You Are All Shameful - Page 2
Pretty cool that your wife sells toys, but I think I'm good for a while in that department. ;)
What if I take the batteries out and don't turn it on?
Or if I just find a fruit or something. Didn't god say that we get all the things of the earth or some such nonsense?
There's that, I have no idea if that's what He meant when He said "Ye shall have dominion over all living things" though.
I love jesus...
That is. jesus my mexican lover. He knows just how to please me.
There is no god. There is no son of god. There is no virgin mother, nor holy spirit. Heaven is a joke(except the Pastafarian one, which is pretty damn funny too), hell is even funnier.
You are a troll. Have a nice life.
I prefer plantains, starchier
Texoma Land
11-05-2006, 07:27
Oh, yeah, funny, this is all REAL funny now.
But wait until you go too far and hurt real Gay Jesus's feelings. Think about that, because every goddamn one of you knows how pissy He gets when you make an issue out of His cockchugging.
Remember last summer, somebody said something about Him not going to the pride parade, and He got mad?
For two fucking months, he wouldn't come down from his loft. There was no Swing Dancing on the mount, no water into Merlot, no raising of the dead actors and artists...this year he was going to resurrect Freddie Mercury. Freddy Fucking Mercury, you people!
And you've all gotta pull this crap now, when Lesbian Shiva has been working the last two weekends to put together his "Coming Out Anniversary Party Where Nobody SHould Mention He's Gay" party at Club Krave!
You people are assholes.
ROTFLMAO! Classy. :p
Boreal Tundra
11-05-2006, 07:28
Pretty cool that your wife sells toys, but I think I'm good for a while in that department. ;)
NP though I'd hope you were naughty rather than good :D
I prefer plantains, starchier
??? :confused:
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:28
Jesus is gay, he did it too...
Jesus is not homosexual, nor is He heterosexual. He is androgynous.
Boreal Tundra
11-05-2006, 07:29
Jesus is not homosexual, nor is He heterosexual. He is androgynous.
Then how do you know he is a he?
Or if I just find a fruit or something. Didn't god say that we get all the things of the earth or some such nonsense?Wonder if that would count as being "fruitful"....
A plantain is a starchier cousin of the Banana. basically they tend to be a little bigger and dont turn sweet like bananas when they ripen.
Which is why they're not normally eaten raw.
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:30
Yeah, get to watch girl-girl sex, test new products and have small intimate (or not) orgies.
Life is good!
AND I get to sleep in Sunday's,... assuming I've gone to sleep.
*bows to the master of lucky bastardism*
Jesus is not homosexual, nor is He heterosexual. He is androgynous.Jesus is David Bowie? Damn.
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:31
Then how do you know he is a he?
He is the default pronoun to use in the English language, and thus, as I speak English, I use He.
Texoma Land
11-05-2006, 07:31
Jesus is not homosexual, nor is He heterosexual. He is androgynous.
Lots of androgynous guys still have sex. Some with girls, some with guys. Some people find me to be a bit androgynous, though I don't see it.
God dammit ALC, I need to know, is masturbation a sin since it isn't technically sex?
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:32
That is. jesus my mexican lover. He knows just how to please me.
Oh, sure, now we're bringing up Mexican Jesus! With all the marches and protests, and right after Cinco De Mayo, you think He's going to have a sense of humor about this?
No more water into Corona, no more help with carpentry at rock bottom prices...
Anybody brings up Pimp Jesus, and thats it!
Jesus is not homosexual, nor is He heterosexual. He is androgynous.
Jesus is a robot!?
Just how many Jesuses are there?
And how many play baseball in central america?
Oh, sure, now we're bringing up Mexican Jesus! With all the marches and protests, and right after Cinco De Mayo, you think He's going to have a sense of humor about this?
No more water into Corona, no more help with carpentry at rock bottom prices...
Anybody brings up Pimp Jesus, and thats it!
Who's joking about anything? I really do love him!
Oh, sure, now we're bringing up Mexican Jesus! With all the marches and protests, and right after Cinco De Mayo, you think He's going to have a sense of humor about this?
No more water into Corona, no more help with carpentry at rock bottom prices...
Anybody brings up Pimp Jesus, and thats it!
Could be worse, could be the Jesus buried in Japan with his brother.
*True Japanese legend*
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:35
God dammit ALC, I need to know, is masturbation a sin since it isn't technically sex?
Do not use the Lord's name in vain!
