TPTB Pt. 5: A New Power Rising (Election)
28-03-2004, 04:37
Larkinian Presidential Palace, in the Sandias Mountains on the outskirts of Golden Agate
It was that time of the political cycle again, President Takeo Katana thought to himself, time to start running for office, if he'd wanted to stay in office. He gave the second part of that some serious thought. It'd been a long road running Larkinia after Grant lost the first election, then tried a coup, then vanished. Then there was the disaster with the printing plates. Only a little money had been put into the economy, not the great crash he'd expected to happen. It was almost like whoever had them had just been toying with the nation.
Speaking of disasters, there were all of the ones that Javin had been involved in. Between getting involved in duels, or possible paternity suits being filed against him from what seemed to be all corners of the globe, to making asinine statements at international conferences. Takeo knew everything his brother had done would be reflected and used against him if he ran.
He sipped his coffee and looked out of the 'window' in his office. It would be nice to have an office above ground again. The monitors did a great job at replicating the real world, but he could never shake the knowledge he was buried underground.
Takeo punched out a memo to be released to the press at the morning meeting. He figured if he wanted to make a difference, he was in it for the long haul...
A luxury condo in the Executive Sector, Golden Agate.
Reid Harrison, CEO of MediCorps Health Systems watched the sunrise over the mountains. Today was going to be one of the biggest days of his life. He'd carefully put the word out, to LNN, to Network News 54 and their competitor News 27, the Golden Agate Daily and Larkinian Sun were all sending their best political reporters to the Pyramid Hotel's Penthouse Ballroom for his announced candidacy.
The right money in the right pockets was also expected to buy him all glowing reviews. One of the perfect springboards to becoming the new president.
As he was thinking, there was a knock on his door. He walked in from the terrace and opened the door. Mildly surprised at his visitor, he usually wasn't up this early.
"Why come in General..."
Lance General Marcus Johnson walked into the condo with a smile. "Mr. Harrison. How are you today?"
"Quite well," Harrison replied as he closed the door.
"I have something for your campaign," Johnson said, handing the man an envelope. Inside were financial donations from various heads of the military, in addition to surveillance notes of Katana's activities.
"The money is the most private individuals are allowed to give this early in the race, but we wanted our.. support to be known," Johnson said to his friend.
"I wouldn't have forgotten," Harrison said.
"I'm sure you wouldn't," Johnson nodded. "Well you have a busy day ahead of you, and I certainly have to get back to the base."
The two men shook hands and Johnson slipped out of the condo.
The breakdown of each candidate is as follows:
President Takeo Katana - Current President of Larkinia, former chairman of Developing Nations Conference. Believes in letting the government help its citizens where necessary (via medical, housing, etc. assistance), Corporations should take care of their employees. Wants to keep Larkinia on the international scene and expand the nation's international relations with allies.
CEO Reid Harrison - CEO of MediCorps Health Systems. Wants to shrink government while expanding military. Increase military role in foreign affairs while removing Larkinia from Third World Committees, removal from ANH is being considered. Wants to expand corporate powers and loosen employee rights while distracting workers via tax refunding.
Write-in Candidate - Please try to keep it realistic, I'd hate to have a country run by Mickey Mouse or something. ;)
So, we have Current Leader, Corrupt CEO, and Vacancy. I suggest New Age Idealist for Vacancy.
28-03-2004, 04:46
(Yeah, I might. This is part of a larger thread I've been working on. I'll be bringing in other characters and they might run or not, I'm not sure yet. It gives people the option to vote for them instead)
28-03-2004, 05:40
"Campaign finance laws," said the Right Honorable Edward Tarriff PM, rolling the unfamiliar phrase around in his life. The Earl of Dirwisham, Iansisle's Chancellor of the Exchequer, sighed, but he could understand why the Prime Minister - who was something of a lunkhead - was having trouble. In Iansisle, seats in parliament were all but bought and sold like baked goods - that anyone might want to regulate their system was outlandish.
"Yes, I know. Some countries, apparently, wish to restrict their individuals freedom in such a way." He shrugged. "I don't really understand why the powers that be (:P) don't restrict it more, but there you have it."
"So...we can only donate so much to a certain candidate?"
"Well, it is more open than Tanah Burung's system, but yes, that's the size of it."
"So, even if we express support, the guy we support might not win?"
"And if they don't, we'll look pretty silly," confirmed Dirwisham.
"But if Katana doesn't win..."
"Then we'll be looking at the greatest danger to Shieldo-Larkinian relations since the first Third World Conference." Tarriff looked utterly bewildered. "I know it's a tough nut, Prime Minister," continued Dirwisham, "but Lord Inswick's assembled a top-notch team. We'll be able to crack it, don't worry."
"I don't," said Tarriff with a relieved grin.
28-03-2004, 06:24
(*looks at the poll doubling* WTF???)
28-03-2004, 06:43
At the Harrison Campaign Annoucement Rally
"... And I promise, when I am elected as the next President of Larkinia, that we will do what is best for Larkinian workers. To that end, I will pull us out of the Third World Conference agreements. While the third world is in need of assistance, those monies can be better used as tax breaks to corporations who are willing to investigate moving their operations back to Larkinia.
"Our military is also in dire need of an overhaul. Mister Katana has allowed our military to degrade while we depended on the goodwill of our allies. Ladies and gentlemen, this cannot continue. While I will be eternally grateful to those allies, like Iansisle and the nation of Celeborne who helped to remove us from a vile dictator, it is time for us to stand on our own and reassert our military might in this sphere. To that end I am asking that you, the people of Larkinia, review our current relations regarding the Alliance of New Highlands..."
28-03-2004, 07:18
Katana watched the announcement in his office, "Is he really advocating we pull out of our alliances? Turn our backs on our friends?"
Minister of State (VP) Michael Davis was watching with him, "Well you need to remember he was born with a silver pair of lips on his ass. While the rest of us had to work to make Larkinia prosperous, he was born into it."
Katana nodded and drank his coffee. " This is the best that they can throw at me?"
"I wouldn't underestimate him. He's got at least as much money to play with as we could muster, he's got the support of many corporate heads, and don't forget your.. brother has made headlines as the playboy of the family while working at various positions in the government," Davis said.
Katana nodded, "Well we should probably get ready for our own press conference," he said standing up.
28-03-2004, 12:50
by Johannes Doe
Times Staff Writer
GOLDEN AGATE -- The first salvos of the new Presidential Election campaign started yesterday when President Takeo Katana announced he was running for re-election as President of Larkinia.
"Today, in front of this group of students, I would like to announce that there is still work to be done for the betterment of Larkinia and her people. And to that end, I am running for a second term as president of Larkinia," Katana said.
The crowd was enthusiastic at the announcement. Katana's speech had to be paused time and again as applause broke out for several minutes by the students, the majority of which remember the previous election and its outbreak of violence.
"We still have to move our nation toward the future," Katana said, "We have to take care of those of our citizens who have been left behind, there is no reason anyone in our nation should have inadequate education, or non-existant protection when they are working."
Katana's opponent, CEO Reid Harrison, was quick to return fire. As was expected, the debate turned to mud very quickly.
"This government has let our protection fall lax under his care," Harrison said on the "Steve Michaels Show" on K-LARK FM radio yesterday evening. "Our military has slipped, we're not even in the top tier of the Alliance of the New Highlands. We've relied too long on the hand outs of our allies to protect us. We have capitulated time and again to whatever our allies demanded of us.
"We have a president who is too busy sending his brother out to try and sow his oats... I mean new alliances with nations, only to be rebuffed when he is found to have impregnated citizens of those nations, or has been to drunk to talk coherently.
"This is a president who has waited until it was politically advantageous to unveil a new flag to the rest of the nation ( and I don't think the people of Larkinia are going to allow themselves to be manipulated like that," Harrison continued.
Larkinian Special Envoy Javin Katana, the person mentioned in Harrison's second quote, was out of the country and unavailable for a comment to the charges laid against him.
28-03-2004, 16:53
OOC: Hmm... Has the winner already been decided OOCly? Judging from the title of this thread...
28-03-2004, 19:18
OOC: Not at all, I just thought the title kinda fit, plus I've always got a couple of tricks up my sleeve ;)
29-03-2004, 00:19
The first ad rolls out of Harrison's campaign
The scene begins in an empty replica of the Presidential Office.
A voiceover begins, "President Katana has spent more time outside of the country than he's spent working for the people of Larkinia."
Pictures of Katana at the Third World Conference in Tanah Burung and working with the Developing Nations Commission start flashing on the screen. One picture shows Katana signing a check and the words "Signing your money away." underneath it.
Harrison appears on the screen.
"I'm Reid Harrison. I'm running for President because I believe the responsibility of a leader is to take care of his people first."
Harrison for President. Because Larkinia needs a new direction!
29-03-2004, 00:20
*"no Post Mode Specify* this... slappy forums... ;) *
Alcona and Hubris
29-03-2004, 03:17
Ah, so how many bastards does Javin have?
Waitkus watched on a video moniter as the body aptly repeled down the side of the building, and through a window. "I thought he was dead," she murmered, watching the man move quietly from shadow to shadow. Using a silenced FN 5.7, he placed a round right into a wall mounted video cammera, disabling it, and rendering the veiw of the room blank. He then moved across the room, and into a long hallway, where he continued to stalk through the darkend parts of the building.
"He is...well, was." The doctor explianed the procedure which had brought the agent back from the land of eternal sleep and into the light. She simply nodded, as other things were playing out. She had recently finished writting a rather large, large in the sense of 9 digits, check for CEO Ried Harrison. While she didn't particulary like what she heard about the man, the buisness community did look out for each other, and she, still the CEO of WYC, had obviously wanted another person she couldn't trust in power.
You could trust politcians, not CEOs.
She mused as she watched the once dead man now move through a target course, placing three rounds in the center of the head of each steel target. According to reports, he was actually faster now than he was before he died.
Waitkus spoke quickly. "Send a letter of some sort to Harrison, tell him he can count on my support, and put this with it." She handed a young aide a check, and he nodded, leaving the room.
