Raysian Technology [Reference/Storefront] [Pic warning]
RMT now has a website!!!
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/rsig1.jpg (http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/rmtdex.htm)
It is MUCH easier to navigate than this ever was.
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/rsig5.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=88120)
Dertos military forces would like to buy 100 V-44 and 10 Antonov An-225 Mriya. Our airforce need some highduty transportaircrafts and we like the idée of V-44.
Dertos military forces would like to buy 100 V-44 and 10 Antonov An-225 Mriya. Our airforce need some highduty transportaircrafts and we like the idée of V-44.order confirmed.
110 Billion due. order is confirmed.
5 An-225's
60 Su-37's (can I upgrade 'em to carrier compatable?)
500 Gun Cyphers
2,550,225,000 USD wired for order.
The production rights and blueprints for the V-44 "War Mover". How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the Antonov An-225 Mriya. How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the RF-11 "Archangel". How much?
King JWolf
5 An-225's
60 Su-37's (can I upgrade 'em to carrier compatable?)
500 Gun CyphersThey are already carrier-capable.
Do your own math dude, then I'll confirm the order.
The production rights and blueprints for the V-44 "War Mover". How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the Antonov An-225 Mriya. How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the RF-11 "Archangel". How much?
King JWolf10 billion for each plan and rights. Your total is 30 billion.
The production rights and blueprints for the V-44 "War Mover". How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the Antonov An-225 Mriya. How much?
The production rights and blueprints for the RF-11 "Archangel". How much?
King JWolf10 billion for each plan and rights. Your total is 30 billion.
*money wired*
King JWolf
3 archangels and 8 Su-37-1800 Raysian Specials please.
3 archangels and 8 Su-37-1800 Raysian Specials please.http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/wrath.jpg
Like I have said now for the 4th time, do your math and then i will confirm your order :)
I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but math does matter ;) and i don't have the time/patience to do it myself lol it's not too much to ask. :)
Thats what it sums up to..
Thats what it sums up to..order confirmed.
The production rights and blueprints for the SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon. 10 billion. For my own defensive purposes.
The production rights and blueprints for the Sukhoi Su-37-1800 "Super Flanker" Raysian Special. 10 billion
20 billion
money wired If you say yes.
King JWolf
The production rights and blueprints for the SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon. 10 billion. For my own defensive purposes.
The production rights and blueprints for the Sukhoi Su-37-1800 "Super Flanker" Raysian Special. 10 billion
20 billion
money wired If you say yes.
King JWolfConfirmed. The plans are being sent, and you are being written in at the patent office.
Dertos military forces would like to buy 100 V-44 and 10 Antonov An-225 Mriya. Our airforce need some highduty transportaircrafts and we like the idée of V-44.order confirmed.
110 Billion due. order is confirmed.
Money is being transferred
The production rights and blueprints for the SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon. 10 billion. For my own defensive purposes.
The production rights and blueprints for the Sukhoi Su-37-1800 "Super Flanker" Raysian Special. 10 billion
20 billion
money wired If you say yes.
King JWolfConfirmed. The plans are being sent, and you are being written in at the patent office.
*money wired*
Also known on the battlefield as the 'Infadel'.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
In recent efforts to modernize our amphibious naval warfare techniques, the Nation of Phyrric would like to purchase 15 "RT 2007 Chariots" with a contract for another 15 for the sum of 1,275,000,000 to be delivered on an annual basis for 10 years. In this contract we expect any further development and improvements to be added onto the craft without delay and pending national test approval. Notice to be given in a prompt manner.
Wire of funds in the sum of 1,275,000,000 upon acceptance.
15-09-2003, 04:11
Do you still do custom jobs, like, say Raysia-1?
The Holy Republic of Sniper Country wishes to purchase:
(70) RF-11 "Archangel"
(275) DB-118 "Drop-Box"
(120) V-44 "War Mover"
(12) RT-1807 Refueler
(80) RF-12 Antion
(60) RF-45 Helaman
(1400) QAAM-18 A2A*stays calm*
OK, because you're a friend, and I'm feeling nice cuz it's a sunday, and you have a big order... i will go ahead and confirm your order :)
x billion USD order confirmed. :) Thank you for your business, these units will serve you well ;)
Do you still do custom jobs, like, say Raysia-1?
Amen.Sure... depends on the type of commission you are asking for. ;) What do you have in mind?
In recent efforts to modernize our amphibious naval warfare techniques, the Nation of Phyrric would like to purchase 15 "RT 2007 Chariots" with a contract for another 15 for the sum of 1,275,000,000 to be delivered on an annual basis for 10 years. In this contract we expect any further development and improvements to be added onto the craft without delay and pending national test approval. Notice to be given in a prompt manner.
Wire of funds in the sum of 1,275,000,000 upon acceptance.Confirmed. :) Sounds like a good plan to me, we'll be happy to go through with it.
hey wait a minute quinn... what happened to this? :P
(42) RT-2007 X $85mil each
(400) DB-118 X $75k each
(700) Cypher UAV with p90 radar and bean bag things X $351,450 ea.
Total comes to $3,846,015,000
*money wired*
(42) RT-2007 X $85mil each
(400) DB-118 X $75k each
(700) Cypher UAV with p90 radar and bean bag things X $351,450 ea.
Total comes to $3,846,015,000
*money wired*Oh, sorry, i need to fix that, the Cyphers can come with riot gear OR assault gear... not both... how about an even split of the two? Everything else is confirmed :)
yes do a 1/3 split ok (but im not re-doin the math!).
We would like 200 RT-2007 "Chariot" NVTOL Cargo Jets.
$17,000,000,000 will be wired upon confirmation of order.
We would like 200 RT-2007 "Chariot" NVTOL Cargo Jets.
$17,000,000,000 will be wired upon confirmation of order.confirmed, thank you :)
Prod rights for the RB-225, and ten to start me off.
i dont know how much the prod rights are, but 10 comes to 1,750,000,000 USD.
Prod rights for the RB-225, and ten to start me off.
i dont know how much the prod rights are, but 10 comes to 1,750,000,000 USD.rights and plans for nosale production is 10 billion. order confirmed
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-09-2003, 19:56
hey wait a minute quinn... what happened to this? :P
Now, as you might remember, our contract specifically said that every other haed of state would drool at the sight of the Jesus-1. But Raysia-1 sems to be better armed and faster. You are in breach of contract. I WANNA NEW ONE!! WAH!
*Throws a really embarrassing fit*
Raysia One was built to accomodate a set of secret service type planes, which could refuel and hitch a ride on the coattails of the AnAC-225... it's not really that much different though...
EDIT: And what are you talking about better armed? lol your airship has more guns, and more missiles, and just as good engines!
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-09-2003, 23:12
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-09-2003, 23:13
Oh, OK. I wonder what Frued would have to say about my outbusrt? HMMM? Sometimes a long, cylindrical plane is just a long, cylindrical plane.
PS- I was just jokin'!
Hey guess what, the RF-11C has been added!
OOC: I play both Nike and Raysia
IC: Nike wishes to purchase 5 RT-2007 Chariots (2 VIP, 2 Attack, and 1 Cargo), 12 RF-11C, 2 RT-1707 Cargo Transports, 200 Cyphers (50 Riot Gear, 150 Attack), 50 Mini-Cyphers, 50,000 Military Armors, 12 RF-12, and 12 RF-45. Roughly 2 billion is total, and we will pay you off over the next 4 years.
