Communist Missisipi will DEVOUR the world - Page 2
05-08-2004, 00:46
"Yes, well my schedule is very busy now. I have too much to tend to. Anyway, I think we'll hold Libya for now, you take care." Joseph Mladic
Yet you have enough time to endlessly debate this topic? It would take minutes for full coverage of the release to be established. It will takes hours, days, to resolve this conflict otherwise.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 00:46
Mladic, your nuclear arsenal is smaller than even ours, and yet you think you can take on the world? If You were ever foolish enough to use WMD, as we have warned you time and again, we would not hesitate to obliterate your little fascist hole from the face of the planet, even at price of our own devastation, simply because it would be a better place without you.
"We have enough chemical and biological weapons to cover the planet about six times over. We have over 45,000 ICBMS and about three thousand B-52s with bombs. We will certainly not be the first to start a nuclear war, but we will not hesitate to be the first to end one. All we want is to be left alone." Joseph Mladic
05-08-2004, 00:49
If you wish to be left alone, you will immediately vacate your colonies, end your support for right-wing extremism, and generally stop acting like a superpower when you aren't one. And as for that WMD arsenal, do not make me laugh. You are fools enough to think that you could take on the world and win? Well that's hardly a surprise, after all from what we know you all suffer from colossal superiority complexes and rampant delusions or grandeur. But anyway. You would be willing to execute yourselves, it seems, so do the world a favour and do it now.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 00:53
If you wish to be left alone, you will immediately vacate your colonies, end your support for right-wing extremism, and generally stop acting like a superpower when you aren't one. And as for that WMD arsenal, do not make me laugh. You are fools enough to think that you could take on the world and win? Well that's hardly a surprise, after all from what we know you all suffer from colossal superiority complexes and rampant delusions or grandeur. But anyway. You would be willing to execute yourselves, it seems, so do the world a favour and do it now.
"We know we cannot take on the world, we would never attempt to take on anybody we knew we couldn't beat. As for our colonies, we have over 115 million whites in our African possessions, we will not ask them to abandon their homes and their uproot their lives. We cannot ask that and we will not ask that. Anyway, as soon as we'd leave, you'd take it over. We won't leave land just because you want it. Nice try, go elsewhere for your colonial empire, we have staked out ours, we won't object if you stake out yours in land that doesn't conflict with our interests. We wish you well." Joseph Mladic.
Occ- DPUO, Msn. :D
05-08-2004, 00:55
We do not seek an empire. Arabia, including Libya, is for the Arabs, and Africa for the Africans, not for your white supremacist hillbilly idiots.. Do not tar us with the same brush as yourselves, please, since it is extremely offensive and makes me want to vomit.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 00:57
We do not seek an empire. Arabia, including Libya, is for the Arabs, and Africa for the Africans, not for your white supremacist hillbilly idiots.. Do not tar us with the same brush as yourselves, please, since it is extremely offensive and makes me want to vomit.
"Then who is Germany for? Who is France for? Who is Britain for? We do not hear your kind yell "Germany for Germans!" or "France for French", or "Britain for British!", you want to give the africans all of africa and yet still allow them to flood into Mother Europe in packs like rats! BAH!" Joesph Mladic.
05-08-2004, 00:57
We implore the Government of DPUO to think about their actions. Moving in this way would surely mean total annihilation for all involved. The situation simply does not warrant the action.
05-08-2004, 01:00
Mladic, again you are woefully lacking in knowledge. A small note: Africa is a CONTINENT. Not a country. Not a nationstate. Not a colony of a load of Nazis, either, if there is any justice remaining in the universe.
However, as the Falasturians have pointed out, I really ought to calm down, so I will. I will as a matter of fact imagine your face as you lose your colonies. Night.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:01
Mladic, again you are woefully lacking in knowledge. A small note: Africa is a CONTINENT. Not a country. Not a nationstate. Not a colony of a load of Nazis, either, if there is any justice remaining in the universe.
However, as the Falasturians have pointed out, I really ought to calm down, so I will. I will as a matter of fact imagine your face as you lose your colonies. Night.
"The day we lose our colonies, will be the day we lose our entire nuclear arsenal, because we will use all of our 45 thousand ICBMs to save our colonists if their survival is ever seriously threatened. We will not allow you to genocide 115 million of our citizens just because they live in other lands." Joseph Mladic.
05-08-2004, 01:08
"The day we lose our colonies, will be the day we lose our entire nuclear arsenal, because we will use all of our 45 thousand ICBMs to save our colonists if their survival is ever seriously threatened. We will not allow you to genocide 115 million of our citizens just because they live in other lands." Joseph Mladic.
That is a simply ridiculous notion. You would use your ICBMs to save your colonists? But they would die in the repercussion. What would the point in that be? You would be dead, so would everyone else, and the act which was supposed to save the collapse of your Empire would have destroyed it. At least if you sat back and let it happen, then you would still have a country.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:10
That is a simply ridiculous notion. You would use your ICBMs to save your colonists? But they would die in the repercussion. What would the point in that be? You would be dead, so would everyone else, and the act which was supposed to save the collapse of your Empire would have destroyed it. At least if you sat back and let it happen, then you would still have a country.
"You don't get it! Their souls would be saved! HAHAHAHAHA! You don't get it! That's what it's all about! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You just don't get it! You'll martyr us all!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! And then God will reward us all the more in paradise! Now begone unbeliever!" Joseph Mladic.
The Lightning Star
05-08-2004, 01:11
As i have stated before and most likely will again, if it comes to war, the Lightning Star will back whoever is against CM. We may be small in size, but our Airship fleet has won numerous victories againts opponenets many times their number. (OOC:and yes, i can have airships. YOu guys has space stations and thousands of ICBM's, ic an have an Airship fleet. MAny prominent nations do. HAving an airship fleet is just as possible as turning Libya green. It requires the same amount of technology.)
The Lightning Star
05-08-2004, 01:12
"You don't get it! Their souls would be saved! HAHAHAHAHA! You don't get it! That's what it's all about! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You just don't get it! You'll martyr us all!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! And then God will reward us all the more in paradise! Now begone unbeliever!" Joseph Mladic.
You have just said something that a muslim would say. christians belive in Heaven, Mr Mladic. Muslims believe in paradise. I believe that you will either edit that statement or forget it even happend :).
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:14
You have just said something that a muslim would say. christians belive in Heaven, Mr Mladic. Muslims believe in paradise. I believe that you will either edit that statement or forget it even happend :).
Occ- Mladic is drunk now, been drunk for the last post or two.
"Well why don't you just come make me change my statement, you big dumby, you're a dumby, a big dumby. You know what you are? Do you? You're a dumby, dumby." Joseph Mladic.
05-08-2004, 01:15
We advise the Lightning Star delegate to follow our example and depart before he is driven to launching a nuclear attack just to shut this gibbering moron up.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:18
We advise the Lightning Star delegate to follow our example and depart before he is driven to launching a nuclear attack just to shut this gibbering moron up.
"Oh so yours a wiseguys eh? Well I don't gotta stand for that! I got my finger on the button, the big red one, yeah, that's the one. (Burps loudly). I don't need you to tell me what to (Burps loudly) do!" Joseph Mladic, now quite drunk.
Occ- DPUO please get to Msn fer a while. :)
Seryown, having recently come out of its own totalitarian regime, notes that its dictator was an excellent one and that others exist, however it feels that Mississippi has grossly overstepped its bounds in oppressing not only those it feels(wrongly) to be inferior, but also in oppressing those who it does not feel to be inferior. Therefore, the House does not see negotiations over an area of land for Arabs and Africans to inhabit as appropriate. We feel that more appropriate would be for a council made up entirely of natives of the oppressed colonies to decide on an appropriate area, if any, for the colonists from Communist Mississippi to inhabit. In addition, the House is currently considering a resolution that would label the colonists from Mississippi as combatants, as (some of our Housemen feel) they have invaded another sovereign nation - such a resolution would carry with it the decision that this is not a matter covered by respect for Communist Mississippi's sovereignty as they are no longer dealing within their own nation.
05-08-2004, 01:25
"You don't get it! Their souls would be saved! HAHAHAHAHA! You don't get it! That's what it's all about! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You just don't get it! You'll martyr us all!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! And then God will reward us all the more in paradise! Now begone unbeliever!" Joseph Mladic.
1. Jesus was most likely black. Some Christians are black. Some non-Christians are white. Your beliefs just don't add up.
2. Falastur is a Christian nation. There is no religious glory or achievement in being a martyr because a psychotic fellow believer wished to prove his opinion that his faith is superior to all others and therefore must dominate and suppress all non-believers. Being a martyr requires you to die for your faith, specifically because of religious intolerance against you. What you are doing is not martyring your population. Instead, you are martyring the black peoples of your Empire. Your white population will die as a result of genocide, not persecution.
3. Falastur has no nuclear arsenal. How do you propose we martyr you?
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:29
1. Jesus was most likely black. Some Christians are black. Some non-Christians are white. Your beliefs just don't add up.
2. Falastur is a Christian nation. There is no religious glory or achievement in being a martyr because a psychotic fellow believer wished to prove his opinion that his faith is superior to all others and therefore must dominate and suppress all non-believers. Being a martyr requires you to die for your faith, specifically because of religious intolerance against you. What you are doing is not martyring your population. Instead, you are martyring the black peoples of your Empire. Your white population will die as a result of genocide, not persecution.
3. Falastur has no nuclear arsenal. How do you propose we martyr you?
"Christ who was born of Immaculate Conception was white because God willed it. Also he was born of a woman in Palestine, not a black land. You are obviously insane. About martyrdom, Pope Urban II declared all who die on Crusade for God, go straight to Heaven and receive full absolution of sin." Joseph Mladic.
05-08-2004, 01:32
You are aware that given that he was born in Palestine Christ would almost certainly have been a semite? An ARAB, even. I can't imagine that persecuting the peoples of the world, the same people of whom Christ was a member, is a crusade for God. Not too bright, are we, sonny Jim?
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:34
You are aware that given that he was born in Palestine Christ would almost certainly have been a semite? An ARAB, even. I can't imagine that persecuting the peoples of the world, the same people of whom Christ was a member, is a crusade for God. Not too bright, are we, sonny Jim?
"Christ was an anglo-saxon, as the bible speaks of the Adamic Race, Adamic meaning "Can blush in the face, red in the face", only whites can blush, and thus only whites are God's people." Joseph Mladic
05-08-2004, 01:36
Real logic there Mladic. So how do you explain that non-whites have blood vessels in their cheeks then? The fact you don't see them blush doesn't make it so. In any case, that's rather sketchy evidence on which to base the enslavement of a few nations. Of course, I suppose God in his almighty wisdom (note extreme sarcasm) has decreed it all to be true, which makes it fine.
05-08-2004, 01:37
"Christ was an anglo-saxon
There was no such ethnic group as "Anglo-Saxon" until many years after Christ's death. You are obviously insane.
About martyrdom, you need to be on a Crusade to count as being on Crusade. Your citizens who die from the radiation will not be on Crusade, they will merely be caught in the crossfire.
05-08-2004, 01:39
"Christ was an anglo-saxon, as the bible speaks of the Adamic Race, Adamic meaning "Can blush in the face, red in the face", only whites can blush, and thus only whites are God's people." Joseph Mladic
Caucasian has "asian" in it, but it originates from the Caucasus, not Asia.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:45
Real logic there Mladic. So how do you explain that non-whites have blood vessels in their cheeks then? The fact you don't see them blush doesn't make it so. In any case, that's rather sketchy evidence on which to base the enslavement of a few nations. Of course, I suppose God in his almighty wisdom (note extreme sarcasm) has decreed it all to be true, which makes it fine.
"It means to "show blood in the face", you cannot see the non-white races blush. They are not God's people. We are happy with our beliefs, please either ignore them or accept them, but accept our right to believe them." Joseph Mladic
05-08-2004, 01:46
I would be far better inclined to accept your right to believe them if you did not force them upon other peoples.
05-08-2004, 01:48
I would be far better inclined to accept your right to believe them if you did not force them upon other peoples.
I couldn't have put that better myself.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:50
I would be far better inclined to accept your right to believe them if you did not force them upon other peoples.
"We will not force Christianity on any people who don't want it. We believe forcing it on non-whites is wrong because Christ did not die for them, he died for us. Christianity is by a white, for all whites. Remember, God himself is white, he made whites in his own image." Joseph Mladic
05-08-2004, 01:52
You force your belief in the inferiority of non-whites and your belief in gaining lebensraum for whites on those you conquer. You therefore force your beliefs upon others. Do not attempt to deny it. As long as you have these rancip stinking heaps that you call white colonies you will be forcing them upon others, and your beliefs and your right to hold and enforce them will thus not be accepted.
"We will not force Christianity on any people who don't want it. We believe forcing it on non-whites is wrong because Christ did not die for them, he died for us. Christianity is by a white, for all whites. Remember, God himself is white, he made whites in his own image." Joseph Mladic
The House poses this question - doesn't that conflict with the idea that God cannot be visualized by idols?
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:53
You force your belief in the inferiority of non-whites and your belief in gaining lebensraum for whites on those you conquer. You therefore force your beliefs upon others. Do not attempt to deny it. As long as you have these rancip stinking heaps that you call white colonies you will be forcing them upon others, and your beliefs and your right to hold and enforce them will thus not be accepted.
"We will pull out when hell freezes over and when blacks have proven they can handle governing themselves. Since neither will ever happen, we figure we'll stay. Just ask the whites at Kolwezi how well blacks govern themselves." Joseph Mladic.
05-08-2004, 01:55
You have not given blacks the chance to prove anything, and we will not ask your white thieves anything, because we know we will get the same rubbish spouted at us from them as from you. You have one chance. For your own good, leave Libya and your colonies. We are not going to take any action against you if you don't; it'll be the arabs who kick you from their lands.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 01:57
You have not given blacks the chance to prove anything, and we will not ask your white thieves anything, because we know we will get the same rubbish spouted at us from them as from you. You have one chance. For your own good, leave Libya and your colonies. We are not going to take any action against you if you don't; it'll be the arabs who kick you from their lands.
"If they attempt to take the land from us, they will find themselves buried in the land, en masse." Joseph Mladic (still drunk)
05-08-2004, 01:59
Like your men at "Firebase Fabus," then. See you soon, Mladic.
OOC: Bed :D
Seryown strongly implores DPUO to reconsider its stance - we feel that Communist Mississippi has simply fallen to such low standards that it would be impossible for the Arabs and Africans under its control to rise out of their oppression without outside help.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 02:01
Like your men at "Firebase Fabus," then. See you soon, Mladic.
OOC: Bed :D
"I won't stand for such insults! You dare insult the memory of our heroes, and those 20,000 still prisoners in Hogsweat! How dare you!"
Occ- tomorrow you best get on msn :)
05-08-2004, 02:02
"We will pull out when hell freezes over and when blacks have proven they can handle governing themselves. Since neither will ever happen, we figure we'll stay. Just ask the whites at Kolwezi how well blacks govern themselves." Joseph Mladic.
Actually, many many black peoples have governed themselves far better than most white nations have governed themselves.
05-08-2004, 02:02
OOC: Aw what the hell. Just to get him apoplectic.
Mladic, if those men are heroes, then your mother was a black whore.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 02:03
Seryown strongly implores DPUO to reconsider its stance - we feel that Communist Mississippi has simply fallen to such low standards that it would be impossible for the Arabs and Africans under its control to rise out of their oppression without outside help.
Occ- You're a march nation with less than 100 posts?
Ic- "We won't allow any weapons to get to the Blacks or Arabs. Anyway, the Libyans are happy now, they have their land, why would want to hurt us?" Paul Stahlecker, foreign minister.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 02:04
OOC: Aw what the hell. Just to get him apoplectic.
Mladic, if those men are heroes, then your mother was a black whore.
"How dare you insult my mother! We will duel! I want a pistol duel! Antique pistols! We will meet outside Alexandria. Do you accept, or are you a coward?"
05-08-2004, 02:09
Occ- You're a march nation with less than 100 posts?
Ic- "We won't allow any weapons to get to the Blacks or Arabs. Anyway, the Libyans are happy now, they have their land, why would want to hurt us?" Paul Stahlecker, foreign minister.
I suspect that, having been invaded, conquered, and forced to put up with 50 million white people, the Libyans are not so happy as you make out.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 02:10
I suspect that, having been invaded, conquered, and forced to put up with 50 million white people, the Libyans are not so happy as you make out.
They're happy because we tell them to be happy. Occ
Occ- You're a march nation with less than 100 posts?
Ic- "We won't allow any weapons to get to the Blacks or Arabs. Anyway, the Libyans are happy now, they have their land, why would want to hurt us?" Paul Stahlecker, foreign minister.
