School Children taken hostage need help!
It was 12:30 in the afternoon as a group of unknown terroists creaped through the vents of Robertina primery school on the edge of Tanka. They crept through the air vents 69 of them with AK47's and silanced pistols. They had been waiting for 10 hours for this. They began to take aim and the teachers and then they fired.
Robert looked up from his maths and saw a dark figure in an air vent. Before he could shout a warning the figure had fired, hit Mr Richards in the cheast and dropped down on the speechless class. With a teamate he foreced the children to line up in a long line. They tied them up and then shot 2 in 10 of them in front of there fellow pupils. They threw the corpes out of the windows. And then herded every pupil inside one classroom and hung banners out of the windows saying "WE DEMAND £9,000,000 POUNDS IN CASH AND SAFE CONDUCT! WE DEMAND ISLAM IS MADE THE OFFICAL RELIGION OF AUST AND THAT ANITHISAM AND ALL OTHER RELIGIONS ARE BANNED!
They sat back and waited.
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 21:43
We could help and send in delta force ...
20-12-2003, 21:45
Simple solution.DropSleeping gas into the school then go in and irradicate the terrorists.
Sleeping gas isn't tht harmful, anyway we can't see these terrorist faces, mabey they have gas masks? Fedral Union thanks for your help, let's strt the RP
20-12-2003, 21:49
Falastur offers the use of its elite SAS (based) covert squad. Upon confirmation, they will be sent straight to Aust.
OOC Go easy on me, this is the first time I've ever even offered military assistance before..... 8)
The Macabees
20-12-2003, 21:51
We can send over the elite Praetorian Guard. It was used in an anti-terror operation in Benderland, and the record was dozens of terrorist killed, no dead hostages.
It's your choice, you could use them.
20-12-2003, 21:53
*Shrug*If it was me,I would simply blow up the school and to hell with it.
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 21:53
Dose the school have any weakness points ware we can slip in unoticed?
Fine. The ASS is based on the SAS. Captin Chris Mugarbay approtched his scenior officor. "Sir! I want to approch the school. As far as I can see their all in one room. Mabey a decoy attack on the opperste wing to distract them and I can sneak up throw in a smoke grenade and elimanate them."
"I can't afford any danger to the hostages. Wait till more men arrive. mabey some of our allies can help? Until then Perrmission is not Granted."
"But Sir! My sons in there."
"You heard what i said."
"Sorry, Sir!" He left in stunned silance
Aust, This is Keisland Joint Force Hedquarters. As you know our nation is small but has arrissan out of many years of local fighting and terrorist between rivals in our own boarders. Our counter terrorist unit of the --CLASIFIED-- is ready to deploy to your nation to help.
We await your responce and send our prayers to you.
Air Chief Marshell P Harper
Inteligence Command
Keisland JFHQ
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
20-12-2003, 21:55
OOC Uhhh....who was that to?
We can send over the elite Praetorian Guard. It was used in an anti-terror operation in Benderland, and the record was dozens of terrorist killed, no dead hostages.
It's your choice, you could use them.We could use them and formulate a plan. How about the one detaled above? Trailers I won't blow them up. Federal Union. There are Air Vents but they will proberly have them covered seeing as that's the way they got in. Thank you Kelisland.
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 21:56
You know if you just barge in thare will be inosent people getting killed its eiser to slip in unoticed.
Well ill pldge 50 Delta foce personle 5 are snipers 5 are demo experts the rest a elite infintry.
I'll send in one ROTN special ops unit. That should get the job done.
You know if you just barge in thare will be inosent people getting killed its eiser to slip in unoticed.
Or stay outside the building completely, pick them off from a distance.
20-12-2003, 21:57
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
OOC *Thinks tactics and terrorists* Would that not lead them to kill more pupils?
20-12-2003, 21:58
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
Uhh..It's a thing called Kevlar.It stops bullets.It's fun,you should try some. :roll:
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 21:58
The Fedral Union wil move its elite infintry aroud to make a parmiter if thats ok with you ?
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
OOC *Thinks tactics and terrorists* Would that not lead them to kill more pupils?
Ok, here's the plan. All six snipers fire on individual targets, then somebody sends in a team to take out any terrorists left in the building. There shouldn't be more than six terrorists in the room with the students, and if they are they'll be disoriented by the sudden shooting and the other team should be able to take them down in time, if the snipers' second shots don't do it.
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
Uhh..It's a thing called Kevlar.It stops bullets.It's fun,you should try some. :roll:
It's called a headshot. :roll:
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted: Good idea. But what if they move to an inner location. or board up the windows. or force the kids to sit on the window ledges. Or....Theres a lot of problems. I say this is what we do. We send a large force towards the east wing, the oppersit one to the hostages. They rush to that end to return fire. We send a unit cappaflarged in Cam-foil to the other end, chuck in a smoke grenade and rescue them. But if they have, flamethrowers, rocket launches, and thermal benoculares then were in trouble...
The Unit Has now been deployed and should arrive soon via comercial airline, please be awair that descression must be maintained and airport staff should be told of the equipment they will be carring. Please notify us when they are on your soil. Good luck to all
"If God be for us, who be aginst us?"
Keisland JFHQ
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 21:59
How about a way to distract them ?
20-12-2003, 22:00
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
OOC *Thinks tactics and terrorists* Would that not lead them to kill more pupils?
Ok, here's the plan. All six snipers fire on individual targets, then somebody sends in a team to take out any terrorists left in the building. There shouldn't be more than six terrorists in the room with the students, and if they are they'll be disoriented by the sudden shooting and the other team should be able to take them down in time, if the snipers' second shots don't do it.
*coughcough*There are 69 terrorists..That would not work at all.
20-12-2003, 22:00
"And people wonder why we banned all religion in Aequatio... it only causes problems like this!" said Premier Bomfy as he read the report on the situation on Aust.
"Shall we go to their aid, Sir?" asked General Taylor, "We can have a squad of commandos in Aust and at the scene within an hour."
"I'm not sure if a squad of commandos would be enough, there's quite a few of the terrorists," replied the Premier, "Wouldn't it be better to use a Ranger company?"
"It would cost about the same, if not a little less." said the general.
"Alright then, it's settled. Inform Aust that a company of Rangers will be sent to aid in the situation." ordered the Premier.
[code:1:3ebabb472e]—Aequatian Satellite Message Relay—
…Uplink to Aequatian Satellite Network found…
…Connection established…
…Transmission commencing…
Author: Premier Bomfy, Aequatio
Recipient: Aust
Subject: Hostage Situation in Tanka
Authorization Code: 89372671
To aid in counter-terrorism operations, we shall be sending a company of Ranger light infantry from the Aequatian Republic Military Forces. They will arrive at Tanka International Airport (OOC: I figured that's the main airport in the city) within 2 hours time.
…Transmission terminated…[/code:1:3ebabb472e]
As soon as the message was sent, a C-5 Galaxy transport plane was being loaded with combat vehicles and supplies as a C-17 Globemaster III was being loaded with the Rangers, complete in full combat gear. As soon as the loading procedures were finished and the planes were fueled, both aircraft took off from the Arrio Military Complex with an escort of F-35 fighters.
Premier Bomfy
Centrist Republic of Aequatio
The Macabees
20-12-2003, 22:00
OOC: Since I have to go for the next two days they are under your command...just know that they are extremely good... and take little casualties..
Captain Moya ran at the head of Squadron A, Squadron B and Squadron C. The 36 man team ran behind him. 10 Black Hawks waited for them and they quickly jumped onto the choppers.
Lifting off they head over to Aust. and were soon put under Aust's command. It was to be their second true mission after Benderland and they were sure they would preform with the 100% proficciency they were trained for.
The Fedral Union wil move its elite infintry aroud to make a parmiter if thats ok with you ?Sure. Skulls. There's more than 6 of them and they might spot where the fires coming from. They may have snipers themselves
The best idea is to get the men in as medical staff negotiators and media etc... terrorists have a soft spot for spot lights belive me.
20-12-2003, 22:02
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
Uhh..It's a thing called Kevlar.It stops bullets.It's fun,you should try some. :roll:
It's called a headshot. :roll:
From 250 yards?This #6 will prolly be the only one to score.Not to mention the fact that the room is dark and there are lots of children around.
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
OOC *Thinks tactics and terrorists* Would that not lead them to kill more pupils?
Ok, here's the plan. All six snipers fire on individual targets, then somebody sends in a team to take out any terrorists left in the building. There shouldn't be more than six terrorists in the room with the students, and if they are they'll be disoriented by the sudden shooting and the other team should be able to take them down in time, if the snipers' second shots don't do it.
*coughcough*There are 69 terrorists..That would not work at all.
We need to figure out a way to engage all of them at once, obviously enough. I'll send in another six snipers, bringing the total to twelve. I'll have them keep an eye on the students, and when this breaks out they can pick off the terrorists closest to them. Have they barricaded the doors?
20-12-2003, 22:02
How about a way to distract them ?
That's what I was thinking of. I was going to set a helicopter down, just far enough away that the terrorists would miss it if they shot at it. While they do that, a group of my SAS guys run in from the other side, firing petars to scale the side and get in through the top of the school.
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 22:04
We would have to be quick about it tho before the know whats going on we have to move in ..
I can have this over in a matter of minutes. I'll send over 6 of my country's most elite snipers, including #6, the best sniper known to the Kingdom of Skullzz. We can stay outside the 200 meter range and pick them all off before they even have a clue what's going on. :twisted:
Uhh..It's a thing called Kevlar.It stops bullets.It's fun,you should try some. :roll:
It's called a headshot. :roll:
From 250 yards?This #6 will prolly be the only one to score.Not to mention the fact that the room is dark and there are lots of children around.
At 250 yards they still have a decent chance to score, but I can 105% guarantee #6 WILL hit his target to the nearest nanometer. As for darkness, there's always night vision or IR scopes.
CornixPes offers you its full support and our Special Ops teams is at your command. I propose we set up a secret summit or meeting where we gather all the forces that are being offered and come up with a plan. If we use everyone to our advantage, particualy Macabees protection guard, we're sure to get them out safley.
Maybe a snippet of a plan here. The terroists came through the air vent, so there must be an opening outside which they can't guard. We could use that. I strongly advise that we should not use the sleeping gas because it would affect the children first and make the terrorists alert, maybe make them do something stupid. We can't risk any deaths of the innocent.
I suggest Aust makes a list of all the forces available and everyone helping. Then make a list of all the plans people have suggested and we'll see what we can think of.
20-12-2003, 22:06
If your soldiers are using night vision when you are outside in the daylight then they will probably have trouble shooting..and even night vision gets distorted after a certain distance.
In other news,we are heavily suggesting you bomb the school.Trading 8 children for 69 radicals will strike terror in the hearts of those who oppose you.
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 22:07
I have 50 delta force personel ablvibel for you to use
good idea, lets can the sniper debate now by saying that we will use them to cover our troops and neuralise fleeing terrorists or CLEEN shots only.
If your soldiers are using night vision when you are outside in the daylight then they will probably have trouble shooting..and even night vision gets distorted after a certain distance.
In other news,we are heavily suggesting you bomb the school.Trading 8 children for 69 radicals will strike terror in the hearts of those who oppose you.
I think killing the 69 terrorists without the deaths of the 8 would be a better example to them.
Distract them with a negotiator. That should buy us time.
Do not sniper them out! One shot, one dead, its going to alarm the terrorists. What's the first thing you would do in the situation where you were being fired at from an unknown location? Either grab the children in the way or threaten the children. These are terrorists, they're desperate! You can't risk the children at any cost.
Okay so let's go with the plan. Skullz you attack from the north draw a few of them that way. Keisland you try to get threw the Airvents(Group 2) on the South side. The SAS, Delta force, and the ASS (Called group 1) will approch in Cam-foil. They reach the window and radio back to base. A large group of Austroopers and the rest of the pledged forces attack from the east.(Group 3) They will be in cover behind the tanks and will fire while moving forward. Then as the terrorists try to stop group 3's advance. The Keisland opratives will attack in the hall in front of the classroom where the hostages are held. At the same moment Group 1 will trow in 8 smoke grenades and using thermal imaging they will tke out the terrorists thus freeing the children in that room. Then they will hold off any remaining terrorists until, Group 3 and reimforcements from Group 4 come at which point we will sweep the school of any remaining enermy and evacuate the children
20-12-2003, 22:10
If your soldiers are using night vision when you are outside in the daylight then they will probably have trouble shooting..and even night vision gets distorted after a certain distance.
In other news,we are heavily suggesting you bomb the school.Trading 8 children for 69 radicals will strike terror in the hearts of those who oppose you.
I think killing the 69 terrorists without the deaths of the 8 would be a better example to them.
Distract them with a negotiator. That should buy us time.
Uh....there aren't 8 children left. There are 8 children out of every 10 left. So thre are probably still hundreds. Not to mention that it is probably in an urban area, so deaths would probably be in the thousands.....
Thats what im saying, use them to cover not to initiate a contact on the tango force. what we need is a coherent plan soon or actions will result in lots of blue on blue
20-12-2003, 22:11
JUST BOMB THE BLOODY SCHOOL!It is a very fair trade.Think,69 for I getting through?
The Fedral Union
20-12-2003, 22:11
Why not use stun grenades the wosre thing that ould happen is that evry one would wake up with a head ache ..
Do not sniper them out! One shot, one dead, its going to alarm the terrorists. What's the first thing you would do in the situation where you were being fired at from an unknown location? Either grab the children in the way or threaten the children. These are terrorists, they're desperate! You can't risk the children at any cost.
Well said. Trailer theree are over 150 kids in that school. I'm not going to bomb it.
20-12-2003, 22:13
Do not sniper them out! One shot, one dead, its going to alarm the terrorists. What's the first thing you would do in the situation where you were being fired at from an unknown location? Either grab the children in the way or threaten the children. These are terrorists, they're desperate! You can't risk the children at any cost.
Well said. Trailer theree are over 150 kids in that school. I'm not going to bomb it.
Hold on..150?I thought there were ten then two shot equaling eight..
Okay so let's go with the plan. Skullz you attack from the north draw a few of them that way. Keisland you try to get threw the Airvents(Group 2) on the South side. The SAS, Delta force, and the ASS (Called group 1) will approch in Cam-foil. They reach the window and radio back to base. A large group of Austroopers and the rest of the pledged forces attack from the east.(Group 3) They will be in cover behind the tanks and will fire while moving forward. Then as the terrorists try to stop group 3's advance. The Keisland opratives will attack in the hall in front of the classroom where the hostages are held. At the same moment Group 1 will trow in 8 smoke grenades and using thermal imaging they will tke out the terrorists thus freeing the children in that room. Then they will hold off any remaining terrorists until, Group 3 and reimforcements from Group 4 come at which point we will sweep the school of any remaining enermy and evacuate the children
Ok. I've got a Covert Ops team of twelve ready, #6 will be team leader (most experienced in these situations). I still have the other 11 snipers prepared to take out anyone who tries to escape, those shots should be simple enough that #6's expertise won't be required. I reccommend that everyone use silenced weapons if at all possible, we need this to go perfectly.
Hello command, Group two ready for order to attack. over.
Hello. I have a plan you know. Listen all I need is your permission to do it. Cam-foil will mean that Group 1 is completly invisable to the eye and radar. As long as it dosn't rain.
You got to remember you're firing into a building, its deadly. I would go with stealth rather than force on this mission, has anyone thought of getting a negotiator and comprimising? Brute force would risk innocent lives even if the men are well trained.
*spots event on news*
Hang on, most schools would have some form of underfloor crawl-space. It should be possible to get a sound tap under the floor and find what's going on before sending in forces. I can send you the appropriate techies and a translator from the Oblique Island regional forces if needed.
Hello. I have a plan you know. Listen all I need is your permission to do it. Cam-foil will mean that Group 1 is completly invisable to the eye and radar. As long as it dosn't rain.
I doubt these terrorists have any sort of radar set up, and while cam-foil might make them blend in well, I highly doubt they will be completely invisible to the eye. Not to mention they will still show up through IR goggles.
Right let's go. Group 1 are approching so get Group 3 into position. Skullz prepare to attack on my word
*spots event on news*
Hang on, most schools would have some form of underfloor crawl-space. It should be possible to get a sound tap under the floor and find what's going on before sending in forces. I can send you the appropriate techies and a translator from the Oblique Island regional forces if needed.
Good idea, lets get stealth in there first.
You got to remember you're firing into a building, its deadly. I would go with stealth rather than force on this mission, has anyone thought of getting a negotiator and comprimising? Brute force would risk innocent lives even if the men are well trained.
We use a negotiator to distract them, then send in the covert teams to neutralize as many as possible. We do need eyes and ears in there as soon as possible though, we need to know where to strike first, and what to expect.
Right let's go. Group 1 are approching so get Group 3 into position. Skullz prepare to attack on my word
My group is ready. I suggest we hold on until we have eyes and ears in there.
Hello. I have a plan you know. Listen all I need is your permission to do it. Cam-foil will mean that Group 1 is completly invisable to the eye and radar. As long as it dosn't rain.
I doubt these terrorists have any sort of radar set up, and while cam-foil might make them blend in well, I highly doubt they will be completely invisible to the eye. Not to mention they will still show up through IR goggles.
It does. It is a lot mini-sensors, they replecate the colour and hue of the enviroment around it and appear exactly like the atchal enviroment so they don't look as though there moving. but subjects still give out heat and appear on radar. Rain makes it short-circit.
Exactly well said! Lets stop for a moment and think. Plan this properly.
ok lets do this thing, use a wire on the negotiator but in his belt else it will be found.
Now shipping our pros in, should be with you shortly. Could someone get hold of the blueprints for the building (the city's records office maybe)?
Get men into the crawling space so we know when to attack
Ask Aust for the blueprints its his Nation
*spots event on news*
Hang on, most schools would have some form of underfloor crawl-space. It should be possible to get a sound tap under the floor and find what's going on before sending in forces. I can send you the appropriate techies and a translator from the Oblique Island regional forces if needed.
Good idea, lets get stealth in there first.
