NationStates Jolt Archive

ok im american and i find it insulting that every thread i look turns anti american - Page 2

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25-06-2006, 06:06
And we love you Canada! I just got back from a week up there fishing. Great contry by why the hell do you have the Queen of England on your money?

You know while I was living in Montreal going to college there, someone left a note on my car (which had New York plates on it) right after 9/11. It said, "God bless America! We love you. from: a Canadian."

A couple of years later I was driving behind a car that had Vermont plates. Someone wrote, "USA = [swastika]" on it.

I want the old comraderie back. :headbang:
25-06-2006, 06:09
China and India graduate 950.000 engineers each year, USA: 70.000

Chin and India have a combined population of 2 billion people. The US has a population of a little less than 300 million. They are obviously going to graduate more people than us. If more people graduate in sports-exercise engineering, better for us, we have a growing number of fat people we need to get rid of.
25-06-2006, 06:47
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

I don't hate America in the least, though admittadly there are many other Canadians that do. Civilization always goes up and then down, we just happen to be on the down trend right now. People have less respect for their leaders (Bush, for example), and thinking that they are 'standing out' become rebels or sorts. Eventually they become more violent in actions, and total anarchy comes around. Etc etc...

But no, you aren't number 1 in even half of everything.
National population, for one (that would go to China about now).
Medical care (that would be us Canadians).
All sorts of food (All European and Asian countries have better food. Sadly the US and Canada eat mainly greese :( )

The list goes on and on. Admittedly, you do have the latest in fancy spy equipment and all that, but still, if USians wouldn't boast so much about being so much better than everyone else's nation, a lot of people wouldn't hate you. Of course, the majority are just jealous of the wealth that North America has been blessed with, but sadly our pride is beginning to screw us over (the nation debt, obesity in 40% of the population, disrespect towards the authority [half the video-game industry is about rebellion of some kind], depleting oild supplies, etc etc).

Now, I don't DISlike our southern (and Western) neighbors, but I'm not particularly fond of them all. There's good ones, and bad ones, and steriotyping isn't my type, pun intended.

(Some advice; work on your grammar, more of the intelligent people will respect you ;) )
25-06-2006, 07:00
LMAO who would have thought a nation of gun toating crackheads could form the most powerful nation on the planet? Im not sure where you come from but it doesnt speak much for your country if you cant outdo a bunch of crackheads. Why do people come to this country for money? Cant money be made any easier in all these other countries that your so clearly championing?? From what im apparently hearing, America is a lousy place to come for money, education and social services. I havnt been given much of a list from all these other posters where the better places immigrants should go but PLEASE listen to them and go there. We have a LONG LONG LONG LONG line of people that already want in and we really dont need anyone else joining the gravy train. So go to whatever other great country you clearely have in mind that is better than the USA and enjoy yourself and leave us in peace.

There's loads of money in America. The Military Industrial complex is asset stripping the place for war funds. What you don't have in America is a good social framework. In europe installing metal detectors in schools is a failure, in the US its a solution.
Barbaric Tribes
25-06-2006, 08:11
you all hate us cuz we be better than you fucks! :gundge:
25-06-2006, 09:05
you all hate us cuz we be better than you fucks! :gundge:

Better at fucking things up and screwing up people's lives. Yeah, you're right. We are better. :rolleyes:
Intestinal fluids
25-06-2006, 13:51
What you don't have in America is a good social framework.

Cite? I think that the US has an extraordinaly sophoisticated social framework that has clearly been doing well thank you. I work as a substitute teacher and we have no metal detectors nor anything of the sort in any school where i live. I live in a typical small wonderful American community. Its well educated, i sit and wait next to Nobel Lauriates when i go to get my hair cut at the local barbershop. Life in America except for the extreme areas of distress(that EVERYcountry has) is really quite wonderful. I think the social framework of America is frankly fantastic. Sure because we have 330 million people all of different cultural and economic backgrounds not everyone is going to get along all the time but the overall big picture the USAs "social framework" is frankly wonderful.
Intestinal fluids
25-06-2006, 13:54
Medical care (that would be us Canadians).

This Canadian Party line on Health Care always cracks me up. Canadians who are seriously ill and have the economic ability come to the US for medical attention do so in DROVES because the Canadian Healthcare system is so bad. Yea sure its free but you tend to get what you pay for.
Water Cove
25-06-2006, 15:31
There isnt a grocery store in this nation that doesnt stock truckloads of food that dont contain additives and arnt "fast food" and are as healthy as you can get for food. What people choose to do with them is thier business and who are you to judge? Again each should choose thier own way. Or are you going to tell me what to eat?

Yet Americans in general choose to eat convenience foods a lot more than is healthy. All the fresh oranges and kiwis are left to rot. The healthy foods that get wasted by the western countries but America in particular could solve the world's hunger problems if we could get it to the people who really need it. Because Americans apparantly don't need a healthy diet, but it's their CHOICE not to eat healthy that's important, apparantly.

Maybe thats what you were taught..thats not what i was taught. I was taught to eat well and to eat balanced meals. I was also taught to make rational decisions that says if im late for a meeting and wont be able to eat for 6 hours and grabbing a burger in 5 min is just the thing..well then as a rational thinking person i have the ability to make that judgement as well. I have CHOICES. Does it mean that because i grabbed a hamburger because its fast i wasnt taught the ability to appreciate a fine wine or a good steak? Speak for yourself for what Americans are taught or not.

Sarcasm is obviously wasted on you.

No but we are nearly unique in the vast number of things we can choose from.

Psst, some info on culinary diversity abroad.
Netherlands: Indonesian rice table, Turkish food shops, Italian pizzarias, Greek restaurants, etc.
Belgium: Flemish fries, Dutch snacks, French cuisine, etc
Luxemburg: French cuisine, German wurst und bier, Dutch snacks, etc
France: North African foods, Vietnamese, Caribean (like Barbeque), etc
Germany: Turkish, Greek, etc

Do I need to explain also these appear in these countries mostly because of colonial ties and immigration? Do I need to add you can find Indian, Thai, Chinese, American, French, Italian, Arabian and a great host of other cultured restaurants in Europe to?

