Male gender declared illegal
07-09-2004, 20:58
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:04
we here at Raven corps are looking for some test subjects to use. the refugees would do fine.
07-09-2004, 21:07
Official statement from Emperor Rift:
I spit at people like you, its every man's and women's right to choose his or her own ways. You are enforcing people to do as you like and we will not stand for it, any refugees are welcome in our country where NOBODY is forced to be anything they do not wish to be.
Consider this a personal insult "ellected queen" Eve Dworking and may your country be invaded by a thousand crusades.
Emperor Rift,
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 21:08
That must be the most utterly foolish a vast history of innumerable foolish decisions. Blight upon humanity would you label them? Unfortunately for you, Nature dost decree otherwise. Truly do I feel sorry for your non-existent next generation.
--Lord Eldric
West Scotland
OOC: Nevertheless quite interesting and...uh...original ;)
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:09
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 21:16
Harsh? Come off it, the law itself is unbelievably harsh. What would you expect an IC response to be? OOCly, ... well... O_o
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:16
yes and i still want the refugees
07-09-2004, 21:17
yes and i still want the refugees
So do I....:)
Fallacious Statements
07-09-2004, 21:19
East Coast Federation
07-09-2004, 21:19
From President Of ECF: Just because your an ugly pile of crap doesnt mean you have to banish men :D We will happyliy take them. I just cant' wait and see what happens when yuor populatoin dies off :D Consider this insult Personal,
Go **** yourself
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:19
but i called them first
A rather unusual idea. I suppose one might find interest in such a thing, but I must ask... Where are your children going to come from?
07-09-2004, 21:21
but i called them first
Meh, atleast they'll be taken care of with me, your just going to shoot them. Just buy a few hobo's and do the same tests sicko.
07-09-2004, 21:21
Dear Emperor Rift,
We understand your concern. However, the affairs of Feminany are the affairs of Feminany and not those of the international community. This is a democratic country, and this law has been passed democratically, by the majority of the population. Surely you can understand that? However, we thank you for your interest in housing the refugees. There are approximately 500,000 males refusing the great change. I hope your infrastructure can handle the strain.
Yours equally,
Eve Dworking.
Grand Master Spud
07-09-2004, 21:22
That must be the most utterly foolish a vast history of innumerable foolish decisions. Blight upon humanity would you label them? Unfortunately for you, Nature dost decree otherwise. Truly do I feel sorry for your non-existent next generation.
--Lord Eldric
West Scotland
I agree completely, good luck when there is no population because you have no ability to reproduce.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:23
the test are for a cure to the Nemesis-9 virus we have in stock we need a cure for it if it gets out of hand
Borman Empire
07-09-2004, 21:23
ill take any males u dont accept
07-09-2004, 21:24
Dear Lord Eldric,
Please do not estimate the power of modern science. Our laboratories are sufficiently enhanced to ‘program’ bacteria to produce sperm, in a similar manner to other medical problems. This procedure is undoubtedly costly, but worthy.
Yours Equally,
Eve Dworking.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:26
ill take any males u dont accept
ok but i dont think very many will be left though
Attention Feminany-
I, Secretary of Miratha, happen to find your decision one of the worst possible; for one, you'll have no offspring and die out. Mayor Kabapus, however, does not particularly care. Even so, he offers a suggestion, which I do not second. Instead of giving them sex changes or force them to leave, send them to us. We'll handle them in an unusually violent and sadistic way.
Thank you.
-The Secretary
07-09-2004, 21:27
Dear the Director of Raven Corps,
It is of my opinion that although the male gender is hopelessly inferior that does not grant me the right to hand them over for 'experiments'. We are, after all, a humane people.
Yours Equally,
Eve Dworkings.
07-09-2004, 21:27
Dear Emperor Rift,
We understand your concern. However, the affairs of Feminany are the affairs of Feminany and not those of the international community. This is a democratic country, and this law has been passed democratically, by the majority of the population. Surely you can understand that? However, we thank you for your interest in housing the refugees. There are approximately 500,000 males refusing the great change. I hope your infrastructure can handle the strain.
Yours equally,
Eve Dworking.
They will be taken care of, ALL OF THEM, we have a schedule ready to get all 500.000 out before next month. Housing and such will be ready within 4 months and untill then they will be either housed in centra or other families. They will get the live you took away from them.
Oh and don't call me your equal, you are below me bitch.
OoC: That ofcourse was IC, Rift doesn't like people who think they're better then others and does not think himself better or worse then a normal citizen(ofcourse, exceptions make the rule).
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:28
like that any better then what i am going to do .
07-09-2004, 21:28
Sarzonia categorially condemns the actions undertaken by Feminany. We also wish to correct your foolish notion that violating the rights of any of your citizens is merely an "internal matter." Any time you threaten the very freedoms of any part of your population, it becomes a problem for humanity.
Nicole Lewis
Senior Vice President for Internal Affairs
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
I will pay your country 100$ for each refugee to be our lab rats so to speak.
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 21:29
Dear Lord Eldric,
Please do not estimate the power of modern science. Our laboratories are sufficiently enhanced to ‘program’ bacteria to produce sperm, in a similar manner to other medical problems. This procedure is undoubtedly costly, but worthy.
Yours Equally,
Eve Dworking.
Worthy? So you would drive your economy to shambles for the sake of exiling men? I must question your logic. However, your affairs are not mine.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:29
but lets look at it this way. if my virus some how got lose in your country. with out the cure you would die, or come very close. we need these men for the tests.
07-09-2004, 21:29
Dear Emporer Rift,
We thank you for your co-operation. However I dislike your language. Name calling is a bit childish no?
Yours forever Equal,
Eve Dworkings.
Black adder
07-09-2004, 21:30
Incredible. This was arrived at democratically? Do males have any input into the voting process at all? Are they allowed to vote? What was the margin of acceptance? What is the population make up in your nation between Females and now banned males?
If it resembles anything I've heard about that real life out there I'd say give them to Raven Corps, their lack of any real survival instinct places them in the deserving category for anything he may dish out.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:30
I will pay your country 100$ for each refugee to be our lab rats so to speak.
07-09-2004, 21:32
Dear Eve Dworkings,
Your plan to make sperm with bacteria is intruiging. But may I ask, why are men illegal in your country? It just doesnt make sense to make something illegal if it/they didnt do anything wrong.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:32
Incredible. This was arrived at democratically? Do males have any input into the voting process at all? Are they allowed to vote? What was the margin of acceptance? What is the population make up in your nation between Females and now banned males?
If it resembles anything I've heard about that real life out there I'd say give them to Raven Corps, their lack of any real survival instinct places them in the deserving category for anything he may dish out.
this guys smart
Sarzonia categorially condemns the actions undertaken by Feminany. We also wish to correct your foolish notion that violating the rights of any of your citizens is merely an "internal matter." Any time you threaten the very freedoms of any part of your population, it becomes a problem for humanity.
Nicole Lewis
Senior Vice President for Internal Affairs
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Sarzonia don't you think it's thier choice if they don't want to exist in the next generation?
07-09-2004, 21:33
The Republic of Transpontia is happy to accept refugees. We will take them all.
-- Department of the Exterior.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:33
make them useful. give them to me.
07-09-2004, 21:34
Dear Emporer Rift,
We thank you for your co-operation. However I dislike your language. Name calling is a bit childish no?
Yours forever Equal,
Eve Dworkings.
I result to insulting people whenever I feel like it, its a great way to vent anger and frustration without bashing someone's skull in. Unless you want me to do the latter on you?
07-09-2004, 21:34
Worthy? So you would drive your economy to shambles for the sake of exiling men? I must question your logic. However, your affairs are not mine.
You will find that although the procedure is indeed expensive, we cover the problem with the surplus gained from a lack of social problems prevalent in male dominated systems.
Also, there will be no bidding for the refugees. There destination has been decided.
Incredible. This was arrived at democratically? Do males have any input into the voting process at all? Are they allowed to vote? What was the margin of acceptance? What is the population make up in your nation between Females and now banned males?
If it resembles anything I've heard about that real life out there I'd say give them to Raven Corps, their lack of any real survival instinct places them in the deserving category for anything he may dish out.
Females make up 80% of the Feminany population. This is due to a genetic blessing prevalant in our nation. Males do indeed have the vote. They will continue to have the vote for around six months when they will cease to exist.
07-09-2004, 21:35
Hahaha. A female-only nation might have some serious problems with population decrease.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:35
ok time to let me have them
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:37
Feminany i can have 300 dropships outside your front lawn in 10 mins. just let me have them.
07-09-2004, 21:37
Dear Eve Dworkings,
Your plan to make sperm with bacteria is intuiging. But may I ask, why are men illegal in your country? It just doesnt make sense to make something illegal if it/they didnt do anything wrong.
Males have done nothing wrong. They are, however, genetically inferior. This is a proven scientific fact. We are saving males from internal oppression and imperfection. Is this not an admirable goal?
OOC: I wouldn't live in your country. NO one will cut my balls off
07-09-2004, 21:38
Dear Raven Corp, and the rest of the countries that wanted Feminany's males and wanted to test on them,
If Eve Dworkings were to give you those males, do you think it would be fair to make them lab rats? They were just exiled from their home, give them a break.
The Catbert clones
07-09-2004, 21:39
[evil cat sounds in background] pans in a non-descript office, where a red cat sits behind a polished mahogany the background, a human "office drone" is suspended on a rack for questioning by two burly black cats.
"The Dictatorship of the Catbert Clones condems this dispicable action and asks how will the nation of Feminany will ever get their male "office Drones" to preform various tasks!"
[Dictator Catbert leaps upon his desk]
I call upon all nations, to issue a nation wide boycott against this abonimation!!
WHO AMOUNG YOU IS WITH ME!!!! [shakes clawed fist in the air]
Black adder
07-09-2004, 21:39
Interesting. We've gone from an assumed scenario of a somewhat balanced population to one where it is dramatically skewed. Further we can draw some uncomfortable analogies with Eugenics and Genocidal schools of thought. Is there any Bill of Rights or Charter of Freedoms for your citizenry protecting them? Its all rather a bare construct at the moment.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 21:39
From: Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer
You are violating Article IV of The Universal Bill of Rights of 2003, which states, "Article 4 -- All human beings have the right to be treated equally under the law of any member nation." You cannot join the United Nations unless you change your extremly sexist and discriminating law. We shall make sure that you will never be allowed into the UN until you put an end to this law.
Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
Dicator Otto von Hienkel Rommel, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 21:39
We hope that the leaders of Feminany will look at the consequences of this decision and over rule this new law.
07-09-2004, 21:39
I result to insulting people whenever I feel like it, its a great way to vent anger and frustration without bashing someone's skull in. Unless you want me to do the latter on you?
How very petty. Your threats do not bother us. Is it enough to go to war over a countrys internal affairs?
Eva Dworking
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:40
i am taking her side. they are inferior. so . how about we make them useful. i need them for the virus cure tests
East Coast Federation
07-09-2004, 21:40
Well let me put it this way.
Give mem 10 (actual) Reasons why Females are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. * Thinks * Oh yeah theres not! In the ECF we have somthing called " equal rights for every citizen" That means Everyone gets the same schooling. Pay the same taxes and all have an equal chance at life. They also get the same punishments regardless of there sex. So think about that.
And you can't produce enough sperm to start a new generation willout killing your economy. Maybe I'll invade your soon to be crippled nation.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 21:42
How very petty. Your threats do not bother us. Is it enough to go to war over a countrys internal affairs?
Eva Dworking
Yes. When it violates Human Rights.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:43
oh get over it. at least with me they become useful
07-09-2004, 21:43
*Waits 60 years*
*Watches Femimany's economy collapse as the entire population is over the retirement age*
*Waits 30 years*
*Watches the last Femimanyian die without children*
Great plan.
07-09-2004, 21:43
ooc: I seem to have touched a nerve.......
ic: From: Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer
You are violating Article IV of The Universal Bill of Rights of 2003, which states, "Article 4 -- All human beings have the right to be treated equally under the law of any member nation." You cannot join the United Nations unless you change your extremly sexist and discriminating law. We shall make sure that you will never be allowed into the UN until you put an end to this law.
Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
Dicator Otto von Hienkel Rommel, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany
As far as we are concerned we have no wish to join the UN. Good day.
Um.... Wow. This is.... Wow. Ms. Nekono-sama, leader of the Queendom of Talent, is officially dumbstruck.
Queen Eve, I agree that the male gender is mostly stupid and evil. (Sorry, boys.) But what about the exceptions to the rule? Surely you agree that there are men out there who deserve to be honorary females? And even the stupid/evil ones are comic relief. Think about it, from a woman to a woman.
Remember, there cannot be good without bad. Yin and Yang.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:45
ok debate done .give them to me.
07-09-2004, 21:45
I think the fact that having no males will result in a 0% birth rate may be a bit of a problem for feminany. Maybe the nation's leader was never taught about the birds and the bees.
07-09-2004, 21:46
*Waits 60 years*
*Watches Femimany's economy collapse as the entire population is over the retirement age*
*Waits 30 years*
*Watches the last Femimanyian die without children*
Great plan.
Please realise that we have devoloped technology that means that males are no longer needed for reproduction.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:47
true , but i dont care about there future , all i care about is my men.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:47
Please realise that we have devoloped technology that means that males are no longer needed for reproduction.
wheres the fun in that
07-09-2004, 21:48
From: Adolf Gorreing, Chief Forgein Affairs Officer
[OOC: GSR: Check TGs or the Portland Iron Works thread.]
Black adder
07-09-2004, 21:48
I think the fact that having no males will result in a 0% birth rate may be a bit of a problem for feminany. Maybe the nation's leader was never taught about the birds and the bees.
OOC:Not if her Medical science has progressed to the point where the necessary DNA required to fertilize the Ovum could be introduced as she says with an altered Bacteria. Brilliant idea. Like how you've made the boys get all flustered here, hehehe......Men biologically redundant and useless.
07-09-2004, 21:49
Um.... Wow. This is.... Wow. Ms. Nekono-sama, leader of the Queendom of Talent, is officially dumbstruck.
Queen Eve, I agree that the male gender is mostly stupid and evil. (Sorry, boys.) But what about the exceptions to the rule? Surely you agree that there are men out there who deserve to be honorary females? And even the stupid/evil ones are comic relief. Think about it, from a woman to a woman.
Remember, there cannot be good without bad. Yin and Yang.
Well....we will scan foriegn home video channels for our male entertainment. And men can come holidaying. They may even observe the perfection of our society and have a gender change.
07-09-2004, 21:49
Who is getting the refugees? Has this been decided yet. My offer stands.
--- Department of the Exterior
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 21:50
Three Guillen Class Battleships and 50 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines wait in international waters at the border of Feminany, careful not to enter they're territory.
Just in case. No attack is planned, but since they got nothing better to do they might as well wait there.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:51
07-09-2004, 21:51
wheres the fun in that
I agree. Don't you women want that certain pleasure that us men can give you?
07-09-2004, 21:51
OOC:Not if her Medical science has progressed to the point where the necessary DNA required to fertilize the Ovum could be introduced as she says with an altered Bacteria. Brilliant idea. Like how you've made the boys get all flustered here, hehehe......Men biologically redundant and useless.
[OOC: I doubt it. It's a 5 million pop country and a n00bish one at that.]
The Flame Drake Zoltan
07-09-2004, 21:51
To her Royal Highness Eve Dworkings the Foolish
The Most Glorious Empire of The Flame Drake Zoltan condemns the well meaning but utterly foolish ramblings of a madwoman. The surgical mutilations against the innocent newborns unfortunate to be born with in with your lands.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth.
It has being extensively documented that massive surgical turma similar to gender change has very low survival rates in infant never mind the basic hormonal differences between male and female would poss a great number of medical complications during puberty, euthanizing would be more humane.
Needless to if this continues action will taken to prevent this horror contining
Dr C. Gordons Medical Advisor to Zoltan the Great.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:51
Three Guillen Class Battleships and 50 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines wait in international waters at the border of Feminany, careful not to enter they're territory.
who are you talking to.
07-09-2004, 21:52
OOC:Not if her Medical science has progressed to the point where the necessary DNA required to fertilize the Ovum could be introduced as she says with an altered Bacteria. Brilliant idea. Like how you've made the boys get all flustered here, hehehe......Men biologically redundant and useless.
OOC: Or, or course, women could be made redundant. Besides, men would only be totally useless if all the women were lesbians, which is unlikely.
07-09-2004, 21:53
Dumpsterdam got the refugees. Sorry everybody.
TGSR, If you want to do a war, please TG me.
OOC: On a side note, Males are, biologically, less emotionally fragile due to low values of estrogen and are taller, heavier and stronger due to high values of testosterone.
07-09-2004, 21:54
official statement form the Holy empire of Crackpie: While we consider this measure not only oppressive, evil and unnatural, but also deeply stupid. The leaders of crackpie find it,above all, funny. The emperor of crackpie, Daniel Alarcon, had this to say: " Its sounds...kinda stupid...but I guess itll put an end to the conservative parties, every cloud has a silver lining. *takes a swig of rum* besdies, this law will probably dramatically increase the figures of lesbianism and, we all agree, LESBIANS ROCK!!!"
The emperor then passed out, as he vomited while continuing to voice his support for lesbianism quite loudly. *end transmission*
Black adder
07-09-2004, 21:54
[OOC: I doubt it. It's a 5 million pop country and a n00bish one at that.]
OOC:Yes,yes. What I mean is its a brilliant idea. Poking at the darkest fear of the Male consciousness in a room of predominantly Teenaged boys. I'm rather amused at the virulent response its gotten too. Wonder how hopped up they get if Feminany switches Male for Kurd or Hutu?
East Coast Federation
07-09-2004, 21:54
Three Guillen Class Battleships and 50 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines wait in international waters at the border of Feminany, careful not to enter they're territory.
Just in case. No attack is planned, but since they got nothing better to do they might as well wait there.
OOC: I AM future tech, But will attack with my old Mordren Tech Militray if the need be, This could be interesting :D I still want my 10 reasons to
President: In the event you send the males to Raven Corps I will invade you using every last weapon at my disposal.
07-09-2004, 21:56
We would remind the Feminanians that their brilliant solution to the "problem" of the Jews ... sorry, men, lost track ... would render them astonishingly vulnerable to biological attack. Or any kind of attack targeting your laboratories. Not to mention earning the opprobium of civilised nations.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 21:57
ok fine but when you have millions of people vomiting some much that they vomit blood, for days, then have boils form on every part of your body. plus a few other things . dont come cring to us. because we wont have the cure.
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
You do realize, that, at some point, your country will die out. You need men to make babies. It's Feminazis like you that sicken me.
-Kaiser Alec I.
07-09-2004, 21:59
ooc: bleh, time running out. I may have time for a couple more replies, then I'll continue tommorow.
It has being extensively documented that massive surgical turma similar to gender change has very low survival rates in infant never mind the basic hormonal differences between male and female would poss a great number of medical complications during puberty, euthanizing would be more humane.
Needless to if this continues action will taken to prevent this horror contining
Dr C. Gordons Medical Advisor to Zoltan the Great.
We thank you for your concern. However, we can assure you that your fears are unnessercery as our surgeons are the worlds specialists in this subjects. In addition, from now on all sperm produced will result in female babies.
President: In the event you send the males to Raven Corps I will invade you using every last weapon at my disposal.
We have already ruled out transactions with Raven Corps.
Well....we will scan foriegn home video channels for our male entertainment. And men can come holidaying. They may even observe the perfection of our society and have a gender change.
Oh, okay then. :D
Irondin Nation News
When hearing the news that Feminany is banning the male sex in there nation Presadint Churchman had this to say
Churchman: ah hem..... god damn femunnazis.
And with that Irondin banned all trade and politcal contact with Feminany
07-09-2004, 21:59
You do realize, that, at some point, your country will die out. You need men to make babies. It's Feminazis like you that sicken me.
-Kaiser Alec I.
while feminazis sicken me too, I love lesbians, spo we can agree on a point.
John Charles the 2nd
07-09-2004, 22:00
I agree completely, good luck when there is no population because you have no ability to reproduce.
07-09-2004, 22:00
ok fine but when you have millions of people vomiting some much that they vomit blood, for days, then have boils form on every part of your body. plus a few other things . dont come cring to us. because we wont have the cure.
Just test on volunteers. Offer money to your citizens to get it done. But testing on refugees? You sick fuck.
East Coast Federation
07-09-2004, 22:00
President: Your a sick **** I will aid anyone who wants to declare war. Inculding Raven Corps. I WILL Glass your nation I will leave NO ONE alive.
