What has President Bush done to you? - Page 2
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 12:51
I like that despite all the Michael Moore-loving lefties and their anti-Bush campaigns in 2004, he was still re-elected. He clearly cannot be as bad as he is often painted here on NS.
I don't understand your 'logic'. He was re-elected, therefore he's not that bad? Sorry, winning an election proves nothing beyond popular support.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 12:54
I hate to go off subject but it irks me when people refer to Roosevelt like this. There is a reason why he made social security. How quickly it seems we forget.
Who forgot that Roosevelt was a socialist?
22-02-2005, 12:59
I see alot of hate Bush postings lately. What personally has he done to you? Did he kill your kitten? Crap in your toilet and didnt flush? Scratched your favorite CD? I mean really what the hell is wrong with people to have so much hatred? Were you not held as a child? Did your parents lock you in a dark closet your whole childhood? Really this baffles me... He has done alot of good things i think. Im not a Republican either. Enlighten me on these crazed haters of Bush.
Dear Marrakech II, G.W. Bush has continued an evil trend of twisting the teaching of Jesus Christ into some sort of self-serving diatribe that hurts people. What has he done to me? This man has hurt me, as he has hurt all humanity, by his evil deeds. He started the war in Iraq. He labels anyone who disagrees with his right-wing, warmonger attitude as being a "terrorist." There is far more. He has hurt the United States in every manner possible. By the way, like Dubya, your command of English is lacking. The word "alot" is not a word. I won't spend more time on this silly question, framed in a form of questioning that is like Bush -- negative and immature. Instead, I will take my cat to have its fleas removed by a veterinarian.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:01
I never really understood the economy either.
You sure don't. "Buying stuff" does not make the economy good. You make the economy good by producing goods and providing services that people want. The government can't do this. All it can do is keep out of the way. Bush hasn't been doing that, but neither has any President in the last 100-150 years.
Sonic The Hedgehogs
22-02-2005, 13:04
There is realy no use asking this question...
Some people just need to hate on a man for doing what his people elected him to do.
And if Kerry was elected it would of helped so much....my ass it would of. Clinton lobbed a good amount of missiles into middle eastern countries too. And hes on the oposite end of the political spectrum for the United States of America. Theres only 2 partys. Green Party has about as much sway as I do in Washington DC.
"Bush says I cant get married...WAH WAH WAH!!!"
If you didnt push it in the first place, there wouldint be a problem. You made it mainstream America. And the Conservetive right fought back. Your own lil War, and you are looseing it.
Got something to hide?
My problem is that it seems like Bush is trying to be all nice nice with the EU and the rest of ya. Its realy pathetic.
Right now im pretty happy,
Low Taxes
Tax Cuts
Dead Terrorists
Tis all good baby yea!
Its a narrow minded way of looking at things. But its how most people look at politics anyways.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:13
Also being Scottish and not understanding completely the whole impeachment thing answer this question -
1. Lies about WMD...
And then there's Clinton
1. Has some fun with a Cigar!
2. Leaves a wee bit of a stain on a dress!!!
Doesn't quite add up does it??? :confused:
Clinton was impeached for perjury - lying under oath (to a judge - part of the government)
Bush lied to the American public and the world, but that's not a crime. :rolleyes:
Actually, there are some people who think a good case can be made for impeachment. I think it's something called "material misrepresentation." That doesn't really matter as long as Bush has popular support in congress, though.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:20
This "Bush is endangering my life!!" nonsense is ... well, nonsense! Are you idiots the same people that want drugs legalized, drink regularly, drive cars, OR STAND IN THE SUN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD? I promise you there are FAR more things out there that have a much greater chance of killing you than any reputation Bush has given you as an American.
Drugs, drinking, driving, and standing in the sun all have one thing in common: I AM IN CONTROL of those things. I have no control over how Bush endangers me and the people I care about. Understand that it's not like I think this "endangering Americans" stuff started with Bush. The attacks on 9/11/01 never would've occured had the US government never gotten involved in the middle east 50 years ago.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:35
Wow, you joined the military and now you are whining about going into action. I give up on this species. OMG...what do you think we have you for?
Are you familiar with the oath that servicemembers are required to take? Do you know for what reason the national guard was created?
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:37
Sounds like most of you guys are just spouting the usual talking points of the typical Bush opponent. Get some new arguments.
Why? Because a particular complaint has been around for a while it's no longer valid? Facts don't expire.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:40
I would rather have some one read my emails,listen to my phone convos. rather than the risk that there are somepeople talking about building a nuke or something and no one listening to them. And any ways if you dont have any thing to hide then why would you worry about the Patriot Act.
Because I'm not a fucking idiot. When you let others know things about you, you empower them against you. It's irrational to trust any government with that much power.
Battery Charger
22-02-2005, 13:56
Have you even read about Roosevelt? Or is this some political garbage you have been reading.
My grandparents liked it just fine.
The only problem with SSI is the fact both parties use it as their personal slush fund.
Left alone it does just fine.
I've read about Roosevelt. It made me ill. I don't care that your grandparents like Social Security just fine. They probably never had to pay anywhere near what I pay now, unless they've been working recently.
22-02-2005, 16:42
there is this erally good episode of the Twilight Zone (which episode isn't good) where this man is killed by an angry mob, and it is later found he is innocent. the only one in the town (Birmingham 1950-60s) who remains sane is a black minister. suddenly, Darkness covers the city, and it covers parts of the world too. over Russian gulags, over parts of chicago, over vietnam, etc. the Darkness is the hate felt by all mankind, suddenly released as a tangible presence, covering the Earth. it that happened now, i could see large parts of the US, the middle east, europe, asia, africa, basically every continent, covered by this monster known as Hate. while Bush isn't completely responsible, he is the reason it is getting darker. see the Light and save yourselves from the Darkness
Teh Cameron Clan
22-02-2005, 16:46
well by continueing with the no child left behing thingy my maath teacher got fired cuz he didnt have his full credentials and we got some crap ass substitute and i almos didnt gradate cuz of that unill i complained enough then we got a new guy and barly managed to pass...
