Secret IC:
A convoy of tanks, men, and trucks moves towards southern Vampirreich.
OOC: Isn't anyone curious or something? Im sure someone has spy sattelites.
The convoy is 20mi from its secret destination.
United Elias
05-10-2003, 00:18
Federal Intelligence Bureau, Office of the Duty Officer.
"Sir, we have some information from some HUMINT that the Atticans are moving some hardware and men down towards Vampirreich. What do you want me to do with it."
"Er...nothing for now just stick it in the Category 3 file. Anythying more comes in tell me."
"Yes Sir."
Once the convoy reaches its secret location, it starts setting up a laboratory. One of the trucks, escorted by a Cheetah tank, heads out into the desert.
Official Response of Dominaria:
Cheeseguy!, Minister of all things Cheesy
A road is being paved to the new apparent laboratory. Nearby, what appears to be a military base is being constructed.
The commander of the Bristillian Intelligence organization (BIO) was patroling his men at there work stations when one of them alerted him to the presence of a convoy
"Do you know the Nationality?" Asked the commander
"No Sir," replied the equipment operator
"Do they pose a threat to us" Asked the commander
" I can-"
"Well do they or dont they?"
"There over the otherside of the world just about"
"Is that a yes or a no then?"
"No Sir" Concluded the operator
The commander continued on with his rounds
Trucks that appear to have camoflauged cargo are being moved to the site. What appears to be storage tanks are being constructed, as are SAM sites.
Levels of radiation are coming from the storage sheds of the base. A truck is carrying an object under camoflauge, and it has no radiation at ALL (lead canvas).
Mef Strategic Intelegence HQ-
The colonel in command, Colonel Fargo was given his usual overbearing presence in the room. Suddenly, he was alerted by one of his men "Sir, one of our satellites has noticed a large dust disturbance in the desert on the Attican Empire; the Vampirreich region, I believe. Possibly a build up of some sort," the analyst reported.
"Keep a close eye on the situation, Robertson" Colonel ordered.
"Yes, sir" Robertson replied.
It seems like the Atticans might be planning a very special surprise for their neighbor the colonel thought, then continued on with his work.
White Dwarf
05-10-2003, 03:27
White Dwarf sets its partical cannon to whatch over Southern Vampirreich. Whatches for any movement
OOC: Vampirreich is part of Attica. We are INSIDE Vampirreich, in the southern desert.
Intelegence center somewhere in HNA:
"Yeah what is it?"
"Im getting some strang movements in southern Vampirreich"
"Let me see?"
"It looks like couple tanks and trucks and maybe men i cant really tell the image is bad"
"hold on lets see we cant get a better location for the satilite ahh there we go"
"Yep i am sure those are tanks trucks and men down there and it looks like they are making some kinda of base of some sort"
"Ok good work ok i better radio this in"
Officer walks over to the phone
"Sir? Sir?"
"What is it guger?"
"Sir my satilite officer found some strange movements in southern Vampirreich, it looks like there is some base of some sort being built but we cant tell for sure"
"i hear you guger ill pass it on"
Secret IC:Intelegence HQ:
"sir there are some strange movements in southern Vampirreich it looks like a base going up"
"ok, get me agent uffer"
"yes sir"
1 hour later
"Sir you called?"
"Agent uffer i am putting you on a mission"
"What will it be this time?"
"There is some kind of base going up in southern Vampirreich, i want you to go there and found out what that base exactly is and take pictures of it and if possible get in side, you will be leaveing to one hour. You will be flown to the Heru helicopter carrier and then you will get geared up and put on a Ah-6 Little bird and flown in. I want you to be as silent as you can and only use leathel force is you have to! Ok do you understand?"
"Yes sir"
Around the base, barbed wire fences are being constructed, as are watch towers. Cheetahs and APCs are running patrols around the bases permiter.
Kaiser Otto Petinskis Learjet lands in Vampirstadt.
IC:Governor Hans Skrunn makes a public announcement to his people that nothing is wrong and to disregard any loud noises or dust clouds. Also, the governor enters his helicopter and flies to the Vampirstadt International Airport to greet the Kaiser.
Kaiser: "Ahh! Hans! Guten Morgens! Wie gehts du? Das ist gut! Es geht mir gut! Komm mitt!"
The Kaiser and the Governor enter an armored limo and is escorted by two Cheetah tanks. The limo is en-route to the base.
Secret IC:
The agent jumps off the little bird and runs off into the desert.
He takes out his binoculars, see's towers and a fence and patrols then he sees a limo with a escourt of two tanks creating a big dust cloud coming down the road heading towards the base
A stark contrast to the desert, one of the patrolling Cheetahs stops and uses IR.
"Something over there!"
The Cheetah drives in the direction of HNAs agent.
The agent see's the tank rushing towards him, and the rolls over into a pit and disapears in the sand.
There are pits in sand? Plus, I would still see your heat signature.
"Fire a shell where you saw it"
The Cheetah fires a shell where they last saw the object.
The limo gets closer to the base.
OOC:He is wearing a speacil type of suit so that it makes it hard for any IRs to spot him, also he dug the pit and its not that big.
Secret IC:2 hours later during the night
A little optical scope pops up from the sand, then the agent gets up from the sand knowing that there is no patrols around. He gets up then getts down looks around then runs south-southeast to a near by townand hides.
The limo arrives inside the base.
Kommandant: "Das Kaiser! Achtung, Truppen! Das Kaiser ist heir! Am Acht!"
Kaiser: "Am ruhe."
Kommandant: "Jawohl!"
Governor: "So, when will we see the device?"
Kommandant: "Komm mitt, bitte!"
The Kaiser, Governor (or Chef), and the Kommandant head to the laboratory.
The agent runs up to a smal farm house and hides behind a truck in the shadows, he pulls out a lock picking kit. He start picking the lock then opens the door and hot-wires the truck. Then a large roar comes and the truck comes to life and the agent speeds off down the road.
The agent drive north for 30mins then east. Once he is 4 miles from the base he getts out. He runs east then hinds and good area to hide under the sand while watching the base. He covers him self with sand.
OOC: I just thought I would let you know your agent is useless.
All of the TVs in Attica instantly switched programming. The top of the screen said Attikischheeresmachtvideo, and on the bottom was a countdown.
Kaiser: "Wieviel laenger?"
Kommandant: "Circa ein Minuten."
OOC:Why would my agent be useless? :?
IC:The governor sits back and gets ready to enjoy the show.
OOC: Trust me, he would be more useful at a radio shack watching the show. As it stands, he will probably suffer severe burns and probably die.
IC: All of the soldiers of the camp are inside their bunkers.
The TV started counting down.
Dreissig, Neunundzwanzig, Achtundzwanzig, Siebenundzwanzig, Sechsundzwanzig, Fuenfunfzwanzig, Vierundzwanzig, Dreiundzwanzig, Zweiundzwanzig, Einundzwanzig, Zwanzig...
The agent see's a one man patrol and see's him go into the dark. He getts up runs over behind him slowly. Then wipes out his 9mm silenced pistol and shoots him twice. The he runs over and puts on his uniform and takes his gear and every thing else. Then he hides his gear and the body in the sand and walks on his patrol route.
The agent runs over to a bunker and getts in. To hide him self to what he thinks is a nuclear explosion about to happen.
Neunzehn, Achtzeng, Siebsehn, Sechzehn, Fuenfzehn, Vierzehn, Dreizehn, Zwoelf, Elf...
The bunker, unfortunately, is occupied. The men in the bunker rush over to the man and grab him.
Intelegence HQ:
"Sir Sir! look!"
"What about it? so its a count down"
"Sir thats a attican channel and its on all attican channels!"
"Sir im looking at some files in the attican goverment site and it looks like there some thing big doing down there"
Zehn, Neun, Acht, Sieben, Sechs, Fuenf, Vier, Drei, Zwei, Eins...
"What are you doing yells the gaurd that just entered the bunker.
"What the h*ll are you doing? I just got off patrol see there's my ID in the left pocket!"
IC: Governor: Es ist ein Moment zu weiss. Rer?
"Patrols were ended 20 minutes ago! You are going to the brig!"
The camera switches to high light conditions.
IC: *The governor shakes the Kaiser's hand and pats him on the back for a job well done*
The gaurd that entered the bunker pulls out a offical attican ID, and shows it to the gaurd grabing him.
"See i am one of you what is the matter with you?"
"Sorry i am late! I lost my map in a dust storm and i just found my way back!"
"Warum nicht sprichst du Deutsch?" The guard asks.
Intelegence HQ:
"Sir we lost the image!"
"Try and get another singal"
"Sir the was a nuclear bomb sir!"
IC:All the major cities of Vampirreich erupt in cheers as they watch the bomb go off.
"Warum nicht sprichst du Deutsch?" The guard asks.
OOC:Can you speack english or is that your coutry's launguge? I have no clue what you said
Deutsch ist mein Reichs spreche.
German is my countries language.
He asked "Why aren't you speaking German?"
05-10-2003, 04:23
"Hitler's Nazi Army" doesn't know German? Thier native language? :lol:
"Sir AE now officaly is able to make nuclear weapons"
"Get Agent smith in her NOW!"
1 hour later
"Agent smith reporting"
"Im sending you on a mission ok here read this you leave in 24 hours sharp"
"Yes sir!"
OOC: Hitler was Austrian, therefore he spoke a southern dialect. THe troops would be quite suspicious.
Deutsch ist mein Reichs spreche.
German is my countries language.
He asked "Why aren't you speaking German?"
Oh i only know some germen, but its only nine which is no and shisa and i cant even spell that right, i would need to get a germen/english dictary.
In the Headquaters of bio another operator was watching the proceedings.
The Female operator had been assigned to watch these actions 5 hours ago when another operator who was now off Duty had reported sighting a convoy heading towards a location.
There was now a military base set up there. The Spy sattelite had also captured pictures of an agent asttempting an infiltration of the camp. She was still wondering what the camp was for when she suddenly noticed alot of movement.
"SIR!!" She yelled to her superior
"Yes private?" replied the colonel
"There has been some movement at the installation"
"of what type?"
" Im not sure what its for sir, but it appears as if they are building a larger hanger or launch pad?"
"Do we take this as a threat?"
"I would believe so sir. Even though we are thousands of kilometers away there have been confirmed reports recently that some nations in that area have developed long range missiles. They depending on speed, wind and other factors may be able to reach us.
"My god!" exclaimed the colonel, "keep quiet about this, I do not want the public to know of this installation and what they are doing there. I wil contact Supreme overlord Time Lapse and ask for his advice"
"Sir" Stated another operator
"Yes private" Said the colonel
"Our Long range sencors indicate that there may be radioactive material in or near that installation"
"How sure can you be of this?"
"I would say there may be a 50% chance of the detectors being wrong"
"I will report to the military command immediatly" concluded the colonel
OOC: Hitler was Austrian, therefore he spoke a southern dialect. THe troops would be quite suspicious.
OOC: I cant speak germen but the agent knows germen since out whole coutry also speaks it. I just dont know how to reall type it, but he is speaking germen ok.
"Am i still going to the brig?"
Said the gaurd in germen.
"for how long?"
said the gaurd in germen(every thing i say will be in germen unless i say its not)
The guards don't answer."
OOC: For anyone who is confused, Attica just detonated its first home-made atomic bomb.
Gaurd looks around the cell only to see a wall and nothing more, looks out side the cell and see's gaurds, a large vent and a cell next to him.
"Hey its not my fault i lost my map!"
looks at the time
Secret IC: the gaurd turns around so his back is faceing the other gaurds and pushes and small buttom on his watch then turns around.
"So is there any grub here that i could have?"
3 Armed Guards come into the cell.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Take him to the capitol. We beleive he is a spy. We can learn more there."
As the truck go down the road 4 Little birds and 2 Uh-60 fly next to them.
"ok jim shoot out the tiers"
"yes sir!"
The sniper shoots out the tiers on the truck which is holding the agent, then the pilot turns on the overcom.
"ok atticans lets make this clean and easy just give us the captive and no one getts hurt"
Welcome to the nuclear community, Attica. But remember, with this new power comes new responsibility.
OOC: I know.
IC: The Cheetah's onboard distress system is triggered. 4 AF-100s take off from the new bases landing strip, and several King Leopards with SAM plugins start driving towards the incident. The soldiers who are inside the Cheetah sit and wait (the Cheetah is a light tank, bulletproof.)
OOC: Anyone who has spy satellites or anything, this is the nuclear radiation map of Vampirreich:
OOC: Anyone who has spy satellites or anything, this is the nuclear radiation map of Vampirreich:
ooc: Ok so quick recap: You've gone nuclear, and on the map, the darkest areas are the ones with the most radiation?
ooc: And is this leading up to something even bigger?
Welcome to the nuclear community.
Be assured, we operate a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction.
If you launch nuclear weapons at our nation, you will be obliterated.
That is all.
Ah-6 go alarm and fire rockets at the Cheetah. 12 speacil force's jump off the Uh-60s run up to where the agent is and opens the door. Fires a dart at the driver ptting him to sleep.
"Come on!"
The agent jump out and runs and flops him self onto the Uh-60. Then all speacil force's jump on and the 6 helocopters lift off and speed off for international waters.
OOC: Rockets at a cheetah would engulf the passengers in flame and kill them instantly.
05-10-2003, 19:34
As the helos take off, four tilt-jets can be seen hovering in front of them, a variety of ugly, cold, and overall deadly looking weapons pods deployed from them.
"HNA forces. Land immediately or will be fired upon"
As if to reinforce this, 8 F-109s newly aquired from the McLeodian mainland begin to circle the skies above.
OOC: These forces were in FPC, so its not that impossible for them to get here this quickly.
OOC: Rockets at a cheetah would engulf the passengers in flame and kill them instantly.
OOC:You cant fit any one in a tank! There is only room for a cammander, gunner and driver. Besides who in there right mind would put a captive in a tank?!?!?!?
As the helos take off, four tilt-jets can be seen hovering in front of them, a variety of ugly, cold, and overall deadly looking weapons pods deployed from them.
"HNA forces. Land immediately or will be fired upon"
As if to reinforce this, 8 F-109s newly aquired from the McLeodian mainland begin to circle the skies above.
OOC: These forces were in FPC, so its not that impossible for them to get here this quickly.
OOC:I am ignoreing you because you cant have four jets apear out of no where!
To: Attican Military Command
From: Command Ship M.S.S. Liberation
Body: We've received a radar signature of what we belive to be a small helicopter, possible an Un-60, leaving your waters. Our sources tell us that this is an HNA craft. Permission to intercept.
Not-so-secret ic: The Federation of Mef sent a naval force to check out what was going on in your country. We had a field agent down there also.
OOC: Its a very light tank. It has room for one passenger.
05-10-2003, 20:47
As the helos take off, four tilt-jets can be seen hovering in front of them, a variety of ugly, cold, and overall deadly looking weapons pods deployed from them.
"HNA forces. Land immediately or will be fired upon"
As if to reinforce this, 8 F-109s newly aquired from the McLeodian mainland begin to circle the skies above.
OOC: These forces were in FPC, so its not that impossible for them to get here this quickly.
OOC:I am ignoreing you because you cant have four jets apear out of no where!
Well actually, i have forces inside Attican Empire, and FPC. I think i could have them en route, alerted by the distress beacon on the Cheetah. SO you can't ignore me for it, unless you are a godmodder.
[quote=McLeod03]As the helos take off, four tilt-jets can be seen hovering in front of them, a variety of ugly, cold, and overall deadly looking weapons pods deployed from them.
"HNA forces. Land immediately or will be fired upon"
As if to reinforce this, 8 F-109s newly aquired from the McLeodian mainland begin to circle the skies above.
OOC: These forces were in FPC, so its not that impossible for them to get here this quickly.
OOC:I am ignoreing you because you cant have four jets apear out of no where!
Well actually, i have forces inside Attican Empire, and FPC. I think i could have them en route, alerted by the distress beacon on the Cheetah. SO you can't ignore me for it, unless you are a godmodder.[/quote
Well gues what your jets just dont respound in 2 secounds because that is godmoding, it takes time and by the time you got them there 10 Su-37K would have already lifted off to escourt the helo's, so im not the godmoder here.
OOC:Attican i have never seen a light tank that can hold soldiers, if you could show me some specs of the tank then i will agree with you or you are saying that it's like a Bmp kind of? Well ethier way my sniper shoot out the tracks on it from the chooper.
The Uh-60s and little birds enter international waters only to see a carrier fleet in front of them.
Helo carrier 0900 hours:
"Sir the package has arived i repeat the package has arrived"
"Roger that bring them singal them in"
"Alpha squad you are clear to land"
"Bring her in!"
The helocopter lands and a man in black runs over.
"So how it go?"
"What you think?"
05-10-2003, 22:40
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Yah, HNA is godmodding. I agree.
Anyways, I am a nuclear power. ph33r.
05-10-2003, 23:10
HNA, stfu n00b. Your helicopters move too slowly. The jets would easily have been there before you could leave Vampirreich. Your helicopters are destroyed, your men are dead. Thats what you get for godmodding.
Or, you can try and salvage it by RPing again, before you decided that it took days for jets to fly around 50-100 miles.
BTW, once the Kaiser returns to Vampirreich, another spectacle will occur.
Secret IC:
A truck with another lead canvas, but wider, is being brought to the base.
HNA, stfu n00b. Your helicopters move too slowly. The jets would easily have been there before you could leave Vampirreich. Your helicopters are destroyed, your men are dead. Thats what you get for godmodding.
Or, you can try and salvage it by RPing again, before you decided that it took days for jets to fly around 50-100 miles.
Im not a n00b first of all and my helo's are not destroyed and no one is dead! Besides yes i did RP the helo's come in. He got droped off by helos and i never said they left! For your aircraft to get there in secoubds is impossible you godmoder! It would at least take 4-6 mins and by then my aircraft would have left the radar of your aircraft. So no one is dead and my guys are safe! Besides how do you know ther is a becoon on the tank? Also if there is most likly it is conected to atticans bases not yours.
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Actully im not, go back to the first or secound page there it says a helo drops my agent off but it never said the helo left or how many helos where there.
06-10-2003, 00:31
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Actully im not, go back to the first or secound page there it says a helo drops my agent off but it never said the helo left or how many helos where there.
let's just say you suck the fun out of a good RP. Some people are good at RP'ing, and some people should never ever ever ever ever ever RP. That would be you. :)
oh, and your spelling errors are very annoying (me being an english major)
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Actully im not, go back to the first or secound page there it says a helo drops my agent off but it never said the helo left or how many helos where there.
let's just say you suck the fun out of a good RP. Some people are good at RP'ing, and some people should never ever ever ever ever ever RP. That would be you. :)
oh, and your spelling errors are very annoying (me being an english major)
Wow you are one of the MUST annoying people to me! How the hell do i "suck" out the fun of RPing??!?! Look your logic makes no sense so butt out of here ok this does not involve you! Plus i probaly a better RPer than you.
(Do i care if your a englich major!??!?!??!)
06-10-2003, 00:50
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Actully im not, go back to the first or secound page there it says a helo drops my agent off but it never said the helo left or how many helos where there.
let's just say you suck the fun out of a good RP. Some people are good at RP'ing, and some people should never ever ever ever ever ever RP. That would be you. :)
oh, and your spelling errors are very annoying (me being an english major)
Wow you are one of the MUST annoying people to me! How the hell do i "suck" out the fun of RPing??!?! Look your logic makes no sense so butt out of here ok this does not involve you! Plus i probaly a better RPer than you.
(Do i care if your a englich major!??!?!??!)
hmm...let's see, you somehow get someone into the most top secret military operation that could possibly happen, you knew the exact place of where it was, and you still got past all of Attican's forces which is highly unlikely. you gotta think about things before you do them. I think that they would notice you if you weren't actually a part of their military squad. They should have executed him onsite. Anyways, you just happened to escape from some of the toughest soldiers in the Attican army, and your planes just HAPPENED to defeat more Attican forces. Sometimes, you just gotta learn how to accept defeat. I'm sure i could be a better RP'er than you while intoxicated. :shock:
Hitler's Nazi Army deserves to be ignored because he didn't even rp his planes flying to Attica. Planes just can't appear there at the exact right time. I think you're a godmodder.
Actully im not, go back to the first or secound page there it says a helo drops my agent off but it never said the helo left or how many helos where there.
let's just say you suck the fun out of a good RP. Some people are good at RP'ing, and some people should never ever ever ever ever ever RP. That would be you. :)
oh, and your spelling errors are very annoying (me being an english major)
Wow you are one of the MUST annoying people to me! How the hell do i "suck" out the fun of RPing??!?! Look your logic makes no sense so butt out of here ok this does not involve you! Plus i probaly a better RPer than you.
(Do i care if your a englich major!??!?!??!)
hmm...let's see, you somehow get someone into the most top secret military operation that could possibly happen, you knew the exact place of where it was, and you still got past all of Attican's forces which is highly unlikely. you gotta think about things before you do them. I think that they would notice you if you weren't actually a part of their military squad. They should have executed him onsite. Anyways, you just happened to escape from some of the toughest soldiers in the Attican army, and your planes just HAPPENED to defeat more Attican forces. Sometimes, you just gotta learn how to accept defeat. I'm sure i could be a better RP'er than you while intoxicated. :shock:
Wow youv really gotta read stuff. How do you know that those are atticans greatest men? How do you know where his radar stations are? How do you know? Well can you tell me that Mr.i know everything! :roll:
We have been in attican before! We have seen his force's! We have seen him at his worst! We have been watching him! So we know where a radar station is or a patrol of troops or aircraft are so we can direct the helos where to go whene to move! I dounbt you could be a better RPer.
PS i made a comment in your thread about the riots in your nation.
06-10-2003, 01:04
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
06-10-2003, 01:13
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
exactly, but im sure that they could have easily detected you. i think it would be obvious seeing a man running for 2 miles. lol
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
exactly, but im sure that they could have easily detected you. i think it would be obvious seeing a man running for 2 miles. lol
Camuflaged? I doubt it besides he was inserted behind a hill.
EDIT plus if he did have radar and would have saw me he never said it whene i said the agent was droped off by chopper.
06-10-2003, 01:17
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
exactly, but im sure that they could have easily detected you. i think it would be obvious seeing a man running for 2 miles. lol
Camuflaged? I doubt it besides he was inserted behind a hill.
EDIT plus if he did have radar and would have saw me he never said it whene i said the agent was droped off by chopper.
prolly cause he felt bad for you, lol.
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
exactly, but im sure that they could have easily detected you. i think it would be obvious seeing a man running for 2 miles. lol
Camuflaged? I doubt it besides he was inserted behind a hill.
EDIT plus if he did have radar and would have saw me he never said it whene i said the agent was droped off by chopper.
prolly cause he felt bad for you, lol.
No, probally because he didn't see it. Coutry's just dont fell bad for some one and let thier spy in! Only idiots would!
sure, i'd believe you, really i would, that is, if i actually gave a damn. anyways, personally, i would make it a little harder to get into a secret nuclear testing site. I'm sure Attican had some sort of radar around his testing area.
Dont you remember? He made the whole thing in like a day and the agent was droped off like 2-5 miles away.
exactly, but im sure that they could have easily detected you. i think it would be obvious seeing a man running for 2 miles. lol
Camuflaged? I doubt it besides he was inserted behind a hill.
EDIT plus if he did have radar and would have saw me he never said it whene i said the agent was droped off by chopper.
prolly cause he felt bad for you, lol.
No, probally because he didn't see it. Coutry's just dont fell bad for some one and let thier spy in! Only idiots would!
Autonomous City-states
06-10-2003, 01:55
If those helicopters had remained anywhere near the test site, they would have been knocked out of the air either from overpressure or the EMP knocking out their electronics. You can't just fly helicopters in to someone's territory, stay in the air undetected near a nuclear test site, get into a fight, state the other player's damage, and then leave without taking any casualties.
06-10-2003, 02:39
If those helicopters had remained anywhere near the test site, they would have been knocked out of the air either from overpressure or the EMP knocking out their electronics. You can't just fly helicopters in to someone's territory, stay in the air undetected near a nuclear test site, get into a fight, state the other player's damage, and then leave without taking any casualties.
thats' what ive been tryin to say, but he always comes up with these stupid excuses. it's no use trying to tell him he's wrong.
The truck arrives inside a hangar.
OOC: Isn't anyone curious or something? Im sure someone has spy sattelites.
We are aware of your program but we do not believe it poses a threat to us. After all who would ever want to nuke a nation run by adolescent naked girls?
OOC: Adolescent.
Yes, our nation is governed by adolescent females. They make all the laws here.
But you don't want to cross them. They can be very harsh.
06-10-2003, 03:17
Welcome to the nuclear community Attica, use your power responsibly.
An object, albeit blurred to most sattelites (known spy sattelites are having lasers shined onto them), is moving to the runway.
06-10-2003, 03:19
James Berkanry, the moniter of satellite 3A3K4 looks up from his secretery who is busy giving him a blowjob and notices a giant thermal plume.
"Holy fuck!"
"Am I that good honey?"
"I gotta report this in!!"
"Dont get that kinky baby,"
The heat signature from the object increases as it travels down the runway.
It's not aimed at any other nation is it?
(Is glad he ordered nuclear shelters built in case of surprise nuclear attack.)
President George Walker Shrub was busy playing Metal Gear Solid when Security Advisor Condoleeza Wheat came in and yelled "Mr.President! Get into the briefing room, fast!"
Shrub ran all the way there. "Puff...pufff...pant...what is it?"
Condi turned on the projector. "Seems our old friends, the Atticans, have detonated a nuke." <displays image of blast>
<displays radiation map> "We seem to be detecting copious amounts of radioactivity from the target area."
"Well, what are we waitng for? Send someone out there NOW!"
"Right away, sir."
Shrub started to leave. "Good. Now, tell me if anything else happens, because I have to get back to shooting down that Hind."
Secret IC: 3 F-117 Nighthawks scramble and head for the test site..
2 SR-71 Blackbirds are already airborne,and rush at Mach 3 to the site.
Meanwhile, 4 V-22 Ospreys are loaded with UCSF personnel and robot troops at a secret military base.
The object takes off. It apparently does a series of maneuvers.
President George Walker Shrub was busy playing Metal Gear Solid when Security Advisor Condoleeza Wheat came in and yelled "Mr.President! Get into the briefing room, fast!"
Shrub ran all the way there. "Puff...pufff...pant...what is it?"
Condi turned on the projector. "Seems our old friends, the Atticans, have detonated a nuke." <displays image of blast>
<displays radiation map> "We seem to be detecting copious amounts of radioactivity from the target area."
"Well, what are we waitng for? Send someone out there NOW!"
"Right away, sir."
Shrub started to leave. "Good. Now, tell me if anything else happens, because I have to get back to shooting down that Hind."
Secret IC: 3 F-117 Nighthawks scramble and head for the test site..
