Pornography is a Waste of Time - Page 3
19-03-2006, 19:53
You don't exactly need to excersise that part of your body...
Moto the Wise
19-03-2006, 19:58
You don't exactly need to excersise that part of your body...
Yes you do I'm afraid. Cuts down risk of cancer down there, improves curculation, tons of stuff. It is really necessary.
19-03-2006, 20:01
You don't exactly need to excersise that part of your body...
If you live in the states... your doctors are gonna just LOVE you (well, LIVE OFF you) in a few years.
Omnibenevolent Discord
19-03-2006, 20:20
You don't exactly need to excersise that part of your body...
You don't exactly need to exercise any part of your body, but it's wise to do so anyways...
19-03-2006, 20:42
You mean there isn't a Remote for forcing women to have sex?
Yea, it's called cash.
Porn nowadays sucks!
I think there is something very wrong with the clean shaven look. If you get excited about genitalia shown in a pre-pubecent state than go kill yurself for the sake of chldren everywhere.
Surprisingly (and sadly), every time I make this statement it seems to elecit the response "I never thought of it!".
Moto the Wise
19-03-2006, 21:00
I think there is something very wrong with the clean shaven look. If you get excited about genitalia shown in a pre-pubecent state than go kill yurself for the sake of chldren everywhere.
Surprisingly (and sadly), every time I make this statement it seems to elecit the response "I never thought of it!".
To be honest I think that is a valid responce. Not a great deal of people have even seen pre-pubecent genitalia (except on themselves), and so when they like the look I don't think it can be for that reason. Some people like the look of a man shaved, but that is pre-pubecent. Same principle applies.
19-03-2006, 21:37
You don't exactly need to excersise that part of your body...
As suggested by a few others, you DO NEED to exercise that part of your body. You penis and prostate both need regular use and exercise as they are both detrimental to a variety of functions of your body.
I'm noticing that you're continuing with one-liners and still not backing up your thought processes on this subject. I don't believe that you truely know or understand the subject at hand. This is something that ALL men should have a handle on (pun both intended and unintended). Masturbation and plenty of recreational sex are the two best sources of exercises for these two parts of the body. This is not my opinion, it is fact. Anyone who believes otherwise for any reason other than factual ones is gambling with his overall health.
Antiquus sapientia
19-03-2006, 22:18
33% of the male population suffer from premature ejaculation. I'm pretty sure without pornography and masturbation (i.e desensitisation) it would be pretty much 100% and you gotta think of the poor ladies in all this. Not much fun for them if its push push splat ;)
Antiquus sapientia
19-03-2006, 22:36
The whole shaved thing. Compulsary reading: human instinct by Robert Winston. Explains (among a great many other things,) why men go for younger women. All about how many babies they can squeeze out b4 they go all menopausal on you. Peadophilia being an unfortunate extention of this drive (kinda like the evolution of the peacock's tail... not really helpful to its survival, just evolutionary pressure gone a little further than is needed) The shaved look is probably attractive to make you go for the younger women so you can have more offspring and pass more of your genes on. But, on the other hand, it could just be a subconcious attraction based on hygene :p
The Green Plague
20-03-2006, 00:40
The whole shaved thing it could just be a subconcious attraction based on hygene :p
You are 100% right there.... I am not too terribly fond of hair, whether it is on your head, on your crotch, near my food, on my pillow, you name it... The shaved thing is like a lifesaver....... Surely there is some biblical reference to shaving one's crotch.... mmmmmmmm shaved girls...
20-03-2006, 02:30
Historically shaved pubes originated with prostitutes throughout the world. It was a way of keeping track of genital lice that came with frequent intercourse with various customers. As far as being more hygenic, I must offer some dissent as a female I can tell you that shaving down there usually results in painful ingrown hairs that easily get infected and may even turn into small sores. You might even argue that such sores were in some way responsible for the spread of charming STDs, syphilis, VD, etc... In some culture body hair was considered a sensual feature, like a fan seductively hiding a beautiful face.
So with the exception of increased visibilty and the expedition of intercourse I really see no truly enticing benefit to the bald route. Though I suppose there is really no harm in apreciators apreciating (except that the child porn connection is deffinately disturbing), a bit of fluff hiding the prize is definately sexier than an abused, and rough ridden saddle.
20-03-2006, 02:51
Heck, may I remind you all that on the subject of shaved/unshaved pubic hair, there is no need to go toward either absolute.
I personally prefer it trimmed, so you get to avoid the overgrown, disgracious bushes, whilst also avoiding the various hazards of total hairlessness.
