NationStates Jolt Archive

3rd- Royalty Rejects (hear the Kazoo?) - Page 2

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The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:35
There after me its true...I knew it all along.
<.< >.>

*crawls from underneath the electric chair, wearing a only a diaper and blowing on a bubble pipe*

I am Rick James Bitch!


Such a nice boy. here. have a chocolate.
31-03-2005, 17:40
Such a nice boy. here. have a chocolate.



*licks the choclate*

You ain't seen nothing yet.....
31-03-2005, 17:42
*a dozen peasants appear*
Hey, I know it isn't much and they're not as fun, but there all yours anyway.

*she looks at speculatively*
I thought Peeches was the only woman in my heart, but you come in a close second. The nasty things we could do together... *eyes are dreamy*
As for Suklaa, i'll warm up to you. He warmed up to Peeches. It's just that P and I divided the prey: I have Gawdly, Suklaa and Planners - she gets LP, Tribes (although he's a slut) and... well anyway, the point is we share.

*French-kiss to Hype, very long and sensual and deep*

Awww... you flatter me *blushes*... J/K about the blushing... Nothing makes me blush!!! I bet you guessed that... Thanks for the peasies!

I'll save them for later... if they're still around... *Passes them off to Master S. to do what as he wants w/them. He bows and kisses my boots before taking them to the "uber-secret dungeon below all the other dungeons"* I prefer to play with ROYALTY!!! Preferably from other kingdoms, but I'm not that picky! Nothing like hearing a bratty rich spoiled prince of a rival land begging for me to stop EVERYTHING! :D Sometimes I do, in exchange for land... Depending on what is needed here...

I wasn't aware you divided up the others... No problem... I get it... I'd like your permission to smack around your guys occasionally should I or Master S. pass them in the castle halls. Master S. is THE KING of Sadism... I don't mean w/any sort of pleasure... If any of your boys misbehave, feel free to send them to me for a "discussion" w/Master S. (He adds to the torture by playing BAD MUSIC in the background, such as Journey, etc. We'll find out what they hate, and Master S. has a HUGE repertoir of horrid music to add to anyone's pain!)

*kisses back.... :fluffle: *
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:42


*licks the choclate*

You ain't seen nothing yet.....

*wicked grin*
hope not. that would be disappointing.
31-03-2005, 17:45
There after me its true...I knew it all along.
<.< >.>

*crawls from underneath the electric chair, wearing a only a diaper and blowing on a bubble pipe*

I am Rick James Bitch!


*whips Planners legs for grinding dirty feet into white suede sofa*

I NEVER miss Chapel....
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:45
*kisses back.... :fluffle: *

it's an "unofficial" divide... and being the exquisite woman that you are, you can have at mine, unless i'm using them of course (or they're using me), in which case i'll have to come along.
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:46
ooc anyone seen the dating thread, i need to look something up...
31-03-2005, 17:46
yeah what Goddess can have mine long as you video it for my viewing pleasure.
31-03-2005, 17:47
:eek: Goddess! I leave you alone 2 minutes and youre letting other women into your heart...... :(

thats ok- we can all 3 share me and Hype....we can be all kinds of "affectionate" to each other.

oh Hades is mine too....but hes been gone for a while.....hope he didnt fall off of his Dan Taylor and get eaten by a shark :eek:

we share everything here Hype.....*hands Hype a hot male peasant she had hid under the bed*

Thanks for the peasant Peeches! *immediately strips him and puts a collar and leash on him... kicks him ... "On your knees whore! Speak only when spoken to and call me MISTRESS!!!!!"*

Well, gee... I guess over time I'm going to have to get some personal guys... but, they don't know me, I don't know them... HA! Like THAT matters! :D
I will NOT invade either of your "male" territory, however...
31-03-2005, 17:48
ask and ye shall receive:

For Goddess, Love Peech (
31-03-2005, 17:48
*whips Planners legs for grinding dirty feet into white suede sofa*

I NEVER miss Chapel....

:eek: Sorry.......Peechy!

Goes beserk on the sofa.......look at me go......wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Take me to your leader.......
31-03-2005, 17:49
Hey! I can do the dance thing too, ya know... It's not ALL about classic BDSM!!! It's lovely to wear something long and flowing and innocent looking, and bring an unexpected vic back and play! ;) heheheheh! I can do gothic, I can do it all... I can be any fantasy! However, I am the one usually choosing that fantasy... unless I particularly take a liking to someone and let them be the top... ;)

ooc. Back in college I won several dance contests... NOT EXOTIC mind you, but decided by a crowd of several hundred college students! OK, that was bragging, but I can dance ANY WAY POSSIBLE, mostly... not ballet, aight...?

