Pornography is a Waste of Time - Page 2
Big Jim P
11-03-2006, 13:17
Porn is a waste of time?
So is NS, yet here we are.:D
11-03-2006, 13:26
Can you love without having sex? Of course. Can you have sex without love? Sure.
But each is better when the other's included.
This seems very familiar to me...
didn´t I told you that ? :confused:
Cabra West
11-03-2006, 14:21
This seems very familiar to me...
didn´t I told you that ? :confused:
You did. I'm just passing on your wisdom :fluffle:
11-03-2006, 14:46
"Pornography is a Waste of Time"
Perhaps so, but so's yer momma, 'n dat don't stop me from hangin' wid her! :D
Heavenly Sex
11-03-2006, 15:25
I also think porn is a waste of time, i started karate 4 years ago and i have once got a nasty chop right between my legs which turned me impotent, and since then I have no desire for sex anymore :headbang:
Aww, always these sad stories... :eek:
Well, the gene pool is certainly improving with these creeps not reproducing! :D
Heron-Marked Warriors
11-03-2006, 15:44
I think the OP just can't find any more free porn
11-03-2006, 16:14
Seems to me that porn is like any other thing that sets up the hormonal reward system in the chemistry of the brain.
The key to healthy enjoyment is therefore moderation. Like anything else: booze, drugs, gambling, religion -- if you overuse it and come to depend upon it, the addiction chemistry in the brain will kick in, and you'll be in need of help should the thing in question become necessary for you to function.
Some things have very fast addiction uptake cycles: meth, heroin, Pentacostalism -- some take longer. The point is, singling out porn is merely a faux-moral judgement ploy and is disingenuous at best.
When you wank responsibly and refuse to let it take over your life, that's moderation, and that's good -- or at least not bad. Myself, I can take it or leave it, relative to how long it's been since my last orgasm. It's never a full-on NEED, but I certainly enjoy it when I have the time and desire.
Nobody's exploited -- the subjects in the movie know what's happening and what its purpose is (in fact, the only time it IS exploitation is when there's no consent or even knowledge of the filming or the act itself...this includes folks too young to give legal consent/enter contracts).
As with most morality, this is merely an emotional issue, linked with a bit of supply and demand. In a capitalist country like the US, founded by Puritans who were too uptight even for the English, it shouldn't surprise anyone that this debate is a mainstay of the culture wars. I say don't give in to the hysteria and make up your own minds. But that's me: crazy common-sense man.
11-03-2006, 16:17
I also think porn is a waste of time, i started karate 4 years ago and i have never had the urge to go and sit on my own and watch two people doing something that is supposed to be an act of love... *sigh* but i guess some people don't share my point of view and do it with every random person that will agree to do it with them. :headbang:
There are acts of love, and there are acts of drive control & release.
Please don't tell me that nobody out there misuses karate. In fact, as a metaphorical extension, aren't all martial-arts action films simply porn for those who like martial arts? In that sense, Bruce Lee = Linda Lovelace and Jackie Chan = Jenna Jamison. See? We all need our releases.
I think the OP just can't find any more free porn
As if the internet will ever run out of free porn. If you can't find porn on the internet you need to make sure you're actually connected, then try again.
Dimmuborgirs Keeper
11-03-2006, 16:27
If you want to go that route, God blessed me and my wife with a rockin' cool library of porn. Aaaahhh ... God is good.
now this guy knows what the fuck he is talking about!!!
11-03-2006, 16:36
now this guy knows what the fuck he is talking about!!!
After all, God wrote the Bible, and the "Song of Solomon" IS porn.... so God LOVES porn.
11-03-2006, 18:05
14) Eeww, she stuck that in there? BAH! - I wanna see more!
The Mibu
11-03-2006, 18:21
Just like it takes a lot of creativity to re-cycle the same tired plots that everybody has seen for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. At least in porn they tend to come up with some creative positions :).
If porn does that to you, seek professional help IMMEDIATELY. I'm not kidding, I'm being dead serious here. If you find yourself becoming a "mindless sex freak" with no ability to control your actions, you are a danger to yourself and to others. If viewing pornography can trigger that kind of a mental break in you, you are in serious need of help. Please, please, please seek out treatment, for yourself as much as for anybody else.
Porn comes up with creative positions, books and movies (well, rarely for movies) come up with creative ways to get through the plot.:D
And I didn't mean the people watching it. I meant that that is how they are portraying people. Just a bunch of people led around by sexual urges.
Heron-Marked Warriors
11-03-2006, 18:44
14) Eeww, she stuck that in there? BAH! - I wanna see more!
I wanna know: she stuck what in where? (I admit it, I'm intruiged)
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 18:59
So looking at a cake is paramount to eating it?
I'm going with this as the closest thing I've seen here that I agree with. porn is no better than a menu, and sometimes it's not even that. even if the menu's good and even if it's got pictures, it's still just a menu. give me real food any day. and if I've got the food, what the hell do I want with a menu?
and if I can't have the food, having a menu is just taunting myself.
now excuse me, my lady just came home, and I think we're about to "eat". ;)
11-03-2006, 20:02
Not only does this statement show us what little you really know, it also shows us what you've been missing out on and how uptight you are in your real life.
So what, I missed out on something. Many wankers have missed out on other things such as knowledge. I really don't see what is so mature and manly about manhandling your genitals. About the other comment, I enjoy television/video games/computer, but comparing those to masturbation is insane. When I do these things, I am usually doing something for my mind, not something that my penis is telling me to do. I think the posters in this thread can be categorized in these categories: talking from their brain, talking from their penis, and talking from the Bible. I would be in the first one with a few others, the majority would be in the second, and a small minority would be in the third. If you would look at any stats, you would know that at most 20% of teens do not masturbate regularly. And just for the note, I think that if people have to use some hypocritical old book or an invisible man to support their ideals, then they really need to rethink their ideals.
11-03-2006, 20:25
Bullcrap. Nearly 20%, including myself, don't and never have masturbated. It is a complete utter waste of time with no real gain.
my point is that that is not the cause of said person being a social outcast. Don't masturbate, I don't really care. But don't use it as an excuse for being an outcast.
11-03-2006, 20:35
I'm not a social outcast though.
11-03-2006, 20:36
So what, I missed out on something. Many wankers have missed out on other things such as knowledge. I really don't see what is so mature and manly about manhandling your genitals. About the other comment, I enjoy television/video games/computer, but comparing those to masturbation is insane. When I do these things, I am usually doing something for my mind, not something that my penis is telling me to do. I think the posters in this thread can be categorized in these categories: talking from their brain, talking from their penis, and talking from the Bible. I would be in the first one with a few others, the majority would be in the second, and a small minority would be in the third. If you would look at any stats, you would know that at most 20% of teens do not masturbate regularly. And just for the note, I think that if people have to use some hypocritical old book or an invisible man to support their ideals, then they really need to rethink their ideals.
Just how much time do you think is actually spent 'polishing the rocket'?
I'd agree there is a problem if someone HONESTLY spends as long masturbating as they might playing a video game, but, for most people, a good porn-movie probably lasts a couple of weeks of unrepeated viewing, because you only need to watch so much before it is 'enough'...
You seem to think that those who DON'T masturbate, are somehow treating their 'brain' better than those who do - but actually, you could almost not be further from the truth. Those who do NOT masturbate lack a whole world of knowledge about their OWN body, how it works, and what governs it's responses. This can also be true, of course, of your partner's body.
Add to which, those who DO masturbate have an advantage over those with NO sexual outlet, in that they are releasin natural endorphins into their metabolism, which actually have a positive effect on things like creativity.
Of course, those who masturbate ALSO have a mechanism for removing conflicting emotions... which means they can easily remove a lot of the inhibitions to learning that those WITHOUT a sexual release are stuck with.
Personally, I'm not too bothered about video games, I find them neither too constructive OVERALL, nor too destructive. Watching television, I would say, is MUCH more of a worry, than how many times you spill your seed to japanese anime lesbians.
11-03-2006, 20:38
Well, I don't know where you live but here everyone is more like "Porn is f**king God, I yank the lad everyday, even more when I am f**king my b*tch"
I'm gonna admit it...that made me laugh. I picture it with a proper british accent for some reason...
anyway, if people in your town judge you soley on how often you masturbate, I have a few points to raise
a) they need serious help.
2)you could lie
b) you could start masturbating.
11-03-2006, 20:41
I haven't read this entire thread, but I would like to point out the positive effects pornography has had upon our planet. From wikipedia:
Breeders and biologists often experience difficulty in inducing captive pandas to mate, threatening their already diminished population. This problem may stem from the captive bears' lack of experience. In an attempt to remedy this, some keepers in China and Thailand have shown their subjects "panda porn" videos, containing footage of mating pandas. In some cases, the bears have been sufficiently stimulated from the videos to engage in reproductive activity.
11-03-2006, 20:45
I'm not a social outcast though.
and seeing as the comment was not directed at you, but instead Irelin, I don't particularly care about your social status. Or his for that matter. My point stands. Don't blame social issues on your (a general you) choice not to jerk off.
oh, and to prove my point:
In a study of undergraduate college students, 98% of men and 44% of women reported having ever masturbated (Pinkerton, Bogart, Cecil, & Abramson, 2002).
the wonders of google. Not just for porn!
11-03-2006, 20:48
Just how much time do you think is actually spent 'polishing the rocket'?
I'd agree there is a problem if someone HONESTLY spends as long masturbating as they might playing a video game, but, for most people, a good porn-movie probably lasts a couple of weeks of unrepeated viewing, because you only need to watch so much before it is 'enough'...
You seem to think that those who DON'T masturbate, are somehow treating their 'brain' better than those who do - but actually, you could almost not be further from the truth. Those who do NOT masturbate lack a whole world of knowledge about their OWN body, how it works, and what governs it's responses. This can also be true, of course, of your partner's body.
Add to which, those who DO masturbate have an advantage over those with NO sexual outlet, in that they are releasin natural endorphins into their metabolism, which actually have a positive effect on things like creativity.
Of course, those who masturbate ALSO have a mechanism for removing conflicting emotions... which means they can easily remove a lot of the inhibitions to learning that those WITHOUT a sexual release are stuck with.
Personally, I'm not too bothered about video games, I find them neither too constructive OVERALL, nor too destructive. Watching television, I would say, is MUCH more of a worry, than how many times you spill your seed to japanese anime lesbians.
hear, hear!
Grave n idle FTW!
I went through most of the replies and just wanted to hit a few points. No doubt they've been gone over already, but there's nothing you can do to stop me from being redundant:
While right-wing Christian (more often Protestant than Catholic, for that matter) radicals may be the most outspoken against sex of any kind in America, not all Christians are so repressive or close-minded. I'm Christian, and I believe that my belief in God can coincide with the fact that I know that sexuality is natural and shouldn't be hidden or ignored or whatever. I don't believe in "no sex before marriage", not because I'm a horny teenager, but think about it: you've just committed yourself to life with this person, and it turns out you totally don't work out together in bed? Yeah, good luck with that one.
Sorry I don't have quotes, but I resent the statement that porn is the "legal" way for men to cheat on their wives/girlfriends. At least you called it what it is - cheating. It's one thing to watch porn with your wife/girlfriend to get ideas or to get off together. It's another to be sneaking around masturbating to the images of other women.
I do believe that porn is degrading. As many people have said, it turns men into mindless, penis-driven animals and women into objects to sate their instincts. People can have a much healthier relationships if they build up to sex based on shared emotions and affection. Yes, porn is consensual sex on film or in images, so I don't have a problem with other people watching it. I just personally don't agree with it.
I think hentai and the whole anime thing is disgusting. I know many of you will disagree with my on this, but I think the whole Japanese art world promotes pedophilia. All of the girls look 10 years old, and all of the boys look like 10 year old girls. It's such an insult to my ideas of feminism that it's not even funny.
So that's about it. As oxymoronic as it is, I think this whole thing makes me sound like a Puritannical angry lesbian :D To put things into perspective, I'm a female bisexual senior in a private Lutheran high school.
11-03-2006, 21:02
44% of the women??? that meant the other 56% where lying
44% of the women??? that meant the other 56% where lying
That's so true. For some reason it's taboo or dirty for women to masturbate, and expected for men. Stupid America.
11-03-2006, 21:06
While right-wing Christian (more often Protestant than Catholic, for that matter) radicals may be the most outspoken against sex of any kind in America, not all Christians are so repressive or close-minded. QUOTE]
This simply proves americans are missguided idiots a protestant shouldent whine about anything cuz in the protestant faith everyone gets to heaven aslong as they truly regret what they have done that might have hurt or uppset others
This simply proves americans are missguided idiots a protestant shouldent whine about anything cuz in the protestant faith everyone gets to heaven aslong as they truly regret what they have done that might have hurt or uppset others
Hahaha, very true. Welcome to the hypocritical wonder that is my school.
11-03-2006, 21:16
I do believe that porn is degrading. As many people have said, it turns men into mindless, penis-driven animals and women into objects to sate their instincts. People can have a much healthier relationships if they build up to sex based on shared emotions and affection. Yes, porn is consensual sex on film or in images, so I don't have a problem with other people watching it. I just personally don't agree with it.
Men ARE 'mindless, penis-driven animals'.
Sorry, but it really is true. We are also 'mindless stomach-driven animals', and 'mindless, pillow-driven animals'.
The thing is - those are aspects of our biology, and we are EVOLVED enough, to deal with those 'desires' rationally.
So - I don't HAVE to eat everything that stays still long enough, and I choose when I sleep. I can also chose WHEN to allow my sexual urges to express themselves, and in a way that hurts nobody else. Indeed, no one even has to know... except maybe by the fact that I'm likely to be much more relaxed after the fact... it really IS a natural stress-reliever.
What you seem to be ignoring, though... is that women are much the same... at least SOME of them, at least SOME of the time. Indeed, in all of my relationships, I'd say 2/3 of the time, pornography was introduced into the relationship... and in ALL of those 2/3 of cases, it was the woman that introduced the material.
Regarding the 'better ways to have sex'.... except for consensual SHARED use of pornography (which fits your model of "relationships... based on shared emotions and affection"), I suspect most people 'use pornography' when there IS no partner. If the average joe (or joanne) has the choice of a deep meaningful relationship with great sex, or that tattered VHS copy of "Lesbian Spank Inferno", I'd say the odds are good, most will opt for the relationship, a fair amount of the time.
Men ARE 'mindless, penis-driven animals'.
Sorry, but it really is true. We are also 'mindless stomach-driven animals', and 'mindless, pillow-driven animals'.
The thing is - those are aspects of our biology, and we are EVOLVED enough, to deal with those 'desires' rationally.
So - I don't HAVE to eat everything that stays still long enough, and I choose when I sleep. I can also chose WHEN to allow my sexual urges to express themselves, and in a way that hurts nobody else. Indeed, no one even has to know... except maybe by the fact that I'm likely to be much more relaxed after the fact... it really IS a natural stress-reliever.
What you seem to be ignoring, though... is that women are much the same... at least SOME of them, at least SOME of the time. Indeed, in all of my relationships, I'd say 2/3 of the time, pornography was introduced into the relationship... and in ALL of those 2/3 of cases, it was the woman that introduced the material.
Regarding the 'better ways to have sex'.... except for consensual SHARED use of pornography (which fits your model of "relationships... based on shared emotions and affection"), I suspect most people 'use pornography' when there IS no partner. If the average joe (or joanne) has the choice of a deep meaningful relationship with great sex, or that tattered VHS copy of "Lesbian Spank Inferno", I'd say the odds are good, most will opt for the relationship, a fair amount of the time.
Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to misrepresent myself by leaving arguements out of my post. I don't care at all if people watch porn for sexual gratification if they're single. Actually, I don't really care if they do it while in a relationship, I think that the other partner should be included in some way if they wish to be.
I have no problem with masturbation (on your point about base instincts). People and animals were made to have sex, and when there isn't someone else around to do it with, you have to handle your urges yourself. That's chill. I just personally don't see any appeal in porn.
And of course women have the same sexual drive. Being one, I can attest to that. But I think porn as a general industry (and in the mind of society) is aimed at men.
Oh, I remembered my other point. The problem I have with young teens (13, 14ish) and porn is that they become desensitized. I don't believe it will turn them into sex-crazed maniacs, but while I believe maturity differs from person to person, a lot of people that age can't handle that kind of image bombardment. Personally, I thought it was gross at that age.
11-03-2006, 21:33
So what, I missed out on something. Many wankers have missed out on other things such as knowledge. I really don't see what is so mature and manly about manhandling your genitals. About the other comment, I enjoy television/video games/computer, but comparing those to masturbation is insane. When I do these things, I am usually doing something for my mind, not something that my penis is telling me to do. I think the posters in this thread can be categorized in these categories: talking from their brain, talking from their penis, and talking from the Bible. I would be in the first one with a few others, the majority would be in the second, and a small minority would be in the third. If you would look at any stats, you would know that at most 20% of teens do not masturbate regularly. And just for the note, I think that if people have to use some hypocritical old book or an invisible man to support their ideals, then they really need to rethink their ideals.
