Male gender declared illegal - Page 2
08-09-2004, 02:35
Would any other nations like to send their male citizens to participate in the Great Rape of Feminany with the male population of Cullenus?
I say no war... but rather rape. It will make a better RP. Everybody can just go to war. But how often do you get a chance to rape an entire female nation?!?!
Tyrandis is... interested in this proposal.
We will send twenty thousand Morning Musume infantry units to aid the Great Rape.
Please note that the MM are Japanese females genetically/psychologically perfected for warfare. So please don't rape one of them by accident.
OOC: >_>
Harmonia Mortus
08-09-2004, 02:41
Razor strap-ons of DOOM! O_O
Harmonia Mortus is a firm believer in the practice of social Darwinism. We feel that this country will dissapear of its own accord, unless they have some sort of massive sperm-importation plan set up.
We feel deep sorrow for the population of whatever country were talking about, but we also support this raping and pillaging proposal.
Rape the houses and burn the women!
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 02:48
Please. At least attend the conference.
08-09-2004, 02:48
Great. We have supporters for this rape. Feminany doesn't know it but we are actually helping them out.
The participating nations shall join together in a coalition called the G.R.F.C. or Great Rape of Feminany Coalition. This shall go down in history books across the NS world.
08-09-2004, 02:50
Great. We have supporters for this rape. Feminany doesn't know it but we are actually helping them out.
The participating nations shall join together in a coalition called the G.R.F.C. or Great Rape of Feminany Coalition. This shall go down in history books across the NS world.
Indeed it shall. As the greatest criminal execution in mankind. Oh, and the death of Cullenus, of course.
08-09-2004, 02:55
Indeed it shall. As the greatest criminal execution in mankind. Oh, and the death of Cullenus, of course.
I, being Cullenus and not speaking for other nations, am not going to hurt nobody. It will be a rape to get some sperm and males in circulation within Feminany. Seeing as how they illegalized the male gender and now only have famales.
I, unlike other nations, am not proposing to go to war and kill them all, but rather go marching in and merely rape them to force masculinity back into the country.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 03:00
At the Conference you could talk this over with the Queen. Otherwise it's an illegal act.
08-09-2004, 03:02
Well, since rape is frowned upon, and i would imagine would carry at least a jail sentence in your country, as well as Feminany, your entire population would be criminals. I'm just offering my services to Feminany as an executioner. Besides, how many rape victims will actually keep their babies? My guess is none, so you'd have have committed a huge atrocity, broken god knows how many international laws, and caused mass upset, all for nothing. I'm simply suggesting you sit down and shut up.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 03:16
And a third thing Tarenteor would like to note, is that those tanks with 300mm sub-orbital cannons will crush Cullenus' nation flatter than a sheet of tracing paper.
08-09-2004, 03:18
~The Dictatorship of Dycerayl official posting service
08-09-2004, 03:22
Above the land of Dycerayl, the clouds part, and a huge boot appears, covering the entire nation. It stamps down repeatedly, until the entire country is "reduced". A piece of paper drifts down. Written on it are three words
"Shut Up Noob"
08-09-2004, 03:24
After a long absence i see nothing has changed here at all. And nice aim with the boot.
08-09-2004, 03:26
Razor strap-ons of DOOM! O_O
OOC: Yes. <_<
regarding your law,How exactly do you do anything but cosmetic changes femi-whatever? and if you don't what is the point? anyway,
( standard statement of outrage goes here ). I most likely don't have a big enough military to crush you, but I will give a billion dollars to anyone who will ( I know, It's not much but I figure anyone who would destroy you for money would provably do it for free)
P.S. consider yourself a target for every form of espionage I can think up, including biological ( once my country engineers a stable weaponized virus)
if any of your government buildings mysteriously blow up, I didn't do it :D
08-09-2004, 03:32
if any of your government buildings mysteriously blow up, I didn't do it
if your entire country mysteriously blows up afterwards, I didn't do it
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 03:35
~The Dictatorship of Dycerayl official posting service
A black bubble, like a more ominous version of that old G'DAD(Hehehe!) watch-and-wallet, begins to surround the nation of Dycerayl. It thickens on the outside, until it's about a meter in thickness. A huge needle descends from the sky, taps the bubble, and ascends back into the clouds. The black bubble of what seems to be metal cracks, quivers for a moment, and collapses, turning into a black hole which lasts for exactly seven seconds. After the entire nation is gone, it starts raining copies of Halo 2.
and how exactly do you plan on blowing up an entire coutry withought anyone knowing you did it? :rolleyes:
for that matter, how do you plan on blowing up an entire country at all?
08-09-2004, 03:48
The emperor of Crackpie, still sullen at not being allowed to install shower-cams, had this to say: " If they want to ban the male population, fine, let them do it, but once they do it, they can expect a massive nuclear and biological strike on civillian targets I dont give a crap about the goddamn geneva convention" the emperor went on to say " and the U.N can sit on a pole if they dont like it"
08-09-2004, 04:13
We formally condone the actions of Feminany, however, since it has not joined the UN, we can not take any action legally regarding the Structure and laws of Feminany. We will state some scientific facts.
1. I do see the way Feminany could keep her population to an all female socioty, even though there are some problems, I will list them below. However, to keep them female she would have to deny the hormones at the right developmetnal stage of the fetus to stop it from developing into a male.
2. However, on the economic side, it would be incredibley expensive to create this artificial sperm, as you would have to increase wages to allow them to afford children, and then the prices for sperm would go up as demand went up, it would be a never ending cycle.
3. I fail to see how males are inferior, it sounds like you have some inferiority complex or something. I'd suggest some treatment, there are some great doctors down south. There is the fact that studies show that men live shorter lifespans than women do, but then theres the fact that more men are killed in car accidents and things of that sort, so the average is way off.
4. Creating enough sperm would be very time consuming, and your population would die faster than more people could be created, therefor, it would eventually dwindle to nothing, it would just take a while.
5. And then theres the military, true, real life studies show, that although women have a cooler head in the heat of battle, if they had to detonate an explosive that would either kill themselves, or a few others along with them, in order to save hundreds, thousands, or even millions, they would not do it. Thats why all high security facilities have the 'three man rule' in place concerning self destruction devices, they are all singe men, with no remaining family, and are most likely long term terminally ill.
6. You'll never be allowed into the UN, and if you do get in, all the countries who appose you will legally be allowed to invade your country.
OOC: If someone with a PHD on this kinda stuff finds an error, please post it, im sure there is one or two.
08-09-2004, 04:32
A black bubble, like a more ominous version of that old G'DAD(Hehehe!) watch-and-wallet, begins to surround the nation of Dycerayl. It thickens on the outside, until it's about a meter in thickness. A huge needle descends from the sky, taps the bubble, and ascends back into the clouds. The black bubble of what seems to be metal cracks, quivers for a moment, and collapses, turning into a black hole which lasts for exactly seven seconds. After the entire nation is gone, it starts raining copies of Halo 2.
*dances for joy under the Halo 2 copies*
seeing as i just made the dman country 10 minutes or so ago...
it only consisted of 10 people and 3 houses.
*realizes he has no Xbox to play Halo 2 on*
THe population male dominated theocracy of Doom777 doens't believe this news, and claims that our media is lying to them. I mean, there is no way someone can so something that stupid, is there? WE are hereby imposing sanctions of Femininity and putting the military on red alert. We will also attend the large conference, altouhgh our voice will be one of war
You know why this thread stuck a nerve? Because us males actually fear that this is what some of those dyke feminists want, and it scares us.
08-09-2004, 04:55
We of Neo-Triton do not believe in having a military. The citizens of Neo-Triton are too precious to be wasted in war. Our legislation does however allow for the hiring a mercenary force. We hereby offer the men of your ridiculously misguided land the grand opportunity to sign on as mercenaries in the employ of the Dominion of Neo-Triton.
Sabi Thunder-Wave
Storm Lord, Ministry of Exploration and Defence
We of Neo-Triton do not believe in having a military. The citizens of Neo-Triton are too precious to be wasted in war. Our legislation does however allow for the hiring a mercenary force. We hereby offer the men of your ridiculously misguided land the grand opportunity to sign on as mercenaries in the employ of the Dominion of Neo-Triton.
Sabi Thunder-Wave
Storm Lord, Ministry of Exploration and Defence
OOC: genious :)
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 04:59
Public IC: Bishop Herman Von Felben of the Christian Martyrs Brigade denounces the nation feminany as "Backwards, corrupt, and run by the sort that caused the fall of man from the Garden of Eden."
Hullo, all. I've been scrambling madly to get to the end of this thread so I could add my voice to the charming chorus of indignation and outrage at this fantastically ignorant decree by the majority in power.
Now, I feel that the most humorous military action to take would be a parceling up of... whatever the name of the country was. I know it was something like Femininany or Feminany, but the last time they were mentioned was long ago. ANYWAY -
My thought was that all of the big angry countries would handily thrash all of the big countries that move to support the aforementioned-country-with-that-bad-idea-that-everyone-is-angry-about-but-no-one-can-remember. Then, all of the little angry countries can march in in full regalia waving national flags and war standards. Then we (I say 'we' as my country is both angry, and small) each take a teeny amount of land, build a giant concrete wall around it, almost - but not quite - infringe upon the human rights of our captives, and wave to and chat with all the charming foreigners on top of the other walls.
The beauty of this plan is two-fold: First, a violent solution to this quandry would be best, not only because this country whose name I can't remember has declared themselves a peaceful state, with all the military ineptness that implies. Second, the irony would be nice neato, as war is a admittedly a symptom of male-inhabited society. (w00t, I say again, w00t!) Thus, the testosterone-spewing population of the earth get to solve the problem that first irked them so.
Second, it will be like an international summer-camp! All the tiny units of soldiers will get to meet some wacky foreigners, shoot one or two, and right the gross social travesty of whatever it was we were talking about.
Oh, and come to think of it, a third reason would be that my country could make a fortune converting its entire industrial capacity to the manufacture of "I embarked on a crusade to save mankind, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirts! That and explosives. And tanks and small arms. Heck, anything I can possibly build that could hurt someone. Nail-clippers.
What were we talking about, again?
Oh, and has six minutes been the longest pause in posting thus far?
"T-shirts, get your t-shirts...!" :D
08-09-2004, 05:09
To: Feminany
From: The Ordo de Catholic Equesters de PioMagnus
Subject: Mass Mutilation of Males
The Ordo de Catholic Equesters de PioMagnus officially denounces this unjust law. Not only are you threatening men with mass mutilation, you are forcing them to leave behind their lives, friends, and families if they will not subject themselves to this unjust mutilation.
The Ordo de Catholic Equesters will immediatly impose economic sanctions against your nation, as well as encourage all the nations within its region to do the same. Further, I call on all Christian nations to denounce this atrocity.