07-09-2004, 22:00
As the king of the Jewish Monarchy, your law sickens me. May you realize too late that your country can no longer breed, and will soon be cosigned to the dustbin of history. Jerusalia will be glad to accept all refugees willing to accept the faith of the forefathers.
The Island of Rose
07-09-2004, 22:01
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
Have you heard of nuclear weapons? You should be happy, this is the first time you have made the Island of Rose go to war. That's right, we want to go to war. Though we will restrain ourselves. But my finger is near this beautiful red button. I want to press that red button. Maybe make you a protectorate? I swear, you must be on your period you old hag. Women need men and vice versa. Men have the strength and women have the intelligence. And don't tell me I'm a sexist, I have many female friends, that are not sexually interested in me. I swear, if it weren't for the size of this nation and it's preace loving ideals, I'd invade you. You know what, you're on your damn period. So I hope that you are genetically destroyed. Besides, how are you going to pleasure yourself? I mean, there is a time when you run out of devices... and by God do we have devices... whatever. You're insane and an old hag. I hope you die.
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of The Island of Rose
((OOC: Record this. The Island of Rose actually threatened an innocent nation :D first time too :D))
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:01
Irondin Nation News
When hearing the news that Feminany is banning the male sex in there nation Presadint Churchman had this to say
Churchman: ah hem..... god damn femunnazis.
And with that Irondin banned all trade and politcal contact with Feminany
long time no see Churchman, by the way how JL i think it is.
07-09-2004, 22:01
From the office of the Feminarian foreign minister:
The nation of Feminaria has taken great interest in these developments. It is, to say the least, an interesting approach, and one that we ourselves once considered after freeing ourselves from the shackles of male oppression. It is not the path we chose, having kept our remaining men (some 20-25% of the population at the moment), the nation will continue to watch with interest to see how this goes. As a gesture of good will, we will be offering some of our expertise in cloning (OOC: Excerpt from Feminarian page: "scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes") to aid your effort to increase your numbers. Best of luck to you, Sisters.
Woman trying to rule the world they want the perks but not the bad parts. (not a sexists , just sick and tired of impowered people to the enth degree)
07-09-2004, 22:03
as soon as the news broke inside Crackpie, a massive petition emerged from its citizens for the government to request Feminarian television stations to be signaled to our country. especially the spice channel.
OOC:Yes,yes. What I mean is its a brilliant idea. Poking at the darkest fear of the Male consciousness in a room of predominantly Teenaged boys. I'm rather amused at the virulent response its gotten too. Wonder how hopped up they get if Feminany switches Male for Kurd or Hutu?
Well then that would be wrong. Exiling people because of their beliefs! The horror!
...And this makes me the worst kind of hypocrite. "Exiling people for the way they were born! Terrible!"
But I'm kinda getting attached to this psycho idea! Hey, what if we implemented it in RL? Heh heh... :evil: :D :cool: :mp5:
Get rid of Dubya! WOOOO!
07-09-2004, 22:04
We would remind the Feminanians that their brilliant solution to the "problem" of the Jews ... sorry, men, lost track ... would render them astonishingly vulnerable to biological attack. Or any kind of attack targeting your laboratories. Not to mention earning the opprobium of civilised nations.
You misunderstand us. We are not cloning. Morelike, we take the genes nessercery to create the child from two willing women.
President: Your a sick **** I will aid anyone who wants to declare war. Inculding Raven Corps. I WILL Glass your nation I will leave NO ONE alive.
Now thats just not nice......
By the way it's Queen.
From the office of the Feminarian foreign minister:
The nation of Feminaria has taken great interest in these developments. It is, to say the least, an interesting approach, and one that we ourselves once considered after freeing ourselves from the shackles of male oppression. It is not the path we chose, having kept our remaining men (some 20-25% of the population at the moment), the nation will continue to watch with interest to see how this goes. As a gesture of good will, we will be offering some of our expertise in cloning (OOC: Excerpt from Feminarian page: "scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes") to aid your effort to increase your numbers. Best of luck to you, Sisters.
somebody stop her she is spreding Femunazium!!!
Feminany, you must stop this at once, or face invasion. Your call.
-Kaiser Alec.
07-09-2004, 22:07
Crackpie awaits the answer, adding to the previous petition the permission to add hidden shower cams.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:08
ok listen people I am going to give you a lesson on Corprate bodies in N.S.
1. If you wish to attack us. you will have to attack every nation that holds us.
2. we have an army. And a good one at that. 20 year trained Genome troops are very good. the latest equipment. the most deadly weapons the world has seen. not to mention my genetic weapons- ask around they kick AS*.
3.You cant glass us. we have no nation to glass.
4. Corporations are not able to be taken over. we have no real home land so. the most you can take is our building.
5. We have more money then you. we sell things thats all we do. is sell.we have no real defence fund or humanitraian aid und. we have one fund. and that is production cost.
07-09-2004, 22:08
Have you heard of nuclear weapons? You should be happy, this is the first time you have made the Island of Rose go to war. That's right, we want to go to war. Though we will restrain ourselves. But my finger is near this beautiful red button. I want to press that red button. Maybe make you a protectorate? I swear, you must be on your period you old hag. Women need men and vice versa. Men have the strength and women have the intelligence. And don't tell me I'm a sexist, I have many female friends, that are not sexually interested in me. I swear, if it weren't for the size of this nation and it's preace loving ideals, I'd invade you. You know what, you're on your damn period. So I hope that you are genetically destroyed. Besides, how are you going to pleasure yourself? I mean, there is a time when you run out of devices... and by God do we have devices... whatever. You're insane and an old hag. I hope you die.
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of The Island of Rose
Hello. Who says we need a device?
as soon as the news broke inside Crackpie, a massive petition emerged from its citizens for the government to request Feminarian television stations to be signaled to our country. especially the spice channel.
You can have the cooking channel.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:09
This must be the fastest growing topic in NationStates EVER!!!!!!!!!!
I think we need a peace conference. My nation can host it in Berlin if it is needed.
-Otto von Hienkel Rommel
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:10
Official Statement Regarding Vile, Extremist Feminist Nation
Nations of the world, hear me. While this nation has exiled all males from within her borders, she has not persecuted, tortured, or harmed them from the information given so far. Therefore, we will regard an invasion as unnecessary infrigement upon Feminany's sovereignty and imperialistic and uncalled-for interevention in their domestic affairs. That is my decision, however sick their laws may be...
Lord Eldric, West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:10
You can have the cooking channel.
beleive me, our cooking channel is probably better than yours. have you seen how fat the retires are? thats the cooking channel for ya.
wait...did you just reject my request??? WAAAAAAAAR!!! :sniper:
07-09-2004, 22:10
Feminany, you must stop this at once, or face invasion. Your call.
-Kaiser Alec.
You mean your call? After all, it is you who is threatening war.
The Island of Rose
07-09-2004, 22:10
Hello. Who says we need a device?
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
Your hand is going to get tired you feminazi. Damn international politics! Oh... if only our reputation wasn't like this...
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of the Island of Rose
07-09-2004, 22:11
The President of the Socialistic Republic of Stianlaand, Stian Berg Hansen today, along with all the previous nations, condemned the nation of Feminany for this unfair and unhumane act. The president also threatened with bombings of the capital if the law was not reversed.
The military confirmed this, saying 5 STI D-50 Destroyer bombers excorted by 10 STI E-6 fighters were and still are ready for action. Hansen announced that Stianlaand does not want to go to war, but is forced to if the law is not reversed.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:11
no this not the fastest growing , i have seen faster
You mean your call? After all, it is you who is threatening war.
No, It is yours. You can either stop this barbaric practice, or, you can continue it- and face invasion from my nation.
ok listen people I am going to give you a lesson on Corprate bodies in N.S.
1. If you wish to attack us. you will have to attack every nation that holds us.
2. we have an army. And a good one at that. 20 year trained Genome troops are very good. the latest equipment. the most deadly weapons the world has seen. not to mention my genetic weapons- ask around they kick AS*.
3.You cant glass us. we have no nation to glass.
4. Corporations are not able to be taken over. we have no real home land so. the most you can take is our building.
5. We have more money then you. we sell things thats all we do. is sell.we have no real defence fund or humanitraian aid und. we have one fund. and that is production cost.
OOC I call that a god mod he basicly saing he cant be killed and theres not damn thing you can do about it.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:11
The Great Sixth Reich would be happy to hold a huge conference in our capital city for any nation interested.
This must be the fastest growing topic in NationStates EVER!!!!!!!!!!
I think we need a peace conference. My nation can host it in Berlin if it is needed.
-Otto von Hienkel Rommel
Mayor Kabapus suggests hosting the conference inside the City Tower of Miratha. Please ignore what anyone says about no one ever coming back out.
-The Secretary
07-09-2004, 22:12
Dear Raven Corp,
Oh, and if YOU'RE the ones who created this disease, you should already know everything about it. Including a cure. Are you telling me you accidently created it, released it, and cant stop it? And you brain dead or something?
07-09-2004, 22:13
We would be happy to host the conference in Girlin. However, that may prove contraversial (sic). If you would arrange the conference we would be most gratefull.
ooc: Could we leave the conference till tommorow? I am very tired.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:13
OOC I call that a god mod he basicly saing he cant be killed and theres not damn thing you can do about it.
no think about it. how do you attack a !!COMPANY!!. and one that has hundreds of warhouses and factories all over N.S.
07-09-2004, 22:14
The holy empire of crackpie, and every country in its region ( the land of Weebl the holy) declare a full-scale war against any country that wished to enforce this law without allowing us to put hidden shower cams in their country.
We would be happy to host the conference in Girlin. However, that may prove contraversial (sic). If you would arrange the conference we would be most gratefull.
ooc: Could we leave the conference till tommorow? I am very tired.
I have one simple demand. Stop. Or else.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:15
Dear Raven Corp,
Oh, and if YOU'RE the ones who created this disease, you should already know everything about it. Including a cure. Are you telling me you accidently created it, released it, and cant stop it? And you brain dead or something?
no when it was created it was under our control, but an unexpected mutation occured. and now we need test subjects to find a cure for this stain
no think about it. how do you attack a !!COMPANY!!. and one that has hundreds of warhouses and factories all over N.S.
I find that a god mod too this is Nation States not nation Companies
The 3rd Imperial Diet
07-09-2004, 22:15
if anyone has some extra refugees i'm always glad to take them...i need new conscripts for my legions
07-09-2004, 22:16
I have one simple demand. Stop. Or else.
