NationStates Jolt Archive

Sambizie - SA 43 Endo Exo Fighter R&D (Heavy Pic.) - Page 2

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21-10-2003, 23:56
Western Might: 3.7 billion wired.

Nexoria V: What exactly are you bidding on?

Lynxy_turd: "I want one" of what?
22-10-2003, 04:09

I would like to purchase the "prints" for the PPW-7. Our intentions are strictly for manufacturing for use by the Sambizie. We will not produce to sell per say. In addition to the prints, we ask for 3-5 working models. We will pay, as you know, in full when confirmed.

We feel that this weapon can be converted to a planetary strike cannon or fitted as extra weaponary for the Sambizie Defence Station. We will ship the weapons to our system ourselves. Just let me know when and where I can pick them up if you agree to the above request.

M. Uganda

While the amount of money we would recieve from this trade would be...monumental...I propose a new trade. Plans for the PPW-7 for the plans of your anti matter engines. Fair deal? And we'll throw in the working PPW-7s for fun. Furthermore, once or PLasma Based weaponry program is in full swing, your scientists will be offerd the cahnce to study with ours. With respect, as always

President Elizabeth Waitkus.
22-10-2003, 05:50
OOC: Anyone have shields of some sort? :oops: I forgot to mention shields, as well as weapons.

Oh and WM/Immy, please note the order at the bottom of the post, even though it doesn't directly say "we place an order for" as such.

IC: Preliminary weapons testing report filed by Doctor Marianne Brooks, head of Adejaani Aerospace Inc, re: Imitora/Sambizie weapons fits

As of the time of writing, the preliminary tests have been completed. Factors in the testing were:

• Rate of fire
• Destructure potential
• Ability to hit targets (both fighter and ship sized)
• Range
• Power requirements

As such, the results may be listed as follows:

GY-48 TAC (Western Might design): Extremely powerful. A bit short ranged, but for a melee weapon, this would be it. Nominal mounting would be a quad on the Imitora as a main battery. Additional copies of this weapon would make an excellent backup weapon for an even larger ship in the future.

GY-46 TAC (Western Might design): Although not a ship based weapon and Adejaani possesses no battle stations, testing showed that, based on the projected massive hull of the upcoming New Genoa that this can be mounted on that hull.

GY-52 TAC (Western Might design): Light, but extremely fast firing. Complementing our older pulse lasers as an anti fighter/missile weapon.

GY-50 TAC (Western Might design): Good rate of fire and destructive damage, two of these weapons will be the primary "punch" of the Sambizie.

PPW-7 (Imitoran design): Awesome firepower, though the power requirements were simply too much for the PCU Amanda Ormsby, even with the new Matter/Anti Matter drives. But nevertheless, this weapon would make the perfect "one salvo, one kill" weapon for the New Genoa class Battlecarrier in design.

KVD-90 (Imitoran design): Simple, yet rugged and rather powerful. There is no doubt, in my mind, this is the near perfect weapon for the little Sambizie. In combination with a pair of GY-50, the second generation Sambizie will be complete.


So, it is the following recommendation that the following be done:

Short term:

• Order of 48 (forty eight) GY-48 TAC
• Order of 216 (two hundred sixteen) GY-52 TAC
• Order of 48 (forty eight) GY-50 TAC
• Order of 144 (one hundred forty four) KVD-90

These will, together, outfit the twenty four Sambizie ships to "Block II" standard and allow the completion of the Block I Imitora.

Long term:

• Purchasing, bartering or trading of plans for GY-48, 46, 52 and 50, as well as PPW-7 and KVD-90 for domestic production (and, if possible, sale rights, though Adejaani indigenous weapons could be used for export vessels in the event this cannot be secured)
• Development of energy shielding for all ships
• New Genoa design pushed forward
• Cease production of Imitora class at six units and Sambizie at twenty four units until the technologies and shields can be properly merged, tested and any issues worked out
22-10-2003, 06:04
The order for the KVD-90s will set you back about 5.3 billion (AC). We can work plans out at a latter date. As for shield technologies, our shielding (as on the Northies) are PPB, pin ponit barrier systems. Basically, this provides a stronger energy shielding than a standard shield. However, the problem exists that operators must be trained in the use of the PPB, or an advanced AI system needs to be incorporated in order to control the 7 panel set up. Instead of using a staionary presence (meaning the shield remains in a single on the ship) seven energy "pannels" are staioned around the ship, aloowing them to be stacked, or manipulated to cover certain parts of the ship to repel attacks. In fact, tests show that, if stacked one on top of the other, teh shield set up can prtect against massive frontal barrages. However, due to their energy based nature, they are weak against physicall attacks (i.e. missles). However, we do have a similar setup to the Earth based Phalanx system which is designed in order to protect against physical attacks. It is also usefull for fighter cover, as no one wnats to fly through 6000 plus uranium delpleted rounds screaming towards them at over 6000m/s.