Magnificus Eques Pio Magnus,
Knight of Christ,
Member of The Papacy
08-09-2004, 05:13
The Ordo de Catholic Equesters de PioMagnus formally denounces the proposed "Great Rape." Any nations participating in this immoral action will have economic sanctions leveled against them.
Further, any individual who takes part in these crimes will be subject to immediate arrest and prosecution if entering PioMagnus's jurisdiction.
Magnificus Eques PioMagnus
Knight of Christ,
Member of "The Papacy"
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:19
"Many DA male citizens are anxious to get a chance to put the queen of Feminany into her place. We would like to propose after she is captured, that she be sentenced to life in Mississippi. We will leave her in central Jackson City in the stocks on a podium, and anybody who wants to can have a go at her. She has spent her life hating and abusing men, now she shall have to serve them. We are willing to pay good money for her." Paul Stahlecker
08-09-2004, 05:19
Any nations who participate in this "Great Rape" will be immolated. No questions. We live in a more civilized world. While, I don’t condone the outlawing of the male species...nor do I agree with the Queens views on the male population...and a similar argument can be made against woman...Raping the lot of them is not going to improve the image of men in their eyes…you’d just be proving their point and re-affirming their stance!
Cease and desist, now
The Armed Republic of Sino is absolutely shocked about this barbaric lesbianist subhuman practice and is utterly willing to follow any military operation to wiping out this evil lesbian nation!
OOC: Any one up for a kick on that lezzy's ass, present your arms!
08-09-2004, 05:23
While I recognize the benefits of having an entirely female population, I feel I must speak for the majority of Carnaubian women when I say that we like "belonging to" our men. There is no comparable feeling to that of being wanted, appreciated, and needed (whether or not they admit it) to one man. Perhaps yours are just not educated well enough. Our boys and girls begin learning at a young age how to be good male/female members of society and the home. We'd be happy to share some of our cirriculum with you in exchange for some of the knowledge you've gained in your extensive genetic studies.
While you claim to have a skewed population and claim that men are inferior to women I think it is clear that you need to get out of the shell you are living in and stop being a butch dike. It has been proven throught time that men have larger frames and are more prone to muscle development. Also men are equally as smart as women. On top of that your theory on production of sperm through bacteria is one of the dumbest things i've ever heard of in my life. You truly are a pitiful excuse of a nation and your leaders should consider playing in traffic, preferably heavy, hopefully on coming.
- President Veksler
08-09-2004, 05:25
Any nations who participate in this "Great Rape" will be immolated. No questions. We live in a more civilized world. While, I don’t condone the outlawing of the male species...nor do I agree with the Queens views on the male population...and a similar argument can be made against woman...Raping the lot of them is not going to improve the image of men in their eyes…you’d just be proving their point and re-affirming their stance!
Cease and desist, now
Yeah, but its a hell of a lot better than just outright warring and killing them wouldn't you say. Instead of going to war, I simply proposed a more humane but equally satisfying alternative.
No sense in getting all hyped up about a few nations who would rather just unharmfully rape the feminazis, when there are many nations who wan't to outright kill them.
Tell me, which is the worse punishment? Rape or Death?
Itinerate Tree Dweller
08-09-2004, 05:27
"The Empire of ITD will not be participating in this massive rape of women. We don't condone rape, but nor do we condone the murder and mutilation of men. We will not allow feminazi action to harm us, but we will not harm them either, unless provoked." - Christopher Irons (ooc: remote e-mail response sent from IDF commerce conference)
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:28
Yeah, but its a hell of a lot better than just outright warring and killing them wouldn't you say. Instead of going to war, I simply proposed a more humane but equally satisfying alternative.
No sense in getting all hyped up about a few nations who would rather just unharmfully rape the feminazis, when there are many nations who wan't to outright kill them.
Tell me, which is the worse punishment? Rape or Death?
"We believe being ravaged again and again is a fate far worse than death... I think I should like to take a vacation to Feminany to see what is going on." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar. (ooc- he is quite sadistic)
08-09-2004, 05:32
"We believe being ravaged again and again is a fate far worse than death... I think I should like to take a vacation to Feminany to see what is going on." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar. (ooc- he is quite sadistic)
Hmmm... I'd rather think they would quite enjoy it. But anyways, maybe getting their women to have sex once more would make them rethink their decision of banning the male gender.
The ARSSWF (Armed Republic of Sino Special Weapons Force) has authorized to fire 20 conventionally armed DF-11A MRBMs, sparing no civilians in its targetting to punish this evil nation for its barbaric acts crimes against the human race.
The continuation of further castrations will result in more ballistic missiles and NBC surprises!
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:34
Hmmm... I'd rather think they would quite enjoy it. But anyways, maybe getting their women to have sex once more would make them rethink their decision of banning the male gender.
"Feminazis are just sex-starved women that don't realize how badly they need and want it. Well that is the theory of our leading psychologists." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
His Divine Imperial Majesty, Tzar Damien Alexander Black, has issued the following statement:
Any nation which takes part in this rape will be immediately deemed impure.
God's Clean Earth has no room for the impure.
Therefore, logically, any nation which takes part in this rape will be scoured from the face of the Earth. Resistance will only make the pain last longer. As to the nation which has sparked all this commotion, we will content ourselves with a warning.
Or they might be next.
Yeah, but its a hell of a lot better than just outright warring and killing them wouldn't you say. Instead of going to war, I simply proposed a more humane but equally satisfying alternative.
No sense in getting all hyped up about a few nations who would rather just unharmfully rape the feminazis, when there are many nations who wan't to outright kill them.
Tell me, which is the worse punishment? Rape or Death?
Rape is a crime, you scumbag! Would you like to be raped? What doesn ot kill them only makes them stronger.
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:37
Rape is a crime, you scumbag! Would you like to be raped?
"And is it not a crime to force millions of men to undergo gender changes against their will or else be deported from their homeland? These women must be taught a lesson, and a lesson they will not soon forget!" Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
08-09-2004, 05:37
Yeah, but its a hell of a lot better than just outright warring and killing them wouldn't you say. Instead of going to war, I simply proposed a more humane but equally satisfying alternative.
No sense in getting all hyped up about a few nations who would rather just unharmfully rape the feminazis, when there are many nations who wan't to outright kill them.
Tell me, which is the worse punishment? Rape or Death?
Death, at least its done and over with
You obviously have no experience with rape victims, I do
Its traumatic, lots of women lose total mental functions, and it scars people for life. Rape has extremely long lasting effects on woman
This is just wrong on principal alone...and sad, very ought to be ashamed for even thinking that way. I’m ALL for a good time...but...for God sake...
hers a novel idea
Respect their national sovereignty, leave them the hell alone, and, if you really feel like "doing justice", accept the exiled men into your nation
Aztec Lands
08-09-2004, 05:37
Emperor Obsidian-Vulture has released this statement:
This genocide is intolerable. We are cutting off relations with this rogue state, a state rogue to nature and life itself.
Texas and Colorado
08-09-2004, 05:37
To Eve Dworking: We here in the C.T.C may not agree with your rulings, but we bow to your wisdom and your lands votes. Terfor may we offer any medical and or military aid in this trying time? We can send you some of our all femal C.T.C security squads to help defend your lands.
Thankyou: Madam President Wardog
A suggestion, if I may. There is a lot of people in our country who like certain 'fetishes'. Although pornography in Doom777 is banned, they still manage to get it off the internet from servers located in other countries. What's worse is that children as young as age 12 find it. We don't particulary make an effort to catch those who break the anti-pornography laws, but do fine the ones that we stumble upon. Back to the point, out internet monitoring organization, W3UG, has noticed that third after lesbian porno, and oral sex, is bondage fetish. There seems to be a large number of perverted men in our country, who like humiliating a woman, and making her their sex slave. Since this problem exists in our country, it must exist in others. There must be a country where sex slavery is allowed, so why not just send the queen of the forementioned sexist country, and the top officials, and sell them to the rich fetishers in those countries. THus, we A) solve the problem with the queen, and B) make a little profit by selling the girls to the highest bidder.
Or we can just send the girls to Carnauba and make them learn their place in a traditional family hierarchy.
I hope I didn't go over the line in going into some specific pornography.details.
Well I skipped from page 3 to 20, so if I missed something, please forgive me.
The Great Nation of Atraeus would gladly take your 'unwanted' gentlemen. Luckily we have a very strong economy, based in Arms Manufacturing. I think your 500,00 men would make a great army to reduce some as of yet unspecified nation(Feminany) to rubble.
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:39
"Feminany's national sovereignty is a great idea. But we must look out for our fellow white males. We're an endangered species you know. Besides, I think their queen really does need to be taught a lesson, and I'm feeling up to teaching it." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
Ooc- If you haven't picked up on it, this guy is sick. In other RPs, it is somewhat established he is aroused by the thought of using chemical weapons, the mentions of chemical weapons, looking at shells containing chemical weapons. He is just very odd.
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:41
"Decisive Action upper nobility are pooling their money and are we have found twenty nobles in Jackson City that are willing to pay a total of 50 billion dollars from the Feminanian queen. I happen to be one of the nobles." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemica" Salazar.
08-09-2004, 05:42
"Feminany's national sovereignty is a great idea. But we must look out for our fellow white males. We're an endangered species you know. Besides, I think their queen really does need to be taught a lesson, and I'm feeling up to teaching it." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
Ooc- If you haven't picked up on it, this guy is sick. In other RPs, it is somewhat established he is aroused by the thought of using chemical weapons, the mentions of chemical weapons, looking at shells containing chemical weapons. He is just very odd.
Oh, we noticed your chara is sick ;)
But, Really, like i said OOCly, this whole proposition is just wrong
His Divine Imperial Majesty, Tzar Damien Alexander Black, has issued the following statement:
Any nation which takes part in this rape will be immediately deemed impure.
God's Clean Earth has no room for the impure.
Therefore, logically, any nation which takes part in this rape will be scoured from the face of the Earth. Resistance will only make the pain last longer. As to the nation which has sparked all this commotion, we will content ourselves with a warning.
Or they might be next.
If Roania engages in military action to wipe out this evil race of feminists, the Armed Republic of Sino is willing to stand by Roania side and make this operation as swift and efficient as possible.
OOC: We need to form a posse against this evil lesbian!
08-09-2004, 05:43
Perhaps another solution? Re-education camps for the entire population of Feminary might be a better solution. Instilling the value of equality of all citizens will prevent such subersive legislation from passing again. If their children, male and female, are instilled with the truth of equality, their society can only be improved. Perhaps the older or more fanatic citizens cannot be changed, but there will be a place for them in the new society. They will serve as living examples of the barbaric past. An anti-inspiration for the enlightened generation.
Elys Shining-Fin
Storm Mistress, Ministry of Education and Research
Texas and Colorado
08-09-2004, 05:43
To all who threaten Eve Dworking, we may be small but we here in the C.T.C support this country 100% and shall help them the best we can.
08-09-2004, 05:43
This is Der Fuhrer Dyszel, and you are damn lucky I cannot get on my nation because I would have some choice words some of you that would get me deleted. But, since this is not my nation, I have to watch myself.