The stelth-Group 1 are outside the building with smoke grenades at the ready. If it all goes wrong and the terrorist start fireing on the pupils.we throw in the smoke grenades and start fireing. Group 3 you have permission to advance as does group 2. Skullzz start firing when you wish.
20-12-2003, 22:22
My SAS group are on the ground, a short distance from the school. They have tuned their radio-mouthpieces into the Aust military waveband in the area, they are waiting for confirmation.
Placing my special ops team in the trees outside. They've got spy equipment but aren't picking an signs of talking at the moment. We'll sniper the ones that try to run out. Aust can you hear the terrorists?
Go, get in some Cam-foil and get out with group 1. I don't have diagrams. My PC only has paint so i can't put it up
I can confirm we have sound spiked the room. Quality isn't the best we can get, people walking will cause quite a bit of noise, but it should give you some idea. There is also a small shot-hole in the floor, probably from a stray bullet. We may be able to get a camera in if you can spare the time.
Never mind its a small school, theres a network of vents above it though, leading to every room.
How long till the terrorists execute more hostages?
Remember when we go in aim high, they are taller than the kids!
Borked things can you confirm the condition of the hostages?
The covert ops team silently makes its way through the school hallways, and footsteps are heard around the corner. #6 orders the team to hold position, and dives around the corner, taking two patrolling terrorists out with headshots from a silenced Beretta. A group of crying children is heard down the hall, and the group quickly finds their way to the room. The lock on the door is picked, flashbangs are thrown in, and another 3 terrorists are killed in the room. 20 children are rescued, one was hit by a stray terrorist bullet to the leg, and will require medical assistance. We're leaving two of our men behind to guard these children until they can be evacuated.
They don't seem to be speaking, but we can hear breathing/sobbing so we guess they're OK (relatively)
Translators show that the terrorists only have enough ammo to take out about 50% of the children in there, so you may want to take that into consideration.
Placing my special ops team in the trees outside. They've got spy equipment but aren't picking an signs of talking at the moment. We'll sniper the ones that try to run out. Aust can you hear the terrorists?
Group 3 has just attacked. I am giving you a live feed and pictures now.~~
*Sounds of gunfire*
"Where under attack should we go and help?"
"Could be a decoy. Cheak if anyone is approching?"
*Terrorist 1 looks out of the window.*
"Send you and 15 men to help those 30 who are holding them off the rest of us can stay here. Don't shoot those kids! There the key to the whole thing king Edmund won't risk there lives."
~~Feed ends.~~
Group 2 begin your attack.
Now entering the vents to prepair for drop down. Waiting for Aust Command. sounds like the terrorists are prity jumpy amatures. sometime this is more dangerous than pros.
you guys are dorks haha you are all so serious
Recieving confirmation that several terrorists are escaping from the back with children. Unable to fire, children are in the way. Requesting orders!
OK, we have a group located underfloor in a stock cupboard off the classroom. They could probably lift the tiles and surprise the terrorists from behind if needed, but they're not too heavily kitted out so it would have to be carefully timed.
you guys are dorks haha you are all so serious
Your feeble mind might not be able to comprehend the subject of ROLE-playing
Recieving confirmation that several terrorists are escaping from the back with children. Unable to fire, children are in the way. Requesting orders!
"Hold on.... hold on..."
"We've got them in our sights!"
*shots are fired from a nearby building, breaking windows on their way to the terrorists*
Move in a team to secure the students now! We've got more hostiles down!
As team two drop down it is obvious the extent of this supprise attack, the terrorists fire wildly into the air and plaster rains down. several members of group two are killed in the first barrarge due to a falty rope line but the room is quickly cleared of tangos.
First wave effective, minimall loss of life. Pursuing.
Engaging terrorists escaping on close quarters. Requesting back up, we need to flank them. Borked things make your move now!
Skullzz you have found a small group of kids and terrorists. Free them, make sure there safe, but don't allow them to leave. The situations to dangerous. Group 2's begun there attack.
~~GROUP 1~~
Captin Chris looked over the window completly invisable to normal eyes. He had a grenade in one hand and a Colt in the other. There were 100 children lieing bound on the floor. 35 bodies lay dead on the floor. Each had beem decapitated. The terrorist, 19 in number were at the doorway firing at groep 2. He threw a smoke grenade and jumped through the window
OIAT#2 is moving out, flanking the terrorists and causing confusion.
OIAT#1 says it sounds like the terrorists are falling back into the main hall along with all the children they still have hostage. Trying to get somewhere to provide a feed, there seems to be a space below the stage where we can easily move into.
Recieving confirmation that several terrorists are escaping from the back with children. Unable to fire, children are in the way. Requesting orders!
Surround them and ask them to surrender.
We have casulties out back, 2 terrorists have escaped the rest are running. aprox. 10 terrorists with 7 children. We're persuing, coming under heavy fire, they have snipers on the roof. Requesting back up now!
group two saw the burnt explosion come from the doorway and felt the wave of pressure and blood come from where the terrorists once stood.
Tangos down, Clear freindly!
20-12-2003, 22:36
From where they await an entry clearance, or an obvious disturbance, the SAS group sees a door open round the back of the school. A terrorist runs out, followed by a small number of children. A couple more terrorists follow, until it is obvious that some of the hostages are being moved, and are in the way of a clear shot.
Ordering the group to split into their two squads, they follow the group from a distance, waiting for a false move.
OIAT#2 is moving out, sounds like the terrorists are falling back into the main hall along with all the children they still have hostage. Trying to get somewhere to provide a feed, there seems to be a space below the stage where we can easily move into. I have sent a squad of ASS to the end of the corrodor. We are waiting for them to come.
Group one has killed the terrorists and captured 2 of them. the children are safe. Let's finish this off
The covert group continues into the basement, where more terrorists are heard apparently arguing in Arabic. The team rolls in a smoke grenade, and opens fire on the group of ten terrorists. Three of them are unarmed, the rest return fire and one member of the covert group is immediately killed. Another recieves a shot to the arm, and the smoke clears. All the terrorist are dead, but the situation has gotten worse.
"Yeah, this is #6, we have a situation. We have a bomb in here set for five minutes, judging from the size of it this thing could take out the entire city block. I've got some training in defusal, but I have no clue with this thing. Get an expert in here ASAP!"
Falastur, I've got them covered, come out from the back and we'll sandwich them and ask them to surrender, go now!
All interior groups this is group two. Tangos on the move!
go for final sweep through building then lets link up outside.
Sending in bomb disposal team, could be a few minutes does anyone know how to difuse a bomb?
We have casulties out back, 2 terrorists have escaped the rest are running. aprox. 10 terrorists with 7 children. We're persuing, coming under heavy fire, they have snipers on the roof. Requesting back up now!
Sending a squad of 20 ASS and 10 Austroopers.
We don't have time to move anyone in, but we can probably guide you through defusal if you can see inside the bomb.
We have casulties out back, 2 terrorists have escaped the rest are running. aprox. 10 terrorists with 7 children. We're persuing, coming under heavy fire, they have snipers on the roof. Requesting back up now!
The snipers are not a problem. I believe you will find a few corpses on the roof, be sure to clean them up before you guys re-open the school.
Thanks Aust, sending in my captain in to disfuse the bomb. I'm opening up a link can someone tell me how to difuse it. Skullz can you cover me as I do it?
We don't have time to move anyone in, but we can probably guide you through defusal if you can see inside the bomb.
#6: I've got the cover off the bomb, I can see the inside workings. Looks a bit complex.
2 of G2 going to basement! evacuate builiding and retire.
I am sending a squad of bomb disposal experts to help. They may arrive to late. Can you send a video feed back to HQ or a discription. We could tell you what to do. Evaquate the children and all non-essentil personnel to a safe distance
Thanks Aust, sending in my captain in to disfuse the bomb. I'm opening up a link can someone tell me how to difuse it. Skullz can you cover me as I do it?
Sending two men to rendezvous with your defusal team and escort them to the basement. Make it quick...
Ok 6 were here to help, you wanna go or stay?
Skullz can you see the blue wire? Cut it!
Ok, 69 terrorists and 150-odd children in a single room.
You can't run in shooting, since children will be killed in the crossfire, not to mention the terrorists deciding to butcher them while being shot at.
Stealth wouldn't do all that much, since everyone is in the same room anyway. Sure, they can get to the room without being spotted, but then what?
Snipers would be.. very difficult. You would need at least 69 of them, one per terrorist, and they would all need to score a headshot with their first round. Ideally, several snipers per terrorist would be better. Of course, there is no guaruntee that all the terrorists are within view.
A knockout gas attack might work. But, the terrorists would likely have time to kill most of the children before they succumb to the chemical agents. And, if they have gas masks, this is pointless.
I would say the easiest way to deal with this is to give in to their demands. £9,000,000 isn't much money, really. Changing religion? Um, ok, sure.
As soon as the children are safe, you could slaughter the terrorists.
Hand over the money, in cash, via a negotiatior (dangerous job, he's probably gonna get wasted either way) and supply them with transport.. several vans, and a waiting train/aircraft, that they can drive/pilot to wherever they want. Just plant bombs inside the transport beforehand.
Then it comes down to negotiations. Their demands are met (apparently) and they are being given the cash and transport to get away. They, in return, must give up the children, or they get nothing. Sorta risky, but I don't see anything else working.
It either works, the government loses £9,000,000, the terrorists are blown up with the trainbomb, the kids survive; or they take the kids with them, and you either let them get away, or sacrafice the kids' lives.
If it does work, the religion thing doesn't matter, and £9,000,000 won't kill the economy.. hell, you could probably just print an extra £9,000,000 the next day to make up for it...
(sorry to add this in the middle of the operation, but I could swear there was only 3 pages of posts when I started typing it...)
Skullz can you see the blue wire? Cut it!
#6 I've got four blue wires here, all different shades. Get that goddamn defusal team here NOW!!!
Confirmation that the terrorists out back have been defeated and children resuced. All together can we make one final sweep of the building before the bomb is difused just in case?
Ok, 69 terrorists and 150-odd children in a single room.
You can't run in shooting, since children will be killed in the crossfire, not to mention the terrorists deciding to butcher them while being shot at.
Stealth wouldn't do all that much, since everyone is in the same room anyway. Sure, they can get to the room without being spotted, but then what?
Snipers would be.. very difficult. You would need at least 69 of them, one per terrorist, and they would all need to score a headshot with their first round. Ideally, several snipers per terrorist would be better. Of course, there is no guaruntee that all the terrorists are within view.
A knockout gas attack might work. But, the terrorists would likely have time to kill most of the children before they succumb to the chemical agents. And, if they have gas masks, this is pointless.
I would say the easiest way to deal with this is to give in to their demands. £9,000,000 isn't much money, really. Changing religion? Um, ok, sure.
As soon as the children are safe, you could slaughter the terrorists.
Hand over the money, in cash, via a negotiatior (dangerous job, he's probably gonna get wasted either way) and supply them with transport.. several vans, and a waiting train/aircraft, that they can drive/pilot to wherever they want. Just plant bombs inside the transport beforehand.
Then it comes down to negotiations. Their demands are met (apparently) and they are being given the cash and transport to get away. They, in return, must give up the children, or they get nothing. Sorta risky, but I don't see anything else working.
It either works, the government loses £9,000,000, the terrorists are blown up with the trainbomb, the kids survive; or they take the kids with them, and you either let them get away, or sacrafice the kids' lives.
If it does work, the religion thing doesn't matter, and £9,000,000 won't kill the economy.. hell, you could probably just print an extra £9,000,000 the next day to make up for it...
They're not all in a single room, they've got the whole school occupied. We've got this now though.
[ Moving out all non-essential units. Clearing area. ]
Our bomb crew has your camera feed on-screen. It looks a fairly standard device, there should be two green wires. One of these leads to a chocolate block with two blue wires coming out. Cut this.
Next up, the other green wire leads to a chocolate block with a yellow and a red coming out of it. Cut the red, followed by the yellow. This should stop the timer so someone can move in and take out the detonator.
Ok, 69 terrorists and 150-odd children in a single room.
You can't run in shooting, since children will be killed in the crossfire, not to mention the terrorists deciding to butcher them while being shot at.
Stealth wouldn't do all that much, since everyone is in the same room anyway. Sure, they can get to the room without being spotted, but then what?
Snipers would be.. very difficult. You would need at least 69 of them, one per terrorist, and they would all need to score a headshot with their first round. Ideally, several snipers per terrorist would be better. Of course, there is no guaruntee that all the terrorists are within view.
A knockout gas attack might work. But, the terrorists would likely have time to kill most of the children before they succumb to the chemical agents. And, if they have gas masks, this is pointless.
I would say the easiest way to deal with this is to give in to their demands. £9,000,000 isn't much money, really. Changing religion? Um, ok, sure.
As soon as the children are safe, you could slaughter the terrorists.
Hand over the money, in cash, via a negotiatior (dangerous job, he's probably gonna get wasted either way) and supply them with transport.. several vans, and a waiting train/aircraft, that they can drive/pilot to wherever they want. Just plant bombs inside the transport beforehand.
Then it comes down to negotiations. Their demands are met (apparently) and they are being given the cash and transport to get away. They, in return, must give up the children, or they get nothing. Sorta risky, but I don't see anything else working.
It either works, the government loses £9,000,000, the terrorists are blown up with the trainbomb, the kids survive; or they take the kids with them, and you either let them get away, or sacrafice the kids' lives.
If it does work, the religion thing doesn't matter, and £9,000,000 won't kill the economy.. hell, you could probably just print an extra £9,000,000 the next day to make up for it...
We're kind of in the middle of the whole thing right now. We've got a bomb situation though.
Confirmation that the terrorists out back have been defeated and children resuced. All together can we make one final sweep of the building before the bomb is difused just in case?
Negative, defuse the bomb NOW! We haven't got time for that, the sweep comes later.
20-12-2003, 22:43
Speeding to a run, the first group runs up. One terrorist at the back of the group turns, seeing them, but a bullet from a silenced gun enters his chest before he can raise his gun or shout. The second group advance from slightly to the right, coming round the group, but avoiding the line of sight of the CornixPes group. They run stright to the group, silently as they have been trained. Two terrorists drop dead as they raise their modified rifles and fire. The group of hostages suddenly stops, one terrorist raises a gun to the head of a child, but he receives a bullet through his hand in return. Laser sights appear on the heads of the rest of the terrorists. The captain of the SAS group shouts,
"You are surrounded, and we have you targeted. One wrong move, and we fire!"
darkest blue then lightest im sure of it!
just in case thoough everybody run back and we'll do it
Repeat the last terrorists have been nutralised. 10 terrorists, 1 Austrooper and 2 kid's dead. Everyone other than bomb disposal experts and people trying to defuce the thing leave the site. I have set up councilling in the nearist building total losses so far are for Aust-
2 kids.
5 Austroopers.
61 dead.
2 captured
Repeat the last terrorists have been nutralised. 10 terrorists, 1 Austrooper and 2 kid's dead. Everyone other than bomb disposal experts and people trying to defuce the thing leave the site. I have set up councilling in the nearist building total losses so far are for Aust-
2 kids.
5 Austroopers.
61 dead.
2 captured
Our bomb crew has your camera feed on-screen. It looks a fairly standard device, there should be two green wires. One of these leads to a chocolate block with two blue wires coming out. Cut this.
Next up, the other green wire leads to a chocolate block with a yellow and a red coming out of it. Cut the red, followed by the yellow. This should stop the timer so someone can move in and take out the detonator.
Good we've got the ones at the back. I'm picking up some muffling coming from the school kitchen, I'm a little occupied, someone go check it out.
Do what borked things says you've got about a minute left!
Casualtys from Keisland so far are
4 opratives
2 children
lots of tangos
darkest blue then lightest im sure of it!
just in case thoough everybody run back and we'll do it
Right, our team is getting out now. We'll need an ambulance outside for our wounded, unfortunately nothing can be done for the other.
Skulzz I thought you were on the bomb?
Do what borked things says you've got about a minute left!
Right, I've got it......
"Bomb is defused, I repeat, bomb is DEFUSED!"
125 children reached the perimeter. Stopping in front of his kid, Chris removes his mask. "DAD!" Cries the kid leaping into his arms.
Then there ws a massave explosion obliterating the school and much of the landscape. Once the smoke clears there is just a massive crater. Chris bows his head. in the op's room there came a shout. "I said not the red wire!"
ok going with borked things then.
Can we confirm that the bomb timer is disabled? There should be one static red LED, and no others.
125 children reached the perimeter. Stopping in front of his kid, Chris removes his mask. "DAD!" Cries the kid leaping into his arms.
Then there ws a massave explosion obliterating the school and much of the landscape. Once the smoke clears there is just a massive crater. Chris bows his head. in the op's room there came a shout. "I said not the red wire!"
Oh, too late for that. :P
Can we confirm that the bomb timer is disabled? There should be one static red LED, and no others.
Confirmed. We need a disposal team down here, I'm pulling my men out.
Check the rubble for dead
20-12-2003, 22:50
Seeing the terrorists raise their hands, (still with guns in their hands), the Captain adds,
"Remove your fingers from your gun triggers. I repeat. One wrong move and we shoot."
Seeing them comply, he adds as a final note,
"Now. You, you, and you. (He indicates with the laser sight on his gun to three terrorists). Step away from the children. Keep your hands on the barrel of your guns. Any one of you puts their fingers back on their triggers, and we shoot"
Did the bomb actually go off?
+2 to my dead ops then...
Do what borked things says you've got about a minute left!
Right, I've got it......
"Bomb is defused, I repeat, bomb is DEFUSED!"
"Bomb is defused, I repeat bomb is DEFUSED!"
From his mike came a voice. "I said not the red wire, you've got 10 seconds to put it back together, he scrambled over, grsping at the wires, to late.
Did the bomb actually go off?
#6: Something exploded in another wing of the building, may have been a smaller bomb. This one is clear though.
We got all of the children out though.
Yes it exploded taking a lot of people with it. Get everyone down there to search for survivors
In the control room, the Borked Things bomb team shake their heads. Another 5 seconds would have done it...
Casualty Report : Oblique Islands Anti-Terrorism Unit
1x technicians
3x rapid deployment
Do what borked things says you've got about a minute left!
Right, I've got it......
"Bomb is defused, I repeat, bomb is DEFUSED!"
"Bomb is defused, I repeat bomb is DEFUSED!"
From his mike came a voice. "I said not the red wire, you've got 10 seconds to put it back together, he scrambled over, grsping at the wires, to late.
Hey hey, none of this. My men got the bomb in time, I'm not accepting the loss of any more of them, especially not #6. :P
Special Ops picking up 30 dead teachers in the rubble of the kitchen area.
We got all of the children out though.
Unfortuntly there were 22 kid's in there. But they were near the perimeter so some may have survived
Special Ops picking up 30 dead teachers in the rubble of the kitchen area.
Yes it exploded taking a lot of people with it. Get everyone down there to search for survivors
There are two bombs, the defused one I mentioned was big enough to take out an entire city block. That means that all the students, all our teams, and all the captured terrorists would be dead, along with whatever else happened to be in that city block.
I Have an idea, what about a multi national group that we organise to train for this sort of eventuality in the future and respond to attacks on each others state?
Do what borked things says you've got about a minute left!
Right, I've got it......
"Bomb is defused, I repeat, bomb is DEFUSED!"
"Bomb is defused, I repeat bomb is DEFUSED!"
From his mike came a voice. "I said not the red wire, you've got 10 seconds to put it back together, he scrambled over, grsping at the wires, to late.
Hey hey, none of this. My men got the bomb in time, I'm not accepting the loss of any more of them, especially not #6. :P
He may have survived. The quicker we get rescue crews down there the more likly it is he survived.
The ASS followed by most of the pupils ran towards the rubbles. They began scrambling about. Richard, Chris son heard a knocking. Calling over his dad they cleared the rubble away, to reveal a face. It was horrificly burnt but it was still, #6. "Thanks, guy's" he murmered
thats a good idea cos it was really fun. Ask Aust he started it all.
20-12-2003, 22:59
The three terrorists step away from the group, and after a gesture from the Captain, they drop their weapons, and are ordered to kneel, with squad 2 pointing their guns at their heads. The manuoever (can't spell that word) is repeated once more, weining all the terrorists from the children. Within a minute, all the terrorists are being marched toward where the other Elite teams are meeting, and the children are escorted to where their friends are. They are all deeply shocked, but glad to be alive.
Yes it exploded taking a lot of people with it. Get everyone down there to search for survivors
There are two bombs, the defused one I mentioned was big enough to take out an entire city block. That means that all the students, all our teams, and all the captured terrorists would be dead, along with whatever else happened to be in that city block.
It must be the smaller one as it didn't reach the perimeter
The bomb team look up as the hardware re-establishes links after the blast. Only a small part of the school is destroyed, and they rejoice in having guessed the right wires to stop the big bomb going off. They move in to disable the detonator.
That was unpleasant... we can send in some grunts if needed to help with the cleanup. The bomb team will stay and clean up, but the technical team is moving out.
What do you think aust?
Will you do the debrief
The three terrorists step away from the group, and after a gesture from the Captain, they drop their weapons, and are ordered to kneel, with squad 2 pointing their guns at their heads. The manuoever (can't spell that word) is repeated once more, weining all the terrorists from the children. Within a minute, all the terrorists are being marched toward where the other Elite teams are meeting, and the children are escorted to where their friends are. They are all deeply shocked, but glad to be alive.
There was a bomb.
I have started a groupm like that. Thread 'Concerning the rise of terrorism and a allince'
I Have an idea, what about a multi national group that we organise to train for this sort of eventuality in the future and respond to attacks on each others state?
Let's do that
The three terrorists step away from the group, and after a gesture from the Captain, they drop their weapons, and are ordered to kneel, with squad 2 pointing their guns at their heads. The manuoever (can't spell that word) is repeated once more, weining all the terrorists from the children. Within a minute, all the terrorists are being marched toward where the other Elite teams are meeting, and the children are escorted to where their friends are. They are all deeply shocked, but glad to be alive.
There was a bomb.
I have started a groupm like that. Thread 'Concerning the rise of terrorism and a allince'
Well I'll make a note of who you all are. When I start one up I'll telegram you all.
Then Keisland would be most flatered if it could provide any futher assistance
OOC f'ing uni computers are messing up my sys, am realy slow right now.
What do you think aust?
Will you do the debrief
They sat in the debreifing room. 2 days after th incident. General Robertson walked in
"Gentlemen, well done with the success of your opperation. It was achived with minimum casultys and was perfect over than the bomb. It clamed the lives of 34 people. 12 of them children. In total the allied forces lost- 53 men, 42 children, the terrorists lost, there whold forces. 23 people are in hospital for wounds, including #6.
The school will be rebuilt that is all."
Mine's going slow too, I think the forum has too many hits online.
20-12-2003, 23:07
Well I'll make a note of who you all are. When I start one up I'll telegram you all.
Cool. I await the TG....
Mine's going slow too, I think the forum has too many hits online.
20-12-2003, 23:09
Well I'll make a note of who you all are. When I start one up I'll telegram you all.
Cool. I await the TG....
I'll set up maps and things and we'll plan it properly. I guess everyone else is slow because of the forum at the moment.
Well I'll make a note of who you all are. When I start one up I'll telegram you all.
Unfortunatley our communication channels are playing up so I only just found out about the situation here. These seem to be resolved and I am ready to assist in preventing any further terrorist activity.
My elite Free Corps are always on standby and ready to respond to any request for aid! :twisted:
Keisland awaits your telegram invitations to other IR actions.
Keisland JFHQ
20-12-2003, 23:20
Well I'll make a note of who you all are. When I start one up I'll telegram you all.
Cool. I await the TG....
20-12-2003, 23:22
Stupid server lag. Meh, nothing I can do about it....
This place really needs another server to help with the load...
if anybody wants to discuss in real time I'm considering getting hold of #nationstates on GamesNet, and I'm idling in there ATM.
Also, consider me in for an international hostage response team.
This is an emergancy Red Alert at CornixPes!
In the last hour we recieved news that a well known Terrorist group called "The Death triangle" have raided a conferance and kidnapped 4 important MPs, the foriegn secertary is believed to be amoung them. CornixPes have just recived a tip off that the captives are being held in a base mansion somewhere to the west of a city called Makar. The hostages are believed to be totured and interrigated as we speak. A special ops team where send down and they have not returned.
The blue prints for the mansion are old and worn and the attic and cellar is missing from it.
The captives are most likley to be in the cellar but there is believed to be over 200 terrorists in there along with a wide range of weaponry, bombs and drugs.
Help from any Nation is requested!
Alert has reached critical Gun shots have been heard
I repeat. Help requested!
My freind you helped me so i'll help you. 900 men are on there way.
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
Aust would you be kind eough to supply a bomb disposal team as mine are still in training. We might need one just in case.
The Blue Eagle
21-12-2003, 14:58
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
Maybe so, but Aust has been a friend and ally to me. I do not want to look further into his nation than his helping nature. He is a good leader as he showed yesterday and his a valuable team member.
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
Blue Eagle will you supply men and help?
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
Blue Eagle will you supply men and help?
Scratch that Blue Eagle, haters of Aust are not allowed.
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
I do, howveer I do have good points if you would look into it. I am honourable and have never carried out terrorist attacks. My slaves serve for 5 yers and then are freed and I have helped out in numrable aid progects.
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
I do, howveer I do have good points if you would look into it. I am honourable and have never carried out terrorist attacks. My slaves serve for 5 yers and then are freed and I have helped out in numrable aid progects.
Exactly and the result is you should have a strong economy and a good capital.
Matshland is sending one century of our elite Death's Saber Soldiers along with Death's Saber commanders.
The Death's Saber demand the following in compensation, the Skulls of dead terrorists as trophies, and the weapons of the Terrorists.
Your demand will be met. Thank you for your support. Keep checking back to this thread, when all our allies come on the fun will start.
Good thanks. We must wait for everyone else to gather and then we will begin the planning stage.
I would just like it to be noted, Aust is a evil nation and he keeps slaves.
I do, howveer I do have good points if you would look into it. I am honourable and have never carried out terrorist attacks. My slaves serve for 5 yers and then are freed and I have helped out in numrable aid progects.
Exactly and the result is you should have a strong economy and a good capital.
21-12-2003, 15:34
Falastur will send another group of Elite SAS soldiers to CornixPes' aid. If you need any other assistance, we will send more......
Thanks falastur, I think its time we got this started, the others can catch up. Anyone got any ideas how to get in. We don't want to loose the MPs. Take a look at the blue prints. At the moment we've got four groups. Mine, Austs, Falasturs and the new guy who wants skulls. Ok so lets get thinking.
Borked Things online here, diverting the technical and bomb crews from their return. Also bringing in people to make our teams full strength:
BT.7.1 | 4 man | Technical audiovisual spike team
BT.7.2 | 4 man | Technical audiovisual spike team
BT.4.1 | 2 man | Bomb disposal team
BT.6.1 | 3 man | Control unit
I would also like to report that my uplink for the blueprints is out of action.
21-12-2003, 16:42
*Comes back after lunch and putting up Christmas Tree.*
Oh naf! I forgot! Dangitall!!
Err..tactics.....well, the group hasn't issued any demands yet....therefore, we don't have to think so hard about creating a diversion.....
Do you think we can infiltrate before they realise? Or do they have snipers or something watching the area?
Hey soz I was out, welcome back borked things! Ok. Latest reports.
A terrorist has been seen carrying a dead body from he house. We believe it to be a Special Ops team member although we haven't been abel to get close enough to check it out.
I have 3 choppers going in with three of my Special Ops teams. We have taken ariel photos that prove that there are terrorists with weapons on the roof. They also have some uknown device.
They have not issued any demands but they obviosuly want something out of the MPs, information most likley. All windows of the mansion have been borded up so we have no way of seeing inside. My teams are currently trying to get sound but we haven't come up with anything.
Falastur can you get your SAS team around the back of the mansion in cam foil, try to bug the place see if you can get what they're saying inside. You seem to be more efficient at it than me. Borked things for now can you get your bomb team back and put your spike team around both sides. I'm covering the front. We've got Aust's 900 man army on its way but that may take a while. We need to come up with a way of getting in without them knowing it, or it could lead to the deaths of the MPs.
21-12-2003, 17:53
*Curses busy again*
The SAS group has arrived in CornixPes. They are within a mile from the scene, about to link up with your forces.
21-12-2003, 18:01
Having established contact, they are approaching the mansion in cam-foil. They are reconnoitering the area, and are choosing an approach.
We've got a sound bug on one side of the mansion, think its the first room. Patching you in:
"Get anything out of them?"
"No, they're staying tough"
"They've got men outside, you know that don't you?"
"Yes, that make sit important to get the ID codes out of them now!"
"What do we do after, they'll storm us"
"Don't be stupid, they'll need an army to get into here!"
"I hope they don't have an army spare then"
"Don't worry."
We've lost them. an everyone search the outside for any openings like vents of something, it might be useful.
21-12-2003, 18:37
My SAS team have hooked up another bug, but have got nothing. We assume they are not in this side, or at least on this floor this side.
Our SAS group has scouted the ground, finding two "sheds" that have trapdoors. They have split into their squads, one is covering the building as they other checks the trapdoors, one at a time.
Falastur is dispatching a second SAS group (2 squads of 4) to join this. We may send more troops later, although they will probably not be Elite squads like our SAS.
21-12-2003, 19:12
The first "shed" building has been investigated. It contains a small cellar for wines, a couple of disused and collapsing bunk beds (no signs of inhabitants for years) and little else. The second "shed" has been investigated, it has a locked door, which leads to a place we cannot assess, but in the direction of the mansion. If you want to get troops in, this may be it.
The second group has arrived, and are rendevousing with my first squad.
21-12-2003, 19:29
OOC I'll halt this until I get another post from someone else.....
The Blue Eagle
21-12-2003, 19:43
As a gesture of my sincerity in another thread, I wish to aid Aust in a war against terror, despite the fact that I am a peaceful nation, and would not usually interfere with other nations' business.
yeah falastur we'll halt this for now as it appears that only us two are on at the mo. Catch you later.
[ ooc - you really need to do this in a live medium such as IRC ]
We're going to try a robot-mounted mic array, see how close we can get it. The fact that they seem to be in the cellar is to our advantage, spiking the foundations will provide a fairly clear sound if we can get close enough.
Proceed with caution, we don't know if they have mines or what.
21-12-2003, 23:36
OOC Just to point out, I said they might be through there. For all we know it might only be a larder or something like that, completely unconnected to the mansion.....
Apologies for late confirmation (I was at a christmas party). My Lord Protector has received your telegram requesting aid and has despatched the Free Corps to aid your MPs. We're not too hot on the tactics side - we don't get many terrorists in Pepper and Pickle but in close fighting few forces can match them.
Sir Cralor is commanding.
22-12-2003, 00:48
OOC Just to keep this moving, I will post once more, and then I will wait until tomorrow unless some other guys (particularly those already involved) post.....
The first SAS squad (now of 4) stand in the small ante-room at the bottom of the small flight os stairs under the trapdoor in the "shed". They have their guns pointed at the door, ready to shoot anything that emerges from behind it. Drawing his silenced pistol, the SAS Captain points at the rusty and decrepide lock on the door and fires a shot right into the mechanism. The frame of the lock on the outside of the door falls off, the door moves open a little. One SAS man steps forward, cautiously, waiting, waiting, and then on a slight signal from the Captain, he kicks the door open and drops to a crouch out of the line of fire of his squadmates. The torches attached to the machineguns of the squad illuminate a passage, walled with stone and brick, with a turn to the left about 20 metres down. There is nothing of any substance in the passage. The Captain orders the squad to advance, very slowly, and they reach the corner, to find nothing more, but a turn to the right further up. Reaching this corner around a minute later, the squad can see only a door around 10 metres away. Cautiously the approach it, apprehensive of what lies beyond.
OOC I'm still not sure whether I want this to lead into the mansion or not......but it seems like it might....
22-12-2003, 01:06
I will send 5th Elite Force of Navy S.E.A.L.s(10 men) to pick out the guys in 5 classrooms 1 by 1.I think education is important(since I'm 12 years-old).
6.1 is in control position and can confirm all uplinks are good. There is a bit of radio interference, cause unknown, but we can work past it. We also have a spike into the foundations from 7.2, so anything in the cellars will be broadcast onto our feed channel.
Sounds like a single shot was fired underground, and we get babble about "access codes" but can't get much more, except the terrorists aren't taking any chances.
Thinking of ways to get video in, I think that if we can take either the main hall or the study then there are controls for the intercom system throughout the building, complete with cameras (notice the intercom on the gates into the grounds). This could get us audiovisual around the entire site, but we don't know how much force is needed to bust in.
22-12-2003, 01:11
I will send 5th Elite Force of Navy S.E.A.L.s(10 men) to pick out the guys in 5 classrooms 1 by 1.I think education is important(since I'm 12 years-old).
Feel free to send your guys in, Anti-Nazis, but we have resolved the Aust School Crisis. We are currently trying to rescue 4 CornixPes Members of Parliament, probably including their foreign minister....
We would like to offer the use of our newly instated Electronics Warfare Assault team... Although they are usually not used in hostage situations, they have excellent technical abilities, such as disabling alarm systems and bombs. Furthermore, we hold their stealth capabilities in high confidence, and feel that it would be beneficial for them to gain some experience in real operations.
If a go-ahead is given, we can ferry them in within 7 hours. We will provide our own equipment.
22-12-2003, 01:21
We would like to offer the use of our newly instated Electronics Warfare Assault team... Although they are usually not used in hostage situations, they have excellent technical abilities, such as disabling alarm systems and bombs. Furthermore, we hold their stealth capabilities in high confidence, and feel that it would be beneficial for them to gain some experience in real operations.
If a go-ahead is given, we can ferry them in within 7 hours. We will provide our own equipment.
Well, with CornixPes's absence (I guess he is asleep or something) I will give you the go-ahead. When you land your forces, link up with my men outside the mansion.
Coordinates are being wired.....
22-12-2003, 01:25
"This is X59 Black Hawk in the area of the school.The 10 S.E.A.Ls will be deployed on the roof.We see no distraction for our airdrop.The rope is down GO,GO,GO."
The S.E.A.L.s are undetected as they enter through the door on the roof.
The Helicopter is fired at,but does not go down.They are not aware of their arrival.They sneakly get some intel from one of the classrooms guards.They kickly slit the mens throughts.They call a helicopter to extract the children.Unfortunatly, 6 children were killed including the teacher.Once,The school is safe, Anti-Nazis will host a proper burial
our main police force may be not as good as it should be, but we have exceptional CT units. personally i think our psycho-warfare team can
come in, set up speakers all over the perimeter, and blare athiest propaganda until the terrorist run out of the building crying like little
course... this has been known to have a serious effect on all sides.. so
maybe just blare that "tip toeing through the tulips" song that one freak
no wait.... thats actually worse....
we'll find something to blare over the speakers that'll only effect the
bad guys, im sure of it. just give us time :P
22-12-2003, 01:27
I will send 5th Elite Force of Navy S.E.A.L.s(10 men) to pick out the guys in 5 classrooms 1 by 1.I think education is important(since I'm 12 years-old).
Feel free to send your guys in, Anti-Nazis, but we have resolved the Aust School Crisis. We are currently trying to rescue 4 CornixPes Members of Parliament, probably including their foreign minister....
Ooops then sorry about the last posts. The X59(Helicopter #) Black Hawk pilots will change positions to the building in which they are.Can you give me a GPS coordinace
22-12-2003, 01:30
--Coordinates Wired--
22-12-2003, 01:39
OOC OK guys, I'm off to bed now.....don't try anything too radical :wink:
Has anyone tried negotiations? Force is always a last resort in ANY hostage situation.
My nation is willing to send 2 teams of highly trained RSF (Rapid Strike Force) Operatives who have much experience in this field. We'll make sure the terrorists aren't using radio's, and if they are the moment before attack we shall jam them so they cannot communicate with each other. We'll also strike at night where we can cut the lights and all of our Operatives will be kitted out with NVG and gas masks ready for the tear gas. Flashbangs will also be used incase they are also wearing gas masks to disorient them and we will sweep the area's known to contain hostages as we will have scoped the area with heartbeat sensors before going in. When we've removed the threat ALL captives will be handcuffed incase they have people hiding with the children/teachers pretending to be hostages, and will escort them to armoured APC Ambulances on stand by where they will be taken for deriefing.
Is it to late to negotiate if not I have the best in the business! If not I will loan you 2 of my best Counter Terrorists. Let me know if you need them. :wink:
22-12-2003, 03:01
--Coordinates Wired--
The boys will arrive at the building in 5 minutes.When we get the call we will storm in on the roof. We will be in their for 24 hours.How big is the building?
Send your men in through the scholl sewer system! They'll never expect it! And witha good force, you'll get out of their with no child casualties unnoticed.
22-12-2003, 03:15
Send your men in through the scholl sewer system! They'll never expect it! And witha good force, you'll get out of their with no child casualties unnoticed.
Where on a different mission, but thats a great idea.
Thanks everyone for you help, you are all welcome to join in. Thanks Falastur for keeping things together while I was asleep :roll:
We spiked the foundations again this morning but have come up with nothing. I've set up my sinpers in the trees outside and I have a special ops group on the front and back of the mansion. I have tactitians working on the blue prints. Here's what I want everyone to do:
Progia, I want your police force on the back up. Surround the building but leave a lot of room for the rest of us to deply our special forces.
Anit_Nazis can you land your S.E.A.Ls with Falasturs SAS to make the first storm of the building WHEN we decide what to do.
Worrban we will need your counter terrorists. Send them over in a chopper and land about 100 meters away from the building. We will probably need you to go through the roof soon.
SmirNovia can you supply a negotiator? We'll patch you up with the terrorists. Also can you place your operatives with mine becuase we will need to make the second storm of the building.
Borked things, can you get some cam foil on and approach the building, my tactitions say theres a vent around somewhere see if you can find it but be careful!
Pepper and Pickle send your Free Corps into back up positions around the area. We will need you if we have to make any more storms or if some people escape.
If I have missed anyone take positions with Pepper and Pickle in back up. Aust, when you get back from war I have a job for you.
Everyone now must confirm their positions to make sure everyone is where they should be. Confirmation From CornixPes Special Ops.
No one make a move yet. We must talk about how we are going to get in without alarming them and killing the MPs. Open to suggestions!
22-12-2003, 13:03
The Sergeants leading the 2nd-4th squads radiod in to the Captain of the SAS groups.
He then radios in to the make-shift crisis HQ.
"All Falasturian squads report in, we are A-OK."
"Confirmation recieved Falastur. Moving into covering positions, now we've just got to wait for the others".
22-12-2003, 13:10
Edit: double post
22-12-2003, 13:11
"On your command squad 1 will take down the locked door in front of us. It is a possible entry into the mansion. Repeat possible entry. Squad 2 is covering the entrance to this shed. Squad 2 asks to be relieved, so they can follow squad 1 into the tunnel. Squad 3 is covering the South Side, monitoring their bug. Still no music from the bug. Squad 4 is covering the west side, is planning to storm the door their, once our assault has begun. We are considering sending in reinforcements."
"Hold up there's no way we can get in there without back up. We must wait for confirmation... Wait what's that?" The voice crackled over the radio.
The captain of the squad 1 special ops swung around. There was the noise of a loud vehicle that suddenly broke the almost silence.
"Eat this scum!" A voice cried. A sports car swept across the huge drive with terrorists hanging out the windows with Uzis and AK's. Crack-crack-crack-crack-crack! They fired, the bullets tearing into the CornixPes police that seperated them from the special teams.
"Down down down!" The police cried and they began to stop, some of them with bullets in their heads.
"It's a diversion!" Falastur come in! We need back up!" The captain roared. The teams began to fire at the car that skidded through the grass at very fast speeds. The bullets bounced off of the sides, some of them broke through. One window smashed. The police attacked like a wave after the car. Blood splattered across the grass as the terrorists fired at them.
"Clear!" Shouted a special Ops member and threw a grenade at the car.
The explosion tookmany police off of their feet and rolled the sports car right over. The doors opened and terrorists piled out into the smoke and began to scatter. The captain aimed and put a bullet through the back of a head. The police fired frantically trying to get them down but the terrorists fired back.
If it was a diversion what was it for? The captain swung around an saw a terrorist dragging someone from the back door and down towards the perimeter of the huge garden. The captian turned on his heel and sprinted after him.
22-12-2003, 13:50
"Squad 3, chase down those fleeing terrorists. Capture if possible, kill if not. Squad 2 follow the terrorist, at the south. All other squads hold position. Due to the situation, we are sending in 2 final squads of SAS troops, plus 100 highly trained soldiers for back-up. 5 Snipers will be sent with them, in case they are needed."
"Falastur's coming in for back up sir!"
"Good, skirt the mansion and pick off terrorists!" The captain ordered.
There was suddenly a click near his ear. He swiveled his eyes to the left and saw a terrorist standing there with a gun to his head. He took a deep breath and then moved. He quicky slammed his fist into the stomach of the terrorist, blowing him backwards. There was a BANG! and then a rush of pain across the side of the captain's face. His hearing had gone numb and stars flashed in his eyes. He collapsed to the floor. His hand instantly went to his belt where he pulled out a knife. With maximum effort he rolled over and grabbed the terrorist by the foot, pulling him down. The man struggled but in a rage the captain struck down and slammed the knife in between some ribs. In a cough the man was dead.
The captain pulled himself to his feet and felt the side of his face. There was a huge gash that was made by the bullet that went from his cheek to his ear. There was blood everywhere. Dizziness came over him and his passed out.
This is Worrban CT teams 1 and 2 we are moving down from the roof . We see the runners our Snipers will make sure they don't get far,don'tworry they'll be alive... and shot. Team 1 is moving down the building has anyone found the hostages?
-Worrban CT team 1 out
22-12-2003, 14:43
The Empire is sending it's GAMMA unit to you immediately to help with your hostage crisis. The GAMMA (Grenades, Artillery, Mortars, Mines, and Assult) unit will help your problem.
22-12-2003, 14:43
Worriban....hold position. We have to time our moves to each others.
OOC Was that terrorist the guy who was dragging someone to the perimeter? If so, where is the guy he was dragging?
I'm not sure, we'll have to check it out. Snipers, can you see anything? Falastur accompay my squad and we'll capture some of the run aways, at least we could try to get some info on whats going on inside.
22-12-2003, 14:58
Sure,just give me a minute to land
22-12-2003, 14:59
What did I miss.When can I go in?
No anti nazis we've got terrorists that have escaped running around killing people and we've got an unknown hostage somewhere in the perimeter.
ooc: Got to go be back in a couple of hours. Falastur you take lead.
22-12-2003, 15:02
Squad 3 is on the tail of the fleeing terrorists. We are trying to injure, not kill. It's always best to preserve life.
My final 2 squads have arrived. Squad 2 is entering the tunnel to link up with squad 1. Squad 5 is taking their place at the entrance. Squad 6 is replacing squad 3 at the south side. My soldiers have arrived, and are establishing a perimeter. The snipers are each covering a side of the building, and the grounds around it. Squad 1 is about to take the door at the end of the tunnel, having established that there is noone behind it. This is probably a way into the mansion. If we find an entrance there, we will report in, and you can send in troops this way.
22-12-2003, 15:03
Someone needs to send troops to find the hostage on the border. He may or may not be covered by a terrorist.
22-12-2003, 15:11
The Captain fires another silenced shot into the lock, the plate swings, now hanging from the door by one screw. Once again, a corporal kicks the door in, then dropping to a crouch. The room they are looking into is well-lit, suggesting it has recently been used. It seems to be a kitchen of some sort, although it is pretty empty. There are doors to larders and in-built cupboards, but only one door seems to lead to another room. A few tables and chairs are scattered around the room, one has a few hands of cards lying on it, face down. It seems this room may have been inhabited only a couple of hours ago. There is noone in the room, as expected.
Moving across the room, the Captain radios in,
"We have found an entrance to the mansion. We are in a basement of some sort. Signs of activity. No terrorists. Squad 2 has arrived with us. Could send troops in. Give a few minutes for investigation first."
22-12-2003, 15:12
Someone needs to send troops to find the hostage on the border. He may or may not be covered by a terrorist.
I will send my 1 Elite Unit in to search for the hostages
22-12-2003, 15:13
Edit: forget that
22-12-2003, 15:20
Terrorist:O crap
Lol, gonna sit this one out? :)
Okay, my team will wait here and 2 team to will make its way back to the roof. Just tell us when to move.
-Worrban CT Team 1 out
22-12-2003, 15:41
It won't be long, Worrban....
A corporal from squad 2 takes the handle of the door in the basement room. Twisting it round, slowly, carefully, he pushes the door open just a crack, and slots a tiny periscope through the gap. Looking through it, he can see a man with an AK-47, standing half the way up a flight of stone steps, two more men sitting in chairs by a lit fireplace are talking to the man's right, AK-47s over each's shoulder, and a final man with a pistol in his lap, sleeping in a rocking chair. He pulls the periscope back, and turns to the Captain, signalling
"4 men, all armed."
