NationStates Jolt Archive

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!! - Page 2

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02-10-2006, 00:28
No it's true, Bush had financial links with the Bin Laden family (check Farenheit 9/11). Al-Qaeda (spp?) were trained by the CIA with the hope that Afghanistan would fend off the Russians without the US having to do it. Bin Laden et al was trained and supplied with weapons by the CIA and US military. Afghanistan was pretty destroyed after their war with Russia. The US abandoned Afganistan at that point and left them to clear up the mess.....this I believe was the start of the bloody mess we're in today.

I am surprised how many people don't understand all of this. Either that or they simply don't care. Or will try to dismiss it as old news to be forgotten. As if anyone in the Middle East and Afghanistan especially has forgotten about any of it. But then Bush & Co. is very good at not remembering or dismissing inconvenient things like "facts" and "history".
The Emperor Fenix
02-10-2006, 00:29
What good is being in power if you don't get to funnel funds to your buddies?

Well there's the presidential cake. That was good enough for Jimmy Carter.
02-10-2006, 00:31
Well there's the presidential cake. That was good enough for Jimmy Carter.


I never understood the pervasive vilification of Jimmy Carter. I admired him almost as much as Pierre Elliott Trudeau when I was growing up.
02-10-2006, 00:35
Nobody can legimately claim to own a piece of land. Not even Native Americans owned America. So why should anyone leave?
02-10-2006, 00:35

I never understood the pervasive vilification of Jimmy Carter. I admired him almost as much as Pierre Elliott Trudeau when I was growing up.

I agree. He got a raw deal with that Iran mess. I think he did a lot more for world peace then Regan did in both his terms combined.
The Parkus Empire
02-10-2006, 00:38
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

Why don't you Europeans stop your bitching about what America does wrong and look at how f*cked up your countries are?

I will NOT apologize for America's Greatness. I will NOT apologize to the terrorists and their supporters, if they don't sleep to well at Gitmo, then "Oh well". I will NOT apologize for us, Americans, sending billions and billions of US dollars across the globe. I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. To the rest of you, you have no back bone, no morals, no hope, no common sense, no pride, etc...

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

The UN had Saddam Hussein under resolutions for more than a decade and Saddam gave this to you, the UN....... :upyours:

As for the UN, they are a failed organization. I say ship them out to Paris. They have got to go. I'm tired of our hard earned tax dollars pouring into that corrupt and failed organization.

NOTE: To all those who feed off of the constant bickering and whining over America and our policies......I say this to you..... :upyours:

To all those in support and for those who realize how much Good America does for people and nations throughout this world, I thank you.

I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out.

Also, for the ones who are getting tired of seeing the American Flag flying high........You damn well better get used to it....For WE aren't going anywheres but Everywheres for the betterment of this world.

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.
02-10-2006, 00:39
If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.

Considering what an average American will consider as the "left", all I can say is... Only if that were true...
Greater Trostia
02-10-2006, 00:40
If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.

And just what do you mean by "left?" Other than "me no likey."
02-10-2006, 00:40
a democratic president and/or congress won't change anything.
The Parkus Empire
02-10-2006, 00:41
God Bless Brainwashing
God Bless Blind Nationalism
God Bless Illegal Wars
God Bless Corrupt Governments
God Bless Torture
God Bless America


And God save the Liberals who support it!
The Parkus Empire
02-10-2006, 00:42
And just what do you mean by "left?" Other than "me no likey."

Nothing. Well, not America itself you understand, but the moronic politicians.
02-10-2006, 00:46
And God save the Liberals who support it!

You can't be a Liberal and support that. Liberalism defines itself in opposition to all of those things and more.
02-10-2006, 00:46
Taxes...taxes...but democrats love taxes, so you shouldn't be complaining!

... Your response has nothing to do with the subject.
02-10-2006, 00:46
a democratic president and/or congress won't change anything.

I disagree.
Good Lifes
02-10-2006, 00:49
May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

The most loyal thing that an American can do is speak up and protest when the nation is going in the wrong direction.

Someone who is going to be supportive of their government no matter what it does can live anywhere. There is nothing American about that. The very strength you praise is totally dependent on standing up and telling leaders when they are wrong.

By saying that you support America--right or wrong--you are the weakest of Americans and the most disloyal.
02-10-2006, 00:51
If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.

Wrong direction, kid.
The Parkus Empire
02-10-2006, 00:53
You can't be a Liberal and support that. Liberalism defines itself in opposition to all of those things and more.

Pricisely, so why do ANY of you take pity on Middle-Eastern terrorists?
02-10-2006, 00:54
I disagree.

It's still a limited, VERY limited democracy. Representation is bullshit, people just think it's freedom because it's as free as mainstream politics go, but in reality people are just settling for second best. Every single ideology was considered radical at one point in time, and representation to me is saying to the general public that they don't have the intelligence to decide things on their own so instead they are voting for someone else to do it for them. No one person can represent all 300 million United States' citizens voices so I don't know what we're doing expecting that he can. Why can't people represent themselves?
02-10-2006, 00:58
And God save the Liberals who support it!

One can only hope that people like Lieberman will get hammered in November.
02-10-2006, 01:00
Pricisely, so why do ANY of you take pity on Middle-Eastern terrorists?

So you believe that everyone in the middle east is a terrorist and we should be able to randomly pick up any family, torture them, then kill them when we find out they don't have any information?
02-10-2006, 01:01
Pricisely, so why do ANY of you take pity on Middle-Eastern terrorists?

LOL! To my knowledge Liberals haven't opposed any military aggression to seek justice for 9/11. So none of 'us' in fact have done what you are accusing 'us' of doing. Taking pity on terrorists indeed. If anyone Bush has taken pity on them by diverting the US military attention to Iraq, which had nothing to do with the middle-eastern terrorism that attacked the western world. Pointing out the obvious: by attacking Iraq He has, in the eyes of many moderate Muslims, justified the action of terrorists. Bush has done a great disservice to America and entire western civilization. The oppose Bush at this point and time is the maximum expression of American patriotism.

It will take decades to recover if we act intelligently from now on.
02-10-2006, 01:02
If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.

Yes, America is so left that anyone can get married, we can do whatever we want with our bodies, and poor people NEVER starve on the sidewalks.
02-10-2006, 01:05
Why can't people represent themselves?Same reason why people don't defend themselves in court and hire lawyers instead. People don't want to be full-time politicians. They want to live their lives and most of them are too worried about making ends meet to give a damn anyway. For this reason political representation will remain a strong caracteristic of democracy. Of course if those who represent us fail to do so in an honest, noble, and truly representative fashion, democracy grants us the instruments to bite back on them with a vengeance. That is why democratic societies have progressed so much better and faster than other forms of government throughout history.
New Domici
02-10-2006, 01:10
If you're not being sarcastic then here, here!
America unfortunatly is leaning so far left, it's about to fall over.


You know things are bad whent he conservatives must assume the possibility that those who agree with them are probably being sarcastic.

"he's gotta be joking. No one could seriously believe the shit I believe!" :D
The Emperor Fenix
02-10-2006, 01:15
I agree. He got a raw deal with that Iran mess. I think he did a lot more for world peace then Regan did in both his terms combined.