So, you think raping women is a game?
08-09-2004, 05:43
Death, at least its done and over with
You obviously have no experience with rape victims, I do
Its traumatic, lots of women lose total mental functions, and it scars people for life. Rape has extremely long lasting effects on woman
This is just wrong on principal alone...and sad, very ought to be ashamed for even thinking that way. I’m ALL for a good time...but...for God sake...
hers a novel idea
Respect their national sovereignty, leave them the hell alone, and, if you really feel like "doing justice", accept the exiled men into your nation
Fine, I grant them permission to kill themselves afterwards if I should choose to follow through with this action. Therefore they don't have to worry about being scarred for life.
Here's a novel idea... She could allow the male race to be the male race and do what is ment between the female race and the male race... for God's sake. As it is also God's word. And also this is obviously an atheist nation. So all the religious based nations can now go argue with them for playing God.
A suggestion, if I may. There is a lot of people in our country who like certain 'fetishes'. Although pornography in Doom777 is banned, they still manage to get it off the internet from servers located in other countries. What's worse is that children as young as age 12 find it. We don't particulary make an effort to catch those who break the anti-pornography laws, but do fine the ones that we stumble upon. Back to the point, out internet monitoring organization, W3UG, has noticed that third after lesbian porno, and oral sex, is bondage fetish. There seems to be a large number of perverted men in our country, who like humiliating a woman, and making her their sex slave. Since this problem exists in our country, it must exist in others. There must be a country where sex slavery is allowed, so why not just send the queen of the forementioned sexist country, and the top officials, and sell them to the rich fetishers in those countries. THus, we A) solve the problem with the queen, and B) make a little profit by selling the girls to the highest bidder.
Or we can just send the girls to Carnauba and make them learn their place in a traditional family hierarchy.
I hope I didn't go over the line in going into some specific pornography.details.
Tzar Damien Black made this further statement:
Congratulations. You are now 'Number One' on the list of the impure.
You have a choice. You can either back down now.
Or, we can enter your cities. Kill your men. Burn your women. Enslave your children. Chemwhip your cities into oblivion. And then salt the earth. I have Patriarch Dmitri II on the other line. I can very easily have him call a crusade.
The choice is yours.
08-09-2004, 05:45
My dear fellow nations, the answer to this problem is quite simple: the female Junta controlling Feminany has obviously gone mad, and must be eradicated less the maddness spreads. The Principality would be quite willing to undertake military action against Feminany, if we weren't currently invovled in at least five different wars at the same time.
With our Navy strained to the limit, we can only urge other nations to put Feminany to the flame.
-Grand Prince Vladimir Skeelzot I
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 05:46
This is Der Fuhrer Dyszel, and you are damn lucky I cannot get on my nation because I would have some choice words some of you that would get me deleted. But, since this is not my nation, I have to watch myself.
So, you think raping women is a game?
"It's not a game unless you're keeping score and are betting money on who can get the most in a given period of time." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
08-09-2004, 05:46
Tzar Damien Black made this further statement:
Congratulations. You are now 'Number One' on the list of the impure.
You have a choice. You can either back down now.
Or, we can enter your cities. Kill your men. Burn your women. Enslave your children. Chemwhip your cities into oblivion. And then salt the earth. I have Patriarch Dmitri II on the other line. I can very easily have him call a crusade.
The choice is yours.
Eh, Roania?
Can i suggest you revise your list, and make Cullenus your number one target…
Yeah, but its a hell of a lot better than just outright warring and killing them wouldn't you say. Instead of going to war, I simply proposed a more humane but equally satisfying alternative.
No sense in getting all hyped up about a few nations who would rather just unharmfully rape the feminazis, when there are many nations who wan't to outright kill them.
Tell me, which is the worse punishment? Rape or Death?
Im thinking that statement makes him worse than the other guy
08-09-2004, 05:50
"It's not a game unless you're keeping score and are betting money on who can get the most in a given period of time." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemical" Salazar.
Let me propose my game for all the ladies out there! Let's play CASTRATION! Grab a knife. Let's have some fun! Oh, and I guess we could bid on who does the most damage.......
"Decisive Action upper nobility are pooling their money and are we have found twenty nobles in Jackson City that are willing to pay a total of 50 billion dollars from the Feminanian queen. I happen to be one of the nobles." Field Marshal Francisco "Chemica" Salazar.
Premier Karlov Reinhart, National Bloc:
Gentlemen, the clock is ticking.
You have 10 minutes to come up with another solution besides this rape. Then, we begin the bombing. And as your nation is impure, we will be taking whatever means we view necessary to put an end to it in its entirety.
As to the nation of Sino, we have no qualms with the leadership of Femanany, as we are sure they can be reasoned with. However, the nation of Decisive Action is the true criminal today.
As are those who support it. We urge you to support us in the purification of this world.
Premier Karlov Reinhart, National Bloc:
Gentlemen, the clock is ticking.
You have 10 minutes to come up with another solution besides this rape. Then, we begin the bombing. And as your nation is impure, we will be taking whatever means we view necessary to put an end to it in its entirety.
As to the nation of Sino, we have no qualms with the leadership of Femanany, as we are sure they can be reasoned with. However, the nation of Decisive Action is the true criminal today.
As are those who support it. We urge you to support us in the purification of this world.
As much as we condemn the barbarity of Decisive Action, we see the works of the lesbian devils of Feminany as a greater evil. Therefore it makes sense that the nation of Feminany be wiped out before any action can be taken against Decisive Action.
08-09-2004, 05:53
We wish you could live and work and play together.
Roania is also welcomed to purchase from SIMINCORP, the primary contractor of the Sinoese ground forces.
OOC: At least drop a few words of comment, if time's on your side.
08-09-2004, 05:55
Dear Lord Eldric,
Please do not estimate the power of modern science. Our laboratories are sufficiently enhanced to ‘program’ bacteria to produce sperm, in a similar manner to other medical problems. This procedure is undoubtedly costly, but worthy.
Yours Equally,
Eve Dworking.
Have you thought about cloning. You could make exact copies of your best people. Best of all no sperm is requied at all.
08-09-2004, 05:55
We wish you could live and work and play together.
You must be new one on NationStates gets along, thats all we do, bicker, bicker, bicker...but, then, someone does something REALLY STUPID, and we go physco-ballistic on them
get used to it, its the way of the world ;)
Welcome to NS
08-09-2004, 05:58
Have you thought about cloning. You could make exact copies of your best people. Best of all no sperm is requied at all.
However, once you start clonning, you have to make copies of the clones...and then make copies of the copies of the clones...and, through time, the copies degrade...and your people become defective, and you die off
08-09-2004, 05:58
You must be new one on NationStates gets along, thats all we do, bicker, bicker, bicker...but, then, someone does something REALLY STUPID, and we go physco-ballistic on them
get used to it, its the way of the world ;)
Welcome to NS
Oh yes, wholeheartedly agree. It has been like forever. Even when I first joined this game it was like that. Amazing how times have not changed. Although, when I first joined there was Rejected Realms, no passwords, no founders, no ejecting..........ah, the good days.
OOC: *Holsters the 9mm and rearms a Type 95 assault rifle* "Time to kick some ass!"
08-09-2004, 05:59
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
It has come to our attention that the regis of Feminary is severly mis-educated. Gender is a role, a socio-psychological expression. Sex is biological, a physical trait, similar to straight hair or curly hair. Even the youngest of our learners is aware of this obvious difference. These two terms are related but are not inter-changable. In the opening statement, the role is outlawed. But toward the conclusion, it is implied that sex is a punishable offense. However, in the conlusion, it is again the gender which is delcared to be illegal. So tell us, which is it? If it is the gender which is a crime, then the queen herself is breaking the very law she has proposed. It is our opinion that such an ambiguous law must be repealed and the queen and her legislative ministry (if one even exists) must be thoroughly re-educated.
Elys Shining-Fin
Storm Mistress, Ministry of Education and Research
08-09-2004, 05:59
Oh yes, wholeheartedly agree. It has been like forever. Even when I first joined this game it was like that. Amazing how times have not changed. Although, when I first joined there was Rejected Realms, no passwords, no founders, no ejecting..........ah, the good days.
Quiet, you old bitty...lest my iron hand crush you! ;)
08-09-2004, 06:02
Premier Karlov Reinhart, National Bloc:
Gentlemen, the clock is ticking.
You have 10 minutes to come up with another solution besides this rape. Then, we begin the bombing. And as your nation is impure, we will be taking whatever means we view necessary to put an end to it in its entirety.
As to the nation of Sino, we have no qualms with the leadership of Femanany, as we are sure they can be reasoned with. However, the nation of Decisive Action is the true criminal today.
As are those who support it. We urge you to support us in the purification of this world.
So your planning on bombing a nation or many nations that have done nothing but allow one of their leaders to speak words? No action has been committed.
It is a horrible sin to go off bombing millions of innocent civilians.
...As for the nation that asked If raping women was thought of as a game.. well, just looking at the fact that this IS a game, sorta makes one think.
Question for you, is war a game? Is killing thousands of innocents a game?
The women of Feminany have been labeled as dangerous and mental sexists to Cullenus. They have forced men out of the country and forced others to undergo sex changes... tell me that wouldn't scar you for life??
In my country the punishment is as equal as the crime. Once combined it is then canceled out, as in the real world (Allowing the executioner to not be charged for murder for executing the murderer).
This country has scarred the male population for life. So we are planning to scare their female population for life.
08-09-2004, 06:02
Quiet, you old bitty...lest my iron hand crush you! ;) fair......I am THE DICTATORSHIP. I just cannot prove it on this name. Although, also being on this name is really eerie, sending chills down my spine.
08-09-2004, 06:03
However, once you start clonning, you have to make copies of the clones...and then make copies of the copies of the clones...and, through time, the copies degrade...and your people become defective, and you die off
Not with my cloning method. My clones D.N.A. never degrade. I have spent uncountable credits researching cloning, And my scientist have perfected it.
OOC: Where's that big p*ssy, Feminany? They asked for a fight and now the hunt is on!
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 06:04
Premier Karlov Reinhart, National Bloc:
Gentlemen, the clock is ticking.
You have 10 minutes to come up with another solution besides this rape. Then, we begin the bombing. And as your nation is impure, we will be taking whatever means we view necessary to put an end to it in its entirety.
As to the nation of Sino, we have no qualms with the leadership of Femanany, as we are sure they can be reasoned with. However, the nation of Decisive Action is the true criminal today.
As are those who support it. We urge you to support us in the purification of this world.
"Francisco Salazar does not speak for the people or the government of this nation. If he is attempting to procure women for sexual servitude, he will be charged with violations of anti-slavery and numerous other laws designed to protect people from such atrocities." Foreign Minister Paul Stahlecker.
Ooc- Most rich nobles like Field Marshal Salazar basically feel they can do as they please. Also note, Salazar is married and has children.