Europe ( Italy, Spain England{if you count i was just in the airport})

No, I don't count the airport. You have to at least step outside the airport before you can even begin to claim you've seen another continent or country.

Ahh i see so the reason all these people are coming to the US is they are just all crazy huh? Its hardly as though the huge line to get into this country is just from Mexico. People are lined up from one end of the PLANET to the other to get in. OCEANS and all...Gee i wonder why people are going to such troubles to get to such a horrible place. Oh thats right they are crazy never mind.

Cynicism is wasted on you as well.

This Canadian Party line on Health Care always cracks me up. Canadians who are seriously ill and have the economic ability come to the US for medical attention do so in DROVES because the Canadian Healthcare system is so bad. Yea sure its free but you tend to get what you pay for.

Did you know this is a very common tactic? Dutch people can easily afford healthcare, but need more doctors (and you can never have enough people with life-saving skills). So if they live near the southern border they can hop over and get their treatment in a Belgian hospital. Because they how less patients, which is because their healthcare insurance isn't as secure as up north. We benefit from the inferior insurance policies in Belgium by taking up the beds meant for Flemish persons, their doctors keep busy. That doesn't prove anything about our doctors though, only that we want more of them. Same with America and Canada. Canadian doctors aren't worse perse. Canadians are just smarter about solving healthcare availability.

And by the way, your president was an idiot for not letting Cuban doctors help you out after Katrina. If I where PM and they'd send me doctors I'd beg them to stay.
The Taker
25-06-2006, 15:47
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

everyone feel free to debate, add on, ect.

Consider the sources.

Canada = America Jr. They are jealous that half the land they have is virtually unlivable unless you know how to build a really neato igloo. They also drink way to much really bad beer and yeah, hockey sucks.

England = these wankers are still holding a grudge for that incedent that happened in the later half of the 1700's. They lost control of us and have been whining ever since. Lets not forget to mention that they add a "u" to the word "colour" and they reverse the "R" "E" in many words. Such as "centre". The sad fact is they want to be us, but cant. They are stuck on an island with a tunnel that leads to....France!

France = As I type this I am sure that someone is tying a white sheet to a stick right now. " I le surrender". Honestly I dont know why the germans bothered with this worthless country of pansies and smelly guys named Pierre. Then again, why did we save their frog asses? I guess we owed them one. Well, debt paid in full. Brush up on your German.

Germany = Its hard to point out the problems of the land that gives us beer. Hosts our military bases and gives us decent cars. Except when it comes to opinion. David fucking Hasslehoff. You guys love him. That alone deserves a pounding. I hearby declare that other than beer and cars, German opinions mean nothing. Again. David Fucking Hasslehoff.
The United Fenterium
25-06-2006, 15:58
Americans in my experiance are anti social as they do not understand other cultures. I am very lucky and have experianced many different cultures. Americans are very self centered and for the things like there army in iraq nothing can really be said for them. If you compare them to the British Army they are under trained in many ways like how to deal with situations other cultures and peace keeping. They use maximum force to over power the enemy whilst the British aim to use as little as possible and use tactics to get there.
Old Novice
25-06-2006, 16:11
Consider the sources.

France = As I type this I am sure that someone is tying a white sheet to a stick right now. " I le surrender". Honestly I dont know why the germans bothered with this worthless country of pansies and smelly guys named Pierre. Then again, why did we save their frog asses? I guess we owed them one. Well, debt paid in full. Brush up on your German.

Ok, not French, but everytime I see some ignorant fellow American bitch about how weak they are it upsets me a little bit. Let's see, who pretty much financed a young, probably going to fail, county that tried to take on the strongest nation in the world? The French. They also kept the Brittish navy at bay. And what's wrong with David Hasslehoff ;)

Anyways, the reason people post anti-american threads is because we post anti-every other country threads. Let's face it, 1 out of 2 Americans (or more) always compares America to other countries and says America is better in a rather rude way. Pretty much all of my friends (This is in Michigan) has something to say about Canada. I think Canada is a nice place to be, except the accent (Sorry, it just bothers me...) So pretty much, if America didn't have Bush as a president people wouldn't be insulting Bush. Therefore people wouldn't get upset at the insulting of Bush and insult back. Then it just gets nasty, since we Americans are a very persistant lot...
Little India
25-06-2006, 16:12
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

everyone feel free to debate, add on, ect.

Deal with it. I don't care that you just insulted Tony Blair, because you're entitled to your opinion about him - just as everyone else is entitled to their opinion about George Dubya Bush and the US in general.
You can't get annoyed just because you see anti-Americanism in the forums - either debate your point of view with the poster, or ignore it and move on.

I think the reason that there are so many anti-Americanisms flying around is because of your - not you personally, but the USA as a nation - attitude. For one, the USA is arrogant and conceited, which is a condition directly derived from your position as a superpower. But I don't understand why you always have to claim the moral high ground as well as the technical one - you can't stand it when someone posts something anti-American, or when someone criticises the USA or George Dubya Bush, but admit it: it is a situation of your own making. Here, you state that the only reason people dislike the USA is because it is the best at everything: a perfect example of your imperious nature and amour-propre. Accept that people do not dislike the USA for being the best.
Also, your imperialist tendencies when they are no longer suitable for the world stage - you act as world police (like the movie Team America: World Police, I loved that film) and constantly try to push your ideals and concepts onto other people who just want to get on with their lives. Iraq is a perfect example. Granted, we were involved too (AGAINST the wishes of the people, I might add), but on the instigation and "invitation", to coin a phrase, of the USA. To go into Iraq without UN backing is another classic example of the US trying to force its own desires upon the rest of the world.
Its feeling of superiority in a way that it feels is does not have to do what other, poorer, less prominent and smaller nations feel compelled by conscience to do. An example of this is the Kyoto Protocol, and whilst the US signed it, it doesn't ratify it, making the Accord completely worthless in the US. And when the US contributes as much as it does to global warming and climate change etc.

These are just a few of the reasons I see for people disliking the USA. But seriously, GET OVER YOURSELF AND ACCEPT THAT PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOUR COUNTRY!!!
25-06-2006, 16:18
Heh. His name is Anarchy land....

