NationStates Jolt Archive

Journalists missing (& introducing a 'new' nation) - Page 2

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15-08-2003, 11:41
. The RCIA is based in Port Agua, which is one of two points on the island not covered by unenterable cliffland. ooc:RCIA as in the Religion classes for those converting to Catholicism?

This is not Catholism as you know it, budy. They are a heretical sect.


We're heretical? Pardon me, Protestant.Please, for the sake of peace we ask that infighting among the delegates cease so that the issues at hand may be addressed.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio
15-08-2003, 11:42
The council of 12 is waiting in the meeting hall.
15-08-2003, 11:42
What on earth is this? Godfest? You all know that no citizen of Dra-pol has ever in all of civilistation's history believed in the Christian God, right?OOC: Just because the Raysian Commanders hold the powers of High priests, does not mean they are on a religious mission...

No no, it's just that everyone else involved represents an extreme Christian state, and Dra-pol would have thought nothing of beheading the pope/Jesus/Mary/Satan if s/he wandered across the border at the wrong time or place.
15-08-2003, 11:44
What on earth is this? Godfest? You all know that no citizen of Dra-pol has ever in all of civilistation's history believed in the Christian God, right?OOC: Just because the Raysian Commanders hold the powers of High priests, does not mean they are on a religious mission...

No no, it's just that everyone else involved represents an extreme Christian state, and Dra-pol would have thought nothing of beheading the pope/Jesus/Mary/Satan if s/he wandered across the border at the wrong time or place.

And that's what we're working to change. That, and your socialism.
15-08-2003, 11:45
Yes. Please. Direct us to this summit.

OOC: Council of the 12? lol battlestar galactica.... they got that from that from the mormons you know... same thing with kolob... hehehe... anyway
15-08-2003, 11:46
Can someone summarize for everyone the status of all nations involved...
15-08-2003, 11:47
. The RCIA is based in Port Agua, which is one of two points on the island not covered by unenterable cliffland. ooc:RCIA as in the Religion classes for those converting to Catholicism?

This is not Catholism as you know it, budy. They are a heretical sect.


We're heretical? Pardon me, Protestant.

*giggles so hard he nearly falls out of his chair*
Nice. I was actually talking to him as what he would consider heretical. Well, that and I was kind of hoping that no one would notice the irony.

15-08-2003, 11:48
Let me think... The See of Peter is going to get the Papal Nuncio carted off to the inquisition if they press us on the vampires, Hotan is currently ill after flying 500 miles in 15 minutes, the 12 members of the ruling council of Roania await you and Quintonnia, that's about it.
15-08-2003, 11:50
I propose a system of self-determination.
Dra-pol's future is one in which its citizens have the right to say. Seeing as a regime change causes instability, I propose a transitionary government with a peace keeping force (with no nation in the majority). A convention should be called when order is restored, and a Constitution or similar document drafted. No outside nation should impose an economic or religious system, but it would be required Dra-pol to allow freedom of religion and thought. Awaiting your thought.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio
15-08-2003, 11:52
Let me think... The See of Peter is going to get the Papal Nuncio carted off to the inquisition if they press us on the vampires, Hotan is currently ill after flying 500 miles in 15 minutes, the 12 members of the ruling council of Roania await you and Quintonnia, that's about it.
ooc: the papal nuncio has made no polemics on your religion, that was the king.
15-08-2003, 11:53
Monson: heh, I Was just about to say the same thing. Dra-Pol needs a Just constitution... I don't know how well it could be written without the Lord on their side... but, I suppose things can change.
15-08-2003, 11:54
I propose a system of self-determination.
Dra-pol's future is one in which its citizens have the right to say. Seeing as a regime change causes instability, I propose a transitionary government with a peace keeping force (with no nation in the majority). A convention should be called when order is restored, and a Constitution or similar document drafted. No outside nation should impose an economic or religious system, but it would be required Dra-pol to allow freedom of religion and thought. Awaiting your thought.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio

I'm afraid I must disagree with my honored colleague. It is our duty to release these poor souls from their prison of socialism, and to save them from the foul reach of hell.

Cardinal Richelieu,
Head of the Roanian Inquisition.
15-08-2003, 11:54
"Corrupters! The revolution will not be challenged!"

Hotan barely knows where he is, but he knows where he stands, if that makes sense.
15-08-2003, 11:57
Edward Black leans forward and points at a portrait across the way.