20-03-2006, 04:07
Heck, may I remind you all that on the subject of shaved/unshaved pubic hair, there is no need to go toward either absolute.
I personally prefer it trimmed, so you get to avoid the overgrown, disgracious bushes, whilst also avoiding the various hazards of total hairlessness.
Mhmm, especially if there is some sort of design or pattern included.
20-03-2006, 04:14
Mhmm, especially if there is some sort of design or pattern included.
I'm not really into patterns, I find it too artificial. Then again, I'm not fond of tatoos or body-piercings either, so I guess it's just a matter of taste.
20-03-2006, 04:57
I'm not really into patterns, I find it too artificial. Then again, I'm not fond of tatoos or body-piercings either, so I guess it's just a matter of taste.
Whatever tickles your tastebuds...
20-03-2006, 06:16
Historically shaved pubes originated with prostitutes throughout the world. It was a way of keeping track of genital lice that came with frequent intercourse with various customers. As far as being more hygenic, I must offer some dissent as a female I can tell you that shaving down there usually results in painful ingrown hairs that easily get infected and may even turn into small sores. You might even argue that such sores were in some way responsible for the spread of charming STDs, syphilis, VD, etc... In some culture body hair was considered a sensual feature, like a fan seductively hiding a beautiful face.
So with the exception of increased visibilty and the expedition of intercourse I really see no truly enticing benefit to the bald route. Though I suppose there is really no harm in apreciators apreciating (except that the child porn connection is deffinately disturbing), a bit of fluff hiding the prize is definately sexier than an abused, and rough ridden saddle.
I do go both ways on the baldness subject. Sometimes a patch thick enough to plant tomatos in is a fun thing. But more often than not I've prefered bald. No patches, no landing strips, no little spots of hair that look like that caterpillar that used to live under Adolph Hitler's nose. My wife gets a Brazilian from time to time (No razor burn or aggrevating bumps afterward). I can't say that there's much as sexy as that.
I've never agreed with the whole notion that a man who likes a bald pussy is a closet pedophile. I've never felt any attraction to girls, just women, and more so the ones who stay smooth down below.
My father does have a problem with women who shave or wax down there. When he went through Vietnam he was solicited by a great many girls as young as five and six to have sex with them for money. The bald pussy thing got to him in a bad way because of these girls always flashing themselves in an effort to entice the GIs.
I guess it just depends on the background you're coming from on that little preference.
Take a look at this: . Porn is pure exploitation of women. Just think about who would you feel having to do a living out of that.
Besides all, and based on my personal experience with porn too, porn influences the way we men make love. It becomes dificult to express yourself in bed having the head full of postures. You end up not loving your girl (or whoever), but trying to imitate what you´ve seen. It´s a prision.
This way it blocks our way of expressing emotions.
Take a look at this: . Porn is pure exploitation of women. Just think about who would you feel having to do a living out of that.
Besides all, and based on my personal experience with porn too, porn influences the way we men make love. It becomes dificult to express yourself in bed having the head full of postures. You end up not loving your girl (or whoever), but trying to imitate what you´ve seen. It´s a prision.
This way it blocks our way of expressing emotions.If you're not sure whether she wants to try out/likes/knows about a certain position, why don't you ask?
20-03-2006, 15:42
Take a look at this: . Porn is pure exploitation of women. Just think about who would you feel having to do a living out of that.
Besides all, and based on my personal experience with porn too, porn influences the way we men make love. It becomes dificult to express yourself in bed having the head full of postures. You end up not loving your girl (or whoever), but trying to imitate what you´ve seen. It´s a prision.
This way it blocks our way of expressing emotions.
Yeah. And video games cause kids to act out violently. And watermelon seeds will germinate in our stomachs if we swallow them. And Bigfoot roams our forest lands.:rolleyes:
Porn is no more exploitation of women that any other job is exploitation of the people who work them. We're all getting fucked for whatever money our employers will give us. Plain and simple.
If you can't separate what you're doing with your lover from what you're watching in porn, then I would have to suggest that you're lacking the capacity to enjoy porn for what it really is; Added stimulation, and that's all.
Porn is no more exploitation of women that any other job is exploitation of the people who work them. We're all getting fucked for whatever money our employers will give us. Plain and simple.
I don't know why people feel the need to hold such all-or-none opinions on this subject.
The porn industry DOES exploit women. Women ARE often placed in situations where they are essentially forced by circumstance to do things they do not choose to do. There are many, many cases of "porn stars" being systematically drugged (without their consent) so that they will be compliant for various acts on film. The porn industry DOES contain a lot of horrible abuse.