Yes, masturbation is a sin, for a male wastes his life-creating fluid that flows from his testicles, and a female is not accepting such fluid in order to create life.
Do not use the Lord's name in vain!
Yes, masturbation is a sin, for a male wastes his life-creating fluid that flows from his testicles, and a female is not accepting such fluid in order to create life.
I see, I see. So a test tube from a spermbank is cool?
Do not use the Lord's name in vain!
Yes, masturbation is a sin, for a male wastes his life-creating fluid that flows from his testicles, and a female is not accepting such fluid in order to create life.
I've sinned about 8 billion times then, and have no plans to stop sinning in the future.
BTW, you do realize taking gods name in vain has nothing to do with things like "god damnit", etc? It has to do with breaking oaths made to or with god, such as marriage.
Not that it matters, as he doesn't exist.
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:38
God dammit ALC, I need to know, is masturbation a sin since it isn't technically sex?
Interesting instafactoid: The female orgasm may aid in the uptake of sperm, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy. So having fun in the sack would actually increase your chances of making little Jesuses, or Felipes, or Juans, or whatever...
Why do you gotta go bringing fluids into this and make it all nasty?
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:39
Just how many Jesuses are there?
And how many play baseball in central america?
Don't you read the trade literature on Theoretical Physics?
(cue music from opening sequence of Six Million Dollar Man)
In the late 1990's at Berkeley, a brilliant young physicist by the name of Schwartzenheimerstein was working on early String Theory, and while testing a device designed to probe spatial dimensions beyond the known, his drunken friend Feynman dropped a Chick pamphlet into the probe hole...
The result was...
Infinite Parallel Jesusman!!!! (cue uptempo superhero theme)
(images of Aqua Jesus fighting a shark, Kung Fu Jesus fighting off a gang in an alleyway, Cost Accounting Jesus arguing with his inventory manager over FIFO/LIFO methodology in inventory assessments...)
Donating to a sperm bank is a sin though. Cuz you put it into a plastic cup.
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:39
*snippity* life-creating fluid *snippity*
*falls off of couch, laughing*
11-05-2006, 07:41
Do not use the Lord's name in vain!
Yes, masturbation is a sin, for a male wastes his life-creating fluid that flows from his testicles, and a female is not accepting such fluid in order to create life.
Did you not use the Lord's name in vain yourself, Sir Christ?
How do we you know you are not Lucifer himself, making an ass out of Christians to make them appear abhorrent to free-thinking folks and thus discouraging them to become TRUE Christians?
Prove that you are not the Devil. Prove it!
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:41
Who's joking about anything? I really do love him!
For your love of Mexican Jesus, si, es muy bueno.
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:41
I see, I see. So a test tube from a spermbank is cool?
No, for using anything other than the natural birthing process to create new life is incredibly sinful, for by using technology, you are, to use a phrase, "playing God." That is one of the gravest sins you could ever commit, for to believe oneself to be Godlike is to damn one's self to the deepest, harshest pits of Hell.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:42
Could be worse, could be the Jesus buried in Japan with his brother.
*True Japanese legend*
Give me my Meiji Almonds, or Conjoined Twin Jesus shall rise and shamble towards you, probably falling down a lot, but still formidable!
... his life-creating fluid that flows from his testicles, Eh, it's more of a "spurt" than "flow" ... if you're doing it right, that is.
Interesting instafactoid: The female orgasm may aid in the uptake of sperm, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy. So having fun in the sack would actually increase your chances of making little Jesuses, or Felipes, or Juans, or whatever...
Yeah, I read that myself. The article even had some bit from an old renaisannce era text where some italian philosoph said that one had to 'sow the field' by giving a woman an orgasm to help ensure she was ready to concieve.
You hear that you god fearing people? I want some damn foreplay!
So wait:
If I can't have a kid through normal sexual means (because say my husbands sperm count is low), I shouldn't have sex.
If I could have a kid through sperm donation though, I can't, because to get donated sperm is sinful?
Can I at least adopt a kid, or is that bad too?
Boreal Tundra
11-05-2006, 07:45
Do not use the Lord's name in vain!
Which Lord's name? One of the one's in England? Or perhaps Lord Stanley (seeing as the Oilers just won game 3 in triple overtime!)
Anyway, hockey game is over, time to go have wild passionate completely non-reproductive sex with my wife. Better grab some more batteries!
