Unclaimed Landmass found in Eripod
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 05:21
Aboard the AUS Istanbial
Captain James Wilkonshire looked out over the seas around him, smiling as the cool sea breeze blew gently through his hair. He had been born for the life of a merchant. Although his family was not rich, they had the family business, which entailed the touring of new areas, trading commodities with the inhabitants.
On board, he had such things as spices, some coal, and even just a small bit of Gold. His ultimate goal was to get his hands on Pure Gold. He had been scaling the globe for such resource, and only managed to find just a small amount, of which he carried on board with him. Once he had gathered his fill of Gold, he would go back to the Austar Union, to sell it at the local markets. Hopefully, Eripod contained such treasures. Being a reasonably new area, he had heard stories of the riches from the new continent and surrounding islands.
As he considered the reason he was there, his son of seven years came up to him, “Daddy, where is mother?”
James frowned, his wife had died years earlier in a fishing accident. In fact, that was the very thing that made him choose the lifestyle he lead today. He figured that his wife’s death wouldn’t go in vain, therefore he would complete the goals of the family business. See, the business was his wife’s father. Just before he passed away, he signed the business over to the new couple. Now that his wife was dead, he refused to allow the business to suffer.
He had tried to receive contracts from the government to begin official trade, yet they refused, as too many licenses had been handed out already. Therefore he set the business as independent. He had heard however, that there were rewards for people who discover new lands, and so he always had a few men posted on the bridge, just watching. Now, as the merchant ship entered Eripod waters, the men were watching more keen than ever. This was a new area, and James was sure that there would be something new.
Within a few hours, James was reclining in the maproom, reading the latest maps of Eropia. Looking at his position, he smiled, and took a shot of whiskey. All of a sudden, a bell began to ring outside. Rushing out onto the bridge, he looked out the window of the bridge, and to his shock, he saw a land mass directly in the path of the ship on the horizon. Rushing back into the maproom, he gathered all the documents and rushed out to the bridge, opening them out over the table, “This area is uncharted according to my maps! Dear God! We have discovered some form of land mass!”
OOC: This has been arranged previously with Attica, who's permission I have to do this roleplay. Basically he controls the region and stuff, so I DO have the permission. Its an open colonial roleplay, where I will post portions as I go along. A map can be reffered to here (http://www.kuattech.com/khs.jpg).
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 06:00
Two Weeks Later >> Aboard the "Irridian Expoditionary Fleet"
A fresh seabreeze was blowing in from the north, which was very good, making the travelling time faster. As the fleet entered the waters which the landmass was in, Allan Thomas stood on board the AUS Peterson, which was the flagship of the entire fleet. On board the ships, was a variety equipment, ranging from GPS Trackers, to 4X4 Vehicles, to Weapons, to Food and Water Supply.
Unlike some expoditionary fleets, this was done by the company known as the Alan Thomas Expoditionary & Co. With a liscense from President Madison himself, the company under the leadership of Alan Thomas had rights to explore the new land, and even claim portions of it when they think it nessasary.
Walking into his quarters, Mr. Thomas pulled out the lisense and read it, as he did everyday,
Official Warrent and Lisence from the Republic of Austar Union
This document is to certify, that under the banner of President James Andrew Madison, the Republic of Austar Union, its government and people, the company known as Alan Thomas Expoditionary & Co. under the leadership of Allan Thomas, has full rights to explore the landmass found on the 17th of June, 2004, and at times he also has right to claim sections of land in favour of the Republic, its government, and people.
All claims will be considered to be official when announced on a global scale, and all claims of land will be considered as Austarian Sovereign Territory, and will be treated as such.
Should any problems arise, it is suggested that the person(s) contact the government of Austar Union, rather than to resort to hateful, or territorial violence.
Alan folded the document away. Looking out the port-side of the ship, he could see the land. Now that the fleet had stopped, it would be time to prepare for a landing, which could very well be, world famous.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 06:03
Unlike the Austarians, once word reached Attica, the Government quickly took the opportunity. The military was also involved, and within weeks, a colonization expedition was launched, 10 transport ships escorted by 20 destroyers.
The captain of the expedition was Herr Adelbert Zunftpfleger, and the leader of the troop division was Oberst Heiko Grobschleifer.
16-07-2004, 06:10
The People's Republic of Octovonia also senses some interest in these newly discovered areas. In a recent dispatch from the High Chairman's office, the Octovonian navy has set sail towards the new region. From the port-cities of Hochelaga and Stadacona, the fleet as entered the seas. Led by the OSS Subduer, a Kirov-class heavy-missile battle-cruiser, the Octovonian navy has sent a fleet of nearly 30 ships, including a battle-cruiser, destroyers, frigates, an assault carrier and several research vessels. The High Chairman would like to remind any enemy of Octovonia to not interfere with our work, as such could lead to all-out war.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 06:18
The Island of Rose will send a frigate full of colonists, we hope to settle as close to the Lands of Alex as possible for diplomatic exchanges. It will be unescorted and unarmed and any attempt to harm it will be met swiftly...
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 06:22
Anatoba >> Presidential Office
President Madison frowned as he read the reports. Sattelite Imagery had shown that an Attican Presense would be made soon on the land. Nevertheless, they would be entitled to do so, and there was nothing he could really do about it. Besides, with the Expoditionary, he knew that there were already soldiers with them. They had been chosen and hired by Alan Thomas Expoditionary & Co.. He had figured that they would need some form of security, during the dangerous operation. It was uncharted land, and quiet rightfully, anything could happen.
Eripod >> Alan Thomas Expoditionary Team
Mr. Thomas sat slightly uncomfortable as his small boat approached the beach. So far, there had been no signs of life on the land, yet he figured that perhaps they were watching silently. Being in the lead boat, he would be the first foot to set upon the land, that was if there hadnt been people here already.
As the force of small boats neared the land, the hulls dug into the sand as the operators beached them upon the land surface. Mr. Thomas stood up when it came to a halt, leaning out of the boat. Jumping down from the boat, he landed softly onto the sandy surface. Looking around the area, the beach stretched for miles, and a thin beach scrub began where the beach finished. Gathering his feet, he helped the others down from the boats, and helped them unload them of their supplies. Grabbing a rifle for himself, he drudged up the beach to where it was dryer. Walking up a small hill, he stood upon it, and looked out at the surroundings around him. Below, his men were still unloading the boats, and all around him, the land streched right to as far the horizon, perhaps even further.
As he walked back down to his men, another set of boats made landing onto the beach, just a small bit further down. Quickly, the men of those boats unloaded the vehicles they were carrying, filling the small area with a variety of Four Wheel Drives, Motocycles, Buggies, and other assorted vehicles and equipment. It was only noon, but the men still had to work quickly to make some form of camp, just off the beach where the tide wouldnt reach.
OOC: Could the map be made bigger? The names are very difficult to read.
IC: The Roman government would be interested in claiming at least a piecemeal territory in the area with the interest of expanding our international relations with the fine nations of Eripod.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 06:40
CRS New Rose:
The Frigate was rowing along the ocean, heading towards the new land mass. The Rosians were excited, some were armed with AK-47s for defense, other's were armed with a Colt .45. Inside the supply section was food, radio, tents, building supplies and the like. The Captain, a Rosian Russian used to the streets looks out in the ocean.
Ah, new land for the Island of Rose. This is wonderful, this will improve our economy surely. I just hope we don't encounted trouble on the way...
He thought to himself a little bit 'We should arrive in two days (two hours), we shall expand...'
OOC: Just something to entertain you
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 06:46
Eripod >> Alan Thomas Expoditionary Team
Alan woke up at sunrise the next day, the sun shimmering across the water of the ocean. Stretching, he could hear the dying remains of the fire they had built for the night. Opening his eyes, he was shocked to see a group of black men in the camp, examining everything in it.
Alan arose silently, grabbing his rifle. The others were still asleep. Creeping forward, he came up behind the men, "Who the hell are you?!"
The men leapt into the air, turning around in fear. Their eyes danced around in fear, and their mouths uttered a strange language, "Uk nibob reginshaka!"
Alan kept his rifle raised, "Can you undertand me?"
The black men looked at him curiously, as if they were trying to understand. Reaching into their pockets of animal hide, they pulled out small objects. One was a necklace, another was some ball, presumibly a game of some kind. Another man joined Alan, "What the heck is going on?'
Alan murmered out the side of his mouth, being careful not to look away, "I think we have visitors. Here, hold the rifle for me..."
Alan passed the rifle to the man, and he slowly and carefully approached the black men. They were obviously natives, for they were dressed in primitive attire. However they were unarmed. Alan reached out and took the gifts. The men smiled back at him, as if there was some form of mutual understanding. He examined the gifts, then with hand gestures, invited the men into the mess tent.
The black men followed, and Mr. Thompson gave them a small piece of their food, watching the men eat eagerly. Recording it in his diary, he wrote;
Today I made the first contact with who seems to be a group of primative natives. They look someone african, yet they have a European look to them. Perhaps they are some kind of hybrid? Anyhow, it appears as if this group is friendly to visitors, and if its any reflection onto where there may be more of them, we should have no problem interacting with them, the only barrier being our languages.
When he finished, he looked up to see that the men had also finished their food. Smiling at them, the black men seemed to nod toward him, and smile back. Then they rose, and left the tent. Alan tried to follow, but when he went back outside, the natives were gone.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 06:47
OOC: Agh, mass genocide or peace >.<
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 06:48
OOC: I just wanna say, I want this to be similar to how all differnt nations took part in colonising Australia, and even America. When you establish a colony or whatever, dont try to claim the entire area, but just claim the colony, and the area around it. That was the idea on what I wanted it to be like. We may come into contact, but dont be like, "OMG WAR!"
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 06:53
I know I know, I'm just settling near the lands of Alex. Heh, warning though, Rosians are eccentric ;)
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 07:00
The first ships landed on the shore of this land. The first ship was filled with German colonists from the Attican mainland. The second ship was filled with Polish colonists from Polavakia. The rest were primarily mixtures of the two. The last two transports carried the 1st Polavakian Regulars Division, a newly formed division comprised entirely of people of Polavak descent.
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 07:07
Eripod >> Alan Thomas Expoditionary Team
It was later on in the day when the natives came back, bearing gifts of fruit. There were more of them this time. Obviously there was some kind of tribe nearby. The Austarians had spent the whole day examining the surroundings, finding only a few things, such as the blade of a spear, and a pile of wood.
Alan Thomson went to greet the natives, and in a show of appreciation he accepted the gifts. When the Austarians had finished, they looked up at the natives, who were smiling at the men. Alan stood up, offering his hand. The native took it, but was unsure of what to do. Alan shook the hand slowly, and the native watched fasinated. Soon, the native had caught on, and kept shaking his hand. After several minutes of constant shaking, Alan had to pry the native's grip open to withdraw his hand.
The native men smiled, and with hand gestures seemed to direct the Austarians to follow them. Alan looked around at the other men, who seemed curious, and nodded to the native. The black men turned, and walked at a steady pace into the scrub. Shrugging, Alan followed, and so did a small company of men.
After several minuted of walking, they came to a clearing. Pulling back a large leaf, a tribal gathering was revealed. The men were led into the gathering, where they were invited to stay, and eat with the tribe, who were just as friendly as the men who had visited them.
After a few hours, the Austarians tredged back to camp, heavy laden with gifts. When they got home, it was dark, and the men were tired, so the immediatly went to sleep.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 07:12
OOC: Agh I can't wait to land >.<
The CRS New Rose was sailing towards the coast, then a horizon appeared. The Captain received the news on his radio.
Sir! We see land!
"Are you sure it's the wrong place? We were supposed to take two days..."
No sir! Land ho!
"Okay ches, we're moving out! Get those guns ready! Go go go! Pick up those supplies!"
The Captain started shouting orders, the frigate, able to get on shallow land, landed near the beach. The brand new colonists seat their supplies down. Immediately, the set up the radio equipment, others started to guard the emcampment with their AK-47s. The Captain looked ahead.
'Excellent' he though 'Maybe this'll be easier then we thought.'
The radioman started to contact the Island of Rose.
"We've landed early, we'll need supplies in a week."
Yes, yes of course.
Everything was going with precision. More colonists should arrive if the colony does well...
OOC: Aust, your chance for your natives to meet the Rosians >.>
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 07:19
As the men were unloading cargo onto the beach, Oberst Pawl Pilarczyk stood on the beach, watching, looking for trouble.
Ever since the two nations of Attika and his native Polavakia had become one just 2 years prior, the former Polavakian military had felt left out of affairs. He was the first Polavakian commander to leave Polavakia on a military expedition, and even he was placed under the command of an Attican. Worst off, his own rank had been changed from Pułkownik, the rank he had in Polavakia, to the Attican rank of Oberst. The same powers were granted, but he simply had a feeling of his own nationality being stripped away from him. Regardless, he knew it would pass in time, and he had a job to do no-
-rifle shots-
"What the hell is that?"
"I dont know!"
Screams began being heard as one of the civilian shipmen collapsed to the ground, blood pouring from the wound in his head.
"Men, defend the beach!"
As people who were as of yet unknown began coming out of the woods, apparently armed with single shot rifles, they slowly advanced, firing at the troops and civilians, apparently not knowing what to make of them.
Then, as the men prepared their new G-36 rifles, standard issue in Attica, but not in Polavakia, which meant they took longer to prepare for them, they easily mowed down the men.
First casualties: 5 civilians, 3 soldiers, 15 natives.
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 07:28
OOC: Basically you can control your own tribes Rose. Im controlling MY own, some will be peaceful, some will be war-loving.
Eripod >> Alan Thomas Expoditionary Team
The next morning, Alan Thomas arose to see his team preparing for the day. They had planned to tour the area via four wheel drive, and so the cars were being loaded. He walked over to the group of his men, "How everything going?"
One of the men smiled, "Well, everythings going good sir. We're all ready to go."
"Very well," nodded Alan, "Lets head off shall we?"
The men gathered themselves, and jumped into a car group. The cars started, and Alan in the lead car began to drive into some kind of trail. The cars followed.
Driving for several hours made Mr. Thomas tired, so he pulled into a clearing which opened out onto the beach. Stepping out, he met with one of the men, "Wow, this would make a perfect place for settlement wouldnt it...."
The man nodded, "Good defense, good strong soil. I say we alert the Republic on this one."
Nodding, Alan agreed, "Well lets mark the area, and I'll get a transmission off as soon as we get back to camp."
Hopping back in the car, Alan lead the caravan of cars back to camp. There, he would alert the President.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 07:38
As the fortification on the coast took shape, native attacks became less frequent, and casualties became nonexistant. Finally feeling safe in their temporary shanties, the civilians urged the Generalmajor to go out and find the bandits.
In the temporary HQ built on the coast currently codenamed "Vorhutküste", or Coast Vanguard, Generalmajor Bernhard Doppenschneider walked in.
(all translated from German only)
Doppenschneider: How have your German lessons been coming, Oberst?
Pilarczyk: Adequate. I have learned enough.
Doppenschneider: Do you know what "Vorhutküste" means?
Pilarcyzk: No.
Doppenschneider: (In Polish)Coast Vanguard(/). That is the name given to this beach.
Pilarcyzk: Why are you here?
Doppenschneider: I have an order for you.
Pilarcyzk: Yes?
Doppenschneider: Both I and high command beleive that this fortification is sufficient to defend the colonists. However, in order to expand, we want your division to go out and eliminate the natives that have been harassing us.
Pilarcyzk: Will we have any air reconaissance?
Doppenschneider: Any heavy military equipment is being used in Fraltis right now, so no.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 07:46
OOC: Assuming the geography is jungle territory.
The Rosian colonies were already on their way on building... buildings. They had make shift houses, trade shops, and a small militia. More supplies were to come to them later, in a few days, for now they wanted to explore. The Captain, in his black Captain's uniform looked ahead.
What's that? He asked his first mate. Who are those people?
The first mate, a 15 year old with casual clothing, took out his telescope.
Natives, I suppose.
The Captain went up to meet the natives.
Sir, what are you doing?! They might hurt you!
The Captain shows him his Colt .45 and cocks it.
I'm not stupid...
He greets the native and bows at him.
Me, Rosian
The native slaps himself in the face.
Me know how to speak English, there were foreigners here before. They stay short here...
The Captain's jaw stayed open, he couldn't believe it, he could forge a trade deal with these natives, and maybe keep himself at peace.
Me don't know much English though, come I show you tribe
The Captain follows him through dense jungle, a few minutes later, a small village, numbering around 20. Women and children were playing, the women rushed up to the the Captain and offered him gold.
"What, what what? Why am I treated so nicely?"
You no try to kill us. You peaceful man. We give you gold, food. You give us new things.
The Captain shakes his head.
"I need to talk to my leader."
The Captain ran towards the camp, by now security was more relaxed and the houses were starting to develop. The Captain ran to his first mate.
They know english!!! We need to call them now!
The radiomen got on... the radio. They told how they found natives and how they know english. The orders from his superiors?
"Make peace with them and research their customs. We don't need to get into jungle warfare. Your T-90 and five Humvees will arrive to aid you in defense of course. You will also get a 1,000 man militia... if we get them first.
Anyway, you shoud get them in three days."
Meanwhile, Rosians started to wonder(sp) away. They wanted to expand, they wanted more room. They wanted a small state, which could only be done with vehicles, which would come later...
OOC: I did good right?
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 07:54
Pilarcyzk: "Ok, we have orders from high command"
-Swearing from around the men-
Pilarcyzk: "I will have no dissention in my ranks. You might not be happy being under direct Attican command, but tough. Our emperor has ordered us to do this, and we are going to do this job well."
-The men silence-
Pilarcyzk: "Now, since we don't have our full division of 300,000 here, we aren't at our full fighting strength. There were 20,000 of us when we landed. Now, our orders are to eliminate the bandits in the woods so our settlement can expand. Therefore, I am dividing up the division into two proprietary groups. Group A will stay behind and guard the settlement, Group B will go out and eliminate the bandits. Understood?"
-The men mutter agreeances.-
Pilarcyzk: "Also, Major Kajdasz, you will be in command of Group A, and Major Moizuk will command Group B."
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 08:20
The large frigate CRS Ultanov, started taking off towards the colony, now named "New Rose". Inside this firgate were the promised supplies, ammo, T-90, and the five Humvees. The ship started slowly sailing towards New Rose....
Meanwhile in the Colony:
Agh, Tultanov He was talking to his first mate. We need to expand! He raises his right fist up high in the air. For the Rose
Calm down Joe. Who was the Captain, Captain Joseph Yultanov was his name. They'll come, we can hold for a week, they'll be here in two days, don't worry....
The Captain starts pacing.
You're right....
OOC: It'd be cool if our colonies united and made a new nation >.>
16-07-2004, 10:38
The storm raged on as the crew of the Matilda Rose tried desperately to control the small fishing trawler in the mountain high waves.
"Tie that rope back to the crane!" shouted Paul Jackson, skipper of the vessel. "Watch out!" he screamed as the giant metallic crane spun into two crew members and knocking them out. Paul quickly dragged the two men back into the small bridge of the boat. Inside, he switched on a small black radio and switched to a secret military channel.
"Echo One, Echo One, this is Matilda Rose. We are experiencing extreme ocean condtions. I'm unable to control the boat. Starting sterilisation procedures. Over" He headed towards the small cabin at the back and pulled out a number of RXD high explosive charges. He is about to set the charges against the two black boxes besides him when a large wave swamps the boat making him hit his head against the ceiling and knocking him out.
The Matilda Rose was washed up on a beach in the early hours of the morning. A sound can be heard comming from the radio.
"Matilda Rose. This is Echo One do you copy? Matilda Rose. This is Echo One, what is you status? How come the sterilisation procedures haven't been completed?"
200 km away, an operator on an EI-4 MACC (Multiple Airborne Command Centre) tries to establish contact.
Suddenly he hears a voice "E..Echo One. This is Matilda Ros..." before sudden and bursts of an Ak-47 fire sliences the man and the radio.
Back at Raginsheep's Joint Intelligence Centre, Commander Saunders reads over her email.
"Fu*k!" she mutters, "thats the one that just recovered sensitive technology from our downed recon satalite. If that gets into the hands of another country, we'd have a massive poblem on our hands."
Just then, her phone rings.
"Hello? Yes. No. What?! How? OK, I'll tell the General. He's not going to happy. OK. No." She picks up another phone. "Get me General Sindola immediately. Yes General, this is Commander Saunders. I have some bad news.
Two hours later, the 1286th Marine Amphibious Landing Group carrying the 234th Marine Infantry Division is steaming towards the area while an airforce C-130 Hercules, begins opening its rear doors allowing the 1st Sabre of the 00034th "Black Sheeps" Special Forces to jump out.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 16:27
As Group B wandered thru the forest, they encountered sporadic rifle fire. After mapping out a region 5 mi around, they looked in one last location where they found some kind of village. Within moments, they were in the town, massacring the population. Men, women and children, all dead in a little over an hour.
Pilarcyzk: "Mission Complete."
Austar Union
16-07-2004, 16:48
Waters Just Off Eripod Unclaimed Land
This was the first fleet. Named quiet literally The First Fleet, it was quiet large. Stories of golden pastures had reached the Austar Union, and thousands upon thousands flocked to the new area to gain some kind of opportunity. As density was high back home, so was the land and house prices. As a result, much of the families pay went toward either a mortgage, or even the rent the person had to pay. In the new land however, opportunity ran abroad.
A good place had been chosen already for the settlement, and as The First Fleet pulled into waters, literally thousands of new settlers prepared for a landing.
24 Hours Later
Already, construction had begun on the new settlements. Because this was a new area, the nation's biggest construction companies promised incredibly fast construction of the new town/city. Because the people were now relitavely unemployed, most worked for the construction companies, and so with almost the entire population working on construction, it was estimated that the entire new colony would be finished within a fortnight. Building materials were not scarce, and yet another fleet was expected within two weeks. Already, the new colony was of 50 000 people, making a very large town, or a very small city.
A colonial government had yet to be chosen, but it was only within the first 24 hours, and so as expected, not everything had been completly organised. Never the less, the people were already enjoying the lifestyle of 0% taxes, and a lack of government, so although generally responsible, they could do as they wish freely.
Two Weeks Later >> New Colony
The construction of the town was right on expected. A small dock facility had been built as well as the town itself. Also, a colonial government had been introduced. It was considered as a government, able to make laws of its own, yet it was still answerable to the Austar Union. Based on a system of Autocracy, it was easy to keep things simple. The next fleet was due within a few days, but because of better than expected weather, it had arrived just two days before today, bringing the total population of the new colony to some 105 000 citizens.
The colony had been given a name by the people who live there. It is to be called, Wilkonshire, after the name of the man who discovered the land mass, James Wilkonshire. It is already building and the people are doing well. Already, some are looking to expand into different areas.
OOC: A picture of the area, as I know it:
Apoligies for the lack of quality, but if ya look hard enough, you should be able to make some sense of it all :P If you want to redo it in some other program, then feel free, and I dont mind if you guys wanna add in your own bits. Basically is up to you.
OOC: Thanks for making the map bigger. I can see the area better now.
IC: A colonization effort departed from the port at Ostia in the morning for the uncharted area found in Eropid. The Roman government was not interested in creating a large colony but simply a small area in the region so as to further relations between the region and Rome. The Romans had the area closest to Credonia in mind (OOC: the southernmost area, with the community about 60km from Credonia itself).
A day later, 15,000 construction personnel arrived to build the preliminary community. They had hoped to build the inital city- called "Caesaria Eropidus", modelled after Rome- within a week. The infrastructure- including all the information and public transit systems- would take longer, but the Romans were hoping for a functioning city within a month.
The reception within Rome was warm. The Romans saw this as a new opportunity to spread its international imprint and to forge new international alliances and relations, as well as improve relations with Credonia, a nation the Romans have dealt with in the past. They also hoped to work with the natives of the region and ally themselves with them.
(OOC: Would it be okay if I created a nation in the region of Eripod to serve as this colony?)
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 21:30
5 Days Later>
The T-90 and Five Humvees, the Colony, everything was about set up by now. The Humvees helped in the expanding of the Colony, by now the Tribe and the Rosians were at peace, trading took place. There were farms, a General Store, solid houses, and a Barracks for the 1,000 man militia, all near the Lands of Alex. The Captain became the Govener, ruling over a small state, around the size of Masschuchets(SP), but smaller. Colonists were coming everyday. The resources coming into the Island of Rose were extrodinary. Of course, would there be rebellion... no if they were treated well, and yes if they wern't. Only God knows...
OOC: Right, the Colony of New Rose is peaceful, we have a small militia blah blah. It's like an early English Colony in America. And uh, can I make a puppet too? O-O, be funny if the Colonists met one of the other nation's colonists. You wanna set it up?
16-07-2004, 21:53
At about 0300 hours, the Octovonian Marines landed on the unclaimed coast. Marines set out into the jungle where they waited for the larger elements of the colony to land.
By 0430 hours, the main landing force arrived complete with full armoured support and recon units moving out into the jungle. A mobile HQ was set up near the beach to coordinate the construction of the barracks and temporary port.
0600 hours, construction was along, the pre-fab buidling in place. Engineer units began erecting a temporary fence stretching out to claim land before other nations could colonize muc more.
0930 hours, High Chairman Octo von Strausser made a speech pertaining to the colonization. "This is a new age for Octovonia! Our influence in the world can now be extended beyond our continental borders. We hope with this colonization that Octovonia can establish new ties to fellow nations and wish to secure peace in this new land. In the meantime, our military is preparing a research station and military base on the new province which is to be formally known from here on out, as Villeneuve! This is a time for peace and prosperity for the Octovonian people."
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 02:00
Bump, come on!!! xD
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 02:14
With the bandit natives no longer any threat, and a secure perimeter having been created within a 50km radius of the landing point, the colonists began building. However, unrest sparked within the ranks, with the Polish and German colonists having differences, and splitting into two colonies. Still within 2km of each other, two colonies were made, Kolonia Alfa, the Polish colony, and Alphakolonie, the German colony.
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 02:22
The Govener looked beyond the borders of the Colony, he listened to news reports of other ships coming into the area.
Get a Humvee out there, I want to know who else is there, and make sure it's unarmed!
Two Rosian colonists took off the 50 Calibur machine gun from the Humvee. Now it was unarmed. They hopped in and drove away...