"Do you know who that is?"
15-08-2003, 11:58
"I am to require your absolute worst poisons, a revolver, and an icy river, I believe." Muttered Hotan.
15-08-2003, 11:58
I propose a system of self-determination.
Dra-pol's future is one in which its citizens have the right to say. Seeing as a regime change causes instability, I propose a transitionary government with a peace keeping force (with no nation in the majority). A convention should be called when order is restored, and a Constitution or similar document drafted. No outside nation should impose an economic or religious system, but it would be required Dra-pol to allow freedom of religion and thought. Awaiting your thought.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio

I'm afraid I must disagree with my honored colleague. It is our duty to release these poor souls from their prison of socialism, and to save them from the foul reach of hell.

Cardinal Richelieu,
Head of the Roanian Inquisition. That might be the duty of the Church, to save souls. But by imposing a reigion you only get converts who are converted in appearance only. You can't change what someone thinks by force, and you must respect human dignity (even if they are wrong). As for socialism, after suffering under socialism its unlikely that a fair convention would reestablish it. We must respect the human dignity of the citizens of Dra-pol if we hope to make any real impact on their hearts and mind.

Yours In Christ,
Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio
15-08-2003, 11:59
Edward Black leans forward and points at a portrait across the way.

"Do you know who that is?"

A very bad picture of Gregory Rasputin. Some repute him to be Tzimise.

IC-Quintonia is there and ready.

15-08-2003, 12:00
"I am to require your absolute worst poisons, a revolver, and an icy river, I believe." Muttered Hotan.

"That is Rasputin Macchiavelli. A man who once ruled this country. His socialist policies almost led to our, and this planets, destruction. That is why we must destroy socialism. As revenge."
15-08-2003, 12:01
(pft, I prefered Hotan's response to the graphic stimulus :))
15-08-2003, 12:01
"I am to require your absolute worst poisons, a revolver, and an icy river, I believe." Muttered Hotan.

"That is Rasputin Macchiavelli. A man who once ruled this country. His socialist policies almost led to our, and this planets, destruction. That is why we must destroy socialism. As revenge." Your revenge must not be exacted on the citizens of Dra-pol. We suggest that you make your case to their people, but again keep in mind their human dignity.

Card. Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio
15-08-2003, 12:02
I propose a system of self-determination.
Dra-pol's future is one in which its citizens have the right to say. Seeing as a regime change causes instability, I propose a transitionary government with a peace keeping force (with no nation in the majority). A convention should be called when order is restored, and a Constitution or similar document drafted. No outside nation should impose an economic or religious system, but it would be required Dra-pol to allow freedom of religion and thought. Awaiting your thought.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio

I'm afraid I must disagree with my honored colleague. It is our duty to release these poor souls from their prison of socialism, and to save them from the foul reach of hell.

Cardinal Richelieu,
Head of the Roanian Inquisition. That might be the duty of the Church, to save souls. But by imposing a reigion you only get converts who are converted in appearance only. You can't change what someone thinks by force, and you must respect human dignity (even if they are wrong). As for socialism, after suffering under socialism its unlikely that a fair convention would reestablish it. We must respect the human dignity of the citizens of Dra-pol if we hope to make any real impact on their hearts and mind.

Yours In Christ,
Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio

"Yes, but our spies have learned that they have been brainwashed into socialism." Richelieu is almost beside himself with rage. "These fools," he gestures at Hotan, "have doomed an entire people to poverty. God only knows how much they have endangered the souls."
15-08-2003, 12:04
"Man of faith, was he?"

Hotan was sat back, left leg folded over his right, fingertips resting on their opposites over his stomach.
His garb appeared almost that of a Buddhist monk, though he was of course without religion.
15-08-2003, 12:06
OOC-And was this "Mad Monk" considered a "Prince" among your people. Ach! Obscure literary referances, mustn't....expose ....geekyness.

Now, first, I must define socialism as you know it. You seem to be reffering to Marxism, Maoism or Communism. I want to point out that any nation that has broad "social" programs can be cosidered socialist. Such as Canada, England etc.

IC-Bishop Westgaard asks that we remember that Dra-pol must always be allowed to determine their own future, no matter what that future will be.