Raysia: Order confirmed, Being delivered Immediately.
Oh yes, and 3 RB-225 and 1 RT-1907. >.5 Billion wired :)
Raysia: Confirmed, en route.
60 RB-225*Raysia confirms*
3 more RT-2007s please
*Raysia Confirms*
Heh, a new day, a new shopping list.
5 more Infadels, 4 more RF-11C, 1 RT-1807, 12 more RF-12, 12 more RF-45, 25,000 more Uniform armors, 10,000 QAAMs, 5 standard Drop Boxes, and one more RB-225.
*raysia confirms*
19-09-2003, 19:13
1000 RT-1707, 1000 An-225, 1000 V-44, 10,000 SH-1018
$900,000,000,000 wired, return the extra
1000 RT-1707, 1000 An-225, 1000 V-44, 10,000 SH-1018
$900,000,000,000 wired, return the extraUmm, you only need to buy 1 SH-1808... that's the plans and rights, that's 10 billion. YOU build the actual structures. It costs no less than 15 billion dollars of government spending to build each structure. 10,000 SH-1018 Sky Cleaners would cost you about 150 trillion dollars :)
The rest of your order is confirmed and on it's way
19-09-2003, 19:23
Princess Mew would like to know if the Prod rights and blueprints for the RT-1907 and Antions are for sale? If so, she would like to purchase them, as well as four fully loaded RT-1907s. If not, then she will buy ten fully loaded RT-1907s at $1,383,000,000 a piece, with 43,200 QAAM-18s, enough to fully restock each Antion ten times, totaling $13,894,800,000.
Estimated price of prod rights and blueprints of RT-1907 and Antion plus four fully loaded RT-1907s along with 17,280 QAAM-18s (Again, enough to fully restock each Antion 10 times. ^_^): $7,557,920,000.
Please confirm if this is satisfactory?
Zake Catreece, Princess Janus Mew's Personal Aide
((OOC: Where did the pic for the body armor come from?))
Our Order:
10x Antonov An-225 Mriya: $1,500,000,000
20x RF-12 Antion Air-to-Air UCAV: $700,000,000
Total: $2,200,000,000
Money will be wired on confirmation of order, thanks.
People’s Republic of Mega Tau (http://www.angelfire.com/empire2/megatau)
20-09-2003, 14:29
100 Antonov AN-225s please. 15,000,000,000 wired and awaiting delivery. :)
Princess Mew would like to know if the Prod rights and blueprints for the RT-1907 and Antions are for sale? If so, she would like to purchase them, as well as four fully loaded RT-1907s. If not, then she will buy ten fully loaded RT-1907s at $1,383,000,000 a piece, with 43,200 QAAM-18s, enough to fully restock each Antion ten times, totaling $13,894,800,000.
Estimated price of prod rights and blueprints of RT-1907 and Antion plus four fully loaded RT-1907s along with 17,280 QAAM-18s (Again, enough to fully restock each Antion 10 times. ^_^): $7,557,920,000.
Please confirm if this is satisfactory?
Zake Catreece, Princess Janus Mew's Personal Aide
((OOC: Where did the pic for the body armor come from?))production rights are a flat 10 billion a piece, and that's for non export. That means, don't sell them to anyone. Order is confirmed (Not in the mood for math :P)
ooc: Final Fantasy VI
Our Order:
10x Antonov An-225 Mriya: $1,500,000,000
20x RF-12 Antion Air-to-Air UCAV: $700,000,000
Total: $2,200,000,000
Money will be wired on confirmation of order, thanks.
People’s Republic of Mega Tau (http://www.angelfire.com/empire2/megatau)Order Confirmed.
100 Antonov AN-225s please. 15,000,000,000 wired and awaiting delivery. :)Order Confirmed. Will arrive over the next 2 years. (3 or 4 RL days)
hi, im interested in purchesing hardware, im not sure, what the cost, or what these are even usefull for, if u get a chance, could u reply and tell me a basic what i would need, i just want enough right now to protect my space, and i was just curious can u start wars with these, or is it just something for show??
hi, im interested in purchesing hardware, im not sure, what the cost, or what these are even usefull for, if u get a chance, could u reply and tell me a basic what i would need, i just want enough right now to protect my space, and i was just curious can u start wars with these, or is it just something for show??Read these threads:
Princess Mew would like to know if the Prod rights and blueprints for the RT-1907 and Antions are for sale? If so, she would like to purchase them, as well as four fully loaded RT-1907s. If not, then she will buy ten fully loaded RT-1907s at $1,383,000,000 a piece, with 43,200 QAAM-18s, enough to fully restock each Antion ten times, totaling $13,894,800,000.
Estimated price of prod rights and blueprints of RT-1907 and Antion plus four fully loaded RT-1907s along with 17,280 QAAM-18s (Again, enough to fully restock each Antion 10 times. ^_^): $7,557,920,000.
Please confirm if this is satisfactory?
Zake Catreece, Princess Janus Mew's Personal Aide
((OOC: Where did the pic for the body armor come from?))production rights are a flat 10 billion a piece, and that's for non export. That means, don't sell them to anyone. Order is confirmed (Not in the mood for math :P)
ooc: Final Fantasy VI
Of course we won't sell any we construct. There seems to have been a slight error on our part, we have short changed you 18 billion. Transfering total sum now.
$25,557,920,000 wired...
Princess Mew thanks you for your business and looks forward to a continued business partnership with you.
Zake Catreece, Princess Janus Mew's Personal Aide
I want 250 gun cyphers
I want 100 mini gun cyphers
I want 100 mini gun cyphers equipped with paintballs
I want 300 v-44s
I want 500 su's
I want 500 of those cannon things
I want everything loaded and ready to go
I also want 200 more AA cannons
I want 200 RT-1807 refuelers
I want 300 blended wing planes
I also want 200 more AA cannons
I want 200 RT-1807 refuelers
I want 300 blended wing planes
First off, you can't buy all that stuff... you don't have enough money...
But you can buy the plans for the cannon, that's 10 billion. it costs you 15 billion of internal conteracting to build EACH CANNON. And you don't buy the cannons from us, you build them yourself... and then deduct it from your budget.
Raysia, could I get the production rights to the RT-1707? I love that plane, its an awesome Paratrooper drop ship, as you once said it could hold 1750 Fully Combat Loaded Troops :D
Oh, could I also get 20 of the DropPods to drop onto a carrier?
Money wired upon confirmation
Raysia, could I get the production rights to the RT-1707? I love that plane, its an awesome Paratrooper drop ship, as you once said it could hold 1750 Fully Combat Loaded Troops :D
Oh, could I also get 20 of the DropPods to drop onto a carrier?
Money wired upon confirmationAbsolutely. order Confirmed... you've been using my tech in rp? :) can I see a link?