23-02-2005, 02:52
Maybe John Kerry can help you with that. Seems he spews crap out of his mouth. Doesnt have a problem at all getting it out
Thats why he beat Bush on all 3 debates.One of which it is specualted that Bush cheated on ... and he still lost. The Right is very shady and secretive in teh way they do business and that does not bold well with me. I like all things not related to antional security to be out on the public plate ( and even as much of the security issues as possible out there). THe Right likes to keep the people in the dark on as much as possible by applying more and more things to national security. Not too mention keeping our poor held down through cuts in all sorts of programs. The right does nto want well educated Americans because they would see through the lies , smoke and mirrors. The right use religion to excuse their backwards thought patterns and oprressive behavior.
THe good news is that now that the ball is in the Rights court ( they own or will own all 3 branches of government). SO now when they drop the ball (and they will) the people will rise up and vote them all out of office. I concede that the more backward thinking aprts of the country will always have a contingent of idiots elected to office. However the overwhelming majority of young people see the rights bullshit for what it is. The baby boomers will start dying off soon and the "greatest generation" is already near extinction.
Progressive thinking is the only way too cope in this new world and those left behind will be just that... left behind. Lets keep or religion and our politics seperate.
The Black Forrest
23-02-2005, 03:02
I've read about Roosevelt. It made me ill. I don't care that your grandparents like Social Security just fine. They probably never had to pay anywhere near what I pay now, unless they've been working recently.
Both worked until they died. Granddad back in 75 and my grandmother died last year.
Ok now the challenge. What did you read about Roosevelt? Book titles, etc.....
23-02-2005, 03:04
Wow, you joined the military and now you are whining about going into action. I give up on this species. OMG...what do you think we have you for?
Clinton embarrassed my country with his complete disreguard of the office of the president by getting a bj in the oval office. I still supported him, so basically what you said is useless
Backwards agenda that is bringing us back into the stone age. Hmm.....i still drive a car. Tolerance.....hmmm.....ou scream tolerance, yet you won't provide your own religeos tolerance. You call christians fundies left and right. and you assume that all people who love god are evil fanatics. Aren;t we allowed to have our beliefs too. Say we are all bigots. Things that are bigotedd are things like Black history month. Where is Latino history month, Asian-American? Native American? Why don;t we have those? I am a conservative and i have wanted something like that for years. But we don;t have it.
I see a few ignorant statements here. where shold i start. Didn't attempt deplomacy? How many sanctions....i seem to hav e lost count. How many times were weopon ins-ectors in there? How many placeswere they not allowed to go? The argument that was a lie? Something that is uncertain is not a lie. And recent intelligence supports the idea that saddam was making it apparent that he had WMD to deter an attackby the Saudis. What about the Al Hussein Missles in Iraq. One was fired as a "test" in early 2000, these have an effective rance of ~600 kilometers. The acceptable limit was 150 kilometers. Sry the US doesn't like to sit on their hands and impose more sanctions.
The biggest fallcay you claimed to be true really burned me. How you say that "collateral damage" has led to more deaths than sddam ever casued. BS...definitely BS...here is but one source, i can offer many more, but i worked all day and i am tired
Apparently you dont think this is a great nation if it's people are indicators of the nation. You said
I guess you don;t think it is a great nation..please refrain from sticking our foot in your mouth.
where do i begin responding .
1. our attack on IRaq was preemptive so diplomacy was not fully seen through. Nato (our allies) did not think we pursued sanctions enough that is why they did not join our "coilition of the willing" (barring England who is our bitch). Iraq did not pose am imminent threat to the United States. and no evidence has ever been found that shows Saddam had any ties with Al Qeada.
2. SO far as the great nation statement.Those Americans who voted for Bush will start dying off shortly due to old age. I was refering too the younger generations of AMericans who voted overwhelmingly for Kerry. THough not enough voted too turn the tide. Not saying all baby boomers are as mistaken on things as you seem to be just most( by the narrowest of margins).
3.I am very tolerant of religion so long as you keep it to yourself or your respective place of worship . You can even tell em all about it if i ask you. But keep it out of your politics. Or atleast keep it out of the mouths of our elected officials. THis is where the right goes very very very very very very wrong
Marrakech II
23-02-2005, 06:50
There is realy no use asking this question...
Some people just need to hate on a man for doing what his people elected him to do.
And if Kerry was elected it would of helped so much....my ass it would of. Clinton lobbed a good amount of missiles into middle eastern countries too. And hes on the oposite end of the political spectrum for the United States of America. Theres only 2 partys. Green Party has about as much sway as I do in Washington DC.
"Bush says I cant get married...WAH WAH WAH!!!"
If you didnt push it in the first place, there wouldint be a problem. You made it mainstream America. And the Conservetive right fought back. Your own lil War, and you are looseing it.
Got something to hide?
My problem is that it seems like Bush is trying to be all nice nice with the EU and the rest of ya. Its realy pathetic.
Right now im pretty happy,
Low Taxes
Tax Cuts
Dead Terrorists
Tis all good baby yea!
Its a narrow minded way of looking at things. But its how most people look at politics anyways.
The Black Forrest
23-02-2005, 07:14
There is realy no use asking this question...
Some people just need to hate on a man for doing what his people elected him to do.
Some people elected. Almost as many voted against him.
And if Kerry was elected it would of helped so much....my ass it would of. Clinton lobbed a good amount of missiles into middle eastern countries too. And hes on the oposite end of the political spectrum for the United States of America. Theres only 2 partys. Green Party has about as much sway as I do in Washington DC.
Speculation. You don't know what he would have done.
"Bush says I cant get married...WAH WAH WAH!!!"
If you didnt push it in the first place, there wouldint be a problem. You made it mainstream America. And the Conservetive right fought back. Your own lil War, and you are looseing it.
Change happens because people work towards it. Bible thumpers won't allow it. How is it "pushing" it if it is not allowed in the first place?
The midwest and the south showed a great deal of hypocracy over states rights. For all their talk, they got a tad upset over Calif. and Mass.
Got something to hide?
Just because abuse hasn't happened; doesn't mean it wont. The recent corporate fraud happened because a change in rules accounting rules.
A goverment that looks the other way on torture and seeks loopholes in international law can't be trusted.
My problem is that it seems like Bush is trying to be all nice nice with the EU and the rest of ya. Its realy pathetic.
Seems like he is trying to play nice nice because he want's something. From discussions with people in Europe, sounds like they aren't buying it.
Right now im pretty happy,
Low Taxes
Tax Cuts
Dead Terrorists
Tis all good baby yea!
Its a narrow minded way of looking at things. But its how most people look at politics anyways.