15-08-2003, 12:06
"He was a man of no faith save for that of Stalinism. He ordered the death of millions." Edward Black screamed at the seemingly deaf man. "An evil warlord. Much like your Kurosian."
15-08-2003, 12:09
If these outbursts are going to conyinue, we might as well not even do this, as it will not be productive!
15-08-2003, 12:09
"Our nation withdrew from your word three generations since, tired and emptied by a world where the gods of east and west forever clashed, spilling the blood of men! How many men must fall for each god's demise?

"Our poverty is relative and material. Of heart and spirit we are rich. (ooc:bear in mind, clichés in the world at large might be under-used in cut off Dra-pol ;) )

"Before we could attempt to enter your global markets were are striken once more by the petty vengence of your gods, wrecking our tranquil oasis, spitting on our renewed hopes!"

Hotan is forceful and loud, but his expression does not alter much. He almost sounds enraged, but it must look practiced.
15-08-2003, 12:10
Dean Gray reached over and pulled a lever. A wall slid away, revealing this scene.

"These are the graves of all those Rasputin had killed."
15-08-2003, 12:17
"I walked over the mutilated corpses of many of my countrymen just hours ago. A few days before that, before your religious ways visited Dra-pol I met many of those men as comrades on parade, their faces full of the pride and honour of the revolution.

"Comrade Kurosian II once visited Jerusalem, and for weeks afterwards could be heard recounting tales of holy war. I thought he was a fool; repeating himself time and again. I learned that each time he spoke of a different conflict; a different slaughter.

"Your point's relevence is, I fear, lost on this poor socialist."
15-08-2003, 12:19
"Yes. I see that it is." Dean turned away. The Cardinal dove for the kill.

"Of course, if so many fight over it, is it not worth something?"
15-08-2003, 12:24
OOC- Sorry its about ten after five in the morning here, I'll check in later.

IC- The Quinntonian delegation will support the Dra-Pol right to their own self-determination. I do believe that sweeping social reforms are in order here and we have already offered a substancial aid package. I also urge that Dra-pol open their borders to all foriegn nations. And Quinntonia will not FORCE their religion on anyone.

15-08-2003, 12:25
"The People's Army's explusion of the imperialist Japanese sixty years ago was worth the thousands of lives lost, you say?

"Still, I personally have always held that a thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it. Kurosian himself told me that after a rare trip to England."
15-08-2003, 13:35
OOC- Sorry its about ten after five in the morning here, I'll check in later.

IC- The Quinntonian delegation will support the Dra-Pol right to their own self-determination. I do believe that sweeping social reforms are in order here and we have already offered a substancial aid package. I also urge that Dra-pol open their borders to all foriegn nations. And Quinntonia will not FORCE their religion on anyone.



To: Roania
From Richard von Joshua; President Promise of Joshua

Where stands Quinntonia; There stands Joshua.
15-08-2003, 14:39
to Ronia
From: Presadent Jon Osborne of Osborne 242

We will also stand with our friends, should this situation not get resolved we will provide Military support

Thank you and God Bless
15-08-2003, 15:29
Ummm... I cannot help but noticing that a large number of you seem to be threatening a nation, Dra-pol, which is in my region. Now, I might not agree with all of his policies, but I do believe that the nation needs to work out issues on their own. And I'm willing to support them, militarily if necessary.
15-08-2003, 15:35
Ummm... I cannot help but noticing that a large number of you seem to be threatening a nation, Dra-pol, which is in my region. Now, I might not agree with all of his policies, but I do believe that the nation needs to work out issues on their own. And I'm willing to support them, militarily if necessary.

That was supposed to be written by Citizania.
15-08-2003, 16:43
New Bonstocknian President Hu Li sits back on her chair. She has just recieved a telegram recieving word of military actions against the allied nation of Quinntonia. However, after research into the event, it seems like things have cooled down considerably. Just to keep it that way, she calls the Secretary of Defense, telling him to send a carrier battler group to the region in case of any further hostilities.
15-08-2003, 17:45
The leader of St Simon Peter, Cardinal James Mercer wishes to announce that the forces of St Simon Peter are preparing to mobilize and contribute, all be it in a small way due to our nations size, to Help the promise of Joshua and Osborne242
15-08-2003, 19:42
please do not talk about a war, we are trying to get to a peaceful solution.
15-08-2003, 20:59
The See of Peter will view renewed hostilities as trampling on the right of the Dra-pol's citizens to self determination.

