Suicide bombing in Bonstock; Dark Terror financing suspected - Page 2
My god, hitting the fleet with missiles, at least post launching so his AWACS and CAP patrols can shred them....
DT's bomber force continues going about depleting cruise missile stockpiles, escorted by MiG-37 interceptors which will alert the bombers to any threats, allowing them to trn away.
Current launches (aimed at bunkers and such in northern bonstock, from 500km away)
-80 AS-3 Kangaroo with conventional warheads
-1200 AS-4 Kitchen
-300 AS-6 Kingfish
That should soften them up somewhat, as the few missiles that get through have warheads in the range of 2000 lbs.
ooc: Missiles that look like Patriots, but are really far more advanced Mach 10 missiles; I have 4,000 "Patriot" sites ringing my capital, with four missiles each. Being reloaded constantly, most missile threats to my capital are neutralized.
And I haven't even started jamming...
Were bombing maropian coast, not your goddamn capital.
TROUSRS, check tgrams.
04-01-2004, 04:03
The Bonstocknian Flygsvapnet tracks the bombers as tehy take off from the ground.
"Sir, they've launched the bombers."
"Scramble the F-38s."
"Roger sir."
Instantly, the fighters under the tents scramble. They go low, flying under, but at incredible speeds. Then they intercept the DT bombers, and jump up, all 160 of them. These are no ordinary fighters, but the Mach 5 F-38 fighter. This was designed by Free Rumania to destroy his best bombers. (ooc: go ask FiK; he specially made them.) They fire 9 missiles each, targetting escorts and bombers alike.
Quit telling me wether I detect what you send or not :roll:
04-01-2004, 04:04
ooc: Missiles that look like Patriots, but are really far more advanced Mach 10 missiles; I have 4,000 "Patriot" sites ringing my capital, with four missiles each. Being reloaded constantly, most missile threats to my capital are neutralized.
And I haven't even started jamming...
Were bombing maropian coast, not your goddamn capital.
TROUSRS, check tgrams.
ooc: Johnistan said he was attacking Bonstock...
04-01-2004, 04:04
OOC: You just stopped 6000 missiles? Sorry, but no matter how many patriot batteries you have around Port Yuko, some would get through.
IC: The 40 Johnistani Cruisers detect the Bonstockian planes on radar and fire 100 SA-28 missiles at the incoming planes, 4000 missiles headed at 400 planes, 10 missiles each. The anti-ship missiles are intercepted by lasers and then Iron Storm systems. 12 frigates are damaged, 19 Cruisers are damaged, 6 almost sunk.
The subs are picked up on sonar and have torpedos and ASMs launched at them. 4 cargo ships go up.
04-01-2004, 04:06
ooc: Missiles that look like Patriots, but are really far more advanced Mach 10 missiles; I have 4,000 "Patriot" sites ringing my capital, with four missiles each. Being reloaded constantly, most missile threats to my capital are neutralized.
And I haven't even started jamming...
Were bombing maropian coast, not your goddamn capital.
TROUSRS, check tgrams.
ooc: Johnistan said he was attacking Bonstock...
You mean, they're different? Oh fuck...never mind then.
2 TAMDS ships are sunk, and 5 are hit by the Scandavian missiles.
Hole Where Evil Lives
"Human Rights Freaks"
The Newer England (possibly)
Scandavian States
I believe you omitted Karbine, who will be arriving "in theatre" shortly and is most assuredly anti-bully.
04-01-2004, 04:07
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
04-01-2004, 04:07
Johnistani fleet is pulling back towards the Maropian Coast to aid in the bombing.
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
Bonstock, do you ever ask the guy youre attacking if he detected or intercepted what youre sending? :roll :roll:
04-01-2004, 04:10
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
Bonstock, do you ever ask the guy youre attacking if he detected or intercepted what youre sending? :roll :roll:
Can he intercept Mach 10 200,000 feet AGL bombers? If he can, he oughta post it.
So are oyu intercepting my bombers or what?
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
Bonstock, do you ever ask the guy youre attacking if he detected or intercepted what youre sending? :roll :roll:
Can he intercept Mach 10 200,000 feet AGL bombers? If he can, he oughta post it.
So are oyu intercepting my bombers or what?
Are they heading towards my fleet?
04-01-2004, 04:11
The MiG-58s conducting air security detect the incoming bombers and fire HyFly Mach 5 missiles at the incoming bombers.