At least you admit that so I can't fault you. ;)
Little Ponyville
23-02-2005, 07:29
If you know you're looking at things with a narrow mind then why don't you change it? WHY are you complaining when you're close minded and admit to it?!
Even if you admit to it, it doesn't make it ok. Just because 'most people' look at politics that way doesn't make it ok. Why don't you look into things a little more deeply, instead of just going along with how 'most people' look at politics?
Bush killed my pappy. :( But that wasn't enough for him. He then punched my sister in the face and ate my niece.
23-02-2005, 07:38
There is realy no use asking this question...
Some people just need to hate on a man for doing what his people elected him to do.
And if Kerry was elected it would of helped so much....my ass it would of. Clinton lobbed a good amount of missiles into middle eastern countries too. And hes on the oposite end of the political spectrum for the United States of America. Theres only 2 partys. Green Party has about as much sway as I do in Washington DC.
"Bush says I cant get married...WAH WAH WAH!!!"
If you didnt push it in the first place, there wouldint be a problem. You made it mainstream America. And the Conservetive right fought back. Your own lil War, and you are looseing it.
Got something to hide?
My problem is that it seems like Bush is trying to be all nice nice with the EU and the rest of ya. Its realy pathetic.
Right now im pretty happy,
Low Taxes
Tax Cuts
Dead Terrorists
Tis all good baby yea!
Its a narrow minded way of looking at things. But its how most people look at politics anyways.
Oh dear.
You probably don't know, because you get most of your information on the state of the planet from late night comedians, but creating laws targeting whatever group of people is currently 'bad' (in this case 'terrorists) happens to create a slippery slope into fascism. You're obviously American, I bet your forefathers would be proud of your blatant apathy....
My .22 cents worth.
The Black Forrest
23-02-2005, 07:39
Bush killed my pappy. :( But that wasn't enough for him. He then punched my sister in the face and ate my niece.
You forgot to mention he pissed in your corn flakes. ;)
Battery Charger
23-02-2005, 14:06
OKay, I don't know where this argument has gone, since I only read the first five pages, but let me just put myself up in the defense of Bush.
First off, how the hell do you know what's REALLY going on in Iraq? Do you have accessed to classified information? Perhaps bush could have some credible, very reasonable reason to go to war in Iraq, but can't release it for some reason. It's a possibility. Michael Moore doesn't have access to classified information, so he can't know what's going on either, no matter how convincing his evidence is.
Bush can release whatever information he wants. He's the President. It's extremely foolish to assume he would keep something secret that would make him look good.
Secondly, he's not "slaughtering" civilians and soldiers in Iraq. First off, when you sign up for the military, you are obligating yourself to possibly go fight and serve duty in a warzone somewhere. These people shouldn't be complaining because they brought it upon themselves to an extent, because when you sign up for the military, you should be prepared to serve duty wherever it is needed. Now, if it is absolutely clear, with solid evidence, that the war is on false and power-hungry pretences then yes, you have every reason to be mad, but I doubt you can find sure, 100% convincing evidence that the reasons for this war are unjust and power-hungry. Sure, I don't have 100% convinving evidence that it wasn't, but that's not really the point here. If you want to argue the point, bring it on.
I'm tire of this crap. You're not even arguing that servicemembers have an obligation to carry out the orders of the President, but that they have no right complain! Everyone has a right to complain about anything. That is free speech. I challenge anyone to prove that members of the military don't legally have a right to free speech.
For the record, when you sign up to serve in the US military you're required to take an oath that you'll defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and that you'll follow orders from the President on down. The defense of the Constitution takes precedent over obeying the President, since it's the Constitution that legally defines the presidency in the first place. Therefore, you could certainly argue that those who have taken that oath have no legal requirement to fight in Iraq since the war itself is blatantly unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional first because it is undeclared and second because it's in violation the UN charter, which is seen as a legally binding treaty by the Constitution. This would not be the case if the US was not a member of the UN.
The economy is not fucked up either. Obviously, the stock market and hte economy started faultering after 9/11. Well, what the hell did you expect? Did you expect our economy to bolster after 9/11. With the panic associated with the stock market, under most any other president, IMO, the economy would havre crashed...we would have been thrown into a depression. Bush avoided that, and now the stock market is higher than it's ever been and unemployment is dropping rapidly.
You don't know how to properly evalute an economy. Based on the US trade deficit, the federal spending deficit, and the amount of public and private debt in the US, the economy is doing poorly. We are collectively living beyond our means and will not be able to continue at this rate forever. The depression is comming. Bush is not entirely to blame, but he's done more harm than good.
Also, why shouldn't we just go and kick the asses of all of the terrorists? Seriously, it's a problem that Clinton did not deal with seriously. He set us up for 9/11 by not taking care of Osama when he had the perfect opportunity to do it. You should be glad that Bush is going in and trying to deal with them. Also, Al Qaeda's operations are smaller than they have been in years, and they are more disorganized than they ever have been. They're in a panic. Also, we can't control all of Iraq 100% of the time, so of course there's going to be terorrist attacks! If someone attacked your country do you think that the invaders wouldn't face any terrorist attacks?
I'm no fan of Clinton either. However, it's interesting to point out that bin Laden has not yet been captured or killed, 3.5 years after he allegedly commited an act of war against the US. Bush is hardly dealing with "them." And Al Qaeda would not exist if US forces never stepped foot in Saudi Arabia. Of course, Bush Sr. and Clinton are responsible for that.
BTW, if someone did attack my country they may well face attacks from me. Does that make me a terrorist? I wouldn't intentionally kill myself in the process, mind you.
You should also be glad that the people in Iraq are getting the opportunity to recieve free and open elections. Why shoulnd't they? Voter turnout was higher in Iraq than it was here, meaning that those people care about having free and open elections, and most likely most of them are glad that Bush came in and freed them. If they're voting, that means they wanted to. With Saddam Hussein in power, it never would've happened, and if Bush wouldn't have come in and taken him out of power, Saddam would still most likely be in power, meaning that those people should be glad for the opportunity that Bush has provided for them.
Free and open elections my ass. The voters didn't even know who was running until they showed up at the polls. Some voters reported to have been led to believe they needed to vote to get their food rations. http://www.antiwar.com/jamail/?articleid=4659 Many voters expressed happiness to vote because they were under the impression that it would or could lead to an end to the occupation.
Besides, it's war, of course there's going to be casualties! Nobody goes into a war going "we expect 0% casualties to civilians and troops." The troops that commit crimes are not "ordered by teh government" to do it (ala Abu Ghraib), like those people believe. It's just ludicrous and I refuse to believe that the government should be held responsible for the criminal acts that random, twisted, sick soldiers commit (and I'm not just talking about Abu Ghraic here).
Of course nobody expects there not be casualties. That's why people like me opposed the war before it started. - Because we knew lots of people would die needlessly.
I served in military intelligence in the US Army. I was not an interigator, but I knew people who were. I know enough of about this issue to know that the prisoner abuse was not just a bunch of "isolated incidents." Nobody would've given a rat's ass if it weren't for the pictures. I think it's insane to court-marshal a bunch of enlisted soldiers as if nobody above the rank of staff sergeant knew what was going on. If those in charge of the scape-goated soldiers are responsible whether or not they actually knew what was going (because they certainly should've). And don't think you can just ignore the number of memos comming from Bush administration personnel explaining why the Geneva convention and other international treaties regarding POW's didn't apply to Iraqi prisoners.
On another note, of course debt and deficit are higher than they've ever been! Our total GDP is higher than it's ever been! It's kind of sad that people miss the most obvious answer.
And the whole world does not hate America. My geography teacher travels to South Asia every year, and most of the people there respect and envy America.
Yay for them. Try reading some posts on this forum by Europeans.
On the whole, I agree with most of the things that Bush has done. It just sickens me to think that eveveryone blames Bush for everything wrong with the government and country right now, and that he screwed up every part of the invasion and our international relations (and if they don't think that, they sure make it seem like it).
I hardly blame Bush for everything wrong with the country, but he is the most powerful person in the world and is most responsible for a great deal of "bad stuff." Personally, I think he's an idiot that doesn't really know or care what he's doing, but he's still legally responsible. It's not that he's unintelligent exactly, it's that he's willfully ignorant and proud of it. I don't think he suffers from a low IQ, but from some sort of mental disorder that would be mostly harmless in someone without such power. But that's just me speculating. Bush's head is a real mystery, and I feel compelled to attempt to solve it.
Battery Charger
23-02-2005, 14:49
Isn't it safe to say that the middle east is going to hate us irregardless of who runs our country or what we do? I mean, when Clinton was president we had no less than 5 terrorist attacks on us. And what did he do to provoke the middle east? Nothing, well, he shot some missles into an asprin factory...
Nope, it's not at all safe to say that. Clinton failed to remove US troops from Saudi Arabia and supported the sanctions against Iraq.
Battery Charger
23-02-2005, 16:25
(Bonus Bush quote at a PETA protest: "I'm glad I had my bacon this morning." Great job, way to be even more inhumane...)
What's inhumane about eating bacon?
Dafydd Jones
23-02-2005, 19:18
You're all idiots. Every single time I check some forum here there's always one guy saying how Bush is great and he can't see a reason why he's not and can you 'Liberals' come up with a good argument against him...
And then we get some stupid Americans like Sonic who think that to emphasise his point he HAS TO TYPE LIKE THIS AS IF HE'S SCREAMING AT YOU AND USE PATHETIC WORDS THAT DON'T EXIST AND ADD Z'S TO THE END OF THINGS. Jesus Christ your ignorance is quite startling. I think it's comical that Americans still think that Bush is the solution to their problems - especially since Bush senior failed to get rid of Saddam originally and that the American arms manufactures actually gave the east the weapons they now use against the US, and aside from all that they forget that (or are too thick to comprehend) it is Bush and his Gunboat Diplomacy that has got the US into the position it is now. I mean, the terrorists bombed the trade centres for some reason, didn't they? Communist Cuba didn't get hit by them did it? And since the President at the time was, er, Bush, then I think you re-electing the idiot is quite comical.
Basically, although I'm a communist and tend to laugh off conservative ideals like "self reponsibility", I do think that for this one you've got it right. You Americans must realise that the impression that you give out to the rest of the world encourages hostility. The fact that you all have flags on your front doors, the fact that you take up TV with your useless sitcoms that mean nothing, the fact that you're (on the whole) arrogant, fat and stupid and the fact that you seem to like war - especially to cover up your appalling domestic situation - it is this that makes the East hate you. And, though I by no means encourage terroristm, you tend to leave people no choice. It is your own fault that you are under constant threat, and until you change your outlook it will continue like this.
And as for what Bush has done for me, he has managed to make me loath a country that I otherwise would really like. He is also incredibly rightwing and this doesn't help the world situation. Every time we move further away from communism things fall apart.
23-02-2005, 20:19
I see alot of hate Bush postings lately. What personally has he done to you? Did he kill your kitten? Crap in your toilet and didnt flush? Scratched your favorite CD? I mean really what the hell is wrong with people to have so much hatred? Were you not held as a child? Did your parents lock you in a dark closet your whole childhood? Really this baffles me... He has done alot of good things i think. Im not a Republican either. Enlighten me on these crazed haters of Bush.
Bush hasn't done anything to me personally, directly, but it would be pretty narrow-minded of me to only think about myself now wouldn't it?
Marrakech II
24-02-2005, 01:25
You're all idiots. Every single time I check some forum here there's always one guy saying how Bush is great and he can't see a reason why he's not and can you 'Liberals' come up with a good argument against him...
And then we get some stupid Americans like Sonic who think that to emphasise his point he HAS TO TYPE LIKE THIS AS IF HE'S SCREAMING AT YOU AND USE PATHETIC WORDS THAT DON'T EXIST AND ADD Z'S TO THE END OF THINGS. Jesus Christ your ignorance is quite startling. I think it's comical that Americans still think that Bush is the solution to their problems - especially since Bush senior failed to get rid of Saddam originally and that the American arms manufactures actually gave the east the weapons they now use against the US, and aside from all that they forget that (or are too thick to comprehend) it is Bush and his Gunboat Diplomacy that has got the US into the position it is now. I mean, the terrorists bombed the trade centres for some reason, didn't they? Communist Cuba didn't get hit by them did it? And since the President at the time was, er, Bush, then I think you re-electing the idiot is quite comical.
Basically, although I'm a communist and tend to laugh off conservative ideals like "self reponsibility", I do think that for this one you've got it right. You Americans must realise that the impression that you give out to the rest of the world encourages hostility. The fact that you all have flags on your front doors, the fact that you take up TV with your useless sitcoms that mean nothing, the fact that you're (on the whole) arrogant, fat and stupid and the fact that you seem to like war - especially to cover up your appalling domestic situation - it is this that makes the East hate you. And, though I by no means encourage terroristm, you tend to leave people no choice. It is your own fault that you are under constant threat, and until you change your outlook it will continue like this.
And as for what Bush has done for me, he has managed to make me loath a country that I otherwise would really like. He is also incredibly rightwing and this doesn't help the world situation. Every time we move further away from communism things fall apart.
Although entertaining as this bullcrap was reading. My man, get a clue. Your stating facts that are not true. You say your a Commie. Which in itself speaks for itself. You belittle any American that voted for or likes bush. Cmon you want people to take you seriously. Please anyone and everyone flame away on this clown. Hehe I needed a laugh today, thanks....
Compulsorily Controled
24-02-2005, 01:29
Ok, its easy to say something like that. What evidence do you have to support this? Anyone can say some BS. Tell me why and how he is going to do this? Convince me...
Patriot act one and promising a second one
Compulsorily Controled
24-02-2005, 01:32
Although entertaining as this bullcrap was reading. My man, get a clue. Your stating facts that are not true. You say your a Commie. Which in itself speaks for itself. You belittle any American that voted for or likes bush. Cmon you want people to take you seriously. Please anyone and everyone flame away on this clown. Hehe I needed a laugh today, thanks....
I agree with dafydd jones
24-02-2005, 01:33
I like George Bush, he cut my taxes. :) Tax Cuts and Dead Terrorists all the way. :D
24-02-2005, 01:37
I agree with dafydd jones
As do I.
Marrakech II
24-02-2005, 01:39
As do I.
Join the reds then.
Every time we move further away from communism things fall apart.
USSR ring any bells? Seems they weren't moving away from it >_>
24-02-2005, 01:46
What has Bush done to me? Here's three things.
1. Cut the FDA budget to something like 1/5 of what it was. (And they wonder why there's problems) -- this means I will likely have to move because of underfinancing.
2. Made it unimaginably annoying to fly -- and don't start about "security" and how we have to give up freedoms, I'd rather die with freedoms than die "safe".
3. Turned just about everyone I know into a extremist, either left or right. It's not common for one of my friends to suggest in a very open way how, "all gays should be sent to the frontlines to be slaughtered." Sadly, he used to be a moderate.
24-02-2005, 01:48
USSR ring any bells? Seems they weren't moving away from it >_>
*Ding ding* Glastnost (sp?) and parastroika (sp?)
*Ding ding* Glastnost (sp?) and parastroika (sp?)
So they tried to reform a failing system at it's dying breath; my point was it was a failure, even before that point -.-
Obviously, if it was a success, the reforms of the late '80's wouldn't have been necessary, would they?
Bush? He's never done anything to me personally.
I'd also like to point out that its not the president who makes laws or tax cuts, etc., but Congress. don't strain yourselves with this idea.
24-02-2005, 08:28
I am sure there is a special spot in hell for Bush. Right along with other Fascists and generaly bad people. (this is all assuming that there is a hell mind you). I can just see it now. Bush,Stalin,Hitler and Barnie the Dinosaur all sitting around a table made of brimestone and drinking sulferic acid coktails(on there time off from being tortured) discussing the forming of a Union of former dispotic rulers. Bush woudl oppose it since liberals run unions.
Clinton was impeached for perjury - lying under oath (to a judge - part of the government)
Bush lied to the American public and the world, but that's not a crime. :rolleyes:
Actually, there are some people who think a good case can be made for impeachment. I think it's something called "material misrepresentation." That doesn't really matter as long as Bush has popular support in congress, though.
no, he lied to the senate. This is still perjury (to lie to the US senate during a hearing) but he was not in court and he lied about an affair. Now, it definitely was not a good or moral thing for him to have an affair, but really, the senate had no business asking him in the first place. Also, a president is only liable to impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors", and lying about a BJ in a congressional hearing does not strike me as either.
24-02-2005, 11:47
What has the shrub done? I think he's still breathing. Damn. :gundge:
Cut my taxes. Kept the country from swinging wildly farther toward socialism. Did the right thing in Afganistan, screwed up in Iraq, harmed freedoms with the Patriot Act and Homeland security. Made my wait to get on airplanes longer. And he's still 10 times better than Gore or Kerry. Oh for a President that actually is capable of doing more good than harm. I don't expect to see one in my lifetime.
ya'know, actually I think this is the best message I have seen on this topic. I disagree about being better than kerry, but better than Gore, probably so. Seems like in EVERY presidential election we are stuck with voting for the lesser of the evils. However, though I think he is a lesser evil than Gore, he still makes me ashamed that he represents my country, and I still think he is busily making life worse for every american that doesn't want to be born, live, and die without leaving the "red states"
The Elvarin
27-02-2005, 04:56
jeez this topic is getting out of control. Here, have some happpy pills
Marrakech II
27-02-2005, 05:00
jeez this topic is getting out of control. Here, have some happpy pills
Well thanks, that was a good laugh. Just dont quit your day job.
The Elvarin
27-02-2005, 05:34
Well thanks, that was a good laugh. Just dont quit your day job.
hahaha, i wish that was me :P but since it isnt, i will just have to sing along.
27-02-2005, 12:25
well by continueing with the no child left behing thingy my maath teacher got fired cuz he didnt have his full credentials and we got some crap ass substitute and i almos didnt gradate cuz of that unill i complained enough then we got a new guy and barly managed to pass...
Looks like they should have done something about your English teacher as well.
Convicts of France
27-02-2005, 14:03
Bush made it nearly impossible for my mom to get a job (she's a teacher) due to his No Child Left Behind Act, therefore forcing my family to live off of a substiture teacher's salary. That's what he's done to me.
So your mom is one of those that need to have standards lowered so she can work? How is that good for the kids to be taught by such an incompetent person? If your mom or anyone can not keep their credentials current then they do not have any reason to be in a class room teaching the children. Simple as that, maybe your mom should be looking for a different career if she is unable to pass a few tests that are government made.
For those not familiar with the no child left behind act, it makes it mandatory for teachers to pass a series of competence test to make sure the kids are getting the best possible education. This is tied to federal funding and if the Teachers or the Kids fail these tests then that school gets no federal dollars. It is working and those schools targeted as failing in 2002 made significant progress in 2004. Kids were getting higher test scores and grades had improved. I still believe it needs more funding but only after the US does away with the biggest homeland terror group known as the NEA. They have done more to destroy the education system than help it. By letting incompetent teachers hold unto jobs they have no reason what so ever to have.
Convicts of France
27-02-2005, 14:31
Thats why he beat Bush on all 3 debates.One of which it is specualted that Bush cheated on ... and he still lost. The Right is very shady and secretive in teh way they do business and that does not bold well with me.
Actually Kerry didn't win all three debates; He did win the first one. Second one was a tie and the third Bush won. Not to mention if you believe the President should be elected by how well he argues. Then I feel sorry for the state our Country will be in if the Liberals ever get into power.
I like all things not related to national security to be out on the public plate ( and even as much of the security issues as possible out there). THe Right likes to keep the people in the dark on as much as possible by applying more and more things to national security. Not too mention keeping our poor held down through cuts in all sorts of programs. The right does nto want well educated Americans because they would see through the lies , smoke and mirrors. The right use religion to excuse their backwards thought patterns and oprressive behavior.
So much wrong with this part of your rant, I would say argument but well you have about as much insight to things as a typical Liberal. You do know that both parties participate in keeping the general public in the dark right? I mean the Democrats would never get elected in 90% of the country if they were true to their beliefs. Those that receive education and get a decent job more than not vote Republican. Sorry to deflate your ego here but there is more to education than sitting in a Classroom spouting hatred and false beliefs to mushy minded students.
THe good news is that now that the ball is in the Rights court ( they own or will own all 3 branches of government). SO now when they drop the ball (and they will) the people will rise up and vote them all out of office. I concede that the more backward thinking aprts of the country will always have a contingent of idiots elected to office. However the overwhelming majority of young people see the rights bullshit for what it is. The baby boomers will start dying off soon and the "greatest generation" is already near extinction. [Quote]
This is why the liberals in this country keep loosing. If you keep up the hate of those that disagree with you. You will never win their trust to put you back into power. The overwhelming majorities of young people today is not liberal but are right of center. Just because the people you talk to and hang out with are like you does not make it the majority. They will not support either side of radical conservatism or liberalism. They will however support someone that is more center of right like McCain or Julienne. They will see through the smoke screen every time with people like Kerry or Pillary who try to cover their extremist attitudes. It is also why a majority of voters sit home on Election Day because they do not like the far left or far right ideology.
[Quote]Progressive thinking is the only way too cope in this new world and those left behind will be just that... left behind. Lets keep or religion and our politics seperate.
Our religion and politics are separate. The constitution only protects us from the Government establishing a state ran religion. Remember the founding fathers came from a world where the Church was in control of the Government. If a President of the USA uses his faith, whether it is Islam, Christianity, or any other religion, is not against the constitution. Those that spout this are just anti-Christian as they never bash Islam for having fanatics that wish to destroy the infidels.
I hope that one day you wake up and can be happy that you are living in a great country. There are no soup lines, people have money to survive, and those that do not can get help when needed. To see fault in everything that disagrees with you will only lead to being at best an opposition party.
Convicts of France
27-02-2005, 15:07
I will try not to laugh, and not to get pissed off. First off. Maybe Clinton lyed, but who cares? It was his business. What his sex life has to do with the country I have no idea. Clinton helped this country so much. Much more than your saviour Bob Dole would have done. Clinton got us a surplus, and for those who think he didnt do anything with terrorism. Ask the Isrealis. he worked with Palestine and Israel to make peace.
Second of all. How was Kerry a traitor? Are you refering to the Viet Nam war? First of all, yeah! Screw him! That traitor showing up for duty! Why didnt he just show up for the Alabamian national guard than get fired like the non-traitor Bush! second of all, the viet nam war happened 40 years ago, why is it so hard for all the Bush supporters to let it go?
How did Kerry love terrorists? How was he a communist.
Actually a post as stupid as yours does not deserve any more of a responce. Go back to watching Nascar. Maybe have a few beers.
Clinton's sex life did harm the country. Or maybe you do not remember the first bombing of the WTC, the Embassy bombings, and other terror acts committed through the 1990's? Clinton was afraid to do anything because he was caught in that lie. Had he come out and said that he did it, all would have been forgotten the democrats would have won by a landslide in 2000. Regained control of all three branches etc, He didn't and the party has paid for it. More Governorship was lost during Clinton’s reign of terror, than any other president in the history of the country. Also through his lying he caused the Republicans to regain control of the House for the first time in 40 years.
Clinton did not get us a surplus, which was a bi-partisan affair lead by the Republicans. Also the said surplus would have been in 10 years with static spending. In other words the Government would have been only able to spend 1.8 trillion a year and not raise it for anything. Of course we all know how well that works. The debt has always been in the red since 1961, which is the last year we had a surplus. Clinton was just lucky the Republicans wanted balance budgets that help shrink the deficit. Other than that he did more harm to the safety of our country than good. With ignoring the terrorist and playing nice with them all through the 90’s
He did not make peace with the Israelis and Palestine. He is the only President to have a Terrorist sleep over and also at the White House more than any other world leader. Of course I guess in your deluded thinking this is peace.
Why is it so Hard for Liberals to let go of Bush's national guard service? It happened over 30 years ago after all. Only to a warped liberal would National Guard service be considered traitorous. I mean we did have a President that dodge the draft but we were unable to talk about that. It was after the right thing to do at the time. So we have another that did time in the National Guard. At least he could have been called to active duty unlike the draft dodger that fled to Canada.
I think you need to lay off the kool-aid and grow up some. Not one Conservative I know of considered Bob Dole our savior. Unlike the liberals in this country that figured it would be good to place a veteran from a war they hated and parade him around as some hero to a war they considered unjust and immoral. The one war that they started none the less and fostered through the 60’s till we got a Republican in office to end it.
Not to mention the fact that the democrats were the only ones to start the draft, support said draft and try to start same draft in 2004. Funny how that seems to escape the liberal mind.
E Blackadder
27-02-2005, 15:10
Endangered my life by increasing, in my opinion, the scope and appeal of anti-Western terrorist groups in the Middle East by his policies there.
how? he didnt say "hate me you god damn mouslims, hate me"
he didnt do anything to actually increase the amount of anti-westwern hate in the middle east. he cant help it if some backwards countrie doesnt know that in order to progress you dont need to do it by destroying everyone else who doesnt beleive in the same religeon...