Prostitution, similarly, is not a simple situation where women are freely choosing to rent out their bodies for sex. A great many women are raped, abused, forced, and otherwise mistreated.
To try to portray porn or prostitution as the same as any other employment is to overlook the entire context of the sex industry. Much of what goes on is NOT consentual, or is only consentual in the most narrow definition of the word.
It doesn't have to be this way. There are plenty of people who CHOOSE to be in porn, or who CHOOSE to exchange their sexual favors for money or other goods. And it most certainly IS possible to have porn or prostitution that does not demean ANYBODY. Sometimes we even manage to have that kind of situation these days, even in our warped cultural context. Porn is not, in and of itself, a degrading thing. But our culture, the context of the situation, very often MAKES porn into something degrading.
Long story short: much of porn today IS demeaning, but it's not demeaning simply because it is porn.
If you can't separate what you're doing with your lover from what you're watching in porn, then I would have to suggest that you're lacking the capacity to enjoy porn for what it really is; Added stimulation, and that's all.
Well, that's the context thing I'm harping on: a great many people are sexually/emotionally crippled by our idiot culture. They aren't able to separate porn from reality. They carry around tons of body hatred, sexphobia, and other hangups, and you end up with a muddle of a human who isn't really able to deal with ANYTHING sexual in a constructive or healthy way.
check out this book "Pornified:How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families" by Pamela Paul. As a a porn user This book was very enlightening and I am now cutting down(not totally cutting out) on my pornography usage. The book has/had me scared tho, and now I see thru all the lies that the industry had me believing. :upyours: the industry.
Masturbation is healthy.
Hell yeah !!:D
says you :rolleyes:
actually you're probably right for the most part, but i still see it as 'naked ladies = yummy!'
can't help it. porn certainly no longer holds the excitement or allure that it used to - its a tool to look at naked women to fulfil a biological need and drive, and thats it.
it degrades women, certainly, and yet a lot of the women in porn make a lot of money. it isn't the soul-destroying evil, nasty business it once was (i read a humourous book on making a porn movie last year and feel 'in the know') - they have insurance and codes of good practice, medical care, everything but unions...
it degrades the men in porn more however as the focus of the porn is the woman - the man in it becomes nothing more than a slab of meat for her to fuck. its degrading both ways. then again it is two people fucking for money - thats only degrading if you let it be.
it degrades the viewer like you say by carting us back to some kind of primal instinct and making us look stupid wanking like monkeys in front of the computer screen
but i don't care *shrugs*
thats the way it is; i need my fix of naked ladies, so thats where i get it. god bless the internet and its reams and terabytes of free pornography! :p
and god bless you, such an open minded opinion, better to satisfy the primal erge on the internet, than to go to a club and break laws/human rights, by abusing/molesting women. the porn industry is like all others, being governed by the laws of supply and demand, if porn were to be on prime time tv, in news papers, on the radio, then supply would out weight demand and companies would stop producing it, but due to the nature of pornography, it is not suitable for the general public, and so when one wants to sample, one must pay for it, intern suppling the actors and actresses with a steady income that they might otherwise not recieve. i love porn for what it is, and many of my female friends enjoy good porn aswell. nudity and the act of sex is a natural occurance, without it evolution dies, we die, existance peeters out.
21-03-2006, 00:36
The whole shaved thing. Compulsary reading: human instinct by Robert Winston. Explains (among a great many other things,) why men go for younger women. All about how many babies they can squeeze out b4 they go all menopausal on you. Peadophilia being an unfortunate extention of this drive (kinda like the evolution of the peacock's tail... not really helpful to its survival, just evolutionary pressure gone a little further than is needed) The shaved look is probably attractive to make you go for the younger women so you can have more offspring and pass more of your genes on. But, on the other hand, it could just be a subconcious attraction based on hygene :p
The only time I could see it being a subconcious attraction to hygene is if you have;
1) Prior experiences/troubles with STD's
2) You were in jail.
3) Some strange obsession based upon guilt of ones sexuality and disguising it by pretending to be in a younger, more innocent physical state of said sexuality and seeking that in others also.
Any way you slice it is just bad karma.
besides the whole shaved thing is new to porn.
21-03-2006, 05:02
I don't know why people feel the need to hold such all-or-none opinions on this subject.
The porn industry DOES exploit women. Women ARE often placed in situations where they are essentially forced by circumstance to do things they do not choose to do. There are many, many cases of "porn stars" being systematically drugged (without their consent) so that they will be compliant for various acts on film. The porn industry DOES contain a lot of horrible abuse.