Reagan was a monster, if anyone has ever been truly evil it was him.
02-10-2006, 01:17
Same reason why people don't defend themselves in court and hire lawyers instead. People don't want to be full politicians. They want to live their lives and most of them are too worried about making ends meet to give a damn anyway. For this reason political representation will remain a strong caracteristic of democracy. Of course if those who represent us fail to do so in an honest, noble, and truly representative fashion, democracy grants us the instruments to bite back on them with a vengeance. That is why democratic societies have progressed so much better and faster than other forms of government throughout history.

If we all represented ourselves, there wouldn't be any politicians at all.
02-10-2006, 01:22
If we all represented ourselves, there wouldn't be any politicians at all.

But that's the trick isn't it? The fact is that we can't have everybody representing themselves directly and in first person. Logistically it is impossible.
02-10-2006, 01:23
Yes, America is so left that anyone can get married, we can do whatever we want with our bodies, and poor people NEVER starve on the sidewalks.

Conservatives say we are a leftist country. No proper country would allow us the freedoms we enjoy. Makes us immoral you know.

So says the right.
02-10-2006, 01:23
But that's the trick isn't it? The fact is that we can't have everybody representing themselves directly and in first person. Logistically it is impossible.

With the technology we have today? If American Idol can do it, I'd hope the American government could do it.
02-10-2006, 01:26
Conservatives say we are a leftist country. No proper country would allow us the freedoms we enjoy. Makes us immoral you know.

So says the right.

Yeah. The problem is that the vast majority of conservatives aren't near the center by a long shot. They're extreme. They like the pretend they're really moderate and anyone who isn't an evangelical is really an anarchist.

Also, what I don't get is that the far right likes to promote America as not only the MOST FREE country on earth, but the ONLY free country on earth; while at the same time denying homosexuals the right to marry and women control of their body.
02-10-2006, 01:34
Also, what I don't get is that the far right likes to promote America as not only the MOST FREE country on earth, but the ONLY free country on earth; while at the same time denying homosexuals the right to marry and women control of their body.

Plays well with the voters. Makes us feel big and strong and proud thinking we are the one true free country in the world. Never mind there are other countries out there with more freedom then we have.
02-10-2006, 01:36
Well, thanks. :D

It's very reassuring to see I'm not alone. Revives a little of my crumpled faith in humanity. Keep it up.

I second what C.H. said. :)
02-10-2006, 01:47
84 US caused civilian deaths to 1200 + insurgent caused civilian deaths? yeah, the US is definitely an OMGevilwarmongeringsuperpower!!!!!!1!!!!shift-uno!

Don't get me wrong, 84 is 84 too high. But it's war. Mistakes happen (mistakes as in things that shouldn't've happened, not as in accidents. yes shouldn't've is (now) a real word). And I realize that there are more than 84 civilian deaths caused by the US, but nowhere near 1200, methinks.

You cannot actually believe that the United states has caused less that 1200 civilian deaths in Iraq.
We killed more civilians than that on the first night of "Shock and Awe"!
And yes I know that the deaths were not deliberate, that they were "collateral damage", but dead is dead and one way or another we are responsible.

We are actively creating MORE terrorists by invading Iraq.
This is not just my opinion.

UN linking Qaeda gains to Iraq war

UNITED NATIONS: A UN report released yesterday said the Iraq war provided Al Qaeda with a training centre and recruits, reinforcing a US intelligence study blaming the conflict for a surge in Islamic extremism.

The report by terrorism experts working for the UN Security Council said Al Qaeda was playing a central role in the fighting in Iraq as well as inspiring a Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan, several hundred kilometres away.

"New explosive devices are now used in Afghanistan within a month of their first appearing in Iraq," said the report.

"And while the Taliban have not been found fighting outside Afghanistan/Pakistan, there have been reports of them training in both Iraq and Somalia."

Al Qaeda, it said, "has gained by continuing to play a central role in the fighting (in Iraq) and in encouraging the growth of sectarian violence, and Iraq has provided many recruits and an excellent training ground," it said.

The report said that Al Qaeda’s influence may soon wane in Iraq, citing some fighters’ complaints that they were unhappy to learn upon arriving in the country that they would have to kill fellow Muslims rather than foreign fighters or could serve their cause only as suicide bombers.
Link (

Don't like the U.N.?
How about our allies the British?

Iraq war 'recruiting extremists'

The Iraq war has acted as a "recruiting sergeant" for extremists, a research paper prepared for the Ministry of Defence's Defence Academy says.

The paper said: "The war in Iraq...has acted as a recruiting sergeant for extremists across the Muslim world.

"Iraq has served to radicalise an already disillusioned youth and al-Qaeda has given them the will, intent, purpose and ideology to act."

On Afghanistan, the paper said the UK went in "with its eyes closed".

The report also reveals that a secret deal to extricate UK troops from Iraq so they could focus on Afghanistan failed when British military leaders were over-ruled.
Link (

Don't think that they are a credible souce either?
How about International Institute for Strategic Studies who were saying the same thing back in 2004!
Iraq War Swells Al Qaeda's Ranks, Report Says
by Peter Graff

LONDON - War in Iraq has swollen the ranks of al Qaeda and galvanized the Islamic militant group's will, the International Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday in its annual report.

The 2003-2004 edition of the British-based think-tank's annual bible for defense analysts, The Military Balance, said Washington's assertions after the Iraq conflict that it had turned the corner in the war on terror were "over-confident."

The report, widely considered an authoritative text on the military capabilities of states and militant groups worldwide, could prove fodder for critics of the U.S.-British invasion and of the reconstruction effort that has followed in Iraq.

Washington must impose security in Iraq to prevent the country from "ripening into a cause celebre for radical Islamic terrorists," ( Exactly what the NIE says HAS happened! Simon J. ) it concluded. "Nation-building" in Iraq was paramount and might require more troops than initially planned.

"On the plus side, war in Iraq has denied al Qaeda a potential supplier of weapons of mass destruction and discouraged state sponsors of terrorism from continuing to support it," the report said. ( That may have been how it looked in 2003...but what's been going on with the Iranians since then? Simon J. )

"On the minus side, war in Iraq has probably inflamed radical passions among Muslims and thus increased al Qaeda's recruiting power and morale and, at least marginally, its operating capability," it said.

"The immediate effect of the war may have been to isolate further al Qaeda from any potential state supporters while also swelling its ranks and galvanizing its will."
Link (

Perhaps our allies in Israel and Saudi Arabia can convince you?
Study cites seeds of terror in Iraq
War radicalized most, probes find
By Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | July 17, 2005

WASHINGTON -- New investigations by the Saudi Arabian government and an Israeli think tank -- both of which painstakingly analyzed the backgrounds and motivations of hundreds of foreigners entering Iraq to fight the United States -- have found that the vast majority of these foreign fighters are not former terrorists and became radicalized by the war itself.

The studies, which together constitute the most detailed picture available of foreign fighters, cast serious doubt on President Bush's claim that those responsible for some of the worst violence are terrorists who seized on the opportunity to make Iraq the ''central front" in a battle against the United States.

