12-2004, 00:42
Umm, I kinda have a problem... I'm registered in here as a puppet of Al-Khalja. But I hardly ever come to the forums as Al-Khalja. Just put Panama down for my main nation, Al-Imvadjah, to avoid any further confusion.
24-12-2004, 00:44
^That'd be me,TAG.
26-12-2004, 00:42
Since I am above 500 million, can I add Oman to my claims?
I've just realised I can claim another nation,
*gets globe and blindfold* And now I make my very difficult decision...
oops almost forgot the pencil :D
The Great Sixth Reich
26-12-2004, 17:16
^That'd be me,TAG.
Better head over to the incidents thread. Their are rumors that somebody is thinking about blowing up your wonderful canal!
The Great Sixth Reich
26-12-2004, 17:19
Now that we have "come of age", we would be obliged if you were to give us the posession of Chile and The Gambia.
Confirmed. Sorry for the wait.
26-12-2004, 17:57
Better head over to the incidents thread. Their are rumors that somebody is thinking about blowing up your wonderful canal!
Yeah, he TG'd me as Al-Khalja asking about my 'puppet'... I'm actually planning to widen it and make it better anyway...
Tgsr, will you ever recognise my Djbouti and Somalia annexation?
OOC: I've decided on Tanzania, btw why isn't The Dominion of Jorak shown as having Mozambique on the maps?
It seems as though Lebanon is available and I wish to steak a claim for it, or Yeman.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-12-2004, 16:50
Tgsr, will you ever recognise my Djbouti and Somalia annexation?
The Great Sixth Reich
28-12-2004, 16:55
OOC: I've decided on Tanzania, btw why isn't The Dominion of Jorak shown as having Mozambique on the maps?
1. Confirmed.
2. Hmm... I'll contact Kopparsberg. I don't make the maps, he does.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-12-2004, 16:58
It seems as though Lebanon is available and I wish to steak a claim for it, or Yeman.
Lebanon, confirmed.
28-12-2004, 17:32
A rule change to do away with the use of all puppets is currently under consideration. However, more feed back from players is needed. Please join the Earth V forum and let us hear your opinion on the issue. (