I love God and my youth group! - Page 2
I'm glad you've got a faith that moves you, but you'd better study, too, pal. There might be faith healings, but there's never been a faith A.
And the implication is "My God won't help you."
"They" have the monopoly on on morality, didn't you know?
Not just enterance to heaven, but honest-to-goodness stap-down on goodness.
Isn’t it time we stopped ignoring the elephant in the living room and let go of our fair-minded fantasy that all eligions are basically the same and that other cultures that suppress human rights aen’t inferior, they’re just different? Excuse me, but primitive is primitive. The Sudan and Ethiopia and many other countries still practice the genital mutilation of women. The Hmong
tribe in Laos obseve “marriage by capture,” which is a really nice way of saying rape. Remember that Vietnam movie with Sean Penn and Michael J. Fox where American soldiers abduct the pretty teenage girl “for a little R&R?” It’s kind of like that, except there’s no Michael J. Fox
around to decry that people know about it and “they don’t care!”
But really, do we care? Isn’t it time we asked ourselves, are we willing to accept any behavior codified within religious or cultural practice? Is there no line to be drawn? If honor killings are okay, then why not virgin sacrifices or cannibalism or sex with children outside the church? We have perversely taken our notion of tolerance to such extremes that we’ve become tolerant of
Oh, and Merry fucking Christmas.
25-12-2005, 06:57
And the implication is "My God won't help you."
"They" have the monopoly on on morality, didn't you know?
Not just enterance to heaven, but honest-to-goodness stap-down on goodness.
Isn’t it time we stopped ignoring the elephant in the living room and let go of our fair-minded fantasy that all eligions are basically the same and that other cultures that suppress human rights aen’t inferior, they’re just different? Excuse me, but primitive is primitive. The Sudan and Ethiopia and many other countries still practice the genital mutilation of women. The Hmong
tribe in Laos obseve “marriage by capture,” which is a really nice way of saying rape. Remember that Vietnam movie with Sean Penn and Michael J. Fox where American soldiers abduct the pretty teenage girl “for a little R&R?” It’s kind of like that, except there’s no Michael J. Fox
around to decry that people know about it and “they don’t care!”
But really, do we care? Isn’t it time we asked ourselves, are we willing to accept any behavior codified within religious or cultural practice? Is there no line to be drawn? If honor killings are okay, then why not virgin sacrifices or cannibalism or sex with children outside the church? We have perversely taken our notion of tolerance to such extremes that we’ve become tolerant of
Oh, and Merry fucking Christmas.
Since you didn't bother to cite your source, possibly because you might have wanted us to believe you actually wrote that witty rant, I will:
From Bill Maher's When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Bin Laden. New York, 2002, New Millennium Press.
Since you didn't bother to cite your source, possibly because you might have wanted us to believe you actually wrote that witty rant, I will:
From Bill Maher's When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Bin Laden. New York, 2002, New Millennium Press.
That's damn staight, although I polly messed up the quotes. Now make a counteragument that means something.
25-12-2005, 07:10
That's damn staight, although I polly messed up the quotes. Now make a counteragument that means something.
Uh...I'm not the one plagiarizing. Besides that, your idea theft didn't counter my post to begin with. It was kinda random.
My post was designed to make mention of the fact that merely praying for an A won't get you one, no matter how faithful you are, if you don't actually study, do any work or pay attention. That's all. Then you copied a non-sequitur rant from a Bill Maher book. How was that in any way a post that even needs a counter-argument?
25-12-2005, 08:23
You wouldn't have a bandwidth limit (that whole creation thing helps)...although I wonder if the word hell is kind of a hot-button issue on there?
I *KNEW* this thread could turn interesting again.
Abyssilian Nuclia
05-01-2006, 21:53
Uh...I'm not the one plagiarizing. Besides that, your idea theft didn't counter my post to begin with. It was kinda random.
Definatly random...