No, for using anything other than the natural birthing process to create new life is incredibly sinful, for by using technology, you are, to use a phrase, "playing God." That is one of the gravest sins you could ever commit, for to believe oneself to be Godlike is to damn one's self to the deepest, harshest pits of Hell.
No, no. The deepest, harshests pits of Hell are reserved for trators.
I think this puts me with... hmm... I'm not sure. Do they keep adding circles in Hell to keep up with the times?
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:46
Yeah, I read that myself. The article even had some bit from an old renaisannce era text where some italian philosoph said that one had to 'sow the field' by giving a woman an orgasm to help ensure she was ready to concieve.
You hear that you god fearing people? I want some damn foreplay!
Although this wouldn't compel my wife (we aren't looking for kids right now), she has settled the issue in her own way.
The control tower does not wave me in for final approach until the terminal has been serviced...attempts at premature landing result in an "Airport '77" kind of disaster...
Good to see she has you properly trained
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:47
Which Lord's name? One of the one's in England? Or perhaps Lord Stanley (seeing as the Oilers just won game 3 in triple overtime!)
Anyway, hockey game is over, time to go have wild passionate completely non-reproductive sex with my wife. Better grab some more batteries!
Don't have TOO much fun.
Ah, who am I kidding? To quote the esteemed Mr Solo, "I'll see you in hell!"
Give me my Meiji Almonds, or Conjoined Twin Jesus shall rise and shamble towards you, probably falling down a lot, but still formidable!
I'm currently trying to figure out how to get the 148 boxes out of Japan and into the US without attracting the attention of customs and my fiancee, and how to keep my clothes from smelling like chocolate almond covered goodness forever. :p
11-05-2006, 07:47
As a buddhist, I automatically go to hell. :D
Limbo is for good heathens
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:47
So wait:
If I can't have a kid through normal sexual means (because say my husbands sperm count is low), I shouldn't have sex.
If I could have a kid through sperm donation though, I can't, because to get donated sperm is sinful?
Can I at least adopt a kid, or is that bad too?
I would encourage adoption. Far too often a child is left parentless and unable to fend for himself or herself in life. Far too often a child is taught false morals by foster parents.
NERVUN: Dante was a brilliant author, but he was incorrect on a number of things.
11-05-2006, 07:48
Just a brief browsing of these forums reveals that by far most of you are not Christians or practice Christianity, and those of you that do are merely pretenders, charletans trying to lure people away from the true message of Jesus Christ, our Lord. I say to you all: come to our Lord, hear his message and believe in it, or face eternal damnation in the fiery pits of Hell!
Hello troll. :)
Texoma Land
11-05-2006, 07:48
Eh, it's more of a "spurt" than "flow" ... if you're doing it right, that is.
Depends on the guy. Some are gushers, some are oozers.
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:49
The control tower does not wave me in for final approach until the terminal has been serviced...attempts at premature landing result in an "Airport '77" kind of disaster...
Good boy.
*tosses treat* ;)
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:49
Good to see she has you properly trained
Its the "good boy" and pat on the head after that really bothers me...then I have to bring her ice water...
Although this wouldn't compel my wife (we aren't looking for kids right now), she has settled the issue in her own way.
The control tower does not wave me in for final approach until the terminal has been serviced...attempts at premature landing result in an "Airport '77" kind of disaster...
*Winces in sympathy*
11-05-2006, 07:50
Don't have TOO much fun.
Ah, who am I kidding? To quote the esteemed Mr Solo, "I'll see you in hell!"
Han always gets his girl. He shoots first.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:51
Depends on the guy. Some are gushers, some are oozers.
huh...for me, it seems to depend on how long its been since...
wait, no, no, no reason for this...
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:51
Depends on the guy. Some are gushers, some are oozers.
This thread has turned an otherwise boring Wednesday evening into something far more entertaining.
General Forum, I salute you!
So basically... I shouldn't adopt.
NERVUN: Dante was a brilliant author, but he was incorrect on a number of things.
You mean they had artifical insimination back then and Dante messed it up?! :eek:
This thread has turned an otherwise boring Wednesday evening into something far more entertaining.
General Forum, I salute you!
Once again TG, I find myself in total agreement
Boreal Tundra
11-05-2006, 07:52
Don't have TOO much fun.
Ah, who am I kidding? To quote the esteemed Mr Solo, "I'll see you in hell!"
There's no such thing as too much fun!
Or to quote Mr. Jovi:
"Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead!"
And the rest of the song too!
gnite all
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:52
Good boy.
