When Angels Run Rampant (Open RP - Fantasy) - Page 2
04-10-2004, 17:03
The hellfire ate up the rubble below the vampire like a famished castaway who had stumbled upon a morsel of food. The molten stone stripped his armor away from his feet and legs. His wings beat in desperation as the oppressive heat singed them and the weathered flesh shrivelled and fell away from the bone before being eaten up by the ever unsatisfied magma below him. David roared in pain, pain that was strangely real though it was impossible for him to feel.
Something was triggered by this pain deep inside of him, and his form rippled in unimaginable ways. Bone snapped like twigs, and muscle simply fell apart like wet paper. All this was drowned out by the vampire's screams of agony, before they finally and suddenly ceased. The dome of flames was torn apart as an immeasurable quantity of energy was released into the surrounding area. Several of the massive buildings around the dome simply shattered under the force.
A hundred meter tall being of pure energy towered over the destroyed section of city One of it's two eyes glowered a pristine white; the other totally black. It gave an unearthly roar and sent a cascade of pure Justika Korrupt into Izual.
The coilgun turret several kilometers away lazily turned it's gun housing towards the new target, and put and additional four 250mm slugs into the abomination David had become. Every one of the slugs impacted into the new creature, but were simply melted away by the intense heat that washed off of the abomination.
The turret's thermal sensors also detected a new signature, barely noticable behind the overbearing heat of the two demons now on the scene. The target had made no hostile moves towards either of the demons on the battlefield. The automaton that controlled the turret filed the new arrival as a potential threat and returned it's attention to whichever of the demons made a new hostile movement.
Izual and the demon lord both stood in utter silence as David transformed. Neither had guessed that the lowly vampire was actually something more, something of great power and fury. Izual was about to make a comment when a familiar voice filled his head.
Again, before he could speak, another voice filled the void.
"Arithon? So that is the current lord of the underworld. No, I will crush this Arithon and seize his throne!"
Izual hadn't actually ever met KT, yet he had observed the ascension of Nez'gah to a demon lord and bore witness to KT's involvement. Izual held no bias against the warrior, even if he was allied with Arithon and his kind.
"Hmmm, this will be interesting."
The demon lord faced KT for a moment before he returned his attention to David.
"Whoever you are, if you stand in my way you shall be crushed by my supreme might!"
Still stunned, the demon lord was only able to raise his inner defences as the Justika Korrupt flowed into Izual's body. Physically it was hurting him, yet the spirits within the body were well protected.
OOC: What exactly is this Justika Korrupt and what does it do?
06-10-2004, 01:16
((Justika Korrupt is a volitile combination of corrupted energies that has a wide range of unpredictable effects. You can have it manifest any form of harm you wish on Izual and the demon lord, though chances are the same effect won't hit you two times in a row.))
The being bellowed a great laugh at the demon's arrogant threat. "You, a demon lord, stand against two of Gaia's most potent creations?"
David's subconciousness registered the words and formed a vauge thought. "What?! My counterpart...was...Rashel?"
The being ignored David and continued talking to Izual and his possessor. "I am the manifestation of Purity and Corruption, of Order and Chaos. I am the World Seer, I am the Judge, Jury and Executioner of Light and Dark's eternal war. You are a weak and impotent shade of the great demon you once were. If you – by some sick twist of fate – retake the throne at the helm of Hell, the Light will prevail. Your foolishness ends now."
"...she was the host of the Khaotika Pure..." David though, utterly shocked. The Angel that had been in his mind for centuries was the ultimate forbidden fruit. It was never fortold the two World Guardians would meet. Their purpose was to remain a world apart, always countering the other's imbalance. Even Gaia could not have intented this.
Or had she?
The living energy stomped down on the ground, sending cracks ripping through the ground. Crimson energy lept from the abyss and formed into a coherent form. It lept at Izual's body, seeking to burn the flesh from his skin and baptize the demon lord.
06-10-2004, 18:57
OOC: Ai! Bit of an upgrade, eh?
-Well, I'd say that our question has been answered quite clearly- definitely a rival-
-True. It looks like he's in a pretty tough fight already, though...-
-You said if it was a rival, we'd attack. I'm holding you to that.-
-Of course! Eventually, though, we'll have to decide how to respond to this third being.-
-Time enough for that when we know more about him.-
"You mean you will attempt to crush Arithon... but I don't think you'll ever have the opportunity to try."
Without waiting to let the demon recover from David's attack, Kazar sent a blast of brilliant purple lightning crackling toward Izual. Shadows gathered and condensed in his left hand.
OOC: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Lost my damn huge post..... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I can't be bothered redoing it now...
07-10-2004, 10:55
OOC: Aaaargh!! I sorrow for your loss and frustration.
Curses, now I want to know what it was!
OOC: Here goes the redo. Keep in mind that the redo is never as good as the lost original *curses forums*. BUT, it shall suffice as I'll attempt to get it as close as possible.
IC: Izual and the demon lord both cursed in unison. They both knew of the opposite guardian forces of the Earth and the fact that they were now combined was not good. They now faced against an opponent that was highly competent in both demonics and angelics.
The pair were quickly disrupted from the surprise by the searing pain of Izual's skin burning off as yet another attack from David collided into Izual's body, spreading an intense sting all over his body. Even though it was the demon lord that actually felt the pain due to his control of the body, Izual still winced at witnessing his body losing its flesh. A mighty raw escaped Izual's crisp lips as the demon lord expressed his pain and anger.