My post was designed to make mention of the fact that merely praying for an A won't get you one, no matter how faithful you are, if you don't actually study, do any work or pay attention. That's all. Then you copied a non-sequitur rant from a Bill Maher book. How was that in any way a post that even needs a counter-argument?
God could give you an A, he can do anything. The reason that I take these classes is to learn something, and getting an A really doesn't matter. God knows that and so he wont just give me an A because I pray for one. So I also study and listen and pay attention in addition to praying for an A. You might think that it is meaningless to pray, but it isn't, I cannot really explain it but if I trust God and follow his path for me then I will be much better off then if I just followed what I think is best. So I pray and talk to God and he helps me to understand what I am studying and apply it to the examples. If all you do is pray you will fail, because God wants you to study, not because God cannot give you an A. I prayed and studied and got an A- in Econ 261 and an A in Chem 121.
Of course the classes are over now and so it is time to sign up for new ones, right now I am thinking of Physics for Engineers (Phys 180) and the lab (Phys 180L), and Calculus II (Math 182). Unfortunatly here in Las Vegas these classes are in moderate to low demand and there are only about 4 classes being taught throughout the entire city. There are three major campus's and so only about one class per campus, so I have really only one choice for Physics and only one choice for Calculus, but you have to do what you have to do. I am thankful that neither of these classes fall on a wednesday evening when our youth group meets, if it did then I would definatly have to find another class.
I had to get my braces checked up today, I got hot pink bands put on them. Yesterday Beverly (she is like an associate youth leader) said that I should get pink bands and I said I would, I can't wait to show them to her. Our winter camp has been cancelled because we don't have enough youth that want to participate to reserve the camp site. I kinda wanted to go but not too much because snow really isn't my thing. I am still a kid and it is really bothersome to get new pants, a new coat, new boots, and new gloves just to go to the snow for one day. I have out grown all my old stuff because it has been a whole year since I got the old stuff. We just had youth yesterday up in the new youth room, it was cool but not much different from before, we still listened to Mike and then went outside to play games.
I was sick all of christmas and my laptop has been on the fritz (just fixed yesterday at like 9:30 pm) so that is the reason I haven't kept up on this. Seriously it is sad because two weeks ago tuesday I got sick and I just got back to normal this monday. We actually went to the doctor to get some antibiotics which is something we never do. I hope your Christmas was better then mine.
06-01-2006, 01:12
I was sick all of christmas and my laptop has been on the fritz (just fixed yesterday at like 9:30 pm) so that is the reason I haven't kept up on this. Seriously it is sad because two weeks ago tuesday I got sick and I just got back to normal this monday. We actually went to the doctor to get some antibiotics which is something we never do. I hope your Christmas was better then mine.
:eek: The thread stumbles about again.
Those seem like two instances where prayer might or might not have helped as well - you brought up praying for grades but not your laptop or your health ...?
Abyssilian Nuclia
06-01-2006, 04:14
Who said I didn't pray about my computer or my health? I did pray for my health, but I cannot remember if I prayed for my laptop... Maybe God doesn't want me on this forum or something :p. I guess I should have prayed for my laptop but I am not perfect, I probably did, but I just forgot. Perhaps I have a subconscious thought that I shouldn't pray for my laptop because it is a sinful thing... I really don't know. It is cool that you like to find fallacies in my Christian walk. I am glad you are interested.
The Chinese Republics
06-01-2006, 04:41
Oh my fukin god...
Dude, get a blog...
06-01-2006, 10:15
Who said I didn't pray about my computer or my health? I did pray for my health, but I cannot remember if I prayed for my laptop... Maybe God doesn't want me on this forum or something :p. I guess I should have prayed for my laptop but I am not perfect, I probably did, but I just forgot. Perhaps I have a subconscious thought that I shouldn't pray for my laptop because it is a sinful thing... I really don't know.
Isn't that what prayer is for? Asking?
It is cool that you like to find fallacies in my Christian walk. I am glad you are interested.
Wow, uhm, under other circumstances, i would construe that as entendre worth pursuing. I didn't mean that, but oh well. I meant "wobbles" as in having recently been reanimated and adjusting to movement again.