Prostitution, similarly, is not a simple situation where women are freely choosing to rent out their bodies for sex. A great many women are raped, abused, forced, and otherwise mistreated.
To try to portray porn or prostitution as the same as any other employment is to overlook the entire context of the sex industry. Much of what goes on is NOT consentual, or is only consentual in the most narrow definition of the word.
It doesn't have to be this way. There are plenty of people who CHOOSE to be in porn, or who CHOOSE to exchange their sexual favors for money or other goods. And it most certainly IS possible to have porn or prostitution that does not demean ANYBODY. Sometimes we even manage to have that kind of situation these days, even in our warped cultural context. Porn is not, in and of itself, a degrading thing. But our culture, the context of the situation, very often MAKES porn into something degrading.
Long story short: much of porn today IS demeaning, but it's not demeaning simply because it is porn.
Another mind with massive misconceptions about the porn industry today. Your opinions are approximately thirty to fourty years old and in dire need of revamping.
Let's look at this from another angle, shall we?
On almost any given movie set you have a number of individuals all performing different jobs. Director(s), gaffers, camera men, boom ops, lighting personnel, sound techs, the performers, etc., etc., etc.
Prior to any of these people being on that set for filming they all have to be hired. Certain people, prior to being hired, have to have a sit-down meeting to negotiate contracts. Contracts have a number of points within them that BOTH parties involved MUST agree on. Those points are usually, and among other things, pay and what the performances will or will not include. Once all of these points are agreed on dates are set and the production of the project begins ONLY AFTER ALL PARTIES ARE SATISFIED WITH THE TERMS OF THEIR CONTRACTS FOR THE WORK TO BE DONE.
Now, going back to the personnel on the set; If the women are being exploited, despite having gone through contract negotiation, contract and model release signing, then also isn't everyone else on that set for having to be there watching what's taking place for the camera and ultimately the purveyors and purchasers of that production???
And on a porn set, what about the fluff girls? How many people here know that those girls VOLUNTEER for those positions??? How is that exploitive? Especially since they won't even be on camera???
On the same token, on a gay porn set, where is the woman being exploited here? What about the fluff guys who service the gay actors between cuts??? By the way, those actors (yes, "actors" is being used loosely here) also negotiated their contracts prior to production beginning. So, are these guys being exploited?
Here's another modern day fact for those who like to believe that this is exploitation: Every day of every week men and women, on their own free will, audition for parts in pornographic productions. They do the same thing that MOST of the rest of us do; they go on interviews to try and find work. Just like most of the rest of us sometimes they get the job, sometimes they don't. The biggest and probably the best difference between their interviews and our interviews, is that they get to negotiate what tasks they will do and what tasks they won't do, as well as how much money they will make for doing the job ahead of them. Most of us get an interview and just blindly accept the position based on benies and pay. Who is really the smarter between us?
In the end, porn, in many ways, is far less exploitive of those who are in front of and behind the camera than are the millions of other jobs that all of us average Joes and Joans show up for every day and night of the week.
Now, is all of this to say that their aren't some bad business dealings out there in the porn industry? Hell no. Are there more bad business dealings in the porn industry than say ... in the Government? The Catholic Church? The auto industry? The medical insurance industry? The technologies industries? Should I continue on? Can anyone name an industry that has not one single person who came away from that industry feeling exploited? Were they exploited considering they entered into the job of their own free will?
21-03-2006, 05:12
Boy, am I glad to watch gay porn. At least I'm fairly certain no women ever gets abused in the making of the films :p
21-03-2006, 06:09
Boy, am I glad to watch gay porn. At least I'm fairly certain no women ever gets abused in the making of the films :p
21-03-2006, 07:02
Boy, am I glad to watch gay porn. At least I'm fairly certain no women ever gets abused in the making of the films :p
Here, here! *agrees* Gay, furry, hentai XD. No one gets abused if it's not real!
Eli Sheol
21-03-2006, 07:17
Must... Link... to PWOT.
An enlightening veiw of the pornographic addiction. Enjoy.
21-03-2006, 07:25
Must... Link... to PWOT.
An enlightening veiw of the pornographic addiction. Enjoy.
Reading that was... well, check the URL XD.
21-03-2006, 11:52
You mean there isn't a Remote for forcing women to have sex?
Well, they sell remote stimulators. I generally find that stimulating the pink bits leads to sex.
Well, they sell remote stimulators. I generally find that stimulating the pink bits leads to sex....or getting slapped.
22-03-2006, 04:36
...or getting slapped.
There's a difference? Boy, I think I'm missing out on something.