OOC: I noticed that smaller nations are not respected around here, so I waited for my nation to build up past 750 million to begin rping.
05-08-2004, 02:20
They're happy because we tell them to be happy. Occ
And you say that you don't impose your will on other nations....
05-08-2004, 02:22
OOC: I noticed that smaller nations are not respected around here, so I waited for my nation to build up past 750 million to begin rping.
OOC: Don't worry about it. Some people are picky, but often they are the kind of people you don't want to RP with anyway. Most people are perfectly happy to RP with a newer nation. In fact, CM's comment seems to be that you haven't RPed enough, but by no means let him order you around.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 02:30
OOC: Don't worry about it. Some people are picky, but often they are the kind of people you don't want to RP with anyway. Most people are perfectly happy to RP with a newer nation. In fact, CM's comment seems to be that you haven't RPed enough, but by no means let him order you around.
Occ- I was just concerned he was the type to start an RP and post a few times a week and let it die, etc. I am now certain that is not the case.
05-08-2004, 02:37
Occ- I was just concerned he was the type to start an RP and post a few times a week and let it die, etc. I am now certain that is not the case.
OOC: Ahh, OK. I just didn't want to see a fellow RPer put off RPing....
OOC: While its true I don't have the obsessive commitment to this forum other people do, I do check my subscribed topics list quite frequently for any updates that deserve my response.
Scandavian States
05-08-2004, 02:47
I'm sure CM will devour the world. After all, he's so powerful he could steamroll Metus, APTO, and every other alliance in NS all by his lonesome. Fear the Redneck Commie!
The Lightning Star
05-08-2004, 22:40
OOC: Hey hey hey! I RP alot! I have around 600 posts! and thats alot, considering that my nations not even 2 monnths old yet and only has 275 million people. I, personally, have been respected by many Fairly old RPers, so just dont make the asumption that all small RPers are ignored. We're just fairly insignificant, except when we are dealing with smaller nations, are in a colition OR when we're able to use our Airships :D
The Lightning Star urges the international community to ignore mr Mladic. HE is obviosuly drunk. HE should not even be allowed in office. He may entangle his nation in a global war. Do NOT pay attention to his statements. Even once hes not drunk. He is not a man fit for Public Office.
Bah, we have no fears of white power. We absorb everything into our society the way an amoeba absorbs food. Or a gelatinous cube eating that lvl5 fighter...anyhoo, it gets absorbed, or shot. The High Guard got those shiny nano carbon-chainmail armor that stop 20mm chain gun rounds . . .
J. W. Gibbs, Jr.,
Apprentice Consul-General
TLS: My skyships pwn j00!!1 Victoly!
05-08-2004, 22:54
OOC: Looks like the Navy's gonna earn its' keep eh?
The Lightning Star
05-08-2004, 22:57
Bah, we have no fears of white power. We absorb everything into our society the way an amoeba absorbs food. Or a gelatinous cube eating that lvl5 fighter...anyhoo, it gets absorbed, or shot. The High Guard got those shiny nano carbon-chainmail armor that stop 20mm chain gun rounds . . .
J. W. Gibbs, Jr.,
Apprentice Consul-General
TLS: My skyships pwn j00!!1 Victoly!
OOC: um.. bui i still have your SAkuras... AND MINE WILL BE BETTER :P
We applaud Weyrs fearlessness to CM's wrath but we advise them to stand down. We risk our nation because we are but a shadow of our old selfs. We were a corrupt dictatorship of evil. At one point we even ALLIED with the Christians Martyrs Brigade. We only wish that, even if it is our last action as a nation, that the Poison upon our fair world that is Communis tMississippi be destroyed, or at least treated. We stopped ourselvs from going the way of CM, and although in some peoples opinion they have gone beyond help, we believe that we can save them from the utter and complete destruction they have unknowingly wished upon themselves.
The Parthians
06-08-2004, 00:40
DPUO, to make such demands on Communist Mississippi are bound to ignite war, a war that could end the lives of many people. Perhaps it would be best to see how well the autonomous Arab Libya shall fare.
Dyelli Beybi
06-08-2004, 00:52
Dyelli Beybi has watched this conflict for some time, and it is felt that while we stand in support of the anti-Communist Mississippi movement in these matters, belligerent actions must be avoided as they are sure to lead to open war and the indiscriminate use of nuclear weapons.
Dyelli Beybi Provincial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To Communist Mississippi
broadcasted on open channels
The Czar demands you grant Arabs THEIR living space in their own land. They are humans, too. The Arabs are to be allowed to setup their own governing council. THe main concern is for the people. You are to let them have their land back. They need living space, too.
Also, should any weapon of mass destruction be used by you, Communist Mississippi, the entire wrath of the great Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon will fall upon you like God Himself smashed you to pieces.
You are to cease the threats of using weapons of mass destruction immediately.
Imperial Field Marschall Otto von Bismarck
Supreme Commander of the Dersconi General Staff
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
Press Release by Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III
Good evening, citizens of Derscon, and people of the world. As you may know, the evil empire of Communist Mississippi has recently conquored Lybia. The natives of Lybia, the people that that land belongs to, were oppressed by the CM government. Now, in response to the international outcry against the crimes against humanity, the facist, NAZI, phycopathic government of Communist Mississippi has threatened the use of weapons of mass destruction. It is clear that the dictator of Communist Mississippi is insane and unfit to run a nation, and has no regard WHATSOEVER for the value of human life.
I call for the dictator of Communist Mississippi to STEP DOWN FROM OFFICE. Also, Communist Mississippi is to withdraw completely from Lybia.
I do not fear Communist Mississippi. The overinflated ego of the dictator is laughable.
Pride goeth before the fall.
Communist Mississippi
06-08-2004, 03:26
To Communist Mississippi
broadcasted on open channels
The Czar demands you grant Arabs THEIR living space in their own land. They are humans, too. The Arabs are to be allowed to setup their own governing council. THe main concern is for the people. You are to let them have their land back. They need living space, too.
Also, should any weapon of mass destruction be used by you, Communist Mississippi, the entire wrath of the great Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon will fall upon you like God Himself smashed you to pieces.
You are to cease the threats of using weapons of mass destruction immediately.
Imperial Field Marschall Otto von Bismarck
Supreme Commander of the Dersconi General Staff
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
Press Release by Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III
Good evening, citizens of Derscon, and people of the world. As you may know, the evil empire of Communist Mississippi has recently conquored Lybia. The natives of Lybia, the people that that land belongs to, were oppressed by the CM government. Now, in response to the international outcry against the crimes against humanity, the facist, NAZI, phycopathic government of Communist Mississippi has threatened the use of weapons of mass destruction. It is clear that the dictator of Communist Mississippi is insane and unfit to run a nation, and has no regard WHATSOEVER for the value of human life.
I call for the dictator of Communist Mississippi to STEP DOWN FROM OFFICE. Also, Communist Mississippi is to withdraw completely from Lybia.
I do not fear Communist Mississippi. The overinflated ego of the dictator is laughable.
Pride goeth before the fall.
We suggest you read the part where Libyan were granted independence in "Arabian Libya"
06-08-2004, 17:23
Nations of The Civilised World:
We enourage you to send more forces to Arabian Lybia: We are afraid that this new wave of hostile actions from Communist Mississippi will endanger the peaceful existance of the independent Arabian Lybia. Some white colonialists pilots have trespassed the Arab Lybian air space, and we cannot tolerate that the REAL OWNERS OF THE LAND, the Lybians, have to live afraid that at any moment Communist Mississippi will decide to vanish their independent state.
Communist Mississippi
06-08-2004, 17:27
Nations of The Civilised World:
We enourage you to send more forces to Arabian Lybia: We are afraid that this new wave of hostile actions from Communist Mississippi will endanger the peaceful existance of the independent Arabian Lybia. Some white colonialists pilots have trespassed the Arab Lybian air space, and we cannot tolerate that the REAL OWNERS OF THE LAND, the Lybians, have to live afraid that at any moment Communist Mississippi will decide to vanish their independent state.
Hello, they can legally fly right along the border!
Occ- Are you planning to invade Mississippian Libya? Why are you amassing so many forces in Arabian Libya? You wonder why we have a cold-war!
I am calling on the League of Empire Loyalists and all nations very friendly with / allied with CM, to station as many troops as they want in the western region of Mississippian Libya along the border with Arabian Libya so we can stand ready to stop arab terrorists and possible foreign aggression.