''The terrorists know that the outcome [in Iraq] will leave them emboldened or defeated," Bush said in his nationally televised address on the war at Fort Bragg in North Carolina last month. ''So they are waging a campaign of murder and destruction." The US military is fighting the terrorists in Iraq, he repeated this month, ''so we do not have to face them here at home."

However, interrogations of nearly 300 Saudis captured while trying to sneak into Iraq and case studies of more than three dozen others who blew themselves up in suicide attacks show that most were heeding the calls from clerics and activists to drive infidels out of Arab land, according to a study by Saudi investigator Nawaf Obaid, a US-trained analyst who was commissioned by the Saudi government and given access to Saudi officials and intelligence.

A separate Israeli analysis of 154 foreign fighters compiled by a leading terrorism researcher found that despite the presence of some senior Al Qaeda operatives who are organizing the volunteers, ''the vast majority of [non-Iraqi] Arabs killed in Iraq have never taken part in any terrorist activity prior to their arrival in Iraq."
Link (

Our invasion of Iraq has been a disaster and we are NOT safer than before we invaded.
By some estimates WE have killed over 50,000 Iraqi civilians in our quest to bring Democracy to the Middle East.
I gues in a way you can say more people are free in Iraq that before we invaded.
After all when you are dead you are no longer oppressed.
02-10-2006, 01:48
Plays well with the voters. Makes us feel big and strong and proud thinking we are the one true free country in the world. Never mind there are other countries out there with more freedom then we have.

Most of Europe has more freedom than we have.
02-10-2006, 01:49
But that's the trick isn't it? The fact is that we can't have everybody representing themselves directly and in first person. Logistically it is impossible.

And whose fault is that? Did you expect a huge region to be able to cater to everyone? The only reason the United States is so big is because the aggressors in the country grew greedier and greedier every year. I never wanted it this way.
02-10-2006, 01:52
Our invasion of Iraq has been a disaster and we are NOT safer than before we invaded.
By some estimates WE have killed over 50,000 Iraqi civilians in our quest to bring Democracy to the Middle East.
I gues in a way you can say more people are free in Iraq that before we invaded.
After all when you are dead you are no longer oppressed.

And what's sad is that there's no way to win in Iraq, only ways to make the loss less painful.
02-10-2006, 01:56
By some estimates WE have killed over 50,000 Iraqi civilians in our quest to bring Democracy to the Middle East.That number is almost a magnitude too low because it only considers direct casualties completely forgetting the casualties due to utter breakdown of already weakened infrastructure (lack of medical care, food, water, internal unstability, breakdown of civil services, etc..).

In 2004, the total estimate was nearer to 100,000 casualties:
02-10-2006, 02:09
Conservatives say we are a leftist country. No proper country would allow us the freedoms we enjoy. Makes us immoral you know.

So says the right.

Incidentally, I find myself agreeing more with the Left these days than I do the Right. We both support social freedom, oppose empire, and oppose war. All I agree on the Right with is economics, and usually not even that. They favor the collusion of the state and big business, rather than the complete separation of the two.
Violet Blankets
02-10-2006, 02:14
But you said it yourself: it's where the money is. Money likes to be in land most loved by God. God throws gold at what He likes.

wrong. For Christ's sake, read your Bible, man! If you care about God, learn about Him and His actions!!! Have you read of the exile? God's chosen people were overrun by numerous nations that were ungodly. Strength=/=holiness

Winning arguments is nothing if you make people hate God in the process!

Then don't go to war. Even though you're protestant I would expect any man of God to oppose wars where not absolutely necessary.
First off... I'm not protestant; I'm non-denominational. Wanna know why?... "Even though you're protestant..." that clause right there betrays the idea that is common among many christians that being of a different denomination means being less faithful to the faith. Catholics and Protestants are all Christians, so there shouldn't be distinct differences like we have

That being said, no war is absolutely necessary. No one had to fight the Nazis, yet american liberal hero FDR did. No one had to fight the Native Americans or Nullies in SC, yet the american liberal hero Andrew Jackson did. No one has to fight the terrorists, yet Bush is.

War is probably the worst thing that can happen between humans. But it is often necessary in order to maintain safety or ideals. That is not absolute, and is therefore greyscale, and is therefore based on personal perception of which option is the lighter of the two. (man, all those "therefores" made me think of The Princess Bride...)

like the liberal intellectual elitist that I am
HELP, THE OMG STUPID CONSERVATIVES ARE SUPPRESSING ME BY ACTING LIKE THEY'RE BETTER THAN ME!!! So, Mr. Intellectual Elitist, where are you from that makes you so much smarter and intellectual than us hillbilly conservatives? Why is your "truth" so much more "true" than my worldview?

As for Killinginthename's comments go, I would like to amend what I said:

Yes, we have killed more than 1200 non-combatant Iraqi citizens (not quite sure what i was thinking on that one, apologies), but not as high as 100,000 caused directly by the US. Indirectly, yeah, probably. But directly by US soldiers or by the destruction of infrastructure? no. a) that figure is based on Iraqis, not non-combatant Iraqis, there is a bit of a difference... b) the majority of the non-combatants killed through violence were killed by other Iraqis.

Does anyone know why my iPod isn't working?
The Black Forrest
02-10-2006, 03:53
I wish I could find the CNN article but one commander on the ground expressed some concern.

He said there is all this effort to train the Iraqis to take over and he is worried all they are doing is training soldiers to fight in a civil war.
02-10-2006, 04:20
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

Why don't you Europeans stop your bitching about what America does wrong and look at how f*cked up your countries are?

I will NOT apologize for America's Greatness. I will NOT apologize to the terrorists and their supporters, if they don't sleep to well at Gitmo, then "Oh well". I will NOT apologize for us, Americans, sending billions and billions of US dollars across the globe. I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. To the rest of you, you have no back bone, no morals, no hope, no common sense, no pride, etc...

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

The UN had Saddam Hussein under resolutions for more than a decade and Saddam gave this to you, the UN....... :upyours:

As for the UN, they are a failed organization. I say ship them out to Paris. They have got to go. I'm tired of our hard earned tax dollars pouring into that corrupt and failed organization.

NOTE: To all those who feed off of the constant bickering and whining over America and our policies......I say this to you..... :upyours:

To all those in support and for those who realize how much Good America does for people and nations throughout this world, I thank you.

I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out.

Also, for the ones who are getting tired of seeing the American Flag flying high........You damn well better get used to it....For WE aren't going anywheres but Everywheres for the betterment of this world.

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

Nothing personal, but don't ever say this kind of stuff on NS General. You'll get made fun of by the 90 percent liberal/American hater population. Stick to RPing.
Soviet Haaregrad
02-10-2006, 04:51
Nothing personal, but don't ever say this kind of stuff on NS General. You'll get made fun of by the 90 percent liberal/American hater population. Stick to RPing.

Or, to paraphrase:

Flamebait, lie and act like a nationalist putz and rational people will eat you alive.
02-10-2006, 11:23
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

Why don't you Europeans stop your bitching about what America does wrong and look at how f*cked up your countries are?

I will NOT apologize for America's Greatness. I will NOT apologize to the terrorists and their supporters, if they don't sleep to well at Gitmo, then "Oh well". I will NOT apologize for us, Americans, sending billions and billions of US dollars across the globe. I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. To the rest of you, you have no back bone, no morals, no hope, no common sense, no pride, etc...