Edited for typo
22-10-2003, 06:41
To Imitora.

5.3 billion Allied Credits is being wired to you (for the KVD-90s).

Further, we would like production plans for the PPB. For the moment, we would simply like to purchase four "Phalanx" systems for testing purposes.
22-10-2003, 06:44
Total cost of the phalanx systems, tacked on with the KVDs is 5.35 billion. Plans for the PPB are 1.4 billion. Total cost of your orderd is 6.95 billion. If this is acceptable, please say acknowledge, and teh systems shall be packed and prepared for shipping.
22-10-2003, 06:48
Most acceptable. As 5.3 billion has already been wired, an additional 1.65 billion is being wired to make up the short term. We thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
22-10-2003, 06:51
No prob. you know where to come if you need anythgin else. All products have been packaged and are prepared for shipping. PLease allow 5-10 buisness days (say ten-15 RL minutes) for delivery.
22-10-2003, 07:08
OOC: There is, actually, one thing I forgot to ask. How big is the PPW-7? Because, as it stands, the New Genoa is based on the huge ass battleship of the Robotech Expeditionary Fleet. I need the main gun to be similar to the "Star Wars Death Star Superlaser". Or, since you know what I'm talking about, a "Reflex Cannon", basically. :roll:

I need a big honking main gun to intimidate the crap out of everyone. :P
22-10-2003, 07:17
The PPW-7 is the Particle cannon from the New Macross class carrier x10 (The PPW-20, which we are studying, is a PPW-7 x1000 on steroids)
Western Might
22-10-2003, 18:12
The total cost for for the 312 TAC weapons come to 40.6 billion. IF you don't wish to pay up front than WM will accept a payment plan.
Sambizie Peace Keepers
22-10-2003, 19:06

I would like to purchase the "prints" for the PPW-7. Our intentions are strictly for manufacturing for use by the Sambizie. We will not produce to sell per say. In addition to the prints, we ask for 3-5 working models. We will pay, as you know, in full when confirmed.

We feel that this weapon can be converted to a planetary strike cannon or fitted as extra weaponary for the Sambizie Defence Station. We will ship the weapons to our system ourselves. Just let me know when and where I can pick them up if you agree to the above request.

M. Uganda

While the amount of money we would recieve from this trade would be...monumental...I propose a new trade. Plans for the PPW-7 for the plans of your anti matter engines. Fair deal? And we'll throw in the working PPW-7s for fun. Furthermore, once or PLasma Based weaponry program is in full swing, your scientists will be offerd the cahnce to study with ours. With respect, as always

President Elizabeth Waitkus.

President Elizabeth Waikus,

I have reviewed your new proposal and the Sambizie officialy accept your terms. We will exchange the "unrestricted" production rights of the Pulsar I M/AM Driver in exchange for the "unrestricted" rights of the PPW-7. If at anytime you require assistance in the accusistion of materials needed for the construction of the Pulsar I's, please feel free to ask.

I am willing to intake several of your engineers aboard the Sambizie Defence Station and Shipyards, to give your team "on-hand" knowledge of the construction and installation of the Pulsar I M/AM Drivers. We will provide them a list of materials, testing data, and working knowledge of the driver. As we are thus far, the only nation with working systems, we feel that your presence during ship installation is key. The knowledge gained by your team will assist your nation in the development, manufacturing, and installation of the drivers at your facilities. Your staff may stay at any of the five star hotels aboard the of charge.

As always, Best wishes to you and your citizens. -Long Live APTO-

Emperor M. Uganda
22-10-2003, 23:12
Western Might: 40.6 billion wired. We thank you.

Sambizie: The final pieces of the puzzle are entering place. However, we do require the plans to build the Pulsar I M/AM reactor, for domestic purposes, at least at first. We would be willing to negotiate a deal.
23-10-2003, 03:28
President Elizabeth Waikus,

I have reviewed your new proposal and the Sambizie officialy accept your terms. We will exchange the "unrestricted" production rights of the Pulsar I M/AM Driver in exchange for the "unrestricted" rights of the PPW-7. If at anytime you require assistance in the accusistion of materials needed for the construction of the Pulsar I's, please feel free to ask.

