Civil War in Corneliu (Open Rp)
19-03-2004, 22:20
In a warehouse somewhere, a group of freedom fighters where huddled around a table. This group of people are the commanders of the Freedom Group of Corneliu. They were tasked with forming a resistence there and to be ready to move when the order was given. No one knows who the leader of this group is. As the continue to wait for the call to come in, they were in a game of high stakes poker.
"So Commander, do you think that this revolution is going to start today?"
"Don't know! We'll attack when we are given our orders. I'm just glad to be a part of an organization that will free us from Server's tranny."
Little did these guys realize that the one of there number is a traitor and has tipped off where this hideout is.
::Liberty City::
Meanwhile in the capitol, NSA Chief Sheridan recieved the information from the agent.
"This is Sheridan. I need to see President Server at once! I don't care if he's eating breakfast, tell him that I have the information he requested." After a few minutes, he was told to come to the capitol building.
When he arrived, he was ushered into the Star Office.
"Mr. President. One of my agents has been accepted into this freedom group that we've been hearing rumors about."
"Good. I was told that you have the location?"
"Yes sir. I recommend that we make an example of these people . I say we raid them and execute them without trial. That will show the population that we do not tolerate traitors to the government."
"Yes it would. I'm concerned though that if we do that, their allies...."
"What allies? Sir they are a menace to society. They are spreading filth about your regime for the last three years. We need to send the nation a messege about what happens if you go against the government."
"I agree that a messege must be sent. We'll put on a show trial and execute them. That should work. That way, we can say that they were tried for their crime."
"Good Idea sir. Want me to issue the order?"
"I'll do it. We'll attack at once."
19-03-2004, 22:22
19-03-2004, 22:47
::Tigersville, Minbar::
James Arnott was sitting on the bench watching tv with the leaders when he received a page.
"Hey guys, I gotta step out for abit. Need to get something for my wife."
"Ok James! Hurry Back though. Don't know when we'll get the call to move against Server and his minions."
"Right" he said abit distractedly. When he left, the commander of the group looked up from what he was doing and watched James leave the warehouse.
"Strange, I didn't know he was married. I didn't see a wedding ring on his finger."
"Sir maybe he's one of those that doesn't wear it all the time. Only when he's out and about with his woman or his living may prevent him from wearing it."
At that moment, a loud crash vibrated around the warehouse.
"What was that?" Commander said.
At that moment, a firefight erupted inside the warehouse.
"Shit, we've been had. Arm yourselves. No one should be taken alive."
The firefight was ferious and lasted for a better part of an hour. In the end, the cell at the warehouse was either dead or wounded. Very few managed to escape.
"Well looks like it was mission accomplished!" Major James Arnott said when he looked at his handy work. "These two here (pointing at the crippled bodies of two of the rebels) were those that were planning the result and their dead commander here was the instigator in this cell. I want these two taken care of. The President wants a trial so he'll get one."
::Allentown, Minbar::
"Sir" a rebel trooper yelled as he entered the warehouse at a dead run, "Tigersville cell has been overrunned by the military."
"What?" RebCol said. "How did they get the location?"
"Messege didn't say."
"At that moment a phone rang and the Colonel picked up. "Yea. Yea. On it! Ok that was the Chief. We are to strike and strike hard. Man weapons and lets get this started. DOWN WITH SERVER!!!"
Five minutes after the phone call, the rebel cells all over Allentown began to attack the military installation there and over ran it driving out the trooops into the city. The fighting went street to street with the rebels taking over government buildings.
::Liberty City::
Word of the attack in Tigersville spread like wildfire. The population is in outrage and took to the streets and began to riot. The military was called in to quell it. When they showed up at the scene of the chaos, someone opened up on them and the troopers fired back killing 30 civilians and wounding 250 more.
In the Star Office, President Server was pacing. "What is going on?" he yelled.
"It appears to be a revolt sir."
"Sir they are approaching this building and we can't seem to stop them. I recommend we evac here and move to secondary locations."
"Not going to work. I have been told that the attack has spread and now there is fighting in all major cities as well as in our colonies. Sir we are looking at a popular revolt to our rule."
"Get my family to the shuttle and prepare for departure. If we can't stop them, I'm not going to get captured. General Johnson, notify my son and have his flee head to coreworlds space. He'll be protected there. Pack your bags all of you. We're leaving."
::Tigersville Minbar::
"Sir you know that these 2 are guilty." The lawayer said at the end of trial, "they deserve to die."
"Upon hearing the arguments, I announce that the defendents are quilty and to be put to death." The judge said.
Fifteen minutes later, the only two survivors where executed by firing squad.
As soon as it ended, the revolt that started with the attack on the warehouse took full form here when a crowd of people started shooting at the executioners. After a 10 minute fire fight, 10 fighters and 5 military personel where dead.
The Civil War Has started!
19-03-2004, 23:19
In space, Admiral Server just jumped into the home system when they picked up the messege.
"Admiral, a civil war just broke out on planet. We have been ordered by General Johnson to head to CoreWorlds space. Apparently they are getting ready to flee the capitol and head there."
"This is impos......"
"Admiral ships are moving towards us. Patrol, Customs, and Corvette class ships. Weapons systems are armed sir and it appears to be a rebel fleet."
"Ready all weapons systems. If its a fight they want, its a fight they'll get."
In minutes, space erupted into a firefight as both sides fired on eachother. In the middle of the fight, a transmission was broadcasted on a government frequency:
This is President Server to the ARCS Freedom We just cleared atmosphere and need escort to your ship. Everyone onboard is safe. Need to get to sanctuary. Civil War is in full swing and the Capitol is overruned.
"Hail them! 'You can land here on the Freedom! Captain Robertson will meet you and show you to proper quarters! I'm going to finish this fight and pull out.'"
"Admiral the shuttle is now on approach."
"Good! Get them.....
"Sir, more ships jumped in. Looks like two cruisers and a battleship heading our way and they are not here to help us."
"Crap. Is that shuttle docked?"
"Jump towards CoreWorlds"
After a few parting shots, the fleet leaped into hyperspace heading towards CoreWorlds.
The Fedral Union
19-03-2004, 23:43
8) ))(humm well i have no idea what to post now so ill tag it )
19-03-2004, 23:45
Meanwhile. the ISD Tiger's Roar was patrolling the Dernon Sector, when a spatial anomaly was detected, and then several ships jumped into the system.
"Sir! We're detecting a Corneliuan fleet! Flagship is tagged as the Freedom!"
"Well, this is odd, for that's Admiral Server's ship. Hail them."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:a4d7835173]Freedom, what is going on, over?[/code:1:a4d7835173]
The Fedral Union
19-03-2004, 23:45
8) ))(humm well i have no idea what to post now so ill tag it )
20-03-2004, 00:20
Meanwhile. the ISD Tiger's Roar was patrolling the Dernon Sector, when a spatial anomaly was detected, and then several ships jumped into the system.
"Sir! We're detecting a Corneliuan fleet! Flagship is tagged as the Freedom!"
"Well, this is odd, for that's Admiral Server's ship. Hail them."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:ebcee9d185]Freedom, what is going on, over?[/code:1:ebcee9d185]
"President Server, we are being hailed from CoreWorlds vessels."
"What do they want Lt.?"
"They want to know what is going on."
"Its safe sir. I know this Sector Fleet."
"Ok! Put me on."
"Your on sir."
"This is President Server to the Commander of CoreWorlds Fleet. My nation is in turmoil and I was forced to flee by force of arms. A Civil War is now in progress among my civilians and military. We are doing all that we can but they overran the capitol. We are requesting santuary until we are able to form a counter force and destroy the rebellion. Please pass along the messege to Presidnet Masaki and have him clear us a place to stay."
20-03-2004, 00:50
"Patch them through to President Masaki! He needs to get word of this!" The Commodore ordered.
'Yes sir."
Meanwhile, President Andrew Masaki recieved the call and cancelled an appointment with a disgruntled business guest.
"Uncle James? Andrew here. I heard what happened. Have the Destroyers there escort you to Coredia, and you can set up a government-in-exile here. We'll need to talk on how to deal with this."
20-03-2004, 01:06
"Patch them through to President Masaki! He needs to get word of this!" The Commodore ordered.
'Yes sir."
Meanwhile, President Andrew Masaki recieved the call and cancelled an appointment with a disgruntled business guest.
"Uncle James? Andrew here. I heard what happened. Have the Destroyers there escort you to Coredia, and you can set up a government-in-exile here. We'll need to talk on how to deal with this."
"'Will due Andrew. we'll be arriving shortly!' Lt, hail the CoreWorlds fleet. Tell them that they are to escort us to Coredia. When we arrive, we'll have space to set up a government so we can control our military or whatever is supporting us."
"Yes sir."
[code:1:f75ceaf90c]Commodore, this is Freedom! Your instructed to escort us to Coredia. Please form up with the fleet and guide us in.[/code:1:f75ceaf90c]
Meanwhile back in the capitol city, the leader of the revolt steps foward. On Intersteller Network, he broadcasts his messege everywhere:
"My fellow Corneliuans! I am the Interum President Chris Kerry! I have orchastrated this rebellion to oust the tyrant Server from power and this is accomplished. Though they have now started a counterattack, we will defeat them. This is a new day for Corneliu. I call for a Constitutional Convention to revamp the current one so that we can start our government over again. The Congress should convene to discuss this issue. Also, a special prosecutor will look into the past regime and see if there should be any warcrime charges to be brought against President James Server and his family. I will give another speech when things settle down. This is President Kerry! Good Night!"
20-03-2004, 02:30
OOC: Andrew is 24.
IC: "All right. You heard him. Form up!" The commodore ordered, and the fleet formed up around the Freedom. Together, they all made the jump to hyperspace, for Coredia, the capital of Coreworlds.
"Tch. I don't believe that for a second." Andrew said, watching the Intersteller HoloNews Network report of the civil war.
"The President of Corneliu is on his way, sir." an aide said.
"Very well. Tell Cousin Emily and Dad that Uncle James and Cousin John are on their way."
"As you wish, sir."
Cousin Emily was in the nation, officially an ambassador for the now deposed President. Andrew's father is the President's brother. Family ties are tighter than an airlock, and will play an important part in this war.
20-03-2004, 03:37
As the fleet leapt into Coredia space, President Server beams down to meet with Andrew Masaki!
"Andrew thank you for allowing us to come here to set up our government in exile. This is going to be a hard fought War but I believe we can win it. It might require your help but I think we can win this war together."
20-03-2004, 03:47
Used to seeing his uncle beam through, Alex said, "Thank you, Uncle. I hope we can bring you back to your rightful position as President."
Just then, the president's father, Jacob and cousin Emily walked in.
"Dad!" She cried, and hugged him.
"Hello, James." Jake said. "I'm glad you're alive."
20-03-2004, 04:04
Used to seeing his uncle beam through, Alex said, "Thank you, Uncle. I hope we can bring you back to your rightful position as President."
Just then, the president's father, Jacob and cousin Emily walked in.
"Dad!" She cried, and hugged him.
"Hello, James." Jake said. "I'm glad you're alive."
"Yes Jake! I am glad we made it out alive. Emily! You ok hun?"
"Yes father what is going on? This President Kerry guy is saying that he's in charge."
"Theoretically he is but he won't be for long. We are going to take over our embassy here and use it for our Government in Exile HQ. I need to get on camera and denounce this whole thing. There was no time to do a tape so we will have to do this live. At the Embassy if we can. I also need to contact the military. Kerry's Army is well armed but once I call in our deep space troops, Minbar will be back in our hands soon. Can you arrange it Andrew? I really need to get what I have to say out to the public!"
"Dad, the embassy is in turmoil. They don't know who is incharge. What should I do about it?"
"Tell the embassy that I am incharge and that I'll be setting hq there. If Kerry has spies there, we'll know about it soon."
"We need to get our military organized Mr. President." General Johnson said. "If we don't, we're going to be in hurtin' status."
"Don't worry Eric. As soon as I get situated at the embassy, we'll organize and attack their forces. They can't have much outside of what they have thrown at us. But I really need to get on TV ASAP!"
20-03-2004, 04:37
"Yes, we can." Andrew said, and spoke briefly into a comlink. "Come with me."
Andrew lead his uncle and the others to a waiting speeder. It didn't take long for them to get to the Corneliuan Embassy, where a squad of soldiers were waiting, and available, just in case anything happens.
20-03-2004, 04:48
"Yes, we can." Andrew said, and spoke briefly into a comlink. "Come with me."
Andrew lead his uncle and the others to a waiting speeder. It didn't take long for them to get to the Corneliuan Embassy, where a squad of soldiers were waiting, and available, just in case anything happens.
When they entered the building, President Server immediately went to the press room.
"How long will it take to get this going?"
"Ten minutes sir. We can override all local channels from here for your speech."
"Good! I want to respond to Kerry's words. Its about time he learns just who he is messing with. If he wants to run the country, he's going to have to learn by fire. In that I have the advantage. General, I want you in the camera with me. Jacob, Andrew, you too. I want them to see that we stand ready to fight and that we will win."
"Yes sir. Give me 10 minutes then to get this set up."
"Ok, in the mean time, I'm going to change clothes and freshen up. This is going to get interesting. I advise you all to grab some sleep. I doubt we'll get much sleep from here on out."
20-03-2004, 05:07
"That'll show Kerry that we're not to be messed with!" Andrew grinned. "After this speech, we'll get some sleep."
20-03-2004, 15:53
"That'll show Kerry that we're not to be messed with!" Andrew grinned. "After this speech, we'll get some sleep."
"Right. This is going to be a very long road."
When the ten minutes where up, President Server stepped infront of the cameras with Andrew, Jake, and General Johnson.
"I am President James Server of Corneliu broadcasting from the Corneliuan Embassy on CoreWorlds. I was forced to flee to safety when the rebels stormed the capitol building. No place in Corneliu was safe for me to land so I came here to CoreWorlds. I'm still incharge of the country despite what this President Kerry Kerry has said. He may think he's the Free Ruler of Corneliu but I will return. Mark my words. He started this civil war so I'm asking him to Bring it On. I still control the nation's military forces, those that remained loyal at anyrate. Also, CoreWorlds here has pledged there support to us to defeat the Rebel scum. Be on notice Kerry! When I get done with you, you would wish that you never started this war. The military is better trained than your ragtag bunch and they will get hammered in a stand up fight. Do yourself a favor, surrender now. If you don't, you will still be treated well under international law but you, Kerry, will be dealt with directly. I'm offering complete amnesty to those that will throw down there guns now. If we catch you in arms against us, though treated fairly, still won't go well for you. I urge all civilians to oust this usurper from power. That is all"
When his speech was over, Server slumped foward and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ok now that I just threw down the gauntlet against Kerry, this is going to spiral out of control fast. General Johnson. I need you to send a messege to all forces loyal to me. Tell them to come directly here for an emergency meeting. Andrew, I would like to meet your command staff at the earliest opportunity. If we are going to take down Kerry, I want us totally prepared. I'm sure he has ships that we dont' know about and I want to be prepared. But for now, I'm off to bed. I advise you all to do the same."
He kissed his daughter and hugged his son and walked off to the bedrooom that he was alotted.
"Uncle Jake, do you really think he can pull this off?" Emily asked. "I'm afraid that he won't survive this. Heck, I never seen him like this and I'm scared."
20-03-2004, 18:33
"If I know my brother, when he's like this, Kerry will have to be very careful." Jake said.
During the night, probe droids scoped out the Armed Republic, to see how much of the nation was taken by the rebels, and to scope out possible targets.
6 hours later, after a nice sleep, Andrew was meeting with the SecDefense and the Joint Chiefs and invited Server to join.
20-03-2004, 18:57
"If I know my brother, when he's like this, Kerry will have to be very careful." Jake said.
During the night, probe droids scoped out the Armed Republic, to see how much of the nation was taken by the rebels, and to scope out possible targets.
6 hours later, after a nice sleep, Andrew was meeting with the SecDefense and the Joint Chiefs and invited Server to join.
President Server and General Johnson are in the meeting.
"Ok from my understanding of the intel, these rebels control approximately 75% of the country and on the other 25% are gaining fast control. It appears your call for amnesty....."
"Sorry to interrupt but you might want to see this." Emily said as she came into the room. She turned on RNC!
"...and I reject Server's claim that i'm a usurper. It is he that better becareful. I'm asking that CoreWorlds turn this War Criminal over to us for the justice that he so richly deserves for holding down the people from the freedoms that God gave them. We will defeat you because we have freedom on our minds and no one is taking that away. I'm urging the military to abandon Server and join me in routing out the last of this Tyrannical regime. May God go with all of you."
When the announcer started to talk again, Emily turned it off.
"That was expected. Ok Johnson, military status."
"Most of the military is still loyal but alot have gone over to his side which would explain how he pulled this off so fast. The question is, how many naval ships does he have under his control. That is what we don't know. We know the ground situation but not the naval situation. Admiral Server, I'm going to have to ask you to use your jedi ability to search among your ships those loyal to Kerry and to throw them into the brig."
"Will do Eric. Remember though, they maybe having thoughts about kerry that doesn't mean they are loyal to him. I'll be walking a fine line there and I don't want to tread on toes."
"Do the best you can. What are you guys going to do to help us with this situation?"
20-03-2004, 20:01
"Hmm. I think we'll need to start using psychological warfare to have people turn to you for help. Although if Kerry starts being worse than how you ruled, the people will want you back anyway." Andrew said. "At any rate, I'll see what fleets I can send after the rebels."
Meanwhile, the Vice President was speaking before a crowd of citizens and reporters. "We will not 'turn over' the rightful President of Corneliu to a false regime. If the false President wants him, he will have to get through us first! We urge the people of Corneliu to remove this usurper and return President Server to his rightful position! As for 'President' Kerry, if he wages war to get to Server, I say, bring it on!"
Cheers and applause erupted as VP Harry Sandler finished his speech.
"Nice, sir." a secret service agent said.
"Thanks, Tom. Kerry needs to know what he's getting into. If he doesn't, that's his loss."
20-03-2004, 21:12
"Hmm. I think we'll need to start using psychological warfare to have people turn to you for help. Although if Kerry starts being worse than how you ruled, the people will want you back anyway." Andrew said. "At any rate, I'll see what fleets I can send after the rebels."
Meanwhile, the Vice President was speaking before a crowd of citizens and reporters. "We will not 'turn over' the rightful President of Corneliu to a false regime. If the false President wants him, he will have to get through us first! We urge the people of Corneliu to remove this usurper and return President Server to his rightful position! As for 'President' Kerry, if he wages war to get to Server, I say, bring it on!"
Cheers and applause erupted as VP Harry Sandler finished his speech.
"Nice, sir." a secret service agent said.
"Thanks, Tom. Kerry needs to know what he's getting into. If he doesn't, that's his loss."
"Any help will be aprreciated. I'm not going to lie, though we may be powerful, I don't know if we'll actually win. I'm confident that we will. All we need to do is paint Kerry in a bad light and he should lose credibility. That is what we need. That way, we have an excuse to come in with guns blazing and retaking my rightful place as leader of Corneliu."
"That is excellent to understand sir. Shall we say he has no ability to defend against an enemy in combat?"
"That will be done when we storm the colonies freeing them from his rule. Still you should run with that. We have people still on planet that can pull that off. Utilize them. Sheridan is still on planet and deep in hiding if I miss my guess. Try to contact him if you can."
"Yes sir."
"Ok Andrew! I need at least half a dozen fleets to cover the ground I nee....."
"Sir, we're picking up another Kerry Messege!"
"Let me see it!"
The view screen kicks back on and there is Kerry!"
"Fellow Corneliuans. CoreWorlds has rejected to hand over the fugitive Server to us. This is a slap in the face. We demand that CoreWorlds hand him over. However, to maintain good relations, we are willing to let him stay there if he never leaves your space. I don't want to fight you because with this war going on, I know that we will never win it. However, a new ambassador has been appointed to take the little witch's place. This new one will best serve our country better than she ever did. I'm urging that the International Community come forth to assist me in securing Corneliu's freedom from tyranny that is all. God Bless Corneliu!"
When he finished and the hosts began to anaylize it, President Server just shook his head.
"I hate it when politicians turn to personal attacks. Chris Kerry and my daughter had a bit of a romance that lasted all of four months. Now that he's insulted my daughter, I'm not going to stay here. I'm going to kick his sorry ass back to his mother's grave."
"Sir, the Corneliuan fleet is starting to jump into the system!" an aide said.
"Good. I want to meet the commanders as soon as possible. Its time we take the fight to Kerry."
20-03-2004, 21:50
"Ok. Nick? Have we gotten any response from the international community?" Andrew asked his SecState.
"Not yet. We should be getting some soon."
"All right. Greg, what assets can we put into place?" He asked the Chairman, Admiral Greg Easton.
"Hmm...we got the initial forces of the Shocker, Liberator, Basilisk and Allegiance. All except for the Liberator are Star Destroyer fleets, while the other is a Star Cruiser fleet. The Tiger's Roar is part of the Shocker's fleet."
"All right. Is that acceptable, Uncle James?"
We are now allowing diplomatic responses. If you want to militarily or economically support one side or the other, TG Corneliu or me. Politcal support can be given here.
20-03-2004, 21:56
"Yes that is fine. I want you there when I talk to my fleet commanders as well as your admiral here. We need to coordinate our fleet activities. I'm withdrawing all forces from my space for now to here. From here we'll regroup and attack his forces. My naval fleet will be here very soon as well as most of my ground troops. All Military Commanders will be here. Do you have a conference room to hold us all?"
20-03-2004, 22:10
"James, there have a place for everyone." Jake said. "Come with me."
He lead his brother and everyone else to an underground part of the Mansion. he opened a special door, and lead everyone to a room with the latest in military communications, and a huge table sat in the middle.
"This revamped Situation Room, is used for major emergencies like interstellar wars we're involved in, and WMD crises. As this is an emergency, you can use it for the meeting."
Of what political persuasion are the rebels?
20-03-2004, 22:25
Of what political persuasion are the rebels?
They want Corneliu to be a socialist democratic state. A second faction might spring up for true democracy!
20-03-2004, 23:57
"James, there have a place for everyone." Jake said. "Come with me."
He lead his brother and everyone else to an underground part of the Mansion. he opened a special door, and lead everyone to a room with the latest in military communications, and a huge table sat in the middle.
"This revamped Situation Room, is used for major emergencies like interstellar wars we're involved in, and WMD crises. As this is an emergency, you can use it for the meeting."
"Yes this will do fine. I'm going to need coffee, and I know this place has a holo projecter so now I think we can plan for our eventual return to power in Corneliu. Any responses yet from the community Williams?"
"Hatia wants to know what the faction's political Persuasion was. I told him a Socialist Democracy since that is what he represents."
"Good! Andrew, I need you to hit up on your intel contacts inside my space. Don't deny that you don't! I know you do. Have them do whatever they can to get me the information regard strengths of the rebels around the capitol planet as well as the MacArther System. That will be instrumental in our attack to reclaim Minbar."
21-03-2004, 00:17
An aide brought coffee and snacks to the table, as everyone sat down to discuss the matter.
"All right. The probe droids will do that, but of course, --and this never leaves the room-- we have slipped in a few intel officers to do some closer spying. They should be sending something by now. As for now, what do you plan to do to take back the nation?"
21-03-2004, 00:25
An aide brought coffee and snacks to the table, as everyone sat down to discuss the matter.
"All right. The probe droids will do that, but of course, --and this never leaves the room-- we have slipped in a few intel officers to do some closer spying. They should be sending something by now. As for now, what do you plan to do to take back the nation?"
"Right now, we need to consolidate the forces. Once that is done, then we can start launching probing actions against the rebels. As soon as its mixed up in the outer colonies, I was thinking of launching a full scale assualt on Minbar and MacArther. That should occupy everyone. Ah here they come."
At that moment, the Admirals and Generals started to pour into the conference room.
"Welcome ladies and gentleman. As you know by now, our nation is in a Civil War. This President Kerry thinks he has the vast majority of the population. However, he is trying to play a game that he doesn't understand. It is our job to educate him and to drive him from power. Here is what I plan on doing. Since we have lost ships to the rebel side, and I mean joining them, they are declared enemy of the state. Hunt them down. If they surrender see who is loyal to me and to Kerry. Don't destroy ships unless you have too. Ground forces. You all know the terrain of every world in the Republic. Use it to your advantage if you can. Not going to lie to you. This is going to be a long hard journey. We will succeed in winning but we will do so at a high cost. And.. President Masaki here will detail to you your assignments with his fleet. Andrew!"
21-03-2004, 01:16
Andrew turned on a holoprojector and the area of the galaxy where Corneliu's space is illuminated. Then two systems were zoomed in. "I suggest a two-pronged attack on the Alliance System and the Midrange System, to recapture the shipyards and colonies there, and to stretch Kerry's forces. From there, we will continue to stretch the rebel forces, until we can have a high chance of retaking the capital. Are there any questions?"
21-03-2004, 01:27
Andrew turned on a holoprojector and the area of the galaxy where Corneliu's space is illuminated. Then two systems were zoomed in. "I suggest a two-pronged attack on the Alliance System and the Midrange System, to recapture the shipyards and colonies there, and to stretch Kerry's forces. From there, we will continue to stretch the rebel forces, until we can have a high chance of retaking the capital. Are there any questions?"
Admiral Lauren Rosenburg raises her hand.
"Excuse me sir, but I'm from that system. It is very well guarded. How do you propose to take the Alliance system?
"Sir I'm General Jones from the Midrange System. I have to echo my counterpart. Midrange is also heavily defended. I too would like to know how you are going to take these systems!"
21-03-2004, 02:16
"For the tactics to employ, I will turn to Admiral Rommel, the Supreme Commander of the military."
"Thank you, Mr. President." The admiral said, and then walke dup to the front. "We will need to employ a combination of internal sabatoge, using special ops and loyalist cell units, and outside forces, that will be the fleets. We will use feints and distractions, by hyperspacing in from different points to confuse the enemy, and then once they are sufficiently confused, we strike, and strike hard."
"There will be space stations defending them. What about them?" a captain asked.
"Ion cannons. Using ion cannons on them will knock them out. Anything else? No? Ok. Here's what's going to happen.
"Shocker and Basilisk fleets will head to the Alliance system. Allegience and Liberator fleets will attack and take the Midrange system. As for President Server's forces, use whatever you feel is necessary to lead the assaults."
21-03-2004, 03:35
"For the tactics to employ, I will turn to Admiral Easton, the Supreme Commander of the military."