08-09-2004, 06:05
OOC: Where's that big p*ssy, Feminany? They asked for a fight and now the hunt is on!
I took over. You will just have to declare war on the nation Mahanoy now........ ;)
As much as we condemn the barbarity of Decisive Action, we see the works of the lesbian devils of Feminany as a greater evil. Therefore it makes sense that the nation of Feminany be wiped out before any action can be taken against Decisive Action.
Lord Captain Commander Tschow Hai Nynguyen had this to say:
Speaking firstly as a woman, secondly as a soldier, and thirdly as a racial cousin, General Liu, there is absolutely no reason for this view to be held. As my Corps is already in position for an attack upon Decisive Action, one must admit that I feel betrayed a bit by this decision.
But, so be it. If you prefer to fight alongside murderers and rapists before fighting alongside honourable men and women, then that is your decision.
I must say, though, that it does seem to be much like the actions of the proverbial 'Great Sage Equal of Heaven'. But what could I, a mere woman, know?
The 7th Altara Corps will do their duty. With, or without you.
Decisive Action
08-09-2004, 06:11
"We will not allow any of citizens to take part in crimes against any other citizens of any other nations. Nor do we have plans to use armed forces in Feminany, we would consider that a violation of their national sovereignty. Although we do condemn them for their terribly poor treatment of their men. These are my orders, follow them for I am your Czar." Czar Roger Fabus, speaking to the nation via the White People's Radio and Television Network.
08-09-2004, 06:11
However, once you start clonning, you have to make copies of the clones...and then make copies of the copies of the clones...and, through time, the copies degrade...and your people become defective, and you die off
Telomeres are the reason for clone degredation. We shall present a short explanation for those who are so unfortunate as to be deprived a proper education. When a cell starts to divide genetic material in the nucleus is condensed into chromosomes. Only part of this is important, containing important genetic sequences, call it coding regions. Toward the ends of the chromosome are large regions of non-coding regions. These areas are referred to as telomeres. Basically, after each division, there is a loss of part of these telomeres. Eventually, there will be loss of actual coding regions. This will result in deleterious defects. The organism eventually dies. Clones seem to lose their telomeres much faster than normal organisms. So, unless the technology for extending telomeres is developed (which in our opinion will have undesirable consequences, some of which may include the extension of non-clone longevity beyond natural limits), clones are doomed to an early demise.
Elys Shining-Fin
Storm Mistress, Ministry of Education and Research
The Sinoese are willing to sell military supplies to Roania. But when it comes to the time of kicking Feminany's ass, the Sinoese will do their duty alongside Roania.
I took over. You will just have to declare war on the nation Mahanoy now........ ;)
OOC: WTF? I need some explanation.
08-09-2004, 06:16
OOC: WTF? I need some explanation.
OOC: WTF? I need some explanation.
OOC: Seems like we've been puppet-wanked.
Changed my mind. Let's work together to blast this bastard out of the sky.
The Holy Empire of Krogoth finds this to be a crime against humanity. We will not allow this elimination of the male populace occur. We also frown upon any nation that has proposed appeasment with these elitist whores. We all know what appeasment lead to in the 1930's. Others of you call for peace talks. What will this accomplish? Perhaps a mere fraction of suppresed and enslaved men to exist inside their borders. Though We highly doubt even this concession. We see this as a form of genocide, sexocide if you will, and we DECLARE WAR upon the nation of Femwhosits. As of this moment 1,000 paratroopers are enroute to this pig of a nation's capital. Their mission is to depose the current government and install a new system, in which males are not only included but represented equally. We hope that we may gain some brothers in this conflict for humanity, and hope for military support. We are a small nation still, however our hearts are true and we believe in a world where man and woman may live together in harmony.
OOC: 1,000 paratroopers armed with M-4 rifles, 9mm Berettas, infared and nightvison gear, along with a drop of a week's supply of munitions, rations, and medical supplies. (There will be no rape, though consensual sex is encouraged to restart the male population.) These men and supplies are being delieved in a large number of Galaxy class cargo aircraft. (Not sure how many are needed so we'll say enough.) The DZ was a located 2 miles west of the capital, in a medium sized valley. This will be a night drop, and is until they are within radar range, a secret.
IC: Private Luce checked and rechecked his buddies equipment, and gave him the thumbs up. In turn his buddy did this to the soldier infront of him. They would be over the DZ in 2 hours.
08-09-2004, 06:20
OOC: Just as a note, I was never really serious about actually following through with the entire rape thing. If you would go way back and read the origins on how this came about, you'll see it is pretty clear it started out as a joke. But it seemed to catch on, which I did NOT expect.
OOC: So nobody buys tanks any more, eh?
08-09-2004, 06:24
OOC: damn! it's 12:30 pm! I have a physics test in the morning! Later... dont do too much, i dont feel like reading back too far.
Will you have male looking AIs?
Solid Water
08-09-2004, 06:34
OOC: Sino, isn't that considered thread hijacking?
However, Can someone sum up 23 pages of this for me? Did anything blow up yet?
Solid Water is looking forward to seeing the destruction of Feminany. If other countries are so willing and able, we would like a few cameras to show us the explosions. The governing body wants front-row seats with plenty of popcorn.
Will you have male looking AIs?
OOC 1: What was that sentence meant to be?
OOC 2: A Kiwi, eh?
The Armed Republic of Sino has heightened its Rapid Response capabilities in the fears of terrorism.
OOC: Sino, isn't that considered thread hijacking?
However, Can someone sum up 23 pages of this for me? Did anything blow up yet?
Solid Water is looking forward to seeing the destruction of Feminany. If other countries are so willing and able, we would like a few cameras to show us the explosions. The governing body wants front-row seats with plenty of popcorn.
OOC: If you want to see the rainbow, you'll have to put up with the rain. If you want to see some explosions, join the war! Otherwise, its just Hollywood special effects.
Two Sinoese soldiers reading the newspaper.
Soldier 1: "Holy crap! Did they do that?"
Soldier 2: "'Ep, castrated like eunuchs."
Soldier 1: "My bayonet's gonna taste their bloody!"
OOC 1: What was that sentence meant to be?
OOC 2: A Kiwi, eh?
The Armed Republic of Sino has heightened its Rapid Response capabilities in the fears of terrorism.
Go NZ!!!! :p
anyway i was wondering if they were going to build male looking anotomically correct androids.
I dont see the point in this...Why would anyone want to declare a gender illegal...Plus this thing has become a flame thread practically...
08-09-2004, 06:51
Telomeres are the reason for clone degredation. We shall present a short explanation for those who are so unfortunate as to be deprived a proper education. When a cell starts to divide genetic material in the nucleus is condensed into chromosomes. Only part of this is important, containing important genetic sequences, call it coding regions. Toward the ends of the chromosome are large regions of non-coding regions. These areas are referred to as telomeres. Basically, after each division, there is a loss of part of these telomeres. Eventually, there will be loss of actual coding regions. This will result in deleterious defects. The organism eventually dies. Clones seem to lose their telomeres much faster than normal organisms. So, unless the technology for extending telomeres is developed (which in our opinion will have undesirable consequences, some of which may include the extension of non-clone longevity beyond natural limits), clones are doomed to an early demise.
Elys Shining-Fin
Storm Mistress, Ministry of Education and Research
My scientists have found a way around that problem. But only if the clones are grown without maturation chambers. This means that you have to raise the clones from an infant. And that seems to be just what this man hating nation needs.
Now if it is soldiers someone needs those I can produce quickly, 2-3 months. However they do die young. But most soldiers do anyways. And I can replace them quickly.
08-09-2004, 06:51
I dont see the point in this...Why would anyone want to declare a gender illegal...Plus this thing has become a flame thread practically...
The point is to have fun. Remeber it is just a game.
yea...i know but another point is not to scare anyone off, that is the point of playing FAIR
Go NZ!!!! :p
OOC: No surprises there. 3 Golds and 2 Silvers do my country proud.
Russo-Germanic America
08-09-2004, 07:08
From the office of the Feminarian foreign minister:
The nation of Feminaria has taken great interest in these developments. It is, to say the least, an interesting approach, and one that we ourselves once considered after freeing ourselves from the shackles of male oppression. It is not the path we chose, having kept our remaining men (some 20-25% of the population at the moment), the nation will continue to watch with interest to see how this goes. As a gesture of good will, we will be offering some of our expertise in cloning (OOC: Excerpt from Feminarian page: "scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes") to aid your effort to increase your numbers. Best of luck to you, Sisters.
feminany i support your nation in that the law you passed is none of anyone elses business, however i must condemn feminaria for that message from its leader trying to extend the so called "science" of cloning on an international level, what you do in your own nation is your own business, but when you come into the international community and propose to expand cloning to other nations, then it becomes classified as an internationall affair and not an internal affair, and then it is my business if i choose to make it so.
i propose ALL nations in nationstates, whether they be in the un or not, propose the strictest possible sanctions on this so called nation of "feminaria" and cut off all diplomatic and back channel relations with this country.
08-09-2004, 07:29
As males are currently indispensible for reproduction, we find this law incomprehensible as well as reprehensible. Besides, how does one decide who is male? By his shlang? Heavens! What would Christine Jurgenson say? And what about females who may wish to "customize" their pubic areas with (ahem) a bauble? No! One must have the right to decide one's gender for oneself. Besides, it doesn't exactly TICKLE when one's (ahem) "member" is summarily (ahem) "bobbit-ized". As the song goes---"You can be bobbitized too".
08-09-2004, 08:52
The Official Imperial response (issued by our female Minister for External Affairs):
"We question the logic of the arguments that these deluded people have made, and the sanity of this so-called "Queen".
It is our opinion that it really isn't worth going to war over; sooner or later, the "Queen" will make a hamster her minister of defence, or some such thing.
We offer our sympathies to the people of Feminany; we have doctors for this sort of mental thing."
Message sent to the Feminany leadership:
"And God created man and woman. S/He created them equal and great, and both are blessed in His/Her eyes."
-Macisikani Book of the Faith, Genesis 1:15
(our apologies for the grammar problems; the Macisikani non-gender-specific pronoun doesn't translate well into English, and neither do the titles of the chapters)
"Recognition and acceptance of males, females, and genderqueers, is a key part of following the path that God has ordained [...] enlightenment is found in tolerance, but intolerance? That way leads to eternal damnation"
-Findings of the Diet of Serast (1999) "Inquiry into the Genders of Humanity"
We fear for the state of your immortal souls; they will burn unless you change your course
(note attached; Don't bother replying. We won't get it; the post office filters out junk mail)
>>Adding "Feminany" to black list......
>>Data Transfer complete.
>>Ceasing all trade with "Feminany".......
>>Estimated losses in Iuthian revenue: $00.00 (USD)
>>Electronic Transfers blocked, mailmerge sent to Iuthian business owners...
The Class A Cows
08-09-2004, 09:25
Seeing as only a small minority of your 100% female population (most of them autistics, although your reproductive technology might eliminate these people,) will now have male brain structures well oriented towards modular categorization and spatial perception, we offer to sell you services involving training and contract consulting of CACish freelance workers (who will have certain fiscal demands of their own, and could be arranged to be solely of female gender for additional fees involved in the search process for willing contractors,) for working at jobs in industries like engineering, construction, commercial research, and aerospace, all which find benefit in the segmented brain structure most often found in males.
We congragulate your people for freeing themselves from male oppresion and hope for a profitable trade relationship with you.
08-09-2004, 09:43
ooc: To make the whole thing easier, I assume that most of your clarifications are ic knowledge/ public knowledge
From: The Corporate Conglomerate (Monetistan)
To: Feminany
Subject: Male Gender Declared Illegal
"Whiel the decision of your people strikes us as... Odd, we have no doubt in the legality of your actions. However, unlike a significant amount of national leaders apparently fearing a possible 'cut off', we're not really interested in this part of the issue.
Instead, we wish to express our interest in economic ties between the Conglomerate (us) and your nation, since a significant part of the world seems to think that internal issues are enough to cut economic ties, or worse.
Hence, we're interested in expanding our economic ties to your nation, as a matter of fact, we have more than a dozen subconglomerates interested in closer contacts.
Of course, all employees in your nations would be females, to prevent insulting your honourable nation.
Seeing as you might need some outside support to (re)enter the international market, we are fairly certain that we would be a good choice.
After all, profit knows no gender.
~ Maria Tell, The Conglomerate
PS: Should male members of your society who aren't interested in turning into females be interested in working as liaisons in Monetistan, this is, of course, a wonderful option, and will surely mutually benefit both of us.
Maria smiled as she sent the message. Indeed, all those fools... She wondered briefly if all the leaders of the nations exploding over such a minor issue were that insecure in their sexuality that they had to wave their steel penii around. As protection, possibly.
Perhaps iron condoms to prevent...
She chuckled.
Yes, this is indeed a possibility.
Well, personnally, She didn't care. All she cared about was money.
And that, she was sure, would succeed. Despite certain insecurities a whole fuckton of national leaders seemed to suffer from.
Perhaps they thought about such an action for themselves... The girl in them... Another giggle. But since their societies would surely not tolerate this course of action, they try to deny their sexual insecurity... With guns. Oh, they are so simple, this men...
She shaked her head, in disbelief.
To think that we're the same species...
Indeed, it was hard to believe. Very hard.
So simple...
Tor Yvresse
08-09-2004, 09:57
On hearing the news that a country had made a Gender illegal the Council of Tor Yvresse fell over in laughter. Which was strange for the council as most emotions had been sacrificed. It also confirmed to the Council the low opionion they had of the Mon-Keigh.
'Our only word on the matter, when we discovered the concept you humans call Democracy we investigated it, not for adoption but out of a curious interest. We can now inform you that the Nation of Feminity seems to have forgotten one of it's more basic concepts, the protection of the minority. A Democracy is not Simple Mob rule, it is not a dictatorship of the Majourity over the Minority, but something far more complicated than that. On this day then Feminity has ceased to be a Democracy and is now a dictatorship of the Majourity. Congratulations.
In other details of course a Society so concerned with viewing one Gender inferior really is too immature to have any real dealings with. Really why are you Mon-Keigh So driven by this issue of Gender, as if the type of Genitals between your legs really effects your abilities to rule, or be ruled. I hope that your population is at the very least Homo-sexual, as you will find that the Sex-Drive is a vital part of the race concious, more than just a simple method of reproduction.'
The Ctan
08-09-2004, 10:14
"Farseers lecturing on sex-drive. That's a new one..."
-Insane mumblings of someone.
The United Fjnells
08-09-2004, 11:45
Hell, at least it's interesting and nobody's getting hurt. I'm going to enjoy staying out of this debacle. Best of luck to all involved. - P.M. of the United Fjnells
Kinda Sensible people
08-09-2004, 14:27
Hell, at least it's interesting and nobody's getting hurt.
From the president's desk:
My good sir I am afriad you are mistaken. War has been declared uppon Feminanny by a coalition of empires who through their actions have prooved themselves brutal, including firebombing Feminany. We fear that civilian losses are innevitable, and have sent a team of specialists to evacuate civilians to an undisclosed location.
Please refrain from stating no one has been hurt. It is only a matter of time before someone is. Furthermore, Is it not completely illogical to state that being forced to leave your home is not harm? Many men have been forced out of their home for not accepting a possible psychologically damaging surgery.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
08-09-2004, 14:39
On hearing the news that a country had made a Gender illegal the Council of Tor Yvresse fell over in laughter. Which was strange for the council as most emotions had been sacrificed. It also confirmed to the Council the low opionion they had of the Mon-Keigh.
'Our only word on the matter, when we discovered the concept you humans call Democracy we investigated it, not for adoption but out of a curious interest. We can now inform you that the Nation of Feminity seems to have forgotten one of it's more basic concepts, the protection of the minority. A Democracy is not Simple Mob rule, it is not a dictatorship of the Majourity over the Minority, but something far more complicated than that. On this day then Feminity has ceased to be a Democracy and is now a dictatorship of the Majourity. Congratulations.
In other details of course a Society so concerned with viewing one Gender inferior really is too immature to have any real dealings with. Really why are you Mon-Keigh So driven by this issue of Gender, as if the type of Genitals between your legs really effects your abilities to rule, or be ruled. I hope that your population is at the very least Homo-sexual, as you will find that the Sex-Drive is a vital part of the race concious, more than just a simple method of reproduction.'
If you consider yourself better then humans xenos, then why do you bother, go back to your craftworlds and try to relive the glory days of your race arrogant xenos.
Commander Vespasius Rift, 3e company Ultramarines.
Remember the EoT.
08-09-2004, 20:11
The Lightning Starian Free Holy Democratic Islamic Republic of Juntra has followed up on its threat to occupy the three largest cities of Femininany(excludeding the capital, of course. This threat was made on page 17 i think...). Already, the 400,000 soldiers are equally distributed amoung the cities, capturing them nearly unopposed, seeing how This feminazi nation, if it even HAS an army, is greatly outnumbered, outtrained, and out-equiped. The few remaining males have been sent to the City of Nor-Vallom in the region of the Soldiers of Freedom Province to set up a Male government in exile.
The soldiers will NOT, i repeat,will NOT go beyond the city limits of each fo teh cities. Only 7 Lightning Starians were killed, and a few Feminazis(im not posting the losses since im not a GODMODDER) were killed as well. All females are now under house arrest, recieving enough MREs to last the entire day, every day. They recieve different types of MRE's every day for different meals.
The cities are now under Lightning Starian Controll. Roadblocks have been set up all around the cities, preventing everyone(except for certain people) from leaving or entering. The property damage numbers a little over 700,000 USD(one of the paradroping tanks accidentaly fell on top of a farm.)
In other news, the Fourth Reichians(a rebel faction in my country) that were sent to participate in this "Great RApe" were all captured en-route and sentenced to 40 years in Prison.
OOC: This post is not a GODMOD. Im just the only country that has taken ACTION, and even this is benevolent. The people arent being massacred or having forced sex-changes or rape or anything, they are jsut under house arrest. They all receive the ability to communicate with the outside world, and they get all their necesesitties(sp?). All communications go through a Lightning STarian checking center, though.
BTW- i put the arrest of the great rape guys so that you guys wouldnt think im evil. BEcause im not.
This IS a godmod since you just walshed into a country without letting it defend itself, oh and don't forget the 250.000 DAF personal in the country....
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:16
This IS a godmod since you just walshed into a country without letting it defend itself, oh and don't forget the 250.000 DAF personal in the country....
OOC: They invaded before you promised to defend them. If you DID promise to defend them before my threat, then i agree. But my forces would still CRUSH yours.
BESIDES, how can a coutnry of around 7 million defend itself against a nation of 484 million?!?!?!?!?!?!
IC: The Grand Imam is giving the country of Dumpsterdam to leave our soldiers alone or face global war. We seek to only change the mind of Feminany, not to gain land.
08-09-2004, 20:17
After some more thinking, I have decided I will not go to war or occupy anything, since so many nations support Feminany, and so many doesn't, so if everyone goes to war with each other... I'm sure you can predict the results...
ok This time I will involve the TBA alliance
Firstly: What nation has the right to intervean in enternal afairse of another Nation? None
Secondly: The TBA will not sit back and let a nation be attacked for the way it's laws are.
Thirdly: War is an unjust Way to solve this Isue. We Sujest we hold a press conference and peace talks on Dailey soil. hence we are a peace keeping Alliance the Alliance Captital would Do nicely as a Place to Debate a peaceful solution.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:19
After some more thinking, I have decided I will not go to war or occupy anything, since so many nations support Feminany, and so many doesn't, so if everyone goes to war with each other... I'm sure you can predict the results...
The Grand Imam: You have made a grave mistake. By letting this Feminazi go unnopposed, you have given them the ability to go about in their evils practices as they will. We need action, and we have made the first step. Join us, my brothers and sisters, and clean the earth of this Plage that is Feminazism!
08-09-2004, 20:20
OOC: They invaded before you promised to defend them. If you DID promise to defend them before my threat, then i agree. But my forces would still CRUSH yours.
BESIDES, how can a coutnry of around 7 million defend itself against a nation of 484 million?!?!?!?!?!?!
IC: The Grand Imam is giving the country of Dumpsterdam to leave our soldiers alone or face global war. We seek to only change the mind of Feminany, not to gain land.
Fool, you result to war as if it is nothing. The people with brains and common sense are trying to talk this out while you insist on landing troops, go home "Grand Imam" and leave MY troops alone I will not leave the nation of Feminany and you shall find that our troops are quite a hashle with they're Emperor in the field and leading them.
Emperor Rift,
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:22
ok This time I will involve the TBA alliance
Firstly: What nation has the right to intervean in enternal afairse of another Nation? None
Secondly: The TBA will not sit back and let a nation be attacked for the way it's laws are.
Thirdly: War is an unjust Way to solve this Isue. We Sujest we hold a press conference and peace talks on Dailey soil. hence we are a peace keeping Alliance the Alliance Captital would Do nicely as a Place to Debate a peaceful solution.
OOC: THe great sixth reich is hodling the conference.
IC: This is not a matter of state, this is a matter of HuMANITY! By defying Males the right to live in that propsperous country, the DEmon spawn that is the "Queen" has infringed the right of all humans! This is a global culture, and the Queen must pay for the scarring of so many lives, and supporting one of the greatest evils on earth, FEMINAZISM!!!(Next is MAlenazisim and regular Nazism)
08-09-2004, 20:24
The Grand Imam: You have made a grave mistake. By letting this Feminazi go unnopposed, you have given them the ability to go about in their evils practices as they will. We need action, and we have made the first step. Join us, my brothers and sisters, and clean the earth of this Plage that is Feminazism!
