School Children taken hostage need help! - Page 2
Eastern ireland
22-12-2003, 20:18
Eastern ireland sends in 10 interogation officers in support of this saddening act of terror...troops can also be sent upon request
Ok guys I've got the blue prints hosted on a different site now, here they are:
Story so far:
4 Mps taken hostage and taken by terrorists to a mansion.
CornixPes sends in Police force and Special Ops team to sort it out. Special ops team captured.
Tip off reporting that the hostages are being interrigated in the cellar.
CornixPes issues official plead to other nations for help.
Lots of other Nations offer support.
CornixPes finds blue prints and gets tactitions working on it.
Nations support teams take up positions outside of the mansion ready for assault.
Foundations spiked and we find out that terrorists want access codes of some type.
Diversion by terrorists opening fire on police force allowed a terrorist to slip away with someone to the perimeter of the grounds.
First inflitration of the mansion is performed. Failed and Terrorists are made alert.
Onslaught goes on outside, as and act of desperation CornixPes gives the order for the first storm of the mansion.
Thats as far as we have got. :)
Double post. God I hate them.
The team stood in silence the vase had broken in to a million pieces and they expected every person with a gun to come in to the room they were standing dazed in but no one came. The Captain let out a sigh of relief " they must have not heard us. Let's move down to the thrid floor. Team 2 Report."
The Lieutenant in charge of team to answerd the radio as soon as he had called " Sir, thier are 2 men more heading to your postion. May I suggust that you take cover"
"Good job Lieutenant. Team 1 out. Hide those bodies!" he command his soldiers to then he told them to get out of sight.
The men stoped at the doorway and started talking although the Captain couldn't make out all the word he heard the inportant ones.
" We're sitting duck if we stay here we have to ... (couldn't make out words) ... base outside of town that or we kill all that hostages." Said the shorter of the two men.
" No! We don't do anything unless were told because ..... (couldn't make out words) ... Okay?" said the taller man
"Yeah, whatever you just make sure that that helicopter gets here on time"
"Sure." and with that the two men parted ways.
"Did everyone hear that? we have to get to though hostages and we have to them fast. " and with that the Captain moved his people out of the room.
23-12-2003, 00:28
OOC I've added more to my last post, take a look....
As Falasturs squad came from behind the ing of terrorists they distracted themfor a moent. The specialOps team opened fire and took out the first lne with a hail of bullets. Then the charged into combat forcig the terrorists to back up against the firing Falastur squad.
"OK! My team scatter, clear this floor!" The captain cried.
The team began to kick doors open and fire into the rooms.