"Thank you, Mr. President." The admiral said, and then walke dup to the front. "We will need to employ a combination of internal sabatoge, using special ops and loyalist cell units, and outside forces, that will be the fleets. We will use feints and distractions, by hyperspacing in from different points to confuse the enemy, and then once they are sufficiently confused, we strike, and strike hard."
"There will be space stations defending them. What about them?" a captain asked.
"Ion cannons. Using ion cannons on them will knock them out. Anything else? No? Ok. Here's what's going to happen.
"Shocker and Basilisk fleets will head to the Alliance system. Allegience and Liberator fleets will attack and take the Midrange system. As for President Server's forces, use whatever you feel is necessary to lead the assaults."
"Our forces will consist of the first naval fleet of 100 vessels for Alliance and the 2nd naval fleet at Midrange. Our ground forces will be the 2nd Id at Midrange and the 3rd ID at Alliance. Your divisions know precisely where the weakspots are. Guide in CoreWorld forces to. I want us both to take these rebels down. DISMISSED!"
With that, the meeting broke up.
"Son, take care of yourself! Get back here safely."
"Dont worry dad. I will be careful. I have no choice. Erica is expecting that. I hope she's safe. Anyway, I can't wait to escort you back to Minbar."
"I can't wait either. Andrew, find Erica and try to get out of there, would you please?"
With that, he beams aboard his ship.
"This is fleet to command to all ships. Prepare to jump to hyperspace on my mark."
21-03-2004, 04:46
The admirals and generals leave for their ships. Once assembled, the fleet prepares to jump.
Meanwhile, Jedi Knight Quinn Keran was dispatched on a transport to find Erica, Admiral Server's lover. He hopes to find her before Kerry's goons or the fleet attacks.
21-03-2004, 06:14
President Kerry was pacing his office when an aide approached.
"Mr. President, now that we have control of the government and the colonies, what do you want us to do now?"
"I want us to be prepared. James and his son are canny. Now that they made contact with their relatives in CoreWorlds, they are going to be even more powerful. We need some insurance that they won't move to hastily. I know that Admiral Server has a girlfriend, or is it fiance now, that is still here on planet. According to a mole close to the Admiral, he was on his way back when this whole thing blew up. Contact Thompson, he knows who she is and where she lives. Get her into 'protective custody.' I don't want anything to happen to her until after we get her lover in the same cell."
"Yes sir. do you want us to raid her house or use the local cops for this job."
"Use the local cops. Tell them whatever you need to but I want her in custody. As soon as that is done, I'll go on tv and explain why we did so."
"You do realize that she is well liked by the people. If we do this, it could spark outrage."
"Hence the TV spot. Please do this. She'll be one less obstacle to worry about."
"Yes sir." the aide said and left the room. He went to his office and picked up the phone.
"Thompson, yes this is Roger. Listen! President Kerry wants you to get the cops to place Erica Johnson into protective custody. Yes i know she is but that came straight from the boss's mouth. Use the local cops. It'll look better if its them and not a raid. Yes I'm preparing for a backlash but the President is going on TV as soon as you accomplish this. Right bye."
Later on in the day, Thompson went over to the local cops. After talking to them for the last half hour, the cops agreed to bring her to the specified location. Five minutes later, a squad car pulled up in front of her house and two officers, got out.
"Miss Johnson?" he asked. When she nodded, he went on. "I'm Officer Clark and this is Officer Flint. We have received information that your daughter is in grave danger due to the Civil War that has erupted. We want to place her in protective custody."
"What about me and my husband."
"I don't have anything regarding you two. Just that your daughter's life is in danger. She must come with us."
"Mom? Who is it?"
"Two officers that have been told to place you in protective custody. They say that you are in danger but from what I don't know."
"Ma'am please come with us. I'm afraid this isn't a request. You must come with us for your own protection. YOu can bring one bag of personal items."
"Ok, give me a minute."
Five minutes, she was wisked away to a secured location. When President Kerry was told by his aide that she was in custody, he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Good! Now its time for my speech." He walked to the press center.
"My Fellow Citizens! Earier today, I had the girlfriend of Admiral Server be moved into protective custody. I gave this order out of fear for her well being knowing full well that your views of this is unpopular. I didn't want to see any harm come to a popular girl that is well loved by the people of this fair nation. She will be released from custody just as soon as this crisis is past. Thank you and may God go with you all!
This is the Enlightened Emperor of the Monarchist Galactic Empire of Derscon. I have noticed your situation and would ask if I would be in of any help to your struggle. I also ask to come to you and Masaki, for so I would like to meet you in person. Or in my case, being.[/code:1:e34396d16b]
OOC:The Exhalted One (Enlightened Emperor) is an enlightened being, beyond a form in mass, but in spirit and in light. He exists on a Higher Plane of Life.
21-03-2004, 18:07
This is the Enlightened Emperor of the Monarchist Galactic Empire of Derscon. I have noticed your situation and would ask if I would be in of any help to your struggle. I also ask to come to you and Masaki, for so I would like to meet you in person. Or in my case, being.[/code:1:f29ccf8ac4]
OOC:The Exhalted One (Enlightened Emperor) is an enlightened being, beyond a form in mass, but in spirit and in light. He exists on a Higher Plane of Life.
At the Corneliuan Embassy, the seat of the Govenment in Exile, President Server was watching the news and saw Kerry's speech!
"Damn, John isn't going to be happy about this."
"No sir he won't be" Secretary Jamison said. "However, sir, we have received a response from the Monarchist Galactic Empire of Derscon. The Enlightened Emperor wants to come here and meet with you and President Masaki to discuss the situation we are in."
"Good! Notify Andrew and tell them to expect him."
"Yes sir. Want me to tell Andrew that Erica is in custody?"
"You better."
"Yes sir."
Secretary Jamison left his office and went down to his office to send the messege to the Enlighten Emperor.
[code:1:f29ccf8ac4]To the Monarchist Galactic Empire of Derscon.
From the Corneliuan Embassy--CoreWorlds
To the Emperor. President Server has agreed to meet with you. Please be advised that security is tight and that you still have to have CoreWorlds permission to enter their space. James looks foward to meeting you.
Secretary Jamison
Secretary of State[/code:1:f29ccf8ac4]
When he sent off that messege, he went over to the capitol building to meet with President Masaki.
"Mr. President! Thank you for making time to see me. I'm sure you heard by now but I was told to tell you. Erica Johnson, Admiral Server's fiance, has been taken into protective custody."
[code:1:d7c470b29c]Coded Message to: Corneliu
We have been monitoring your situation for quite a while. If there maybe any way we can help, just ask.
From: UMN Administrative HQ[/code:1:d7c470b29c]
OOC: The UMN (Unus Mundus Network = latin for "One World") is a newly formed semi-Federal Organization in -Noir-
21-03-2004, 21:43
"I saw that. I have sent Knight Quinn to the capital to find Erica. He's good at stealth."
Meanwhile, the transport reached Minbar, and unloaded its cargo. Quinn utilized the Force to keep himself in the shadows, and away from prying eyes. Now he had to find Erica, and soon, but how to start?
[code:1:7e9308c877]To Derscon:
You may enter our space, as you are an esteemed ally. We will be expecting you.[/code:1:7e9308c877]
21-03-2004, 21:54
"I saw that. I have sent Knight Quinn to the capital to find Erica. He's good at stealth."
Meanwhile, the transport reached Minbar, and unloaded its cargo. Quinn utilized the Force to keep himself in the shadows, and away from prying eyes. Now he had to find Erica, and soon, but how to start?
[code:1:ad15ad3336]To Derscon:
You may enter our space, as you are an esteemed ally. We will be expecting you.[/code:1:ad15ad3336]
"Good! Also Derscon is on his way in. We need to coordinate our efforts if we are going to pull this off. I just hope we get more international support. I hear that -Noire- has been monitoring this crises. How are we going to get help from the international community?"
Chamber of the Exhalted One -- The Core of the Derscon Main Planet
"Well, they accepted. In that case, preperations must be made." The Exhalted One then moved his spirit to the Derscon Command Center and summoned all of his top advisors present. "Well, it looks like we will be going to CoreWorlds," everyone heard in their minds. "Get on the ships. We will be making a series of transports." Suddenly, a bright light enveloped the room, and they were in the Invasion Force Fleet standing in the bridge of the flagship, with Bismarck at the lead, and Lord Hitler at his right. "How many systems did you take so far?" the Holy One asked Bismarck.
"We took one so far, and we are in the process of taking the second one," Bismarck told what seemed like no one in particular.
"Good. We will be going to the CoreWorlds Capitol City for an emergency meeting."
"Oh, you got involved? Okay. I will --"
"Don't bother, I'll take us there." Again, a bright white light enveloped the entire fleet and it appeared right outside the CoreWorlds Capitol Planet. It was a massive fleet, litarally blocking out the sun(s?) over the Capitol City. The Ships then diversed and began patrols around the planet as Imperial Shuttles camd down to land in the city. Space Force One contained the Exhalted One, Bismarck, Hitler, THe Holy One's cabinet, and a brigade of KSS Security Forces.
"CoreWorlds Traffic Control, this is Derscon Imperial Shuttle. Request landing bay. Over."
21-03-2004, 23:18
"Hmm...We'll have to work on that. Contact Nick, my SecState, as you two will need ot work on a plan to get the community on our side. He's still around here."
On Minibar, Quinn purchased a newspaper, and noticed that Erica was taken into 'protective custody". Looks like I might need some help. I wonder where I can find a Loyalist cell.
Meanwhile, over Coredia...
People looked up to see the massive fleet blot out Cored, the yellowish-orange sun. Andrew smirked, "Well, Derscon sure knows how to make an entrance. Let the shuttle in."
"Yes sir."
"Derscon Imperial Shuttle, you will land on Bay 523. Please follow the signal to the bay."
That's your cue, Corneliu! And the capital planet's name is Coredia.
"Thank you for permission. We will land at bay 523. Out." With that, the shuttle landed at the appropriate bay. The KSS filed out of the shuttle, then the cabinet, then Bismarck and Hitler came out. There was an array of light that came out of the shuttle, astonishing everybody. it formed in to a light blob, then it spoke. "I am the Exhalted One of the Derscon Empire. I am the Emperor. I have come to aid and discuss the situation in Corneliu. Can you tell us where to find Masaki and Featherson?
22-03-2004, 02:41
"Mommy, who's that guy with the funny mustache? A little girl asked, referring to Hitler. Then she spotted the Emperor of Derscon. "Ooo! Shiny light!"
"Hmph. A very bad man, it seems like. Let's go have some ice cream, ok? And yes, it is a pretty light."
Moving on...
"We can take you to them, if you wish." A patron said, and a limospeeder rumbled up to them.
The WIck
22-03-2004, 02:49
To President Kerry
The Commonwealth of the WIck fully supports your coup of a clearly corrupt government. You have our best wishes for sucess and we hope you establish a long lasting democratic government!
OOC: umm...hitler??? why is he here???
22-03-2004, 17:29
"Hmm...We'll have to work on that. Contact Nick, my SecState, as you two will need ot work on a plan to get the community on our side. He's still around here."
On Minibar, Quinn purchased a newspaper, and noticed that Erica was taken into 'protective custody". Looks like I might need some help. I wonder where I can find a Loyalist cell.
Meanwhile, over Coredia...
People looked up to see the massive fleet blot out Cored, the yellowish-orange sun. Andrew smirked, "Well, Derscon sure knows how to make an entrance. Let the shuttle in."
"Yes sir."
"Derscon Imperial Shuttle, you will land on Bay 523. Please follow the signal to the bay."
That's your cue, Corneliu! And the capital planet's name is Coredia.
"Don't worry. James has some serious rebuting to do against Kerry though Kerry did pick up support. He will make sure that he alienates Kerry so that people will see the truth. In the mean time, I think we should meet this enlightened ruler from Derscon."
Meanwhile back on Minbar
"Hello Erica." President Kerry said when he went to meet her. "How are you doing today?"
"I would be doing better Chris if I knew why I am in the Prison Cell."
"For you protection my dear. I don't want Corneliu's most beloved Citizen to be killed."
"Dont give me your crap Chris. That was the main reason you and I are no longer together. You are so full of lies, the people are going to start to cypher through them. When they do Chris, your going to be in hurtin' status."
"Your right. Your here as insurance. Your basically a hostage but also here for your own safety. We are going to use you to make sure that your fiance and his father, doesn't take this world back."
"If you think that they are going to sit......"
"Oh I know they wont. That is why your location here is secret. No one knows where this facility is. Trust me my pet, no one is going to break you out of here."
At that moment, she spat in his face. When she did, President Chris Kerry slapt her. "Don't do that again. I will make an example of I would do to traitors against democracy."
"What kill me without a trial, you don't have the guts. That would void your credibility and the people would be really pissed off at you. So go to hell Chris. Your heading there anyway when James gets a hold of you. That is my lover doesn't get to you first."
With that, Chris left her in the cell and went back to his office to send off a messege.
[code:1:b5ae4fda56]To The Commonwealth of the Wick
We thank you for your support!
I hope that when we win this war, we can develope closer ties with your government.
President Chris Kerry
President of Corneliu[/code:1:b5ae4fda56]
23-03-2004, 01:45
Quinn Keiran walked through a market, idly leafing through the various goods that the merchants are hawking. He felt someone brush by him, and immediately grabbed the would-be pickpocketer, and twisted his arm.
"Hey! Let me go, you bastard!" The youth yelped, but Quinn merely tightened the lock.
"You should know better than to pick pockets, my young friend. Now, come with me."
He led the boy to an alleyway. "Now, tell me, what is your name?"
23-03-2004, 05:21
Quinn Keiran walked through a market, idly leafing through the various goods that the merchants are hawking. He felt someone brush by him, and immediately grabbed the would-be pickpocketer, and twisted his arm.
"Hey! Let me go, you bastard!" The youth yelped, but Quinn merely tightened the lock.
"You should know better than to pick pockets, my young friend. Now, come with me."
He led the boy to an alleyway. "Now, tell me, what is your name?"
"My name is Thomas sir. I'm sorry for pickingyour pocket but in the mist of this civil war sir, my family doesn't have much money."
"Freeze both of you." yelled a cop as he sees what is going on. "What is going on here?"
"Just helping this poor boy out officer. He didn't have much money and...."
"Don't give me that crap stranger. I saw him trying to pickpocket you. I'll have to run him in." He moved as if to place a handcuff on him when Quinn Keiran stopped him.
"Officer, his family is poor. He apologized let the matter drop."
"Can't do that stranger. Speaking of which, can I see your Visa and Passport?"
"I don't need a visa! Under treaty of Versica, all coreworlds civilians don't need......"
"In that case i have to run you in as an illegal. Both of you with me." He led them to the jailhouse.
Meanwhile on the ARCS Liberty
Admiral Server was watching the news when a flash messege came in. When he viewed it, he became outraged and tried to use jedi calming techniques. When he went onto the bridge, his captain looked at him.
"Admiral is everything ok sir?"
"No Thomas it isn't. Chris Kerry has Erica."
"WHAT!!! The people will revolt. She is well liked. Always doing something for the community."
"I know, I just saw Kerry's speech. I have to admit, he's trying to play to the populace but I know their past relationship and I fear for her."
"Well sir then you might be surprised that CoreWorlds dispatched one its finest people to find her. I'm sure he will find her and return her to you sir."
"We can't get off track now. Prepare to attack the Alliance system."
"Yes sir."
The fleet prepares to make the final jump to the Alliance System!
23-03-2004, 17:33
In her cell, Erica Johnson begins to pace it. At that moment, President Kerry entered the cell again.
"Well my dear. So far the public outcry hasn't occured yet."
"Give it time. I'm sure once that people actually realize just why I'm in here, you'll have more than my fiance to worry about. These people don't like having their citizens rounded up without cause."
"Ah my dear. I did have a cause. To protect....." At that moment, Erica slapped Kerry right across the face. As she withdrew her hand, Kerry caught it and wrapped it around her back hard. "Don't ever lay a hand on me again you little witch or I will personally deal with you. I was going to offer you a deal that would get you released from here."
Erica begins to struggle against his grip. "I will never support you." She breaks out of his grip and tries to hit him. He blocks the punch and pulls her arm straight hard and breaks it. Afterwards, he knees her in the stomach.
"That is what you get. Next time, you will not be so lucky." A guard came in. "Chain her up. Make sure though that she can still use the latrine. I don't want her to feel like a trapped animal."
"Yes sir." With that, Kerry leaves.
Meanwhile on Coredia
"Mr. President we have to respond to this. He cannot do what he just did. We never even done that."
"He actually did do it somewhat legally but your right. She really was in no danger and the people do love her. Love her almost as much as my son does. Set up a press briefing. I will respond to this outrage and have Andrew their as well. I want him to condemn this too. I'm sure he will."
"Right away sir." In a shortwhile, the short notice briefing was set up.
Fifteen minutes later, James and Andrew stepped out and towards the microphone.
"My fellow citizens and citizens of the galaxy. A grave autrocity has occured. One of Corneliu's most beloved citizens has been taken into custody. We all know that this isn't a 'Protective Custody' as the fake president Kerry has said it was. He has a personal grudge, not just against me and my son, but with her as well. It is of my opinion that he is using her to get to me and to my son as well as to get revenge on her. This cannot be tolerated. WE DEMAND her IMMEDIATE RELEASE! If she isn't released immediately, the consequences of that action would not be pretty. President Masaki?"
23-03-2004, 18:14
"We do not, will not, ever should tolerate such a thing. This wonderful woman had better be released from 'protective custody', for this is an illegal action, to take a person against her will. If she needed to be protected, she could have come to our nation, where she will be safer from harm than amid a civil war."
24-03-2004, 05:16
"We do not, will not, ever should tolerate such a thing. This wonderful woman had better be released from 'protective custody', for this is an illegal action, to take a person against her will. If she needed to be protected, she could have come to our nation, where she will be safer from harm than amid a civil war."
President Kerry saw the press conference and shakes his head.
"These guys have the gull to tell me what is moral and immoral. If they are going to tell me what to do....."
"Sir, that messege was really not ment for you." His secretary of state said, "It was ment for the people. As I have told you before, she is very well loved. Your Attorney General said the samething. What we need to do now is actually charge her with something and make it as public as possible."
"Problem is there is nothing to charge her with." As he sat back in the Star Office, pondering his next move. "What if we do send her to CoreWorlds?"
"It will undermind your position. It would show that you are incapable of standing on your decisions."
"Send them a messege. Tell them she stays in our custody."
"Yes sir. is that it?"
"For now."
"Yes sir." The State Secretary left the office and walked back to her office to send the messege to CoreWorlds.
[code:1:faae6e47cb]To President Masaki
From Secretary Williamson
By order of President Kerry, Miss Erica Johnson will stay in our custody. She is being well treated and will be released back to the community when the crisis is done[/code:1:faae6e47cb]
24-03-2004, 05:31
When the mesage returned to the President, he had to use Jedi calming techniques to keep anger from boiling. As it is... "Tell President Kerry that if he wants to stay in power, he will do well to release the girl, and very soon."
"Yes sir."
[code:1:61edf864f4]President Kerry, your options are being increasingly limited. Your time in power is ticking away. Choose wisely, and choose quickly. Release the woman, or face international condemnation.[/code:1:61edf864f4]
Meanwhile, at the police station...
"You do realize that you have nothing to charge us with, Officer." Quinn said calmly. "Our rights are clear,and the treaty stands. Release us, or your people will soon see the truth about this new government. You wouldn't like it when they do."
24-03-2004, 05:43
When the mesage returned to the President, he had to use Jedi calming techniques to keep anger from boiling. As it is... "Tell President Kerry that if he wants to stay in power, he will do well to release the girl, and very soon."
"Yes sir."
[code:1:3216626711]President Kerry, your options are being increasingly limited. Your time in power is ticking away. Choose wisely, and choose quickly. Release the woman, or face international condemnation.[/code:1:3216626711]
Meanwhile, at the police station...
"You do realize that you have nothing to charge us with, Officer." Quinn said calmly. "Our rights are clear,and the treaty stands. Release us, or your people will soon see the truth about this new government. You wouldn't like it when they do."
President Kerry reviewed the messege that his secretary handed him.
"Goodie! Well, I will not release her. I'm going to try to bring her to our side."
"Good luck! What do you want me to tell them?"
"I'll send it myself." He walked back to his desk. When he sat down again, he fired up his diplomatic computer and typed a short reply.
[code:1:3216626711]Our decision stands. GTH! President Kerry[/code:1:3216626711]
"There messege sent! Let's see what he says to that!"
"We actually can charge your little friend here." the cop said. "You we can also charge. Your here without a passport and a visa. Under Regulations, all visitors visiting Corneliu or her colonies, must have a visa and/or passport. You have neither." He signals for a guard. "Take them to Celler Cell 5. When you do well you know what to do from there."
"Yes sir." The guard led them down to the celler. "We have been told to expect you. However, the cop that picked you up was right. You do need what we stated you need to enter in a time of war. It is sad though to see Miss Johnson in prison. She is the greatest. The people are outraged but really can't do anything about it. They are trying to survive." They arrive at the cell. "Don't worry. Someone will come down here. When they do, you will be taken to see one our couter-resistance leaders." He whispered. "He'll tell you what is going on." He left them both there.
"Before you ask sir! I am a member of an auxillary to the military branch. I was asked to picketpocket you so you and I can be taken to see them. Sorry for misleading you."
24-03-2004, 05:54
"I have known you were no ordinary pickpocket. Let me in on a little secret. Don't react." Quinn said, then leaned close and whispered in the boy's ear. "I am a Jedi, come to find Erica."
Andrew, gave President Server the messages. "Well, looks like we'll soon need to have the community in on this. Not yet, though."
24-03-2004, 06:00
"I have known you were no ordinary pickpocket. Let me in on a little secret. Don't react." Quinn said, then leaned close and whispered in the boy's ear. "I am a Jedi, come to find Erica."
Andrew, gave President Server the messages. "Well, looks like we'll soon need to have the community in on this. Not yet, though."
"I hope you do good sir." he whispered back "Because the population isn't happy that she is in custody as he said. But they somewhat believe that it is for her own safety. Please find her and release her." He starts to break down into tears.
"Son of a..... This guy has no idea who they are holding. She has helped not only the community but the republic as a whole. They are overjoyed at the pending wedding of her to my son. Now that we have an answer, I say we show the galaxy just what family ties mean. Andrew, give the order to attack Midrange."
24-03-2004, 18:52
"You got it!" Andrew said, and contacted the fleets heading towards Midrange and Alliance systems. "Operation Midrange/Alliance commences now!"
Simentaneously, the fleets used random hyperspace jumps, and then finally, they arrived at their targets.
"Fighters and gunships are to attack and draw units away. Capital ships and frigates, wait for the signal!" The admiral of the fleet at Midrange ordered.
The fighters bore in, firing lasers and proton torpedoes as the capital ships waited for the signal...
"Don't cry, my friend. I will see her to safety. Now, we must wait for this person to get us out."
24-03-2004, 19:51
"You got it!" Andrew said, and contacted the fleets heading towards Midrange and Alliance systems. "Operation Midrange/Alliance commences now!"
Simentaneously, the fleets used random hyperspace jumps, and then finally, they arrived at their targets.
"Fighters and gunships are to attack and draw units away. Capital ships and frigates, wait for the signal!" The admiral of the fleet at Midrange ordered.
The fighters bore in, firing lasers and proton torpedoes as the capital ships waited for the signal...
Midrange System
The CO of the Midrange Military Base, General Barbar. spots the fleet jumping out of hyperspace.
"This is General Barbar. The enemy fleets have jumped into the system. All forces man your battlestations. All Fleets. Form a defensive perimeter around the planet. Fighters, form up. I want at least 3 wings to hold back. All the others, take point position. When you have a clean shot, open fire. Take out the fighters. If you have a clean shot at the enemy fleet, take it but don't risk yourself in the process. All space stations, fire at will at the enemy fighters and ships. Remember, we have pledged ourselves to Kerry and democracy. In this we shall win. God go with you all."
The fighters formed up via squadrons and zoomed towards the enemy fighters. In mear moments, the Rebel forces opened up on the Loyalist fighters.
"Good because that is why a massive...."
At that moment, three guards came down with the key. "Ok you two!" one of them said as he unlocked the door and all three entered. "Your coming with me. I really hate to do this to both of you but......." That was when the other two guards that were behind the prisioners put a sack over their heads and tranqed them so they will travel quietly.
What seemed like hours but only a matter of half an hour, they were revived. They were given a minute to recover when one of those same guards came back.
"Sorry to do that to you but with Kerry's minions running around, we had to make sure that you came along quietly. The boss will see you now." He lead them down a corridor and there was none other than NSA Chief Sheridan himself.
"Greeting Jedi. I was wondering who CoreWorlds was going to send to find Erica Johnson." He looked at the boy. "Thomas you did a fine job. You will be commended for doing this for the Republic."
"Thank you sir. I do the best I can!"
He returned to Keiran "Now what do you need us to do for you Jedi? Whatever you need, it is at your disposal."
At Landing Bay
"Thank you. It would be nice if you could show us where to go," the Voice from the Light stated. The Light started to gather up, and it formed in to a human outline, with a cape, standing tall and proud, but still a Light. Eventually, it DID take form, to show the human form of the Great Emperor. "Now, when can we go?" asked the Czar of the Empire, as He is known in human, lesser form.
25-03-2004, 02:33
Loyalist HQ
"I would like your help, in seeking out and rescuing Erica Johnson. It won't be simple, I know, but she must be found and taken to my nation."
"Admiral, we're taking damage. Several fighters have been lost already."
"We expected this. Liberator (flagship), hold back. Allegience, Red Giant, and Firehawk will attack the fortresses. Escorts will support them by attacking the enemy fighters."
"And fighters, sir?"
"B-wings, escorted by E-wings will make runs on enemy capital ships. X-ings, A-wings and TIE Interceptors will take out enemy fighters. Y-wings will stay onboard until space superiority is achieved."
"Very well." The orders were quickly executed.
Alliance System
At the edge of the system, the other fleet also jumped insystem, but more cautious than at Midrange. Probe droids were sent, and programmed to enter at different times and coordinates and then run out, to make the enemy believe there's more ships than they really are.
Landing Bay
"The Presidents are at the Palace. I will take you there." Pierre, the driver of the hoverlimo, said. "Please buckle up when you get in."