For an idea of it's load capacity and size... that's a frikkin space shuttle
Actually, it's a Buran, the Russian copy of the Space Shuttle that was only flown once, on an unmanned test mission. But they are the same size.
it's a shuttle, it goes in space, it's a space shuttle...
and they flew them in 007 Moonraker :P
cool pics. btw, Raysia, Gradenk would like to sign a long term military supply contract with you. Perhaps we can offset the course by trading military products as well.
Could we discuss this via Tm ?
Its on a private regional forum. But basically, I dropped roughly 8,500 Paratroopers and 40 M551 Sheridan Tanks using RT-1707 to relieve pressure on my lines, allowing for an armoured break through. I was outnumbered 3 to 1, and I managed to pull out a victory.
I want the plans for the AA rocket
I want 20 v-44s
I want 20 of those planes that were carrying the shuttle
I want 20 gun cyphers equipped with sniper rifles
And I want 20 blended wing planes
(how do you wire money)
(I'll send another reply with the total amount of money calculated)
I want the plans for the AA rocket
I want 20 v-44s
I want 20 of those planes that were carrying the shuttle
I want 20 gun cyphers equipped with sniper rifles
And I want 20 blended wing planes
(how do you wire money)
(I'll send another reply with the total amount of money calculated)Meh, Confirmed. Are you trying to buy the QAAM Missile or the Big AA Gun?
I want the plans to the AA cannons
I want 25 v-44s
I want 10 gun cyphers equipped with sniper
And I want 25 SU-37s
Meh, Confirmed. Are you trying to buy the QAAM Missile or the Big AA Gun?[/Quote]
neither, im trying to buy the plans to the AA gun
do i have the stuff now, or do u still want me to calculate?
Raysia, here are a couple of notes I compiled abou your Elders:
1) What the hell would you do with an aft 30mm cannon? No competent pilot would fly that close in pursuit.
2) If your Elders still have Lyulkas, and are then 5000+ lbs. heavier, do the math. It would have a top speed of MAYBE 1900 kmh.
3) It would be an art trying to switch between Hover and Flight modes, because if both operate on one pair of engines, you could not possible hover and move forward at the same time, so you would either stall trying to move forward, making you a stationary platform, of you would just have to take off like everyone else.
4) You CANNOT refuel 5 planes using a Presidental Air-Force-One style plane, unless you plan to syphon fuel from your own fuel tanks, giving Raysia One a horribly short operating range.
Eternal FIame
27-09-2003, 17:33
The Federation of Eternal FIame would like to purchase:
536 Sukhoi Su-37-1800 "Super Flanker" Raysian Special at $30 million a piece ( $16,080,000,000 )
2000 V-44 "War Mover" at $95 million a piece ( $190,000,000,000 )
Money will be wired on confirmation.
OOC Note: Gotta dig the Yellow Squadron Super Flankers.
All orders confirmed.
ISAF: Hmm... well Soviet Haargrad designed them... I might have to edit the stats again a little bit. And as for the VTOL... they have lift jets, I'm pretty sure I put that there... and Yeah, I'll probably have to bump up the engines or cut the speed stats, and about refueling... did you read the stats on Raysia One? It's an An-225, and it's got extra fuel tanks, it's all taken care of...
Purchase Order:
10 RF-11D Archangel (optimized variant)@$48 million each
Total: $480,000,000
Money wired on order confirmation.
Purchase Order:
10 RF-11D Archangel (optimized variant)@$48 million each
Total: $480,000,000
Money wired on order confirmation.
Thanks!Confirmed, thank you
I assume that this is 2020-30ish tech? Interesting...
I also find your signature plane, the archangel interesting as well. It seems similar to my F/A-110 starfire :?
I assume that this is 2020-30ish tech? Interesting...
I also find your signature plane, the archangel interesting as well. It seems similar to my F/A-110 starfire :?Actually, nothing is really beyond 2010 tech level. I'm sure it's a rival to your (godmoddy) plane :) ^_^
OOC: J/K I don't think it's godmoddy, just needs to be rewritten... because you seriously overpowered the engines on that little unaerodynamic frame ^_^
And we both got our planes from Macross/Robotech.
I assume that this is 2020-30ish tech? Interesting...
I also find your signature plane, the archangel interesting as well. It seems similar to my F/A-110 starfire :?Actually, nothing is really beyond 2010 tech level. I'm sure it's a rival to your (godmoddy) plane :) ^_^
OOC: J/K I don't think it's godmoddy, just needs to be rewritten... because you seriously overpowered the engines on that little unaerodynamic frame ^_^
And we both got our planes from Macross/Robotech.
OOC: Yea, i'm gonna rewrite it and put more detail into it (i want it spiced up, it IS the signature plane of Daggoth... for now...) i changed the thrust to 32,104 ibs... Is that still to much :? ?
I assume that this is 2020-30ish tech? Interesting...
I also find your signature plane, the archangel interesting as well. It seems similar to my F/A-110 starfire :?Actually, nothing is really beyond 2010 tech level. I'm sure it's a rival to your (godmoddy) plane :) ^_^
OOC: J/K I don't think it's godmoddy, just needs to be rewritten... because you seriously overpowered the engines on that little unaerodynamic frame ^_^
And we both got our planes from Macross/Robotech.
OOC: Yea, i'm gonna rewrite it and put more detail into it (i want it spiced up, it IS the signature plane of Daggoth... for now...) i changed the thrust to 32,104 ibs... Is that still to much :? ?well, thrust and weight and aerodynamics are all factors in speed. With that flight model (the VF-1) you'd need a lot of power to be able to go fast... so 2 50,000 lb Plasma engines or whatever might actually be right ^_^ But at that speeds, the plane would shatter apart lol it just doesn't look fast.. it looks maneuverable.
20 chariots
20 archangel RF-IID
20 Sukhoi SU-37-1800
10 Antonov An-225
30 drop-box
20 RQ-1
20 RQ-4
20 RF-12 Antions
20 RF-45
50 QAAM missles
money wired in advance
20 chariots
20 archangel RF-IID
20 Sukhoi SU-37-1800
10 Antonov An-225
30 drop-box
20 RQ-1
20 RQ-4
20 RF-12 Antions
20 RF-45
50 QAAM missles
money wired in advanceorder confirmed, where the heck are you guys getting all this money?! :shock: :shock:
May Padmasa purchase the plans for the The SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon?
I assume that this is 2020-30ish tech? Interesting...
I also find your signature plane, the archangel interesting as well. It seems similar to my F/A-110 starfire :?Actually, nothing is really beyond 2010 tech level. I'm sure it's a rival to your (godmoddy) plane :) ^_^
OOC: J/K I don't think it's godmoddy, just needs to be rewritten... because you seriously overpowered the engines on that little unaerodynamic frame ^_^
And we both got our planes from Macross/Robotech.
OOC: Yea, i'm gonna rewrite it and put more detail into it (i want it spiced up, it IS the signature plane of Daggoth... for now...) i changed the thrust to 32,104 ibs... Is that still to much :? ?well, thrust and weight and aerodynamics are all factors in speed. With that flight model (the VF-1) you'd need a lot of power to be able to go fast... so 2 50,000 lb Plasma engines or whatever might actually be right ^_^ But at that speeds, the plane would shatter apart lol it just doesn't look fast.. it looks maneuverable.
Well then... back to the labs!
*all F/A-110 Starfires of the Daggothian Airforce are withdrawn and are being modified as we speak.*
Yess, I got a good idea.
