Civil War in Corneliu (Open Rp) - Page 2
19-07-2004, 20:39
The ground campaign has started with a massive assault on the outskirts of Royal City's Military Base. In the ensuing fight, both sides suffered massive casualties but after a nasty 8 hour engagement, the base fell to the Loyalist forces.
General Anderson at the Main Base in the Capitol looks at disdain when the blip on the map of MacArthur went from Blue to red.
"Damn it, we just lost Royal City Military Base."
"Sir there was 4 thousand men at that base."
"No more now Major. Notify all departments! They are authorized to use the agents. Its time we make this costly and maybe push them back. If this doesn't work, I'll have your head if Kerry doesn't get mine first."
As things were placed into motion, generals were muttering about their orders. The orders take affect in a few hours depending on weather conditions when they take effect!
19-07-2004, 22:53
Emperor Masaki is acting as air cover over President Server, and he starts strafing enemy positions with deadly laser bolts. A tank here and an airtillery piece there went up in smoke and fire as the red bolts pierced them like lances.
He soon felt a rolling disturbance in the Force. He had to contact his Uncle! Since voice-com is easily compromised, Andrew began to use another form of communication, telepathy.
Uncle James! Can you hear me? I can feel that the enemy is up to something. Be careful!
16-08-2004, 03:29
bump for Corneliu
17-08-2004, 02:52
Emperor Masaki is acting as air cover over President Server, and he starts strafing enemy positions with deadly laser bolts. A tank here and an airtillery piece there went up in smoke and fire as the red bolts pierced them like lances.
He soon felt a rolling disturbance in the Force. He had to contact his Uncle! Since voice-com is easily compromised, Andrew began to use another form of communication, telepathy.
Uncle James! Can you hear me? I can feel that the enemy is up to something. Be careful!
James Server was issuing orders when he felt Andrew Communicating with him.
Don't worry Andrew! I feel it too. All forces are getting warned he sent back.
On his flagship, the President's son continued to issue orders to the Fleet. "Maintain the pressure. Have all ships fire at military targets on the ground. The fighters are to provide air cover for the ground assault force."
"Admiral. If they start using gas, do our forces respond?"
"That'll be up to my father. Only he can issue that." He sighed heavily.
"He'll be ok John." Erica stated as she puts an arm around him.
"I know."
Back on the ground, the war picks up. The fighting for a town has turned street to street, causing numerous casualties on both sides.
17-08-2004, 04:05
Andrew decides to land and join the ground forces, even though he doesn't have to. He lands at the well-defended base crawling with his troops, and gets out.
"What's the situation so far?" He asks, as he dons a troopsuit (reduces damage by energy weapons and stops most projectiles).
"We are spearheading an assault on Osaka now, but resistance is stiff." A colonel replied.
"Very well. Bring me a rebreather and gas goggles. I'm not taking any chances."
"Yes sire."
As the Emperor takes off in a LAAT, he can spot the 256th Space Marine Division chewing up the enemy ranks with heavy repeating blasters and proton missile launchers. Not to mention the 45th Fusion Tank Division firing hypersonic shells and laser cannons at anything that moves and shoots. The Emperor and several other Jedi heads for a bridge currently being contested by the enemy and regular Army troops. After the LAAT chewed up enemy positions with the twin mini-superlasers, they landed and the Jedi began an offensive, using their lightsabers to block energy bolts and bullets, and anything else in their Force arsenal. The Emperor found himself behind several enemy troops, and cut them down one by one, then TKed another four away. With the Jedi's help, the bridge was taken by the Core troops, and they soon headed for Osaka itself.
17-08-2004, 04:25
General Anderson looked at the board with disgust. He sees that the military has secured the landing zones and is rapidly moving foward. He calls an emergency session of his staff.
"We gotta slow these people down. We gotta defeat them right now." He hollared.
"We know that sir but they are moving to fast. We've tried everything. The CoreWorld military is cutting us down. However, we are moving up our advance tanks that can take on the enemy forces. That should even the odds."
"I'm more worried about General Patton of Corneliu. He is their best tank commander." General Alexander stated.
"In this case, I recommend that we pull out the special artillery. This will definitely slow them done. Osaka is the first major town. Carson is also getting attacked but not much we can do there. Its basically in their hands at the moment. Do you agree with me?"
The all chorused yes.
"Very well. General Romanov. Issue the orders to use gas around Osaka. General Morozov, issue the order to field commanders. Tell them they have authority to use gas if they want too. No need for them to have us issue that order for them."
"Right away." they both chorused and rushed off to do their jobs.
Around the military base at Osaka, the order was received. Moments later the first gas shell was launched.
At Carson, President Server was surveying the ruins. "At least it finally fell." he said with a pained look. He got beneath some rubble and pulled out another live victim. He's been helping here as much as he can as he tours the town where he made his temporary HQ. "Whats next on the target list?" He asked his aide.
"That'll be the town of Seoul sir. Its a town of roughly 64,000 people, most of whom have probably been evacuated. Shall I order the bombing runs to begin?"
"Limited bombing. Get the troops gathered. We're heading for Seoul."
"Right away sir."
A half hour later, the first bomb fell on an industrial building as the troops begin to move towards the city.
17-08-2004, 04:48
The shells began to fall, and immediately, sickly yellow gas began to billow out. Those unprotected immediately began falling, choking to death. several thousand died in the first few minutes. Fortunately, the more elite troops and the Jedi were able to keep their rebreathers on, and kept charging for the city. Soon, the first artillery shells began to fall several thousand feet from the borders of the city, incinerating buildings and blowing up chunks of road. Heavy laser cannons added to the destruction, seeking out enemies and blasting them apart. The Jedi were the first to reach the infantry lines dug in, whirling and slicing them apart. Limbs and heads went rolling, and the troops behind laid down covering fire, killing yet more soldiers.
K-wing bombers streaked overhead, loosing their payloads at the artillery that dared to gas the troops, and X-wings strafed more of the units. Now Osaka is in trouble.
OOC: I can't believe this thread is still alive...
OOC2: Hey, guys! Long time no see...
17-08-2004, 13:54
The shells began to fall, and immediately, sickly yellow gas began to billow out. Those unprotected immediately began falling, choking to death. several thousand died in the first few minutes. Fortunately, the more elite troops and the Jedi were able to keep their rebreathers on, and kept charging for the city. Soon, the first artillery shells began to fall several thousand feet from the borders of the city, incinerating buildings and blowing up chunks of road. Heavy laser cannons added to the destruction, seeking out enemies and blasting them apart. The Jedi were the first to reach the infantry lines dug in, whirling and slicing them apart. Limbs and heads went rolling, and the troops behind laid down covering fire, killing yet more soldiers.
K-wing bombers streaked overhead, loosing their payloads at the artillery that dared to gas the troops, and X-wings strafed more of the units. Now Osaka is in trouble.
"Colonel! They are still advancing. Jedi are among them as are their elite troops." Yelled a panicked Private.
"Maintain cool." He said. They still have to take this city Street to Street and that is deadly no matter who is attack or defending"
Nearby, another cannon fired a Plasma shell that detonated between two CoreWorld Tanks. A mixture of guns are now firing all sorts of shells from gas to plasma and are reaking havoc with the attackers. The rebel forces on the planet are also suffering.
"Have the 1st line of defense fall back to the much better and heavily fortified, 2nd line. That'll hold him off while we get the reserve componet that we have here into position."
"Right away sir."
At Carson, The forces continue to move northeast towards the Town of Seoul. "President Server, we have reports of gas being used at Osaka."
"Take Precautions. I don't want our forces to suffer from it."
"Right away sir."
At that moment, the first cannons roared and landed 1000M short of the target as more bombs are dropped on the City of Seoul.
17-08-2004, 17:30
"Sire, they're falling back!" a corporal reported. "Casualties are mounting, though!"
"Be on your guard, for I would expect them to fight even harder now that we reached the city!" The Emperor ordered. "I want additional bombing runs on their more heavily fortified positions!"
"Yes sire!"
The bombers heard the order and acknowledged by starting deadly runs, while dodging the plasma antiaircaft fire. Their bombs fell upon the guns defending the city and detonated, blowing up the artillery. The bombers also added heavy lasers and ion cannons to the mix, blowing apart or stopping enemy vehicles in their tracks.
That oughta soften up the ranks as we head into the city itself. Andrew thought as he surveyed the battle from the frontline base. He winced as a couple of Jedi died to explosions, damaged beyond what even the Force can heal. But the cost will be great, make no mistake.
17-08-2004, 19:41
At Osaka, the defenders have fortified their positions. Though they are getting bombed and shelled, the fortifications are holding up. The forces start to fire everything they have at the Coreworlds forces from Tank rounds to howitzers. Surface to air missiles stream up towards the enemy formations and the ground forces begin to fire their weapons in defense of the city. Both sides know this is a must win planet.
At Seoul, the forces of the loyalists start to bomb, shell and strafe the enemy fortifications. The city is mostly deserted. Gas shells start to fall among the Corneliuan forces.
"GAS GAS GAS!" yelled someone just as he died. Everyone scrambles for shelter as they get their NBC suits on and continue to fight the enemy.
President James Server yanks out his lightsaber for the first time and leads a charge at a checkpoint near the edge of the city. After blocking off a few bolts, the checkpoint was quickly overrunned. The Corneliuan Forces continue their slow advance towards Seoul for they know beyond that is flat land which is ideal for fast tank Warfare.
"Tell General Patton to be ready. When Seoul Falls, I want an all out blitz against the rebels and push them hard and fast back towards MacArthur City. Clear?"
"Yes sir."
Seconds later, the tanks start moving up towards the front lines, pounding away at enemy soldiers and positions.
18-08-2004, 00:57
"Sir, the enemy is holding on to the city like a nexu to a womp rat. We're trying to breah the lines, but we're taking heavy casualties in the process."
"Very well. Fall back 10 klicks."
"You have your orders. Do it!"
"Yes sir!"
Instead of pushing ahead, the troops started to fall back, though bombers still flew overhead to destroy enemy positions. An unusual order, but when the Emperor gives you an order, you obey.
18-08-2004, 01:06
"Sir, the enemy is holding on to the city like a nexu to a womp rat. We're trying to breah the lines, but we're taking heavy casualties in the process."
"Very well. Fall back 10 klicks."
"You have your orders. Do it!"
"Yes sir!"
Instead of pushing ahead, the troops started to fall back, though bombers still flew overhead to destroy enemy positions. An unusual order, but when the Emperor gives you an order, you obey.
"Colonel, the enemy is starting to fall back." said a Majorinto a radio. Stay put. Don't advance. They'll regroup and attack. Keep up the shelling though and be prepared. "Yes sir!" He let go of the radio and dialed a different number. "All forces, this is Major Jong Il! Stay put. DON'T ADVANCE! Maintain defense positions. Out."
The shells continue to fall on the enemy as they retreated.
At Seoul, the fighting has broken out at the edge of the City. Though the casualties are high, they managed to break through the perimeter defense of the city. Now the fight gets tougher from here.
18-08-2004, 01:40
"Sir, the enemy is not, repeat not advancing."
"Good. Order the Invincible to bombard the city for 5 seconds. Then tell them that if they don't want another bombardment, they'll do well to surrender."
"Yes-yes sir." That was pretty ruthless, for a Jedi too.
The order was given, and the Imperial Star Destroyer moved directly overhead, and let loose a sheet of green energy bolts upon the city. It's as if the Emperor summoned fire to rain down upon the enemy.
"Now let's see what their response will be..."
18-08-2004, 01:51
"Sir, the enemy is not, repeat not advancing."
