NationStates Jolt Archive

The Tilsitsin Conflict: War Ends!(Serious RP) - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
22-07-2003, 13:54
Emperor Maximillian:

Your grace, the people of Tilsitsin grant you conditional authority to pass transports and their required escorts through the blockade for the expressed purpose of retrieving wounded troops and providing appropriate medical aid to those in need.

Tilsitsin Foreign Ministry

This is just one post under the one where you request evac for your forces on page 10.
I guess this answers your question, Surdia ;)
22-07-2003, 14:18
Due to the calming of the conflict, all of the TEF groups(Naval, Air and undeployed Ground) are
are scaling down their activities.
The Naval Combat Group is still aiming at the Ironholm Naval Fleet and our stealth Mig-49 and Su-47 fighters
are within firing range of the Ironholm aerial group ready to shoot them all down.
The SAMs of certain of the ships are already locked on on the Ironholm transports and ready to blow them out of the sky.
We are giving Ironholm one last chance to step down, since the conflict has now ENDED, and return home. Otherwise, your people will
pay the price of your folly.

The TEF will remain in place until further notice by our Tilsitsinian allies.

Thank you for your attention.

Colonel Yuri Stoiky, commander of TEF AirStrike Group

Admiral Gennady Yastushenko, commander of TEF Naval Combat Group

Well, guess if the conflict is over, its over :)
Was a good RP, especially the "diplomatic" part! :D
Felt like real-life negotiations, with plotting, spying, threats, politics, etc. :D
Sorry I couldn't really help much during the whole operation, since either my PC was broken either I was away and all :\
22-07-2003, 14:41
Emperor Maximillian:

Your grace, the people of Tilsitsin grant you conditional authority to pass transports and their required escorts through the blockade for the expressed purpose of retrieving wounded troops and providing appropriate medical aid to those in need.

Tilsitsin Foreign Ministry

Surdia, this was the response sent some time ago to the request.. This still stands.
22-07-2003, 14:42
OOC: Thanks for a great RP all!
22-07-2003, 14:44
From The South Kevon Mail & Telegram Service

To The Premier of Tilsitsin:

I have an idea. Would you stop the war for a week? And i have
reason. I Think the people who should end this Conflict is the
people of HBI themselves. I mean a election. I think that they
should be the ones to decide. An election would consist of two
decisions: To be independent & free OR to stay united with
tilsitsin. That way we would know for sure that they truly
support you. And there should be three international moderators.
to make sure that the votes won't be tampered with.

It does'nt make sense to start the war again when there good
nice people suffering on HBI, at the hands of you and your allies.
So please answer my plea. if you are a democratic nation you'll
answer it. Although we socialists, we are democratic socialists.
That means we allow elections although we control everything
within our territory. So what you say? we want the suffering on HBI
to stop. Hold a righteous vote for the Good of both Tilsitsin & HBI.

President Howard Kirklin
The socialist, Holy Republic of South Kevon


The response from our diplomatic corps is that of relaying the fact that the rebellion on the island is officially ended, with the ringleaders that have not already fled being captured and sent to POW camps.
22-07-2003, 14:51
Also, on a closing note.. The military trial for the captured military and civil officials of HBI has ended. Sentences as carried out this morning are listed below:

Major General Brian Hill, sentenced to Death and executed by hanging.
Major John Golden, sentenced to Death and executed by hanging.
Captain James Bryant, sentenced to Death and executed by hanging.
Captain Clemson Foxx, sentenced to Death and executed by hanging.

Fargo Lewtright, sentenced to Death and executed by hanging.
Kerry Means, sentenced to Life Imprisonment, to be served in the Tilsitsin National Penitentiary for Political Offenders.
22-07-2003, 17:20
OOC: well Um ooops :P

At the waters near HBI

"Sir, we have orders to return to the empire, to return to Surdia..." The Admiral looked depressed and answerd "Aye we shall as soon as all our troops are in the transports"

Any surdian military personell had been evacuated from HBI and the medics were patching up leaving whatever was left to local medical teams.

And as such Surdian presence faded from the scene of the conflict, the battle was lost.
22-07-2003, 19:55
The ships of the People's Collective Navy have stood down. Currently only an escort carrier, three frigates, and four destroyers are left. The PCN will now evacuate any citizens of Harding Beach Island that wishes to leave the savagery and brutality of the aggressor, Tilsitsin.
South Kevon
30-09-2003, 23:05
Hmmm... Beware Tilsitin. You will see what is coming for y'all soon. LOL!