May Padmasa purchase the plans for the The SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon?Raysia speaking: 10 billion USD, order confirmed.
Daggoth, I'll help you make the stats realistic.
May Padmasa purchase the plans for the The SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon?Raysia speaking: 10 billion USD, order confirmed.
Thank you. *Money Wired*
Would you like us to build it for you? :)
I would like to buy ten Raysian Aero RF-11 for the price of $450,000,000. this money has been wired with this purchase. I thank tou in advance
I would like to buy ten Raysian Aero RF-11 for the price of $450,000,000. this money has been wired with this purchase. I thank tou in advanceWhich variants? RF-11 and RF-11C are both 42 million, RF-11D is 48 million.
Would you like us to build it for you? :)
Our engineers are capable... Hmmmm, your plans are printed in sand scrift and hyroglyphs ... may we please buy 3 of them so we can see what the finished product should look like. :lol: *Money wired*
i was waiting for some of that ace combat stuff to reach the sales forums!
1500 QAAM missiles
and prod. rights for the Stonehenge thingies (as long as they're RL tech)
Would you like us to build it for you? :)
Our engineers are capable... Hmmmm, your plans are printed in sand scrift and hyroglyphs ... may we please buy 3 of them so we can see what the finished product should look like. :lol: *Money wired*pssh, some people just don't bother to learn the great written language of reformed egyptian ;)
We will send construction crews and materials, you will have them by next year.
i was waiting for some of that ace combat stuff to reach the sales forums!
1500 QAAM missiles
and prod. rights for the Stonehenge thingies (as long as they're RL tech)Sure, everything here is 2010-2015 tech, it's ok to use.
Order confirmed... and FYI, I would have sold the X-2, but Fik/Free Rumania sells them lol
in that case, i'll have 350 of the SU-37 1800
100 RB-225
200 V-44
My nation's defense force has decided to purchase 10 RFIID Archangels. The money has been wired. Pleasure doing business with you.
in that case, i'll have 350 of the SU-37 1800
100 RB-225
200 V-44Order confirmed... is that all? I would seriously draw your interest to the RF-11D :)
[/salesman] ^_^
My nation's defense force has decided to purchase 10 RFIID Archangels. The money has been wired. Pleasure doing business with you.Order confirmed, sent.
it looks stupid to me (no offence)
the SU's are to replace some of my older versions
V-44s are to replace my V-22 Pavehammer's
and the antonov is to fill the heavy bomber role alongside the B-52
im not really out for NEW stuff, just fillin gaps and updating
however on closer look i will take:
15,000 CYPHER with sniper rifle
20,000 CYPHER with P-90
it looks stupid to me (no offence)*weapons* *hides*
however on closer look i will take:
15,000 CYPHER with sniper rifle
20,000 CYPHER with P-90Order confirmed.
oh ok, i will take 50 x RF-11 for testing purposes
50 RF-11D thenlol I was kidding, but ok, order confirmed
Trinium Hydroxide
30-09-2003, 18:54
100 - RF-12 Antion
100 - Su-37-1800 Raysian Special
3 - Antonov An-225 Mriya
-----Money Wired--------
General Jaime Vox
Chef Commander Of TSMF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
100 - RF-12 Antion
100 - Su-37-1800 Raysian Special
3 - Antonov An-225 Mriya
-----Money Wired--------
General Jaime Vox
Chef Commander Of TSMF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”order confirmed
30-09-2003, 19:12
Greetings! Marimaia would like to purchase the following:
No-sale prod. rights for the Su-37-1800 "Raysian Special" = $10 billion
No-sale prod. rights for the Antonov An-225 Mriya = $10 billion
Total = $20 billion *money wired*
Greetings! Marimaia would like to purchase the following:
No-sale prod. rights for the Su-37-1800 "Raysian Special" = $10 billion
No-sale prod. rights for the Antonov An-225 Mriya = $10 billion
Total = $20 billion *money wired*confirmed.
Kingdom of Autume wishes to purchase:
3 V-44
5 RF-11D archangel
10 SU-37 1800 raysia special
100 raysia aero QAAM-18
total: 825,150,000
Kingdom of Autume wishes to purchase:
3 V-44
5 RF-11D archangel
10 SU-37 1800 raysia special
100 raysia aero QAAM-18
total: 825,150,000order confirmed. thank you.
The Archangel isn't manuverable! It hardly has any control surfaces anyway! And what the hell, there aren't any elevators/ailerons visible, and the four tails/elevator things are far too small to harbor any of any real size. The tails are just too small. The manuverability would lack. And why the flak cannon? With the chaos of a pursuit, i doubt you would STOP what you were doing to line up a shot while the pursuer riddled your plane with bullets. And the QAAM? Thats a joke right? Active Radar Pings? Thats sorta like a dog whistle for missiles. It would virtually make a regular sidewinder as accurate as a QAAM, cuz the location of your plane would be constantly updated via the radar pings you are constantly sending out. Also, a 4 inch mini cypher cant carry a rifle. And you may want to consider putting hard plates in that armor of yours. I really suggest getting another weapons designer.
no hard feelings, eh?
The Archangel isn't manuverable! It hardly has any control surfaces anyway! And what the hell, there aren't any elevators/ailerons visible, and the four tails/elevator things are far too small to harbor any of any real size. And the wings are so small, it would have a bitch of a stall speed. I really suggest getting another weapons designer.
( btw i know what im talking about: I study planes as a hobby)OOC: yeah... so do I... Control surfaces are on the wings, and on the short tails and canards... it doesn't need elevators because it has extreme thrust vectoring, and it's not meant to go slow. And wtf is wrong with the weapons? And sorry i didn't have a better pic, but I got it off a frikkin anime lol
The YF-23 flew without elevators, and the X-36 flew without tails... this is a mix of that. Trust me, I spent a week of RL time on NS boards consulting other nations about this. I considered having the tails on swivels so they could double as elevators, do you think I should make that change to make it more realistic? Because currently they only serve as rudders, and the extreme thrust vectoring handles pitch and aids a ton in roll and all other maneuverability.
If I get a lightwave model, i will make my own pics with my own modifications.
01-10-2003, 17:37
"Kekkosmaa would like to order 500 Rf-11D Archangels and 500 Rf-12 Antions. Money wired."
hi i would like to buy the antonov an-225 mriga from you the cheeck is included :)
"Kekkosmaa would like to order 500 Rf-11D Archangels and 500 Rf-12 Antions. Money wired."Order Confirmed, thank you
hello i would like to buy the raysia aerospace RT-2007 "chariot" :)
FC, Order Confirmed,
Rainbows: how many?
I'll take:
100 RT-2007 Chariots, gunship config*
300 RF-11D Archangels
500 Super Cancelers**
The plans for the SkyCleaner
Total Cost: $30,003,500,000
*Can I further modify these myself?
**Can Half of these be made so that they only affect one person, or have variable settings?
Trinium Hydroxide
08-10-2003, 00:34
The TSAF would like to buy the plans for The SH-1018 "Sky-Cleaner" AA Cannon if that alrite with you and of course it will only be used for defensive purposes.