I am willing to intake several of your engineers aboard the Sambizie Defence Station and Shipyards, to give your team "on-hand" knowledge of the construction and installation of the Pulsar I M/AM Drivers. We will provide them a list of materials, testing data, and working knowledge of the driver. As we are thus far, the only nation with working systems, we feel that your presence during ship installation is key. The knowledge gained by your team will assist your nation in the development, manufacturing, and installation of the drivers at your facilities. Your staff may stay at any of the five star hotels aboard the of charge.

As always, Best wishes to you and your citizens. -Long Live APTO-

Emperor M. Uganda

Emperor Uganda,

I find this deal to be most excellent, and graciously accept it. Our best engineers and scientists will board a modified Northampton, a research ship known as The Spring's Strength along with the goods and materials to build three functioning PPW-7s, as well as the full list of matierals and parts needed to manufacture the weapon. We thank you for you generosity, and hope that this project bears fruit for both our nations. With best regards and wishes
President Elizabeth Waitkus
Republic of Imitora
Nation of the Allied Powers Region
Chomh sean leis an cheo agus níos sine faoi dhó
23-10-2003, 04:25
Very well President Waikus,

A rather large fighter contingent will be departing our Peacekeepers nation for the GZNRII System. The Spring's Strength may acompany the fighter contingent as to bypass the System Defence Grid (SDG). Upon arrival, your vessel has been cleared to dock at docking bay 1-A. I will personally see to it that your crew is well taken care of and fully briefed. I must warn you however, that work will commence almost immidiately as several ships are being fitted for the Pulsar I Drivers. Don't worry though, I will see to it that your crew get the weekend off.

Best wishes and safe travels my friend,

Mwto'ar Uganda
24-10-2003, 02:09
Dear Western Might and Imitora.

With the successful integration, the first upgraded Block II Sambizie and Block I Imitora vessels are successful. We wish now to negotiate for production rights of all weapons that have been submitted so far, not only for domestic production, but also for sale in the export market, not that anyone seems to want to buy them..... :cry:

Further, we ask for an official tender submission of an extremely large weapon, designed to output a large amount of firepower capable of outright destruction of any enemy ship upon impact, up to devastation of a large asteroid.
24-10-2003, 03:16
Hmmm...I could alwyas step up research and production on the PPW-14, thats a PPW-7 on steroids, which should be able to hold up till we roll out the PWS-20, which is like, the coolest thing I believe I've ever thought up. Plans for the PPW-7 are in the area of the low double digit billions. Also, as long as the systems are integrated into the ship itself, sales rights are assumed. And with the KVD-90 and the PPW-7 plans, the total comes to...13.3 billion
24-10-2003, 04:56
13.3 billion wired. We also look forward to these much more powerful weapons.
24-10-2003, 05:11
Excellent. The plans will be sent through a encoded chanell, and should you require assistance, dont be afraid to ask.
Western Might
24-10-2003, 16:06
Several companies have been working on getting the newest TAC weapon ready for teasting. It is the GY-60 the weapon is designed to be used by ony the larger battlercruisrs, batleships and dreadnoughts. The Weapon system has its own power supply but protected by the need Ion shielding that is currently in testing also. The GY-60 has a vast combat effective range of over 35000 km. one bast at a 5000km range has the power to destroy or heavyly damage a destroyer or frigate.Though it can only be fired once every 1.1 minutes
The number of guns pership in a recammended is two to three. with only dreadnought class ships have a a 3 to 5 rate.
Western Might
24-10-2003, 18:33
Since you helped with the rimary testing of the TAC sales right are assumed granted. Plans Will also be sold for a fraction of the cost, a 12.5 billion.
25-10-2003, 14:28
Western Might: 12.5 billion wired. Things are a bit hectic, but we wish to place a preliminary order for two GY-60 units for evaluation and testing, will wire appropriate sum when possible.
Western Might
25-10-2003, 16:54
Thing are quite hectic in our weapons lab also. We will get the two GY-60's out within the week During that time we are going to get the rest of our testing done so we may forwarn you of any dangers, if any. By the we should also have a cost for the GY-60.
26-10-2003, 01:25
Got plans for tonight, but tommorow (depending on what time my plans leave) I'll post about the PPW-14, and little hints of the PCS-20
26-10-2003, 03:46

Will be releasing the the Pulsar I M/AM Driver soon. I need to make some cash back :lol:

Adejaani, LF, Immy...When upgrades are available they will be free of charge, also, if you have the "prints", the upgraded specs. will be added free of charge.

