Multiculturalism at its best! - Page 2
Since you are the one bringing in unrelated articles and attempting to use them to corroborate the OP, the onus is on you to show how they are related.
That article, which I quite liked, also does not corroborate the OP. There is only one mention of Malmo in the whole article.
By reading the article you posted, I would say that Sweden's immigration problem is not that big a deal, and rises from several factors including, but not limited to: a welfare state planned with an outdated concensus, unwitting segregation through subsidised housing, xenophobia, odd labour laws, and simple unemployment.
And the OP is still an uncorroborated Nazi rag.
well said
Wow, this thread really refuses to die.
The blessed Chris
28-11-2006, 17:13
what that national unemployment for young people in france is 9% but in the ghettos its between 20% and 50%?
what about the points i highlighted?
The degenerate Maghrebains deserve it. Frankly, they comport themselves in a depraved manner anathemic to French culture, andserve to diminish the glory of one the greatest states on earth.
The degenerate Maghrebains deserve it. Frankly, they comport themselves in a depraved manner anathemic to French culture, andserve to diminish the glory of one the greatest states on earth.
thank you for that well thought out reply. would you care to expand on your theory regarding the 'Maghrebains'?
Wow, this thread really refuses to die.
just call me king (
Europa Maxima
28-11-2006, 23:50
Btw. congrats with excessing post number 10.000 :)
Thanks. I should start gaining serfs and loyal subjects at this point. With 10 000 posts I am at least a feudal lord. :)
28-11-2006, 23:53
I just think it's hilarious that you, a Jew - a person those who publish this "periodical" (it's actually more like a brochure they hand out at Nazi rallies with things they call "news" in it) want to eradicate is actually using it to try to fling poo at the other people these Nazis would like exterminated. The irony is oh, so exquisite... and then there's of course all the egg you've just applied to your own face.
Should have read when he was Head Cheerleader for Gus Pinochet's systematic torture, rape and murder of socialists in Chile.
13-12-2006, 20:18
The gathering of data on the heterogeneous group "ethnic minorities" or "immigrants with non-western background" does not show or prove anything, as it is too inaccurate. Were they from the Philipines? Pakistan? Sudan? It says nothing about the culture or even geographical area or... well, does it say anything at all? Not even if they're citizens or foreigners, so what would the point be?
The data on who "comitted" the rapes is likewise too inaccurate - are we talking suspected, charged or convicted? Since the police were gathering the data, it's not easy to tell.
Well, it's pointless to gather it (as I say above), but even if there were a point to it, the current data would be useless as it is now.
Your statement. You failed to back it up. I see no indication that Malmö has a higher crime rate than Copenhagen. Guess we're done with that then.
So you can't link rape to the cultural attitudes of immigrants towards women....
...and you agree that it's not the culture of the immigrants then?
If you have read this post ( and still think that there is no relation with rapes and cultural attitudes of immigrants towards women, then we are truly done here...
Call to power
13-12-2006, 20:23
If you have read this post ( and still think that there is no relation with rapes and cultural attitudes of immigrants towards women, then we are truly done here...
seriously how did you find this thread?
13-12-2006, 20:25
seriously how did you find this thread?
I was already posting in it...I just had time to answer Gravlen's response to me...
Call to power
13-12-2006, 20:27
I was already posting in it...I just had time to answer Gravlen's response to me...
then make a new thread don't drag up some ridiculously long thread that nobody will bother reading
13-12-2006, 20:29
then make a new thread don't drag up some ridiculously long thread that nobody will bother reading
If "nobody will bother reading", why are you making an issue?
Call to power
13-12-2006, 20:34
If "nobody will bother reading", why are you making an issue?
because it pointlessly clutters the top page not to mention is kind of risky rule wise
Eve Online
13-12-2006, 20:34
Meanwhile, the threat of Swedes who immigrate to Austrailia and commit rape goes unchecked...,22049,20893704-5001028,00.html
13-12-2006, 22:00
I live in Sweden and if you want a second opinion on this matter from a person who actually knows what he's talking about, Fassigen has owned you from the beginning of this debate. He's the only one who actually knows something about Sweden(considering he's living there) but some of you seem to question he's credibility even if it's obvious that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
And if you actually want a serious immigration debate about Sweden, quoting a nazi newspaper isn't the best way to go. By doing that you lost this debate even before it had begun.
Eve Online
14-12-2006, 13:03
I live in Sweden and if you want a second opinion on this matter from a person who actually knows what he's talking about, Fassigen has owned you from the beginning of this debate. He's the only one who actually knows something about Sweden(considering he's living there) but some of you seem to question he's credibility even if it's obvious that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
And if you actually want a serious immigration debate about Sweden, quoting a nazi newspaper isn't the best way to go. By doing that you lost this debate even before it had begun.
Well, I think everyone has it backwards. I posted a link from an Australian news source that shows that it's the Swedes who are moving to Australia so they can rape Australian women!
The Potato Factory
14-12-2006, 13:07
Meanwhile, the threat of Swedes who immigrate to Austrailia and commit rape goes unchecked...,22049,20893704-5001028,00.html
Well, see, he's being DEPORTED. It's a lot more than what the Swedes are doing about their criminals.
New Burmesia
14-12-2006, 13:43
Didn't this thread die last year?
Call to power
14-12-2006, 15:22
Well, see, he's being DEPORTED. It's a lot more than what the Swedes are doing about their criminals.
sending them to jail? (well if it doesn't it proves Sweden is the wonder nation)
Didn't this thread die last year?
rightfully so IMHO...wait I'm bumping it...*scarpers*