"You mean you will attempt to crush Arithon... but I don't think you'll ever have the opportunity to try."
Izual turned at the voice to be immediately struck by the purple lightning square in the torso. The force launched the fallen angel off his feet and built up a high velocity as it continued through the air. Izual's form raced through the city for several seconds as it crashed through buildings and other city structures, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Finally he landed with a shatter of glass, a thunderous crash and a sickening thud in the centre of a shopping complex. For several minutes nothing stirred, complete silence filled the city as the dust settled.
One moment the complex stood relatively intact, save for the shattered windows Izual had passed through. The next moment the entire complex was engulfed in a crimson dome of raw demonic energy. The pure force literally ripped the building apart, sending debris everywhere. Within the next few seconds the dome had died away in a final, forceful explosion. Debris, people, cars and anything else caught up in the force were flung like paper and sent crashing into other structures within the city, adding to the devestation.
Standing in the centre of shopping complex remains, a large crater, Izual began walking back towards David and KT. The fallen angel was surrounded by a massive aura of crimson energy, the same colour as his now pupiless eyes. Anything that came into contact with the aura soon began to crumble, as if death itself had touched it. Any startled humans unlucky to be caught in the radius of Izual's power merely fell to the ground, and decayed immediately.
Finally reaching his two enemies, the demon lord addressed KT first. The fury was evident in his face. Izual took note of something interesting the demon lord was doing. All the pain from the seared flesh and the lightning blast burn was being diverted into something, fuelling something. Finally he found it... Rage. The demon lord was using all the pain to feed his rage, to increase his bloodlust. Izual knew a major key to demonic power rested in the ability to use rage correctly. This demon lord knew what he was doing.
"You, whoever you are. You will pay for intervening in my affairs. You will be the first to die once I deal with this so called guardian. For now you shall remain where you are!"
The aura intensified as the ground began to shake all around Izual, David and KT. Without any sign of an impending attack, five shiny black spires exploded out of the ground below KT, all of them piercing his flesh. KT was initially pinned by two of the spires passing directly through his shoulders whilst another two passed through his thighs. The last blacke spire impaled straight through his abdomen and exited through the small of his back. KT was firmly held in place. A quick hand gesture and the spires begain pulsating the same crimson red until arcs of lightning began to flicker around the structures and move towards KT.
The frequency increased as more and more arcs of demonic electricity passed into KT, burning him internally. Smoke began to rise from the impaled form as he cooked, the stench of burned blood and flesh quickly filled the air. Now satisfied that KT would be out of the picture for some time, the demon lord turned his attention to David.
"And now you. Perhaps you are the combined guardian and balance of forces upon this planet, but not even your precious Earth spirit knows everything. Especially that of demonics. I am hardly a shadow of what I used to be, even if this body is different, it holds powers of its own. The light will not prevail, it cannot! Otherwise your precious balance would be destroyed. Unfortunately, you will not be around to see my darkness spread over the world. I have aquired the powers to defeat you. My demonics outmaster anything of Gaia's, and I now have the angelics to combat your other half. Prepare to meet your end!"
"Alright angel, this is the time to prove your use. I will give you the freedom to release your powers when I command. I'll take care of the darkness, the light is up to you. Cross me and I'll rip your very essence out of existence. Understood?"
"Aye. This is my body too remember, I don't want to see it destroyed. You shall recieve my full efforts when the time calls for them."
Izual chuckled to himself. The time was finally upon him when he could strike and retake his body. It would be difficult and painful, but he would pull it off, he had to. First of all, he needed to collaborate with the others. Extending his mental awareness, he contacted the pained mind of KT and the righteous David.
"Alright guys, here's the deal. Demon lord here believes I'm going to unleash my light abilities for his cause. When the time comes I shall release them, but he will not be recieving the full force in the way he intended. Whilst I attack from the inside, burning his dark essence, you two must beat the hell out of my body. He won't leave this body unless he absolutely has to. The efforts of attempting to fend me off and protect the body will be too much for him and shall force him out. Thus, giving me full control. He'll be in spirit form then, so it will be up to you guys to beat him down since I'll be out of action. Once he is crippled, I'll open a portal into the Lord's Lake, where all past demon lords usually go. You guys chuck his essence in and we're done. Then I can go off and heal for the next fifty years. Got it?"
The bloodlust finally erupted within the demon lord and he howled a bone chilling chant in a demonic tongue as he began a furious charge towards David. Muscles straining as his legs pumped harder, Izual reached David in a matter of seconds. As it appeared the two would collide, Izual leaped off the ground and lost his shape as he converted himself into a massive arc of eerie green lightning. The arc passed directly through David, releasing destructive energies and burning flesh. Upon bursting out the other side of David, Izual quickly took form again and spun around to place his hands upon David. Hist left hand reached over the shoulder and was pressed against David's throat as the arm took upon the form of a blade whilst the right arm was plunged into the wound left by the lightning and began tearing at organs with a hand made of pure demonic flame.
With a voice of pure spite and fury, Izual whispered into David's ear.
"Shall we see how many times you can die before I take your soul to the underworld?"