"Good. Order the Invincible to bombard the city for 5 seconds. Then tell them that if they don't want another bombardment, they'll do well to surrender."
"Yes-yes sir." That was pretty ruthless, for a Jedi too.
The order was given, and the Imperial Star Destroyer moved directly overhead, and let loose a sheet of green energy bolts upon the city. It's as if the Emperor summoned fire to rain down upon the enemy.
"Now let's see what their response will be..."
When the bombardment was over, the Colonel incharge of the city, sent his reply. A Missile with radioactive properties. He followed that up with two missiles and four shells filled with VX and Sarin Gas.
After the quick barrage, thousands began to charge in NBC Suits and the tanks roll foward firing everything they got!
At Seoul, the enemy forces battling the loyalists have gone street to street with hand to hand sporadically taken place. After another 3 hours, Seoul finally fell to the Loyalists though at a terrible cost.
18-08-2004, 02:13
The missiles fell, and some radiation and gas killed a few hundred more people.
"Sir, they're charging! Too close to use bombardment!"
"Very well, then the battle will be decided on this plain. Attack now!"
Soon, the Imperial Republic's own troops charged forward by the thousands. Like a high-tech version of LOTR, the two armies met in the middle of the plain, shooting point-blank and using deadly hand-to-hand tactics. Only time will tell which army would come out on top...
18-08-2004, 14:23
The missiles fell, and some radiation and gas killed a few hundred more people.
"Sir, they're charging! Too close to use bombardment!"
"Very well, then the battle will be decided on this plain. Attack now!"
Soon, the Imperial Republic's own troops charged forward by the thousands. Like a high-tech version of LOTR, the two armies met in the middle of the plain, shooting point-blank and using deadly hand-to-hand tactics. Only time will tell which army would come out on top...
During the course of this, shells are still falling behind both enemy lines. Attrition however starts to take its toll on the Osaka defenders. They start to fall back towards the city and prepare for bitter street to street fighting.
At headquarters, the commanders watch the unfolding battle on the big screen.
"This is not good. We've lost Carson and Seoul and now we're poised to lose Osaka. These guys are very good attacking."
"That they are General. Shall we plant the bombs in Varca and Lubock and Mancheko to ward them off?"
"Go ahead and do that. That'll ring this city because they have to go through those 3 cities as the shortest path. Anything we can do now to 1)slow them down or 2)defeat them will be greatly appreciated."
At the Presidential Palace, Kerry looks over the reports. He shakes his head as he decides on the next course of action.
"This isn't going well." he stated
"No sir, its not. I have a feeling sir that we are fighting a losing battle. There is just no way of stopping them now. That new fleet that showed up is the best fleet out there now and they have it. That fleet alone can probably take this planet."
"We won't surrender. Maybe we can make it costly and get a negiotated truce."
"Doubtful. Not after what happened at Midrange. These guys want you sir. They'll stop at nothing short of getting you and probably place you on trial."
"They'll never get me Steve. Never. If I have to committ suicide I will. Get the bombs into place. If they want this planet they'll pay dearly."
"Want one in the capitol sir?"
"No no bomb here. This place is historic and I want nothing to damage it. They'll do what they can not to damage historical buildings and if I am taken alive, hopefully the jury will see that."
"Fat chance but I'll get the order out anyway."
18-08-2004, 19:18
The urban warfare spilled onto the streets of Osaka, becoming especially bitter. Dead soldiers littered the streets, as well as civilians caught in the crossfire. The Jedi helped when they could, but bullets and plasma bolts coming every which way, took it's toll on them. One quadrant of the city reported especially heavy fighting, perking the interest of Andrew and two Jedi friends.
"I'd say that's where the enemy headquarters lies." Andrew thought aloud, as he cut apart some enemy soldiers.
"If we can capture the commanders, we can end this battle and move on to the capital itself." Jakan added, blocking energy bolts away.
"Well, let's go then!" Michelle said, TKing some enemies away.
The three Jedi, wary of tricks, headed toward the area of heaviest fighting, and hopefully to the enemy headquarters...
19-08-2004, 16:25
"Sir, they are nearing our HQ!!!" said a lieutenant with dispair.
"Damn it. Keep up the fighting. Take as many of the enemy with us as possible." the Colonel said. He sighed heavily as he looked at the board. Most of his commanders where now dead. Only 4 remain. He called the four commanders left into his office.
"This isn't going well and we will lose Osaka. There is no way that we can hold on to the city." he stated matter of factly.
"Sir I say we fight till the last man."
"That will work but we need to drop back the forces." someone else stated. "I suggest we just pull out of the city and let them have it. We can use whatever forces are left to defend MacArther City."
The other commanders looked at around and slowly nodded. "You guys go then. I shall remain here and fight. NOW GO!"
As they left, the forces start to pull back except the for the Colonel's own troops. During the course of the pull out, the Colonel sent out a coded messege to CoreWorlds Forces. "Requesting cease-fire to talk of surrender."
19-08-2004, 18:57
Andrew and his two friends were several hundred yards from the compound, when the coded call rebounded to him.
"Good, good." Andrew said into the comlink. "Cease firing, but be wary of tricks."
"Yes, sir." came the reply. Soon, the shooting slacked off, and an eerie silence decended upon the city.
The Jedi reached the compound, where the Colonel seemed to be waiting. They extinguish their lightsabers, but keep them at hand just in case.
20-08-2004, 15:02
Andrew and his two friends were several hundred yards from the compound, when the coded call rebounded to him.
"Good, good." Andrew said into the comlink. "Cease firing, but be wary of tricks."
"Yes, sir." came the reply. Soon, the shooting slacked off, and an eerie silence decended upon the city.
The Jedi reached the compound, where the Colonel seemed to be waiting. They extinguish their lightsabers, but keep them at hand just in case.
"You must be President Masaki." he started with a bow. "I am the Colonel in charge of the city. I never wanted to be in this position. I am hereby relinquishing my gun and sword to you in gesture of my surrender as well as the surrending of Osaka to you."
20-08-2004, 16:53
Andrew solemnly accepted the sword and gun, signaling that Osaka has been taken. He then had his engineers start rebuilding the city as best they could.
"You fought well, Colonel." Andrew said respectfully. "Gave us some trouble with the gas, but I now see that you have much honor in you."
20-08-2004, 18:14
Andrew solemnly accepted the sword and gun, signaling that Osaka has been taken. He then had his engineers start rebuilding the city as best they could.
"You fought well, Colonel." Andrew said respectfully. "Gave us some trouble with the gas, but I now see that you have much honor in you."
"I was ordered to do it and was threatened if I didn't! If it may please you dear sir, I and my unit which I did not order out, would like to join the fight against those that have threatened me and my troops. I want to kick Kerry out of power but was never in a position to make that decision till now."
20-08-2004, 19:13
Hmm. An interesting request, for turning former enemies onto Kerry's troops is always a good idea. Andrew thought. "Very well. We will allow you to fight Kerry's troops. We are about to head for the capital itself anyway."
20-08-2004, 20:40
Hmm. An interesting request, for turning former enemies onto Kerry's troops is always a good idea. Andrew thought. "Very well. We will allow you to fight Kerry's troops. We are about to head for the capital itself anyway."
"If you do that, I must warn you that Nukes have been placed in the three closest cities towards the Capitol. I know this because of my sources on the command staff who are loyal to President Server. Sorry for not telling you everything but the President of our nation comes first and has the details of what we have." He reaches for his briefcase that he brought with him. "Here is everything you need to know about reaching the capitol. General Anderson has no idea of the resistance against him. A revolt starts in two hours in the capitol here on planet." He calls for his troops to fall in with what remains of his equipment. "We're moving out soon troopers." He turns back to Masaki. "With your permission sir, we would like you to follow us. I know a back door that few people know of."
At Seol, the city fell to the loyalists and the begin their march towards Lubbock. "Remember what our contacts said. Nukes are in place and Gas will be used. Stay in your NBC suits and we'll be ok. Thank god for the mild climate on this planet."
20-08-2004, 20:55
Kerry's cronies are going to have his hands full with the revolts. Andrew thought. "Lead us then, if you please."
The soldiers, after some resting, got the order to move out. Tanks and artillery pieces rumbled on, and LAATs and advanced choppers started flying into the air.
Andrew commandeered a speeder-jeep to follow the Colonel, and so did the Jedi. The final battle of MacArthur will soon begin!
20-08-2004, 21:04
Kerry's cronies are going to have his hands full with the revolts. Andrew thought. "Lead us then, if you please."
The soldiers, after some resting, got the order to move out. Tanks and artillery pieces rumbled on, and LAATs and advanced choppers started flying into the air.
Andrew commandeered a speeder-jeep to follow the Colonel, and so did the Jedi. The final battle of MacArthur will soon begin!
The Colonel was true to his words.
In the capitol of MacArther, the revolt starts with an explosion at a checkpoint. Before to long, the revolt goes into full swing. The revolt spreads to the surrounding cities and the remaining major cities are now in full open revolt.
21-08-2004, 23:39
"Sir, we have reports of open revolts in the cities still under control of the enemy." the corporal reported.
"Well, well. Seems that Kerry's finally loosing his grip on his cities." Andrew said. "Direct troops to any city but the three closest to the capital. Those will need to be steered clear of, if the good colonel is correct. The main force will go around them and be careful of minefields."
"Yes sir."
Andrew's division followed the colonel, while the other armies added their strength to the Loyalists rebelling against Kerry, increasing the ability of the revolters to win the battles exponentally. City by city, the planet of MacArthur is falling to the Loyalists, and there's no sign of turning back.
22-08-2004, 01:42
"Sir, we have reports of open revolts in the cities still under control of the enemy." the corporal reported.
"Well, well. Seems that Kerry's finally loosing his grip on his cities." Andrew said. "Direct troops to any city but the three closest to the capital. Those will need to be steered clear of, if the good colonel is correct. The main force will go around them and be careful of minefields."
"Yes sir."
Andrew's division followed the colonel, while the other armies added their strength to the Loyalists rebelling against Kerry, increasing the ability of the revolters to win the battles exponentally. City by city, the planet of MacArthur is falling to the Loyalists, and there's no sign of turning back.
The revolts have turned deadly. The rebel forces started gassing the cities to try to quel it. In return, shells and bombs start to drop on rebel positions. The fighting for MacArther has turned to an all out revolution on the planet as the citizens begin to mix it up with Kerry's military government on the planet.
"Mr. President. We are closing in on Lubock!"
"Forget it. Board the transports that are here at Seoul and we'll jump them inside the capitol." Masaki, our forces are marking a surprise assualt on the Capitol. May the force be with you
Within the hour, Military troops begin to board the transports for the final assualt on the Capitol of MacArther.
22-08-2004, 18:44
Uncle, we'll be attacking from the other side of the capital. Andrew sent back, and sent his forces forward with the warning to stay away from the three cities. He hung back this time, not wanting to get killed if the capital blows up.
The armies surged forward at the same time that President Server's divisions began the assault. Artillery and bombers started pounding the city, then the tanks and AT walkers formed a nearly inpenetratable line of advance, squeezing the capital between them and Server's armor forces. The infantry follow up, to defend the tanks and fight the urban warfare. The battle for the capital now commences.
23-08-2004, 01:09
Uncle, we'll be attacking from the other side of the capital. Andrew sent back, and sent his forces forward with the warning to stay away from the three cities. He hung back this time, not wanting to get killed if the capital blows up.
The armies surged forward at the same time that President Server's divisions began the assault. Artillery and bombers started pounding the city, then the tanks and AT walkers formed a nearly inpenetratable line of advance, squeezing the capital between them and Server's armor forces. The infantry follow up, to defend the tanks and fight the urban warfare. The battle for the capital now commences.