OOC: You know who I voted for.
29-03-2004, 04:29
Uh-oh, I didn't swipe one of your characters did I Imi? :oops:
29-03-2004, 04:33
Ah, so how many bastards does Javin have?
(OOC: Let's see... *starts calculator*.. carry the four.. multiply by three.. first derivative.... Um... could be a lot! Depends on how long he was in Iansisle ;) )
OOC: Nope...lets just say I have problems killing osme of my characters...and I'd give Javin maybe...5 minutes with a Houston girl before he's wimpering on a leash...figuratively...of course :twisted:
29-03-2004, 10:59
OOC: Oooooooooooh, so you know just what Javin likes then... ;)
29-03-2004, 11:15
Latest Polls:
Katana - 58%
Harrison - 42%
GOLDEN AGATE - In the first days of the campaign, Harrison's foreign policy plan, dubbed 'Fortress Larkinia' has played well in some of the older communities. While Takeo Katana has yet to release his campaign ads, he has visited Lyone and South Morin in recent days to campaign to the university crowds there.
Harrison has remained on the attack, claiming yesterday that one of Larkinia's heroes has found it preferable to leave Larkinia for other nations, than to stay in the nation.
"Because of the sorry state of our military and our emphasis on capitulating to other nation's demands, Larkinia's hero has decided he would rather make his home in Iansisle," Harrison said.
Harrison had no comment to the report that, as Ambassador to Iansisle, Ambassador Jeff Williams had to spend the majority of his time in Iansisle.
"He's ashamed of his nation," Harrison continued at his latest rally. "He saw that our military was unable to go in and secure a simple piece of land in Tharkold to rescue himself and a team that stayed behind to valiantly rescue a group of third-world refugees. They had to wait for the Iansislian military to make the first move before they were able to act. That's not acceptable to any self-believeing Larkinian."
29-03-2004, 15:11
'Fortess Larkinia'
OOC: What's that? A female fort? :)
29-03-2004, 18:06
...South Morin...
There's three cities in Larkinia? ;)
Ahhh, test minus 50 minutes. *makes the sign of the cross* I'm going to go out and eat myself a full breakfast (though I sure as hell didn't get that 8 hours of sleep they're always on about :?
Catch you this afternoon!
EDIT: *grumbles* Coulda sworn I was logged in as Iansisle
Alcona and Hubris
29-03-2004, 20:03
***A blinding white flash as I nuke another double post...***
Alcona and Hubris
29-03-2004, 20:05
Good luck on the exam...
OOC: Just don't send Javin my way please. I really don't want to send him home in a casket with the phrase..."we coudln't find some of the appendeges..." especially if he tries to seduce either of the Crawford Girls.
29-03-2004, 22:11
OOC: Milostein - :lol: Good point. It's ... um... well... a lesson. That's it! Pay attention kids, you shouldn't drink and post, the embarassment you save could be your own :P
I-man - What else can I say.... Smart ass :P ;) Hope you aced the test!
A&H - I'll have to keep that in mind. He's not really that bad, I just playing him up though. (couldn't find all the appendages??)
Alcona and Hubris
30-03-2004, 06:05
Apethorpe Palace, Alcona and Hubris
"Hey Mav, see this peice on the Larkinia elections?" Elizabeth asks as she muches through an english muffin.
Her older sister eyes the blond from under her red hair, "Not really...I've got enough on my plate."
Elizabeth laughs and puts a second english muffin on the green eyed girl's plate."Now, you have more..."
Victoria holds the gaze of the yonger woman..."Do that again..."
Elizabeth chuckles..."Ah, it's been years since you've tried. And being in the special forces does wonders towards kicking older sisters a**es."
"Application of the poper leverage only requries the proper tool..."
"Dad will have a fit if you drive your damn tank after me...Marauding Armored Vixen...Dad still gives me the lecture about you and Tim..."
"It was Jeff...and He was no where near his Porche."
"You don't see me doing that to my boyfreinds..."
"Didn't that gentlemen from the socialist nation not even finish the date, he high tailed it with his security forces out of Torrhaven International so fast that someone thought he reached Mach 7."
"Well he accused me of being a liar..."
"And he still had all his equipment after he left?"
"Just because you ruined all the good men..."
"Hmmph, there has only been one good man..."
"Tom...." Elizabeth says while rolling her eyes.
Victoria throws a jammed covered muffin...a tactical strike to Elizabeth's hair...Elizabeth counters with grapes propelled by the side of her sword.
Victoria falls back upon mellon ball artillery...
Their mother walks in..."Take it outside..." fatal last words...when the start of two Guard Divsion Marauder Tanks can be heard several minutes later...
Oh no, not again...I just got the new gatehouse finished! thinks Alexander III as he hears the noise from his study...
((The wisdom of the Crawfords:
Speak softly from the top of a well armed tank, with a division of your finest troops at your back -Otto III
Yes, appendages...very unlikely you would be able to have an open casket funeral...))
30-03-2004, 06:16
I-man - What else can I say.... Smart ass :P ;) Hope you aced the test!
I do what I can :P
Thanks, Lark! So do I! ;)
As for a post in the various threads that need it, one'll be coming soon-ish.
30-03-2004, 08:17
Poll -
Katana - 54%
Harrison 46%
GOLDEN AGATE - Katana's lead started to dwindle late last night with the release of Harrison's newest ad campaign. Again hinting at the name of Larkinian Ambassador Jeff Williams, the advertisement shows an empty office. It goes on to show several scenes of Iansisle, contrasted to the picture of the empty office. The ad closes with a statement, "Elect a president we can be proud of" as the door closes to show the first part of Williams' name.
Being careful, they did not show the ambassador or his full name, thereby avoiding getting permission to use his likeness. The Foreign Affairs office and Ambassador Williams verify they did not agree to an ad campaign, which would violate ambassadorial regulations.
30-03-2004, 09:24
At a loft apartment in Lyone, mid morning
*beep beep*
The fax started printing a message after one ring.
need some big fish fried for dinner
call 555-2468
Big cheese to go with fish dinner.
Antony Williams got out of the shower and finished dressing before he saw the fax. Picking it up and skimming it, he nodded to himself. Great.. probably another labor leader and his girlfriend I'll need to take care of..
He shredded the page and burned it before dialing the number.
"You call for a fisherman..."
"Yes I did sir," Dr. Worthington (Larkinian Eugenics expert) said from the other end of the line. "I need some fish urgently."
"All right," Antony said. "Meet me at Big Bertha's Fish N More in Lyone in three hours. Come alone."
Worthington grinned as he ended the call and threw the cell phone into the river. He walked towards the docks, wondering if his experiment could handle an assassination like this..
30-03-2004, 09:31
Oh! *jumps up and down* Who's he got to wack? Katana the Elder? Katana the Younger? Jeff? Someone else?
*forces himself to wait patiently, but can't help fidgiting*
30-03-2004, 09:49
( :twisted: )
Antony sat at the table as Worthington walked in with a briefcase. He saw the man in the reflection of the mirror. He waited for the man to sit at the only empty table in the room while the waitress turned the sign to "Closed".
Another waitress walked up and set a plate of snapper down in front of him, "You order the fish with a side of cheese?"
Worthington was surprised but nodded. As he looked down at the plate he wondered what was going on. He looked up and saw Antony sitting across from him.
"You wanted some fish?"
"Mr..." Worthington asked.
"Tony will work," the man replied. "What do you want?"
Worthington reached to open his briefcase, and suddenly found himself staring at the barrel of an automatic pistol.
"Sudden movements get people killed around here," Antony said, "Why don't you hand that case over to me."
Worthington, suddenly shaking, handed the case to Antony, who opened it and pullled out the files inside, "Which one?"
"T.. the blue one."
Antony opened the file and looked at the picture. "You have to be f---ing kidding me."
The first page of the file was a picture of President Katana.
"What? Are you worried about the money? We can pay you well," Worthington started.
"Sure you can," Antony said. "Either this is a set up, or you're the dumbest man on earth."
"You think I'm that stupid??" Worthington snapped back, "I've got the one thing you need. The one thing you desire more than anything else. I know you're interested in your twin.."
This got a surprised look from Antony, the only one he'd given in several years.
"... And I know what you can do to him. Read the last page."
Antony flipped to the last page of the file. He read it a couple of times.
"Ch-O2-H4..." he started before silently finishing the page. "What is this?"
"The one thing to neutralize your brother with," Worthington said. "You've read about his implants right?"
"How do you know this old man??"
"My sources are just that Mine! You want him, this'll make him as helpless as a f---ing newborn!"
"What is it?"
"A virus. Designed to turn his implants into lifeless hunks of metal in his body. Put that in him, he'll be blind and deaf. No senses expect for the pain you want to inflict on him."
"I like it old man, tell me more."
"You take the job, and I'll give you the rest of the virus. Only part of it's on that page."
Antony grinned, "So I accept the job and you'll give me the virus?"
"Yeah, and the money is payed upon Katana's death."
Antony thought it over a moment.
30-03-2004, 09:51
(I knew I should have gone for 'all of the above'! ;))
30-03-2004, 09:53
(heh heh, did you expect less? ;) )
30-03-2004, 10:08
Katana 57%
Harrison 40%
Williams 3%
GOLDEN AGATE - President Takeo Katana's numbers rose when it was announced that in a poll where write in candidates were allowed, Larkinian Ambassador to Iansisle Jeffrey Williams was given 3% of write in votes.
While Ambassador Williams announced he has no political ambition to run in Larkinia, his work in the Iansislian Parliament has shows his political skill and interest in building coalitions, two things important to Larkinians in this election.
"This is an outrage!" CEO Reid Harrison said at the poll announcement. "Ambassador Williams is doing a fine job in Iansisle. It's a shame that he has to run from the nation that loves him so and feels he needs to be announced in order to make the changes to Larkinia that I will make willingly...."
Antony read the article before throwing down the paper again. He was tired of everyone kissing Jeff's ass and decided to take matters into his own hands. He'd be given the virus formula and production had just finished on it.
I have to kill Katana first...
He picked up the phone and called Katana's headquarters, "Yes, my name's Jack Steves, I'm with LNN and I was wondering when Mr. Katana's next stop in Lyone is.... really? So soon? OK.. Thank you."
Lyone Airfield
The news crew from Tharkold News Net 20 started unloading their gear from the small plane they landed in.
"I can't believe we're here," reporter Steve Janks said, "I mean, come on man. Why are we covering this election?"
"Maybe because Prince Natazha wants to rebuild relations with the nation after the civil war," a cameraman said. "anyway, where in the hell is our Larkinian guide. We don't know where the hell to go."
"Can I help you gentlemen?" a man said as he walked up to them. "I'm Tony, Tony Narina. You're liason with the Katana candidacy." ( :shock: )
30-03-2004, 10:29
Somehow, I think Tony's last name might not be Tony's last name! (damn it, it made sense in my head;))
30-03-2004, 10:31
(heh heh... you get the box of cookies for the night! ;) )
A blonde woman walked up to Tony and kissed him as he talked with the reporters. "This is my wife, Dariana," he said introducing her to the crew. "Now if you'll come with me gentlemen, I've got your suite all booked for your visit."
The crew picked up their equipment as Dariana pulled Tony to one side and kissed his neck, "It's all set. They'll never know..."
Tony grinned as he kissed her back.
Damn she's good, I might not need to kill this one...
30-03-2004, 10:42
The car pulled over at the Wellington Bar and Grille. Tony looked over at the reporting crew.
"You guys must be thirsty," he said, "Come on, let me buy you a drink."
"But won't your wife get worried.."
"Not at all, she knows I was gonna offer you guys a drink anyway. Come on, one little present from the Katana group to you guys."
"Well all right," Janks said.
A few hours later, Tony was leading the drunken hacks back to his car.
"Oh god.. " one said, "This isn't gonna look good tomorrow..."
"Don't worry," Tony said, "It'll be all over after tomorrow evening."
"What will?"
"Your hangovers."
"Oh yeah..."
Tanah Burung
31-03-2004, 06:27
(and to think, Lark once tagged one of my threads with the words "ooh, the intrigue." Back atcha.)
The election call in Larkinia caught the Tanah Burung foreign ministry in complete disarray. The long-running election campaign was still on, with incumbent Violeta Bi Bere still trailing in the polls. Then ambassador to larkinia, Constancio Matebian, had returned home to manage her re-election campaign (not surprising, as he was her son). The embassy in Golden Agate was temporarily in the hands of the military attache, Rogerio Lobato.
And this was not an election that anyone in the government felt could be ignored. If it went the wrong way, Larkinia would pull out of the third world conferences, dealing a severe blow to central instrument of Tanah Burung's foreign policy.
... and maybe that of other countries as well. Bi Bere's eyes glinted: here was a chance to interfere without appearing to interfere and, perhaps, repair relations with another country which had recently taken a beating.
She picked up the telephone and spoke into it. "Get me a connection to Prime Minister Tariff of Iansisle. Yes, you heard me."
Within the day, a feature programme was running on the English-language service of Radio Tanah Burung International. And ads promoting it were surprisingly common, particularly on the long-range broadcasts aimed at certain foreign countries.
[i]Takeo Katana. Statesman. Diplomat. Humanitarian.
Larkinia's President led his country from dictatorship to democracy. He forged an association of third world countries that has already saved thousands of lives and educated millions of people, giving them the hope for a better future. In the process, he enriched Larkinia as well as the world.
Takeo Katana has done more than any man to make the name of Larkinia one that its people can be proud of. One that commands respect from other nations. Larkinians, at last, breathed free and stood tall under his leadership.
Maybe that's why Takeo Katana is the only foreigner ever awarded the highest honour that Tanah Burung can bestow, when he was named as a Hero of the (indistinct due to sudden unexplained static). Maybe that's why he was a top candidate for the Noble Peace Prize.
Do Larkinians know what a good thing they have? Upcoming elections will tell the tale. Either way, the name of Katana will shine like a beacon. Tune in to RTBI Friday at 9 for "Takeo Katana, a Portrait of Courage." This message brought to you by the Tanah Burung War Veterans League.[/quote]
31-03-2004, 06:42
She picked up the telephone and spoke into it. "Get me a connection to Prime Minister Tariff of Iansisle. Yes, you heard me."
:shock: :? Politics do make strange bedfellows don't they.. ;) Almost makes me feel bad for what Jeff's gonna do to Tarriff in the "Another Day in Paradise" thread... almost.
01-04-2004, 04:17
Katana - 65%
Harrison - 30%
Williams - 5%
GOLDEN AGATE - With the addition of a radio ad from Tanah Burung in recent days, Larkinian President Takeo Katana's poll numbers put him in a stronger position to contend with the onslaught of advertisements from the Harrison campaign.
"I am grateful for the support of the Tanah Burung War Veterans league, and their kinds words about me," Katana said before boarding Larkinia One for a campaign stop in Lyone tomorrow evening.
As expected, the mood from the Harrison camp was muted.
"As I expected," Harrison said, "We've once again seen the rest of the international community rushing to Katana's aid because they realize that instead of taking care of his own people he'd rather cater to their whims."
01-04-2004, 05:15
The next morning...
Janks rolled over on the sofa he'd fallen on.. or fallen asleep on, he didn't remember. He rubbed his forehead, trying to stop the sledgehammers falling in his skull.
"Oh God. Why'd I go drinking last night.. why'd I drink that much."
The man rose slowly and hobbled his way into the restroom to try and detox himself before tonight's event.
Much of the same was happening in the other rooms the TNN 20 crew was staying in. The crew tried to fight off the hangovers and figure out what the hell happened. Each would start to get concerned about where their gear was before they found a note from Tony on their tables.
Equipment is already in the hotel ballroom for your convienience.
Tag...maybe Hoot might see some action before Cambodia...
01-04-2004, 07:02
That night, Diamond Peaks Hotel Ballroom, Lyone
The media crews were jockeying for position as the assembled patrons were dancing and getting ready for the president's address.
Rasvin Rotala held the camera on his shoulder as Janks gave a live update from the gala.
"And tonight the president is expected to lay out his economic reform package to the crowd," Janks said. "Katana's poll numbers have been strong since the campaign started, and tonight they are expected to grow with the necessary boost to the national economy."
Aboard a small chartered jet en route to Ianapalis.
Antony watched the gala from the small PDA he held. The screen showed him everything the Tharkold News Net camera saw.
Just a little while more...
The music swelled as the dancing ended. The Larkinian National Anthem started playing as the people turned to see Katana walk on to the stage. Smiling and waving at the crowd, he'd looked a little more tired than the last time he'd been to a gala.
The newsteams moved into positions to film the president's remarks while the crowd sat down. Janks sat down as Rotala slipped into the perfect filming position, he had the president fully in view of the camera. If things worked out right tonight, he'd have some award-winning footage.
Antony grinned as he saw Katana fill up the screen on the PDA.
"My fellow Larkinian," Katana started, "I would like to thank all of you for coming to tonight's gala event. An event that I hope will change Larkinia's future for the better."
"You have no clue how right you are," Antony nodded, pressing a button on the side of the PDA.
Rotala's Camera
The camera received the signal sent out by the PDA as it bounced between relays and hit the hotel.
Rotala was filming to his heart's content when there was a sudden *pop* in the ballroom...
Katana jerked suddenly and fell to the platform as he was surrounded by security officers, shielding his body with theirs and pulling out pistols as they moved him offstage.
The crowd suddenly surged in every direction, trying to get away.
Rotala's first instinct was to keep the camera on Katana while Janks started reporting. Janks was silent, Rotala looked over and saw the petrified look on the man's face.
That's not like Steve. What's wrong?
Rotala followed Janks gaze with his eyes. He looked at his camera.
Smoke was rising from where the microphone was supposed to be attached.
The next thing the man knew, he was thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious.
01-04-2004, 07:06
"A call for you," buzzed the intercom. Edward Tarriff resolved, for only the third time today, to have that damn thing's volume lowered. "Lord Inswick thought it important enough to forward without the usual channels." His secretary kept talking as if she'd not just about given her boss a heart attack. "It's Ms. Bi Bere," she concluded.
"Ah?" Some might wonder why Tarriff had keyed the intercom just to make a confused noise.
"The Minister of Foreign Affairs in Tanah Burung." His secretary sounded neither impatient nor condescending. Tarriff resolved not to fire her.
"Of course, of course!" he said without missing a beat. Now that she mentioned it, hadn't he met Ms. Bi Bere once before? Probably at that Conference in Golden Agate. What was her first name?..Lilac, or something. "Patch her right through!"
"Hello, Lilac?" he said, picking up the telephone on his desk. Tanah Burung was a very informal place; she'd appreciate if he spoke to her on a first-name basis.
The man in the suit sprinted down the hall, holding a piece of paper in his hand. He rounded a corner, and very narrowly missed an employe holding what looked like a very hot cup of coffee. "Shit!" he exclaimed, diving sideways around him. He spun, and managed to regain his ballance.
He took antoher left, then a right, and came to a large oak door. The gold plaque identified it as the office of Irving Lambert, Director of Security, INSA. He didn't even bang on the door, but simply pressed a red button marked 'Alert' next to the door.
A red light on Lambert's wall clicked on, and chimed. "I gotta go," was all he said to the person on the phone and hung up. He looked up at the runner. "What?"
"Priority One Message, sir. Katana was shot. We are currently monitering all lines of communications in and out of Larkinia, looking for more info."
Lambert, pressed a button, and the door behind him closed. "Whats the call?"
"Obvious fingers point to Harrison. We're contacting field specialists, gathering what info we can. Checking into the mercenary rings and all. We'll know in a few hours, for sure."
Lambert nodded. "I think we need more. Contact Dingman. Tell him his little project is gonna get an early start."
"Yes sir."
The message was also delivered to Waitkus. She was quickly informed of teh matter, and within seconds, had sent a transmission to Larkinia, leeting the proper authorites know that the Imitoran government had been made well aware of the situation, and would offer all support nescacery.