*tosses treat* ;)
Yeah, thats basically it...
beats being single, though...guy at the rental place was starting to think he should call the police...
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:53
Did you not use the Lord's name in vain yourself, Sir Christ?
How do we you know you are not Lucifer himself, making an ass out of Christians to make them appear abhorrent to free-thinking folks and thus discouraging them to become TRUE Christians?
Prove that you are not the Devil. Prove it!
I have seen your posts. You are the agent of Satan here. You, with your disgusting beliefs of a God who adores sinful desires such as pornography. You who would go so far as to attempt to create a new religion founded on such beliefs. I pity you.
And yet, I do not hate you. You may be incredibly sinful. You may be an agent of Satan. But I do not hate you, for surely you may yet find it in your heart to return to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and be saved.
I have seen your posts. You are the agent of Satan here. You, with your disgusting beliefs of a God who adores sinful desires such as pornography. You who would go so far as to attempt to create a new religion founded on such beliefs. I pity you.
And yet, I do not hate you. You may be incredibly sinful. You may be an agent of Satan. But I do not hate you, for surely you may yet find it in your heart to return to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and be saved.
Whoa, I gotta read some of that guy's posts!
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:54
I'm currently trying to figure out how to get the 148 boxes out of Japan and into the US without attracting the attention of customs and my fiancee, and how to keep my clothes from smelling like chocolate almond covered goodness forever. :p
You know that guy who does, where he does nothing but sell crap from Japan?
You could be the NS Jlister! Sell us your great candy, cool folding bicycles, and weird porn!
This thread has turned an otherwise boring Wednesday evening into something far more entertaining.
General Forum, I salute you!
Yes...though it's started to go on for too long. I have work in six hours, I think. Probably should take a catnap soon or something. =/
The Chinese Republics
11-05-2006, 07:55
Jesus is a robot!?No, Jesus is a robotic sex toy!
Texoma Land
11-05-2006, 07:56
huh...for me, it seems to depend on how long its been since...
wait, no, no, no reason for this...
That too of course. But experience has taught me that some guys are predisposed towards one or the other. There are also a lot of other variations that I'm sure you don't care to know about. :D
And on that somewhat hijacking note, I'm going to bed.
You know that guy who does, where he does nothing but sell crap from Japan?
You could be the NS Jlister! Sell us your great candy, cool folding bicycles, and weird porn!
*LOL* I might, but I scare the poor people at the local post office enough as is.
If you're selling japanese crap that is.
Cabra West
11-05-2006, 07:57
He is the default pronoun to use in the English language, and thus, as I speak English, I use He.
Actually, the default pronoun for something of indetermined sex is "it", not "he".
*LOL* I might, but I scare the poor people at the local post office enough as is.
Why, are you three feet taller than them?
If you're selling japanese crap that is.
Men's Pocky I take it?
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 07:57
Whoa, I gotta read some of that guy's posts!
And once again, *I* agree.
What can *I* do to be branded an agent of Satan? I try, but no one seems to recognize my efforts...
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 07:58
I have seen your posts. You are the agent of Satan here.
Check your international caselaw, buddy.
It was decided in Mephistopholes vs. Debbie Koontz that the internet is "open and free of licensure agreements, franchize zoning regulation, and tort claim of infringement on market for solicitation of human souls".
That means ANYBODY can serve the Dark Lord here.
Incidentally, if you're looking for good aftermarket service on your late-model devil related products, try "". I thought it was a porn site (wouldn't have found it otherwise), but it really does offer some good values.
As long as its got the chocolate on it, who cares?
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 07:59
No, Jesus is a robotic sex toy!
Do not compare our Lord to such a sinful object again!
And once again, *I* agree.
What can *I* do to be branded an agent of Satan? I try, but no one seems to recognize my efforts...
I know! I try and I try, but no. Never branded as Satanic.
Maybe there's a glass-ceiling in sin?
Why, are you three feet taller than them?
Even worse, I speak English!
Very scary. ;)
11-05-2006, 07:59
I have seen your posts. You are the agent of Satan here. You, with your disgusting beliefs of a God who adores sinful desires such as pornography. You who would go so far as to attempt to create a new religion founded on such beliefs. I pity you.
And yet, I do not hate you. You may be incredibly sinful. You may be an agent of Satan. But I do not hate you, for surely you may yet find it in your heart to return to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and be saved.
Judge not lest ye be judged thyself.