In Character: So Sukla shouldn't count me out either! :cool:

MOMMY! *drools all down his chin to his chest*
31-03-2005, 17:49
But Hype- you have to join us for "group" activities.......where is that damn Hades and his camera?
31-03-2005, 17:51
:eek: Sorry.......Peechy!

Goes beserk on the sofa.......look at me go......wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Take me to your leader.......

(did you see that epsiode? where chalie and eddie murphy whipped rick james for messing up the sofa?) That show is hilarious.
31-03-2005, 17:51
Peeches and Goddess! You both are too kind! Thank you so much!

And I will do videos if requested...

Peeches, you only WHIPPED him for dirtying your sofa?! :eek:
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:52
ask and ye shall receive:

For Goddess, Love Peech (

luv ya doll. :fluffle: where was it? i looked at the first 11 pages and stopped do i need a new pair of glasses?
31-03-2005, 17:53
*looks a little wary* And who is this Mr. S. you speak of?
31-03-2005, 17:53
Peeches and Goddess! You both are too kind! Thank you so much!

And I will do videos if requested...

Peeches, you only WHIPPED him for dirtying your sofa?! :eek:

*carves "Peech changes my diapers and I change hers" on Planners forehead*

I did that too^^
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:53
You do realize we three have whips and are quite proficient with them? as well as other naughty toys...
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:54
*looks a little wary* And who is this Mr. S. you speak of?

Offer proper worship or you'll get to meet him...
31-03-2005, 17:54
luv ya doll. :fluffle: where was it? i looked at the first 11 pages and stopped do i need a new pair of glasses?

i had to go to forum search and typed in dating.....was no trouble at all.

*puts some Goddess....I mean "Chocolate" in her mouth and swirls it around with her tongue*
31-03-2005, 17:55
(did you see that epsiode? where chalie and eddie murphy whipped rick james for messing up the sofa?) That show is hilarious.

Only know that line. :(
31-03-2005, 17:55
But Hype- you have to join us for "group" activities.......where is that damn Hades and his camera?

I'll join in!

Ya know... Speaking of Rick James... I have always loved "Super Freak"...

Oh.... the carving was a much needed addition Peech! :D
31-03-2005, 17:56
Only know that line. :(

omg ....I order you to start watching the chapell show.....or else
31-03-2005, 17:57
"Peech changes my diapers and I change hers"

You know it!!!
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:57
i had to go to forum search and typed in dating.....was no trouble at all.

*puts some Goddess....I mean "Chocolate" in her mouth and swirls it around with her tongue*

*wicked laugh* There's no more "secret sauce" for polishing, but i'm sure i can make a sweet lotion...
*licks Peeches from neck to toe, lingering around the navel*

ooc back in 10
31-03-2005, 17:58
Offer proper worship or you'll get to meet him...

*calls her bluff by strutting over to the fire pit and looking for a finger bone to gnaw*
31-03-2005, 17:59
omg ....I order you to start watching the chapell show.....or else the dingy...
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 17:59
*calls her bluff by strutting over to the fire pit and looking for a finger bone to gnaw*

@ Hype

I think Master S may have his first... bad boy
31-03-2005, 18:01
I'll join in!

Ya know... Speaking of Rick James... I have always loved "Super Freak"...

Oh.... the carving was a much needed addition Peech! :D

She's a fine looking female
from her head down to her toenail.
She is superfreaky
She's a supefreak.
31-03-2005, 18:02
*wicked laugh* There's no more "secret sauce" for polishing, but i'm sure i can make a sweet lotion...
*licks Peeches from neck to toe, lingering around the navel*

ooc back in 10


I must be rubbing off on addition to my normal rubbing up on you.

*looks for the shower stall*
31-03-2005, 18:04
ooc: ok I'm off to get a man to do some really torturous things to/in my mouth.

if Gawdly reads this: dont faint love....I only mean the dentist :D
31-03-2005, 18:05
.... Proficient w/all KINDS of whips!!! And my personal fav... the cane!... Master S. is most proficient with ALL toys... and I mean ALL!

Suklaa... of all the things in this universe, you do NOT want to meet Master S. EVER. No one will ever see his face, as it is covered w/a leather mask, and those unlucky to be taken to the dungeon below all the other dungeons deep near the pits of hell, AND see his face, will not come back... :) If you don't see his face, you'll probably live.

Nice that we're so close to the pits of hell... Actually, we have a doorway... we can just chuck the bodies in there... No muss no fuss...