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1710365#1710365/)
Pamiristan would like to purchase the following
300,000 Raysia Arms Type III Body Armor Uniform
The funds have been wired
All orders Confirmed
menoth: the Single-person ones are a common radio shack item lol
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
The Holy Republic of Sniper Country wishes to purchase
(70) RF-11 "Archangel"
(275) DB-118 "Drop-Box"
(120) V-44 "War Mover"
(12) RT-1807 Refueler
(80) RF-12 Antion
(60) RF-45 Helaman
(1400) QAAM-18 A2A
Yes the KING of Planet ZION wishes to purchase these items also. :lol:
Ill take 5 Raysian Aero RF-11 "Archangel"
and 10,000 of the air to air rockets
*money wired*
What Design tool do you use, ie software?
Oh, and in case someone mised it... we now sell...
Walkers: ((Yes, modern tech walkers!))
The RM-18 "Gabriel"
This 4.5 Ton Walker operates on an electro-constricting-polymer muscular infrastructure, which is powered by a Diesel-combustion Generator. The only mechanical parts make up the diesel generator, the dual .50 Calibur Automatic Rifles, and the 2 Compressed-Air Blaster Pods on the backside. Everything else is controlled by polymers that constrict when electrified, simulating muscles. This complex system is designed to have a very narrow chance of ever breaking down. The Engine would probably be the only thing ever needing intensive repair, a the plastic muscles can easily just be interchanged or replaced.
Raysian Robotic Arms RM-18 "Gabriel"
Classificiation: Walker
Height: 3 meters
Weight: 9000 lbs (4100 kg)
Powerplant: 1 Diesel Generator w/ 15 Gallon Tank (Internal) that powers the electical systems that control muscular movement, 2 heavy Air Compressors that power 2 Blaster Pods.
Crew: 1 Pilot (Seen in the pic is an empty chair)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100km/h)
Max Jump Height (With Blaster Pods): 50 Feet.
Computers: Gyro-Stabilizer, VisorScreen Interface, Wired dual joystick/dual pedal controls, Radar.
Armament: 2 .50 Cal Automatic Rifles, 1 heavy Flamethrower, 1 Automatic Grenade Launcher, Interchangable Aux. Weapons such as Stinger Missile Packages, or Gauss Rifles, or heavy sniper rifles.
Defenses and Armor: LiquidMetal/Kevlar skins with Steel framework, optional Steel Arm-Shield
Operational Limbs: 2 Double-Joint Arms, 2 Long Fingers and 1 thumb per hand per arm, 2 Reverse-joint Legs, and a semi-pivoting torso.
Price: 50 Million
Another design team created this Variant of the Walker, the RM-19 "Ezekiel"
This version is very similar, the only difference on this version is that it has a top speed of 90 mph (150 km/h) and lacks Blaster pods in favor of a springier leg frame. Max Jump is 20 feet and Total Height is 4 meters.
What Design tool do you use, ie software?Photoshop and lightwave... but I only really draw my own tech when doing future tech (Capsule Corporation) The only things I drew here were the Drop Box and the Cypher... everything else is just photoshop.
:shock: Raysian Aero RF-11 "Archangel"
Wow will you sell the plans?
ill take 2 ether way
$84,000,000 USD
plans for the RF-11 are 10 Billion, the QAAM launchers option is 5 billion, and the Pulse-Det Hybrid engines are 5 billion.
Are you ever going to sell those ELDERS Su-37's?
They look pretty mean.
plans for the RF-11 are 10 Billion, the QAAM launchers option is 5 billion, and the Pulse-Det Hybrid engines are 5 billion.
Exelent ill take all of it.
20 Bil. Wired.
BTE - Order confirmed... remember, you -can not sell these- they are for internal use only...
FC - Well, I kinda recently started selling them at the outrageous price of 300 million :) I think i'll drop it soon... want me to notify you when I do?
But at a more respectable price :wink:
But at a more respectable price :wink:probably around 100 million. but first I'll tweak things up a little to make it a little less... unique.
We wish to purchase 2 Antonov An-225 Mriyas. 600 million $£ (300 million $) will be wired upon confirmation.
We wish to purchase 2 Antonov An-225 Mriyas. 600 million $£ (300 million $) will be wired upon confirmation.order confirmed.
12-10-2003, 23:20
Regarding the walkers, I'd like to know how far they can travel on a 15 gallon fuel supply. A honda civic has a 13 gallon tank and can around 450 miles on all highway. Mind you a honda civic has an incredibly fuel efficient little engine. A diesel engine isn't going to be so great in that regard, and it would be even more inefficient if i had to turn all its energy into electricity. Also at modern tech, contracting polymers are very.....not finished.....
Anyway, I suggest visiting:
They plan on using a mechanical to mechanical form of movement( engine to legs) instead of a mechanical to electrical to mechanical system.
Also, how fast do the blaster pods charge, and how do they charge without jet engines? And how far can they jump?
If you ask me, walkers are a waste of time. they require way too much mantinence to be very effective at giving you your moneys worth, if it was up too me, a good power suit would be much more useful.
i will take
2 The RM-18 "Gabriel"
and he plans if you will sell them.
$100 mil. wired.
Evil - Order confirmed...
to answer everyone else's question... the gas powers an electrical generator... doesn't require that much fuel.
And Raysia exists Ca. 2015... basically anything in testing IRL is finished... we use UCAVs... Electro-Contricting Polymers, and Pulse-Detonation/Jet Hybrid engines... so it's all cool.
As for why we don't just make a power armor, two reasons... first, this is merely the first model in a long line, and second, OOC'ly I just wanted to use the pics lol they were too primitive for my future-tech nation lol
13-10-2003, 01:21
to answer everyone else's question... the gas powers an electrical generator... doesn't require that much fuel
It does if you want enough of it to move 4.5 tons at 60mph.........
Anyway, with all these technologies at your disposal, I think you should change your description to being a post-modern tech level, instead of modern, as there is a definite difference. At modern tech, the US military is a good example of top-of-the line, with maybe a few improvements to outdated units. At post-modern the experimental tech of today has become refined enough to see combat. (And at future, basically the stuff that post-modern is researching has become feasable)
You ARE NOT modern tech level............
I say Modernish :P Modernish is +10 or 15 years... not too much really... that's where most Modern tech players are at... Post-modern people usually associate with around 2050...
If this is unacceptable, i'll ditch the walkers, they're the most "advanced" thing I have, and that's the thing weighing me into the future. The walkers aren't that great anyway ;)
OK, I'll ditch the walkers... it was a dumb idea anyway lol
13-10-2003, 01:55
What confuses most people about tech levels is the lack of definition of terms.... Most people say pre-modern, modern, postmodern, future.
In reality it should be:
Pre-Modern(many subdivisions)------->
Modern(now, on the dot)-------->
Post-Modern(2010-2030~, stuff like what you and I have)-------->
Future(has effective lasers+plasma, bio-modding, nano-augs, sophisticated gene manip, etc.)------->
Space Faring(what most people call future, this has FTL travel and all that stuff)
Ohh and about the walkers: open cockpits=less pilots for 50 million dollar walkers :D
Dude, I cancelled the walkers..
And now, everything on my storefront is currently available technology... just fixed and finished.
2003-2010 = "Modernish" tech level lol that's where most people play.
Thanks for the E-Type :)
2 Su-37 ELDER's with 2 QAAM reloaders each
2 Su-37 ELDER's with 2 QAAM reloaders and active camouflage each
1 Su-37 ELDER's with 1 QAAM, 1 GAU-8 gunpod and active camo.
That is:
$800,000,000 USD I think.
Thanks for the E-Type :)
2 Su-37 ELDER's with 2 QAAM reloaders each
2 Su-37 ELDER's with 2 QAAM reloaders and active camouflage each
1 Su-37 ELDER's with 1 QAAM, 1 GAU-8 gunpod and active camo.
That is:
$800,000,000 USD I think.order confirmed. :)
20 Su-37-1820 E-Type for my Blood Unit. All with Active Camoflauge.
Total = 3,400,000,000
*Money wired*
King JWolf
OOC: I took the gundams off.
Raysia Arms Type III Body Armor Uniform x300,000 - $225,000,000 USD
Money will be wired via electronic account upon confirmation.
Bosko Bedolvi, Secratary of the Treasury
Объединенные Социалистические государства совета KoRT
KoRT - Order confirmed, cool Russian sig lol
Wolf - Order confirmed... you know, with future tech, you could probably afford something a lot better than an Su-37 lol Order confirmed, expect about a year before they arrive, active Camo is still in the works, so hold tight.
New storefront banner:
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/rsig2.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=78939)
KoRT - Order confirmed, cool Russian sig lol
Wolf - Order confirmed... you know, with future tech, you could probably afford something a lot better than an Su-37 lol Order confirmed, expect about a year before they arrive, active Camo is still in the works, so hold tight.
I know. I'm going to destroy the Blood Unit's gundams off and the other goverment people's gundams off but not the G Gundams and King JWolf's gundams. I think my F-310 Ghosthawk Fighter is better but my unit has their own APC and heavy dropship but they didn't have fighter planes.
how do I buy these wonderful wepons and is there really a usefule way to use them in the game plese inform me because I'm new and lost, telegram me if you have the answer
how do I buy these wonderful wepons and is there really a usefule way to use them in the game plese inform me because I'm new and lost, telegram me if you have the answerGo here:
That will teach you almost everything you need to know.
Purchase Order:
10x Su-37 ELDERS Special fitted with the Raysian Arms Missile Reloader System
10x Su-37 ELDERS Special fitted with the Raysian Arms Gau-8 Vulcan Gunpod
5x Su-37 ELDERS Special fitted with the Active Camoflauge customisation
25 Basic units: $3,000,000,000
Customisations: $350,000,000
Grand Total: $3,500,000,000
Money wired on confirmation of order.
order confirmed. The active camo research is 90% complete, we will have the others delivered immediately, but you'll have to wait a little bit longer for the camo... maybe 5 months.
Raysia, check my alliance thread.
210 E types please
being as a have placed large orders in the past can i have money off?
or maybe an extra upgrade for free
Speaking as Raysia:
Hmm... yes, that is a very large order... we'll give you all them and 1 add-on each (not the camo) for 20 billion... but a note to others... this is a big order for expensive items... i won't be able to handle an order this big very often.
order confirmed, they will arrive over the next 2 years (2 days)
"and then ISAF knocked on the door."
That's an Elder thingy? That's hilarious! Ive got a bomber that flies not-quite-as-fast! mach 2.89? My bombers get to 2.4, when fully loaded and using afterburners.
Interesting point of debate:
Your planes have a "safety buffer zone" on G-Forces, between -9 and +13. The average human would be incapacitated and perhaps dead at +7 (which is 7 times his own body weight, which makes a 100 lb. man weigh 700 lbs+), turing the archangel into a lawn dart.
But add blaster pods and that 700 lb. man turns to a healthy 900! Even with specialized training, a man can BARELY survive 8 g's.
Care to comment?
OOC: psst... +13 -9 is the plane's maximum maneuverability... the pilots wear g-suits, and the safeties on the plane don't allow it to go past 9 G's... that's why i said... IT HAS SAFETIES... I stated that very clearly... or so I thought.
And as for the Blasters... you wouldn't use them in a high-speed turn... that would be idiotic... you use them in low speed and take-off.
I'm not a complete idiot, I thought this all out.
And a bomber that goes Mach 2.4? I hope you don't mean a heavy bomber.... cuz that's some effing powerful engines... how do you fuel that sort of thing? And I have high-speed bombing capabilities, but I don't really need them when I have my megafortress bombers that can hold up to 100 tons of bombs and go mach .95... :)
Tell me more about this uber-high-speed bomber you claim to have :)
And from now on, if you want to try to "Clarify" any of my stuff, try a peaceful telegram :)
The Government of Randicas would like to purchase 12 of the regular version Archangels for $USD 504,000,000. If we're pleased with the product we will definetly be back in touch. The money will be wired upon order completion and we'd like an estimation on how long the shipment will take.
Winston Sanderson
Defense Minister
The Government of Randicas would like to purchase 12 of the regular version Archangels for $USD 504,000,000. If we're pleased with the product we will definetly be back in touch. The money will be wired upon order completion and we'd like an estimation on how long the shipment will take.
Winston Sanderson
Defense MinisterRaysia Speaking: Order Confirmed, they can be there by the end of the week (few minutes RL)
500x Su-37-1820 Elder-Type
500x Su-37 1800
250x Rf-11 Archangel
500x RT-2007
For our military base in Guatamica Island!
20x Su-37-1820 E-Type with reloader, GAU-8, Camoflauge = $2.7 billion
28x RF-11D = $1.344 billion
10x RT-2007 = $850 million
Total: $4.894 billion
Raysia speaking:
OMZ: order confirmed
LoA: LOL Even if we did sell to craters, 150 Billion dollars in equipment is a lot to ask for.... Oh well, order Confirmed, Expect the order over the next 3-5 years...
Thank you, money wired.
OOC: Just call me Omz :P . No, "Omz222" is not an abbrevation of something. More like a random name.
Thank you, money wired.
OOC: Just call me Omz :P . No, "Omz222" is not an abbrevation of something. More like a random name.OOC: Omz is a measure of resistance... Sounds like an unintentional double-meaning ;)
Ok... so it's Ohmes.. but oh well lol
17-10-2003, 06:46
With the EAF's new "Outsourcing" initiative, we would like to procure 10 Megafotress bombers for testing purposes. $1.75bn has been wired.
With the EAF's new "Outsourcing" initiative, we would like to procure 10 Megafotress bombers for testing purposes. $1.75bn has been wired.*raysia confirms*
Raysia speaking:
OMZ: order confirmed
LoA: LOL Even if we did sell to craters, 150 Billion dollars in equipment is a lot to ask for.... Oh well, order Confirmed, Expect the order over the next 3-5 years...
Really? :| http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=80291&start=0
I would like to purchase
2-Modified Sikorski Cypher UAV(1-P90 Power Machine Gun and 1- Sensor/Camera/radar)
for testing purposes
Allow me to buy:
50 Raysian Aero RF-11C Varient "Archangel"
40 Antonov An-225 Mriya
800 DB-118 "Drop-Box"
15 V-44 "War Mover"
400 Sikorski Cypher UAV Camera Sensor Radar
300 Sikorski Cypher UAV. Sniper version
and 700 Mini-Cypher
1200 RQ-1 Predator
250 RF-12 ANtion
Money wired
All orders confirmed, sorry for the delay.
THanks to ISAF, some stats have been fixed, including Changing the blast pods on the RF-11 for Pulse Det Booster engines.
The Automite Air Force would like 1000 RF-11s, 800 Su-37Es, 200 An-225s, 200 RB-225s, 200 V-44s, and 1000 RF-12s, at a total cost of $201 billion.
SupmGenl Jorge Salvo
Automite Air Force
Raysia Speaking: Wow, that is quite an order! Order confirmed. Expect it over the next 5 years, starting now!
1 Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle for me.
*Money Wired*
King JWolf
Co-Founder of the Newbie Protection Agency
Member of the Extra Solar Union of Systems (ESUS) (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=82439)
order confirmed. (What's with all these future tech guys buying from me? lol)
Raysia Speaking: Wow, that is quite an order!
Isn't it though? I figured, "Well, if we need to get planes for at least some of our 86,000 idle pilots, we might as well buy them while we have the money." Who better to buy them from than Raysia? :wink:
(OOC: That $201bn was less than half of my country's military budget this year.)
order confirmed. (What's with all these future tech guys buying from me? lol)
I'm post modern tech.
Plus I just like your stuff.
Plus I just like your stuff.*Raises an eyebrow* last time I checked, you were selling gundams like hotcackes ;)
Raysia, I hate the fact that you sell Verge-of-Godmodish type stuff. I also hate that really annoying 60s font you have on all of your really annoying banners.
Plus I just like your stuff.*Raises an eyebrow* last time I checked, you were selling gundams like hotcackes ;)
Not any more. BTW CC won the finals of the Gundam fight because nobody was fighting. CC is the King of all Gundams.
Hey, 201 bil is not quite half? I hate to brag but my budget for def is a little over a trillion :wink:
10 RF-11 D Archangels.
Reason for purchase: Test for Valefor 29-A.
Price: 480 million
We trust you, so:
Raysia Speaking:
Raysia, I hate the fact that you sell Verge-of-Godmodish type stuff. I also hate that really annoying 60s font you have on all of your really annoying banners.*gasps* What do you know of godmoding, mr. 44 posts :P All my stuff is legal... and if something looks godmodish, then please inform me, and I will do my best to change it! As for the font... hah, screw you , I like it lol I use it because I could never find a good Gothic-style batman font :P
Hey, 201 bil is not quite half? I hate to brag but my budget for def is a little over a trillion :wink:
10 RF-11 D Archangels.
Reason for purchase: Test for Valefor 29-A.
Price: 480 million
We trust you, so:
*Wired*Sure, Order Confirmed. Thanks for your OOC help btw!
21-10-2003, 22:54
The Republic of CoreWorlds wish to purchase 2 SU-37-1800s and 2 Predators for $110 million.
Money to be wired upon confirmation.
No problem. Thanks for the planes!
The Republic of CoreWorlds wish to purchase 2 SU-37-1800s and 2 Predators for $110 million.
Money to be wired upon confirmation.*Raysia Confirms*
You know what? I think i'll buy some Elder ripoffs, just to see how well they work (btw i messed up my figures i meant 6 trillion bucks on defence)
10 SU-37-1820s for test purposes
1.2 billion wired
You know what? I think i'll buy some Elder ripoffs, just to see how well they work (btw i messed up my figures i meant 6 trillion bucks on defence)
10 SU-37-1820s for test purposes
1.2 billion wiredhahaha, trust me, they're probably a lot easier to use than the real things :) They're... umm... Safer :) Nah, I'm kidding, they're basically the same thing, just mass produced. Order confirmed and on their way.
Purchasing plans for Sky Cleaner, Sky Cleaner Mk II, and Sea Cleaner AME Weapons.
*Raysia confirmes, special authorization given*
500 Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle
600 RT-2007 "Chariot"
780 Raysian Aero RF-11 "Archangel"
200 RF-11D Archangel
150 Sukhoi Su-37-1820 "E-Type"
5 An-225 Mriya "Cossack"
300 V-44 "War Mover"
10 RT-1707 Cargo Transport
10 RT-1807 Refueler
10 RT-1907 UCAV
700 Mini-Cypher
800 RQ-4 Global Hawk
450 RF-12 Antion
And that will be it.
Note: I am resurected nation from December 2002, yes i do have the fund for all that.
500 Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle
600 RT-2007 "Chariot"
780 Raysian Aero RF-11 "Archangel"
200 RF-11D Archangel
150 Sukhoi Su-37-1820 "E-Type"
5 An-225 Mriya "Cossack"
300 V-44 "War Mover"
10 RT-1707 Cargo Transport
10 RT-1807 Refueler
10 RT-1907 UCAV
700 Mini-Cypher
800 RQ-4 Global Hawk
450 RF-12 Antion
And that will be it.
Note: I am resurected nation from December 2002, yes i do have the fund for all that.Holy Schwartz! order confirmed... expect about 4-6 years for full delivery. First shipments are on their way. Glad to see you back! (as i I knew you :)
The Empire of Urda will buy:
10 Archangel Airplanes
2 Chariot Airplanes
Total purchase is: 590,000,000 USD
*money wired*
The Empire of Urda will buy:
10 Archangel Airplanes
2 Chariot Airplanes
Total purchase is: 590,000,000 USD
*money wired**Raysia confirms*
The Automite army would like 40,000 army uniforms, at a cost of $30 million. Money wired.
The Automite army would like 40,000 army uniforms, at a cost of $30 million. Money wired.*raysia confirms*
How much is the RT-1707 Cargo Transport? I would like to place an order for 100 of them, and also 4 RT-1807 Refuelers and 2 RT-1907 UCAV QDCA.
$890 million is wired, the rest will be wired upon confirmation of the 1707's price and the order.
Says right there. Order cofirmed.
yeah i don't like to read
OOC: Check TGs, someone's selling your stuff.
*donates 500 million to Omz's account* thanks man.
*donates 500 million to Omz's account* thanks man.
No problem, we have to thank one of our lower officers in the National Air Guard, Sqd. Ldr. Janue Krasuk, for disconvering this when he browsed this in offduty time. Thank you.
He will be promoted, plus a gift of over $30 million Omzar ($10 million USD).
Someone was selling your stuff and you didn't destroy them.
We at the Automite military are pleased with your planes and so order some more:
200 RF-11d Archangels
100 RB-225 Mriya bombers
60 An-225 Mriya cargo planes
TOTAL: $36.1 billion
The funds have been wired.
All Orders Confirmed.
Wolf Kingdom: I'm nice, and he was older ;)
We would like to order 12 Su-47's. To see how well they do against our fighters. If they do good we will buy more.
Order confirmed, i am sure you will find them to your liking ;)
i am sure you will find them to your liking ;)
you were absolutly right. :D
We have decided to buy another 148 Su-47's
i am sure you will find them to your liking ;)
you were absolutly right. :D
We have decided to buy another 148 Su-47'sorder confirmed, will be delivered over the next ferw months.