Already researching a Pulsar I-A
26-10-2003, 12:44
Actually, there is something really secret. But I need a REALLY good powerplant. Basically I'm putting development on hold until I get your new plant, Samba. I need that much power. :?
26-10-2003, 21:43
Well, with our new insight into plasma technology, we are looking into plasma powered batterys and generators (unlike Resi who said, we are studying chaos theory, and now have plasma stuff, I am actually looking stuff like this up and studying it.)

More notes on the PPW-14: It wont be long till we have the first working model ready. While the temeperature of the 'burst' of plasma fired will remain at teh same temp as that of the PPW-7, teh density at the center of the blast is equal to twice that of the center of a star. The blast also has a longer reaching range, and can be focused, meaning it could have a burst radius of upwards a mile and a half (dependant on width of ship), or focused to a pinpoint 'beam'. Of course, focusing the 'beam' may have some side effects on the density at teh center of the 'beam'. Upon completion of a working model, plans will be sent to Adjeaani and Sambizie. Also, we are now accepting scientists to study with us on teh PCS-20 weapon. Also, we'd like to know how our scientitst and engineers are doing working on the Pulsars for our ships with Sambizie.
Western Might
27-10-2003, 03:21
Tests have finally come back (OOC: after trying to get online for the past hour :evil: ) . The tests of the GY-60 show that the current modle is ready for full scale production. Price of 500 million each with their own small power core.
Now for your problem Adejaani with power. The Thremite power cores that some TAC weapon systems use can be scales up appropately to power the type of ship you put it in. This has come in handy in war and peace time because enginneers don't have to fix the problem of several types of power cores.
27-10-2003, 12:38
Yes, power is proving to be a problem, though our (Adejaani's) R&D facilities are adapting and changing the technologies where appropriate.

We would hereby like to request the technology of the Thremite power cores.

We are also requesting in advance (money will be sent upon receipt, based on good faith that we can and will pay) of four units of each prototype weapon developed by any nation.
Western Might
27-10-2003, 16:56
The Gy-60's are en route. Along with their Thremite power core (the GY-60 comes with its own power core.)
23-05-2004, 13:26
OOC: Blast from the past time! :lol:


Adejaani Government Industries (AGI) is currently offering tenders and research grants to any governments which can readily develop an energy based weapons system to replace the current suite of primary pulse lasers aboard Adejaani and allied vessels. This new weapons system, to be developed, shall replace the current generation of pulse lasers and will be required to have more range and damage potential at the minimum.
Western Might
23-05-2004, 18:36
OOC: :shock: i thought this was long dead... oh well.

IC:AS Western Might had helped design the first generation of energy weapons, we would happy to submit our newdesigns.

GY-101 Our newest version of anti- fighter/bomber and missle based energy weapons. Using new better hardwear, softwear and a new discovery on how to make our power cores and energy transfer sysem more efficentm we are able in increase the rate of fire, range and accuracy of the weapon. These upgrades go for all the other types as well.
Type: Small ship based turrent
Rate of fire: High, 1 turrent salvo every .31 seconds. (either 2,3 or 4 barreled per turrent.)
Number of weapons per ship
Destroyer 15-28
Cruiser 26-35
Battle Cruiser 30 50
Battleship/Carrier 54-85
Range 1-650 meters
Damage: Thse weapons are for fireing at lighter combat ships, fighters bombers, missles and the like. When enough are fired and a larger target than that, than target might take light damage. These turrents draw power from the ships power core. An improvment over the earlier GY-52, is that when the GY-101 id either damaged or destroyed of combat, there is an armor plate that prevents a easier penitration of the hull.Thisa goes for all the other new designs as well.

GY-120 Top of the line, secondary armermet energy weapons, replacment for the GY-50.
Type: medium ship based turrent
Rate of fire: mid range, 1 turrent salvo every 2 seconds. (either 2,3 or 4 barreled per turrent.)
Number of weapons per ship
Destroyer 10-18
Cruiser 20-26
Battle Cruiser 26-34
Battleship/Carrier 30-50
Range 100-12.7km