06-01-2006, 10:50
Everyone else takes full damage!
ouch...that hurt. Gaah and I was 4th level too
06-01-2006, 10:55
I love God so much, he is really really awesome, I am 16 and he is so great. I love my youth group, I just got back from our Wednesday meeting and it was alot of fun, we just listen to our Youth director Mike (he is 22) and he told us about how God does so many impossible things, and how the birth of Jesus was impossible, OMG it was really funny because this one kid thought the most amazing thing about Jesus' birth was that he came out waving his hands saying "I am God!", it was hilarious. Then we went outside in the parking lot into really cold weather (I live in Las Vegas and at this time of year it gets cold), and played some football, it was fun we only had maybe 15 people, but still had some good plays. Only about half of the youth group went out to play because some thought it was too cold, but we had fun and not only the guys went out, our team had a girl and the other team had like 3-4. Then we were done because Awana (for the little kids) was over. I love my youth group a whole lot, we were supposed to go to Redrock this weekend (Saturday) but we didn't because Mike is lazy (j/k), but I really wanted to go, last time we went we had tons of fun (that was where I got the nickname "Daddy Long Legs" because I can scale the mountains really fast). This week I have finals in Chem 121 and Econ 231, I know that God will get me though them with A's. I guess I want to ask if anyone else here has a great (or just OK) youth group that they like going to. I didn't enjoy going to church about 3 months ago, but God showed me that he loved me even when I was a sinner and I love him so much now. Tell me if you have a youth group you like. I know there aren't too many Christians here but you never know!
16? Seriously? In a way this is somewhat disturbing, but on the other hand - from now on, whenever I feel childish or am said to be one, I can look/point at this thread and feel like a grownup again...
06-01-2006, 10:57
Seriously, I am happy that people have faith in someone that will get them into the halls of heaven. However faith is only part of the equation and there are several paths that lead to salvation. Far be it from me to tell a Christian that most of his religion is edited from a plethora of texts and not the word of God. As far as I know as far as books go the Koran is probably closest to what the founder of the religion had in mind. I am not saying that Muslims are right and everyone else wrong. But that Muhammed, as far as I know, wrote the thing. The New Testament was not the writings of Jesus but the writings of those that were to dumb to understand him the first time. Sadly most people think I am a jew...which I can't claim. However I do believe in a loving God that forgives us our trespasses if we can manage to forgive ourselves. Hope that I wasn't to...preachy on the subject.
Soviet Haaregrad
06-01-2006, 11:07
I love God so much, he is really really awesome, I am 16 and he is so great. I love my youth group, I just got back from our Wednesday meeting and it was alot of fun, we just listen to our Youth director Mike (he is 22) and he told us about how God does so many impossible things, and how the birth of Jesus was impossible, OMG it was really funny because this one kid thought the most amazing thing about Jesus' birth was that he came out waving his hands saying "I am God!", it was hilarious. Then we went outside in the parking lot into really cold weather (I live in Las Vegas and at this time of year it gets cold), and played some football, it was fun we only had maybe 15 people, but still had some good plays. Only about half of the youth group went out to play because some thought it was too cold, but we had fun and not only the guys went out, our team had a girl and the other team had like 3-4. Then we were done because Awana (for the little kids) was over. I love my youth group a whole lot, we were supposed to go to Redrock this weekend (Saturday) but we didn't because Mike is lazy (j/k), but I really wanted to go, last time we went we had tons of fun (that was where I got the nickname "Daddy Long Legs" because I can scale the mountains really fast). This week I have finals in Chem 121 and Econ 231, I know that God will get me though them with A's. I guess I want to ask if anyone else here has a great (or just OK) youth group that they like going to. I didn't enjoy going to church about 3 months ago, but God showed me that he loved me even when I was a sinner and I love him so much now. Tell me if you have a youth group you like. I know there aren't too many Christians here but you never know!
That's swell.