Card. Joseph Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio, See of Peter
15-08-2003, 21:46
15-08-2003, 21:54
So, let's see here. I would like to hear a summary of Dra-Pol's constitution, that way we can know where it is critically erred.
15-08-2003, 22:13
Yes, we are not looking for war. We just wanted to let everyone involved that we are negotiating for the soveignty of Dra-pol. And not the subjecation. And, we want everyone to know that Dra-pol, and by extension, Quinntonia is negotiating from a position of strength belying its small size. Quinntonia and her allies will not allow Roania to affect the self-determination of this nation in any way. We accept full responsibility for the blood we have spilled. The clash of cultures got wildly out of control and now we are acting in a form of penance seeing that no harm shall come to them.
However, I cannot stress more that most of the so called "God Squad" that has just happened to show up is fully in support of Dra-pol self-determination. We do not even agree with each other about most things, however, we will stand united aginst anyone who threatens Dra-pol, or eachother over this matter.
Quinntonian intellegence has just given me a report that Roania had missiles carrying biological warheads were activated today, and aimed at our nations. These weapons of mass destruction would have been devastating to my people, my scientists extrapolate that the death toll would have been 50 million in just my nation. And, since we have arrived in Roania, under a white flag and claiming diplomatic immunity, it was threatened that we could be "carted off to the inquisition." I fail to see how productive talks like this can be with these things hanging over our heads. My people think of Quinntonia as paradise. We have no crime, the streets are clean, we have a 99.5% Christian population -50% of that which is Lutheran. Our huge social programs make sure that the poor are VERY well taken care of. Our missionaries travel throughout the world sharing the Gospel. Our churches, parks museums and universities are among the most beautiful on the planet. All that was threatened with utter destruction today. And, even after that, we still decided to come to Roan City to talk peace. I think that we have shown a lot of good faith, and I say that we should expect a promise from Roania that they will not use WMD or move troops of any kind into the disputed zone!

OOC-For all of you that showed up to support. GOD BLESS YOU!

15-08-2003, 22:27
how about NOBODY uses WMDs...

anyway, Dra-Pol is the focus of this summit... roania is secondary.
16-08-2003, 00:27
Did I miss something?
16-08-2003, 00:32
*Transmission from Roan City to Port Agua missile batteries*

Remain alert, at the slightest sign of treachery, fire.


*Return Transmission*


Understood. Adding new threats to target list.


The cardinal turns to the delegates. "Perhaps we should take a break, no? Why not go outside and look around?"
16-08-2003, 00:41
hey hey hey... Raysia is neutral here. if a nation is treacherous, fire on THEm, not everyone.
16-08-2003, 01:02
That's what I meant.
16-08-2003, 05:13
***************BREAKING NEWS


It has been reported that several teenagers out in a desolate location near our most advanced AF base saw UFO's yesterday evening. These sighting have long been debunked as fantasy, but our govt sources today indicated that our new u-2s spyplanes launched for destinations unknown. Our force of SR-71s is rumored to be exceptionally active these days as well.
16-08-2003, 05:16
"Yes, maybe a break would be in order" The Quinntonian delegation stands and heads out of the room.

16-08-2003, 05:25
The paired Carrier Battle Groups Ruth/Gehrig, Aaron/Mathews, Mays/Mantle change course from their current deployment towards RC. Hunter groups **Diamondback** and ** Yankee** proceed ahead as clearance groups.

Orders to all groups are to stop short of the territorial waters in the affected area.

Initial recon reports have identified several first strike targets. The Iowa(A) BB "Giants moves with the Mays/Mantle carrier group and the deployed MEU.

_________________Special Report__________________________

Our military tanker aircraft have today begun launching what are described as training missions to an area rumored to be the destination of at least 6 of our carriers with the idea of supporting land based aircraft strikes and the Air Cav of our ally EL CID as done so successfully in the Blockade of Belmore.

Now back to the game

Play Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16-08-2003, 06:17
*********************Breaking News********************

***************The Promise Network**********************

Live broadcast featuring the President of Promise of Joshua
Richard von Joshua

"Good Evening"

This day the nation of Roania has gone beyond the bounds of civilized behavior. Our allies have been marked as targets by a demonic regime bent on conquest of a soverign nation and this is unacceptable.