01-04-2004, 07:25
(Cool Imi! Just don't whack Antony yet :wink: , I've got special plans for him. )
Antony watched the mayhem from the PDA as his blonde cohort walked over.
"Did it work?" Dariana asked.
"Perfectly," Antony said. "Is that file ready to be sent to the news stations?"
"Yep," she grinned. "What about the.. transmitter?"
"Right," Antony said as he stood up and walked back to the cargo area of the small jet. He wiped the PDA clean and opened the lavatory release and dropped it in.
01-04-2004, 07:37
Larkinian Presidential Palace
Minister of State Michael Davis was rushed into the Palace as quickly as news of the assassination came down the pipe.
"What do we know?" he asked Security Minister Steve Harris.
"Not much sir. The bullet was fired from a camera rigged to look like a microphone, during the intro to the speech. We have the 'journalists' in custody now and are examining the camera."
"Jesus Steve! How did they get that past your ample security??"
"We're still efforting, there's an answer at hand."
"What the f--- does that mean?"
"We're working on it!!!!"
Aiana, Katana's secretary, walked into the room. "Minister Davis, there's a message from the Imitoran government," she said handing Davis a slip of paper.
Davis nodded, took the paper and quickly read it. "OK, let's try and keep things running as smooth as possible," he said sitting down and punching our a reply to President Waitkus.
Dear President Waitkus,
Thank you for your concern and offer of assistance. I would be glad to accept what assistance you can offer us. We have the suspects in custody and are interrogating them now.
Minister of State Michael Davis,
Acting President of Larkinia
Tanah Burung
01-04-2004, 07:44
"Hello, Lilac?" he said, picking up the telephone on his desk. Tanah Burung was a very informal place; she'd appreciate if he spoke to her on a first-name basis.
Violeta Bi Bere ground her teeth together. Must. Not. Correct. Foreign. Dignitaries.
"Dear man," she said. "Thank you for taking my call. You know, we really must have tea some time. In fact, i'll send you some at once by diplomatic bag. Do you like lime?" She babbles meaningless pleasantries for a time before Tariff -- presumably -- asks why she has bothered him on the infernal remote talking device.
"I was just remembering how nice the weather is this time of year in Golden Agate. I had thought of picknicking there before their present election campaign was up. Would you or any of your countrymen care to join me, i wonder?"
The black MV-22I(H) left Imitora after loading up, and set a course towards Larkinia. On board were two things. The first was an INSA Data Collection Team tasked with assisting the Larkinians in figuring out what happened. The other was a lone operative. He sat alon on the flight over, checking hes weapons and tools. He was ready to rock.
The flight was marked as a private corporation flight, and soon was over Larkinia, requesting permision to land. Hoot climbed into a position of stealth, so that when the other men on the MV-22 disembarked, he could stay hidden. He wouldn't leave till night fall.
01-04-2004, 07:58
"My pleas...Yes, we really's my favo..."
Edward Tarriff gave up after that and sat with a somewhat comical expression on his face. On one hand, not having to do all the talking - and simultaneously not being bossed about by Dirwisham or his ilk - was a rather nice reprieve. On the other, being out talked by someone was a rather uncomfortable sensation.
At last, he managed to direct her incredible stream of conversation to the purpose behind the call.
“Well, I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to Golden Agate,” he said with relief. “There’s an important vote coming up, and I simply won’t be able to leave Ianapalis for the next week or two. However, I’m sure our top man in Larkinia’d be more than ple...pleas...” His voice trailed off as a sudden realization hit him in the gut like a ton of bricks.
01-04-2004, 08:12
The Imitoran plane was given clearance to land at Van Der Meere Airfield, where a crew was waiting to meet with them.
Lyone Security Center
"What did you bring into the country?" one of the officers asked Rotala.
"I don't know! I swear to God!" the cameraman said over and over.
The men were split up into holding rooms to keep them from talking to each other, while another team examined the camera from the operation.
"Why are you here?"
Rotala shook his head, "We were just sent to cover the election."
"Why does the Tharkold media care what we do?"
The man was stumped at that, through the fear he'd wondered the same thing.
"After all the rhetoric your leader spewed I'm surprised you..." the officer stopped. "He sent you didn't he. He was close to declaring war on us and he waited for the best opportunity!"
In another room on the first floor of the station, one of the men in the group looking at the camera noticed a side panel, where the bullets had ejected into he thought.
"Give me that screwdriver," he said reaching over to catch it.
The man unscrewed the panel, which popped open to reveal a keypad.
"What the hel..." the man started before something flashed on the screen above the pad.
01-04-2004, 09:02
Approaching Shadoran Airfield
The private jet slid into Iansislian airspace, it started to signal for permission to land.
Antony clicked back into the seat and took a quick look in the mirror. All of this time, the scars from his life had finally settled into place. He thought he could slip into the country and vanish for a day or two. Maybe pay a visit to his brother's family.
01-04-2004, 09:09
Permission was granted, of course. Private flights from Larkinia to Iansisle weren't all that uncommon in these maturing days of aeroflight, and there'd certainly been no mention of the (attempted?) assasination reported on the Shield of yet.
01-04-2004, 09:56
(4 year old with a secret)
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. :P
(/4 year old with a secret)
The plane touched down and Antony and Dariana picked up their bags, save one, from the cargo area.
"Wait here, I'll be back this evening," Antony said as he nodded to the men and started to walk off the airfield to pick up a car.
01-04-2004, 10:01
(You would get back just as I keel over from lack of sleep, wouldn't you!? :P
And, damn it, sometime or another I'll have my turnabout turnabout's fair play! ;))
Transportation was never too difficult to acquire for someone with the coin; Shadoran Int. didn't have a rental agency (or terminal) as such, but there was always an eager line of cabbies waiting outside the airport. Most of whom, it should be noted, were also more than willing to trade their keys for a couple hundred generals. ("Sucker! I bought that off Aunt Mabel for thirty-seven nine ken!")
01-04-2004, 10:03
(heh heh. :P
he just needs something to tide him over til he gets a special delivery ;)
01-04-2004, 10:20
Antony flagged down a cabbie, "I need a ride to a nice hotel, it's our first time in Iansisle and we don't know where to go," he said putting his arm around Dariana.
01-04-2004, 10:25
Katana - 57%
Harrison - 39%
Williams - 4%
LYONE - President Takeo Katana was reported in serious condition after an assassination attempt at last night's gala ball in Lyone. Footage of the assassination attempt have been playing continuously on LNN and major networks.
A group of men were arrested and being held as suspects in the assassination attempt. The Lyone Security Center was then bombed later in the evening. The men involved in the assassination were believed dead, along with 8 other security officers. The building has been closed off due to structural damage.
More as the story breaks...
OOC: Lark, before I post, quick question->Is their a public record of Larkinian Citizens, is Anthony on it, and would you just rather have our boy find out about Anthony, and send some info, or have him beat the piss outa a few mercs or somethign, trying to find info?
02-04-2004, 03:01
(Sorry Imi, there's no record of Antony outside of Diablo Base, which doesn't exist. And if it did exist I couldn't tell you about it :P (Although Niven has a copy of the records. But he's in Celeborne with Jeff's kids on vacation). You can still send the crew in to kick ass and beat up the riff-raff, cause there's a lot of them to start from. Or Hoot can just shoot Harrison ;) )
OOC: Assasination of a political candidate...seems enticing...I'll go with that.
The team disembarked, greated the Larkinians sent to great them, and left to assist in the interogation of the prisoners. To the Imitorans, this meant 'forcefull removal of intell', or more to the point, ass kicking.
It was just after two in the morning when Hoot too disembarked. He slinked away, using shadows for cover, and left the airfield unseen. He wore a pair of US Night Jungle style fatigue trousers, a black fatigue style shirt, and a molded tactical vest, custom fit to his body. His weapons consisted of an Umbrella made version of the FN 5.7pistol, and an Umbrella made verison of the Israeli T.A.R-21.
His first mission was to find a place to chill, and he found it in a back alley. His imposing figure, as well as the tri-optic goggles he wore, convinced a squater to be on his way, and Hoot hid. The costume, if it was to be called that, he wore, kept him all but invisable in the night's shaddows, and he waited for Dingman to call him.
When he heard the familira buzz in his ear of his subdermal transponder recieving the encryption code, he looked around for any onlookers, and seeing non, he waited to speak. "Hoot, its Dingman," the voice came through, clearly.
"Go ahead."
"We've done some searching, and we found some intresting phone records. We couldn't trace one, but the other we did find. He's listed as a one 'Dr. Worthington, first name is (insert first name here).' Check your OPSAT, we're sending data files. Your first order of buisness is to find out what you can about the Worthington."
"Standard interigation?"
"Yes, don't be affraid to force the information out of him. I know you can make him talk. Do what you do best. Oh, and Hoot, one last thing."
"Whats that?"
"Try not to leave a mess. You're '100 yard' times are good, infact, the best we've ever seen. But just because you have the right to kill doesn't mean you should. However, you know the deal. If you have to choose between a witness and a corpse..."
"Dead men tell no tales," Hoot finished.
With that, the convorsation ended, and Hoot melted into the shaddows agian, off to find this 'Dr. Worthington.'
OOC: Lark, if it isn't to much to ask, could you TGram a bit of info on Worthington, you know, anythign an NSA field operative with the (to rip off Splinter Cell) Fifth Freedom would want to know? Obviously, his adress, picture, and minor detials will be given to him, but I need to know minor important detail that not everyone would know.
02-04-2004, 03:38
(Worthington... Innnnnnnnteresting. The cell phone was a throwaway calling card phone though. Check your TG's for a little background on him and hit me up with questions on him!)
OOC: It traces the convo had in the call, not the call number itself...hope Im not encroaching to much.
03-04-2004, 01:07
(don't worry Imi, I was thinking of a way to bring the Eugenics program out into the open ;) )
In Ianapalis
Dariana had closed the laptop and looked at Antony, shaking her head, "The money's not there."
Antony sighed and walked out of the room, through the hotel and onto the streets of Ianapalis. Walking until he found a phone booth. He put the requisite amount of Generals in the machine and dialed a number.