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

The UN had Saddam Hussein under resolutions for more than a decade and Saddam gave this to you, the UN....... :upyours:

As for the UN, they are a failed organization. I say ship them out to Paris. They have got to go. I'm tired of our hard earned tax dollars pouring into that corrupt and failed organization.

NOTE: To all those who feed off of the constant bickering and whining over America and our policies......I say this to you..... :upyours:

To all those in support and for those who realize how much Good America does for people and nations throughout this world, I thank you.

I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out.

Also, for the ones who are getting tired of seeing the American Flag flying high........You damn well better get used to it....For WE aren't going anywheres but Everywheres for the betterment of this world.

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

:upyours: to:
Mr Bush, Mrs Rice, Mr Rumsfeld etc

:upyours: to:
the Republicans and the Democrats alike

:upyours: to:
the silent majority

I just happen to remember that Mark Twain (S.L.Clemens) once said about US imperialism. You americans should be ashamed of the way you betrayed the ideals of Human Rights and Freedom that people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Frankiln had.

02-10-2006, 11:32
Everytime someone posts in this thread King Bodacious faps. Ewwwww.
02-10-2006, 11:44

That brainwashing really is working out well for you, isn't it ?
02-10-2006, 12:30

That brainwashing really is working out well for you, isn't it ?

Quite. In fact, the Americans tried to send him a certificate, but they accidentally sent it to me.

Then they realized they had to give the opposite to me and fixed the problem... a year later.
Eris Rising
02-10-2006, 18:38
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

You want me to leave? Give me the money I need to gain Canadian citizinship.
New Burmesia
02-10-2006, 19:25
You want me to leave? Give me the money I need to gain Canadian citizinship.

Someone actually posted a link to the Canadian immigration bureau or summat. A quick search should do it.:p

But remember: every time King Bodacious posts, god kills a kitten!
02-10-2006, 20:07
...I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out...

You do realize that it's "MARK my words.."....!? {sheesh!}

People are all too happy to MOCK your words.

While I, personally, appreciate the sentiment (Go America! America is not evil!) the original posting is the wrong approach, especially in a forum like this one (NationStates).

At some point this rightist government will be replaced. And a far right government will come to power.

The center will be redefined to be what we now know as the far right, as the center is now defined as what WAS the right since Reagan.

The left will be defined further and further far left, by dint of the shift of the center, and the fact that those who actually hold leftist views will "radicallize" (much as the terrorists have and much as wasps do when you smash their nests) and become not only noisier but less and less relevant.

America will come to her senses about how to deal with stateless terrorists, and demand tight borders, the elimination (not deaths) of the "undocumented", un-forgable biometric ID's, and a surgical military capable of eliminating any individual person, group or structure on the planet.

The UN will be ejected from the US. It will be largely ignored by America, and with the institution of the FN (the Free Nations) the UN will be largely ignored by the larger nations.

The rest of the world will become VERY unsettled, as the frustrated terrorists go for softer targets in other parts of the world.

Eventually, America will be called in to help those countries who can't deal with the increased terrorism on their soil, and because the American presidency will by this time be seen as a sensible person with real answers to real questions, we will help restore the sovereignty of many many nations oppressed by those who would take away their identity's.

In other words,.. it's not going to settle down, no matter how much the left wishes it would by the use of their senseless tactics of trying to recreate the world before,.. before,.. before whatever imaginary "golden age" they have in mind.

The strategy of the left is, "Let the terrorists win their little victories and take over those susceptable parts of the planet, because WE can just sit back here and have what we have. They'll never come here!"

The strategy of the right is, "We may create some SERIOUS havoc and have to do some things that aren't particularly nice or comfortable, but since there's no way to eliminate the threat we need to establish some systems that keep the vermin under control."

..and the evolution of human society continues..
New Domici
02-10-2006, 20:19
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

So, when we change the direction the country is going in november and '08, are you going to leave?

What if we get actual liberals in '10 and 12?
'Cause with the Repubs protecting their pedophiles like they're the Catholic church, and Bush's neocon fiascos (I'm not really sure what the plural of fiasco is becuase I've never encountered more than one in the same place before) the conservative movement in the country is as dead as Frankenstien.
02-10-2006, 23:08
So, when we change the direction the country is going in november and '08, are you going to leave?

OF course he won't. When (I'm being hopefull) the change occurse he will say that he is only protesting the governments policies as is his right. Which it is but it will then clearly show the hypocricy that he so loves to spout. Perhaps he will realize that loving your country is NOT marching mindlessly to the government drum.
02-10-2006, 23:42
May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

Either that whole diatribe in the OP was a brilliant satire, or the poster is a fucking apologist fascist-moron.
02-10-2006, 23:50
Either that whole diatribe in the OP was a brilliant satire, or the poster is a fucking apologist fascist-moron.

I'll go with the second one.
Ultraextreme Sanity
03-10-2006, 00:16
What if he's not a moron ? You really think thats fair ?
03-10-2006, 00:19
What if he's not a moron ? You really think thats fair ?

Fair to who? Morons?
New Domici
03-10-2006, 01:40
What if he's not a moron ? You really think thats fair ?

While the dumber you are, the more likely you are to believe what republicans say, this isn't usually true of the retarded. They're dumb enough to believe lies like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, but Compasionate Conservative sends their bullshit detectors off like an airhorn. You see, they tend to be nice people.

Hence the Stephen Lynch lyric about being suffering brain damage.
now i laugh as i count bugs
i give strangers great big hugs

And even being a little bit nice fills one with an intuitive revulsion for neocon politics despite having almost no knowledge of them. To be a Bush supporter you have to be both so incredibly stupid that you don't spot the flawed logic and so fundamentally evil that you like the results of that logic.
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 01:42
03-10-2006, 02:46
While the dumber you are, the more likely you are to believe what republicans say, this isn't usually true of the retarded. They're dumb enough to believe lies like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, but Compasionate Conservative sends their bullshit detectors off like an airhorn. You see, they tend to be nice people.

Hence the Stephen Lynch lyric about being suffering brain damage.

And even being a little bit nice fills one with an intuitive revulsion for neocon politics despite having almost no knowledge of them. To be a Bush supporter you have to be both so incredibly stupid that you don't spot the flawed logic and so fundamentally evil that you like the results of that logic.

I'll agree with everything you say. Nicely put.
Evil Cantadia
03-10-2006, 06:23
Perhaps he will realize that loving your country is NOT marching mindlessly to the government drum.
But it's got such a funky beat ...
03-10-2006, 06:49
If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

I would prefer to utilize my rights to vote this incompetant administration out on their ass, thanks much though

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

The day America's greatness can be summed up as "hey, at least we're not as bad as Iraq!" is not a day to celebrate.

[/QUOTE]I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. [/QUOTE]

Exactly, it's OUR TURN to rape those iraqi women, damn it!

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

America, now slightly better than the taliban!

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

I do support america, the america bound by the supreme law of the constitution and the guiding principle of fundamental human rights.