I could easily tear this post to ribbons. But I'm suffering from a dog bite and don't feel like typing that much. Suffice it to say that yes, you are missing out. "Manliness" is far and wide from the point at hand (pun not intended), and in the real world, the only 20% of teens who aren't masturbating regularly are the ones who sleep in the same room that their parents sleep in, or they have overbearing, right-wing, Bible-thumping, single-minded with blinders on, lemming parents who wouldn't know how good life could actually be if they crucified and had to watch life pass them by from the cross they were hanging on.
Teens masturbate. Adults masturbate. Porn is just one more form of stimulation, and saying that its a useless waste of time may as well be a statement about coffee, video games, forums, blogs and chat rooms, alcohol, television in general, radio, etc., etc., etc. ...
11-03-2006, 21:34
Sorry I don't have quotes, but I resent the statement that porn is the "legal" way for men to cheat on their wives/girlfriends. At least you called it what it is - cheating. It's one thing to watch porn with your wife/girlfriend to get ideas or to get off together. It's another to be sneaking around masturbating to the images of other women.
What about my girlfriends who know that I masturbate to porn? Or what about masturbating without porn? Is this cheating? How about having sex and picturing someone else? If you have not touched another person, and have not had an emotional affair, then there is no cheating. this argument is akin to the one that says if I masturbated to the image of any female without her concent, then I have raped her.
I do believe that porn is degrading. As many people have said, it turns men into mindless, penis-driven animals and women into objects to sate their instincts. People can have a much healthier relationships if they build up to sex based on shared emotions and affection. Yes, porn is consensual sex on film or in images, so I don't have a problem with other people watching it. I just personally don't agree with it.Women look at porn too. and I am a mindless, penis-driven animal whether I am looking at porn or not. We are animals, and therefore instinct driven. I see a hot girl, damn right I'm going up to hit on her. Same as if I see a juicy bacon cheeseburger, I'm going to eat it. And if I see a cold beer, I'll drink it. And if I see a bed and I'm tired, I'll go to sleep. All of our actions are driven by our instincts at some level. They are all just self preservation. And I (as well as I would say 99% of people out there) understand that porn is FANTASY. It isn't real, and we aren't so stupid as to think walking up to a girl while wearing a fedex uniform and saying "I have a package for you" will get me laid.
In a relationship, sex is based on emotion and such. When I just want to get off so I can sleep, no, I don't want to deal with finding a girl, falling in love, having sex, and then sleeping. I want to jerk off and pass out.
I think hentai and the whole anime thing is disgusting. I know many of you will disagree with my on this, but I think the whole Japanese art world promotes pedophilia. All of the girls look 10 years old, and all of the boys look like 10 year old girls. It's such an insult to my ideas of feminism that it's not even funny.Japanese culture in general promotes pedophilia. This is nothing new.
11-03-2006, 21:51
Try gay. It's more interesting...
What about my girlfriends who know that I masturbate to porn? Or what about masturbating without porn? Is this cheating? How about having sex and picturing someone else? If you have not touched another person, and have not had an emotional affair, then there is no cheating. this argument is akin to the one that says if I masturbated to the image of any female without her concent, then I have raped her.
I just don't like porn, and so it's easy for me to find lots of things wrong with it. You made a lot of good points, and they all make sense. I can't argue with you, because I'm not going to change my mind, and there's no way I'm going to win you over to my side. I'll just say that I don't care if other people enjoy porn, and I guess I can see your point if they do it with no thought of the person behind the image.
Women look at porn too. and I am a mindless, penis-driven animal whether I am looking at porn or not. We are animals, and therefore instinct driven. I see a hot girl, damn right I'm going up to hit on her. Same as if I see a juicy bacon cheeseburger, I'm going to eat it. And if I see a cold beer, I'll drink it. And if I see a bed and I'm tired, I'll go to sleep. All of our actions are driven by our instincts at some level. They are all just self preservation. And I (as well as I would say 99% of people out there) understand that porn is FANTASY. It isn't real, and we aren't so stupid as to think walking up to a girl while wearing a fedex uniform and saying "I have a package for you" will get me laid.
In a relationship, sex is based on emotion and such. When I just want to get off so I can sleep, no, I don't want to deal with finding a girl, falling in love, having sex, and then sleeping. I want to jerk off and pass out.
When I was talking about sex and emotional attachment, I wasn't talking about masturbation. I was saying that I didn't think you needed to wait for marriage (as many Christians preach) because sex can be based on affection, etc. Like I said in a different reply, sex and masturbation are two different things to me, and I have no problems with either.
Japanese culture in general promotes pedophilia. This is nothing new.
It doesn't make it any more right.
South Illyria
11-03-2006, 21:58
That's so true. For some reason it's taboo or dirty for women to masturbate, and expected for men. Stupid America.
Agreed completely. Why are men allowed to have rampant sexual desires but women are not, in American society at least?
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 22:02
“God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”
-- Robin Williams
it's the truth. work out for yourself what it means.
11-03-2006, 22:03
I just don't like porn, and so it's easy for me to find lots of things wrong with it. You made a lot of good points, and they all make sense. I can't argue with you, because I'm not going to change my mind, and there's no way I'm going to win you over to my side. I'll just say that I don't care if other people enjoy porn, and I guess I can see your point if they do it with no thought of the person behind the image.
haha...I do have to appologise...I'm (ironically) on this thread for a bit of release of stress right now, so I may or may not have been digging for an argument...
When I was talking about sex and emotional attachment, I wasn't talking about masturbation. I was saying that I didn't think you needed to wait for marriage (as many Christians preach) because sex can be based on affection, etc. Like I said in a different reply, sex and masturbation are two different things to me, and I have no problems with either.
yeah, I read that post after I had posted and just didn't feel like going back and doing an edit. *shrug* I'm driven by sloth.
It doesn't make it any more right.
It doesn't but I just wanted to point out that the art is a product of the culture, not the other way around.
haha...I do have to appologise...I'm (ironically) on this thread for a bit of release of stress right now, so I may or may not have been digging for an argument...
yeah, I read that post after I had posted and just didn't feel like going back and doing an edit. *shrug* I'm driven by sloth.
It doesn't but I just wanted to point out that the art is a product of the culture, not the other way around.
Understood, understood, and thanks for the clarification :)
11-03-2006, 22:06
Agreed completely. Why are men allowed to have rampant sexual desires but women are not, in American society at least?
I fully support a womans right to have rampant sexual desires. Moreover, I fully support their right to act out these desires on me.
“God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”
-- Robin Williams
it's the truth. work out for yourself what it means.
I'm having a hard time figuring that out...give me, oh, I'd say 10, 15 minutes tops ;)
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 22:13
..It doesn't but I just wanted to point out that the art is a product of the culture, not the other way around.
I always thought they were interactive.
11-03-2006, 22:16
I always thought they were interactive.
well, art is a part of culture, however, the mass "popular" culture (as it were...the connotation of that term is incorrect, but the denoation is accurate) bred what later became the anime hentai art scene, which then became a part of the popular culture. Self defeating cycle really.
But this is also the country that sells teenage girls used underwear in vending machines...
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 22:17
I'm having a hard time figuring that out...give me, oh, I'd say 10, 15 minutes tops ;)
rofl. now you see, if I go with my lady it's nothing like as quick, so my brain is MIA for longer. but it's a lot more fun.
11-03-2006, 22:20
Japanese culture in general promotes pedophilia. This is nothing new.
To be honest, it's just more admitted in Japan... cheerleaders are exactly the same 'packaging of the pre-pubescent, or barely pubescent, female for sexual consumption'.
11-03-2006, 22:21
rofl. now you see, if I go with my lady it's nothing like as quick, so my brain is MIA for longer. but it's a lot more fun.
well now, if I had a lady, then I would be gone for atleast an hour or two...Alas, no such luck. Although, it does allow me to do more important things. then theres...and...posting on ns? no, not me get back to you on that.
11-03-2006, 22:24
To be honest, it's just more admitted in Japan... cheerleaders are exactly the same 'packaging of the pre-pubescent, or barely pubescent, female for sexual consumption'.
well, there is a bit of lolita streak in all countries, but I would argue that it is stronger in Japan. I believe that their taste runs a bit younger than say, America, where the desired age is that 18-21 year old bracket. It is true that Japan is much more open about it tho.
I also went to a highschool where all the cheerleaders looked and sounded like men. *shrug*
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 22:24
well now, if I had a lady, then I would be gone for atleast an hour or two...Alas, no such luck. Although, it does allow me to do more important things. then theres...and...posting on ns? no, not me get back to you on that.
no sweat. take your time. 10-15 minutes you said, right?
11-03-2006, 22:27
no sweat. take your time. 10-15 minutes you said, right?
*insert sounds of fumbling with belt*
ahem...As you were.
The Beach Boys
11-03-2006, 22:48
*insert sounds of fumbling with belt*
ahem...As you were.
*waits for Sarkhaan to take it somewhere else*
*cranks up the volume on the headphones, grooves to Hendrix CD*
a-mazing! after all these years, still a-mazing!
11-03-2006, 22:49
:sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: Die porno freak!
Age: 15
Well, I must say that I was twelve when I first looked at porn. For two years I couldn't control myself. Then, finally, I got a hand on myself. (Pun intended) Now, I've calmed down, and only use porn when I have to. I try to learn whatever I can, so as not to waste my 'youth'. There's nothing degrading about it, at least they know someone's curing their hard-on from them.
11-03-2006, 22:50
*waits for Sarkhaan to take it somewhere else*
*cranks up the volume on the headphones, grooves to Hendrix CD*
a-mazing! after all these years, still a-mazing! mother is now wondering what exactly I'm laughing it. Something tells me this is best just swept under the rug.
11-03-2006, 22:52
I don't think porn is intrinsically degrading. What's degrading to one person may be a turn-on for another.
Oh for the love of all that is good in life. Porn's only a waste of time if you could be doing other things you deem better or interfering with your responsibilities. The first case is impossible because if you deem something else you could do a better use of your time you'll do it instead, basic economic principle. I doubt the second case happens often and even then, that doesn't mean that porn in general is a waste of time, just that you're overdoing it.
Personally, I've never looked for porn, but it's come across my path occasionally so I have a few opinions about it. Stories are great, there's a magazine my friend gets that always has one in it and I love to read those. I don't really know about pictures, I like looking at hot guys or people making out, but as wanking material they seem a bit impotent. I doubt I'll ever see video porn, but if I do it'll have to be same-sex, preferably gay boys, but straight video sounds gross.
Anyway, there's the 15 year old female virgin's two cents on the matter...
The Beach Boys
12-03-2006, 03:09
for the love of Chuck! the question I've been wondering since about the 3rd time I saw porn is the same. what's the ****ing point?
like, suppose there's this really, really hot woman in a movie? am I really ever going to meet her? likelihood? near-zero. if I ever met her, am I really going to go up to her and ask her out? well, I've done crazier things, so maybe, though still unlikely. if I ever asked her out, is she really going to say yes? weirder stuff has happened, and it's not impossible, but likely? probably not, especially not at my age.
so, what's the point? to pretend to myself? every minute I spend pretending to myself about some hot-in-a-movie women is a minute I don't have to spend with a real live woman who wants me. how sad is that? sexual frustration disguised as relief for sexual frustration, plus time wasted that could be spent meeting a real sexual partner, getting to know her as a person, and exploring the possibilities... m-m-m-m, possibilities. compared to that, porn is a yawn. (wish I had one of those posh English accents so that last bit would rhyme.)
and I don't care what anybody says, the feeling of somebody else touching you is way, way better than touching yourself. at least, that's how it feels to me.
going back to my analogy of a menu, I've never seen a menu that could beat a mouthful.
The Half-Hidden
12-03-2006, 03:56
Its much better going out and learning martial arts or doing an activity that you actually enjoy instead of being cooped up in some damn room manhandling your genitals.
I mostly agree with your post, but there's nothing wrong with masturbating. Just use your own mind and not porn. It will increase your imagination and give you better orgasms.
12-03-2006, 03:58
I mostly agree with your post, but there's nothing wrong with masturbating. Just use your own mind and not porn. It will increase your imagination and give you better orgasms.
Hey cut us less imaginative folks a little slack :D
aw come on, I've known 8-year-olds who were obsessed with porn. I was 11 when I got obsessed. It's no big deal, all part of growing up
Personally, I've never looked for porn, but it's come across my path occasionally so I have a few opinions about it. Stories are great, there's a magazine my friend gets that always has one in it and I love to read those. I don't really know about pictures, I like looking at hot guys or people making out, but as wanking material they seem a bit impotent. I doubt I'll ever see video porn, but if I do it'll have to be same-sex, preferably gay boys, but straight video sounds gross.
Anyway, there's the 15 year old female virgin's two cents on the matter...
I agree on the story part, but as a writer (self-titled though it may be) I think my mind's a bit heavier on the creative part. Building up my own...stories, if you will, has always been better then watching someone else do it. But seriously? Gay guys would get you off? I love them to death, but butt sex is not my thing.
12-03-2006, 04:25
for the love of Chuck! the question I've been wondering since about the 3rd time I saw porn is the same. what's the ****ing point?
like, suppose there's this really, really hot woman in a movie? am I really ever going to meet her? likelihood? near-zero. if I ever met her, am I really going to go up to her and ask her out? well, I've done crazier things, so maybe, though still unlikely. if I ever asked her out, is she really going to say yes? weirder stuff has happened, and it's not impossible, but likely? probably not, especially not at my age.
so, what's the point? to pretend to myself? every minute I spend pretending to myself about some hot-in-a-movie women is a minute I don't have to spend with a real live woman who wants me. how sad is that? sexual frustration disguised as relief for sexual frustration, plus time wasted that could be spent meeting a real sexual partner, getting to know her as a person, and exploring the possibilities... m-m-m-m, possibilities. compared to that, porn is a yawn. (wish I had one of those posh English accents so that last bit would rhyme.)
and I don't care what anybody says, the feeling of somebody else touching you is way, way better than touching yourself. at least, that's how it feels to me.
going back to my analogy of a menu, I've never seen a menu that could beat a mouthful.
See, its posters like this are confusing the subjects and blurring them together.
In this thread porn is one subject while masturbation is another subject. If you want to bring the two together then consider the following:
Pornography, in a variety of guises, has been used as a type of stimulus for thousands of years. Yes, thousands. The ancient Egyptians had it. The ancient Chinese had it. The Greeks and Romans had it. Even cavemen had it. Before there was God, there was porn.
My personal opinion is that its too bad that "God" and the "Devil" had to come along and screw everything up. But that's a whole different thread.
Sometimes porn was live in the form of a play in the court of a ruler or high officer. Other times it was symbolic in the forms of artworks in various mediums. Its been used as everything from decoration around a household to inspiration for young and old lovers alike. Pornography has even helped to save marriages by introducing forms of sexual play that partners simply weren't aware of, and they put them to use to spice up a love life that was dissolving otherwise. Basically, pornography is for those who have the mental capacity to use it as an aid for stimulation of the physical senses, the mental senses, and, in many cases, both sets of senses at the same time.
For instance, my wife and I enjoy porn; preferrably on DVD, and preferrably from a high budget production house and directed by certain directors in the business. There have been many times when we've enjoyed having porn on while we're enjoying a variety of different congressional acts, if you will. Its pleasant seeing other beautiful bodies in motion, in the throws of pleasure and passion, whilst we are enjoying the same but without being watched ourselves. We've enjoyed many instances where the scenes on the screen have hightened the pleasure that we're experiencing because we're being erotically stimulated by what we're doing as well as by what the people on the DVD are doing.
Again, porn is only for people who have the mental capacity to enjoy it as a source of stimulus. That's goes for one person alone as easily as a group of people particiapting in an orgy or a group masturbation party. All others will find porn uninteresting, or as the author of this thread put it, "A waste of time."
Masturbation is another subject entirely, that porn is often used as a stimulus for to help perpetuate the act. Masturbation achieves a number of results that are also present in sex with a partner, but without having to go through the hassle of someone else being there AND being in the mood. There's the obvious pleasure of masturbation and its end result, but its more than that. Masturbation also helps keep the penis and prostate healthy through the exercise that's generated by the act. How many here knew that their penis and prostate need regular exercise? Masturbation and its end result also provoke the secretion of three different chemicals in the brain that all help tremendously in releaving mental and physical stress. One of these chemicals is also naturally found in chocolate, but that's another thread. The act of masturbation, like sex, burns calories, opens the breathing passages and generates higher levels of O2 to the brain, stimulates mental acuity, stimulates the immune system, and can even help dramatically with sleeplessness. In short, not only is masturbation pleasureable, but its also highly functional and can be enacted anywhere that's appropriate, and with benefits that go beyond the sexual relief.
You see, for those of you who really feel the desire to argue the validity of these TWO subjects, you actually have zero ground to stand on because both of these subjects have been found to have a great number of uses throughout history and medical science.
Feel free to attempt proving me wrong. But the simple truth here is that I just took away all of your poor, small-minded excuses for not liking, or enjoying, these two very different subjects.
12-03-2006, 04:35
See, its posters like this are confusing the subjects and blurring them together.
In this thread porn is one subject while masturbation is another subject. If you want to bring the two together then consider the following:
Pornography, in a variety of guises, has been used as a type of stimulus for thousands of years. Yes, thousands. The ancient Egyptians had it. The ancient Chinese had it. The Greeks and Romans had it. Even cavemen had it. Before there was God, there was porn.
My personal opinion is that its too bad that "God" and the "Devil" had to come along and screw everything up. But that's a whole different thread.
Sometimes porn was live in the form of a play in the court of a ruler or high officer. Other times it was symbolic in the forms of artworks in various mediums. Its been used as everything from decoration around a household to inspiration for young and old lovers alike. Pornography has even helped to save marriages by introducing forms of sexual play that partners simply weren't aware of, and they put them to use to spice up a love life that was dissolving otherwise. Basically, pornography is for those who have the mental capacity to use it as an aid for stimulation of the physical senses, the mental senses, and, in many cases, both sets of senses at the same time.
For instance, my wife and I enjoy porn; preferrably on DVD, and preferrably from a high budget production house and directed by certain directors in the business. There have been many times when we've enjoyed having porn on while we're enjoying a variety of different congressional acts, if you will. Its pleasant seeing other beautiful bodies in motion, in the throws of pleasure and passion, whilst we are enjoying the same but without being watched ourselves. We've enjoyed many instances where the scenes on the screen have hightened the pleasure that we're experiencing because we're being erotically stimulated by what we're doing as well as by what the people on the DVD are doing.
Again, porn is only for people who have the mental capacity to enjoy it as a source of stimulus. That's goes for one person alone as easily as a group of people particiapting in an orgy or a group masturbation party. All others will find porn uninteresting, or as the author of this thread put it, "A waste of time."
Masturbation is another subject entirely, that porn is often used as a stimulus for to help perpetuate the act. Masturbation achieves a number of results that are also present in sex with a partner, but without having to go through the hassle of someone else being there AND being in the mood. There's the obvious pleasure of masturbation and its end result, but its more than that. Masturbation also helps keep the penis and prostate healthy through the exercise that's generated by the act. How many here knew that their penis and prostate need regular exercise? Masturbation and its end result also provoke the secretion of three different chemicals in the brain that all help tremendously in releaving mental and physical stress. One of these chemicals is also naturally found in chocolate, but that's another thread. The act of masturbation, like sex, burns calories, opens the breathing passages and generates higher levels of O2 to the brain, stimulates mental acuity, stimulates the immune system, and can even help dramatically with sleeplessness. In short, not only is masturbation pleasureable, but its also highly functional and can be enacted anywhere that's appropriate, and with benefits that go beyond the sexual relief.
You see, for those of you who really feel the desire to argue the validity of these TWO subjects, you actually have zero ground to stand on because both of these subjects have been found to have a great number of uses throughout history and medical science.
Feel free to attempt proving me wrong. But the simple truth here is that I just took away all of your poor, small-minded excuses for not liking, or enjoying, these two very different subjects.
Here Here!
12-03-2006, 05:55
like, suppose there's this really, really hot woman in a movie? am I really ever going to meet her?
I think you are totally missing the point of porn. Porn isn't dating.... you aren't looking at the people you are going to have sex with, you are just looking at the parts of the human anatomy you like, involved in 'storylines' you enjoy.
The obvious example, of course, being the popularity of 'lesbian porn' among men. We KNOW we are not going to end up having sex with lesbians (which is, of course, implicit in them being 'lesbians')... but many men enjoy seeing them together.
so, what's the point? to pretend to myself? every minute I spend pretending to myself about some hot-in-a-movie women is a minute I don't have to spend with a real live woman who wants me. how sad is that?
Again - missing the point, I suspect. It's not about the viewer actually meeting the person in the video or magazine. It's about the things that the images or words trigger in our heads, and the things those thoughts trigger elsewhere.
You are missing other points as well, like - not all people WANT relationships and the complications they bring... or, maybe someone wants sex NOW, before he goes to work... but he won't see his girlfriend till next weekend.
The other thing you are not allowing for, of course, is 'impossible sex'. Like the guy who is aroused by lesbians. He is very unlikely to ever BE a lesbian, so he literally CAN NOT 'fulfill' that need in a realistic fashion.
sexual frustration disguised as relief for sexual frustration, plus time wasted that could be spent meeting a real sexual partner,
Maybe it's telling that you refer to 'meeting sexual partners', rather than 'meeting people'. It assumes that people who watch porn are using it alone - which is certainly not always the case... and it assumes that we meet people with a view to 'sexual partnership'. Personally, I think THAT is a GOOD reason to masturbate (porn or no)... in that I think relationships should be like grocery shopping.... you don't go looking, when you are hungry.
getting to know her as a person, and exploring the possibilities... m-m-m-m, possibilities. compared to that, porn is a yawn. (wish I had one of those posh English accents so that last bit would rhyme.)
and I don't care what anybody says, the feeling of somebody else touching you is way, way better than touching yourself. at least, that's how it feels to me.
going back to my analogy of a menu, I've never seen a menu that could beat a mouthful.
Again - you assume that porn is for people on their own... and that it serves the SAME purpose as relationship-sex.
Horray for pornography...
12-03-2006, 06:37
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!Oh.Look at that chick.
When I was 16....HENTAI!HENTAI!HENTAI!Look at those,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh!This is funny shit.But no one does it like that.Still,look at what those machines do,oh,and is that her clitoris?OH YEAH.....
When I was 18....This is getting boring.Besides,its degrading to women,but its still good shit.
When I was 19....Star Whores Episode 96.Girls Gone Wild.Stupid.Seen it.Done it.
Now I'm WHAT?Its just a women who chooses to engage in such a profession to make an income.Not my cup of tea.Intellectually diminishing and insulting.Unrealistic in most cases.Absurd storylines.
A plain waste of time and utterly stupid.The pornography industry exploits the biological drive of men and not only lessens us as men,by exploiting and controling us on baser animal instincts,but it really insults women.Its a plain waste of time.Could have spent my teenage years doing a lot of better activities.Seriously,I sometimes feel that some aspects of porn darken your soul when you watch it.Don't waste your time on it.
Take this advice any teenagers who read it.Its much better going out and learning martial arts or doing an activity that you actually enjoy instead of being cooped up in some damn room manhandling your genitals.Do something to discipline yourselves instead,for by cultivating discipline,it liberates youself and improves your time management.
Porn,while appealing on a very basic level,is really a colossal waste of time and a brilliant business idea at the same time.
gotta get ur rocks off somehow, and porn is the easiest alternative when there isnt a member of the opposite sex readily available at the moment.
i think ur reading too much into it.
12-03-2006, 10:43
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!
When I was,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh! OH YEAH.....
When I was 18.... its still good shit.
So it is not a waste of time, you might think it is NOW but you didn't when you were younger. So it hasn't always been a waste of time. Also, you can't claim it is a waste of time for everyone else just cos you can't seem to find anything that doesn't bore you. Maybe you are narrow minded (hentai? possibly not) but maybe you just lack imagination...
Your thread would be more accurate if you titled it:
"Pornography is a Waste of Time - for Me - Now"
*fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap huh? I wasn't listening:headbang:
SimNewtonia II
12-03-2006, 15:11
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!Oh.Look at that chick.
When I was 16....HENTAI!HENTAI!HENTAI!Look at those,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh!This is funny shit.But no one does it like that.Still,look at what those machines do,oh,and is that her clitoris?OH YEAH.....
When I was 18....This is getting boring.Besides,its degrading to women,but its still good shit.
When I was 19....Star Whores Episode 96.Girls Gone Wild.Stupid.Seen it.Done it.
Now I'm WHAT?Its just a women who chooses to engage in such a profession to make an income.Not my cup of tea.Intellectually diminishing and insulting.Unrealistic in most cases.Absurd storylines.
A plain waste of time and utterly stupid.The pornography industry exploits the biological drive of men and not only lessens us as men,by exploiting and controling us on baser animal instincts,but it really insults women.Its a plain waste of time.Could have spent my teenage years doing a lot of better activities.Seriously,I sometimes feel that some aspects of porn darken your soul when you watch it.Don't waste your time on it.
Take this advice any teenagers who read it.Its much better going out and learning martial arts or doing an activity that you actually enjoy instead of being cooped up in some damn room manhandling your genitals.Do something to discipline yourselves instead,for by cultivating discipline,it liberates youself and improves your time management.
Porn,while appealing on a very basic level,is really a colossal waste of time and a brilliant business idea at the same time.
Amen, man.It's such a waste of time. And it's really hard to shake once it's in your head.
It CAN be done though.
Amen, man.It's such a waste of time. And it's really hard to shake once it's in your head.
It CAN be done though.
But why would yo want to?
12-03-2006, 19:14
But why would yo want to?
No kidding. The nay-sayers in this thread seriously need to read every word of post #308 in this thread. You folks simply haven't a clue as to what you're actually talking about.
12-03-2006, 21:14
Hhhhmmmmm ... This thread has gone quiet. All the Bible-thumpers must still be at church ...
12-03-2006, 21:33
Hhhhmmmmm ... This thread has gone quiet. All the Bible-thumpers must still be at church ...
well if they want to hear that everything they do that could be considered fun or pleasurable is a creation of the 'devil' then they can..:p
as a catholic, i don't think porn or masterbation is tabooed. I think the church simply wants to help porn-addicts by getting them involved with the church and community. I agree with them, sometimes these people must be helped.
No kidding. The nay-sayers in this thread seriously need to read every word of post #308 in this thread. You folks simply haven't a clue as to what you're actually talking about.
Blowing your own horn eh? You should consider a career in porn with a talent like that.
12-03-2006, 22:21
Blowing your own horn eh? You should consider a career in porn with a talent like that.
And yet you didn't comment on the post you were directed to. That says a great deal about why you went after a horn-blowing commentary instead.
The Beach Boys
12-03-2006, 22:25
okay, I'll guess you decided to use my post to address the whole thread, and you decided not to read most of what I wrote to make that easier for yourself. that's cool. I'll avoid making dumb jokes about "going blind", as tempting as it might be -- I'm worried you wouldn't get the irony. but anyway, I'll just answer you piece by piece. (I'm bored right now.) if you didn't like my opinion, you're bound to hate my comments.
See, its posters like this are confusing the subjects and blurring them together.
nope. the thread is about porn but Orion Ascendant included masturbation as a secondary bit. if the two things overlap in his experience, that's as valid as anybody saying they're two different subjects. he's proof that they can come together - if you'll excuse the pun. so are other people who have said they're combined for them. Orion Ascendant started the thread, so if he wants to write about the two together it's his right.
as for me, I'm not interested in what else can be done with porn because I'm not interested in porn. a question was asked about porn, and I exercised my free choice to answer it the way I did.
In this thread porn is one subject while masturbation is another subject. If you want to bring the two together then consider the following:
funny, the way it looks to me "in this thread" is that porn is the subject but not to the exclusion of masturbation. probably it's mentioned because people here reported porn viewing going along with masturbation or vice versa in their experience. but you're free to have your own opinion, like the rest of us.
Pornography, in a variety of guises, has been used as a type of stimulus for thousands of years. <snip>
I wasn't arguing that. of course porn is old, and that means people like it except for the ones that don't. but the thread starter put it out as a subject for discussion, not a subject for a lot of nodding and back-slapping and refusal to hear alternative opinions. I was expressing my viewpoint that porn is no better than a menu, and when I'm hungry I don't want to read words or look at pictures about food, I want food.
My personal opinion is that its too bad that "God" and the "Devil" had to come along and screw everything up. But that's a whole different thread.
*looks hard over previous post*
nope, I didn't mention either of them. they've got nothing to do with anything I said. maybe you're confusing opinions and blurring them together? for sure it's a different thread, but I'm not the one who smuggled them into this one. somebody else did that.
Sometimes porn was <snip>
I wasn't arguing any of that, so I'll leave it alone.
Again, porn is only for people who have the mental capacity to enjoy it as a source of stimulus. That's goes for one person alone as easily as a group of people particiapting in an orgy or a group masturbation party. All others will find porn uninteresting, or as the author of this thread put it, "A waste of time."
oh, but of course! anybody that doesn't agree with you must be lacking in mental capacity. sorry I forgot.
Masturbation is another subject entirely,...
see above. for you, maybe, but obviously some people here disagree with you. you're the only one who knows "the truth"?
How many here knew that their penis and prostate need regular exercise?
sure we know. a friend of mine even has a leash for his penis and takes his for walks every morning and evening. mostly in the dark so nobody sees, in case they think he's cruel for making his penis and prostate roll around on his balls.
you exercise your way, I'll exercise my way. ;)
You see, for those of you who really feel the desire to argue the validity of these TWO subjects, you actually have zero ground to stand on because both of these subjects have been found to have a great number of uses throughout history and medical science.
non sequitur. you and some others are the ones arguing two subjects. I wrote about porn. end of story. I won't even bother with the rest of that stuff.
Feel free to attempt proving me wrong. But the simple truth here is that I just took away all of your poor, small-minded excuses for not liking, or enjoying, these two very different subjects.
why would anybody get hung up about proving anything in a thread like this? you think you proved something here? you took nothing away, and using words like "poor, small-minded excuses" won't help you. you have an opinion and you shared it. good stuff
you have your opinion, other people have theirs, I have mine. it's one of the wonders of the net that free speech is pretected and we're allowed to have differences of opinion. thanks for sharing.
The Beach Boys
12-03-2006, 22:38
I think you are totally missing the point of porn. Porn isn't dating.... you aren't looking at the people you are going to have sex with, you are just looking at the parts of the human anatomy you like, involved in 'storylines' you enjoy.
Again - missing the point, I suspect. It's not about the viewer actually meeting the person in the video or magazine. It's about the things that the images or words trigger in our heads, and the things those thoughts trigger elsewhere.
You are missing other points as well, like - not all people WANT relationships and the complications they bring... or, maybe someone wants sex NOW, before he goes to work... but he won't see his girlfriend till next weekend.
The other thing you are not allowing for, of course, is 'impossible sex'. Like the guy who is aroused by lesbians. He is very unlikely to ever BE a lesbian, so he literally CAN NOT 'fulfill' that need in a realistic fashion.
Maybe it's telling that you refer to 'meeting sexual partners', rather than 'meeting people'.
Again - you assume that porn is for people on their own... and that it serves the SAME purpose as relationship-sex.
the only thing I was talking about is my own personal preference for real sex with real people. you're probably right that I'm not talking about the point of porn but I haven't "missed" it. I don't want it. personally I do look for people not body parts. that's why for me it is about meeting the person. I do want relationships , complications and all. sex lasts time you can measure on a clock, a good relationship you can measure on a calendar.
as for impossible sex, it may interest others, it does nothing for me.
funny that you try to make some kind of point about my choice of words, but you're the one that's arguing in favor of seeing people as objects of sex without relationships - and even in favor of seeing them not as people to have sex with, but just as body parts to stimulate your imagination. and I'm the one that wants real women in my life and doesn't want "menus", because I want the relationships.
go figure.
Moto the Wise
12-03-2006, 23:28
Pornography is not a real problem. I think most people in this thread can agree that there is nothing morally wrong about it. The arguement seems to be, as the topic title states, is it a waste of time. Just a little reminder for a few people :p
I personally cannot see a difference between spending my time chilling listening to music compared to chilling watching porn. The same thing essencially. It has no major benefit to be (on average), but it is a good way of killing time. And also as stated there are some good uses for it, and see the art that can be brought forth from such erotica.
Mastaubation is not a problem to me either. Something that might interest you is the fact that almost all (and by that I mean 99.9999%) of young children mastaubate. They don't know it as such, but they are exploring their bodies as children that age a wont to do, and the vast majority come across it. Soon their parents see them and scold them for doing so. The child stops. Later in life many start up again, but still that original punishment holds a grip on the person. So please can you take a step back from your opinions as of know, and ask yourselves if there is a difference between doing it because it feels nice, and say, playing on a video game. Both are bad if done too much, but a small amount is a good stress buster.
The Green Plague
12-03-2006, 23:34
Yep, but you still want to watch them.... ;)
Sometimes you want to watch them, with Cabra West.....:fluffle:
Cabra West
12-03-2006, 23:42
Sometimes you want to watch them, with Cabra West.....:fluffle:
How do you know there is a movie with m... oh. Oh. Did I just say to much?
The Green Plague
12-03-2006, 23:48
How do you know there is a movie with m... oh. Oh. Did I just say to much?
If there is not one already, volunteering to begin filming, just name the time and place..:fluffle:
Dylan Island
13-03-2006, 00:42
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!Oh.Look at that chick.
When I was 16....HENTAI!HENTAI!HENTAI!Look at those,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh!This is funny shit.But no one does it like that.Still,look at what those machines do,oh,and is that her clitoris?OH YEAH.....
When I was 18....This is getting boring.Besides,its degrading to women,but its still good shit.
When I was 19....Star Whores Episode 96.Girls Gone Wild.Stupid.Seen it.Done it.
Now I'm WHAT?Its just a women who chooses to engage in such a profession to make an income.Not my cup of tea.Intellectually diminishing and insulting.Unrealistic in most cases.Absurd storylines.
A plain waste of time and utterly stupid.The pornography industry exploits the biological drive of men and not only lessens us as men,by exploiting and controling us on baser animal instincts,but it really insults women.Its a plain waste of time.Could have spent my teenage years doing a lot of better activities.Seriously,I sometimes feel that some aspects of porn darken your soul when you watch it.Don't waste your time on it.
Take this advice any teenagers who read it.Its much better going out and learning martial arts or doing an activity that you actually enjoy instead of being cooped up in some damn room manhandling your genitals.Do something to discipline yourselves instead,for by cultivating discipline,it liberates youself and improves your time management.
Porn,while appealing on a very basic level,is really a colossal waste of time and a brilliant business idea at the same time.
Funny how you say porn is evil and degredign, when it is 1) An agreement between two consenting adult actors and 2) When you're 15 you're too young to be watching it anyway. Last time I checked, the legal adult age was 18. But maybe I'm out of touch. By the way, if the people who watch porn cared about storylines, they would watch a hollywood movie instead.
13-03-2006, 01:01
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!Oh.Look at that chick.
When I was 16....HENTAI!HENTAI!HENTAI!Look at those,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh!This is funny shit.But no one does it like that.Still,look at what those machines do,oh,and is that her clitoris?OH YEAH.....
When I was 18....This is getting boring.Besides,its degrading to women,but its still good shit.
When I was 19....Star Whores Episode 96.Girls Gone Wild.Stupid.Seen it.Done it.
Now I'm WHAT?Its just a women who chooses to engage in such a profession to make an income.Not my cup of tea.Intellectually diminishing and insulting.Unrealistic in most cases.Absurd storylines.
I think you spent WAY too much time watching porn then you should have. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing.
...and what was then with the tenticals thing?
(I dont really find porn (well, with the exeption of some of it) degrading to women, what about the guys who appear in it?)
Eastern Coast America
13-03-2006, 01:05
I think you spent WAY too much time watching porn then you should have. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing.
...and what was then with the tenticals thing?
(I dont really find porn (well, with the exeption of some of it) degrading to women, what about the guys who appear in it?)
ummmmmmmmmmm you don't want to know what the tengicle thing is.
The Green Plague
13-03-2006, 02:08
How can porno be a waste of time? Next thing you are going to say working one off is a waste of time.....
13-03-2006, 02:16
the only thing I was talking about is my own personal preference for real sex with real people. you're probably right that I'm not talking about the point of porn but I haven't "missed" it. I don't want it. personally I do look for people not body parts. that's why for me it is about meeting the person. I do want relationships , complications and all. sex lasts time you can measure on a clock, a good relationship you can measure on a calendar.
as for impossible sex, it may interest others, it does nothing for me.
funny that you try to make some kind of point about my choice of words, but you're the one that's arguing in favor of seeing people as objects of sex without relationships - and even in favor of seeing them not as people to have sex with, but just as body parts to stimulate your imagination. and I'm the one that wants real women in my life and doesn't want "menus", because I want the relationships.
go figure.
I'm not arguing in favour of "seeing people as objects of sex without relationships"... and I'm certainly not arguing "just as body parts to stimulate your imagination".
I am married, and have been for half a decade. Before this relationship, was a two year relationship, before that a three year relationship.
I'm not about 'one-nighters', I',m not about objectifying people.
However - you keep equating pornography with solo-masturbation... and the two are not of ANY necessity connected.
Not ALL pornography is used by the 'solo-masturbator'... and not all masturbation uses pornography.
However, when individual NEEDS to release that sexual tension, I'd argue that a 'quick one off the wrist' is MUCH more healthy, and psychologically sound, than rushing out to try to find a partner... and I'd further argue that a 'relationship' which is 'about' relieving sexual tension isn't much of a relationship.
We don't always have partners, but we still need an out. I don't see what is so hard to grasp (forgive the pun) about that.
13-03-2006, 02:30
okay, I'll guess you decided to use my post to address the whole thread, and you decided not to read most of what I wrote to make that easier for yourself. that's cool. I'll avoid making dumb jokes about "going blind", as tempting as it might be -- I'm worried you wouldn't get the irony. but anyway, I'll just answer you piece by piece. (I'm bored right now.) if you didn't like my opinion, you're bound to hate my comments.
nope. the thread is about porn but Orion Ascendant included masturbation as a secondary bit. if the two things overlap in his experience, that's as valid as anybody saying they're two different subjects. he's proof that they can come together - if you'll excuse the pun. so are other people who have said they're combined for them. Orion Ascendant started the thread, so if he wants to write about the two together it's his right.
as for me, I'm not interested in what else can be done with porn because I'm not interested in porn. a question was asked about porn, and I exercised my free choice to answer it the way I did.
funny, the way it looks to me "in this thread" is that porn is the subject but not to the exclusion of masturbation. probably it's mentioned because people here reported porn viewing going along with masturbation or vice versa in their experience. but you're free to have your own opinion, like the rest of us.
I wasn't arguing that. of course porn is old, and that means people like it except for the ones that don't. but the thread starter put it out as a subject for discussion, not a subject for a lot of nodding and back-slapping and refusal to hear alternative opinions. I was expressing my viewpoint that porn is no better than a menu, and when I'm hungry I don't want to read words or look at pictures about food, I want food.
*looks hard over previous post*
nope, I didn't mention either of them. they've got nothing to do with anything I said. maybe you're confusing opinions and blurring them together? for sure it's a different thread, but I'm not the one who smuggled them into this one. somebody else did that.
I wasn't arguing any of that, so I'll leave it alone.
oh, but of course! anybody that doesn't agree with you must be lacking in mental capacity. sorry I forgot.
see above. for you, maybe, but obviously some people here disagree with you. you're the only one who knows "the truth"?
sure we know. a friend of mine even has a leash for his penis and takes his for walks every morning and evening. mostly in the dark so nobody sees, in case they think he's cruel for making his penis and prostate roll around on his balls.
you exercise your way, I'll exercise my way. ;)
non sequitur. you and some others are the ones arguing two subjects. I wrote about porn. end of story. I won't even bother with the rest of that stuff.
why would anybody get hung up about proving anything in a thread like this? you think you proved something here? you took nothing away, and using words like "poor, small-minded excuses" won't help you. you have an opinion and you shared it. good stuff
you have your opinion, other people have theirs, I have mine. it's one of the wonders of the net that free speech is pretected and we're allowed to have differences of opinion. thanks for sharing.
Erm... this is one of those things that I'm better off not asking about, isn't it?
Hentai is one of those things everyone looks at and nobody wants to admit it.
Ever wonder where the guys find all those hentai games to review? Exactly.
13-03-2006, 04:13
Pornography is not a real problem. I think most people in this thread can agree that there is nothing morally wrong about it. The arguement seems to be, as the topic title states, is it a waste of time. Just a little reminder for a few people :p
I personally cannot see a difference between spending my time chilling listening to music compared to chilling watching porn. The same thing essencially. It has no major benefit to be (on average), but it is a good way of killing time. And also as stated there are some good uses for it, and see the art that can be brought forth from such erotica.
Mastaubation is not a problem to me either. Something that might interest you is the fact that almost all (and by that I mean 99.9999%) of young children mastaubate. They don't know it as such, but they are exploring their bodies as children that age a wont to do, and the vast majority come across it. Soon their parents see them and scold them for doing so. The child stops. Later in life many start up again, but still that original punishment holds a grip on the person. So please can you take a step back from your opinions as of know, and ask yourselves if there is a difference between doing it because it feels nice, and say, playing on a video game. Both are bad if done too much, but a small amount is a good stress buster.
Once again Moto shows his wisdom. Not that I doubt it, but for the naysayers here, would it be possible to find proof of the 99.99999% thing? I'm sure they will ask for it at some time.
Arbiters Sangheili
13-03-2006, 04:18
if you want to know about tenticles, go find something called BIBLE BLACK and download the series...
i think there are tenticles in there somewhere....
The ancient Republic
13-03-2006, 09:07
if you want to know about tenticles, go find something called BIBLE BLACK and download the series...
i think there are tenticles in there somewhere....
La Blue Girl
Beast City
Hentai is the only porn I know that acctually has a story. love it!:D
13-03-2006, 09:33
I'm not going to bother reading the reviews, but you seem like you're a very mentally stable person.
porn lost it's usefullness after I got a girlfriend :D
Don't tell me that you NEVER watch porn or at least NEVER masturbate when ur having a gf. I mean yeah a gf helps...but sometimes you just can't help it when one of those moods comes along
Some of the posters in here sound like motivational speakers warning about the dangers of alcohol. "Alcohol will destroy your life!!". Nope. Alcohol destroyed your life but many people can have one drink and just be happy at that.
"Porn is bad for you. It's bad for society." That's fine, for you. Keep your morals away from my porn.
Maggot March
13-03-2006, 18:06
I have an Idea! how about everyone just shut up so i can concentrate!:headbang:
it's getting to the good part!:D
Jester III
13-03-2006, 18:26
I dont like most porn, but it certainly has a place and its usefullness. I dont care if some people find it degrading, no one is forced to do it and no one is forced to watch it. Unless you are an devout muslim in Guantanamo, that is.
The male actors in porn are often ugly, old or both, the women have artificial looks, horrible make-up and siliconed tits, which i find loathsome, the dialogue is sickenly stupid and the production quality reminds of blackmarket copies from Hongkong. All those are reasons i gave up on mainstream porn, but not on erotica as such. There is some very good stuff out there, photographers like Tony Ward or Richard Kern do great shoots of naked people having fun, several french pornos feature beautifull actors.
Moto the Wise
13-03-2006, 18:49
Once again Moto shows his wisdom. Not that I doubt it, but for the naysayers here, would it be possible to find proof of the 99.99999% thing? I'm sure they will ask for it at some time.
Thanks for the complement, I aim to please. The 99.99999% thing might be a little exagerated, but it is the VAST majority. My source was I think a psycological journal, I think American Mind; but I can't be sure. I hope this can be taken on trust, I am not one to make facts up.
Those who still have a problem with porn, would you mind responding to my post? I don't think I will be able to change my mind untill the points I have brought up are refuted in some manner. Thanks.
13-03-2006, 20:00
well, heres my 2 cents before i go afk again. porn in its whole isnt too demeaning ebcause they agree too it, but it causes a lot of issues to me. all 3 high schools ive been too have dances where peopel just hump each other all night, girls dress like near strippers, and for what? i think people are getting too obssessed with porn and now let their life revolve around it as young people. im 16, and do i like porn, sometimes. ive found that its not needed to whack off, as real people work well enough. but i think overall it needs to be tunes town because look at todays youth. like 95+% of them are all wanna be gangsters and all around bastards. and women dress for sex, even in grade school now, so with this view i think porn is "evil" and "bad" because of the misconceptions people get from it, when naturally with a bit of thoguht it isnt actually bad. so ya.
I completely agree on thew viewpoint that it is pointless. I realised that the real thing is so much better. I mean why settle for pictures on a screen? Why watch and wish when the real thing is so much more fulfilling, so much more exiting. Its no the same thing over and over, its real. Its alive.
Its a perfect examle of humanity. Take the sacred and sell it. Because money is more important than morals. If it makes you rich, who cares who suffers? Who cares who is offended. its their problem isnt it? Thats whats wrong with scociety. No respect.
13-03-2006, 20:34
I completely agree on thew viewpoint that it is pointless. I realised that the real thing is so much better. I mean why settle for pictures on a screen? Why watch and wish when the real thing is so much more fulfilling, so much more exiting. Its no the same thing over and over, its real. Its alive.
Its a perfect examle of humanity. Take the sacred and sell it. Because money is more important than morals. If it makes you rich, who cares who suffers? Who cares who is offended. its their problem isnt it? Thats whats wrong with scociety. No respect.
okay, well, even when I am getting the real thing, there are times I don't want to have to get someone else off and just want to get off and move on.
Sadly, most people can't just walk outside, scream "SOMEBODY FUCK ME!" and get it. Porn fills that gap.
Also, there is no law that states you can't watch porn with your girl. I have. It is fun.
Also, no one suffers from porn. there is no blood money in porn
Moto the Wise
13-03-2006, 20:37
I completely agree on thew viewpoint that it is pointless. I realised that the real thing is so much better. I mean why settle for pictures on a screen? Why watch and wish when the real thing is so much more fulfilling, so much more exiting. Its no the same thing over and over, its real. Its alive.
Its a perfect examle of humanity. Take the sacred and sell it. Because money is more important than morals. If it makes you rich, who cares who suffers? Who cares who is offended. its their problem isnt it? Thats whats wrong with scociety. No respect.
Hi. Could you please answer this post of mine, because I would be very interested to hear your point of view on it.
Originally Posted by Moto the Wise
Pornography is not a real problem. I think most people in this thread can agree that there is nothing morally wrong about it. The arguement seems to be, as the topic title states, is it a waste of time. Just a little reminder for a few people
I personally cannot see a difference between spending my time chilling listening to music compared to chilling watching porn. The same thing essencially. It has no major benefit to be (on average), but it is a good way of killing time. And also as stated there are some good uses for it, and see the art that can be brought forth from such erotica.
Mastaubation is not a problem to me either. Something that might interest you is the fact that almost all (and by that I mean 99.9999%) of young children mastaubate. They don't know it as such, but they are exploring their bodies as children that age a wont to do, and the vast majority come across it. Soon their parents see them and scold them for doing so. The child stops. Later in life many start up again, but still that original punishment holds a grip on the person. So please can you take a step back from your opinions as of know, and ask yourselves if there is a difference between doing it because it feels nice, and say, playing on a video game. Both are bad if done too much, but a small amount is a good stress buster.
I still don't understand how people come to the conclusion that porn is degrading to women. They're getting paid, so what's the big deal? Just because they're using their assets to make a living they should be penalized because it happens to involve sex?
I still don't understand how people come to the conclusion that porn is degrading to women. They're getting paid, so what's the big deal? Just because they're using their assets to make a living they should be penalized because it happens to involve sex?
Just because they're getting paid doesn't mean it's not degrading work. Slaves get paid by having shelter, food, and water, but is slavery a wonderful job?
Jester III
13-03-2006, 21:58
Just because they're getting paid doesn't mean it's not degrading work. Slaves get paid by having shelter, food, and water, but is slavery a wonderful job?
:rolleyes: The difference is choice, thus you are talking BS.
:rolleyes: The difference is choice, thus you are talking BS.
I'm sure the starving single mother with the big rack and no education has TONS of career choices.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:02
Yes, there are tons of those out there, young, good looking and stacked.
Yes, there are tons of those out there, young, good looking and stacked.
Look at a playboy. About 50 examples right there.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:04
Yes, there are tons of those out there, young, good looking and stacked. Please name two! I can make up arguments all day long, that doesnt help.
Yes, there are tons of those out there, young, good looking and stacked. Please name two! I can make up arguments all day long, that doesnt help.
All you did was ignore my post. Please follow my instructions and you will find not only 2, but 2 per page.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:08
Playboy, exploiter of young mothers, right?
And in one playboy there are fifty of them, all without career choices besides porn. No way they could get a low-income job, right?
And what planet did you come from, exactly?
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:11
All you did was ignore my post. Please follow my instructions and you will find not only 2, but 2 per page.
Maybe Playboy did change in the last years, las time i bought one they had pictorials several pages long, which made up about a third of the whole mag. Thus either you a hyberboling in a bad way or dont know what you are talking about. Besides, i wanted them named, real people, not women you assume are starving single mothers. Your argument is weak as long as you make up things without presenting any fact.
Playboy, exploiter of young mothers, right?
And in one playboy there are fifty of them, all without career choices besides porn. No way they could get a low-income job, right?
And what planet did you come from, exactly?
Not all poor people are young mothers. I just said that for effect. And yes, most porn stars are porn stars because they wouldn't be able to make barely enough money to live in any other job. I don't think 5 dollars an hour waitressing is going to pay for rent, food, and tax.
EDIT: @Post 2 - Your argument is the same as my argument. I assume they're starving, you assume they've got a PhD.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:20
Yes, thats why the mortuaries are full of very thin ex-waitresses who starved or frozen to death. And prisons have a very large population of low-incomers who cheated on taxes in order to buy a single bread a week.
Your argument that porn stars and slaves are the same is ridiculous. Its so weak that even making up examples doesnt prop it up.
Yes, thats why the mortuaries are full of very thin ex-waitresses who starved or frozen to death. And prisons have a very large population of low-incomers who cheated on taxes in order to buy a single bread a week.
Your argument that porn stars and slaves are the same is ridiculous. Its so weak that even making up examples doesnt prop it up.
I didn't say they're the same, I said pay doesn't automatically make work glamorous.
And where do you think theft comes from? Poverty.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:22
EDIT: @Post 2 - Your argument is the same as my argument. I assume they're starving, you assume they've got a PhD.
Where did i say that? Or even hint at it? When i said "low-income jobs" maybe?
Where did i say that? Or even hint at it? When i said "low-income jobs" maybe?
And I said low-income jobs won't support anybody unless you have like 3 of them. And who wants to get 3 jobs when you can sell pictures of your body for like 5 million dollars?
13-03-2006, 22:23
I didn't say they're the same, I said pay doesn't automatically make work glamorous.
And where do you think theft comes from? Poverty.
Winona Ryder got caught shop-lifting, right?
Winona Ryder got caught shop-lifting, right?
I don't pay attention to people. You'll have to explain this one to me.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:25
I didn't say they're the same, I said pay doesn't automatically make work glamorous.
There is a difference between "degrading" and not "glamourous". I have a fulfilling job that is not glamourous but not degrading either.
13-03-2006, 22:25
I don't pay attention to people. You'll have to explain this one to me.
You made a blanket statement that 'theft' is a result of poverty.
Winona Ryder makes an argument.... indeed, 'millions of arguments', against such a generalisation.
You made a blanket statement that 'theft' is a result of poverty.
Winona Ryder makes an argument.... indeed, 'millions of arguments', against such a generalisation.
I didn't say all poor people steal, I said that all thieves are poor. Poor or insane, but insanity can be ruled out of the equation.
There is a difference between "degrading" and not "glamourous". I have a fulfilling job that is not glamourous but not degrading either.
Does it involve you being exploited for your one and only one skill that you have thanks to lack of opportunity?
13-03-2006, 22:28
I didn't say all poor people steal, I said that all thieves are poor. Poor or insane, but insanity can be ruled out of the equation.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:29
And I said low-income jobs won't support anybody unless you have like 3 of them. And who wants to get 3 jobs when you can sell pictures of your body for like 5 million dollars?
Thus you put words in my mouth?
And where do you get your crazy ideas? 5 million bucks? Look, i cant take you serious if you exaggerate the whole time.
13-03-2006, 22:29
porn does help young people when they wonder what a woman looks like and which hole to put it in, i mean common you must have thought about that when you were about 9 or 10. and polishing the pope every once and a while is good for you, it makes you get a fuller; harded; longer lasting erection
Yes, and young people around the world grow up thinking the facial shot is the height of ecstacy. Which is just silly.
Thus you put words in my mouth?
And where do you get your crazy ideas? 5 million bucks? Look, i cant take you serious if you exaggerate the whole time.
When did I once put words in your mouth? When did I ever claim you said anything? You can't call me crazy when you're making up things just to make me look bad.
And hey, I'm not in the porn industry. Maybe you could give me a more exact number?
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:39
When did I once put words in your mouth? When did I ever claim you said anything? You can't call me crazy when you're making up things just to make me look bad.
Erm, how about here? ( Unless you came up with that one on your own, of course. I never even hinted at anything like that.
Erm, how about here? ( Unless you came up with that one on your own, of course. I never even hinted at anything like that.
Just my response to you assuming that I think every female on earth is an uneducated single mother. Exaggeration goes both ways.
Jester III
13-03-2006, 22:49
Well, look here ( about payment in porn. 45 sec google effort. Aside from that, i give up. Hitting my head on the wall is less painfull. Believe it or not, there always is a choice.
13-03-2006, 22:59
Well, look here ( about payment in porn. 45 sec google effort. Aside from that, i give up. Hitting my head on the wall is less painfull. Believe it or not, there always is a choice.
Going postal! :ö
I dunno about porn and masturbating, but I think that everybody should know what they're missing.
“God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”
-- Robin Williams
it's the truth. work out for yourself what it means.
I can't 'cause the word "penis" gave me a boner :(
13-03-2006, 23:00
"Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics - even if you win, you're still retarded."
I think you're all missing the original poster's point, which was that in their opinion, porn is pointless. I disagree - I've heard a lot of women complain about the fact that men don't know what they're doing in bed, or they don't know where the clitoris is, or that even if they do then they can't bring women off because they're not willing enough to put the time in or just end up embarassing themselves. I'm not one of these men they talk about (after all, experience has taught me well) but it's very annoying to hear women generalising and saying that they'd be better off with a vibrator than a man because "at least it's always good that way".
What's my point? My point is that porn can give you detail that you just can't get anywhere else. Even if your girlfriend is willing to lie there naked, open her legs and point absolutely everything out to you, there are probably still questions that don't get answered because you'd just feel too clinical or dorky for asking. Porn educates those who don't know otherwise, and as far as I'm concerned, that can only be a good thing.
To anyone who thinks that they're too good for porn, whatever - the rest of us who have normal, healthy sexual urges and the desire to explore ourselves will just take whatever you don't have.
And for the record - I much prefer amateur stuff to professionally-made stuff too. Porn stars can be too plastic (both literally and figureatively) whereas the women in amateur porn could be the girl who lives next door.
Moto the Wise
13-03-2006, 23:44
Does it involve you being exploited for your one and only one skill that you have thanks to lack of opportunity?
So we should close down this awful industry...and leave them with no job, no life. This is their way of making it in the world. To them it is the best option, nothing else seems better. As you said, other jobs don't pay enough for them. Just because they only have one skill in life you think they shouldn't exploit it? Should the artist not paint because it is his one and only skill? The footballer not play for fear of exploitation? Etc. I don't think that is what you mean at all.
So what is the difference? This job has them selling their bodies, but athletes do that as well. So is it the very fact it is pornography, a career choice that disgusts you, which you cannot think someone might choose to do. But they seemingly have little problem with it. And if you do, then why don't you work on creating for them a different job, a better job, rather than throw them out into the cold, with your own moralities disguised as pity.
13-03-2006, 23:46
I hate porn, and think its gross.
Moto the Wise
13-03-2006, 23:51
I hate porn, and think its gross.
Why do you hate it? What is gross about it? A little more information would help, if you want to have a discussion.
Healthy Living
14-03-2006, 11:24
just remember guys:
not only is porn degrading to those who watch/llook at it...its also degrading to those who participate in it and it damages the soul to boot.
also in a lot of porn the "actressess" are actually being raped /forced to participate..qv Deep Throat...the actress there has since said that she was forced to be in the "film"
not to mention "kiddi porn" which is definately a) against the law b)involves severe explotation of children c) damages their health forever- mental and physical
so if you are not worried about the worried about yourselves and how it degrades you and affects your love/sex life and your relationships with real women.
Cabra West
14-03-2006, 11:26
Let's get back to the topic...
Its a waste of time if you let it become a waste of time....watching it with a girlfriend or something is good...but when it is the entirety of your dvd collection or you spend more then an hour watching it a need help.
One hour? Just one hour?
Looks like I need help... although I don't have any of it on DVD.
14-03-2006, 13:53
One hour?!? I hardly spend more than 10-20 minutes.
Cabra West
14-03-2006, 13:58
just remember guys:
not only is porn degrading to those who watch/llook at it...its also degrading to those who participate in it and it damages the soul to boot.
also in a lot of porn the "actressess" are actually being raped /forced to participate..qv Deep Throat...the actress there has since said that she was forced to be in the "film"
not to mention "kiddi porn" which is definately a) against the law b)involves severe explotation of children c) damages their health forever- mental and physical
so if you are not worried about the worried about yourselves and how it degrades you and affects your love/sex life and your relationships with real women.
Again : What about us women who like to watch porn? Or love to watch it with our partners?
just remember guys:
not only is porn degrading to those who watch/llook at it...its also degrading to those who participate in it and it damages the soul to boot.
also in a lot of porn the "actressess" are actually being raped /forced to participate..qv Deep Throat...the actress there has since said that she was forced to be in the "film"
not to mention "kiddi porn" which is definately a) against the law b)involves severe explotation of children c) damages their health forever- mental and physical
so if you are not worried about the worried about yourselves and how it degrades you and affects your love/sex life and your relationships with real women.Yes, because everyone that watches porn automatically watches child porn and all porn movies are the exact same everywhere in the world...
14-03-2006, 14:06
Now, you're bringing up a completely different point with child poronography. Not only is it illegal, but it's difficult to find. Simply because people want to enjoy themselves is not a reason to say they're criminals. That's degrading and not true.
Jester III
14-03-2006, 14:23
just remember guys:
not only is porn degrading to those who watch/llook at it...its also degrading to those who participate in it and it damages the soul to boot.
Yeah, baby, chain me, whip me, degrade me! Oh, wait, i dont feel degraded. Hm, that cant be, Healthy Living Nice knows my feelings better then i do. Obviously you are empathetic with every other person on this planet. And you know about souls, too. Great! Please let me revere you, o magnificent one!
also in a lot of porn the "actressess" are actually being raped /forced to participate..qv Deep Throat...the actress there has since said that she was forced to be in the "film"
It happens so often, as indicated by "in a lot of", that you have to drag in an example 34 years old?
not to mention "kiddi porn" which is definately a) against the law b)involves severe explotation of children c) damages their health forever- mental and physical
Porn and crime are not the same.
so if you are not worried about the worried about yourselves and how it degrades you and affects your love/sex life and your relationships with real women.
To be very, very blunt, how does watching a porn flick with my partner while having foreplay degrade us and is the effect on our love life really that bad?
14-03-2006, 16:34
Related to Bill Oreilly perhaps?
People who claim the porn industry is exploitive are just flat wrong. It may have been 40 years ago, but todays porn industry is inpected from all fronts constantly. There are conventions, national and international associations and oversight in almost all jursidictions. There are also all kinds of groups constantly looking for an excuse to attack the porn indusrty in the main stream media. It rarely happens.
Equating adult porn to kiddie porn shows that you have serious mental issues. I'd seriously consider how many people you just smeared. Probably everyone you know.
The amount of disinformation going on here is crazy. Just becuase you don't like something doesn't make it right to simply make up shit to demonize it. In fact, it shows your ignorance and lack of class.
Heavenly Sex
14-03-2006, 17:16
One hour? Just one hour?
Looks like I need help... although I don't have any of it on DVD.
Indeed... how about we create a self-help group? "Help yourself to some porn!" :D
Equating adult porn to kiddie porn shows that you have serious mental issues. I'd seriously consider how many people you just smeared. Probably everyone you know.
The amount of disinformation going on here is crazy. Just becuase you don't like something doesn't make it right to simply make up shit to demonize it. In fact, it shows your ignorance and lack of class.
Quoted for truth! :D
14-03-2006, 19:48
Porn is morally and psychologically...damaging, i think.
The capitalization, punctuation and spelling of half the posts in this thread are psychologically damaging… Porn isn't.
Perhaps it's just me, but I find certain porn to be more entertaining and erotic then actual intercourse with a real person. Then again, my tastes are a bit out of the main-stream (hint: I find skin repulsive). Hentai, in particular, happens to be rather delightful if well done, and there are several talented artists whose technique is simply remarkable.
Men ARE 'mindless, penis-driven animals'.
Sorry, but it really is true. We are also 'mindless stomach-driven animals', and 'mindless, pillow-driven animals'.
I am a mindless, penis-driven animal whether I am looking at porn or not. We are animals, and therefore instinct driven. I see a hot girl, damn right I'm going up to hit on her. Same as if I see a juicy bacon cheeseburger, I'm going to eat it. And if I see a cold beer, I'll drink it. And if I see a bed and I'm tired, I'll go to sleep. All of our actions are driven by our instincts at some level. They are all just self preservation. And I (as well as I would say 99% of people out there) understand that porn is FANTASY. It isn't real, and we aren't so stupid as to think walking up to a girl while wearing a fedex uniform and saying "I have a package for you" will get me laid.
In a relationship, sex is based on emotion and such. When I just want to get off so I can sleep, no, I don't want to deal with finding a girl, falling in love, having sex, and then sleeping. I want to jerk off and pass out.
I took great offense to these two posts. I believe that humans are guided by basic instincts, but by no way are we driven. Instinct says 'look and take', but most people go by a 'look but don't touch' code of conduct while others go so far for a 'don't even look' moral code. I don't have the urge to go up and ram every girl or guy I see who looks even slightly attractive. I could maintain a decent conversation with the 'hottest' woman on the planet without so much as hitting on her once. I can go days without eating, not because food is not availible, but because I don't feel like it (not that it's very healthy). I pull all-nighters because I don't feel like sleeping, even though I'm tired. The point is that instinct does not compell me to do any sort of thing. It only guides me towards survival, but it does not make me do anything.
Back on topic, porn is good. Hentai is better. Neither really interests me all that much anymore, so I look for artistic value. I can look through my collection without getting aroused once. However, when there is a need, sometimes I only get through fifteen or so pictures before I've relieved myself. Porn and Hentai stimulate the imagination.
Johnny Rebels
15-03-2006, 00:26
I didn't say all poor people steal, I said that all thieves are poor. Poor or insane, but insanity can be ruled out of the equation.
I would have to say your blatently wrong when you say all thieves are poor. My example is myself, I went to reform school for a variety of offenses including various types of theft despite the fact my family in that top 1% as democrats love to refer to us as. At juvie, I met plenty of thieves middle class and up. I'm in college now and my roomate is an ex-meth dealer that originally used to support his habits by stealing car stereos and fencing goods. His family actually owns a very successful law firm. My point is that crime knows no boundaries. I looked up on wikipedia the name of some porn actresses (stretch of terms there) and found out that many of the most successful actually were college students some of them in honors programs. Most seem to be brought into it by their boyfriends, fiances, etc. It's more about want for more money than anything, not financial struggles.
Just wait until sex is boring, that's the real downer.
The Beach Boys
15-03-2006, 03:10
I'm not arguing in favour of "seeing people as objects of sex without relationships"... and I'm certainly not arguing "just as body parts to stimulate your imagination".
I am married, and have been for half a decade. Before this relationship, was a two year relationship, before that a three year relationship.
I'm not about 'one-nighters', I',m not about objectifying people.
However - you keep equating pornography with solo-masturbation... and the two are not of ANY necessity connected.
Not ALL pornography is used by the 'solo-masturbator'... and not all masturbation uses pornography.
However, when individual NEEDS to release that sexual tension, I'd argue that a 'quick one off the wrist' is MUCH more healthy, and psychologically sound, than rushing out to try to find a partner... and I'd further argue that a 'relationship' which is 'about' relieving sexual tension isn't much of a relationship.
We don't always have partners, but we still need an out. I don't see what is so hard to grasp (forgive the pun) about that.
you really need to read me more carefully. personally I don't care about masturbation. it doesn't interest me but I don't care about it either way for anybody else. whatever rocks your rocks.
let's see if I can help you. I'm not the one that connected masturbation to porn. that was done for us by the person who started the thread; all I did was point out to someone who tried to make some kind of "ruling" that we can't connect the two that he could only do that for himself and those that agree with him, because in th opinion of the thread starter and some other posters, masturbation and porn are connected. to put it another way, whether the two are separate or not isn't some kind of objective, self-evident fact like "heat is hot" or something. we all have to decide for ourselves, about ourselves.
as you say, this isn't hard to grasp is it?
15-03-2006, 04:53
I find Porn indeed leaves much to be desired intelectualy, but as a business it's absolutely amazing. I myself am blind and yet I find porn as enjoyable as the next chap, and hey it's the joys of a free market. Let women do it if they want to IMO.
Let capitalism reign!
15-03-2006, 05:24
Wow! I wonder who I pissed off that has too much power. I had a pretty good post in here that replied to someone saying that porn is degrading, and now its gone. The concept of free speech apparently does NOT apply in here.
Porn is good. Porn is not a waste of time nor is it degrading because you can't rape the willing. Masturbation is good and good for you. Masturbation is not a waste of time.
Now, who's the pantywaste that deleted my comment?
The Isles of Eire
15-03-2006, 06:48
My wife and I love porn.
She buys porn.
Degrading to women is just absurd, that only demonstrates the American Puritanical concept of sex being evil.
Sex is pleasurable, watching it is as well.
If you have developed some strange 'guilt' complex and imprinted stigma on a industry to justify your feelings please keep that to yourself.
Dont confuse teenagers into thinking there is anything wrong with enjoying completely natural acts.
Masterbation and sex.
I have mixed opinions on this issue as I enjoy porn (and I'm female), but I also think that for the most part, porn is a waste of time. For me, the main reason I use porn is because I'm not currently in a relationship, and I rather satisfy my own needs instead of having random meaningless sex with people I don't want to be in a relationship with. However, when I am in a relationship, my appetite for porn drastically decreases, mainly because I have a real live person to satisfy me and porn doesn't really enhance that human interaction for me. I'm not sure why, thats just how I am.
However, I did want to comment on the above quote in stating that there is quite a bit of porn that is demeaning to women, as well as men, children and animals (and I'm not trying to be funny). I know that the majority of the participants in porn are participating voluntarily, and I don't think this is demeaning. However, through my internet porn browsing, I have come across a lot of disturbing things. I'm not going to say that some people's sexual preferences are "wrong" and others's are "right" (to each his own), but when one of the participants is being forced, thats when porn crosses the line. For example, I will NEVER be able to understand beastiality, and I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, but very few animal species, if any would willingly have sex with an animal of another species (in this case a human), let alone on camera because it has absolutely NO purpose biologically since the vast majority of animal species (like almost all of them) do not engage in recreational sex (and I highly doubt that the few species that do have recreational sex would actually willingly mate with another species if given the opportunity). Some more examples: rape, incest and child porn. Now I know that a fair amount of rape and incest porn probably isn't real and are labeled as such and/or acted out in those scenarios to cater to the people who have those fetishes, but there is the real thing out there too. I know I have accidentally stumbled open rape/forced sex porn and because I naively thought that it wouldn't be real, but acted, I watched some bits and pieces/fast forwarded through movie clips (at least as much as I could stomach, which wasn't much), and most of what I saw had to be real (if it wasn't, then it was the BEST acting in film history). With this kind of porn, you can tell if its real or not by looking at the girl's eyes (if possible) because even the best actors can't fake the look of sheer terror in the eyes of someone being raped and/or tortured (this doesn't include BDSM, which is almost always voluntary, this is the kind of sex Ted Bundy had). With incest porn, assuming its real, and between adults, then its much more likely that all participants were willing, but in my opinion, incest, and incestous porn is demeaning on principle alone. And then there is child porn. Though I have read about pedophiles who argue that child pornography and/or sex with children is natural and normal, I find it highly unlikely that any prepubescent child would willingly have sex with an adult and/or participate in pornography. And to say that child pornography (and rape/forced sex for that matter) is demeaning is a vast understatment.
I know the above examples I gave are not as common in the world of porn, but there is one more thing that I've noticed ALOT in "normal" porn (I'm not even really sure what constitutes "normal" porn, but for the purposes of this post, I'll define it as oral, anal or vaginal sex between consenting adults). I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think its respectful or arousing to see a person forced to deep throat a guy during oral sex. I'm sure there are people who like to deep throat but I'm willing to bet that most people (on the "giving" end) find this to be an enjoyable experience. If a guy is forcibly holding the other person's head while they are receiving oral sex, and they continue to forcibly hold that person's head when they start gagging, crying and/or vomiting, then I think it becomes pretty damn demeaning, and unneccesary. But apparently people get off on demeaning porn too.
15-03-2006, 14:59
I took great offense to these two posts. I believe that humans are guided by basic instincts, but by no way are we driven. Instinct says 'look and take', but most people go by a 'look but don't touch' code of conduct while others go so far for a 'don't even look' moral code. I don't have the urge to go up and ram every girl or guy I see who looks even slightly attractive. I could maintain a decent conversation with the 'hottest' woman on the planet without so much as hitting on her once. I can go days without eating, not because food is not availible, but because I don't feel like it (not that it's very healthy). I pull all-nighters because I don't feel like sleeping, even though I'm tired. The point is that instinct does not compell me to do any sort of thing. It only guides me towards survival, but it does not make me do anything.
I don't see why you should take offense... we ARE driven by our flesh. We don't always obey it, and we have the capacity to override it... but the fact is that we are carnal creatures.
You describe the way you live, and I see parallels. I usually only eat once a day, I rarely sleep more than 4 hours in 24... indeed, I tend to run on a '36 or 48 hour day'.
But my flesh is hungry more often than I eat, and my flesh is tired more often than I sleep. I'm fiercely monogamous, but I'm not too proud to admit that there might be other person's who make my hormones rush.
I said we are 'driven', and that is true... we just aren't ENTIRELY slave to the flesh.
15-03-2006, 15:01
you really need to read me more carefully. personally I don't care about masturbation. it doesn't interest me but I don't care about it either way for anybody else. whatever rocks your rocks.
let's see if I can help you. I'm not the one that connected masturbation to porn. that was done for us by the person who started the thread; all I did was point out to someone who tried to make some kind of "ruling" that we can't connect the two that he could only do that for himself and those that agree with him, because in th opinion of the thread starter and some other posters, masturbation and porn are connected. to put it another way, whether the two are separate or not isn't some kind of objective, self-evident fact like "heat is hot" or something. we all have to decide for ourselves, about ourselves.
as you say, this isn't hard to grasp is it?
I didn't say you originated the connection between porn and masturbation. I said you perpetuate it. I'm fairly sure it was your posts I was replying to, where you kept discussing 'getting a real partner' instead of beating your meat to illustrations and movies.. I've merely pointed out that masturbation and porn are not intrinsically linked, and that porn serves a very different purpose (often times) to 'relationship' sex.
Now, who's the pantywaste that deleted my comment?
:cool:There's a problem with the forums. Posts have disappeared all over the place.
15-03-2006, 15:36
There's a problem with the forums. Posts have disappeared all over the place.
Uh-hu. Suuuuuure. And next you'll be telling that there was no second gunman at the grassy knoll.:) :sniper:
meh... i still enjoy a good flick once in a while...
it's more entertaining and comical than anything those one's with storylines
The Bassist Maniacs
15-03-2006, 18:25
Here's what I think:
Porno is odd. There are forms of art that involve nudity, but porno is just eithe people trying to screw with this idea or people who are wasting time.
I don't think it darkens your soul or nothing, but it doesn't exactly help. It doesn't realive stress in the same way that otherthings can. As a matter of fact, all porn really does is make you even more stressed.
Or at least that's all it does for me.
15-03-2006, 22:13
never midn a waste of time porn is a waste of energy and/or semen....also its boring when you can actually just go out and with a bit of effort (or money) get the real thing
16-03-2006, 00:17
never midn a waste of time porn is a waste of energy and/or semen....also its boring when you can actually just go out and with a bit of effort (or money) get the real thing
First of all, some people are unable to "go out and get the real thing". Some are too shy, and others rely on the illegal (at least in the U.S.) and potentially health-risking activity of prostitution. So, in order to keep these instincts that are built into humans to propagate their genes from causing them to harm themselves or others, they turn to masturbation. And for many of them, they can only masturbate when they have a visual and auditory stimulus, such as pornography.
Masturbation is not a "waste of energy and/or semen". Studies have shown that regular masturbation can greatly reduce the risk of:
*Prostate enlargement and cancer
*Risky sexual behavior
*Erectile Dysfunction
*Sexually Transmitted Diseases (because you are "taking matters into your own hands)
*Mood and behavioral problems
Not only that, but it allows people of both genders to get more in tune with their bodies and prepare them for a regular sexual relationship either in the future, or enhance their performance in bed.
Yes, some people may view pornography as bad. As difficult as this is for me to admit, I am addicted to it. However, I view it as providing a means to abstain from actual sexual relations, such that chances of me impregnating a woman are 0%. This thread is certainly long-winded, with people going back and forth about whether or not pornography and masturbation are moral.
Let me tell you something.
As soon as people realize that others are entitled to their own opinion and that continuing to argue like this will only entice further argument, we can all just SHUT UP about this topic and put it to rest.
Personally, I don't care whether or not you view this stuff. It's your decision. I don't care what pieces of scripture say, or what the voices in your head say, etc. It's time to move on, people! Put this to rest, and then we can move on to more productive topics, such as why NS has suddenly become so inactive.
Patriarch Foundation
16-03-2006, 00:28
There's a problem with the forums. Posts have disappeared all over the place.
This is evident for my post disappeared as well!
Leviathan and Draculea
16-03-2006, 03:35
Did ya know there is a chemical in our brains that gets triggered everytime you watch porn (any form, soft or hard) so that you hippocampi kick in and you MEMORIZE every single bit of porn you ever watched? i mean not conscienciously i mean most people dont even know it but its buried deep within your mind. creepy, no? ini some people, this chemical is expanded to great levels, creating your necrophiliacs and serial rapists-murderers --> if you ask the ones that have been captured most of them started with porn. which escalated (ie, they began with a pic then a movie and they needed more and more to satisfy them...) Now i'm NOT saying that everyone who watches porn will become a rapist etc so dont post comments calling me an idiot. it was something i read in a scientific paper thing. i dont remember where. its just some random info is all... i dont think watching porn will make you a murderer...we've all fallen victim to temptation, no? at some form of temptation...
and as for degrading women: i think calling a women a b*tch is more degrading. why? just because some woman decided to screw for a living i dont feel put down, that was her choice...
Midwest Liberals
16-03-2006, 05:45
What if you actally enjoy watching porn?
Well no harm in that, I guess every thing in moderation.
If you spend too much of your time watching porn chances are you will not develop the skills that you need to get laid in reality and take my word for it the real thing offers more than just visual pleasure.
The taste , smells and of course the touch of another , no porn movie can give you that.
course that's just my opinion
16-03-2006, 07:38
Porn will always be good!
Moto the Wise
16-03-2006, 08:20
Did ya know there is a chemical in our brains that gets triggered everytime you watch porn (any form, soft or hard) so that you hippocampi kick in and you MEMORIZE every single bit of porn you ever watched? i mean not conscienciously i mean most people dont even know it but its buried deep within your mind. creepy, no? ini some people, this chemical is expanded to great levels, creating your necrophiliacs and serial rapists-murderers --> if you ask the ones that have been captured most of them started with porn. which escalated (ie, they began with a pic then a movie and they needed more and more to satisfy them...) Now i'm NOT saying that everyone who watches porn will become a rapist etc so dont post comments calling me an idiot. it was something i read in a scientific paper thing. i dont remember where. its just some random info is all... i dont think watching porn will make you a murderer...we've all fallen victim to temptation, no? at some form of temptation...
and as for degrading women: i think calling a women a b*tch is more degrading. why? just because some woman decided to screw for a living i dont feel put down, that was her choice...
Achually you memorise everything that has happened to you throughout your life, from about the age of four. It is all there in your head, perfectly preserved, you just cannot access it. Nothing is truely lost, nothing is truely forgotten. So I don't know what that scientific paper was going on about...
16-03-2006, 10:21
[QUOTE=Leviathan and Draculea]NOT saying that everyone who watches porn will become a rapist etc so dont post comments calling me an idiot. [QUOTE]
I would call you an idiot for the hell of it anyway... ahahaha... oh yeah stop watching sciectifict things and go live a little will you? go out and shoot someone, maby, get a job...
17-03-2006, 01:03
Porn will always be good!
See, it's not that hard. He can do it, now so can we. Say it with me: "Porn is, was and always will be good".
17-03-2006, 01:39
Damn straight.
And as technology improves, it'll get a LOT better.
17-03-2006, 03:03
Holy Rosie Palms, Batman! This thread is still thriving? Don't you guys know how much time you've taken away from watching porn and masturbating by being here and keeping this thread going???
Holy Rosie Palms, Batman! This thread is still thriving? Don't you guys know how much time you've taken away from watching porn and masturbating by being here and keeping this thread going???
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
17-03-2006, 03:14
Why people watch that trash I will never understand. I'ts degrading and sick.
The Beach Boys
17-03-2006, 04:06
Holy Rosie Palms, Batman! This thread is still thriving? Don't you guys know how much time you've taken away from watching porn and masturbating by being here and keeping this thread going???
hard choice, is it?
Leviathan and Draculea
17-03-2006, 07:22
[QUOTE=Leviathan and Draculea]NOT saying that everyone who watches porn will become a rapist etc so dont post comments calling me an idiot. [QUOTE]
I would call you an idiot for the hell of it anyway... ahahaha... oh yeah stop watching sciectifict things and go live a little will you? go out and shoot someone, maby, get a job...
O.o? I have a job...
and theres nothing wrong with a little education...
have you considered spelling class? ^^ ahahaha...ha
The ancient Republic
17-03-2006, 08:48
Holy Rosie Palms, Batman! This thread is still thriving? Don't you guys know how much time you've taken away from watching porn and masturbating by being here and keeping this thread going???
Well...this thread is so damn hot; who needs porn-movies when you've got this sexy thread?
Anarchic Conceptions
17-03-2006, 08:53
Did ya know there is a chemical in our brains that gets triggered everytime you watch porn (any form, soft or hard) so that you hippocampi kick in and you MEMORIZE every single bit of porn you ever watched? i mean not conscienciously i mean most people dont even know it but its buried deep within your mind. creepy, no? ini some people, this chemical is expanded to great levels, creating your necrophiliacs and serial rapists-murderers --> if you ask the ones that have been captured most of them started with porn. which escalated (ie, they began with a pic then a movie and they needed more and more to satisfy them...) Now i'm NOT saying that everyone who watches porn will become a rapist etc so dont post comments calling me an idiot. it was something i read in a scientific paper thing. i dont remember where. its just some random info is all... i dont think watching porn will make you a murderer...we've all fallen victim to temptation, no? at some form of temptation...
and as for degrading women: i think calling a women a b*tch is more degrading. why? just because some woman decided to screw for a living i dont feel put down, that was her choice...
On a related note. Water causes heroin addiction.
17-03-2006, 09:28
Why people watch that trash I will never understand. I'ts degrading and sick.
explain...I've heard the degrading arguments before, so no real need there, but what, exactly, is sick about having sex?
Cabra West
17-03-2006, 10:11
Well...this thread is so damn hot; who needs porn-movies when you've got this sexy thread?
Well, porn has pics.
I say this thread needs pics :D
17-03-2006, 10:27
Explain thoroughly, please. Your OP didn't really make sense.
17-03-2006, 10:31
Well, porn has pics.
I say this thread needs pics :D
17-03-2006, 16:05
explain...I've heard the degrading arguments before, so no real need there, but what, exactly, is sick about having sex?
Having it for it's normal, intended purpose of creating new human beings when it is a good idea to do so? Nothing.
Having it FOR FUN and taking pictures of it? Sick.
Moto the Wise
17-03-2006, 16:09
Having it for it's normal, intended purpose of creating new human beings when it is a good idea to do so? Nothing.
Having it FOR FUN and taking pictures of it? Sick.
What is sick about having sex for fun? Indeed, how do you define sick? Because I feel you must have a different definition than I do.
17-03-2006, 16:14
What is sick about having sex for fun? Indeed, how do you define sick? Because I feel you must have a different definition than I do.
Probably something along the lines of 'anything that doesn't fit in the Christian backwards morale'.
Cabra West
17-03-2006, 16:16
Having it for it's normal, intended purpose of creating new human beings when it is a good idea to do so? Nothing.
Having it FOR FUN and taking pictures of it? Sick.
Well... I guess in that case you must hate illustrated recipe books, don't you?
I mean, eating for the inteded purpose to stay alive when it's appropriate would be ok, but having fun while eating? And taking pictures of the food??? Sick.
17-03-2006, 17:04
Having it for it's normal, intended purpose of creating new human beings when it is a good idea to do so? Nothing.
Having it FOR FUN and taking pictures of it? Sick.
So - you have no problem with anal porn, oral porn, bondage porn, or any of the myriad varieties of 'gay' porn?
After all, none of those can create new human beings, so, by your logic, it's okay to take pictures of them.....?
17-03-2006, 17:28
No, I have a problem with ALL pornography. End of story, full stop.
Well... I guess in that case you must hate illustrated recipe books, don't you?
I mean, eating for the inteded purpose to stay alive when it's appropriate would be ok, but having fun while eating? And taking pictures of the food??? Sick.
Um... it's... food... That's kind of not private. The purpose of it nowadays is also to have fun with it.
Probably something along the lines of 'anything that doesn't fit in the Christian backwards morale'.
Actually, I'm athiest.
What is sick about having sex for fun? Indeed, how do you define sick? Because I feel you must have a different definition than I do.
I define sick for me as "anything I find distasteful".
Moto the Wise
17-03-2006, 17:45
Um... it's... food... That's kind of not private. The purpose of it nowadays is also to have fun with it.
So if the purpose of sex became to have fun you'd be cool with that? Because that is what you are implying, and if so then you are defining your own tastes on what everyone else thinks...
I define sick for me as "anything I find distasteful".
Not how I would describe it, as I find homosexual sex distasteful, but I do not in any way think it is sick. Distasteful is subjective, sick is objective.
17-03-2006, 18:07
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
Now provide reasons for your argument instead of asking me for mine.
17-03-2006, 18:18
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
Now provide reasons for your argument instead of asking me for mine.
so is it also bad for a couple to have sex for fun? To show love? Hell, to show hate?
Incase you missed the memo, we are one of a handful of creatures that have sex for pleasure. Additionally, we are genetically close to the bonobo than any other animal. Bonobos have sex every 90 minutes, but only get pregnant every 5 years.
Its sex. There is nothing so high and sacred about it...its no different than eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. These are all natural acts, and all are just needed for species survival.
what about soft core porn? That is just a picture of the naked body. Hell, I could turn The David into porn if I wanted just by getting off to it.
Moto the Wise
17-03-2006, 18:21
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
Now provide reasons for your argument instead of asking me for mine.
Well I myself see both pornography and casual sex as no different from any other pastime. The only thing that makes them any different is the stygma against sexual promiscuity. Which I see no reason for either. However my ideas are, as always, open to change, so feel free to critique me on my beliefs.
17-03-2006, 18:25
so is it also bad for a couple to have sex for fun? To show love? Hell, to show hate?
Incase you missed the memo, we are one of a handful of creatures that have sex for pleasure. Additionally, we are genetically close to the bonobo than any other animal. Bonobos have sex every 90 minutes, but only get pregnant every 5 years.
Its sex. There is nothing so high and sacred about it...its no different than eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. These are all natural acts, and all are just needed for species survival.
what about soft core porn? That is just a picture of the naked body. Hell, I could turn The David into porn if I wanted just by getting off to it.
It is bad for a couple to have it for fun. It was originally intended only for reproduction.
Well I myself see both pornography and casual sex as no different from any other pastime. The only thing that makes them any different is the stygma against sexual promiscuity. Which I see no reason for either. However my ideas are, as always, open to change, so feel free to critique me on my beliefs.
Well, the reason I see it as bad (unless it is intended to make a child) is because of just that. Yeah, have fun... but now you have children. Why? Because you did that for fun. Other things are fun too you know. NS, video games, soccer (or football to those in Britain), badmington...
17-03-2006, 18:54
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
Your hypocrisy is showing.... since anal intercourse, for example, has NEVER been for reproduction.
Therefor, since it is definitively about 'fun', as opposed to reproduction... you should have no problems with it.
Um... it's... food... That's kind of not private. The purpose of it nowadays is also to have fun with it.
By that token, you should have no problems with voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgies and live sex shows, since they are all 'kind of not private'.
17-03-2006, 18:56
Your hypocrisy is showing.... since anal intercourse, for example, has NEVER been for reproduction.
Thing is, anal intercourse is not all it's cracked up to be.
In fact, it's a pain in the arse, and don't have the cheek to butt in and suggest otherwise.
Childish innuendo mode now off. Apologies for that, long week.
17-03-2006, 18:57
By that token, you should have no problems with voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgies and live sex shows, since they are all 'kind of not private'.
I have problems with ALL of that.
About food...
IT'S FOOD! I mean seriously, there's no comparison. Energy VS. Indecency. No comparison.
17-03-2006, 19:01
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
Now provide reasons for your argument instead of asking me for mine.
then why nature provided us with orgasms?
the fun in the reproducing act is the very foundation in the bond within male and female and that is the very foundqtion of human societies.
17-03-2006, 19:09
I have problems with ALL of that.
About food...
IT'S FOOD! I mean seriously, there's no comparison. Energy VS. Indecency. No comparison.
Then your reasons are NOT what you claim they are.
It's as simple as that.
If your objection to porn were REALLY that it is 'fun' rather than 'reproductive'... then you should have no honest problems with porn involving NON-reproductive 'sex'.
Similarly, if you objection to one fun activity, versus another fun activity... is that one is 'private', and the other isn't.... then you should have no honest problems with porn involving 'public' sex.
I suspect that the REAL issue has more to do with having been raised to think that sex was 'dirty', something to 'hide'.... something to feel guilty about. Which is fine.... but those are not the reasons you are claiming.
17-03-2006, 19:10
Thing is, anal intercourse is not all it's cracked up to be.
In fact, it's a pain in the arse, and don't have the cheek to butt in and suggest otherwise.
Childish innuendo mode now off. Apologies for that, long week.
Glad I could provide an opening for your relief.
17-03-2006, 19:11
Glad I could provide an opening for your relief.
Erm? Erm what? SPIT IT OUT MAN!
17-03-2006, 19:15
Thing is, anal intercourse is not all it's cracked up to be.
In fact, it's a pain in the arse, and don't have the cheek to butt in and suggest otherwise.
Childish innuendo mode now off. Apologies for that, long week.
On the other hand, oral sex is all a matter of taste.
In fact, sometimes you just have to suck it up, and swallow your pride.
Childish innuendo mode never off... all weeks are too long.
17-03-2006, 19:20
On the other hand, oral sex is all a matter of taste.
In fact, sometimes you just have to suck it up, and swallow your pride.
Childish innuendo mode never off... all weeks are too long.
I remember the first time i was involved in a threesome with two girls. I was so embarrassed, i didn't know where to put my face ;)
I'm not a virgin mind you. Oh no, i've done it. I've done it once. I'm not doing it again. I got my head stuck! And i still don't know what the Chairman Mao mask and tame fruitbat were supposed to be used for!
Mind you my love life has never been successful, One time i threw a bukkake party. But no one came :(
I always find it ironic that men spend the first nine months of their life trying to get out of the womb, and the vast majority of the rest trying to get back in :)
(ok, that was more "psuedo philosophical innuendo", sue me)
Weekends are too short, thats the problem, when i am supreme dictator of the world, we'll have a Wednesday afternoon to Thursday evening week, and the rest can be weekend. HUZZAH! :))
The Half-Hidden
17-03-2006, 20:59
Winona Ryder got caught shop-lifting, right?
Pffft what a silly argument, to resort to such an extreme example. Very few shoplifters are rich like her.
You made a blanket statement that 'theft' is a result of poverty.
Winona Ryder makes an argument.... indeed, 'millions of arguments', against such a generalisation.
No, you just used a desparate debate tactic. It's like those people who respond to the perfectly reasonable "abortions generally take place within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy" with, "oh yeah? then what about partial birth abortions???"
It's so dishonest.
17-03-2006, 21:11
Pffft what a silly argument, to resort to such an extreme example. Very few shoplifters are rich like her.
No, you just used a desparate debate tactic. It's like those people who respond to the perfectly reasonable "abortions generally take place within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy" with, "oh yeah? then what about partial birth abortions???"
It's so dishonest.
On the contrary... if the statement had been along the lines of "Abortions are a thing that happens in the first twelve weeks"... implying a certainty, and inclusiveness... then a link to third-trimester-abortion data would have been honest, relevent, and an appropriate means of showing that sweeping generalisations ARE unlikey to EVER be a good debating technique.
17-03-2006, 22:03
Pffft what a silly argument, to resort to such an extreme example. Very few shoplifters are rich like her.
No, you just used a desparate debate tactic. It's like those people who respond to the perfectly reasonable "abortions generally take place within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy" with, "oh yeah? then what about partial birth abortions???"
It's so dishonest.
well, very few people in general are rich like Wynona. But I digress.
Most people who steal could afford the things they take. I don't have the article up here, but it showed that the majority steal petty things which they could have paid for. The most published are the major heists, which tend to be luxury items to pawn off later
The Half-Hidden
17-03-2006, 22:05
Hey cut us less imaginative folks a little slack :D
No, really anyone can do it! I'm not saying, "never use it, ever", but what about when you want to wank but have no access to any kind of porn? You want to be able to handle (pun #4390) yourself then.
Agreed completely. Why are men allowed to have rampant sexual desires but women are not, in American society at least?
It's a leftover of patriarchal society. A woman driven by lust is more difficult to control than a woman with not particular sexual desires.
17-03-2006, 22:05
I have problems with ALL of that.
About food...
IT'S FOOD! I mean seriously, there's no comparison. Energy VS. Indecency. No comparison.
it is only "indecent" because we have socially attached taboos against it. This isn't even true for all cultures.
17-03-2006, 23:19
it is only "indecent" because we have socially attached taboos against it. This isn't even true for all cultures.
Exactly. Even if you are not religious- if you were raised in the areas of Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and their respective colonies/associated independent nations, then society has been exposed to the major religious no-no's associated with Christianity and Islam. Only in certain parts of the world where the original way of life is still present do people not view sex as the boogeyman, but are completely secure about their sexuality.
That's why in parts of Africa you see people walking around naked without being ashamed, and parents being open and up-front to their children when they start asking the infamous "where do babies come from?" question at a young age. By not being afraid to talk about it, they don't view it as "immoral".
But then again, they also believe in sexual promiscuity and many people are unable to have access to a condom- thus fueling the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.
18-03-2006, 00:44
On the other hand, oral sex is all a matter of taste.
In fact, sometimes you just have to suck it up, and swallow your pride.
Childish innuendo mode never off... all weeks are too long.
18-03-2006, 00:46
Mind you my love life has never been successful, One time i threw a bukkake party. But no one came :(
You two have a good routine. Let me know your next venue, would you?
18-03-2006, 04:56
Ok. So I took a break from watching porn with my wife while we enjoyed some mutual masturbation, and then had a whole bunch of sex just for the fun of it, so I could check out how this thread has been going since I last saw it, and then I run across this person:
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
And then he says he's an athiest. I think he's giving athiests a bad name. He sounds entirely too much like a Christian. A devout, Bible-thumping, fire and brimstone preachin', God fearin', church goin', Sunday School volunteerin', crucifix wearin', anti-choice screamin' on a soap box, born in the exact middle of the Bible belt Christian.
Well, that's how he sounded to me anyway.:rolleyes:
If sex was never to be enjoyed for the fun of it, then it never would feel as good as it does. Maybe Pythogria doesn't know that yet?:confused: Now quit talking like you're one condom shy of an economy pack and go live some life. I am. The porn is on and the wife is HOT.
18-03-2006, 05:00
Pornography is good. It's all that kept me going after my boyfriend dumped me.
It should be considered a necessity for single males, methinks.
18-03-2006, 05:03
Originally Posted by Pythogria
No, because the purpose of it is, and will always be, reproduction. Not fun.
And then he says he's an athiest. I think he's giving athiests a bad name. He sounds entirely too much like a Christian. A devout, Bible-thumping, fire and brimstone preachin', God fearin', church goin', Sunday School volunteerin', crucifix wearin', anti-choice screamin' on a soap box, born in the exact middle of the Bible belt Christian.
Well, that's how he sounded to me anyway.
If sex was never to be enjoyed for the fun of it, then it never would feel as good as it does. Maybe Pythogria doesn't know that yet? Now quit talking like you're one condom shy of an economy pack and go live some life. I am. The porn is on and the wife is HOT.
Like I said, I'm an athiest. You don't need to be religious to be against something.
18-03-2006, 05:05
Pornography is good. It's all that kept me going after my boyfriend dumped me.
It should be considered a necessity for single males, methinks.
You know, there's *NO* shortage of males very interested in girls who like porn. *nods*
18-03-2006, 05:05
Like I said, I'm an athiest. You don't need to be religious to be against something.
So, you're against recreative sex on what grounds then?
18-03-2006, 05:06
You know, there's *NO* shortage of males very interested in girls who like porn. *nods*
Which really doesn't solve my problem now, does it?
I'm a guy.
18-03-2006, 05:13
Which really doesn't solve my problem now, does it?
I'm a guy.
Well no slight intended. I didn't see anything qualifying one way or another at the time. My bad.
18-03-2006, 05:16
Originally Posted by Pythogria
Like I said, I'm an athiest. You don't need to be religious to be against something.
So, you're against recreative sex on what grounds then?
What are rapes? Forced recreational sex.
It often creates children who will not be cared for properly. I've heard of babies being found in garbage cans.(And birth control and condoms only prevent it three-quarters of the time.)
Why would you want to anyway?
Doesn't it seem just a tad bit irrisponsible? Misusing something intended to create life?
18-03-2006, 05:19
Well no slight intended. I didn't see anything qualifying one way or another at the time. My bad.
None taken. But even then, some of what you said applies: there is no shortage of guys liking other guys interested in porn.
But my point was more that porn serves as a substitute for meaningless sex when one is single. I'd rather watch some porn than have intercourse with a guy I barely know.
Of course, I'm pretty sure we all agree porn falls short by a huge margin when compared to actually making love with your significant other.
18-03-2006, 05:23
None taken. But even then, some of what you said applies: there is no shortage of guys liking other guys interested in porn.
But my point was more that porn serves as a substitute for meaningless sex when one is single. I'd rather watch some porn than have intercourse with a guy I barely know.
Of course, I'm pretty sure we all agree porn falls short by a huge margin when compared to actually making love with your significant other.
18-03-2006, 05:25
What are rapes? Forced recreational sex.
I really fail to see the relevance of this: rape is not recreational sex. It's abuse. Recreational sex is consensual sex between two adults who might or might not love each other, but agree to have intercourse without the intention of having a baby.
Please explain how you think rape is related to recreationnal sex.
It often creates children who will not be cared for properly. I've heard of babies being found in garbage cans.(And birth control and condoms only prevent it three-quarters of the time.)
No it doesn't. Recreational sex doesn't create children: careless recreationnal sex does. Birth control and condoms, when used properly, have an efficiency of 99.7%, so you're way off on your numbers.
Also, you forget recreationnal sex between members of the same gender, and oral and anal sex. Those have zero chance of creating children.
Why would you want to anyway?
No offense meant, but you're obviously a virgin.
Doesn't it seem just a tad bit irrisponsible? Misusing something intended to create life?
"Misusing"? Strictly biologically speaking, if sex hadn't been intended for fun, then it wouldn't be fun. You also wouldn't see recreative sex in nature; and it does exist in nature. Look up the sex life of Bonobo monkeys or dolphins sometime.
18-03-2006, 05:27
I really fail to see the relevance of this: rape is not recreational sex. It's abuse. Recreational sex is consensual sex between two adults who might or might not love each other, but agree to have intercourse without the intention of having a baby.
Please explain how you think rape is related to recreationnal sex.
No it doesn't. Recreational sex doesn't create children: careless recreationnal sex does. Birth control and condoms, when used properly, have an efficiency of 99.7%, so you're way off on your numbers.
Also, you forget recreationnal sex between members of the same gender, and oral and anal sex. Those have zero chance of creating children.
No offense meant, but you're obviously a virgin.
"Misusing"? Strictly biologically speaking, if sex hadn't been intended for fun, then it wouldn't be fun. You also wouldn't see recreative sex in nature; and it does exist in nature. Look up the sex life of Bonobo monkeys or dolphins sometime.
1st. OK, forget the first one.
2nd. And actually, there's still a chance anyway.
3rd. I am, no offense taken.
4th. Aren't we supposed to be above that?
18-03-2006, 05:30
4th. Aren't we supposed to be above that?
Says who?
18-03-2006, 05:32
1st. OK, forget the first one.
2nd. And actually, there's still a chance anyway.
3rd. I am, no offense taken.
4th. Aren't we supposed to be above that?
2nd: well, then what about recreative anal and oral sex? No possibility of conception there!
4th: what is there to be above of? It's perfectly natural and healthy to have sexual desire. I'd also add: it's extremely intelligent to chose to have recreative, non-procreative sex, especially when you consider that we humans are overpopulating our planet. If we keep breeding out of control and multiplying, we'll destroy our own habitat and doom our species into extinction. So in my opinion, recreative sex is the way to go, at least until ours numbers are down a couple of bilions.
18-03-2006, 05:44
Hmm... you have defeated me. As long as it's private and decent, I'll be OK with it.
18-03-2006, 05:47
Hmm... you have defeated me. As long as it's private and decent, I'll be OK with it.
Yay! I think it's the first time in NS history anyone has made anyone change his point of view! :p
And, I'm sure you'll be sold to the idea the minute you find yourself a nice boy/girlfriend with whom you'll have lots of (hopefully protected) recreational sex.
Edit: don't forget sex isn't dirty, and can be a physical manifestation of your love for your partner. No need to be married or to be trying to make children to show your significant other how you love him/her
Omnibenevolent Discord
18-03-2006, 07:47
You know, for all the people who say watching porn and masturbating is a waste of time, and going out and finding someone else to have sex with is much more fulfilling, so they should stop wasting their time playing with themselves and go out and fuck someone already, all I can say is, it's not that easy. I've never cared to have a casual, short-term relationship, one where it isn't something either of us expect or want to last. As much as I wanted to have sex, I didn't want a relationship for no other reason to have sex. I have, since I reached the age of sexuality, wanted a long-term, loving, and truly fulfilling relationship.
This is not a relationship you can have with just any woman you meet. I have met and truly loved many woman in my decade-long search (I'm 23, Hail Eris!) for one I could spend the rest of my life with (I tend to be a strange kind of person that cannot lust after a woman without falling in love with her, and by love, I mean as much as I want her, her desires are more important to me than my own, so if she doesn't want me, I'm not going to try to seduce her anyways), but most of them didn't seem to have any real interest in me, so I simply stood by as their friend if I was even that lucky and dreamed of how it'd be if we were together. I was in no rush to force a relationship with a woman just because I wanted a relationship with a woman. In the meantime, I have watched quite a lot of porn and masturbate about once a day. It's all that kept me sane.