The Captain signals back,
"Kick the door. Shoot the man on the stairs and demand surrender from the others."
The Captain flicks his radio on, reporting very quietly,
"We have found terrorists. Are moving to take them out. All groups, move now!"
22-12-2003, 15:43
22-12-2003, 15:45
Edit: double post
Were moving from the roof. It looks like all of them are... wait I see two men probably terrorists they have body armor and AK-47. Should I engage them waiting for orders.
-CT 1 out
22-12-2003, 16:50
Can they be killed without alerting the others?
"I think I can if I switch to silencers. I'm moving"and with that the Captain told his men to change weapons and move. The first terrorist went down easy so did the other but he knocked over a vase on the way down ." Did they hear that?! "
-CT 1 out
22-12-2003, 17:22
On a quick signal from the Captain, the corporal kicked the door open. A silenced bullet, becoming a trademark of the Captain, hit between the eyes of the terrorist standing on the steps; his legs collapse and he falls down like a sack of potatoes. The 1st squad storms into the room, their guns pointed at the two men talking. Although there is little noise, the sleeping terrorist suddenly awakens, picking up his pistol up from his lap and aiming at one of the men. Before he can fire, several bullets from the second squad standing at the door rake his body, and he collapses back into the chair. The two men, who couldn't raise their weapons in time merely give up, putting their hands on their heads as ordered. Luckily, the stone walls seemed to have contained the commotion, and there is no sign of action from the door at the top of the stairs.
The Captain orders the two remaining terrorists to stand, a squad member goes to each, a gun pointed at each head, and a third squad member then relieves them of their AK-47s - not with the least of effort. Emptying the stock of the cartridge in each gun, this SAS man then pockets the cartridges, and chucks the empty guns to two members of the second squad, who sling them over their shoulders and hoist their weapons again. The second squad then parts at the door to the tunnel as the first squad lead the two terrorists out toward the grounds. Just as the second squad start to spread into the room, having heard the first squad turn the corner of the tunnel, the door at the top of the steps is flung open by two terrorists, unprepared for what they see before them, having heard indistinct sounds of the attack. The first drops as one alert lance-corporal fires at him, but the other lets off a torrent of half-panicked bullets, that throw up dust and stones from where they hit the wall; splinters fly from the door, and a couple of lucky bullets hit the Kevlar of a corporal of the second squad, who drops from the impact, and is lucky to have been saved by his bullet-proof vest. However, he is out of the fight, and a small trickle of blood starts oozing from where the bullets hit him in his side. The terorist falls sideways off the un-railed steps as the other squad members all fire at him. It is unlikely that anyone for around 50 metres around can have not heard the gun-fire. The sergeant of the second squad runs up to the door of the room, pulling it closed as his squad-mates crouch beside their injuring comrade. The third squad, who heard the gun-fire and came rushing in, run into the room, covering the door incase more terrorists run in. The second squad take their injured member toward the tunnel, where they will take him to the Medic on the perimeter of the grounds.
22-12-2003, 17:28
The first squad reach the perimeter of the grounds with their captives as the second squad emerge from the shed. Knowing what has happened, the Captain orders the first squad back into the tunnel, after handing the terrorists over to the soldiers guarding the perimeter. From a quick hand-signal, a detachment of 20 soldiers follow the first squad, to secure the room. While this is happening, in the distance can be seen a small number of helicopters dropping off reinforcements to the perimeter soldiers, who will now be entering the mansion through the tunnel, securing rooms and floors after the SAS group have taken them.
OOC: Hey I'm back. Well done guys you made it in!
"Orders to all CornixPes teams, storm the building now! I repeat, go for the building now!" The captain roared down the radio as he held a bandage to his face, "Any avaliable squads that aren't on back up accompany me to storm the building now, CornixPes or not. I'm going for the cellar, I want 1 squad upstairs and the rest on the ground floor! Let's move, move, move!"
Two Special Ops teams charged for the back door. It had been locked. With no hesitation one of the members grabbed a mallet and struck the door next to the lock. There was sharp crack and the door swung open nearly coming off of its hinges. Like a tidal wave the squads charged through and into the back room. There were about 10 terrorists sitting there surprised all of a sudden. They scrambled for their weapons. The guns of the squads flashed as bullets sprayed everywhere. The sofas were ripped up and stained with rich blood. The carpet was splattered with blood droplets and bodies. There were screams as the bullets hit the terrorists and dug deep into them. Some of them dived behind furniture. Bullets smashed wood and cracked the walls. One window smashed as an AK fired randomly from behind a sofa. Three shards of glass struck one Soldier in the face and causing him to fall to the floor writhing with pain.
The door leading from the back room burst open. Terrorists filled the door way, packed in like sardines.
"Scatter!" The captain cired as the terrorists unleashed rounds after rounds. One soldier pulled out a smoke grenade and threw it at them, smoke billowing up and filling the room in a thick white mist. With no remorse the squads took the moment of confusion to rain fire onto the door way. The frame around the door splintered and fell and the terrorists shook as bullets filled them. Through the smoke two hiding terrorists fired and struck a soldier in the head with a bullet, killing him instantly.
The squads charged towards the door regradless if the terrorists were still there or not and entered another room where the stairs were. Terrorists leapt out from all sides and surrounded the Special Ops teams.
"CornixPes, requesting back up, over!"
22-12-2003, 18:27
The SAS group heard the huge and all-consuming sound of a fire-fight breaking out above them. They heard the sounds of running footsteps going past the door at the top of the stairs, multiple shots, and then the sound of a smoke grenade filling the room. Smoke seeped in through the gaps around the door, but the smoke clotted the top of the room and the stairwell, and little else. After the sounds of gun-fire had dramatically reduced, and with soldiers both Falasturian and not joining the SAS group in the basement, the Captain approached the Falasturian Army 1st Lieutenant, and shouted at him, over the hubbub,
"Take these soldiers and capture the bottom of the mansion. We will go after the MPs. And remember, it's still not too late to arrest them, you don't have to kill them all!"
The Lieutenant replied at the top of his voice,
"Of course, we aren't murderers! Right men!"
Both soldiers and SAS filled the smoky hall at the top of the steps, surrounding some of the terrorists. Bullets fly from their guns, and within ten seconds, all of the terrorists in the hall are dead or unconscious. The SAS squad has already left the hall, headed toward the stairs, and the soldiers split, taking the rooms from the hallway, a small contigent following the SAS squads.
As the SAS squads burst into the stairway, they see a group of CornixPes Spec Ops, standing with their guns on the floor and terrorists moving toward them, guns raised. With no other option, the squads and the handful of soldiers raise their guns, firing precise bursts at the terrorists nearest the Spec Ops. The terrorists, quite surprised at the arrival of a second group of counter-terrorists, fire randomly, hitting the surrounds more than any targets of substance, and they drop quickly to the bullets of the SAS. One soldier behind the SAS grabs a smoke grenade, chucking it up the stairs. Smoke pours from the grenade, and a couple of terrorists half-run half-fall down the stairs, coughing and rubbing their eyes. The fire from above stops as the terrorists lose sight of the rest of the room. The SAS runs up the stairs, carefully taking cover and advancing cautiously into the clouds of smoke. It is all they can do to keep the less well-trained soldiers from running gung-ho into the misty fog. Once they are into the smoke, one pulls a flashbang, calling into his radio quietly, "Flashbang, hide your eyes". Throwing it up, it goes off secondly later, and the cries of the terrorists up the stairs is heard, loud and clear. Launching themselves up the stairs the SAS squads reach the landing to see terrorists mostly on the floor, hands over their eyes, guns on the floor around them. Surrounding the terrorists, the Spec Ops catch them up, and they call up the soldiers, (now under the command of a Lieutenant, who has them leave the SAS to their business, keeping themselves in reserve). A number of the soldiers take the terrorists down below, a couple of others take their weapons, and the number of soldiers remaining is soon bolstered by a Sergeant, who has been sent up with a platoon to hold secured rooms. With the SAS squads and the Spec Ops covering the door at the top of the stairs (centre right on the map) in a well-placed and well-trained formation, soldiers out of the way, a Corporal steps up to kick the door in again, as before.....
ROTN Rebelani Special Ops have been sent in.
The SAS group heard the huge and all-consuming sound of a fire-fight breaking out above them. They heard the sounds of running footsteps going past the door at the top of the stairs, multiple shots, and then the sound of a smoke grenade filling the room. Smoke seeped in through the gaps around the door, but the smoke clotted the top of the room and the stairwell, and little else. After the sounds of gun-fire had dramatically reduced, and with soldiers both Falasturian and not joining the SAS group in the basement, the Captain approached the Falasturian Army 1st Lieutenant, and shouted at him, over the hubbub,
"Take these soldiers and capture the bottom of the mansion. We will go after the MPs. And remember, it's still not too late to arrest them, you don't have to kill them all!"
The Lieutenant replied at the top of his voice,
"Of course, we aren't murderers! Right men!"
Both soldiers and SAS filled the smoky hall at the top of the steps, surrounding some of the terrorists.
OOC I'll finish this post later, I gotta go out to work :(
Catch you later Falastur :)