It isn't your place to say someone is an agent of Satan. That is god's job. Only an agent of Satan would attempt to make judgements for god.
You cannot prove that you aren't an agent of Satan come to decieve us. Not that I'm saying you are. Just that you might be.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:00
I'm with 23E on this one, I love Pocky...but, there's Men's Pocky?
With, like...little chocolate nads or something?
11-05-2006, 08:01
I have seen your posts. You are the agent of Satan here. You, with your disgusting beliefs of a God who adores sinful desires such as pornography. You who would go so far as to attempt to create a new religion founded on such beliefs. I pity you.
And yet, I do not hate you. You may be incredibly sinful. You may be an agent of Satan. But I do not hate you, for surely you may yet find it in your heart to return to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and be saved.
Ah, finally caught your attention, Mr. Devil sir. YOU who would deny the goodness of Porn, Chocolate and Interstellar travel, thus leading people away from Paradise. Leading them into deception, false hope, bigotry and hatred. And YOU accuse me of being an agent of Satan? Don't make me laugh.
You still have not proven that you are not the Devil. Prove it!
Okay, if I can't be satanic, can I at least be an object of sin, or do I need to become a hooker to be one of those?
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 08:01
I know! I try and I try, but no. Never branded as Satanic.
Maybe there's a glass-ceiling in sin?
I'm calling the sinning community out on its latent and systemic sexism.
He condemns chocolate?
Dammit, that just isn't right!
11-05-2006, 08:03
I'm with 23E on this one, I love Pocky...but, there's Men's Pocky?
With, like...little chocolate nads or something?
I'm with 23E on this one, I love Pocky...but, there's Men's Pocky?
With, like...little chocolate nads or something?
Not that I have noticed. Actually, I have NO bloody idea why they call it Men's Pocky. It's just a dark chocolate version of regular Pocky...
But then again, who knows why the Japanese name things the way that they do?
11-05-2006, 08:04
Just a brief browsing of these forums reveals that by far most of you are not Christians or practice Christianity, and those of you that do are merely pretenders, charletans trying to lure people away from the true message of Jesus Christ, our Lord. I say to you all: come to our Lord, hear his message and believe in it, or face eternal damnation in the fiery pits of Hell!
Troll much?
I'm calling the sinning community out on its latent and systemic sexism.
Time to file a claim with the EEOC. Just thinking of how much money Satan is worth, we're gonna get rich off the settlement. Hell yeah!
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 08:04
Ah, finally caught your attention, Mr. Devil sir. YOU who would deny the goodness of Porn, Chocolate and Interstellar travel, thus leading people away from Paradise. Leading them into deception, false hope, bigotry and hatred. And YOU accuse me of being an agent of Satan? Don't make me laugh.
You still have not proven that you are not the Devil. Prove it!
How would you have me prove that I am what I am?
23Eris: If you wish to deemed an object of sin, then an object of sin you are. But you only have yourself to blame.
11-05-2006, 08:05
Not that I have noticed. Actually, I have NO bloody idea why they call it Men's Pocky. It's just a dark chocolate version of regular Pocky...
But then again, who knows why the Japanese name things the way that they do?
What is pocky? It sounds like it has to do with chocolate, which is teh awesome.
Woo hoo!
Thanks ALC, you're all right in my book.
11-05-2006, 08:05
Not that I have noticed. Actually, I have NO bloody idea why they call it Men's Pocky. It's just a dark chocolate version of regular Pocky...
But then again, who knows why the Japanese name things the way that they do?
It's got something to do with women and the perception that they'd rather have the sweeter milk chocolate Pocky than the bittersweet dark chocolate. Generalizations are fairly easy in Japan -- homogeneity's funny that way.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:05
It isn't your place to say someone is an agent of Satan. That is god's job. Only an agent of Satan would attempt to make judgements for god.
You cannot prove that you aren't an agent of Satan come to decieve us. Not that I'm saying you are. Just that you might be.
Okay, everybody knows that Satan's real agent is Morty Kaufman, over at MRTP (Mythological and Religious Talent Properties). They are a very prominent firm, representing many well-regarded names, like Osiris, Hermes, Bigfoot, and Nyarlathahotep.
Thank God...rememeber when Satan had his sister running his PR, and she kept playing up that he's into Scientology?
The Chinese Republics
11-05-2006, 08:06
Do not compare our Lord to such a sinful object again!Ok, Jesus is a porn star.
Pocky ( on Wikipedia!