Magnus Haakon
07-09-2004, 22:16
Please realise that we have devoloped technology that means that males are no longer needed for reproduction.
As a genetic scientist (my actual occupation), I should hope you know that statistics regarding infants born via 'in vetro fertilization' and other 'non-natural' methods show a remarkable, positive correlation to bearing not only genetic deformities, but instances of brain tumours, muscular disabilities, and many other complications.
We all know that increasing genetic variation will produce a stronger, more adaptable species. Such an action on your part is nothing but a train-wreck waiting to happen. When your average life-expectancy drops to under 30 years, your economy collapses from such massive healthcare costs, and you have no strong manual labor force upon which to rely and rebuild, I'm sure you'll see the error in your ways.
Have a nice day :-)
07-09-2004, 22:16
Sevaris, would you really declare war on a nation for excersising their democratic rights? After all, many nations persecute of the grounds of race in far more violent ways, yet do you invade them?
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:16
there is no rule stating that there cant be any made. ask the mods there is no rule stating that a company may not be formed in the game.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:17
I would really appreciate if my nation host the talks, for I wish to join NATO someday (The NS Verson) and I need RP experience.
*The battleships and submarines travel further back into international waters.
07-09-2004, 22:17
As a genetic scientist (my actual occupation), I should hope you know that statistics regarding infants born via 'in vetro fertilization' and other 'non-natural' methods show a remarkable, positive correlation to bearing not only genetic deformities, but instances of brain tumours, muscular disabilities, and many other complications.
We all know that increasing genetic variation will produce a stronger, more adaptable species. Such an action on your part is nothing but a train-wreck waiting to happen. When your average life-expectancy drops to under 30 years, your economy collapses from such massive healthcare costs, and you have no strong manual labor force upon which to rely and rebuild, I'm sure you'll see the error in your ways.
Have a nice day :-)
and when the lack of shower cams has you starved and'll see.
Sevaris, would you really declare war on a nation for excersising their democratic rights? After all, many nations persecute of the grounds of race in far more violent ways, yet do you invade them?
This is far worse than race. This is destroying sex and human nature itself. Plus, I am in a position to stop this before it starts. Now, I hope you comply.
OOC: First let me say one thing: Turetelian Scientist for the past several years have been giving almost unlimited funding, and have tested theories like this, not to actually do them, but to see if it were possible, and we found out one thing, even with the 97 Trillion Dollar Budget (Over several years) we found one thing out: It is possible, survival rate falls 99.8 percent, and those who do survive our 6000% more likely to commit suicide by the age of 15.
OOC: Also, I am willing to devote armed forces to this issue myself, you call yourself a democracy, but giving the majority what they want is not a true democracy. a try democracy would try and cater to the needs of all the people, including the minority. Also our military has devoted and created a device capable of killing off all women in your nation (and yours alone) based off of your "specific trait" that makes such a high female to male birth ratio.
Please consider this, and don't try to brush us off like the other nations, we mean business. Foriegn Director of Turetel and Head of Civility Lisa Obli.
**Also note: My military budget is bloated, so is my science, I think what I do and my budgets are possible so don't give me crap about god-moding.
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
Have you heard of nuclear weapons? You should be happy, this is the first time you have made the Island of Rose go to war. That's right, we want to go to war. Though we will restrain ourselves. But my finger is near this beautiful red button. I want to press that red button. Maybe make you a protectorate? I swear, you must be on your period you old hag. Women need men and vice versa. Men have the strength and women have the intelligence. And don't tell me I'm a sexist, I have many female friends, that are not sexually interested in me. I swear, if it weren't for the size of this nation and it's preace loving ideals, I'd invade you. You know what, you're on your damn period. So I hope that you are genetically destroyed. Besides, how are you going to pleasure yourself? I mean, there is a time when you run out of devices... and by God do we have devices... whatever. You're insane and an old hag. I hope you die.
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of The Island of Rose
((OOC: Record this. The Island of Rose actually threatened an innocent nation :D first time too :D))
OOC: I don't believe anything makes women more intelligent (other than [seriously] sex). They just give birth.
Addressed to the Island of Rose...
Mayor Kabapus does not believe that any action is necessary. Just let them die out. If they somehow don't, however, then it's enough. Mayor Kabapus claims they tried to kill us.
-The Secretary
Addressed to Feminany...
If you do not realise violence is the answer, we will have to declare war on you. Kill all males now.
-The Secretary
Sevaris, would you really declare war on a nation for excersising their democratic rights? After all, many nations persecute of the grounds of race in far more violent ways, yet do you invade them?
Read my previous post, you are more like the Bolsheviks, catering to the majority (which is what the word Bolshevik means, majority).
Be back in a few minutes as well.
07-09-2004, 22:19
Sevaris, would you really declare war on a nation for excersising their democratic rights? After all, many nations persecute of the grounds of race in far more violent ways, yet do you invade them?
I do. I make targets out of civilians, so that a country rarely comes out unharmed form a three-day war, in which I drop by, drop the bio-weapons, and drop back home.
A grim vision of the future without shower cams.
07-09-2004, 22:21
no think about it. how do you attack a !!COMPANY!!. and one that has hundreds of warhouses and factories all over N.S.
You buy them! Buy all their stock, then close the company. That's how you deal with corporations. ;)
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:21
I do. I make targets out of civilians, so that a country rarely comes out unharmed form a three-day war, in which I drop by, drop the bio-weapons, and drop back home.
A grim vision of the future without shower cams.
your scaring me.
07-09-2004, 22:21
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
I certainly hope you're aware that gender is not the same thing as sex and could conceivably be disconnected therefrom given sufficient social conditioning?
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:22
You buy them! Buy all their stock, then close the company. That's how you deal with corporations. ;)
close but wrong. that would work but. i have to be selling my stock now wouldn't i. ( calls stock market and says close our stck now!)
07-09-2004, 22:22
your scaring me.
good! you uber-conservative nations should, in fact, be frightened. When my people want shower cams, I give them showercams.
07-09-2004, 22:23
As a genetic scientist (my actual occupation), I should hope you know that statistics regarding infants born via 'in vetro fertilization' and other 'non-natural' methods show a remarkable, positive correlation to bearing not only genetic deformities, but instances of brain tumours, muscular disabilities, and many other complications.
We all know that increasing genetic variation will produce a stronger, more adaptable species. Such an action on your part is nothing but a train-wreck waiting to happen. When your average life-expectancy drops to under 30 years, your economy collapses from such massive healthcare costs, and you have no strong manual labor force upon which to rely and rebuild, I'm sure you'll see the error in your ways.
Have a nice day :-)
We thank you for your expertise. However, our technology is more advanced than those employed in other countrys (this is freeform, work with me....)
We are acting in the male minoritys intrest, they will live a much happier life as a female.
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:23
So, Sevaris, would you then wage war and condemn to death thousands when Feminany has harmed none?
Read my previous post, you are more like the Bolsheviks, catering to the majority (which is what the word Bolshevik means, majority).
Be back in a few minutes as well.
OOC: Few people cater to minorities. A government always tries to please the majority of people in the country. 80% of them are females, and most of them must be supporting the decision; that's not even including lunatic males.
EDIT: The exception is minorities in terms of race, in which everyone cares for some reason. Even if there's something obviously wrong culturally.
We thank you for your expertise. However, our technology is more advanced than those employed in other countrys (this is freeform, work with me....)
We are acting in the male minoritys intrest, they will live a much happier life as a female.
BULLSHIT! For the most part, people are happy as their own sex. The government does not need to get involved.
So, Sevaris, would you then wage war and condemn to death thousands when Feminany has harmed none?
She's harming people by taking away their right to be who they were meant to be. That, my friend, constitutes harming people.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:25
The conference, if choosen to be conducted, will be in the Marriot Courtyard Berlin Koepenick. It has space for 35 world leaders. If more is needed, another location will be choosen.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:25
no more stock. your smart for thinking about that.
Greater Remia
07-09-2004, 22:25
Augustus Aurelius, Grand Admiral of Greater Remia, sends his deepest regards for the nation of Feminany's cause. All people's in our great nation, male and female alike, spend the majority of their lives in military and government service, and are seen as equal, however we are a liberal nation socially, and believe in the Sovereignty of every nation.
On behalf of the near billion people inhabiting our great military power, You have the full support of our nation and it's military. With your permission, We will ship over the latest in advanced biological and genetic research we have to help your nation. As well as experimental theories in Eugenics, such as eliminating heterosexuality amongst your female population. And finally, our gunship fleet will be on stand-by to defend, as well as our ICBMs loaded with Neutron Bombs. We regret to inform that financial aid is unavailable, but otherwise, we shall be the United States to your Israel.
General Sukov, Marshall of the Foreign Ministry
07-09-2004, 22:26
BULLSHIT! For the most part, people are happy as their own sex. The government does not need to get involved.
We are not forcing anybody. If they do not wish to change their gender then they may leave the country. Democracy is a wonderful thing.
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:26
BULLSHIT! For the most part, people are happy as their own sex. The government does not need to get involved.
It's not really - only aiding the willing. Now, I can get capitalissime (which in RL I probably wood ;) and say corporations can do a better job of it than the gov't and be less of a resource strain too, but the unwilling are left alone. They need to leave their country. I condemnable traversety, but not one that would justify invasion.
So I would suggest you just let Feminany be.
No, really, that is my suggestion.
Lord Eldric
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:27
i am not the only one like this. there is WEAPONS-TECH INCORP
Horizon inc. , Global cortex, mirage inc, and Me
07-09-2004, 22:27
We thank you for your expertise. However, our technology is more advanced than those employed in other countrys (this is freeform, work with me....)
We are acting in the male minoritys intrest, they will live a much happier life as a female.
oh how very doubtful, in both points. While your interest in science is, in fact, impressive, it's results are miniscule comapred to those of Crackpie and its allies. Our findings are disturbing.
A; women tend to not enjopy shower cams as much as men
b: the psychological benefits of showercams are innumerable, and more are being named daily.
c: under extreme stress conditions, women were found more likely to have nervous bgreakdowns and atempted suicide, while men remained almost joyful at their surroundings. There were 24/7 shower cam shows.
so, Women are less joyful and more miserable than men, if only for one reason. Women cannot appreciate the art of showercams.
We are not forcing anybody. If they do not wish to change their gender then they may leave the country. Democracy is a wonderful thing.