Convicts of France
27-02-2005, 15:21
Hmmm... can you back that up with numbers ? And if so.. why do people still starve ? If it is a question of distribution problems.. shouldn't those be addressed ?
I do not have the census here in front of me as I seem to have deleted it from my hard drive. I do know that our Farmers are hindered by regulations and if let alone they could produce enough food to feed the world. The government puts these regulations into effect. People are starving in the world due to the fact of Governments that are not exactly honest. Look at the "Oil for food program" how many Iraqi's died because of the greed of Europeans and Saddam? It is better to build palaces and get cheap oil than feed the people. Of course only the US is evil and wants all the oil right?
Carnivorous Lickers: Thanks, I am not always so calm as I get really ticked off with ignorant people that refuse to look at everything.
27-02-2005, 15:38
Damn. I checked the news this morning. Apparently he's still breathing.
28-02-2005, 01:22
What has Bush done to me? Here's three things.
3. Turned just about everyone I know into a extremist, either left or right. It's not common for one of my friends to suggest in a very open way how, "all gays should be sent to the frontlines to be slaughtered." Sadly, he used to be a moderate.
I find this one to be strange. I mean really strange. Why did he suddenly decide to become an extreme homophobe?
28-02-2005, 01:57
This is tied to federal funding and if the Teachers or the Kids fail these tests then that school gets no federal dollars. It is working and those schools targeted as failing in 2002 made significant progress in 2004. Kids were getting higher test scores and grades had improved.
What does that prove except that they're getting better at taking tests? From my experience, my education is not in the least represented in the tests, so why should I give any weight at all to the claim that education standards are improving when I have absolutely no faith in that standard? Moreover, last I checked there was a shortage of qualified teachers, so can we lay off the NEA until we get enough teachers (perhaps by paying them more?) to start worrying about their quality? Also, I'd be very interested in your definition of "terrorist organization."
Convicts of France
28-02-2005, 02:21
I would love to pay teachers more, in my community I have lobbied for lower pay at the admin levels and increase pay where it is needed most. Teachers are the ones doing the dirty work, let them be paid what a principle gets that sits in an office or hall way and makes sure no one is causing trouble.
I define Terrorist organizations as any that cause harm to the society structure. In the case of the NEA, they fight to keep unqualified teachers in positions they have no right to hold. Just as with any union they are hurting the quality of the work force by supporting those slackers that refuse or are otherwise too stupid to pass basic testing.
So because you get better at taking tests means you are not learning anything from the studying for said test? I am not saying the system is perfect, but I am saying we need something like it to make sure we have the best teachers in the classroom. We spend more dollars than any country in the world on public education and we get far less for that money compared to other countries. It is Time to change the system and make teachers accountable for something, other than picking up a pay check.
I would love to pay teachers more, in my community I have lobbied for lower pay at the admin levels and increase pay where it is needed most. Teachers are the ones doing the dirty work, let them be paid what a principle gets that sits in an office or hall way and makes sure no one is causing trouble.
I define Terrorist organizations as any that cause harm to the society structure. In the case of the NEA, they fight to keep unqualified teachers in positions they have no right to hold. Just as with any union they are hurting the quality of the work force by supporting those slackers that refuse or are otherwise too stupid to pass basic testing.
Problem is, that word alread has a definition.
Terrorism -- The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
You can't just make up a new definition of an inflamitory term and then apply it to a group you don't like.
Unions may have their problem, but if you think that the country is better off without them then you've been reading too much walmart propoganda. Without a teachers' union to lobby for better pay and better conditions then the job will deteriorate to the point that only those who can't find any viable employment prospects elsewhere will seek the job. In other words, you'll weed out all the good teachers.
So because you get better at taking tests means you are not learning anything from the studying for said test? I am not saying the system is perfect, but I am saying we need something like it to make sure we have the best teachers in the classroom.
Actually all the available information says that when teachers "teach to the test" the students' actual performance does suffer. Take a look at Texas. They imposed some very rigorous state tests and then the students performance on those tests went up, but their ability to take other tests on the same material went down.
We spend more dollars than any country in the world on public education and we get far less for that money compared to other countries. It is Time to change the system and make teachers accountable for something, other than picking up a pay check.
Then why don't we adopt educational systems more like those of the countries who we think are outperforming us?
George decreased my taxes. I like him:)
Mr. Bush has created the largest deficits in history with his "tax cuts." Most of the "tax cut" was added onto the deficit, therefore, the "tax cuts" were simply a loan to the wealthy. Now my generation must (I am 18) enter the work force, start families, and recieve a nation with excessive financial baggage. His private accounts and the accompanying $2 trillion in debt will not help.
Devout Giant Ants
28-02-2005, 03:21
Mmmm...... Am not overly familiar with the policies of Bush, or for that matter any American politics, but can't say that Bush has done anything to impress me. He may be a person with his own beliefs - but surly he should be leading his country in the best interests of its people rather than on a personal crusade as he seems to be doing.
(We need to find a way to vote people into power that dont want to be there -- anybody who wants to rule shouldnt be alowed to ;) )
28-02-2005, 05:32
I have an additional tax cut. I get back approx 200% more than I did with Clinton. He also finished the war in Iraq. Looks like he is going to take care of Iran. Which should have been done along time ago.
28-02-2005, 07:09
Oh where to start? Loosen enviromental standards making the air more polluted. the air I breath.
Moved a lot the first responders to terrorist attacks to Iraq via the reserves and national guard. making my change of surviving a terrorist attack less and less likely.
took away my rights for privacy.
increased the hatred of the western world making the usa a dangerous place.
sent some of my friends to a dangerous place.
gave up on education of some of my family
attempted to restrict the rights of some of my friends to marry
refuses to crack down on outsourcing leaving my local economy high and dry
does nothing to help the finacial crisis in my state thus rasing my tutition a year by 1400 dollars, but hey my parents got a check in the mail for 600 dollars once, that almost covers it.
is not tough on the drug companies putting my grandparents to near poverty so they are able to take the pills to make them survive.
28-02-2005, 07:11
He also finished the war in Iraq.
wow, you have a twisted defination of finished.... turn on cnn, or evne fox for that matter and tell me it is finished. dont believe the banners and the dress up games.