25-03-2004, 17:18
"Your right. It wont be easy. Kerry must have an unknown prison because my informants are in all the prisons on this planet. I made sure of that years ago. Unfortunately, I have yet to pinpoint this prison. I guess I'll have to use some of the Intel resources that I have left to find it. Jedi, can you help in this regard? We really need to find this prison and get her out. I believe it is her only hope to survive. Kerry is known to carry grudges and I think that he wants revenge on her for dumping him after only four months. If he does have revenge, we need to free her at once.
"Sir, they are starting to take casualties."
"So are we. Have the Revolution and the Firestorm come about and engage them. Have the 1st and 3rd Patrol fleets move to the outer perimeter and engage. I want all capitol ships, all 40 vessels, to head towards the fleet firing everything they got."
"Yes sir. General. Anything else?"
"Just clear these scum from my sky. They are a menace and they need to be taken care of. Hopefully we can."
"Yes sir."
The fleet forumns up and begins to engage the enemy forces.
Alliance System
"Sir, we have something on the edge of the system."
"What do you have Corpral?" General Grant said, Commander of Alliance ask.
"It appears to be CoreWorlds and Loyalists forces appearing to jump into the system. But what we registered where probes of some sort."
"Good! That means they are about to jump here. You have the bridge Colonel. Let me know the minute they jump in." When he received the Colonel's nod, he went off to his ready room. When he got there, he pulled up a very secure frequency to ground control. "Cavalry on the way. Stand by for go order."
25-03-2004, 21:02
"Of course I'll help. That's what I'm here for." Quinn said. "What about you? Will you come with me when we escape the capital?"
"Where did those ships come from?" The Admiral asked.
"It looks like an ambush, sir! We've been had!"
A Star Destroyer took very heavy damage, and then blew up, taking several enemies with it. Fighter compliment was down 20% and light ships took the most losses.
After 20 more minutes of battling, it was clear that the fleet and Loyalists were losing.
"Great! This system is too heavily defended! I'm ordering a general retreat! Recall what TIEs have survived and make a microjump out of here! We'll regroup at the nearest system!"
Suddenly, the Liberator shook violently, and the Admiral gave the order to abandon ship. The helm set a course for one of the battlestations, and then, too abandoned the bridge. Escape pods started flying away from the ship, as it began to detonate.
As survivors of the ships were picked up, what's left of the fleet managed to jump away from the battle, and waited to regroup. The Battle of Midrange was lost.
Landing Bay
"Thank you," the Czar said, in his full human form. The Czar, his ministers, and some of his Königlicher Schutz and his Königlich Sicherheitsdienst got into the hoverlimo to be taken to the palace. "This is a nice vehicle," the Czar remarked. The Czar, being not only Enlightened, but one who has found the very essence of where the Jedi get their power, the very core of the Force, he could hear what the drivers were saying in his mind.
"That Emperor is freaky!" Pierre said. "I know," the copilot said. "He's a light one second, now he's a human! I hope I never have to see that again." The Czar smiled after hearing that. "Amazing," the Czar stated after about an hour. "That must be a palace. That is wonderful! Mine's bigger and better, but that is. . .wow." The limo stopped and Pierre got out and opened the door for the Czar. "Thank you," the Czar said. "He," pointing to a KSS officer, "can get the door here. Thank you again." After everyone got out, the Czar, his ministers, the KSS, and the Imperial Gaurd started towards the Palace Door.
25-03-2004, 23:45
The Imperial Palace
Andrew sensed a powerful and deep resonation in the Force coming near.
"Sir, the Czar of Derscon has arrived."
"Very well, send him in."
A couple guards opened the grand doors of the Palace for the Czar and his entourage.
"This is a very nice palace you have here," the Czar said. He could tell the Emperor was uncomfortable with a sith lord around. Don't worry, the Czar mind-communicated to the Emperor. He is under my control "Well," the Czar stated, "Where shall be be going?"
"This is a very nice palace you have here," the Czar said. He could tell the Emperor was uncomfortable with a sith lord around. Don't worry, the Czar mind-communicated to the Emperor. He is under my control "Well," the Czar stated, "Where shall be be going?"
26-03-2004, 05:12
Very well. Just...keep him on a short leash. Andrew communicated back. "Welcome to Coredia. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. My servants" *He snapped, and they came.* "will take you to your guest rooms. Be back soon!"
The head servant bowed. "Come this way, sirs."
26-03-2004, 05:31
President Server was at his desk in the Government Palace that his nephew gave him. He is currently in a meeting with most of his staff that managed to escape Minbar.
"Ok so far we are having difficulties establishing communication links with some of the loyalist cells on Minbar as well as in our colonies. I have also been informed that our attack around Midrange isn't going well." The heads hung low at this statement. "We all knew that this was going to be costly. However, we must stay the course if we are going to win the day. I need all departments to shakedown your informants. I want as much info as possible. SecDef, I want you to prepare our specialty fleets. Prepare them to be sent to Midrange. Tresuray, call your buddies at any National Department of any nation. See if we can't get monetary support. CLEAR?"
"Yes sir!" they both chorused, and left the room. He looked at his brother. "Any idea when I'll meet this emperor from Derscon?"
General Barber continued to oversee the unfolding battle! What he say was pleasing him to no end. As the CoreWorlds and Allied fleets continued to pound away, one of the main ships blew up and then another showed signs of disintegrating.
"General, there fleet is starting to fall apart with the addition of the other ships. Sir, it appears that they are retreating." Corporal Jones said.
"Excellent. Tell the fleet to pursue and destroy."
At that moment, the flagship of the enemy fleet detonated. When scanner crews realized where the ship was heading, they freaked out.
"Battleship on collision course with Midrange Station Bravo."
"Notify the crews to abandon station. Have defense platforms engage and try to destroy it before it reaches it. Hopefully we can save the station."
As the orders where given, escape pods were being jettisoned from Station Bravo. The defense platforms did the best job they could but it didn't help. The battleship crashed into the station and it blew up spectacularly killing 45,000 personel on station. When the battle was over, the rebels lost 1 Space station, 2 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 376 fighters.
26-03-2004, 05:59
"I believe he has arrived at the Palace a little while ago. Andrew just told me he arrived." Jake said.
Captain Greg Delores, the new commander of the decimated fleet, had the survivors regroup at a binary star system. The ISD Firehawk was designated as the new flagship, as it recieved the least damage during the battle (15%).
"Sir! The enemy is pursuing us!" a sensor officer reported.
"Have the fighters screen us. We must find a place where we can rest!" Greg ordered.
"Sir, I know of a place, but it's risky." the navigator said.
"Where?" The ship rocked slightly as fire was exchanged.
"Uh, the Gates of Hell." This was a location of a series of black holes. It's extremely risky...
"Son, either you're very brave of very foolish. Set a course for the Gates! We'll try and lose them there."
26-03-2004, 17:09
"Admiral Barker? It appears they are retreating again."
"Fire everything we got until they jump! I want as many of these ships destroyed as possible. We'll teach them a lesson about supporting evil regimes."
The fleet continues to pound on the enemy.
"Helm, I want you to plot every known possible course from here. Where are they most likely jump too?"
Petty officer Carlson looks over the nav charts. "Sir if I have to guess it will be in the general area of the Gates of Hell. At least that is the name on these star charts anyway."
"Why would they jump there Petty Officer?"
"Its a black hole cluster sir. Highly volitial. Hadly anything escapes that area."
"Great! The captain must be a fool. Send word to command about this and ask for instructions. I don't want to risk it but if they order us to pursue we will."
"Sir, we just received a communique. We are to return to Midrange pending further orders."
"Anything else?"
"No sir."
"By all means then."
The fleet continues to fire away at the enemy until the last ship jumped system.
Erica Johnson is still in pain. Her broken arm hasn't been looked at since it was diagnost. President Kerry has comeby to reason with her but now, an interrogator is with her.
"What will your fiance do next. Midrange is lost to him."
"He'll find a way to win. He's not stupid."
"What will he do?"
"I don't know."
"I don't believe you!" He then slaps her across the face.
"Go to hell"
He slaps her again and then pushes a button and an electric shock runs through her body.
"You will tell me everything he likes and doesn't like or I will rip your life history from your brain as well as the info I want."
26-03-2004, 18:17
At the Gates of Hell, the fleet was careful not to get caught in the powerful gravity wells of the black holes.
"Over 40% of all fighters are lost, Allegience and Liberator were destroyed, Allegience with all hands. And to top it all, Midrange is still in rebel hands." Captain Delores said, tallying up the losses. He sighed. "This is definitely not a good day today. I can only hope that the Alliance system is faring better."
Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. :wink:
26-03-2004, 19:28
26-03-2004, 20:45
Alliance System
General Grant was watching the fleet as it jumped in.
"General our enemy has now jumped in system."
"Good have taskforce Bronco and and Task Force Giant form on the outer perimeter. I want Task Force Gamma and Task Force Seahawk to stay close to base."
"Why not send them all out to engage? We could defeat them in a hurry? I propose, sir, that we send the fighter scree....."
"What did I say Captain. Follow your orders or I'll have you flying solo missions against the strong holds of CoreWorlds."
"Yes sir." the captain said. "Orders sent"
The 2 unknown loyalist taskforces stand near the planet as the two rebel ones take point position. General Grant goes over to his post, types in a command, and waits. Moments later, a platoon of guards come storming onto the bridge deck, guns pointing. A Private points a gun and fires and a quick firefight breaks out. In the end, the loyalists quickly retake the Primary Station.
"This is General Grant to CoreWorlds vessels. Our ships are right behind the enemies. Time for a sandwich!" At that precise moment, the loyalist fleets opened up on the Rebel ships. On the ground, an armed revolt starts. Building catch on fire and the citizens are in a panick. "Oh and one more thing. We could use some ground troops on the ground to help get order restored."
Later, reports from the ship yards and the other stations are reporting successful incursion and takeover. The rebel fleet is now firing on two fronts.
26-03-2004, 22:46
26-03-2004, 23:18
Admiral Walter Kerner ordered his forces to microjump in to help complete the pincer attack. The faster fighters and lighter ships formed a screen for the heavier ISDs and VSDs. Green turbolasers blasted down upon the enemy fleet and fighters flew intense dogfights as the battle for the Alliance System raged.
Assault shuttles with hundreds of troops, fusion tanks, scout walkers, speeders and more were sent towards the planet(s), escorted by X-wings and A-wings. A prefabricated base was also deployed to set up a staging point for the Loyalist and allied armies. Now, the ground battles rage for the system.
27-03-2004, 00:44
The 2 enemy fleets are devestated by the combine assualt. The surviving ships, all of fifteen of them, surrender to the loyalist and allied forces. Meanwhile on the ground, the ground war was just heating up. The rebels, when they realized they lost the space fight, dugged in near the capitol and major cities. Some of the fighting has gone street to street. The civilian population is in panick and the cities are in Civil War as the citizens fight for their respective leader. The Alliance and Loyalist forces though continue to move in on the capitol!
Military 25,543
Civilians 5,367
27-03-2004, 01:02
After careful consideration, Arenumberg has declared support for the New leader of Corneliu, as change is the only way forward.
This is on account President Kerry fullfills everything he has aforementioned to do.
If required, elite of the Jedi Core, and 3 Fleets will be dispatched to Kerry.
OOC: read Allowed, lol
27-03-2004, 01:41
After careful consideration, Arenumberg has declared support for the New leader of Corneliu, as change is the only way forward.
This is on account President Kerry fullfills everything he has aforementioned to do.
If required, elite of the Jedi Core, and 3 Fleets will be dispatched to Kerry.
OOC: read Allowed, lol
[code:1:a859cbb74a]To Arenumberg
From President Kerry
We thank you for your support! I hope that we can develope future ties when this war is done![/code:1:a859cbb74a]
27-03-2004, 03:15
Over a large map of the capital planet, Jedi Knight Quinn and several other people are circling likely places where a hidden facility may be found. Members of the Loyalists were dispatched in squads to search out the likely spots. If found, they are to remain silent, and report back personally, to reduce the chance of electromagnetic detection.
27-03-2004, 04:53
Over a large map of the capital planet, Jedi Knight Quinn and several other people are circling likely places where a hidden facility may be found. Members of the Loyalists were dispatched in squads to search out the likely spots. If found, they are to remain silent, and report back personally, to reduce the chance of electromagnetic detection.
One of the informants spots something unusual. As he goes to investigate, he realizes its only a holographic projection. He immediately turned around and went back to base to report it what he found!
27-03-2004, 19:26
"A holographic projection?" Quinn asked.
"Yes, sir. That's what one of our squads have found."
"Ok. I'll go and check it out. You send whatever you need to cover me."
"All right."
Soon, Quinn and a group of Loyalists armed to the teeth were at the location with the projection. "Be careful, there may be traps around."
27-03-2004, 19:39
"A holographic projection?" Quinn asked.
"Yes, sir. That's what one of our squads have found."
"Ok. I'll go and check it out. You send whatever you need to cover me."
"All right."
Soon, Quinn and a group of Loyalists armed to the teeth were at the location with the projection. "Be careful, there may be traps around."
At the prison, the people keeping watch over the cell spots something unusual. When it was picked up, the head guard notifies President Kerry.
"Mr. President! I think someone managed to get through the holographic projections. An anomoly just appeared on our scopes. Looks like.... Its gone sir. Must've been a computer glitch."
"Better send out a squad to make sure. I don't want uninvited guests. We need to keep our prize prisoner in her cell till I get the info I want from her pretty little head. You stop the tyranical maniacs at all costs. Just don't kill her if you have to evacuate."
"We won't evacuate sir. We will fight. Though if we start to lose, she'll be moved to a different facility by my best guards however."
The squads move into defensive positions
In the Alliance System, the fight is winding down. The capitol city has finally fallen to the Loyalist forces. As the damage continues to get tallied, Admiral Server begins to tear as he sits in what was the governors mansion.
"This was costly Thomas."
"Yes sir. At least its back in our hands."
"But how many more will die before this is over? That is what worries me."
"Sir, we have no choice but to pursue."
"I know. Prepare to move on to the next target."
"Yes sir! Which is?"
"Scorpian System!"
"Yes sir."
27-03-2004, 21:41
Gates of Hell
Captain Delores ordered the fleet to head out of the sector in order to tentavely search for enemies, then the fleet headed back to Coreworlds territory and to the Fondora shipyards for repair. It will be at least several weeks if not months before the ships are fully repaired.
Minbar prison complex
"Sir, we have a squad coming out. Recommend we steer clear of them."
"Right. Stay out of sight unless spooked, then bring them down, very quickly and very quietly."
"Yes, sir."
Quinn used the Force and the shrubbery to conceal himself as much as possible as he moves for the complex itself. He saw guards walking around the complex, and stopped to decide what to do next.
28-03-2004, 00:25
28-03-2004, 00:26
Minbar prison complex
"Sir, we have a squad coming out. Recommend we steer clear of them."
"Right. Stay out of sight unless spooked, then bring them down, very quickly and very quietly."
"Yes, sir."
Quinn used the Force and the shrubbery to conceal himself as much as possible as he moves for the complex itself. He saw guards walking around the complex, and stopped to decide what to do next.
Minbar Prison Complex
"Sir we are checking out the anomoly. So far we havent found anything."
"Keep looking! President Kerry doesn't want this complex found or have any intruders crawling in it. Make sure there is a squad of soldiers around Ms. Johnson while your at it."
"A squad is there si....." At that moment, a beeping sound took place on the scanners. "Sir I think we have an intruder. At least 5 humans that this thing is picking up."
"Find them and eliminate them."
"Right boss."
A few minutes later, one of the squads runs into the loyalists and fired on them. all over the complex, a massive firefight erupts.
28-03-2004, 00:26
28-03-2004, 04:36
The Jedi had his yellow lightsaber out and deflected plasma bolts that came his way.
"We'll have to fight out way in!" a Loyalist said. "These are the elite guards, the Hamorabi Division! They'll be tough"
"Very well!" The Jedi shouted back. "Move in and be careful!"
After minutes of hard fighting, the Loyalists managed to break in, though with many casualties. Quinn searched room by room for Erica, using his saber to cut doors down while two Loyalists guarded his back.
28-03-2004, 05:08
The Jedi had his yellow lightsaber out and deflected plasma bolts that came his way.
"We'll have to fight out way in!" a Loyalist said. "These are the elite guards, the Hamorabi Division! They'll be tough"
"Very well!" The Jedi shouted back. "Move in and be careful!"
After minutes of hard fighting, the Loyalists managed to break in, though with many casualties. Quinn searched room by room for Erica, using his saber to cut doors down while two Loyalists guarded his back.
As the firefight erupts, a squad of rebels move to the floor that the very injured Erica is on.
"We need to hold them here. If we cant, I want two of you to flee with her to our backup facility. Clear?"
"Yes sir." they chorused
At the site of the break in, the loyalist forces continue to move deeper inside the prison. The head prison Guard and his forces move towards the last halway that leads to Erica's cell. "Hold them here. They back up guard will defeat them if they get through us. I don't want them too."
"Sir, they are taking casualties. I don't know how much longer they can attack this place."
"As long as necessary. They want the soon to be wife of Admiral Server, they'll pay a steep price for her. No one escapes alive. If you have to use the gas."
"Yes sir."
The battle rages to free Erica!
29-03-2004, 02:27
Qunn moved deeper into the complex, slashing at enemies. Soon, there came an area of dungeons and cells. With each cell, he searched for the familiar face of Erica. Then he senses people ahead and around a corner. He found that there was a weaker life sign, of someone heavily injured. That must be Erica! But how to get past the people guarding her? That, is the question.
29-03-2004, 03:38
Qunn moved deeper into the complex, slashing at enemies. Soon, there came an area of dungeons and cells. With each cell, he searched for the familiar face of Erica. Then he senses people ahead and around a corner. He found that there was a weaker life sign, of someone heavily injured. That must be Erica! But how to get past the people guarding her? That, is the question.
Near the cell of Erica, the guards formed a defensive position so that the loyalists wont get to her. Erica is slumped in her cell, severly injured. She hears the commotion and struggles to get up.
"Help me! Whoever is there help...."
At that point, a guard hits her in the stomach and another one drives her to the ground. She slumps to the ground, semi-conscience.
The firefight is beginning to wind down inside the prision complex. Jedi Quinn and about 25 loyalists arrive where she is at. When spotted, another intense firefight ensues.
29-03-2004, 04:24
"Keep going! We must rescue her!" Quinn ordered, as he deflected bolts back at the guards. It was tough-going as there were dozens of bolts after them, but the fire of the loyalists helped.
Quinn aided them by Force-pushing the soldiers back into walls, knocking some out. The rest, he used his speed to cut them down, chopping off limbs, for the most part, but also occasionally killing a few.
He finally reached Erica, severely beaten and half-conscious. He slashed at the chains, and picked her up carefully. Now they must escape the complex.
29-03-2004, 17:56
"Keep going! We must rescue her!" Quinn ordered, as he deflected bolts back at the guards. It was tough-going as there were dozens of bolts after them, but the fire of the loyalists helped.
Quinn aided them by Force-pushing the soldiers back into walls, knocking some out. The rest, he used his speed to cut them down, chopping off limbs, for the most part, but also occasionally killing a few.
He finally reached Erica, severely beaten and half-conscious. He slashed at the chains, and picked her up carefully. Now they must escape the complex.
When Quinn picked her up, the person incharge of the rescue issued the recall order.
"We have her. Execute Plan Enigma immediately."
When the order was issued, Jedi Quinn and the rescue party headed down the same corridor they just came from. Instead of exiting they way they came in, a secondary squad escorted them to a side exit. When the exited, they came under hostile fire. The squad fired back as the rescuers where ushered into a waiting Ex-Government Vehicle that will take them to a waiting ship. Enroute, they were being fired upon by people in Militia Clothing and Republican Guard Uniforms. Two Jeeps where destroyed when they collided trying to destroy the vehicle. After a fifteen minute car chase, the Loyalists arrived at their hidden base.
They carefully removed Erica, who by now has lost conscieness, and took her to the waiting medics.
"We need her prepped for transport." Sheridan told them.
"That is going to be a stretch. She is very badly wounded. It looks like she has a broken arm and three broken ribs."
"Do what you can doc. I don't want to be around when they come snooping for us. I'm heading for my secondary base."
With that, Sheridan left the Infirmery with his security and proceeded to secondary base.
The doctors set her broken arm and wrapped it. The three broken ribs were fixed as best as possible. She is still unconscience and the bruising was horrific. However the doctors said she was ready to travel. One doctor, her family doctor, and a squad of security left the base secretly and just regularly went to the space docks. After a cursory search by the guards, they were allowed to proceed to their ship. Ten minutes later, the lifted off and headed for another part of the Rebublic. They dropped out of hyperspace short of their target and redirect themselves to the newly liberated Alliance System.
CoreWorlds Palace (Czar's Room)
The Emperor watched telepathically the resue team rescue Erica. The Czar smiled at the plan and the accomplishment. He decided to send a message to the team leader.
(((mind communication)))
Good job at your rescue. You are trained well.
He then remembered something very important he wanted to do, and he wished to do it quickly. So, he used the Force to mind communicate to the CoreWorlds Emperor:
(((mind communication)))
Hello, it is the Derscon Emperor. When will I be able to meet with you and the Government-in-exile of Corneliu? I am wishing to meet the person I came over here to help.
"Adolf, could you come over here please?" Adolf walked over, saluted, and sat down. "Yes, your Holiness?"
"The CoreWorlds Emperor is uneasy about you being here."
"Because I'm a Sith?" Hitler asked with a smle.
"Persicely. If I am not mistaken, it was you who carried out the excecution of the Jedi Knights during the Force Wars, am I correct?"
"Yes, that is true. So?"
"He is a powerful knight. In fact, I believe he is an offspring of one of the people you killed personally, but I'm not so sure about that."
"I don't care," Hitler retorted.
"But I do. Don't so anything stupid. Everyone here except us are uneasy about your presence."
"I know that," Hitler responded.
"Good," the Emperor said. "Bismarck!" he yelled.
"Yessir?" Bismarck said after entering the room.
"Ensure Hitler does not go anywhere unless accompanied with you, understood?"
"Yes, your Holiness."
"Excellent. I don't mean to be an asshole about the whole thing, Hitler, but the CoreWorlds Emperor doesn't really want you here. Thank you, and I apologize for the inconvienence, Hitler. Maybe you two could tour the Palace while I meet with the leaders?"
"I like that idea," Bismarck said with joy. He was an architectual nerd.
"Good. I'll see if I can get you two one. You are dismissed."
30-03-2004, 05:25
OOC: Derscon! You had no idea about the rescue. I know your emperor has special abilites but no one knew about this rescue. Please try to limit your abilities to a minimum. I don't mind if you want to communicate telepathic. Half the Server Family can talk telepathically do to their Jedi Abilities. Limit it to them if you don't mind. Thank you.
30-03-2004, 05:29
OOC: Not to mention a guy named Adolf Hitler would make anyone uneasy, especially Jewish people...
30-03-2004, 05:35
OOC: Not to mention a guy named Adolf Hitler would make anyone uneasy, especially Jewish people...
So true. Still your post Masaki!
30-03-2004, 05:54
OOC: Right. Hey, Derscon, that Force Wars sounds interesting. Maybe we could RP it out someday.
The CARCS Rescuer jumped out of hyperspace with the passengers. Erica still seems unconsious, but she is most definitely out of danger.
Quinn walked to the bridge. "Send a secure message to the Admiral. Tell him we have Erica Johnson on board."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:a3ba4beac8]Admiral, we have rescued Erica Johnson. She's fine, but unconsious. Meet her at the docks we'll land at.[/code:1:a3ba4beac8]
30-03-2004, 15:43
OOC: The force wars was when all the jedi were killed.. except anakin (now vader) and Yoda.. yes i know there is palpatine and the likes.. but they were sith
30-03-2004, 17:19
OOC: Right. Hey, Derscon, that Force Wars sounds interesting. Maybe we could RP it out someday.
The CARCS Rescuer jumped out of hyperspace with the passengers. Erica still seems unconsious, but she is most definitely out of danger.
Quinn walked to the bridge. "Send a secure message to the Admiral. Tell him we have Erica Johnson on board."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:f8233ecde3]Admiral, we have rescued Erica Johnson. She's fine, but unconsious. Meet her at the docks we'll land at.[/code:1:f8233ecde3]
"Admiral, the Rescuer is about to land."
"Very good. I want a full scale medical team and I'm going down there to meet them."
When he arrived at the docks, the shuttle just landed and the medical team entered. A few minutes later, the medical team exited with Erica on a stretcher. Admiral Server ran to her side and put a hand on her.
"Will she be ok?" He asked.
"Yes she will be ok. She has a broken arm, a few broken ribs and a concussion. Its going to be a long healing process do to the extent of her injuries but she will recover."
"Good. When she is awake, I need to talk to her. Its very important that she tells the world what happened to her during her time in 'Protective Custody'."
"Its going to be awhile."
"I know. Just make sure she is comfortable. I will be going with her to the hospital. I want quarterly progress reports on her condition."
"Sir, you dont have..."
"I DO HAVE THAT AUTHORITY. She is my fiance and I want to be kept appraise."
"Yes admiral. You will have those reports."
He went with them to the hospital and saw that she had the best room there. When he felt comfortable that everything was right, he kissed her forhead and stroked her cheek then left the hospital.
30-03-2004, 17:20
OOC: Ohh! You mean the Galactic Civil War (which started with the Clone Wars)? I would have thought that the Force Wars was a different conflict, like 50 or so years ago, long before Andrew was born.
The Fedral Union
30-03-2004, 21:52
[code:1:6688ba8a2b] to core worlds The U.T.A has been obeserving this situtation. and are alrmed buy the Exisle of the Cornelie Goverment we will dispatch ships to help out we awaite your repconce[/code:1:6688ba8a2b]
Ships awaiteing along ther nutral zone :
The T.A.S Enterpirse - E
The T.A.S Excluber
The T.A.S Germnimo
The T.A.S Doughntles
And the T.A.S Scitmar
On the excaliber
Raynor : humm lets hope this ends quick i dont want to mutch blood shead
Tac : hehe im shure we'll own em all
Raynor : dont be arrognet arrogance solves nothing :P
Ops : the fleet is assimbled sir and is ready to warp
Raynor : good helm set a crouse core the core worlds home world when we get conferamtion if we do i want us there quickly
Helm : yes sir *imputs a coruse*
Raynor : send a good luck message to the other ships ..
Ops : uhh ill get the ablitve armour ready .
30-03-2004, 23:08
[code:1:efb6d030f6]Very well. Two ISDs will escort you to Coredia.[/code:1:efb6d030f6]
was the reply, and the aforementioned Star Destroyers jumped to the Neutral Zone and scanned and found the ships.
[code:1:efb6d030f6]Come with us, and no funny tricks.[/code:1:efb6d030f6]
The Fedral Union
30-03-2004, 23:38
Ops : sir message Form core worlds vessals ...
Raynor : lets hear it
Ops :*patches it though*
Rynor : *lisens * all right take us in .
The Small flet jumped and a few moments laters droped out of warp at coredonia .
The T.A.S Enterprise - E Moves behind the excalubier.
31-03-2004, 01:06
The ISDs keep their weapons trained on the ships. A couple of X-wings buzz past and wave. Things are tight when there are UTA ships around.
[code:1:c9261c3b1c]We will drop the shields for you to beam through.[/code:1:c9261c3b1c] The Space Traffic control said.
OOC: I apologize for the "know-it-all" stance I had in my last post. I will be sure to correct it and edit myself more frequently.
31-03-2004, 17:44
On planet, Erica Johnson was still unconscience. Admiral Server was by her side, stroking her hand. He moved to give her a kiss on the cheeck when he saw her eyes flutter open.
"Hey there darling." He whispered to her as he smiled down on her face.
Erica looked up at him and tried to smile but with her lips swollen, it was only half successful. "Hey. Where am I?" she asked him.
"Your in a hospital on Alliance Prime. We liberated the planet a couple of days ago. I managed to secure you this private room. Don't worry. A messege was sent back home via our secured network. Sweetheart. I need you to rest because you need to tell what happened to you in captivity."
"I will try love. It is all a blur."
At that moment a doctor came in. When he saw that she was awake, he immediately called in a nurse. When the doctor walked over to her, he asked, "I see that your finally awake. Do you have any idea where you are?"
"Judging by what my fiance here said, I'm in a hospital on Alliance Prime."
"Yes you are." glaring at Server, "Do you know what day of the week it is?"
"Not precisely. I don't remember much beyond a few days after getting captured."
"That's ok. I'm sure your memory will return in time. In the meantime, I'll have to ask your fiance here to step out so we can run some tests on you."
"Ok doc. Just take care of her ok? I have somethings to do anyway." He kissed Erica on the forehead and walked out of the hospital to his office. When he arrived five minutes later, he put in a call.
"This is Admiral Server to Admiral Bush. I am odering your fleet to attack the Scorpian System."
Sir, what do you want us to do?
"I need you to take the system. Yes it is heavely defended. I know but you will have your fleet as well as the 6th ID! I need you to take the system at all costs. If you have to regroup, do so but call me so I can send in reinforcements. Clear?"
Yes. Take my fleet along with the 6th ID and take the system. If forced to flee, flee to a safe spot and call in reinforcements.
"Correct! Good Luck Admiral Bush. Your going to need it."
Thank you sir. ARCS Widowmaker out!
The 5th Fleet of the Loyalist Corneliuan Navy coupled with the transport and formed up to jump to Scorpian System. Minutes later, they jumped out of the system to their target.
The Fedral Union
31-03-2004, 17:52
The ISDs keep their weapons trained on the ships. A couple of X-wings buzz past and wave. Things are tight when there are UTA ships around.
[code:1:b449059062]We will drop the shields for you to beam through.[/code:1:b449059062] The Space Traffic control said.
T.A.S Enerprise to : x wings : Hey hey would ya keep your weponds locked on some one else .. we aint here to attack you.. if it wasint for your leader we would have abolished the dang DMZ zone and re established relations uhem any way . were do you need the Terran Fleet to suppourt you ?
Ohh yeah we lowerd our sheilds were are the beaming cordance ?
*The T.A.S Ecxalcuiber and T.A.S Enterprise lowerd there sehilds and were ready to trasport they just awited orders from core worlds space control *
31-03-2004, 18:35
OOC: A perfect opportunity to attack ( :twisted: ), but nah, I have enough on my plate already.
[code:1:0eb9d39fb9]Teleport to these coordinates. *sends coordinates to spaceport* A hoverlimo will be sent to take you to the Palace.[/code:1:0eb9d39fb9]
The Fedral Union
31-03-2004, 20:32
Raynor : ugh ill beam down *wanders off to the traporter room*
A few moments later raynor beams down lightly armed *
Raynor : humm i never though i would see the day and not even a fed flag flying over threr capital well any way i guess im here for a poltical meetig
Raynor *looked around*
OOC: CoreWorlds, please respond to my last relevant post.
01-04-2004, 00:51
The Emperor watched telepathically the resue team rescue Erica. The Czar smiled at the plan and the accomplishment. He decided to send a message to the team leader.
(((mind communication)))
Good job at your rescue. You are trained well.
He then remembered something very important he wanted to do, and he wished to do it quickly. So, he used the Force to mind communicate to the CoreWorlds Emperor:
(((mind communication)))
Hello, it is the Derscon Emperor. When will I be able to meet with you and the Government-in-exile of Corneliu? I am wishing to meet the person I came over here to help.
<Thank you.> Knight Quinn communicated back, although it was harder for him over long distances.
Andrew recieved the next communication from the Czar and sent back: <You can come into my office right away. The President-in-exile is on his way.>
A hoverlimo came to pick up Raynor, and once he is in, the driver drove to the Imperial Palace.
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 01:02
Raynor *stepd out of the limmo * looked around on the stepd of the palce ... hum... seems these people are like ariscoratic snobs but ill keep my comments to my self rob wouldint want another interplanitry incedt on his hands...
Raynor *walked up and knocked at the door * hello is any one there ?!
01-04-2004, 01:15
A butler came to the door. With a stereotypical British accent, he opened it. "Ah, Mr. Raynor! Come in. The Emperor is expecting you."
Czar's Room: CoreWorlds Palace
<<Mind Comm.>>
Thank you. I will be right down. I will bring Bismarck and, yes, Hitler, with me. I'm sorry if you don't like Hitler, but he's in my high command, he has to come.
The Czar got up out of the chair, stretched, and went over to Bismarcks room, where he and Hitler were planning the next invasion of the target systems. "Bismarck, Hitler, we are going to the Emperor's office. Now."
"Yessir," Bismarck responded. The Czar left for his room, as Hitler did for his. The Czar to get some things, and Hitler, since he was in casual clothes, as was Bismarck, to change in to their dress uniform. Five minutes later, they both walked into the Czar's room.
"Good," the Czar said. All three of them left, two K.S. guards in front, then the Czar, then Bismarck and Hitler, then three K-S.S guards in back. The party got to the Emperor's door. The Czar knocked on the door, and told the K-SS and K.S guards to stay at the door.
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 01:35
Raynor * walked in and looked around humm*... nice place you have here *he walked in to the main room looning around*
Raynor :~ wondered if this was worth it ..~
01-04-2004, 01:47
Czar's Room: CoreWorlds Palace
<<Mind Comm.>>
Thank you. I will be right down. I will bring Bismarck and, yes, Hitler, with me. I'm sorry if you don't like Hitler, but he's in my high command, he has to come.
The Czar got up out of the chair, stretched, and went over to Bismarcks room, where he and Hitler were planning the next invasion of the target systems. "Bismarck, Hitler, we are going to the Emperor's office. Now."
"Yessir," Bismarck responded. The Czar left for his room, as Hitler did for his. The Czar to get some things, and Hitler, since he was in casual clothes, as was Bismarck, to change in to their dress uniform. Five minutes later, they both walked into the Czar's room.
"Good," the Czar said. All three of them left, two K.S. guards in front, then the Czar, then Bismarck and Hitler, then three K-S.S guards in back. The party got to the Emperor's door. The Czar knocked on the door, and told the K-SS and K.S guards to stay at the door.
"Enter." Andrew requested. The room is very big, enough room for two dozen people to sit comfortably. "Hello, your Highness. Please, have a seat."
Andrew glared at Hitler, Hitler glared back, and only restraint on both sides kept a fight from breaking out. No love lost between these two!
Emperor's Office
Noticing the tension, the Czar quickly glared at Hitler, and suddenly Hitler felt a sharp pain in his chest. Hitler then looked at the Czar, who at the moment had glowing red eyes, turned pale, and collapsed in the chair. The Czar then returned to normal, and Hitler woke up, knowing well enough not to provoke anything. Don't provoke him. He is powerful, probably your opposite. That is a warning. Trust me on it.
"Well," the Czar said, after everyone was seated. "When can we expect for the Corneliu GiE to arrive? And if I am not mistaken, TFU is also present."
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 02:30
01-04-2004, 02:38
"He should be here soon. Must have gotten caught in traffic."
Corneliu, your cue!
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 02:41
Raynor * mean wile started walking towrds the offices ..* Mutters soem thing aobut quantem beam cannons .
Raynor *Walked up towrds some gurds .* hey there im TOmas raynor rep for the TFU..? im supposued to be here rember *holds up an ideti card.
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 02:41
01-04-2004, 02:45
The guards at the door looked at the identicard, and the manifest, and allowed Raynor in.
The Fedral Union
01-04-2004, 02:49
Raynor *walked in * humm weird. place .. well any way hell evry one
Raynor *looked around * can any one get me up to date on whats happeing ive been out of touch with star fleet.
01-04-2004, 05:23
"Sorry I'm late" President Server said as he entered the room "but I received some great news. Erica Johnson has been rescued. Now it appears that my son is going after Scorpio! Now what is it that I can do for you your higness?"When he looked up and saw Hitler, a hand strayed to his lightsaber. "What is he doing here?" he asked him.
He looked at Fedral Union next. "I hear that you wanted to see me too. May I inquire as too why?"
OOC: Sorry for the long delay, had work and homework!
01-04-2004, 05:47
"Calm down, Uncle James." Andrew said. "Hitler here is quite well restrained by the Derscon Czar."
02-04-2004, 01:00
"Calm down, Uncle James." Andrew said. "Hitler here is quite well restrained by the Derscon Czar."
"Your right Andrew. I should calm down. But just seeing him again brings back memories. Sorry for my rudeness your majesty but one can never be to careful."
Scorpio System
Admiral Bush was pacing the bridge when the helmsman hollard "Sir we are now in the Scorpio System."
"All hands Red Alert! Helm standby to jump to normal space."
"Roger sir."
Klaxons sounded all over the ship and around the fleet
"Sir we are ready to jump in system."
"All hands this is fleet command. Jump to normal space and launch fighters."
The fleet jumps into the system spilling out fighters and forms up to engage.
"I apologize if my guards scared you," the Czar said to Raynor. "And yes, Hitler will not be troublesome. By the way," the Czar said to the Corneliuian. "I am Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III, the Holy Emperor of the Derscon Empire. "Your predecesor, President Featherson, was good friends with my father, until his untimely death--" he glares at Raynor, but he doesn't notice it -- "by a nuclear blast in Saint Petersburg." The Czar kept his posture and cool, but he still had trouble talking about it. He then extended his hand. "and you are?"
02-04-2004, 04:19
"I apologize if my guards scared you," the Czar said to Raynor. "And yes, Hitler will not be troublesome. By the way," the Czar said to the Corneliuian. "I am Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III, the Holy Emperor of the Derscon Empire. "Your predecesor, President Featherson, was good friends with my father, until his untimely death--" he glares at Raynor, but he doesn't notice it -- "by a nuclear blast in Saint Petersburg." The Czar kept his posture and cool, but he still had trouble talking about it. He then extended his hand. "and you are?"
"I am President James Server, Jedi Master! President Featherston is one of my ancestors. I am proud of it too. Just make sure that Hitler doesn't do anything foolish! Keep him on a short leash."
At that point an aide came in. "I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but Admiral Bush just commed in saying that he is in the Scorpio System."
"Very good. Any word from Alliance?"
"Erica is awake and is willing to go on camera when the docs clear her. Your son sir, hasn't left her side for more than an hour at a time and that is just to attend to fleet rotation then he goes back."
"Make sure that he doesn't forget his duties. Dismissed."
When the aide left, Server asked, "Ok, so what do you want to talk about?"
02-04-2004, 04:20
---Double Post---
02-04-2004, 04:21
---Triple Post---
02-04-2004, 04:23
02-04-2004, 19:52
The veteran fleet from Alliance split up and was sent to Scorpio with a fresh couple of ISDs and squadrons. Now, the war for the Family continues.
02-04-2004, 22:41
Raynor *walked in * humm weird. place .. well any way hell evry one
Raynor *looked around * can any one get me up to date on whats happeing ive been out of touch with star fleet.
"Raynor, we attacked midrange and lost it! Alliance was also attacked at the same time but that was successful. We also freed my son's fiance and she is now currently in the hospitol on Alliance prime.
As for the rest of the war, my intel teams are starting to gather more intel on Kerry's forces. We now know where is best fleet is but we are unable to strike it at this time. We are also planning on a second assault on the Midrange System. We are gathering the forces to do so. That is about it in a nut shell."
"Again, Hitler will not be bothersome. He is a tactical genius, please stop bringing up your dislike. It will not allow this meeting to go well." The Czar shifted in his seat. "I am here to work something out with you three about your overthrow," he says to Server. "Bismarck and Hitler have worked out a military invasion of your planet, should it be needed. Bismarck can show you it, and has left room for ajustments for the CoreWorlds fleet, but I personally hope it does not come to a full invasion. Us three," he motioned at Bismarck and Hitler, "have created a plan for the assassination of Kerry. Again, I'm here to discuss plans with you, so I won't do anything uless you say to, Mr. President. After all, it's YOUR Empire."
The Fedral Union
03-04-2004, 02:28
Raynor *walked in * humm weird. place .. well any way hell evry one
Raynor *looked around * can any one get me up to date on whats happeing ive been out of touch with star fleet.
"Raynor, we attacked midrange and lost it! Alliance was also attacked at the same time but that was successful. We also freed my son's fiance and she is now currently in the hospitol on Alliance prime.
As for the rest of the war, my intel teams are starting to gather more intel on Kerry's forces. We now know where is best fleet is but we are unable to strike it at this time. We are also planning on a second assault on the Midrange System. We are gathering the forces to do so. That is about it in a nut shell."
Raynor : humm i see *he brushes his uniform off*
Raynor : all right the UTA and space command have this bold plan ... we are going to attack the enmmy from UTA space to that way they would have 2 fronts to fight on and besides im shure with all of use here working together we would busth thougr them and take back your nation the UTA doseint uslay get invloved in sutch affairs but since your our "brothern" we have made an acception. Raynor *looked around and then sat on a near buy chair*
03-04-2004, 05:05
Server looked over at the emporer.
"No assination. When he dies, it'll be done in the matter of the courts. If he dies before then, he'll be construed as a marter. I do not want a marter on my watch. It'll make this war tougher to fight. (Now there's a good way to turn to democracy) I would rather fight my way in and take him down than assassinate him and have 100 guys stand up in his place. As for invading Minbar, that would be left to my marines. I'm sure you know what my marines are capable of doing. As for your fleet, we only need a small one. Leave the invasion to us."
He looked over at Raynor.
"Your fleet would also be welcomed. But you must understand, and you too your majesty, that all operations are under my fleet commanders or CoreWorlds. My fleet is leading the assault into my territory and we'll take back my homeworld my way. As for your tacticle brilliance Hitler, you don't know the terrain your going to be fighting on. We do. Besides, we've had plans inplace incase a revolt happens. We are now following up on those plans."
He takes a sip of his drink and smiles.
"I see," the Czar said, not really caring. He had other miitary matters to attend to, anyways, such as the annexation of the solar and star systems along the CoreWords/TFU nutural zone, which the invasion was temporarily halted to come here.
"Well, in that case, I will insure none of my forces get in your way. Also, the plans that Prince Bismarck and Hitler created must be scrapped, as they were based on the assumption that you had no military whatsoever." The Czar stopped an thinked, and a lightbulb went on -- literally. The broken lamp in the corner of the office suddenly turned on, completely fixed. "There, that's better. I was getting tired of the darkness." He then looks at Hitler, and then back at Server. "Again, Mr. President, it seems you start to attack Lord Hitler again. I respectfully ask you stop. Besides, he probably knows the territory more than you think."
Hitler smiles evilly, remembering it ever so vividly.
Back a couple hundred years ago, during the Force Wars. Hitler led the Sith invasion force right into Minbar. After the sith assault force landed outside the capitol, he could see the smoldering remains of what was once the Presidential Palace. He then led the Sith Army in to the capitol, Liberty City. He could still remember it, and he was picturing it in his mind. He then stormed Liberty City building to find President Michael, the grandfather of the not-yet-born President Featherson. He then pronounced his dominion over the territory, and shot Michael in the right shoulder. He then drug him out into the Square and had the Sith Assassins hang him, but the knot was wrong, and he strangled and swung there for an hour, slowly suffocating to death, all the while Hitler was proding him with a hot cow brander with the letters "DCLXVI" on it. When Michael finally died, he burned his body in the square and threw his ashes in to the wind.
President Server, who was reading his mind, suddenly got as white as a ghost. The Czar, who was also reading his mind, showed nothing, but knew why Server was so sick.
"Are you okay?" Andrew asked.
"Y-y-yes-s-s," Server stammered. "P-p-pleas-s-s-e excuse me." Server ran out of the office and to the bathroom, where he threw up, never seeing such a sickening scene in his life.
Back in the office; "What was that about," Andrew asked aloud.
"No idea," the Czar said. He then glared at Hitler with glowing red eyes, and Hitler's airway was cut off. On the brink of passing out, the Czar allowed Hitler to breathe again, since Hitler got the message.
06-04-2004, 16:54
President Server returns still abit white. When he sat down, he picked up a glass of water and sips it slowly thinking about the past.
"He may have some knowledge but our defenses are better than they were back then. I might allow him to accompany the fleet to Minbar but I don't want him anywhere near Defense HQ, the palace, or the Congressional Building. Also, if he goes, He must promise not to kill any civilians unless that person is a clear threat. If he does, I'll kill him myslef. Do I make myself clear Your Majesty?"
Alliance System
Admiral Server was sitting behind his desk looking over the report that just came in from the Scorpio System.
"Well this is promising! Our forces just jumped into the system and are forming up to engage. It looks like they might be able to take the system. I just hope we don't suffer heavy casualties."
"I agree sir."
At that moment, an aide came in with a messege. He spotted the admiral and handed him the messege. He took it from him and opened it up and read it.
"Well looks like I'm needed at the Hospital. We'll continue this later." He left his office and made his way to the hospital. When he arrived, he was immediately ushered in to see Erica.
"Erica are you ok?" he asked.
"Better now that your here sweetie. The docs said I might be able to get out of here soon."
"Good because we need you to tell the international community just what you went through at the hands of President Kerry."
"I will try. Anything to end this quickly."
"Agreed." He just sat there holding his beloved as they shared an embrace. "I love you Erica." he whispered.
"I love you too. I just can't wait to get back."
"Me too." With that, he kissed her sweetly on the lips.
President Server returns still abit white. When he sat down, he picked up a glass of water and sips it slowly thinking about the past.
"He may have some knowledge but our defenses are better than they were back then. I might allow him to accompany the fleet to Minbar but I don't want him anywhere near Defense HQ, the palace, or the Congressional Building. Also, if he goes, He must promise not to kill any civilians unless that person is a clear threat. If he does, I'll kill him myslef. Do I make myself clear Your Majesty?"
The Czar suddenly got enraged, but immediatly suppressed his true self that likes to come out every once in awhile. But he didn't lose the stricter tone. "I will NOT permit the death of my IAF Commander under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! In case you did not realize yet, Hitler, along with Bismarck, NEVER LEAVES THE FLAGSHIP! Besides, Hitler doesn't even command the actual 'army,' he commands the Interior Armed Forces, such as the Waffen Schutzstaffel, the SturmAbteilung, etc." The Czar took a deep breath, seeing the appalled and shocked look on Andrew's and Server's faces. "I'm sorry," the Czar said, calming down. "I should not outburst like that, but you should know where I am coming from. After all, he is my nephew." The Czar could see the suppressed look of shock and anger in Servers face, but it quickly went away.
"I am just tired of you constantly shoving Hitler aside and constantly treating him like he is of no concern!" Hitler got angry after the realization of what they were doing, and he reached for his lightsaber faster than the normal jedi Master, but the Czar, faster yet, quickly intercepted it and grabbed Hitler's wrist. "I don't need this," The Czar softly spoke to Hitler. "Calm yourself. They are our allies, I don't need conflicts between us."
"Yes, your Holiness." Hitler then relaxed, the Czar let go, and Hitler then rested his left arm on the armrest, his right arm on his stomach. (((OOC: No, Hitler isn't fat.)))
06-04-2004, 23:38
When Server saw that Hitler went for his saber, he immediately went for his. However, he realized it wasn't necessary when the emperor stepped in and he relaxed his grip.
"Just make sure your precious flagship is not on the front line. When the assault for minbar takes place, there will be blood in the streets as well as in space. It will be the deadliest fight in this war. If you don't want him killed, that would be my advice."
Scorpio System
Admiral Bush was pleased on how fast the fleet formed up.
"Sir, we are ready to engage."
"Good. I want the some of our forces to move foward on a left diaganol and the right Diagonal. As for us, we are going to dive down the middle and engage."
When the orders where issued, the fleet immediately moved to action. As the two fleets closed in, the rebels opened up on the nearest and the fight for the Scorpio System Has begun.
06-04-2004, 23:49
When Server saw that Hitler went for his saber, he immediately went for his. However, he realized it wasn't necessary when the emperor stepped in and he relaxed his grip.
"Just make sure your precious flagship is not on the front line. When the assault for minbar takes place, there will be blood in the streets as well as in space. It will be the deadliest fight in this war. If you don't want him killed, that would be my advice."
Scorpio System
Admiral Bush was pleased on how fast the fleet formed up.
"Sir, we are ready to engage."
"Good. I want the some of our forces to move foward on a left diaganol and the right Diagonal. As for us, we are going to dive down the middle and engage."
When the orders where issued, the fleet immediately moved to action. As the two fleets closed in, the rebels opened up on the nearest and the fight for the Scorpio System Has begun.
The Fedral Union
07-04-2004, 04:54
Raynor : .... well any way i could get my fleet there to the rebel borders as soon as you give premssion . The UTA will out flank them from our borders wile Core worlds and your loylist forces attack from the core worlds border ..
Raynor *sighs* well i hope yull accept ?
07-04-2004, 21:00
Raynor : .... well any way i could get my fleet there to the rebel borders as soon as you give premssion . The UTA will out flank them from our borders wile Core worlds and your loylist forces attack from the core worlds border ..
Raynor *sighs* well i hope yull accept ?
"We will of course accept your help Raynor, as well as yours Your Majesty. Any help now will be greatly appreciated. Just remember though that this is a Corneliuan Fight. Get in the middle and we will not be help responsible for your losses. My Nephew here knows this very well."(points to Andrew).
"Who puts their flagship on the front lines?" the Czar asked, with a bit of humor. Just then, his phone rang. "Excuse me." The Czar walked outside.
Czar: Hello?
Archduke: Your Holiness, we have a problem
Czar: What?
Archduke: A former ally just turned our back on us.
Czar: What? Who?
Archduke: Presgreif.
Czar: Damnit. Okay, keep me informed.
Archduke: Yessir.[/code:1:4163875a1f]
The Czar walked back inside, clearly pissed.
"What's wrong?" Server asked.
"Presgreif," the Czar responded.
07-04-2004, 21:59
"Who puts their flagship on the front lines?" the Czar asked, with a bit of humor. Just then, his phone rang. "Excuse me." The Czar walked outside.
Czar: Hello?
Archduke: Your Holiness, we have a problem
Czar: What?
Archduke: A former ally just turned our back on us.
Czar: What? Who?
Archduke: Presgreif.
Czar: Damnit. Okay, keep me informed.
Archduke: Yessir.[/code:1:1780ee07db]
The Czar walked back inside, clearly pissed.
"What's wrong?" Server asked.
"Presgreif," the Czar responded.
"Well my son places the flag on the frontlines. Our flagship is well protected. The fleet knows what ships need more protection and that is also part of the naval command training."
At that moment the Czar's phone rang. "Excuse me."
"Sure no problem"
When the Czar came back, Server knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?"
"Again? Though we have been allies for along time, I think its time we rethink it! But that is a discussion for another time. Right now, we need to come up with a way to end this civil war so we can concentrate on what needs to be done."
OOC: Like I said, I like to tie my RP's together, so, this is in where Greater Prussia is reviving the Reich. Sorry for those confused
CoreWorlds Homeplanet: Capitol City, Presidential Palace
"Argh!" the Czar yelled. Corneliuian President Server looked at him wierdly. "Excuse me again, I apologize," the Czar said, as he again stepped outside of the office.
Czar: What?
Archduke: Sir, Greater Prussia has begun the advance to restore the Reich.
Czar: Already?!? Wow, I missed a lot.
Archduke: Yes, sir, you did.
Czar: Okay, I'll send Bismarck back to the capitol immediately. Meanwhile, mobilize Armed Corps I, II, III, and IV, and mobilize Luftwaffe Assult Corps IV, V, VII, and VIII, and activate Bomber squads V, VI, and VII. Put Stealth Squadron DCLXVI on standby.
Archduke: Yessir. When can I expect Bismarck to be here.
Czar: Four Hours. Space travel.
Archduke: Yessir. Good bye.[/code:1:5b0ff0690e]
"Well," the Czar thought. He then dialed Viktor Leipzig.
Viktor: Hello?
Czar: Good evening, your highness. This is Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III, holy Czar of the Derscon Empire.
Viktor: Yes?
Czar: Bismarck is coming back. He'll be in your capitol by tomorrow, if you allow it. Unfortunately, I myself have other businesss to attend to.
Viktor: Okay. Good bye.
"Czar: Yes. Good bye.[/code:1:5b0ff0690e]
09-04-2004, 21:45
Scorpio System
"Admiral the enemy fleet is starting to reorganize sir."
"We can't have that now can we. Notify Group One to move in on a flank! I want them to punch open a whole to where we can move this entire taskforce through."
"Yes sir."
As they begin to proceed toward the regrouping enemies, the enemy unleashed a hail of missiles.
"Missiles inbound at Mark 125 by 32!"
"Evasive Manuevers now."
The fleet immediately scattered, but when they did, a second fleet jumped in and tried to hack them to pieces.
"Damn, the oldest trick in the book. Notify the fleet to fire all weapons against the enemy. We need to regain the advantage. This system must fall if we are to move on to the next target."