08-10-2004, 04:44
David sent back not words to acknowledge Izual's intent, but rather a subtle telepathic "double click" confirming his agreement. However, this did not mean he would slacken his assault by any means. He didn't want the demon to get suspicious, after all.
For now David turned his attention from the rending of his long-dead organs to answer the demon's taunt. "I'm afraid you won't be around for eternity to keep trying, if that's your intent. The light will never prevail, I shall make sure of it. But, you still fail to see that neither will the dark."
David calmly grasped Izual's flaming hand and twisted it to the side before thrusting it back in an unnatural direction, sending his radius jutting through his elbow in a brief spray of blood. Holy energy lashed up from the core of his body to mend his wounds – painless, minor wounds for him – and arced up through Izual's blade-arm into his body to ravage his dark side.
The vampire's body briefly transformed itself into an exotic, paradoxical combination of corrupted and pure energies and burned through the demonic angel's body again, incinerating whatever was left of his left arm. The twin infernal blades attached to David's wrists slashed diagonally across his foe's back. He spun with the momentum and plunged both blades into Izual's upper back.
08-10-2004, 06:48
-Understood.- Kazar replied to Izual's message.
Black blood flowed down the spikes, forming a smoking puddle on the ground around K-T. They crumbled slightly as Kazar's blood sank into them, and red and black flames danced at the edges of the pool, but still the spires held him fixed in place...
"Del trog'vir durogast tan varkym!"
The gleaming black spikes shattered; shrapnel and back-lash energy shot out in all directions.
"I can take things that would kill an ordinary human through sheer pain without slowing, demon... but that hurt."
"K'zaltan durog-verath t'dryl! Ver'kainin zal-koru aferdiyan!"
As David and the demon joined in close range combat, K-T pointed his spread-fingered right hand toward his enemy. A dozen meter long black spikes materialized and shot towards Izual. Kazar moved his hands in a quick, complicated gesture, and a ball of roiling green flames 3 meters in diameter soared after them
"Now, I'm annoyed."
Beginning to form a Seeker in his left hand, Kazar-Tiyon drew his sword with his right, and limped towards the other two combatants.
OOC: If you want to get him really mad, try to steal or destroy Shadowfang. In his current state, a powerful, sudden attack could get it out of his hand. If the demon lord tried to take up Shadowfang (the sword's power would be clearly visible to him, but not neccessarily its nature), that migh add a very interesting element...
The demon lord roared in agony once again as his right arm was broken and holy energy coursed through the second. Before he could recover from the pain, Izual's left arm was completely anihilated whilst the right hung useless at his side. Of course it was within his ability to heal the bone almost on the spot, but the demon lord would have to endure a slower, natural healing of demonic kind.
Again pain exploded throughout his body as David plunged the blades into his being, the conflicting energies tearing away at his body and essence. Looking to his left, the demon lord noticed the massive spikes racing towards him. Already in enough pain, he decided he had had enough. With sheer force of will, the demon lord called upon a wave of demon's fire to rise up from the ground.
The wall emerged out of the rock, flickering in the air as it grew tall before the spikes. As the spikes passed through one side, they did not emerge from the other. Grinning evily, the demon lord turned his attention back to David without giving heed to the green flames soaring towards him.
Pain ruptured through his nerves once again. The familiar burn of intense heat upon his flesh was intense to the point where the demon lord fell to his knees, causing the blades in his back to rip open wider wounds.
"Now angel! Release you energy and heal me so I can unleash my full wrath upon these meddlesome creatures!"
"As you wish."
Izual channeled his energies, drawing upon the inner core of his angelic side, forcing his light magic to the surface of his being so that he may cast it forth, to make his will a reality.
"Here we go guys... NOW!"
The combined roar of Izual and the demon lord escaped the physical form as both came under equal control of the body. The face contorted in rage, fear and pain as the light was allowed to surge forth. Izual had released the light yet it had not left his body, instead it had flowed directly into his mind, where the demon lord was hiding.
An aura of gold and white light flowed around Izual, the light emerging from all physical orifices. The blinding light intensified within and without, forcing itself upon the demon lord and all of his aspects. Caught off guard, the demon lord fled back from the light until he could mount his own demonic defence, attempting to push the light back.
Due to the demonic abilities of Izual, the demon lord's attempts at counter-attacks were rendered useless by a few simple spell channels. Howling in fury, the demon lord called upon more power as Izual intensified his attack. The battle had just become internal, leaving Izual's physical form stationary, open for the others to attack.
10-10-2004, 05:29
As golden light erupted forth from his target, David was momentarily blinded. Once he regained his senses, he placed a heavy boot against Izual's back and pushed hard, wrenching his blades free. He swept his hand towards Kazar-Tiyon.
He spoke in a firm voice telling of power. "Don't do him any further harm. It might give the demon lord a respite."
The demon lord howled in fury as Izual's efforts forced him back. The body was now damaged to the point where it would take a long time for him to heal it on his own, it was almost useless to him now. The only thing that mattered now was vanquishing Izual and escaping this battle. That would prove difficult.
Izual could sense the demon lord's desperation and realised his body was now too damaged to be of much value, it was time to call upon the others to help rip the demon lord out of his body.
"Alright, he's almost ready to run, but not without one last fight. I'm forcing him out, but with all his attention devoted to defence against me, it could take a while. Do you guys know anything about removing souls? If you do, go for it. Obviously he'll be the dark one."