I have ordered the Joshua/ Caleb and Judah/Jordan battle groups to proceed to a waypoint that will enable joint cooperation with our fellow regional nation "Happy Baseball Fans"

All submarines have been ordered to sortie and our Stratotanker aircraft are working in conjunction with the happy Baseball Fans considerable military to establish a forward base of dominance in the affected area. We have welcomed the Air Cav from the nation of EL Cid to base from our airbases as previously and we look forward to another successful campaign against nations of evil and terror.

I have ordered our reserves mobilized up through wave 4.

We have requested that our 10th Armored work with Happy Baseball Fans 1st and 2nd Armored along with 4 of our Armored Cavalry Regiments.

We hope this can be resolved peacefully, but we are realistic about this. We ask the Lord our God to bless our campaign against those who claim vampires run the holy church.
16-08-2003, 06:25
We are pleased to announce that our entire Air Cav Division has been successfully relocated to previously used staging areas in HBF. Our advance engineers are ready to proceed.
16-08-2003, 06:37

How do you guys expect a peaceful resolution if you keep calling for backup and deploying your troops.



Call off your forces, and pull back into a non-threatening stance.
16-08-2003, 07:22
I agree with Raysia. We need to pull back to a less threatening stance. I do want to say again, though, that we need assurance from Roania that he will pull all troops out of Dra-Polese borders and promise that he recinds on all threats of using Weapons of Mass Destruction. (WMD)
If we do not get those assurances, we will continue to support a military build up in the region.

16-08-2003, 07:41
if you read... roania is the defensive country. They are only targeting those who are being hostile.

IOW, if you are not hostile, you will not get bombed.
16-08-2003, 08:09
The See of Peter suggests that all military forces (other than those used for peace keeping) be withdrawn to a safe distance away from the country of Roania and that the militaries decrease their alert status to a more cautionary and not threatening status.

Card. Ottiavani
Papal Nuncio
16-08-2003, 09:25
All nations are not threatening, they are acting in a defensive manner as well. Roania upped the level of this confrontation when he threatened to murder millions of innocent civilians. We will accept a promise to leave Dra-Pol alone and cease in the use of WMD. We do not wnat awr! But, my people cannot be threatened in this way. When the news of these threats leaked to the public, they took to the streets in peaceful protest. The leader of the official opposition is calling for emergency sessions of the parliament be held in order to debate the issue. And the media is going into a frenzy. Our government promised Dra-pol that we would help them in any way we could, so protecting their right to self-determination from Roania's Inquisition troops that would have the socialism "cleansed from there land." We will continue to support a military presense in the area until Roania makes these concessions. Once the concessions are made, then the military presense will be decreased.

16-08-2003, 09:53
Right. I've had enough. None of you know that the missiles are active. No one. None of my people have mentioned the missiles, therefore any response from you to the missiles will be ignored. You have no spies because the Inquisition kills all spies. Not a single one of you has any idea the missiles even exist.

Oh yes, and if you dare to make an attack, then Dra-pol will go <pop>. Along with Quintonnia.
16-08-2003, 10:31
I have not made an IC post regarding missile threats.
16-08-2003, 10:31
((Not you.))
16-08-2003, 11:37
OOC-Sorry, you're right, I was unclear as to if those posts were IC or not. But, as for the spies, how could you know if they got them all? After all, they are spies, mentats or no mentats. As for going pop, I'm willing to die, not that I want to, but I accepted that it might happen. And I will not be the only one switching to a puppet nation after the smoke clears.

16-08-2003, 12:29
Cardinal Richelieu catches up with Bishop Westengaard. "Pardon me, brother. Let us stroll together for a while."
16-08-2003, 15:58
Right. I've had enough. None of you know that the missiles are active. No one. None of my people have mentioned the missiles, therefore any response from you to the missiles will be ignored. You have no spies because the Inquisition kills all spies. Not a single one of you has any idea the missiles even exist.

Oh yes, and if you dare to make an attack, then Dra-pol will go <pop>. Along with Quintonnia.

Our u-2s spyplanes commence launching activities.

**************Baseball News Network********************

This afternoons games will be played under an increasing tension from international developments and more sorties. All three MEU detachments are gone from port and the Army's Armored Divisions and Armored Cav Regiments are mobilizing.

The arrival of the EL CID Air Cav allows us to greet old friends it is with regret that we do so under these circumstances.

In a very ALARMING DEVELOPMENT, it has been noticed that our submarine bases are completely empty with the exception of a few SSN's being worked on. All our Guided and Ballistic missile subs seem to have sortied at some point in the recent past.

We bring you this broadcast live from the seaport where our carriers Berra and Campanella are fitting out to take to sea shortly to join, it seems, the bulk of our fleet in international waters outside the Raonian and/or Dra-pol territorial limits. The exact division of forces is classified.


Raonia: sooner or later either Joshua or I will see any missiles you may have with our spyplanes. This is especially true if you reangle or retarget them as you claim to have done.

Just in case you are a total idiot, those planes are marking targets for first strike in a convential war. This would be standard practice. The point of the above is to see your bump on the threat to Quinntonia and Dra pol and raise you. Before you flip out; check nation size. Either Joshua or myself could take you down if needed. We work together because we designed our military together to work as a team. EL CIDs part with his Air Cav fills a need as well that neither one of us considered. I have a real problem with so called vampires running the Holy Church but it is your right to run your country as you see fit.

It is also Dra-pol and Quinntonias rights to do same.

If you take decisive action in disagreement with the above, hostilities will commence without further discussion. (I personally would love an excuse)

Start constructive dialogue with Dra pol and Quinntonia that respects their rights and your rights will be respected in return.

Our forces continue current deployment and recon activites to make certain you understand the meaning of the above.

btw: We accept EL CID Air Cav under command on our soil and prepare for rapid deployment elsewhere in our aviation assets.

Joshua and Quinntonia would wish you "peace" and "blessings" :D

Just know that I have "nothing but love for you" :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

ooc: check out the nazi flag on this guy.
16-08-2003, 19:31
*happy basebal fans... not realizing they are in a modern tech world (most of us in this thread are modern tech or better) send their U-2 out to spy on everyone, however everyone sees the plane on radar...*

*Kyle Race and all the ELDERS, while trying to talk peacefully, keep hearing comments in their earpieces about "spyplanes." Kyle clenches his fists, as hopelessness draws in*

How on Earth are we supposed to come to a peaceful resolution if everyone has their sword drawn... *He thinks to himself*

*Almost sounding completely random in conversation, Kyle interjects:*
"I really think we should move this conference to Raysia. If you will follow me to my airship, we can get there ASAP.. but this place gives me bad feelings... of danger.... No, not from you Roania... but rather from this being just a plain insecure location."

*He, Monson, and the ELDERS walk to wards the door*

"Come on, let's go..."
16-08-2003, 19:58
The aloof air about Hotan, and the lack of further delegates from Dra-pol is indicative of the nation's relative disapproval of the outside world, on going since the limited opening of its borders.

Dra-pol would have simply withdrawn into itself again, cutting off contact and shooting anyone who wandered across the border, had not the directorature caught word of the potential scale of economic aid which may become available.

(ooc:The nation of Dra-pol doens't reflect my own feelings in many ways at all, if any, and it is unlikely to be co-operative, and certainly not to give quater. As they see it they'll try to take what's available, and just shut themselves off when threatened with having to make concessions. They're really not your run of the mill modern state.)
17-08-2003, 00:58
The U2 is shot down and destroyed. TIE Defenders go on scramble alert, and the Tabun2 is pointed at the foolish baseball fans.

Edward Black: Sadly, I can't go with you. I will send my son, Prince Alexander, with you in my place.

Alexander: All right, back on to the scramjet Hotan.
17-08-2003, 01:13
On second though, Baseball fans, you are ignored because, quite frankly, I don't like your name, and you are butting in where you are not wanted.
17-08-2003, 01:14
Joshua, you are ignored... Anyone I'm forgetting, Quin? Raysia?
17-08-2003, 01:15
Bishop Westagaard says, "Yes, Father, I would be happy to stroll with you. What do want to talk about?" Of course, his rather large bodygaurds with the crucifix's tattooed on their faces come with.