I've never seen an "anarchist" who loves the president.

You my a friend... are no anarchist.

I'm from America.
I love this country.
But I hate along of things in it.
But that doesn't mean I hate America or I'm anti-American, buddy.

Besides, people will cry and moan and call America names because we're the "number one" country in the world supposedly, so everyone picks on us.

I agree with what Little India said too.
New Burmesia
25-06-2006, 16:30
Consider the sources.

Canada = America Jr. They are jealous that half the land they have is virtually unlivable unless you know how to build a really neato igloo. They also drink way to much really bad beer and yeah, hockey sucks.

England = these wankers are still holding a grudge for that incedent that happened in the later half of the 1700's. They lost control of us and have been whining ever since. Lets not forget to mention that they add a "u" to the word "colour" and they reverse the "R" "E" in many words. Such as "centre". The sad fact is they want to be us, but cant. They are stuck on an island with a tunnel that leads to....France!

France = As I type this I am sure that someone is tying a white sheet to a stick right now. " I le surrender". Honestly I dont know why the germans bothered with this worthless country of pansies and smelly guys named Pierre. Then again, why did we save their frog asses? I guess we owed them one. Well, debt paid in full. Brush up on your German.

Germany = Its hard to point out the problems of the land that gives us beer. Hosts our military bases and gives us decent cars. Except when it comes to opinion. David fucking Hasslehoff. You guys love him. That alone deserves a pounding. I hearby declare that other than beer and cars, German opinions mean nothing. Again. David Fucking Hasslehoff.

I think that may just provide an answer to the "why nobody likes America" question...
Little India
25-06-2006, 16:30
England = these wankers are still holding a grudge for that incedent that happened in the later half of the 1700's. They lost control of us and have been whining ever since. Lets not forget to mention that they add a "u" to the word "colour" and they reverse the "R" "E" in many words. Such as "centre". The sad fact is they want to be us, but cant. They are stuck on an island with a tunnel that leads to....France!

Chill out. Last time I checked, far more BRITISH people hated the USA than wanted to control/be joined with it/be it.
The reason we added the "u" to colour and reversed the "r" and "e" was so that words were closer to their origins. And hey, that was a decision made a long time ago, by generations past. Get over yourselves.

And stuck on an island? Hardly. We can quite easily hop on a plane and nip to Europe for the day, or jump on a ferry to Holland, Denmark, Spain, France, Sweden, Germany, Norway or Portugal. And let's face it: our tunnel to France is something that you don't have. And at least we can actually do that. People from the USA can't jump on a plane to a nearby country, partly because you don't have the EU's freedom to move laws and need a visa, and partly because you're so far away from everyone. Even the countries you share borders with are far away from most places in your country.

25-06-2006, 16:32
^Has a point in some cases, sorry, I guess I'm siding with the world here.
Little India
25-06-2006, 16:35
I agree with what Little India said too.

Thankyou - I agree too.

I think that may just provide an answer to the "why nobody likes America" question...

The Taker
25-06-2006, 16:41
Wow, I guess no one gets the joke.

Well, thats ok. The arrogance of the rest of the world just spews in this thread.
New Burmesia
25-06-2006, 16:53
Wow, I guess no one gets the joke.

Well, thats ok. The arrogance of the rest of the world just spews in this thread.

Compared to the humble United States of America? No.

However, let me expand on the 'joke' front. Either your post was a stereotype or joke of some description, thus making it bait, pure and simple, and you should be prepared for all the countries you insulted in a bad joke to be a bit pissed, or it wasn't, and you diserve being rectified.
Francis Street
25-06-2006, 16:53
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

everyone feel free to debate, add on, ect.
It's because of the petulance, hypocrisy and arrogance displayed by the American Right that we hate your government.
25-06-2006, 17:20
Canada = America Jr. They are jealous that half the land they have is virtually unlivable unless you know how to build a really neato igloo. They also drink way to much really bad beer and yeah, hockey sucks.
Or possibly they hate the way that Americans think they're better than everyone else in every way.

And American football is crap, and your Budweiser tastes like weak gnat piss compared to the real Czech stuff.
England = these wankers are still holding a grudge for that incedent that happened in the later half of the 1700's. They lost control of us and have been whining ever since. Lets not forget to mention that they add a "u" to the word "colour" and they reverse the "R" "E" in many words. Such as "centre". The sad fact is they want to be us, but cant. They are stuck on an island with a tunnel that leads to....France!
No, we don't hold a grudge about your revolutionary war. We will on the other hand, stick up for ourselves when you go "Look, we beat you at fighting!".

We also don't add the letter 'u' to words like colour and honour and we don't 'swap over' the letters 'r' and 'e', we did invent the language after all. If the settlers who went over were so illiterate that they forgot how to use the letter 'u' properly, and found it easier to have words like "center" rather than "centre" then so be it.

Seemingly this crap spelling has rubbed off on the remaining people, seeing as you can't spell words such as "incident" and you're also incapable of putting the apostrophes in words such as "can't".

And, as with the Canadians, we don't want to be you at all, and we don't hate you because you're "better than us", we hate you because you think you're superior to us. Which is the most annoying thing ever, especially as our countries are different in many ways.

And I'd much rather live on a small island which leads to another beautiful continent steeped in history and culture, than live in the arse-end of what is a fairly crap continent, in which the tunnels lead to Mexico, thanks.
France = As I type this I am sure that someone is tying a white sheet to a stick right now. " I le surrender". Honestly I dont know why the germans bothered with this worthless country of pansies and smelly guys named Pierre. Then again, why did we save their frog asses? I guess we owed them one. Well, debt paid in full. Brush up on your German.
Just remember the Normans, the Crimean War and their saving you in both of your wars with the British Empire. Those were clearly not losses.

Your use of a racial slur also undermines your argument, and not all French men smell and are called Pierre.

France also has the best food in the world, and some of the best art and interesting history. You'd be wise to have a look their culture, compare it to yours and just sigh.
Germany = Its hard to point out the problems of the land that gives us beer. Hosts our military bases and gives us decent cars. Except when it comes to opinion. David fucking Hasslehoff. You guys love him. That alone deserves a pounding. I hearby declare that other than beer and cars, German opinions mean nothing. Again. David Fucking Hasslehoff.
Ah yes. Genius.

"They give us alcohol! And some cars, which are less petrol consuming than the average shitty American car, which handles worse than Fern Britton when she's pissed! And also some army bases! Ace!"

David Hasselhoff is also not universally loved in Germany, and he's an American, so you're really dissing your own land - oh noes!
25-06-2006, 17:21
It's because of the petulance, hypocrisy and arrogance displayed by the American Right that we hate your government.

Just like the guy in the other thread, on behalf of my country I apologize for our rudeness and arrogance. I mean even if we still believe ourselves to be right on a particular issue while other countries are wrong, arrogance has no place in negotiations with our friends. We need to convince you that we're correct, not stuff it down your throat. I despise the fact that my government, despite some having good intentions, is making enemies where we once had great allies. You can be the most self-interested administration and still find the need for maintaining good relations.
25-06-2006, 17:35
you all hate us cuz we be better than you fucks! :gundge:
How can one find fault with such an ironclad argument...:rolleyes:
25-06-2006, 17:40
Well, if you don't like what we have to say about your country, just give your junkfood new names. That'll show us.
25-06-2006, 18:21
Well the ultimate answer here is not to hate americans as such. I won't go saying all americans are uneducated warmongering swine (unlike your current president, sorry but it's true. Just listen to him speak). I actually quite like many Americans I have met. The problem lies not with the people as such, but with the general ideology set forth by some of it's more prominent members. I mean compare an educated guy from new york to a redneck from lets say utah. (these are broad generalisations, not meant to say that all denizens of these places are like this.) Who will the rest of the world see more often than not. The bigoted, racist, overproud, fundementalist and uneducated redneck shows up a whole lot more than the bright doctors or aristocrats.

This to say that we all judge countries by their lowest common denominator, The canadian accent is basicly non-existent, as each region has it's own intonations. (would you say a New Yorker sounds like a Texan?)

*Sigh* Sometimes I hope the world ends soon so i don't have to see this constant rain of crap from my fellow man.
26-06-2006, 10:48
How can one find fault with such an ironclad argument...:rolleyes:

Interesting isn't it that the majority of the European posters use rational arguments and try to stress specific points. The majority of the pointless, racist abuse seems to be coming from americans.

Note the use of the word Majority above.

(Why do I bother? I am gonna get flamed by some illiterate yank regardless)

p.s. On the food discussion: I have visited 11 European countries and 3 US states. There is no question that food is better anywhere I have been as opposed to the US. In some cases (e.g. the Bellagio, Las Vegas) taste is not an issue, but quality of ingredients is. Spending less time on food preparation is nothing to celebrate. The more you investigate nutrition, the more you come to that conclusion. The spread of HFCS and transfats is absolutely appalling and they both need to be wiped out
Cabra West
26-06-2006, 10:54
Germany = Its hard to point out the problems of the land that gives us beer. Hosts our military bases and gives us decent cars. Except when it comes to opinion. David fucking Hasslehoff. You guys love him. That alone deserves a pounding. I hearby declare that other than beer and cars, German opinions mean nothing. Again. David Fucking Hasslehoff.

I am German and grew up in Germany... who the hell is David Hasslehoff? Never heard of him...
AB Again
26-06-2006, 10:58
I am German and grew up in Germany... who the hell is David Hasslehoff? Never heard of him...

Lucky you! :D
Cabra West
26-06-2006, 11:01
Lucky you! :D

I'm just wondering... he can't be that popular in my home country, can he? I really have no clue who he is or why he would be famous, and I grew up with a grandmother who loved the yellow press.
26-06-2006, 20:03
Is it too late for me to apologize to every NON-American who reads this? All Americans aren't like the rednecks you encounter online - we really aren't. Most of the "MGMZO W3 R BETR THEN U" crowd come from trailor parks somewhere in the southern U.S. I'm from the South. I know these things. I agree with anyone who says America is the most apathetic, ignorant, and careless nation in the world. Our education system is NOT broken. No one here WANTS to learn. People have been taught that only liberal pussies go to school past 3rd grade. The good thing is, the American economy is getting tougher to survive in. Maybe in a few years we can start getting reform that punishes people who are stupid.

Until then - I just hope our image as a nation can survive long enough to keep ALL Americans from being hated.
26-06-2006, 20:07
Is it too late for me to apologize to every NON-American who reads this? All Americans aren't like the rednecks you encounter online - we really aren't. Most of the "MGMZO W3 R BETR THEN U" crowd come from trailor parks somewhere in the southern U.S. I'm from the South. I know these things. I agree with anyone who says America is the most apathetic, ignorant, and careless nation in the world. Our education system is NOT broken. No one here WANTS to learn. People have been taught that only liberal pussies go to school past 3rd grade. The good thing is, the American economy is getting tougher to survive in. Maybe in a few years we can start getting reform that punishes people who are stupid.

Until then - I just hope our image as a nation can survive long enough to keep ALL Americans from being hated.

Amen, my friend. The fault is in our culture, not our system. How do you improve culture? I seriously even doubt our ability to control it without just letting history happen. To all non-Americans, don't listen to those of us who say we're better than you. We are better in some areas...(American football, lol) But let's not be arrogant about it.
26-06-2006, 20:17
Amen, my friend. The fault is in our culture, not our system. How do you improve culture? I seriously even doubt our ability to control it without just letting history happen. To all non-Americans, don't listen to those of us who say we're better than you. We are better in some areas...(American football, lol) But let's not be arrogant about it.

I don't know how we'll fix it. I'm in favor of passing laws that state that anyone who CAN, but fails to pass High School can't vote. All we have to do is eliminate corruption.

Meh - I'm just going to move to China.
26-06-2006, 20:19
Well, if you don't like what we have to say about your country, just give your junkfood new names. That'll show us.

French Man ---- Oh dear, they renamed those piece of shit sticks of grease Freedom fries

American ------ Damn, I said I want them freedom fries, not them gay-ass French friess
26-06-2006, 20:22
I mean compare an educated guy from new york to a redneck from lets say utah.

Uh... Utah is not really heavily considered south, more considered west, aka, Hollywood. Change to Texas, and you'd be fine.
Deep Kimchi
26-06-2006, 20:35
Is it too late for me to apologize to every NON-American who reads this? All Americans aren't like the rednecks you encounter online - we really aren't. Most of the "MGMZO W3 R BETR THEN U" crowd come from trailor parks somewhere in the southern U.S. I'm from the South. I know these things. I agree with anyone who says America is the most apathetic, ignorant, and careless nation in the world. Our education system is NOT broken. No one here WANTS to learn. People have been taught that only liberal pussies go to school past 3rd grade. The good thing is, the American economy is getting tougher to survive in. Maybe in a few years we can start getting reform that punishes people who are stupid.

Until then - I just hope our image as a nation can survive long enough to keep ALL Americans from being hated.

Love your stereotyping - as though rednecks were all the same, and all equally worthless.

People who are stupid are punished in America - it's called unemployment. And if they're really stupid, they end up in jail for various stupid crimes.
26-06-2006, 20:43
Just remember the Normans, the Crimean War and their saving you in both of your wars with the British Empire. Those were clearly not losses.

Your use of a racial slur also undermines your argument, and not all French men smell and are called Pierre.

France also has the best food in the world, and some of the best art and interesting history. You'd be wise to have a look their culture, compare it to yours and just sigh

I can't tell you how many times I've heared the joke: "How many gears does a French tank have?" "4- three that go backwards, and one incase the enemy decides to come from behind". They make 2 military blunders (the US has made more, the UK has made more, Russia has made more), and they are all of a sudden horrible at fighting. You want to take a look at thier history compared to ours?

For the record, yes, I am American, formerly Dutch (hence the name), and I will be tarred-and-featherd for this, but I hate America. Too damn ignorant of others, and all ways sticking there noses into places it doesn't belong.
Deep Kimchi
26-06-2006, 20:44
I can't tell you how many times I've heared the joke: "How many gears does a French tank have?" "4- three that go backwards, and one incase the enemy decides to come from behind". They make 2 military blunders (the US has made more, the UK has made more, Russia has made more), and they are all of a sudden horrible at fighting. You want to take a look at thier history compared to ours?

Only two? Hate to tell you this, but the list is EXTREMELY long for French defeats.
26-06-2006, 20:50
Only two? Hate to tell you this, but the list is EXTREMELY long for French defeats.

I won't claim the French have made more than everyone else but you're right about the list being longer. Just some examples:

Julius Caesar kicked the Gauls' arses.
Spanked by the British in the French and Indian War.
Napoleon f'ed up at Waterloo.
We all know how well the Maginot line worked.
Then they got kicked out of Indochina (Then again, so did the U.S.)
Deep Kimchi
26-06-2006, 20:52
I won't claim the French have made more than everyone else but you're right about the list being longer. Just some examples:

Julius Caesar kicked the Gauls' arses.
Spanked by the British in the French and Indian War.
Napoleon f'ed up at Waterloo.
We all know how well the Maginot line worked.
Then they got kicked out of Indochina (Then again, so did the U.S.)

The US has not been around as long, so I bet the US list is shorter. The UK and French lists might be comparable, but I bet the UK list is a tad shorter.
26-06-2006, 21:32
arogant yankees. you are superior in only one way: worst education in the west. and that would explain your religious fanaticism in some alien creature that no one can prove to exist. worthless society of fanatics and hedonists busy with your constant quarelling about religion, queer rights, bush and/or iraq. solve your internal problems first before you even dare to show your face in the world, let alone interve in matters of a soverign nations, like chile, nicaragua and others you've slaughtered for your narrow self-interests. you like to compare yourself to the french too. keep in mind that their history streaches for thousands of years, not just a few houndred like your nation of british and ducth disidents. comparing yourself to them is like a musqeto comparing to the frog.

do i respect you? i do in fact! you've survived hollywood movies! thats where your only education usually comes from. yep, no self rightous bluffing here or moderate criticism, but speaking my minds out loud like all should.
27-06-2006, 00:47
Uh... Utah is not really heavily considered south, more considered west, aka, Hollywood. Change to Texas, and you'd be fine.
My apologies, I'm not actually all that well versed in the location of states and such, I should have said arkansas (last I heard they were 49th in education, who's the 52nd?) In retrospect I should have informed myself before starting to flamme random states. Each place has it's share of idiots and brains, some are just more reknown for them. God know we have a lot of dumb people in Quebec, I just have to walk through the halls of my college to hear some of the stupidest most ignorant shit I've ever heard. But in those same halls I hear some of the smartest things too. Balance in all things.
27-06-2006, 00:55
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

everyone feel free to debate, add on, ect.

not just that it isn't like america has done any thing to canada or britian .. we are in iraq and they don't want us there big whoop ... itisn't their problem it is ours jus tleave america alone.. someone had to do it .. that is why everyone hates us now... which is rediculious
you know what else pisses me off
these self-hating Americans....they mouth off about how screwed up america is... YOU DON'T LIKE IT ...LEAVE!!!!!!!!

and that will be all

Deep Kimchi
27-06-2006, 00:56
arogant yankees. you are superior in only one way: worst education in the west. and that would explain your religious fanaticism in some alien creature that no one can prove to exist. worthless society of fanatics and hedonists busy with your constant quarelling about religion, queer rights, bush and/or iraq. solve your internal problems first before you even dare to show your face in the world, let alone interve in matters of a soverign nations, like chile, nicaragua and others you've slaughtered for your narrow self-interests. you like to compare yourself to the french too. keep in mind that their history streaches for thousands of years, not just a few houndred like your nation of british and ducth disidents. comparing yourself to them is like a musqeto comparing to the frog.

do i respect you? i do in fact! you've survived hollywood movies! thats where your only education usually comes from. yep, no self rightous bluffing here or moderate criticism, but speaking my minds out loud like all should.

Yeah, right.
Omnipresent War
27-06-2006, 00:58
In all fairness to Texas, we're classified as the Southwest now. We've also veered off from Southern dialect, and have almost no "The Confederacy Will Rise Again!" types around. The only Confederate flag flown is not the "Bars and Stars" but rather one of the Confederacy's alternatives, and it is only flown alongside the other five flags that have flown over Texas.
Omnipresent War
27-06-2006, 01:01
Only two? Hate to tell you this, but the list is EXTREMELY long for French defeats.
Most of the derisive remarks made about French defeats refer only to the 20th century, where France had a horrible record.
New Stalinberg
27-06-2006, 01:07
arogant yankees. you are superior in only one way: worst education in the west. and that would explain your religious fanaticism in some alien creature that no one can prove to exist. worthless society of fanatics and hedonists busy with your constant quarelling about religion, queer rights, bush and/or iraq. solve your internal problems first before you even dare to show your face in the world, let alone interve in matters of a soverign nations, like chile, nicaragua and others you've slaughtered for your narrow self-interests. you like to compare yourself to the french too. keep in mind that their history streaches for thousands of years, not just a few houndred like your nation of british and ducth disidents. comparing yourself to them is like a musqeto comparing to the frog.

do i respect you? i do in fact! you've survived hollywood movies! thats where your only education usually comes from. yep, no self rightous bluffing here or moderate criticism, but speaking my minds out loud like all should.

I love you too sport. *pats you on the back*
27-06-2006, 01:13
not just that it isn't like america has done any thing to canada or britian .. we are in iraq and they don't want us there big whoop ... itisn't their problem it is ours jus tleave america alone.. someone had to do it .. that is why everyone hates us now... which is rediculious
you know what else pisses me off
these self-hating Americans....they mouth off about how screwed up america is... YOU DON'T LIKE IT ...LEAVE!!!!!!!!

and that will be all


No one had to do it. No one would have done it. And no one should have done it. Everyone hates us now because of our arrogance and our self-deemed excellence.
Omnipresent War
27-06-2006, 01:15
Actually, I think everyone hates us because we overly flaunt the fact that we ignore everything the UN says. The other world superpowers do it too, but they don't go and start a war while doing so.
27-06-2006, 01:19
arogant yankees. you are superior in only one way: worst education in the west. and that would explain your religious fanaticism in some alien creature that no one can prove to exist. worthless society of fanatics and hedonists busy with your constant quarelling about religion, queer rights, bush and/or iraq. solve your internal problems first before you even dare to show your face in the world, let alone interve in matters of a soverign nations, like chile, nicaragua and others you've slaughtered for your narrow self-interests. you like to compare yourself to the french too. keep in mind that their history streaches for thousands of years, not just a few houndred like your nation of british and ducth disidents. comparing yourself to them is like a musqeto comparing to the frog.

do i respect you? i do in fact! you've survived hollywood movies! thats where your only education usually comes from. yep, no self rightous bluffing here or moderate criticism, but speaking my minds out loud like all should.

LOL, I was thinking about it but...I'm not even gonna touch that one. :p
27-06-2006, 01:22
What I don't like is how people bring wars into arguements over which country is better. (Not saying that any 1 particular person is doing so) It doesn't seem right to say "We are better than you because we beat you in a war 70 years ago".
27-06-2006, 01:50
Please- You are yourself. Tell your little story to all the folks paying for American movies and buying used American jeans. Drinking Coke, smoking Marlboros and all the thousands of other examples. You'll spout we're inferior and ignorant, but you wake up every day wishing you were American. It doesnt bother me in the slightest. I'd prefer we got less attention.

For the past 130 years or so, the US has been a superpower. On average, superpowers will last around a century (100 years), give or take. The longer it takes the nation to fall, the more totaly screwed up it becomes. Man, I am glad I'm not in your shoes... Admittedly, there are great people in the US, but they tend to be quiet and not so loud. If America wouldn't've boasted so much over the last century, it would last much much longer, but even with the humanitarian aid that it supplies, the world generally hates you... I'm not among that crowd, but I do pity you.
(the government has the right to confiscate all its citizens belongings and resources to pay off the national debt, even use them for slave labor; these are emergency rights, and they haven't been shut down since Abraham lincoln [that's right, anytime Bush or the next president wants, the whole damn country is his, and he has the right to it]; its slipped into consumerism [spending money on useless crap that only gets thrown out, and buying usefull stuff but cheaply made, so they'll have to buy another one later, or an updated or newer version, etc.]; the list goes on.....)

Granted, Canada is going to get screwed over too, but since we didn't create as many problems, being too lazy, we don't has quite as many to fix, which doesn't make us any greater or lesser than the US, we're both screwed in the fairly short term (China's going to take over people...)
27-06-2006, 01:50
I agree, I too am an American (and proud). I dislike it when I come on nationstates and find some moron bashing our country. Yes, our President Saudi suck-up, cowboy wannabe with a silver spoon shoved up his ass, yes American foreign policy is to be self-righteous and to stick our noses where it doesn't belong, but thats just the government! (And if you think OUR government sucks look at those butt-kissing bullocks running the country in Great Britian (except the Queen, she rocks). Oh and supposedly Americans are rude and we strut around the global community like vain peacocks thinking we're better than everyone else??? LOOK AT FRANCE! LOOK AT ITALY! They're probably the two most concieded nations in the entire world! Yet, I don't see anti-french/anti-italian threads! Just because the government of nations are disagreeable doesn't mean the people are filth. The people of America are compassionate and giving people. AND EUROPE! The land of our founders! I'm sure you're also sick of being sterotyped as stuck-up and vain as we are sick of being sterotyped as rude and obnoxious. I have family in Scotland, England, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zeland. The people in those countries are just as proud and great as the people of America! (Just they speak in different accents (and yes, our family reunions are a cultural mess). I just want to get this point across- America is the mixing bowl of all 190-some nations on Earth. We have at least one desendant of every country on EARTH. (and don't forget our lil' bro Canada over the border, they;re just like us! (US MICHIGANDERS LOVE YOU GUYS!)) If you insult America, you insult the world. Whether you're a Jew or Arab, European or African, Asian, Australian, Latino, or even a cousin from a far-flung Pacific island. You have a home in America. That is why we are called "The Land of the Free". E Plurbis Unim- Together we are one.
27-06-2006, 01:56
Remorthia, go suck a dick. :upyours: You are the perfect example of the hypocrite who accuses AMERICA of being ignorant. Let me correct you on something- The country does NOT and NEVER WILL belong to the President. That's why its called Democracy- power to THE PEOPLE, NOT THE PRESIDENT. Maybe you should learn about it. Actually try to think before you open your mouth next time, it makes you look more intelleigent instead of the usual asshole.
27-06-2006, 02:02
We have at least one desendant of every country on EARTH.

When I see some of the terrible things our government does or I run into jerks every day on my commute to work, one thing that lifts my spirits and makes me patriotic again is remember that I live in the most multicultural country in the world and work in the most multicultural single place in the world (the UN). I was thinking about it today actually, walking home from work. New York City is where the world meets - where it meets to debate (the UN Headquarters), where it meets to do business (Wall Street) and where it meets to (Queens). :p Given the number of cultures we've crammed together in this tiny place, we're doing quite well while on the other side of the world two groups of people of the same culture and religion are slaughtering each other.
New Stalinberg
27-06-2006, 02:03
I agree, I too am an American (and proud). I dislike it when I come on nationstates and find some moron bashing our country. Yes, our President Saudi suck-up, cowboy wannabe with a silver spoon shoved up his ass, yes American foreign policy is to be self-righteous and to stick our noses where it doesn't belong, but thats just the government! (And if you think OUR government sucks look at those butt-kissing bullocks running the country in Great Britian (except the Queen, she rocks). Oh and supposedly Americans are rude and we strut around the global community like vain peacocks thinking we're better than everyone else??? LOOK AT FRANCE! LOOK AT ITALY! They're probably the two most concieded nations in the entire world! Yet, I don't see anti-french/anti-italian threads! Just because the government of nations are disagreeable doesn't mean the people are filth. The people of America are compassionate and giving people. AND EUROPE! The land of our founders! I'm sure you're also sick of being sterotyped as stuck-up and vain as we are sick of being sterotyped as rude and obnoxious. I have family in Scotland, England, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zeland. The people in those countries are just as proud and great as the people of America! (Just they speak in different accents (and yes, our family reunions are a cultural mess). I just want to get this point across- America is the mixing bowl of all 190-some nations on Earth. We have at least one desendant of every country on EARTH. (and don't forget our lil' bro Canada over the border, they;re just like us! (US MICHIGANDERS LOVE YOU GUYS!)) If you insult America, you insult the world. Whether you're a Jew or Arab, European or African, Asian, Australian, Latino, or even a cousin from a far-flung Pacific island. You have a home in America. That is why we are called "The Land of the Free". E Plurbis Unim- Together we are one.


Oh yeah, it's "E pluribus unum" and "out of many, one" Trust me, I'm going into Latin 3.
Water Cove
27-06-2006, 02:04
Julius Caesar kicked the Gauls' arses.
Spanked by the British in the French and Indian War.
Napoleon f'ed up at Waterloo.
We all know how well the Maginot line worked.
Then they got kicked out of Indochina (Then again, so did the U.S.)

1: French do not descend from Gauls. Only a small part can claim to be from Gallic descent, and even they can't trace it. French are, obviously, Franks. A Germanic tribe that migrated into Roman occupied Gaul. Franks where fierce warriors and would prove themselves against Saxons, Arabs, and others. Some of the greatest (fighting) kings where Franks. In fact, one could theorize they lost their power through latinization, losing touch of their warriors spirits and becoming more like those Italians goombas, which couldn't even live up to expectations against a bunch of Ethiopian huntsmen who threw spears at them.

2. Did you mean Indian as in American Indian or India? Either way, France simply wasn't accustomed to overseas colonial war as much as England. Likewise, England didn't even dare put land forces on the continent without the help of a soothsayer.

3. Napoleon was Corsican. That's a dis for Italians actually.

4. The Marginot line would have worked had it been extended north. The French weren't naïve for not doing so. This plan was opposed heavily by those evil Belgians, whose commanders are as vain as the French are said to be. Similarly, Belgium did not accept suggestions from the Netherlands, effectively dooming the entire continent. Damn Walloons.

5. Yep, so did the US. You don't hear us saying Americans are pansies for losing to a minor developing country, right?
Psychotic Mongooses
27-06-2006, 02:07
Yet, I don't see anti-french threads!

You are joking, right?
27-06-2006, 02:08
1: French do not descend from Gauls. Only a small part can claim to be from Gallic descent, and even they can't trace it. French are, obviously, Franks. A Germanic tribe that migrated into Roman occupied Gaul. Franks where fierce warriors and would prove themselves against Saxons, Arabs, and others. Some of the greatest (fighting) kings where Franks. In fact, one could theorize they lost their power through latinization, losing touch of their warriors spirits and becoming more like those Italians goombas, which couldn't even live up to expectations against a bunch of Ethiopian huntsmen who threw spears at them.

2. Did you mean Indian as in American Indian or India? Either way, France simply wasn't accustomed to overseas colonial war as much as England. Likewise, England didn't even dare put land forces on the continent without the help of a soothsayer.

3. Napoleon was Corsican. That's a dis for Italians actually.

4. The Marginot line would have worked had it been extended north. The French weren't naïve for not doing so. This plan was opposed heavily by those evil Belgians, whose commanders are as vain as the French are said to be. Similarly, Belgium did not accept suggestions from the Netherlands, effectively dooming the entire continent. Damn Walloons.

5. Yep, so did the US. You don't hear us saying Americans are pansies for losing to a minor developing country, right?

Hey easy there man, I never said the French were pansies and I'd disagree with people who actually believes it. I was just pointing out to the other guy that there were more than two military blunders for the French army. No need to go insulting the 'goombas' and Americans.
27-06-2006, 02:10
Conscience and Truth
27-06-2006, 02:21
Well save for America's non-UN sanctioned and illegal war, don't you see where the international community comes from?

I get upset when the US threatens to take away 1/4 of the UN's budget. The UN is a right to all mankind, not a privelege.