This is an out of Commonwealth call...
Antony kept slamming coins into the machine until he'd met IanCorp's requirements.
At a small hotel outside of Lyone
The phone started ringing, Worthington jumped and turned to it. Who in the hell knew he was there?
"Hello?" He asked after he picked it up.
"You forgot to pay me."
"Of course I didn't forget to. I just didn't pay you. No payment until receipt of a corpse," Worthington yawned.
"I did my part, now you do yours."
"I don't think so Tony," he said with a grin. "Not until he dies."
Worthington slammed the phone down.
Antony walked back to the hotel, fuming, almost seeing red. He closed the door to his room.
"He's not going to pay," he said to Dariana.
She nodded. "I thought he might not."
"Go ahead and send that email out," Antony said. "I've got to stop off and pick something up from the docks." Antony changed into something more suitable.
03-04-2004, 01:51
LNN News Desk
Ken Dahl was sitting at his computer, checking the latest on the Katana story when his computer said he had new email. He popped into Outlook and looked at the title.
Hmmm.. something about the Katana story..
He'd received so many emails in the last few hours, so many hoxes or false information. According to the email everyone from Jesus to Satan to all points in between had been responsible. He was getting ready to delete it when he noticed the file size..
What the hell? that's a huge email... might be something to it.
He opened the email and moved the enclosed file into his video player.
The file began with a two men sitting at a table, one man's head is to the back of the camera. The other man's face is in clear view of the camera. He's seen reaching for a briefcase and then handing the briefcase to the man.
"Which one?"
"T.. the blue one."
The man opened the file and looked at the picture. "You have to be f---ing kidding me."
The camera zoomed in to the first page of the file, a picture of President Katana.
"What? Are you worried about the money? We can pay you well," Worthington started.
"Sure you can. Either this is a set up, or you're the dumbest man on earth."
"You think I'm that stupid??" Worthington snapped back, "I've got the one thing you need. The one thing you desire more than anything else. I know you're interested in your twin.."
"... And I know what you can do to him. Read the last page."
Antony flipped to the last page of the file. He read it a couple of times.
"Ch-O2-H4..." he started before silently finishing the page. "What is this?"
"The one thing to neutralize your brother with," Worthington said. "You've read about his implants right?"
"How do you know this old man??"
"My sources are just that Mine! You want him, this'll make him as helpless as a f---ing newborn!"
"What is it?"
"A virus. Designed to turn his implants into lifeless hunks of metal in his body. Put that in him, he'll be blind and deaf. No senses expect for the pain you want to inflict on him."
"I like it old man, tell me more."
"You take the job, and I'll give you the rest of the virus. Only part of it's on that page."
Antony grinned, "So I accept the job and you'll give me the virus?"
"Yeah, and the money is payed upon Katana's death."
Antony thought it over a moment.
Dahl traced back the email as far as he could. It was an account, connected to a woman who was a voulnteer for the... Harrison campaign!?
Dahl picked up his phone. "Get me the news editor, I think I have a story for her."
Hell Bovines
03-04-2004, 03:33
(OOC: First of all, sorry for the huge delay. I've been very busy lately. I hope you understand. Anyway, I wouldn't miss a larkinian election for anything in the world! :P )
An ageing and glass-wearing figure was reading his usual pile of newspapers. It was the good duque Mooo IV, only older and grumpier.
With a lateness he read past the articles, hoping to find another of those incredible "Liberty Lettuce" ads.
He scanned a larkinian newspaper with dissapointment when his eyes stopped at a huge title. He suddenly was shocked! *Assasination attempt!?! Katana!?! Elections in Larkinia!?
Dammit, its the last time I take holydays on this time of the year, I get lost in the political panorama!*
Juan Negrasmanchas, his new political assistant was with him. In a while, they were heatedly discussing about the larkinian situation.
"I strongly think we should support the Larkinian Green Socialism party. It agrees completely with our ideology and it would really help the larkinians", Juan said enthusiastically.
"Listen up, kid", the old but wise duque spoke, "I would love to see the greens win in larkinia, but both you and me know they have no chances. Besides, Katana is a good man. he really did a good job in fixing his country from the last dictatorship, is a great third world supporter and mostly, my friend and ally. I think we should do anything to help him and avoid the free market victory.", he mooed.
Then, grabbing some recicled paper from the table, he begun to wrote a letter:
Estimate friend and honorable larkinian president Takeo Katana,
Time has passed since the last time we met and the tides of the political landscape are changing too. Yet, there's something that won't change and that is my friendship and support torwards you and your great nation.
I feel really sorry to hear about the terrible assesination attempt you suffered, but I know you are a strong man and you'll get through it. They couldn't kill you and they will never be able to.
From my humble position, I promise to send teams to investigate and help to find the causants of this terrible attack. Of course, also, you can count with Hell bovinian support during the election, as we really aprecciate all the efforts you made to help your country. If you want money, let me know, and I will send you all that it's at my disposal. Just try to keep the media away from knowing it. *wink*
Anyway, I hope you can win this great election and continue helping your country as you always did. From your friend,
Mooo IV, Duque of The Grand Duchy of Hell Bovines
PS: I love your new flag, painted with the colours of liberty. The old one looked kinda repetitive to me, don't you agree?
As the letter is dispached, the duque contemplates the cityscape through the window. He was getting old for this things and the idea of abdicating sounded more tempting every day. He looked torwards the also old duchess Fussyball. She wouldn't live much more time, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her in the "retirement hayfield".
But, for the moment, his duty was serve the people, and he would continue doing that!.
With suden determination, he sighed and stood up, resting on his woodstick. (I don't know the word for Bastón! Damn english! :x )He begun walking slowly torwards the conference room, where his ministers were waiting for a meeting to start.....
03-04-2004, 06:13
(I don't know the word for Bastón! Damn english! :x )
(I think 'cane' or 'walking stick' is probably what you're going for. And don't worry about it; you have no idea how many times each day I curse Spanish (or rather the learning block I seem to have regarding learning it) ;))
03-04-2004, 09:14
(Ya know, if the Duque wants to make a visit to Golden Agate, I think Bi Bere is trying to organize a trip ;) )
Larkinian Presidential Palace
Acting President Michael Davis was reading over the days intelligence reports when Aiana walked into the office with a letter.
"It's from Duque Mooo IV," she said showing it to him, "I'll put it with the others, in case he wakes..."
"When, he wakes up, Aiana. When"
"When he wakes up from his coma," she said, putting the letter down on a desk and quickly picking up a few of Takeo's pictures from the table.
"Leave them, Aiana," Davis said. "He's not going anywhere. I'm just keeping his desk warm until he gets back."
"Mr. President," Lance General Marcus Johnson walks into the room, "The War Ministry is ready for the meeting regarding our response to Natazhia and Tharkold."
Davis nods and walks out of the room with the General.
GOLDEN AGATE -- According to information received by LNN and the Golden Agate Times yesterday, the assassin hired to murder Larkinian President Takeo Katana was employed by this man..
*picture of Worthington at the table appears*
The assassin, who has not been identified as of yet, met with this man in a restaurant in Lyone days before the assassination.
This man is considered very dangerous, a reward of NY 20,000,000 has been offered by Inoki Manufacturing for the man's arrest or termination...
Worthington was walking in Lyone's King Square when the news report flashed on the screen. He looked in stunned silence as his picture was shown on the two story screen in the Square, reflecting off of the skyscrapers in the area. The video replay of his meeting with Antony, convieniently hiding Antony's face from the camera, was then replaying.
Oh shit! What in the hell is going on??
A few people around him looked at him a moment before stepping away.
Worthington looked down at the ground and tried to use his trenchcoat to obscure his face as he walked. He had to get the hell out of there, before someone saw him.
Or more to the point, didn't see him.
As Worthington walked, he didn't hear the footsteps to his right, nor did he see the arm that shot out of the darkness, grabbing him in a under arm lock, and pulled him into the shaddows. However, he did hear the click of Hoot's 5.7mm pistol comming of 'safe' and the silencer being pressed against the side of his head.
He was pulled into the allyway, towards a dumpster, where visibility was near zero. Someone would have to be standing on top of him and his captor to see them.
"Listen," he said, speaking quietly, "there are two rules. Rule one, I ask the questions. Rule two, you answer them clearly and precisely. If you break either of those rules, you get a bullet in the side of the head. If you shout, you get a bullet in the side of the head. If I don't like the answer, or think you are lying, you get a bullet in the side of the head. Understand?"
He allowed Worthington to nod.
"So tell me what you, who has been dead for 17 years, have in connection with this assasination?"
03-04-2004, 09:32
Worthington took a moment to collect himself. At first he'd thought this was another corporate abduction, although how any corporation, outside of his friend Nigatara at Inoki would have known...
"So tell me what you, who has been dead for 17 years, have in connection with this assasination?"
"I was just asked to take this file to one of the best men in the region to kill Katana. I didn't ask questions, I took the money and tried to meet this guy."
"Who ordered the assasination?" Hoot demanded, keeping his vocie low. He didn't want to alert anyone on the street to his presence.
He also needed specifics, as, little did Worthington know, the entire convorsation was being transmitted to INSA headquarters, and Irving and Dingman were listening right on in.
03-04-2004, 10:27
"A friend of mine, works with Harrison's campaign. They were saying something about once Katana's out of the way, then they'd have a clear run to the Palace. Something about getting some Na.. Natazha person on board with their plans."
03-04-2004, 10:30
In Iansisle..
"Hey, I've gotta pick up a package for the Larkinian Embassy!"
The guys at the docks looked at the man as he walked up, dressed in a cheap suit, security tags hanging around his neck.
"Ambassador's new ride or somethin'," he said.
" 'eah, it's over there," one of the dockworkers said as the man showed the worker his ID tags.
"Thanks man," he said, giving the guy a 'tip'.