17-08-2003, 01:17
"I'm worried about these... Drapoel." Richelieu snapped his fingers. 5 Inquisitorial Shock Troopers came out of the walls. "I don't trust them."
17-08-2003, 01:36
*The diplomats and their guards all board Raysia One at the airport, and several minutes later, Kyle Race suggests holding the summit in mid-air... completely undisturbed*

We can meet in Raysia or just up here, it doesn't make a difference to me.
17-08-2003, 01:40
The Scramjet flies along. A radio transmission opens up. "This is Prince Alexander" dry retching can be heard behind him, "And Hotan."
17-08-2003, 02:04
The U2 is shot down and destroyed. TIE Defenders go on scramble alert, and the Tabun2 is pointed at the foolish baseball fans.

Alexander: All right, back on to the scramjet Hotan.

by what??

you claiming that is godmodding.

We don't do space tech and don't presume to report my or Happy's losses.
17-08-2003, 02:14
All of these people are here at my invitation, if you are just going to ignore anyone more powerful than you, than this isn't going anywhere. TG me and let me know if you want this to continue, if not, maybe Happy and you could settle this without thye use of the IGNORE. I mean, your vampire, mentat, TIE fighter, killer force field nation really doesn't have any reason to IGNORE anyone.

17-08-2003, 02:22
The U2 is shot down and destroyed. TIE Defenders go on scramble alert, and the Tabun2 is pointed at the foolish baseball fans.

Alexander: All right, back on to the scramjet Hotan.

by what??

you claiming that is godmodding.

We don't do space tech and don't presume to report my or Happy's losses.

If you don't do Space Tech, then you're not rping with me, thank you, go back to being ignored.
17-08-2003, 02:23
All of these people are here at my invitation, if you are just going to ignore anyone more powerful than you, than this isn't going anywhere. TG me and let me know if you want this to continue, if not, maybe Happy and you could settle this without thye use of the IGNORE. I mean, your vampire, mentat, TIE fighter, killer force field nation really doesn't have any reason to IGNORE anyone.


I'm ignoring them, because if I get any more threats I'll call in my allies, ie Nod, and quite possibly the entire Dominion and Ardan Alliance, not to mention the Corporate Isles and Tor Yvresse, and did I mention the Ctan and NGEN corp?
17-08-2003, 02:27
I don't play space tech... that's why I am being very careful not to get militaristically involved ^_^
17-08-2003, 02:28
Meanwhile, Edward Black was prepping a squadron of Stormtroopers (If Drapol is a modern tech nation, read Marines). "Now, remember. The vampires are not ours. There is to be no mention of them." The stormtroopers march onto the transport, which prepares to fly to Drapol.

You agreed not to space-tech during this confrontation. No stormtroopers, marines.
17-08-2003, 02:29
Check the above post on the allies I can bring to bear. I'd hate to see all of you obliterated, but I will if I get any more threats.
17-08-2003, 02:30

Either way... the plane would have been easily shot down... it sticks out like writing on a wall, and it' screams "attack me"

it has no defenses that I know of...

plus, it was just stupid to send it.


The group of planes arrives at Raysia, and lands at a secure airbase on the east side of the country
17-08-2003, 02:32
Prince Alexander steps out and stretches his legs.
17-08-2003, 02:33
Roania: I just went through your posts. Your forces being decimated by Tor and WV in the Melkor War was quite interesting reading. The destruction of all but three vampires in your nation and the handover of 10 trillion dollars to WV even more interesting still.

Perhaps its because of these factors that you ignore a larger nation and not out of some so called superior tech which was put on the flaming scrap heap of space less than a week ago by two nations I know well.

You are in no postion to defend yourself so you have to ignore the prospect of military force.

Oh, in July you claimed on another thread that your tech was "modern US" care to explain the difference....
17-08-2003, 02:36
All of these people are here at my invitation, if you are just going to ignore anyone more powerful than you, than this isn't going anywhere. TG me and let me know if you want this to continue, if not, maybe Happy and you could settle this without thye use of the IGNORE. I mean, your vampire, mentat, TIE fighter, killer force field nation really doesn't have any reason to IGNORE anyone.


I'm ignoring them, because if I get any more threats I'll call in my allies, ie Nod, and quite possibly the entire Dominion and Ardan Alliance, not to mention the Corporate Isles and Tor Yvresse, and did I mention the Ctan and NGEN corp?

1. NGEN and Tor were members of the alliance that defeated you

2. The Dominion wouldn't take you because you lost

3. If NOD were your ally he would already be posting here. Funny I don't seem to recall anyone siding with you here.
17-08-2003, 02:37
Never mind, this is getting too stupid, I'm gone. Happy, POJ, go nuts.
17-08-2003, 02:38

Either way... the plane would have been easily shot down... it sticks out like writing on a wall, and it' screams "attack me"

it has no defenses that I know of...

plus, it was just stupid to send it.