After sending off a quick messege to the resistance in the capitol, it receives a full barrage of cannon fire. The Governor's Mansion was damaged as was the legislative building.
"Land the shuttles in Featherston Park. It is totally secured by the resistance against Kerry's forces. The minute we land, I want the heavy armor to procede foward and attack the rebel forces in conjection with the resistance forces." He turned to his pilot. "Land the shuttle then take me to the Mansion." As the pilot nodded, he looked at three other individuals. "You all know what I'm about to do. Are you with me?" They too nodded. James puts his arm out and all three grasp it. "We will take back this planet as well as our homeworld. May the Force and God be with us all." At that moment the shuttle touched down and the regular ground troops debarked. All shuttles landed under heavy fire but managed to get their men and equipment off the shuttles. When it was done, the shuttles took off for the pre-arranged destination. All but one. This one flies low towards the government mansion.
30-08-2004, 19:06
Once the army is sure that the capital is free of any nasty surprises, Andrew took an LAAT gunship and flew towards the government mansion, with his Jedi friends and some troopers. The bulk of the army is still fighting the rebel forces, mingling with the resistance and Server's forces, but it's soon to be over. Once the mansion is taken, MacArthur is effectively fallen.
Emperor Andrew Masaki
01-09-2004, 01:59
01-09-2004, 02:46
At the Government Mansion, the fighting is within shelling range of the cannons. President Server's shuttle lands at the Governor Park under heavy enemy fire. As it lands, the ramp drops and Server with lightsaber extended along with twenty of his guards departed the shuttle. As the shuttle takes off again, it is immediately destroyed as the guns found their target. He sighed heavily as the shuttle was destroyed but moved down to the basement using a secret passage way that people have forgotten about. He proceeded his way through the tunnels. At one intersection, an alarm sounded announcing the intruders.
"This is where we split up. Team 1, your job is to take the planning room. I don't care what you have to do just as long as you take it. Team 2, your with me and we'll head for the Governor's Office. Now go."
They split up and headed for their proper destinations. Team 1 encountered enemy troops but they were quickly subdued with close quarter grenades that are primarily used on space stations. Team 2 hardly countered any troubles till the reached the main level. They got caught in a cross-fire but managed to shoot their way out of it but lost 4 people in the process.
As Team 1 approached the planning room, the fighting got tougher as security erected barriers to block their path. With intense firing, Team 1 managed to get past the chief obsticles and ended the fighting. The proceeded to the planning room and knocked down the door using close-quarter grenade. Then they put on masks quickly and used knock-out gas to overtake the center. Ten minutes later, General Anderson came too and with guns pointed at him and his staff, surrendered.
Team 2 was getting very close to the Governor's office. Also at this point, the troops reached the Mansion and have it surrounded. Forces started to enter the building and began to fight their way inside to take it. President Server uses the Force and knocks opponets out of the way, slicing a couple of people who fired on him. In mere minutes, he sliced into the doorway and as the Governor tried to escape, was cutoff by the President and his troops held the other escape routes.
"Well Governor?"
"Looks like you have me, Mr. President. I surrender myself to your tender care."
Server turned to one of his soldiers. "Use your radio and announce MacArthur is free."
This is Sgt. Keller! MacArthur is Free. I say again MacArthur is free!
Server sighed heavily as he thinks back to the battle. Andrew, meet me at the planning center. I'm getting my son down here too and we will plan the final assualt on Minbar
01-09-2004, 02:53
As Andrew disembarked the gunship and met with President Server in the planning center, he smirked and said, "Well, Uncle, it seems that I'm late for the party. So MacArthur is finally free. There's but one system left to take, if I understand you right."
02-09-2004, 02:20
As Andrew disembarked the gunship and met with President Server in the planning center, he smirked and said, "Well, Uncle, it seems that I'm late for the party. So MacArthur is finally free. There's but one system left to take, if I understand you right."
"You did fine Andrew. We did this together. There is only 1 system left. That being our homeworld Minbar. After that fight, I'm making a motion to change its name to Corneliu Prime. But first, we're going to have to take the system. I've just sent word to my son to join us here and he will eventually."
Up on the Destructer, Admiral Server received his summons. "Well the fighting is over on the ground now I'm being "asked" to come to the surface of the planet."
"It must be because Minbar is our next target." Erica said. "That has to be the only reason. Does it say that I can't go with you?"
"Unfortunately my love, it says for me only. If there are things to tell you sweetie, I will tell you."
"Just as long as I get my shot at Chris Kerry. I still don't remember much....."
"Shush hun. I'll make sure that you get at least one punch in. I know your still not well enough yet that is why I've requested that you stay on board with the doctors. Let them take care of you. I want you next to me when we retake our homeworld."
"Very well darling. I will do that."
He left the bridge and headed for the shuttle bay. "Is my shuttle ready?"
"Yes sir. If you will please board, we'll take you down just as you have requested."
"Thank you." He boarded the shuttle with his bag and it departed for the surface of MacArthur.
02-09-2004, 02:47
"Very well. I will request that my Admiral Rommel come down here too. He'll help figure out the space strategy." Andrew said nonchalantly. He picked up his comlink, and started speaking to the Sovereign.
Admiral. The Emperor wishes to speak with you." A lieutenant knocked and said as the Supreme Commander of the fleet shaved.
"Alright. I'll be right there." The Admiral finished shaving and went to the comms station.
"Yes, sir?"
"Admiral. I would like you to come down here to the planning center. We are about to begin planning the final stages of the war."
"As you wish, sir. I'll be right there." The Admiral turned to his XO, Captain Daniels. "You have the conn."
"Aye. XO has the conn." With that, the Admiral walked to the shuttle bay and boarded his shuttle. The shuttle ignited its engines, and started flying for the planning center...
02-09-2004, 03:41
Meanwhile, a small but growing number (1100) of Kerry supporters marched down the streets of Coredia, demanding the war to end NOW and Server and the Emperor's resignations. Riot police stood by in case of trouble, but for the most part, it's peaceful.
"We have our sons and daughters returned home in boxes. Does the Emperor not care?" an older woman asked angrily.
"Yeah, and Kerry seems much nicer than that bastard Server!" A 40ish man agreed.
"Server and Masaki out! Server and Masaki out! Server and Masaki out!" The protesters chanted.
"and there you have it, folks. Protestors against the Coreworlds' intervention in Corneliu's civil war." Sarah the reporter reported. "This is Sarah Osborn, CHNN. Back to you, Terry..."
02-09-2004, 19:30
"Very well. I will request that my Admiral Rommel come down here too. He'll help figure out the space strategy." Andrew said nonchalantly. He picked up his comlink, and started speaking to the Sovereign.
Admiral. The Emperor wishes to speak with you." A lieutenant knocked and said as the Supreme Commander of the fleet shaved.
"Alright. I'll be right there." The Admiral finished shaving and went to the comms station.
"Yes, sir?"
"Admiral. I would like you to come down here to the planning center. We are about to begin planning the final stages of the war."
"As you wish, sir. I'll be right there." The Admiral turned to his XO, Captain Daniels. "You have the conn."
"Aye. XO has the conn." With that, the Admiral walked to the shuttle bay and boarded his shuttle. The shuttle ignited its engines, and started flying for the planning center...
"Yes please have Admiral Rommel here. That'll be great. My son will be arriving here shortly. We will use the Planning Room here. It has everything we need. When we do hit Minbar, Triple the number of casualties that we'll suffer in space."
At that moment, Admiral Server walked in. "Greeting fathef, Andrew. I hear that the Planet is secured and that its time to end this fight. This is a good thing. Also, Erica wants to have a shot at Chris Kerry for what he put her through."
02-09-2004, 21:07
At this time, the Admiral's shuttle landed and he disembarked the ship, and headed for the planning center.
"Emperor, Mr. President, Admiral." He saluted, and each saluted in return. "What do we have so far?"
17-09-2004, 05:11
OOC: I'm really beginning to hate school!
President Server looked over the assembly with a dour look on his face.
"People! I would like to congratulate you all on taking this planet. However, our casualties were higher than in any other battle. Now we have our last great battle to engage in. That being the Fight for Minbar.
Minbar is very heavily defended. Before I go on, is there any questions on our recent campaigns that you would like to address?"
17-09-2004, 05:18
"No." Neither the Emperor, nor the Admiral had anything to address.
21-09-2004, 19:13
"Good! Now, lets get down to planning our final assault.
He called up the most current map of Minbar. When he did, all the defensive platforms and planetary defense platforms came into view.
"As you all can see, its planetary defenses are probably the best that they can be. Most of the Planetary Defense Platforms are controlled on the ground on military bases. However, if the base is hit, the planetary defenses can be placed in the hands of the Space Stations you see here. Also, they can be programmed to fire on ships if they know who they are fighting and in this case, they do. The enemy knows all of the ships that are on our side and we know all the ships on their side. We also know that the remaining loyal vessels are also at Minbar and that is going to make it that much tougher.
Ok now to the ground situation. When we make it to atmosphere, we are going to have to contend with their surface to air batteries as well as surface to space low orbit weaponary. Once on the ground, we will be dealing with elite troops. Yes they are weakened but they can still cause alot of damage.
Anyone want to venture forth a plan before I let Admiral Server venture forth his plan?"
21-09-2004, 19:20
"Let's hear the plan." Andrew said.
07-10-2004, 14:53
"Alright then." He then pointed out the defensive arrangement. "As you can see, they appear to be in a standard Planetary Defense Position. The rebel fleet has surrounded the planet with a mixture of Cruisers, Destroyers, and Battleships. However, they are NOT in a standard Planetary Defense Formation.
"The formation that they are in is what we called "The Wall" formation" We so named it because if you look, they plugged the holes between the station and the planet. We've been experimenting with this formation and see if it actually works but have yet put it to the test. I guess Kerry got his hands on the plans and has decided to try and use it in actually combat. With that, now we're going to have to change the rules and break the wall."
He followed that by moving the map outwards. "We're going to jump into the system from the night side with our newest ships leading the way. All ships that have fighters will launch them upon reversion to normal space. Battleships and Heavy cruisers will follow the new ships in and begin to engage. The fastest way that I can see of breaking this wall is defeat the outer perimeter of ships by the fastest means possible then hammering the stations. We can not attack on the ground till we can get a hole punched through and we can keep it open. We have to drive the wedge deep into them. In regards to the space stations, I think we should capture some and destroy others. I really don't want to do that because they are expensive to rebuild but it'll cut down on the cost to our soldiers. There are 4 main stations that we will capture and I'm sure you can see them on the map. These we have to capture. They are instrumental in planetary defense of the planet. The other stations we can destroy but I want to limit destruction as much as possible.
"Now when the space battle taking place, fighters should save their missiles because those will come in handy against the warships. If your fighters have a clean shot a ship, have them take it. The more damage we inflict, the less likely they are to run because frankly, this is their last gasp. It is do or die for them. Hopefully they'll be sensible and surrender. I'm actually expecting that from the fleet.
"But not on the ground." He then moved into topographical mode on the map. "As you can see here, ground action will not be pretty. We're literally have to go street to street against these guys. We do have rebels on the ground and they are poised to strike to help us so maybe it won't be so bad. Kerry needs to be taken alive. I don't want him dead. Infantry and mechanized units will land in these sections." The outlines showed up depicting where Corneliuan and CoreWorld forces will land "and move off towards the Provincial capitols. Our two elite units will move towards the capitol city. By that time, the rebellion should be in full swing and all we have to do is help it.
"Any questions?"
07-10-2004, 18:39
"If you want, our superlaser will target the heaviest ships and/or stations, and weaken the defenses." Andrew said. "Should also be bad for them psychologically."
07-10-2004, 18:42
"If you want, our superlaser will target the heaviest ships and/or stations, and weaken the defenses." Andrew said. "Should also be bad for them psychologically."
"It could be bad for them psychologically but I want the major space stations intact. The minor ones, that would be the Fox Class stations, don't have the ability for a long sustained fight. It'll be interesting to see how many of them actually surrender.
So do you approve of the plan and do you have any additional items syou want included?"
07-10-2004, 18:50
"It could be bad for them psychologically but I want the major space stations intact. The minor ones, that would be the Fox Class stations, don't have the ability for a long sustained fight. It'll be interesting to see how many of them actually surrender.
So do you approve of the plan and do you have any additional items syou want included?"
"Your plan is a good one, and we approve." Admiral Rommel said. "I don't believe there's anything else to add."
11-10-2004, 04:05
"Your plan is a good one, and we approve." Admiral Rommel said. "I don't believe there's anything else to add."
"Very good then. I suggest we all head back to the flagships and prepare for the final assault. This will truelly be the last battle of the Civil War."
After dismissing them, he and his son along with Erica, headed back to the shuttle that'll take them to the Flagship of the Corneliuan Fleet.
"This is going to be a very hard battle father. We will suffer heavy casualties as will the civilians."
"I know my son. However, we must do this. We'll have a rebellion on the planet that hopefully will be large enough to assist us in ousting Kerry and capturing Kerry alive. I did send off those orders to Intel Chief Sheridan. He'll know how to go about accomplishing it."
"I sure hope so father, otherwise, this'll be a very long fight."
As the approached their ship, they fell into silent meditation. When they docked, they were immediately escorted to the bridge. Upon entering, the bridge stood at attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen. In less than an hour from now, we'll be launching our final assault. The assault will be on our homeworld. This will be the toughest battle that we have ever faced. We will face resistance that we have not seen to date. The enemy knows we're coming and have taken precautions against our attack. These will not be enough. We have enough ships and weapons that whatever they toss, we can counter. We shall prevail because there is no other alternative."
When he finished his speech to the bridge, ship, and fleet, he sat down in the command chair with his son in the second chair and took a deep breath. "Helm, plot us a course for Minbar. Take your time. We have an hour till we leave."
"Yes sir."
The launch time begins to count down.
11-10-2004, 04:32
"Let's go, Admiral." The Emperor said as they headed to their own shuttle for the Sovereign.
When they arrived, the crew, too stood at attention until they reached the bridge.
"Crew of the Sovereign, crew of the Imperial Navy," Emperor Masaki called over the ship communcations. "In several hours, you will be engaging the enemy at his final stronghold: Minbar. Make no mistake, this will be the hardest battle of this civil war, for President Kerry will stop at nothing to defeat us. But know this: That we will not let Kerry beat us! We will teach him what it means to mess with our great family! We shall ride on to victory, and teach the enemy a lesson they'll never forget!"
"Yeah!" The young crewmembers cheered.
"Helm, punch in the coordinates for Minbar, and engage hyperdrives when the clock runs out." Admiral Rommel ordered.
"Yes sir."
A holoclock appeared, running down from one hour.
11-10-2004, 15:55
In the Star Office, President Kerry was not a happy person.
"This can't be happening. At least we know that they will come here next. When they do, it'll be the last thing they do."
"Apparently Mr. President, that is their way of thinking too. This will be their finally attack."
"They shall not succeed. We will through them back. They won't take this planet the sameway they took MacArthur."
"Yes sir. The troops are all in place. The streets are cleared. If they want this place, they'll pay a heavy price for it."
"Good! Very Good infact." He sighed. "This will be it then."
His aide could only nod.
17-10-2004, 19:48
On the Corneliuan Flag, President Server was sitting in the command chair when a beeping sound occured from the helm control.
"Mr. President. We are approaching the designated jump coordinates."
"Very well." he motioned to the comm officer, "Please patch me over the fleet."
"Yes sir." He touched a few buttons and nodded. "Your on sir."
"Ladies and Gentlemen. In Five minutes, we'll be arriving at Minbar for the final battle. You all know what to do. Do your best and we shall prevail." He motioned and the comm was cut. He went back to his chair and typed out an encryption and sent it on to its destination.
It was received by NSA Chief Sheridan. "Well its about to start. Notify all cells to be ready to move when the fleet jumps in. Is all weapons ready?"
"Yes sir. Everything is set to go as is the plan of action."
"Good then let us prepare."
He left the briefing room and prepared for combat.
Five minutes later, the fleet jumps in and began to launch fighters.
17-10-2004, 20:19
In a flash of psuedomotion, the Sovereign battlefleet reverted to realspace upon the enemy, and all fighters were launched.
"We have a firing solution for the superlaser?" The admiral asked.
"Yes sir! Targeting the nearest battleship!"
"Very well..." The admiral recieved the nod from the Emperor. "Fire!"
A great green beam of energy lanced out from the bowels of the Sovereign. It powered up at the apex of the superlaser on the bow, then fired at one of Kerry's battleships, even as the Star Destroyers opened fire on their counterparts...
22-10-2004, 23:37
On the planet, NSA Chief Sheridan looks at a map of the city, his city. He knows where all the troops are stationed and has every section of the city marked.
He then picked up his radio. "This is Fox to kittens. All is ready. The fleet is attacking. Launch! Launch! Launch!" Within a few minutes, the first shots of guns could be heard.
"This is Sheridan to my company. Be ready to make a move towards the palace. That is our section." He prepares to move his men out.
In Space, it has turned into a major slugfest.
"Sir, we are starting to make headway."
"Very good" President Sheridan said. "Continue the pressure. It is time for us to prepare for ground assault. Notify all troop ships to prepare to launch when we have a sufficient hole."
"Right away sir."
As the orders were given, the ships continued to fire. Many warships are getting hit and damaged as well as destroyed.
23-10-2004, 00:36
The superlaser destroyed Kerry's ships left and right, as the unstoppable behemoth and her fleet bore down on Minbar, a sledgehammer to use against the Wall. Emperor Masaki got ready to take his fighter to the enemy once again, and he could see the marines doing the same.
He shot out of the hangar and began to go after enemy fighters, as the Star Destroyers and the Battleship tried to breach the Wall with Server's forces...
14-11-2004, 03:15
The Fight in space turns from chaotic to a Free-for-all!
Ships from all sides are being destroyed. Many ships are severally damaged! Corneliuan Forces start to crack the wall some and have sent fighters into it to make it wider.
The Coreworld vessels continue to hammer away especially with the superlaser, causing massive amounts of damage.
"Admiral, we have reports that the wall is starting to breach on the West Portion of the Defense Perimeter. Fighter Squadrons have widen the gap to fit a destroyer through but that is about it."
"Good. Notify the battleships over there to fire everything they've got! Tell all ships to continue to pound away. Status on the ground?"
"No revolt yet boss"
"Damn it. It should've started by now"
Down on the surface of the Planet, NSA Chief Sheridan looks around at his assembled troops.
"Now is the time we liberate our planet and our system from the hands of the tyrant Chris Kerry. He has ruled here long enough and it is time to bring him to justice."
With a loud roar, the assembled troops began to fan out to the designated sectors. In Tigersville, a loud boom in the predawn hours signaled the start of the fight. Minutes later, the rebel forces storm the outskirts of the city. At the same time, other rebel cells begin to attack the Lyalist forces of Chris Kerry.
14-11-2004, 03:32
In the Capitol, Kerry was getting very irrate.
"These people were very well prepared to launch these attacks. I want them dealt with now and I don't care how many casualties the civilians take. I want them to pay. I hereby order the use of Chemical Weapons and tactical nukes."
"What about the bio agents sir?"
"Use those too. I want them to pay for every inch of ground they take. Have the attacked near the capitol yet?"
"No sir! I have a feeling they are waiting for the President to make his return before they do that."
"Good! I'm going to prepare to meet him."
"Yes sir."
"Do your best to make sure they don't hit the capitol till I'm ready to meet my adversary."
"Yes sir."
Moments later, the first gas shell falls near the forces at Tigersville.
15-11-2004, 02:04
As soon as reports of a breach trickled to the commands, Admiral Rommel ordered the Star Destroyer Chimaera to help blast through the breach as a spearhead for the other forces.
Captain Gilad Pellaeon gritted his teeth as he ordered all power to engines and shields, turbolasers blazing away like infernos at enemies on both sides as he tried to hold the breach open for other battlecruisers to charge through.
Ships and fighters poured in the breach, blasting away at anything that's not a friendly as explosions blew many away on both sides. The marines were ready to fight on the ground, but the time was not yet. The fleet still had many enemies to defeat.
15-11-2004, 02:16
In space, the space battle started to turn towards the Allied forces. The breach that started to form became bigger and the battleships and destroyers started to exploit it. Soon they had a whole big enough to allow the landing of the forces.
"Sir, we have reports of holes opening up everywhere now."
"Very good. Notify the troops to begin their landings as well as to breach the primary space stations."
"Very well Mr. President."
"Prepare my shuttle and squad for departure. I shall lead the forces to victory." John stated. His father looked at him surprised but said nothing and let him go.
Moments later, led by the Admiral's shuttle, the assault forces began to make their way to the designated landing points to begin the ground assault.
15-11-2004, 02:34
"Begin the ground assault!" Admiral Rommel ordered, and Core assault shuttles surged forward out of the hangar bays of the Sovereign and numerous Star Destroyers.
"Form up on the shuttles!" Andrew ordered his fighters as Victory-class Star Destroyers moved for the planet itself to fight the orbitial stations and pave the ground with precision orbitial bombardment upon enemy movements.
Several dozen shuttles charged for the space stations as part of their orders to take anything of value from the enemy.
15-11-2004, 05:24
As John Server's shuttle lands, it immediately comes under assault. The ground forces accompanying Server immediately spring into action. The gun on top of the shuttle immediately fires sending scatter shots at the enemy forces and the forces immediately stop. Upon landing and establishing communications with the rebel forces, he hears what he didn't want to hear.
"This is Admiral Server to all forces. Make sure you NBC suits are up to snuff because Gas Shells are being used. Heavy casualties, mostly civilian at this point. All Forces, gas is being used."
He moblizes his forces and begins to move towards Liberty City.
15-11-2004, 05:36
Marines also have landed and a tacnuke detonated near them, killing several gunships before they could land. But there were alot more gunships and assault shuttles and they landed, disgorging troops and vehicles.
Andrew Masaki and his fighters flew overhead, once again acting as ground-assault fighters for the troops as they began to fight for the cities and towns of Minbar street by street and building by building.
Portable bases of operation were set up after the Vicstars precision-bombarded enemy positions, and those bases would be used for the duration of the ground battles, protected from nukes by shield generators.
15-11-2004, 16:16
The ground war becomes slow and painful as Gas shells continue to fly through the air.
"This is getting rediculous." John said as he made his way through Frederickston, a small town on the outskirts of the Provincial Capitol of Gettysburg. "These people don't care how many civilians get killed."
"Sir we could be giving it to them the same way."
"No. That'll be stooping to their level of play and I won't tolerate it and neither will my Father and you know it."
"Yes sir."
Behind them, a cannon fired off another shell directed at Kerry's forces and the advance continues.
On other fronts, the coalition forces have been facing the same trouble but the coalition begins to move slowly on these fronts as well.
15-11-2004, 17:05
It was a long hard slog with hundreds of marines dead every hour of bombardment by NBC weapons, but the will of Andrew Masaki and the strength of their own powerful blaster rifles and vehicles made them push onwards. Onwards towards either victory or defeat.
16-11-2004, 15:50
Near the city of Gettysburgh, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly appeared over the city.
"Oh my God" Server said as his visors quickly block out the harsh light. "This fight has just gotten tougher."
"Yes sir."
"Notify the 3rd Army to move around Gettysburgh and have the 3 Radiation Brigade go in there and secure it so we can begin to help the casualties."
"Yes sir."
As the orders where sent out, Admiral Server takes a detour and moves to catch up with 3rd Army as they head on towards Liberty City.
AGECS Destructor
On the bridge, President Server watches the unfolding Space Battle continue as reports of the Nuclear explosions come in. Erica, however, was getting impatient and didn't like to be on this ship. She slipped out through her Fiance's ready room and takes the lift to the shuttle bay deck. Once she exited, she comandeered a shuttle and a pilot and forces the pilot to leave.
On the bridge, the sensor register the shuttle leaving.
"Sir we have an unauthorized shuttle launch from Bay 4"
"Shuttle this is President Server, I demand that you come back at once."
"Sir, this is Erica! No can do unfortunately. I have business on the planet I must attend too."
"Erica, come back. I dont think John will like it if you get killed."
"I won't be killed and I have to do this." She cuts the comm right after that statement and continues to head for the Planetary surface.
17-11-2004, 00:15
In his bedchamber, President Kerry opens up a secret Compartment. In it, he finds his own lightsaber as well as his jedi robe.
"I promised myself that I would not put this one again if I can't rule the galaxy. However, our forces are losing and I sense that Admiral Server is coming after me."
He dawns on his cloak and puts the lightsaber on his belt and proceeds towards the Situation room under the Presidential palace.
17-11-2004, 15:11
The combined ground forces of CoreWorlds and Corneliu continue to make headway against the forces of Kerry. It has been a very tough fight with many casualties. Cities have been bombed from airplanes and missiles from both sides who are trying to gain the upper hand.
Server's forces continue to speed towards the Capitol. The Rebellion that has sprang up to help knock aside Kerry's goons have spread to every major city and provisional capitol. The only place where the rebellion has not sprung up in, is the Capitol City itself.
"Sir! Our forces are about to be in their proper positions."
"Very well sarge. Thanks." Sheridan said as he looks at the holomap and watches the battle rage. "This is going to do great harm to our historic capitol but luckily for us, we've managed to preserve our history thanks to our agents inside the museums and historical buildings."
"Agreed sir."
"When the last troops are in place. Let me know."
"Yes sir."
Out in space, the space battle is still at a fervent pitch. The breaching pods have breached all 4 major space stations and fierce combat has begun on them. Close Quarter grenades are being used on both sides of the fight but manpower is slowly starting to overtake the Kerry forces on them.
17-11-2004, 15:49
Most of the Jedi involved in this battle were sent to the space stations in order to take them down along with marines' assault squads.
Andrew notices a beep on his X-wing instrument panel, denoting that fuel is less than a quarter full. He lands at the main base General Dodonna has set up shortly after the battle began.
"General?" Andrew saluted to his well-known three-star as he disembarked the fighter. "What's the situation so far?"
"We're pushing ahead towards several cities simentaneously, but the main thrust is with Server's forces towards the capital. Nuclear and biochemical attacks were responded with ortillery strikes, but..."
"Yeah, collateral damage." Andrew nodded sadly. "I think it's time we made the push towards the capital as hard as we can get it. If we can cut them off, maybe we can stop the nuclear attacks. Get me a gunship."
"Yes, sir." The general called for a gunship, full of some of the slightly younger and less-experienced troops and the Emperor boarded, ignoring the surprised and pleased looks of the youngsters.
"Where to, sir?" The pilot couldn't be more than 20.
"We move on Liberty City. Divert the 25th Armored Divison and 2nd Marine Division to reinforce and support!" Andrew ordered. The gunship flew with others and started heading towards the city, and orders were sent to the reinforcement armies to start flanking the enemy forces, to aid Server and the main 1st Armed Forces Divison that were veterans of the previous battles.
18-11-2004, 00:18
The shelling and the fighting gets more intense as the forces continue to edge towards the Capitol City.
"Sir, they have really fortified this area." his sargent said as the shells fell around them. "Sir, I recommend we call in the bombers and fighters to clear the way."
"We are what? Fourty miles from the Capitol?"
"Yes sir."
"Ok call in the CAP! Its about time we show these guys that surrender is their only option."
As the order was given, a loan shuttle appeared over the capitol. Anti-air defenses fired on it but the pilot managed to land it safely inside Server Park and exited. She looked around and begins to make her way towards the Presidential Palace.
18-11-2004, 01:33
Gunships blasted down on enemy positions with their mini-superlasers while K-wing bombers unloaded their payloads of proton bombs and thermal detonators at the enemy as the armies tried to destroy each other. Artillery was called forward and started shelling Kerry's forces from afar. Other fighters strafed enemy positions and led the way through, blasting at antiaircraft platforms with their proton torpedoes or other secondary weapons.
18-11-2004, 01:53
Bombs begin to drop on the fortified positions of Kerry's forces fourty miles from the capitol. Also, bombs begin to drop on the industrial and military bases inside the city. The academy has come under a full aerial bombardment as well.
Military forces begin to push deeper inside the City of Peterson. The fighting has gone street to street and house to house. Gas shells falling all around Server's forces as well as the counter-rebel forces. The counter rebel forces led Admiral Server down a back road and penetrated the heart of the city. In less the five hours, Peterson City fell to Admiral Server's forces. When they had the city secured, they called in the medical personell to assist the wounded and they began to make preparations for the assault on Allentown.
Back inside Liberty City, Erica was ducking patrols since Martial Law was declared and no one is supposed to be on the streets. The rebellion has not spread here yet and she wondered why it hasn't. In the distance, she can hear the sounds of war as well as explosions inside her beloved city. She went ally by ally and street by street till she managed to get to the back door of her house and slips in.
18-11-2004, 02:29
Rappelling down with the Force and some jetpacks, Andrew and the troops with him fell to the ground at the now-liberated City of Peterson as the gunships flew off to battles still raging. Front-line troops increasingly surrounded the cities around Liberty and then slowly, they began to move in, blasting everything that isn't a civilian or other noncombatant.
18-11-2004, 03:25
John watched as Andrew dropped in.
"Hello Andrew. I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get to me." He said with a chuckle. The forces around him started moving forward again as the city became more secured and the citizens cheered as the moved forward. Some of the rebel leaders there picked up their arms and the city flag and moved forward with the troops in full support of Server and of the cause to oust Chris Kerry!
18-11-2004, 04:05
"Eh, I just had to find the right gunship, you know? The right armaments, the paint job, etcetera." Andrew grinned. "We're moving on the city soon."
18-11-2004, 04:14
"Eh, I just had to find the right gunship, you know? The right armaments, the paint job, etcetera." Andrew grinned. "We're moving on the city soon."
John just looked at Andrew and rolled his eyes. "You've been watching to many movies young one! Get your mind off of them and lets fight this fight so we can all go home and have a victory parade ok? And yes, we are still advancing on the City. Patton's III Army is about ready to make the blitz towards it but we have to get through Allentown first and that is not going tobe an easy fight. Also, they know where all the tank defenses are and have commandeered them. If you would like to bomb this area over here, that'll clear the way for the tanks to charge straight at the enemy"
18-11-2004, 16:10
When she slipped in through the back door, she quickly pulls out a pocket flashlight and silently made her way towards the front of the house but before she did, she quickly deactivated the alarm so that the cops doesn't come.
She makes her way through the Kitchen, being careful not to trip over anything or turning on the lights. When she entered the living room, she was surprised to find that the light was on there and her mother was sitting on the couch. Her mother looked up startled and quickly went to her and gave her hug.
"Mother, its ok. I'm fine as you can see."
"I saw the news conference sweetie and you were anything but ok!"
"Don't worry about."
"I'm your mother so I'll worry if I want too. Now what the hell are you doing down here?"
"Going after someone."
"Stay away from Chris. Let our forces deal with him. That is their job anyway."
"Speaking of which, why hasn't the rebellion started here?"
"I have no idea. Maybe they're waiting for the fight to get closer. Right now sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and change and take a shower. I'll make you something to eat." And with that, she hustled her upstairs and entered the kitchen to make a light dinner for her daughter.
18-11-2004, 21:18
John just looked at Andrew and rolled his eyes. "You've been watching to many movies young one! Get your mind off of them and lets fight this fight so we can all go home and have a victory parade ok? And yes, we are still advancing on the City. Patton's III Army is about ready to make the blitz towards it but we have to get through Allentown first and that is not going tobe an easy fight. Also, they know where all the tank defenses are and have commandeered them. If you would like to bomb this area over here, that'll clear the way for the tanks to charge straight at the enemy"
"Yes, Master." Andrew grinned, then grew serious. "A good plan, I'll call in an airstrike now. I hope a bomb doesn't hit a neighborhood..."
Andrew vectored some K-wings over to the coordinates, and with an acknowledgement, they began dropping bombs on the location where tank defenses may be.
18-11-2004, 23:47
"Yes, Master." Andrew grinned, then grew serious. "A good plan, I'll call in an airstrike now. I hope a bomb doesn't hit a neighborhood..."
Andrew vectored some K-wings over to the coordinates, and with an acknowledgement, they began dropping bombs on the location where tank defenses may be.
"If it hits a neighborhood, there isn't much we can do about it. This is war Andrew. You know how war is" He stated as the bombs start to drop from his own bombers. "We gotta clear out these defenses so our tanks can run ragged over our foes. I almost pity the poor bastards we'll be going up against. By God I do." He stated.
At that moment, General Patton arrives at command HQ. "Andrew meet General Patton. General, this is President Andrew Masaki."
Patton offers a salute to both of them. "Great tank field we have here." He stated. I hope your armor is up to a chase President Masaki because there is no faster tank than ours." he stated with a laugh.
18-11-2004, 23:56
Erica walks down the stairs after having a hot shower to find dinner waiting for her and her mom and dad sitting at the table. She sat down and started to eat.
"Erica, it is so good to have you home again." Her father stated.
"yes it is."
"It is good to be home. However, there is still some unfinished business to take care of, like starting the freakin' rebellion here so that our forces can take back this city."
"That'll be easier said then done. With Martial Law in effect, no one is on the streets and no one is tempting fate by going out."
"I tempted fate when I made my way over here."
"And you'll do it again when you go after Kerry! Don't deny it Erica. You wouldn't have risked coming down here if that wasn't your intentions" Her father stated.
"He needs to be brought down and besides, I have a way to go and see him without having to dodge his goons." She stated with a sly smile.
"What is that?" Her mom asked worriedly. And she spelled it out to them. Her mother was astonished but her father kept quiet and in the end, both of them supported her plan.
19-11-2004, 00:00
"Our hovertanks are likely to give you a run for your money, General." Andrew said. "The walker units may look slow, but they'll be on top of you before you know it."
Hovertank and walker units stood by for orders as the fighters and bombers continued to slag enemy defenses.
19-11-2004, 00:07
"We shall see about that sir." He quickly ducked back inside his tank and waited for the orders.
John looks at Andrew and laughed. "Though he is the best tank commander around here, his manners have much to be desired. Outside of that though, he's one of our greatest military commanders."
After watching a few more explosions, John called for his radioman. "Send the order and lets get this over with but tell the units to watchout for booby traps and gas."
"Yes sir."
This is HQ to all forces! Launch Offensive! I repeat Launch Offensive
As soon as the order was given, Patton's tanks took off and fanned out followed by the mechanized divisions of soldiers as they spur on to Liberty City and the elimination of Chris Kerry's forces.
19-11-2004, 00:18
Andrew just laughed and ordered his armored forces forward.
The AT-ATs surged ahead, using their height to pick out faraway targets and shoot them, as if they were artillery. The AT-ST walkers, hover MRLS systems and hovertanks flanked the giant behemoths to protect the underbelly, as APCs, hoverjeeps, and infantry speeder bikes fanned out for the inevitable urban assault. Flying overhead are the LAAT gunships, sometimes just above treetop level, and higher up are the fighters and bombers. Combined arms is a highly integral part of warfare these days, and it shows well in the Imperial Republic Armed Forces.
19-11-2004, 00:35
The tanks started to fire as the move at anything that moves. This is what makes the Corneliuan Tank Force so deadly. Over head, fighters fired missiles at ground targets and the bombers continue to pound away at fortified positions.
The loyalist forces are now within 30 miles of the Capitol City and gaining ground fast.
19-11-2004, 01:54
The Core armies were right behind the loyalists as they added their own firepower to the battlefield, flanking the friendly forces and destroying anything that looks like an enemy. Woe to anyone who brandishes a weapon! Woe to he who thinks he could win against the combined might of Server and Masaki's forces! Woe to that fool Kerry, for his time is soon coming, and he will be punished for his many crimes!
19-11-2004, 16:42
The blitz of Patton's Third Army as well as the armor, has a devestating effect on the Kerry Forces. They begin to fall back towards Allentown and begins to dig in for fierce street to street fighting. Gas shells continue to fly having a devestating effect on both military and Civilian personel.
Two more cities have suffered a tactical Nuclear explosion killing thousands. The fighting here has gotten alot more despirit but both sides know that this is the final fight.
In space, the main space stations begin to fall one by one to Server's forces. The auxiliry stations begin to get rocked and the rebel fleet has no means of escape because they are now effectively surrounded.
"Mr. President, the enemy space forces are now entirely surrounded."
"Very well mr. Roberts. Comm get me the enemy space force frequency. Its time we end this fight in space."
"Yes sir." when he managed to get the Rebel Fleet Frequency since the original flag was destroyed, he nodded."
"This is President James Server of the Corneliuan Military Force to the Rebel Space Fleet of Kerry's forces. I am offering you amnesty to all military personel here in space if you surrender here and now and unconditionally. You have my solemn word that you will not be harmed but will be welcomed back into the Naval Family. The offer is good for only 2 hours. If you don't surrender by that time, then its no hold's bar. If any ship surrenders after those two hours, the ship will be treated in accordance with Intergalatic Law. I hope you accept this offer because its time we end this bloodshed."
After he cut the comm, he issued the cease fire order in space to give the enemy time to hash it out.
"Do you think this'll work Mr. President?" Roberts asked.
"Yes I do actually. If it doesn't then we'll witness infighting and they'll destroy eachother. I hope that doesn't happen. There's been to much bloodshed as it is. There's going to be alot of rebuilding here." He said as his voice fell to a whisper as he concentrates on his son to see how he is doing.
19-11-2004, 22:12
The turbolasers and fighters slacked off as the cease-fire was given. Now, Admiral Rommel waits for a response.
20-11-2004, 02:30
On the Rebel Flagship Democracy, Admiral Kinkaid issued the cease-fire order and calls in his command staff.
"You all have seen that this fight is hopeless and that Kerry is going to go down! I do believe that this is our only option, what do you all say?"
One of the other flag members stares in astonishment. "We can still win this fight you traitor!" He hollared.
"NO we can't said another officer. They have too many ships and are starting to shred us apart ship by ship and not just with their own ships but with with their fighters as well."
Two other flag officers voice objections a fight ensues. During the fight, someone fired off a shot and after two minutes, it stopped when security entered and fired into the air.
Two Kerry officers where dead and one cease-fire officer as well. After the firefight, the other officers saw what the war has done to Corneliu and in the end, decided to accept the offer of Amnesty from President James Server.
President Server,
We have reached a decision on the matter! In the name of unity of all Corneliu, we will accept your offer of Amnesty and I will be surrendering the remaining space forces over to you.
Admiral Kinkaid
When the messege was received by the bridge crew the bridge erupted in cheers and President Server slumped into his chair on the bridge.
"Comm notify Admiral Rommel and tell him to meet me on the Democracy and while your at it, notify the ground commanders of this developement! When that is done, tell this Admiral Kinkaid that I shall accept his surrender on his flagship."
"Right away Mr. President." After he notifies the people he was told to notify, a great roar erupted throughout the ship as it was announced and the ground fighters cheered too.
President Server then got up and left the bridge heading for the shuttle bay then departed the ship for the Democracy
20-11-2004, 02:46
"Well, this part of the war is over." Admiral Rommel smiled, then got out of his chair to head to his shuttle. His XO will take care of the ship for the time being.
The shuttle headed to the Democracy and asked for clearance to land.
"Sir? The space battle is over." A soldier just called to Andrew.
"Very good. Very good." He nodded. "Now let's finished this."
"Yes, sir."
21-11-2004, 01:34
Server's shuttle docks aboard the Democracy! With the fight still going on on the surface, security is tight as he is escorted to the mess hall for the Space Forces surrenderment.
He breaths a sigh of relief at the end of the Space Conflict and prays that the ground war ends soon.
21-11-2004, 01:45
Admiral Rommel flies in shortly after Server did and is also escorted to the hall.
21-11-2004, 02:36
Inside the Mess Hall, the flags of the Galatic Empire of Corneliu and the Republic of Corneliuan are on either side of the table.
When Server and Rommel arrived at the hall, flourishes sounded! When they stepped in, the room snapped to attention and the senior officers saluted. When the two sat down, Admiral Kinkaid sat down opposite him with his Fleet Air Commander and his Executive Officer next to him.
"Mr. President, Admiral! As the Admiral of the Republic of Corneliu Navy. It is my duty to surrender the Fleet as well as the Fleet Space Forces over to you. We take this step to ensure that the fleet survives. We also take this step because of your offer of amnesty. Mr. President? We are prepared to surrender."
The President stood up and cleared his throat. "Admiral Kinkaid. Though you did lead the Rebel Space Navy, I am not about to punish you though the Lord knows you deserve it. My offer of amnesty applies to every sailor serving on your ships. It is my opinion and that of Admiral Jackson and my son, Admiral Server, that it'll best serve the unification of our nation and help heal the wounds of this Civil War." He turns to Admiral Rommel. "Do you have anything to add Admiral?
21-11-2004, 02:44
"No, I don't believe so, Mr. President, except to say that forgiveness is but the first and yet most important step in healing from this civil war." Admiral Rommel said.
21-11-2004, 03:29
President Server turns back towards KinKaid. "Do you accept the offer of Amnesty for you and all of those serving under you and agree to rejoin the Armed Galatic Empire of Corneliu?"
"We do Mr. President."
He produces the Articles of Surrender stating all that have been stated. "Please sign on the spaces provided."
When the Admiral and his two companions signed, President Server signed the hands the pen to Admiral Rommel and he signs.
"With this Signature, I hearby declare the Civil War in space, Over! Let us pray that this doesn't happen again."
With that declaration, he gets up and shakes the hands of Admiral Kinkaid and his two officers.
"Let us pray that we can finally end the ground war and really declare this Civil War over."
"I will agree with you Mr. President. Kerry won't surrender easily."
"You are correct Admiral. Your more right than you can ever imagine."
21-11-2004, 18:02
The next day, Erica left her house early and begin to use back alleys to get past Kerry's troops that are on the streets. Bombs continue to drop around the city and the sound of artillery has also gotten closer over the course of the night.
Erica approached the government section of the city and stumbles into a squad of soldiers intentionally.
"Miss, you can't be on the streets. Return to your home at once."
"I have information for President Kerry" Erica said with authority. "If you don't let me through to see him, I'll make sure he takes your head."
The soldiers, not knowing she is Admiral Server's fiance and believing that she is infact an informant, let her through. When she past the guards, she just shook her head because she knows that it was to easy to fool them. The Old Imperial Guard was never that easily fooled.
She made her way to the Presidential Palace and ran into yet another security checkpoint. This time, they were not easily fooled.
"Sorry ma'am but that was an incorrect password." one stated as he moves up towards her. "You'll have to wait now in the detention area till we know what to do with you."
"Then notify President Kerry that Erica Johnson wants to see him."
The security guards gasped when they heard her name and one took off to notify the President. After a few minutes, she was escorted upstairs like royalty. When she entered his office, she noticed that he was different.
"Welcome back Ms. Johnson. I knew you will return."
"I'm here to broker your surrender Kerry. If you surrender to me, I can probably spare your life."
"Forget it girl. I won't surrender to you and I won't surrender to your chump fiance. I won't be taken alive."
At that moment, he struck at her so fast that she couldn't defend herself and went down hard from the blow across the face. "That was for humiliating me infront of the Galatic Community." He hit a button and two more guards came in. "Escort her to the guest room and make sure she doesn't leave there."
"Yes sir." When they left with her, Erica smiled knowing that Kerry fell for her trap.
28-11-2004, 23:11
Standing next to Andrew, Server felt a disturbance through the force. "Erica" he mumered. He quickly got on the horn.
"This is Admiral Server to all forces. Concentrate all attack patterns on Shilo, Berlin, Toronto, and London. These are the quickest avenues to Liberty City." He quickly changed frequencies as the orders began to be carried out. "Airborn Squadron 2, I need a chopper immediately." Right away sir After he turned off the radio, he turned to Andrew who had a weird look on his face.
"Erica is back in the hands of Kerry. I'm going after her. If you want to come along, you can Andrew." He sighed. "What was she doing back on here? That is what I want to know." He muttered as he waits for his chopper.
29-11-2004, 00:21
"Hmm." Andrew waited for the chopper. "I'll back you up, then. But remember to keep yourself under control. You go dark, and the war would be lost, whether you win this battle or not."
29-11-2004, 01:35
"Hmm." Andrew waited for the chopper. "I'll back you up, then. But remember to keep yourself under control. You go dark, and the war would be lost, whether you win this battle or not."
"You are right Andrew and thank you for coming with me. Besides, if I turn to the Dark Side, my fiance would kill me as well as my father." He stated with a chuckle.
At that moment, his chopper arrived and they boarded heading for Liberty City.
Erica entered her room and looked around. After looking on the bed, she found a note. She went over and read it.
I have felt that you would return here so I have taken the liberty of filling up this room with your most favorite things. I hope you enjoy our hospitality.
Chris Kerry
Erica sniffed at that then went to the closet to find formal gowns and casual wear in one and nightgowns and other nighties in the second one. She had to chuckle to herself but ignored it all and got into the shower thinking about how to get back at Kerry. After selecting something casual and not revealing, a knock came. She sighed and answered it.
"Miss Johnson? President Kerry requests that you join him for dinner in the main dining hall"
"Very well!" She follows him to where Kerry is at.
29-11-2004, 01:37
"You are right Andrew and thank you for coming with me. Besides, if I turn to the Dark Side, my fiance would kill me as well as my father." He stated with a chuckle.
At that moment, his chopper arrived and they boarded heading for Liberty City.
"Don't forget me, Uncle Chris or Master Elendil!" Andrew added as he boarded the chopper.
29-11-2004, 02:24
"Don't forget me, Uncle Chris or Master Elendil!" Andrew added as he boarded the chopper.
He chuckled. "Yep can't forget about you. Shall we concentrate and see how we can penetrate the defenses of Liberty City to effect an attack on the Presidential Palace with our hodgepodge of escorts?"
"Glad you could join me Erica"
"How could I resist?" she asked, "When you requested my presence, it sounded more like an order."
"I can feel that your fiance is getting close. I have instructed my air defense commander to allow the chopper through. Don't act so surprised Erica! Your fiance was very predictable this time."
"So what are planning on doing?"
"First things first! Lets have that dinner." He clapped his hands and dinner arrived. The dinner consisted of Turkey, Mash Potatoes and Gravy, corn on the cob, applesauce, and cranberry sauce. "Welcome to a thanksgiving dinner."
"If the people know that you have been eating like this since this war began, they would really revolt."
"We've managed to keep the revolt from spreading to this place. It'll stay like that."
"Doubtful" She said inbetween bites. "My fiance will see to that as well whoever is in charge here."
"We shall see, Miss Johnson! We shall see!"
29-11-2004, 02:51
He chuckled. "Yep can't forget about you. Shall we concentrate and see how we can penetrate the defenses of Liberty City to effect an attack on the Presidential Palace with our hodgepodge of escorts?"
"All right." Andrew stretched out with the Force. "There seems to be a weak point on the western side. Two Jedi and a squad of troops should be able to take it."
29-11-2004, 03:38
Server thought for a moment. "Why is the western side weak? That makes absolutely no sense because that is facing the way towards London, which is one of the shortcuts to the capitol. Its supposed to be defended." He stated. "All well. This is a war and things have a habit of breaking just right for one side or another. Maybe they're using those forces to engage ours." He concentrated on another presence. "Erica is doing ok so far. I don't know how much longer though. Kerry is strong in the force. That I can sense!"
The military forces slammed into the outskirts of Toronto head on. General Patton overseas the engagement from his command tank and nods in approval. "This is great tank land. We can speed past here but first we need to take this city." He issued the orders to storm the city and to take it down at all costs. Gas shells continue to fall all around the forces of those loyal to Server.
General Braddack smiles as his infantry units begin to take the outskirts of London. "This won't be easy Colonel," he stated, "but the city must be taken in order for the attack on Liberty City to be successful."
"I totally agree....."
At that point, a bright light appeared neared the outskirts. A small suitcase nuke exploded taking out a small area of the invasion route. It was a small explosion but the casualties were still high.
"Not good." Braddack said. "This will slow us down."
"Yes sir but not enough to stop our taking of the city."
"You could be right Colonel."
The invasion of London moves on but more slowly than it started.
The fight for the other outer cities is very ferocious. The fighting turned hand to hand in some small areas but the forces of both sides slugged out with tanks and cannons. Gas shells continue to be used by those loyal to Kerry but the loyalists refused to counter with them.
"Yes we shall see." Erica replied. "I'm willing to bet that they are waiting for the liberation force to arrive near here before they launch. That'll throw your defenses into turmoil because then you'll be fighting on two fronts."
"Your faith in your insurrection is your weakness." Chris retorted.
"Your faith in your cause is yours." She shot back.
At that moment, a crash slammed into the area as a plasma shell landed 500 meters from the palace. Gunfire could be heard around the city as the revolt against Kerry has finally begun in the capitol.
On board the chopper, they can see that the fighting has started inside the capitol. "Gotta hand it to Sheridan! He knows when to launch something." He laughed at that thought. "Ok here we go. Pilot set the chopper down as close to the palace as possible without getting shot down."
Moments later, the chopper sat down 3 miles from the palace amid anti-aircraft fire and mortars.
"Becareful all. Ok follow me. I know the back way into the palace. When we get there, I want my squad to move towards the Star Office and Planning Rooms and I want the CoreWorlds squad to go over the palace! Take prisoners if you can but don't endanger your lives while doing so. Andrew and I will be going after Kerry. Is that clear?" After a chorus of 'Yes Sirs', he smiled and nodded. "Good. Lets go then!" He lead them through an alley as they started to make their way to the palace.
29-11-2004, 03:58
Andrew followed his cousin towards the Palace as the troops fanned out, watching and shooting at enemy movement. It was a long, hard slog through ruined streets, blocking wayward small-arms fire and watching for traps. Just another war-time day for Andrew Masaki.
29-11-2004, 19:39
They continued to make their way to the palace. When they hit an embankment, Server led the small band over it and using the power of the force, entered the code to remove a cleverly disguised door.
"Come into my web the spider said to the fly" Server muttered as he pulled out his lightsaber. "This has been a secret escape route for my family for years when they wanted to slip in and out of the Palace." Server explained as he ignited his saber to light the way. "There should be a hidden compart...." He found it and pulled out a datapad. After imputing his password, it became active. He handed one to the CoreWorld troops and one for his own. "These will assist you in finding your way around here." He turned to Andrew. "I know you don't need one so lets get going. Unless I miss my guest, Kerry would probably be in the main room where we hold most of the formal gatherings. We shall wait for him there." When he dismissed the squads, he and Andrew moved towards their destination.
29-11-2004, 19:53
"I wonder if he'll have a welcoming committee awaiting us in the main hall." Andrew said dryly as he walked with Server.
29-11-2004, 20:01
"He might. We'll know about this here sooner or later. Right now, my main concern is Erica!" Server continued to use the force to keep a lock on Erica as well as trying to find hidden surprises. "This will not be easy. We must take the throne room and capture Kerry to end this war."
29-11-2004, 20:05
Andrew nodded in silent reply, as the two Jedi continued through the halls of the Palace.
29-11-2004, 23:24
Throne room, Presidential Palace, Liberty City
After dinner, Chris led Erica to the throne room. "I'm sure you've been in this room before?" Chris said.
"Of course Chris."
"Do you know how many people Server sent to their deaths from this room?"
"Nice try Chris. I've studied those cases and I managed to get several of them off of death row and they have gone on to be productive citizens again. So if this is a cheap tri....."
Kerry reached out with a hand and grabbed her arm. "Your to smart for your own good, Erica. You also seem to know more about the inner workings than I thought. You could still be an asset to me if you dump Server and join me by myside. Join me and together we shall rule benevolently over all of Corneliu."
"I'll never join you Chris. You know that by now."
Outside, the sounds of gunfire and mortars could still be heard. It was getting closer to the palace and judging by some of the readouts on the viewscreen, it was happening all over the city.
"Looks like your government is crumbling."
"Don't be alarmed! We have taken time to make sure that this government doesn't fall."
"Is that so?" In a split second, Erica pulled out a ppg and fired it. In one smooth motion, Kerry activated his lightsaber and deflected the bolt, pulled the weapon from her hand and sliced it in too. He then changed hands and using his left hand, uses force lightening and knocks her flat onto her back.
Secret Passage
Down in the passage, John manuevered a hidden brick and punched in his own secured code. When it was accepted, the door opened and they emerged in an empty hallway. John stepped out and looked both ways. "Sounds like a war going on out there eh Andrew?" At that moment, he nearly keeled over with pain. "Erica" me muttered as he tried to stay on his feet.
30-11-2004, 00:39
Andrew helped John up as he sensed the dark side within Kerry as well. "Well well. Looks like we have a Dark Jedi on our hands."
30-11-2004, 01:17
"Apparently we do Andrew. Now let us go follow this to where he is. Shall we run?"
30-11-2004, 01:18
"Yes. Can't delay any longer." Andrew said. "The quicker we can defeat him, the better."
30-11-2004, 01:24
"Agreed! This way to the throne room. That is where they're at." He takes off in the general direction of the throne room.
30-11-2004, 01:53
Andrew followed his cousin, while the troops continued to go through other parts of the Palace, and the city is now under siege by advance elements of the Marine Corps.
30-11-2004, 02:00
On the outskirts of Liberty City, the armies of both nations started to move foward again. The fighting becomes very very intense as the outskirts of the Capitol City of Corneliu has now officially fallen under attack.
Inside the Presidential Palace, Server and Masaki made their way to the stairs that'll take them straight to the throne room. "Better arm your saber Andrew because once we get there, it'll be no hold bar. Kerry won't give up unless he's dead but we need to take him alive."
30-11-2004, 02:37
"All right." Andrew held his saber at the ready. "On three. 1...2..."
30-11-2004, 05:43
They charged into the throne room together.
"Hold it right there Kerry." Server shouted.
"Well well well. I should've known you'd show up here. I felt your presence through the force."
"And I felt yours. Your going to pay for hurting her the way you did Chris."
"I don't think so young one." And with that Kerry lunges at John with lightsaber the saber hit Server's making a crackling sound.
With their blades locked, Server quickly yelled at Andrew, "Help Erica, Andrew!" and broke the blades apart and swung downward with his shot getting blocked.
30-11-2004, 05:59
"All right. Erica? If you'll come with me..." Andrew said, watching Kerry's movements.
30-11-2004, 14:40
"NO!" She stated, "I want to be here! I want to see Kerry get defeated." She finished as she shrugged Andrew off.
Chris and John are locked in combat as they danced around eachother taking swings and parrays and lunges.
30-11-2004, 14:49
Andrew sighed. He really didn't know what to do. Erica's as stubborn as his own Jennifer, or the late Leia Organa Solo herself for that matter...
30-11-2004, 15:40
As Erica watched, John was still battling Kerry in a heated lightsaber duel, neither side was getting an advantage because they are both evenly matched. Erica looks over at Andrew. "Can John win this, Andrew?" she asked with tears in her eyes.
30-11-2004, 15:45
"He has to, Erica. I'd intervene if necessary, but it's his fight." Andrew said.
30-11-2004, 15:59
As the lightsaber duel continues, both of the combatents don't show any signs of tiring out since they have both tapped into the force for various purpose.
All of a sudden, Chris down strokes which was blocked by Server but then, he quickly reversed direction and struck hard at John's neck. At the last possible moment, John ducked and struck back, nicking Kerry's left upper leg which knocks him to the ground temporarily but not long enough to be finished off as he rolls out of the way of Server's next lunge.
Erica breathed a sigh of relief! "Andrew please do something to help him."
30-11-2004, 16:04
Andrew already had his lightsaber out, the green blade blazing as he advanced on Kerry. "Ok, Mr. President, time to face your political opponent!"
30-11-2004, 16:19
Server and Kerry were attacking eachother when Masaki said this. Kerry looked at Masaki.
"Come then Emporer-President Masaki. Whats one more Jedi for me to kill!" He deflected another strike from Server who tried to take advantage of his distraction.
30-11-2004, 16:31
Andrew struck for one of Kerry's legs while trying to catch him off-guard. The Emperor smirked, as the 2-to-1 duel continued in earnest.
30-11-2004, 17:04
At that moment, Kerry activated the other side of his lightsaber blocking Masaki's strike. "You are foolish, young man. You are but a learner and I am a master."
"Only a master of evil Kerry! You may claim to be a master but so are we." Server stated as he struck at Kerry again. The lightsaber duel continues as they strike at one another with no end in sight.
30-11-2004, 17:11
"Oh, please. Not another Maul wanna-be." Andrew quipped as he blocked the blows. "That lightsaber *block, slash* is so out of style."
30-11-2004, 17:52
They continued to slash faster and attacking and defending eachother. The fighting has gotten more intense as during close quarters combat, punches have been thrown and are being thrown. All parties are hurt.
As the saber duel continued, the fighting has now gone past the outskirts of the capitol and has now breached the capitol itself. Patton's Army is storming across the city as the fighting has turned street to street and house to house.