Okay, if I can't be satanic, can I at least be an object of sin, or do I need to become a hooker to be one of those?
Don't you understand, just by being a woman you are an object of sin! Did he not state that himself a bit back?
11-05-2006, 08:06
It's got something to do with women and the perception that they'd rather have the sweeter milk chocolate Pocky than the bittersweet dark chocolate. Generalizations are fairly easy in Japan -- homogeneity's funny that way.
That's odd, my girlfriend likes dark chocolate better. So does my cousin. And my mom. And my girlfriend's mom. And pretty much every other woman who I've talked to about chocolate at all.
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 08:07
Woo hoo!
Thanks ALC, you're all right in my book.
Speech, speech!
Sweet, so not only am I a woman, I'm an object of sin.
I feel more powerful already.
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 08:08
Don't you understand, just by being a woman you are an object of sin! Did he not state that himself a bit back?
No, I did not, and I will thank you not to twist my words again.
The Chinese Republics: He is not. To say so is a disgraceful sin.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:08
I knew a drunken, mutton-chopped British head teacher at the english school I worked at in Japan...
Even at his piss-off-an-overpass-jump-on-the-hood-of-a-moving-cab drunkest, he could still say "Let's get some Pocky".
11-05-2006, 08:09
Sweet, so not only am I a woman, I'm an object of sin.
I feel more powerful already.
Oooooooh.... [pokes]
The Chinese Republics
11-05-2006, 08:10
He is too.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:10
Sweet, so not only am I a woman, I'm an object of sin.
I feel more powerful already.
I asked my wife if she felt compelled to live up to the "Virgin Earth Mother or Universal Whore" archetype of false dichotomy that women are evidently subjected to in our society.
She said "I don't know, but do the dishes, honey".
It's got something to do with women and the perception that they'd rather have the sweeter milk chocolate Pocky than the bittersweet dark chocolate. Generalizations are fairly easy in Japan -- homogeneity's funny that way.
Which is just damn funny as most Japanese women I have met don't like sweet stuff as much.
11-05-2006, 08:11
Jesus came to take away your sins, not your mind.
That is all.
My Victory Speech:
Thank you, Thank you, please no, really you're all too much. I never knew that this could happen to me, but I kept hoping and dreaming that some day it could come true. That today I became an official object of sin. I didn't do this for myself, no. I did this to help open doors to all those other women and girls who dream that some day they can become objects of sin as well.
Though this was a great victory, we still have a long way to go. Someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, we will open the doors to complete dominance in the industry of sin. And if those doors refuse to open? Well then we will bash them in!
Thank you!
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 08:12
is too.
I will not be drawn into childish word games.
11-05-2006, 08:12
If I was Jesus, I'd be a pornstar.
Oooooooh.... [pokes]
Hey! No poking the object of sin, buddy!
No, I did not, and I will thank you not to twist my words again.
Yeah you did, that bit about your flesh being tempted and all that.
The Chinese Republics
11-05-2006, 08:13
I will not be drawn into childish word games.
I saw him naked at the beach, eating Men's Pocky.
I love Pocky BTW.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:13
No, I did not, and I will thank you not to twist my words again.
The Chinese Republics: He is not. To say so is a disgraceful sin.
Look, you were the one that said that Jesus was gay, you were the one that said Jesus "loves all of you, but he's IN love with ME", you're the one who threatened to wipe your ass with our lunchmeat if we didn't sign the Magna Carta.
But you keep deleting your posts, so nobody can call you on it...
11-05-2006, 08:13
Though this was a great victory, we still have a long way to go. Someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, we will open the doors to complete dominance in the industry of sin. And if those doors refuse to open? Well then we will bash them in!
Thank you!
Not afraid of the glass ceiling? ;)
11-05-2006, 08:13
My Victory Speech:
Thank you, Thank you, please no, really you're all too much. I never knew that this could happen to me, but I kept hoping and dreaming that some day it could come true. That today I became an official object of sin. I didn't do this for myself, no. I did this to help open doors to all those other women and girls who dream that some day they can become objects of sin as well.
Though this was a great victory, we still have a long way to go. Someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, we will open the doors to complete dominance in the industry of sin. And if those doors refuse to open? Well then we will bash them in!
Thank you!
Sin will always triumph. It's just much more fun and happy. Sin 4 teh win.
I admit it, the whole flesh being tempted thing got me all hot and bothered.