Really? Care to share the experience? ;)
31-10-2003, 19:06
Regarding the QAAMs: how can you afford to make them so cheap? I know I'm only saying this really because of the new trend to make weapons at realistic costs, and I'm also being sort of hypocritical considering I sell my missiles for $10,000, but honestly $1,500? Your noise canceller costs more :P.....
Whatever the case, nice storefront, etc.
Regarding the QAAMs: how can you afford to make them so cheap? I know I'm only saying this really because of the new trend to make weapons at realistic costs, and I'm also being sort of hypocritical considering I sell my missiles for $10,000, but honestly $1,500? Your noise canceller costs more :P.....
Whatever the case, nice storefront, etc.Raysia speaking: how? Cuz i threw out a random number and in 3 months of selling them no one corrected me ;)
New Item:
New Item!
The RA-22 "Hailfire"
Raysian Arms, in conjuction with Raysian Robotics, has developed a new Unmanned Ground Attack Vehicle (UGAV).
Using the control technology similar to the UCAVs of the air, the UGAVs will be controlled either by program or by controllers in safer areas, such as inside an armored tank, or an APC, or a nearby base, or even an RT-1907 Air Control/Carrier Airship. It is best handled from a tank though, because if the area is heavily doused with ECM, the only way to stay in full control of the vehicle is to be in line of sight.
Mechanics are relatively simple and cheap. Two oversized Treaded wheels are spun by a dual-drive 2xV38 diesel engine in the center pod. Gyroscopes, gravity, and computers, hold the vehicle's center pod relatively level. The Center pod is armed with 2 Missile racks, which can be interchanged and easily reloaded. The average missile rack holds either 16 Semi-Guided Rockets, 9 Medium Anti-Armor missiles, 4 Surface-to-Air missiles, or 4 Long Range Surface-to-Surface missiles. Underneath the center pod is a 7.62mm Vulcan Machine gun.
This UGAV model is roughly 2.5m tall, 2.5m wide, and 3m long. The relatively minimal size allows it to be carried in an RT-2007 NVTOL, up to four UGAVs in one plane.
The RA-22 UGAV has very little armor, consisting of Layered titanium and LiquidMetal, protecting this vehicle's vital systems from small arms fire. It is designed to be a relatively fast all-terrain tank supporter vehicle, reaching a top speed of about 150 km/h at full speed. A full Armor version may come later, but probably unlikely.
Overall, this UGAV is designed to lay down missile fire and keep an enemy under constant pressure. Just another Raysian unmanned technology to help reduce bloodshed on your side of the war.
The price of this Unmanned Vehicle with a supply of ammo and a control unit and everything you would need to run this vehicle and/or store it, is rounded to a nice 1,000,000 USD.
Trinium Hydroxide
10-11-2003, 20:11
Antonov An-225 Mriya – 12
V-44 "War Mover" – 20
Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle - 100
-----Money Wired--------
Air Mashall James Ray
Chief Commander Of TSAF
The Allied States Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Triple Entente
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1710365#1710365/)
The Allied States Of Trinium Official Website (http://www.freewebs.com/tasot)
*raysia confirms the order, they are on their way*
Loserly Peeps
10-11-2003, 22:43
35 AN-225
10,000 DB-118 Dropboxes
150 V-44 unarmed
125 RT-2007
35 AN-225
10,000 DB-118 Dropboxes
150 V-44 unarmed
125 RT-2007Order confirmed.
Autonomous City-states
10-11-2003, 23:22
The Federation Ground Forces would like to acquire 100 RA-22 UGAVs for the armed ground reconnaisance role.
The Federation Ground Forces would like to acquire 100 RA-22 UGAVs for the armed ground reconnaisance role.*confirmed, sending upon reception of funds*
Autonomous City-states
10-11-2003, 23:33
The Federation Ground Forces would like to acquire 100 RA-22 UGAVs for the armed ground reconnaisance role.*confirmed, sending upon reception of funds*
The funds are delivered through an independent offshore account.
Loserly Peeps
11-11-2003, 22:26
$ sent.
Imperial Guardsmen
16-11-2003, 00:38
We would like 12 AN-225 Myrias please.
30 RA-22 HailFire's 30,000,000 $ (equal to a us dollar right?) wired
20-Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle
20-Raysian Aero RF-11 "Archangel"
20-Su-37-1800 Raysian Special
20-Su-37-1820 E-Type
20-Antonov An-225 Mriya
20-RF-12 Antion
Total= 3.14billion
RT-1707 Cargo Transport
>[5] passenger @ $175 mil
>[10] cargo @ $150mil
[2] RT-1807 Refuler @ $125 million
[10] V-44 War Mover and [20] unarmed V-44s @ $65mil
*total auot-calculated and money wired on confirmation*
Can you equip the Hailfires with 30mm autocannons instead of missles?
If so, we would like to purchase 1,000,000 Hailfires
Total cost: $1,000,000,000,000
Money will be wired upon confirmation
Orders confirmed, KF- Same price, order confirmed.
i would like 1000 rf-12 antions with the control units
money will be wired on comformation
I would like to buy 10 Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagles costing 390000$
money will be wired
Cour - Order confirmed, they're on their way.
Tiago - Order confirmed, expect the planes over the next 2-3 years.
The 1942 Battlefield
28-11-2003, 00:56
I would Like to purchase the following:
50 x Raysian Aero RF-11
50 x Su-47-1200 Raysian Eagle
and also
50 x Su-37-1800
~Money Wired~
Appreciate this, thanks.
Order confirmed, will be delivered by the end of the (NS) month.
The goverment of Sterwin would like to place the following order.
3 * An-225 Mriya * 150 million each
5 * RB-225 @ 175 million each
Total 1.325 billion
*Money wired on confirmation - Please also TG me with the confirmation*
The goverment of Sterwin would like to place the following order.
3 * An-225 Mriya * 150 million each
5 * RB-225 @ 175 million each
Total 1.325 billion
*Money wired on confirmation - Please also TG me with the confirmation*order confirmed, thank you. THey will arrive by the end of the week
We would like to buy the following for testing
1x V-44 "War Mover" $65Million USD
1x RT-2007 "Chariot $85Million USD
Subtotal $150 Million USD
Money will be wired on conformation.
Gen. Sophie Trent
Head of the White-X Military
The Dynasty of White-X Government, Osaka City
Order confirmed. I would think that before long you will find that the NVTOL is just the replacement version of the V-44 :P
OOC: Stupid me not reading
Well in that case Could we order
2x RT-2007 "Chariot $85Million USD
Total $170 Million
Money Will be Wired asap
Gen. Sophie Trent
Head of the White-X Military
The Dynasty of White-X Government, Osaka City
Current Military Budget: $57,860,748,000
30-11-2003, 03:26
The Andrehervian military would like to buy:
60 Antonov AN-225 Mriya's.
70 V-44 War Movers.
100 RQ-1 Predators.
50 RT-2007 Chariots.
Total cost: AH£20,300,000,000.
Money will be wired upon confirmation of delivery.
Calios is buying...
20 RF-11D Archangels
20 SU-37-1800's
3 An-225 Mriya's
5,000 Drop Boxes
80,000 QAAM-18's
TOTAL: 2.1675 Billion USD. Wired upon confirmation.