NationStates Jolt Archive

The pledge of allegience mandatory in high schools? - Page 2

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05-02-2008, 13:21
That's a good point. I should clarify, actually, that I have taught 4th grade and Kinder and I only made the Kindergartners stand, for three reasons: 1) a huge part of the kinder curriculum is learning to follow rules and behave appropriately in the classroom; 2) i am required by law to teach the pledge to that grade, and they haven't encountered it sometimes before and made up their minds like older students; and 3) it is nigh on impossible to have a group of five year olds in various states of sitting, laying or standing at once for more than 10 seconds!
Haha, all good reasons, particularly that last one. I doubt that a five year old is going to be much impacted by being asked to stand while the Pledge is said. From what I remember, at that age we were all just extremely proud of ourselves for being able to remember the words...I don't think we had the least idea what they meant.
05-02-2008, 13:55
Its a social norm to say the pleadge

not to stand for the pleadge is basically social suicide

Hahahah it's also a social norm to pick on the kid that is the easist target. Still not right though umm!
Deus Malum
05-02-2008, 16:00
Haha, all good reasons, particularly that last one. I doubt that a five year old is going to be much impacted by being asked to stand while the Pledge is said. From what I remember, at that age we were all just extremely proud of ourselves for being able to remember the words...I don't think we had the least idea what they meant.

I remember being pretty damn proud of being able to stand still for the half-minute it took us to say the whole thing.

But then, I've always been an underachiever.
05-02-2008, 16:03
Its a social norm to say the pleadge

not to stand for the pleadge is basically social suicide

Hahahah it's also a social norm to pick on the kid that is the easist target. Still not right though umm!

Yay! its the lemming argument
05-02-2008, 18:21
I used to stand put my hand on my heart and recite the pledge with a degree of pride. Then after undergoing some change through life experiences within the past 8 months I've become a lot less patriotic about America and being an American. Now I just stand and wait for it to be over.

Of course from what I know of being a high school senior the majority of people don't give a shit enough to say the pledge either so it isn't an issue for me.
The Alma Mater
05-02-2008, 18:23
I used to stand put my hand on my heart and recite the pledge with a degree of pride. Then after undergoing some change through life experiences within the past 8 months I've become a lot less patriotic about America and being an American. Now I just stand and wait for it to be over.

Of course from what I know of being a high school senior the majority of people don't give a shit enough to say the pledge either so it isn't an issue for me.

This makes me wonder... is saying the pledge somewhat like a football (soccer) team singing the national anthem before a match ? As in "mouth moving, but not actually in accordance with the words" ?
05-02-2008, 19:00
Pretty much.
We bled a leech onto the flaps of the untied shoes of a miracle, John Q. Public's, on whom it lands, one naked, unshod individual, with livery in doublestitch for all.