Which is why I have no support for this administration.
03-10-2006, 10:24
GIVEN that you suffer under one of the worst governments you've ever had
GIVEN that the income difference between US working class and the US upper class is at its highest
GIVEN that you still have some rights, like voting, maybe not very democratic elections, but still you have them
GIVEN that you still can go living in another place
GIVEN that your government wages war around the world in your name, exploiting and twisting the ideals of your Constitution to its ends
GIVEN that such behaviour only stirs misunderstanding and hate towards the US

I send a plea unto you US citizens:

PLEASE, vote for a radically different administration next time.
PLEASE, try to act more delicately when meddling with delicate questions.
PLEASE, stop trying to enforce your point of view on anyone else.
PLEASE, do not become a fundamentalist, fascist nightmare of a nation.


I send an invitation to all US citizens who still want to enjoy civil rights, to come and live here in Europe. Just as a lot of Europeans emigrated to the US in the last centuries. You are welcome. And Europe is a place big enough for everyone, maybe we'll have to squeeze a bit but it won't be a problem.

03-10-2006, 21:24
I plan on getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering and moving to the UK.
03-10-2006, 21:27
I plan on getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering and moving to the UK.

been here before?
Drunk commies deleted
03-10-2006, 21:47
<stupid anti-american rant that equates dissent with hate.

I support America and the troops with my tax dollars. I support America by speaking out about what I think the nation is doing well and what I think it's fucking up. Dissent is patriotism. The nazi scum who supported Hitler betrayed Germany. The authoritarian commie scum who supported Stalin betrayed Russia. I will not support Bush and betray America.
04-10-2006, 01:07
been here before?

No, actually.
04-10-2006, 02:00
Two party system!

And as Risottia puts it: You are wellcome to move to Europe. Be warned though, taxes are higher, but social security and free high education costs. (But nominal minimal wage in Norway is ca. 17$ with a 30% tax rate.)
04-10-2006, 02:18
Oh, the taxes... right. That's the downside...

The upside(s): Better schools
upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside upside ...upside upside upside upside upside upside upside
*CPU breaks*
04-10-2006, 02:24
I support America and the troops with my tax dollars. I support America by speaking out about what I think the nation is doing well and what I think it's fucking up. Dissent is patriotism. The nazi scum who supported Hitler betrayed Germany. The authoritarian commie scum who supported Stalin betrayed Russia. I will not support Bush and betray America.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

--Thomas Jefferson--
04-10-2006, 02:27
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

--Thomas Jefferson--

In other news, 2+2 has been found to always equal 4.


If one has to post that to say something, I am frightened as it is.
04-10-2006, 02:34
Allow me to introduce you to a great quote your all forgetting. I can't find the corresponding poster atm tho.

"Winning an online argument is like winning the special olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded."
04-10-2006, 02:41
"...and be loyal to pepole, king and fatherland" (insert mother if you are from russia)

In that order, never let your own pepole suffer due to the actions of your leaders.

I hope you figure this one out! If you don't, america is not the only one that wil suffer due to your inaction.
04-10-2006, 02:43
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

13 going on 14. Can't.

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Because the only thing they know about America is what they can see from the outside. They haven't actually lived here.

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

Oh, they hate us.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

Canada has a bad opinion about us?

Why don't you Europeans stop your bitching about what America does wrong and look at how f*cked up your countries are?

Mmm hmm. They're fucked up because they don't have capital punishment. They're fucked up because they have more democracy. They're fucked up because they have more health care. They're fucked up because they have more workers rights. They're REALLY fucked up.

I will NOT apologize for America's Greatness. I will NOT apologize to the terrorists and their supporters, if they don't sleep to well at Gitmo, then "Oh well". I will NOT apologize for us, Americans, sending billions and billions of US dollars across the globe. I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. To the rest of you, you have no back bone, no morals, no hope, no common sense, no pride, etc...

Oh yes, torture is just fine. We shouldn't listen to the cries of those who want it outlawed. Wait, so they were actually being THAT oppressed before we came? In case you didn't realize it, women were had it a hell of a lot better than most Americans make it out to be. Hell, it's worse for them NOW! And since people aren't American they have no morals, no intelligence, no courage, and no pride? So, say, Winston Churchill had none of the above?

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

Wait, we DON'T have women being beaten, raped, tortured and murdered here in America? We DON'T have military rape cases? We DON'T have any more respect for women than we say they do?

The UN had Saddam Hussein under resolutions for more than a decade and Saddam gave this to you, the UN....... :upyours:

Yeah, everyone should do that. The U.N. is useless. All they do is say "Don't do that." and give slaps on the wrists occasionally.

As for the UN, they are a failed organization. I say ship them out to Paris. They have got to go. I'm tired of our hard earned tax dollars pouring into that corrupt and failed organization.

Oh, okay. You agree with me on that.

NOTE: To all those who feed off of the constant bickering and whining over America and our policies......I say this to you..... :upyours:

Mmm hmm. "What is a coalition? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit,
to do the unnecessary." -- Richard Harkness, The New York Times, 1960
Having our soldiers sent to Iraq, then having them die to give democracy to people who don't want it is GREAT policy. Deciding to nose into everybody elses business is GREAT policy. Deciding that we decide what is right and wrong in this world is GREAT policy.

To all those in support and for those who realize how much Good America does for people and nations throughout this world, I thank you.

Wait... What's "good"? Never heard of it. All I see is forcing our way of life on people who have grown used to other styles over many millenia, and that being a great shock to them.

I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out.

Sorry to break it to you buddy, but there aren't that many heroes out there. This world needs many more heroes. Unfortunately there's no one with a good enough heart to selflessly sacrifice themselves to help the rest of the world, without wanting recognition for it.

Also, for the ones who are getting tired of seeing the American Flag flying high........You damn well better get used to it....For WE aren't going anywheres but Everywheres for the betterment of this world.

I don't care if it's flying in our country, or in our embassies. But it does NOT belong in other countries. Doing that is essentially saying "Guess what. This land is now under American control, and we can do whatever we want with it."

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

Bolded is mine.
04-10-2006, 03:22
Bolded is mine.


The US's attitude seems to fit this quote:

"Whatevah, whatevah; I do what I want!"

-Eric Cartman
04-10-2006, 15:41
I support America and the troops with my tax dollars. I support America by speaking out about what I think the nation is doing well and what I think it's fucking up. Dissent is patriotism. The nazi scum who supported Hitler betrayed Germany. The authoritarian commie scum who supported Stalin betrayed Russia. I will not support Bush and betray America.

Whenever I hear someone say that Bush ignoring the Constitution is not that big a deal I always wonder how someone can just shrug that off. It is to help us fight terror they say. Attacking the document and civil rights are supposed to help us? I can not see how people can try to explain away what the current regime in Washington is doing. It is morally reprehensible at every level. We should do what we can in Iraq and get our troops out of that place as quickly as possible. If we have to occupy someones country, why not the Sudan? The situation there is so disgusting and much more deserving of a military presence.
New Burmesia
04-10-2006, 16:07
Two party system!

And as Risottia puts it: You are wellcome to move to Europe. Be warned though, taxes are higher, but social security and free high education costs. (But nominal minimal wage in Norway is ca. 17$ with a 30% tax rate.)