03-04-2004, 10:37
Needless to say, the (near?) assassination of a political leader as closely tied to Iansisle as Takeo Katana didn't pass unnoticed. Prime Minister Tarriff, who demanded a full brief on the situation from Lord Inswick directly after hanging up with 'Lilac.' Given that he was dealing with the Iansislean foreign affairs ministry, such a report was not forthcoming for some time.
In the meantime, several towns and cities throughout the Iansislean world held vigils praying for Katana's safe recovery. Several prominent Iansisleans, from former Prime Ministers Hiresh Dhawan and Alfredo D'Carlonia to John of Vesshampton and Charles Bradsworth sent letters to Takeo wishing him a safe and speedy recovery. Others, such as Sir Peter (?) Donnaghue, secretly rejoiced.
Interestingly, the only official word from the government was a letter from His Imperial Majesty the High King, which was a relatively mild-worded expression of support and the need for solidarity in times of crisis. It was countersigned by Edward Tarriff and the top ministers of his government, Lord Dirwisham and Inswick.
03-04-2004, 10:38
The man walked to the 'package' as a couple of dock workers pulled back the tarp, a new, executive class, black Humvee.
Yeah, just what the doctor ordered.
He took the keys and slipped behind the wheel. The engine roared to life before settling down to a menacing purr.
What little toys do we have here?
Bulletproof armor, looked like a little bit of a turbo under the engine, satellite OnStar hookup, looked pretty nice. Of course, in Iansisle, it stood out like a clubbed baby seal at a PETA meeting, but he didn't need it for too long.
As he pulled away from the docks, his cell phone beeped.
"Thanks for the present! Looks wonderful! I love you honey," Dariana's voice piped up.
Excellent.. LNN took the story. Teach Worthington to f--- with my money.
03-04-2004, 10:50
Williams Estate, outskirts of Ianapalis
Jeff and Katherine had been watching the news reports as they came across the TV link.
"Christ!" Katherine said quietly. "Jeff, if he dies, that'll throw the election into a total..."
"Clusterf---," Jeff ended her statement. "Sweetheart, I want you to go someplace a little safer than here."
"Where would be safer than this house?" she asked
"The embassy proper in Ianapalis."
"The embassy?" she looked at Jeff. "Ianapalis isn't the safest place on earth, or even in Iansisle!"
"Look, it's safer, there are more people there than there are here, I think you'll be safer there. You'll be OK. Dad helped the government with the security there.," Jeff said. "Now you guys," he added to the cloaked Celebornian security officers he knew Niven would have around them, "are to go with Katherine and make sure she get there all right."
*ring ring*
Yeah? Jeff answered the phone implant.
Yes sir, we'll get her to the embassy. *click*
"At least the children and dad are in Celeborne," Jeff said.
"So much for a romantic week." Katherine sighed. "What about you?"
"I'll be right behind you, I'm going to wrap up some loose ends here and be a few minutes on your back," Jeff said. He also thought that if there was something more at hand here, he'd be more of a target than she would be. "Let's get you packed."
03-04-2004, 11:05
As the two packed bags for the embassy, the black Humvee, now with an additional passenger was rolling out of Ianapalis toward the house.
Dariana ran her hand through her hair, "I can't believe you talked me into this," she said looking at the military uniform she was now wearing.
"Talked you into what? Killing your beloved Jeffie?" Antony asked with a sneer.
"No. F--- him. I meant getting me back into a Larkinian uniform," she replied. "I gave that life up a long time ago."
"Well sometimes you need to go back to your roots to get in touch with your inner self."
"Why do you think he'll be alone at the house?"
"Because he and I are the same person," Antony said. "All I have to do is think the most goody two-shoes thoughts I can and I get an idea of what my dear brother will do."
Dariana looked down at the satellite monitor. "This is nice, I need to get one after this is over."
You'll be dead when this is over
Antony's thoughts were cut short when a vehicle blipped onto the screen.
"someone's leaving the estate? I can't believe Jeff would run," he said. Pointing to the forest just off the road, "Pull in there and turn around." he said.
03-04-2004, 11:08
(dum-da dum-dum...DA-DUM!)
03-04-2004, 11:10
(check your Tg's ;) )
03-04-2004, 11:21
Jeff and Katherine walked out to the waiting SUV mini limo.
Katherine pulled him close and held onto him, "It'll be all right," she said quietly.
Jeff wrapped his arms around her, kissing her red hair, "Of course it'll be fine. I'll see you in about an hour or so."
She slid into the back seat and winked at him. A moment later the door closed after the two cloaked guards scrunched down and entered the car.
The limo pulled out and took off down the drive, heading towards Ianapalis.
"I just hope everything will be all right," he said quietly before walking back into the estate house and started shutting it down.
The limo roared past the secluded part in the forest. Antony and Dariana looked out and saw Katherine in the vehicle as it pushed ahead.
"Bingo," Antony said. "There's a target I think we can both agree on."
Dariana pulled the car back out onto the road and the engine roared back to life as they followed the limo.
The two guards looked at the Humvee as it closed in on them.
"Looks like we've got company," one heard from the other in his helmet mike.
They zoomed in their eyes on the driver, all they saw was a blonde in a Larkinian Aerospace uniform behind the wheel trying to catch up to them.
"Probably thinks we're the ambassador," the second man said. "they'll find out differently at the embassy."
"They aren't slowing down," Dariana said to Antony, who was crouched under the back seats.
"No worries, chase them into those sharp curves we saw before you.. reach out and touch them." he said with a grin.
03-04-2004, 11:59
The Humvee pulled up next to the limo as it approached the infamous 'Dead Man's Curve'. Dariana saluted the two she saw in the limo (Katherine and the driver) and pointed ahead to the curves. The limo pulled forward as it tried to get ahead of the Humvee. The two vehicles kept speeding up, the driver looked at Dariana like she was nuts, hitting the curve at high speed was hard for Jeff to do in the Ferrari, much less in a limo and a Humvee.
Dariana winked at the two of them as they shot closer to the curves. The Humvee suddenly lurched to the right, slamming into the limo and knocking it towards the trees in the curves.
"What the f---??" the driver shouted as he tried to keep the limo on the road.
Two guards in armor decloacked in the limo and lowered submachine guns towards the humvee. They were met with a man who looked like Jeff, save the scars, shaved head and evil glint in his eyes, who had two guns pointed out from the gunports in the Humvee.
Sparks started to fly as bullets bounced between the two vehicles. The limo stradled the road and the forest, swerving as the driver tried to avoid hitting trees and branches. The driver punched the accelerator again, trying to get the humvee behind it.
One of the guards dialed up Jeff's internal cell phone, "Sir we're under attack!"
The next thing anyone heard was Katherine's scream.
Antony saw the vehicle pull forward and lowered his guns and emptied them into the tires of the limo just before Dariana rammed the side of the limo again.
The two vehicles hit 'Dead Man's Curve' quickly, the Humvee slammed the brakes and pulled away from the limo. The Limo swerved, losing control and flipped as the last two tires exploded, slamming the vehicle into the forest surrounding the curves. It wrapped wickedly around a huge tree trunk in the forest before it came to a stop.
Tanah Burung
03-04-2004, 17:15
"Your top man in Larkinia? I'm sure it will be someone of grace and finesse," Bi Bere said, closing her phone call with Tariff. Although she could not, for the life of her, remember who that was. Damn this short-term memory loss!
She quickly put in another call to Grand Duque Mooo, inviting him to join her in a trip to Larkinia. "Not that we have any favoured candidate, my darling duque," she said, "but it's important to stand alongside friends in a time like this, don't you think?"
No sooner had she completed the phone call than the news came in of the assassination attempt. The colour drained from her face. It was hard not to suspect some of the malcontents in Larkinia's army.
She fired off a letter to Acting President Davis:
My deepest sympathies to you, President Katana, and all the people of Larkinia on this occasion. If there is anything that we can do to assist, you know you need only say the word.
As a courtesy, i thought i should inform you that i am planning to visit your country to hold a picnic for peace, at which i hope several others will join me to say prayers for the health of President Katana. This is, of course, not intended in any way as interference in the free and fair electoral processes of your great country. As you know, we would never interfere. Of course, i hope that some of your citizens will see fit to join me at the picnic.
Our prayers are with Larkinia in this difficult time.
Violeta Bi Bere.
"Whose Natazha? Who was your friend? Who did you hire to be the assassin? Is this all part of Harrison's plans? What program? Give me specifics on everything," Hoot demanded, pulling the man tighter in his lock.
Meanwhile, in North Beach, INSA anylysts and computer geeks and started going through all their files, checking databases, looking for any mention of 'Natazha'.
However, one computer specialist had found somethign intresting. He continued to manipulate the video that had been sent into LNN, and had picked up several things. One was another voice. He had run it through the file matches in the database, and picked up two matches.
The first match was exactly 85.63% positive that the voice was that of a one ambasador Jeffery Williams. The voice also matched the one from the phone call made by Worthington. As he was clicking through, looking for any other matches, a green 'new file' light clicked on the plasma screen. He clicked on it, and checked it out.
The INSA's 'Big Ear' satalite, as it was called, had picked up another call. It was just now being filitered in. The trace started in Iansisle, and ended up in Larkinia. One voice was obviously Worthington's. The other, which matched the voice from the video and the phone call, now was identified as 'Tony'.
But that wasn't the only thing he found.
(OOC: Lark, if this isn't cool, tell me and I'll drop it)
There was a plane of glass behind Worthington in the video, and it was generaly clear. Which was perfect for The computer programer. As his fingers slid over the computer keys, he enhanced the image of what seem to simply be a piece of dirt. However, the tech new differently.
By adding a flare to the comuter's image of teh video, he was able to make out a face in the window. He enhanced further, and soon came up with a decent image of a man.
He ran it through several databases of images and again, recieved a 85.67% match on this same William's character. But unlike Jeff, the figure was bald, and didn't have the scars. However, it worked enough for the tech, who used another computer program to print out a composite image of 'Tony'.
He had further work to do.
In a geosyncronous orbit over Iansisle, an Umbrella made KVP-45A Spy Satalite observed on its FLIR cammera whatr appeared to be a sceene out of a James Bond flick. There was a car chase of sorts, with a good touch of gun play.