The question is: Is peace a right or a privelege?
27-06-2006, 03:11
Remorthia, go suck a dick. :upyours: You are the perfect example of the hypocrite who accuses AMERICA of being ignorant. Let me correct you on something- The country does NOT and NEVER WILL belong to the President. That's why its called Democracy- power to THE PEOPLE, NOT THE PRESIDENT. Maybe you should learn about it. Actually try to think before you open your mouth next time, it makes you look more intelleigent instead of the usual asshole.

You apparently haven't done your history check on the presidential emergency powers. In what way have I been a hypocrite? I accused nothing of the US of America that I did not admit that Canada is guilty of, merely that the majority of the residents in the US tend to be more obviously so (the US is #1 in media; internet, tv, and such, and thus heard and seen more). I am not attempting to prove my intelligence. If I were, that would disqualify me to begin with.

heh. God bless you too.
Psychotic Mongooses
27-06-2006, 03:15
Remorthia, go suck a dick. :upyours: You are the perfect example of the hypocrite who accuses AMERICA of being ignorant. Let me correct you on something- The country does NOT and NEVER WILL belong to the President. That's why its called Democracy- power to THE PEOPLE, NOT THE PRESIDENT. Maybe you should learn about it. Actually try to think before you open your mouth next time, it makes you look more intelleigent instead of the usual asshole.

You're actually a Republic by the way.
27-06-2006, 14:23
You're actually a Republic by the way.

Yup. I love using that one as a trivia question for my fellow Americans. Get's 'em every time. :p Democratic republic to be exact. And in fact I don't know if there are any more true democracies (I'm thinking in the style of Greek direct democracies).
Evil Satanic OzMonkeys
27-06-2006, 14:27
Why is it every time I turn around some "All-American A**hole" tries to open a thread about how there is nothing wrong with America?
27-06-2006, 14:27
Anarchy land34']ok im freaking pissed off that whenever i look inside a thread

i see some insulting american remark
yeah ok a lot of people hate our president.
britain ur prime minister sucks ass too.
just because were #1 in everything(well almost)
doesent mean we need to have some european or canadian bustin' our balls randomly every 4th thread

everyone feel free to debate, add on, ect.


You're not #1 in football, at least :P

Most of the arguments defending the US here are "ad homine", although (The "LOOK AT FRANCE, LOOK AT ITALY!!" thing). Your country is far from being the best, and far from being the worst, but the fact is that you are usually so convinced of your superiority that you need a bashing from time to time.

Criticism is not bias.
Crapping Dragon Fodder
28-06-2006, 16:06
Hey Sirrvs, about that Napoleon guy who f*cked up Waterloo... Wasn't he that guy who conquered most of Europe? Who the most powrful nation in the world at the time, Britain, had to devote its entire empire on defeating him? Who was considered the most dangerous man in Europe for a while? Hmm... Ive got to think about this one... hmmm...
28-06-2006, 16:39
Why is it every time I turn around some "All-American A**hole" tries to open a thread about how there is nothing wrong with America?

Because an eye for an eye is making the whole world blind. :headbang:

Hey Sirrvs, about that Napoleon guy who f*cked up Waterloo... Wasn't he that guy who conquered most of Europe? Who the most powrful nation in the world at the time, Britain, had to devote its entire empire on defeating him? Who was considered the most dangerous man in Europe for a while? Hmm... Ive got to think about this one... hmmm...

For the third time, I am not saying the French are pansies. I'm pointing out to the other guy that there were more than two military blunders for the French military. I actually admire Napoleon as a great conqueror and romantic. Sheesh, pay attention to what I write guys. I'm not a cookie-cutter fanatic. I do mean what I say.
28-06-2006, 16:45
Hey Sirrvs, about that Napoleon guy who f*cked up Waterloo... Wasn't he that guy who conquered most of Europe? Who the most powrful nation in the world at the time, Britain, had to devote its entire empire on defeating him? Who was considered the most dangerous man in Europe for a while? Hmm... Ive got to think about this one... hmmm...

well if im gonna be honest the only reason the french lost waterloo is because of the incredibly heavy losses they faced retreating from the russian winter. meaning they lost all most all of their soldiers.

but back on topic. i will look to america for moral guidance or as a world helper when they have a leader who is either black, gay or a woman (all three would be even better)
28-06-2006, 16:55
but back on topic. i will look to america for moral guidance or as a world helper when they have a leader who is either black, gay or a woman (all three would be even better)

Now that is racism. As if Bush's mistakes can be explained simply by his being a straight white man. :rolleyes:
28-06-2006, 16:59
Now that is racism. As if Bush's mistakes can be explained simply by his being a straight white man. :rolleyes:
It's not that at all. It's the fact that even though the overwhelming majority of the American population is NOT composed of wealthy white Christian males, that is precisely the demographic who have held every single presidency in our nation's history. That is an embarassment for our nation, to say the least.
28-06-2006, 17:02
It's not that at all. It's the fact that even though the overwhelming majority of the American population is NOT composed of wealthy white Christian males, that is precisely the demographic who have held every single presidency in our nation's history. That is an embarassment for our nation, to say the least.

I, as usual, throw my opinion to back bottle. It's time to have a black woman in charge.

Rice anyone? (not supporting, just...remarking)
28-06-2006, 17:03
It's not that at all. It's the fact that even though the overwhelming majority of the American population is NOT composed of wealthy white Christian males, that is precisely the demographic who have held every single presidency in our nation's history. That is an embarassment for our nation, to say the least.

Who cares about demographics? It's all about how well they run the country. That's all we should be asking. Trying to pick leaders based on race, sexual orientation and gender would only perpetuate conflict and fuel the enthusiasm of lobby groups.
28-06-2006, 17:10
Who cares about demographics? It's all about how well they run the country. That's all we should be asking. Trying to pick leaders based on race, sexual orientation and gender would only perpetuate conflict and fuel the enthusiasm of lobby groups.
Exactly. IMHO, we need to give some really serious attention to how the election process works. There should be no room for doubt about the legitimacy and accuracy of how votes are cast, who is allowed to cast them, and what the acutal vote count is.