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Star Trek RP - Page 2

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Free Pacific States
04-12-2003, 03:43
Kur'Dak nodded "That is fine with me. I will advise my crews to let him and his ship live, as well as inform them of the paths to take, and to take them slowly. However, what of the other section 31 personnel? Should I attempt to keep them alive, or just destroy them, as if they we're cardassian P'tak" he asked.
04-12-2003, 03:59
"Just leave him and his ship to me, the rest are fair game. I personally ashamed to a member of the same species as they are. I personally, am not taking any prisoners. If for some reason you take some, and I'd advise against it, know that most of them are trained intellegence operatives. Take appropriate precautions. Just don't bring them into my presence or I'll kill them where they stand. They make the Tal'shiar seem civilized by comparision. As soon as the charts are transfered I'm taking the Lone Wolf back out and drawing some blood. I may not be able to right their crimes, but I can see that they are avenged." Brian spoke with a passion and anger that was nearly physical in it's force. Something had ignited behind those dark eyes, it burned hot and with an unbelievible fury. This was not just merely another mission for Brian, it was nearly a crusade.
Free Pacific States
04-12-2003, 04:18
Kur'Dak nodded "we have an old saying about prisoners among our people..."
Ren'Tok cut him off, as he was a history major "Take none, kill the dishonorable brutes".
"No, the one ten years after that, once we stopped simply killing all we met" said Kur'Dak
"Oh, right, take no prisoners except doctors" answered Ren'Tok
"Exactly. We shall allow medical personell to live only. The death sentence has already been waranted on the rest for the loss of Klingon lives.".
04-12-2003, 04:24
"Good, now if you two will excuse me, I have some old ghosts to put to rest, and a few new ones to set drifting the stellar winds. When this is all over, I think all three of us will be long over due for a drink. Sam, beam me up, we're heading out." Brian disappeared in the familer column of light.

The Lone Wolf popped out of the energystorm and nearly ran head on into a Galaxy class starship. The Lone Wolf's weapons fired and first blood was drawn. Like a ghost she disappeared back into the storm, behind her a pair of Sabers tried to follow and were quickly swallowed up by the storm. And on her bridge, Brian wore a grim but satisfied smile.
Free Pacific States
04-12-2003, 20:21
The Kre'Don and it's two escorts swooped seemingly out of nowhere onto the Akira. It didn't stand a chance. Within ten minutes, it's shields were down, and around 500 Klingons we're beaming onto the ship. An hour later, Captain Kur'Dak had three ships escorting him, one of them an x-federation Akira Class Vessel. Command was going to love this...
04-12-2003, 21:14
OOC: Nice, now that's what I call a technology exchange between allies.

IC: Brian used the pathways he had charted to strike again and again at the Section 31 fleet. Seemingly popping out of nowhere the Lone Wolf would fire every weapon that could be brought to bear on a single ship, crushing first ships and then hull. If one salvo was enough, depending on the results, he would either continue pounding the ship until it was destroyed, or open fire on nearby whips while falling back into the energy. After several of these instances word went through the fleet to cease attempting to follow. Orders came to regroup rather than continue to fall prey to continued attacks. When roughly ten ships had appeared a Saber came racing out of the storm and slammed into their midst. The antimatter Brian had loaded on board detonating and destroying several of the ships. But he had yet to find Blackburn and the Benadict Arnold.
Free Pacific States
04-12-2003, 23:24
OOC: Lol, technology exchange.
Kur'Dak and his crews had failed to capture any more vessels, but had taken out a Saber and a couple other ships since then. He now had 34 medical personell sitting in the brig, and he had teamed up with the rest of the Klingon fleet. It seemed the Section 31 ships we're sticking together, so it probably was a good idea for them to as well. The next time he saw the Lone Wolf, Kur'Dak hailed them.
"Brian, now that they are teamed together, what shall we do? Attacking them all at once may not be a great idea, because if the man you wan't revenge on is there, then he may be killed before you get to...shall we say...speak with him? Anyway, please advise me on what your plans are".
05-12-2003, 00:06
"The biggest problem we're faced with is that despite the losses we've inflicted on them, and the increase of our own numbers, they still mount more firepower than we do. And as for Blackburn, I suspect he has the Benidict Arnold cloaked somewhere nearby. The man has never been one to stand up and fight if he could get someone else to do his dirty work. He far prefers attacking those who can't defend themselves. However I tend to agree with you. I don't think that our odds will get any better. Our best best is probibly a head on down the throat attack. I suggest we knock out the smaller ships first and then concentrate on the bigger ones. That should feasibly allow us to knock out the greatest amount of firepower in the least amount of time. Have you resupplyed the newest addition to your fleet yet by the way? I dare say that you'll put it to better use than it's previous owners."
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 00:56
"Well, we have the Akira fully rearmed and repaired, and the Qak'Ler, which was originally disabled, has also been readied. That's eight ships we have right now, all fully armed and ready. We're ready for a full on attack, and I have to say, I'm all for one. Today has become not only a good day to die...BUT A GREAT ONE!" Kur'Dak slammed his hand on the arm rest of the chair, and got a cheer from his crew.

"However, I do have some bad news. The Klingon Fleet should not arrive for a couple hours...and it looks like they might be able to map a way in by then. So it is just us versus them.". Kur'Dak's mood was obviously not affected by this. He knew it would be a long, hard, and glorious battle. But there was nothing he could do about it, so he would just die or win.
"I am ready when you are, Brian. Good Luck! Qa'Pla!".
05-12-2003, 01:19
"Qa'Pla indeed my friend. There shall be glory for us all when this day is over. Whatever the outcome. We shall either go home with our shields or on them!"

The Lone Wolf with the Klingon fleet close behind burst out of the energy storm, weapon ports blazing death. "Blackburn, you'll not get away this time if I have to single handedly board your ship and hunt you down like the rat you are." Brian muttered to himself. A pair of Akira's were the first to feel the Lone Wolf's wrath. Samantha was firing at anything that moved. Torpedos flashed back and forth, exploding against shields and hulls. Phasers sought hungerly to bore deep into ships. The energy being thrown around looked to rival that which was raging in the heart of the energy storm.
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 03:58
The Klingon/Captured Federation Fleet came out right after the Lone Wolf. For about three seconds, the Kre'Don and the other ships just sat there, looking straight at the Nebula Class Starship in front of them. Then the entire fleet unleashed everything, destroying the ship in seconds.

The fleet then split up, with groups of three begining to team up on single Section 31 vessels. The Kre'Don, the captured Akira, and another Klingon vessel, and the Qak'Ler began to attack the last Galaxy on the battlefield. The three ships we're able to take out the Galaxy and began attacking an Akira when all seemed to go wrong. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a galaxy class starship decloaked, slamming the Qak'Ler with torpedoes. Rather ironically, it was disabled (again), but not fully destroyed. The Kre'Don turned on the Galaxy, attempting to destroy it, while the captured Akira turned on the Section One Akira.

Things we're not looking good for the two ships, because the captured Akira was already damaged, putting the section 31 Akira in a better position. Secondly, while a Negh'Var warship such as the Kre'Don might be able to take on a normal Galaxy, there was no way a damaged Negh'Var could take on such an advanced ship.

Thinking worse was worse, the two Klingon Commanders began to show their courage, and somehow stayed alive...untill a section 31 Nebula joined the fray. Kur'Dak frowned, and hailed the Lone Wolf, saying simply,
"We could use some help here...if you don't mind?".
05-12-2003, 04:32
The Lone Wolf snapped around in a 180 degree turn in almost her own length, the manuver straining her hull to the limit. Her engines killing her momentum and then sending her into the thick of the frey like a shark sensing blood in the water. Brian had the bit between his teeth and was running with it. The Lone Wolf drove directly between the two sets of combatents and opened up. Torpedo after torpedo slammed into the Galaxy smashing down her shields. A trio of them slammed directly into the bridge, leaving a blackend crater in it's place. Phasers cut deep into the hull of the Akira, one struck the rollbar and detonated the torpedos within, another pair cut through the port nacelle, severing it, others left gashes that criss-crossed her hull. The pulse phaser turrets were spraying fire in all directions at the smaller Section 31 ships. A Sabre moved into what it thought was a blind spot, only to realise too late that six torpedo tubes covered that arc. Seconds later another expanding cloud of hot gas filled space. A Steamrunner came too close and was torn apart by tractor beams. With the helm under Brian's steady hand and the weapons under Samantha's control the Lone Wolf had become a moving platform of destruction.
A stray explosion illuminated a cloaked ship for a second merely by chance. Weapons fire lashed out in an inescapible web that tightend until explsions once again filled space and a crippled Soverign rippled out of cloak. "Brian, that's the Benadict Arnold!" Samantha said from behind Brian.
Brian's face tightend. "I know."
Tractor beams lashed out, ripping the nacelles clean off the ship, concentrated weapons fire seperate the saucer from the enginneering hull.
Blackburns voice burst from the speaker. "We surrender already, for God's sake, stop, stop!" Brian slapped the communications switch, cutting him off.
"Sam, locate the Commadore and beam him up, but keep him in the buffer for now, understand?"
"Yes, OK, I've got him. What do we do now, they've surrendered. Brian, what are you doing, you taken away weapons control."
'I'm finishing something that should have been finished long ago." Again and again the Lone Wolf fired, the two sections of the Benadict Arnold were quickly reduced to gas clouds and still Brian fired, until nothing remiained. Sensors showed the few remaining Section 31 ships cloaking and warping off. For the first time in what seemed like days space was quiet.
05-12-2003, 07:55
I would continue...but I need Adejannit o post what happened ott he COn'Meshtan! Also need the DOminion players to play their fleets in the Benzar system....

Out of curisoity..why is the Lone Wolf and the Klingons attacking the Federation?
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 14:46
OOC: Section 31 isn't exactly the Federation. Their an off-shoot, a secret police of likes. Starfleet really doesn't control them that much. At any rate, they shot first. No wait, we did, nvm.
05-12-2003, 15:57
OOC: Section 31 isn't exactly the Federation. Their an off-shoot, a secret police of likes. Starfleet really doesn't control them that much. At any rate, they shot first. No wait, we did, nvm.

OOC: Actually what happened is that Kur'Dak got caught in the middle of an on going battle between the Lone Wolf and Section 31. Before the war Brian had been hunting down units of Section 31 as they have gotten completely out of control. Technicly there was a cease fire in effect for the duration of the war, but Section 31 broke it thinking that they could destroy the Brian and the Lone Wolf. The thing between Blackburn and Gabriel however is even more personnal than that. Get a few drinks into him and you might hear how this whole thing got started.

IC: "Kur'Dak, I'm about to sentence and execute a traitor over here, I'd appriciate if you and at least one of your officers would be willing to be over and bear witness."
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 19:42
"Luitenant Ren'Tok, Doctor W'Fan, and I will beam over immediatly" answered Kur'Dak, "though I must ask you let us bring a recording device. It would be usefull for training."
05-12-2003, 20:51
05-12-2003, 20:52
IC: Brian waited until Kur'Dak and his officers beamed over beofre having Blackburn released from the transporter buffer. When Blackburn finished materializing he found himself staring down the barrel of a replica of a Colt Model 1911 .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol held in Brian's hand. Brian's face could have been graven in stone as he read the charges from memory. "Commadore William Blackburn. You are guilty of the following crimes. Conspiricy against the United Federation of Planets and it's allies on numerous occasions, no less than thirty-nine violations of the Prime directive, repeatedly and willingly breaking General orders three, five, ten and nineteen, murdering of individual Starfleet personnel on sixty-four occasions, murdering of individual civilians on thirty-six occasions, treason in peacetime, treason in wartime, theft of secret information from secure databases, the massacre of the Atlantian evacuation convoy resulting in the deaths of over ten thousand civilians, the destruction of the Starships MacArthur, Cunningham, and Nighthawk, repeated violations of treaties, and conspiricy against Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets and it's allies."
Blackburn laughed. "You'll never get the evidence to convict me, and even if you did, so what, I'll merely be sent for adjustment and Section 31 will have me free in no time."
"That sir is where you are wrong." Brian replied. "The evidence comes directly from the databanks of Section 31 itself, including your own personnal log files. Furthermore you seem to be under the impression that you have yet to be convicted. On the contrary, As per Article 56, subsection 13 of the Judge Advocate General, if it is believed that conviction will fail to to intimidation of jurors beyond the control of Starfleet to protect them, a suitible jury computer will suffice. The Lone Wolf's computer fully qualifies in all respects for such purposes." By now much of the color had drained out of Blackburns face, but Brian went on. "As such, you have already been found guilty of all charges and been given the maximum sentence allowible. And that point is why I requested Kur'Dak's assistance. As many of your crimes have been commited against the Klingon Empire, it is within the right of the court to impose the penalties as they would be passed down by the Klingon legal system."
Brian looked over at Kur'Dak and his officers. "I believe that under the circumstances sonviction on such charges requires the death penalty sirs. Am I correct?"

OOC: How's that for legal mumbo jumbo?
05-12-2003, 20:57
Admiral Michael Armstrong, command of the USS Camelot
USS Camelot is type Embassador. (Yeah, the same as Enterprise-E)
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 21:04
OOC: Er..isn't the Enterprise-E a Sovieriegn Class Ship?
05-12-2003, 21:06
OOC: I think he ment the Enterprise C which was an Ambassador class vessel.
05-12-2003, 21:10
OOC: And the Klingon decision is?
05-12-2003, 21:16
OOC: Errr....I kinda sorta lost track of what happened to my (UFP) 47th Fleet near Torros IV (although I really like the Section 31 thing!). So basically, I'm considering Torros IV an Allied victory, and I'll sign up to fight wherever anyone needs an elite Federation fleet.
05-12-2003, 21:20
OOC: Errr....I kinda sorta lost track of what happened to my (UFP) 47th Fleet near Torros IV (although I really like the Section 31 thing!). So basically, I'm considering Torros IV an Allied victory, and I'll sign up to fight wherever anyone needs an elite Federation fleet.
OOC: If I remember right Brian gave orders for all loyal Federation ships to return to Starbase 211 since the shipyards and the Dominion fleet had been destroyed.
Free Pacific States
05-12-2003, 23:58
After beaming aboard and talking with W'Fan and Ren'Tok for a second, Kur'Dak came to his decision. "Brian, it is your choice whether or not to kill him, but command has asked that I do my best to get him back to the empire to stand trial. However, if you find that alternative ugly, then I have been given authority to find him guilty or innocent myself, give the punishment, and appoint the executioner. No matter what, your safe, though you might make a better friend of Klingon command by turning him over to the Klingon fleet....which should be arriving momentarily."

OOC: Okay, I'd say turn him over to the Klingons, if you wan't his charactor to continue. I've got to admit, his escaping back to Section 31 would allow us a nice alternative RP if something goes wrong. Your choice though.
06-12-2003, 00:29
OOC: No, I'd like Blackburn to die here please. This will be a very nice way to wrap up some loose ends. Brian's problem is that under Federation law Blackburn can't be executed. However under Klingon law it's adifferent matter.

IC: "As much as I'd like to be able to turn him over to your government for sentencing, I'm afraid this is a very old blood debt. But under Federation law I can't have him killed. And unlike him I will not break the oath I took when I chose to wear this uniform. However under your laws it's a different matter. If he is found guilty under them, I ask that I be allowed to finish the job I started. If it's any compensation I can give you all the information I have on Section 31. It's rather extensive, Sam and I have made it something of a habit to crack into their databases."
Behind Brian Blackburn started yelling, his face pale with fear. "You can't turn me over to those beasts, they have no right to judge a human, they're uncilivized filth, they'll kill me, I'm an officer in..."
The sound of Brian's open hand impacting Blackburn's face echoed loud through the small room. Backed by muscles used to working in 2Gs, it was enough to send him spinning to the floor. Brian grabbed Blackburn by his collar and slammed him into the bulkhead. Fire flashed in his eyes and Blackburn quailed before them. "You have never acted like an officer in your life, you have no honor, you've ruled your men by fear rather than leading them, you've destroyed entire planetary populations and enjoyed doing it. YOu are a bully and a coward. For once in your miserible life show some of the dignity that is supposed to go with that uniform you wear."
Brian, face hard as rock turned to Kur'Dak as Blackburn slid down to the floor whimpering. "I am truely sorry you had to witness that." Brian handed Kur'Dak a PADD. "That contains all the information you'll need to convict him. I just ask that I be the one to end his excuse for a life."
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 00:39
OOC: Double Post, sorry.
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 00:41
"I am fine with that, Brian, however, I will need about a minute first. Ren'Tok, how did the jury onboard the Kur'Dak find blackburn?" asked Kur'Dak, smirking.
"Guilty on all charges." answered Ren'Tok
"And the penalty" asked Kur'Dak
"Death by torture was lost by one vote. It's simply death now".
"Alright, fine. Captain MacLoed" started Kur'Dak, before stopping "I am hereby appropriating you as an official Klingon officer. Your position is, as of now, Captain. Congradulations. There, enough with the legal...what is it you humans call it....mumbo jumbo? Anyhow, as soon as Doctor W'Fan swears you in, you will have the authority to kill him. However, I must do one thing first." walking over to Blackburn, Kur'Dak looked at him.

"You, my friend, have no honor. Death by torture would be no diffirent than death for you. You call us Klingons filthy...but you are the truly ugly one. I will leave Brian the pleasure of killing you, but there is one thing I must do before your life is ended". Bending down, Kur'Dak spit in his face, and then kicked him. "Enjoy what little life you have left."
06-12-2003, 00:57
Brian finished taking the oath before turning back to Blackburn, his face expressionless. Blackburn had managed to recover some of his former confidence and sneered at Brian. "You don't have the guts to kill me."
Brian didn't respond. He merely grabbed Blackburn, and hauling him clear of the floor walked over to a nearby hatch. Hitting the button the door opened revealing that it was in fact an airlock. With complete contempt Brian tossed Blackburn in before shutting the door. Once Blackburn realised where he was he threw himself at the door. Through the small intercom he could be heard. "You can't do this to another human, it's inhumane, it's illegal it's..." For the last time Brian cut him off in mid sentence. "Tell that to my neice, she was First Officer on the MacArthur, the ship where you put the surviving crew, including her, in the hanger bay and opened the doors without the mag-field being activated. I'm not a very religious person, but in your case, I truely hope there is a Hell." With that Brian slammed the outer hatch button down and the outer airlock opened. With a last scream Blackburn was whipped out into the cold darkness of space.
Brian's voice was heavy with exaustion and the pain of old memories. "Kur'Dak, I think now would be a very good time for that drink I promised you and your officers."
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 05:29
"Yes, I think now would be a good time" said Kur'Dak. He could use one as well, and from the look on Brians face, he could REALLY use one. "My ship or yours?" Kur'Dak asked.
06-12-2003, 05:33
"Your's I think." A hint of a death head's grin crossed Brian's face. "It's only appropriate for a Captain of the Klingon Empire don't you think?"
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 05:38
"Definitly" replied Kur'Dak, laughing. "Shall we beam over now?" he asked. He didn't want to catch Brian by suprise, for he might move suddenly and the transporter beam would...he decided not to think about it.
"I have the purest of alchohalls onboard, and a crew that will be more than delighted to meet and serve you. I'm afraid your reputation proceeds you."
06-12-2003, 05:43
Brian clasped Kur'Dak on the shoulder and laughed, much of the strain easing from his face. "That sounds like the best idea I've heard in a long time. Let's go. Sam watch the store for me while I'm gone."
Brian hardly heard her response of, "Enjoy yourself." as the transporter beam took him.
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 06:02
When Kur'Dak, W'Fan, Ren'Tok, and Brian appeared on the Kre'Don, all three of the Klingons seemed to heave a sigh of relief. After such a long battle, everyone was still fine. The disabled Klingon ship (whos name I dare not mention due to the bad luck implied by it) was being repaired, and it's crew was being healed. The captured Akira had been taken by the Klingon fleet (which had come and gone already), and was now being examined by Klingon specialists. A federation transport was en route to pick up the two dozen or so medical personell that Kur'Dak had taken hostage.