*Thinks to self... "Boy I can't wait to try out my new 7" platform spiked strappy (way strappy) sandals... the ones that have razor sharp nails that pop from the heels like a switchblade when kicked correctly which I ordered from "Wicked World"... Goes to put on a Ministry CD...* There's something about NWO that rocks my whips and chains! :D
Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:12
Damn....... I wish I was that man :(
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:13
*watching Hype in action makes her swoon with delight. she gets very hot, all over*
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:14
Damn....... I wish I was that man :(

Envy, that is a good emotion.
*laughs wickedly and whips his chest* stand in line. no talking.
Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:16


hmmm........ Hello *crack* I *crack* like *crack* to *crack* get *crack* whipped.....
31-03-2005, 18:16
Envy, that is a good emotion.
*laughs wickedly and whips his chest* stand in line. no talking.

*backdoor slaps LP*

Do you wanna play doctor?

Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:19
*backdoor slaps LP*

Do you wanna play doctor?

Rhetoric questions...... I like it ;)
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:19
*backdoor slaps LP*

Do you wanna play doctor?

*turns to look at Planners, raised eyebrow*
Who's the doctor?
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:20
Rhetoric questions...... I like it ;)

Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:20
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:23

Let me scratch that for you
Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:24
Let me scratch that for you
Heaven..... I had that itch right there for aeons
31-03-2005, 18:25
*turns to look at Planners, raised eyebrow*
Who's the doctor?


I am mostly suitably a doctor for this fine gentlewoman.


This is serious....*puts his ear against's LP's chest* It's beating......

Whips out shocks...Shocks LP with some Shockers.

Hahah, can you beat to that...........
31-03-2005, 18:28
Heheheheheh.....shock therapy........heheh :p
Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:29
Dude.... you drunk? Or just high?

Not that I'm not :p
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:31
Heheheheheh.....shock therapy........heheh :p

*licks her whip and flicks it at Planners young and firm bum*
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:31
Dude.... you drunk? Or just high?

Not that I'm not :p

how come i can never those kinds of parties with you... damn dayshift
Legless Pirates
31-03-2005, 18:34
how come i can never those kinds of parties with you... damn dayshift
Ah well.... I'll try to get back on when I'm REALLY drunk. :D

Just for a snack before sleep ;) :fluffle:

I might be slow posting though :(
31-03-2005, 18:43
.... Proficient w/all KINDS of whips!!! And my personal fav... the cane!... Master S. is most proficient with ALL toys... and I mean ALL!

Suklaa... of all the things in this universe, you do NOT want to meet Master S. EVER. No one will ever see his face, as it is covered w/a leather mask, and those unlucky to be taken to the dungeon below all the other dungeons deep near the pits of hell, AND see his face, will not come back... :) If you don't see his face, you'll probably live.

Nice that we're so close to the pits of hell... Actually, we have a doorway... we can just chuck the bodies in there... No muss no fuss...

*Thinks to self... "Boy I can't wait to try out my new 7" platform spiked strappy (way strappy) sandals... the ones that have razor sharp nails that pop from the heels like a switchblade when kicked correctly which I ordered from "Wicked World"... Goes to put on a Ministry CD...* There's something about NWO that rocks my whips and chains! :D

*looks back and forth from Goddess to Hyper all gooey eyed*

*squirms in leather pants that are suddenly uncomfortably tight*
31-03-2005, 18:48
*remembers his finger bone and gently starts to lick it absently in long smooth laps*
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 18:55
*remembers his finger bone and gently starts to lick it absently in long smooth laps*
aaaawwww... sad because no one wants to play?
31-03-2005, 18:56
Dude.... you drunk? Or just high?

Not that I'm not :p

Meh, 24 hours without sleep, finished an essay, listening to music, high ya, maybe drunk tonight......hopefully!
31-03-2005, 18:57
aaaawwww... sad because no one wants to play?
*nibbles gently on the end and looks at her with a mischievious grin* I can wait.
31-03-2005, 18:58
She's a fine looking female
from her head down to her toenail.
She is superfreaky
She's a supefreak.

ooc. sorry... had to feed my boyz (cats)...

I see a reason for punishment for Planners! WRONG LYRICS to Super Freak! heheheh!

CORRECT LYRICS in that section:

She's a very special girl...
(The kind of girl you wanna know.)
From her head down to her toenails...
(Down to her feet.)
And she'll wait for me at backstage with her girlfriends...
In a limousine.

She's a super freak, superfreak...
She's superfreaky--yow...

Should something be done about this???? Hmmmm?????

*snaps cane making sound exactly like the whipping sound in Prodigy's "Breathe"... "Exhale! Exhale! YOU'RE THE VICTIM!" or, if you've seen Blue Man Group, like their miked whipping canes...* :D

*hums... "Smack My Bitch Up" for some odd reason*
31-03-2005, 18:59
I've got tink's cleavage to keep me company *grin*
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 19:02
I've got tink's cleavage to keep me company *grin*
good for you. i have Lasc, Gawdly, LP, Peeches... shall i go on?
31-03-2005, 19:03
Oooh... looks like we may have a couple of pets (at least one) who want to play!