I agree that the Feminany desicion is complety wrong, but with two major nations on one side, and two on the other side, we are facing an enormous conflict, possibly involving nuclear, chemical and biogical weapons! Millions of civillians can be slaugthered!
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:25
Fool, you result to war as if it is nothing. The people with brains and common sense are trying to talk this out while you insist on landing troops, go home "Grand Imam" and leave MY troops alone I will not leave the nation of Feminany and you shall find that our troops are quite a hashle with they're Emperor in the field and leading them.
Emperor Rift,
This "Queen" will never take away this law! No matter what we say, she will NOT! This infrigner of human rights must be DESTROYED!!! We will still not assault your troops, but ours outnumber you AND we are just as well trained and armed. Do not mess with us and we shant mess with you.
OOC: BTW, this is just the Grand Imam now. The other rulers, teh President and the Council of Elders oppose this invasion now. The Grand imam is now using his own army of Soldiers, but they are still acting humanely
So if your going to glass me, just glass HIS lands, not my entire country.
>>Adding "Feminany" to black list......
>>Data Transfer complete.
>>Ceasing all trade with "Feminany".......
>>Estimated losses in Iuthian revenue: $00.00 (USD)
>>Electronic Transfers blocked, mailmerge sent to Iuthian business owners...
OOC: how the hell did you do that?
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 20:26
OOC: THe great sixth reich is hodling the conference.
IC: This is not a matter of state, this is a matter of HuMANITY! By defying Males the right to live in that propsperous country, the DEmon spawn that is the "Queen" has infringed the right of all humans! This is a global culture, and the Queen must pay for the scarring of so many lives, and supporting one of the greatest evils on earth, FEMINAZISM!!!(Next is MAlenazisim and regular Nazism)
That's right.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 20:27
OOC: THe great sixth reich is hodling the conference.
IC: This is not a matter of state, this is a matter of HuMANITY! By defying Males the right to live in that propsperous country, the DEmon spawn that is the "Queen" has infringed the right of all humans! This is a global culture, and the Queen must pay for the scarring of so many lives, and supporting one of the greatest evils on earth, FEMINAZISM!!!(Next is MAlenazisim and regular Nazism)
That's right.
The Conference is at 4 PM EST (30 Minutes) TODAY IN A SEPARTATE TOPIC
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:30
That's right.
The Conference is at 4 PM EST (30 Minutes) TODAY IN A SEPARTATE TOPIC
OOC: Ok, but i might not eb able to attend until LATER. Besides, Feminany needs to be there too.
>>Adding "Feminany" to black list......
>>Data Transfer complete.
>>Ceasing all trade with "Feminany".......
>>Estimated losses in Iuthian revenue: $00.00 (USD)
>>Electronic Transfers blocked, mailmerge sent to Iuthian business owners...
OOC: how the hell did you do that?
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:33
OOC: how the hell did you do that?
OOC: You just need to put [ code] and [/code ]infront and behind the words, like so. .
Without the spaces inbetween the brackets, of course.
08-09-2004, 20:34
This "Queen" will never take away this law! No matter what we say, she will NOT! This infrigner of human rights must be DESTROYED!!! We will still not assault your troops, but ours outnumber you AND we are just as well trained and armed. Do not mess with us and we shant mess with you.
OOC: BTW, this is just the Grand Imam now. The other rulers, teh President and the Council of Elders oppose this invasion now. The Grand imam is now using his own army of Soldiers, but they are still acting humanely
So if your going to glass me, just glass HIS lands, not my entire country.
I do not care if she takes away this law away or not, if we can pursuade her to drop it then that suits me just fine. If she choses to keep the law then we will shrug and leave this nation at its own devices. However if you even dare to invade Feminany sovereign soil "Grand Imam" you will find that I am able to get alot more soldiers into this country. Right as we speak, another half a million men and women from the DAF are preparing for transit. Do not hold me for a fool, since you will pay dearly, VERY dearly.
Emperor Rift
OOC: THe great sixth reich is hodling the conference.
IC: This is not a matter of state, this is a matter of HuMANITY! By defying Males the right to live in that propsperous country, the DEmon spawn that is the "Queen" has infringed the right of all humans! This is a global culture, and the Queen must pay for the scarring of so many lives, and supporting one of the greatest evils on earth, FEMINAZISM!!!(Next is MAlenazisim and regular Nazism)
Show Us A better Reson to interfear it is the nation's Right to do as they wish in there own nation. Laws that harm or laws that protect are both internal afairse not to be interfeard with by the international comunity.
All nations that threten war on these Feminists will be considered Enemies of Peace and shail be declared enemies of the State.
As it says in Statement 9 of the TBA alliance act The soverien rights of all nations will be held and respected in all isues. Yes it may be a Human rights Problem but we as the internation Comunity have no right to Interfear in another nation's ways of life.
Show Us A better Reson to interfear it is the nation's Right to do as they wish in there own nation. Laws that harm or laws that protect are both internal afairse not to be interfeard with by the international comunity.
All nations that threten war on these Feminists will be considered Enemies of Peace and shail be declared enemies of the State.
As it says in Statement 9 of the TBA alliance act The soverien rights of all nations will be help and respected in all isues. Yes it may be a Human rights Problem but we as the internation Comunity have no right to Interfear in another nation's ways of life.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:39
I do not care if she takes away this law away or not, if we can pursuade her to drop it then that suits me just fine. If she choses to keep the law then we will shrug and leave this nation at its own devices. However if you even dare to invade Feminany sovereign soil "Grand Imam" you will find that I am able to get alot more soldiers into this country. Right as we speak, another half a million men and women from the DAF are preparing for transit. Do not hold me for a fool, since you will pay dearly, VERY dearly.
Emperor Rift
So you want to fight Fire with fire, eh? We already have the cities occupied. Already, hundreds of thousands of loyal freedom fighters have joined my Expedition of freedom. I can have over 1 million well trained and armed soldiers in the cities withing 2 hours(around 2 minutes RL time). I do nt wish to start a war with you, but if i must i WILL. You canot deny these people their FREEDOM! I have seen what an evil totalarian government can do(*cough* the PArthians to my Pakistani Citizens*cough*), and i WILL not see it happen again! The will of Gott goes with me! FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!
-His Holiness, the Grand Imam.
OOC: This is getting INTERESTING O_o.
AS you can tell, my people speak German. Thats why i put Gott and FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:43
Show Us A better Reson to interfear it is the nation's Right to do as they wish in there own nation. Laws that harm or laws that protect are both internal afairse not to be interfeard with by the international comunity.
All nations that threten war on these Feminists will be considered Enemies of Peace and shail be declared enemies of the State.
As it says in Statement 9 of the TBA alliance act The soverien rights of all nations will be held and respected in all isues. Yes it may be a Human rights Problem but we as the internation Comunity have no right to Interfear in another nation's ways of life.
It is ignorant fools like YOU(like the british and the french when they tried to appease hitler) that cause evil Empire to grow! We will continue our fight for freedom for as long as we can!FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!
-His Holiness,The Grand Imam
OOC: Remember, this guy is just one ruler in my country and his will does NOT represent my entire nation. So if you glass him, just glass HIM, not the rest of my country. My nation has JUST recovered from getting glassed by Generic Empire and a few others...
08-09-2004, 20:44
OoC: I just ignore it anyway, its a godmod, go learn how to RP.
08-09-2004, 20:47
Queen Dworking,
The Republic of Gaelenhome is prepared to offer your male refugees safe passage. Our immigration officials are already preparing short-term visas so that they may investigate our culture, economy, and politcal system before making a permanent move. We would humbly ask that you refrain from Raven Corps audacious public request to use them for experiments.
While we do not agree with your current policy (and honestly see little lasting hope of it), we do support your people's right to unimpeded sovereignty.
Jason Miller
Leader and Defender of the Republic of Gaelenhome
08-09-2004, 20:49
Queen Dworking,
The Republic of Gaelenhome is prepared to offer your male refugees safe passage. Our immigration officials are already preparing short-term visas so that they may investigate our culture, economy, and politcal system before making a permanent move. We would humbly ask that you refrain from Raven Corps audacious public request to use them for experiments.
While we do not agree with your current policy (and honestly see little lasting hope of it), we do support your people's right to unimpeded sovereignty.
Jason Miller
Leader and Defender of the Republic of Gaelenhome
OoC: If you would have read better, all 500.000 of them have been given a new live in Dumpsterdam.
"When your nation comes to in a few months and allows their feminine urges to take them, dont be surprised if your weak government is overthrown. We men know that women crave us, its only natural. When you come around, you can always come to Auman for satisfaction."
~Overlord Jarak Romendacil Rosiro, Commander-in-Chief of Auman.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 20:51
OoC: I just ignore it anyway, its a godmod, go learn how to RP.
OOC: ITS NOT A GODMOD! Im more expirienced than you, bub (i have more than 1,000 posts under my belt, 950 of them good ones. Those extra 50 are from my n00b days).
FINE!, ill just invade them NOW then.
Skies over enemy territory
In the darkness of night, a fleet of hundreds of thousands of transport planes flew over the nation of Feminany. For a while, they had gone un-detected, but eventually DA AA missiles began to shot them down. They were met by TLS Fighter jet retaliation, and a fierce battle raged. Already, 30,000 of the 500,000 man invasion force had been shot down. As part of the fleet approached the first city, men began to prepare to jump.
"Alright men, listen up!" said a captain on one of the Planes. "Tonight we will take, and hold, a Feminarian city. We are to be as humane as possible. We will likely suffer heavy casualties, but they are needed for the good of mankind. FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!!"
The battlecry was repeated by the men in response. "FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!" They shouted, and they jumped out of the plane.
As of this moment, 40% of the invasion force has jumped out of the planes to attack one of the cities. unfortunatly, 10,000 of the men are being shot down in the sky.
OOC: Happy!??!?! I made alot of men die, and im letting you defend Femi.
Jew Power Land
08-09-2004, 20:53
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 20:54
08-09-2004, 21:08
OOC: ITS NOT A GODMOD! Im more expirienced than you, bub (i have more than 1,000 posts under my belt, 950 of them good ones. Those extra 50 are from my n00b days).
FINE!, ill just invade them NOW then.
Skies over enemy territory
In the darkness of night, a fleet of hundreds of thousands of transport planes flew over the nation of Feminany. For a while, they had gone un-detected, but eventually DA AA missiles began to shot them down. They were met by TLS Fighter jet retaliation, and a fierce battle raged. Already, 30,000 of the 500,000 man invasion force had been shot down. As part of the fleet approached the first city, men began to prepare to jump.
"Alright men, listen up!" said a captain on one of the Planes. "Tonight we will take, and hold, a Feminarian city. We are to be as humane as possible. We will likely suffer heavy casualties, but they are needed for the good of mankind. FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!!"
The battlecry was repeated by the men in response. "FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE!" They shouted, and they jumped out of the plane.