However, the KVP-45As were not assigned to high priority research tagrgets like the KVP-1122s, and therefore, the video of the chases wouldn't reach ICIA headquarters for another 48 hours.
03-04-2004, 22:45
Fortunately, such a dramatic car chase just a few miles from the western outskirts of Ianapalis didn't go unnoticed by the local populace. Unfortunately (or, given who was in the limo, perhaps irrelevantly), the few farmers and their families who turned out to rubberneck didn't give a thought to calling some sort of authority; even if they had, their houses were often quite far away and more than likely not equipped with a phone.
"Better be careful, Sam," called the father of one youth who was cautiously approaching the wrecked limousine, who standing at a safe distance. "That thing's liable to explode any second now."
"How d'ya know that, pa?" replied Sam.
"These motor-cars run on petroleum, or something. If their tanks catch light, they'll go off like a giant firecracker."
"Dang, pa, you sure? I can see someone lying in there; looks like they're hurt."
"Wouldn't be su-prised," cut in someone new. "I've always said these blasted contraptions are the work of the devil; 'e's probably jus' tryin' to claim their souls."
"Nonsense, Mr Jameson!" retorted young Billy, who'd always dreamed of owning the newest model Westerton Jackrabbit, just like all those bigwigs down in Ianapalis. "Motor transportation is the way of the future!"
"You watch yer tongue when talkin' to yer elders, whippersnapper!" He turned to the boy's father. "You'd best be careful, Mr Irving! You're raising a real firebran' there - if you don' see fit t'give 'im a canin', I might just have to!"
"Aw, don't be so harsh on little Billy, Mr Jameson. He's a right lad, you know. Just thinks a little ahead of his times, that's all."
"Whatever 'e is, it's downright dangerous. And anot'er thin..."
"Say, this isn't a Westerton at all!" called back Billy, who'd joined Sam and snuck a little closer to the limo while the adults were arguing. "It's not a Stockley, neither. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd say it's a Larkinian motor-car!"
There were a couple seconds of silence; after all, a Larkinian vehicle had only one reason to be on this lonely road. Then everyone, Mr Jameson excluded, rushed at the car in a mad effort to peer in the windows.
Headquarters, Alliance of the New Highlands
Golden Agate, Larkinia
"Still nothing from Jameston on this?" asked the Ambassador with a sigh. His junior could only shrug and respond in the negative. "Be sure you let me know as soon as anything comes in."
He sighed and leaned back in his comfortable chair. After having railed against the excesses of technology in the Commonwealth for several years, he had to admit that the Larks really knew how to live.
Still, the official silence from Ianapalis was nothing short of troubling. He'd already written a letter to Larkinia's acting leader, Mr Davis, expressing his deep sorrow and hope for a speedy recovery by President Katana; Baron Mansbridge, the new Ambassador to Larkinia, had done the same.
The Ambassador was still deep in thought when his assistant - who was actually a few years older than himself - came back in with what looked like the transcription of an official communication from Lord Inswick. He accepted it and broke the seal. That task was much more taxing since he lost his left hand, but he'd quickly learned to compensate.
It was disappointingly short and not to be forwarded.
Ambassador Bradsworth,
Tanah Burung Foreign Affairs Minister Bi Bere is to arrive in Golden Agate to hold a picnic in support of President Katana. You are to attend as a representative for Iansisle. I do not need to remind of the importance diplomatically of both Larkinia and Tanah Burung.
In the name of the King,
The Right Honorable the Earl of Inswick
04-04-2004, 00:05
The Iansisle thread ... to be continued here (
04-04-2004, 08:53
"Whose Natazha? Who was your friend? Who did you hire to be the assassin? Is this all part of Harrison's plans? What program? Give me specifics on everything," Hoot demanded, pulling the man tighter in his lock.
"P... Prince Natazha, the leader of Tharkold, (" Worthington said.
(the research will show Razvan Natazha, former prince and current king of Tharkold, had the royal family assassinated when Jeff was busy trying to rescue a bunch of refugees in the middle of the civil war. Was considering declaring war on Larkinia for a while)
"Jenna's my friend's name," he said, "She's one of the liasons between the campaign and here. She's supposed to be in South Morin, but I haven't heard from her for a while. As for who I hired, I was listening around, the people here said they were scared of some guy.. Tony. He's some kind of Triad hit man or assassin or something."
OOC: I've never been happoer to get Hand Gun bullets in my life. Despite the facts that compared to my otehr games, the graphics are crap, controls suck, and story is old...RE: Nemisis never gets old...
Hoot pulled the man further into the shaddows as a group of people walked by the alley way, talking about the assasination. "Tell me about this Tony guy, and while we're at it, tell me about this Jenna. I wanna know everything you can tell me about her."
Meanwhile, back at the INSA operations center, the names were being run through data bases, looking for information.
Further, an email was sent to the proper authorities in Larkinia. Attached was a detailed composite photo of Anthony, as well as the information that Hoot had so far gathered from Worthington, with a note saying 'more to come, from your friends at teh INSA..."
05-04-2004, 11:04
No sooner had she completed the phone call than the news came in of the assassination attempt. The colour drained from her face. It was hard not to suspect some of the malcontents in Larkinia's army.
She fired off a letter to Acting President Davis:
My deepest sympathies to you, President Katana, and all the people of Larkinia on this occasion. If there is anything that we can do to assist, you know you need only say the word.
As a courtesy, i thought i should inform you that i am planning to visit your country to hold a picnic for peace, at which i hope several others will join me to say prayers for the health of President Katana. This is, of course, not intended in any way as interference in the free and fair electoral processes of your great country. As you know, we would never interfere. Of course, i hope that some of your citizens will see fit to join me at the picnic.
Our prayers are with Larkinia in this difficult time.
Violeta Bi Bere.
(The Larkinian military has malcontents? :shock: I'll have to flush them out :P )
President Davis had just finished reading Bi Bere's letter when Aiana walked in with a cup of coffee for him, "You planning on sleeping anytime soon?" she asked, setting it down.
"That depends," Davis replied, "What day is it?
"Violeta Bi Bere is going to come to Larkinia to hold a peace picnic for Takeo. Make sure she's given every amenity and gets the chance to hold the picnic in the best park in Golden Agate."
"Arasaka Memorial Park?" Aiana asked.
"Mm.. Maybe not there," Davis said, "Can't we find something not corporate owned?"
"I'll get started on that."
05-04-2004, 11:15
Hoot pulled the man further into the shaddows as a group of people walked by the alley way, talking about the assasination. "Tell me about this Tony guy, and while we're at it, tell me about this Jenna. I wanna know everything you can tell me about her."
(should I?? I ... can't... resist! :P )
"Jenna.. her name's Jenna Jameson ( ;) ) she's one of those 'unofficial liason' types, someone to do the campaign's dirty work. That way they can't trace the actions back to the campaign.
"Tony? I just listened around some of the seedier parts of town. Every time I heard his name, the thugs in the bars would shiver. I sent him a fax and he'd called me back for the meeting."
Hoot adjusted his hold on Worthington, data was being streemed onto a wrist mounted PDA. Although it made no sound, he could hear it perfectly over the subdermal communicator. He watched the video feed, listened to anylysts describe what they thought was happening. He was also made aware that the INSA was sending intell, and lots of it, to the Larkinians.
However, they left out the Jameson info, as they wanted Hoot to handle that. They also informed the Larkinians that they had an operative on the case, and to not worry about it to much, the info was just so they had a case if anyone made it to trial.
Hoot was about to drop Worthington, the INSA tech guys already had pulled up a full file on Jameson based on what Worthington had said, and had sent it to Hoot.
"Now, I'm only gonna go over this once." He spun fast, and, still in the shaddows, slamed, quietly, Worthington against the wall. He pressed the barrel of the silencer against the base of his skull, and pushed Worthington hard against the brick. "Convince me you didn't know about Tony before hand. Acording to the recording of your calls, and the video of your meeting, you seemed to have talked to him plenty times before."
Tanah Burung
06-04-2004, 04:00
"Get the government blimp ready," Bi Bere said to a random flunky. "It's off to Golden Agate for me." She looked giddy.
"All the blimps are out at the moment."
"What? Where?"
"Well, the football team has one. And the other one is off in the Non Human Union on the trade mission."
"Well, hire me a blimp. I have a picnic to get to!"
Hoot pressed a button on the PDA, and a nondescript, white Nissan XTerra pulled up near the alley way. With a quick downward motion, Hoot brought the pistol down on the back of Worthington's head, knocking him unconcious.
Hoot pulled Worthington into the back of the truck, and closed the rear door as it turned into traffic, and moved away from the alley. As he slid back into the truck, he looked at the driver. "You know where we goin?"
"Yes boss, to the living quarters of a one Jenna Jameson. Whats the MOS? Gonna knock her out too?"
"After I get the info? Naw. This one deserves a bullet. How long till we get there?"
"With this traffic, bout an hour sir."
"Good, I got some work I need to do."
Durring all this, another man had injected Worthington with a checmical that would keep him unconcious till the group had left Larkinia onboard the MV-22I, with Worthington of course, and was over the ocean.
Hell Bovines
08-04-2004, 00:36
"Yes, of course I'd like to participate on the picnic. Let us hope our friend Takeo recovers. Bye, darling, take care", the duque said, as he hanged up to Rosa Bi Bere.
Then, like her tanah burungian counterpart, he grabbed a paper and wrote a letter to president Davis:
Estimate President Davids,
It is with much grief and sorrow that I received the news of the attack on Takeo, but my grief was doubled when I heard that he hasn't still woke up.
As a great friend to Takeo and a close ally of his regime, I may only pray for his recovering and offer you help in any way possible. Just ask for my help and you will receive it.
I inform you too, that I'd be participating in a "picnic for peace" in your country, Organized by Mrs. Bi Bere from Tanah Burung, to say prayers for Takeo's healing and the welfare of your country in this time of chaos and despair. Of course, this event won't interfere with the noble elections your country is going through.
The entire nation of Hell Bovines will be praying to the Holy Cow for the welfare of your country and of president Takeo Katana.