The other armies are attacking their various sectors all aiming towards the Government District of the capitol city.
01-12-2004, 02:14
The Core forces invaded the city itself, and switched tactics to face the deadliest of battles: urban warfare. Vibroblades and pistols were used often in the pitched battles for every neighborhood, every house. The streets ran red with blood, as thunderstorms rumbled in, rain falling and lightning flashing, as if the very elements are fighting. Begun, the Final Battle has!
01-12-2004, 21:48
The fight for the capitol is very fierce. Rebel forces, insurgents, and the regular army are all firing on one another. The fighting is destructive but the insurgents and loyalist forces continue to make their way towards the government district.
Meanwhile inside the throne room, the lightsaber duel is fierce. All parties are getting tired. Erica is still in the cornor watching it very nervously. All of a sudden, John sidesteps Chris's attack and slashes down, cinging Kerry's left leg and he collapses. A look of pain spreads across his face. Seeing an opportunity, Erica charges Chris! Chris tries to raise his saber but was a tad slow. Erica jump kicks Chris and levels a tremendous right cross knocking him out.
Both John and Andrew stare at the site. John disengages his lightsaber and rushes to hug Erica.
"You ok?"
"I am fine now that I got to hit him cleanly."
John looks at Chris! "I say it was a cheap shot but he deserved it." He reaches into his bag and wakes him up. "Don't even think about it, Chris. You've been caught and your lightsaber is nowhere near you. Surrender now and I promise that you'll be treated in accordance with intergalatic law."
Chris looks at John and Andrew. "Kill me!" He demanded.
"And make you a martar? Sorry dude. But you will stand trial for the crimes you have committed. Only a jury can sentence you to death. Of course, you can always appeal up to the Supreme Court and then to the Imperial Court from there if your unsatisfied with your verdict/sentence."
"Go to hell Johnathon. However, as seeing that I am outnumbered, I will surrender!"
With these words, John handed Chris a comlink. "It is set to your forces comm frequency. Order them to stand down and to prepare to surrender."
He glared at john but he took the comlink. "This is President Chris Kerry to all forces! Stand down immediately. The war is over."
"Very good Chris!" He changed freqs. "This is Admiral Server to all military personel. The war is over! Kerry has surrendered and has issued surrendered orders to his forces. All forces, cease-fire immediately."
He looked at Andrew. "Its finally over."
Within a few minutes, an eerie silence fell over the capitol city.
01-12-2004, 22:01
The last laser bolts and shells hit, then an awful silence descended on the city, and soon, the planet.
"Yes, it's over." Andrew said. "Now, it's time to restore your father."
01-12-2004, 22:17
"And we will." He pulled out his comm again. "Father, you are cleared to proceed to the surface of the planet. General Patton and the 3rd Army Honor Guard will meet you."
I will be down shortly son. Good Work.
When the comm signal cut off, he turned to Andrew. "We will be talking about when to reinstall him. I"m sure there will be an re-inaugeration ceremony. You are invited of course and we will send out invitations to other world leaders. Thanks for your help Andrew."
02-12-2004, 02:04
On board the Destructor, President James Sever changed out of his uniform and into his Presidential Clothing. He then proceeded down to the shuttle bay with his escort.
When he arrived, the shuttle crew snapped to attention and saluted. He returned the salute and boarded the shuttle. When the shuttle launched, two fighters formed up with the shuttle and escorted it to Liberty City Space Port where he will meet with General Patton. It will also provide him with a view of the devestation to, not only the planet, but to the Capitol City itself.
He sighed as he looked out the viewport. "What was this all for?" he asked himself. "To much destruction done. This is why we should never have invented war." He continued to look at the destruction wrought do to the war.
"Sir, we are approaching the Space Port. Looks like many of the launch pads are damage but where we're heading is safe."
"Very good. Land the shuttle!"
"Yes sir."
Five minutes later, the shuttle landed and the ramp lowered. Outside, General Patton snapped to attention as the band he assembled struck up the Corneliuan Anthem. The troops that were assembled snapped to attention and saluted. When the song ended and James returned the salute, General Patton walked up to him.
"Welcome back to Liberty City Mr. President."
"It is good to be back General. Its been far to long. Please tell me! What is the sense of the general population of the city?"
"The majority of the city as well as the country, sir, are waiting for your return to the throne. If you like sir, we can take you to the Presidential Palace."
"Yes please."
"Follow me sir." He led his leader to a car. When he entered and the car started driving, the troops assembled followed the car along the sides, infront of the car as well as behind. Citizens started coming out of their homes or stopped clearing debris and started to wave at President Server's motorcade. Word spread fast that President Server was back and the people started to line the streets and cheered the President as he rode through the city.
Back at the Palace, Admiral Server had his people look over the entire building making sure that there was no booby traps anywhere. When satisfied that there was none, he went to his bedroom and pulled on his class A uniform that was still hanging up in the closet.
When he stepped out, Erica smiled her wonderful smile and kissed him. "You look dashing as usual my love."
"Thank you sweetie. Your beautiful too dressed up like a princess that you are."
Erica blushed at that as he turned back to Andrew. "Well Andrew? You ready to be the first dignitary to welcome back my father as President of Corneliu?"
02-12-2004, 02:31
"Yes I am, Admiral." Andrew said. He had a soldier bring him his formal Jedi robes and changed into them in the guest room while Server was changing as well.
Greater Taiwan
02-12-2004, 02:36
If you like history, Come join: The Historical District
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02-12-2004, 05:25
Out near the palace, the people were waving Imperial Corneliuan Flags and trying to catch a glimpse of the President. President Server made his way through the heart of the time waving to the crowd as choppers roared over head making sure no one tried to assassinate him. The president had a tear in his eye as he worked his way through the part of the town that was heavily fought over.
On the Palace grounds, Admiral Server and Erica along with Andrew stood on the top steps of the palace. Troops formed ranks along the pathway as security kept the crowd back. Holocameras and tv cameras were everywhere capturing the scene. Behind Server and Andrew was the royal guards. Those that helped John take the Presidential Palace. They stood at attention as Server took up his position at the head of the sidewalk.
"Well Andrew. In a couple of minutes, my father will be returned to his rightful place as president of Corneliu. This is truely a grand day. It has seen the end of Kerry and his rebels and now will see my father return to power."
02-12-2004, 19:30
NSA Chief Sheridan was the first government official to arrive at the Palace. He overlooked the palace and sighed deeply. The Palace was damaged in the fight but not majorly so.
He strood up the pavement, waving to the cheers of the crowd and stood next to John and shook his hand.
"Nice to see you again John." He stated.
"And you too sir." he replied. "Allow me to introduce to you Andrew Masaki of CoreWorlds."
"Likewise" Andrew said.
"Sir, I would like to thank you for rescuing my fiance from the clutches of Kerry. It was greatly appreciated."
"Your welcome young man. I remember what love is like." he said with a smile on his face.
Down mainstreet, the motorcade rolled slowly through the streets. People were chanting the Server name and waving with vigour the flags they're holding and waving their hands as he rode past. James waved back to both sides of the streets with a tear in his eye as well as a smile on his face.
03-12-2004, 04:34
Andrew looked out at the throngs of cheering crowds eagerly awaiting their rightful leader. Uncle James seems real popular these days, except for some minorities who hold out on Kerry. Then he thought back on little Daniel, how happy the boy would be when his father gets home. He must be what, 4 years old now? Andrew realized just how much he missed his family, and his own people, and could hardly wait till he gets back home to Juria. But for now, it's time to reinaugurate President James Server back into office.
03-12-2004, 04:56
When Server's motorcade turned the cornor leading up to the Presidential palace, the crowd erupted into cheers. President Server ordered the motorcade to stop and he got out of the vehicle and proceeded up the road, on foot, to the palace with his security next to him. He waved and smiled to the crowd and shook hands with some of the soldiers that were in line to greet him.
He made his way slowly up to where his son and government personel and Andrew were waiting. As he neared them, the band played the Presidential anthem which cause John to salute him. WHen it was over, John raised his hands and the crowd quieted down.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Corneliu! I stand here today, not as a member of the loyalist opposition to Kerry but as a Corneliuan. We have suffered a terrible Civil War that has cost the deaths of countless people in our country. Military casualties were also high. The war is now over. The power struggle has also come to an end. And now, it is my honor to introduce our rightful leader, my father, President James Server."
The crowd erupted as he took to the podium! He shook hands with his son, hugged Erica, and then shook hands with Andrew. He looked over the cheering crowd before he made his speech! "My fellow citizens. I am saddened that we had to fight this brutal war that has split our country. To many people died on both sides. But now is not the time to argue. Now is the time to rebuild our great cities as well as our glorious nation. Money won't be an object for this. It will be very expensive but together we will be able to rebuild what has been destroyed. I have talked to rebel leaders and they have agreed to assist us as well as supporting this government. They now know the trouble that transpired because of someone decided to try and remove a government from power by force of arms. They have promised to support us in our endeavors to rebuild as well as to defend our nation. The Congress as it stands now, will remain in power till we are able to hold elections for it. Since Congressional Elections are past due, I am hoping that we can set up elections for the Congress to take place 6 months from now. Its a stretch I know, but they must be able to hold their elections. This now brings me to Christopher Kerry." This brought a chorus of boos and jeers from the crowd. "Many of you know the atrocities committed by him on my son's fiance. He will pay for those crimes as well as crimes against humanity he orchestrated on his own civilians as well as using threats to get the military to do what he wants them to do. He will be tried in our courts FAIRLY. All the evidence will be presented and if he appeals the decisions of the court, if necessary, he will be given his chance to voice them." He turned his head and looked at Andrew. "I would also like to thank President Andrew Masaki and CoreWorlds for their support for our efforts. I"m positive that without his help, I will not be back here today and our nation would've been under Kerry's care. My citizens, there is much work that needs to be done so I will not keep you further. My God go with you all and may the force be with you."
As he left the stage to enter the Presidential Palace, the crowd erupted into cheers and the chanting of the Server name. Flanked by his son and Andrew, they entered the palace. "Well Andrew, we did it together. Thanks for all of your help." James stated as he walked the corridor towards the dining hall.
03-12-2004, 05:02
"Anytime. And to get your rebuilding done, I plan to get Jennifer to pass a bill in the Senate to that effect. Let's see...I'd say about ten billion credits, for starters?"
03-12-2004, 05:12
"That is very generous but you and I both know that rebuilding will cost far more than that but every little bit helps. Speaking of Jennifer how is she doing?"
Before he could answer that, they entered the dining room where the kitchen staff was waiting.
"Its good to have you back Mr. President."
"Its good to be back. I would like a Strip Steak. Well done! Macaroni and Cheese and corn."
"Make that two" John said as he sat done next to Erica who ordered a Ham and steak dinner.
The head chef looked at Andrew! "And for you sir?"
03-12-2004, 05:20
"Salisbury Steak, potatoes and salad, please." Andrew said.
03-12-2004, 05:25
"Very well"
As he headed off to fill the orders, champaign was brought out and they toasted to victory. "Now! We have to begin to set up for my re-inaugeration. We have to prepare the throne room for the Ceremony and get the hotels open. I can say one thing, this will help the economy. Do you think you'll be able to get your family here for the Ceremony? I would love to see Jake, Jennifer and Daniel again."
06-12-2004, 08:29
OOC: Jake is Andrew's brother and is barely a Jedi.
"Hmm. Maybe we could come back in a few months..." Andrew said.
06-12-2004, 23:09
OOC: Jake is Andrew's brother and is barely a Jedi.
"Hmm. Maybe we could come back in a few months..." Andrew said.
"Splendid. We can't wait."