The group of planes arrives at Raysia, and lands at a secure airbase on the east side of the country

Thats why only 0 have been shot down by enemy fire since its creation :D

I could post the stats for the U-2s (heavy on the "S") model if you want to dispute matter of RL military fact with me.
17-08-2003, 02:39
OOC: either way...


I can not stress that enough!


The delegates are lead into a military base, through a large tunner into a conference room. They step in, and the windows immediately ice-over, allowing no one to see/hear in or out.

The ELDERS stay in the room with their protectees, and all other secret-service types are allowed to stay in the room too.
17-08-2003, 02:41
Roania: I just went through your posts. Your forces being decimated by Tor and WV in the Melkor War was quite interesting reading. The destruction of all but three vampires in your nation and the handover of 10 trillion dollars to WV even more interesting still.

Perhaps its because of these factors that you ignore a larger nation and not out of some so called superior tech which was put on the flaming scrap heap of space less than a week ago by two nations I know well.

You are in no postion to defend yourself so you have to ignore the prospect of military force.

Oh, in July you claimed on another thread that your tech was "modern US" care to explain the difference....

I don't know what you mean, and this takes place earlier. Anyway, your warmongering has ruined this thread. I'm gone.
17-08-2003, 02:41

Either way... the plane would have been easily shot down... it sticks out like writing on a wall, and it' screams "attack me"

it has no defenses that I know of...

plus, it was just stupid to send it.


The group of planes arrives at Raysia, and lands at a secure airbase on the east side of the country

Thats why only 0 have been shot down by enemy fire since its creation :D

I could post the stats for the U-2s (heavy on the "S") model if you want to dispute matter of RL military fact with far as I know... the U-2 is not a stealth plane, nor is it that fast either.

Although I do think Roania should rp out the fighters taking it out
17-08-2003, 02:43
mark the thread title abandonned... I'm bailing too... I have more important matters to deal with.

if anyone wants a real rp, We have terrorists in my country, and i want them gone. now.
17-08-2003, 02:56
Roania: I just went through your posts. Your forces being decimated by Tor and WV in the Melkor War was quite interesting reading. The destruction of all but three vampires in your nation and the handover of 10 trillion dollars to WV even more interesting still.

Perhaps its because of these factors that you ignore a larger nation and not out of some so called superior tech which was put on the flaming scrap heap of space less than a week ago by two nations I know well.

You are in no postion to defend yourself so you have to ignore the prospect of military force.

Oh, in July you claimed on another thread that your tech was "modern US" care to explain the difference....

I don't know what you mean, and this takes place earlier. Anyway, your warmongering has ruined this thread. I'm gone.

apparently your memory of your own military defeats rival only Saddam.

Its there in POJ's post for all to read and all that needs to happen in for someone to do a search under posts with Roania as author to see the whole sordid story. 59 pages of posts I believe.

Roania you were the warmonger here who threatened both Quinntonia and Dra pol ON THIS THREAD or is your memory THAT BAD :?: :?:

Quinntonia invited POJ here and he invited me as we are military allies from the same region. All I needed to do was read the thread to take a serious interest for myself in these matters as Roania's bullying threats would anger anyone.

As a bully, Roania took his "toys" and went home when someone showed up his own age.
17-08-2003, 02:59
OOC: Thank you, Roania, I think this Dra-pol introductory thread now sufficiently matches the other bitch-fest ignore-happy godmodderies of the forums' general character.

Alright, so Dra-pol's character was established in the first few pages, and it will be remembered for some years that Quinntonians made the first official contact with Dra-pol in over two generations. It was a bloody affair, as is to be expected of such a cultural clash, so unexpected and with such a paranoid state involved (Dra-pol, of course).

It was good for a while, thanks people, hopefully Hotan, the Kurosians, and the Drapoel will see some of you around (though I don't think we'll be trying to interact with super advanced demon people again)
17-08-2003, 03:02
Good luck to you!

Peace :D
17-08-2003, 04:42
10-11-2003, 18:32
(Just making sure this doesn't fade into oblivion yet. There are still bits I need to refresh myself on from time to time.)