Then, back in October, a girl who I've had feelings for and knew was just the kind of woman I have been searching for so long for, was suddenly dumped by her boyfriend with whom she had ended up having a kid with earlier that year. Now, this was a girl I knew only over the internet, having met her on the forum for the flash cartoon Ninjai the Little Ninja. I tried to send her an email years ago telling her how I felt about her, but at the time, she was changing her address constantly and didn't get it and I had lost my nerve to try to tell her again after that. It was actually the first time I had ever tried to tell a girl how I really felt about her. Then years passed, and she went through a few rather bad relationships, including her last, and sunk deeper and deeper into depression throughout. In December of 2004, while she was pregnant, her now ex-boyfriend decided he was going to leave her, and it was then that she first heard how I really felt about her, but she was afraid of being hurt again and thought I was just saying it to try to make her feel better, and the guy ended up coming back to her.
Meanwhile, another girl from the same forums started hitting on me, and on Christmas Eve of that year, we started talking off the boards and it quickly developed into what I thought was a real relationship, only to go meet her the following March, at which point, she immediately decided she could never really love me and that I didn't even deserve the chance to take her on a single date. I was pretty devestated and it took me about 3 months to fully get over it, and again, all through out, porn was there to provide some sort of sexual gratification and distraction from how badly I wanted someone to shre my life with and how lonely I was.
I've never been the sociable type. It's never been easy for me to keep friends. There's been times I've had plenty of casual friends, but all the people I once considered my real friends moved away from me, physically or otherwise, and as much as I like being around other people, I'm not very good at starting or leading conversations, making small talk, or going out on my own to try to meet new people. So, I ended up sitting at home, on the internet, talking to people online and downloading porn. I took up roleplaying White Wolf games, particularly the World of Darkness setting, with Mage, Changeling, and Werewolf being the main 3 I've played, and I stumbled across a flaw in the Satyr Kithbook that described me pretty well, called Issues:
"You have issues. Whether you're insecure, repressed, or slightly neurotic, or all three, your issues affect your life negatively. You haven't rejected the ideal of freedom, you just can't seem to live up to it. No matter how loudly you proclaim your dedication to the pursuit of happiness, you are too afraid to actually act on it. This fear can be crippling to a satyr. You are the poor love-lorn soul who can never find the courage to tell the person you love how you feel about her. You keep your emotions pent-up inside and let no one know what you need or want. Perhaps your parents taught you that you didn't deserve love or maybe you feel that others are entitled to that last piece of cake more than you are. Whatever the reason, these detrimental feelings keep you from what you most desire. You always let others have the spotlight first and take only what scraps they give you. Player, roll Willpower to see if this satyr can assert himself and epxress his needs and desires"
Now, I may not be a satyr, and it's definitely not that my parents taught me that I didn't deserve love, but I very much do have to roll Willpower to see if I can assert myself and express my needs and desires, and many times I fail that roll metaphorically speaking. Then, the only woman who made me feel confident enough to tell her how I really felt about her was moved from Florida to New Hampshire by her son's father, but instead of taking her to new Hampshire with him, he dropped her and their son off at her mother's place in mid-state New York, then called her on the phone a week later to tell her that he was leaving her, again. She fell so deeply into depression that she gave up all hope and tried to overdose on sleeping pills. That night, I did all one could do 750 miles away over the internet to try to talk her out of it and convince her to give me a chance, but she was too far gone and all I could do was wait and hope she didn't succeed.
Luckily, she didn't, but the next day, she ended up getting into a fight with one of her sisters, and was taken to jail, then when they learned of her attempted suicide, spent some time in a hospital. Weeks passed without word from her, until finally, she was able to get back online and sent me an email telling me she was sorry for what she did and what she put me through, and that she realized that I did deserve the chance I had begged her for that night she took the pills. December 23rd, 2005, I drove 12 hours from Wisconsin to New York to spend Christmas and her birthday (the 27th) with her.
It was a bit awkward the first few days, it was a small 2 bedroom apartment with her, her 9-month-old son, and her parents, so she slept in the livingroom, so with me there, she slept on the floor and me the couch, but Christmas night, the awkwardness finally passed while we were sitting together watching television, and we shared our first kiss, the first kiss I shared with any woman. When it was time for bed, she asked if I wanted to lie next to her on the floor that night. While we were lying there, making out, she not-so-subtly places my hand on her breast, and not long after, it was up her shirt, then down her pants. She had never had an orgasm with either of the two guys she had slept with and had a difficult time bringing herself to climax (and I know I can trust she's not just saying that), but me, a virgin who had never touched a woman in any kind of sexual way up tot hat point, made her orgasm at least 4 times that night using only my fingers and tongue. Two days later, I convinced her to let us try anal sex (because I want to save the best for last, IE, until we're married), and knew, through porn and masturbation/self exploration, that the best lubricants were saliva and soap. So, we tried it in the shower. She said it hurt a little at first, but it quickly began to feel really good, and now, she absolutely loves it. From Christmas Night to the 29th, she came so many times it was insane. As good as I was the first night, it wasn't till the second that I actually found her g-spot. One time, I got her so wet, it dripped onto my pants and I ended up having to change them. I, on the other hand, only came once, the morning I left (and I actually stayed a day longer than I originally planned), and I couldn't care less, I was having too much fun getting her off to care to take the time to get myself off.
18-03-2006, 08:17
So much for a long story short :rolleyes:
But really, I understand what you mean. My only question is... did her parens find out?
18-03-2006, 10:02
Two days later, I convinced her to let us try anal sex (because I want to save the best for last, IE, until we're married), and knew, through porn and masturbation/self exploration, that the best lubricants were saliva and soap.
Oh my gosh, no...
Cabra West
18-03-2006, 11:03
4th. Aren't we supposed to be above that?
We're supposed to be above having fun??
Wow... that explains a thing or two about my life :D
18-03-2006, 11:05
We're supposed to be above having fun??
Wow... that explains a thing or two about my life :D
Although it explains the existence of Ian Paisley.
Cabra West
18-03-2006, 11:09
Although it explains the existence of Ian Paisley.
You don't think his parents had fun making him?
18-03-2006, 13:19
You don't think his parents had fun making him?
Doubt it, NOBODY could have fun with anything to do with that man.
Omnibenevolent Discord
18-03-2006, 18:59
So much for a long story short :rolleyes:
But really, I understand what you mean. My only question is... did her parens find out?
The post was the incredibly long story, the title was what summed it up in case you didn't want to read said incredibly long story.
Her mom caught us in the bathroom together after just having taken a shower, but considering I'm 23 and she just turned 22, it's not like it was a big deal or anything.
Oh my gosh, no...
Oh my gosh, yes. Not only is soap great at making things slide right in and out, it's self cleansing too! As for saliva, I got that one from Jenna Jameson, who considers it to be the best and only lubrication worth using, and I have to say, she was right. The first time we tried anal out of the shower, she wanted to use lotion, but I didn't even get all the way in before she said it was just too painful to do, it both burned and felt like I was ripping her open. The next day, we just did oral first instead and I got it nice and wet, and it went in as easily and painlessly as it did when we were in the shower.
But yeah, thanks to the years of watching porn and playing with myself, I knew exactly what I wanted to try, how to go about trying it, and how to please her in ways her previous two boyfriends never cared to. So the real thing may be way better than simply watching it, but it's certainly not a waste of time or something that prevents you from going out and finding someone to do the real thing with.
As for being told to quit being cooped up in some damn room manhandling my genital, all I can say is "But I have no where else to go. :("
18-03-2006, 19:52
What are rapes? Forced recreational sex.
Back up and regroup. Rape is NOT forced recreational sex. Rape is pain and true degredation of another person. It is far and wide from being anything that even resembles recreational sex. You'd have to be a complete blithering idiot to even begin to equate the two as being the same thing.
It often creates children who will not be cared for properly. I've heard of babies being found in garbage cans.(And birth control and condoms only prevent it three-quarters of the time.)
There are more that two dozen forms of birth control out there, and the track record on these various forms combined is actually around 90% that they prevent pregnancies. Using more than one form of birth control dramatically increases the likelihood that a pregnancy will NOT occur.
Stupidity is the only thing that creates chidren who are unwanted in the first place. Sex is just the tool utilized during that stupidity.
Why would you want to anyway?
Want to ... what?
Doesn't it seem just a tad bit irrisponsible? Misusing something intended to create life?
How is it being misused when its for pleasure between consenting adults? Sex has more uses than just procreation of our species. It has mental and physical health benefits that I've listed out earlier in this thread in relation to masturbation, but during sex those benefits increase in potency.
I think the really big question here should be, who the hell programmed you? I just don't understand how you can have such a one track view on something that your own commentary has shown you to be very ignorant about. Isn't that commonly known as contempt prior to investigation?
18-03-2006, 19:56
Hm? Programmed? It's called beliefs. People can have different beliefs. I'm athiest; a person I know is Buddhist; and another person I know is Christian. People have different beliefs.
18-03-2006, 20:08
Hm? Programmed? It's called beliefs. People can have different beliefs. I'm athiest; a person I know is Buddhist; and another person I know is Christian. People have different beliefs.
That's great, but it doesn't exactly cover what I asked or said in relation to your commentary.
18-03-2006, 20:10
Here, fine, I'm dropping the debate.
The post was the incredibly long story, the title was what summed it up in case you didn't want to read said incredibly long story.
Her mom caught us in the bathroom together after just having taken a shower, but considering I'm 23 and she just turned 22, it's not like it was a big deal or anything.
Oh my gosh, yes. Not only is soap great at making things slide right in and out, it's self cleansing too! As for saliva, I got that one from Jenna Jameson, who considers it to be the best and only lubrication worth using, and I have to say, she was right. The first time we tried anal out of the shower, she wanted to use lotion, but I didn't even get all the way in before she said it was just too painful to do, it both burned and felt like I was ripping her open. The next day, we just did oral first instead and I got it nice and wet, and it went in as easily and painlessly as it did when we were in the shower.
But yeah, thanks to the years of watching porn and playing with myself, I knew exactly what I wanted to try, how to go about trying it, and how to please her in ways her previous two boyfriends never cared to. So the real thing may be way better than simply watching it, but it's certainly not a waste of time or something that prevents you from going out and finding someone to do the real thing with.
As for being told to quit being cooped up in some damn room manhandling my genital, all I can say is "But I have no where else to go. :("
Good for you but far far too much information.
18-03-2006, 20:15
Here, fine, I'm dropping the debate.
That was a cop-out. You have your "beliefs" but you won't stand up for them? There are things that you clearly think you know, but you won't defend them logically?
Fine. Drop it. Now go back to your little box of a life and exist in the safest possible manner.
18-03-2006, 20:19
I already stood up for them. Look earlier in the topic.
And could you stop with the ":cool:" smiley at the end of every message? That's almost as annoying as the guy who typed like this:
This Is An Example. He Capitalized Every Last WOrd In Every Sentence He Ever Wrote.
18-03-2006, 20:20
I already stood up for them. Look earlier in the topic.
I did. You didn't.
18-03-2006, 20:21
... What?
18-03-2006, 20:28
... What?
You've got your quick little one-liners that don't really say anything. You state, but don't back up the statement. Beliefs can be programmed and I can show proof of that. I can back up everything I say and that's why the things I say have as much conviction in them as I can possibly muster (sarcasm and kidding around not included). Someone else in the thread showed that conviction against something I said and I was happy to drop it with him because there was nowhere else to take the conversation respectively. Your statements come across like fall leaves getting ready to blow off the tree (pardon the corny analogy).
18-03-2006, 20:30
But really, Why DO you support this?
18-03-2006, 20:32
But really, Why DO you support this?
Sorry about the :cool: s. They're my reminder to myself and anyone else that nothing should ever get TOO serious.
Support ... what exactly? "This" is a bit ambiguous.
18-03-2006, 20:34
I mean recreational sex, what we were debating about.
18-03-2006, 21:06
I mean recreational sex, what we were debating about.
Sorry for the wait. Had a phone call.
A number of reasons come to mind. The first and most obvious is pleasure. Beyond that, and as I brought up earlier, there are a number of health benefits; Burns calories; increases resperatory and heart rate which also increases oxygen flow to the brain; relieves mental and physical stresses; helps with mental acuity; exercises both the functions of the penis and the functions of the prostate (both of which needs the exercise regularly); it increases the body's immune system dramatically; it can help dramatically with fighting against sleeplessness (especially in men); it can help dramatically with with undoing writer's block and artist's block (I know. I'm an artist and a writer). In short; its a great boost of individual well being. Besides, its a lot of fun.
I didn't mention any specific benefits for women, but they're basically the same but with different anatomical equipment.
Sex promotes a whole bunch of :cool: and :) and a lot less :mad: and :upyours:
Omnibenevolent Discord
18-03-2006, 21:58
Good for you but far far too much information.
It's a thread about pornography/masturbation, just be glad I didn't have any pictures to include ;p
19-03-2006, 04:02
Degrading? Women get paid millions of dollars to suck a dick. No one is forced into exposing their pink bits.:D
Orion Ascendant
19-03-2006, 05:15
I'm the originator of this thread.I didn't ever expect it to attract so much attention.If you read carefully,my pesonal opinion is that it degrades women and is a waste of time.
I am NOT against pornography or sex.I just find pornography wasteful of time and would rather do other things.If you want to watch it or get involved in its production,why should I care?
Let others do what they want to do without harming minors or others,without any forcing,and everything is fine.
Of course,I will admit that some of the information I learnt from porn does come in useful in practice.
19-03-2006, 07:16
I'm the originator of this thread.I didn't ever expect it to attract so much attention.If you read carefully,my pesonal opinion is that it degrades women and is a waste of time.
I am NOT against pornography or sex.I just find pornography wasteful of time and would rather do other things.If you want to watch it or get involved in its production,why should I care?
Let others do what they want to do without harming minors or others,without any forcing,and everything is fine.
Of course,I will admit that some of the information I learnt from porn does come in useful in practice.
I think you've got degredation confused with a person's ability to choose what he or she is or is not capable of doing for money. Rape is degrading. Porn is sex on camera for cash. There's a difference.
I let you change the subject of our conversation, and then you never responded in kind. Apparently my assessment of you was correct, or no?
19-03-2006, 07:18
Whoops, sorry, busy.
But could you not get those benifits through excersise?
19-03-2006, 07:36
Whoops, sorry, busy.
But could you not get those benifits through excersise?
When does standard exercise end so well?
19-03-2006, 07:37
Whoops, sorry, busy.
But could you not get those benifits through excersise?
Not to the same extent... sure, it helps, but as I'm sure you yourself must have experienced, it just isn't the same feeling of release.
19-03-2006, 07:49
Actually, I feel great after a bit of excersise. I"m sure that that's much for convienient too.
Broko Drame
19-03-2006, 17:19
When I was 15....Porno is COOL!Oh.Look at that chick.
When I was 16....HENTAI!HENTAI!HENTAI!Look at those,drool..
When I was 17.... Heh!This is funny shit.But no one does it like that.Still,look at what those machines do,oh,and is that her clitoris?OH YEAH.....
When I was 18....This is getting boring.Besides,its degrading to women,but its still good shit.
When I was 19....Star Whores Episode 96.Girls Gone Wild.Stupid.Seen it.Done it.
Now I'm WHAT?Its just a women who chooses to engage in such a profession to make an income.Not my cup of tea.Intellectually diminishing and insulting.Unrealistic in most cases.Absurd storylines.
A plain waste of time and utterly stupid.The pornography industry exploits the biological drive of men and not only lessens us as men,by exploiting and controling us on baser animal instincts,but it really insults women.Its a plain waste of time.Could have spent my teenage years doing a lot of better activities.Seriously,I sometimes feel that some aspects of porn darken your soul when you watch it.Don't waste your time on it.
Take this advice any teenagers who read it.Its much better going out and learning martial arts or doing an activity that you actually enjoy instead of being cooped up in some damn room manhandling your genitals.Do something to discipline yourselves instead,for by cultivating discipline,it liberates youself and improves your time management.
Porn,while appealing on a very basic level,is really a colossal waste of time and a brilliant business idea at the same time.
Now, I just have one question.
How much time were you spending pollishing the one eyed gopher while ogling over the industries latest?
Because by the way it sounds, you didn't leave the house much.
While I don't hold the same opinions about pornography at all, I also, at most, consume maybe 15 minutes a week.
And if it is so demeaning to women, then why are they making money? And good money at that?
You know what other job is demeaning? Janitor. And they don't get paid fodder for the service they provide.
Would you ban the Janitor position?
Lots of things are demeaning to lots of people, but lots of people choose to do those things anyway.
If they make that choice then who are we to judge their actions.
19-03-2006, 19:46
Whoops, sorry, busy.
But could you not get those benifits through excersise?
Well, yes.... but there's a specific name for the exercises you do that exercise your penis, prostate, etc... and you said it was 'sick'...
On the other hand... I'm sure we are all ears, if you have an exercise regime that works your prostate....