Then, if you are a Democracy, then why not let the people choose to remain who they are? Does no one else see the logic here?
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:28
i am really close to kicking you CRACKpie .
07-09-2004, 22:29
Augustus Aurelius, Grand Admiral of Greater Remia, sends his deepest regards for the nation of Feminany's cause. All people's in our great nation, male and female alike, spend the majority of their lives in military and government service, and are seen as equal, however we are a liberal nation socially, and believe in the Sovereignty of every nation.
On behalf of the near billion people inhabiting our great military power, You have the full support of our nation and it's military. With your permission, We will ship over the latest in advanced biological and genetic research we have to help your nation. As well as experimental theories in Eugenics, such as eliminating heterosexuality amongst your female population. And finally, our gunship fleet will be on stand-by to defend, as well as our ICBMs loaded with Neutron Bombs. We regret to inform that financial aid is unavailable, but otherwise, we shall be the United States to your Israel.
General Sukov, Marshall of the Foreign Ministry
We thank you for your aid. We will accept the aid of foodstuffs and medical supplies, but please no weapons. We are a peace loving people. We do not wish to harm anyone. Any scientists who wish to journey to Feminany will be granted permission to do so.
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:29
Then, if you are a Democracy, then why not let the people choose to remain who they are? Does no one else see the logic here?
Lord Eldric sighed. Rarely does he raise his voice, but now was an exception. Clearing his throat, he bellowed at the leader of Sevaris, SHE DOES!!
Official Communique
LET IT BE KNOWN AND CLEAR that the Westlands (OOC: me) will not accept an invasion of Feminany on these grounds. We WILL condemn, although possibly not retaliate, an invasion of Feminany. That decision has not been made. However, one decision has : any nation that even attempts to launch a nuclear weapon at Feminany will have those weapons shot down. Be it known that the Lord's patience is waning for those who continually threaten Feminany's sovereignty. Her acts are despicable and we condemn them, but those warmongerers that threaten her for these reasons (and for the reasons that Feminany is small, weak, unprotected...) stoop to a level that is much lower.
West Scotland Imperial Statement
A female without a male is without reason.
This is more proof that Females are utterly stupid.
Let us wait out the 200 years it takes for each stupid female on that island to die or hell, lets just take it ourselves...they'll all be shopping!
Foolish Females.
07-09-2004, 22:29
We are not forcing anybody. If they do not wish to change their gender then they may leave the country. Democracy is a wonderful thing.
youre saying that youre gonna change children at birth. If they cannot give their consent, how is that not forcing?
Lord Eldric sighed. Rarely does he raise his voice, but now was an exception. Clearing his throat, he bellowed at the leader of Sevaris, SHE DOES!!
People should be allowed to remain in their own country without having to change their sex, dammit. Since when did we go and throw culture out the window?
07-09-2004, 22:30
BULLSHIT! For the most part, people are happy as their own sex. The government does not need to get involved.
True. If I was to get my gender changed, I'd go bang my head aginst a sharp rock. But Fem gave the men a choice after all. Still, only gay guys want to get gender changes.
07-09-2004, 22:31
i am really close to kicking you CRACKpie .
please, do. Corporatins never harmed me, after all, im a liberal paradise, theres hardly a big corporation in my country.
07-09-2004, 22:32
We conceed that the sex change of babies currently being borne could be up for negotiation. If a nation is willing to take them, then they will not be altered. After that, however, no male babies will be born in Feminany.
Due to Genetic Engineering of course.
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 22:32
close but wrong. that would work but. i have to be selling my stock now wouldn't i. ( calls stock market and says close our stck now!)
hah. now you're not going to receive any capital from investments.
man if i were you just quit it. you're interrupting the RP in this thread with your company nonesense. make another thread, don't hijack this one.
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:32
dont make me go over there
07-09-2004, 22:32
or anywhere near it.
The Island of Rose
07-09-2004, 22:33
Lord Eldric sighed. Rarely does he raise his voice, but now was an exception. Clearing his throat, he bellowed at the leader of Sevaris, SHE DOES!!
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
She's on her period, she sees no logic!
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of The Island of Rose
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:33
i am not try to take over the thread . all i wanted was the men. thats it. and you had to go along and say no. that pissed me oof
07-09-2004, 22:33
I have to go now. I WILL BE BACK TOMMOROW!
We conceed that the sex change of babies currently being borne could be up for negotiation. If a nation is willing to take them, then they will not be altered. After that, however, no male babies will be born in Feminany.
Due to Genetic Engineering of course.
For God's sake- listen to me, woman. You need males to breed. Seriously- you really can't change that. You have to stop doing this- so you will actually HAVE a nation to spout your feminazi propaganda.
-Kaiser Alec.
07-09-2004, 22:34
You have personally insulted all the males (and most of the females) in my country. We think of each other as equals. It's too bad your IGNORANCE can't see past that. You said all males, so does that mean your dogs will all have sex changes, your rabbits, your ANTS???? It's shameful you even thought of this, let alone let a bill pass. Consider the nation of Shiznayo personally insulted. Good day.
07-09-2004, 22:34
We conceed that the sex change of babies currently being borne could be up for negotiation. If a nation is willing to take them, then they will not be altered. After that, however, no male babies will be born in Feminany.
Due to Genetic Engineering of course.
have you any idea how...why... y'know what...I have an idea. Im thinking of ending womens suffrage in my country. A gradual movement towards making them property of men again. If they dont want to be property, they can be killed, if they wish, but We arn it wil be quite painful.
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 22:35
Official Statement from The Soviet Democratic Empire of The Island of Rose:
She's on her period, she sees no logic!
-Vice President Orcha Yultanov of The Island of Rose
Based on this information, we will be sending a team of female therapists to Feminany to help the queen cope with the stress during her period. Please accept them with open arms.
07-09-2004, 22:35
Since the nation of Feminany clearly won't reverse the law, the furious Stianlaandian president today commanded an light bombing of the capital, as earlier mentioned.
The Stianlaandian government is waiting for a response to the action.
West Scotland
07-09-2004, 22:35
People should be allowed to remain in their own country without having to change their sex, dammit. Since when did we go and throw culture out the window?
So go condemn her, like we have. Go human rights up their asses, as we have. But NEVER use this as a cause for war.
-Lord Eldric
Lord Eldric sighed. Rarely does he raise his voice, but now was an exception. Clearing his throat, he bellowed at the leader of Sevaris, SHE DOES!!
Official Communique
LET IT BE KNOWN AND CLEAR that the Westlands (OOC: me) will not accept an invasion of Feminany on these grounds. We WILL condemn, although possibly not retaliate, an invasion of Feminany. That decision has not been made. However, one decision has : any nation that even attempts to launch a nuclear weapon at Feminany will have those weapons shot down. Be it known that the Lord's patience is waning for those who continually threaten Feminany's sovereignty. Her acts are despicable and we condemn them, but those warmongerers that threaten her for these reasons (and for the reasons that Feminany is small, weak, unprotected...) stoop to a level that is much lower.
West Scotland Imperial Statement
OOC: Just so you no, I don't agree with Feminany and condemn her as you do, but will not accept an invasion as justified. Wow, for god's sakes, don't be hypocritical and stoop to below her level.
So go condemn her, like we have. Go human rights up their asses, as we have. But NEVER use this as a cause for war.
-Lord Eldric
Stopping what could quite possibly be the next CM before it starts is a worthy cause, my friend.
-Kaiserine Yuna.
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 22:36
Since the nation of Feminany clearly won't reverse the law, the furious Stianlaandian president today commanded an light bombing of the capital, as earlier mentioned. A few hours later, the bombs started falling, killing around 200 civillians, and injuring a lot more.
The Stianlaandian government is waiting for a response to the action.
that's god modding dude. you can't announce her losses.
Addressed to the countries involved...
Enclosed is Mayor Kabapus of Miratha's response to this situation, dictated by this author...
If we continue to attack Feminany like this, he is going to use it as an irrelevant excuse to kill thousands of innocent people. It has happened before ( Be warned.
-The Secretary
We will support the Males in Feminary will Weapons and Armorments your country will become under Male Occupation if you so choose to annihlate a sex off the face of your nation. I have a rather large Army, and whats a way to destroy a company, dont buy there product.
07-09-2004, 22:37
crackpie, as meures of countering feminarys extremism, will two the followin within a 20-day priod.
a: crackpie will end Wopmens suffrage and abolish most of women's property rights.
B: Crackpie will commence a full-scale nuclear,Biological and chemical assault over feminary, until every living thing in it is dead ( or the law is repealed) at which point, womens suffrage will be reinstated.
07-09-2004, 22:38
that's god modding dude. you can't announce her losses.
Sorry, I'll edit my post. I'm new here, you know :)
Camel Eaters
07-09-2004, 22:39
Actually even though we do not agree with what you are doing The Holy Republic of Camel Eaters requests that several of our scientists be allowed to view your genetics program research. Also Raven Corps The Prime Mistress of health will be sending you several automatons to do your expirements on. Thank for your time
Ritah Kindal
Chief Heraldress
Holy Republic of Camel Eaters
Raven corps
07-09-2004, 22:39
We will support the Males in Feminary will Weapons and Armorments your country will become under Male Occupation if you so choose to annihlate a sex off the face of your nation. I have a rather large Army, and whats a way to destroy a company, dont buy there product.
but you only one person and i sell to terrorist as well so. ... i am not to sure how it would go
What i find disgusting here is your literally "Cutting there dicks off" and that is pretty disgusting. Theres something called an equal relationship in a Country between men and woman. You sound like a Femnazi from the 1960's WOMAN POWER,HAIRY ARMS. Get rid of the men! there evil! Sigh stupid stupid people
07-09-2004, 22:42
Why dont u just make men your slaves it would be alot easier. :confused:
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 22:42
crackpie, as meures of countering feminarys extremism, will two the followin within a 20-day priod.
a: crackpie will end Wopmens suffrage and abolish most of women's property rights.
B: Crackpie will commence a full-scale nuclear,Biological and chemical assault over feminary, until every living thing in it is dead ( or the law is repealed) at which point, womens suffrage will be reinstated.
Umm guys let's give this thread a rest. Feminany said she would be resting, let's not do anything drastic until she gets back.
07-09-2004, 22:43
Has no-one bothered to comment on how this would also seperate amilies? She's literally taking six year olds from their mothers for the sake of supposedly getting rid of the "inferior" male.
What i find disgusting here is your literally "Cutting there dicks off" and that is pretty disgusting. Theres something called an equal relationship in a Country between men and woman. You sound like a Femnazi from the 1960's WOMAN POWER,HAIRY ARMS. Get rid of the men! there evil! Sigh stupid stupid people
07-09-2004, 22:44
Why dont u just make men your slaves it would be alot easier. :confused:
Because she's an ignorant moron. And besides, that's still cruel.
Japanese Antarctica
07-09-2004, 22:44
Corona Luminai
07-09-2004, 22:45
Hahaha , that sounds cool, but I wouldn't allow it in my country. I am a bit of a feminist, but guys are useful for some things.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:45
The Peace Conference
After a bombing raid on Feminany, it has become more important to conduct a peace conference. The conference can be held tommorow at the Ritz Carlton Berlin in The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany. We will try our hardest for room for 75 nations. Transported for Feminany can be arranged on my presidental Airbus A380, equiped with secruity features and escorted by three hundred F-16Cs. The first three nations to request it will have free pirvate transportion on VIP Boeing 747s (Resereved for: Jamil Union, open, open) . Other nations can fly into Tegal International Airport, or Hienkel City International Airport. 1,000 SAM sites are scattered throughout the country side and 300 soldiers are on secruity detail.
07-09-2004, 22:46
OOC: Just don't get the names mixed up and bomb me by mistake! ;) At least over here it's legal to be male. Okay, so they're discriminated against in that they can't take certain jobs (politician, police, armed forces, corporate executive, or any other position of 'power') or own weapons (Well... firearms - obviously we can't have male chefs chop vegetables with their bare hands), but other than that they have the same rights as the rest of the nation's human resources... err, 'citizens'. More or less. ;)
Oh, and Feminany - check your telegrams.
((OOC: Opportunity knocks...))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Feminana High Leadership
From: Duke Leonard Federo
Congratulations! You have been deemed eligible for annexation by the Empire. You shall recieve all the benefits of being a citizen of Generia such as:
Free speech (not really)
Freedom of the press (not really)
Freedom to not become a sex slave to the Emperor (Yeah right)
Imperial soldiers shall be arriving shortly to take control of your nation. Also, we shall expect a yearly tribute of 300 young women to fill Emperor Tiberius's harem. Your Queen shall be taken into custody to serve Tiberius personally.
While I find the idea repulsive, I can turn a blind eye to the end result.
Kaiser Alec I.
Generic empire
07-09-2004, 22:46
((OOC: Opportunity knocks...))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Feminana High Leadership
From: Duke Leonard Federo
Congratulations! You have been deemed eligible for annexation by the Empire. You shall recieve all the benefits of being a citizen of Generia such as:
Free speech (not really)
Freedom of the press (not really)
Freedom to not become a sex slave to the Emperor (Yeah right)
Imperial soldiers shall be arriving shortly to take control of your nation. Also, we shall expect a yearly tribute of 300 young women to fill Emperor Tiberius's harem. Your Queen shall be taken into custody to serve Tiberius personally.
07-09-2004, 22:48
Generic empire
07-09-2004, 22:49
Because she's an ignorant moron. And besides, that's still cruel.
((OOC: I dunno. It sounds kinda kinky.))
Psycho Gun-Nuts
07-09-2004, 22:49
Addressing The General Congrgation On The Issue Of The Banning Of The Male Gender In The Nation Of Feminany:
07-09-2004, 22:50
((OOC: I dunno. It sounds kinda kinky.))
OOC: Exactly. Threads like this are just some cheap jerk off fantasy for some 14 year old loser. NS has seen way too many of these threads.....
07-09-2004, 22:52
((OOC: Was that directed at me?))
OOC: No, the thread author.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 22:52
The Peace Conference
After a bombing raid on Feminany, it has become more important to conduct a peace conference. The conference can be held tommorow at the Ritz Carlton Berlin in The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany. We will try our hardest for room for 75 nations. Transported for Feminany can be arranged on my presidental Airbus A380, equiped with secruity features and escorted by three hundred F-16Cs. The first three nations to request it will have free pirvate transportion on VIP Boeing 747s. Other nations can fly into Tegal International Airport, or Hienkel City International Airport. 1,000 SAM sites are scattered throughout the country side and 300 soldiers are on secruity detail.
Remember, Feminany left. When this conference happens she will be back.
Also, if any nation wants to bring their own private aircraft, they can land in the Government section of Hienkel City International Airport, recieve free parking and free refueling.
First off What nation has a right to Dictate what another nation Can do within there national borders? answer: No Nation. not the Holy Empire of Dailey not Any of your nations. No Nation at all.
OOC: All i have to say about this is ouch Being a male and all Ouch.
07-09-2004, 22:56
((OOC: Opportunity knocks...))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Feminana High Leadership
From: Duke Leonard Federo
Congratulations! You have been deemed eligible for annexation by the Empire. You shall recieve all the benefits of being a citizen of Generia such as:
Free speech (not really)
Freedom of the press (not really)
Freedom to not become a sex slave to the Emperor (Yeah right)
Imperial soldiers shall be arriving shortly to take control of your nation. Also, we shall expect a yearly tribute of 300 young women to fill Emperor Tiberius's harem. Your Queen shall be taken into custody to serve Tiberius personally.
And should you resist RB's magnificent ally Generia, President J.L. will be more than happy to obliterate you from the face of the earth. Have a nice day.
Camel Eaters
07-09-2004, 23:00
As a protest to the actions of Feminany all women within the Holy Republic of Camel Eaters have decided to refrain from eating camel for one month.
And every man in the Republic has decided to protest by beating the shit out of every circumcised monkey within a twenty mile radius.
This has been endorsed by the government (also if this law is not changed we will sacrifice one transvestite a month until it does).
Freckula Garzivonni
High Ruler of The Holy Republic of Camel Eaters
Psycho Gun-Nuts
07-09-2004, 23:00
The issue of the banning of the male gender in the country of Feminany is by far, and without a doubt, the WORST IDEA IN HISTORY SINCE THE BOMBING OF HEROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI. The actions taken by country of Feminany are condemned by myself, Dictator Hellias Kelly, and the entire population of The Armed Republic of Psycho Gun-Nuts. My country will gladly accept any male refugees from the area, whom we will then promptly arm to the teeth, and move to wherever they please.
Dictator Hellias Kelly,
Soverign Ruler
The Armed Republic of Psycho Gun-Nuts
:mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5:
{-Message from Pres. Xau Navin-}
Greetings, citizens of Feminany! I wish it to be known,
all who oppossed the anti-male law, may come to Mirruin!
We are setting up new homes for the refugees as we speak.
Good day!
Generic empire
07-09-2004, 23:05
As a protest to the actions of Feminany all women within the Holy Republic of Camel Eaters have decided to refrain from eating camel for one month.
And every man in the Republic has decided to protest by beating the shit out of every circumcised monkey within a twenty mile radius.
This has been endorsed by the government (also if this law is not changed we will sacrifice one transvestite a month until it does).
Freckula Garzivonni
High Ruler of The Holy Republic of Camel Eaters
Official Imeprial Statement
Generia wholeheatedly approves of the actions taken by Camel eaters, and may seek to implement similar acts of protest throughout the Empire.
Camel Eaters
07-09-2004, 23:07
Thank you Generic Empire for agreeing with us if any nations would like to send us transvestites or circumcised monkeys we will gladly accept them as signs of support.
Nikolaos The Great
07-09-2004, 23:08
((OOC: Opportunity knocks...))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Feminana High Leadership
From: Duke Leonard Federo
Congratulations! You have been deemed eligible for annexation by the Empire. You shall recieve all the benefits of being a citizen of Generia such as:
Free speech (not really)
Freedom of the press (not really)
Freedom to not become a sex slave to the Emperor (Yeah right)
Imperial soldiers shall be arriving shortly to take control of your nation. Also, we shall expect a yearly tribute of 300 young women to fill Emperor Tiberius's harem. Your Queen shall be taken into custody to serve Tiberius personally.
The Hellenistic Empire supports Generic empire.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-09-2004, 23:14
Horrible example. Compared to the coventional bombing of Japan, the two atomic bombing killed FAR LESS PEOPLE in total.
The Peace Conference is setup and is scheduled starting on tommorow. Please reserve a spot, as there are only room for 75 nations at the most.
07-09-2004, 23:17
Official Confederacy of Lafeel television broadcast
Foreign minister Dusanyu Abriel is shown behind a podium
"We, the confederacy of Lafeel, are dismayed by this action and call on the high leadership of Feminany to reconsider. Although a peace loving nation and without any military of our own we cannot sit idly by while thousands of males are either forcefully gender changed or forced to leave their home country. We ask that all decent nations unite in protest against this heinous act."
(ooc note: For some reason I was signed in as my other nation as I posted this, but the statement, and the call to action, remains)
07-09-2004, 23:17
((OOC: I'll be away for a while, and wont be able to reply. until 7:30. Not that any of you care. lol))
07-09-2004, 23:17
OOC: I wouldn't be so quick to declare the thread some "jerk-off fantasy". This relatively simple proclamation has managed to incite an awful lot of anger. Japanese Antarctica seems to know a bit about what's going on, and I think we should probably follow the offered advice and chill a bit. Besides, chill out guys, you still got your weiners. Anyhow, this is how my little nation would probably reacte to this.
--From a diplomatic wire to Queen Eva Dworking---
"Salutations, your Majesty. My name is Joseph Smith. I am the Speaker for the Central Council of Danarkadia. I have no authority, but I speak on behalf of our nation's highest level of organization and represent our nation to foreign leaders. We have been watching the recent developments in your country with interest and concern. Though your nation's decision is antithetical to our philosophical tradition of anarcho-humanism, we respect it as yours to make and do not wish ill will to you or your people.
Rather, our concern is of the current males of your population and the next generation of as yet unborn males. Our interest in this matter is purely humanitarian and we wish to extend asylum and full citizenship to all males in your country. We understand this to currently number something in the neighborhood of a half a million individuals. Though we would experience some hardship in assimilating this many people, it is a sacrifice our people are willing to make and we have already begun making the necessary provisions. We would also extend visa rights to the friends and family of the relocated. They would be free to enter our country and visit whenever they wished.
We ask that you consider our proposal and extend us the courtesy of a response at your convenience and have already assembled a fleet of civilian and military vessels to handle the transportation. If you like, you may inspect these ships prior to their entering your ports to insure that they are satisfactorily unarmed.
Secondarily, we also have a scientific interest in your genetic engineering and cloning technologies and believe they can be used to combat disease and clone organs for transplantation. We would be much obliged if you would consider the possibility of a team of Danarkadian scientists travelling to your country to study your technology.
Please consider the above proposals and contact us at your convenience.
I leave you now in peace and harmony.
Joseph Smith
Speaker for the Central Council of Danarkadia
Borman Empire
07-09-2004, 23:21
We and our armies stand behind Generia
07-09-2004, 23:28
We and our armies stand behind Generia
Same here.
07-09-2004, 23:32
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
Official Statement to Feminany and allied countries
We wholeheartedly condem you, your actions and your allies, the Imperium of Man will not tolerate such things from heretics like you self, cease this practice or be declared Exterminatus, and then watch as your country and your sinners are purged from this earth in a blaze of divine fire from the Emperor's warships. This is a mere warning, a luxury the Imperium usually does not give. However, as the Emperor of Man commands I shall attend this peace conference with my staff in an attempt to work things out. Consider yourself extremely lucky that the Blood Angels do not simply swarm over your nation and crush you.
Lord Commander Dante
Chaptermaster of the Blood Angels
Ruler of Baal
Servant of the Emperor
Jamil Union
07-09-2004, 23:36
Having monitored the Feminany Situation, the Jamil Union issues the following:
We, the Democratic Republic of the Jamil Union, categorically condemn the banning of the Male Gender in the nation of Feminany. We Jamilians believe in the equality of all peoples, no matter what race or gender. Also, this law is an obvious breach of the UN Bill of Human Rights and we urge the United Nations to take action against Feminany. Until a time when either this law has been repealed or favorably amended, the Jamil Union imposes ECONOMIC SANCTIONS against the Nation of Feminany. We urge the rest of the International community to do the same.
ALSO, we, the Democratic Republic of the Jamil Union, condemn the actions of the Raven Corps. and its attempts to acquire the 500,000 Feminani refugees for use in inhumane human experimentation. Your actions also violate the United Nations Bill of Human Rights and I request that all member nations of the UN take action against this heinous corporation. At this time, elements of the Jamil Union Army and Federal Security Bureau have seized all Raven Corps. assets within our nation. All Raven Corps. personnel are in the process of being deported.
ALSO, we, the Democratic Republic of the Jamil Union, condemn the bombing Feminany's capital by the Stianslaad military and demand a cease to all military action. Taking into consideration the buildup of military forces on both sides, you must realize that any further military action could explode into a full-scale war. We request that there be a temporary ceasefire between all of the parties involved until at least the end of the Berlin Conference.
FINALLY, the Jamil Union wishes to congratulate the Great Sixth Reich's efforts to bring an end to the hostilities peacefully. Vice President Andrew Winner will be attending the Berlin Conference on behalf of the Jamil Union. We sincerely hope that this situation can be peacefully resolved at the Berlin Conference.
Paul K. Matrix
President of the Jamil Union
The Fedral Union
07-09-2004, 23:47
*gets the oratliry ready*
07-09-2004, 23:58
I just wanted to point out that if you get rid of all your men folk then your wimmin will have to do all the toilet repairing, gabage carrying jobs. That is why the Gods made morons. So smart people don't have to be custodians. Just a thought. My county could use the people also. No need for my Belrixian to clean the sewers if I can get alien workers to do it.
Thom Belrix, HP of Belrixis
The Republic will send a representative to these talks...
Irina Haton Rasnapova
Minister of Diplomacy
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 00:10
Jamil Union and Hattia:
Spots have been reserved for your representatives at the conference.
Armstrongia Bachland
08-09-2004, 00:11
Well....we will scan foriegn home video channels for our male entertainment. And men can come holidaying. They may even observe the perfection of our society and have a gender change.
You said you banned the male gender. Allowing any males into the country would be a violation of your own ban.
Thank you, now we would like to note that the nations of the coalition are already attacking Feminany...
Japanese Antarctica
08-09-2004, 00:14
ooc: i feel so sorry for Feminany...
08-09-2004, 00:24
ooc: So if it is all female.. does that mean their will be no need for clothing? Im going to move my satellites into geo-synch orbit over Feminany!
IC: The Kingdom of Cullenus has recently passed a law making the female gender illegal. All females will be required to go through a sex change or be tied to stones and thrown in the Caribbean Sea. Or other nations may take them if they wish.
This was not a democratic vote, but however the will of our dictator. Reason for banning females is because they are now an obsolete neccesity. Our computer intelligence has heightened to a level where female intelligence is no longer required. Our modern science in cloning is also to the point where we can grow ovaries and other neccesary sex organs for male reproduction on lab rats.
We do understand that this should anger the majority of the now male population as it is taking away their greatest desire. So this law will be temporary for an extended period of time.
Later when the nation of Feminany is all female and we are all male then the entire population of Cullenus will sex-hungrily march into Feminany and rape their entire population.
After the time of the Great Rape the law will then be repealed and the female gender will be allowed back into Cullenus.
Armstrongia Bachland
08-09-2004, 00:25
You have personally insulted all the males (and most of the females) in my country. We think of each other as equals. It's too bad your IGNORANCE can't see past that. You said all males, so does that mean your dogs will all have sex changes, your rabbits, your ANTS???? It's shameful you even thought of this, let alone let a bill pass. Consider the nation of Shiznayo personally insulted. Good day.An excellent point.
The Parthians
08-09-2004, 00:26
Parthia proudly executes 25,000 feminists each year. Should you fail to repeal these horrible acts upon half of your population, we shall strike upon your nation with great vengeance!
08-09-2004, 00:28
Should you fail to repeal these horrible acts upon half of your population, we shall strike upon your nation with great vengeance!
President J.L. staunchly supports the Shah's position on this issue. We will do whatever we can to aid our glorious ally.
08-09-2004, 00:29
((OOC: I'll be gone a lil longer. Even tho there were nothing that was said that I feel should require my 2 cents.))
08-09-2004, 00:30
Having noted with growing horror the developing situation in Femi-whatever it is, the Nation of RSDarksbane condemns the foul discrimination against individuals based upon their gender and issues a call for the international community to pass a resolution condemning these actions wholeheartedly.
Additionally, RSDarksbane throws its support behind those nations which are brave enough to invade and further the cause of freedom across the world.
RSDarksbane sends its regrets to the nations attending the peace conference, because it is unable to attend due to affairs of state.
OOC: A main principle of democracy is Majority Rule, but with Minority Rights. All men (and women) must be guaranteed their certain basic rights. The right to your own gender should be among those.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 00:33
Everyone who wants to attack, please attend the peace conference, wait until its over, and then decide if an attack is neccesary.
ooc: So if it is all female.. does that mean their will be no need for clothing? Im going to move my satellites into geo-synch orbit over Feminany!
IC: The Kingdom of Cullenus has recently passed a law making the female gender illegal. All females will be required to go through a sex change or be tied to stones and thrown in the Caribbean Sea. Or other nations may take them if they wish.
This was not a democratic vote, but however the will of our dictator. Reason for banning females is because they are now an obsolete neccesity. Our computer intelligence has heightened to a level where female intelligence is no longer required. Our modern science in cloning is also to the point where we can grow ovaries and other neccesary sex organs for male reproduction on lab rats.
We do understand that this should anger the majority of the now male population as it is taking away their greatest desire. So this law will be temporary for an extended period of time.
Later when the nation of Feminany is all female and we are all male then the entire population of Cullenus will sex-hungrily march into Feminany and rape their entire population.
After the time of the Great Rape the law will then be repealed and the female gender will be allowed back into Cullenus.
Mayor Kabapus demands you send us all females. If you need an applicable reason that makes some sort of sense, Mayor Kabapus plans to massacre them for his own amusement. Will this suffice? If not, we will propose a trade.
-The Secretary
08-09-2004, 00:45
Cullenus gladly sends all females to Miratha. They are loaded up on ships and delivered like slaves. We apologize if a few may of died on the trip over.
Glad to trade with you.
Joe Bullock
Vice Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Cullenus
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 00:51
Offical Statement made by the The Lightning Starian Free Holy Democratic Islamic Republic of Juntra
The President, The Grand Imam, AND the Council of Elders have decided unanimously to Blockade the country of Femininty(or whaterever her name is). Millions of our people have DIED fighting to free all people of the Earth. Such disrespect for human life APPAULS us. Within the next Half hour(about 2 seconds from now in RL), 400,000 of our Elite Freedom Fighters(these are actual Freedom fighters, not terrorists) will storm and capture the three largest cities in the country(unless the Capital is amoung them, we will then move to the fourth largest city). We will then find all the males and safely lead them into our country to set up a Male Government in Exile. We will refrain from killing innocents at all costs, but SEXIST SATAN WORSHIPERS(as they are refered to by the Gran Imam) who try to hamper our occupation will swiftly be killed. We will then put all Females under house arrest, supplying them with a days supply of food everyday.
We will NOT go beyond the extent of the City lines, as we hope this will be enough to make the Fimininty(or Whatever) government change their mind. We will NOT do any human rights violations. HOWEVER, if the Femi---(Oh forget it) does NOT repeal the law, my army will storm the countryside. My army is WELL equiped and well trained, and it is made up of both women and men. And 90% of them were former slaves, so they will have a burnign hatred for your soldiers. They are also tough and strong, so they will quickly overpower your nation.
We hope that this warnign will change your mind.
-To all natons who oppose us.
Try to stop us, i dare you. SOme of the people on this thread were in the LAST war with me, and they can tell you what its like to have a rain of WMDS fly upon their heads(not even high-tech anti missile sytems can stop ALL of 200 WMD loaded ICBM's).
Seeing how we have no intention, however, to start a full scale war, the Council of Elders and the President(agains the will of the Grand Imam) have decided to send a Representative of the T.L.S.F.H.D.R.J. to the peace conference, but we know that Femi's (i cant recal the entire name) "Queen" will NOT recall the law.
OOC: Be careful, you new September nations. Opposing some of the mightiest nations in the NS realm isnt the smartest thing to do.
Of course, im not an NS superpower. I think of myself more as a "Great Power" or a "REgional Power".
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 01:01
A spot has been reserved for The Lightning Starian Free Holy Democratic Islamic Republic of Juntra at the conference.
We will do our best to not start an international conflict.
My Presidental Airbus A380 has been sent to pickup the Queen so that she is save for bombing and attacks.
Lightning Star-
Mayor Kabapus is a bit confused as to why you'd attack... This country. The general belief of Miratha is that every nation should be able to do whatever they want with their citizens, no matter how screwed up their ideas are. However, as Mayor Kabapus goes, he is willing to follow anyone who has the opportunity to kill people for no real reason. If this conference goes wrong, we will gladly support you.
-The Secretary
Trade? We never proposed one yet. If you want something in exchange, tell us.
-The Secretary
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 01:11
Lightning Star-
Mayor Kabapus is a bit confused as to why you'd attack... This country. The general belief of Miratha is that every nation should be able to do whatever they want with their citizens, no matter how screwed up their ideas are. However, as Mayor Kabapus goes, he is willing to follow anyone who has the opportunity to kill people for no real reason. If this conference goes wrong, we will gladly support you.
-The Secretary
We believe that all the children of Allah are equal, and this Blasphemous breach fo human rights msut be topped immediatly. We have all witnessed the Rise and FAll of Communist Mississippi, and we CANNOT have a Feminazi state rise to power. This evil must be stopped before it can mature.
-The Grand Imam of Juntra, Ismail Al-hatorn.
Secret Code
To "The Secretary"
While we do NOT support meaningless bloodshed, if we every find an enemy posistion that is hard to overcome, we would be more than glad to open it up for your soldiers to attack. HOWEVER, any charges of War Crimes against you are against YOU. We will not suffer for your mischief. All that behind, it will be a pleasure doing buisiness with you.
-The Elder of the Highlander Tribe, Steve McGurney
OOC: Miratha, why dont you send the "Queen" some of your special cookies :D!
08-09-2004, 01:11
Miratha, the trade is as follows: Miratha recieves all the Cullenian females, Cullenus recieves the relief of having no more nagging females.
However if you feel you should trade something tangible then new nd interesting pizza topping ideas would be great. Pizza is a big industry here in Cullenus. We pride ourselves over our strange and exciting pizza recipes.
Joe Bullock
Vice Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Cullenus
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 01:13
Tarenteor chuckles to himself, taps a few buttons, setting the transaction destination, along with a short voice message, "While Jangle Jangle Ridge finds this throughly hilarious, we would like to support your cause, just because we feel like pissing everyone off. And because, being an entirely different species, I can act stuck up about this, and say the rule doesn't apply to me. Any need for troops can be sent to me, and I will try oh so very hard to answer them." A timer on the screen counts down from 1,000,000,000,000 USD...
OOC: Yeah, I gave you 1 trillion dollars, Feminany. I like fueling this kind of thing...
08-09-2004, 01:22
As of today, it has been declared illegal for any citizen of Feminany to belong to the male gender. Speaking from the nations capital, Girlin, Eve Dworking the elected Queen has confirmed that the law passed today outlaws the existence of the male gender.
For too long, the male gender has shown itself to be a genetic malformation, a blight upon humanity. No more. Today, no citizen of Feminany will be allowed to be ‘male’.
It has been understood that all male babies will undergo painless sex changes at birth. All existing male citizens have the chance of converting to the female gender or being exiled from the country. The government is looking for a sponsor nation to accept the influx of refugees that this action will undoubtedly cause.
Did you put any thought into that? Change a man's appearance won't change how he acts.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 01:24
Tarenteor chuckles to himself, taps a few buttons, setting the transaction destination, along with a short voice message, "While Jangle Jangle Ridge finds this throughly hilarious, we would like to support your cause, just because we feel like pissing everyone off. And because, being an entirely different species, I can act stuck up about this, and say the rule doesn't apply to me. Any need for troops can be sent to me, and I will try or so [i]very[/v] hard to answer them." A timer on the screen counts down from 1,000,000,000,000 USD...
OOC: Yeah, I gave you 1 trillion dollars, Feminany. I like fueling this kind of thing...
OOC: YOu already have Fifty MILLION soldiers in my country fighting in my civil war. You cant have that many left over.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 01:28
OOC: USD= United States Dollars (Or, in your case, dumbass) :P
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 01:30
The Conference
Where: Four Seasons Hotel Berlin, Gontard Room, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany (The design will be different, but the room will be the same)
When: 4 PM EST Tommorow.
Why: To produce a success resolution to end attacks on Femininty and pass a succesfull male rights resolution in Femininty. Jew Power Land is also expected to make a speech allowing The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany to use a naval base in Iraq and Eastern Russia.
How many people?: Up to 140 in a U-Shape design.
Meals: Dinner in Hofgarten I for 14 guests includeing the Queen of Femininty. Dinner in Hofgarten II for 14 other guests. (Same room design for both)
Wireless Internet is available in all meeting and eating areas.
Airports: Hienkel City International is located 100 miles south, accessable by high-speed rail. The airport allows super-sconic, space, and government planes (in a closed off section). Tegal International Airport is located nearby, with commerial flights only.Tegal Train Station is located nearby, where all the high-speed trains will arrive.
Secruity: 300 Soldiers and 3,000 Berlin City Police will provide protection for the delegates. Roadblocks will be deloyed in the area. Government Issued Photo ID is required to enter the building. SAMs and JOKE 87 Radar Centers are in the countryside.
Nations attending so far:
The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany (3 Speakers)
Jamil Union
The Lightning Starian Free Holy Democratic Islamic Republic of Juntra
Jangle Jangle Ridge
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 01:31
OOC: USD= United States Dollars (Or, in your case, dumbass) :P
OOC: I know! its just you said youd tty to send soldiers there if she needed them (although you may havebeen being sarcastic.. i cant tell).
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 01:35
OOC: I have over 150 million people in my military, TLS... it's one of those "I have 3+ billion people, weee!" perks
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 01:37
The Conference
Where: Four Seasons Hotel Berlin, Gontard Room, The Great Sixth Reich/Imperial Germany (The design will be different, but the room will be the same)
When: 4 PM EST Tommorow.
Why: To produce a success resolution to end attacks on Femininty and pass a succesfull male rights resolution in Femininty.
How many people?: Up to 140 in a U-Shape design.
Meals: Dinner in Hofgarten I for 14 guests includeing Femininty. Dinner in Hofgarten II for 14 other guests. (Same room design for both)
Wireless Internet is available in all meeting and eating areas.
Airports: Hienkel City International is located 100 miles south, accessable by high-speed rail. The airport allows super-sconic and government planes (in a closed off section). Tegal International Airport is located nearby, with commerial flights only.
Can I land a dropship in your airport? I like them more...
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 01:39
Can I land a dropship in your airport? I like them more...
Sure, there's a spaceport at Hienkel City International. Space Union uses it all the time. Your delegate will have to take a high-speed train from there to the conference. It will only take forty minutes.
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 01:40
Can I land a dropship in your airport? I like them more...
The Grand Imam himself will be visiting, and he will be flying the T.L.S.F.H.D.R.J. Allahs Will(one of the 30 Airships in our fleet) to the airport.
08-09-2004, 01:41
Would any other nations like to send their male citizens to participate in the Great Rape of Feminany with the male population of Cullenus?
I say no war... but rather rape. It will make a better RP. Everybody can just go to war. But how often do you get a chance to rape an entire female nation?!?!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
08-09-2004, 01:42
Would any other nations like to send their male citizens to participate in the Great Rape of Feminany with the male population of Cullenus?
I say no war... but rather rape. It will make a better RP. Everybody can just go to war. But how often do you get a chance to rape an entire female nation?!?!
When I'm not planning the Great Rape involving all intruders on Feminany and a prison yard?
The Lightning Star
08-09-2004, 01:43
Would any other nations like to send their male citizens to participate in the Great Rape of Feminany with the male population of Cullenus?
I say no war... but rather rape. It will make a better RP. Everybody can just go to war. But how often do you get a chance to rape an entire female nation?!?!
No citizens of the T.L.S.F.H.D.R.J. will be participating in this act. They believe it evil and immoral.
The OTHER ruling faction in my nation however, which is the Fourth Reich, will be sending 50,000 men to "aid" Cullenus.
08-09-2004, 01:45
OOC: oops, posted in wrong forum.
IC: Cullenus sends a representative to participate in the Conference. They'll be landing at the international airport shortly.
OOC: Damn, me gots to go. Uh, whenever the conference takes place, The Secretary and Mayor Kabapus basically run around, say it's good to kill people, but not to order other nations, run around with scissors and ultimately, agree to any chance at war.
West Scotland
08-09-2004, 02:29
Stopping what could quite possibly be the next CM before it starts is a worthy cause, my friend.
-Kaiserine Yuna.
There is no evidence of torture or other physical torment, or racism for that matter. In hindsight it may turn out that stopping them now would have been better, but at this point we find no justifications. 'Quite possibly' as you say, is not nearly good enough. It would also have done well do wage war on Germany in 1936, wouldn't it? At this point in time, we find Feminany's regard for human life to be greater than yours. Your intentions are good, but realize the ramnifications of war.
Generic Empire, I expected...better of you. Plus, you're kind of in a civil war.
Actually, you know what? This thread is waaaaaay too awkward for me. Do what you like, I don't really feel like reading through this revolting thread. It's just getting worse and worse.
Would any other nations like to send their male citizens to participate in the Great Rape of Feminany with the male population of Cullenus?
I say no war... but rather rape. It will make a better RP. Everybody can just go to war. But how often do you get a chance to rape an entire female nation?!?!
See what I mean?
There is no evidence of torture or other physical torment, or racism for that matter. In hindsight it may turn out that stopping them now would have been better, but at this point we find no justifications. 'Quite possibly' as you say, is not nearly good enough. It would also have done well do wage war on Germany in 1936, wouldn't it? At this point in time, we find Feminany's regard for human life to be greater than yours. Your intentions are good, but realize the ramnifications of war.
Generic Empire, I expected...better of you. Plus, you're kind of in a civil war.
Actually, you know what? This thread is waaaaaay too awkward for me. Do what you like, I don't really feel like reading through this revolting thread. It's just getting worse and worse.
Yes, we could've gone in 1936, and won. The German Army was not ready. Plus, there is a justification. I see it- perhaps you do not.
08-09-2004, 02:32
There is another nations not unlike your own -- Nyosei. You should read their statement. Further, they would make a good ally for you.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2004, 02:34
The Conference will take place in a seperate thread to be posted by me at 4 PM Eastern Standard Time. You may have Pre-Conference talks here.