My Victory Speech:
Thank you, Thank you, please no, really you're all too much. I never knew that this could happen to me, but I kept hoping and dreaming that some day it could come true. That today I became an official object of sin. I didn't do this for myself, no. I did this to help open doors to all those other women and girls who dream that some day they can become objects of sin as well.
Though this was a great victory, we still have a long way to go. Someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, we will open the doors to complete dominance in the industry of sin. And if those doors refuse to open? Well then we will bash them in!
Thank you!
*Gives and standing ovation*
Bravo! Bravo!
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:15
I will not be drawn into childish word games.
Will too.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:16
Hey! No poking the object of sin, buddy!
But...but that's the whole, you know...he's, he's supposed know, the...the, uh, object of...
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 08:16
Yeah you did, that bit about your flesh being tempted and all that.
You have misunderstood my statements once again. I urge you to read them more thoroughly in the future.
Saint Curie: I have no idea what you are talking about and do not appreciate the slander.
Glass ceilings are simply something to throw the men standing in you way through, on your own way to the top.
11-05-2006, 08:16
Hey! No poking the object of sin, buddy!
:( But it's so cool! Didn't you know that upon becoming an object of sin, you developed a glorious aura that makes people want to touch you, kinda like a rockstar?
11-05-2006, 08:16
Hi folks! Did i miss anything of interest? Any new angles?
But...but that's the whole, you know...he's, he's supposed know, the...the, uh, object of...
Oh yeah, sorry, I'm new to thw whole OoS thing.
You have misunderstood my statements once again. I urge you to read them more thoroughly in the future.
Oh? How so?
11-05-2006, 08:17
Jesussaves did it better dude, sorry. Hmm, mayhaps a bit more of fire and brimstone will it get up to par.
I would say "more cowbell", but there doesn't seem to be a point anymore. Not quite so much zing.
I will say, however, that it's good with a bunch of pix and stuff. I'm not THAT afraid of words.
11-05-2006, 08:17
But...but that's the whole, you know...he's, he's supposed know, the...the, uh, object of...
Do I get free drugs and lots of money like a rockstar?
Tufty Goodness
11-05-2006, 08:18
I admit it, the whole flesh being tempted thing got me all hot and bothered.
See, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one. The term "flesh" just doesn't do it for me. I think "pound of flesh," and then I think of the movie "Seven," I think, where the guy has to cut out a pound of his own flesh.
And then the mood is pretty much ruined.
Hi folks! Did i miss anything of interest? Any new angles?
Men's Pocky!
11-05-2006, 08:19
But...but that's the whole, you know...he's, he's supposed know, the...the, uh, object of...
11-05-2006, 08:19
just wanna make two points here....Firstly Jesus was crucified because he was a criminal anyone who starts a cult in this day and age gets in the shit..same then... secondly forcing your tunnel visioned views down other peoples throats doesnt work and also the problem is religion is just a controling mechanism for the weak....Like Alcaholics need alcahol christians need jesus to justify their lives, to help their weakness...hell i dont need no jesus, i dont even need alcohol...(still drink on occasion though) Religion (especially in england) is followed by an everdecreasing few....and just to finish a quote from Iced Earth "Cursed Nazereen, what can you offer, you drown the soaring desires of men in sanctamoniuos nonsense...I will drive the thorns deeper into your rancid carcass"
there, Jim from the UK rant ends******
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:19
You have misunderstood my statements once again. I urge you to read them more thoroughly in the future.
Saint Curie: I have no idea what you are talking about and do not appreciate the slander.
Slander entails the communication to a third party of a defamatory falsehood regarding an existing person.
All-Loving Christ is not a person, he's the backwash from a failed experiment in Artificial Intelligence, a software program being run on a computer under the sink in Fred Phelps' guest bathroom.
Light a match, pal.
11-05-2006, 08:20
Do I get free drugs and lots of money like a rockstar?
I would assume those would kinda be some of the job benefits that come with the "Object of Sin" title, being, well, sinful and all.
11-05-2006, 08:20
Men's Pocky!
Perhaps a summary, so i don't get any more pedantic than i already am? In case you're interested, of course ... i'm gonna reread anyway.
I wanna see if there's any nice pix for me to lift for future use, what with the topic matter & all.
11-05-2006, 08:20
I was reading through this whole thing and got to page 16 when I realized how boring religious trolls are. Same shit, different robe.
Hi folks! Did i miss anything of interest? Any new angles?
You've got a TG.
11-05-2006, 08:21
Depends on the guy. Some are gushers, some are oozers.
My boyfriend describes the flow of his masturbatation as a geyser. Messy but rather fun.
11-05-2006, 08:21
just wanna make two points here....Firstly Jesus was crucified because he was a criminal anyone who starts a cult in this day and age gets in the shit..same then... secondly forcing your tunnel visioned views down other peoples throats doesnt work and also the problem is religion is just a controling mechanism for the weak....Like Alcaholics need alcahol christians need jesus to justify their lives, to help their weakness...hell i dont need no jesus, i dont even need alcohol...(still drink on occasion though) Religion (especially in england) is followed by an everdecreasing few....and just to finish a quote from Iced Earth "Cursed Nazereen, what can you offer, you drown the soaring desires of men in sanctamoniuos nonsense...I will drive the thorns deeper into your rancid carcass"
there, Jim from the UK rant ends******
...but the spirit never dies!! Hoo-rah!
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:21
See, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one. The term "flesh" just doesn't do it for me. I think "pound of flesh," and then I think of the movie "Seven," I think, where the guy has to cut out a pound of his own flesh.
Its quite hilarious. A guy over in the Pascal's Wager thread actually wrote to me something about how easy it is to see the Seven Deadly Sins all around us.
And he was serious.
The Beautiful Darkness
11-05-2006, 08:23
What is pocky? It sounds like it has to do with chocolate, which is teh awesome.
Mmm, Pocky :D
See, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one. The term "flesh" just doesn't do it for me. I think "pound of flesh," and then I think of the movie "Seven," I think, where the guy has to cut out a pound of his own flesh.
And then the mood is pretty much ruined.
Uhm... Ew.
Actually, he reminds me of the guy in that movie. That guy was a wacko christian too.
11-05-2006, 08:24
You've got a TG.
Yay! I'm being noticed!!
Is it a sexy one, one that peels off in layers just like the great cosmic onion, ever tantalyzing and just beyond my grasp of corporeal fruition?
Or is it addressed as "Dear Occupant:" ?
My boyfriend describes the flow of his masturbatation as a geyser. Messy but rather fun.
All-Loving Christ
11-05-2006, 08:24
just wanna make two points here....Firstly Jesus was crucified because he was a criminal anyone who starts a cult in this day and age gets in the shit..same then... secondly forcing your tunnel visioned views down other peoples throats doesnt work and also the problem is religion is just a controling mechanism for the weak....Like Alcaholics need alcahol christians need jesus to justify their lives, to help their weakness...hell i dont need no jesus, i dont even need alcohol...(still drink on occasion though) Religion (especially in england) is followed by an everdecreasing few....and just to finish a quote from Iced Earth "Cursed Nazereen, what can you offer, you drown the soaring desires of men in sanctamoniuos nonsense...I will drive the thorns deeper into your rancid carcass"
there, Jim from the UK rant ends******
Religion is not a device to control anyone. That is a lie from those who would tempt you to sin. Reject such lies and take our Lord into your heart.
Yay! I'm being noticed!!
Is it a sexy one, one that peels off in layers just like the great cosmic onion, ever tantalyzing and just beyond my grasp of corporeal fruition?
Or is it addressed as "Dear Occupant:" ?'s a TG. >_>;
I take the Lord into all my body parts!
GMC Military Arms
11-05-2006, 08:27
Religion is not a device to control anyone. That is a lie from those who would tempt you to sin. Reject such lies and take our Lord into your heart.
Having fun trolling, are we Kyronea?
11-05-2006, 08:27
Religion is not a device to control anyone. That is a lie from those who would tempt you to sin. Reject such lies and take our Lord into your heart.
Your commanding tone would suggest otherwise, as would your insistance on obedience to a lord, seeing as how lords generally control people.
11-05-2006, 08:27
Its quite hilarious. A guy over in the Pascal's Wager thread actually wrote to me something about how easy it is to see the Seven Deadly Sins all around us.
And he was serious.
Neo: Whoa. Déjà vu.
[Everyone freezes right in their tracks]
Trinity: What did you just say?
Neo: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu.
Trinity: What did you see?
Cypher: What happened?
Neo: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it.
Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same cat?
Neo: It might have been. I'm not sure.
Saint Curie
11-05-2006, 08:27
I take the Lord into all my body parts!
Your lover calls their's "The Lord"?
That's ballsy...
Wow, I think I made like 50 posts in this thread. That's gonna bump up my average # of posts per day.