2 SR-71 Blackbirds are already airborne,and rush at Mach 3 to the site.
Meanwhile, 4 V-22 Ospreys are loaded with UCSF personnel and robot troops at a secret military base.
You are going to attack him? Why?
If those helicopters had remained anywhere near the test site, they would have been knocked out of the air either from overpressure or the EMP knocking out their electronics. You can't just fly helicopters in to someone's territory, stay in the air undetected near a nuclear test site, get into a fight, state the other player's damage, and then leave without taking any casualties.
thats' what ive been tryin to say, but he always comes up with these stupid excuses. it's no use trying to tell him he's wrong.
Thats not what youv been trying to tell me! Youv been trying to tell me that i cant RP which is not true.
Autonomous City-states the helocopter flew off 20 more miles south to a safe area then landed for the night.
President George Walker Shrub was busy playing Metal Gear Solid when Security Advisor Condoleeza Wheat came in and yelled "Mr.President! Get into the briefing room, fast!"
Shrub ran all the way there. "Puff...pufff...pant...what is it?"
Condi turned on the projector. "Seems our old friends, the Atticans, have detonated a nuke." <displays image of blast>
<displays radiation map> "We seem to be detecting copious amounts of radioactivity from the target area."
"Well, what are we waitng for? Send someone out there NOW!"
"Right away, sir."
Shrub started to leave. "Good. Now, tell me if anything else happens, because I have to get back to shooting down that Hind."
Secret IC: 3 F-117 Nighthawks scramble and head for the test site..
2 SR-71 Blackbirds are already airborne,and rush at Mach 3 to the site.
Meanwhile, 4 V-22 Ospreys are loaded with UCSF personnel and robot troops at a secret military base.
You are going to attack him? Why?
I'm not attacking. I just want to investigate the test (analyze the intensity and radiation of the blast, take a few snapshots etc.).
Autonomous City-states
06-10-2003, 04:09
Autonomous City-states the helocopter flew off 20 more miles south to a safe area then landed for the night.
Then the helicopters wouldn't have been able to get to that tank so fast if they landed and sheltered against the nuke test.
Aboard the UUS grigor:(intelegence room)
"What the hell!?!??!"
"What is it?"
"It looks like some object on that runway sir"
"sir even at the closest looking at it, its still blurry"
"Are you sure?
"Yes sir im at the max"
"ok ill call it in"
OOC:Attican how about you still have my agent and its in your capitol ok and you dont know its a spy or any thing ok so none of the helo crap happen. How does that sound? I doing this because i dont want to argue any more over bunch of crap instead of having fun RPing.
EDIT hehe miss read :oops:
Autonomous City-states the helocopter flew off 20 more miles south to a safe area then landed for the night.
Then the helicopters wouldn't have been able to get to that tank so fast if they landed and sheltered against the nuke test.
OMG read! They sheltered for the night then after the nuke testinf during the day the got the energecy becon singal off the agents watch so that meant they had to go get him so they took off and flew there during the day after the nuke testing.
The SR-71s arrive and duck just under the stratosphere. The first takes photos of the test site, the base, and the trucks. The second analyzes the thermal signature and radiation from the blast.
Autonomous City-states
06-10-2003, 04:23
Autonomous City-states the helocopter flew off 20 more miles south to a safe area then landed for the night.
Then the helicopters wouldn't have been able to get to that tank so fast if they landed and sheltered against the nuke test.
OMG read! They sheltered for the night then after the nuke testinf during the day the got the energecy becon singal off the agents watch so that meant they had to go get him so they took off and flew there during the day after the nuke testing.
And the story keeps on changing...
"sir i see 2 Sr-71 black birds flying hi, it looks like there taking pictures should we report it in?"
"Nah no one will care"
"ok sir.......back to pocker sir?"
Autonomous City-states the helocopter flew off 20 more miles south to a safe area then landed for the night.
Then the helicopters wouldn't have been able to get to that tank so fast if they landed and sheltered against the nuke test.
OMG read! They sheltered for the night then after the nuke testinf during the day the got the energecy becon singal off the agents watch so that meant they had to go get him so they took off and flew there during the day after the nuke testing.
And the story keeps on changing...
What do you mean? :? Its the same thing they go they land for the night then they take off and come get him and besides read my post before this one well the bottum part, attican has my agent beace im pissed off at argueing with people about this.
A radar platform detects a blip at a high altitude. 2 AF-100s are launched (OOC: They cant reach the altitude to detect, standard precedure.).
The objects continues extremely maneuvers, then seems to accelerate to a speed around Mach 4.2.
The agent is brought to the Maximum Security Prison in Attica City for questioning.
Intelegence center HQ:
"Do you hear me do YOU!?!?!"
Yelled the operator in the room
"Yes yes i hear you!"
"Are you alone?"
"Yes the gaurd arent here"
"Good im going to give you intructions ok so litsten up"
"ok im listening"
OOC: he isn't alone.
OOC:So what your whatching him all the time? You have to look away once and a while!
IC: The SR-71s head back for the UWS. 6 F-35s take off and head for the F-117s which are now 35 miles from the test site.
Abaord the UUS Grigor:
"SIr sir! we got stealth fighters in the air sir!"
"sir its a F-117! Also sir i see couple planes about six they look like F-35s sir!"
"Crap sound the alarm get birds in the sky!"
"Yes sir!"
16 Su-37k with 12 F-2s take and head out to intercept the F-117 and the F-35s.
OOC: The room could be bugged too.
OOC: UWS are you bombing me?
This time, the radar picks up a distinctive signature. 10 AF-100s are launched. The object lands.
Hauptmann Stuhl on Phone
Hptm Stuhl: Hallo, das Kaiser.
Ksr Petinski: Guten tag. News?
Hptm Stuhl: The tests of the AF-110 are complete. It was optimal.
Ksr Petinski: Great! Thank you for telling me this, Major Stuhl.
Mjr Stuhl: But I am Hauptmann, herr!
Ksr Petinski: Think about it...
OOC: The room could be bugged too.
OOC: UWS are you bombing me?
This time, the radar picks up a distinctive signature. 10 AF-100s are launched. The object lands.
Hauptmann Stuhl on Phone
Hptm Stuhl: Hallo, das Kaiser.
Ksr Petinski: Guten tag. News?
Hptm Stuhl: The tests of the AF-110 are complete. It was optimal.
Ksr Petinski: Great! Thank you for telling me this, Major Stuhl.
Mjr Stuhl: But I am Hauptmann, herr!
Ksr Petinski: Think about it...
No, I am not bombing you. The F-117s are there to get a close-up look of the test site. Also , before the SR-71s left they reported two aircraft taking off, so I sent the F-35s to escort the F-117s.
07-10-2003, 03:37
Damn, thats one more nuclear power...
The F-35s and F-117s fly low, at 200 feet above the ground. They are about 20 miles from the test site. Meanwhile, 8 F-22s and 12 X-32s scramble and rush for the test site.
OOC: By now, the AF-100s have a clear view of your aircraft.
"Engage radar jammers"
The AF-100s radar jammers are on.
A man in a black coat holding black bag walks into a apartment building. He picks the lock opens the door and walks up the steps to the roof. He opens the door walks over, drops his bag down and kneels down. He open the bag and takes out a TOW launchers, cable gun and a snipe rifle. He shoots the cable gun over across the road on to the roof of the prison. The cabel gets stuck and he tightens it. Then he sets up a little case on the cable and slides it across. Then he picks up the TOW launcher, aims it at the entrance of the prison and fires. The missle goes flying towards the entrace and hits near entrance of the prison. Then he picks up the snipe rifle aims and shoots out the tiers of the police cars. Then he loads in sleeping darts and starts firing at every gaurd he see's.
how did he get there? godmod?
how did he get there? godmod?
What are you talking about? earlyer i said that another agent was going in so what ever... :roll:
If you mean how he got to the top of the building then he used the steps! :lol:
A few guards see the man, and begin firing at him.
The F-117s and their escorts are now 10 miles from the test site, the F-22s and X-32s 18 miles behind them.
The man jumps and hitts the roof. While bullets go flying past him he takes out two gas gernades and throws them. While the gaurds are gased he getts up realoads the TOW and fires at the prison agian. This time he hits the entrance. Then he picks up his rifle and starts firing at the gaurds with live ammo. Then he throws 6 more gas gernades so the whole block is full of smoke. Then he jumps on the cable and slids over to the other side with out being seen because of all the smoke. Her climbs onto the roof and pulls out a Mi-6 from the case.
07-10-2003, 04:05 are the absolute worst god modder i have ever seen. just stop. please. you NEVER mentioned the other guy. so stop! are the absolute worst god modder i have ever seen. just stop. please. you NEVER mentioned the other guy. so stop!
Hey SPED does this involve you? NO! Yes i did said that he was coming in so why dont you just go away and annoy some one else! Jeez you are really annoying you know that? THINK BEFORE YOU TALK!
07-10-2003, 04:14 are the absolute worst god modder i have ever seen. just stop. please. you NEVER mentioned the other guy. so stop!
Hey SPED does this involve you? NO! Yes i did said that he was coming in so why dont you just go away and annoy some one else! Jeez you are really annoying you know that? THINK BEFORE YOU TALK!
you just basically said what you need to learn. how did he avoid all those bullets? please, explain that.