OOC: Anyone wanna meet them?
Kahta is submitting claims on any aluminum that might be found in this new territory.
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 02:36
Kahta is submitting claims on any aluminum that might be found in this new territory.
Do you realize how many people you're going to have to stop to do that? I mean, you need to land there first ya know... not an insult, just a comment.
17-07-2004, 02:53
Kahta is submitting claims on any aluminum that might be found in this new territory.
The People's Republic of Octovonia would like to announce that any resources found within Octovonian territory will be the property of the Octovonian people. Under no circumstances will the natural resource found within our territory be sold or taken by any country other than the People's Republic of Octovonia.
From the desk of General Karl Markos of the 4th Octovonian Marines:
I, General Karl Markos, commander of the Octovonian colony, is happy to announce the discovery of the rare elements platinum and tungsten within Octovonian territory. The discovery of these metals lends hope to Octovonia's growing economy and plans for mines are already in the works. This is a great day for the Octovonian people. Also, the capitol of this new colony has been renamed to Sorkograd, in honour of the late Octovonian war hero and scientist, Yuri Sarko. Sarko was a recipient of the Octovonian Order of Honour for his outstanding military achievments and his work for the Octovonian Space Agency.
17-07-2004, 02:57
The Kassareich Steel Corporation would like to establish a chain of restaurants, office stores, et cetera, in all of the colonizing countries colonies.
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 02:58
Official Statement from the Island of Rose:
You will stake on what areas you land in and you claim. You cannot claim the entire continent. Octavious, you too, stick to your colonies. Any unprovoked attack on our colony will be repayed.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
17-07-2004, 03:03
Official Statement from the Island of Rose:
You will stake on what areas you land in and you claim. You cannot claim the entire continent. Octavious, you too, stick to your colonies. Any unprovoked attack on our colony will be repayed.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
The People's Republic of Octovonia will respect the Island of Rose's wishes and promises to extend its territory no further. Octovonia also wishes to maintain peace and promises not to attack any other colony. Octovonia will also remind the other colonies and their respected mother-countries that the People's Republic of Octovonia will defend itself in the case of attack.
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 03:12
Official Statement from the Island of Rose:
You have a right to expand, but if you are to expand into our territory, you will be attacked. If our expansions are to meet in a point, we shall have negotiations. But nobody has the right to stake the whole continent. That's just insane.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
OOC: Happy =P
17-07-2004, 03:13
OOC: If you look at the map, its not an island...
17-07-2004, 07:24
The 1st Sabre stalked its way through the thick undergrowth surrounded by the shadows of the night.
"Where the hell are we?"
"This whole place isn't on any maps."
"Well thats just great."
"Wait. Do you see that up ahead? There's some sort of settlement ahead."
The sabre divided itself into two teams.
"Hmm...looks like Rosians."
"Two are comming this way."
Two Black Sheep operatives jumped out of the trees, weapons drawn.
"Freeze. We want to ask you some questions."
Austar Union
17-07-2004, 17:34
NEWSREPORT: Gold Found on the Northern Landscape! Leads to Massive Settler Influx!
Since a few months ago, when Wilkonshire was founded, the colony has grown to some whopping 220 000 people. It seems as if people are making advantage of the cheap land which is being offered in the colony. Just two weeks ago, a man by the name of Peter Jackson had stumbled upon a massive goldfield.
Once news arrived in the Republic, millions upon millions have flocked to the new area, trying to make themselves rich on the new fortunes. Flying in through the newly built Wilkonshire Airport, the colony has literally grown from 220 000 people, to some 2 532 000 people. It appears, as if a second colony is already being constructed near the goldfields, called Jackson City, and with a population of literally a million in tents, this is being considered a massive boost to support the Austarian colinization effort.
The area has been claimed as official Austarian territory, and any attempts to move into the area has been literally called by leaders of the new colonies, something we would have to defend.
It is estimated, that some five million people are expected to fly into the area over the next two months, despite the fact that construction remains behind the tide of settlers.
OOC: I'll edit the map to include my new colonies later, and i'll actually start to mark out areas which I would consider as claimed. As for now, its late, and im going to bed.
17-07-2004, 23:25
OOC: Any land left to colonize? Also how large is this new uncharted land? Does anybody know.
The Island of Rose
17-07-2004, 23:44
The 1st Sabre stalked its way through the thick undergrowth surrounded by the shadows of the night.
"Where the hell are we?"
"This whole place isn't on any maps."
"Well thats just great."
"Wait. Do you see that up ahead? There's some sort of settlement ahead."
The sabre divided itself into two teams.
"Hmm...looks like Rosians."
"Two are comming this way."
Two Black Sheep operatives jumped out of the trees, weapons drawn.
"Freeze. We want to ask you some questions."
The Hummers stop, the four Rosians come out with their hands up.
You can't do this to us! This is our colony! Another Rosian starts mumbling. Yeah, what the hell is going on? We own this land!
Meanwhile on the Colony:
An airfield is currently in construction. By now the colony is packed, with about 100,000 residents, minus the armed forces. A fort keeps the Tank and the Hummers safe. The 1,000 militiamen also live here. They have AK-74s as their standard issue rifle, which might change soon. They also have a Colt .45 as their sidearm, a change from the 9mm. Farms scatter the colony, within the City of New Rose, the Capitol, the Govener and the governing body lives inside. The Colony was prospering. General stores provided the needs for the Rosians, all was good. Of course, who knows what'd happen now...
OOC: When are you gonna politically divide the Continent?
A large ship sails to a coast near a large patch of forest. It is extremely poor quality; chances are, it was rapidly assembled by a small crew under the lunatic whims of some crazed dictator (somewhat true). Upon hitting shore, 1000 slaves leave to land; some of them younger than 12 years old, some past retirement age. Each has a sawed-off shotgun in one hand, and an axe in the other. 50 generals, armed with light machine guns, watch over them. A man stands on top of the ship; One hand carrying a long, metal staff, on his head, a top hat. He has a lunatic grin on his face. His flesh is pitch-black.
"Alright, kiddies, it's time to go to work! Remember, happiness is not an option! Let's cut any trees down and make some HUTS out o' em!"
In response, the slaves start working on the trees, though incredibly unenthusiastically.
18-07-2004, 02:54
A fleet of Morathania transport, military and supply ships sail into a large bay boardering a small gulf. Onboard are 5600 settlers, 2500 soldiers, 15 M1A1 Abrams MBTs, 7 Striker/Knight Artillery, and 20 Bradley Fighting Vehicles along with 500 hummers and supplies for a year and a half and building supplies.
"This looks like as good a spot as any. Lets set up the colony here," said Captain McClurey head of the operation. "We will unload as soon as possible."
The settlers and soldiers and supplies arrived on the shore.
"I claim this land in the name of Morathania," shouted Captain McClurey.
The colony began taking shape. The streets were laid out in a grid along the bay. After three days the temporary government house was built. A small 3 room building that was to be the center of town for now. Captain McClurey stood up in front of the group of 5600 settlers who had gathered in front of the building. With construction going on all around him he began his speech.
"This is a new day for Morathania. It is on this day that Morathania will spread throughout the world and begin to play out its destiny upon the terrestrial stage. I hereby name this colony Jefferson after the American patriot and president who began the expansion of the US. Let us hope that this is the first of many colonies that Morathania will found. God bless the homeland and god bless this new colony."
After 6 months 250 homes where built, 25 small 2-4 floor apartment buildings where erected and 6 major office building (15-20 floors) where in place including the Jefferson Development Coporation Ltd. More updates to come.
18-07-2004, 03:02
The President of the Federation of Morathania today gave a speech encouraging emigration to the new Jefferson colony. He says to maintain the Morathania presence a large population is needed. He has produced two plans to encourage emigration. The President of the Federation said:
"This is a great day for Morathania. We have asserted ourselves peacefully on the world stage. We must make sure that Jefferson colony survive. I am putting before the parliament two propositions. One that would give all immigrants to Morathania that option to instead move to the new colony. They will be componsated by the government for their emigration. The second proposal is that all people who want to may recieve funding from the government to move to Jefferson Colony. I wish our new colony the best and may this begin a new age of Morathanian glory."
Attican Empire
18-07-2004, 04:28
A few things: I have stated my claim on the below map. Also, the nation of Kodik, a member of Eropid, has also taken a bite out of it. This is the map as I know it so far:
The Island of Rose
18-07-2004, 04:33
OOC: I just want my stake to be the size of Massachuchets.
The Island of Rose
18-07-2004, 05:46
Eh, bump ya too.
Attican Empire
18-07-2004, 05:50
OOC: Err, on that map, Massachusetts would be like... 10 pixels wide.
The Island of Rose
18-07-2004, 05:56
Okay okay, New York/
Attican Empire
18-07-2004, 06:10
OOC: You really have no sense of scale, do you. That map is the width of the United States.
The Island of Rose
18-07-2004, 06:29
Yes I really don't. My math truly sucks, sorry sir @.@
18-07-2004, 07:17
The Raginsheepians lower their weapons.
"We don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to."
"Now, what are you people doing?"
Meanwhile another Black Sheep member radioed in.
"We've found the boat captain. Looks like theres been some gunfire here. No sign of the crew or the equipment. The marines have been given the coordinates."
Twenty minutes later, the 234th Marine Infantry Division began landing on the beaches around the washed up boat. An exclusion zone has been declared.
Two hous later, the Rosians are realased without harm.
The Island of Rose
18-07-2004, 07:24
The Hummers arrive at the camp.
... and then they held us on gunpoint! They're paranoid Govener!
The Govener started pacing back and forth.
He gives them IDs with their pictures on it.
Everyone else has them, if you're arrested you just show these.
OOC:Too lzy to RP...
The Polavak-Atticans
18-07-2004, 09:04
With the colony going well, the Attican government decided to let the colony, or rather forced it, to become independent, with very, very close ties to the government, of course. They assigned Fryderyk Szotkowski as the first King of the new kingdom, the Kingdom of the Polavak-Atticans. The choice was a polish regent because of a 70/30 Polish majority in the colony. The first act of the new king was to establish a draft, with initially 30,000 men to be enlisted into an active duty military.
18-07-2004, 15:25
Where's my colony I don't see it on their. Anyway I want my colony to be about 40,000 sq. miles. Thats the size of the state of Pennsylvania or a little larger than Portugal. Thank you.
18-07-2004, 15:51
A group of 2300 settlers and a group of 800 soldiers struggled through the thick hardwood forest 175 miles NNW of Jefferson City, Jefferson Colony. They had set off to found a new city for Morathania. Made up of rough 40% Morathanians, 20% Halibrisians, 30% Grudasians, and 10% Sarzonians (all immigrants) they decided to go North away from the coast to found the new city. It had been over 3 weeks trekking through the jungles but finally they made it past the forests. 175 miles and they had reached a great plain on the interior of the continent.
"I can't believe it. A fertile plain. Finally an end to the forests and jungles,"said Lt. Jameson leader of the party. After another 50 miles of trekking of trekking over the easy terrain of the plain that came to a great river.
Lt. Jameson wrote in his diary:
"We came to a great river. At least 75 feet wide and 22 feet deep at the middle. The small group of natives of the area, the first encountered in Morathanian territory, say the river is called Oxah, meaning great river. They say they are the last reminent of a tribe that controlled this region but had long since moved away leaving this land vacant. This is the land where we shall build the new city. 225 Miles NNW of Jefferson City."
And so the town of Jameson named after the leader of the expedition began to take shape. A month and a half after the founding of the new town word had reached Jefferson City. Within 6 months roads where built between the new town and Jefferson City. Which connected to the small town of Coventry 75 miles up the coast from Jefferson City founded a little earlier than Jameson. The current population is 56,000 people.
18-07-2004, 16:24
OOC: I like my new colony, small and cozy and only wishes peace.
The Republic of Octovonia has begun fortifieing its borders in the new colony, placing 3-meter high fence along its border. This is meant as no form of military build-up, but the capitol of the new province, Sarkograd is has been made the naval HQ of Octovonia and a highly-defended port city in Octovonian territory with nearly 100,000 soldiers from the three branches of the military stationed in the colony. Nearly 40,000 civilians have moved to the new province that shall be known as Sparta, and are beginning to establish themselves in Sarkograd. Octovonia wishes any other power on the new land fass in Eripod to come visit as we wish to establish peace in this area.
-- Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paul Tartarovski.
Within several months, the small, pitiful land of New Miratha had turned into an even more pitiful settlement. Several poorly constructed slave houses exist, a blacksmith and a golden statue of Mayor Kabapus. However, Mayor Kabapus receives a letter from Miratha about the uncharted land. It is a map of the claims, and a note saying...
Our claim has not been registered! Those fools have refused to admit us into this territory!
Reading this, the mayor crumpled the letter up and threw it into the ocean.
"Morkath!" He called, and soon a man fully dressed in executioner's outfit was there. He wielded a massive axe.
"I want you to write a telegram for some people."
-To any claim holders...
Unfortunately, some of your land may have already been annexed by Miratha for a new colony. We apologize for this disturbance, and wish for you to know that we regret our decision, but what's done is done, and we are sincerely sorry. Mayor Kabapus insists on personally sending one of his generals to find out what claim we are on, and possibly negotiate part of the claim being turned over to Miratha.
-The Secretary
18-07-2004, 23:49
OOC: Would anyone be willing to sell their claim. I am willing to pay whatever you want for it. Please respond, thank you. I need more territory than I was given. I need at least 35,000 more sq. miles more than I have now.
Austar Union
19-07-2004, 04:58
OOC: Its not quiet accurate, but to make it easy, im willing to accept this map, though you can expect some territorial skirmishes, and expansion happening on the continent.
PS: Please now refeer to the Austarian Claim as "Belecus" because that is now a seperate country account. :)
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 05:29
-To any claim holders...
Unfortunately, some of your land may have already been annexed by Miratha for a new colony. We apologize for this disturbance, and wish for you to know that we regret our decision, but what's done is done, and we are sincerely sorry. Mayor Kabapus insists on personally sending one of his generals to find out what claim we are on, and possibly negotiate part of the claim being turned over to Miratha.
-The Secretary
Official Statement from New Rose:
Do that and die. Any armed Mirathin within the colony will be gunned down by our machine gun emplacements. No land will be given away to anybody, except to Morathania. Because we are already working on a deal.
-Governer of New Rose: Joeseph Yultanov
OOC: Nowhere near the Lands of Alex, but I like it and I'll accept it. Is there a region of Eripod? I want to make a puppet.
OOC: Related Thread: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=340677
(The Independance of Belecus)
Also, I would like to know if anyone has msn or aim here, to discuss future RP options. This is me:
MSN: metallic_bananas@hotmail.com
AIM: austarunion
IRC: #nationstates channel on esper.net (Usually called AustarUnion)
Attican Empire
19-07-2004, 06:16
OOC: There is a region of Eropid, not Eripod. Apparently Austar is dyslexic.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 06:25
OOC: There is a region of Eropid, not Eripod. Apparently Austar is dyslexic.
Ooooooooooooooh dirrrrrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyy
Attican Empire
19-07-2004, 07:25
OOC: Morath: You have 71,553 mi^2 already...
Attican Empire
19-07-2004, 07:53
OOC: I had wanted to claim the southernmost part, but I'll accept this map. Also, since it wasn't answered before, can I create a puppet in Eripod to serve as the colony?
IC: The Roman colony was going well. Within weeks, the colony was finished, and hordes of Romans flocked to the new colony. The Romans had forged an alliance with the natives of the region, who greatly assisted the colony's setup and even let the Romans in on their culture. One day, during a survey of the unclaimed territory, the Roman governor Giorgious Redomius stumbled upon New Rose. He noticed how peaceful and well-functioning the colony was, and decided that he wanted to establish relations with this colony.
He walked up to the border guards. "My name is Giorigious Redomius, Roman Governor of Romanus Eripodus. I would like to speak to the leader of New Rose to establish diplomatic relations with the colony."
RomeW- if no one else controls the area- would like to claim a strip of land along the border of The Lands of Alex and the Kingdom of Polavak-Atticans to connect to the colony of New Rose.
Attican Empire
19-07-2004, 08:23
OOC: Go ahead. On both. You would have to fight those natives. Think of them as modern natives -- modern technology.
OOC: Please be adviced that the Austarian Claim otherwise known as Belecus, has begun a state of territorial expansion eastward into the Morathanian Claim.
Official Statement from New Rose:
Do that and die. Any armed Mirathin within the colony will be gunned down by our machine gun emplacements. No land will be given away to anybody, except to Morathania. Because we are already working on a deal.
-Governer of New Rose: Joeseph Yultanov
Mayor Kabapus sincerely regrets your decision. We are a peaceful nation with no desire to have war or our troops shot down. If we can offer you supplies or money in exchange for this land, then please inform us. We would rather trade than fight. Mayor Kabapus seconds this opinion.
-The Secretary
19-07-2004, 17:33
Secret IC
To: The Island of Rose
From: Praetonian Foreign Office
We have recently been in contact with the Alecian Tribes occupying the
centre of the colonised area, to organise a deal whereby the Praetonian
goverment would pay for an area of land on the edge of their territory near
your colony. However, to do this we would require access to the area, which
cannot be aquired through unclaimed or Alecian land. Therefore we wish to
enquire if you, as a fellow Victoria Alliance member, would allow a Praetonian
convoy to pass through your territory. We would only require passage for
one convoy, as it will contain sufficient resources to facilitate the construction of an airport. Await your responce,
19-07-2004, 17:47
The Octovonian colony, now known as the province of Sparta, requests peace with its bordering neighbours Morathania and Raginsheep. The military commander of this province, General Karl Markos, has begun setting up a large defensive network around the colony, with the capital, Sarkograd, heavily defended. Any moves on Octovonian territory will be met with the destruction of intruding forces. Delegates from neighbouring countries are invited to assure peace in this region. At this moment, Octovonian forces are on a high state of alert due to a growing civil war in RB, which the Octovonian military is hoping to quell. Any intrusions into our territory will be seen as an act of war.
Attican Empire
19-07-2004, 20:26
OOC: if you look at my last post with the image, I annexed The Island of Rose's colony.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 20:47
OOC: Why does everyone WANT MY LAND?!
Official Statement to those that want New Rose:
We will not give you this colony. You have no right to enter. This is our land. To the Atticans: You have enough land to sustain yourselves. Give us a better reason why you want our land? To the Praetonia: Due to the recent events, we can't allow safe passage. The borders of New Rose will close now. Leave us alone, we are a trading colony, please...
-Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
OOC: No you offered to annex it... oy...
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 20:52
OOC: Actually, I said it IS my land and for you to leave in 2 weeks, and if you want we will pay.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 20:57
OOC: Post ICly then....
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 20:59
OOC: That image is IC.
19-07-2004, 21:03
Well could you just write it down for him. I could barely see that image.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:06
OOC: Oh, sorry I'm tired @.@
New Rose:
Citizens start grabbing their weapons, trucks, cars, any weapon they can to muster defence against the Atticans. The Governer knew the Rosians could not reach them in time. So he should delay. Luckily, they already built anti-air defenses, though the missles were primative. Some of the citizens had AK-47s, others had RPGs, others had Colt .45s, others even had S.A.W.s. But it was the only thing that would work. They wouldn't invade, they would just defend. The Hummers were armed with the 50 Caliber machine guns. And the tank was ready. Yes the defence was pathetic, but it was the only thing they could do...
In total defending:
90,000 Rosians.
OOC: Eh, those figures are okay... right? I mean I cut the children out.
Official Statement from New Rose:
We'll negotiate something, but we will not give you the entire colony. Do you accept?
-Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 21:16
Depends, what are you negotiating?
During this transaction, the 1st Kampfflotte began moving towards the colony.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:19
I'm negotiating a piece of our land to you and a neutrality pact. And trade too
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 21:21
What peice of land?
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:24
Just a thin stretch near your border, or a thin stretch near the natives.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 21:28
How thin?
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:33
As thin as Chile or as thick as Cuba
19-07-2004, 21:35
OOC: Just an FYI the width of Chile is on average 100 miles (160 km).
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 21:36
OOC: 160km is exactly 10 pixels on that map.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:37
OOC: Just respond...
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 21:52
[i]We want 300KM inland into your colony, which will be the kingdoms permanent border.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 21:55
How can we trust you? We have images of you mobilizing near the border... and you are known for being a tad imperialist...
19-07-2004, 21:57
OOC: I did conversions. That is 186.3 miles.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:14
How can you not trust me?
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 22:17
Because you wiped out entire native populations?
19-07-2004, 22:18
Why do you want his land? What are your motives, Polavak-Atticans?
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:20
OOC: This is the Kingdom of POlavak-Atticans, not Attica.
19-07-2004, 22:22
That's what I meant.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:23
[i]To create a self sustaining independent nation, of course.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 22:25
What if we don't want to be independent? What if we want to stay a colony?
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:26
Then don't stand in the way of our progress.
19-07-2004, 22:26
You own the entire southern half of the landmass. Your nation is at least one and a half times the size of any of the other nations. And why for that matter would 186 miles of Island of Rose's territory help you become a independent nation. You probably already have an area of about 225,000 sq. miles. That about the size of France. Last I checked France was an independent nation able to sustain itself.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 22:29
Then don't march through our land
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:30
OOC: 990,412 km^2, or 382,400 m^2.
19-07-2004, 22:32
That is enough land for you to become an independent self-sustaining country. Do not interfere in the affairs of other colonies. This imperialism and expansionism by you and Austar Union must stop the other colonies have as much right to this land as you do.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:34
Fine, if we do not get the Rosian land, we will take from the Alecian natives.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 22:38
Fine, if we do not get the Rosian land, we will take from the Alecian natives.
Good just like the Americans. Though I must condemn your expasionism...
Back in Governer's Office:
'If they grabbed that...' He thought. 'Then he'll have two flanks on us... I better send a message.'
Message to TIOR:
Need troops, situation in colony, top priority.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:39
Kingdom troops began moving to the northwest.
The Island of Rose
19-07-2004, 22:47
After this incident, a draft was made. Any citizen in the colony that's 18 to 40 can fight. With that, the Militia grew to 90,000. They were supplied with AK-47s, kevlar, and a Colt .45. Frigates filled with 99 T-90s and and 995 Hummers in total started sailing towards the Colony. Also, 10,000 soldiers were in these frigates. Along with new colonists, the Island of Rose would have to protect their colonies more it seems...
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:49
The Kingdom has just purchased 300 Panzerkampwafen Cougar's from Attica. They will arrive within the day by air.
The troops continue massing.
19-07-2004, 22:54
Not if you're attacked by 200,000 troops and more like I was.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 22:58
As the troops finished massing, the first regiments began moving into the Alecian native territory.
19-07-2004, 23:42
The Grand Duke received the message from the Foreign Ministry, the secret mission was complete. After countless meetings and huge amounts of money, the Grand Duchy was able to peice together a 75,000 square mile Colony out of Alecian Tribal lands. The Colony would boarder the Island of Rose's Claim Northwestern Boarder, just skim some of Ragin's Claim and extend out in a roughly semi-circle pattern.
In return for the land, the Tribes got hundreds of millions of dollars, perpetual semi-autonomy, Royal Armed Forces protection, and Hamptonian Citizenship.
The new Colony would be called Nova Excelsior.
To: Island of Rose Colony
From: Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
We request safe transport through your colony so that we can move in planes, trucks, armamant, and other convoys to the recently created Nova Excelsior Colony. We ask this as an ally and a friend.
To: All Colonies/Nations in the Region
From: Grand Duke Reginald Leopold I
This Government has peacefully acquired 75,000 square miles of Alecian Tribal lands to the Northwest of Rose's Claim. Any attack on the territory or on it's native inhabitants will be seen as an attack upon Hamptonshire itself.
The 6th Fleet, already on the way, is only a few hours from Rose's coast, ready to begin the convoys. Advanced Hypersonic transports are in the air, ready to deploy forward advance units as soon as permission is received from the Island of Rose.
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 23:54
Now knowing of the Hamptonshire territory, the Troops continued to advance.
19-07-2004, 23:55
The Incorporated States of Kiwipeso, UN delegate for New Zealand claims a reasonable area near the sea, close to the equatorial region so that it can launch spacecraft more efficiently.
It is noted that this area is mainly jungle that can absorb the roar of the spacecraft effectively and does not need development beyond the space complex.
Research will also be done on the local botany to see if there is any new drugs to develop from this uncharted region.
19-07-2004, 23:55
Now knowing of the Hamptonshire territory, the Troops continued to advance.
OOC: Does that mean they are bypassing Nova Excelsior or they are moving into it?
The Polavak-Atticans
19-07-2004, 23:56
OOC: Kiwepeso -- all sea-bordering territory is claimed...
The Polavak-Atticans
20-07-2004, 00:06
OOC: Does that mean they are bypassing Nova Excelsior or they are moving into it?
OOC: It means they will stop when they reach your territory.
20-07-2004, 00:55
OOC: Kiwipeso -- all sea-bordering territory is claimed...
In the darkness of night, kiwipeso prepares to raid some sea-bordering land for a new spaceport. It should be noted that kiwipeso is armed to the teeth with nukes, stealth planes and a great navy.
Kiwipeso troops are also trained in espionage, with fluency in foreign tongues being compulsory for senior officers and secret forces.
Expect our troops to infiltrate and assimilate wherever they are least welcome.
We will have our own 25 square KM of spaceport territory regardless of who claimed it first as we have the right to seize it from less competitive nations.
The Polavak-Atticans
20-07-2004, 01:03
OOC: And, you should note that if you use nukes, you in turn will be destroyed --- and Stealth does not mean invisible. Only harder to find. And my navy would shatter yours (or, the Attican one at least.). Plus, we have a cooler flag.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 01:14
To Hamptonshire:
You may pass, but that is it. We also hope that you will help us protect the Colony. Let us hope we can further relations.
New Rose
The soldiers have arrived by now. Forts have been sprung up, Hummers are in constant patrol. An airwing has been constructed consisting of 25 RF-1s and 10 RB-1s. The T-90s are ready to deployed. The defense forces now number:
100,000 Militamen, now renamed the 1st Colonial Expeditionary Force
100 T-90s
1,000 Hummers
10 RB-1s
25 RF-1s
If there was an attack, they'd be ready...
OOC: This is so much fun XD I feel powerful lol
The Polavak-Atticans
20-07-2004, 01:44
As the Cougars began arriving, they also began moving northwards. The troops continued the push northwards, devestating the natives, who were practically modern, destroying the towns of those who did not surrender, which was about 50%. The smoke from the burning cities was easily visible from Rose's colonies.
20-07-2004, 01:46
OOC: And, you should note that if you use nukes, you in turn will be destroyed --- and Stealth does not mean invisible. Only harder to find. And my navy would shatter yours (or, the Attican one at least.). Plus, we have a cooler flag.
First of all, at least I bother to show my face, which is more than what some geeks here will do. (maybe you are another spotty teen ?)
Secondly, A First Strike policy of use of as many nukes as required to destroy military, then civilian targets is acceptable if done to ensure no counterstrike is possible.
Thirdly, my nation is based on a group of islands and has a vast navy waiting to deploy everything from cruise missles to F18s or even marines.
Finally, you can expect that the target colony will be given false information and conflicting orders will be issued. Do not try to pick a fight you can not win.
20-07-2004, 01:47
With confirmation from New Rose, the 6th Fleet began to off load their supplies, personnel, and began to form large convoys. Hypersonic Transports from bases in Hamptonshire have begun ferrying 50,000 Royal Army soldiers into Nova Excelsior. Forward Engineering Companies have begun constructing temporary air bases while the native population is being readied for work. Hundreds of airplanes and scores of Vagary1000 Airships are moving toward the new colony. Temporary structures should be ready within days.
What is being off-loaded in New Rose:
150,000 Royal Army soldiers
25,000 Royal Marines
500 MBTs
Hundreds of Humvees, APCs, etc.
30,000 Colonists
Each Vagary1000 is bringing in 1 million kilograms of supplies, building materials, good, people, etc. Current 212 Vagary1000s have been assigned to the Colonial Effort. Dozens of smaller Vagary100s and 200s have also been assigned to the colonial deployment.
750,000 Hamptonians and citizens from other Hamptonian colonies have been slated to move to Nova Excelsior as soon as possible.
To: New Rose
From: Gerald Pembrose, Governor of Nova Excelsior Colony
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Rest assured that once Nova Excelsior is up and running, we will not forget your aide.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 01:54
On a hill overlooking the towns:
Oy... those damn Krauts are settling near us said one Rosian male. I know. said another. Thank God we have more protection now... we have about 500,000 colonists here by now...
Meanwhile on the shore:
Two Hummers drive up to the people that are carrying the supplies. Four men come out from each hummer, two armed with AK-47s and two drivers from each. They walked to the colonists bowing.
Hello, we were sent here to greet you. Please ignore the nudists and make your way through the colonists. If you need anything get it from one of our many stores. Now come on, we'll help ya.
The eight Rosians start looking for something to carry...
20-07-2004, 02:09
On a hill overlooking the towns:
Oy... those damn Krauts are settling near us said one Rosian male. I know. said another. Thank God we have more protection now... we have about 500,000 colonists here by now...
Meanwhile on the shore:
Two Hummers drive up to the people that are carrying the supplies. Four men come out from each hummer, two armed with AK-47s and two drivers from each. They walked to the colonists bowing.
Hello, we were sent here to greet you. Please ignore the nudists and make your way through the colonists. If you need anything get it from one of our many stores. Now come on, we'll help ya.
The eight Rosians start looking for something to carry...
The Inc. states of Kiwipeso offers a small army to help defend Rosian colonists from Attican aggression and Polavakian perspiration.
(Those polavaks smell like they've never met running water…)
We are willing to exchange more troops in exchange for 25 square km of land, and it does not have to be on your claim.
20-07-2004, 02:27
The Federation of Morathania is asking for support from any colony, independent state or claim in the area. We are under attack and need help. Please help out Morathania's colony of Jefferson. Your colony might be next.
Attican Empire
20-07-2004, 02:32
First of all, at least I bother to show my face, which is more than what some geeks here will do. (maybe you are another spotty teen ?)
Secondly, A First Strike policy of use of as many nukes as required to destroy military, then civilian targets is acceptable if done to ensure no counterstrike is possible.
Thirdly, my nation is based on a group of islands and has a vast navy waiting to deploy everything from cruise missles to F18s or even marines.
Finally, you can expect that the target colony will be given false information and conflicting orders will be issued. Do not try to pick a fight you can not win.
Your Population: 229,000,000
Combined populations of Attica and Polavakia: ~3,000,000,000
I have naval assets that are also nuclear capable, and you do not know where they all are. You initiate a nuclear assault on either me or my colonies, and regardless of what you do, your island chain will cease to exist, except as molton radioactive slag. I have a larger air force than you, a larger army, a larger navy, and a larger nuclear arsenal.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 02:35
The Federation of Morathania is asking for support from any colony, independent state or claim in the area. We are under attack and need help. Please help out Morathania's colony of Jefferson. Your colony might be next.
We need to know the situation if you want help. We have a small force compared to them and we need to know if we can outflank them
To the Incorporate States of Kiwipeso:
How much men? And where exactly?
Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
OOC: WHere's that map?
Attican Empire
20-07-2004, 02:37
OOC: I am going to post as Attican Empire for a while since I am sick of logging in as the other name.
As the troops finished annexing the tribal territory, about 50% of the natives had been killed, and another 50% had been assimilated into the Kingdom. Over 3,000,000 natives had died, and only 16 soldiers had died.
20-07-2004, 02:37
OOC: Here is the link this should explain everthing.
20-07-2004, 02:41
Yes, a map would be most beneficial at this point.
20-07-2004, 02:44
OOC: Link to Map is on the tope of page 4.
Hallad will aid the Colony of New Rose if the Island of Rose pledges nuetrality in the Halladi-Hattian Conflict. If this offer is accepted then 2,000 Halladi Regulars and 500 Halladi Reservists along with a small fleet shall be sen't to aid New Rose.
Hallad will give aid to any other colonisation efforts if asked. We only ask for Trade Routes with Hallad to be opened from the colonies- that- and Nuetrality in the Halladi-Hattian Conflict.
20-07-2004, 02:45
The Morathanian colony of Jefferson is currently under attack, Hallad we would be glad to recieve any help we can.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 02:49
Hallad, please help my all Morathania. He needs it. Yes you of course have access to trade routes and we pledge neutrality. Thank you.
We still need some help of course, the colony below us is getting to imperialist and we need some security...
OOC: Wow my colony must be important or something :D
20-07-2004, 02:50
OOC: An updated map with my claim, Attica's advance, and whatever other developments would be best. The map on page 3 does not reflect what is going on right now.
20-07-2004, 02:51
OOC: Island of Rose sent you a message in Victoria.
Very well, 1,000 Halladi Regulars and 200 Halladi Reservists will be sen't to Jefferson. With that a fleet consisting of:
2 Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships
-6 Yak-141 "Freestyle" (Each)
-4 AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopter (Each)
-12 CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters (Each)
-9 CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters (Each)
-4 UH-1N Huey helicopters (Each)
1 Spruance Class Destroyer
1 Akula-I Hunter Killer Submarines
1 Kaiser Class Oiler Ship
1 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ship
4 "President" (Halladi Design) Class Overseas Troop Transport Ships
Another 500 Halladi Regulars will be sent to New Rose, with this fleet (which will reside in Jefferson).
20-07-2004, 03:05
OOC: Please post those in the thread. Will you RP your troops?
OOC: Yeah, I'll RP them. And, which thread do you mean?
20-07-2004, 03:11
OOC: This thread called Colonial Expansion: Taking the Land Back. It can be found here:
Their you go.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 04:31
OOC: Regarding the map, I have claimed a strip of land connecting us with New Rose (a claim that was accepted), and were able to do so because we allied ourselves with the Natives. It was supposed to run along the southernmost edge of the Alecian Native Territory but I can move it up to accomodate this new advance. I am willing to negotiate, though.
IC: Redomius quickly got wind of The Polavak-Atticans' advance and decided to act. The situation in Eropid was becoming too dire, and to ensure that the colonies could remain prosperous, he decided he had to negotiate peace.
He furiously sent a general telegram to everyone in the area:
"Attn: The Island Of Rose, The Polavak-Atticans, Octovonia, Hamptonshire, Mirathia, Moranthia, Austar Union, Belecus and Raginsheep.
Re: The situation in Eropid.
It has come to my attention that there has been recent tensions within Eropid and that this may pose the serious threat of war. Most of the nations who have made claims have done so in the interests of peace, including ours, so we propose to call all nations within the recently-colonized area of Eropid to a conference in Rome so we can hammer out all of our disputes and hopefully avoid conflict."
Attican Empire
20-07-2004, 08:03
OOC: You are aware this little region we are colonizing is only like 1/20th of Eropid? To call every nation you would be calling about 40 nations.
20-07-2004, 08:06
OOC: As long as it doesn't cross into Nova Excelsior, I'll be fine with any movement of the strip.
Governor Pimberton sat in his office in the new colony's capital city of Riverside. Riverside, formerly called Furlan by the local Kena-Mundi tribe, was the largest native city in Nova Excelsior. A native population of 248,000 inhabited the city. It was luck that the tribe that sold their land to Hamptonshire were the most advanced in the area with a 1970s technology level.
The native population of Nova Excelsior, 2.3 million, was now joined by 50,000 Hamptonian colonists, 200,000 Royal Army soliders, 25,000 Royal Marines, 4,000 Royal Police Officers, a fighter wing, a bomber wing, and all their equipment. Nearly 100 million kilograms of prefabricated building, supplies, and other essentials have reached the colony while everyone is busy with the defense of the newly acquired land.
To: Redomius
From: Gerald Pembrose, Governor of Nova Excelsior Colony
Nova Excelsior and the Grand Duchy would welcome any conference that aims to check the hostile actions in this region of the continent.
OOC: You are aware this little region we are colonizing is only like 1/20th of Eropid? To call every nation you would be calling about 40 nations.
OOC: I was only calling on all the colonists. EDIT- Post edited.
20-07-2004, 09:00
OOC: TIOR, now that you are a little safer and have allowed Hamptonians to pass, can I assume that you have allowed my convoy to pass?
To: Hamptonshire
From: Praetonian Foreign Office
Part of your claimed territory appears to be territory legally purchased by
Praetonia for a considerable sum before you purchased the same territory.
We can only assume that the Alecians tried to make a 'quick buck' by selling
the same land twice not caring for the predictament that they would leave
the two nations in. You are an ally and a senesible nation, so I trust that this
can be worked out.
20-07-2004, 09:18
We need to know the situation if you want help. We have a small force compared to them and we need to know if we can outflank them
To the Incorporate States of Kiwipeso:
How much men? And where exactly?
Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
OOC: WHere's that map?
You have 20 000 at your disposal, to be deployed whereever you are in need of them. You can also rely on my personal assurance of 1000 tanks, 500 howitzers, 120 destroyers, 149 AEGIS cruisers, 12 aircraft carriers, an unspecified series of submarines recently purchased from a socialist nation, 60 stealth bombers and 192 stealth fighters.
I figure it should be enough for you to handle anything short of a nuclear war and I plan to keep 50% of my forces in the area for my operations, so a mere 5% is no skin off my nose.
20-07-2004, 09:33
The Federation of Morathania is asking for support from any colony, independent state or claim in the area. We are under attack and need help. Please help out Morathania's colony of Jefferson. Your colony might be next.
I can offer at least 5% of my forces to help you, see previous offer to New Rose, I am willing to commit more if it is Attica-Polavak attacking you.
20-07-2004, 09:39
Your Population: 229,000,000
Combined populations of Attica and Polavakia: ~3,000,000,000
I have naval assets that are also nuclear capable, and you do not know where they all are. You initiate a nuclear assault on either me or my colonies, and regardless of what you do, your island chain will cease to exist, except as molton radioactive slag. I have a larger air force than you, a larger army, a larger navy, and a larger nuclear arsenal.
Unlikely, considering that I can ask 20 million reserves to fight you within a day of my regular forces being mobilised.
I also have about 50 million ocean travelling people, of whom a significant amount would survive to seek vengance on you.
I do think you would have trouble against thousands of nukes, especially if I choose a soft option like decapitation or segmentation or even agricultural poisoning. I would have no problems using my defences to eliminate your feeble arsenal before it even reached my region.
I also have no problem picking your air force out of the sky, or sinking your navy with my new sub series I have just bought off a secretive socialist neighbour who needed the cash.
Attican Empire
20-07-2004, 10:12
How? Dood, I outnumber you in population 10 to 1. 50,000,000 is 10% of your population,slightly godmoddish, but regardless would destroy your economy. Even if you could call up 20,000,000 reserves, which is less than the Soviet Union could call up, it having a far larger population than you, a nuclear holocaust in your country would cause you to cease having that ability. You throw 1000 nukes my way, I throw 1000 your way. I have sattelites also, so don't say "I will nuke your launchers." Once you launch a nuke, I will launch all of mine in response, very quickly. My air force is most likely far larger than yours, having 24,000 fighters and 2000 bombers total. I most likely have a larger navy, composed of over 20 carriers and 30 battleships, along with numerous support craft. Not to mention I have over 300 attack subs in my arsenal. My army uses more advanced equipment, and is better trained than your 50,000,000 reserves, who can most likely, barely use a gun. Your economy is poorer than mine, meaning you have less cash. You have those thousands of people in the sea? That is what mine and my allies' navies are for.
You are nothing but a speck in international NS politics, so don't act tough, until you are ready to be tough.
20-07-2004, 12:01
OCC: Rose, I suggest that you and everyone else ignore Kiwipeso I mean "1000 tanks, 500 howitzers, 120 destroyers, 149 AEGIS cruisers, 12 aircraft carriers, an unspecified series of submarines recently purchased from a socialist nation, 60 stealth bombers and 192 stealth fighters" is a serious godmod. Anywayz, I would defend your colony if necessary.
IC: Raginsheep condemns any aggressive action taken by any nation and would rerquest that all disputes be settled diplomatically rather than with violence.
Meanwhile, the government has annouced that the original military purpose has been resolved however, Raginsheep will stay permantly in the regions it currently maintains control over.
20-07-2004, 13:50
To: Hamptonshire
From: Praetonian Foreign Office
As a follow-up to our original message, the area is question is roughly 1/4
the size of your claim and it borders both the Ragin and Rosian claims. We
are willing to reimburse you twice what you paid for that area. We believe
this to be a fair deal as that area does not contain any of the Alescian cities
or any resources that aren't prevelant throughout your entire claim. We
eagerly await your repsonse and hope that you allow us to reclaim our
rightful territory in a way that does not leave you at a major disadvantage.
20-07-2004, 15:08
The Federation of Morathania likes the idea of a colonial convention to sort out the problems of the colonies in a diplomatic manner in the name of peace. I want colonies to first try to help my colony of Jefferson and the Protectorate of Belecus to achieve peace and to recognize that Belecus's reasons for war were illegal and false. Here is something that I wrote about that issue and why you should support Morathania and/or support peace.
[This is slightly OOC:]
I would like to also say that this war is illegal. Their were no Austarian colonists or explorers in Morathanian territory at the time of colonization. All residents of Jefferson now are Morathanian citizens and were emigrants from Morathania itself. This is an expansionist/imperialist land grab that is thinly veiled with this aura of bringing the brothers together. Their never were or never have been any Austarian colonies in Morathanian territory. Our actions were legal. You annouce your discovery of a new continent and don't expect other countries to stake claims and make new colonies. This is all a sham. This is a way for Austar and Attica to gain more power and prestige in this new territory by cowering all those who are not puppets of Austar or Attica into fear of military invasion. Columbus Discovered America but that doesn't mean that the whole American continent must belong to the Spainish. If we were under that thinking in RL than why don't we give Newfoundland back to Norway or Denmark because the Vikings were the first to land their. The statement that this territory is rightly ours is a thin veil over the ugly face of expansionism and imperialism. I call on all nations to see this as an illegal war and that Belesus's reasons for going to war were a sham.
Redomius quickly got wind of The Polavak-Atticans' advance and decided to act. The situation in Eropid was becoming too dire, and to ensure that the colonies could remain prosperous, he decided he had to negotiate peace.
He furiously sent a general telegram to everyone in the area:
"Attn: The Island Of Rose, The Polavak-Atticans, Octovonia, Hamptonshire, Mirathia, Moranthia, Austar Union, Belecus and Raginsheep.
Re: The situation in Eropid.
It has come to my attention that there has been recent tensions within Eropid and that this may pose the serious threat of war. Most of the nations who have made claims have done so in the interests of peace, including ours, so we propose to call all nations within the recently-colonized area of Eropid to a conference in Rome so we can hammer out all of our disputes and hopefully avoid conflict."
Mayor Kabapus openly supports the idea of a colonial get-together. As soon as it is confirmed, Mayor Kabapus, two generals and the Undersigned will, unarmed, leave for the meeting. Mayor Kabapus sincerely hopes we can put this war behind us.
As well, Mayor Kabapus supports the belief that this may be an expansionist/imperialist trap, and both Attica and Austar have a distinct advantage over us; they have all the keys. All in all, this mission of colonization was a failure to us all.
-The Secretary
20-07-2004, 17:57
Redomius quickly got wind of The Polavak-Atticans' advance and decided to act. The situation in Eropid was becoming too dire, and to ensure that the colonies could remain prosperous, he decided he had to negotiate peace.
He furiously sent a general telegram to everyone in the area:
"Attn: The Island Of Rose, The Polavak-Atticans, Octovonia, Hamptonshire, Mirathia, Moranthia, Austar Union, Belecus and Raginsheep.
Re: The situation in Eropid.
It has come to my attention that there has been recent tensions within Eropid and that this may pose the serious threat of war. Most of the nations who have made claims have done so in the interests of peace, including ours, so we propose to call all nations within the recently-colonized area of Eropid to a conference in Rome so we can hammer out all of our disputes and hopefully avoid conflict."
Prime Minister Ian McKinney is leaving today for Rome to meet with Roman officials about the escalalting diplomatic conflict arrising in Eripod. All we wish is peace, but if this threat of armed conflict grows, we will be prepared to defend ourselves from any threat.
OOC: I have five puppets that are roughly the same size as my nation and I'm nearly as big as the Attican Empire, so I'm not worried about their threats (although I would like to say my nation is peaceful and I'd rather avoid war). However, I will agree that these proceedings have been a little unfair because it hasn't allowed us to adapt and settle in, but I am willing to play along if it will settle things down.
The Island of Rose
20-07-2004, 18:29
Official Statement from New Rose:
Finally, okay let's settle for peace. I'll send a diplomat over. Maybe we can settle down for once...
-Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
OOC: Sorry d00d, but 20,000,000 reserves? That's too much.
Romanus Eropidus
20-07-2004, 19:10
OOC: This is RomeW's colony in Eropid. I'll be using this nation to reply to this thread.
20-07-2004, 20:07
I have signed a peace deal with Belecus. Island of Rose you have a message in VA.
20-07-2004, 20:09
Rome Eropid,
Please heed this warning. Austar Union is trying to create a large imperialist northern empire. Your nation or Raginsheeps will probably be next. All I can say is prepare yourself. I only was able to stop him by saying that he could gain the colony if he gave me huge consessions. He did and so the war has ended but watch out.
Romanus Eropidus
20-07-2004, 20:19
OOC: I didn't sign up to have a colony just so I could be attacked. I do not agree nor do I appreciate these actions. Can't we at least settle down for a bit before these wars start?
IC: Redomius sent another telegram to Austar Union, pleading for peace. "This is not a way to run a colony, and will only serve to undermine the prosperity of all the colonies if there is instability. Please, let us all meet and iron out these issues together."
20-07-2004, 20:23
OOC: AU no longer controls his colony, he only has 'strong influence' over it. Anyway this is just a message so that when Hamptonshire comes online and I most likely wont be, that he should read my posts over this thread about the problem with colonies.
Romanus Eropidus
20-07-2004, 20:24
OOC: I didn't sign up to have a colony just so I could be attacked. I do not agree nor do I appreciate these actions. Can't we at least settle down for a bit before these wars start?
OOC: Just to add (as I can't edit this): I was under the impression that the proceedings could be peaceful if the colonists so desired, so I am a little troubled by all this.
20-07-2004, 20:28
OOC: Your right Praetonia he does only have a 'strong influence' over it. (Cough, puppet, cough cough).
Attican Empire
20-07-2004, 22:49
OOC: RomeW, I cannot accept your puppets as part of your nation -- My nation is Attica and Polavakia, and Polavakia is not a puppet -- he is a real player.
I stand by Attica. If anyone deploys nuclear weapons against us, it will be considered an attack on both of us.
OOC: Sorry I havent been able to log on since sunday. I'll explain it on Windows Messanger later.
21-07-2004, 00:51
Nobody was talking about a nuclear attack. Can you explain what you're talking about Kahta?
The Island of Rose
21-07-2004, 01:40
21-07-2004, 05:10
To: Praetonia
From: Governor Gerald Pembrose
We have already erected cities, defensive fortifications, and other installations in the area in question. The treaties that we have signed with the Alecian tribes in the area forbid us from selling any of their territory or releasing any of the colony to any foreign power. Our agreement with the native peoples cannot be changed and shall not be compromised.
21-07-2004, 09:08
To: Governor Gerald Pembrose
From: Praetonia
You shall be reimbursed double the cost of all lost land, structures and
installations, but I must resent your argument of not being able to go against
what was said in your agreement with the natives. We had a similar and
equally binding agreement before you did, and so the natives had no right to
sell some (roughly 1/4) of the land you occupy, as it was already Praetonian
territory. Therefore you are occupying Praetonian sovereign territory against
our will (most people call this invasion). However, we accepted the fact
that you may not have known about this agreement and so we presented to
you a deal that is much kinder to you than international law dictates we must
offer, yet you still refuse this. I for one do not understand your reasoning
behind this, but we hope that you will come to your sences and at least
respect international law when dealing with your ally.
21-07-2004, 15:49
This is to give you an update. The Island of Rose has given half of his land to Morathania. Here are some quotes
New Rose to give land to Morathania
Official Statement from New Rose:
We have officially given half our land to the nation of Morathania. We have done this as a gesture of good will and to flourish trade. We have also done this so that any colonists that could not leave may live here. Do not get hostile please, we just wish to help an ally
-Governer of New Rose: Joseph Yultanov
OOC: Let the death threats begin!
OOC: Ya exactly.
The government of Morathania would like to thank the government of the Island of Rose and the colonial government of New Rose to give a portion of the uninhabited west to Morathania. I hope that this gesture of alliance will be a good sign for peace in the continent in the future. The government of Morathania has decided to ship its Jefferson colonists, now homeless, to this new land. This does not violate the peace treaty for it states that they have to be vacated from what is now Belecus's territory. They will begin anew and great a good, peaceful colony that is free of the violance that beset the original Morathanian colony. I think this should be an example to all the nations on this new landmass that we can work to achieve peace and settle our differences through diplomacy. This evacuation of colonist will begin immediately. SInce their is still a blockade around my territory that will not let me allow ships to go to Morathania all Morathanian army personnel will be flown or marched into this new territory pending a return to Morathania. Once again I thank the Island Of Rose for this wonderful gesture.
See the whole thread at http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6589635&posted=1#post6589635
See the new border of Morathania and the Island of Rose at www.freewebs.com/colonymaps . We chose option #3. Morathanian territory is the landlocked territory. Island of Rose's has the entire coast line.
Nobody was talking about a nuclear attack. Can you explain what you're talking about Kahta?
The threats against Attica a few pages ago.
This is to give you an update. The Island of Rose has given half of his land to Morathania. Here are some quotes
See the whole thread at http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6589635&posted=1#post6589635
See the new border of Morathania and the Island of Rose at www.freewebs.com/colonymaps . We chose option #3. Morathanian territory is the landlocked territory. Island of Rose's has the entire coast line.
I dont see any differences. Just use the img code to show the pictures.
21-07-2004, 20:35
In the Rose claim their is now a black line dividing the territory almost equally. Everything to the west and north of that line is mine the rest, everything to the east of that line, is his.
I have added the map as an attachment.
21-07-2004, 21:36
With our territory returned we would like the map to look like this (Morathia / TIoR territroy changes not withstanding).
Edit: Prae claim is only written in white because when written in black it parts of it disappear into the border.
21-07-2004, 22:56
Governor Pembrose and the 25 members of the Colonial Legislature just finished a very long teleconference with Grand Duke Reginald Leopold I and the Interior Ministry; Nova Excelsior would be granted limited independence. The Colony would now be an Oversees Protectorate of Hamptonshire, Nova Excelsior would be independent of the Grand Duchy is all matters except for domestic law and foreign policy.
To: Praetonia
From: Governor Gerald Pembrose
We are willing to pay your a very large settlement for your troubles, the details will be sent by diplomatic channels. The fact of the matter is that we were both sold the same lot of land without knowledge of the other's intention. However, we were the first to occupy the land. We understand your position, but Nova Excelsior is here to stay.
The Colonial Legislature is willing to open talks to let Praetonian colonists set up a semi-autonomius region within Nova Excelsior.
The "diplomatic channels" are in the VA.
A deal has been struck. In exchange for confidential items, all but a coastal village bordering the Ragin claim of 100 square miles of the Mirathan claim has been handed over to Morathania.
22-07-2004, 06:19
How? Dood, I outnumber you in population 10 to 1. 50,000,000 is 10% of your population,slightly godmoddish, but regardless would destroy your economy. Even if you could call up 20,000,000 reserves, which is less than the Soviet Union could call up, it having a far larger population than you, a nuclear holocaust in your country would cause you to cease having that ability. You throw 1000 nukes my way, I throw 1000 your way. I have sattelites also, so don't say "I will nuke your launchers." Once you launch a nuke, I will launch all of mine in response, very quickly. My air force is most likely far larger than yours, having 24,000 fighters and 2000 bombers total. I most likely have a larger navy, composed of over 20 carriers and 30 battleships, along with numerous support craft. Not to mention I have over 300 attack subs in my arsenal. My army uses more advanced equipment, and is better trained than your 50,000,000 reserves, who can most likely, barely use a gun. Your economy is poorer than mine, meaning you have less cash. You have those thousands of people in the sea? That is what mine and my allies' navies are for.
You are nothing but a speck in international NS politics, so don't act tough, until you are ready to be tough.
You are aware that there is a treaty against nukes in space ?
It is unlikely that you will defeat a massive SDI installation no matter where you launch from. BTW, I have about 450 subs, of which 60 are a brand new type which are able to sink your puny carriers and battleships without leaving evidence of their position or movement.
I have 20 million reserves and gun ownership is compulsory in my nation.
As for ocean travel, it is a nation spread over a group of islands.
Alpha Carinae
22-07-2004, 06:33
And? 1. I am not a signee of a treaty. 2. I did not say I put nukes in space, only that I would know when you launched.
SDI systems are not 100%. They will not shoot down every warhead. If I fire 2000 at you, a lot will get thru regardless. And, your subs would meet my subs. Dont say that your subs, which came from an "Anonymous Source" (meaning you godmodded them out of nowhere), would destroy mine regardless. Also, guess what, AEGIS Cruisers and destroyers can easily see and destroy your subs. Also, you have no idea where my fleets are.
Also, I dont need to invade you, I only need to use 2000 bombers and bomb you into oblivion from 80,000 ft.
The Island of Rose
22-07-2004, 06:38
Also, I dont need to invade you, I only need to use 2000 bombers and bomb you into oblivion from 80,000 ft.
OOC: Which is impossible or really hard to do, too many things to deal with.
22-07-2004, 07:04
And? 1. I am not a signee of a treaty. 2. I did not say I put nukes in space, only that I would know when you launched.
SDI systems are not 100%. They will not shoot down every warhead. If I fire 2000 at you, a lot will get thru regardless. And, your subs would meet my subs. Dont say that your subs, which came from an "Anonymous Source" (meaning you godmodded them out of nowhere), would destroy mine regardless. Also, guess what, AEGIS Cruisers and destroyers can easily see and destroy your subs. Also, you have no idea where my fleets are.
Also, I dont need to invade you, I only need to use 2000 bombers and bomb you into oblivion from 80,000 ft.
I have a layered SDI which is spread across multiple platforms.
I bought my new subs from a socialist state which needed the cash, these subs are hard to see given their radar cloaking extra skin.
With satellite surveilance I know where your entire inventory is.
Personally, I favor the softer option of poisioning your crops and making your land barren then marching my troops through your colony to take 25 square km, which isn't even 1 pixel on the map.
However, I remain open to peaceful commercial options as always.
Alpha Carinae
22-07-2004, 08:07
No SDI is perfect. If you say otherwise, it's godmod.
Too bad SONAR is not RADAR. RADAR uses radio waves, SONAR uses sound waves. RAM will not absorb SONAR waves.
"Personally, I favor the softer option of poisioning your crops and making your land barren then marching my troops through your colony to take 25 square km, which isn't even 1 pixel on the map."
Poison my crops, nuke your land. Your choice.
22-07-2004, 09:41
To: Hamptonshire / Nova Excelsior
From: Praetonia
We will agree to move forwards and accept that you deal may be the way,
however we do not ceade claim to the territory, nor do we accept that you
have any right to it. You are indeed correct that you were the first to
occupy my territory, which, as my previous post has stated, is legally an
invasion of Praetonia.
How much is your settlement (this will determine if we proceed with legal
action, and what does a "semi-autonomius region within Nova Excelsior" for
Praetonian colonists entail?
22-07-2004, 14:54
The Federation of Morathania has now controls the western and northern portions of New Rose as stated earlier along with the entire Mirathan claim except for the village and territory surrounding it which will stay in Mirathan hands. Colonists from Jefferson will move into both of these conecting areas. This deal was made so that the new colony of Jefferson can have access to the sea. This is not expansionism nor am I trying to gain more power this was to make this new colony self sustaining by letting it have access to the sea. Very generous terms where given to Miratha and no military force, either to intimadate or to plan an invasion, were used in the aquiring of this new Territory.
OOC: I would like the map updated please. I want to see that my new colony is recognized and that everything that I have done is legal.
22-07-2004, 15:11
The Republic of Octovonia notices a grave increase in military activity between the colonies in Eripod. As a response, all Octovonian military units in the our colony of Sparta, have been put on full defensive alert. Anything that violates our territorial boundaries will be destroyed. Our air-defense units have been ordered to shoot down anything that flies into our air-space.
-- Octovonian Minister of Defense, Charles de Villiers
OOC: Our air-defenses comprise of long-range radar units and the vaunted S-400 Triumf series of surface-to-air launchers. Equipped are both the 9M96 120km range missiles and the much larger 400km missile. Also, I do not wish to be attacked, I do not have the time to RP a war at the moment.
22-07-2004, 18:49
This is a map of the new Morathanian territory that will now be know as the Colony of Jefferson since the old colony of Jefferson is now in Belecus's hands. Everything in Forest Green is my new Territory. Light Green is Island Of Rose's Territory and the small Orange finger of land between Raginsheep and the sea is Miratha's.
22-07-2004, 19:11
To: Praetonia
From: Morathania
Any Praetonian settlers who do not wish to stay in Nova Excelsior can be resettled into Jefferson when the initial settling period is over, that would be when we have total settled the colonists from what is now Belecus. We ensure you that they would be treated as equals and would be ensured a peaceful democratic government. We already have Praetonians, Sarzonians, Halibrisians, and Camewottians who emigrated to the Jefferson colony through Morathanian government programs where any immigrant who wanted to was given free passage to Jefferson in order to increase the amount of people in the colony. Morathania itself is known for democracy and a spirit of freedom that many other nations relish. If you do not trust the government of Hamptonshire with your settlers and do not want to send them back to Praetonia just remember that they are welcome in the Colony of Jefferson.
22-07-2004, 19:14
To: Morathania
From: Praetonia
Thank you for your offer, it is very much appreciated. I have no doubt thatmany Praetonians will take up this offer. However, our major problem is the illegal Hamptonian occupation of our land, which does not appear to be going away. It has seriously damaged relations with Hamptonshire and stregthened relations with nations like yours who help their allies in need.
22-07-2004, 19:20
To: Praetonia
From: Morathania
Well I think that instead of straning his national budget by paying you 2 trillion dollars he should just give you the land. Me and the Island of Rose came to an agreement that it would be better for the mutual defense of our nations if we were closer to one another so after the War with Belecus he decided to give me part of his land. If only Hamptonshire could be like that and give away 1/4 of his territory to you. How many sq. miles are you asking for probably no more than 20,000. That isn't very much. I think what you may have to do is give Hamptonshire something in return for him returning your colony to you. I know this sounds crazy because you were their first but you need to offer something to him so that it is an equal trade. Often because countries do not take action quick enough and in your case build up your colony they often lose out. So what I say is instead of sueing him try to find out if their is anyway to get the colony back. If he still doesn't agree sue his pants off.
22-07-2004, 19:25
To: Morathania
From: Praetonia
Unforuntately I already tried that. I offered him twice thevalue of the land and all of the settlements and defences on it. Unfortunately Hamptonshire refused this, and so the possible legal action is a last resort. I thank you for your concern, but the Hamptonian Government is barely co-operative at best.
22-07-2004, 19:27
Well best of luck and I hope this can be solved non-violently this landmass has already seen too much violence.
22-07-2004, 22:56
As the first settlers began pouring into the new Morathanian claim they began to found cities and colonies that were named after which cities they had departed. Jefferson City was founded on the coast of what was New Miratha in an area of forests and small fields. Coventry was founded on the coast 56 miles south of the remaining portion of New Miratha. Stanton was founded 250 miles Northwest of Jefferson City and 225 miles west of Coventry. Jameson was founded in the wedge between New Rose, Nova Excelsior and Polavak-Atticans. A new city was also founded in the north 25 miles south of the Raginsheep border called Northampton and a second new city only 20 miles due west of the center of the colony called Cardiff. None of these towns for now has more than 2500 people since many Jeffersonians are still trekking through Raginsheep. An airport is underconstruction in Jameson and an airport has just started being built in Jefferson City. Both of these are being built by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12,000 soldiers are already scattered throughout Jefferson with more being transported by ship and by airplane when the first airfields are completed. Currently 25,000 Jeffersonians have arrived in Jefferson.
I have a layered SDI which is spread across multiple platforms.
I bought my new subs from a socialist state which needed the cash, these subs are hard to see given their radar cloaking extra skin.
With satellite surveilance I know where your entire inventory is.
Personally, I favor the softer option of poisioning your crops and making your land barren then marching my troops through your colony to take 25 square km, which isn't even 1 pixel on the map.
However, I remain open to peaceful commercial options as always.
Once again, no SDI is 100%. It is just not possible.
Sonar is based on sound, and then again there is also always active sonar, which sends out soundwaves.
20 Million people in your country is a little under 10%, which I consider godmodding.
23-07-2004, 00:23
To: Praetonia
From: Nova Excelsior Colonial Foreign Ministry; Hamptonshire Foreign Ministry
We have specified our first offer via "special diplomatic channels". Upon acceptance of the deal you will be allowed to begin to enter Nova Excelsior.
To: Stephen Withers, Interior Minister Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
From: Gerald Pembrose, Governor Nova Excelsior Oversees Protectorate
The Colony is near full readiness. Total population has reached 750,000 including military units. As per your instructions, Minister, I have informed the citizens of the Colony that the Royal Armed Forces units sent to defend Nova Excelsior have been completely decommissioned. The 220,000 former soldiers, marines, and airmen have official left the Royal Armed Forces and have joined the Colonial Guard.
Peace, Prosperity, and Unity.
23-07-2004, 03:13
Another 75,000 Jeffersonians have reached Jefferson via the long march and ships. The airport in Jameson has been completed. Work is halfway finished in Jefferson City. Airports in all other major towns have begun construction. The total population of the colony is currently 100,000 out of 375,000 Jeffersonians. Jefferson Airways International has begin flying to Jameson International Airport with full loads of Jeffersonians.
Jefferson City- 25,000
Jameson- 20,000
Coventry- 12,000
Stanton- 10,000
Northampton- 3500
Cardiff- 2000
Currently a total of 135,000 troops are in the colony of Jefferson the rest still in Belecus will be out of their in one week.[OOC: One RL day.] Handover is to occur in roughly 2 weeks [OOC: 2 RL days.].
23-07-2004, 15:55
Bump, Bump, Bump
23-07-2004, 20:42
23-07-2004, 21:34
OOC: Finished a new map of the colonies, countries and claims. It shows Belecus's recent military ecapades and it shows my resent aquiring of New Miratha and parts of New Rose. The map can be found at:
Their you go.
25-07-2004, 01:39
No SDI is perfect. If you say otherwise, it's godmod.
Too bad SONAR is not RADAR. RADAR uses radio waves, SONAR uses sound waves. RAM will not absorb SONAR waves.
"Personally, I favor the softer option of poisioning your crops and making your land barren then marching my troops through your colony to take 25 square km, which isn't even 1 pixel on the map."
Poison my crops, nuke your land. Your choice.
You mentioned AEGIS cruisers which are radar based, it's subs which use sonar.
I said and always will remain open to commercial agreements.
You mentioned AEGIS cruisers which are radar based, it's subs which use sonar.
I said and always will remain open to commercial agreements.
AEGIS is a missile defense system, AEGIS cruisers always have sonar as well.
25-07-2004, 03:40
Jefferson City, Jefferson-Reuters- Today the small airline Jefferson Airways International began a return to normal operations earlier today after almost a month of constant hauling of passengers and cargo between Belecus and Jefferson after the capitulation. With almost 80% of all Jeffersonians within the new Morathanian colony fewer planes are needed. CEO William Poulo hopes to have a full normal schedule within three weeks. "It has been a hard couple months. We first had a war which grounded all aircraft and then the transport work that we had to do to get all these people moved was just horrendous," said Mr. Poulo. Jefferson Airways International restarted international and domestic routes today with a flight to Hamilton, Morathania and a flight to Jameson, Jefferson. Over the next few weeks flights are to become more frequent as the airline begins to return to business as usual. Flights are scheduled to fly to several destinations in Morathania, Praetonia, Grudasia, Hamptonshire, Camewot, the Island of Rose, and Sarzonia. While intracolonial and domestic flights will also begin. Several destinations will include flights to New Rose, Nova Excelsior, Raginsheep, Romanus Eropidus and Polavak-Atticans along with a new once a day Jefferson City-PSAR flight. Domestic flights will connect all major cities with each other and the major hubs at Jameson and Jefferson City. "I think we can really recover from these past few months. They've been hard on us and on all Jeffersonians. I hope to see Jefferson Airways International become a major airline again," said CEO and longtime Jeffersonian William Poulo.
25-07-2004, 22:49
26-07-2004, 02:53
All Jeffersonians are out of what is now Belecus. You may procede in the repopulation of the area and its assimilation into Belecus. Currently 3500 people are staying behind. These are all non-Morathanian citizens who decided to stay against the wishs of the Morathanian government.
Today I say godbye to the old Jefferson City and head off for the new. This land will be Belecus' and may he be guided by god to give peace, prosperity and liberty to the people of this land. Morathania will now begin its southern destiny. We will make our way through the shadowy world that lays before us. We now turn this city and all others in this former colony. They shall be renamed to Belecus' liking. I along with my few advisors who have stayed here the longest will be on the last transport out of this city. We will go to the new Jefferson City were they have already constructed a great capital for a great new colony. May you guard this land better than my country did.
-Sir Ian Mongomery, Govenor of Jefferson
Belecus - Statistics
Number of People: 14 000 000
Number of Military Personell (With Conscription): 1 000 000
Number of Military Personell (Foriegn Troops): 1 500 000
OOC: Just posting this because the statistics would be helpful in the next thread (link coming soon).
See that for the newest thread (Colonial Expansion Part II)
27-07-2004, 01:02
Belecus, what nationality are those foreign troops and will they fight on your side? If they do then the country involved will be considered to be declaring war alongside Belecus and we be treated as such. This may include blockades and other action against countries that support Belecus.
27-07-2004, 20:12
Bump the roof.
Austar Union
29-07-2004, 05:29
Here is an updated map of the area as I now know it (new Roman Area claimed with new knowledge that it was in fact unclaimed.)
08-08-2004, 16:31
OOC: C'mon lets have another war.
08-08-2004, 19:06
*plots to get his land back from Hamptonian occupation*
Ah what's the point...
08-08-2004, 21:17
OOC: Plot something. That would make it intresting.
08-08-2004, 21:52
*plots to get his land back from Hamptonian occupation*
Ah what's the point...
Nova Excelsior is an independent nation that is part of the Hamptonian League (like the British Commonwealth). While it is independent, an attack on Nova Excelsior is a declaration of war against the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.
08-08-2004, 21:54
OOC: Hamptonian league cool name. Is it just for your former colonies or is it an actual alliance. Plus Praetonia can't attack Hamptonshire because you are both part of the Victoria Alliance. That would lead to expulsion.
08-08-2004, 21:59
OOC: Hamptonian league cool name. Is it just for your former colonies or is it an actual alliance. Plus Praetonia can't attack Hamptonshire because you are both part of the Victoria Alliance. That would lead to expulsion.
Right now it is just for former colonies and protectorates but at some point it may be expanded into a larger actual alliance.
09-08-2004, 01:57
Bump Bump Bump
Is ANYTHING happenening anymore? Seems like we just sit here. Sometimes someone bumps or makes a threat.
I think this was pointless.
09-08-2004, 09:51
Nova Excelsior is an independent nation that is part of the Hamptonian League (like the British Commonwealth). While it is independent, an attack on Nova Excelsior is a declaration of war against the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.
OOC: I'm very sorry Hamptonshire, but your illegal occupation what would have been called Neo-Praetonia (now the Manium colony is) is already an act of war against me, it is only our now very strained friendship that prevented me from cutting diplomatic relations.
09-08-2004, 09:52
OOC: Further more, an attack on 'Nova Exelcior' would actually be an attack on my own territory, nothing to do with Hamptonshire or his league.
10-08-2004, 00:22
OOC: Further more, an attack on 'Nova Exelcior' would actually be an attack on my own territory, nothing to do with Hamptonshire or his league.
As your claim was only made public after the announcement of our deal and the occupation of our newly formed colony, the Nova Excelsior deal takes precidence.
Since Nova Excelsior is a recognized nation and claimant to the land any attack on the territory would still be interpreted as an act of war.
This is a very similar situation to the Falkland Islands, you're taking the position of Argentina and I'm taking the position of Great Britain.
I have a proposition to settle this Praetonia/Hamptonshire dispute.
Basically, we release the land to me, and whoever pays me more for it gets to have the land.
Sounds fair to me.
10-08-2004, 01:10
Miratha your deal wont work because Praetonia's claim is only the Northern quarter of Nova Excelsior. I think that either Praetonia should get that land or the Praetonian Semi-Autonomous Region should be set up. Also one question how many Praetonians are their currently in Nova Excelsior?
10-08-2004, 01:14
Miratha your deal wont work because Praetonia's claim is only the Northern quarter of Nova Excelsior. I think that either Praetonia should get that land or the Praetonian Semi-Autonomous Region should be set up. Also one question how many Praetonians are their currently in Nova Excelsior?
First thing first, the offer that I made to Praetonia in the VA Forum still stands.
As for the question of how many Praetonians are in Nova Excelsior, the answer is none. There might be the occassional Praetonian that crosses over the boarder, but there are no Praetonians in all of Nova Excelsior.
I thought the reason my idea wouldn't work was because it was heinously corrupt and basically involved me getting money.
10-08-2004, 01:20
That too but that was too obvious.
Okay then, same deal, but only the northern quarter. Sound fair? Thought so. Let's go!
10-08-2004, 13:34
I will accept the $2trillion and a PSAR.
10-08-2004, 15:02
Miratha, this does not concern you. Don't meddle in other peoples affairs especially when you just bring stupid ideas that help no one.
I think Praetonia's terms are fair. How would the PSAR be governed? And how many Praetonians live in Hamptonshires colony?
10-08-2004, 15:48
H'shire posted how it would be run on the Victoria Alliance board. No Praetonians live there, but I legally bought the land (and despite what H'shire says made it public) before he did, so it is legally mine, even if he appears to control it.
10-08-2004, 18:11
Well Praetonia if none of your citizens live their and you had not established your claim then that seriously diminishes your claim to the Northern part of Nova Excelsior. As you should recall possession is 9/10ths of the law and Hamptonshire currently possesses the territory. You claimed it first but you didn't have any settlers their making your claim just words nothing more. If you had brought in settlers ,even less than 10,000 people, your claim would be secure because citizens of Praetonia possess the land thus controlling it. Hamptonshire was the first to settle the area and the first to assert his claim thus I see no reason why it shouldn't be his.
10-08-2004, 18:34
No, you're wrong because I paid for it before he invaded it. You see there's something called 'ownership' and when you 'own' something other people aren't allowed to take it without your permission, even if you aren't holding on to it at the time, it's something called 'stealing'. Now when a nation 'steals' something 'owned' by another nation, that is an 'act of war'.
I'm very sorry for being deliberately condecending, but people dont seem to be able to understand this. Now I dont want to argue about it any more because Hamptonshire and I have agreed on a deal so that we're both happy. Therefore no reason to argue.
10-08-2004, 18:35
Oh, you bought it. I didn't know that. I thought you had just claimed it. My bad. That makes it alot harder to deal with but if the two of you have a deal thats great I wont get involved. Just two more questions Who did you pay the money too? Who did you buy the land from?
10-08-2004, 18:47
The Alesician Indian people who owned it at that time (sorry for the condecension) (bought from and paid to).
10-08-2004, 18:49
Okay. Thanks.
13-08-2004, 02:50
Praetonia, we are glad that you have finally accepted our deal. The northern quarter of Nova Excelsior will be opened for the Praetonian Semi-Autonomous Region.
13-08-2004, 11:38
Praetonians are currently moving into the new PSAR, although at a much slower rate thanthey are moving to Neo Praetonia in Manium. In accordance with our responcibility for the organisation and upkeep of the region, Praetonian Citizens living in the region are being charged Praetonian taxes and provided with Praetonian standard healthcare, education and welfare services by the state. In addition the IPE has been set up (Imperial Police, Eripodus) currently consisting of 5,000 Offices to mantain law and order in the province. Small detachments of Imperial Guard are being sent over to guard important government buildings such as the Governor General's Resisdence. Hamptonian Citizens are being provided with monetary incentives to leave the area in accordance with the Liberal-Imperialist Party's 10 year plan to have all Hamptonian Citizens out of the PSAR.
13-08-2004, 23:16
Terms agreed to by Praetonia and Hamptonshire.
A Semi-autonomous Praetonian region in Nova Exclesior would entail the following:
1) Praetonian Citizens would be free to move into and out of the region at will.
2) Upkeep and organziation of the region would be the responsibily of Praetonia.
3) The Nova Excelsior Colonial Guard would be chiefly responsible for the defense of the entire Colony plus the PSAR (Praetonian Semi-Auto. Region).
4) While the Governor of Nova Excelsior is appointed by the Grand Duke and the Interior Ministry, there will be two Lieutenant Governors for the colony. One will be elected by popular vote in the Hamptonian Regions and one will be elected by popular vote in the PSAR.
5) 1/4th of the Colonial Legislature will be from the Praetonian Region.
6) 1/5th of the Colonial Ministers will be from the PSAR.
It should be noted that the PSAR is not ruled by Praetonia, it is an entity under the sovereign rule of the Protectorate of Nova Excelsior. While the PSR may have a police force and colonial security forces, Praetonian military units are not allowed to garrison the PSAR.
The leader of the PSAR Regional Sub-Government is the Lieutenant Governor currently provided for by the fourth section of the PSAR Agreement. The Governor of Nova Excelsior and the Colonial Legislature must give their consent to any laws or actions that seek to alter the Charter of the Protectorate of Nova Excelsior.
It should also be noted that the PSAR does not contain any territory that comes into contact with outside boarders. The PSAR is wholly contained by the Hamptonian Regions of Nova Excelsior.
Nova Excelsior
13-08-2004, 23:40
I am glad that our Praetonian brothers and sisters have finally agreed to the generious terms as layed out by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.
The Protectorate of Nova Excelsior welcomes you with open arms and hearts. I personally look forward toward the mission of building what we shall come to call "Two Systems, One Nation".
Jason Edwards
Governor of Nova Excelsior
President of the Protectorate
14-08-2004, 09:37
Official Statement Imperial Government
We are pleased that this mess has finally come to a more or less satisfactory conclusion. We thank Hamptonshire and Nova Excelsior for being willing to co-operate with us in order to reach settlement.
14-08-2004, 17:19
Praetonian News Network PNN
With the total number of Praetonian Citizens in the region reaching as high as 110,000, the first elections are to be held for the Praetonian Lieutenant Governor, Colonial Legislature Members and Colonial Ministers. The four main parties in this election are the familiar Liberal-Imperials, mainland opposition party the Conservative Party, mainland third main party the Labour Party and the controversial new party, the Nova Praetonian Independance Party.
The elections have been overseen this year by the first units of the Imperial Colonial Police although, unsuprisingly, the elections have gone off without any major trouble. Also the first few squads of the small Colonial Security Force consisting of ex-Imperial Guard members and reserves has arrived to guard the Praetonian Embassy and Lieutenant Governor's Offices.
The first results are coming in now, indicating that the Liberal-Imperialists are ahead, this isn't unexpected but th majority is much smaller than on the mainland with the Conservatives very close behind with Labour and NPIP lagging very far behind with almost no votes.
There is a general feeling of well-being in this, the first of the elections in the Nova Excelsior PSA Region, as ordinary Praetonians are pleased that the situation has been resolved without a major hit to national prestige. Anti-Hamptonian sentiment is almost non-existant, a world away from the Situation in Praeton just a few months earlier when hundreds of thousands of Praetonians marched down the Via Imperialis to the Houses of Parliament demanding a delcaration of war against the Grand Duchy.
We've just got final comfirmation of the election results, placing the Liberal-Imperialist Party in the lead with 42% of the vote (also scooping the Leiutenant Governorship), the Conservative Party second with 36% of the vote, the Labour Party some way behind with 16% of the vote and the Nova Praetonian Independance Party last with just 6% of the vote. Remember that this is proportional representation so even though the LIs have the numerical advantage they do not control a majority.
And with that, we look forwards into a future where Nova Excelsior is the model for the integration of two societies, a utpoia in which citizens of the two great nations, Praetonia and Hamptonshire, can live together in peace. Goodnight.
OOC: Argh, this is getting boring. I have a feeling someone should "liven" things up. After all, I do have Anthrax, Ebola and VX, and I am running a completely sadistic nation.
I need more WMD's and maybe some defense first, though. I'll be back...
14-08-2004, 20:42
OOC: I've got something good planned.
OOC: I've got something good planned.
OOC: Does it involve killing millions of innocent people? If so, count me in.
14-08-2004, 20:55
OOC: Does it involve killing millions of innocent people? If so, count me in.
OOC: Not millions. Well Im not planning on that many.
OOC: Not millions. Well Im not planning on that many.
OOC: Can I have a part in it?
14-08-2004, 20:56
Secret IC:
To: Mirathan Colony
From: Nova Praetonia Independance Party
We wish to meet with certain members of your government to discuss important
matters of state. Would member of your government be willing to participate in
such a meeting?
To: Nova Praetonia Independance Party
From: Mirathan Colony
Mayor Kabapus has considered your offer, and is willing to accept. When and where will this meeting take place?
14-08-2004, 21:08
To: Mirathan Colony
From: Nova Praetonia Independance Party
An unbugged conference room inside your colony. We are able to travel there on
Praetonian passports are we not?
OOC: Accept this then skip straight to the talks, I hate all the time it takes to RP planes landing.
To: Nova Praetonia Independance Party
From: Mirathan Colony
Agreed. Technically, you would not be allowed to go to Mirathan soil without extreme scrutiny regardless of your passport, but as esteemed ambassadors, you are exempt from this.
In the absolutely pitiful Mirathan Colony is a tall tower; similar to the Mirathan City Tower, but no where near as large.
After a short trip on an elevator is a large conference room. Mayor Kabapus, completely featureless except for large eyes and sadistic grin, sits at one end of a long table. "Ah, the esteemed ambassadors of Nova Praetonia. How might my humble city be of service to you?" Despite his polite tone, the essence of each tone is covered in pure evil.
OOC: I'm gonna try to keep the fantasy element of Kabapus to a minimum, in that he is now simply sadistic and contains a powerful taint of evil.