06-01-2006, 11:28
Dear Nuclia,
as a Muslim, i congratulate you, because in this denying world, you try to find out how you were created, and as a believer of the same God(or like we say Allah) i wish you never leave your way. Yes, Jesus was born within miracles, and without a father. But i have a disagreement about he is the God, he is a prophet of God who came to call the people to the god way, and all his miracles dont show that he is the god, but they prove that the God is very big and all those who cannot see that fact are so small...
Kalvin Federation
06-01-2006, 11:53
Dear Nuclia,
as a Muslim, i congratulate you, because in this denying world, you try to find out how you were created, and as a believer of the same God(or like we say Allah) i wish you never leave your way. Yes, Jesus was born within miracles, and without a father. But i have a disagreement about he is the God, he is a prophet of God who came to call the people to the god way, and all his miracles dont show that he is the god, but they prove that the God is very big and all those who cannot see that fact are so small...
Occultists believe in the same god just to note to you if you didn't know.
06-01-2006, 11:55
Who resurrected this? This is the strangest thread I've seen in a long time, especially since people keep taking it seriously.
Abyssilian Nuclia
06-01-2006, 23:50
Who resurrected this? This is the strangest thread I've seen in a long time, especially since people keep taking it seriously.
I guess God did ;) . But seriously why shouldn't they take it seriously? I am being completely serious.
Dear Nuclia,
as a Muslim, i congratulate you, because in this denying world, you try to find out how you were created, and as a believer of the same God(or like we say Allah) i wish you never leave your way. Yes, Jesus was born within miracles, and without a father. But i have a disagreement about he is the God, he is a prophet of God who came to call the people to the god way, and all his miracles dont show that he is the god, but they prove that the God is very big and all those who cannot see that fact are so small...
Dear Burak,
I am glad that you are able to see my religion without feeling anger. I don't know if we trust in the same god because I haven't studied the Muslim religion, I am still working on the Christian one :) . If Jesus wasn't God then he lied an awful lot and he must have had a personality disorder. Jesus clearly claimed that he was God and I don't think that a devoted prophet would have. I hope that you do believe in the same God as me, and I hope that you do know and trust that Jesus died for your sins, because if you do then one day I will see you in heaven :) .
Seriously, I am happy that people have faith in someone that will get them into the halls of heaven. However faith is only part of the equation and there are several paths that lead to salvation. Far be it from me to tell a Christian that most of his religion is edited from a plethora of texts and not the word of God. As far as I know as far as books go the Koran is probably closest to what the founder of the religion had in mind. I am not saying that Muslims are right and everyone else wrong. But that Muhammed, as far as I know, wrote the thing. The New Testament was not the writings of Jesus but the writings of those that were to dumb to understand him the first time. Sadly most people think I am a jew...which I can't claim. However I do believe in a loving God that forgives us our trespasses if we can manage to forgive ourselves. Hope that I wasn't to...preachy on the subject.
As far as I know the New Testament wasn't written by Jesus. Some of it may have been dictated by him but Jesus didn't write any of it. What the rest of the equation if faith isn't the whole thing? I am glad that you believe in a loving God, if you will also believe that his son died for you then I will see you in heaven also.
16? Seriously? In a way this is somewhat disturbing, but on the other hand - from now on, whenever I feel childish or am said to be one, I can look/point at this thread and feel like a grownup again...
Yeah I am 16, born on May 4 1989. Disturbing that I love God and feel fulfilled with my life? I hope you don't think that having faith in something is only for children.
Isn't that what prayer is for? Asking?
You know, I think of it more as just talking to God. I think that if you ask for something then it is asking, but I don't think that is all that praying is for.
Catholic Europe
06-01-2006, 23:54
I love God so much, he is really really awesome, I am 16 and he is so great. I love my youth group, I just got back from our Wednesday meeting and it was alot of fun, we just listen to our Youth director Mike (he is 22) and he told us about how God does so many impossible things, and how the birth of Jesus was impossible, OMG it was really funny because this one kid thought the most amazing thing about Jesus' birth was that he came out waving his hands saying "I am God!", it was hilarious. Then we went outside in the parking lot into really cold weather (I live in Las Vegas and at this time of year it gets cold), and played some football, it was fun we only had maybe 15 people, but still had some good plays. Only about half of the youth group went out to play because some thought it was too cold, but we had fun and not only the guys went out, our team had a girl and the other team had like 3-4. Then we were done because Awana (for the little kids) was over. I love my youth group a whole lot, we were supposed to go to Redrock this weekend (Saturday) but we didn't because Mike is lazy (j/k), but I really wanted to go, last time we went we had tons of fun (that was where I got the nickname "Daddy Long Legs" because I can scale the mountains really fast). This week I have finals in Chem 121 and Econ 231, I know that God will get me though them with A's. I guess I want to ask if anyone else here has a great (or just OK) youth group that they like going to. I didn't enjoy going to church about 3 months ago, but God showed me that he loved me even when I was a sinner and I love him so much now. Tell me if you have a youth group you like. I know there aren't too many Christians here but you never know!
I actually find that post quite blasphemous. Does anyone else? I mean, firstly nothing is impossible to God. It's quite easy for God to do anything and so you can't really say God can do the impossible because although it might be impossible for us it is not for God.
Also, and more worringly, I find it very blasphemous that this guy is so arrogant as to believe that God is going to give him A's in his exams. That is just plain wrong to expect that. God has got to give him nothing and could will that he fails his exams. Instead, we have to 'work' for God, not the other way around.
No doubt this is some crazy evangelical...when will they learn?
Abyssilian Nuclia
07-01-2006, 00:16
I actually find that post quite blasphemous. Does anyone else? I mean, firstly nothing is impossible to God. It's quite easy for God to do anything and so you can't really say God can do the impossible because although it might be impossible for us it is not for God.
Also, and more worringly, I find it very blasphemous that this guy is so arrogant as to believe that God is going to give him A's in his exams. That is just plain wrong to expect that. God has got to give him nothing and could will that he fails his exams. Instead, we have to 'work' for God, not the other way around.
No doubt this is some crazy evangelical...when will they learn?
I didn't mean for it to be blasphemous. You are correct nothing is impossible for God. But I guess that then you would be stupid to ever use the word impossible because it means "not possible" and that is a contradiction if everything is possible through God, I however meant it in the human sense, things that are not possible for us humans to do without God's intervention.
I don't mean to be arrogant, but I did believe that God would give me A's, I trust God and love him and I don't see any reason that I shouldn't get an A, I study hard and always go to class and listen, I am doing my best, and I guess that I just knew that I would get A's... The most amazing thing is that even though God doesn't have to give me anything, he does anyway, it was by God's amazing grace that I was saved, not by anything I did, or earned, by which God would "owe" it to me. I don't feel as if I have to work for God, I don't see him like he is a guy sitting on a throne seeing me scurry about and choosing to save me or banish me to hell depending on how much I 'worked' for him. I know that there is nothing at all I could ever do to earn God's love, but he loves me anyway, and for that I want to do everything I can for him, from titheing, to helping with the church, to just plain being there because we are a fellowship, a body of Christ, and we can do God's work if we trust and rely on each other. I find it amazing how wonderful my church is because I know that I have fallen so far, that (even though God has been so good to me) if I didn't have the church then I would do things that I know are wrong and that might make me so ashamed later that I would turn away from him... I guess this is kinda going off the topic of the quote, but I sincerly am not trying to be arrogant, I am simply imperfect, and I don't know if I am a crazy evangelical, I am crazy about God, but I cannot see a time that I wont be so I guess unfortunatly for you this one isn't ever going to 'learn'.
BTW I did get A's. I trusted God and somehow I just knew I was going to and I did. I give God all the credit, he could have willed me to fail, but he didn't even though I deserve nothing.
Catholic Europe
07-01-2006, 00:21
BTW I did get A's. I trusted God and somehow I just knew I was going to and I did. I give God all the credit, he could have willed me to fail, but he didn't even though I deserve nothing.
You should concentrate more on atoning for your sins rather than stating God is giving you A's. Material gain in this world means nothing, and that includes exams etc.
07-01-2006, 00:25
Actually there are people of all ages who are Christians and believe the same things. It's amazing how angry people can get a statements like this. If you don't agree with pro-Jesus posts, fine. I happen to agree with a lot of them and I'm okay with the fact that some of you don't. At least give us a little bit of courtesy. Thanks!
P.S. Personally, I'd rather pray that I'm focused and remember everything than I've studied than that I would get an A. God doesn't always give us everything we want to help us grow, but there is a natural order He set up. So if you study, you're more likely to do well, but not guaranteed.
Catholic Europe
07-01-2006, 00:27
Actually there are people of all ages who are Christians and believe the same things. It's amazing how angry people can get a statements like this. If you don't agree with pro-Jesus posts, fine. I happen to agree with a lot of them and I'm okay with the fact that some of you don't. At least give us a little bit of courtesy. Thanks!
Is that directed at me?
07-01-2006, 00:30
It was directed at Madnestan and people who would call evangelicals (and probably Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or any other religious person who believes in a supernatural power) childish. A lot of people equate religion with childishness and I don't understand. Unless it makes them feel better about themselves and the choices they've made.
07-01-2006, 00:43
You should concentrate more on atoning for your sins rather than stating God is giving you A's. Material gain in this world means nothing, and that includes exams etc. I'm going to be nitpicky here (because there's really nothing else to do in this thread). Material gain does not mean nothing. It can mean a great deal - but only in this world. After we die, it means nothing. :)
Abyss was born in a test tube on the 9th January 1995. After being emptied into a back-street dustbin, he was adopted by a family of Meerkats. After raising Abyss as one of their own, in keeping with Darwin's theory of evolution, this family of Meerkats abandoned the youngster as a weaker spawn.
Abyss then went and gained an education from a book he found in a Scottish urinal, and proceeded to spread the word with the aid of his faithful sidekick, Mr Stick.
Mr Stick was born in the same year as Abyss, on a tree where he grew up with his brothers and sisters. Initially interested in carrying on the family trade of being a branch; he eventually set out on his own to begin a career as a twig. Mr Stick has since then known several careers; as dog frisbee, murder weapon and implement for sexual desire.
Abyss then split from Mr Stick at the beginning of last year to start a career as a shelf-stacker, however promptly lost his job after attempting to literally stack shelves on top of supermarket shelves.
He has since learned IT skills from a 45 year old paedophile named Greg, who also happens to belong to the 'Born Again Christians Association.'
Please be nice to Abyss. He is a very special child.
Minarchist america
07-01-2006, 01:17
isn't kind of weird that this poster keeps giving the credit for the good things that happen to god?
what about the bad things that happen?
07-01-2006, 03:47
Abyss was born in a test tube on the 9th January 1995. After being emptied into a back-street dustbin, he was adopted by a family of Meerkats. After raising Abyss as one of their own, in keeping with Darwin's theory of evolution, this family of Meerkats abandoned the youngster as a weaker spawn.
Abyss then went and gained an education from a book he found in a Scottish urinal, and proceeded to spread the word with the aid of his faithful sidekick, Mr Stick.
Mr Stick was born in the same year as Abyss, on a tree where he grew up with his brothers and sisters. Initially interested in carrying on the family trade of being a branch; he eventually set out on his own to begin a career as a twig. Mr Stick has since then known several careers; as dog frisbee, murder weapon and implement for sexual desire.
Abyss then split from Mr Stick at the beginning of last year to start a career as a shelf-stacker, however promptly lost his job after attempting to literally stack shelves on top of supermarket shelves.
He has since learned IT skills from a 45 year old paedophile named Greg, who also happens to belong to the 'Born Again Christians Association.'
Please be nice to Abyss. He is a very special child.
isn't kind of weird that this poster keeps giving the credit for the good things that happen to god? what about the bad things that happen?
They're Pan's fault...that wily old joker.
Abyssilian Nuclia
07-01-2006, 06:30
You should concentrate more on atoning for your sins rather than stating God is giving you A's. Material gain in this world means nothing, and that includes exams etc.
But how can I atone for my sins? There is nothing for me to do? I suppose I shouldn't pray for an A, but I do want one. Is it wrong for me to want to do well? I really enjoy hearing what you think, it makes me think about things differently and think about things I normally wouldn't, and that is a good thing. Material gain doesn't mean nothing, if you have more stuff then you can do more to influence your fellow man in a good christian way, but God must always come first.
Actually there are people of all ages who are Christians and believe the same things. It's amazing how angry people can get a statements like this. If you don't agree with pro-Jesus posts, fine. I happen to agree with a lot of them and I'm okay with the fact that some of you don't. At least give us a little bit of courtesy. Thanks!
P.S. Personally, I'd rather pray that I'm focused and remember everything than I've studied than that I would get an A. God doesn't always give us everything we want to help us grow, but there is a natural order He set up. So if you study, you're more likely to do well, but not guaranteed.
If you don't agree then that is fine, and if you want to post then I will be happy to listen, I would like to know why you don't agree, but don't post mindless stuff that helps no one.
I did pray exactly for that, I can remember praying that I could remember what I had studied and that I could be calm and not nervous at the begining of the test. I prayed that I would do well, and I wanted an A so I guess because God knows what I want, that is like praying for an A. God doesn't give us everything that we want that is why bad things happen to good people, but if we trust him and have faith then the world will be a better place in the end, and you will be in a better place too. I wonder how much is predestined, because God has a will and wants certain things to happen and I know he has a plan for my life, but I don't know if like the plan has me getting a B, and I pray for an A, if God will allow the plan to change for me to get an A instead of getting a B like the plan was before...
It was directed at Madnestan and people who would call evangelicals (and probably Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or any other religious person who believes in a supernatural power) childish. A lot of people equate religion with childishness and I don't understand. Unless it makes them feel better about themselves and the choices they've made.
When I think of religious people I think more of elderly or middleaged people then children, mostly it seems to me as if children would rather not go to church until they get to be a certain age/maturity. Remember that no matter what choices you have made they don't matter, and that no matter what you have done you can be forgiven.
Abyss was born in a test tube on the 9th January...snip
That is an interesting story, some parts of it are actually funny. But it would be better edited a bit. And what was the point? Are you trying to convince someone that I am a special child?
isn't kind of weird that this poster keeps giving the credit for the good things that happen to god?
what about the bad things that happen?
It depends on what 'bad' is, there are varying degrees of badness. I don't know how to explain the death of a family member, or a really sad event such as that. But other less bad events could happen to prevent worse bad events. This holiday season I have been sick with Sinusitus (whatever that is), from the 20th to the 2nd I wasn't feeling good at all, and my laptop wasn't working to boot so I couldn't get any enjoyment out of the long boring hours (fortunatly I do have video games but they do get boring...), the reason for me being sick might have been because if I was out doing something there might have been a car crash, or maybe I might have done something really stupid. I don't know why I was sick but I don't really get all worked up over it, I am healthy now and it is over. That is an example, and it could also be true for someone in a car crash who lived, maybe they would have died if they had gotten to where ever they were going. No one but God knows and I guess I just have faith, I definatly don't think that everyone gets what he has coming to him, the people that have misfortunes likely don't deserve them, but that is the problems of a fallen world.
They're Pan's fault...that wily old joker.
Pan, isn't he the god of nature or something like that? Pan is just a figment of your imagination... that wily old joker.
Soviet Haaregrad
07-01-2006, 06:42
Pan, isn't he the god of nature or something like that? Pan is just a figment of your imagination... that wily old joker.
Pan is a minor Greek nature god, and no more or less real then any other god. ;)
Pan is a minor Greek nature god, and no more or less real then any other god. ;)
Technically, Pan's not a god at all, but rather a satyr, half man, half goat. He's good friends with Bacchus/Dionysus, the god of wine and merrymaking, and is immortal, but is not a god. He traditionally is depicted playing the pan-flute, which is the same flute that Peter Pan plays, and why Peter has said surname.
*full of interesting and moderately useless factoids!*
Soviet Haaregrad
07-01-2006, 10:55
Technically, Pan's not a god at all, but rather a satyr, half man, half goat. He's good friends with Bacchus/Dionysus, the god of wine and merrymaking, and is immortal, but is not a god. He traditionally is depicted playing the pan-flute, which is the same flute that Peter Pan plays, and why Peter has said surname.
*full of interesting and moderately useless factoids!*
He was also worshipped, he was a minor god, but a god nonetheless.
07-01-2006, 11:09
It depends on what 'bad' is, there are varying degrees of badness. I don't know how to explain the death of a family member, or a really sad event such as that. But other less bad events could happen to prevent worse bad events. This holiday season I have been sick with Sinusitus (whatever that is), from the 20th to the 2nd I wasn't feeling good at all, and my laptop wasn't working to boot so I couldn't get any enjoyment out of the long boring hours (fortunatly I do have video games but they do get boring...), the reason for me being sick might have been because if I was out doing something there might have been a car crash, or maybe I might have done something really stupid. I don't know why I was sick but I don't really get all worked up over it, I am healthy now and it is over. That is an example, and it could also be true for someone in a car crash who lived, maybe they would have died if they had gotten to where ever they were going. No one but God knows and I guess I just have faith, I definatly don't think that everyone gets what he has coming to him, the people that have misfortunes likely don't deserve them, but that is the problems of a fallen world.
Im sorry, I know youre young, but, do you listen to yourself at all?
Your entire post seems to be raving about how much you love god, and your youth group, and yet you seem to be really missing the big picture.
Praying for an A on a test is wrong.
Do you know why?
Because thats something you should be achieving al on your own.
You dont need God's help, all you need to do is study.
Asking God to stop what hes doing, so he can get you a good grade is an absolutely shallow and self-centered thing to ask for.
Praying for such a thing, is to completely miss the point.
The world is much more than you, and your tiny life.
There is much more out there, that you should be asking God about, and helping yourself, before you seek divine intervention.
07-01-2006, 13:07
Praying for an A on a test is wrong.
Do you know why?
Because thats something you should be achieving al on your own.
You dont need God's help, all you need to do is study.
Asking God to stop what he is doing, so he can get you a good grade is an absolutely shallow and self-centered thing to ask for.
Praying for such a thing, is to completely miss the point.
Actually I would say that deciding if such a prayer is wrong would be up to God, and if he thought that it was so he would not answer the prayer. The fact that Abyss is getting the A's he asked for shows that he is a capable student but also that God has either answered his prayer or let him succeed on his own.
As for getting God to stop what he's doing, it talks in the bible of God taking care of little things like sparrows and suchlike so helping someone in a test isn't exactly that big a deal for someone as powerful as God. Let alone, that in his omnipotentness he shouldn't be confined by the limits of space and time :P As for being shallow and self-centred I think that that is also up to God to determine, and if he is all he's cracked up to be, he'll know when he's been had.
Also if there does exists a deity who cares about you enough to wish only good things for you, why be too proud to ask for help?
07-01-2006, 18:54
Dear Nuclia,
I assure you that we the muslims, christians and jews believe in the same god, the source of these religions is the same. And of course Jesus never lied, but someone may lie saying that jesus told them he was the god. We think that there were certain changings in the bibles ( there should be only one bible that we also believe ) in idolist byzantine time. You may find some information about this subject and islam in this website :
especially look for the books on this page. be in peace...
Pan, isn't he the god of nature or something like that? Pan is just a figment of your imagination... that wily old joker.
That was francly disrespecetful to probally hundreds of people. "God of Nature of something", If you dont know the facts, Dont comment you ignorant fool.
Abyss. Question. Do you take the old testiment literally?