The F-117s are now 5 miles from the test site, the F-22s and X-32s a mile behind. They climb to 1000 feet.
OOC: Yah, its not possible to dodge bullets, sorry HNA.
Fire Imrecs.
The AF-100s fire 2 imrecs each at the enemy aircraft.
The planes scatter and deploy chaff/flares. A F-35 and a F-117 are hit, the F-35 goes down. "Eject! Eject! Eject!"
To:Attican Empire
From: United World States
Subject: What are you doing?!
What on earth do you mean, shooting down my aircraft? You've got some explaining to do!
The 8 F-22s launch an AMRAAM each at the AF-100s.
07-10-2003, 04:44
This doesn't look too good.
07-10-2003, 09:41
OOC: HNA, stop godmodding. Its truly awful.
IC: The NSOC cell inside Attica City, based near a local prison complex, heard the sounds of explosions nearby. They rush to the window, to see one man on top of a roof launching ATGMs at the prison entrance.
"Terry, you see that?" said one
"Sure did" said another
"Should we help them out" said a third
"Why not" said Terry.
The three men grabbed their sidearms from a concealed safe, and rushed to the roof of their apartment block.
Using standard issue cable guns and grappling hooks they make their way to the same rooftop as the HNA agent.
The three spread out, gusn up and pointed directly at the man.
As one, they all shouted "FREEZE"
A transmission is sent on a public channel where all the soldiers can hear it (of both sides)...
"Clear out any AA defenses as quickly as you can and we'll..." the rest is cut off by jamming.
The People's Republic of Coldorra
Public Weapons Dossier:
4,900 troops (2,000 Away)
30 T-55s (5 Away)
50 CSFs
2 Kasatkas
To: United World States
From: Attica
This intrusion into our territory shall not be tolerated (30 mi is well within Attican limits.)
Remove your materiel in a timely fashion or it will be removed. You will also be held responsible for any destruction of Attican materiel.
The AF-100s lower their radar dispersion pods and drop chaff. 2 are hit, but the pilots auto-eject. The other AF-100s fire 2 more imrecs each.
07-10-2003, 16:25
TO: UWS, Coldorra
You will cease these attacks on the Attican Empire, or be destroyed.
Ya Euro, Your so annoying!
07-10-2003, 19:30
Ya Euro, Your so annoying!
stay out of this Kiosk, you don't belong here.
Ya Euro, Your so annoying!
stay out of this Kiosk, you don't belong here.
Hey dont go talking n00bie you dont belong here ether!
Also he DIDN't dodge the bullets he ducked before they hit him. At the first gun shot he heard he DUCKED how hard is that for people to comprehend also it not like he was 10 feet away from the gaurds! He was at least 100 or so.
Ya Euro, Your so annoying!
You can say that agian!
HNA a bullet would have been there before your guy could have reacted.
16 Su-37Ks come up 1 mile behind United World States. All start firing machine gun near the air craft warning them to go away.
To:United World States
Fron:HNA squad learder
"United World States you are violating airspace of attican leave or be shot at, do you hear me? Leave or be shot at!"
HNA a bullet would have been there before your guy could have reacted.
Not really...he also had bullet proof armor so it would of hit there most likly.
Bullet proof armor isnt designed to prevent rifle rounds.
Bullet proof armor isnt designed to prevent rifle rounds.
You cant say that! You dont know what type of body armor it was or how thick or any thing!
OOC:I meant body armor i gues, i think there the same meaning.
"Sir, we have just detected a high capacity nuclear device exploding!"
"Scramble Demon Squadrons 1 through 7!!! Get them there pronto!"
"Sir, high radiation is still coming from that area!"
"Then coat them with an anti-radiation spray! It'll last a couple hours!"
"Sir! On it right away. Demon squadrons 1-5 are at out north base, closest to Attica, and 6 & 7 are on our Bombinos carrier at south shore. They can be at north base in less than an hour at top speeds, refuel, join squadrons 1-5, and be there in 3 hours!"
"Good. Do that then. Don't send off Demon 1-5's until 6 & 7 land there, though!"
(Check my store for KMM-1 Demon stats)
If his body armor is thick he cant duck and is not fast... unless hes wearing lead, but same thing. Face it, hes dead.
If his body armor is thick he cant duck and is not fast... unless hes wearing lead, but same thing. Face it, hes dead.
Aboard the UUS Grigor:
"Sir looks like we have multiple fighter squads heading towards the test site"
"Ok lets get some fighters in the air! About 24 Su-37Ks and 18 F-2s and intercept those fighters before the reach the site, we will give them two warnings before we open fire"
"yes sir ill call it up!"
42 aircraft take off and fly around making sure the incoming squads dont enter attican airspace.
If his body armor is thick he cant duck and is not fast... unless hes wearing lead, but same thing. Face it, hes dead.
I you an idiot? I never said how thick it was! Read and pay attention! Hes NOT dead!
How thick was it? It had to stop RIFLE rounds.
"Sir, we have fighters about to intercept!"
"Good, they may do what they please. They do not realize what the odds of 168 Mach 2 speed fighters against only 45 or so slow chug-a-lug fighters. If they want to intercept, let them. It should only take a few of our venoms, and afterall, $980,000 apice for missiles of that type isn't too bad to shoot down 42 fighters.
"Sir, shall we continue with operation CarpetMist then?"
"Sure, why not. Ready all 250 of our KMB-1's. Load in all KMBS-1 bombs. We will obliterate them."
OOC:Attican Empire, McLeod03-Fine, I'll leave.
HNA-This is unprovoked agression.
IC:All aircraft double back and head away from the test site. The 8 F-22s, 12 X-32s and 5 F-35s fire an AIM-9X Sidewinder each at HNA's Su-37Ks.
Meanwhile, the imrecs are subject to chaff/flares, a F-117 goes down and crash lands in the desert, while 2 X-32s are damaged.
OOC: HNA out of interest why are you backing up Attica?
UWS: My northern base should be just within range of you. If you wish, you may land and refuel/rearm at my base. I have some goodies for you to use if you like...
Kamata: The AF-100 can go Mach 4 in wings closed mode, and around Mach 2.5 in wings open mode.
"Sir, we have fighters about to intercept!"
"Good, they may do what they please. They do not realize what the odds of 168 Mach 2 speed fighters against only 45 or so slow chug-a-lug fighters. If they want to intercept, let them. It should only take a few of our venoms, and afterall, $980,000 apice for missiles of that type isn't too bad to shoot down 42 fighters.
"Sir, shall we continue with operation CarpetMist then?"
"Sure, why not. Ready all 250 of our KMB-1's. Load in all KMBS-1 bombs. We will obliterate them."
:shock: How did you get that many air craft? NM doesn't matter.
Squad Leader:
"Holly Sh*t!"
"What is it Gold squad?"
"sir these squads we and posed to intercept sir how about we dont?"
"NO sir just that there are like 200 fighters and 45 of us"
"!#@$ hold on let me check with radar"
"Hey is that right?"
"Yes sir i cant count them so many on the screen!"
"Rogger that Gold squad, ask them where there going then head back"
From:Gold squad leader
"This is the leader of gold squad from the UUS Grigor what is your desination?"
"Sir, I am reading MANY MANY radar contacts!"
"Scramble All Fighters in All bases"
50 AF-100s launch from that airbase, and 300 launch from airbases around Attica. 50 CVs launch from the carrier group.
"Can you identify?"
"They seem to be... Kamatan."
"Send any non-launched after the scramble to bomb Kamatan airfields."
The aircraft head for Kamata's base. Two X-32s strafe the crashed F-117 after the pilot gets out.
"Sir, we have fighters about to intercept!"
"Good, they may do what they please. They do not realize what the odds of 168 Mach 2 speed fighters against only 45 or so slow chug-a-lug fighters. If they want to intercept, let them. It should only take a few of our venoms, and afterall, $980,000 apice for missiles of that type isn't too bad to shoot down 42 fighters.
"Sir, shall we continue with operation CarpetMist then?"
"Sure, why not. Ready all 250 of our KMB-1's. Load in all KMBS-1 bombs. We will obliterate them."
:shock: How did you get that many air craft? NM doesn't matter.
Squad Leader:
"Holly Sh*t!"
"What is it Gold squad?"
"sir these squads we and posed to intercept sir how about we dont?"
"NO sir just that there are like 200 fighters and 45 of us"
"!#@$ hold on let me check with radar"
"Hey is that right?"
"Yes sir i cant count them so many on the screen!"
"Rogger that Gold squad, ask them where there going then head back"
From:Gold squad leader
"This is the leader of gold squad from the UUS Grigor what is your desination?"
OOC: I manufacture them, and have a 1 trillion dollar defence budget.
Our destination is the nuclear base that was recently built, and any other attica bases along the way. I suggest you get out of the way, because we will be carpet bombing with cluster bombs soon.
OOC: Did your pilot fall in Attica?
OOC2: No you dont. I have a 10% military budget, and its only around $300,000,000. Your people are starving, so propoganda would work quite well.
In Public
Kaiser Otto Petinski speaking to the world:
The Nation of Kamata deliberately attacked the Attican Empire today. I am forced to declare war on Kamata. All troops will be put into full mobilization. I also request that the new government of FPC assist us, as there could be dire consequences of having an aggressive neighbor like Kamata. We expect our allies McLeod03 to assist us.
"Sir im reading attican aircraft taking off, looks like alot of them"
"ok, GOLD squad you hear me?"
"Yes sir!"
"Get the heck out of there men! We have attican aircraft airborn and we dont want to be mistaken for one of Kamata"
"Roger that, all pilots lets head back to base!"
OOC: Did your pilot fall in Attica?
Perhaps, they were about 5 miles from the test site, the F-35 pilot ejected while the F-117 crash-landed.
"Sir, I am reading MANY MANY radar contacts!"
"Scramble All Fighters in All bases"
50 AF-100s launch from that airbase, and 300 launch from airbases around Attica. 50 CVs launch from the carrier group.
"Can you identify?"
"They seem to be... Kamatan."
"Send any non-launched after the scramble to bomb Kamatan airfields."
"Many fighters detected, base. Requesting support!!!"
"Roger Demon squadrons. The remaining 3 demon squadrons will be launched, as well as all 250 of our KMF-1 fighters, fully loaded."
"Thank you base."
"We will also start launching cruise missiles from all navy ships that can launch them. Specifically air intercept missiles."
"Base, thank you. That will be enough for now. We will be needing about 300 of those missiles, fully guided. Please do so."
"Roger Demon Squadrons. 300 KM-1 Venom STA/ATA cruise missiles/air mounted missiles will be launched. They will arrive in five minutes, in supercruise."
OOC: 25% military budget out of 25 trillion dollars. This is a 1ce a week RL time spending.
"Captain, a fighter crash landed about 5 miles from here"
"Retreive it."
5 Cheetahs and a King Leopard start rolling to the, unbeknownst to them, downed pilot.
OOC: Did your pilot fall in Attica?
OOC2: No you dont. I have a 10% military budget, and its only around $300,000,000. Your people are starving, so propoganda would work quite well.
In Public
Kaiser Otto Petinski speaking to the world:
The Nation of Kamata deliberately attacked the Attican Empire today. I am forced to declare war on Kamata. All troops will be put into full mobilization. I also request that the new government of FPC assist us, as there could be dire consequences of having an aggressive neighbor like Kamata. We expect our allies McLeod03 to assist us.
OOC: Attican thats wrong because you dont always have a 10% defence buget you could have higher or lower, its differnt from nation to nation.
Also attican 10 of a trillion is not 300million! It is 100 billion! Dude did you take math class? Thats like so easy to figure out! Because 10 times 100billion is 1trillion.
OOC: Is your airbase near civilians?
IC: THe Attican Carrier Group one prepares for incoming aircraft. It's ships begin launching Tomahawks at the Kamatan airbase. The Seawall also arms its anti-air defenses.
OOC2: I meant 300,000,000,000.
OOC: Is your airbase near civilians?
IC: THe Attican Carrier Group one prepares for incoming aircraft. It's ships begin launching Tomahawks at the Kamatan airbase. The Seawall also arms its anti-air defenses.
OOC2: I meant 300,000,000,000.
International defence HQ:
"Sir i have many fighters lifting off from Kamata"
"Where they heading?"
"It looks like there heading to attican!"
"ok scrambel couple stealth bombers and get4 carrier groups on alert and postion them!"
"yes sir ill call it in!"
*Just Laughs* Naughty naughty. You haven't paid much attention to my nation... have you. 90% of my nation is swampland, so...
A) It's going to be awfulllly hard to actually find a place that'd be worth hitting.
B) Since it's almost uninhabitable above ground, 87% of our bases, including all of our main ones are based underground, and have limited above-ground contacts.
C) Your environmentalists will rebel for you destroying any swampland that you may destroy... and don't worry, I will make sure to broadcast it all on TV. :twisted:
OK, so you are mostly swampland, yet you can support millions of people and thousands of aircraft? Godmod man. Godmod.
OOC: What time is it again? (in this scenario)
IC:The Kamatan base under attack, the aircraft head straight for the UWS instead. 14 F-16Cs and 12 F-15Es take off to recieve them.
The F-35 pilot meets up with the F-117 one.
"Yee-haa!" exclaimed President Shrub as he sent a Nikita missle into Vulcan Raven's back.
Suddenly, Security Advisor Wheat camerunning into the room, puffing and panting. Shrub put doen the Analog Dual Shock controller. "What now?"
"The Atticans have shot down two of our planes, and Hitter's nazi army has fired on us to. In addition, Kamata has attacked Attican Empire."
"God, how quickly conflicts escalate!"
"We need to get our pilots back," Wheat implored.
"Sent someone out there yet?"
"Already done."
The 4 V-22 Ospreys enter Attican airspace, 30 miles from the test site. They are escorted by 6 Su-43 Berkuts and 14 F-16C Falcons.
Nuclear devices at one month. Godmod godmod!!!
I said military bases underground. I only have to support about 3.5 million people underground, not even, since some bases are above ground.
AKA: 750 Aircraft, and a Navy, a few tanks & rocket launchers. I consist of that.
"Sir, multiple bogies"
40 AF-100s break to attack the UWS aircraft.
Kamata - And how do you support your people, foodwise?
Also, the recomended population for developing nukes is around 150mill, im way over that.
Nuclear devices at one month. Godmod godmod!!!
I said military bases underground. I only have to support about 3.5 million people underground, not even, since some bases are above ground.
AKA: 750 Aircraft, and a Navy, a few tanks & rocket launchers. I consist of that.
Actually, I don't think it is godmodding as I myself have limited nuclear weapons. (It's not that hard to get one, evon the North Koreans can have nukes) In fact, I plan to have mechs at 2+ months and space tech at 4+months.
I also have limited spacetech, mainly satellites, since Shuttles are getting difficult to design.
*Shrugs* People are almost last priority to me. Military is first. Read my page thingy, it even says there :P Defence First, Then Law, ect...
"Sir, ready to launch the operation!"
"On it! Commence operation!"
"Demon Squads, drop the bombs on the base!"
*The Demon Squads launch "the bombs" on the base, and when they explode, a fine mist comes out*
"Gooooood... the weapons have landed."
Radio Contact: Attica, you have 5 days to dismantle and discontinue your nuclear program. You might want to watch out for that mist, as well. It is very deadly.
OOC: BTW Thats godmod, you never said they were over the base. They would have been intercepted by my aircraft first.
Which your aircraft would have been intercepted as well, considering they're being escorted by 500 other aircraft.
Considering I launched about 500 as well, most likely mine would have won, considering:
Mine are faster
Mine are more maneuverable
My pilots are better trained
I have better weapons
I have better countermeasures
You are fighting over my territory so you are being fired upon by anti-aircraft.
*Blows Raspberries at everyone in the room, then runs out giggling maddly.
The F-117s run back home with the F-35s, while the F-22s and X-32s reinforce the V-22 escorts.
Now 20 miles from the test site, the V-22s land. 26 Resi Corporation R-Bots run off at 60 mph towards the crash site.
OOC: I think I'd better stop for a while, I'm running up a huge Internet bill.
IC: Southeast of the bombings, construction starts on 25 Tank Carriers (Attica sent us their plans for it) It's a fast chopper based tank carrier that can carry up to one of Attica's leopard 2s.
08-10-2003, 04:34
The nation of Euroslavia shows its support for the Attican Empire and asks, if it is needed, to help Attica in the war.
08-10-2003, 09:29
OOC: Sorry Attica, i only just got online.
TO: Attican Empire
We will aid you in the war, and pledge our support in your defence.
TO: Kamata
We are utterly disgusted by your use of chemical weapons. You brought NBC warfare into this, so prepare to have it end your puny nation.
Inside McLeod03, the newly formed NSAC (Nuclear Strategic Air Command) aircraft are fueled, and Prince Michael has authorised the loading of tactical unclear devices onto said aircraft.
6 EB-1D are loaded with 4 SLAM, each has a 7.5 megaton warhead. The plans acquired from another un-named nation allowed for a WMD response within a matter of hours. For defence, the EB-1Ds carry 6 MALRAAM long-range radar and infra-red guided missiles.
The engines on the jets wind up, and large doors on the front of the concrete reinforced bunkers holding the aircraft open slowly and menacingly.
As the Kamatan aircraft approach, fighters are scrambled from the base of operations in FPC, and more are scrambled from inside Attica.
Four lumbering AL-52s take off for the largest ABL defence ever mounted by McLeodian forces.
Alongside them were 2 AWACS craft, and a JSTARS control aircraft.
96 F-109
72 F-98
48 F-14
48 AF-100
48 F-35
2 MEB-1C + 8 StealthHawk UCAVs
4 AL-52
4 KC-135
4 KC-10
6 NSAC EB-1Ds on standby.
"Send our multi-role fighters to get those AL-52's. I don't think that they can out-maneuver us, nor outrun them. Keep them busy with our old now-decommissioned AMF-1's. We should be able to keep them away from the Demons."
"Sir, right."
"And get our cruise missile sites armed and firing at those AL-52's as well. We can definitly shoot them down with missiles going Mach 5. *Grin*"
"Sir... yes... uhm... and 'alright' for what you're about to say"
"*Grumbles* Mind reader. You take out all the fun of being a commanding officer!!!"
OOC: You do not know this, but who says they're chemical weapons? Could they just possibly be mock-ups, used to make the base go into a frenzy of confusion so we can carpet bomb it? (You do NOT know that I just said that in the RPG. Act like you don't know.)
08-10-2003, 09:49
OOC: I never said my claims were true. It could be that satellite recon shows bombs exploding, and a mist spreading, with (presumably) Attican troops moving away from it. All the signs of a chemical attack.
IC: As the cruise missiles move towards the AL-52s, the l4 ABL turrets open fire on them.
The F-14s launch 6 MAULRAAMs each at the incoming Demons, a total of 288 Mach 5.4 radar and infra-red guided missiles.
As they close, the remaining aircraft all launch MALRAAMs each, a total of 1056 Mach 3.2 radra and infra-red guided missiles, heading towards both the Demons, and the older AMF-1s.
The StealthHawk UCAVs manuever towards the incoming missiles, armed, fueled, and ready to fight.
OOC2: Where are you launching those cruise missiles from? You do realise that the AL-52s are going to be about 200 miles away from the actual battle, since they have a range of just over 200 miles at altitude on a good day. Like this one.
OOC: Cruise missiles... a modified version of the AM-1 Venom that I don't sell in my stores. They're coming from my north border defense system.
"*Laughs* He thinks *Wipes away a tear* that he can get cruise missiles that go friekin Mach 5 with TURRETS!!!"
"*Chuckles* I must agree with you sir!"
*Everyone in the room starts to laugh*
"Alright. I want strict orders to all military personnel to position EVERY single armament we have at our north borders. And by the way, we can test out our new AA system!"
"Sir, what would you like us to fit the missiles with? And should we bring up the turrets and send out a warning throughout the country?"
"1) Fit the missiles with... multi-guided systems, as well as sharprods, and rain pellets. Do not let them unlock or fail. 2) Yes. Issue the warning for all non EMP-Proof facilities on the island to turn off all electronics immediatly, just in case the limiter fails.:"
"Excellent sir. Our computers project mid-sized losses, but we ought to be able to stop ALL air that comes through, if not any ground vehicles. Also, shall we place mines for pesky amphibious vehicles?"
"Sure why the heck not. "
"Sir, chances of winning have increased by 2% with that last variable, totalling at about 53%. Anything else?"
"No. Did you put the KMS-1's into that as a variable?"
"No sir, still programming it. *Green Screen Pops Up* Sir, come look at this... they're quite nice figures. Not only the posibility of winning has increased, but our personnel have risen in their activity stats since I put that word out. We already have 82% of all citizens that have turned off their electronics, and in airfields, planes are already being armed & ready for takeoff!"
"Great!!! If you pull this through, you're getting promoted, Major!"
"*Blushes* Thank you sir."
08-10-2003, 10:05
IC: HAH, he thinks these turrets move too slowly. The missiles would have been attacked.
Post losses for everything i fired at you.
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2003, 10:10
The President has been monitoring the situation through spy satillites. (trying to get involved but cant be arsed to read 10 pages!)
7 KMM-1 Demons
31 KMB-1 Bombers
29 KMF-1 Fighters
78 Cruise Missiles
"Sir, our navy is positioned and placing mines around the island now"
"Excellent. Air force?"
"We have several KMM-1 Demons coming out of the hanger, newly constructed as we speak. Otherwise, ready to go!"
"Good. Test out our new magnetic catapults on the runway that we borrowed from our carrier."
"Yes sir. Will launch when range of 10 miles offshore is reached by any enemy aircraft"
"Good. Do we have the ability to shoot down enemy aircraft within our borders?"
"Yes. We can launch missiles from our submarines, or any other missile sites. Their turrets won't reach. 99.95% of our missiles cannot be stopped"
"Good. Alert all citizens to go to nearby underwater bomb shelters!"
08-10-2003, 11:09
OOC: I launched 1200 missiles. Losses would be MUCH higher.
IC: The stealthy EB-1Ds taxi to the end of the alert runway, and prepare for take-off.
TO: Kamata
Cease hostilities and recall all forces from Attica. Then you will pay damages to Attica, and dismantle your own NBC weaponry. COmply or be destroyed.
Prince Michael,
OOC - Do both sides have NBC weaponry?
TO: McLeod03
FROM: Kamata
I will cease hostilities only if attica agrees to detonate any further nuclear bombs AT LEAST at it's northern area. I currently have NBC weaponry, however none of it was launched at Attica, and I had no intention to ever launch anything that powerful at them. The bombs I dropped were merely a distilled nerve gas with many of the same properties as when it was a normal agent. I will keep them to myself, thank you very much. Goodbye.
President Kamata,
08-10-2003, 11:23
OOC - Do both sides have NBC weaponry?
OOC: I only have a few nukes, those fitted to the SLAMs on the EB-1Ds. No bio or chem weaponry. Only have them as a deterrent. Probably won't use them. I don't like RPing nukes.
OOC: YOu are aware i tested the nuke in the very southern reaches of attica?
ooc - Why bother posting it here? In caps, without an ooc note?
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2003, 15:02
OOC:Mcleod which side r u on?
IC: To inform the International comunity The United States of Independent Hitmen has offered to assist the Attican Empire. As yet we have had no reply but our military is on full alert status/
08-10-2003, 15:16
OOC: IH, i'm with Attica, and thus you.
TO: Kamata
Negative. You will agree to our terms, or face destruction. There is no other option. Pay Attica reperations, and destroy your own NBC program. Then we will cease hostilities against you. (OOC: Some of your stuff seems a little god-moddy for a mid september nation. Mach 5 missiles with a 99.95% success rate? I think not)
IH: Sure.
AF-100 Pilot: "Targets in site. Fire Imrecs!"
The AF-100s fire 5 ImRecs each at the Katanan fighters.
08-10-2003, 16:35
The Empire of DarkSith aproves any attempt at controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The fact that Kamata has used chemical weapons, or using something similar in psycological warfare is the pot calling the kettle black.
In this instance we back the Attican Empire and the nations helping them in this act of self-defense. Though we are reluctant to use our force, we are willing to commit naval assets into this conflict.
(OOC: Translation from Diplomatese: "Nuclear no-proliferation good. Using or faking the use of chemical weapons bad. Kamata bad. Attican and friends good. We big club. We hit Kamata with club." I hope that is more clear.
There are two reasons we are not jumping directly into the fray:
1) we haven't been invited, and
2) we are future tech.
To avoid a technological escalation of the conflict we have not sent anything besides our support. Also, TIE fighters (my ONLY kind of fighter) are lousy in atmospheric combat. Mach 1.5=Too slow. I'd get heavy losses. I'd rather level Kamata with an orbital bombardment. Problem with that is that would be against DarkSith's IC behaviour.)
OOC: A TIE fighter is not aerodynamic enough to go past Mach 1. Maybe Mach 0.2...
08-10-2003, 16:51
(OOC: Actually, I "forgot" (AGAIN) to put the zero, it is actually 1.05 mach, and not 1.5. But I hate that figure. Sigh. No matter. Keep going and let's not hijack the thread with this. :) As I was saying: GO GO ATTICAN!! I'll watch this one from the sides.)
At the Attican Aerospace plant, 10 complete AF-110s stand ready.
"Are they ready for combat?"
"Yes sir."
"Send them on some trial missions against retreating fighters."
The AF-110s take off.
Official Response of Dominaria:
Cheeseguy!, Minister of all things Cheesy
OCC: cool
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2003, 20:25
IH: Sure.
AF-100 Pilot: "Targets in site. Fire Imrecs!"
The AF-100s fire 5 ImRecs each at the Katanan fighters.
The Carrier Battle Group that was dispatched to waters near the Attican Empire along with numerous WASP class landing ships during the recent Skirmish with FPC will be remaining on station. Fighters maintain a standard Combat Air Patrol over the Carriers and are intercepting any planes that come within 100miles of the Carriers unless they are indentified as friendly. Onboard the WASP landing ships, Troops from the 10th Infantry Division along with Marine Force Recon Special ops troopers prepare for landings.
OOC:Im assuming that u want help defending your homeland an stuff havnt really read evrything in detail!
OOC I want help keeping them off my homeland.
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2003, 20:35
OOC I want help keeping them off my homeland.
OOC: Good good.
IC: The 10th Infantry and the 11th Mech-Infanty Divisions will be landing shortly in the Attican Empire to aid in its Defence. More forces are being assembled in the US.
IC:Construction has been completed on the 25 tank carriers and they start flying off torward Attican bases.
OOC: IH, i'm with Attica, and thus you.
TO: Kamata
Negative. You will agree to our terms, or face destruction. There is no other option. Pay Attica reperations, and destroy your own NBC program. Then we will cease hostilities against you. (OOC: Some of your stuff seems a little god-moddy for a mid september nation. Mach 5 missiles with a 99.95% success rate? I think not)
The damages... exactly the damages..... let's see... a couple billion shall do it. *Pulls out checkbook* I will pay for damages only, and do nothing else. My NBC program has nothing to do with this, as it was NOT used in this war. I said they were FAKE MOCK-UP BOMBS, as in pretty much just FOG!!!