MiG-58s can hit 200,000 feet.
04-01-2004, 04:12
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
Bonstock, do you ever ask the guy youre attacking if he detected or intercepted what youre sending? :roll :roll:
Can he intercept Mach 10 200,000 feet AGL bombers? If he can, he oughta post it.
So are oyu intercepting my bombers or what?
Are they heading towards my fleet?
400 bombers; striking at your homeland. I'm taking the war to you, this time.
Heres something to intercept your bombers: ABM lasers mounted on Il-76's. Should work well enough on the bullshit bombers.
04-01-2004, 04:13
Heres something to intercept your bombers: ABM lasers mounted on Il-76's. Should work well enough on the bullshit bombers.
ooc: Damn, didn't think of that one... actually I did, but I didn't think you'd be creative enough!
ic: Bonstocknian bombers dive down, and fly away, to their secondary target: the amphibious fleet. Some 45 bombers fell out of the sky, self destructing.
04-01-2004, 04:14
The MiG-58s conducting air security detect the incoming bombers and fire HyFly Mach 5 missiles at the incoming bombers.
MiG-58s can hit 200,000 feet.
My bombers are Mach 10...
The subs continue attacking the cargo ships, then dissapearing at high speed, taking no losses.
Then more planes go in, this time a flight of 80 bombers go in and drop EMPs all over the Johnistan fleet. They detonate at 40,000 feet.
Bonstock, do you ever ask the guy youre attacking if he detected or intercepted what youre sending? :roll :roll:
Can he intercept Mach 10 200,000 feet AGL bombers? If he can, he oughta post it.
So are oyu intercepting my bombers or what?
Are they heading towards my fleet?
400 bombers; striking at your homeland. I'm taking the war to you, this time.
Theyre dead
The entire Bisonic Air Defense Network goes on Red alert, as 240 MiG-37's are scrambled, each carrying 8 AA-13 Arrow AAM's. S-400PM SAM units, capable of destroying targets moving at mach 20 with decent reliability, begin opening fire on the bombers as they move within their 400km ranges.
The MiG-58s conducting air security detect the incoming bombers and fire HyFly Mach 5 missiles at the incoming bombers.
MiG-58s can hit 200,000 feet.
My bombers are Mach 10...
Yes, but your bullshit bombers fly into missiles. Boom.
04-01-2004, 04:15
Explain to me why is it that every 5 posts Bonstock whips out some new stuff he never RP'd in and is super invinicible?
04-01-2004, 04:15
OOC: Shit yeah, my cruisers have ABM lasers!!
The Cruisers detect the bombers and fire laser bursts at each of them
04-01-2004, 04:16
From Bonstock, a Titan rocket launches into the twilight. It launches its sattelites into orbit.
04-01-2004, 04:16
lasers now... :: sigh ::
ABM lasers on ships.....
hope you dont mind me stealing the idea.
04-01-2004, 04:17
Explain to me why is it that every 5 posts Bonstock whips out some new stuff he never RP'd in and is super invinicible?
ooc: Because I planned this ever since DT attacked me last time!
04-01-2004, 04:18
The MiG-58s conducting air security detect the incoming bombers and fire HyFly Mach 5 missiles at the incoming bombers.
MiG-58s can hit 200,000 feet.
My bombers are Mach 10...
Yes, but your bullshit bombers fly into missiles. Boom.
Yeah, your bombers have no time to turn or evade. They slam into the missiles and explode.
Starblade fighters are being deployed to the flashpoint, they should be enough the take on these bombers.
04-01-2004, 04:19
ABM lasers on ships.....
hope you dont mind me stealing the idea.
They always say copying is the best form of flattery!
All Bonstocknian ships are now being fitted with this new technology.
04-01-2004, 04:19
My Tech level is no where near this crap. Planes flying at 200,000 feet, mach 10, abm lasers, photon beam particle acceleration cannons, blah blah blah...
I vanish into the wind.
04-01-2004, 04:20
ABM lasers on ships.....
hope you dont mind me stealing the idea.
Go ahead.
Anyway, you have a shitload of missiles and laser coming at your bombers Bonstock "before" they can drop the bombs, Bonstock. I don't care how fast they fly they are going down.
On behalf of and on the request of Wolfish I and my country will stand by the side of Wolfish and help defend or attack to help him in any way possible.
Voloshnicoff, Head of State
04-01-2004, 04:21
ooc: Pause, I have to go to bed...