Doesn't it cost about £10 a pint up there?
04-10-2006, 16:13
In other news, 2+2 has been found to always equal 4.


If one has to post that to say something, I am frightened as it is.
But, but, everbody knows that:

Two plus two make five (

04-10-2006, 16:19
GIVEN that you suffer under one of the worst governments you've ever had
GIVEN that the income difference between US working class and the US upper class is at its highest
GIVEN that you still have some rights, like voting, maybe not very democratic elections, but still you have them
GIVEN that you still can go living in another place
GIVEN that your government wages war around the world in your name, exploiting and twisting the ideals of your Constitution to its ends
GIVEN that such behaviour only stirs misunderstanding and hate towards the US

I send a plea unto you US citizens:

PLEASE, vote for a radically different administration next time.
PLEASE, try to act more delicately when meddling with delicate questions.
PLEASE, stop trying to enforce your point of view on anyone else.
PLEASE, do not become a fundamentalist, fascist nightmare of a nation.


I send an invitation to all US citizens who still want to enjoy civil rights, to come and live here in Europe. Just as a lot of Europeans emigrated to the US in the last centuries. You are welcome. And Europe is a place big enough for everyone, maybe we'll have to squeeze a bit but it won't be a problem.

I will 2nd that, with one ammendment......add Canada to the destination list. As a bonus, there is no need to "squeeze" because Canada has lots of room!! :D
New Burmesia
04-10-2006, 16:24
I will 2nd that, with one ammendment......add Canada to the destination list. As a bonus, there is no need to "squeeze" because Canada has lots of room!! :D

Yeah. But it's too fucking cold, eh?
Eris Rising
04-10-2006, 16:35
Someone actually posted a link to the Canadian immigration bureau or summat. A quick search should do it.:p

Maybe you misread what I said. To clarify I looked into Canidian immigration when my fellow citizens were stupid enough to re-elect the bastard we have in office now. In order to do so without having a job waiting for me when I get there they require me to have a specific large amount of money in my bank account. I do not have this specific large amount of money and I am asking anyone who is spewing this "love it or leave it" crap if they are willing to put up the money so I can leave it.
New Burmesia
04-10-2006, 16:37
Maybe you misread what I said. To clarify I looked into Canidian immigration when my fellow citizens were stupid enough to re-elect the bastard we have in office now. In order to do so without having a job waiting for me when I get there they require me to have a specific large amount of money in my bank account. I do not have this specific large amount of money and I am asking anyone who is spewing this "love it or leave it" crap if they are willing to put up the money so I can leave it.

Nah. Remember conservative ideology. It's not your money, or the government's money. It's their money. Why do you hate freedom?
Cyrian space
04-10-2006, 17:45
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.
I won't leave because I love America more than you do. I love America enough to stick around and try my damnedest to fix it. I won't leave because America has hope and promise unfound anywhere else. And finally, I won't leave because if America falls to fascism, nowhere else in the world will be safe. You may abandon a sinking ship, but I'm still down there working the bilge pump.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.
Because some places (like Mexico) are worse places to live? That doesn't mean much.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

Why don't you Europeans stop your bitching about what America does wrong and look at how f*cked up your countries are?

I will NOT apologize for America's Greatness. I will NOT apologize to the terrorists and their supporters, if they don't sleep to well at Gitmo, then "Oh well". I will NOT apologize for us, Americans, sending billions and billions of US dollars across the globe. I will NOT apologize for the Americans, seeing how poor the woman of Afghanstan and Iraq were being treated and how they were raped, tortured, and murdered simply for being women, and the Americans and our allies finally doing something about it. To the rest of you, you have no back bone, no morals, no hope, no common sense, no pride, etc...Will you apologise for the people who are arrested, held for months without trial, subjected to various tortures, only to be found innocent and released?

Do you even realize that this could happen to me or you at any time now, and we would have no legal recourse?

For all those who cry, "Human rights," where the hell were you at when those women were being beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered.

NOTE: To all those who feed off of the constant bickering and whining over America and our policies......I say this to you..... :upyours:

To all those in support and for those who realize how much Good America does for people and nations throughout this world, I thank you.

I am a firm believer that they're a heck of a lot more good out there then bad. I find it very unfortunate that the little bit of bad, is a whole lot louder than the Good. Mock my words, the silent majority is getting closer and closer to awakening and when we do, you the bad, damn well better watch out.
Why, because you'll ship us off to the camps?
Also, for the ones who are getting tired of seeing the American Flag flying high........You damn well better get used to it....For WE aren't going anywheres but Everywheres for the betterment of this world.

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!
May God, or whoever else may be listening, save us.
Jester III
04-10-2006, 18:01
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

--Thomas Jefferson--

Oh, that bleeding heart communist terrorist-supportiung scumbag again! :D
04-10-2006, 18:14
If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

Don't let the door hit you on the you know what.

If America is so bad and heading in the "wrong" direction. I ask, why are people from all over the world both legal and illegal aliens pouring across into our Great Nation?

Ask the Mexicans and Cubans who make it to our shores and land what they think of America. Ask the Iraqis and other middle easterners, who are in America, what they think of us.

As for Canada, I couldn't care less what the hell they think. They're barely better then the French and that's not saying to much.

My Grandfather says this when he's had too much to drink.

I'm not going to ask for you to apologize for what you believe, and all I ask in return is that I get to keep my first ammendment rights.
05-10-2006, 11:24
Yeah. But it's too fucking cold, eh?
We have 4 seasons. Summer can be quite hot, hazy and humid. Spring and fall is awesome, and for a few months we play in the snow or cuddle up inside. :D
New Burmesia
05-10-2006, 12:30
We have 4 seasons. Summer can be quite hot, hazy and humid. Spring and fall is awesome, and for a few months we play in the snow or cuddle up inside. :D

Yeah, I know. I was just joking ;)

And back here in Britiain we have 4 seasons too. Hayfever, drought, wet and cold. And in the south we don't even get snow either.:(
05-10-2006, 12:35
Yeah, I know. I was just joking ;)

And back here in Britiain we have 4 seasons too. Hayfever, drought, wet and cold. And in the south we don't even get snow either.:D yeaa!

Editied coz he got it wrong.
New Burmesia
05-10-2006, 12:46
Editied coz he got it wrong.

Eh? You telling me you don't like snow?
05-10-2006, 12:54
Seasons across the globe:

(Sub)tropics- hot, hurricane-filled and cold, dry
Temperate- The 4: Hot, cool, cold, and warm
Arid- Dry and Slightly Wet
Tundra- Cold and not Cold
05-10-2006, 12:55
Eh? You telling me you don't like snow?

Thats exactly what I'm saying, what you do like it? The awful slushy grey cold stuff, urrgh:(
The Neptunian Number
05-10-2006, 13:11
I can't wait for Mel Gibson to make the movie.
05-10-2006, 13:13
Oh, that bleeding heart communist terrorist-supportiung scumbag again! :D

I know, what were those crazy founding fathers thinking as they were coming up with our Constituion and Bill of Rights. Clearly those who founded America were actually trying to hurt it! :eek:

Why else would they offer protections under the law that apply to terrorists out to destroy us? Clearly... Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist sypathizer! :eek:

:rolleyes: :D
New Domici
05-10-2006, 15:17
I won't leave because I love America more than you do. I love America enough to stick around and try my damnedest to fix it. I won't leave because America has hope and promise unfound anywhere else. And finally, I won't leave because if America falls to fascism, nowhere else in the world will be safe. You may abandon a sinking ship, but I'm still down there working the bilge pump.