Cyrian space
28-02-2005, 07:39
He insulted my friends who are pagans by declairing that paganism and wicca are not religions and that the military should stop soldiers who are pagan and wiccan from practising their religion while in service, while their practice of their religion is at NO cost to the US military or taxpayers.
He insulted other friends of mine who are gay or bisexual by stating with his attempted law to ban same sex mairrage that their relationships are not real or have no value, and that they are not worthy of mairrage.
He has massacred the english language, something I take offense to as a writer.
He has started a needless war in which over 1000 American soldiers have died. As these are people I may have one day known and be friends with, this has at least some personal impact for me.
He supports teaching creationism in schools, meaning that my children (should I have any) will be forcefed christian ideology with a spoon.
He supports institutionalized prayer in schools, meaning my children (should I have any) would be forced to pray to a god, and possibly ostrasized if they refuse.
He has built up a massive debt, which my children (should I have any) or their children, (should they have any) or someone, will eventually have to pay off. The interest rate on this debt is enough to cost every american $333 monthly.
He has LIED to the American people. I am an American, and so he has lied to ME. I find this very personally offensive.
He has given the FBI, using the powers of the patriot act, the right to detain me with no charges indefinitely (as in as long as they want to) by simply asserting that I have something to do with terrorism.
He has allowed, if not created, an economy in which I am afraid that I will not be able to enter the job market at all.
and the big one:
He is quite possibly going to start a war with Iran. This war will almost definitely be manned by draftees. I am sixteen, and I might not get into a college, and thus I could be drafted to fight in his war. This could lead to my death, and if this is so, I will blame George W Bush for sending me to die.
Laidoff computer-geeks
28-02-2005, 08:58
I see alot of hate Bush postings lately. What personally has he done to you? Did he kill your kitten? Crap in your toilet and didnt flush? Scratched your favorite CD? I mean really what the hell is wrong with people to have so much hatred? Were you not held as a child? Did your parents lock you in a dark closet your whole childhood? Really this baffles me... He has done alot of good things i think. Im not a Republican either. Enlighten me on these crazed haters of Bush.
He almost made the plane I was in crash.
-I was flying back to Seattle, from DC about a year ago. Our first leg of the trip was supposed to set down in detroit about mid-day. This leg of the flight was only supposed to be a couple of hours at most. After a a bit of time went by in the air, I started to feel like I had been in the air a long time. I looked at my watch and lo and behold, we were still in the air an hour after we were supposed to touch down. Of course, because I had flown for the first time after 9-11, on 9-15, I was a bit freaked out. Finally after a good half an hour had passed by (it felt like an eternity) we started to decend. The pilot came on the air and said (I'm not kidding you) "Sorry about the delay, Air force one has stopped in detroit for lunch and due to federal regulations and laws all planes must stay x number of feet (I don't remember how many, look it up if you must know) away from air force one at all times and are prohibited from approaching or taking off while air force one is on the ground. All flights have been delayed, so you should be able to catch your connecting flight as soon as we have been given clearance to land."
" we have burned alot of fuel trying to stay above the allowed footage, so please buckle up. (at this point the plane started to decend alittle faster and at steeper angle) In the event we need to make an emergency landing, please make yourself familiar with the exit instructions located in the pocket in front of you."
When we finally stopped decent, we flew what seemed like a long way close over land, the pilot choosing to approach from the side with the most water, I.e. over the great lakes. He barely made it over the fence surrounding the airport and he had to be taxied all the way across the runway because he was so low on gass. they practically had to push him up to the gate. Funny thing is- the entire plane was packed full of protesters coming back from a huge womens rights rally (you may remember hearing about it in the news). Can you imagine the headline if we had been forced to make a crash landing?
So yes bush has done something to me personally, and the reason I hate him is probably been said over and over again in this topic, so I won't bore you with it. :gundge:
Marrakech II
20-03-2005, 07:45
He almost made the plane I was in crash.
-I was flying back to Seattle, from DC about a year ago. Our first leg of the trip was supposed to set down in detroit about mid-day. This leg of the flight was only supposed to be a couple of hours at most. After a a bit of time went by in the air, I started to feel like I had been in the air a long time. I looked at my watch and lo and behold, we were still in the air an hour after we were supposed to touch down. Of course, because I had flown for the first time after 9-11, on 9-15, I was a bit freaked out. Finally after a good half an hour had passed by (it felt like an eternity) we started to decend. The pilot came on the air and said (I'm not kidding you) "Sorry about the delay, Air force one has stopped in detroit for lunch and due to federal regulations and laws all planes must stay x number of feet (I don't remember how many, look it up if you must know) away from air force one at all times and are prohibited from approaching or taking off while air force one is on the ground. All flights have been delayed, so you should be able to catch your connecting flight as soon as we have been given clearance to land."
" we have burned alot of fuel trying to stay above the allowed footage, so please buckle up. (at this point the plane started to decend alittle faster and at steeper angle) In the event we need to make an emergency landing, please make yourself familiar with the exit instructions located in the pocket in front of you."
When we finally stopped decent, we flew what seemed like a long way close over land, the pilot choosing to approach from the side with the most water, I.e. over the great lakes. He barely made it over the fence surrounding the airport and he had to be taxied all the way across the runway because he was so low on gass. they practically had to push him up to the gate. Funny thing is- the entire plane was packed full of protesters coming back from a huge womens rights rally (you may remember hearing about it in the news). Can you imagine the headline if we had been forced to make a crash landing?
So yes bush has done something to me personally, and the reason I hate him is probably been said over and over again in this topic, so I won't bore you with it. :gundge:
You can't be serious about this. Almost to much to believe.
20-03-2005, 08:25
Lemme think...the Rome Statute? Now the U.S. is exempt from war crimes accountability.
Linking the sex-education aid money to abstinence-only policies, so that millions of Africans and Asians continue to die of HIV and shoddy abortion practices.
And finally, diplomatic pressure on MY government for participation in an unjust war.
Please don't think I'm going all anti-American here...you yanks deserve a fair go, and I think under your current administration, you're being grossly deceived.
www.isometry.com has some interesting information on a history of U.S. interference all over the globe, so it's not just George W. who I dislike immensley.
And if you see Condoleeza, tell her she's a sell-out to all of us self-respecting uterus owner-operators.
20-03-2005, 08:37
I see alot of hate Bush postings lately. What personally has he done to you?
He made monkey faces at me.