Hey, DT, wanna truce and a chance to RP this "correctly?" I've RPed here worse then I did when I wa in my first war! Let's start over and make it more sane...
04-01-2004, 04:22
My Tech level is no where near this crap. Planes flying at 200,000 feet, mach 10, abm lasers, photon beam particle acceleration cannons, blah blah blah...
I vanish into the wind.
ABM lasers are possible, Mach 10 bombers flying at 200,000 feet is pretty much not.
04-01-2004, 04:24
My Tech level is no where near this crap. Planes flying at 200,000 feet, mach 10, abm lasers, photon beam particle acceleration cannons, blah blah blah...
I vanish into the wind.
ABM lasers are possible, Mach 10 bombers flying at 200,000 feet is pretty much not.
They are but in the mass quantity they have here it's like insanity. EMP devices that knock out entire fleets, etc. like I said this is really off the chart stuff. And those Mach 10 bombers @ 200,000 ft. are just the epotome of HUH?
04-01-2004, 04:26
I'm the oldest nation that frequents this board. I get to have lots of really cool advanced shit.
Bonstock, those bombers are pretty much bullshit either way.
04-01-2004, 04:30
They are and he never declared an anti-stealth system so then stealth aircraft should be able to penetrate his airspace without being seen one way or another but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. he shots the Mach 10 bombers and the Mach 20347017241987241 Patriots..
lol :roll:
04-01-2004, 04:31
he shot down 6000 Mach 8 missiles.
Plus, are the bomber's manned? Turning sharply in those things would liquify you.
They are and he never declared an anti-stealth system so then stealth aircraft should be able to penetrate his airspace without being seen one way or another but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. he shots the Mach 10 bombers and the Mach 20347017241987241 Patriots..
lol :roll:
Mach 10 Patriots are possible with a lot of effort... I have mach 8 SAMs.
Stealth is pretty much bullshit too, look at Serbia.
"Moommy look, theres a stealth plane scattered throughout our backyard!"
he shot down 6000 Mach 8 missiles.
Plus, are the bomber's manned? Turning sharply in those things would liquify you.
*Starts liking layartebs "dissapear into the wind" maneuver*
04-01-2004, 04:34
he shot down 6000 Mach 8 missiles.
Plus, are the bomber's manned? Turning sharply in those things would liquify you.
*Starts liking layartebs "dissapear into the wing" aneuver*
I'm not going to accuse him of godmodding because it's a little more advanced than modern tech, like 30 years too advanced. He is not on a 2012 tech plain he's over 2025.
he shot down 6000 Mach 8 missiles.
Plus, are the bomber's manned? Turning sharply in those things would liquify you.
*Starts liking layartebs "dissapear into the wing" aneuver*
I'm not going to accuse him of godmodding because it's a little more advanced than modern tech, like 30 years too advanced. He is not on a 2012 tech plain he's over 2025.
My most advanced pieces of weaponry are a due for 2008 scramjet missile and a due for 2012 naval 155mm railgun (though my version is 152mm).
04-01-2004, 04:35
I RP 2010 and stop at 2015, anything above that aint modern tech no more
04-01-2004, 04:36
They are and he never declared an anti-stealth system so then stealth aircraft should be able to penetrate his airspace without being seen one way or another but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. he shots the Mach 10 bombers and the Mach 20347017241987241 Patriots..
lol :roll:
Mach 10 Patriots are possible with a lot of effort... I have mach 8 SAMs.
Stealth is pretty much bullshit too, look at Serbia.
"Moommy look, theres a stealth plane scattered throughout our backyard!"
You want to know how that happened in Serbia? NATO controlled the air routes, not the USAF. So they forced us to use the same point of entry as exit. So the Serbs picked up on it and tagged it with a visually tracked SA-3. It was never seen on radar, hell it was a magic BB kill and 1 stealth plane of all of them in all the combat sorties flown is pretty good. Hell they flew in Iraq and were never tagged once, hell never seen.
There are reports of F-117s witnessing air battles between F-15s and enemy aircraft and neither of the others knowing the F-117 was there. (Combat Aircraft forum).
04-01-2004, 04:37
I RP 2010 and stop at 2015, anything above that aint modern tech no more
RGRT I RP 2005 and stop at 2008 actually.
And yes scramjet is due in 2008 with the HyStrike missile and its already been tested by the Australians so its relatively not unfeasible.
04-01-2004, 04:37
Yes, but a British radar installation detected a F-117 at 300 miles.
04-01-2004, 04:38
Lets just put the limit at 2015?
The Serbs had an early warning radar detecting it, though that wasnt suffecient to engage it.
Two other F-117's were damamged, including one by a SA-6 radar guided SAM.
04-01-2004, 04:41
The Serbs had an early warning radar detecting it, though that wasnt suffecient to engage it.
Two other F-117's were damamged, including one by a SA-6 radar guided SAM.
Where's confirmation of that because that I've never heard of anywhere and am hard to believe it.
The F-117 isn't invisible but it's not something you'd look for if you didn't know about it. It's radar signature is that of a seagull so you would need to know its coming to even attempt to detect it and at that you'd be lucky to. B-2 is even stealthier than the F-117. F-22 even more than those.
I can dig it up, though the source was 'unofficial sources'.
If a stealth aircraft turns its radar on, its dead. At close ranges, it can be detected very easily. If it flies directly at the radar, its dead.
04-01-2004, 04:42
OOC: OOC: Shit yeah, my cruisers have ABM lasers!!
The Cruisers detect the bombers and fire laser bursts at each of them1) ABM lasers go in space or on huge aircraft (if you have air superiority).
2) Ground-based lasers can't hit aircraft 200,000 feet above them.
EMP devices that knock out entire fleetsThat would be EMP carpet bombing, not huge EMP devices that can knock out whole fleets.
I'm the oldest nation that frequents this board. I get to have lots of really cool advanced shit.Hello.
Yes, but a British radar installation detected a F-117 at 300 miles.It takes a lot more than mere detection to shoot down a stealth aircraft with a radar-guided missile.
I'm staying out of this war. Sounds very future tech. :?
04-01-2004, 04:44
I can dig it up, though the source was 'unofficial sources'.
If a stealth aircraft turns its radar on, its dead. At close ranges, it can be detected very easily. If it flies directly at the radar, its dead.
Yes but F-117s don't have radar and B-2s don't use theirs. F/A-22s can turn theirs on because its much newer technology. They can use one to turn on, target the enemy, have the other fire a AIM-120 without it turning on its radar and the enemy plane won't know until it's dead.
04-01-2004, 04:44
except for Nianacio...
My lasers can....
04-01-2004, 04:44
I can dig it up, though the source was 'unofficial sources'.
If a stealth aircraft turns its radar on, its dead. At close ranges, it can be detected very easily. If it flies directly at the radar, its dead.
Hole Where Evil Lives
04-01-2004, 04:46
Did anyone actually launch balistic missiles at Bonstock? I've got to go to bed but I've got something to say. Firstly is that your Patriot missiles intercept nothing. Before the Iraq war in our new millenium was about to commence the Patriot missile defense system was completly incapable of knocking out the missiles it was designed to destroy let alone any other stupid dreams you have about it knocking out Air to Surface Missiles or Cruise Missiles. You need to know where and when the missiles are launched and respond immediately (the coalition air force was on constant recon in the desert kill boxes to find these missiles like scuds while they were being launched). Otherwise the best you can do is maybe a deflection. Patriots are fairly good on the other hand at knocking out medium ceiling strike fighters and the like. Especially when they're friendly aircraft (...that was a joke). I don't have my forces ready yet so I'd rather not be mentioned as a major player. I can see that the shit is hitting the fan on this war as Bonstock is calling in all his allies. Seems like hes been RPing rather poorly to make up for the odds against him. But now with this almost fair fight we should be able to RP better. I find it ironic that I've never RP'd before and am barely ready to enter this one yet I'm probably the best RPer here from the looks of thinks. Shape up. This is sloppy and pathetic.
*Dissapears into the wind*
Yeah sorry, too much pure bullshit, AKA things twice as powerful as they can get in my time level.
Im not ignoring anyone, just I dont RP with those more advanced than me timewise.
F-22 is pretty useless BTW. Cant carry bombs. If it turns its radar on, it dies. If it doesnt, shooting down the AWACS with a nice 400km ranged KS-172 takes care of it. AMRAAM is quite easy to jam and doesnt have the range of the AA-12. Oh, and in a dogfight, it would lose to a Su-37 or Eurofighter.
HWEL, good effort, but I "dissapeared into the wnind" like Layarteb because of all the orbital bombers and lasers.
04-01-2004, 04:48
ooc: back, but not for long;
These opening stages were fun, and I got to test some cool new weaponry. Now we get going...
High Command
Thousands of men and women worked at their computers, typing in strange codes. Then, finally, after doing random codes, the right one was extracted. Then they did the next one, all at once, making random passwords generated by their computers.
They had, through an intercepted e-mail, located the main server to Dark Terror's High Command network. Now they were about to crash the system.
Many counter hackers waited, for when Dark Terror would get word of this, then they would be at risk.
Meanwhile, another group tried hacking into the power grid, to shut it off. They breezed through the civilian passwords, and placed a virus in the system that would shut off the power network.
04-01-2004, 04:49
F-22 has a bomb bay...
My god, I dont even use EMAILS in my govt for anything remotely important....
04-01-2004, 04:52
*Dissapears into the wind*
Yeah sorry, too much pure bullshit, AKA things twice as powerful as they can get in my time level.
Im not ignoring anyone, just I dont RP with those more advanced than me timewise.
F-22 is pretty useless BTW. Cant carry bombs. If it turns its radar on, it dies. If it doesnt, shooting down the AWACS with a nice 400km ranged KS-172 takes care of it. AMRAAM is quite easy to jam and doesnt have the range of the AA-12. Oh, and in a dogfight, it would lose to a Su-37 or Eurofighter.
LOL you're way too hopped up on that Russian tech drive. F-22 isn't meant to carry bombs its meant to be a fighter but oddly enough can hold a pair of GBU-35s to take out a high value target deep in enemy space. The AN/APG-77 is low observable as well. AIM-120C-5 is by far no where near easy to jam. Its pretty much an assured kill if it's fired. KS-172 the Russians can't pay for it and AWACS will detect the enemy flight coming in with the missiles if they did because they'd be looking for them and thus it would send fighter cover. AWACS are some the most heavily protected AC in the battlefield. The AA-12 is shit. It's a Russian knock-off of an AMRAAM and though its range is superior it doesn't have the stealthy characteristics of the AIM-120 which basically won't appear on your RWR until its locked onto you only miles off of you, not giving you enough time to evade. Eurofighter is pretty agile but the F-22 has a better T-W ratio and can easily outmanuver it. The Su-37 is just an Su-35 with thrust vectored engines and like all Russian aircraft it sucks up more fuel than a Abrams, it drags like hell, and sub-standard. The F-22 would own the sky of Flankers.
04-01-2004, 04:52
My god, I dont even use EMAILS in my govt for anything remotely important....
Ooc: can you expect your generals and staff to not have access to the internet?
And how would your network survive without the web?
And, what about you? What would YOU do without the internet? Your citizens have feelings too ya know...
04-01-2004, 04:53
This RP was just pathetic Bonstock there is no effort to save it that'll work. You claimed 2012 when I asked you but you're pulled stuff out that's in excess of 2025 hell it's space shit!
My god, I dont even use EMAILS in my govt for anything remotely important....
Ooc: can you expect your generals and staff to not have access to the internet?
And how would your network survive without the web?
And, what about you? What would YOU do without the internet? Your citizens have feelings too ya know...
Boom, you crash a civilian server, generals go back to sleep. They use faxes for anything remotely important.
Oh yeah, and if you think my military has civilian passwords, I had a very strong IT up until around August. That was plenty of time to get around to safeguarding the networks.
This RP was just pathetic Bonstock there is no effort to save it that'll work. You claimed 2012 when I asked you but you're pulled stuff out that's in excess of 2025 hell it's space shit!
04-01-2004, 04:58
Hell it's standard practice to use password in excess of 20 characters which to crack would take AGES because that's 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 combinations. LOL you'll be cracking that till you go bald and die from old age.
04-01-2004, 05:03
This RP was just pathetic Bonstock there is no effort to save it that'll work. You claimed 2012 when I asked you but you're pulled stuff out that's in excess of 2025 hell it's space shit!
That's just because you guys always say your Russian tech is completely superior to any western tech and now you're just scared to come across anything better! Come on! Now your tech has met its match, and you call me a godmodder for upsetting your balance fo power?
04-01-2004, 05:04
Hell it's standard practice to use password in excess of 20 characters which to crack would take AGES because that's 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 combinations. LOL you'll be cracking that till you go bald and die from old age.
Thousands of IT proffesionals, using trillions of ocmbanations per second, I think it can work.
04-01-2004, 05:04
russian tech is inferior to western tech as of now in this universe. But in NS there's no telling.
04-01-2004, 05:06
Hell it's standard practice to use password in excess of 20 characters which to crack would take AGES because that's 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 combinations. LOL you'll be cracking that till you go bald and die from old age.
Thousands of IT proffesionals, using trillions of ocmbanations per second, I think it can work.
It would take a year and a day to crack that combination under any modern, normal circumstances. Hell 6 - 8 characters is sufficient in today's world but I'm more for double digits.
Hell 20 is 10 to the power of 19! You'd be better of trying to figure out cold fusion than cracking that.
04-01-2004, 05:07
This RP was just pathetic Bonstock there is no effort to save it that'll work. You claimed 2012 when I asked you but you're pulled stuff out that's in excess of 2025 hell it's space shit!
That's just because you guys always say your Russian tech is completely superior to any western tech and now you're just scared to come across anything better! Come on! Now your tech has met its match, and you call me a godmodder for upsetting your balance fo power?
1. I never called you a godmodder.
2. I hate Russian tech.
So it's not "you guys."
04-01-2004, 05:08
russian tech is inferior to western tech as of now in this universe. But in NS there's no telling.
Everyone keeps saying the opposite...
ic: The sattelites come into orbit over Maropian Coast. They target the fleets below, blockading. Then they aim large lasers, identical to Airborne Laser Systems fielded by everyone, but mounted on sattelites. They target the Dark Terror/ Ardor ships.
Upsetting my balance of power? By using orbital bombers?
Russia has a couple similar programs, due for completion ...... oh..... 2030? I dont RP with tech beyond 2015, I let you have your mach 10 uberpatriots, but enough is enough!
04-01-2004, 05:09
ic: The sattelites come into orbit over Maropian Coast. They target the fleets below, blockading. Then they aim large lasers, identical to Airborne Laser Systems fielded by everyone, but mounted on sattelites. They target the Dark Terror/ Ardor ships.
:: sigh ::
DT is pretty much gone the way of the wind and Ardor isn't around and I'm pretty sure he's going to do the same.
04-01-2004, 05:12
Upsetting my balance of power? By using orbital bombers?
Russia has a couple similar programs, due for completion ...... oh..... 2030? I dont RP with tech beyond 2015, I let you have your mach 10 uberpatriots, but enough is enough!
Due for completion in 2030, IF Russia has the money. With a "Basketcase" economy comparitively, Russia can afford it. No wonder its scheduled for 2030. Bonstock has a Frightening economy, and lots of labor. So we can build it by 2015. All a matter of labor and cash.
04-01-2004, 05:14
Upsetting my balance of power? By using orbital bombers?
Russia has a couple similar programs, due for completion ...... oh..... 2030? I dont RP with tech beyond 2015, I let you have your mach 10 uberpatriots, but enough is enough!
Due for completion in 2030, IF Russia has the money. With a "Basketcase" economy comparitively, Russia can afford it. No wonder its scheduled for 2030. Bonstock has a Frightening economy, and lots of labor. So we can build it by 2015. All a matter of labor and cash.
If you're modern tech you're modern tech. if you're cold war you're cold war. It doesn't matter what the economy is. The laws of it g by that of the world. Future tech you are.
In russia, the design bureaus have the cash. Sukhoi probably has a larger budget than the russian military! So you get the bomber in 2025, big deal.
Karbine Combined Command Centre
There was a lot to be dealt with and Wilson had no time to waste. “Let’s summarize, gentlemen, and lady,” he added nodding to Air Force General Sarah Grayson to his right. “Snoops, is the bird in place?” Luther “Snoops” Bates paused to take a sip of coffee before turning his attention to the head of the table. “Sir, we’ve got one bird in high geosynchronous orbit about 100 miles off the Bonstock coast. Let me show you where we stand.” Bates walked to the front of the room and slipped a laser pointer out of his pocket. The heavy burgundy curtain at the front of the room rolled back to reveal a large screen on which appeared clear picture of a large fleet of ships.
“What you’re seeing is the Dark Terror fleet that is currently the greatest threat. Over here” pointing to the north, “we have 65 Dark Terror LPD’s and landing ships headed for the Ardorian fleet. Now the engagement profile is very scattered. We know that Bonstock, Layarteb, Ardor and Dark Terror have all engaged targets and been engaged themselves, but the picture is unclear. Wolfish launched a bomber attack but no reports have filtered back yet. We’re not even sure what weapons platforms are currently deployed. We’ve heard rumors of Mach 10 bombers and fighters at 200,00 feet!” A nervous chuckle suffused the room. “Reports out of the theatre have also indicated that EMP munitions and laser weapons may be involved. Frankly, we’re talking about technology that’s simply not in production here, it's still theoretical. If you want to know what I think…”
Wilson stood up and interrupted sharply “No, Snoops, I don’t. Here’s what I’m going to recommend to the President and you’re all going to back me on this: Wolfish asked for our help and By God, Wolfish will have it. We need to know what we’re walking into and we need to coordinate with our allies. Snoops, I want a steady stream of real time data to this room. Service leaders, I want a flag rank or equivalent officer in here, 24 hours a day 7 days a week with an intelligence officer at his, or her, side. Commander, I want two dogpacks on site, yesterday. Can you do that?”
The unfortunately named Admiral Nelson ran his hand through his thinning hair and smiled wanly. “Sir, if I may review. You all will recall we’ve been experimenting with a variant of the Nazi wolfpack U-Boat strategy. The dogpack scenario calls for loose formations of 18 Seawolf class subs cruising at 35 knots at a depth of 1300 feet. I’ve got Dogpack Alpha over the horizon, 150 miles to the west now. Dogpack Gamma is en route. They should be closing by 0600 to within 150 miles. They’ll be coming from the south. We should have all those Dark Terror landing ships bracketed in a vee shortly. Their orders are to drop into a racetrack pattern, maintain distance and silence.” Nelson dropped his head and fell silent.
Wilson turned to General Grayson. “Do we have air assets in place?” Grayson nodded tentatively. “Sir” she began “thus far our focus has been on readiness. We can put assets in the air anytime you’re ready. I suggest we offer high CAP assistance to Wolfish, and see if he needs any AWACS support. “ Wilson smiled “Nice work, General. All right, lets keep full army and marine mobilization moving, I want them all on 90-minute readiness. Let’s get some answers and see to it that we stand tall with our allies. I want us ready to engage at a moments notice. I’ll go talk to the President. Meeting adjourned.”
OOC: Karbine is standing by, ready to go if others wish to. We remain deeply skeptical of some of the technology in play thus far, however.
04-01-2004, 05:32
Karb read the previous 4 pages. Then you might want to amend your post.
ooc: This has gotten embarassing. I thought, wrongly, that this RP would be well played.
I went so far as to ask allies to show up - and join some good fun.
I even brought one of the students from Role Play University along to gain some real RP experience.
To all of them I must apoligise. This is a mess.
I'll thank you all very much, but this time around I'll stick to teaching my classes and RPing with my students. They are much better at this than you are.
04-01-2004, 05:35
ooc: This has gotten embarassing. I thought, wrongly, that this RP would be well played.
I went so far as to ask allies to show up - and join some good fun.
I even brought one of the students from Role Play University along to gain some real RP experience.
To all of them I must apoligise. This is a mess.
I'll thank you all very much, but this time around I'll stick to teaching my classes and RPing with my students. They are much better at this than you are.
I hear you Wolf.
04-01-2004, 05:36
There's an RP academy?
04-01-2004, 05:38
lol I have never heard of one.
There's an RP academy?
Yep. We have both a region and an off-site forum where classes take place.
It was founded by Stephistan and I in early August.
To date, we've had about 160 students go through. Some very successfully - and they are in NS now having well written and thought out RPs.
Check us out.
04-01-2004, 05:39
There's an RP academy?
Yep. We have both a region and an off-site forum where classes take place.
It was founded by Stephistan and I in early August.
To date, we've had about 160 students go through. Some very successfully - and they are in NS now having well written and thought out RPs.
Check us out.
This website have been moved to:
( )
Please use this address in the future :o)
You forgot the link.
Try this.
04-01-2004, 05:44
Wow I never knew about this. Cool stuff and hope you can educate as many as possible.
Scandavian States
04-01-2004, 05:55
OOC: It's all right Wolfish, you couldn't have known. DT, about the only reason Russias even remotely close to western nations in terms of military technology is because the Cold War ended a decade ago and as far as we're concerned so did the arms race, which Russian still seems to be fighting.