Liberals love America like parents love their children. If it's doing something wrong, we do what we can to correct its behavior. When it's doing well, we try to reward it, but we try to encourage it to always do better.

Conservatives love America like children love their parents. When it's abusive they make excuses and yell at anyone who points out that it's doing something wrong. When it disagrees with them they yell and whine and shout "I hate you! You don't care about me!"
05-10-2006, 15:22
Yeah, I know. I was just joking ;)

And back here in Britiain we have 4 seasons too. Hayfever, drought, wet and cold. And in the south we don't even get snow either.:(

And here in northern Italy we get humid, torrid, wet and fog. Schizophrenic weather.
05-10-2006, 15:24
Liberals love America like parents love their children. If it's doing something wrong, we do what we can to correct its behavior. When it's doing well, we try to reward it, but we try to encourage it to always do better.

Conservatives love America like children love their parents. When it's abusive they make excuses and yell at anyone who points out that it's doing something wrong. When it disagrees with them they yell and whine and shout "I hate you! You don't care about me!"

That is quite funny. And accurate, too.
New Burmesia
05-10-2006, 15:25
And here in northern Italy we get humid, torrid, wet and fog. Schizophrenic weather.

I went to Lake Garda last summer, the weather was really nice. That is, nice when there wasn't a hailstorm.
05-10-2006, 15:27
You may count on a EU submarine to rescue you in the case, I promise.
Cabra West
05-10-2006, 15:30
<snip OP>

Let's see... the blessing of the big bearded fairy in the sky? For what now? *lol Cute!
05-10-2006, 15:31
(I posted this as a reply in another thread and after submitting it, I felt I should make it into a new topic)

If you are an American and you don't like the way we're going...I say "Leave!"

May God Bless America, our Troops, and all of YOU who support America!!

yada yada

Just gave me a thought, though.

As an Atheist, I'm not big on the whole idea of 'god'... but, just maybe there is one... and just maybe he let terrorists attack the US because he was sick of some American's with their 'holier than thou' attitudes, and delusions of empire?

Like I say, though... atheist, so, I guess I doubt it.
05-10-2006, 15:33
Meh, everyone reading this thread knows that the OP is just the symptom of a severe case of mental diarrhea.
05-10-2006, 15:51
To the OP:

Fuck you. You don't understand or appreciate how the American government works. If there is no dissent, there is no democracy.

You seem to have gotten -our- government confused with NORTH KOREA, in which you have no say in how the government runs and if you don't like it too fucking bad.

That's why America's great, because that's not how it is. That's not how it's -supposed- to be, anyway. Idiots like you are making it that way a little bit more every day.
05-10-2006, 16:31
If there is a God, He KNOWS that America is currently in the wrong path. He also KNOWS that the right to dissent is more sacred than anything the neocons hold dear.

If there is a God, He is as infuriated as I am by the fact that the current administration in US intends to go imperialistic and make the world into its personal dystopia.

If there is a God, He knows that murder, unjust imprisonment without trial, and torture are WRONG.

If there is a God, He is way, WAY more enlightened than you are.

If there is a God, He is sane enough not to hear the prayers of the wicked.

If there is a God, He is blessing those that want peace, not war, even without us asking or posting inflamatory OPs in forums. Blessed be the Peacemakers in Christianity, the Three-Fold-Law in Wicca, Hare-krishna non-violence, and, basically, all religions (including, yes, true Islam) have non-violence clauses in them. The ones that don't are mere distortions of Christianity that promote intolerance and bombing abortion clinics, distortions of Islam that promote terrorism, or idiotic goth wiccan-wannabes that don't know the first thing about the craft. And so on.

Remember that, though, and try to read the Bible, since you seem to be so willing to use God's name in vain:

05-10-2006, 16:34
If a silent majority "wakes up" and (as you implied) creates a revolution, it will be a LIBERAL one, because Bush is despised by SEVENTY PERCENT of the country. So, you should think up your threats better, because, should that happen, it'd be YOU in the secret prisons, not Michael Moore.

If you make threats, you would do well to have something to back them up.
05-10-2006, 16:55
God Bless Brainwashing
God Bless Blind Nationalism
God Bless Illegal Wars
God Bless Corrupt Governments
God Bless Torture
God Bless America


God bless the fact that although some of Americas decisions are questionable, it is 0.00000000000001 x as bad as most of the countries in the world and is a free democratic country who will protect you, defend you, help you and supply you with what you need. And will let you criticize it to your hearts concent without prosecuting you for it.

And this is coming from a brit, I am really tired with these massively exagerated american hatred slogans now.
05-10-2006, 17:40
God bless the fact that although some of Americas decisions are questionable, it is 0.00000000000001 x as bad as most of the countries in the world and is a free democratic country who will protect you, defend you, help you and supply you with what you need. And will let you criticize it to your hearts concent without prosecuting you for it.

And this is coming from a brit, I am really tired with these massively exagerated american hatred slogans now.

Granted, you're right, but you're forgetting: Most of the other countries who do this stupid shit aren't as powerful as America, and aren't forging themselves into hipocrites and liars by doing such things while condemning others for doing the same thing and at the same time insisting that they've never done it.

"We don't torture people! Quick, change the definition of torture so that's true. You don't wanna change it? Fine, I'll make it a technicality so all we have to do is send people to other countries that -do- torture people."

If they'd just admit that they're dumbasses and don't know what they're doing, it wouldn't be such a big deal - we'd have to go through a whole 'nother path to fixing their admitted mistakes, but it wouldn't be shoved in their faces whenever they denied doing it!
05-10-2006, 18:26
GIVEN that you suffer under one of the worst governments you've ever had
GIVEN that the income difference between US working class and the US upper class is at its highest
GIVEN that you still have some rights, like voting, maybe not very democratic elections, but still you have them
GIVEN that you still can go living in another place
GIVEN that your government wages war around the world in your name, exploiting and twisting the ideals of your Constitution to its ends
GIVEN that such behaviour only stirs misunderstanding and hate towards the US

I send a plea unto you US citizens:

PLEASE, vote for a radically different administration next time.
PLEASE, try to act more delicately when meddling with delicate questions.
PLEASE, stop trying to enforce your point of view on anyone else.
PLEASE, do not become a fundamentalist, fascist nightmare of a nation.


I send an invitation to all US citizens who still want to enjoy civil rights, to come and live here in Europe. Just as a lot of Europeans emigrated to the US in the last centuries. You are welcome. And Europe is a place big enough for everyone, maybe we'll have to squeeze a bit but it won't be a problem.


Hear Hear..!

I also plea for all those who wish to make America a better place by changing it into a place more like those places where America gets her immigrants, to leave for Europe and parts elsewhere.

Thank you for your support!
05-10-2006, 18:31
Hear Hear..!

I also plea for all those who wish to make America a better place by changing it into a place more like those places where America gets her immigrants, to leave for Europe and parts elsewhere.

Thank you for your support!

To you, now:

To the OP:

Fuck you. You don't understand or appreciate how the American government works. If there is no dissent, there is no democracy.

You seem to have gotten -our- government confused with NORTH KOREA, in which you have no say in how the government runs and if you don't like it too fucking bad.

That's why America's great, because that's not how it is. That's not how it's -supposed- to be, anyway. Idiots like you are making it that way a little bit more every day.
05-10-2006, 18:41
Originally Posted by King Bodacious
<stupid anti-american rant that equates dissent with hate.

I support America and the troops with my tax dollars. I support America by speaking out about what I think the nation is doing well and what I think it's fucking up. Dissent is patriotism. The nazi scum who supported Hitler betrayed Germany. The authoritarian commie scum who supported Stalin betrayed Russia. I will not support Bush and betray America.

I, for one, TOTALLY support DCD in this attitude..!!

(( And that's from a far-FAR rightist! ))

If that is how you feel, may you gain as much power to change things for the betterment of America as is possible.

That is the goal. The betterment of America.

The goal is NOT the degradation of those who don't think as "we/you" do.

Those who are evil, as you (on an individual basis) define it, NEED to be shown as such and driven into shameful banishment from normal society.

All we can ask is that those who see evil can show that evil to the "general populus" with enough clarity to convince them of the truth of that evil.

PLEASE, keep up the great work of exposing evil to make America ever greater...!

Those who want to make America less-great, to make it "pay" for it's greatness, ARE anti-American if non-American and truly traitors if American.

Those who want to make America greater, by dissent-toward-evil or elsewise, ARE true patriots..!

Thank you again for your beautiful words.
The blessed Chris
05-10-2006, 18:43
This is comedy. He might just be the personification of the current global perceptions of the USA:D
05-10-2006, 18:52
Whenever I hear someone say that Bush ignoring the Constitution is not that big a deal I always wonder how someone can just shrug that off.

Because they don't believe that is the case (that Bush is ignoring the constitution).

The problem is that those who say Bush is doing that can only convince those who already believe that Bush is doing that.

When I hear a convincing argument that Bush is indeed doing that, THEN I will be right there with you and do what I can to get rid of those people from government that are doing that evil thing.

It is to help us fight terror they say. Attacking the document and civil rights are supposed to help us? I can not see how people can try to explain away what the current regime in Washington is doing. It is morally reprehensible at every level. We should do what we can in Iraq and get our troops out of that place as quickly as possible. If we have to occupy someones country, why not the Sudan? The situation there is so disgusting and much more deserving of a military presence.

I absolutely agree with the bolding above.

We should, and in my opinion, that is exactly what we are doing.

When I don't believe that is the case, which will most likely be when the full-blown civil war breaks out, then I will use my political power to do what needs to be done as the situation dictates.
Inconvenient Truths
05-10-2006, 18:54
No, it is not disliked here. The Bush administration has bent over backwards to allow protesters who give succor to our enemies. What they are doing is borderline treason -- they are encouraging another terrorist attack.

*wipes away tears*

And your evidence is?

I think you are right. I am amazed that the government has bent over backwards to give succour to our enemies who are encouraging another terrorist attack.

Unfortunately, whilst I am referring to Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, etc who, according to their own intelligence agencies, are encouraging terrorist attacks and who have been allowed to continue in their posts, despite their blatantly illegal actions...I imagine that you are referring to someone else.

Seriously, what will it take to make you question...just question, your views and make you look at the actual evidence?
New Burmesia
05-10-2006, 18:56
This is comedy. He might just be the personification of the current global perceptions of the USA:D
Funny if it wasn't how 9(some) people really think.
05-10-2006, 19:06
Originally Posted by Insignificantia
Hear Hear..!

I also plea for all those who wish to make America a better place by changing it into a place more like those places where America gets her immigrants, to leave for Europe and parts elsewhere.

Thank you for your support!

To you, now:

Originally Posted by Szanth
To the OP:

Fuck you. You don't understand or appreciate how the American government works. If there is no dissent, there is no democracy.

You seem to have gotten -our- government confused with NORTH KOREA, in which you have no say in how the government runs and if you don't like it too fucking bad.

That's why America's great, because that's not how it is. That's not how it's -supposed- to be, anyway. Idiots like you are making it that way a little bit more every day.


Actually, I agree with you entirely.

My point was (is) that those who would change America into someplace OTHER THAN America (more into the likeness of those places from which we get our immigrants) I would very much like to see leave America to REAL Americans who want to make America a BETTER AMERICA.

I fully agree with you that dissent is absolutely essential to ANY sensible governmental system, and ESPECIALLY for a system like ours which is BASED on the simple idea of freedom of the individual to "ply their trade" in both the commercial and political spheres.

No need to apologize for the "fnerk you" directed (apparently) in my direction. :)

You simply misunderstood me.

Keep up the good work of making America better..!
05-10-2006, 19:17

Actually, I agree with you entirely.

My point was (is) that those who would change America into someplace OTHER THAN America (more into the likeness of those places from which we get our immigrants) I would very much like to see leave America to REAL Americans who want to make America a BETTER AMERICA.

I fully agree with you that dissent is absolutely essential to ANY sensible governmental system, and ESPECIALLY for a system like ours which is BASED on the simple idea of freedom of the individual to "ply their trade" in both the commercial and political spheres.

No need to apologize for the "fnerk you" directed (apparently) in my direction. :)

You simply misunderstood me.

Keep up the good work of making America better..!

At least you're nice about it. Respect to you.
05-10-2006, 19:38
I really don't think this guy is serious. Probably he is not even American, he just wants people to hate Americans.
If he really is serious, then he likely has some serious problems, and perhaps he's had a very unhappy childhood...
06-10-2006, 01:29
I really don't think this guy is serious. Probably he is not even American, he just wants people to hate Americans.
If he really is serious, then he likely has some serious problems, and perhaps he's had a very unhappy childhood...

What do you mean "had" in past tense? o_O

Eris Rising
06-10-2006, 16:53

For they fire .45 ammo . . .
06-10-2006, 21:13
For they fire .45 ammo . . .

I should have seen that one coming a few parsecs away, shouldn't I? :p
Ultraextreme Sanity
06-10-2006, 21:39
For they fire .45 ammo . . .

GREAT line for a sig ....
Eris Rising
07-10-2006, 15:42
I should have seen that one coming a few parsecs away, shouldn't I? :p

I've been running to much Deadlands lately.
07-10-2006, 16:42
Is this horse not already beaten to death by now?
Eris Rising
07-10-2006, 21:53
Is this horse not already beaten to death by now?

I think it came back Harrowed . . .
07-10-2006, 22:26
Is this horse not already beaten to death by now?

This thread is at the following level: Necroequiflagellation.
08-10-2006, 04:40
This thread is at the following level: Necroequiflagellation.

Isn't it necroequiaggression?
08-10-2006, 04:53
I will award this thread a Wanderjarian Award soon.

(Yes, I actually have Wanderjarian Thread Awards. From now on, I'll distribute several awards to those deserving based on certain categories. The winners may list their accomplishments in their sig)