Izual continued to bombard the demon lord with light energy, although for each burst he unleashed, the demon lord weaved webs of shadow twice as fast. His defence was becoming increasingly difficult to penetrate. Growling in frustration, Izual doubled his efforts, calling upon more and more of the angelic energy in the hope of over powering the demon lord.
The golden aura grew around Izual's body, now combined with a thick shadowy mist that seemed to be fighting the golden light.
10-10-2004, 18:33
David took a few steps back from the minature war going on withing Izual's mutilated body, and brought his right hand up reverently. The angel's body jerked as if he was being pulled skyward by his heart and began to rise at a painfully slow pace into the air. Once he was suspended a meter or so in the air, the World Seer held his palm out to Izual's heart. White-hot energy crackled through the vampire's veins and arteries from his own heart to collect in his hand. A small ball of white lightning began to grow in his palm, scorching the surrounding air.
11-10-2004, 04:13
Chanting quietly, K-T whirled his sword in a great circle. He seemed to fade to ordinary vision until he looked little more solid than a ghost- and, at the same time, became far more "solid" in the realm of spirits. Shadowfang's spirit flared in his hand like a cross between that of a wild animal and a bar of living flame.
-I'll see what I can do to distract him...-
Kazar made a few adjustments to the Seeker; the magical construct was close enough to allive that it could be designed to function in a purely spiritual manner. The packet of energy soared from his hand and began tearing at the demon's shields of shadow.
Izual noticed the demon lord losing hold, KT and David were doing their job and he was becoming distracted. Now he would have to defend on two fronts, all tearing at his sould, attempting to rip him out of Izual's body.
"Well demon, it seems we won't be spending so much time together. Have a nice time in the lake."
Izual could feel the demon lord's anger finally reach it's pinacle, fuelling his power.
"You will suffer for this demon, beyond any measure, you will suffer!"
A bone shattering roar seemed to come from nowhere as the demon lord raised all the demonic forces he could muster, building layer upon layer of defence against Izual, David and KT.
The sky was completely engulfed in darkness, surging arcs of energy flickered around Izual's body, ready to lash out anyone nearby. The earth began to shake more violently and a deep rumble was combined with the immense roar. If Izual had control over his body, his jaw would have dropped at the huge amount of power being plunged into the demon lord's defences.
One word resonated within the minds of Izual, David and KT.
12-10-2004, 12:30
Zarkon! This is not good!
However, I doubt it's as bad as our enemy thinks...
Kazar jumped into the air, a disc of shadow forming beneath him, and held his sword high in a two-handed grip. Shadows swirled around the mystic blade like a vast whirlpool of darkness, drawing off the backwash of power, and an ever increasing number of black claws began coalescing out of the maelstrom and slashing at the demon's shields.
-Have you ever fought a Varezöthian Continental?-
OOC: K-T is slightly easier to shock than a statue, but he recovers a lot faster. ;)
Of course, Shadowfang can only capture a tiny fraction of the energy the demon's calling up, but with that much to handle and this many distractions there's bound to be a bit of backwash. He captures this, forms it into blades, and sends them to attack the shields. They're designed to maximize the part of the damage done that leaks sufficiently into the world for him to capture it, and so on.
*struggles with forum and unreliable internet connection to post* Grr...
13-10-2004, 00:33
David was all but oblivious to the surges of power arcing around him. One arc lurched out too close to him, and the energy in his hand simply obliterated it. As one of his hands held the still immobile Izual in his grasp, the other hand launched forwards, sending an immensely powerful blast of energy through the angel's head. It would cause him little physical harm, but the energy reached deep into the spiritual realm to tear at the demon's essence.
Concentrating the main bulk of his defences against KT's efforts, the demon lord was caught completely by surprise as David's intense beam of light energy dug deep into his defences and completely penetrated them. Izual seized the oppurtunity to wedge his own energies into the threads of power, tearing them open from the inside.
Before he knew it, the demon lord's defences had failed and he was leaving Izual's body, even against his struggles, the enemy surged on. Calling back his energies as the demon accepted his fate, an eerie mental silence filled Izual as the crackle of energies and magiks ceased, the demon lord seemed idle.
Izual now felt the pain of his aching body connect with his mind. His bruised and battered body was his once again, yet something wasn't right. He didn't understand what the demon lord had done. All those energies had been summoned and then... nothing.
"Guys, I'm back in control but I don't like this. Stay wary..."
Immediately afterward, a monumental explosion rocked the earth as Izual felt the demon lord leave. He barely had time to raise a small shield before the shockwave of blak fire ripped toward him, throwing him back into a collapsed building. The fire continued to burn, Izual was temporarily blinded and didn't see what happened to KT and David, but he knew the demon lord had escaped his body and was mighty pissed...
13-10-2004, 16:47
David took an instinctive leap backwards as the roiling wave of fire pounced at him. He strained vainly to get his destroyed wings to work, but they simply wouldn't move. He made a series of lengthy jumps from building to building, but the black fire was chasing him, and he was the doomed prey. He spun on his heel and held his arms out to the fire, refusing to fight it any longer. The sinister fire enveloped him.
14-10-2004, 05:26
Kazar dropped into a crouch, folding up as much as possible, and shields of shadow emerged from the disc below him to enclose him like a clam shell. The surge of power sent the capsule flying backwards into a building, and black fire seethed around it, but the shields held. K-T began carefully manipulating the substance of his protection to extinguish the flames that roared about it.
Fully in control of his body once again, Izual felt every ounce of pain surge into his mind all at once. He'd never felt anything quite like this before and it was too much of a shock for his mind. The demonic angel collapsed into the abyss of unconsciousness.
Finally the black flames died down and was replaced by the ash and smoke of objects and people that had been incinerated. He could tell the angel was out of the picture, he would deal with that one later. Now he would take care of David and KT, even if he was in spirit form.
Calling upon what power was left, the eerie green form of the demon lord hovered slightly above the ground. A large triangular prisim hovered there steadily, devoid of any emotion or apparent senses. Little did any of the humans know this was actually the spirit essence of a powerful demon lord, even if it didn't appear scary, a certain feeling of imminent dread fell over all those around.
Beams of power stretched forth from the prism, coming into contact with random objects on the ground, slicing right through them. The beams grew more plentiful and intensified their length, in search of the two immediate enemies.
15-10-2004, 03:49
David fell to his knees, and his arms snapped out to support him in his fall. He glanced at one hand, and noticed it was afire with blackness. He sighed softly to himself, was grateful once again he couldn't feel pain, and cracked his back.
He turned to inspect his wings. They were all but useless, only the scorched bone remaining. He forced a sizable surge of energy through the bone structure, and something flickered momentarily. He tried again, and a blue mystical membrane played along the bone until it formed into a thin layer. He tried moving the wings again, and they responded lethargically.
The vampire heard something buzz loudly, and he looked to his side. A large green beam had gouged a huge trench in the asphalt. David fell into a low crouch and seemed to blur as he moved far faster than a human could comprehend. He became little more than a blue streak with a scarlet ribbon running through it, ever laughing, ever mocking. David brought one of the celestial blades back and thrust it forward with all of his force, heart and soul. The speed took him off of his feet, and his wings beat maniacally as he closed on the eerie prism.
15-10-2004, 10:30
Kazar finally managed to extinguish the flames, and opened a narrow gap in his shielding... only to see a beam of power sear at least 2/3 of the way through it about an inch from the opening. He formed a reflective barrier in front of him, opened the shields, and charged. Shadowfang waited eagerly in his right hand, and the remaining claws of darkness gathered into a wave- some sweeping before him, others moving in his wake.
OOC: Have you ever played Dungeon Seige?
16-10-2004, 06:11
((No, but I have heard about it by some friends of mine that are fanatics.))
Although the prism of energy seemed as though one could push a finger through it, the second David's blade came into contact with it a sickening ring filled the air, the pitch painful to those listening.
The Prism contracted and changed until it formed a tiny sphere, although the same eerie glow remained. Now entirely aware of where David was, the sphere launched a beam directly towards his exposed form, seeking to slice him in two and consume David's essence.
OOC: Sorry for the crappy post.... I've been really busy lately.
OOC: alrighty.... i'm going to build upon that post now that I'm awake.
IC: Sensing the power behind it, the prism turned sphere hovered higher into the air, out of reach from KT. Now aware of the location of both enemies, the sphere began to intensify the glow to a point where all light was insignificant compared to the blind aura of the eerie green underworld.
The earth continued to shake, opening massive fissures around KT and David, causing them to keep a constant eye upon where they were stepping in case they ended up plunging into the depths of the crust. Adding to the distractions, the mental presence of the demon lord filled the minds of KT and David.
"Do you two pitiful creatures truly think you could come close to stopping once such as me? I may not have a physical form, but I still command enough power to rip you both to pieces. You will feel the wrath of demon kind for eternity!"
With that said, the orb expanded in a rush of unfathomable demonic force, heading for David and KT simultaneously in an attempt to incinerate both their bodies and engulf the souls...
21-10-2004, 01:35
Sensing the power behind it, the prism turned sphere hovered higher into the air, out of reach from KT. Now aware of the location of both enemies, the sphere began to intensify the glow to a point where all light was insignificant compared to the blind aura of the eerie green underworld.
If it seeks to avoid me, it considers me a threat. Excellent news...
A disk of shadow began forming around and under Kazar's feet, lifting him subtly into the air.
The earth continued to shake, opening massive fissures around KT and David, causing them to keep a constant eye upon where they were stepping in case they ended up plunging into the depths of the crust.
As soon as the disk was complete (a process that took only a few moments), KT rose to several feet above the ground, freeing himself from any need to worry about crevices. In the meantime, he sent most of the shadow blades soaring out around the fight, and a few skimming through the air at his foe.
Adding to the distractions, the mental presence of the demon lord filled the minds of KT and David.
At the first "sound" of the telepathic "voice," Kazar wove a swift mental filter, putting a level of awareness between himself and the demon.
-Do you two pitiful creatures truly think you could come close to stopping once such as me? I may not have a physical form, but I still command enough power to rip you both to pieces. You will feel the wrath of demon kind for eternity!-
-Oh? You speak for all demon kind, or just part of it? It will take a far better threat than that to scare me. I've heard worse from mortal wizards! Though never, I'll admit, for very long...-
As he replied, the orb expanded in a rush of unfathomable demonic force, heading for David and KT simultaneously in an attempt to incinerate both their bodies and engulf the souls...
The approaching claws of darkness were instantly obliterated; the remaining claws swept in from all (relatively) open directions.
Blackness coalesced out of the air and formed a layer of powerful shielding upon Kazar's armor. Though very strong, this new layer was designed to glide through the oncoming wave of power like a blade through water; there was obviously no point in trying to resist it directly. K-T accelerated directly into the demon's attack, heading for the center of the orb. His shielding was worn away as he advanced, but not nearly fast enough to eliminate it before he reached his target. Shadowfang's spiritual teeth would give the demon a bite it wouldn't forget for a very long time...
OOC: If the outer edge of the orb is part of the demon, Shadofang will start doing damage as soon as the two come in contact. Of course, if the demon is doing something to block the sword, that will be changed, but I get the impression it hasn't quite realized what Shadowfang is.
If this thing eats my post because it logged me out while I was typing... *clenches fist*
21-10-2004, 18:26
OOC: I am still reading this story. I just remain silent during the fight for David, cyber's character. Let me know when I can interrupt and join in.
OOC: How do you intend to fit into the story again ATG? Since Rashel is all merged and stuff.
I'll post tomorrow, too tired now.
The demon lord could do nothing to stop KT is he plunged through the expanding sphere of demonic energies and headed directly for the source, Shadowfang outstretched. Being a spiritual creature now, the demon lord could only have so much of an effect upon the physical plain, most of which had been expelled in opening the land and preventing David's strike.
Finally Shadowfang found its mark, plunging straight through the demonic orb. The demon lord wailed in fury as engery was sucked from his current form, into the thieving demonic blade. Hoarding what power remained, the demon lord lashed out at KT and sent an arc of special purpose lightning.
The arc shot straight through KT's arm, slicing it off at the elbow... sending the arm and Shadowfang toward an open hole within the fractured land.
25-10-2004, 07:35
((Which arm? That'll make a big difference in his reaction, since he's holding Shadowfang in his right hand...))
OOC: Edited... also... post Cyberutopia, we're very close to finishing this rp off...
29-10-2004, 07:09
OOC: I've got my reply basically planned out, by the way, but I'm waiting for Cybertubia's post. I figure David should have had time to do something by now.
Expect an extreme reaction....
29-10-2004, 12:59
OOC: That's fine, I'm waiting upon Cyb as well. We're drawing near to the end anyway...
03-11-2004, 20:58
David's eyes widened as the rush of energies blasted towards him. He hand only enough time to cross the two arm blades before him, to absorb a portion of the kinetic force. He was blown backwards by the demon lord's tangible rage, and into a massive concrete tower. His right side hit first, crumpling the armor and bone there. The reinforced concrete splintered, sending a rain of needle-like chunks downwards. Through blurred vision, the vampire spotted something pearly and incandecent in the light of the rushing energies, but he had no time to inspect it. His demon's essence bubbled through him, giving him an overwhelming sense of lucidity. Exotic energy rippled through his body, and he let out an involuntary roar.
The demon lord's energies that were rushing around him and searing his flesh were instantly overpowered and torn from the tangible realm as a massive orb of indescribable energies washed out the surrounding landscape in blinding light, creating a small sun on the city's surface. The surrounding buildings were vaporized into their subatomic particles, and any mortal beings watching would instantly experience an agonizingly painful sensory overload. The force of an unstoppable rain of energy ripped out into every direction before the orb became a coherent series of painfully white bolts that cascaded onto the demon lord's spiritual essence with a force instananeously lethal to any being, no matter how legendary. The generator for this power was not David's internal demon, nor the potent merging of David and Rashel. Rather, the Earth itself funnelled it's ambient energies into a singular amplifier – David. The Execution was upon the demon lord.
03-11-2004, 22:37
OOC: Arms race! Arms race! Who can build up the biggest stockpile of magical power?
K-T whirled about, sending a blast of kinetic energy after the sword. It jerked in midair, landing point first near the crevice.
NOBODY threatens my sword!
If the sky hadn't already been dark, it would have dimmed to an ominous red. The ground would have started shaking, if it hadn't been already. As it was, black spikes began ripping out of the ground and dropping back into it throughout the area, and the few nearby buildings that still stood were being rapidly reduced to rubble. Kazar's furious red gaze rivaled the intensity of the demon lord's glowing form.
He swung the stub of his right arm at his opponent, each splattered drop of inky blood becoming a spike of ebony flame. His left hand shot forward, fingers spread, tendrils of crimson flame flying toward the demon in a deadly tangle stream. He shouted "T'var gath vor'teg!", and tremendous bolts of power, invisible to ordinary eyes, spiraled in toward his opponent from all directions. All this happened at exactly the same time, and he seemed to be growing bigger with every passing instant.
With the detachment of one for whom time and death are both virtually meaningless, Kazar-Tiyon rarely lost his temper. When he did, it quickly became obvious...
For the first time, the demon lord's arrogance had failed him. No matter what he thought of himself, the situation appeared very dire now. The flame from KT was no threat as it was a purely physical attack, yet the pure energies expelled by him and David were overwhelming.
It was too late now to realise he had underestimated his two opponents and the sly mind of the angel, he could do little but hang onto the threads of this world. The ethereal portion of the energies ripped through the demon lord, tearing at his spiritual essence, ripping him from the grasp upon the physical world.
Several attempts at regaining that grasp were attempted, but the demon lord couldn't make it. He no longer had the influence in the physical realm to do anything. The ground continued to rumble, but it was not due to the rage of KT, the sky had lost its dark shade and had become a crimson red. It was all over... but he would make sure there was a return. A demon could be banished to the demonic realm, but return was always possible.
Consciousness returned in three sudden throbs of pain, bringing Izual to full awareness. He could feel the diminishing presence of the demon lord, but the pain was far more prominent. Despite the agony, a slight grin crossed Izual's scarred face. David and KT had done it, there was only one step left now.
Izual knew what the demon lord was thinking, he knew many things about demonics. Right now the demon lord was considering how he would bode in the underworld for thousands of years, but eventually return and have his vengence. Not so... Izual would make sure that didn't happen. Reaching out to KT and David, Izual spoke.
"Guys, I need you to get me out there. I'm kinda not able to move at all. Once I can see him, I'll be able to send him into the pit and he'll never return."
Izual sighed as he awaited transport from his position under a collapsed sky scraper.
05-11-2004, 01:54
Crimson and black fire swirled together in an intricate web, forming a network that wove throughout the area. Any attempt at return that reached physical reality would be incinerated...
Kazar soared over to Izual, snatching up Shadowfang with his left (and currently only) hand as he went. Sheathing the sword, he blasted the remnants of the destroyed building out of the way like a fallen house of cards.
"Never return... I like the sound of that."
Landing beside Izual, he began shaping a rough chair on the disk of shadow.
OOC: Blasted very carefully, of course, so that Izual wasn't further damaged...
Izual managed to produce a slight grin as KT arrived and cleared the building out of the way. Within a few seconds the angel had floated into the seat of shadow and was comfortably resting within the mirky substance.
"Alright, I just need to be able to see the entity. As long as nothing distracts me and it doesn't bugger off, I'll open the portal into the abyss of the underworld and get that demon lord sucked into the Lake of Lords. Keep in mind, this will be easier said than done."
Izual and KT continued to float across the sky, slowly making their way back towards the battle scene to finish things off...
OOC: Cyb, a post would be appreciated.
10-11-2004, 01:12
David sidled up next to the shadow disk, arms folded nonchalantly. He showed no fatigue in his golden eyes, despite the fact his body trembled uncontrollably and hot white steam rolled off of his body.
"I am ready to do what you need me to do. Would it be helpful if I attempted to contain the demon while this shadowy man assisted you?" He asked his former enemy.
Izual looked up into David's golden eyes and nodded.
"That would be especially helpful. He has to stay put until I get this portal open, then it shall do the job from there on..."
Izual went over the necessary spells and energy channelling in his mind. It would require some effort for him to open a portal to the underworld, but he had seen it done and was confident he would be able to, even if it almost killed him. The angel's bruised body began to illuminate the shadow beneath him as power surged through it, preparing for the tearing of the dimensional barrier.
Sensing the distress of the demon lord and it's revived attempts to escape, Izual turned to KT.
At this moment, the demon lord's fury was unparralelled. He was about to be banished eternally into the Underworld by three pitiful creatures. Even now, his arrogance fuelled an ego big enough to fill an oil tanker.
With lilttle physical ability left in this world, the demon lord wailed and attempted to break through the makeshift barriers placed by his enemies. The horrible shriek filled the air, causing glass to shatter and heavier objects to shake violently...
10-11-2004, 17:15
The vampire nodded curtly. "I will do that."
David mumbled something and thrust his palm to the ground. White cracks rippled through the ground, sending white light spiralling into the darkened sky. Each crack coaleced and tore a white pentagram into the ground beneath the demon lord's writhing spirit. A pillar of holy light erupted from each point of the pentagram, cutting five perfect circles into the black clouds seething above. A deafening crack split the air, and lighting traced a circle of energy around the demon's essence that he would be hard pressed to shatter.
12-11-2004, 19:09
The disk soared swiftly through the air, and soon had Izual in position.
OOC: Sorry about the short post, but there's not really much I can do at the moment.
Whatever chance the demon lord had of escaping had just disappeared. With the holy energies confining him to a certain area, there was no hope of escape, he had lost. Finally admitting defeat, the demon lord could do nothing but wait. It was over, there was no returning from the lake once sent there...
Izual closed his eyes after taking a long look at the demon lord's essence. Those with ordinary vision would see nothing, but Izual could pick out the energies very easily. With the energy at the ready, Izual began a low chant as he channelled the power in the correct fashion, unlocking the pathway into the underworld.
The ground below the demon lord seemed to disappear as it was replaced by a crimson circle of intense light. The circle still had no substance and was merely a shade of light upon the rock, but as time passed by, certain patterns and runes began to emerge from within the rounded shape.
Izual's chant seemed to be the only noise within anyone's ears as the ground shook once again and the circle raised several inches off the ground, now forming a thin cylinder.
The fatigue was hitting Izual like a sledgehammer, pulling at this concentration with a throbbing ache, trying to divert his attention to a severely injured body.
"Just make sure he stays confined... this will take a few more minutes."