As of this moment, 40% of the invasion force has jumped out of the planes to attack one of the cities. unfortunatly, 10,000 of the men are being shot down in the sky.
OOC: Happy!??!?! I made alot of men die, and im letting you defend Femi.
OoC: Oh yeah, this just makes my day and that you have more posts then me doesn't make you a better RP'er more likely a spammer or something like that.
IC: Rift watched the AA fire open up, lighting the nightsky as transport planes bursts into flames. He opened the comm channel to his airwings, "Rift to all units, the enemy is attacking a nearby city on grid hex 45.43. All units counterattack on the enemy and kill them all, evacuate as many civilians as you can." Several confirms later Rift walked down the steps of his temporary stay and entered a dropship inbound for the fighting area.
The pilot looked a bit shocked as his Emperor entered the landing bay and grabbed a rail overhead. "Take me to fighting." Rift told the pilot as he checked his powerarmour and got the latest casualty report: 900 dead and several tank groups put out of order, no aircraft had been lost yet as the JackRabbit interceptors just began to take off. He tossed the report to his aide as he waited out the 20 minute bumpy ride. "Hurry up pilot, every second counts!" Rift spurred the pilot on to go faster, "I'm going as fast as I can, but I have found a good dropsite just 30 seconds away so prepare to jump!" The pilot lowered the rear ramp as Rift threw himself out of the craft and landed a good 60 foot lower with his bodyguard repelling down. The next twenty minutes are filled with bloodshed as Rift cuts his way towards the nearest DAF OP.
OoC: Rift is infact a walking tank and more.
All around the nation units resisted the enemy forces, heated battle's broke out between enemy fighters and the Jackrabbit interceptors, a whole wing(32) had already been reported lost but the new reinforcements would make up for those and more.
The Honey-Glazed Ham
08-09-2004, 21:11
Males have done nothing wrong. They are, however, genetically inferior. This is a proven scientific fact. We are saving males from internal oppression and imperfection. Is this not an admirable goal?
You failed to consider that banning males, inferior or not, is technically impossible. Besides, child-bearing is a inferior activity. It hampers the organism from 'normal' activities.
Gender is based on chromosomal differences, and the fact that you even plan to use bacterially-produced sperm indicates a flaw in your original premise - that women (womyn?) are superior.
If the female gender was superior, then you would have no need for sperm, and your nation's populace would reproduce on its own. Asexual reproduction is the term, in case you failed middle-school biology.
Therefore, surgically altering male babies to appear as womyn is a useless, pointless economic drain, and in the long run accomplishes nothing since they are, at the cellular level, still men. This is the argument many homosexuals use: appearing one way but being made another. But I digress - that opens up a social aspect to your plan you obviously did not consider.
A much more noble persuit for FemiNinny would be research into viable cloning techniques.
But, you didn't mention that, so Emperor Poobah III declares your nation one of incredible dim-wittedness and Pointy-Haired Bossness.
We pity you.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 21:15
OoC: Oh yeah, this just makes my day and that you have more posts then me doesn't make you a better RP'er more likely a spammer or something like that.
IC: Rift watched the AA fire open up, lighting the nightsky as transport planes bursts into flames. He opened the comm channel to his airwings, "Rift to all units, the enemy is attacking a nearby city on grid hex 45.43. All units counterattack on the enemy and kill them all, evacuate as many civilians as you can." Several confirms later Rift walked down the steps of his temporary stay and entered a dropship inbound for the fighting area.
The pilot looked a bit shocked as his Emperor entered the landing bay and grabbed a rail overhead. "Take me to fighting." Rift told the pilot as he checked his powerarmour and got the latest casualty report: 900 dead and several tank groups put out of order, no aircraft had been lost yet as the JackRabbit interceptors just began to take off. He tossed the report to his aide as he waited out the 20 minute bumpy ride. "Hurry up pilot, every second counts!" Rift spurred the pilot on to go faster, "I'm going as fast as I can, but I have found a good dropsite just 30 seconds away so prepare to jump!" The pilot lowered the rear ramp as Rift threw himself out of the craft and landed a good 60 foot lower with his bodyguard repelling down. The next twenty minutes are filled with bloodshed as Rift cuts his way towards the nearest DAF OP.
OoC: Rift is infact a walking tank and more.
All around the nation units resisted the enemy forces, heated battle's broke out between enemy fighters and the Jackrabbit interceptors, a whole wing(32) had already been reported lost but the new reinforcements would make up for those and more.
OOC: Im not a spammer. But lets not talk about our RPing pasts, as i am sure that we are both very respectable. We ALL make sucky posts once in a while. YOu are not excluded. Now lets get back to the fighting!
Over 80,000 Lightning Starians had died, but they had managed to capture one of the cities. They have held up their part and they have damaged the civilian population as little as possible. The few males that were in teh city soon picked up arms and began to help the remaining 17,000 Lightning Starian soldiers in the city defend against a DA counter attack. Already, over 200,000 mroe re-inforcements are en-route, which includes the Luftflotte, or the Air Fleet, which has 5 Behemoth CLass Airships. The Airships have crews of 3,000 and have enough munitions to destroy a small city. They also have 150 fighter drones on board.
OOC: If you take away the rift jumpy thingies ill take away the airships. But if you keep them, my airships stay.
08-09-2004, 21:23
OoC: Why would I? He leads from the front and my dropships are rare and VERY expensive things so I don't have many.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 21:25
OoC: Why would I? He leads from the front and my dropships are rare and VERY expensive things so I don't have many.
OOC: Ok, my airships stay :). Now this is going to be REALLY interesting.
08-09-2004, 21:31
Tallarn Naval Station
Ulas looked over the numbers "Give the go-ahead for operation DELAS FARM to commence." Ulas sighed, he was sending over three million troops from the DAF and Mexica Union foreign legion to Feminany, ETA would be a few days for the first troops and 2 weeks for the last reserves.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 21:33
Tallarn Naval Station
Ulas looked over the numbers "Give the go-ahead for operation DELAS FARM to commence." Ulas sighed, he was sending over three million troops from the DAF and Mexica Union foreign legion to Feminany, ETA would be a few days for the first troops and 2 weeks for the last reserves.
OOC: I think we should declare a cease-fire until the Conference on the issue has finished.
08-09-2004, 21:43
OOC: I think we should declare a cease-fire until the Conference on the issue has finished.
OoC: Suits me fine, neither side will move an inche or fire will be opened, agreed?
Russo-Germanic America
08-09-2004, 21:47
no more stock. your smart for thinking about that.
so what that your company has no more stock, there is another way to attack a company since you wanted to know how to do it.
simply "persuade" your corporations financial backers to pull out, and then for you and the other backers that dont pull out, "persuade" the world bank to use its influence to get all banks around the world to freeze your assests.
oh and get the un and world bank to freeze the companies assests as well.
if that were to be done by someone, a company could be brought to its knees very quickly
I have been thinking hard on the fact that I am actually supporting Feminany's law, and have come to the semi-conclusion that it is not because I am female (although that may be a part of it), but because the female gender has been oppressed in the past and is in the present, and is subconciously "weak" and "vulnerable" for most of the human population. Including me. Also, I am unusually attached to the idea of a women-only nation.
Dear God, I think I'm sexist! (against men)
ANYway, considering the situation at hand with nothing but my conscience and morality, I would have to say that although the end result of Feminany's idea is novel, she is going about it entirely the wrong way. No matter what the reasoning, castration and exile are cruel and semi-violent and should not be allowed. War is wrong too, along with the *shudder* "Great Rape". I know it was only a joke at first, but the idea is still despicable and repulsive. I'm not saying we should all be docile & play with happy bunnies in the Magic Fields of Joy or something, but I don't condone violence.
Where is Feminany anyway?
:D I remember when this thread was 2 pages long! :D
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 23:08
OoC: Suits me fine, neither side will move an inche or fire will be opened, agreed?
OOC: Agreed.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 23:14
I have been thinking hard on the fact that I am actually supporting Feminany's law, and have come to the semi-conclusion that it is not because I am female (although that may be a part of it), but because the female gender has been oppressed in the past and is in the present, and is subconciously "weak" and "vulnerable" for most of the human population. Including me. Also, I am unusually attached to the idea of a women-only nation.
Dear God, I think I'm sexist! (against men)
ANYway, considering the situation at hand with nothing but my conscience and morality, I would have to say that although the end result of Feminany's idea is novel, she is going about it entirely the wrong way. No matter what the reasoning, castration and exile are cruel and semi-violent and should not be allowed. War is wrong too, along with the *shudder* "Great Rape". I know it was only a joke at first, but the idea is still despicable and repulsive. I'm not saying we should all be docile & play with happy bunnies in the Magic Fields of Joy or something, but I don't condone violence.
Where is Feminany anyway?
OOC: if we are going to delve into the past, then everyone should be killed! Why? Because EVERY RACE(or gender. and yes, men are discriminated against in some parts of the world) IS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST AND DISCRIMINATES agains others(now or sometime in the past).
Im a man, and i treat everyone as equals. We are not mean, genderists like you feminists think. The whole "FEmale RIghts" thing was settled in the 1930s! So please, dont use the past as a tool.
Besides, i am DEEPLY taken aback. Serously. As a person who has preached equality for all my life, i have been hurt DEEPLY. No, seriously. I have. I think im becoming depressed.... When you thinka bout it, Sexists are jsut as bad as Nazis or Racists. So dont discriminate. Please. My ENTIRE LIFE has been in Multi-ethnic and gender areas. So please. I am already deeply hurt.
OOC: Lightning Star, while I agree, you wouldn't put that sort of thing as an OOC post. This is because Feminany may actually agree with this decision as a person, but most likely, it's really just a role-play item. Take in-character action unless something about the role-playing itself needs work, not just what opinion it is based on.
08-09-2004, 23:50
So all male babies are...snipped?
*goes into fetal position and whimpers*
I'm no feminist. I HAVE no definition, but whatever I am, it's certainly not a feminazi.
And I was kinda joking on the sexist thing.
09-09-2004, 00:09
From: Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer
You are violating Article IV of The Universal Bill of Rights of 2003, which states, "Article 4 -- All human beings have the right to be treated equally under the law of any member nation." You cannot join the United Nations unless you change your extremly sexist and discriminating law. We shall make sure that you will never be allowed into the UN until you put an end to this law.
Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
Dicator Otto von Hienkel Rommel, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
tee hee hee... see, it's IRONIC!
Borman Empire
09-09-2004, 00:17
I remember when i was the 15th post
09-09-2004, 00:39
The Great Emporer Huitzilhuitl II condemns this action in a video transmission:
"This is truly a dispicable crime, you are barely a step above Hitler. Tests have shown that there is no intelligence gap between male and female. The refugees may come here if they wish.
Trust me this will not go unnattended to."
09-09-2004, 00:42
Considering that the population in NationStates is mostly male, wouldn't this topic be considered flame bait.
Declaring your region "All Girls" is one thing, but declaring males illegal is ridiculous. I like males, myself, as I had married one, or two... :)
09-09-2004, 00:43
The Spokescouncil of Bandanna wishes to share the amusement and bewilderment of the rulers of Feminany at the disproportionately vociferous response to the recent declaration. The Spokescouncil recalls a declaration of the wholesale extermination of jews in a country which, at the moment, slips the council's mind. Nobody said anything about that action being a crime against human nature. Feminany has not, to the Spokescouncil's knowledge, declared intention to exterminate ANYBODY.
It is the concensed-upon position of the federated cooperatives of Bandanna that the aforementioned vociferocity stems from the dominance in the international community of a large collection of boys who are far more uncomfortable at the idea of losing their balls than they are at the idea of an entire people being systematically murdered. The spokescouncil wishes to register its concern at this international sentiment.
However, Bandanna also wishes to point out an error on the part of Feminany and other interested parties, i.e. the kneejerk equation of gender with genitalia. If Feminany had just placed a ban on penises, we'd still think you were loonies, but at least feel you understood what you were up to. The people of Bandanna are extremely curious whether strap-ons are still allowed.
Bandanna is home to a diversity of different genders, as well as a large portion of the population identifying with no gender at all. babies are not operated upon unless it is deemed necessary for the child's survival. this includes a prohibition on obstetric sex changes, and a very explicit ban on the genital mutilation of intersexed, or "hermaphroditic" children to conform to a set of outdated sex norms.
Bandanna encourages Feminany and all nations to follow this example, to recognize both equality between genders and the socially constructed nature of gender as a category. The Spokescouncil also wishes to thank the leadership of Feminany for demonstrating equity between the genders, by proving you don't have to be male-identified to be a dickhead.
Furthermore, the Bandanna Genderqueer and Trans Alliance has issued the following declaration (the views contained in the below are not neccesarily quite those of Bandannians unaffiliated with the BGTA, though the BGTA is recognized as a bunch of hotties.):
"To whom it may concern, especially those psychos in Feminany,
we protest the actions taken by your government in the strongest possible terms, terms like 'what the hell are you thinkin?' BGTA boasts as members plenty of lovely women with genitalia that would be targeted by the actions of your country, and plenty of men who've never had those particular parts. Our substantial Genderqueer/Genderfuck membership finds it fuckin' hysterical that you're so hung up on what's in your citizen's pants. BGTA issues this formal invitation, for the leaders of Feminany to come get hung up on what's in our pants whenever they like. Many of our members find your particular brand of matriarchal psychosis extremely hot and kinky."
The Lightning Star
09-09-2004, 00:59
OOC: theres a conference going on here: Id just skip the posts and post what you think because we're already on page 20 and gaining FAST.
The States of Vuhifell
09-09-2004, 01:13
When the Republic of The States of Vuhifell seperated from New Vuhifell we brought over our ideals of civil and political freedoms with us. As well as our military technologies. When we do have enough citizes we shall surely make sure that at least 50% of your required matyerials to these laberatories does not make it there. In order to repeal this twisted un-natural law.
09-09-2004, 01:13
Dear Lord Eldric,
Please do not estimate the power of modern science. Our laboratories are sufficiently enhanced to ‘program’ bacteria to produce sperm, in a similar manner to other medical problems. This procedure is undoubtedly costly, but worthy.
Yours Equally,
Eve Dworking.
ooc: personally, I think that "artificial sperm" shit is all a load of crap. And still, don't women want men? Won't there be a bunch of sex craving women looking for men to be f---ked by?
well, then again, if all the men in your country are as undesireable to ladies as I am, I guess perhaps they don't care *wallows in self pity about how no girls like him*
but still, how can you convince an overwhelming majority of the males in your country to make such a switch?
ic: The Federal Republic believes that this is sexocide. A whole gender should not be eliminated simply because of their undesirability to a nation's leaders. We believe that this is a deplorable act against the rights of human beings.
However, if there are any excess males in your country, we are looking for a few hundred thousand to go on a machine-gun nest charge so that Bonstocknian men can live, go home, and therefore not turn the majority of people in our country against us.
The Lightning Star
09-09-2004, 01:15
The Armed forces of the lightning Star are gearing up for war. While they have not begun to advanced, they are preparing for if Feminany rejects the proposal which has been made by the Conference of Nations concerning Feminany.
09-09-2004, 01:37
An all female populations novelty would wear thin after a few months(as an all male one would too) even with your most venomous femnazis, who would become incredibly bored and hopefully neck themselves, with no men around to hate.
Your normal women after two months would soon emigrate in droves to countrys with horny red blooded men, as the endless bitching, magazine reading, six hour phone calls, diets and an over whelmingly unbalanced estrogenic atmosphere drives them nuts.
Restless nights of red blooded roaring muscle bound males emiting testosterone from their every pore while swinging off vines is the clincher to leave this safe yet incredibly dull all female nation.
09-09-2004, 07:34
The spokescouncil of bandanna hereby notifies the nation of Terminalia that an autonomous group of bandannans has planted aerosolized estrogen bombs throughout your country with plans to detonate them at comically and theatrically opportune times. this announcement is also to serve as notice that the people of bandanna have read your immensely heteronormative, chauvenistic declaration, and subsequenty the dykes, butches, femmes, and genderqueers of bandanna have seduced the entirety of your female-identified population, ensuring they will never again crave anything so unhealthy as a horny red-blooded man.
the same goes for the nation of bonstock. official declaration of the Bandanna Queer Seduction Coalition to follow:
"nah, they won't be lookin for men to be fucked by any time soon. we're hotter than you limp dicks any day. how many of you would know how to get a girl off using just a feather and 5 fingers?
that's what we thought. queers win!
also, we have supplied all seduced women-identified folk with enormous and imposing strapons, so if they decide to fuck men again, their options in doing so may be greatly expanded."
09-09-2004, 09:01
The spokescouncil of bandanna hereby notifies the nation of Terminalia that an autonomous group of bandannans has planted aerosolized estrogen bombs throughout your country with plans to detonate them at comically and theatrically opportune times. this announcement is also to serve as notice that the people of bandanna have read your immensely heteronormative, chauvenistic declaration, and subsequenty the dykes, butches, femmes, and genderqueers of bandanna have seduced the entirety of your female-identified population, ensuring they will never again crave anything so unhealthy as a horny red-blooded man.
the same goes for the nation of bonstock. official declaration of the Bandanna Queer Seduction Coalition to follow:
"nah, they won't be lookin for men to be fucked by any time soon. we're hotter than you limp dicks any day. how many of you would know how to get a girl off using just a feather and 5 fingers?
that's what we thought. queers win!
also, we have supplied all seduced women-identified folk with enormous and imposing strapons, so if they decide to fuck men again, their options in doing so may be greatly expanded."
Who let the perves out! :rolleyes:
Neverless the nation of Terminalia has successfully rounded up all your dykes and male hating weirdos and tied them up with barbed wire and gagged them with skiddy undies and smelly football socks.
We intend on taking all these dildo armed invaders to an Island in the middle of the sea of Terminalia tomorrow, there is no escape from this island which has apon it as its sole and only occupant,the huge and frightfully well endowed penis lizard.
On discovery of this Island in the year 672 T, these creatures was spotted running excitedly along cliffs on what was thought to be three legs, as the boats drew nearer what the third leg was became obvious and in the ensuring attack the lizards were driven off with some casulties.
Since then the Island has been avoided until recent times when instead of using the Island as a nuclear testing site in the 1950's it was decided to send the worst offenders there instead, and give them to the Lizards as punishment.
To be sentenced to the Lizards meant a fate worse than death, and many a prisoner was found hanging in his cell the next morning.
The Penis Lizard or Humungous Penius Randius Saur is a brilliant red colour, weighs in at 1500 kgs and stands proud on average 400 cm.
It kills its prey by having neverending and unmerciless intercourse with it for weeks on end, then wears its remains as a trophy on its head for a period of exactly sixteen hours before throwing it carelessly into the sea, it has not as yet, been determined why it follows this bewildering and strange behaviour.
Sadly for any one put on to this Island there is no escape, for unfortunately there are millions of these lizards everywhere, and they can swim like demons as well, hence the very strong forcefield surrounding the Island 50 metres out.
Cameras are presently being set up at various locations on the Island by robots to film a documentry of this occasion to be called 'And you thought your strapons were big,' and it will be viewed on T-TV on a pay basis after 9pm only at the end of the month.
Majestic States
09-09-2004, 10:15
You Feminazis are all fruity! Like all Nazis you are fools, you hear me! FOOLS!
I shall have to contact some nearby nations and see if they can raise up an elite commando group to oppose you. Or at least make a movie out of it...
Like other nazi's your perculiar way of doing things will be your downfall and you shall die out. (The only exception to this rule is the evil commu-nazis, who keep coming back for more. They're like ANTS!!)
The Lightning Star
09-09-2004, 12:54
Offical Statement by The Chancellory
In the event that the nation of Feminany rejects the proposal made by the Conference Concerning Feminany, my 1 million strong invasion force , which has already captured key posistion(i invaded a day ago but there was a Cease-fire for the conference), will storm out of the cities and ports and quickly overthrow the queen and her government. We will then install a half male and half female council of 10 people until a new leader can be chosen.
09-09-2004, 13:29
Offical Statement by The Chancellory
In the event that the nation of Feminany rejects the proposal made by the Conference Concerning Feminany, my 1 million strong invasion force , which has already captured key posistion(i invaded a day ago but there was a Cease-fire for the conference), will storm out of the cities and ports and quickly overthrow the queen and her government. We will then install a half male and half female council of 10 people until a new leader can be chosen.
OOC: No they wont. They are not yet in country. You have not allowed her to make a single defensive post. As such, she should, and hopefully will, ignore this so called "RP".
09-09-2004, 13:33
Feminany, I hope you realise that a nation (in different thread) has declared war on you! They have ordered their soliders to rape captured soliders and civilians. If this happens Moleland will aid you in the defence of your nation (all though my army is made up of males, I don't agree with the law you have passed. however, raping civilians is far worst). Would you accept our help?
09-09-2004, 15:03
Thank you everybody who has supported me. However, I am going to try and this thread locked. I hope you understand, it's just getting ridiculous.
09-09-2004, 15:13
It is a bit, but remeber that 50% of users of NS are male and that by outlawing there gender may cause some problems... I mean i'm male, but hey, it's up to you what you do in your nation. I don't approve and would have said so and left like that. I would not have declared war on you for it!
09-09-2004, 15:22
The EOL finds feminism to be the ultimate modern joke. The Emperor looked at the communication and laughed. Perhaps they are all inhaling too much perfume. Then he noted an official statement, "Any males from this barbaric, backwards country that seek asylum may do so in the EOL pending their willingness to abide by our laws and customs. Remember gentlemen, their control will eventually die when they turn on each other. We all know how women are men, catty, two-faced, evil. Best of luck to all males inside this truly insane country."
The Most Glorious Hack
09-09-2004, 15:28