OOC:But using fake bombs is pretty much the same as using real bombs, because the nation you attacked will think that you used chemical weapons...and they don't exactly know that you're not lying when you said you didn't.
READ BACK!!! I OOC'd that they were fake, but didn't really know!!! The whole PURPOSE of doing that was to get them into a vulnerable position so they can be attacked easier!!!!
OOC:Which is exactly my OOCed that they were fake, but you never ICd...this means the president DOES think you used chemical weapons and will go full force on you.
Take a hint!!! If they haven't died by now, they're obviously not real! It's been almost 2 years game time!!
OOC:Yes, but what if no one breathed the fog and they all put on gas masks/ran away (highly unlikely, I know, but it could happen) In this scenario, the president would still think you used chem weapons. And anyway...even dropping regular gas on a country gives them a really good excuse to drop nukes, even if it isn't actually dangerous.
You are aware we havent even RPed 1 day?
Autonomous City-states
08-10-2003, 21:36
OOC: I've been on a business trip for the past three days... just got back... All I have to say is this: I am never role-playing with Kamata. That is among the most ridiculous tripe I have ever seen on NS.
All of you may think what you wish. I do not give a care, because now because of all your thoughts, I am ignoring this thread and any threads that come from this.
OOC: You brought it upon yourself by using the fog...anyway, on with the show.
OOC: Hey, don't forget me.
IC: The R-Bots arrive at the crash site. Looking around, they spot the pilots. After a brief conversation, the robots fling the pilots over their shoulders and run off.
09-10-2003, 09:23
The McLeodian VTOLs in the area detect heat sources on the ground near the test site. Human shaped heat sources. (OOC: The pilots, since i doubt the robats give off that much heat) They moved in to investigate, IR and NV sensors scanning around the site, looking for anything out fo teh ordinary.
Nothing yet.
IC: The robots are now 10 miles from the extraction point. They don't slow down. The fighters, meanwhile, continue circling the extraction point.
09-10-2003, 17:22
The VTOLs suddenyl detect something, a group of fighters, and something smaller and faster on the ground. They looked almost robotic. (OOC: I'm modern tech, so robots don't exist, and i haven't got a clue what these ar elike) Four of the smaller attack VTOLs sped up, heading towards the group, whilst the larger slower transports hung back, providing over-watch.
Independent Hitmen
09-10-2003, 20:13
OOC: Where is this 'interesting' robot stuff happening, think i may have to fire a few slammers off at em :)
IC: 3 FA/18 Hornets flying off the USIHS Phantom are guided towards the anomoly by a E-3 Sentry AWACs plane. The flight code named ROCKET head towards the area, their IFF systems showing Mcleod aircraft closing as well. There remains some fighters that are shown as red dots indicating hostiles. (They havnt turned on any radar of their own and are being guided by the AWACs so no1 know they r ther without c in em on ground radar which nobody has atm from wat i can see).
Elsewhere Elements of the 10th Infantry Division have begun to land in the Attican Empire to defend it from aggressors. F15E's, F-15 Strike Eagles and F-16s have begun to leave airbases in Independent Hitmen and US bases in Allied Countries to aid in the defence.
The Commander of the 10th Infantry has come ashore by Blackhawk and is awaiting instructions on where to deploy his Division. (Attica tell me where u want em)
Well, he claimed to be near northern Attica, but he is attacking Vampirreich, which is southern Attica... far southern... not sure...
I claimed I am south of attica, and you detonated too close to me. Now goodbye and drop it. I'm not speaking of this again, EITHER PM OR OPEN FOURMS!!!
TO: McLeod03
FROM: Kamata
I will cease hostilities only if attica agrees to detonate any further nuclear bombs AT LEAST at it's northern area. I currently have NBC weaponry, however none of it was launched at Attica, and I had no intention to ever launch anything that powerful at them. The bombs I dropped were merely a distilled nerve gas with many of the same properties as when it was a normal agent. I will keep them to myself, thank you very much. Goodbye.
President Kamata,
TO: McLeod03
FROM: Kamata
I will cease hostilities only if attica agrees to detonate any further nuclear bombs AT LEAST at it's northern area. I currently have NBC weaponry, however none of it was launched at Attica, and I had no intention to ever launch anything that powerful at them. The bombs I dropped were merely a distilled nerve gas with many of the same properties as when it was a normal agent. I will keep them to myself, thank you very much. Goodbye.
President Kamata,
I said IF ATTICA AGREES TO DETONATE FURTHER BOMBS IN IT'S NORTHERN AREA NOT SOUTHERN!!! Now stop asking questions and believe me god d*mmit!!!
Why? If I detonate them in my territory it is still legal. Plus, isn't it godmodding to claim you are next to me? Don't I have to agree to it?
Nano soft
10-10-2003, 03:05
Why? If I detonate them in my territory it is still legal. Plus, isn't it godmodding to claim you are next to me? Don't I have to agree to it?
You are right plus aren't regions is where all those coutrys are nect to each other which means you would probally have to be in his region, or a region next to him, unless you use the world map thing like russian force's and ADK and some others.
The 4 V-22s take off, fly at 100 feet for 5 miles with the fighters*, then land. The robots arrive there, and get into the V-22s with the 2 pilots.
* The fighters:
6 Su-43s
14 F-16Cs
12 X-32s
8 F-22s
10-10-2003, 10:30
As the V-22s close, the four attack VTOLs open fire on the ground forces with 35-mm cannon fire, and launch 6 MASRAAMs each at the closing V-22s and fighter groups.
Fighter forces, having raced in from intercepting Kamata forces, also open fire at extreme range.
8 StealthHawks close in on the UWS fighters, weapons bay doors closed, so as not to disturb the stealth outline. 48 F-35s, fully armed, accelerated to VMAX, and closed in on the UWS craft, before opening fire with 4 MAULRAAM missiles using NIRTSSAT infra-red and stealth-detecting radar arrays beaming information to the AWACS circling the area.
The skies fill with ECM as the UWS fighters attempt to evade the missles, 3 F-16s and a X-32 go down.
The 6 Su-43s launch 1 R-73 (AA-11 Archer) missile each at the VTOLs.
They then launch a R-77 (AA-12 Adder) each at the other McLeod fighters. The other remaining fighters launch an AIM-120 AMRAAM each at the F-35s.
A V-22 is damaged badly, everyone inside scrambles out and gets into the other 3 V-22s, as do the downed pilots. All aircraft then leave for the UWS.
46 F-15Es and 32 F-35s take off from the UWS and head towards the returning aircraft at full speed.
OOC: As I am fleeing your missile range would be drastically reduced, since the missiles must catch up with targets that are moving away from them.
10-10-2003, 14:15
OOC: 4 losses from nearly 200 missiles????
IC: The F-35s duck and weave, avoiding most of the missiles, however two aren't quick enough, the pilots ejecting as their craft turn into flaming fireballs behind them.
The remainder close in, VMAX warning systems blaring, stating overstresses on the wings, and open fire with a volley of 4 MAMRAAMs each, totalling another 192 missiles.
Meanwhile, the StealthHawks close in behind the remaining 3 V-22s, and open fire from barely 2 miles away. 32 MASRAAMs are launched, speeding towards the V-22s from the prime launch position.
OOC: 4 losses from nearly 200 missiles????
IC: The F-35s duck and weave, avoiding most of the missiles, however two aren't quick enough, the pilots ejecting as their craft turn into flaming fireballs behind them.
The remainder close in, VMAX warning systems blaring, stating overstresses on the wings, and open fire with a volley of 4 MAMRAAMs each, totalling another 192 missiles.
Meanwhile, the StealthHawks close in behind the remaining 3 V-22s, and open fire from barely 2 miles away. 32 MASRAAMs are launched, speeding towards the V-22s from the prime launch position.
Ooops, I thought you meant a total of 4 missiles, anyway I have to say you are being quite excessive.
Actual losses(that first time):12 F-16s, 6 X-32s, 5 F-22s
IC: The 3 V-22s blow up. The remaining fighters attack the SthealthHawks, each remaining aircraft(2 F-16s, 3 F-22s, 6 X-32s and 6 Su-43s launch a Sidewinder/Archer each at the enemy. This is followed by 4 AMRAAMs/Adders at the F-35s(total-68 missles). Meanwhile, MAAMRAAMs fly in, the fighters attempt to evade, losing 2 F-16s, 4 F-32s, an F-22 and 3 Su-43s.
The remaining fighters turn on jammers and afterburners, quickly leaving the area.
10-10-2003, 14:44
OOC: Yeah, i believe you can NEVER fire enough missiles.
IC: A further 4 F-35s are lost, but the StealthHawks evade the missiles, using counter-measures and active surfaces to easily out manouevre the missiles.
The fighters are now 30 miles from the test site, the reinforcements 45 miles. The 78 reinforcement aircraft launch 1 AMRAAM each at the StealthHawks, and 3 more at the F-35s.