04-01-2004, 05:57
OOC: It's all right Wolfish, you couldn't have known. DT, about the only reason Russias even remotely close to western nations in terms of military technology is because the Cold War ended a decade ago and as far as we're concerned so did the arms race, which Russian still seems to be fighting.
And because they steal a crap load of it.
04-01-2004, 07:29
PAUSE, indefinatly. I'm taking a long, long vacation from RP.
04-01-2004, 07:38
PAUSE, indefinatly. I'm taking a long, long vacation from RP.
Just have a better plan next time tis all and cite the tech levels and forces and such.
I guess we could restart it with lightly clearer guidelines on what tech could be used, with orbital bobmers left out unless you want me to use TU-2000's with bombs.
WTF happened, i went away for the weekend and it went to hell, someone please inform me.
Hole Where Evil Lives
06-01-2004, 00:48
What happened is that from the beginning Bonstock had the odds against him. He began posting such things as 'my mach ten bombers are not detected by DT'. This started the godmodding arms race. From there we had EMP bombs, EMP proof fleets, orbital superweapons, interception of air to surface missiles, exact numbers of munitions being dropped in an attack (2000), some 80 cruise missiles being launched from each bomber, dropping of JDAMs being dropped on fleets of ships. This is sad. When I get my military ready you're all gonna pay! Every one of you!
Shooting down air to surface missiles isnt all that hard. Yugoslavia downed 1000 Tomahawks, in DT; its simpler: Aim laser CIWS, shoot laser CIWS! Oh, and close in lasers are definitely modern tech, in the late 1970's the US put a laser on an AAV and found it could down helicopters at 900 meters range. Naturally, technology has advanced since then, so basically during the last 1.5km, its the last weapon to down cruise missiles. Not yet installed on most ships, unfortunately.
Hole Where Evil Lives
06-01-2004, 03:22
DT- A laser system is being developed for the Future Combat System is powerful enough to be lethal to a man. However the major question is how to power it. The power needed for this laser is more of a problem than the power needed to drive the vehicle. How do you target a missile headed from the sky to you and traveling at extreme speeds (gravity + rocket engine)? The airborne laser system works against balistic missiles headed straight up (not down). They're big and moving slower than these air to grounds. Really how do you blow up a small missile with a tiny laser with the power in some small vehicle? I'm not a physicist but I don't think it would work from my knowledge of military systems. This is a pretty strong issue. Everyone thinks that lasers are used to knock out bombs and AT missiles and the like. Not so. The airborne laser hasn't even entered service yet and is still getting all the bugs kicked out. Its not like the technology is ready for adaption to different uses.
Israel actually tried a CIWS laser...
DT- A laser system is being developed for the Future Combat System is powerful enough to be lethal to a man. However the major question is how to power it. The power needed for this laser is more of a problem than the power needed to drive the vehicle. How do you target a missile headed from the sky to you and traveling at extreme speeds (gravity + rocket engine)? The airborne laser system works against balistic missiles headed straight up (not down). They're big and moving slower than these air to grounds. Really how do you blow up a small missile with a tiny laser with the power in some small vehicle? I'm not a physicist but I don't think it would work from my knowledge of military systems. This is a pretty strong issue. Everyone thinks that lasers are used to knock out bombs and AT missiles and the like. Not so. The airborne laser hasn't even entered service yet and is still getting all the bugs kicked out. Its not like the technology is ready for adaption to different uses.
Yes, of course....... no room for power..... very small vehicle...
Very fast? The fastest possible targets would go mach 6.5, I have radars to track things going mach 20.
Hole Where Evil Lives
06-01-2004, 04:16
My appologies on the size of vehicle thing. I didn't know you were mounting it on a ship. But it would still be rather difficult to target something coming down at you that small with a laser. Its just that difficult physiclly. Its hitting something with a dot which is way up in the sky and travelling very fast (so fast as its difficult to hit). Anyway I won't argue my point any more as I don't have much evidence to back it up. Its just that all the empirical knowledge I gave points to no while my theorecital knowledge is so limited that I can't be sure (to throw in some scientific terms). Maybe I'll get a second oppinion by someone who knows.
Currently, it relies on 12,000rpm 30mm fire for the last ditch defense. But Im replacing the Kashtan's soon.
06-01-2004, 21:24
OOC: There is a laser that can shoot down Katyusha rockets and artillery shells. As of March 2003, it was expected to be deployable in three years (the article wasn't clear, but I think that was actually IF it was proven to be capable of shooting down SAMs).