*Looks at Goddess and Suklaa and at Planners, who is deserving of a bit of pain due to his lyrical mishap*

hmmm...... *mind racing*
31-03-2005, 19:04
good for you. i have Lasc, Gawdly, LP, Peeches... shall i go on?
Please do. :D

*bites off end of finger, chews thoughtfully*
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 19:10
Please do. :D

*bites off end of finger, chews thoughtfully*

i think i'll just look at the pics *album appears in her hand, she flips through, squirming in her chair.*
31-03-2005, 19:12
good for you. i have Lasc, Gawdly, LP, Peeches... shall i go on?

*sings... badly* "IIIIIIIII ain't got noobooooody...." *switches to "Freak on a Leash* somehow??? :confused:
31-03-2005, 19:13
i think i'll just look at the pics *album appears in her hand, she flips through, squirming in her chair.*

*leans over her, breath hot on her neck. Goes to point and hand traces down her front* See what I mean. So many beautiful women, hiding behind a computer.
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 19:19
*leans over her, breath hot on her neck. Goes to point and hand traces down her front* See what I mean. So many beautiful women, hiding behind a computer.

ooc LOL... that was so naughty. my colleagues all rushed in to see what the hell was going on. you'll get me into trouble. more.

EDIT context - my laughter was once described has "haunting"; it seems both my voice and laughter carry...
31-03-2005, 19:19
i think i'll just look at the pics *album appears in her hand, she flips through, squirming in her chair.*

Hey I wanna see some pics!!! I suppose I can't tho... I might do something horrible like have some technowonk cut off the yourheads and put them on diff bodies and submit them to hardcore BDSM sites, find out where your parents, grandparents, relatives of all sorts live, and mail 'em if you don't give me lots of money! Far as you know... I'm a 55 yr old man.... muahahahahaaaaaa!!!! ;)

ooc. Damn I wish their was a laughing smilie, along w/that bdsm one that someone was going to work on... someone from the "Pass the Love" thread...
Why do some people in Jolt have avatars, and I can't have one?! I want a dragon in my signature, and I can't do that either... That was too ooc... Sorry... :(
31-03-2005, 19:20
LOL... that was so naughty. my colleagues all rushed in to see what the hell was going on. you'll get me into trouble. more.
:confused: Are you reading it out loud or did that affect you that much?
Occidio Multus
31-03-2005, 19:24
new thread kids
thanks ever so much.
31-03-2005, 19:26
Hey I wanna see some pics!!! I suppose I can't tho... I might do something horrible like have some techno wonk cut off the yourheads and put them on diff bodies and submit them to hardcore BDSM sites, find out where your parents, grandparents, relatives of all sorts live, and mail 'em if you don't give me lots of money! Far as you know... I'm a 55 yr old man.... muahahahahaaaaaa!!!! ;)

The above was ooc too! :D I'm EEE-VILL! Say like a TRUE villain... not EVIL.... EEE-VILL!!! Say it with me.... EEE-VILL!!! Thaat's the way...

At least I have my own cleavage to keep me company? :confused: Looks down... Wearing a wicked-kook bra!!! Lavendar w/sequins, and a hanging crystal...

*sings again... "Too much information..." *

Somehow, looking at one's own cleavage doesn't do the trick... OK, someone in the castle, don't make me get Master S. to find you for this... SEND ME A PIC w/a BIG ASS pic of a BIG ASS buldge in your pants!!! NOW!!! That's an order... Hell... e-mail it to my Nation! :D
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 19:28
:confused: Are you reading it out loud or did that affect you that much?

I am not reading out loud, but yes, it did affect me that much... it was unexpected.
31-03-2005, 19:30
OK... Guess it seems I'm not here anymore... no one is responding to me, and I have no clue what you're talking about.... :( :confused:
The Chocolate Goddess
31-03-2005, 19:35
OK... Guess it seems I'm not here anymore... no one is responding to me, and I have no clue what you're talking about.... :( :confused:
Follw Occy's link in previous post and join me there. sorry for the ignore...
The Plutonian Empire
01-04-2005, 00:05

What'd I miss today?
01-04-2005, 00:06
Eugene- come to the #4 gonna ask for a lock on this one.
The Tribes Of Longton
01-04-2005, 00:06

What'd I miss today?
We went to another thread. No.4 I think...
The Plutonian Empire
01-04-2005, 00:12
Eugene- come to the #4 gonna ask for a lock on this one.
what's the other thread for? what's the difference? :confused: