Pope John Paul II near death [Multi-merged threads] - Page 2
Bushrepublican liars
02-04-2005, 03:58
Counterbalance is always needed in debate. However, trashing someone for a different viewpoint isn't counterbalance. That happens alot on these forums.
Thank's for taking the time to reply! I allways appreciate that.
I gess that you allready saw from my bad English that I am a non English speaker and so you must know that it is getting late across the Atlantic here. I just googled the latest BBC and Oservatore Romano (the Vatican newspaper sites) but there is no news there now. I think that they will bring the news of the popes dead in the morning (here) so the Chair has some time to prepare a declaration.
Verry strange BTW, BBC, France Inter and Radio Roma1 brought news from the Russian pressbureau "Itar Tass" that they said that he allready died or is braindead.
Strange, do does old spies still have more information inside the Vatican the our bureaus have :)
Have a good night!
Armandian Cheese
02-04-2005, 04:16
Odd, how "Bushrepublicanliars" whines about flaming, yet his/her very name...
Bushrepublican liars
02-04-2005, 04:20
Odd, how "Bushrepublicanliars" whines about flaming, yet his/her very name...
Go back to mummy, you Bush loving freak (I like it that you don't like my name :) you must be one of of those Adolf Bush fans. It hurts isn't it :sniper: :D
Armandian Cheese
02-04-2005, 04:33
Yeeesh. Flame-a-palooza. Adolf Bush? The Hell?
Holy Sheep
02-04-2005, 04:39
I think his name is funny. Not in a hahaha way, but just, in a stupid way. But then, a secular Agnostic shouldn't call his nation Holy Sheep.
Cybernetic Ninjas
02-04-2005, 04:46
after Gizoogling CNN ive come up with this
"A group prays fo` tha pizzy near tha Vatican.
Pope Jizzle Pizzle II remains in "very serious condition" today, but he is "lucid, F-U-Double-Lizzy conscious" n "very serene," Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarrizzles said cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Navarrizzles said tha pope's blood pressure was "unstable" but that tha pontiff's condition was "stationary."
I dont know if anyone else feels the same, but that was the most entertaining paragraph ive read all week
Holy Sheep
02-04-2005, 04:55
That lost something cuz the pope is... well old. And not a Gangsta Black.
Mystic Mindinao
02-04-2005, 18:32
Wow, this thread has been mega-merged. Are there really that many duplicate threads?
I find it remarkable that the Pope is still alive. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This guy is a fighter. He fought the Nazis literally, fought the Soviets with words, and fought his health for over twelve years.
BTW, the Vatican just released a statement. He is still in critical condition, but he is "responding correctly", whatever the heck that means. We unfortunatly won't have another statement until tommarow morning Vatican time.
E Blackadder
02-04-2005, 18:35
the pope is dead...urm...so i read anyway...i mean they say his brain is dead so really he is dead...cant speak, think etc...pretty much dead....not much point in living..like that shyboe woman...
Mystic Mindinao
02-04-2005, 18:42
the pope is dead...urm...so i read anyway...i mean they say his brain is dead so really he is dead...cant speak, think etc...pretty much dead....not much point in living..like that shyboe woman...
He's not dead yet. He is still responsive, for one.
Formal Dances
02-04-2005, 18:46
He has a very high fever.
May the good Lord call him home soon. May the Pope Rest in Peace when he does die. The world is losing a really good guy.
E Blackadder
02-04-2005, 18:48
He's not dead yet. He is still responsive, for one.
italian media reported him dead yesterday and cnn were still on about it this morning
02-04-2005, 18:52
italian media reported him dead yesterday and cnn were still on about it this morning
Well he isn't dead according to Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, etc.
E Blackadder
02-04-2005, 18:55
Well he isn't dead according to Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, etc.
i have been in the alps for the past week..thus i have been away from civilisation..sorry and all that..but i did read the italian paper said he was dead.
02-04-2005, 18:56
i have been in the alps for the past week..thus i have been away from civilisation..sorry and all that..but i did read the italian paper said he was dead.
The report of the Pope's death have been greatly eggagerated!
At least for the moment.
E Blackadder
02-04-2005, 18:57
The report of the Pope's death have been greatly eggagerated!
At least for the moment.
02-04-2005, 18:58
i am not a Catholic, and i have little respect for some of the actions of the Catholic church under the current Pope.....but the man is a human, and if he is going to die soon, i wish him a quick and painless death....which is what i would wish upon anybody
I could not have said this better, I agree on all points.
02-04-2005, 18:58
Hey no problem dude :)
E Blackadder
02-04-2005, 19:00
Hey no problem dude :)
did you ever see what became of the china vs japan thread?
02-04-2005, 19:01
did you ever see what became of the china vs japan thread?
I guess that thread died.
Mystic Mindinao
02-04-2005, 19:51
i have been in the alps for the past week..thus i have been away from civilisation..sorry and all that..but i did read the italian paper said he was dead.
Well, there are worse places to be. I find it horrible to be on a cruiseship, for example. They are rarely able to get any TV as they are so far from land, let alone any newspapers or radio transmissions.
02-04-2005, 20:58
AP: Pope John Paul II has died.
The lights are still on though. I hope this isn't a false alarm.
Mystic Mindinao
02-04-2005, 23:04
Everyone is now reporting that he is dead, and the Vatican has released an official statement. Churches all over the world are tolling their bells in mourning. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
Formal Dances
03-04-2005, 02:05
Everyone is now reporting that he is dead, and the Vatican has released an official statement. Churches all over the world are tolling their bells in mourning. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
He is also in my thoughts and prayers too.
The Philosophes
03-04-2005, 04:17
he apologized to the jews for the idiocy of Pope Pius XII. that's enough for me to wish him an easy departure despite my judaism and intense distrust of the catholic church (though plenty of catholics i know can be quite agreeable)