17-11-2004, 03:01
David moved some to the side, to keep a better eye on the demon, and give Izual breathing space. The constant wash of energy from the demon's essence had diminished greatly, and the vampire took a moment to collect himself, arms crossed and hands still glimmering with exotic energy should the need arise to use it one last time and vanquish this demon.
The runes were now at their peak of energy flow, invoking the correct demonics for the portal. The glowing circle lifted off the ground, taking the shape of a growing sphere. The sphere expanded until it reached a size easily able surround the demon lord. It was working, all it needed was more power. Power that Izual was quickly running out of...
The aura of energy around Izual began to flicker, representing the state of the power he was exerting. He needed more energy or the portal wouldn't capture the demon lord completely.
"I need more energy, if this is to be done right, I need more power."
Another bone chilling wail filled the air, fighting against Izual's chants as the crimson sphere now surrouned the essence of the demon lord, taking hold of him in preperation for the trip back into the Underworld.
17-11-2004, 10:13
"Here. This will probably hurt a bit; unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that..."
Kazar rested his left hand on Izual's shoulder, and a wave of energy flowed between the two. The ground gradually began to settle and the complex black and crimson flames died out as he called the power that fueled them back into himself, and then sent it into Izual.
He wavered slightly on his feet, weak from blood loss, exhaustion, and power drain.
Izual nodded in thanks as he felt the burn of new energy passing into his body. He was already completely numb from the previous pain he went through so the burning was no more than a feeling.
Energy now flowing through his battered body, Izual grunted with the effort as he completed the spell and completely fuelled the portal. The crimson sphere was now so dense that nothing could be seen behind. The demon lord's wail was now a faint background noise under the surging power of the portal.
Nothing could get in or out, the portal had completely engulfed the demon lord and was preparing for departure, back to the underworld. The demon lord would join all the other demon lords of history in the Lake of Lords. His power would contribute to the essence of the Underworld and he would never return. Such was the fate of retired demon lords.
One final rumble of energy and the sphere began shrinking, pulling on the most power at this point. Huge amounts of energy were needed to tear a pathway between worlds and so this was the crucial point. Izual kept the steady flow of power, drawing on his very own life essence to keep it going.
Ten long minutes passed before the portal had shrunk itself out of this world. It had merely imploded in on itself and departed with an intense shockwave, knocking Izual out of the shadow chair whilst David and KT were sprawled onto the ground.
It was finally over...
After several minutes, Izual regained awareness but was unable to move. The area around him was devestated. The entire city centre had been levelled and widespread destruction ranged throughout the rest of the city.
Complete and utter silence. Not even the slight breeze made a sound at the aftermarth of such a battle. Izual had his bruise and battered body back, the demon lord was gone, the city destroyed and David and KT were around as well. He wasn't aware of them, but he knew they must be around somewhere.
Gathering his strength, Izual managed to project his voice over the wasteland.
"Are you guys alive?"
23-11-2004, 01:38
David sprung to his feet with a small grunt. "Close enough to it. He is gone, right?"
The vampire took a moment to survey his surroundings. A massive smoldering crater marked the demon lord's last stand, and toppled buildings denoted his first assault on the destroyed section of city. Shattered concrete was carelessly strewn about, and yet the untouched portions of the city stretched on for miles. Soon this area of New Sapporo would be rebuilt stronger than ever. It would inevitably be toppled again, but the city would become progressively more bunker-like in it's efforts to remain upright. Turning an island into a bunker that scarred the clouds with it's height. Humans truely were the most determined of those that inhabited this meager Earth.
Izual nodded, even though he could barely move.
"Yeh, he's gone for good."
The angel moaned in pain as he attempted to move. It was far too much effort. A few more minutes rest and Izual was able to return to his human form. A dull grey robe now completely covered his bruised and bloody body, save for his head as the hood was back.
Dark black hair was matted to his face due to the normally pale figure being covered in dried blood. It would take a long time for him to heal naturally and he wasn't in any real condition to use his power at the moment. That didn't matter, he had all the time of eternity.
"Thanks for that. Things could have turned out much worse."
OOC: We're pretty much at the end now. Just one or two more posts from everyone and we can close it.
OOC: Alright... this is my final post. Then I'm declaring this thread officially over.
IC: It wasn't until dawn of the next day that Izual was healed enough to move of his own accord. He was still covered in injuries and his energy far too depleted to perform basic healing spells upon himself. That didn't particularly bother him though, being immortal meant he had all the time in the world.
Supporting himself with his angelic/demonic blade, Izual stood before KT and David.
"I'm sorry you guys got caught up in this mess. The demon lord was an unexpected issue. Either way, it was probably a good thing you guys were around, I believe I already have a hight death toll in my path as it is. Anyway, thanks. I'll see you guys around."
Izual didn't care about the dead humans, they weren't of any real importance. He was only grateful because he was unable to stop the demon lord himself and Izual liked his body under his control. Fortunately, there were some advantages as a result of this ordeal. Due to the mind merge with the demon lord, Izual now retained all knowledge of ancient demonics. This combined with his more modern knowledge would make the next few centuries intersting.
Smiling slightly to himself as he looked around at the widespread destruction, Izual lifted off the ground and began his ascension into the clouds. Back in human form and fully robed, Izual hovered with the aid of some basic rune constructs. They would be enough to transport him to a safe location where he could recover. Without another word, the fallen angel picked up speed slightly and disappeared into the horizon.
The angelic rampage was over...