Leading the three men to his personel chambers, Kur'Dak truly relaxed for the first time that day. Sitting down with the three, he asked simply "what would you all like?"
06-12-2003, 06:14
"Scotch please, no ice. You know, I'm finding it hard to believe that after almost twenty years it's over. Granted, Section 31 is still a threat, but once this war is over it's one that can be dealt with. But after so many years of trying to get my hands on Blackburn, I would have thought I'd enjoying having sent him to his death. But all I feel is the satisfaction of knowing his victims have been avenged." Brian took the offered glas and raised it. "To those we have sworn to protect, and failing that avenge."
06-12-2003, 06:19
OOC: If your willing to come to the badly defend Benzar system, by all means do so. Jelak wouldn't mind...but where is Adejaani to play the Con'Meshtan? its leaving me in the lurch, I cant continue without his response or the Dominion forces..or even the other Romulan player *grumbles*.
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 06:20
"Yes" said Kur'Dak "To those we have sworn to protect...and failing that revenge." Almost everyone there took a drink of alchohall. Ren'Tok was having bloodwine, and Kur'Dak was having scotch (along with Brian). The doctor was the only one who didn't. The doctor knew too much about the problems alchohall could cause, and had stopped drinking it awhile ago.
"It is nice to know that your quest for revenge, your blood hate, has been avenged, Brian. You have gotten one of the thins you desired most out of this. And as for I, I have simply gotten to fight alongside an honorable man. The last few days have made me realize something for sure...our people have a lot more hope for peace then most think."
06-12-2003, 06:25
Brian nodded. "I would hope so Kur'Dak, I would certainly not want us to be enemies." Brian ran a hand through his black hair which was flecked with gray. "Once this war is over and Section 31 is finished I think I'll be retiring though. The time for those of us who shoot first and ask questions later is past. When the war is over the galaxy will be at peace once again, for a time at least. And there is no place for warriors in a time of peace. Kur'Dak, I don't think I ever mentioned to you exactly how this whole mess with Section 31 started did I?"
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 06:35
"You are right Brian. There is little room for men like us in this universe today. I am already on the unnoficial list for promotion to admiral. A desk job....I guess that's their way of forcing me into retirement. It's either the Klingon Academy, Klingon Command, or a nice little house on some obscure world. Not a lot of choices. At any rate, that is life, and we must live with it. I must say though, it will be nice to know that generations after us will not have to see or do what we have. As for how this started...that is history...but it sounds like it will be a good story" replied Kur'Dak.
"Yes" said Doctor W'Fan "I really would like to know myself."
OOC: That's it for me for tonight.
06-12-2003, 07:02
Brian drained his glass before refilling it. His eyes glazed over as his mind drifted back through the years to the past. "I first ran into Section 31 roughly thirty-five years ago. We were just coming back from a long duration intellegence gathering mission behind Romulan lines. Uneventful to say the least. The Lone Wolf was past due for an overhaul, and our next stop was for a complete refit. Our return course intersected with the last evacuation convoy from Atlantia. Since they were heading in roughly the same direction I decided to follow along, cloaked of course. Simply to keep an eye on things given that a refugee convoy would be an easy target for pirates, and it was a good excuse to run the Wolf's engines at a lower than normal speed given the wear on them. Two days out, the convoy was supposed to pick up a Starfleet escort two days from then, at which point we could break off and continue onto our own destination. Everything went fine for two days until the escort showed up. I was off duty and asleep at the time. Sam had just called to inform me about their arrival when they opened fire without any warning on the convoy." Brian drained half his glass in one quick motion. "Even as I raced to the Bridge Samantha tried to open fire in defense of the convoy, but was unable to because of programing in her system that kept her from being able to fire on another Federation vessel. By the time I reached the bridge and implemented manual override the convoy had been destroyed. Over ten thousand civilians had died. I managed to get some of the weapons online in time to destroy one of the attackers. The other two quickly broke and ran in opposite directions. We took off after one. After a short chase we caught them, Sam managed to bypass their computer core's security and download the entire contents before they were destroyed. The other ship, under the command of one commander Blackburn we learned from the data we retrieved, managed to escape. I spent the next day stripping every restraint from Samantha's systems. A few more instances of catching them killing off entire planetary populations because they would have been a drain on the Federation's resources when they achieved warp travel, and similar atrocities only hardend my own and Samantha's resolve to hunt them down. And for the last thirty odd years, whenever we're between missions, we've gone hunting Section 31. It wasn't too long before they figured out exactly who was hunting them, and since then it's been a nearly nonstop war between ourselves and Setion 31. Several others in Starfleet have learned of their existance and have helped, but the brunt of the burdan has fallen on me and Samantha. We had them on the ropes and within a few more months would have finished them when this accursed war broke out. The people in charge of Section 31 offered a ceasefire for the duration, and I reluctently accepted the offer in order to devote my energies to dealing with the Dominion threat. And that gentlemen is what led up to the occurances of the last few days. Aside from what he did to the convoy that was under my protection, if only through duty, though not by orders, I vowed to track down and bring to justice those responsible, when he killed my neice on board the MacArthur it only reinforced that determination. And that gentlemen is just about the entire story." Brian drained his glass as he finished.
06-12-2003, 17:01
*tag* Crownguard

OOC: Yeah, we're waiting for Adejaani to respond to your attacks in Benzar. How about if Adejaani doesn't respond in the next few days my Cardassian forces there assume that the ship was destroyed and we can take it from there...
06-12-2003, 20:16
Tag* Talkos

Sure..all right. But my forces would try to analyze the ship before they destroyed it, to prevent the Dominion from recovering anything useful among the debris and hull.
Free Pacific States
06-12-2003, 23:37
"An honorable quest for revenge. Even us Klingons, unlike that filthy scoundrel, would not attack a group of innocents. Instead, we'd let them call for help, and then when fleet reinforcements showed up, have a glorious battle. At any rate, that thing that you like to call BlackBurn definitly deserved to die." as Kur'Dak finished, Ren'Tok got up to get more drinks. Just about everyone had finished their glasses, so it seemed like a good idea.

Upon getting to the other side of the room, Ren'Tok took out the extra bottle of scotch. Before he could head back over though, the doors to the room opened. Standing there were nine men (Klingons of course, men is just a figure of speech), all armed with phaser rifles.
"What the hell is going on Commander?" yelled Kur'Dak, "I said not to be disturbed!"
"I'm deeply sorry captain" answered the man in front, as he and four others walked into the room "but I could care less about your orders. I'm relieving you for risking the Klingon fleet in order to help a human." the man raised his rifle "Captain MacLoed, I suggest you leave. Things are about to get very bad".
As he finished his sentence, Ren'Tok jumped out, slamming a beer bottle over one of the Klingon's heads, knocking him unconscious. Ren'Tok then began to attack a second crewman. Taken off guard, the Klingons all turned to watch. During this time, Kur'Dak lept up and started attacking his own executive officer, who was attempting mutiny. The two remaining men seemed unable to decide what to do. One began to charge to his leader's aid, and the other at Brian. As he came over, he said simply

OOC: Heh, a mutiny. Not at all uncommon on a Klingon vessel of this size. Just prolonging the time untill we have to return to starbase for a bit.
07-12-2003, 00:11
OOC: Cool, a fight scene. Down with the traitors!

IC: Brain immediately grabbed the table and sent it flying into the mutineers. In a second his Colt was in his right hand and his own attacker dropped dead at his feet, a trio of .45 caliber slugs through his head. Then it was too close for weapons and Brian lashed out at another one with the flat of his hand. The sound of his windpipe being crushed underneath muscles used to working in two gravities was lost in the thunderclap blast of the remianing four rounds in the automatic being fired at a mutineer who had aimed his phaser at Kur'Dak. That mutineer fell over backwards, a hole where his chest had been.

OOC: That's three for Brian so far.
Free Pacific States
07-12-2003, 02:23
Kur'Dak grabbed the Tra'Tor (the X.O. and leader of mutineers) and threw him against the wall. Tra'Tor (lol) then punched Kur'Dak in the face, and the two began fighting. Around five minutes into their fight (just after Brians third kill), another mutineer came up and grabbed Kur'Dak, planning to hold him while Tra'Tok pummeled him. However, the mutineer soon fell down. Looking behind him, Kur'Dak saw Doctor W'Fan standing over the body, a hypospray in his hand. Kur'Dak nodded and smiled, before turning back to Tra'Tor. For the next few minutes, the two grapplid, with Kur'Dak finally seing an opening and kicking Tra'Tor square in the face. Falling backwards, Tra'Tor realized he had lost the fight, even as Kur'Dak knocked him unconscious. Kur'Dak then went after another Klingon, fighting him with Bat'Leths (two had been hung on the wall) rather than hand to hand. By the time Kur'Dak had beaten this man and killed him, the rest of the fight was almost over.

Ren'Tok was still fighting one of the traitors when the one whom Ren'Tok had thought had been knocked unconscious stood up. The two grabed him and threw him into a second room. This wouldn't seem that much, excepting the fact that the door was ten feet from where they threw them into the other room. Ren'Tok was barely able to ward the two off, and was obviously losing.

W'Fan seemed the smartest in there. After knocking out Kur'Dak's attacker, he ran over to the intercom and slammed it, yelling "MUTINY IN PROGRESS, CAPTAINS QUARTERS, SECURITY RESPOND NOW" in Klingonl. Alarms immediatly began to sound, which took everyone by suprise, letting Ren'Tok and Kur'Dak alike take the advantage.

Another two Klingons simultaneously rushed Brian in the meantime, attacking him, both with knifes. They we're able to bat his gun from his hand before he saw them coming.

In the hallway, where another four mutineers we're standing, some scruffling could also be heard, though no one could tell what from.

OOC: Yep, fight scene. Been planning this for awhile (the scene itself I mean, not the participants movements). That's why I kept inviting you to my ship earlier. I originally planned on doing it on the Bridge, but the Captain's Quarter's seemed even better.
07-12-2003, 02:43
Brian grinned, the alcohol completely flushed from his system by adrenaline now. "Sam, fight in progress, send it over." Even as Brian spoke his sword, minus it's sheath materialized in the air in front of him. Grabbing the massive weapon in one hand before it could fall more than a couple inches Brian went on the offensive against his attackers before they could recover from their surprise. The lack of space hindered his swinging the long blade somewhat, but not much. And certainly not enough to make a diffrence to one of his opponents when the blade came down on his neck, avoiding the Klingon's armor. The carried considerible inerta all by itself. Backed by Brian's two g muscles, the highly forged cut cleanly through the neck. As Brian brought the sword around for another swing his other attacker recovered from his surprise and tried to get inside the sword's swing and stab Brian. Brian grabbed his attacker's knife arm with his free hand and simultaniously twisted and squeezed. A look of sharp pain crossing his face, the Klingon dropped the knife, and then collapsed unconsious as Brian turned the swing into bringing the hilt of the sword down on the back of the Klingon's head.

His own attackers no longer a concern Brian noticed Ren'Tok was in trouble. A quick thrust of the sword through the back of one of Ren'Tok's attackers that left it's point sticking out of the Klingon's chest cut the threat in half. Pulling the sword free Brian found himself grappling with Ren'Tok's other assailent. A hard knee to the groin followed by sword swing removed that threat. With that done Brian turned around to survey the room for more attackers, his sword blade coated in blood which dripped from it's point.
Free Pacific States
07-12-2003, 03:25
The room was pretty much done. Ren'Tok was being looked over by W'Fan, and Kur'Dak was spitting on the body of his last assailent. Suddenly, the door to the corridor opened, revealing a science officer. Kur'Dak picked up his Bat'Leth, preparing to strike, but the officer put his hands up. "It's okay sir, me and Wern and Kisk we're the first people to respond to the call by W'Fan. The bridge has been re-secured by security. Ships status back to normal." Behind the man two Klingon Warriors we're handcuffing some unconscious Klingons.
Kur'Dak turned to Brian "Thank you, Brian. Again, you have proven yourself. It seems I now owe you one." Even as he said this, the security officers dragged the three surviving mutineers out of the Quarters, arresting them along with the four outside in the hallway.
07-12-2003, 03:35
Brian ripped a sleeve off one of the dead mutineers with careless ease and wiped his sword clean of blood. "There is no debt to pay Kur'Dak, if anything, I still owe you for allowing me to see that Blackburn got the justice he deserved." The sword's sheath appeared in the air in front of Brian. Brian steathed the sword and it disappeared in the beam of a transporter. Bending down he picked up his pistol. Removing the empty magazine he replced it with a full one before putting it in it's holster. "An old design, but quite functional when a phaser won't work."
Free Pacific States
07-12-2003, 17:23
Kur'Dak smiled, "The older a weapon is, in my opinion, the better. You never know when a newer, untested weapon might fail. But a weapon that has been used over and over for that is something you can trust." Even as he said this, he was putting his two Bat'Leth's back on the wall.
07-12-2003, 22:53
Brian nodded. "Hence the reason for my wearing this and training with my sword." He looked over to where the last of the mutineers were being dragged out. "Though I must say I'm rather disapointed. The last time I got into a brawl with Klingon's they put up a better fight. It was in a nice little bar on Qo'noS."
Free Pacific States
08-12-2003, 02:49
Kur'Dak laughed, "Yes, that is correct. But these are not true Klingons. A true Klingon would not hold his captain at gunpoint, not even giving him a chance to fight. Nor would a true Klingon attack a nuetral observer. Of course, those who can frequent bars on Qo'Nos and survive are usually much more skilled at hand to hand fighting."

OOC: Post 300 for this thread!
08-12-2003, 03:10
"Obviously. I'm glad to know though that my sword skills haven't lost their edge. So to speak. Now I believe we were just setting up for another round of drinks. I'll have a mug of Bloodwine this time please. It only seems appropriate."
Free Pacific States
08-12-2003, 15:32
Kur'Dak laughed again, and said "Alright, then three bloodwines it is!" Ren'Tok had already left for sickbay, but the doctor still remained. Kur'dak started to head over, but W'Fan interupted him.
"No, Kur'Dak, I don't think so. Ever since you got these quarters, I've wanted you to put the door there" W'Fan pointed to the holl Ren'Tok had made in the wall. "Now, at last, I get to see how great it is to HAVE a door there." W'Fan and Kur'Dak both snickered, and W'Fan got a bottle of bloodwine. Walking back in, he poored three glases, and sat down next to Kur'Dak and across from Brian.
"So, Brian, I'd hate to turn my mind to buisness" started Kur'Dak, as he took a drink, "But whatever shall we do now? Blackburn is dead and Torros defeated. I must say, I am rather curious."
08-12-2003, 16:17
"I'm not sure. We seem to have hit a lull in the war. Our best bet would probibly be to..." Brian was interupted by the sound of his communicator going off. "Brian here, what's up Sam?"
"We've got a report of a medium sized Dominion and Cardassian fleet entering Sector 581."
Brian mentally reviewed the area in his mind. "I don't seem to recall there being anything of importance in that Sector, why would they be diverting forces there?"
"The only thing in that Sector is a subspace relay station, AR-558. It's the weak link in our forward communications chain. There's nothing else close enough by to cover it's area. If it goes down six sectors along the front will be suffering from a three week communications lag."
"What do we have in the area?"
"Not much, as you said it's mostly empty space. The only ships that could rendevous with us in time are a few Starfleet ships and some smaller Klingon vessels, all of them are intransit through or near the Sector."
"Sam, get a message to them, instruct them to meet us at relay station AR-558 ASAP." Brian looked up at Kur'Dak. "Kur'Dak, would you please do the same for the Klingon ships in the area. It looks like once again we're going to be out numbered, and we're going to need all the help we can get."
Free Pacific States
08-12-2003, 19:51
"I will do so immediatly" replied Kur'Dak, as he ordered the bridge to set course and alert nearby ship fleet. "The Klingon fleet that came to help us, again, won't be able to show up in time, but I have been able to contact eleven Klingon ships of varying sizes."
08-12-2003, 20:58
08-12-2003, 21:02
08-12-2003, 21:05
"I just hope it's enough Kur'Dak, if they can destroy the array, an entire section of the front will be left helpless. As it is, we'll have to hurry to make it in time. Good luck. Sam, Beam me up."
Free Pacific States
08-12-2003, 21:24
As soon as Brian had beamed out, Kur'Dak rushed to the bridge. As soon as he got there, he ordered red alert, and had helm set a course for Sector 581 at maximum warp. Kur'Dak hailed the Lone Wolf as soon as the rest of the Klingon ships in sector had formed up on the Kre'Don.
"Brian, I am ready to go to warp 9 whenever necesary."
08-12-2003, 22:07
OOC: Long post, possible death scene within the next few posts.

IC: "All ships, go warp on my mark, mark!"

By the time the small taskforce reached AR-558 they had picked up a few reinforcments. A badly damaged Ambassador class that had been returning to Starbase 319 for repairs had joined, a trio of Sabres on patrol had rushed to the area, a pair of Griffon's had shown up, and two elderly Miranda's had arrived. As Brian surveyed the small force, he thought of just how inadequite it was for the task ahead of it. But something still nagged him at the back of his mind. Something was horribly, horribly wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what it was.

The Dominion fleet hit the badly outnumbered fleet hard, only thirty seconds into the fight the Ambassador went up in flames. Dominon Battlecruisers and attack ships seemed to be everywhere at once. It wasn't until several minutes into the fight that Brian realised something was wrong. Instead of destroying the Allied vessels the Dominion forces where only crippling them. A spike of realization shot through Brian's mind. "Sam, push the long range sensors."
When Brian looked at the data he shook his head. "Not good, not good at all." Two larger Dominon forces had used the distraction of the battle to slip behind the allied fleet. And from the signatures one of them contained three battleships. He hit the button for fleetwide communications. "All ships, fall back on bearing 295, vector 71. It's a trap, we've been suckered."
Brian smashed his fist into the arm of his chair, nearly breaking it off. The Dominion had laid a trap, and he'd walked into it hook, line and sinker. The allied fleet's only hope was to blast their way through the smaller fleet and hope they outrun the other Dominion forces.
Free Pacific States
09-12-2003, 01:43
Upon receiving Brian's transmission, most of the Klingon commanders we're puzzled. It took Kur'Dak about a minute to see what Brian was saying, but once he had, Kur'Dak realized just how much trouble he was in. He opened a communications channel, and before Ren'Tok (his new XO) had even informed him of it's being ready, Kur'Dak was yelling into it.
"ALL KLINGONS SHIPS, FOLLOW CAPTAIN MACLOEDS ORDERS! FALL BACK, 295, VECTOR 71! NOW DAMNIT." Even as he finished the transmission, the Kre'Don was rocketed by more phaser fire.