As the ships began to converge on eachother again, five Corneliuan Warships exploded.
"What the hell happened?" Roared Bush.
"Small mind field. Scanners never picked it up. They must've used some type of stealth technology to mask it."
"Damn. Can you detect it now?"
"Yes sir. In fact, there are no more mines in the area."
"Good! Grab those ships that we have and reform up! Now that they have exposed them....."
At that moment, 2 more Corneliuan Ships exploded along with 5 Rebel Ships.
"ANother minefield?"
"Afirmative. One of ours actually that we must have forgotten about. Good thing that the Enemy took more casualties than we have. That minefield was set up five years ago to defend this system from pirates."
"Good! We have an opening. Exploit it now."
The fleet surged foward. In two more hours, the loyalist fleet reached orbit around Scorpio. In ten more minutes, the ground troops began to land on the surface of the planet.
11-04-2004, 19:02
Scorpio System
General Montgomery landed on the planet and began to issue orders. The army immediately leapt into action as they begin to systematically take out the enemy.
"I need the 5th ID to move in towards Red River City. The 1st ID moves towards Greenville and the 3rd ID moves on Wilmington. I want all other units to take the towns and villiges. As soon as those three cities are totally in our hands, we move onto Scorpio City. We must take that city. Is that clear."
"Yes sir, General Montgomery." His aide, Colonel Eisenhower said. "Sir you realize that this is going to be a very long ground fight for this planet."
"I realize that but we have to get this done. Admiral Server wants this system in our control so that is what we are going do. Failure is not an option!"
"Yes sir."
This is Colonel Donaldson to General Montgomery! came a sudden cry over the radio. We're taking heavy fire around Wilmington! We need immediate assistance!
"Damn, notify the 7th Brigade to back them up. We need to secure Wilmington. That is the shortest route to Scorpio City. If we can't secure that city, the fight for Scorpio City will be that much more difficult."
"Yes sir." He immediately issued the orders. "This is getting more interesting by the minute. I hope we can take this system from the ground."
"We have secured space, now we have to secure the ground. Don't worry! We will take this system. Its inevitable."
"Yes Sir"
Alliance System
Erica is beginning to walk around the hospital. Though she isn't well enough to leave, she was told to get active. Currently she is walking around the hospitol visiting the children that have been hurt in this Civil War.
"I hope you end this soon John. I hate seeing these kids like this."
"So do I Erica. So do I! Hopefully it won't last much longer. Which brings me back to you. I need you to go on camera."
"For what hun?" She asked.
"I need you to tell the galaxy just what you've been through. I need you to tell them everything that Kerry and his goons did too you. I know its asking alot but it will go along way to bringing the population back to our side. Might cause a counter revolution that will oust Kerry from power." He looked back over to her and sees the pain in her eyes. "I'm sorry hun but it will help."
"No! No need to apologize. Though it is painful, your right. It has to be done. When the doctors clear me to leave, I will. You have my word on it sweetheart."
"Good. I love you very much."
"I love you to John."
With that, they embraced eachother. When they broke the embrace, she went to the pediatrics ward to read to the kids.
The Fedral Union
12-04-2004, 17:37
Ops : Exclauber to raynor..
Ryanor : yes ops ?
Ops : the UTA fleet has crossed the corneliu border a
Ryanor : good .. lets hope they pull this off raynor out *pats his combadge*
The uta fleet mean wile was in side corneliuin territory forming up ready to attack a small frindged out post..
5 Defaints coxialed over to an astorid feild to scout ahead for the main fleet.
The Fedral Union
12-04-2004, 17:39
Ops : Exclauber to raynor..
Ryanor : yes ops ?
Ops : the UTA fleet has crossed the corneliu border a
Ryanor : good .. lets hope they pull this off raynor out *pats his combadge*
The uta fleet mean wile was in side corneliuin territory forming up ready to attack a small frindged out post..
5 Defaints coxialed over to an astorid feild to scout ahead for the main fleet.
The Fedral Union
12-04-2004, 17:40
Ops : Exclauber to raynor..
Ryanor : yes ops ?
Ops : the UTA fleet has crossed the corneliu border a
Ryanor : good .. lets hope they pull this off raynor out *pats his combadge*
The uta fleet mean wile was in side corneliuin territory forming up ready to attack a small frindged out post..
5 Defaints coxialed over to an astorid feild to scout ahead for the main fleet.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 00:02
The Rest of the fleet then coaxiled around the out post .. Reatching 1500 Km's on it .
Tomson : go to read alert tell all ships prepare for assualt !
Ops : yes sir *relays meassge*
Tomson : Deploy armour get the run abouts out there .
Tact : yes sir .
25 Nilse class runabouts came in behind the main fleet
and began to brake over in atack postions the rest of the fellt moved over to the out post 2 dfiant squads claoked and moved to 2 other sides of it
the rest of the fleet began to move in a sheet towrds the enmmy ships.
14-04-2004, 17:38
The Rest of the fleet then coaxiled around the out post .. Reatching 1500 Km's on it .
Tomson : go to read alert tell all ships prepare for assualt !
Ops : yes sir *relays meassge*
Tomson : Deploy armour get the run abouts out there .
Tact : yes sir .
25 Nilse class runabouts came in behind the main fleet
and began to brake over in atack postions the rest of the fellt moved over to the out post 2 dfiant squads claoked and moved to 2 other sides of it
the rest of the fleet began to move in a sheet towrds the enmmy ships.
Captain Montgomery noticed the enemy ships jumping in. As soon as he did, he ordered the fleet to go to red alert.
"Identify the types of ships Liuetenant."
"Sir, they are about 25 runabouts but sir, we detected more ships that have since left the screens but according to sensors, didn't jump out of the system."
"You mean they're cloaked?"
"Yes sir."
"Notify the colony! Tell them to begin launching Electro charges into the atmosphere. I want to know where those ships are. Tell our ships on a secure frequency to stay away from that area. I don't want inadvertant casualties."
"Right away sir." He immediately issued the orders.
"Now open a channel to the enemy fleet."
When he received the nod that he is on, he began! "This is Captain Montgomery of the Republic of Corneliu's 1st Patrol Fleet. You have encroached on the Liberated Corneliu's space. Please Identify yourself and your purpose here or be destroyed."
14-04-2004, 17:38
The Rest of the fleet then coaxiled around the out post .. Reatching 1500 Km's on it .
Tomson : go to read alert tell all ships prepare for assualt !
Ops : yes sir *relays meassge*
Tomson : Deploy armour get the run abouts out there .
Tact : yes sir .
25 Nilse class runabouts came in behind the main fleet
and began to brake over in atack postions the rest of the fellt moved over to the out post 2 dfiant squads claoked and moved to 2 other sides of it
the rest of the fleet began to move in a sheet towrds the enmmy ships.
Captain Montgomery noticed the enemy ships jumping in. As soon as he did, he ordered the fleet to go to red alert.
"Identify the types of ships Liuetenant."
"Sir, they are about 25 runabouts but sir, we detected more ships that have since left the screens but according to sensors, didn't jump out of the system."
"You mean they're cloaked?"
"Yes sir."
"Notify the colony! Tell them to begin launching Electro charges into the atmosphere. I want to know where those ships are. Tell our ships on a secure frequency to stay away from that area. I don't want inadvertant casualties."
"Right away sir." He immediately issued the orders.
"Now open a channel to the enemy fleet."
When he received the nod that he is on, he began! "This is Captain Montgomery of the Republic of Corneliu's 1st Patrol Fleet. You have encroached on the Liberated Corneliu's space. Please Identify yourself and your purpose here or be destroyed."
The Fedral Union
14-04-2004, 18:15
Ruabout 1 : This is UTA Runabout Miissipy Stand down ... or you will be sarounded and destoryed surrender .
Capt : *cuts channle* that was a shot
Ops : yeah like they are going to comnply hehe
2 Wolf class destoryes Decloaked. sheilds up and armour deployed
The Runabouts deployed there armour and engaded there sheilds ..
1 defiant Squand sarrounded the enmmy ships from one side.
the rest of the fleet is hiding waiteing for the signle to attack
(^A wolf class)
Back at the Meeting
The Czar's phone rang again. "God! Do you mind if I just answer it now? It'll be quick."
"Sure," President Server said. "No problem." The Czar started listening to whoever was on the other end, and after five minutes, his eyes went wide, then he shot an angry and evil stare at Server, but then quickly averted his gaze. After about seven minutes, he hung up.
"Well," the Czar said in a perturbed tone, as he stood up, Hitler rising with him. "It seems I must go back to my people, for so a great time of turmoil has arised. I apologize, but I must go." Both the Czar and Hitler got up and left.
Turmoil (
14-04-2004, 23:47
He noticed the angry stare. "If you have to go, then go. I look foward to meeting you again your Majesty. Our families have always had an excellent friendship. I hope that whatever is brewing back home can be settled peacefully. Have a safe trip home."
When he left, he leaned back into his chair. He picked up the phone and dialed the Corneliuan Embassy. "Erica? Yea its your father. Listen! Derscon's leader just left and I think he knows that we are once again allied with COH and he's not happy about it. What can you do? You can start by notifying home to be prepared for anything. From there, well, use your best judgement." When he hung up the phone, he went back to paperwork.
14-04-2004, 23:55
Ruabout 1 : This is UTA Runabout Miissipy Stand down ... or you will be sarounded and destoryed surrender .
Capt : *cuts channle* that was a shot
Ops : yeah like they are going to comnply hehe
2 Wolf class destoryes Decloaked. sheilds up and armour deployed
The Runabouts deployed there armour and engaded there sheilds ..
1 defiant Squand sarrounded the enmmy ships from one side.
the rest of the fleet is hiding waiteing for the signle to attack
(^A wolf class)
"This is Captain Montgomery! The answer is no. We will not surrender."
When he shut off the comm, he sent a coded transmission to the fleet. Seconds later, spacial charges started to be fired and the fleet opens up on the runabouts.
"This is the captain to all ships" he stated, "The enemy is upon us. Open fire and take them out." When he finished, he shouted "FOR FREEDOM AND JUSTICE! DOWN WITH SERVER."
The Fedral Union
15-04-2004, 00:37
2 runabouts get hit and destoryed .
The 2 Wolf classes open up in a barrge of duisruptor fire
the rest of the run abouts manuver close to the enmmy ships and fire there wepondry phaser blast and micro torpedos homeing in on the enmmy cruiers and destoryers.
4 ships declaoked . and 3 others were forced declaoked buy the charges ..(if thats what they are ment for)
the 3 exlsior class ships moveind in and begant to fire from all around 3 other run abbouts got hit and damged ..
the defiants began bombing runs on all mijor ships .
15-04-2004, 00:56
Grand Admiral Erwin Rommel, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, called up the Palace. He had analyzed the Midrange situation, as well as the other places, and now believes that a victory can be achieved…
"I have a proposition. I need to speak to the Emperor for I have little time to waste."
"Sir, he is in a meeting..."
"I don't care if he's fishing. I want him on the line or else I’ll see if someone else can have your job!"
Gulping, the secretary reached Andrew. "I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but Admiral Rommel needs to speak with you."
"Very well. I'll take it from here. Excuse me, Uncle." Andrew then unhooked the phone.
"You didn't have to scare my secretary. I’m not as busy as she makes it out to be." He chuckled, then grew serious. "What is it?"
"If we want Midrange, we have it, sir."
"Eh? Do tell, please."
"I know we lost once there, but I have a plan to retake it. Detach the Sovereign to me."
"The Sovereign? Are you sure?" Andrew asked.
“I do believe it’s time we demonstrate the power of our new battleship.”
Andrew rolled his eyes and grinned like a kid. “Don’t be too proud of that über-powerful battleship you constructed. The ability to destroy fleets is insignificant to…”
“the power of the Force, yes sir, I know.” Rommel chuckled. “Well, shall I pull it out?”
“Very well. Don’t scratch the paint. Billions of gallons of Quartz Black ain’t easy to come by.”
“I’ll try not to get a scratch, sir. Although it won’t be able to dance like a ballerina…”
Laughing, Andy continued. “All right, all right! Just toss it at the enemy and bring it home in one piece, ok?”
“Yes, sir. Grand Admiral Rommel out!” After that, he ordered a shuttle ready, and soon headed for the secret shipyard where the Sovereign was waiting...
15-04-2004, 03:52
2 runabouts get hit and destoryed .
The 2 Wolf classes open up in a barrge of duisruptor fire
the rest of the run abouts manuver close to the enmmy ships and fire there wepondry phaser blast and micro torpedos homeing in on the enmmy cruiers and destoryers.
4 ships declaoked . and 3 others were forced declaoked buy the charges ..(if thats what they are ment for)
the 3 exlsior class ships moveind in and begant to fire from all around 3 other run abbouts got hit and damged ..
the defiants began bombing runs on all mijor ships .
"Captain they're attacking us on all sides."
"Notify the planet to fire everything they got and tell the fleet to fire everything we have."
The fleet immediately leapt into action. The planetary defense net opens up and begins to damage the TFU fleet. The fleet forms a perimeter and begins to counter attack.
5 ships lost, 15 fighters gone!
15-04-2004, 05:03
Grand Admiral Rommel looked over the magnificent new battleship. "Beautiful! Land me as soon as you can!"
"As you wish, Admiral."
The Admiral boarded the ship, and took a repulser-vehicle to the bridge.
"Admiral on the bridge!" Everyone stood at attention.
"At ease. We are to make the jump as soon as we are ready."
"Yes, Admiral."
10 Imperial Star Destroyers, 15 Nebulon-B frigates and two dozen gunship make up the largest fleet ever gathered up to this time. The Navy is taking no more chances in attacking Midrange.
Soon, the fleet is ready. 5...4...3...2..1...dozens of engines glowed as the fleet jumped into hyperspace together.
The Fedral Union
15-04-2004, 17:59
4 runabouts are destoryed ... 3 defiants are hit and destoryed 4 heavy ships were damged .
Mean wile the Rest entire fleet declaoked and began to move Coxialing in .
(total fleet numbers) (i think 45 - 50 ships i dont remember)
the Gorge town the charlston and 5 prothous classes began fireing all there phasers and tropedsos at the enemmy ships .
2 prothouses Seprated .
10 ships moved in and fired plasma lances at the planet
35 orther ships begain fireing all there wepondry at the enmmy ships defiants doing bombing runs on heavy ships and runabouts attacking otheth fighters going behind and shootring at them
3 defiants were lost. as the planets b arrges hit sheilds and aroumr 3 itrpted class ships fired upon 4 enmmy curiers all phasers and torpdoes locked on
1 intreped was damged and lost due to the planets barrge the wolf classes began an orbital bombardment of the enmmy out post with distuptiors and plasma lances. 1 wolf was destoryed in the plantery attack .
15-04-2004, 18:53
The massive armada of the Navy soon reverted to realspace at Midrange.
"Charge up the superlaser to 10% of optimum power." Admiral Rommel ordered. "Fire on my mark."
"Yes sir!"
Targeting systems aimed for the nearest defense system as the primary weapon of the Sovereign gathered energy deep inside it's bowels (think ID4, lol)...
"Fire, now!" A massive green ray of destructive energy lanced for the defense station. The battleship will need to take an hour to charge again. "Launch fighters, and engage the enemy fleet!"
"Yes, sir!"
Three dozen squadrons of assorted fighters and bombers sped past the larger ships, and volley after volley of turbolasers rained down upon the enemy. Now the enemy will fall, and fall hard.
16-04-2004, 00:10
The massive armada of the Navy soon reverted to realspace at Midrange.
"Charge up the superlaser to 10% of optimum power." Admiral Rommel ordered. "Fire on my mark."
"Yes sir!"
Targeting systems aimed for the nearest defense system as the primary weapon of the Sovereign gathered energy deep inside it's bowels (think ID4, lol)...
"Fire, now!" A massive green ray of destructive energy lanced for the defense station. The battleship will need to take an hour to charge again. "Launch fighters, and engage the enemy fleet!"
"Yes, sir!"
Three dozen squadrons of assorted fighters and bombers sped past the larger ships, and volley after volley of turbolasers rained down upon the enemy. Now the enemy will fall, and fall hard.
The space station was obliterated! The admiral incharge just stared in disbelief as it disappeared in a ball of smoke.
"Son of a.... I want that ship gone. Concentrate all power on that ship."
Immediately thereafter, every gun concentrated on the battleship. Various fighters and other ships began to fire on the other ones. The fight is getting furious. On the ground, Rebel troops dig in for heavy fighting in the streets.
16-04-2004, 01:03
"Concentrate firepower upon the stations and capital ships!" Admiral Rommel ordered. "Get the fighters off our backs! Once we open a hole in their defenses, we'll land our ground troops!"
"Yes sir!"
As if things couldn't be bad enough for the Midrange units, the ISDs and the Sovereign intensified turbolaser power to maximum, and struck at the remaining defense stations and fleet ships. The smaller ships and fighters acted as a shield, and creamed the enemy squadrons, while taking a few losses themselves.
Even without the superlaser -as it needs time to recharge every time it shoots- the Sovereign is one badass ship, designed to fight entire fleets and win. It's powerful shields barely feel the volley of enemy fire, as it strikes at the rebels with relative impunity. The battle continues to rage...
16-04-2004, 03:32
The barrage on the outpost picks up. The fleet is beginning to fall back.
"Sir, we have to withdraw."
"I agree. Pull us out on an exit vector and make a break."
The fleet moves away from the planet. On the ground, a revolt takes place and the governor is captured.
"This is Acting governor Thompson to TFU fleet. Cease fire. The planet is in Loyalist hands again!"
At that moment, a bomb slams through the government building obliterating it.
"So it shall be to all loyalist dogs." The Captain said and jumped to safety.
Casualties: 15 ships destroyed. 265 military personel and 374 civilians.
The Fedral Union
16-04-2004, 03:54
The Fedral Union
16-04-2004, 03:55
[code:1:1f7aff5f61] reply all ships will now cease fire we will send over medial ships and troops for your defince if you wish good luck . there will be a bigger task force moveing in here to help us wuth the next target we will leave 10 ships behind to defend you[/code:1:1f7aff5f61]
all UTA ships cease fire and move in to formation
(medical supplie s and ships jump in to the sytem )
2 Olypic classes
2 macoy classes
4 Cargo supply ships
5 trasports to carry defnedr troops and engeeris
ships coxial in to the sytem .
included is
1 new york class super drednought
10 intrepid classes
10 exlsior classes
10 wolf classes
10 defiant classes
10 norway classes
5 Arkria classes
10 Lexington class adavced heavy battle ships
150 Runabouts
250 Eagle class fighters
Pres Robert on the USS New york :
all right all forces move in to the Larson colony Coixal now
all ships then coxiealed in to the larson colony sytem
they open a frequancy to the colony
Pres rob : this is the UTA fleet Alpha 3 You are hear buy orderd to surrender and prepare to give up all rebel ships and commbatants .
*channel cuts*
Rob : lets hope we'll win this battle eh guys
Ops : right sir :|
17-04-2004, 00:07
"General! TFU Ships just jumped into the sytem. Several ships various classes. One ship i.d. as the New York!"
"The President's flagship? Where is it located?"
"In the middle of all of that muck."
"I want everything launched. Send a quick transmission to the rest of the fleet. Give them a brief update. Lets so their president just what we can do."
The one hundred ships formed up and began to launch fighters. Hundreds of them launched from the carriers and headed for the enemy.
"This is General Jones of the Liberated Corneliuan Forces. We will never surrender. In fact, we are asking for your immediate surrender. You have five minutes to do so or be destroyed."
The Fedral Union
17-04-2004, 01:18
Rob : Go to Red alret!
ops : *dose so *
Rob : all right get me space command i want the 5th and 6th fleet here now!
Helm : sir theyll have to waite at the Sytem we just attacked .
rob : all right but call them in when they think we are beat to out flank them !
Helm : will do sir .
Rob : to all UTA ships form up!
The entier alpha squadren formed up. all 115 + ships
Rob all ships deploy armour and engage sheilds!
The entier fleet did so.
Rob :* to the enmmy * hehe you expect us to surrender right not in this life time !
Mean wile :
5th fleet has arrived at out post 29 awitieng orders. to move agianst the enmmy
ships included :
2 new york class drednoughts .
25 NorWay class
20 Intreaped classes
20 akria classes
20 wolf classes
20 promtous classes
100 Defiant classes
10 glaxay class X drednoughts
15 lexington classes.
5 staliangrad destoryers
6th fleet :
1 new york class drednought .
20 NorWay class
20 Intreaped classes
20 akria classes
20 wolf classes
20 promtous classes
2 tirtion class battle ships
10 glaxay class X drednoughts
15 lexington classes.
5 staliangrad destoryers
5 Theodore Roosevelt class Heavy advanced Dreadnought's
5 Abraham Lincoln class Heavy Cruiser's
2 carrier classes
(fighters for both fleets)
400 Nisle class runabouts
400 eagle classes
400 Hudson class runabouts
Ops : mr pres sir re enfroce ments read ready do you want us to set up 10 defiant squads cloked and put them on eatch side of the enmmy flanks ?
Rob : yes do it !
Hlem : sir we are moveing in to fleet formation .
Rob : all right now its time for there move .
2 promthous classes seprtate
17-04-2004, 15:05
"General I just remembered something. Just prior to this Civil War, the previous Administration had established a mindfield around here. I just checked the sensors and from my knowledge, they are currently in the 3rd Mindfield."
"Are they still active? I mean with the change in government..."
"Sir only the planetary CO, you sir, have access to the codes."
"Right." He walks over to the computer and accesses the CO control panel. "Ahh here they are. Your right, I do have access. The last CO forgot to erase it."
"We took care of it before they could sir."
"Very Good. Computer Activate mindfield number 3." When he got the confirmation, he looked over to his XO. "Shall we show them just what we can do?"
"Do it sir!"
All of a sudden, a bright flare encompassed most of the TFU Ships. When it did, a loud cheer ripped through HeadQuarters.
Midrange System
"Sir, we have to beam down to the surface."
"Sir I agree! We'll fight on the ground. From there, we can inflict damage. We might be able to turn the tide in this battle from down there."
"I don't see how. That Battleship... I know your right. Issue the evac order. Also tell General Davidson to prepare the agents."
"Yes sir."
In minutes, the people were evacing the now severly damaged space station. The CO of the Space forces as well as the Planet met up with Davidson.
"Is everything prepared?"
"Yes sir. Everything is ready."
"Good! They're going to pay a steep price for this place."
With that, they departed for there respective commands.
17-04-2004, 19:44
"Sir, they're retreating for the surface!"
"Very well. Star deploying the Divisons. I want the rebels gone or surrendered!"
Each Star Destroyer carries 9,700 troops. Vehicles are usually in this configuration:
10 AT-ATs
10 AT-STs
20 fusion-powered HoverTanks
10 Hover MRLS (good as artillery and anti-air)
x10 for there were ten ISDs in battle.
The Battleship carries twice the number of troops and vehicles as an ISD.
For close-in air support, we have the LAATs as well as the usual X-wings and E-wings. LAATs are used like the helicopters of old, deploying troops and covering them with their fire.
The Infantry have power armor designed to survive some explosions and NBC weaponry. both energy and projectile weapons will require a direct hit for a kill. Glancing blows have a 40% chance of survival.
The Army started deploying, and wherever they spotted Rebels, they shot them. They are under orders not to harm civilians, but accidents do happen. The main strategy is to take the cities with the vehicles and troops, although towns were targets.
One more thing, the Star Destroyers has jammed communcations, so it would be hard, if not impossible, to get a signal out.
The Fedral Union
17-04-2004, 20:33
Total losses from the feild : 45 ships
Damge to the new york : 35 % .
Rob :*stands up a bit bloodyed * Call the fleet in ...!
Ops *dose so*
Rob : all renforce ments coxial in to this sytem .. watch out for mine feilds the remainder of the 2 fleet will luanch probes with gaviton emmiters to draw the mines away !
The new york damged and a bit smokeing luanched 35 Class 9 probes and 13 Unmaned fighters . the probes and fighters then activatied the Magnetic towing and move towrds the enmmy fleet. Draging the mines behind them
The rest of the fleet there broke at that moment and begain to fire on the star base wile 45 other ships held off the enmmy restiacne then in a few shor minuites The entier 5 th and 6th coxieled in the sytem and beagan to tractor mines and repulse them for the fleets vassnitay .
the new york now lunched 10 Arc ligt missles direcly in to the mind feild sarrounding the enmmy star bace . the missles homed in at warp.
Mean wile the 5th and 6th fleets manuverd around wile tractoring mines a safe distance away. engageing all the enmmy ships 50 ships fired phasers torpedos at all the enmmy ships phaser beams torpedos all homeing in on the enmym ships defaint asquads decloaked and started bombing runs on all the enmmy ships and fighters
mean wile the arc light missles detonaited . and the new york began to fire its entier wepondry sytem pulse phasers evry were torpedos phaser beams arc missles all homeing in on multiple enmmy ships .
78 other ships began to attack more of the enmmy defenders
mean wile back at Star base 1100
The 7th fleet was gathering up to act as a reenforcement buffer.(this will take a few NS hours)
All UTA ships began to flood and jamm enmmy comm frequancy's
17-04-2004, 21:12
15 more Warships destroyed.
Some of the mines continue to detonate even though the initial signal was now old. As the ships continue to fire, one of the space stations exploded. Meanwhile on the ground, the general incharge begins to prepare for the ground offensive.
"We might have lost the space fight but the ground offensive is something else again. They'll have to take this place by force if they want to liberate....."
"Sir we just lost Larson Station bravo"
All of a sudden, a person was broadcasting on an open frequency.
This is Governor Thompson of Larson Station ALpha. Don't shoot at us we surrender.
"Damn it. We lose one station and the other surrenders. Prepare for ground assualt!"
"Yes sir." He runs off to prepare for battle.
Casualties from Bravo:
Military: 5,687
Civilian: 2,674
Midrange System
"Sir they're landing troops."
"Good begin to harass them and make them pay for every inch of territory. Don't use the Agents till I give the order. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir. SIr, they're also in some type of suit. Don't know what but I thought you should know."
"Thank you. Now carry out your orders."
"Yes sir."
The ground war for Midrange has begun!
The Fedral Union
17-04-2004, 21:40
Mean wile the mine clearing operation buy the probes proved to be a sucsses. 2 triton 2 's moved in to orbit and targted milltary instlations they began to fire al lthere heavy distuptors bolts of energy all falling towrds the enmmy bases .
mean wile the new york and 100 ships coixled over to star base 1100 to join up with the 7th fleet and to get repaired wile the 5th and 6th fleets attacked the enmmy clonys . mean wile the 5th and 6th fleet began a blockaed around the colny ....
Rob (at star base 1100 wile the new york and sevral other ships are being repaired ) : I want those 45 ships rebuilt pronto !
Ops : yes sir it will take at least a year before we 25 built .
Rob : go faster i want them built in 2 years max
Ops : yes sir ...
Rob : also .. get me core worlds ...
----- Out going communications to core worlds ---------
Rob : hey i need to talk to your leader ...imdeailty (rob looks a bit beat up and cut up)
17-04-2004, 21:50
There were heavy casualties as the troops fight to take the cities. the enemy gave ground, but only by making the Army pay dearly for every mile, and even every block.
It is projected that the majority of the planet will be in Core control within the next several weeks. The capital will be the last city captured, due to the resistance.
Meanwhile, Andrew Masaki was pouring over war reports when he recieved a call.
"Sir, it is the President of TFU."
"Very well, put him on screen."
As a link was established, the two men saw each other. Andrew noticed a cut on Rob's face. "Good day, Mr. President. How are you?"
The Fedral Union
17-04-2004, 22:01
Rob *smiled* ive been better . how about you how are you doing ..?
Rob : also i would liek to have a visit to you .. if at all possible ? *a doctor walked up to rob *
Doc : sir you should get some rest ....
Rob : im fine Doc ....
Doc : Sir you may have a concustion...
Rob : .... well any way....
17-04-2004, 23:08
The planet is getting shelled. The military personel hunkered down, waiting it out. The civilians are in shelters scared out of their minds. This war is taking its toll on everyone. The hospitols are overflowing with casualites, both military and civilian.
"General, we need to end this!"
"They have to fight us on the ground. If they don't, then they are cowards. Its time our enemies realize this."
At that moment, another blasted sounded not to far away.
"I don't think they're getting that messege sir. I must advise you sir that we have lost and I think we need to hold on to...." He never finished his sentence. At that moment a bullet slammed into his heart.
"I hate defeatist attitudes. Does anyone else agree with him?" When they all shook their heads, he continued. "Good! Now that this is all settled, prepare your positions. I want them to pay for every inch of ground they gain."
Casualties: 7,541 Military; 5,631 Civilian
The Fedral Union
18-04-2004, 00:42
The tritons contunie to pummel the serfice
Message from the UTA fleet to enmmy forces : surrender or you will be straved out !
the tritons start trageting spafic milltary targets
------ ---------
Rob : ....
Doc : So, mom and pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood, establish trust - for 48 years - and then run off with Rob's sneakers?
Rob : Apparently.
18-04-2004, 00:44
There were heavy casualties as the troops fight to take the cities. the enemy gave ground, but only by making the Army pay dearly for every mile, and even every block.
It is projected that the majority of the planet will be in Core control within the next several weeks. The capital will be the last city captured, due to the resistance.
"General if we don't do something, they're going to kill us all."
"I'm bloody well aware of it." he quickly got on the line. "Execute Operation DiamondBack" When he got the confirmation, he leaned back. "Lets see how they handle this."
In the City of Porvak, the fighting was intense! The artillery was running out but then a supply truck came up.
"Got something new for you to use."
"GAS!!! We haven't been...."
"Here are your orders."
The commander looked at them. "Load and fire." In a matter of minutes, the first gas shell fell upon the enemy.
The nation of Matterbuggy, would like to hlep you in your fight against this civil war.
Please give us a short recap of where we are at this point, and what we can do to help you.
- John Carter
Secretary of Defense
18-04-2004, 02:20
The nation of Matterbuggy, would like to hlep you in your fight against this civil war.
Please give us a short recap of where we are at this point, and what we can do to help you.
- John Carter
Secretary of Defense
OOC:: Read the pages of the thread. It should get you caught up! If not, Telegram either me, The Fedral Union, or CoreWorlds!
IC: "Sir, we're getting hammered."
"I know. Issue the surrender order. I don't want those vicious Bastards killing anymore of our civilians!"
"Yes sir."
[code:1:6451297fe1]TO: TFU
From General of Larson Colony
WE surrender[/code:1:6451297fe1]
Military: 6,834
Civilian 14,536
18-04-2004, 02:31
As the soldiers attacking Provak continued to assault the Rebels, a shell landed in the middle of the division. Soon, those soldiers that were not wearing power suits started dropping like flies.
"GAS! GAS!" The warning came down the line, but it was too late for many unprotected troops. Those who had the powersuits were eneraged at the deaths of the comrades, and called for air support to take out the artillery.
Three X-wings answered the call, and dove down to strafe the artillery and nearby supply truck.
"Gas?" Admiral Rommel rumbled.
"Yes, sir. It seems like signs of the VX nerve agent."
"Dammit. Send it up the line. This time, the gloves come off. Order the Rattlesnake* to move into the atmosphere. have it target something of importance, and destroy it."
"Sir, civilians may die."
*sigh* "I know that. But a gas attack on our troops must be responded in kind."
*Rattlesnake is a Victory Star Destroyer, the largest ship able to enter the atmosphere, and therefore excellent for pinpoint ortillery strikes.*
As the Victory entered the atmosphere and started targeting as much of the enemy as possible, the President recieved notice that a gas attack occurred at Midrange. The Rattlesnake then sought out the largest concentration of enemy units, and shot turbolasers down upon them, vaporizing them. They have sown the wind with the gas, now they shall reap the whirlwind.
[code:1:1affd74d39]Rebels. You have commited a war crime as stated under the Geneva Conventions of old Earth. You have chosen to commit murder using gas. Now surrender, or pay the price for your grave error.[/code:1:1affd74d39]
The Fedral Union
18-04-2004, 02:58
The Fedral Union
18-04-2004, 02:58
The tritons ceas fire ...
--- Trassmtion ---
Medical ships and medical supplies will arive shortly
good luck im sorry for your causlitys.
3 Pasture class and 3 macoy class ships ccoixeled in the sytem along with 15 trasports..
Rob :
What are you talking about? How can you sit there and look me in the eye and tell me that you're not worried?! Don't you have any sense?!! Don't you have a brain!? Are you so completely senile that you don't know what you're talking about anymore!? Wait a second, where are you going?
Doc : Life's too short to waste on you.
18-04-2004, 13:25
The commanders on the ground heard the call for surrender. However, they believe to highly in the cause of freedom that they refuse to surrender. They are contemplating what to say when the they started to get shelled from space. Major buildings are leveled.
"Sir, now what are we going to do."
"We stay the course. There is nothing else we can do. If we surrender now, we're just as dead though I would probably take CoreWorlds hospitality over our own. Continue what you are doing."
With that, the meeting broke up. In other cities, Gas was getting lobbed at CoreWorld forces causing devestating casualities. The fight on the ground has now gone street to street, house to house.
Casualties: 9,586 Military; 11,843 Civilian
18-04-2004, 17:34
"Sir, they aren't surrendering. Casualty reports indicate that over 2000 troops died to gas already, and the number is climbing. Another 3000 died to other causes."
"Very well. Have the Rattlesnake hover over the capital city. Give them one final warning before we blast it."
"Yes, Admiral."
[code:1:5455ca66b6]**Over all open channels and even a giant loudspeaker**
We will give you one final chance to surrender or we will completely destroy the city, leaving nothing but molten rock. Citizens of the capital of Midrange, if you value your lives, flee the city. Don't stay in there. As for the high command and government, you have one hour to surrender and stand down. Starting now. Though we will treat you well after surrender, this is our final warning.[/code:1:5455ca66b6]
A timer began hacking through all computers and TV screens. 1:00:00, 59:59, 59:58, 59:57 and so on.
18-04-2004, 23:30
"Sir, they aren't surrendering. Casualty reports indicate that over 2000 troops died to gas already, and the number is climbing. Another 3000 died to other causes."
"Very well. Have the Rattlesnake hover over the capital city. Give them one final warning before we blast it."
"Yes, Admiral."
[code:1:4626a71db3]**Over all open channels and even a giant loudspeaker**
We will give you one final chance to surrender or we will completely destroy the city, leaving nothing but molten rock. Citizens of the capital of Midrange, if you value your lives, flee the city. Don't stay in there. As for the high command and government, you have one hour to surrender and stand down. Starting now. Though we will treat you well after surrender, this is our final warning.[/code:1:4626a71db3]
A timer began hacking through all computers and TV screens. 1:00:00, 59:59, 59:58, 59:57 and so on.
Midrange Prime
"Sir we are being ordered to surrender or they'll level the capitol. Also, they are ordering the civilians to flee the city."
"Damn. Well we won't surrender. You send a coded transmission to them. Tell them 'nuts'!"
"Nuts sir?"
"Yes. Once that is done, I want all weapons trained on that ship that can reach it. Continue to shell all aspects of the enemy. Clear?"
"yes sir. Sir, I must remind you sir, that they won't stop till they have this place."
"I know just send the messege and get back here."
Shells continue to fall from space and launched at the enemy forces as he ran to the communications bunker. When he got there, he went to a consol, completely bypassing the Commander.
[code:1:4626a71db3]To CoreWorlds
From Freedom Fighters
When he finished sending the messege, he ran back to his CO. He is still wearing his NBC suit because of all the crap that is in the atmosphere. "Sir, messege sent sir. Now what?"
"Do you have that remote detonator?"
"Yes sir! WHat do you need it for?" His attache asked.
"I need you to detonate the nuclear bomb in Provak."
"But sir the civil....."
"We need to stop them and that is the only way. If they broke through, they'll smash right into Midrange City. Now do it or I will."
His aide took the remote detonator, set it and after his CO inputed his code, detonated the bomb in Provak. When he did, Provak disappeared.
19-04-2004, 04:18
"That's it?"
"Yes sir. Hey, sir, that was the the answer from a few centuries ago."
"What do you mean."
"WWII General Patton, sir."
Rommel smiled. His namesake's archrival. "Very well, let the timer count down...what was that?"
He noticed a blast at Provak. The sensor officers went white. "Sir, it's...characteristic of a nuclear explosion, sir."
"WHAT?!" Rommel bellowed. "When the timer runs out, completely destroy Midrange City! Send a message to Command detailing the latest, NOW!"
Another 2000 were killed in the nuclear blast.
[code:1:a0a0bbb36f]Emperor, we have recieved reports of gas and nuclear explosions at Midrange. Numerous losses. Will retaliate in kind.[/code:1:a0a0bbb36f]
"Damn." Andrew cursed, and drew in calming breaths. "Uncle, take a look at this. Goes to show that they'll do anything to stop us."
30:00:00, 29:59:59...
CNN HoloNews Alert!
"The latest from the war front against the Rebels in Corneliu. The Imperial Administration has released a statement that enemy forces at Midrange has resorted to nuclear and chemical weaponry against our valiant forces fighting to free Corneliu from the grips of President Kerry. This startling news comes in light of the return to that System after being defeated once before. Here is a statement from Defense Secretary Matsutani as we speak."
"We are horrified that the Rebels will do such a thing, and urge the population of Corneliu to stop the madman that is Kerry from doing any more such atrocities. As for those who commit such crimes, if they survive, they will be tried for war crimes! We will not allow this to go unpunished, and thus, we shall not stop until the Rebels...are...defeated!"
19-04-2004, 04:44
"Damn." Andrew cursed, and drew in calming breaths. "Uncle, take a look at this. Goes to show that they'll do anything to stop us."
James looks over it!
"Your right Andrew. They will stoop to these tactics. And while we are on this subject, I just received word that Erica is getting released from the hospital and will be ready to give her statement. I will also have John issue a statement on this at the sametime. That way, we kill two birds with one stone."
Scorpio System
The ground war is winding down as the Corneliuan forces, loyal to Server, recaptured the capitol city. Holdouts continue to fire from entrenched positions but the major fighting is over.
Bush began to pace the bridge when a flash message interrupted his thoughts.
"Sir we just received word of a nuclear explosion in the City of Provak as well as gas explosions on the Colony of Midrange."
"Damn! That is going to make things tougher for us. Are we still winning?"
"Aye sir. Sir we are receiving another messege! This one from the planet. Sir ground forces have recaptured the capitol sir! They are saying that our forces will root out the last of the holdouts soon but the capitol is secured."
"Excellent, send word to Coredia as well as Alliance Prime that Scorpio is liberated."
"Right away admiral."
[code:1:d27e285ae2]To Coredia and Alliance Prime
From Admiral Bush
Scorpio system is secured! I say again. Scorpio Recaptured.[/code:1:d27e285ae2]
Alliance System
Erica was in a wheelchair being wheeled out of the hospital. Though she can walk, it has been a tradition that everyone leaving the hospital, leaves in a wheelchair. When she exited, she stood up and walked next to John.
"Well darling, are you ready to give your speech?"
"Yes I am! Its about time I let the world know just what he did to me."
"Good!" he said but he is distracted. "But before you do, I have to make a brief announcement and it isn't good news."
"Oh? I won't ask because I know I'll hear it soon. I love you!"
"I love you too!" With that, they kissed passionately!
19-04-2004, 05:02
05, 04, 03, 02, 01...
"Sir, it's time."
"Very well." Rommel keyed the captain of the Rattlesnake. "Destroy the capital!"
"Yes sir. Open fire!" The captain ordered. Thick green turbolasers stabbed down upon the capital, vaporizing anything they touch, and leveling every building in sight. It didn't take long for the turbolasers to melt everything down to a 20-mile-wide plain of molten lava. Nothing, not even the roaches survived.
Admiral Rommel said a short prayer for civilians who were caught in the fire. "Send a final surrender message."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:2650463a30]Surrender, now. There need no longer be any bloodshed. Let us end this battle with what honor we can salvage. Look around you, at the death and destruction wrought by this battle. Let us end this terrible conflict, for enough is enough.[/code:1:2650463a30]
19-04-2004, 16:12
05, 04, 03, 02, 01...
"Sir, it's time."
"Very well." Rommel keyed the captain of the Rattlesnake. "Destroy the capital!"
"Yes sir. Open fire!" The captain ordered. Thick green turbolasers stabbed down upon the capital, vaporizing anything they touch, and leveling every building in sight. It didn't take long for the turbolasers to melt everything down to a 20-mile-wide plain of molten lava. Nothing, not even the roaches survived.
Admiral Rommel said a short prayer for civilians who were caught in the fire. "Send a final surrender message."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:43764bd328]Surrender, now. There need no longer be any bloodshed. Let us end this battle with what honor we can salvage. Look around you, at the death and destruction wrought by this battle. Let us end this terrible conflict, for enough is enough.[/code:1:43764bd328]
The city is completely destroyed. Thousands of civilians have been killed, many more wounded. Most of the military high command have been killed.
"General, now what do you want us to do." A lt asked.
"Get them on the horn and tell them that we surrender. We have no choice now."
"Yes sir. I'll get on that right away."
[code:1:43764bd328]To CoreWorld Forces
From The Commanding OFficer
We Surrender! I say again, We Surrender[/code:1:43764bd328]
When that was issued, he ordered the cease-fire to take effect immediately. An eery silence fell over of the planet minutes after the last shell exploded.
19-04-2004, 16:27
05, 04, 03, 02, 01...
"Sir, it's time."
"Very well." Rommel keyed the captain of the Rattlesnake. "Destroy the capital!"
"Yes sir. Open fire!" The captain ordered. Thick green turbolasers stabbed down upon the capital, vaporizing anything they touch, and leveling every building in sight. It didn't take long for the turbolasers to melt everything down to a 20-mile-wide plain of molten lava. Nothing, not even the roaches survived.
Admiral Rommel said a short prayer for civilians who were caught in the fire. "Send a final surrender message."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:26034fee3e]Surrender, now. There need no longer be any bloodshed. Let us end this battle with what honor we can salvage. Look around you, at the death and destruction wrought by this battle. Let us end this terrible conflict, for enough is enough.[/code:1:26034fee3e]
The city is completely destroyed. Thousands of civilians have been killed, many more wounded. Most of the military high command have been killed.
"General, now what do you want us to do." A lt asked.
"Get them on the horn and tell them that we surrender. We have no choice now."
"Yes sir. I'll get on that right away."
[code:1:26034fee3e]To CoreWorld Forces
From The Commanding OFficer
We Surrender! I say again, We Surrender[/code:1:26034fee3e]
When that was issued, he ordered the cease-fire to take effect immediately. An eery silence fell over of the planet minutes after the last shell exploded.
19-04-2004, 17:36
"Sir, they have surrendered."
"Very well. Our forces are to stand down immediately. Call Imperial Command and tell them we need medical crew, asap. I'm going down to sign the surrendering papers."
"Sir, I think that is..."
"Unwise? Perhaps, but I am the highest commanding officer at this system, am I not?"
"Of course, sir. Just take some protection with you."
"*sigh*, Very well." As Rommel and a squad of guards took a shuttle, he contemplated the events. We have won this battle, but at a terrible, terrible cost. Warfare is never pleasant, but this appalling. Such is the path of warfare, where thousands die at once. Mark my words, it will only get worse as we continue the path to Minbar.
19-04-2004, 19:45
"Sir, they have surrendered."
"Very well. Our forces are to stand down immediately. Call Imperial Command and tell them we need medical crew, asap. I'm going down to sign the surrendering papers."
"Sir, I think that is..."
"Unwise? Perhaps, but I am the highest commanding officer at this system, am I not?"
"Of course, sir. Just take some protection with you."
"*sigh*, Very well." As Rommel and a squad of guards took a shuttle, he contemplated the events. We have won this battle, but at a terrible, terrible cost. Warfare is never pleasant, but this appalling. Such is the path of warfare, where thousands die at once. Mark my words, it will only get worse as we continue the path to Minbar.
General Barbar stares over all of the destruction that was wrought. He surveyed the now surrendered city. When he did, he called for his assistant.
"Captain, notify the enemy and tell them that we will surrender to them at the remains of the Midrange City Spaceport. That would be the best place to surrender to them."
"Yes sir. Sir, what terms do you think they'll give us and what do you think they'll do to us once we officially surrender?"
"I wish I knew captain. Just do as your told please."
"Yes sir"
[code:1:c99c6ed338]To CoreWorld Forces
From General Barber
We will surrender to you over at the remains of the Space port[/code:1:c99c6ed338]
19-04-2004, 20:06
[code:1:7d0b76d62b]The Admiral is on hs way.[/code:1:7d0b76d62b]
A few minutes later, the Lamda shuttle landed at what was left of the spaceport. Guards fanned out, and then the Admiral and an aide walked out.
"Pleasure to meet you, General." Admiral Rommel said. "If you didn't already know, I am Admiral Erwin Rommel, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy. It is a shame that we couldn't meet under more pleasant conditions."
19-04-2004, 21:07
"It is an honor to meet you too Admiral. I have admired you as a person and your right, I wish we could've met under better circumstances. But lets not beat around the bush. What are the terms of surrender?"
19-04-2004, 21:07
"It is an honor to meet you too Admiral. I have admired you as a person and your right, I wish we could've met under better circumstances. But lets not beat around the bush. What are the terms of surrender?"
19-04-2004, 21:38
"I'd say that you just simply disarm all troops and discharge them honorably. However, for those units who used chemical and possibly the nuclear weapon, they, or at least their commanders, will need to be tried for war crimes. Otherwise, we will just require some help with burial and restoration."
19-04-2004, 21:38
"I'd say that you just simply disarm all troops and discharge them honorably. However, for those units who used chemical and possibly the nuclear weapon, they, or at least their commanders, will need to be tried for war crimes. Otherwise, we will just require some help with burial and restoration."
20-04-2004, 00:36
"I'd say that you just simply disarm all troops and discharge them honorably. However, for those units who used chemical and possibly the nuclear weapon, they, or at least their commanders, will need to be tried for war crimes. Otherwise, we will just require some help with burial and restoration."
"Those are very generous terms. In that, I have to surrender myself to you. I'm the one that gave the order for the nuke and the gas. However, I did it underthreat of execution from President Kerry. He would slay my family if I didn't agree to follow his orders regarding this matter. I couldn't let that happen." Looks down to the ground and begins to cry as he hands his sword to his captors. "We agree to all terms of surrender. I'll detail people to help with the burial as well as reconstruction. Reconstruction is going to be a pain in the ass tough."
20-04-2004, 00:58
The General would notice an undercurrent of anger in Rommel's face at the fact that the General was forced to nuke and gas his troops under pain of execution and slaying of his family. He accepted the sword.
"I will see to that you implicate Kerry in this. He will pay, believe me. For now, we will help bury the dead." The Admiral said. "I hope your family escapes his grasp." (possible sub-subplot here)
The General and Admiral looked over at the devastation wrought by the war that came here. Later, the Admiral's decision would come under fire, but for now, it is an eerie peace, only minutes old.
Medical frigates jumped insystem and deployed doctors, surgeons and other medical personnel, as well as bacta tanks and fluids. For several weeks, the Midrange system is full of medical and construction crew, as they help in the rebuilding.
Soon, the fleet is replenished and ready to head for the next target...Iceberg.
20-04-2004, 19:39
"Thank you, Admiral. You are a good man. As for my family, Kerry won't kill them because I did as I was forced. If he did kill them, it would come out. Again thank you."
Alliance Prime
Erica and John stand in the middle of the press room waiting for the signal to begin. This is what they have been waiting to do. John was notified of the surrender at Midrange but is still going to make his statement regarding it. Erica is also going to make a speech. A speech about what she went through at the hands of her captors.
"Good afternoon!" Admiral Server said as he walked to the microphone. "I am Admiral John Server and with me is, as most you know, my fiance Erica Johnson. This press confrence was originally called for her to tell the world what she suffered from under President Kerry's regime. However, I have just been informed of a great tragedy. The rebels on Midrange Prime have resorted to using gas and a nuclear bomb to try to destroy the CoreWorlds forces. They didn't succeed. Midrange City was destroyed in self defense but the city of Provak was destroyed by the rebels with a nuclear bomb. There where tens of thousands of casualties. We have said from the start that this wasn't going to be easy and now we have been proven right. An allegation has surfaced from this that the commanding officer of the rebel forces on planet was forced to do what he did so that his family won't be executed. If this is true, we condemn it in the strongest terms and gives us one more reason to defeat this so called Freedom President. I will now yield the mic to Ms. Johnson. Erica?"
"Thank you John. As most of you know by now, I was taken into "Protective Custody" to protect me from so called mobs that would kill me. This wasn't accurate. I was literally tortured for information about John, his father, President Server, CoreWorlds, and loyalist factions on Minbar. I was beaten, shocked, starved, and when I tried to tell Kerry to release me, he broke my arm. I was rescued by the loyalist underground and by a jedi from CoreWorlds. I would like to thank them for this. Kerry has to be stopped before more innocent people get hurt. Our children our suffering and sickness is running rampant around the colonies. If this doesn't end, many more people will die. I can't sit idly by and watch as the citizens of our nation suffer from Kerry's foolishness. You all know I have no use for games as well as politics, however I'm urging all citizens to rise up against Kerry and to defeat him so that our beloved ruler, James Server can return home to his righful place. My God go with you all." She bursts into tears as she hugs John on live intergalatic TV. When they broke off the hug, John stepped back up.
"Normally we would've taken questions but these are perilous times and there isn't any time for this. If you do have questions, relay them to my office and I'll try to answer as many as I can in my spare time. Thank you. May God go with you all." With that, he put an arm around Erica and left as the press tries to ask questions anyway.
21-04-2004, 19:59
The ancient (by human standards) Jedi Master Tenchi walked through the door, cane tapping the floor. Few humans, Jedi or otherwise has lasted as long as he has, over 110 years. He looks like his own grandfather Yosho, right down to the glasses.
"Hmm...a civil war in Corneliu. Most terrible, most terrible." He shook his head in annoyance as he walked to Andrew and James. "I have heard of the latest news, and I must say, that this Kerry is really a dictator in a thin disguise."
"Hello, Grandpa Tenchi." Andrew bowed, and Tenchi bowed in reply. "You're right. You'd think that Kerry would be nicer *Tenchi snorted* but I guess power has gone to his head."
"So what's next?"
A holomap detailing Corneliu space appeared. The systems in blue are recaptured systems, and those in red are still in Kerry's grip.
"So far, we have taken Alliance, Scorpio, and Midrange (that last one was tough). TFU has taken some outlying systems and is spearheading Greenhouse. Our next target is Iceburg." Andrew explained.
"Hmm...I suspect it's going to get harder the closer we get to Minbar." Tenchi said.
"Yes, it will."
"Sir? We have analyzed the Sovereign's superlaser, and may have found a way to reduce recharge time." Andy, an engineer, said to Admiral Rommel.
"Interesting. Please tell me, and keep it simple."
"Yes sir. You see, the phaser banks take a lot of power. We could reroute power from them, into the superlaser, and have a 10-minute recharge rate."
"Hmm...this, of course, reduces our antistarfighter capability some."
"That is the cost, I believe."
"Very well. Do it asap. Imperial Command has ordered us to Iceburg as soon as we could manage it."
"Yes, sir. It won't take long."
"Make it so."
22-04-2004, 00:53
President Kerry received the latest reports from the Civil. As he was reviewing them, he watched the press conference from Alliance Prime. "So that is where they took her. I figured they'll bring her to her lover but didn't think that close to the front. General get in here." When the General entered, he said, "I need you to thwart their attacks and to turn the tide of war against them. I want them to suffer for humiliating me."
"That'll be tough sir. With that conference.."
"All lies. I never threatened them and that is what Im going to tell the populace too. I'm going to discredit that bastard and his whore if its the last thing I do."
"It just might very well be. The population is up and arms. I advise martial law with a shoot to kill on those that are out after curfew."
"Do it. I want this war won. I'll win it at any cost."
"Sir we need to minimize civilian casualties now. After Midrange, the people of the nation and the international community will be looking at both sides. If we pull the same stunt sir, we will lose."
"Just do what you have to do. Dismissed."
When the general left, he laid back in the Star Office. Half an hour later, he was told that the press was ready for him. He then proceeded out of the Star Office to the Press Room. When he arrived, they stood up and he strode to the microphone.
"Good evening. I called this conference to tell the truth. It wasn't I that ordered the gas to be shelled or to use that nuclear bomb in Provak. Server's own agents planted that nuclear bomb and touched it off to help them take Midrange. The gas was used by different agents to make it look like that are responsible for it. Also, we would never harm a citizen of our fair nation. Never would we threaten them if they don't do what was needed to do. Never in our history have we threaten to kill a family as an example to those that disobey. That is what that Bastard Server is accusing us of doing. In regards to his whore, we never hurt her. I'm positive that those so called injuries where inflicted on her by him or some of his cronies and to pin that on me. I would never hurt the most famous citizen in all of Corneliu. That is all thank you!" He strolled out leaving the media behind with questions.
23-04-2004, 02:18
Some hours later, at Midrange.
"Sir, we have completed the modifications, and are now ready to move on."
"Very good! Send word for troop transports to stand by until we finish dealing with ships in orbit around Iceberg. Then have the fleet form up and make the jump!"
"Yes, sir!"
After completing necessary repairs, part of the fleet, including the battleship formed up, and jumped to hyperspace. A fresh fleet is also on its way.
23-04-2004, 20:58
On board the rebel flagship Freedom, Admiral Keller prepares to launch Operation Cobra. Its designed to drive back the onslaught of the loyalist forces. THe plan is very simple. Attack the forces in the most least likely attack plane and to destroy all in its path. The fleet is prepared to launch into its different directs to accomplish this goal.
"Is all ships prepared Lieutenant?" He asked his comm officer.
"All ships have orders and are announcing readiness. They are now requesting permission to move to assign areas and to engage the enemy to total destruction."
"Very good. Issue the command to launch. As soon as the last fleet launches, we'll launch to our target. Its about time they learned just what we can do."
The signal was given and the fleets launched.
"Sir all fleets have now departed."
"Very well. Lay in a course for Jorson prime."
"Course laid in sir."
The flag fleet jumped to hyperspace and headed to its target.
Within the City of Black sun the stunning Mega Tower of the Sith Corporation beamed over the city.
"reports are still coming in about the Civil war within Corneliu it could be vary profitable" sead one of the Chairmen
"let alone make maby a powerful ally for the empire even more so" replyed the chairlady
"send them a message we wont be able to provide much but im sore i can make the empiror provide a few ground troops i know he owes me a favor or two" the chairmen replyed
To: President Sever
From: Sith Corporation
Subject: Small help For your war
my Corporation has seen that you are in a small....problem, we are willing to surpply a full strike force of our ships and a full legion from the emperor of Space Marines (clones) to help with your war. of corse officaly the Space Marines are under the Corporations wing but no one needs no.
Strike force:
15 Core Class Gun boat
7 Vimpire Class Torpedo Boat
20 Transports (25,000 troops each)
Ground Forces:
1 Legion:
4 Divsions Of space Marines
3 Divsions Of Infentry
4 Regiments Of Armour
2 Regiments Of Artillary
2 Regiments of MAOG
3 Wings Of Air Support (DESC)
2 Invastion Wings Of Dropships (DESC)
=500,000 Clones
23-04-2004, 23:38
Soon, the Sovereign fleet reverted to realspace near Iceberg.
"Be wary of tricks." The Admiral said. "On my mark, charge the superlaser."
Aye, aye, sir!"
"Now!" The modifications seemed to work. Absorbing energy from the phasers, the superlaser was able to charge much faster than normal.
"Don't fire until I give the order!"
"As you wish, Admiral."
The fleet moved omniously towards the planets.
24-04-2004, 17:50
To: President Sever
From: Sith Corporation
Subject: Small help For your war
my Corporation has seen that you are in a small....problem, we are willing to surpply a full strike force of our ships and a full legion from the emperor of Space Marines (clones) to help with your war. of corse officaly the Space Marines are under the Corporations wing but no one needs no.
Strike force:
15 Core Class Gun boat
7 Vimpire Class Torpedo Boat
20 Transports (25,000 troops each)
Ground Forces:
1 Legion:
4 Divsions Of space Marines
3 Divsions Of Infentry
4 Regiments Of Armour
2 Regiments Of Artillary
2 Regiments of MAOG
3 Wings Of Air Support (DESC)
2 Invastion Wings Of Dropships (DESC)
=500,000 Clones
[code:1:00f28e46c4]To The Sith Corporation
From President Server
If you don't mind serving along side jedi knights, we'll accept your help. The situation is now somewhat out of control and civilians are getting killed because of the fighting. We were hoping to limit it but our enemies see things diferently. We'll be glad for your help and I hope you don't suffer to many casualties.[/code:1:00f28e46c4]
To President Server
From Sith corporation
Jedi's we dont mind we have no intent on killing there order off if thats what you mean.
our strike force will attack any target you feel is needed minor or major we dont mind loses as the Emperor will "repay" us.
On the Planet of arrakis a harsh barron world a Legion of Clones were getting into transports after a grulling Training Campian. none of them knew why the sith Corporation had taken command but it was not the job to question the will of the Empire.
Above the planet the Strike force was waiting, they had orders to Raid minor planets but they were waiting word from command befor they did anything it was funny for some reason the Emperor had Given the Corporation a Ravanos Heavy Cruser.
Admiral Keeper was sitting on the Lead ship, the Loki a Core Class gun boat.
"any word from command" he asked
"no none as of yet" the comm officer replyed
he sat there thinking i dont like this why would the Emperor send the Corporation and not the DESC unless he was goin to
"Admiral do you have any idea why we're doing this is this not a job for the DESC" the Captin of the ship asked
"indeed it is but you know how the Empire is at the moment, i just hope we get to kill something befor.." he was interupted by the comm officer
"sir we're getting a report its fussy but what i can make out is that Coreworlds is attack some place called Iceberg i cant make out whats happening tho" the comm officer reported
"ahh screw this contact all ship give them the cords of Iceberg all ships are to jump there and open fired on any ship attacking Coreworlds ships" he ordered "ETA please someone" he looked down he was goin to attack even tho he had not been given orders to.
"2 hours" some one shouted to him, in 2 hours he might just be in a fight for his life.
The Fedral Union
24-04-2004, 21:50
Johnson : Get task force 23 ready and set a Crouse for Green house sector
Ops : sir the task force is ready to coaxial out sir
Johnson good : engage phase cloaks
Task force 23 :
2 New York class dreadnoughts
15 Exlsior 3 class star ships
8 Jupiter class ships
25 Norway class vassals
15 north sea class vassals
150 Defiant class ships
10 intrepid class ships
15 galaxy class X ships
16 Akria class cruisers
10 Hybrid X -7 Cruisers
10 Enterprise H class ships
Johnson : engage!
All the phased cloak ships jump just out side of the green house sector scanning for any ships
02-05-2004, 16:00
Soon, the Sovereign fleet reverted to realspace near Iceberg.
"Be wary of tricks." The Admiral said. "On my mark, charge the superlaser."
Aye, aye, sir!"
"Now!" The modifications seemed to work. Absorbing energy from the phasers, the superlaser was able to charge much faster than normal.
"Don't fire until I give the order!"
"As you wish, Admiral."
The fleet moved omniously towards the planets.
"Sir the enemy is at the gate. Looks like they have a massive Battleship with them."
"Must be the same ship that leveled Midrange. How are we going to defeat something like that?"
"Sir, we do have minefields everywhere around here. Maybe we can slowly maneuver them over to the fleets and detonate them."
"Or we could just dotenate the first few of them because they are among a small mindfield now."
"Yes sir. Detonating minefield number 7!"
A small flare appeared on screens near some ships including the dreadnaught. The fighters of the Rebel forces launched from that and started to engage the enemy forces. Rebel fleets start to form up and moved towards them as well.
Minbar System--Station 3
"Admiral the fleets are ready. Destination?"
"Set a course for the Talban System. Its about time, we break their lines."
"Course Laid in sir."
The fleet leapt into hyperspace heading to break the line of the Coalition!
OOC: mmmm..well my ships will be there in say 30 min NS time after coreworlds attacks so coreworlds just give me the word and my ships will jump in. but till then...
---2nd Homeworld---
---Imperal Palace---
"sir we cant just jump into a war we just came out of a rather bloody one" the Admiral informed the Emperor.
"and....Coreworlds is an ally his ally in my eyes is a friend there for i help, send a the Nova Battlefleet and the spotter Battlefleet with the Loki Carrier fleet" horrar ordered " in command"
To: Sever
From: emperor Horrar Sith
Subject:a helping hand
the sith corporation i hear has sent a small force to help in stoping this outrage of your power.
if you agree i am sending 3 fleets to reinforce any systems you see fit and to attack any were you need attacked. ground forces will be added with 2 extra Legions.
Good day and tell the coreworlds Emperor and his family the same
Emperor Horrar Sith
Nova Battle fleet:
2 Empire Class Battleship
1 Ravanos Class Hvy Crusers
1 Nova Class Carrier
6 Tigerclaw Class Destroyers
3 Manson class Dreadnoughts
10 Loki Class Frigates
2 shin Zu Class Frigates
15 She'Klan Class Corvettes
Spotter Battle Fleet:
2 Akiran Class Battleships
1 Ravanos Class hvy Cruser
1 Nova Class Carrier
6 Knight Class Battle Crusers
3 Manson Class Dreadnoughts
5 Hybrid Class Torpedo Frigates
5 Loki Class Frigates
10 She'Klan Class Corvettes
10 Lifeless CLass Corvettes
Loki Carrier Fleet:
1 Akran Class Battleship
2 Nova Class Carriers
1 Skull Class Escort Carriers
2 Manson Class Dreadnoughts
4 Knight Class Battle Crusers
4 Ranger Class Light Crusers
4 Hybrid Class Torpedo Frigates
15 She'Klan Class Corvettes
stats can be found at my store TG me if u want them and i will give u the link i dont want to look like im puttin up an add
if this has mutiposted i will eat the NS forum servers
05-05-2004, 02:09
The enemy fleet leaps into normal space firing at anything that moves. As the attack progresses, the fleet moves on to other systems, the beginning of a new rebel offense to defeat President Server and his rule.
However, they are running into stiff resistance in one of the systems. That system being the Truman System. The fight there is progressing slowly and the rebels are getting beatenback.
In the Tiger system, Loyalist forces revolted in the capitol as the loyalist fleet enters the system. The system surrendered with in a half an hour.
"Admiral! The rebels have launched a new offensive."
"I know! Have the rest of the fleet deploy to defeat it."
"We may not have too sir. CorpSac is offering us some ships to help."
"Send them to the edge of loyalist territory. I want those systems covered so we can launch an all out attack on MacArthur!"
"Yes sir."
[code:1:021c523eec]To Emporer Horrar Sith
From Admiral Server
We need to defend the loyalist territory. Send the fleets to the edge of our territory that we have so we can engage our primary target. We're setting up an assault plan now.[/code:1:021c523eec]
To:Admiral Server
From: Admiral Dil'Mar
the fleets will be there within the hour we are goin as deep as we can into hyperspace to get to the systems as fast as we can, i pray we get there befor anything happens
Dil'Mar new it was risky going so deep into hyperspace but it was the only way to get there as quickly as he wanted, he knew that he might lose some ships but the risk was worth it.
The Fleets entered Hyperspace within 20 mins of Traval 5 corvettes and 2 torpedo frigates were lost.
"sir we lost 2 more Frigates" an Officer reported
"dam it......bring us up a bit and try and keep the fleets tight to try lower the chances of ships getting pulled in" Dil'Mar replyed
the Fleets exited Hyperspace 1 hour and 20 minutes after the left, the fastest Hyperspace Jump done within the Dark Empire.
"this is Admiral Dil'Mar of the DESC Half Armada my forces are awaiting Orders, till then will set up along the Edge of the Sector, our ground forces are awaiting command and are ready to set up MAOGs on planets" the Admiral sead over the comm to the Corneliu Loyalist ships in the sector as his ships moved in space glideing as if on water.
"do you think we will see action" a commander asked
"well i bloody well hope so i dont like Carrying Legions of troops and i dont like sitting around" Dil'Mar replyed "but we're here to reinforce and if that means sitting on our hands then thats what we will do"
MAOG= Mobile anti Orbital Guns
in case u were wondering
05-05-2004, 03:35
Several fighters and three frigates were destroyed by the minefield. The larder ISDs and Battleship were damaged, but not terribly so.
"Dammit!" The admiral roared. "Open fire! Shoot anything that moves! Are we in range of the planets?"
"Not yet, sir. A few more minutes!"
"Very well! We fire once we are in range"
Turbolasers started blazing away at mines and the enemy fleet. The battleship lumbered on, soon to fire upon the largest enemy station or ship with the superlaser. Fighters zoomed and wheeled and fought like the dogs of war they were. The Battle for Hoth -I mean Iceberg (lol)- has begun!
The Fedral Union
06-05-2004, 00:38
Johnson : Get task force 23 ready and set a Crouse for Green house sector
Ops : sir the task force is ready to coaxial out sir
Johnson good : engage phase cloaks
Task force 23 :
2 New York class dreadnoughts
15 Exlsior 3 class star ships
18 Jupiter class ships
25 Norway class vassals
15 north sea class vassals
150 Defiant class ships
10 intrepid class ships
15 galaxy class X ships
16 Akria class cruisers
10 Hybrid X -7 Cruisers
10 Enterprise H class ships
Johnson : engage!
All the phased cloak ships jump just out side of the green house sector scanning for any ships
The UTA fleet declaoked and luanched sevarl Arc light missles and point singulairty missle in to the sytem to clear what ever mines (may lay )
They moved in a bit closer and waited for enmmy ships to arrive
06-05-2004, 02:46
Several fighters and three frigates were destroyed by the minefield. The larder ISDs and Battleship were damaged, but not terribly so.
"Dammit!" The admiral roared. "Open fire! Shoot anything that moves! Are we in range of the planets?"
"Not yet, sir. A few more minutes!"
"Very well! We fire once we are in range"
Turbolasers started blazing away at mines and the enemy fleet. The battleship lumbered on, soon to fire upon the largest enemy station or ship with the superlaser. Fighters zoomed and wheeled and fought like the dogs of war they were. The Battle for Hoth -I mean Iceberg (lol)- has begun!
Iceberg System
"Sir we didn't do much damage to them"
"Damn it! I want all fire to concentrate on the capitol ships. That Battleship needs to go now."
"Yes sir."
The fleet opens fire on the enemy vessels. The fighting is very intense.
Other parts of the Republic
The rebel and loyalist forces continue to clash. Systems fell to one another then recaptured then they fall again. The loyalist forces are now starting to gain the upper hand as they start to exploit the weakness of the rebel forces. Numbers!
A portion of the loyalist flee breaks off and heads to a secret point in space.
Alliance Prime
Admiral Server paced the deck of the ARCS Liberty! With him is his fiance.
"Helm! Is everything set for us to depart?"
"Aye Sir."
"Set course for our destination. Its about time Kerry got a wake up call that he can't defeat a well determined enemy."
The fleet departs the base and heads to their destination.
Kerry paces in his office hollaring to his commanders!
"Sir with all do respect" his General of the Army stated, "they have better ships than what we have and most of their military stayed loyal to him. Because of this, we are now at even greater disadvantage than before. I have a feeling that they are preparing an all out strike either here or at MacArthur. "
"Order all troops back to the following systems;Minbar, MacArthur, and Axion. Forget all other systems. They're not as important as this one and the other two."
"Right away sir."
Iceberg System
"General, we're picking up a messege from Liberty City."
"What does the messege say?"
"It is ordering all personel out of all systems and to move to the three key systems in the inner sectors."
"Issue the withdrawal orders."
"Yes sir."
The orders are given out and the fleet starts to pull back into cover position.
The Fedral Union
06-05-2004, 03:04
The UTA fleet out side green house ----------
Adm : All ships movge in to the sytems all hands red alert battle stations deploy armour!
The ships form up and starts moveing Quickly The fleet begans forming an assult sheet... They begin fireing at the frigates and curisers around Arc light missles being luanched in the center of some ship cluters . Phasers firing evry witch way allong with vollys of photon torpedos and quantum torpedos being luanched full spreads at enmmy vessals
06-05-2004, 17:49
The UTA fleet out side green house ----------
Adm : All ships movge in to the sytems all hands red alert battle stations deploy armour!
The ships form up and starts moveing Quickly The fleet begans forming an assult sheet... They begin fireing at the frigates and curisers around Arc light missles being luanched in the center of some ship cluters . Phasers firing evry witch way allong with vollys of photon torpedos and quantum torpedos being luanched full spreads at enmmy vessals
Greenhouse System
"General, we're being attacked by TFU forces."
"Damn them. I thought they left us alone."
"Negative. They are firing something that will clear the minds out of the way."
"Damn. Pull us out and set course for Minbar. We need to defend that more than .........."
"Sir we just lost four warships and 3 more are badly damaged."
"Damn it. Jump us out now."
When the fleet jumped out system. The ground forces were thrown into disarray.
"Sir, the fleet left."
"I know. This is our chance to end our fight. Notify the station commander and tell him to surrender. I'll follow suite."
"Yes sir." He immediately called the station commander.
This is Grounhouse Station to TFU forces. We surrender. Cease your bombardment. We surrender.
When it was confirmed that the station sent its messege, the general incharge of Greenhouse issued his.
This is General Smits to TFU forces. As commander of the garrison here, I am hereby issuing a surrender edict. We don't want a massive fight on the ground. Please Accept our surrender. General Smits out.
06-05-2004, 18:27
"Sir, they appear to be withdrawing."
"Very well. Continue firing, but stand down the superlaser. We won't need it for now."
"Yes, sir."
"Send a message to any Iceberg civilians. We come to free your from Kerry's tyranny and things like that."
"Right away."
[code:1:012a729534]To Iceberg citizens!
We have freed you from Kerry's evil grasp! Rejoice, for your liberation is at hand! We will help you with anything you require. Ask and ye shall recieve![/code:1:012a729534]
"Nice, Lieutenant." Admiral Rommel approved.
"Thank you, sir. I thought it would help some."
"I'm sure it will."
"sir Greenhouse system has surrendered" an Comm officer ran into the Admirals office "and Iceberg seems to have been Liberated"
"grate just bloody grate we get the job of istting around on our hands when all the others seem to get the fun" the admiral was a War Vet of the 2 Veredain wars and the Crew new how he liked battle "reports on the Skermishes?"
"light Rebal forces are pulling back our MAOG and the platoons with them landed of a few near by planets and have set up but its not like there goin to be used" the officer replyed
"cut fighter Patrols by half, im just glade we have a few squads of the new Mk X how are the preforming?" the admiral asked he was one of the Best fighter pilots in the Space Navy
"well, better then the VIII but there few in surpply" the comm officer chuckled, the admiral joined in.
"well then i think we can send the carrier fleet a bit further out, S&D mission any Rebal ships are to attacked total Comm blackout unless its from DESC high command or us Channal Alpha Omega" the admiral ordered
"sir you think thats a good idea we were ordered to defend this sector and the nearby ones" the officer replyed he saw the look on the admiral face "er...yes sir right away" he walked out.
the Carrier fleet jumped into hyperspace moveing further out hunting for any Rebal ships the could find it was a simple S&D mission kill.
the corporate ships exited hyperspace behind the Fleeing Rebal forces, opening fire with a barage of torpedos.
OOC: i hope there rebal ship or i just fired a barage of torpedos at Coreworlds :?
---Dark empire News Network---
"its was found out today that a Corporation within the Dark Empire may have been surpplying the Trator Kerry weapons one major weapon in concern is a Nova Torpedo, the reports are not confrimed and the corporation is under investergation all ships that are part of this Corporation are being stoped and search. its not clear if Kerry has the weapon or if this allegation is true but as this is the most highest Corporate Crime within the Dark Empire its not being taken Light heartly
OOC: its up to u if he did or not but if he didnt well i have my self a missing nova torpedo mmmm maby a new RP
The Fedral Union
06-05-2004, 18:55
UTA Force to genral Smitts :...We accept your surrender .... now we will build up a force hear for our next assult
The next force coxialed in to the green house sytem : included are:
100 Akria class ships
100 defiant class ships
50 Jupiter class vassals
50 galaxy class ship’s
10 New York class super dreadnoughts
50 Norway class star ships
50 Enterprise H class star ships
and 50 Pathfinder class star ships
07-05-2004, 17:44
Point Luck
The Loyal Corneliuan Fleet starts to assymble. Admiral Server paces the deck of his flagship waiting on word from the little known shipyard Lorthan.
"Sir, we have jump points forming"
"Report. What ships do we have?"
"They are ours sir. Unknown Classes but they do belong to us."
"Good good. Notify the flagship Destructor that i'm transfering my flag to his ship. Once that is done, Rear Admiral Daniels will be promoted to Vice Admiral and will take over the battlegroup."
With that, he left the bridge and proceeded to the shuttle bay. He then launched from the Liberty and proceeded to his brand new flagship. As he did so, he admired the brand new fleet that just asymbled here. "This still isn't going to be easy but it'll be lot less harder than otherwise." he muttered to himself. He docked and was escorted to the bridge.
OOC: info on the new fleet.
Gladium Class Assualt Ship (
Destuctor Class Dreadnaught (
Titan Class Destroyer ( Secondary Flagship
"Sir we are starting to lose our cover ships."
"How many have we lost?"
"Seven Sir. Four by CoreWorlds forces and 3 by CorpSac's."
"CorpSac is now in the fight? Crap!!!! Alright we can't hold on much more. Jump out of the system."
In mere minutes, the fleet jumped outsystem.
This is McCain to attacking vessels. Thank you for your help. We just started a revolt whenyou jumped in. It appears sir, that a something major came up. As the commanding authority here, I'm surrendering the planet to you for now but we, as citizens will keep control of the government.
10-05-2004, 02:22
ARCS Destructor
Admiral Server paced the command deck of the brand new ship that belongs to the specialty fleet that was being built before the War broke out. As he continued to pace, Erica entered the bridge. She sighed heavily when she saw him pacing.
"John, its not going to do you any good pacing like that. I think its time for you to show Kerry just what we can do instead of waiting here."
"We have to wait here. The damn Fedral Union isn't here yet. Comm, send out the messege again. I want those sons of bitches here so we can finally end this god damn fight."
[code:1:d525c63e77]To: The Fedral Union
From: ARCS Destructor
Admiral John Servers Requests that you meet up with us as soon as possible for the final assaults to come.[/code:1:d525c63e77]
When the messege was sent, Server sat in his chair with his Fiance next to him. "Its going to be grand when we march through the streets of Liberty City."
"Sir, Space Force 1 is on an approach vector. Sir, he says that the President of Corneliu wishes to board at once."
"Grant him permission and escort him here." The secondary Comm officer ran out the door. "Finally he shows up. Must've had a hard time getting out of CoreWorlds space. No matter, he's here now so now we finish up the planning for the assault on MacArther."
"Yes we can love. Yes we can."
Liberty City, Minbar-Capitol of Corneliu
President Kerry was pretty upset. He was pacing in the Star Office yelling at all of his Commanding Officers. "HOW IN BLAZES ARE WE IN THIS PICKLE." He hollard at the top of his lungs.
"Sir we got into this pickle the moment, Server and his son met up with CoreWorlds and now that TFU joined the fray, its been hell ever since."
"Sir," his Chief of Naval Ops started, "we have received word that a new group of ships have joined his navy. Apparently they are part of a new breed of ships under construction that we never knew about. Apparently they are now online and have attached themselves to his fleet."
"How did you come across this?"
"One of our ships spotted it before the ship was destroyed. It managed to get off a quick messege and that is what it said."
"Great. That is just great. I want all ships available for the coming fire. No one surrenders. If any of our forces surrender, shoot them or destroy them. Ready all of our Chemical weapons. I want nukes ready to go too. If we lose, I want to kill as many of their troops as possible. IS THAT CLEAR?"
"Yes sir" they all chorused.
"DISMISSED!" With that, they filed out to there respected commands.
The Fedral Union
10-05-2004, 02:38
Ops : sir incommeing message i
Raynor : All right what is it ?
Ops : cordaince to the rally point for fleets
Raynor : Understood ... set a crous and tell the fleet to move out!
Ops :*dose so*
*the entier UTA fleet then jumped to slip stream and a few moment later jumped out and arrived at the designated cordnace *
Ops : shall i hail them sir ?
Raynor : not just yet see if they hail us ..
10-05-2004, 14:14
"Sir, the TFU Fleet has jumped into the system."
"John? What is the TFU fleet doing here?"
"Supporting us father. They have been a big help to all of us. Managed to take a few of our outer systems as well as the Greenhouse System. Now they are going to help this fleet liberate our home inner systems. Of course, they'll have to do as we say since it is our system."
"Good point. Communications. Are they hailing us?"
"Negative sir."
"Sir they are just sitting there."
President Server breathes in deeply. "Ok. John shall we hail them or let them sweat?"
"Hail them. It'll be easier."
"Good idea! Comm open a channel to the TFU Fleet."
"Channel Open sir."
[code:1:aa06fb2389]To: TFU Navy
From: President Server
ARCS Destructor
This is President Server onboard the [i]ARCS Destructor[/i]! Welcome to the Cornenliuan Navy. If your going to support us in our fight to liberate our home systems, you have to follow our orders. Do you understand?[/code:1:aa06fb2389]
General Anderson surveys all the preparations. He tours all the defensive perimeter on the surface as well as in space. What he saw pleases him.
"This will diffently give those bastards a very hard time to take this system. If they do take it, they'll suffer casualties like they have never suffered before."
"Right sir." his attache said. "Our forces are loyal to our cause. Hopefully we can repel them and put them back on the defensive."
"So do I Roger, so do I."
Liberty City, Minbar
"Mr. President, all of our forces are in position. All the preparations are complete. All we need now is the fleet."
"Very good. I have a feeling we won't have to wait to long. John Server is cocky. He'll try to take this system as fast as possible now that he is within striking distance. When he does, he'll be in for a rude surprise. What about the Nuclear Bombs and Gas?"
"Also all prepared sir. As I said, everything is prepared."
"Good. Prepare to defend to the last man. Dismissed."
The Fedral Union
10-05-2004, 14:40
[code:1:76564b58a5]Raynor : Understood .Ill get my fleet in to postions with yours and then we'll be ready to move when you say so Ryanor out[/code:1:76564b58a5]
*the entire UTA fleet moved in to postion behind the loyalist vessals and awaited orders *
"Sir our Long Range Scans that were tracking the TFU ships shows them here, its a massive build up of Corneliu and TFU ships" an Officer who had just ran into the admirals office reported
"mmm...interesting but why? what are they goin to attack?" the admiral asked
"minbar would be a logical place" a tac officer sead, on the table a Holo Image of the Minbar system poped up. "we dont know much about the system we've never done a full scan of it, but our long range scans show us the basics, the most logical place for the Corneliu Space navy to enter the system is here" he pointed at the Holo image "but Kerry would know that, im guessing that they will enter here" he points at a different point "if we jump in at the Logical place we could draw fire from the Main fleet, if we jump in early we might draw in alot of fire, giveing Sever a nearly clear run to Minbar" the tac officer finished.
"i dont like it but....if it will end this war faster the better it will be, contact Sever tell him of our plan and get his aproveal" the Admiral ordered.
Encoded Tranmission
LvL 21
we've notice your milltary build up, but it was not easy we're tracking TFU ships at the time.
my Tac officer informs me that the only reason you were doin this is for an all out attack on Minbar, we know that the most logical jump point would be known to Kerry that is why my people are assuming you have a different Entery point.
i propose that My Half Armada jumps in at the Logical jump point a few minutes befor yours and TFU ships enter at your jump point, thrus Drawing Fire from you, admitaly we will suffer high loses if Kerry attacks my forces but its a price me and my fellow comrades are willing to pay to stop this war, its the lest we can do.
if you aprove of it infrom us of time to jump in and we wont be late, if not we will carry on sitting on our hands.
Admiral Dil'Mar
the Corporate ships saw the Rebals flee, as soon as they left the Corprate ships entered Hyperspace and followed.
"this Is Captain Milar to all Sith ships follow that scum and as soon as they enter normal space kill them"
the troop ships stayed behind, landing on the planet, the forces were to be governed by the Plantary Goverment.
15-05-2004, 01:05
A tingling in the Force, and Andrew Masaki decided to personally lead the fleet. "I want the Armageddon battlegroup to form up with the Sovereign as soon as possible. I'm taking my X-wing to the battleship. I'm going to show Kerry just how strong family blood is."
The Armageddon is yet another Star Destroyer fleet, this one with all Mark II versions, designed for heavy naval battles. It also has several squadrons sprinkled with Jedi, for greater battle experience and morale.
"I could say that is unwise, sire, but you already have heard the rebuttles." The defense secretary said. "Besides, we all know of the famous Masaki precedent for leading the armed forces to victory."
Andrew chuckled slightly. "Yeah. Well, time to suit up!"
Andrew walked to his personal hangar, stopping to make sure his 2-year old son Daniel is asleep with his nanny. He donned the famous orange jumpsuit of the Galactic Republic/Coreworlds starfighter squadrons and after Rocky the R2 astromech was snuggled in the droid socket, Andrew soon roared off into the sky, with old Tenchi watching. I smile, remembering my own battles like they were yesterday.
Good luck, and may the Force be with you, Andrew. I sent.
And with you, Grandfather. Andrew pulled the lever, and the stars streaked out into hyperspace.
Admiral Rommel paced the bridge of the Sovereign. One did not have to be a Jedi to know that a showdown is coming near.
"Sir, Emperor Masaki is on his way with a fresh fleet. ETA 3 or so hours."
"Good. Signal Admiral Server, and ask him where should we strike next. I have a feeling that only two or three systems still lay withing Kerry's grasp."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:78758d1301]***Imperial Encryption Engaged***
To: Admiral Server
From: Admiral Rommel
I have a feeling we are close to victory! Where shall we strike next, so we can finish this war and throw Kerry out of power once and for all? Awaiting your response, asap. Rommel, out.
***End Encryption***[/code:1:78758d1301]
It may take a while before I am able to do the final battles, because I am currently searching for a job. Just wait for me as patiently as you can. Ciao! :D
-John Masaki.
09-06-2004, 15:36
bump for Corneliu!
Rekjyavich Andropov Military City
Capitol of the Dersconian Empire: Locale -- Earth territory
The Czar shifted through his breifing and located the part about the Corneliuian Civil War. He ignored all of them, putting all the papers in a desk compartment to read when ready. He read through all of the breifing papers and then read the new one. Well, the Czar said. It is time to reassure the world of the standing alliance with Server and I. He proceeded to telepathically send a message, covering lightyears. Heh, the Czar thought. It helps if you're sitting right on top of the temple!
President Server! It has been awhile, hasn't it? This is Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III. I finally got the chance to help, should you need it. Just contact me sometime soon, or, if you want, I'll come to you! I have R13:1-S ((((Revelation, Chapter 13: verse 1 -- space)))) on standby. I'll just hop on and ride, if you would like! If not, I will not feel offended. I am confident in your ability to defeat that bastard Kerry. Ciao![/code:1:77fac4783f]
He then opened his eyes after appearing unconcious (It takes a lot of energy to send a message that far). He got up, walked out of the room, and went through the many labryniths beneath the Palace to the ancient Jedian Temple ruins, opened the door, and relaxed.
28-06-2004, 01:36
OOC: Ok I know this was considered dead but just like Lazures it is alive once again! :)
IC: Admiral and James Server overlook all the preparations for the final offensive. Corvettes and patrol ships are out scouting enemy forces and are engaged in some skirmishes with the Rebel forces!
President Server breaths deeply and has he closes his eyes, he hears the messege
[code:1:f98f0cca55]We will do fine Czar. Thanks for the offer but we are on the Cusp of our victory. If you like sir, you are officially invited to a victory celebration at the Capitol Building![/code:1:f98f0cca55]
"Father, all preparations are ready. We are ready to Jump to MacArthur! Its time to prove to Kerry that Surrender is his only option!"
"Mr. President we are also receiving a messege from Admiral Rommel of CoreWorlds."
"Let me hear it son."
The operator flipped the switch and after the decoding sequence ended it came over the bridge speaker:
[code:1:f98f0cca55]***Imperial Encryption Engaged***
To: Admiral Server
From: Admiral Rommel
I have a feeling we are close to victory! Where shall we strike next, so we can finish this war and throw Kerry out of power once and for all? Awaiting your response, asap. Rommel, out.
***End Encryption***[/code:1:f98f0cca55]
President Server listened intently! "Reply with the following words." The encryption process went into place as he started to speak.
[code:1:f98f0cca55]To Adm. Rommel
From President Server
We are on the verge of victory Admiral. Together we shall show the galaxy just what it means to mess with our Family and our two glorious nations! Our next strike will be MacArthur! As soon as that is done, we will launch immediately to Minbar and end this once and for all. I want Kerry Alive though. I want his hide on trial! Server out![/code:1:f98f0cca55]
Erica was standing by John's side at this point, still unsure as to what happened to her but is well enough not to require her to be in SickBay. When she heard this, her head looked up to him. "John, I want a piece of that moron. After what he did to me, I deserve to have a crack at his stinking hide!"
"Relax sweetheart! You'll get your chance. Just remember not to kill him yet. We do need to place him on trial in accordance with the law. You know that as well as I do."
"Yes darlin' I know! I don't like it but I do know."
"Admiral, all forces are ready, waiting for your command."
He looks over to his father. James looks up and looks at him. "Engage son."
"Jump to hyperspace. Target MacArthur. All hands to battlestations."
As klaxons sounded all over the fleet, it jumped into hyperspace for the next to the last climatic battle in this Bloody Civil War!
28-06-2004, 03:01
As Andrew and the Armageddon battlefleet emerged from hyperspace at Iceberg, the fleet was preparing to head to the next contested system.
“Sir, the Emperor has arrived, and here is President Server’s response.” Jack Fighan, the comms officer reported.
“Very well. Allow the Emperor to land and let me take a look at the reply.”
Andrew landed on the battleship to fanfare (Throne Room music from the end of Star Wars: A New Hope), and was escorted to the bridge after changing to Jedi robes.
“Commander in Chief on the bridge!” A sergeant announced, and everyone stood at attention and saluted.
“At ease.” Andrew said, and the crew returned to their duties, with raised morale. “What do we have so far, Admiral?”
“President Server is leading a fleet to the MacArthur System. That is the last stronghold before Minbar itself, and most definitely heavily defended.”
“Very well. Form up the entire fleet, leaving one or two Star Destroyers here to defend Iceberg. We’re going to MacArthur to free it!”
“Yes sir!”
Several minutes later, the entire fleet minus two Star Destroyers formed up around the Sovereign and prepared for President-Emperor Masaki’s word to jump.
Opening an all-ships channel, Andrew gave the order. “On my mark, make the jump. 5…4…3…2…1…GO!”
Several hundred hyperspace engines powered up and one by one, from sleek starfighters to powerful Star Destroyers to the Sovereign itself, the fleet jumped to hyperspace for the MacArthur System and battle.
Fleet composition:
1 Battleship
50 Star Destroyers
50 Star Cruisers
75 Nebulon-B frigates
100 Tantive gunships
150 starfighter squadrons
28-06-2004, 03:42
General Anderson sat in his compound going over the finishing touches of his overall battle plan. As he was reviewing the map of the planet and all the defense arrayed he smiled. "This is going to make them think twice about slamming into the capitol!" he said to himself as he reviewed his orders as well as the layout for this plan that he got approved by President Kerry himself.
As he looked out at the map of space, he sees the defenses are aligned for a fierce fight to take the system. At that moment, he notices a ripple on sensors.
"What is that ripple Petty Officer?" he asked one of the sensor technicians.
"General, we have incoming. Definitely the Loyalist fleet. Looks like they are read...." He broke off as he notices the signatures as well as the configuration of the fleet. "Son of a bitch. What type of ships are those?" he looked at his readout stunned as General Anderson looked over his shoulder.
"Shit! They got that fleet ready faster than originally planned. Damn it. This complicates matters. No problem. We can still counter their force. It'll be a much tougher fight for our side but we can still defeat them. Chief, send the messege to the fleet to engage. Target their fleet in particular order and engage the enemy."
"Right away sir." He carries out the orders and the fleets immediately open fire. In the ensuing chaos, fighters entangle with fighters as Rebel and Loyalists clash in this massive space engagement.
President Kerry was in the Star Office going over some reports when an aide came in and handed him the report from MacArthur. As he reviewed it his eyes shot up and he slowly stands up, visibly shaken.
"Any idea where this new fleet came from and who's it is?"
"Sir, it is broadcasting Corneliuan Signatures. It was in the report sir. As for where it came from, no sir. We don't know where it came from."
"Place the Home Defense Force on alert. It'll be sometime before they hit here but I want them ready for action. Also I'll go on TV and declare Martial Law throughout Minbar! That way we can get a handle on the chaos and just maybe find the rebel insurgency that has been plaguing us. Ever since that raid to get that bitch, we've had no other attacks or insurgencies that succeeded. I want to keep it that way. Go set it up."
"Right away! Mr. President."
When he left, Kerry sat behind his desk and put his head in his hands. "Where did I go wrong with this plan. It was an easy takeover but where did it go wrong?" He sighed heavily and stood up and left the Star Office and headed for the press room.
"Everything set up?" he asked them.
"Yes sir. We are ready for you."
He stood up to the podium!
"My fellow Corneliuans. The Tyrant Server and his son are doing everything they can to regain power. They have attacked Civilian Populations to achieve this end. Midrange was just one of such atrocities. They are blaming me for this but in fact it was them to regain control of a sector that wanted freedom. Now they will do it again to MacArthur and here when they get the chance. To Minimize Civilian Casualties, I am hereby declaring Martial Law throughout all of Minbar. I didn't want to do this but I have the best interest of her citizens at heart. Martial Law will be lifted when Server is Defeated. Thank You and May God bless Corneliu and her citizens."
As the lights go off on the Camera, Kerry sighs heavily. "Well that went well. What did you think of the speech?"
"Very nice Mr. President. Now all we have to do is defeat him and that won't be easy now."
"Your right. I'm going back to my office for abit then I'm going to bed. I need to get some sleep otherwise, I won't be able to do much when the time comes for us to do anything!"
"Good Night Mr. President."
Kerry left the room and proceeded to his office.
"Mr. President, we have arrived at MacArthur. All systems are go."
"Jump into normal space and launch fighters"
Seconds later, the fleet jumped into normal space and fighters launched.
Admiral Server stood up and motioned to the Comm officer to open a channel. "This is Admiral John Server of the Armed Galatic Empire of Corneliu to all ships. Welcome to MacArthur. It is time to show Kerry just exactly what we are capable of. All ships will fight in accordence with the rules of war as we have done. Lets not stoop to their level of combat. Fight bravely and we shall win the day. This is the next to last stop and this one will be the next toughest fight. Let us seize it and that'll be Kerry's wake up call that his only option left is to surrender. God Bless Corneliu! All ships, fire at will."
With that, the battle for MacArthur begins!
13-07-2004, 19:48
Former head of Intel Sheridan was in his backup control bunker for the resistance looking at the plan that is sure to drive Kerry nuts. As he was continously looking at it, he started to smile at himself but knew this was going to be very difficult.
"This is going to be difficult Nathan" he said, "But we can get this done."
"Agreed sir. We can get this done and it will definitely be difficult. It was difficult enough to get the leaders here. We have tight security to make sure that they weren't followed as well as making sure that we are not stumbled upon."
"Good. What do you think of the plan Nathan? I would like your opinion on it."
"Very good plan sir! This plan will drive Kerry nuts because we'll be hitting where we are least expected. We've done that type of thing before but in a small group. This time, it'll be a full scale attack and that is what we need to do. Pin them down and pray we hold till the fleet arrives."
"That we will do. Our fighters are still top notch. Most of them serving in the military at one point or another and are supporters of President Server and his son. This will also bring out the civilians against Kerry too. They have remained silent for too long and this will wake them up."
"Agreed sir. This plan will do that too.When that occurs, Kerry will be finished."
"That he will be. Lets go back over the plan so that we can telll it to them clearly."
"Yes sir." As they start to go over the plan again, the other leaders of the resistance started to come in by ones and twos. An hour later, they were all there.
"Good afternoon all and welcome to hopefully the last operations meeting."
President Kerry was pacing in his office at the palace when his Homeland Chief walked.
"Sir, martial law has taken full affect across the land. No one is allowed out of their homes after 1700 and the streets are totally secured."
"Good. Now, I want troops to be ordered to government buildings and have the military bases activate their ground assault defenses. The resistance, which has been a thorn in our side, must not be allowed to gain more prestige than they already have."
"I agree totally sir. They will have to get through troops to hit legit targets and they don't want to risk that."
"I know but we must be patient. They will strike and I want us prepared. Just carry out those orders."
"Sir, I think our troops are better off at street cor....."
"Yes sir! I'll carry them out right away sir." With that he bolted from the room. Moments later, troops started to arrive at the government buildings and the military bases activated their ground assault weaponry, preparing for an attack.
13-07-2004, 20:39
As the battle for MacArthur rages, points of light could be seen as the Core Fleet burst into realspace. First fighters, then small gunships, then the strike cruisers and frigates, Star Destroyers and Cruisers, and finally the Sovereign itself all arrived in the system, ready for battle.
"All crews, man your battle stations!" The Emperor ordered. "Contact President Server, and tell him we have arrived! Fire at will when we get in range!"
"Yes sir!" Crewmen rushed about to carry out the orders.
Fighters started pouncing upon enemy ships, spitting red lasers and shooting protons torps and concussion missiles. The larger craft chose targets and let loose volley after volley of green and red turbolaser fire, like some deadly Christmas display. Now, the enemy will have to contend with two fleets, not just one. Kerry has sorely underestimated the strength of family blood, and will pay for his mistake.
13-07-2004, 20:52
As the battle for MacArthur rages, points of light could be seen as the Core Fleet burst into realspace. First fighters, then small gunships, then the strike cruisers and frigates, Star Destroyers and Cruisers, and finally the Sovereign itself all arrived in the system, ready for battle.
"All crews, man your battle stations!" The Emperor ordered. "Contact President Server, and tell him we have arrived! Fire at will when we get in range!"
"Yes sir!" Crewmen rushed about to carry out the orders.
Fighters started pouncing upon enemy ships, spitting red lasers and shooting protons torps and concussion missiles. The larger craft chose targets and let loose volley after volley of green and red turbolaser fire, like some deadly Christmas display. Now, the enemy will have to contend with two fleets, not just one. Kerry has sorely underestimated the strength of family blood, and will pay for his mistake.
Above MacArthur, the fighting continues to rage.
"Mr. President, we have detected ships leaving lightspeed. It appears to be CoreWorlds fleet sir. They're transmitting."
"Good and let me hear it."
When he heard the messege the messege he smiled. "Send a messege back to them. Tell them to kick hard and kick fast. We need to get the troops on the ground as fast as possible. Tell them to attack from the side."
"Right away Mr. President."
<Messege to CoreWorlds>
Welcome to HotZone MacAthur. We need to get our forces down on the planet as soon as possible. We need to take this system away from Kerry. If we do that, we can probably topple Kerry because his safety net is gone. We need you to attack from the side to split up their forces.
President Server
<End Transmission>
The fighting continues to rage on as ships and fighters are destroyed. The CoreWorlds Fleet joins the fray and the attack becomes even more deadly.
On planet, General Anderson watches the battle unfold. As he does, red lights continue to blink everywhere signaling the battle is still raging on. He continues to direct forces to counter both parties while trying to maintain cover for the planets.
"Chief, do we have any mines in the area?"
"Aye sir. Several small fields. Both fleets are in a couple of them right now."
"Detonate some of the mines. That should shake things up."
"Right away sir."
Moments later, mines blow up destroying a few Loyalist and ally vessels.
"Admiral we lost 2 destroyers and a heavy cruiser as well as 72 fighters boss. We don't know how many casualties for Coreworlds yet."
"Damn it. Continue the attack."
"Yes sir."
The fight rages on.
13-07-2004, 21:32
Andrew winced as several gunships and a squadron fell to the mines and the crew winked out of existence. Not a good feeling, especially for a Jedi like the President-Emperor.
"Sire, message from President Server." An aide said, holding a sheet of paper for Andrew to read.
"Hmm. Have the Armageddon battlegroup flank the enemy to the left, and the Reign of Fire group attack from the right. The rest of the fleet is to drive down the middle."
"The Scorpion Maneuver." Admiral Rommel smiled. A tried-and-true tactic, it is designed to break up the enemy forces in order to defeat a fleet piece by piece.
"Exactly. Also, find firing solutions for the Sovereign's superlaser. We'll need to find a command ship to take out. The confusion of broken command chains will surely aid us." Andrew added.
"I'll get right on it. Anything else, sir?"
"Just make sure my fighter's ready. When we are halfway finished, I'll start leading a Jedi squadron to the surface. You know, find the commanders and deal with them."
"All right, sir. But just be careful when you do it." Rommel chided the Emperor.
Andrew grinned. "I will. Don't worry."
As the battle strategy was executed, the fleet separated into task forces for easier dealings with the enemy, and also to minimize friendly fire. If anything, the turbolaser fire intensified, as some ships started moving towards point-blank ranges. Broadsides were exchanged, as Star Destroyers and enemy cruisers stabbed deadly fire into each other, blasting holes in shields and armor. This battle is only the beginning...
Hello, President Server! This is Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III of Derscon! As...things have calmed down, I would like to return to whereever you can meet. That is, if you still need me. I apologize for having to back out on you like that. If you do not need my help, that is okay. If you do, just tell me where to meet.
14-07-2004, 15:34
Admiral Server is directing the ships of his own fleet to engage the enemy. Both sides are taking substancial casualties as the fight rages. President Server is observing the battle, letting his son direct it as he mentally prepares to lead the ground assault. No one knows except a few people that he plans on leading the ground assault on MacArthur.
On the Planet, General Anderson is positioning his forces for the inevitable ground assault. The tanks and cannons and the agents are ready for use as is all defense perimeters. All of a sudden, an explosion lights up the space board.
"General, space station 3 has been hit hard and has suffered massive damage."
"Great, tell them to evac the station. We can always use more troops down here for the ground assault. Direct Taskforces 3 and 7 to guard it till its done."
"Right away sir."
"Admiral! Space Station 3 has been hit by the AGECS Allentown! Massive damage being reported sir."
"Sir, two taskforces are moving into position to guard it. It looks like they are evacuating the station boss. Marines are requesting to launch and board her and turn her against the enemy."
"Tell them Request Denied for the moment. With our luck they set up something to destroy it if we try that. We'll take it soon though. Meanwhile have the Featherston taskforce move into position to punch a hole for us to drive through. I want to end this."
"Right away sir."
As the orders where issued, the fleet starts to move towards space station 3 and defense ships.
"Davidson, notify all forces in the loyalist fleet that we are preparing for our final attack run. I've had enough of this pussyfooting match around this planet. I want all ships to attack with everything they have and to prepare to land the ground forces. Tell them to watchout for Chem and Nuclear attacks from the rebels."
<Transmission to Allied Fleets>
We are nearing an end to the space battle. All ships are requested to launch a full assault with everything you have. During that, prepare all ground forces for ground assault. Prepare for Chem and Nuclear attacks from the rebels.
Admiral and President Server
Armed Galatic Empire of Corneliu
<End Transmission>
14-07-2004, 16:04
"Sire, the Loyalists are diving towards the planet, and are starting to prepare for a ground offensive." Admiral Rommel reported.
"Very well. Is my fighter prepared?"
"Yes, sir, and we have found a firing solution for the superlaser."
"Ok, fire when you're ready. I'm heading for the fighter bay."
"Yes sir." In the crosshairs is a large capital ship, a battleship. Maybe it's the command ship, maybe not, but just the sight of a shot that completely destroys a powerful battleship will help demoralize the enemy.
"Ready to fire, sir." The weapons officer reported to the Admiral.
"Fire, now!" The Admiral ordered.
A deep whine sounded through the ship, as the primary weapon charged up and unleashed a meter-thick ray of deadly green energy.
Andrew soon reached the hangar bay, where his X-wing and Rocky the astromech was waiting.
"You ready, Rocky?" He asked.
"Beep bloop beep beep. (I'm ready to go!)" The droid beeped.
Getting the gist of the reply, Andrew climbed into the cockpit and started up the engines. He feathered the throttle, and flew out of the hangar, and into the battle, s-foils in attack position.
14-07-2004, 23:44
"Admiral we are starting to push them back."
"I can tell that Petty officer! They are starting to fight with a sense of despiration. Tell all forces to watch for anything suspicious in space."
"Will do sir." He issues the warning on all bands.
"Helm! Increase speed to flank. Lets drive them out of this part of space."
"Sir we just lost the Capitol!"
"Well that'll complicate some matters!"
At that moment, an explosion rocked an enemy battleship and it was completely obliterated.
"Identify the vessel that was destroyed!" Admiral Server hollared over the commotion on the bridge.
"Sir it was the Dalcornation, the backup flagship of the rebel fleet here at MacArthur. The primary ship is still stuck in the middle of the pack."
"Good. Fire control. Fire the Main Energy Weapons. Lets start showing them just what we can do."
Moments later, beams of intense energy slammed into another ship, completely blowing it away. The rest of the new ships open up with the same type and more ships are blown away.
"Sir we have the flagship in site. Shall we use the main weapons or do this the old fashioned way?"
"Old fashion way. Tell the Titan the ship is hers."
When the messege was transmitted, the Titan moved into position with a screen of ships and opened up on the carrier Iron Fist! Both ships suffered damage but the Titan absorbed the shots and the Iron Fist suffered massive casualities. Unable to withstand the pressure, escape pods launched from the ship as the ship broke apart.
"Sir, the Iron Fist is now gone and it appears the resistance in space is nearing an end."
"Very good! Begin landing the troops with full fighter cover. I have a feeling the space engagement will end here very soon. Continue the operation with main weapons and...."
"Sir, I'm picking up transmissions from several ships. Sir, many of the surviving ships are surrendering and it appears that three other ships have had mutinies and are also surrendering."
"Tell those ships to pull away and to power down their weapons."
"Sir some ships have just jumped out of system on a course for Minbar."
"Don't worry about them right now. Land the troops and lets get this planet back into our pockets." He looks over at his father and gives a brief nod of the head. The President leaves the bridge and moves towards his shuttle with the rest of special operations forces waiting for him. When he appeared they saluted and he quickly puts on his gear.
"Just like old times for me." he muttered. He turned to the rest of his forces. "Ok troops, we're going down to liberate the planet. You are directly under my command. Just follow my lead. Though I am the President, I will take suggestions from you since your more attuned to current strategies. Lets board the shuttle and prepare to take back MacArthur."
The troops hollared in agreement and boarded the Presidential Shuttle. Moments later, it departed the ship and moves with the rest of the transports heading for the planetary surface.
<Transmission to Allied Forces>
Land all forces
Admiral Server
<End Transmission>
16-07-2004, 16:46
<Transmission to Allied Forces>
Land all forces
Admiral Server
<End Transmission>
"Admiral. The Loyalists have begun." the comms officer reported.
"Very well. Deploy the assault shuttles. Order the fighter squadrons and the Thunderbolt and Tsunami to form up and protect the shuttles. We must ensure that they survive."
"Yes sir."
As Andrew heard the orders, he had his Elite squadron, all Jedi, form up on him and the shuttles. Using the Force and their own piloting skills, the Elites cut a swath through the enemy fighters like a buzzsaw through wheat. Andrew's X-wing wheeled and spat red bolts of energy, blowing apart yet another fighter.
Looming ahead of him was a couple of enemy cruisers. The young Emperor weaved through the fire, keeping the gunners trained on him and not the shuttles.
Massive bolts of green and blue energy suddenly lanced out at the cruisers. The Thunderbolt and Tsunami! Their dagger-shaped forms stabbed forward as turbolasers and ion cannons struck the cruisers. Several missiles were launched as well, and soon, the cruisers' shields failed, and then they blew apart. The Victory Star Destroyers have paved the way for the assault shuttles.
They formed up with the Loyalists, and then the ships and fighters headed for the planet itself. Begun, the ground offensive has!
16-07-2004, 17:24
President Server's shuttle lands on the surface of MacArthur with the rest of his troops. The shells immediately start to fall around them.
"Ok people" he started, "we've landed on the ground and we need to secure this site. Move all forces foward and immediately fire back." The cannon that was deployed first, responded with a blast of his own. The rest of the equipment gets deployed and fires at enemy positions.
"Ok! Now that we have landed, I want all forces to move forward by Company. We need to cover as much ground as possible. After awhile, we'll form up into divisions. Radio, give me all CO Freqs."
The radioman immediately dialed it in. "Here you are sir." The president takes it and over the mic states. "This is the President! Follow your operational orders. Today marks the end of Operation Barbarosa and the start of Operation Overlord. Good luck and may God go with you." When he got off the line, he grab the men and women assigned to him and began to move foward with the 3rd ID now under President Server's commmand.