GY-130 Newest replacement of the GY-48type On board weapons system.
Rate of fire: low One shot from each cannon every 8.65 seconds
Numbers of cannons per ship.
Destroyer 1-3
Cruiser 5-8
Battle cruiser 7-11
Battleship/Carrier 10-22
Damage (esimated) At close range mod to heavy. At acces of 4100km the punch of GY-130 decreases and at 6400km is uneffective. This is the weapons esimated max range.
This new prodotype, like the one before it, draws its power from its own pwere reactors, and not draining the ships power. At thi sphase this weapon, plans to be the most hard hitting of them all. But on the other hand the added power cores give a added risk in combat.
Sambizie Peace Keepers
23-05-2004, 19:10

also to my surprise :lol:

WM: Approx. how much power would the additional core need to supply these weapons? We have made some advancements in "micro-core" production...espically in the field of Anti-matter/Matter. These sound very nice, but as you stated...having an additional core would present some security issues.
25-05-2004, 02:10
OOC: Excellent, WM! :D

IC: Those weapons are all excellent, we seek designs for domestic production immediately. In other words, production rights. If you agree, we shall also make the units available for export, with a small percentage of the sales trickling back to you.
Western Might
25-05-2004, 02:28
(Sambizie) No extra power cores will be needed with these new designs. In fact these new weapons use even less power than their forbarers. Though the risk is still there, it happenes to be much less than the earlier models.

(Adejaani) Like last time , we find this transaction to be reasonable and will keep the price of the weapons the same as those of ealier models. Also on a side note. Are you still in the bussiness of macking SCVN's? If so I have an need of that superior brand of space carrier.
25-05-2004, 04:41
Excellent, Western Might. Ten billion dollars upfront, plus 5% of each of the new GY units' sale price, in quarterly sum payments upon sales.

The "Constitution" class SCVB, now in Flight III (Three) status proves to be the current and most versatile space carrier. A vastly superior product to the original "John F. Kennedy" class, by any standards. There is also a "McArthur" class battle carrier, which is much bigger and is essentially a battleship hull with flight decks.

In terms of a versatile ship with a good number of airframes and combat power, the "Constitution" is recommended.

For further information, please visit Though it may not be up to date and please check the last four or so pages for updated product info.
Western Might
26-05-2004, 14:53
I wish to order four "Constitution" and two "McArthur" class ships.
27-05-2004, 03:41
Not sure about the Macs (they're more Samba's domain), but alright on the Cons. I'm also going to offer a "free" update to Flight IV status, that is, with your updated GY systems and the new missiles/torpedoes when I get around to updating the older Flight III ships.
30-05-2004, 01:46
I wish to order four "Constitution" and two "McArthur" class ships.

Actually, it may take awhile to free up the yard space for two McArthur's. However, If I could interest you in two "slightly" used Mac's, I'll drop the price to 100.Bil? :wink:
Western Might
02-06-2004, 15:16
You can take your time making the upgrades and building the ships. The conflict I had thought was going to ccure,didn't SO there is no big rush. I will however. Pay half the asking price of the ships at this point.
03-06-2004, 08:33
Due to the end of the Sha'Ra war, the planned upgrades to all vessels are on hold until the new technologies can be assimilated.

Vessels to Western Might shall be "Flight III" standard, again, with a free upgrade to "Flight IV" standard when the time comes.

We also invite Western Might to view our other fine escort vessels.

Other nations are also welcome to submit designs, or propose weapons systems and other technologies for inclusion, or partnership within the corporation.
04-06-2004, 01:49
Level One Priority request, from Adejaani Military Command Structure

The Adejaani forces' space weaponry, fighters, capital and support ships are very advanced, there is still one notable field in lacking: Delivering troops/soldiers/marines from ships in orbit onto a planet.

Adejaani is hereby opening up to any nation which can present a solution to this problem. There are a few requirements and things to note, though:

• The basis of the Adejaani Space Forces troops is based around troopers in armored suits only, sort of like armored space suits.

• An average trooper, in full battle gear, stands on average five foot ten; and weighs approximately three-hundred pounds, that's total body weight, armor, plus "backpack".

• The Adejaani Space Forces troops are organised in a manner similar to the United States Marine Corps. Meaning Fire Teams; Squads; Platoons etc. Therefore, while smaller groups are just "pure infantry with what's on their backs", larger groups would also need to be dropped with heavier equipment, such as command and communications headquarters, heavier anti-armor and laser weapons, medical equipment etc

As such, keeping in mind all three points, we open up and request for anyone with a bright idea to develop a solution to this. The main requirement is the quick and efficient dropping from orbit to surface of a thousand troops into a hostile situation. Namely, "forced entry".

Whichever nation or group or individual which can submit a successful design will be paid very well. This is a top priority project.

Additional construction and design contracts for larger deployments would also be available.