Even a the fleet fell back, things began to look worse. The Klingon's had gotten a total of fourteen vessels together in all. The Kre'Don (a Neg'Var), seven B'Rel's (Birds of Prey), three K'Tinga's, two K'Vorts, and a Vor'Cha. At this point in the battle, one of the K'Vorts, one of the K'Tinga's, the Vor'Cha, three birds of prey, and the Negh'Var remained. The Klingon task force had almost been cut in half.

"All ships" ordered Kur'Dak, "Keep your watch out. This entire thing is a trap, so they may have further planned manuevers. Keep together, do not allow yourselves to be seperated from the Kre'Don or the Lone Wolf. If you are seperated and in bad condition...good luck! You may warp out if you wish, or you may fight untill the death! I consider both honorable! Captain Kur'Dak out." the main screen went back to the battle, and Kur'Dak watched as four torpedoes from a Dominion battlecruiser slammed the Kre'Don. This battle was not doing well for the UFP/Klingons.

OOC: Okay, anyone else want's to join in on me and Grimdale's attacks, now would be a good time. As for death scene....very possible. I wouldn't suggest having your main charactor die, I myself doubt this thread is over yet. However, I could have the Kre'Don destroyed. Six Negh'Var battleships we're destroyed in the war, so it's loss would not be unrealistic.
09-12-2003, 02:30
OOC: Don't worry, I don't plan on it being a permanent death scene.

IC: The Lone Wolf blasted a hole through the smaller of the two encircling forces that allowed the surviving ships to slip through. Behind the allies the three Dominion fleets joined up and began their pursuit.
It was Samantha who was the first to broach the problem. "Brian, most of the ships are too heavily damaged to outrun the Dominion fleets."
"I know Samantha, but what get's me is why this much firepower? They have to know there would be hardly any forces that could reach this system in time to intercept. It massive overkill, even for the Dominion."
"Could it be because it wasn't the fleet they were hoping to trap?" Samantha suggested.
Despite her matter of fact tone, a cold block settled in Brian's stomach as relization set in. "Us, it's us they're after isn't it." And as he said it Brian realized there couldn't be any other explination. And with that answer in hand there was only one option they could take. Brian open the communications channel. "Kur'Dak, I am turning command of the fleet over to you. I'm depending on you to get our people to saftey. It's the Lone Wolf they have to be after, it's the only explination. Well we'll see just how much they like getting what they are after. This is one prize they'll have to pay to get."
Gracefully the Lone Wolf arched away from the retreating fleet. Dropping to impulse she turned broadside to the oncoming Dominion fleet, offering to accept battle as in the days of fighting sail. An offer that was quickly taken up by the Dominion. Space erupted in light as weapons fire began to flash back and forth. Knowing that it would be impossible to take out any of the battleships, Brian and Samantha used the Lone Wolf's superior speed to engage the smaller vessels while keeping out of reach of the battleships.
Sam's voice overrode the constant sound of weapons fire and hits to provide a stream of information from behind Brian. "Tertiary shields have failed, bringing up ablative armor generators. Weapons capacity down to seventy-five percent." An explosion off to one side indicated another battlecrusier dying. "That's fifty-six so far. Those battleships are trying to box us in."
"I see them Samantha, but there's not much I can do, these smaller ships are boxing us in, I don't have any room to work with."
Further discussion was interupted as one of the battleships entered weapons range. Ablative armor disintigrated under the onslaught of energy. A group of torpedoes crashed into the hull tearing a massive hole in the Lone Wolf's side. Inside the main view screen exploded sending Brian flying out of his chair and across the bridge and knocking him unconsious.
When Brian regained consciousness the first thing he saw was Sam removing a hypospray from his neck.
"What's our status?" He asked weakly.
“We’re drifting, we’ve lost most of our weapons, shields are down, warp drive is off-line, impulse power is down to seventy-five percent, transporters are off-line, we’ve lost life-support, and warpcores one through three will all go critical within the next thirty minutes. And to make things worse, from what scanners are left it looks like the Dominion is closing in to board."
"Like hell they are." Brian winced as he moved. His right arm was obviously broken in several place, blood dripped into his left eye from a deep gash in his head. As he used his left arm to lever himself back into the remains of his chair, pain in his side told him he'd broken several ribs. From the way breathing hurt, he knew at least one of them had punctured a lung. The air was filled with smoke from several fires. Brian coughed and absently noticed that blood splattered onto the remnants of the console in front of him. All around him the once proud bridge was in ruins, consoles blown out or dead, wires hanging from the ceiling.

What he saw in the scanners made him smile despite the pain it cost him. "It looks like we'll be able to take out one of those big bastards after all. What's the status of our anti-matter reserves Sam?"
"They're at ninty-three percent capacity."
"Good enough." Brian watched as one of the massive battleships closed into transporter range in preperation for capturing the Lone Wolf, all around the disabled ship Dominion ships hung, watching warily.

"Oh, it's the soldier's last march for me. I've fought my last battle and now I am free. I fought in the east, I fought in the west, I fought in the north and south too. But now my day has come, I'll fight no more.
It's the soldier's last march for me. Through rain and snow, and the sun so hot, I marched from battle to battle. My blade tasted blood, and my shield took the blows. It's the soldier's last march for me. My friends fought and they died, but I survived. Now I've joined them on the soldiers last march." The words from TheLast March of a Soldier passed Brian's lips as he watched the Dominion ship approach.
Looking over at Samantha their eyes met and all that needed to be said passed between them in an instant. Both nodded once to each other in acceptence of what must happen. "Sam, I'm activating self destruct mode now. Ten second silent count down. Authorization Omega, Omega, Nighthawk, Macleod three five nine. Sorry to do this to you old girl, you deserved better."
Even as he finished speaking he felt the grab of a transporter as he saw the first of the Jem'Hadar soldiers beam onto the Lone Wolf. His last conscious thought was. "You're too damn late suckers."

The explosion was registered by sensors as far as twenty-three light years away as the Lone Wolf's five Warp cores, full antimatter reserves, and all her remaining torpedoes went off at once. Most of the Dominion fleet died in the sudden blaze of antimatter, including one of the battleships.

OOC: The end of our brave Captain... Or is it? Stay tuned for our next exciting post!
09-12-2003, 16:59
OOC: Can I write a death scene or can I write a death scene? I'd actually intended for something like this to happen with the Section 31 fleet, but Kur'Dak's intervention prevented it.
Free Pacific States
09-12-2003, 20:04
OOC: lol, sorry. You wan't me to save you, or do you want to die? Or actually, I have a third option (secret) that a few star trek fans would like. Just let me know.
09-12-2003, 21:14
OOC: Please don't try anything, I've got something worked out, you've not see the last of Brian MacLeod. Just type Kur'Dak's response to the last post and the return to Starbase 211. I've got a surprise cooked up.
Free Pacific States
09-12-2003, 22:20
Kur'Dak watched as the dominion fleet attacked the Lone Wolf. Turning to Ren'Tok, he said "Have all warp-capableships form up on the Nurn'Tak, and have them warp out. Have non warp-capable ships to begin full repairs on warp enjines for retreat. We don't leave this system to all of them are out. But do not act aggresive. We're protecting the damaged ships only, not attacking."
"But sir" started Kur'Dak's weapons officer, standing up, "we cannot give up the chance to fight by running!"
Kur'Dak turned on the man, who sat back down immediatly, "If you would see past your wanting to kill for ten seconds, you would see that we have no chance against us. I do not mind fighting to death in an honorable attack, but attacking that fleet would simply be stupid. Your suggestion, my friend, is why you are simply tactical officer, and I am the captain. NOW FOLLOW MY ORDERS!"
Turning away from him, Kur'Dak saw that Ren'Tok had also turned around "Yes?" asked Kur'Dak.
Ren'Tok looked at him, and said "Well sir, what of the Lone Wolf? We cannot simply leave someone as capable as Captain MacLoed to die!"
Kur'Dak did not use force with Ren'Tok. Kur'Dak respected the question. It was a good one. Both men sat back down, and Kur'Dak answered.
"At times, it is necesary to see past friendships, past honor, past single people, in order to save groups of more people. I believe it is Ambassador Spock who said 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' Have us jump out as soon as all other fleet ships are in full retreat. Once we meet up with the full Klingon task force...then we can turn around and fight. Untill then, we will wait at Starbase 211. Those are my orders, follow them."
As the crew performed Kur'Dak's orders, he turned to the viewscreen, and said simply "Qa'Pla, my friend." Five minutes later, when all ships had been repaired enough to reach warp six, and had already left, the Kre'Don warped out. As soon as it reached starbase 211, Kur'Dak hailed the base and said he needed to speak to the base commander ASAP.
09-12-2003, 22:39
09-12-2003, 22:45
just tracked down this multipost
09-12-2003, 22:45
The small shuttlecraft drifted, surrounded by wisps of oxygen from it's battered compartments. it's entire back end was blacked and half melted. Suddenly light burst to life along the nacelles.

Brian pulled himself out from under the console where he'd been been working on the engine power relay. Awkwardly he got to his feet, wincing as the stump a few inches down from his right shoulder brushed the edge of the panel. "OK Sam, that should do it. I don't know how long she'll hold togeather, but we've got warp power. The shuttle seemed to simmer in front of his eyes for a moment and he blinked rapidly to clear them. He was still having trouble believing they had survived. But Samantha's last second use of the transporters on the Lone Wolf's shuttle craft, the Wolf Pup combined with diverting all power to rear conformal shields and maximum impulse had gotten them out, but only just. The damage from the blast had left them stranded for nearly a week. The throbing pain where his right arm had been reminded Brian of where Samantha had needed to remove it with a phaser when most of the medical kit was destroyed in the blast to keep him from bleeding to death. The bandages around his chest and head bore mute evidence to the fact that he'd only managed to remain conscious as long as he had by the extensive use of stimulants. Unfortinately the Wolf Pup's holoemiters didn't extend past the cockpit, meaning only Brian had been capable of making repairs.
Stumbing, Brian managed to make it the cockpit pilot's chair before collapsing. "Sam, get us to Starbase 211, but take it slow, everything back of the cockpit is juryrigged. I don't know if it'll stand up to much above warp four."
Brian's beaten, battered, and exausted body drifted into unconsciousness before he could hear Samantha's "Just relax Brian, I can take it from here."

Tentitivly the shuttle ran it's way up through the warp scale until it reached warp 4.5. Three days later it dropped out of warp near Starbase 211.
"This is Lone Wolf shuttle Wolf Pup, I am requesting immediate medical assistance."
Free Pacific States
10-12-2003, 03:18
Kur'Dak looked into the station medical bay, watching as the doctors did another check up on Captain MacLoed. Kur'Dak himself couldn't believe the luck this man had. A medical conference (about how best to treat war injuries) was being hosted on the station, and over two hundred medical personell were sitting and debating in the shuttle bay next door to where MacLoed was beamed in. It had actually been rather funny, watching as heads of departments, normal doctors, and nurses all tried to help the man. Of course, Kur'Dak didn't dare laugh...the doctors, including W'Fan, would never forgive him.

Immediatly after they had taken MacLoed to the station's sickbay and stabilized him, Kur'Dak showed up with the station commander. Both sat and watched as a couple nurses finished stitching up after surgury.
"It's a miracle I'm telling you! Having lost his arm! If only they'd tractored the shuttle in instead of beaming the captain aboard. We might have been able to re-atach" said one of the doctors.
"I don't know. After three days, an arm like that would be pretty infected. That's usually well over the period of re-atachment." said another doctor.
"True, but I'm sure whoever else was on the shuttle must have put it on ice or semething!" continued a third doctor.
"Someone else was on the shuttle?" asked a fifth doctor.
"Surely he couldn't have amputated his own arm..." replied a sixth doctor.
The conversations went on as doctors looked over MacLoeds charts and compared notes, experiences, and ways of treatment. Kur'Dak turned to W'Fan, who was among the doctors, and asked "When can I see him?"
W'Fan looked up from his chart, and replied, "As soon as he wakes up. He's stablized, and I'm sure you won't be too harsh on him." As W'Fan finished, he gave the Kre'Don's commanding officer a glare that made Kur'Dak sure that if he did ANYTHING to affect Brian's condition, he would be mutineed against...except this time it would be lead by his medical officer, and Kur'Dak wouldn't get the chance to fight back.
10-12-2003, 03:23
IC: When Brian woke up again, it was to the sounds of a medical bay. The beeps, hums and and buzzes slowly infringed on his consciousness. The first thing he saw was Samantha's face leaning over him.
"Damn Sam, how long have I been out? I feel like I just got run over by Klingon battlecruiser."
"Five days now. You're awfully lucky, you had seven broken ribs, one punctured lung, a concussion, heavy loss of blood, and you did almost as much damage to yourself with using so many stimulants. Not to mention the arm." Samantha frowned for a moment. "They said that you aren't an acceptible canidate for regeneration, you'll have to learn to use a prosthetic."
"That's all right Sam, my mind's still as sharp as ever, they haven't gotten me out of a command chair yet. Now here's what I want you to do...."

OOC: Feel free to visit Starbase 211's sickbay.
10-12-2003, 03:26
OOC: lol, simultanious post.

IC: Brian smiled and managed to lever himself up with his good arm. "It's good to see you Kur'Dak. I'd shake your hand but I'm afraid I'm somewhat short handed at the moment."
Free Pacific States
10-12-2003, 03:33
Free Pacific States
10-12-2003, 03:49
OOC: Yea...kind of unusual (twilight zone music), simultaneous post. Huh. Kind of funny though, never had it happen to me. At any rate, I don't think either really get's in the way of the other, so let's just accept both as truth. Oh yea, by the way, the Klingon Empire is deeply insulted by your being run over by a Klingon Battle Cruiser anology. Quite frankly, if they were to run you over with a battle cruiser, they would make sure to kill you. was so hard not to have Kur'Dak say "It's okay, you'll get used to a prosthetic. My head, for example, among other body parts, is a prostehtic."
Oh yeah, first post was deleted by the way, so sorry if this isn't as good (or bad) as my normal posts.
Kur'Dak smiled. It took him a bit of self-control to keep from laughing, but he didn't want to seem like a....what was it those humans say....jackass? "Don't worry, you'll get used to it in time, and I'm sure the doctors will be able to give you a good prosthetic. And if they can't...look at it this way. In my culture, losing an arm is considered an honor! Of course, it is greatly inconvenient. Enough about the arm however, how are you feeling?"
10-12-2003, 06:12
"Quite good, especially since my new command should be arriving shortly." Brian looked around the sickbay. "In fact, I'm well enough to get out of here despite what the doctors say, and I was hoping you'd join me in the observation bay to watch my new command arrive. I had to pull some strings and some rank, but they're not putting me behind a desk just yet."
Free Pacific States
10-12-2003, 14:59
"Well, that's good. I can't imagine you behind a desk job Brian. In fact, I'm sure a desk job wouldn't suit you at all. What ship are you being given command of?" As Kur'Dak finished asked, he held out his hand to help Brian up.
10-12-2003, 15:54
"You'll get to see her shortly after we get to the observation desk. But first I've got to get past the doctors."
Brian pulled a communicator out and activated it. "OK Sam, operation Tom, Dick, and Harry is go."
Almost immediately all the equipment on the other side of sickbay not being used started going off with all manner of noises. The doctor and nurses on duty rushed past. Brian threw the covers off, and slipping out of his sickbay gown revealed that he was wearing his uniform underneath.
"After thirty plus years of covert-ops, no mere sickbay is going to hold me. Now lets get the hell out of here."
Free Pacific States
10-12-2003, 19:51
OOC: Again, post deleted first time, sorry if it isn't as good as my earlier ones (whichever ones aren't deleted like almost every one is, that is).
Kur'Dak and Brian exited sickbay using a route that kept them out of the on-duty doctors and nurses field of vision. As soon as they were outside the sickbay doors, they turned left and got onto a turbolift, heading for the lounge. Upon arriving, Kur'Dak looked out in space, wondering which of the ships was Brian's new command.
10-12-2003, 20:47
IC: A sextet of ships dropped out of warp. Small and looking like a cross between an Akira and a Intrepid they were in perfect formation, almost as controled by one mind they swept past the station in a Vee formation.
Brian's voice took on the tember of a college professor as he spoke. "Kur'Dak, if the Lone Wolf was in a way my child, so are these my grandchildren. I designed and helped build the Lone Wolf before taking command. These were designed by myself and Samantha. You are the first outside of Starfleet to see the newest class to enter service. I present to you the Swordfish class, so named because of their speed, manuveriblity, and the nasty sting they pack in the nose. Designed origionally with the Borg threat in mind, this is the first squadron to come out of the yards. As you probibaly know, the biggest problem in dealing with the Borg is that any ship big enough to mount enough firepower to damage a Borg cube requires a lot of man power and resources, and cannot readilly afford to be lost. The Swordfish is designed to pack the largest possible amount of firepower into the smallest possible space, even more so than the Defiant design. They each mount two pulse phaser turrets, two type ten phaser arrays, and a rollbar mounted fore and aft torpedo launcher. But those weapons are designed more to discourage other ships from closing the range than anything, the main weapon of the Swordfish class, the weapon that the ship is practically built around is the Mark Three Long Range Phaser Cannon, nicknamed the Phaser Lance. It for all intents and purposes dumps the entire power of the warpcore into a single shot that will punch clean through shields, armor, and out the otherside. They have decent shields and first generation ablative armor, but they rely more on their speed, manuveriblity, and advanced jamming systems to avoid enemy fire. In simulations, those six ships out there were able to reduce a Dominion dreadnought to a burning wreck in a little under three minutes while only losing one of their number. Later this week I'm taking command of the squadron. They are all named after famous US Navy wet water submarines. The Swordfish, first of the class, the Wahoo, the Tang, the Sea Wolf, the Nautilus, and the Shark."

OOC: If you don't know what the Phaser Lance is, go to, click on Temporal, and then on Refited Galaxy Class, and then comments, third paragraph down.
11-12-2003, 01:37
OOC: Here's the specs for the Swordfish class for reference.

Class Name: Swordfish
Production Run: Six, class is still in production
Type: Fire Support Ship/Heavy Frigate
Crew: 57. Maximum capacity, 104
Mass: 7,000,000 metric tons
Dimensions: Length: 358 meters
Beam: 147 meters
Height: 80 meters
Decks: 17
Sustained Cruising Speed: Warp 7.8
Maximum Top Speed: Warp 9.97

Armament: 1 Mark Three Long Range Phaser Cannon
1 forward and one aft Standard Photon Torpedo Tubes.
2 Type X phaser arrays
2 rapid-fire turret mounted pulse phaser cannon.
Defensive Systems:
One automodulating shield systems, Total Power: 731,000 TeraJoules
Ablative armor ranging from 15cm to 35cm over vital spots
Enhanced heavy-duty structural integrity field.
Engines: One Warp Core
Auxiliary Fusion Plant
Twin Impulse Engines
Maneuvering Thrusters
Additional Systems: Advanced jamming systems
Tractor Beams
Bio-nerual gel pack Computer system

Class description: Designed in concert by Captain Brian MacLeod and Commander Samantha MacLeod, the Swordfish class was built around the Mark Three Long Range Phaser Cannon, better known as the Phaser Lance, yet another design the two had created. The Swordfish is designed to operating in packs of at least six vessels, standard tactics being to approach a target from all angles in order to spread out any defensive fire and then engage the targeted vessel with their Phaser Lances. Given the amount of damage the Phaser Lance is capable of inflicting, most vessels should be unable to survive a successful pass by a squadron. Not capable of standing up to the amount of punishment large ships can survive, the Swordfish relies instead on her high speed and maneuverability combined with advanced jamming systems to survive in the combat zone.
Free Pacific States
11-12-2003, 20:02
Kur'Dak was, to put it simply, amazed. From what Brian had described, these ships could change the course of a battle. Even a war. He was about to compliment Brian on the design, but someone else cut him off.
"You two are in deep trouble" the voice belonged to Doctor W'Fan, and as Kur'Dak turned around, he saw two humans in the uniforms of an admiral standing next to W'Fan.
"Helping someone who is barely stablized escape from sickbay? Making our machinery go haywire like that? What if other people had died because of it? And what if Brian had suddenly collapsed or had a seizure? Damnit, you commanders never change. Since the time of you human's Captain Kirk...even since the time of Kahless! How are we supposed to do our work if we can't keep track of our own patients?"
As W'Fan finished, Kur'Dak rolled his eyes. He had recognized the first admiral as Admiral Rogerson. Rogerson was incharge of the Starfleet Medical Division, in its whole, and had probably be attending the summit, just as Kur'Dak and the hundred or so other doctors had been.
The other Admiral, however, Kur'Dak did not recognized. "I wonder what who he is" thought Kur'Dak.
11-12-2003, 20:41
"Admrial's I will ahve you know that Kur'Dak had nothing to do with my escaping. As for the machines, the only ones affected where those that were not in use. Sam saw to that. And I'm not going back either, I'm taking command of a squadron in less than a week and I don't have the time to spend lying around all day."
Free Pacific States
12-12-2003, 00:38
The other admiral suddenly spoke up, cutting off both doctors who were about to continue biting off the heads of Kur'Dak and Brian. "That's alright Captains MacLoed and Kur'Dak. I can understand your both wanting to see the Captain's new command. Not to mention, no one really likes being in sickbay...except the doctors that is. Doctors, fill out the release forms for Captain MacLoed please. No point in keeping a healthy "
"Ordering us to releaes him? Fine, but your still due for your physicial, Admiral." started Admiral Rogerson.
"Not now Jerry. Anyway, I'm Admiral Kole Nursk of Starfleet command." continued the admiral, who was obviously dreading his pyhsical. "I'm here to give you the paper work to taking command. The ceremony itself will be tommorow at 18:00 hours." He handed a datapad to Brian for him to fill out, and then walked out. Admiral Rogerson ran after him, yelling about his physical. W'Fan smirked and turned to Brian. "We're going to have to test you later today for prosthetic arm placement. Then, of course, we'll have to attach the prosthetic. That is, assuming your strong enough to stand it. That's all. Try not to escape sickbay anymore." with that, he strode off.
Kur'Dak turned to Brian, and said "More paperwork it seems. No matter how much we technologically advance, it will always be there."
12-12-2003, 01:47
Brian waved the datapad in with his one good hand. "Isn't it the truth. Kur'Dak, I'd like you to join me for the change of command ceremony. I haven't actually seen the inside of one of the Swordfish yet, and I'd like you to accompany me while I learn exactly what those engineers in earth orbit changed without consulting me. Then we can find a target for the first combat deployment and we'll the Dominion that they don't have the monopoly on firepower anymore."
Free Pacific States
12-12-2003, 13:52
Kur'Dak nodded in agreement, "Yes, I would be glad to accompany you on board one of the swordfish. It could be Ah well, I'm going to be bored anyway, so yes, I'd love to come."
12-12-2003, 16:24
Brian laughed. "Don't worry about secrecy, by the time this war is over I have a feeling our two governments will have closer ties than ever before. Now I'd better go see about that arm before they drag me back to sickbay."
Free Pacific States
12-12-2003, 19:46
"Not a bad idea. I have a couple of things to take care of on board the Kre'Don, so how about I meet you in docking pylon three in....two hours?"
12-12-2003, 20:19
"Assuming they don't strap me to a bio bed, I'll bed there."
Free Pacific States
12-12-2003, 20:33
OOC: "You'll bed there? Why would you want to bed in that place?" asked Kur'Dak, intruiged, "I thought you hated that humans really confuse me." Heh, just kidding. Sorry, couldn't help myself with that. Here's the real post.
"Alright, I'll see you there. Qa'Pla!" replied Kur'Dak. He returned to the Kre'Don and began to fill out some paper work for injured crewmembers and repairs. He couldn't wait for the tour.
12-12-2003, 21:02
Brian winced as the last connection was made. "OK, try moving it slowly now." The doctor said. Complying Brian tried to move the arm up. It shot up like a bullet out of a gun, only just missing the doctor's face. "Right, I forgot that you're used to moving in two gravites, I'll have to adjust the sensitivity to compensate. Popping open a small panel on the arm the Doctor used a multitool to make a few adjustments before telling Brian to try it again. This time the arm rose at the speed Brian had been trying for, but with jerky erratic motions. The Doctor nodded. "Now try touching each finger to your thumb." Brian complied and after several attempts managed to make the different fingers connect. "OK, that's about as well as can be expected. Now let me activate the sensors and tell me if you can feel anything." A use of the multitool later and feeling of extreme heat flooded through Brian from the arm. The doctor made a few more adjustments until the sense of touch and heat worked normally, though it still didn't feel quite natural. When Brian mentioned it to the Doctor he explained. "I'm afraid it's not going to get any better than that, we can only mesh the electronic components of the arm to your natural nerves so well, at this point it's impossible for us to achieve a perfect match. That should do it on the mechanical end. The rest is up to you, it's going to take a lot of time and hard work for you to learn to use it properly, and since you're shipping out in a few days, I'll be passing instructions along to your ship's doctor. Now you'll just need to come in tomorrow for us to put the synthaflesh covering on."
Brian pushed himself off the biobed. "That won't be necessary Doctor, simply have it painted battleship grey, the same color we use on our ships. I earned this thing, I'm not about to hide it."
The Doctor looked at the clearly mechanical arm, though human in shape and completely enclosed, anyone giving it more than a glance would see it for being artifical even if it had been pained flesh tone. "Are you sure about that?" The doctor asked uncertainly.
Brian took the arm off and handed it to the Doctor. "Quite sure Doctor, now if you'll arrange for that to be taken care of quickly, I have a change of command ceremony to get to. And I'd like to show up to it with four limbs if possible. It's awkward saluting with my left hand."

Brian walked into Docking Pylon Three and saw Kur'Dak standing there waiting. "You ready to go Kur'Dak?" Brian asked. Already he had started to master the use of the new arm and he managed a passible wave with it.
Free Pacific States
13-12-2003, 20:25
Kur'Dak nodded, noting the prosthetic. "I'm ready whenever you are, Brian. How's the arm?"
13-12-2003, 20:39
13-12-2003, 20:41
"Fine, just don't ask me to shake your hand anytime soon, I don't have quite that much control over the amount of pressure it exerts yet."
Brian tapped his communicator lef handed. "Sam, could you beam it over now please."
The familiar hum of a transport in progress proceeded the appearence of Brian's sword, complete with sheath and belt. As Brian clipped it on around his waist he explained. "There are two transporters in the Wolf Pup and Sam knew I'd have never left without this."
Brian hit his communicator again. "Thanks Sam, can you beam us over now please? I'll see you over there."

When they reappeared on the transporter platform of the Swordfish bosuns pipes twilled over the intercom system and they were immediately greeted by a young man wearing the insignia of a Lieutenant Commander who saluted. "Lieutenant Commander Donovan, welcome aboard the Swordfish Captains."
Free Pacific States
13-12-2003, 23:08
Kur'Dak began to step off the transporter pad, and then stopped. Remembering human custom from his time at the Klingon Embassy, Kur'Dak replied "Thank you. Permission to come aboard, Commander?" Kur'Dak always rounded Lt. Commanders and Lt. junior grades up. He felt it was kind of insulting to the person to call them 'Luitenant Commander'.
14-12-2003, 01:18
"Of course sir." Donovan said. "Um sirs, I was told the new first officer would be accompanying you."
Brian smiled and gestured for the Commander to lead the way to the bridge. "Don't worry, she'll be along. Bye the way how is the refit coming?"
As they walked Donovan answered. "Oh, the holoemiters, they've finished being installed on the bridge, but I don't know why we need them in the first place, the holodeck or sick bay maybe, but not the bridge, sir."
The turbolift door to the bridge opened and Donovan saw Samantha standing to one side of the Captain's chair. "Security to the bridge, intruder..."
"Belay that order Commander!" Brain said. "Unless you want to be responsible for putting the ship's new first officer in the brig."
"She's the new first officer, my, my apologies sir, Ma'am!" Donovan said in surprise.
"That's alright Commander Donovan, I understand." Samantha said.
Seeing that the Lieutenant Commander was momentarily confused as what to do Brian decide to give him a hand. "I believe that we have business to attend to Commander."
"Oh, of course sir."
Brian stepped in front of the Captain's chair and pulled a datpad out of his pocket. "Computer, shipwide intercom. By order of Starfleet Command, Captain Brian MacLeod is hereby ordered and directed to take command of the starship Swordfish on this date. You are to perform to the best of your ability in accordence with your duties as a Starfleet Officer upon penalty of Courtmartial."
Everyone in the room came to attention. "Captain on the bridge!" Donovan said.
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 02:02
Kur'Dak was still at the brink of laughing after the episode with Lt. Commander Donovan. That had to be one of the worst things that could happen to an officer meeting his new captain. "Nice to see you again, Samantha...if I may call you by name rather than rank." As he finished saying this, Kur'Dak surveyed the bridge. It was quite nice...of course, a Klingon would never allow a bridge would never be this colorfull, but Kur'Dak was very accpeting of the human liking things to be a diffirent color than simple grey. Excepting Brian, of course. Kur'Dak still wondered if Brian had been born into the correct race. He would have made a great Klingon.

OOC: Just so you know, I'm not saying that your bridge is bright and yellow, but a Klingon bridge is simply black/gray. So in comparison...
14-12-2003, 02:09
OOC: I know, I know.

IC: "At ease!" Commander Donovan, please ask the senior officers to meet me in the ready in ten minutes."
"Yes sir, of course sir."
The door to the ready room closed behind them and Brian stopped to survey the room. "You know Kur'Dak, I really prefered the days when the end of those orders read, "Upon penalty of death." Back then a Captain knew exactly where they stood."
Samantha chuckled at Brian's side.
14-12-2003, 02:15
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 04:49
"My people still have not reached that problem, Brian. Most orders in my empire literally are 'upon penalty of death'. Or at least, they should be, for the dishonor in losing a battle or failing to carry out orders would be horrible." Kur'Dak did, however, understand Brian's problem. Lately, the empire had been letting people off, and while Kur'Dak approved of this, it did show that the Klingon military was starting to get more politically inclined. Less death, more paperwork. The horrors that could come from this.
14-12-2003, 05:19

IC: Well before the ten minute time limit the senior officers were assembeled. Aside from Samantha there was a frail looking woman dressed in the uniform of tactical/security, frail that is until you looked in her eyes and saw the hard edge behind them. Next to her sat a man in the uniform of an engineer who's fiery red hair gave hint that Brian was not to be the only Highlander on board, across from him was a man in a Doctor's uniform, older than the rest, his hair, like Brian's had started to turn grey. And finally there was Lt. Commander Donovan, still looking rather embaressed from the incident on the bridge.
Brian addressed the group. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, as you already know I'm Captain Brian MacLeod, and this is Commander Samantha MacLeod who will be your new first officer. I'd greatly appriciate it if you'd introduce yourselves." Brian gestured towards his artifical arm. "I'm afraid matters have prevented me from looking at the personnel files of the Swordfish."
The woman was the first to speak. "Lieutenant Martha Hendrickson, tactical and security officer. I'm looking forward to trying out the Phaser Lance on the Dominion."
"I sincerly hope you'll get that chance Lieutenant." Brian replied.
The red headed man spoke next. "Lieutenant Commander Connor O'Brian, chief engineer, if it ain't broke, it's because I fixed it."
"Given this is the first deployment of this class of ship, I'm sure we'll manage to keep you busy Chief."
"Lieutenant Jeremy Nigel, Chief Medical Officer, I expect to see you in sick bay shortly so I can get a look at that arm Captain." The Doctor said with a smile.
"I'll see if I can make the time Doctor."
"You've already met me, I'm Lieutenant Commander Matthew Donovan, I'm your helm officer, I'll make this ship sit up and beg if you need it to."

"Excellent, I'm pleased to meet all of you. Unfortinately, information I recieved just before coming on board means I don't have the time to get better aquainted with you just yet. I need this ship ready to move out in five hours." Brian said.
"May I ask why sir?" Hendrickson asked.
"Because this squadron is about to find out just how good it is, we've already got a mission lined up. I'll be calling the other squadron captains over for a conference shortly. Do your best people, we've all got a long day ahead of us."

As the last of the officers filed out, leaving only Samantha, Brian and Kur'Dak in the room Brian turned to Kur'Dak. "I'm afraid I'll have to give you a raincheck on that tour. But I think I can offer you something even better if you can stick around for the conference."
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 05:32
OOC: Heh, couldn't stop myself there.
Kur'Dak sat back in the chair, narrowing his eyes. "I would be glad to stick around for the conference...but my question is, what's this suprise your giving me that could be better than a good old fashioned tour of a ship of war?"
14-12-2003, 05:38
"How about aside from the chance of seeing this lady in action, finishing off the survivors off that little trap that was sprung on us?"
14-12-2003, 05:38
"How about aside from the chance of seeing this lady in action, finishing off the survivors off that little trap that was sprung on us?"
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 05:41
Kur'Dak's eyes widened, and he leaned forwards. "You mean we now know where those P'Tak have disapeared to?" Even as he said this, a phrase flashed through his head. 'Revenge is a dish best served cold.'
14-12-2003, 05:46
14-12-2003, 05:47
The smile that Brian gave in response to that statement caused even Samantha to back up a step. "One of your Birds of Prey located them in the Helios system. Two battleships that apparently suffered severe damage from a large explosion along with a screen of smaller ships, much fewer than is usually included in such a task force. Anyone care not to bet that they got a little too close to the Lone Wolf when I hit the button?"
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 05:59
"Well, Brian, it seems you gave your arm, and in return, the Dominion will be giving one of theirs. Two battleships! By Kahless, it's a treasure simply waiting to be plundered." Kur'Dak had easily gotten over Brian's smile. This information could turn the tables in this sector.
14-12-2003, 06:04
"Good, I assume you and your fleet are with us then. In that case I'll explain the plan in a few minutes when the other captain's arrive." Brian's face hardend, and the table edge he was holding onto with his right hand snapped off. "This time none of them are getting away, even if I have to chase them clean back to the Gamma Quadrent."
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 06:09
Kur'Dak nodded, "These Dominion P'Tak must not be allowed to live. Their simple existance puts into question all our people's have worked for. As well as my honor, and that, I cannot allow. I'm afraid most of the fleet I was working with has left, but I have been able to get four Birds of Prey, not to mention the one that found the battlecruisers, assigned to me for the mission. It's not much, but their all heavily armed.

OOC: I think I might have someone else who will join. Will take me a bit to confirm, just letting u know.
14-12-2003, 06:25
OOC: Sure, the more the merrier.

IC: The other ship's captains started to file in.
"OK people, I'll get right to the point, this is my first day in command of this group, and it's had hardly any time to work up. But we're going into combat shortly anyway becuase we're the only force with enough firepower to pull it off, and becuase of the timing only a few starships are availible. Fortunately the Klingons have offered to lend us a taskforce. We're also fortunate in exactly what starships are availible. The Akira class Hotspur just arrived with her maximum complement of fighters, we have a four ship Saber patrol that I've managed to snare and the old Miranda's Relient II and Ernest Evans. There is also an entire squadron of runabouts that are at our disposal. As it stands this is the plan, if any of you, have any suggestions afterwards I want to hear them.
The screen beind Brian activated showing the Helios system and the Dominion ships. "The plan is for Kur'Dak's ships to run in cloaked and hit them from this side, hopefully drawing off most of the smaller ships that can give the Swordfishes such a tough time. Kur'Dak, you should have at least a few seconds before they can react and get their shields up. I think I can safely rely on you to do as much damage in that time as possible. Twenty seconds after the Klingon's arrive we'll come in from the other direction. The Hotspur will launch her fighters and she and the other ships will provide us cover as we go in after the damaged battleships."
Brian turned back to the captains. "Remember, until those battleships go down, our objective is to not draw attention to ourselves or go shooting attackcraft and cruisers. There'll be plenty of time afterward the battleships are down for that. Now any questions or suggestions?"
14-12-2003, 07:38
OOC: I've started to read over the thread and am thinking of joining as a Defiant class vessel. Hopefully you can at least tell me where you are in the Dominion War as of now and maybe a short timeline of the major events. Thx.
14-12-2003, 08:09
OOC: On page 17 of this thread you posted:

"In simulations, those six ships out there were able to reduce a Dominion dreadnought to a burning wreck in a little under three minutes while only losing one of their number."

Just out of curiosity, when you refer to a Dominion dreadnought, which one are you talking about, the smaller prototype version(2 times the size of a Galaxy class- about 1300 meters long) or the production version(about 4500-5000 meters long)? I find it hard to beleive that six of these ships could destroy the latter but putting these ships up against a ship that isn't being produced puzzles me. I would like to know to get a relative firepower of this new class to other vessels. Thx.
14-12-2003, 17:59
OOC: On page 17 of this thread you posted:

"In simulations, those six ships out there were able to reduce a Dominion dreadnought to a burning wreck in a little under three minutes while only losing one of their number."

Just out of curiosity, when you refer to a Dominion dreadnought, which one are you talking about, the smaller prototype version(2 times the size of a Galaxy class- about 1300 meters long) or the production version(about 4500-5000 meters long)? I find it hard to beleive that six of these ships could destroy the latter but putting these ships up against a ship that isn't being produced puzzles me. I would like to know to get a relative firepower of this new class to other vessels. Thx.

OOC: The Dreadnought's I speaking about are the one's seen in the last battle above Cardassia, other people started pulling them out, so I've taken to including them in the SL. And the reason the Swordfish are so powerful against really large ship is the Phaser Lance, aside from that, they're nearly unarmed compared to other ships their size. And the Phaser Lance is both unwieldy and overkill against anything smaller than a battlecruiser.
Free Pacific States
14-12-2003, 18:25
Kur'Dak looked over the plan in his mind, and then turned to Brian. "It sounds good to me. I've been able to locate a Vor'Cha Battlecruiser as well, though it is not at full operating capacity."
14-12-2003, 18:58
"Excellent, the more firepower the better in this instance. Alright, if there are no other suggestions, I suggest we all get back to our respective ships and prepare for immediate depart, we leave in" Brian looked at the cronomiter, "four hours and twenty-seven minutes." As the other Captians rose to leave Brian said one more thing. "One more thing, in case you're wondering how I want this squadron to perform, I'd like to quote an old wet navy destroy captain, Commander Ernest E. Evans. ""This is going to be a fighting ship, I intend to go in harm's way, and anyone who doesn't want to go along had better get off right now."
Free Pacific States
15-12-2003, 00:56
Kur'Dak turned to Brian. "Perhaps you would like to get a drink at the bar you showed me last time we came to the starbase?"
15-12-2003, 01:11
"An excellent idea, until we leave the rest is up to my staff. Sam, I'll be back shortly."

Even before they had a chance to sit down the waiter brought over a pair of glasses filled with Scotch. "I had Sam call ahead." Brian explained.
Free Pacific States
15-12-2003, 03:26
Kur'Dak began to drink his drink, and asked, "So, how do you feel about getting revenge on the dominion so quickly?"
15-12-2003, 03:32
"The Lone Wolf was the only home myself and Samantha knew for over thirty years. Through good and bad she kept us alive. Even when by all reckoning we should have been long dead." The now empty glass shattered in Brian's right hand. "I want them bad, so bad that it scares me. I want nothing more than to see evey last one of them die a horrible agonizing death. They took more than my ship and my arm from me, they took a big piece of my life. I intend to repay them a hundred, no, a thousand fold for that."
15-12-2003, 03:34
At the sound of that question, two tall men in Federation uniforms walk to Kur'Dak and Brian, "This is Chris Hairfield of the U.S.S. Valiant, a Defiant class. This is Jason Yan, my XO. We were sent here two days ago and just arrived. We are to help in the assault."
15-12-2003, 03:46
Brian suddenly looked up. Brushing off the glass from his artifical hand he looked at the two men before speaking. "That is excellent news, I hope you're familiar with the plan of attack."
15-12-2003, 03:56
Chris instantly grows much more casual and pauses for amoment to think, "I've got an idea of whats going on, but my ship has cloaking abilites. Its also more of an escort, so I could go in and help Kur'Dak or I could provide more cover to your Swordfishes. I think I should probably help you, your ships are at a greater risk of being overwhelmed."

Jason, who has allready ordered two drinks, motions for Chris to sit down. The two say a few things to each other quietly, and then both look at Brian for what they are going to help with.
15-12-2003, 04:08
"Going in to fly cover for my squadron is probibly the best idea. We should be able to tear the big ships apart with ease, but the smaller ones can slaughter us if they get in close. The fighters and runabouts will form the first wave and hopefully engage anything that wasn't drawn off by Kur'Dak's fleet, and my squadron will be right behind them with everything I've been able to scrape up flying cover. Just make sure you stay clear of those battleships when we go in, because with any luck they're going to go up like supernova's. It's going to be like the days of wet water aviation, the fighter covering the torpedo bomber while they make their runs on the battleships. Mark my words, it's going to be ugly. Especially if the Dominion fleet concentrates on my squadron because they're a class they haven't seen before."
15-12-2003, 04:21
"I have a feeling that once they see your ships fire, and see they damage they inflict, that they would want to destroy them as soon as possible. Battleships arent known for their agility and speed, so just send all your shields to the front and I'll make sure nothing comes around you. One more thing, don't expect most of the smaller ships to go towards the Klingon fleet. A lot of them will stay back, so I hope you have enough fighters defending you to keep them busy. What puzzles me is why you don't throw a few more turrets on these Swordfish ships, just to hold off a few fighters if you need too."
15-12-2003, 04:26
"The problem," Brian explained, "is that the Phaser Lance uses the entire power of the warpcore when it shoot, the weapons installed are the largest number that can be powered off the auxillary fusion plant while still being able to keep shields up. That and the Phaser Lance takes up a lot of space, there simply isn't room for many more weapons even if we could power them. So until we can either squeeze a bigger warpcore in, or a more powerful fusion plant, putting more weapons on the Swordfish would be pointless."
15-12-2003, 04:33
"Hmmm, about how many ships are we expecting here? I know what is going to happen when we get there, but why was this fleet chosen? Is it just a fleet that we can destroy with minimal casualties, or is this a test for the new Swordfish?"

OOC: I'll get the specs for the Valiant tomorrow, I'm going to sleep.
15-12-2003, 04:42
"There are several reasons this fleet has been picked. The biggest being we're never likely going to get a better chance to destroy two battleships with minimal casualties. They're heavily damaged and their screen has been weakend, the longer we wait, the more likely that either reinforcements will arrive, or they'll managed to make good their damage and leave. And with much of the fleet either occupied elsewhere, or preparing for future operations, my squadron is the only thing availible with enough firepower to do the job." Brian's eyes met each of the other two humans and his voice became as hard as stone. "And I personally intend to see that the bastards that forced me to destroy my last ship die. Preferibly in a very painful way. So I have a personnal stake in this as well." Brian's voice returned to normal. "I'm not going to joke with you gentlemen, calling this a shoestring operation would be giving it too much credit. All we've got to work with is an Akira, two Miranda's that should have been sent to the scrap heap a couple of decades ago, some fighter and runabouts, and a squadron that hasn't even worked up as a unit yet under a brand new commanding officer, plus your Valient and Kur'Dak's fleet. But frankly it's all we've got so we'll just have to make do."
Free Pacific States
15-12-2003, 16:56
Kur'Dak sat back. This battle was sounding more and more hopless every second. Of course, that's the way Kur'Dak liked it. The more of them, the more honor in winning. "I'm sure we'll still win. We have a group of very good captains, all of whom have proven themselve in some way, i'm sure." He said this eying Chris. He hoped this guy knew what he was doing, because if he didn't, it could mean the deaths of thousands.
15-12-2003, 17:07
i know it's kinda late, but can I join in?

NX-74913, "USS Prometheus" Prometheus-class Starship

Series: Class 1b Starship
Design: Cruiser
Type: Tactical Cruiser
Overall Length: 415 m
Overall Draft: 113 m
Overall Beam: 170 m
Displacement: 1,500,000 mt
Velocity: Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.8 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.99 Maximum Attainable Velocity

Officers: 41
Enlisted Crew: 100
Passengers: 0 (Up to 50 maximum)

Phasers: 13 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array
Missiles: 3 Mk 95 Photon Torpedo Launchers (equipped with Quantum Torpedoes)
Defense: FSS Primary Force Field

Ablative Hull Armor
Regenerative Shields
Multi-Vector Assault Mode
Cloaking device (not yet fitted.)

M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software
RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance Navigational array
MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
AL4 Life Support System

Expected Lifetime - 100 Years (With Refits)

Propulsion: Two LF-50 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units
Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters
“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system

1 Danube Class Runabout
4 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
4 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
15-12-2003, 18:22
OOC: I don't have a problem with you joining, but I must raise a point. I don't think the first Prometheus class ship has even left the dockyards yet. Could you perhaps use either a different ship or build your own? Either way unless someone else objects I don't have a problem with you joining.
15-12-2003, 18:35
An ensign in the uniform of station security walked over. "Captain MacLeod?" Brian nodded.
"Could you come with me sir? You're wanted down in security."
"Can't it wait ensign, I have to get a ship ready for departure."
"No sir, Commander Filek wants to see you right now."
The Ensign was sweating, a fact that Brian thought odd. It could simply be that he was nervous being caught between two superior officers, or maybe it was something else. "Can I see some written orders to that effect Ensign?"
"Of course sir." The Ensign handed Brian a PADD. Everything looked in order, but something still seemed wrong.
Brian smiled up at the ensign as he casually tranfered the PADD to his left hand. "You don't mind if I call him to double check?"
As Brian's hand went for his commbadge the Ensign's hand suddenly went for his phaser. As he drew it Brian could see it had been set for maximum power. Reacting as only someone used to living in above normal gravity could his hand shifted from his commbadge to the table, a massive piece of imported oak that was securely bolted to the floor and looked like it would be salvagible even if the station was completely destroyed. With a seemingly casual motion Brian's right hand grabbed the tabletop and ripped off it's stand, slamming it into the Ensign who barely had time for surprise to cross his face before the table hit him hard enough to send both flying across the room into the wall with a sickening crunch.
"Damn, doesn't Section 31 ever get a hint. Security to this location, attempted murder," Brian eyed where various fluids began to seep from behind the table top. "no need to hurry, and bring a cleanup crew along. MacLeod out."
Brian flexed his right arm once. "Delux military model. Rated for close to a thousand pounds of lifting power. Going to have to recharge the battery after that though."
Free Pacific States
15-12-2003, 19:34
Kur'Dak looked at the fake security officer and laughed. "What type of incompetent allows himself to be killed when he's carying a weapon? Then again, that is a pretty nice arm." Looking at his chronometer, Kur'Dak sighed in relief, "We still got an hour. Bartender, could we get more drinks? Sorry about the mess..."
15-12-2003, 20:04
When security arrived Brian explained what had happened to the officer in charge and then put the matter out of his mind. "That's at least the ninth time they've tried to pull that kind of stunt. You think they'd have learned by now." Brian raised his glass and proposed a toast. "We shall either return carrying our shields or on them, to victory." With that Brian drained his glass. "If you'll excuse me gentlemen, I've got a ship to command. MacLeod to Swordfish initiate transport."
16-12-2003, 00:56
"Yeah, I'd better be going too, I gotta sober up a bit before we fly out." Chris said loudly, then in an almost inaudible tone, "I really have to stop drinking that much..."

Chris and Jason both leave the bar, leaving Kur'Dak behind.
16-12-2003, 01:09
Brian seated himself in the Captain's chair. The first real captain's chair he'd sat in in years. It felt good. "Helm prepare to move out three minutes after the Klingons go to warp, that should give them enough time to get around to the other side of the enemy fleet and start the attack. Tactical, alert the rest of the fleet to follow us out and order the squadron to keep tight formation at all times."
"Captain," the call came from behind Brian, "The Klingon's are moving out."
"Very good Lieutenant. Prepare the fleet."
A few seconds later the fleet jumped to warp. "Once more into the breach Brian thought."
Free Pacific States
16-12-2003, 02:38
Kur'Dak would never stop being suprised by the small amount of liquor it took to get a human drunk. Of course, the humans easily made up for this downfall in their cunning, so Kur'Dak never really gave it that though. "All ships, warp 7. We've been straining these enjines far too much, time for a break. I believe Captain MacLoed's tactical officer gave you the helm info. Engage when ready." Kur'Dak was known for his leeway commands. Of course, Kur'Dak could really care less when they went to was once they arrived that he would start caring.
16-12-2003, 03:01
Donovan looked up from the helm. "Captain if I may make a suggestion?"
"Go ahead." Brian said.
"I was think sir how we could increase our effective fire power sir."
Brian suddenly became more interested. "Go on."
"Well sir, if we link the squadron's fire control togeather we could concentrate it on any particular attacker and overwhelm them rather than have each individual ship fire by itself."
Brian sat back and mused over the thought. "It would be vulenable to jamming, and it would mean that multipul targets might get through, but overall I like the idea. Good work Donovan."
Brian turned to Hendrickson. "Can you slap something like that togeather and get it to the other ships before we enter the Helios system?"
She looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "I think so sir, though as you said it would be vulnerable to jamming, at least until we have more time to improve the system. I'll try and have something worked up before we arrive."
"Excellent. Good work, both of you." Brian sat back, satisfied and more than a litte pleased that his crew was showing such initive.
16-12-2003, 03:41
Chris entered the bridge shortly after the ship entered warp after to a short visit to sickbay to get rid of the alcohol in his sytem. Jason was in the command chair and instantly gave it up and Chris entered. The two started casually talking about battle strategy to kill the time. They weren't heading as fast as usual and neither Chris nor Jason knew why, and not knowing information like that never is a good sign...
16-12-2003, 03:48
"Captain, the Klingon's should be opening the attack any minute now." Hendrickson reported from behind Brian.
"Good, have those datalink plans been sent to the rest of the squadron?"
"Yes Captain."
"Good, let's show the Dominion that although they took out one threat, a new one has risen to take it's place. And let's do it in terms they can understand."
Free Pacific States
16-12-2003, 17:01
The Klingon task force came out for of warp exactly where they were supposed to, with cloak online and a finger right above every weapon and shield terminal onboard the ship. The two battlecruisers were sitting there, as planned, but there was something else there that wasn't planned on. Two galors. Kur'Dak had assumed there had only been smaller support vessels, but it looked like he was wrong.
"Report. What is the activity of the shields of those ships?"
"None of them have shields up. They've been transporting frequently, I can tell from the energy left over from mass beamings. Orders sir?"
"Tell the federation fleet to hold for a couple minutes. They'll see when to come in. Ren'Tok, you have the con. Target the left Galor. Kur'Dak to security, get as many of your men as possible, in full gear, to the transporters. Leave one open for myself. That goes for all ships. The second Galor is to be taken by troop, not by gunfire. Ren'Tok, once we are beamed aboard, finish off the other galor and start attacking the rest of the fleet. Remember, leave the battlecruiers alone. Oh yeah, don't provide cover for us. Hopefully, the other cardassians won't realize were onboard."
Kur'Dak rushed to the transporter room, where a group of security was already waiting. Very good, it seemed his crew was already ready. Turning to the transporter cheif, Kur'Dak said "Energize" and him and around 350 troops from both the Kre'Don and the other Klingon vessels beamed onboard the galor.
Immediatly afterward, the Klingon fleet came out of cloak, and bombarded the first galor, nearly destroying it before it got it's shields up. The Kre'Don continued to attack the galor, while the rest of the ships split up to take out the support vessels.
Gul Mukat stood in his chair, listening to his enjineers status report.
"Well sir, the battlecruisers should be prepared within the hour, and once they've finished we'll be able to beam our men back ab..." suddenly, the man stopped speaking, and Mukat heard a strange whining.
He began to turn around, snapping "What the hell was that? Finish your repor....." When he finished turning around, he found a phaser in his face. At the other end was Kur'Dak, who was gripping the thing with a smile on his face.
"Morning Gul. Nice to see you again."
16-12-2003, 19:09
When the message came through Brian reacted immediately. "Attack! All ships attack! Formation blunt arrow!" As the fleet burst out of warp fighters began to pour from the Akira and race towards their assigned positions. Brian had chosen to use a rounded arrow formation, with the fighters forming the first line in a inverted bowl formation, directly behind them were the runabouts, behind them the shaft of the arrow began with the Akira, thickend out where Brian's squadron clustered close togeather. Off to either side and behind the squdron providing the rearguard were the two elderly Mirandas with the Valient running freelance top cover. As the formation hit the enemy each successive layer of the formation would gradually peel off, hopefully pulling off enough of the enemy to give Brian's squadron a clear shot at the battleships.
Brian knew that the fighters and runabouts would likely suffer heavily, but it was the best he could do with what he had.
The first wave of Dominion Attack Craft and Cardassian Hideki's took the brunt of the fighter wave, the ships, small and large boiling off into a massive dogfight as the rest of the fleet raced past, leaving only the runabouts and the remianing fighters to deal the next wave of Attack Craft. The Hotspur peeled off to deal with a pair of Keldons. This left the squadron completely naked to the front, but the way had been almost cleared to the battleships. A Dominion battlecrusier threatend to hit the formation from the flank.
"Battlecruiser, coming 286, mark 10! Opening datalink, computing solution, firing!" Came from Hendrickson's station.
Twelve pulse phaser cannon and twelve type XII phasers lashed out from the squadron as one, slamming into the surprised battlecrusier, a string of torpedos finished the job, and the way was clear.
The Swordfish broke their defensive formation and spread out in line abreast, racing in on the battleships like the torpedo bombers of old, and like them they carried a lethal punch for their size. As they closed on their targets the incoming fire became more intense, but most of it missed, the jammers and scanning disrupters working as advertised.
"Fire!" The words broke from Brian's lips like a shot from a cannon. As one the squadron fired and the six Phaser Lances crashed into the enemy battleship like the hammer of God. As soon as the Phaser Lances finished firing the squadron broke away in all directions in a manuver designed to confuse any firing sensors before moving to regroup. But there had been no need for evasive manuvers. Even Brain stared in shock at the power he had unleased. The beams had torn clean through the damaged battleshi and out the otherside, straight into it's sister ship. Brian had come in that way in order to use one battleship a cover from the other, but he'd never thought that the Phaser Lances would do that. The first battleship had gone up almost instantly as beams tore through torpedo storage bays and the ships gargantuan warp core. Her sister had faired better, the first battlehip's shield and armor leaching much of the energy from the beams. But despite that her entire flank had been torn open.
"My God," Brian thought, "what kind of power have we unleashed?" After a moment he recovered and ordered the squadron to prepare for another run.
Free Pacific States
16-12-2003, 19:27
Kur'Dak sat down in the command chair of the galor. At the back of the bridge, Gul Mukat and his crew were being held hostage by some of his security officers. Kur'Dak had been lucky enough to remember to bring some bridge officers along, but he suddenly realized how bad his choice had been. All 9 officers he had brought to run the bridge is it those humans put as grass. But he'd do his best. The Klingons had already secured enjinering along with the majority of the rest of the ship, but they were now running into problems.

One of the crardassians they had encountered somehow hit the alarm, and now the cardassians were arming themselves. It was no longer fully body armored Klingons with assualt rifles vs. Incompetent, unarmed, Cardassians. Instead, it was full body armored Klingons with assault rifles versus...well, still incompetent Cardassians, just now they were armed.

Nonetheless, Kur'Dak didn't need the entire ship. He had enjineering, the bridge, and most of the weapons under his control. Ordering the helmsman to have the ship come about (well, actually showing the helmsman HOW to come about), Kur'Dak plunged the ship into the battle. For a short time, it was able to score succesfull attacks without anyone realizing it was enemy. But that did not lost long. Dumb as the Cardassians are, they aren't that dumb. Within seconds they had begun firing on the Galor.

None of this suprised Kur'Dak at all. What did suprise him was when a Dominion support craft came arround to attack Kur'Dak's new gaor from the back, and was suddenly torn apart from phasers coming from inside the Dominion battleship. Now, the battleship accidentally missing wouldn't be that suprising. But the fact that the shots had come from WITHIN the vessel, and not from its weapons, is what got Kur'Dak.

"Just what the hell is going on over there?" Kur'Dak thought out loud. He was again dissapointed by the fact that a bunch of his green crewmen tried to answer him.
16-12-2003, 19:31
OOC: Will wait for Hairfield to post before continuing.
Free Pacific States
16-12-2003, 19:38
OOC: Same
17-12-2003, 00:12
OOC: Sorry I couldn't post this sooner, but I had school and the first time i treied to post, the internet crashed, so I had to retype.

Chris sat on the command chair, waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to strike. The Valiant is totally cloaked to nearly any sensors. 'The Romulan cloaking device is working perfectly, well, as perfect as you would expect it to,' Chris though, looking at a small energy fluctuation readout. He looked up, just to see a blinding beam of light emerge from the Swordfish and pierce its way through the first Dominion battleship, making its way to hit the other battleship directly behind it. There emerged a gaping hole in the side of the first battleship from behind the sparkling of the shields trying to maintain full protection, but quickly failed. A stream of gas poured from the hole, but that wasn't all that emerged from the hole before it was patched up by the ships shields...

"Now" was the only word that emerged from Chris' mouth, still dumbfounded by the immense firepower that that small vessel contained. There was evidence of continuous internal explosions, the beam must have gone through some vital ship systems. Just before the Valiant showed itslef, a formation of Dominion attack ships fired at one of the Mirandas holding the rear of the formation. Three polaron beam emitters and a photon torpedo emerged from each fighter. The captain saw them just in time to raise aft shields, but the impact of all those weapons all at once destroyed the aft shield generators and destroyed most internal systems. That old Miranda couldn't do a thing. 'How could they have gotten around unnoticed?' Chris thought, but before the order was given, the ship veered off towards the Mirandas.

The fighters slowly turned around and came back, prepared to fire the fatal blow the destroy the allready crippled Miranda. But, still out of effective range, just behind the fighters emerged something much larger, the Valiant. Four phaser pulse cannons, one MARK X phaser, and a volley of photon torpedoes lashed out towards one of the fighters, destroying it. All but one turned to face this new opponent, but that last one kept to its course. Dodging a photon torpedo launched from the other Miranda, the fighter launched its volley of energy at the crippled ship...
17-12-2003, 00:43
The energy fire washed over multiple shields as Brian bought his squadron around behind the rearguard. As one the squadron fired and the enemy fighter exploded.
"OK, move in on the remaining battleship, use the pincussion manuver." Brian said over the squadron channel.

This time instead of coming in line abreast the squadron approached the stricken ship from every angle. One after another the Phaser Lances fired and another battleship disappeared in flame.
17-12-2003, 01:41
The enemy fighter fired one volley, hitting the Miranda and causing even more damage, but couldn't get a second shot off before it just disappeared. The Valiant easily destroyed the enemy fighters with the help of some smaller vessels.

Meanwhile, the battleship started to erupt hot flames from holes that weren't there moments ago. The ships hull started to buckle as the inside of it was blowing itself to pieces. The Valiant then turned to help Brian. "Oh my God." Chris said, stricken at the amount of debris floating from ships on both sides. Brian was right when he said the fighters would take heavy losses. Many of them were destroyed already. The Dominion had begun to reorganize itself and now that our advantage of surprise was lost, their perfectly executed maneuvers were lethal to whomever they targeted. This fleet that gotten backup.

"Fire." The Valiant lanced out with a nonstop barrage of energy onto the battleship. All shields were put to the front, but the battleship had more firepower than expected. The shields the Valiant began to deteriorate, and the overexerted vessel began to have energy fluctuations. The Valiant pulled away, shifting shields to the rear, but encountered more Dominion ships. "Evasive maneuvers!" was hear clearly over the noise of the bridge. This was a mostly useless order, as the helmsman was doing the best he could to anticipate the enemies fire and dodge it before it was shot, but with all his skill, it wasn't enough. Shields began to fall. Enemy fire began to pierce the hull. Warp engines failed. Life support began to lose power.

Instantly, the shields on one of the Dominion ships fell and it blew up. The outline of the Akira was seen from behind the debris and gas. The dominion ships were startles just enough to allow the Valiant to hop far enough away from the battle to begin repairs...
Free Pacific States
17-12-2003, 02:17
The Valiant swept away from the battle (((as said in your post, Chris), but soon met an enemy worse than the ships that had been chasing it. A full Galor suddenly swerved around, heading straight towards the Valiant (((from an opposite direction...I could explain how it got there, but I'm not in the mood))). However, to the suprise of the Valiant crew, the Galor started to cover the defiant class vessel, rather than attacking it. On the bridge of the Galor, Kur'Dak smiled.
"I wonder how much we scared them?" This easily got a laugh from the rest of the crew, who, despite the horribleness of the battle, couldn't help but play a practical joke in the middle of it.
17-12-2003, 02:47
"See if you can bring up enough power to hail them"

"I don't know..."

"Damnit, I don't know what they're doing, do you see any other ships approaching?"

"Sorry sir, we have no sensors, close or long range."

"Do you think you can..."

"Sir, I've got enough power for you to hail them, but I have no video"

"Allright, goodjob, open channel"

Chris then walks up to the screen as strongly as possible despite his limp in his right leg and the obvious cuts and bruises.

"This is Chris Hairfield of the U.S.S. Valiant. What do you want..." Chris trailed off.
17-12-2003, 16:23
Brian watched as the tide started to turn against the Allied fleet.
Dammit, we're too lightly armed to help, and the Phaser Lances are overkill against these smaller ships, if only.." A thought hit Brian and not taking the time to analyze it he started giving orders. "All Allied vessels are to retreat on bearing 45, mark 79, suck these bastards in after you. Squadron is to form up on me immediately, pull in as tight as possible.
Brian watched as the Allied fleet gradually began to fall back along a single line, before long it looked like a complete rout. The Dominion forces followed along, inevitibly bunching up into a tight compact group. Brian waited for the right moment. "All Allied units, Break now!"
Like the shrapnel from a hand grenade going off the Allied ships scatterd in all directions, leaving Brian's squadron flying straight towards the enemy fleet. "FIRE!" Brian nearly yelled over the communications system. Phaser Lances shot out lengthwise through the Dominion fleet. The Phaser Lances simply blew through the smaller ships, in a second, the heart of the Dominion fleet had been torn out of it as dozens of ships were speared by the Phaser Lances. And then the squadron tore through the hole in the Dominion fleet, secondary weapons blazing a trail of death. The remaints of the Dominon fleet collapsed in on itself and turned to pursue the squadron. As energy fire began to fill the rear shields things began to look ugly.
"We could really use a hand here!" Was heard over the comm channel.
17-12-2003, 18:26
The engineering officer came over the comm "Chris, we found a way to divert some of the remaining energy to essential systems, with help from the Klingon ship. We have basic maneuvering, weapons, life support, etc. but the warp drive won't be working for a while."

"Either wait here for the enemy to come to us, or go after them now..." Chris said. "power up engines, prepare for battle... again." as the Valiant sped out with the Klingon ship.
Free Pacific States
17-12-2003, 19:00
The Klingon Fleet, excepting the Birds of Prey, continued to attack it's targets through Brian's orders. Most of his vessels were simply too slow to pull off a manuever. In the meantime, however, they had disabled another vessel, which brought their total up to three disabled, and five destroyed. It seemed like a lot, but most of them were small support vessels (excusing the second Galor, but it didn't even get the chance to raise it's shields during the battle).

As for the Klingon fleet. Well, it wasn't doing much better. Of the five birds of prey that had come to the battle, two were dead, one was guarding the heavily damaged Vorch'Ka, and the other two were still pulling out of the manuever Brian had set up. However, Brian hadn't set the manuever up to guard his own ships. Kur'Dak saw this almost immediatly, and, jumping from his chair, began giving orders.

"Communications, get the Kre'Don to team up with us. Have all other Klingon ships stay in a formation around the Vorch'Ka. Except the Quin'Tok. Have it circle and defend the Valiant. I don't want to lose that ship either. It looks like a couple dominion ships are planning to finish it, as well as the Vorch'Ka, off." said Kur'Dak, and the communications and helms officers immediatly reacted, re-setting courses and hailing the Klingon fleet at quite exceptional speeds (for a group of just out of the academy officers).

"Once were teamed with the Kre'Don, tell Brian to swoop towards us so we can cover him. Have all weapons train on those vessels. And keep security at ready. If we can disable those vessels without destroying them...all the better." Kur'Dak watching as the Kre'Don and the newly captured Galor (which Kur'Dak hadn't yet named) swooped into formation ahead and above Brian. "I severely hope he gets that message into" thought Kur'Dak, even as he sat back down and prepared for the barrage to come.
17-12-2003, 23:10
The Valiant and the Quin'Tok sped towards a cluster of smaller ships. This group seemed to the be the only group the Valiant could fight in its present state. The time window to destroy this group was only a few minutes, as there was a larger group slowly weaving its way through the battle to destroy the vulverable Valiant.

"Build up a store of energy, it might come in use very soon" Chris said, not stating the reason. The two ships engaged their targets, the Quin'Tok inflicting heavy damage to its target; the Valiant just harrassing them. About three seconds after the few ships were destroyed, the large battle fleet came within range. It prepared to fire, but the Valaint disappeared.

"TURN" Chris shouted, trying to get the Valiant away so it wouldn't be hit by a stray shot. The enemy began to fire phasers were they expected the Valaint to be, but soon had to divert their attention to the Quin'Tok.

"Hail the Quin'Tok, now" Chris ordered.

"This is the Valiant. They cant see us, and you can't win alone. You have warp. Leave now, or you will be destroyed..."
17-12-2003, 23:26
As soon as Brian heard Kur'Dak's orders he took action. "All ships initate one-eighty, but maintain base course, fire as you bear, then head for teh fleet."
As if controled by one mind the entire sqaudron, killed it's engines, rotated a hundred-eighty degrees, fired into the mass of Dominion ships, and continued their rotation until they faced the remained of the Allied fleet. Then the helmsmen pushed the engines to the limits, using the confusion the time had bought to make good their exit.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 01:02
The captain of the Quin'Tok heard the transmission, but rather than warping out (which would have been against orders given to it), it cloaked as well. The Klingons had been using cloaks for years, and so it was able to weave a course (while in cloak) over to the valiant without being detected. Sitting back in his chair, the commander waited for new orders or something else to heppen.
The Captured Galor and the Kre'Don began to attack the horde of oncoming vessels as Brian's squadron sped by. Even as he watched, the first few vessels of the fleet (already damaged from Brian's weapons), were destroyed. In the backround, the Valiant and the Quin'Tok were cloaking, and Kur'Dak assumed they were alright. Then, Kur'Dak realized something. The ships were turning towards the port side of the Galor, and had begun firing. Jumping from his chair, he yelled "TACTICAL, PORT SHIELDS TO FU---" he never finished the sentence. All of the dominion ships must have been coordinating, because nearly every ship had targeted the same section of the galor and fired. The Kre'Don swept around, covering the galor's damaged side, but it was already too late.

Kur'Dak was thrown across the room, slamming a control pannel. He tried to regain control before hitting the deck, but suddenly realized there was no power. Using one of the damaged video screens to push himself off from the wall, Kur'Dak looked across the bridge. The helsman was thrown through the main screen, obviously unconscious. His last attempt at evasive had sent the ship spinning downwards, throwing those few parts of the ship that did have gravity into tandem. The navigator was attempting to get himself up, he had been thrown just over the forward control pannel. The rest of the officers, excepting the enjineering officer and the guards in the back of the room seemed fine. Even as Kur'Dak thought this, he realized something. The guards in the back of the room had been thrown all over the place, none of them were still holding their weapons. Turning around slowly, Kur'Dak was barely able to push off in time to dodge Gul Mutak's attack. All over the ship, the living cardassians were probably fighting back now, and Kur'Dak was in the worst situation of all. Seven surviving Klingons were on the bridge, and about 13 Cardassians were there to fight them. Kur'Dak pulled a knife, and went after the Gul. Taking this ship the second time would not be anywhere as easy.

OOC: Sorry about the length of the post. Couldn't help it to set up the next scene. By the way, shields are down and most of the dominion fleet is destroyed, so if either of you want to join in for a zero-grav fight (much harder than the mutiny on the Kre'Don), then beam aboard now! Anywhere on the ship (especially the bridge near Kur'Dak), there is fighting. And almost everywhere, the Klingons are outnumbered. A SUPER fight scene! Hurah!
18-12-2003, 01:20
The Valiant's cloaking field gave way due to lack of power, the reserve had run out. The closest ship was the galor. "Hail it" Chris said. "Chris, nothin's happenin, all we're getting's static" said an ensign just called up before the battle.

"Crap... You two, on me, were gonna go see whats wrong over there. Jason, you have the con"

The three men went around to the teleporter, which luckily still worked. The two guards grabbed phaser rifles incase of a cardassian threat. Everyone grabbed extra energy packs incase of a long fight.


The three appeared on the bridge of the galor. Before anyone had time to aim and shoot, their weapons were hit out of their hands and each man was hit to the floor.

Chris reached for his phaser on his belt, pulled it, and fired. 'Damnit, only on stun' thought Chris, as the Cardassian fell, mostly unhurt. Chris switched the settings, aimed, and fired at the exact second the gun was hit away. The shot missed, hitting a panel in the back of the room.

One guard has some good luck, getting up to start beating up a Cardassian,. while the other was hit repeadedly while he was down. Within a minute, he was lying unconcious on the floor.
18-12-2003, 02:34
"Have the transporter room standing by to dispatch an armed engineering team over to Kur'Dak's ship." Brian said as he headed for the bridge turbolift.
"You can't mean to go over yourself Captain!" Donovan exclaimed.
"Like hell I can't, Sam, you have the bridge."

Brian reached the transporter room and pulled a phaser rifle out of the armory closet.
"OK, beam us over, be ready for trouble."

As soon as the team materilized in the Galor's engine room it was obvious a fight was on. Despite being several decades older than any of the other awayteam members Brian's rifle was the first to his shoulder and to fire. After several minutes of close quarter fighting the away team had managed to secure the engine room and with the help of the surviving Klingons started making repairs. For his part Brian slipped unnoticed out of engineering to start a one man cleansing operation of the Galor.
18-12-2003, 02:54
One of the Cardassian crew was turning a corner, phaser in hand. A crunch of a phaser rifle butt on skull later and he was unconscious on the floor. Brain smiled grimly to himself, that was at least the tenth stary crewmember he'd run into and disabled. Having finally made it to the turbolift he found the door jammed, most likely by battle damage. Seeint that it wouldn't open, and that there were no other obvious routes up, Brian simply slammed his right hand through the door, punching through the metal and opened it by brute force. Looking up at the rungs leading to the bridge he shook his head. "I'm getting too dammed old for this." He thought as he started his climb.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 03:01
Kur'Dak watched, out of the corner of his eye, as Chris and his two crewmembers beamed in. For a second, just about everyone, including Gul Mutak, were stunned. Kur'Dak immediatly took advantage of this, and sent the gul flying into a control panel. Kur'Dak swung around, yelling "P'TAK! YOU SHALL DIE!", but had barely finished when another Cardassian attacked him from behind. Even as Kur'Dak turned, he realized something was wrong. More cardassians must have been freed, because another two Klingons were being fought into the room, and fighting them (on each side) were at least three Cardassians. Throwing his immediate attack for a spin, Kur'Dak barely turned in time to block a strike from Gul Mutak.
"Why does everyone have this reaction to me, damnit!" Kur'Dak yelled, and started kicking in every direction as three Cardassians attacked him.
18-12-2003, 03:03
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 03:03
OOC: That's definitly the most ironic multi-post I have ever seen. Please note the edited line. Didn't see Grimdale had used it.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 03:08
OOC: We're all on! What a miracle! Of course, were all usually on anyway...but nonetheless! What a miracle!
18-12-2003, 03:09
OOC: That's definitly the most ironic multi-post I have ever seen. Please note the edited line. Didn't see Grimdale had used it.

OOC: What can I say, it's a good line.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 03:10
OOC: No objection there. Um, Chris, would you mind joining the RP again tonight? Oh yeah, by the way, for future reference, my name's Matt. Just if you want to get my attention OOC.
18-12-2003, 03:28
"Beam more down h..." Chris said, right before a Cardassian kicked him in the face. Right before he struk again, the second guard grabbed his neck. I got back up and helped the guard. Within a minute or so, the Cardassian was unconsious. From about five feet away the muffled voice was heard, "we can't beam anyone over, not enough energy". The comm broke off and was lying on the floor.
18-12-2003, 04:18
When Brian finally got to the top of the turbolift shaft he found the bridge door jammed shut. Rather than try and open it, he simply cranked his phaser rifle up to level twelve, pointed it at the down and fired. The door simply disintigrated and Brian threw himself through the hole and came out rolling and shooting. A piar of Cardassians went down under his fire before he remembered to switch the setting back. Aiming his phaser at the ceiling he yelled out so he could be heard by everyone. "Surrender immediately or I blow the hull open and we all get to enjoy a space walk with a suit." The smoking remians of the door and the nothingness left of the Cardassians he'd hit only added emphasis to his command.
18-12-2003, 04:20
OOC: And that gentlemen is how you make an entrance.
18-12-2003, 04:25
Chris shot Brian a thankful look, cradled his hurt arm, and went over to help his severly injured guard.

OOC: Nic entrance, im goin to sleep.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 13:58
OOC: Sorry, internet went out
Two of the Cardassians that had been attacking Kur'Dak stepped away and put their hands up. But the Gul kept fighting. Now that he wasn't outnumbered, Kur'Dak was able to grab one of the man broken chairs in the room and slammed it over Mukat's head, knocking him unconscious. Turning around, Kur'Dak saw Brian and Chris, and nodded in their general direction. "Ahh, and the Cardassians lose again." He started to pull himself up, forgeting there was no gravity, and was suddenly flying into the roof. "DAMNIT" he said, hanging on to a small handhold in the roof, "WHEN IS THIS GRAVITY GOING TO BE....", he hadn't finished his sentence when the gravity came back on, plunging him six feet back down to the ground.
18-12-2003, 15:47
Brian hit his communicator. "This is Brian, requesting a medical and security team to my location."
As the teams beamed in Brian left the rifle hang loosely at his side. "You two going to be alright?" He asked Kur'Dak and Chris.
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 16:43
"I think I'll be fine" said Kur'Dak, as he got up, but he immediatly winced and collapsed again. "Maybe not. I think I may have broken my leg in those two falls....damn gravity." Even as he finished, Gul Mukat started to come to, but before he could do anything Kur'Dak had crawled over and binded his hands. "That medical team might not be a bad idea."
18-12-2003, 16:50
One of the medical team came over to tend to Kur'Dak's legs while another went to help Chris's injured crewman. Brian looked around the devestated bridge ruefully.
"Gentlemen, I have to say in all honesty that if this is a victory, I would truely hate to see a defeat. Half the ships in the fleet are disabled or heavily damged, and we lost close to seventy percent of the fighters."
Free Pacific States
18-12-2003, 19:53
OOC: I believe "The Battle Hym of the Republic" would work for backround music to Kur'Dak's speech. Not that it's that great, but I tried, you have to give me that. Really week at the end though...ran out of steam. Actually, it was kind of week through the entire thing. But enough of my critiquing of myself. critiquing a word. Dah, enough, READ ON!

Kur'Dak, with the aid of the medic, slowly pulled himself back to his command chair and sat down. Even as he began speaking, the medic was working on his fractured left leg. "You see out there? The escape pods? The destroyed ships? The lifeless bodies? Those men, who died to defend their nation, no matter which side they were on,are heroes. They gave their lives for a greated cause, to protect an oath which they took. I doubt any of them would want it diffirent. They gave up their lives for the betterment of others. My own people, as well as many of yours, find this as the most honorable way to go." Pulling himself up from his chair and turning around, Kur'dak continued.

"Sure, they have families who will miss them. Yes, they'll have friends who miss them to. But had they not given their lives out there today, their ways of lives, if not their families in of themselves, would be dead. We cannot stand her today and say that it is good that they died. But friankly, I'd rather them dead, or even me dead, then the enemy overtake my nation. Today, we won a battle at great loss, but that does not matter. What matters is that our borders are secure, and the enemy destroyed." He took a deep breath, "If anything, these men should teach us one thing. That no matter what, we must win." As he finished, he sat back down, and thought to himself "In truth, this simply prooves that humans, like Klingons, should be allowed to join the fleet in Sto'Vo'Cor."
18-12-2003, 21:01
Brian straighted up, gaining a couple inches and there was a new fire in his eyes. "You're right of course Kur'Dak, it had been so long since I was responsible for sending men to their deaths, so many years of it being only my life on the line, I'd forgotten the pain of involved in true command. I'll grieve for them, but not until this war is finished."
18-12-2003, 21:30
USS Monitor Defiant-Class
Captain Decker on standby ready to help with Medical assistance. Near the sector. Prepare to decloak 8) :lol:
18-12-2003, 21:31
USS Monitor Defiant-Class
Captain Decker on standby ready to help with Medical assistance. Near the sector. Prepare to decloak 8) :lol:
18-12-2003, 23:46
"Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" Chris mumbled. "This isn't the worst of it, there are probably some Cardassians on the lower levels that won. Brian, you couldn't have taken them all out. The fight for this ship isn't over yet."

Chris grabbed his communicator from the floor, amazingly unscathed, and called to the Valiant, "This is Chris, send over a security team to the bridge, and a few medics along with them. Prepare the team for a long battle just in case"

"Hey Chris, Captain Decker of the USS Monitor just hailed us, asking what they can do to help."

"Tell em to send a few medics and guards if possible to the bridge"

OOC: Starfleet, get the stats of your ship here . That is the best site we've found for all that stuff. I havent gotten my ships stats yet, but its also a defiant class, so mine will be the same as yours. Post em when u can and just sort of join in.
Free Pacific States
19-12-2003, 00:41
19-12-2003, 01:05
Free Pacific States
19-12-2003, 13:55
OOC: Sorry, post got deleted. I'll retype at some point. Not in the mood right now.
OOC: Still not in the mood, but here we go! Please excuse if it's not exactly normal got deleted, know, not as original.
Kur'Dak nodded, and, turning slightly in his chair, grabbed his communicator. He opened it, and said, in a slightly raised voice, "Damage Report."
It was about five minutes before responses had stopped coming in. First, the Kre'Don's crew responded, giving a full statues report. Kur'Dak nodded to this. Then, each department on the Galor reported.
"Medical here. I got a lot of patients, and not a lot of doctors. Could use some guards for the cardassians I got down here, and could use some more medical personell" said W'Fan. He had been the only other experienced crewmember to leave the Kre'Don.
"Enjineering here. We've completly retaken our area, as well as the decks adjacent to us. Warp enjines are online, impulse enjines are online, warp core suffered slight damage."
"Tactical here." Said a man from across the room. His control panel was one of few who had survived the battle. "Shields are down, weapons are down...we're completly defenseless."
"Communications here," came a voice from the communicator, "We don't have intersteller communications, but we have intership and intersystem communications."
"Security here. We're doing the worst from the looks of it. We got freed cardassians roaming all over the ship. They've retaken security, and we never had the brig in the first place. We're re-securing the ship, going from deck to deck. The problem is, we can't use all our men, because we have to keep some of the men protecting the parts of the ship they haven't taken. The main problem is the brig though. They have automatic weapons going to every exit, and they've recalibrated the brig shields to stop people from beaming in. We still haven't been able to take it. We're hoping they'll run out of energy, but they've hacked into the main weapon energy banks, and we can't get them back out. Besides that...we should retake the ship within three hours. But I have no idea what to do there sir. That's about it, I---SHIT, DOWN." There was some phaser fire, and the communication ended.
Kur'Dak frowned, "I'm sure he'll be fine. But the brig....I mean, why do they care about it so much? At any rate, how are we going to take it? Suggestions anyone?"
19-12-2003, 21:58
OOC: Most likely my last post tonight, picking my uncle up at the airport and he's not coming in until 11:00.

IC: Brian pointed to three of the security team that had beamed in. "You, you, and you, with me. Swordfish, beam us next to the brig please."

When they rematerialized next to the brig a spatter of phaser fire splashed the wall. Ducking back around a corner they grabbed the officer who a had knocked unconscious with them.
"MacLeod to Swordfish. Can you put a percision phaser burst into the Galor's weapon energy banks without causing more damage to the habitbile portions of the ship?"
"I don't know sir, it's never been tried before while friendlies were onboard the targeted ship." Hendrickson's voice came back.
"Yes or no Lieutenant?"
"Yes sir, it can be done."
"Then please do so now."
The Galor shook a second later as a low powered phaser burst hit the Galor's weapon energy banks, tearing them apart and releasing the energy contained within. As the forcefields faded and the weapon's fire stopped Brian waved his arm in a follow me gesture and charged around the corner, phaser rifle at the ready.
Free Pacific States
21-12-2003, 16:01
It took the Cardassians a few seconds to realize what was going on, and in that time Brian, his men, and the few Klingons who hadn't been knocked out by the automatic weapons rushed them. Within seconds, they had gotten into the main brig part, and within ten minutes, had cleared it. None of this suprised anyone, but what did suprise them was the man sitting in one of the cells. He was half beaten, nearly dead, and had obviously been under torture when the brig was taken.

OOC: Thought I'd add a bit of intrigue...
21-12-2003, 16:02
OOC: guess this means you guys took over the thread? I want to come back in, but I don't think I can, considering the complexity of this storyline.
21-12-2003, 18:21
OOC: guess this means you guys took over the thread? I want to come back in, but I don't think I can, considering the complexity of this storyline.

OOC: Just meet up with us next time we stop at a Starbase, that's how most people join up.
21-12-2003, 23:06
OOC: Sorry, internet wasnt letting me on this site. Also, Crystata, plz join up, we'll stop at a starbase soon.

IC: "Allright, lets go..." Chris said, obviously fed up with this. Chris and the security team decided to move down one deck at a time to help out the Klingon security team a bit. They grabbed onto the rungs in and started to climb down.

The team had taken out about a dozen Cardassians, only one was killed. They had just been dropped off in a secure location with a few guards. The team moved on but all of a sudden, came under heavy fire from both ends of the hallway. "TAKE COVER!" Everyone scrambled to the walls and began to return fire.

"This is Chris, try to beam anyone you have to this location. If no men are available, just send down some energy packs for the rifles, we're really low on em. We think theres at least 15 of them, but they have some sort of store of energy."

Chris fired back again, and the man behind him fell, shot in the head... dead. There were only four men left, including Chris.

"Oh shit, one pack left, noone is beaming in, and noone is sending anything. Where the hell is security?!?"

All of a sudden, a metal ball flew in the direction of the team. "DUCK," screamed the team commander (he wasnt the real team commander, the real one died). All the men jumped to the ground, but not in time.

Everything went dark...
22-12-2003, 00:34
The deck shuddered under Brian's feet and he hit his commbadge. "Medical team to the bridge, all security teams report, where did that explosion come from?"
Even as the medical team arrived to tend to the prisoner the security teams finished reporting negative. "Brian to Swordfish, where did that explosion take place?"
"Expolosion was at Captain Chris location, he sent out a call for assistance but an energy field has covered that section of the ship and we can't get help there."
"Security team with me! Let's go!" Brian said as he rushed towards Chris's location, several members of the security team following him.
Free Pacific States
22-12-2003, 04:42
OOC: Guys, before we go too far you want partial chaos, or COMPLETE chaos. I got ideas for either. Just tell me what you wan't. I'm for complete chaos myself...but hell, that's me.
Kur'Dak listened as both Chris and Brian's reports came in, but could do nothing. Doctor W'Fan (who had replaced the medic), wouldn't let Kur'Dak get up. So Kur'Dak had begun coordinating the securing of the ship. As soon as the second report came in, Kur'Dak signaled for all open security personell to report to that location. Things weren't going to be as easy after all.
22-12-2003, 05:25
OOC: I'd be quite happy with total complete F***ing chaos. Can I get a side order of disaster and mayhem with that?
Free Pacific States
22-12-2003, 05:33
OOC: LOL! Alright, will do.
As Kur'Dak listened to the non-occupied teams report their responding, his attention was suddenly called up by a yell from the sensor officer. Looking over, Kur'Dak said, in a clear and calm voice, "Yes?"
The officer looked at him, "Sir, a ship just warped in!"
"So?" relied Kur'Dak, "What type of ship? Federation reinforcements?"
"No...a borg cube. Putting onscreen now sir."
"Wait...a...a...WHAT?" asked Kur'Dak, leaping from his chair as the cube came up on the screen. His leg immediatly buckled, and Kur'Dak fell back on the chair, happy W'Fan had already given him an anesthetic.
"We're being hailed sir. Audio only." said the communications officer.
"Alright...put it on screen." said Kur'Dak. Things had just gone from horrific.
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and prepare to be assimilated into the collective. Your cultural distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. You WILL be assimilated."
Kur'Dak didn't finish in time. The galor's shields had still not been repaired, and the borg had taken full advantage of this. As Kur'Dak continued giving orders, four borg drones appeared on the bridge. The seven Klingons and four Starfleet officers were in deep (Content Edit: Do-do) now.

OOC: I think that's chaos enough, eh?
22-12-2003, 05:47
OOC: Oh my god is it!

IC: As soon as Brian heard the report he called the Swordfish to beam him back directly to the bridge. As he arrived everything was controled chaos. "All squadron units form up, this is what these babies were made for, let's kick their cybernetic asses clear back to the Delta Quadrent! Get a message in the clear off, Starfleet, Klingons, Romulans, hell the Dominion even, if they've got ships, get them here ASAP!"
The squadron formed up and raced towards the Borg cube, this is the mission they had been origionally designed for, but it had been assumed that they would have an entire fleet running interference.
"ASSIMILATE THIS!" Brian said as the squadron fired. Even as they fired the Seawolf caught a shot to her right nacelle that nearly tore it off, for a second she drifted out of formation before the Tang and Wahoo grabbed her with tractor beams and dragged her back into place within the squadron. The six shots of the squadron had not completely pierced the Borg cube, but instead had dug six deep gashes across the face of the giant ship. The smaller weapons had pocketed the hull, but done no other damage.
22-12-2003, 07:06
Chris woke up. Everythign was blurry.

"Where am I..."

"Get up, now" said a Cardassian. The other three were allready standing. "Follow us."

Chris reached for where he remembered to have a small, hidden phaser, buit decided to save it. There were over a dozen Cardassians around him. All of a sudden, a gun and a head came aroundcorner at the end of the hallway. The Cardassians immediately opened fire.

'This must be one of those security teams. Took them long enough' Chris thought. He was then shoved onto the ground to avoid being shot and dragged into a room with the others. The Cardassians continued to defend themselves, and some of them very expertly.

OOC: Just curious, how many ships do we have left? Remember how many ships it took to destroy previous cubes. Even though we have the swordfish's, we need more than jsut them and the galor and a few others. Also, where was the cube headed. Normally, they make a beeline for Earth.
22-12-2003, 16:44
OOC: Brian's already put out a request for help from anyone, including the Dominon if they'll come. All we have to do is hold until help comes.
Free Pacific States
22-12-2003, 17:04
OOC: It was probably headed for Earth, and stopped to assimilate the group on the way. Of course, we really don't know. The borg usually don't state their intentions. Or rather, they do. "We are borg. You will be assimilated." Then again...they aren't that clear.
Kur'Dak puled out a phaser, and shot the first borg, sending him sprawling. He then turned and fired at the second, but the shot simply bounced off. The borg began to walk over, but W'Fan was too fast. Pulling out a hypospray, he threw it at the borg drone, hitting it right between its...eye replacements. The drone fell to the ground, and it, as well as the shot drone, disapeared in a haze of green light. The security and tactical officer had attacked the third drone with knives, but hadn't stood a chance. Both were now unconscious on the floor. The helm officer, having just woken up, through a knife straight at the next drone, and the knife went right through it's chest.

As the fourth drone neared Kur'Dak, someone thought of using a second weapon on a diffirent setting to kill the thing...and it worked. Pulling himself up, Kur'Dak realized they had to get the hell out of there, and quickly. He turned to W'Fan. "Wake up anyone who isn't conscious. I don't care about injuries, we're getting off this bridge...NOW."

Kur'Dak punctuated this by standing up, despite his broken leg, and limping to the turblift shaft. Within a minute, every person on the bridge was climbing down.

The Klingon security officer, along with his small team, continued firing at the Cardassians. They were outgunned, and outnumbered, but they would kill these P'Tak...or die honorably while trying. As he and his team continued firing, however, they saw something at the end of the corridor that made them realize they were even dead. Ten borg drones stood there. Immediatly, Cardassians and Klingons alike began firing at them, putting apart their diffirences for a few minutes. Things had just gone from worse than horrific.
22-12-2003, 17:36
"Squadron damage report." Brian said, after the squadron had made it's third pass at the Borg cube.
"Sea Wolf has regained manuvering power, however the Nautilus, and the Shark have both taken heavy damage, however their Phaser Lances are still operitible. We've taken heavy damage to the foreward part of the Saucer but are still functional."
"Order the squadron to regroup and prepare for another pass, order all remaining fighters and runabouts to land on the Hotspur, as soon as that's done all ships are to leave the system for Starbase 211 at best speed. The squadron will form the rearguard. We have to keep them busy long enough for help to arrive."
22-12-2003, 21:28
The Cardassians then saw an opening. They grabbed Chris and the others, grabbed their few remaining energy packs, and ran into the hallway. They quickly turned a corner. They really knew this ship well. Not much resistance was found on the journey to who knows where. The Cardassians turned a corner and Chris "accidentaly" tripped the security team leader. Both knew what to do. Chris pulled his hidden phaser and the guard pulled a knife resembling a Mek'Leth. The three Cardassians pulling up the end were taken care of rather gruesomly. The two grabbed the Cardassian weapons and ran away, firing back to the others.

The two phased polaron rifles picked up were much more crude looking that the federation rifles. There were no power settings. The two were firing out of a door when the butt of a rifle hit the guards head, knocking him unconcious. Chris swung at the Cardassian, missed, pulled his phaser, but missed with that too. The gun was hit out of his hand. Chris grabbed for the Mek'Leth. He pulled it up but found he wasn't as proficitent with it as he had hoped. But still, its no hard to kill a Cardassian when they don't have a weapon. Before he could grab a weapon, four cardassian poured into the room, rifles drawn.

"Drop it!" A Cardassian screamed.

The Mek'Leth fell to the ground.

"Why does this keep happeing to me.." Chris tailed off right before the Cardassian fired a phaser at him.
24-12-2003, 04:52
The squadron broke off from yet another run on the Borg cube, by now all of the ships had taken various degrees of damage with atmosphere and debris trailing behind them. On the bridge of the Swordfish Brian grimmaced as he assesed the situation. The Borg cube was covered with deep gashes where the Phaser Lances had struck, but when they'd been designed it had been assumed that they would be operating as part of a fleet that could take advantage of the damage being inflicted. But all Brian had was the squadron, the rest of the fleet retreat by his own orders, and the way things were going he stood to lose the squadron as well unless he could at the very least halt the Borg cube. "Computer, display known locations of auxilalry fusion units on the target." He said as he examined the information. "OK people, we're going to make one omre pass and then we're out of here, so we're going to have to make it good. Seawolf is to hit the fusion plant at coordinates 86,32; Wahoo will take the one at 53,67; Tang 42,93; Nautilus 52,74; Shark 19, 62; and we'll hit the one at 15;87. I doubt it will be enough to stop them outright, but it should slow them down long enough for help to arrive."
Once again the battered ships drove towards their target, twisting and turning to prevent a hit from the cube's weapons they opened fire. In six places energy punched through thick hull armor and hit fusion plants. At nearly the same instant they all went up and hot gas flushed back out the holes the Phaser Lances had made going in, as the cube was rocked by internal explosions. It was badly wounded but still capible of repairing itself as the squadron rocketed away. The Swordfish and the Tang, the only squadron members with working tractor beams grabbed Kur'Dak's Galor and as one the Squadron went to warp heading for Starbase 211. Behind them the cube began to make repairs and would soon be on the move again.
Free Pacific States
24-12-2003, 20:02
OOC: Sorry, been meaning to post, but forgot. Not sure really what to say at this point; you and Hairfield got the scenes going, Kur'Dak and the other Klingons are simply roaming the ship, trying to make it to enjineering. What they don't know is that the borg HAVE enjineering under control. In a bit, I'll write what happens when they reach it.
Kur'Dak continued to walk down corridor after corridor. Things were not doing well. They had had to run from the borg drones at the last junction, leaving captain hairfield trapped. Now, they were trying to go around, then they would make for enjineering. Things weren't looking all so well.
24-12-2003, 21:00
Hendrickson spoke from behind Brian. "Captain, I'm detecting signs of Borg drones on the Galor. For the most part they seem to be concentrated in engineering, but others are scattered throughout the ship."
Brian considered the problem before giving orders. "Beam off everything that can definately be identified as Borg into space, then beam our security teams over there. Make sure their phasers are set to randomize their frequencies automaticaly, beam the security teams to the locations of any survivors."
"Yes Captain, I'll see to it immediately."
Free Pacific States
25-12-2003, 17:50
Kur'Dak walked into Enjineering, and began to ask for a damage report. He had barely gotten a word out, however, when he noticed something was diffirent. Something was extremely diffirent. "HOLY SHIT, COVER, TAKE COVER, KEEP RANDOMIZING WEAPONS!", yelled Kur'Dak, grabbing a security officer and throwing him back through the door.

Pulling his own phaser, Kur'Dak began to fire randomly. Enjineering had been completly assimilated, and there were at least 60 borg simply sitting around. Things had just gone from terribly deadly horrific. Jumping back, Kur'Dak grabbed a Phaser Rifle from one of his crewman, and continued to fire, backing away down the corridor, along with the other twelve personell from the bridge. He had reached the end of the coridor, where there was a fork, and started to turn, when he realized that they were trapped.

Down one corridor were a group of heavily armed Cardassians, who must have been in Enjineering. Down the other was another group of Borg. And still coming from Enjineering were at least three dozen borg. Seeing a door, Kur'Dak yelled "INSIDE, NOW", and began pushing crewmembers in. Only seven made it in, the rest gunned down by the cardassians, or the borg, who had stopped trying to assimilate and were now just trying to kill. Flipping a desk against the opening made by the rather large door, Kur'Dak began to fire outside, along with three other officers.

Kur'Dak and his team were trapped, running low on phasers, and only had hand phasers left. Pulling a knife, Kur'Dak threw it at a Cardassian as he rounded the corner, killing him. "This is why I became a ship captain, not a gambler." said Kur'Dak, raising a laugh from one crewman, and a scream from another. Turning around, Kur'Dak saw a dozen borg walking towards them. The door hadn't been to an office, it had been back into Enjineering, and Kur'Dak had just surrounded himself.
26-12-2003, 00:54
Ensign Babcock hadn't even finished beaming into engineering with her security team when a phalanx of Borg disappeared in the beam of a transporter to have their molecules scattered across the cosmos. "Everyone, down!" She yelled as her team opened up on the remaining Borg and the Cardassians. Phasers whined as a photon grenade sailed through the air to land in the midst of another group of Borg and detonated with enough force to blow a hole in the floor, leaving bits and pieces of Borg scattered across engineering.
26-12-2003, 18:34
Chris woke up to face multiple borg drones firing on the Cardassians. Apparentally the borg were just killing anyone who posed a threat, and Chris and his team, tied up, were not a threat. Before long the Cardassians were dead and the borg moved on. One guard lied next to a dead Cardassian, the one who held the Mat'Leth. He shifted himslef close enough to cut the rope and slowly got up to free everyone else.

"Allright, this is outta control. We have to get a way to communicate to anyone. Thats definately not here. Only carry weapons that are easliy concealed, no rifles. The borg might see us as a threat if we carry those. Lets go."

The team moved out, obviously dazed, but still anxious to get away.
28-12-2003, 05:14
OOC: Where'd everyone go?
29-12-2003, 03:34
OOC: FPS, Hairfield, you guys still with us?
30-12-2003, 04:09
OOC: I was sort of busy, but I'm not going on vacation, so I'm still in. Matt posted yesterday so I assume hes still in. I posted last, so its your turn.
30-12-2003, 04:39
OOC: Actually I need Kur'Dak's response to the arrival of Babcock's team.
Adaptus Astrates
30-12-2003, 14:04
If it is alright with you, I would like to sell weapons to both sides, if you alloy it.
30-12-2003, 19:29
OOC: Adaptus Astrates: I am the creator/organizer of this thread. I say as long as you stay in-character, and you sell the "correct" weapons, then ok.

OOC Also: To FPS and Grimdale: if you have any objections, just post 'em and we can try to compromise.
30-12-2003, 21:11
OOC: Adaptus Astrates, you're wlecome to sell weapons to the governments if you like, however as a Captain in Starfleet, Brian is hardly in a position to start purchasing weapons.
30-12-2003, 21:27
OOC: Grimdale: Since I'm not currently participating, I can handle the purchasing of the weapons/beauraucratic "red tape" stuff (regarding the weapons) for the Federation if you want.
30-12-2003, 21:32
OOC: Sure thanks.
30-12-2003, 21:41
OOC: Ok, Adaptus Astrates...ready to start buying when you come back.
31-12-2003, 01:18
OOC: I think matt may be on vacation, so if he doesnt post anytime soon then just try to work around it.
Free Pacific States
31-12-2003, 04:46
OOC: Sorry. For some reason, my comp wouldn't acces this thread. Then again, this isn't my comp. Not that I know what happened to my comp. One of these days, I'm going to tell my brother I realized there's a new computer in my study. You know, stop listening to his bullshit stories about how "that is your computer...hehehe...No, I didn't just laugh." Anyway, enough of my incoherent babling.
Kur'Dak heard the whine of transporters across enjineering, but payed no attention to it. Probably just more borg. Not that the borg needed to beam in more As he and his team backed further across the room, Kur'Dak realized something. That transporter whine hadn't been a normal Borg had sounded kind of...
The explosion cought him and the five remaining members of Kur'Dak's team off guard. Falling backwards over a table, Kur'Dak felt a drone smash him. Sticking a knife through it's eye before it could respond, Kur'Dak hoisted himself up, and thew his second knife in the direction of where the borg had been earlier. The only thing was, there was no longer anyone there. The knife hit off the wall, and fell between the bodies of at least 20 Borg, all taken out by a single grenade. Picking up his phaser again, Kur'Dak turned and yelled to his team, "FORWARDS! KILL THEM ALL!"
As he ran forward, Kur'Dak picked up his knife and put it in his belt. As he rounded the corner into main enjineering, Kur'Dak saw a borg standing five feet from him. He fired his phaser into the thing, to do avail. It had already adapted. As Kur'Dak jumped back, the Borg grabed the weapon, crushing it in the Borg's hand. Pulling his knife, Kur'Dak yelled "ADAPT TO THIS!", and threw the thing straight into the borg's head, sending the thing plumeting over the guard rail to the deck below. Picking up a new phaser and setting it to auto-remodulate, Kur'Dak ran forward again, kiling every Borg and Cardassian he came upon.
31-12-2003, 17:11
Ensign Babcock waved in Kur'Dak's direction. "Over here sir! We've managed to clear most of the Borg off the ship, the last of them are here in Enginnering."
31-12-2003, 23:39
Chris and his team got away from the main borg force and pulled their weapons.

"We have to find someone..."

All that was seen were dead boides from each side, until they came across a small group of men. At first they fired at them, and a short battle began. Each side then found ot they werent enemies and moved on. Three more men had been added to the group.

In the background there was a muffled voice screaming, "Over here sir! We managed to clear..." More was said, but it was incomprehensible.

"Lets move."

The team began to run...
Free Pacific States
03-01-2004, 06:38
Kur'Dak waved back, and then motioned his team to follow him. Or what was left of his team, anyhow. Only a couple were still with him now, and, as he made his way across enjineering slowly, firing at the couple borg surivivors, Kur'Dak realized just how taxing this battle had been. Once he had gotten to the Ensin, Kur'Dak asked her how her team was doing.

OOC: Sorry again, internet went out. Computer difficulties.
03-01-2004, 16:19
"Kur'Dak! Ensign! Anyone?" the team yelled.

"Where did they all go?"
03-01-2004, 17:26
Ensign Babcock hit her communicator in response to Captian Chris's calls. "We've assembled in Engineering, we've got to clear this ship out fast and get it's engines up and running, the tractoring ships can't keep dragging us along much longer before their tractor projectors burn out."

She then turned to Kur'Dak. "We're doing fine sir as far as we can tell there's only twenty Borg left on the ship and the Captain has already had the all remaining Cardassians beamed into the ship's brig. My orders are that if we cannot secure and repair this ship within the next three hours are that she's to be scuttled."
Free Pacific States
04-01-2004, 03:13
Kur'Dak nodded to the ensign, and then hit his own communicator. "Kur'Dak'Dak to all personell on the Galor. All non-security personell, assemble in enjineering immediatly. Security, team up with the Federation teams and sweep the ship. I want one team in enjineering and one team at bridge at all times, Kur'Dak out." Turning off his communicator, Kur'Dak turned back to the ensign.
"My men will do their best. I hope you do not mind working in coordination with whats left of ships security?"
04-01-2004, 04:09
Ensign Babcock shook her head. "Not at all, sir look out!" Babcock yelled as she shoved Kur'Dak aside and brought her phaser rifle up into the chin of a Borg drone that had appeared from the shadows and had almost managed to inject Kur'Dak, she pulled the phaser's trigger and the Borg's head exploded in pieces of metal and flesh. As it lay twitching on the floor she turned to her team. "What are you all looking at? You've got your orders, move out and secure this ship, and I mean yesterday people!"
The rest of the secuity detachment scattered like quail before her gaze. "I hope you don't mind teaming up with me sir, I'm afraid that due to casualties we're a little short handed, until now I was planning on going alone."
Free Pacific States
04-01-2004, 17:47
Kur'Dak nodded. "Not at all. If you don't mind, I'd like to get to the bridge first of all. It's probably half assimilated by now, and whatever tech get's stuck with the job of repairing it is going to need some protection." Kur'Dak didn't, of course, say it in the way of an order. He wasn't a security expert, and he'd rather hear her opinion first.
04-01-2004, 17:56
Babcock grinned at that. "We've already got the brdige contained and a team in place. When we beamed in we hit engineering and the bridge the hardest. and for safety measure we blew every turbolift and access shaft to the bridge, the only way to get in is to beam in." A brief burst of phaser fire followed by the sound of a heavy thud echoed from somewhere off in the distance. "All we have to do is clear the last of these drones out and the ship will be ours. By the way, we found a human prisoner when we beamed the Cardassians into the brig, he's in sickbay right now."
Free Pacific States
05-01-2004, 14:49
Kur'Dak looked at her, perplexed. "A human prisoner...rather unusual...speaking of, I don't think anyone has secured this ships sickbay...tiny as it is...shall we?"
05-01-2004, 15:58
"My pleasure sir." Babcock said. Phaser at the ready, she set out for the sickbay.
06-01-2004, 15:53
Chris and his team appeared at engineering, but couldn't find Kur'Dak or Babcock.

"Fabulous, looks like we are going to wait... ANYOE HERE KNOW WHERE THEY WENT?!?" Chris shouted.

They got a few different answers, two said to bridge, one said to sickbay, and a few others gave stupid suggestions.

"Ok, were going to wait"
Free Pacific States
06-01-2004, 16:52
As they entered sickbay, Kur'Dak looked around. They had already cleared the borg outside the door, and the only people inside were a couple of unconscious Cardassian doctors who the borg were planning on assmilating. Walking over, Kur'Dak woke one up.
"Where did the security personell go?" Kur'Dak asked.
"No idea...they beamed right in...I was unconscious before anything happened. When I woke up again, everyone was out, a couple of borg were moving away, and all your people were gone."
"Damn." Kur'Dak said. He hit his communicator, and requested a single security person report here immediatly. The doctors posed no threat...even in Cardassian culture they only healed.
06-01-2004, 16:59
"Security Team Three, report your status!" Babcock said into he communicator.
"This is Security Team Three, we are currently pursuing a lone Borg Drone, they're faster than they look, but we should be able to get a shot at him in a moment."
"Acknowledged, pursue and destroy." Babcock said as she deactivated the communicator. "And that as they say is that. THe ship should be clean in just few minutes."
Free Pacific States
07-01-2004, 16:21
As the Klingon guard arrived, Kur'Dak nodded. "Alright, we should probably head back up to enjineering. I'd like to see how the repairs are going."

A Klingon walked up to Captain Hairfield, and asked, "Are you incharge of Enjineering now?"
Free Pacific States
10-01-2004, 21:21
OOC: You guys on vacation or something? Here's my revival attempt.
10-01-2004, 22:40
OOC: Sorry, was waiting for Hairfield.

IC: Ensign Babcock nodded. "Good idea sir, let's go."
11-01-2004, 16:33
OOC: Sorry, my internet barely works, tried to post a few times in the past few days...

IC: "Well, everyone pretty much left, so I guess so." Chris said, obviously tired, "What do you need?"
Free Pacific States
11-01-2004, 16:54
"Well, we could use some cover over at the other side, a couple of Cardassians are still holed up over there. And, if you have anyone who knows anything about engineering, we kind of need them down at the warp core to get this thing working again." Said the Klingon, who now seemed to be a rookie engineer who had been put incharge, and really didn't want the job.
Kur'Dak nodded, and let the ensign lead the way back up. On the way they passed by a couple of enjineering teams, and a security team escorting a group of Cardassians towards the now retaken brig. "I wonder what those Cardassians had a human in their hold for?" Kur'Dak thought to himself.

Captain Markus Johnson looked aroung of the starship...well, more or less the bridge of the freightor.... or maybe just a shuttle, and saw what he saw every day. Nothing. There was no crew on the small ship, just him. But something was amiss, and he knew it. Walking over to sensors, he looked again. Sure enough, the thing flashed on the computer.

-Suggest Red Alert, Borg Cube confirmed-

"Damn.", he thought to himself, "Never wanted to see one of them again...and I was going to retire next week, too."

He typed in a request for a trajectory check of the cube, which had gone to impulse to repair.

-Ultimate Destination: Earth (93% Probability from current course), Secondary Destination: Starbase 211. (79% Probability)-

Walking over to the small communications console, Mark knew what he would have to do.

"This is Captain Markus Johnson to any ships in area. We have detected Borg Cube en route to Starbase 211. It's coming directly from sector...619. Request all ships in area report there immediatly. I'm going to try to hold it back for as long as possible..this will be my final transmission. Tell my wife I love her. Oh yeah, and Jim, transfer the old copy of my will, not the newer copy. I really liked the older one better."

After finishing his transmission to his wife, lawyer, and the rest of the fleet, Mark transfered all energy, including life support, to enjines, and watched as the freightor raced towards the Cube. As it got closer, Mark activated self destruct, and went to warp.

The small ship crashed through the Cube's shields, but barely made a dent on the ship itself (due to the strong shields of the cube, and small size of the freightor)....untill it self destructed, blowing off a large portion of the cube. In his last seconds, before Mark's life flashed before him, he knew that he had just slowed the damn thing.
11-01-2004, 17:05
"My men are just security, we won't be able to help much in engineering." Chris said, and the guards slowly nodded, "Where do you want us to go exactly?"
11-01-2004, 18:30
Brian knew that the situation was serious. The only fleet availible that might possibly be able to take on the Borg cube was the Sector 001 fleet. But if they were pulled away, then Earth would be left wide open. And suddenly an idea came into his head that threatend to kill two birds with one stone.
"Kur'dak, I've got an idea on how to deal with this cube. I suggest that we abandon the Galor in the cubes path, but before we do so we insert information into it's memory banks suggesting that the Cardassians and the Dominon are building an anti-borg device on Cardassia. With any luck, the cube will capture the Galor, read the memory banks, and then head straight for Cardassia, forcing the Dominion and Cardassian fleets to expend themselves against the Borg cube."
Free Pacific States
12-01-2004, 03:15
Kur'Dak listened to Brian over his communicator, and then nodded. "Not a bad idea. In fact...a perfect idea. First, however, we must make a copy of everything currently in the banks. We can decode it all later, for now, we just need to have any information we can get. If you make the fake file, I'll download the real ones of the computer."
As he and Ensign Babcock walked into enjineering, Kur'Dak headed over to what seemed to be the largest group of people in enjineering. Recognizing only Captain Hairfield, Kur'Dak knew he was going to have to give an order fast, or else face having to go through a conversation pretending he knew 30 people's names.
"Enjineer, order all your men to break off. We are no longer attempting to repair this ship. I want every file on the mainfraim downloaded. Once that is done, let me know."


Gul Durnat sat back in the command chair of his Keldon, and realized something. "I am..INVINCIBLE." He thought to himself. Neither he, nor any of his crew, would realize why their ship had dropped out of warp untill the borg cube had already destroyed them.

OOC: Sorry, but I just love the disaster stories. Take the two I've given them, pretend their real, and then realize that hundreds of such stories would be going around the sector. Of course, this one is more funny then tear-jerking.
12-01-2004, 03:32
Hendrickson made her report. "Captain, the last of our people are off the Galor, Kur'Dak should be on his way to the bridge. Ensign Babcock reports that a manual sweep of the ship turned up no survivors that our sensors might have missed. The file has been downloaded, and copies have been made of all the Galor's computer files. We also added a distress message that will continually repeat once we abandon it. It claims that they've been boarded and need help." And here she hesitated for a moment. "As you ordered, our own dead have been left on the ship along with the Cardassian bodies to make it appear realistic."

"Very good, prepare to disengae the Galor from the tractor beams on my command. Disengage."

On the rear view, the beams holding the Galor apruptly cut off and it quickly disappeared, dropping out of warp.

Hendrickson watched the sensor displays. "The distress message is being broadcast. The Borg cube has dropped to sublight." Then a moment later. "Sir, the Borg cube has gone to warp, its heading; straight for Cardassia!"

Cheers erupted around the bridge. But Brian merely frowned. He had possibly just condemed an entire race to assimilation if that cube couldn't be stopped. And knowing the Dominon, there was a chance they might simply abandon Cardassia rather than fight, and the Cardassian fleet couldn't destroy that cube by itself.
15-01-2004, 18:17
OOC: Okay everyone, where'd you all go?
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 19:18
OOC: No idea, I was waiting for Hairfield to respond.
15-01-2004, 20:26
OOC: FPS, suggest we continue by ourselves for now, Hairfield can jump in when he gets back. Kur'Dak was headed for the Swordfish's bridge I think.
16-01-2004, 04:34
OOC: I haven't been able to get on the internet at all lately, but I just got lucky. So the cubes headed for Cardassia, where can I come back into this?
16-01-2004, 04:37
OOC: Wherever you want. I'd suggest that you were beamed onboard the Swordfish with everyone else. Feel free to take it from there.
16-01-2004, 04:53
OOC: Fair enough

IC: Chris gets his team up and heads for the nearest teleporter room. After a few wrong turns, the men appear on the Swordfish.

They all just decided to walk where they though the bridge would be. At least this ship looked nicer than that galor...
16-01-2004, 04:59
Brian decided that the cheering had gone on long enough. Brian's voice cut like a knife through the cheers. "OK everyone, back to business, helm, set a course for Starbase 211, we've repairs to make and a fleet to collect, engineering, I want a full damage report and time estimates on repairs. And someone, get Kur'Dak up here."
A sudden silence fell over the bridge as people fell to their tasks.
Free Pacific States
17-01-2004, 16:23
OOC: Awww, how cute. I've posted here NINE times, and it says I've posted, but when I come post! Grrrrr. I'm going to try again...must have been something with my computer.
Kur'Dak walked onto the bridge while talking into his communicator. Looking around, he spotted Brian, and headed over to him. Closing his communicator, he smiled.
"Only 200 casulties through the entire Klingon fleet...sad, but acceptable. 200 out of 4,500...on the fact that half the fleet was destroyed, I would have to say very acceptable. What about on your side?"


At Cardassia, a task force began to form, consisting of Dominion and Cardassian warships. Not as many Dominion, of course, but many nonetheless. The fleet was already 50 strong, but that might not even be enough to hold back the cube. All across the Cardassian border, ships were being pulled off active duty to come to Cardassia to defend.

The Federation would have taken advantage of that, but the Dominion launched a large strike simultaneously, and the Federation and Klingon forces were still too busy getting back the territory they had. If the cube won, though...then the war would pretty much be won.

Of course, Cardassia would be assimilated, but that could be taken care of once the Borg Cube and the resisting Cardassian forces had surrendured.
17-01-2004, 16:43
"Glad to see your all right, would you please join me in the briefing room?" Brian said before turning to Samantha. "Sam, you've got the bridge."

Once inside the briefing room Brian turned to Kur'Dak. "We took heavy losses, ninety-five percent of our fighters and runabouts were completely destroyed, and we only managed to rescue a few of the pilots. As for the rest of the fleet, we had close to a thousand casualties just from the ships. But I'm afraid those figures will be going up before long."
Brian absently tapped on the briefing room table. "Have you considered what will happen to the Alpha and Beta quadrents if the Borg manage to assimilate a major planet with a population in the billions? Within a few months at most we'd be up to our necks in cubes and drones. My view on this, and the recommendation I've dispatched to Starfleet Command is that a fleet be put togeather and prepared to drive towards Cardassia to engage the Borg cube if the Cardassians are unable to stop it themselves."
Free Pacific States
17-01-2004, 16:55
Kur'Dak nodded. "Luckilly, just about all of our forces were on the Galor, the Kre'Don, or the Vorch'Ka class ship. We also lost another 300 or so on board the Galor, but they died hand to hand.....the most honorable way possible. My official report will state that only 200 died as a result of the battle, and that another 300 died honorably while taking an enemy ship. It may not seem diffiren, but for the families of those'll be a small consolation."

"I do like your plan, but I have one question. Intelligence is already pointing to a large fleet massing at Cardassia. If they can't take care of will we?"
17-01-2004, 17:34
OOC: Sorry for such a short post, but I've been trying to post for about an hour. The post got shorter each time.

Chris walked onto the bridge with his men but didn't see Kur'Dak or Brian. He turned to enter the briefing room.
Norse Lands
17-01-2004, 17:38
Could I join at this late stage?
17-01-2004, 17:42
OOC: I don't see any problem with it, just get a ship, post its stats, and meet up with us. Try not to make it too powerful though.
17-01-2004, 18:11
OOC: This is a waste of a post, but I don't know what top say except...
500th post!