Yours faithfully,
Mooo IV, Duque of Hell Bovines
Having sent the letter, the huge and encorved figure, aided by his walking stick (that was the word, thanks :D ), headed torwards the street where a limo was waiting to take him to the airport.
08-04-2004, 10:56
President Michael Davis read the letters from the Duque and Bi Bere, "All right, we've got a picnic to organize. Bi Bere will be arriving by... blimp?" Davis blinked a moment, "OK, I've seen stranger. And the Duque will be ... praying to the Holy Cow."
"Holy Cow, Batman," Aiana winked.
"You aren't kidding," Davis said.
The door to the office opened up and Lance General Johnson walked back into the room, "Sir, we're all ready for your statement."
"What statement?" Aiana asked.
"I'm signing a bill to revert Larkinian Security back to the military's hands for the next 60 days. Especially as long as the foreign dignitaries are in town," Davis said.
Hoot washed his hands off on the girl's skirt as he finished shoving her in the back of a car. The 5.7mm round left a neat, clean hole through her head, the shot had killed her instantly. After being questioned by Hoot, she had dove for a pistol. Hoot had drawn, aimed, and fired teh singal shot, droping her instantly.
Hoot Gibson, fastest draw in the west he ahd thought, chuckling. He slid into the drivers seat, and set the remote up. The remote identification device would guide the 5,000lb bomb directly down onto it, and the police and fire units would simply think a car bomb, or maybe a mixing of the wrong chemicals.
Hoot didn't worry about it, he had bigger fish to fry. Harrison was next. He would hunt Harrison, make him feel like a prisoner, or a deer, or any sort of game, and make him feel afraid. He would slide in quietly, taunt Harrison from teh night, like a ghost, no, more like a splinter under his skin. Then, when the moment was right, Hoot would pull the trigger, and Harrison would be no more, simply another name on a tombstone.
He smiled as he slid away from the house.
Alcona and Hubris
09-04-2004, 08:28
(OOC: By the end of this thing, there are not going to be any canidates for president left alive...
OOC: Just like one of my elections. In Imitora, its not about who has the most votes, its about whose alive at the end of the election...
09-04-2004, 12:00
Poll -
Katana - 79%
Harrison - 13%
Williams - 8%
GOLDEN AGATE - Reid Harrison, reeling from recent scandals that have linked his campaign to the attempted assassination of President Takeo Katana and a possible attack on the family of Ambassador Jeffrey Williams, has released a statement that his campaign was in no way responsible for the attack on either Katana or Ambassador Williams.
"There is no reason for my campaign to proceed in such an immoral and illegal way," Harrison said, "I've conducted myself beyond reproach and am willing to stand for a full accounting of myself, my campaign and its volunteers."
Harrison went on to say that he is planning on being in attendance at the Picnic for Peace, being organized by Tanah Burungian Foreign Minister Violeta Bi Bere and Duque Mooo IV of Hell Bovines, to take place this Friday at the Peace Gardens in Golden Agate.
Meanwhile, President Katana is still in serious condition in Lyone, and Jenna Jameson, one of Harrison's campaign staff, has been reported missing.
The Harrison campaign would not comment on the missing staffer, except to say they hope she is well and will return soon.
The F/A-75 soared over Larkinia at 35,000 feet, its active GhostSkin making it invisible to the human eye, and its Athena Mod. 4 handling radar. They had solved the frequency problems back with the Mod. 2, and the Mod. 3 handled the the 'signature hole' problem, the Mod. 4 was just a further update of the software.
And teh Raven really did soar like a bird, its polymorphic alloy wings bending, twisting, and otherwise moving like a real bird wing in order to stabilse the fighter and allow it to do many of its complex manuvers.
The pilot had, on his HMD, selected the target, and it appeard on his cockpit windscreen as a red dot somewhere in the clouds. He pressed the thumbtrigger on the stick, and watched as the missle shot out from under his fighter. Within seconds, it turned from a missle to a GPS guided free fall munition, and the Raven banked away.
In the house of Jenna Jameson, nothing moved. No one was alive to make anything move. Then, with a God-like force, the 5,000lb thermite warhead tore the garage apart like someone smashing thier fist into a stick of butter. The car, and everything inside it, was vapoised in the explosion, and most of the house was gone two. Everyone would report it as a car bomb, unless they knew what to look for. And if they did know what to look for, and realised what really did happen, they would know deep down inside that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.
Tanah Burung
10-04-2004, 05:15
The airship Jerry Cornelius sailed aloft over the Pacific towards Larkinia. "Straight to the park, boyos," said Violeta Bi Bere. If you can time it to the Duque's blimp arrival time, so much the better. Do be sure this is all cleared with the Larkinian air force, though. Bloody great jet fighters always make me a tad nervous."
10-04-2004, 05:29
In the air, streaking through Larkinian Airspace
"What are we looking for again sir?"
"Some kind of blimp. We're supposed to escort it to Golden Agate."
"Like.. A blimp??!! A big balloon?"
"Yeah, We need to make sure they get there all right."
"Oh.... the humanity... :P "
Tanah Burung
10-04-2004, 05:41
The blimp, completely safe monarch of the skies!
Why travel in cramped seats, with nasty acceleration and noisy engines? Why contribute to the plague of global air pollution? There's no need to, with the new dirigible-class fixed-frame airship! Sail the friendly skies in olde worlde charm, secure in the knowledge that there is a difference between hydrogen and helium and this is a safe technology with ample leg room and obliging flight attendants. Now available in cool metal-clad fashion colours! Kapal Terbang Tech: your gasbag of infinite pleasure.
10-04-2004, 06:07
(Sounds nice... :) You can go ahead and land, Bi Bere will get clearance to take the blimp just about anywhere)
Tanah Burung
11-04-2004, 00:29
(ok. ran out of time last night for an arrival post. i try never to say no to "come up to bed.")
Bi Bere was a little disappointed: scanning the skies, she hadn't yet caught a glimpse of the Hell Bovinian blimp. She was looking forward to telling the Duque that the first order of Bovine-sized, vegetable oil-powered cars were rolling off the assembly line and on their way to the Grand Duchy along with an enormous cargo of palm oil. It was a surprise, so she couldn't tell him, but she'd made sure that one was equipped with a silver-plated hamster wheel for the Duquesa.
Ah well, no doubt that airship would be along soon. She cast her eyes down to the park towards which her dirigible was decending. Everything appeared in order. And she was almost ecstatic to be returning to Golden Agate, which looked like it had grown since her last visit. A pity the circumstances could not have been better.
As the blimp touched down, aides began to unload picnic tables, cooking pots, and the ingredients to make quite a few curries. Vegetarian curries, of course, but wonderful tings could be done with tofu and tempeh these days. She was willing to bet at least half the people who turned out for the Picnic for Peace wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.
11-04-2004, 02:01
Rather unusually, the Iansislean arrival to an international event was subdued, modest, and even tasteful (although the delegation head’s choice of outfit probably wasn’t). A modern black sedan with diplomatic plates, its windows tinted as dark as the paint job, pulled into the parking lot, the tiny flags suspended over its hood hanging limply as the car came to a stop. From it issued two men, perhaps inappropriately clad for an affair of this sort in matching black suits, and another man with a Hawaiian shirt and shorts on.
Like a homing missile, he made his way straight for the woman who seemed to be in the center of everything, Violeta Bi Bere. The other two men, one of whom was quite short and stocky, struggled to keep up with the fairly fast pace set.
“Hi,” he smiled, extending the hand which didn’t end in an amputated stump for Violete to shake. “I’m Charles Bradsworth, His Iansislean Majesty’s representative to the Alliance of the New Highlands. You’d be, guessing from your radient beauty, Violeta of Tanah Burung? It’s a great day for a picnic, eh?”
Suddenly remembering the two people behind him, Bradsworth turned and gestured towards them. “How silly of me to forget!” He pointed to the shorter, dumpier one. “Frick here is Mr Albert Balme, His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Principality of Larkinia, and Frack there -” he indicated the taller, younger, more atheletic-looing man “is Mr Mound. He follows me around and yells at me when I do something stupid.”
Neither man seemed pleased at their introduction, but both managed to mumble a greeting fairly politely.
Tanah Burung
11-04-2004, 17:29
Bradworth, Bradworth. Bi Bere scanned her memory and it suddenly came to her. Not the typical Iansislean diplomatic representative. The last she'd heard, this amn had been rousing the rabble in the streets of, well, whatever the capital of Iansisle was called. She really would have to write these things down, before she forget something important during some vital meeting.
Ah yes, that Bradworth. She broke into a broad grin that seemed to smooth out the crevasses in her wrinkled face. "Dear man!" she exclaimed. "What a pleasure to meet you! All of Tanah Burung has followed your career with baited breath!
"Of course you know," she added conspiratorily, "that my government never interferes in another country's internal political affairs, but i'm certain you have a great future ahead of you. I so hope you'll be able to give that golden tongue a work-out today, dear heart."
A man alongside her in a wheelchair prodded her, gently. "Oh yes," she added, "this is my son Constancio Matebian, ambassador to Larkinia for the United Provinces. And," she nodded towards an austere-looking thin man with wire-rimmed glasses, "this is our military attache, Sumitro."
Hell Bovines
15-04-2004, 07:00
The government hot air ballon, The Winged Cow, begun flying through the larkinian airspace gracefully. Not only because of its extravagant shape, but also from the trail of cigar smoke it left, it could be easily recognised as a hell bovinian airship.
(The joys of google! :D You can find anything! Please ignore the senseless joke)
As the balloon touched ground, the figures of the duque Mooo IV (older but as gracious as ever) and of ambassador Bumpo Blackspots emerged from the cabin, as well as a small crowd of young bovine aides and Holy Cow priests, carrying incense and shamanistic drugs.
"Golden Agate looks more beautiful everytime I visit it", the duque exclaimed with an smile as he descended in the park, prepared for the picnic. *I wish this was a merrier situation, though*, he added to himself.
As he walked away from his personal vehicle, he spotted Violeta chatting with a group of people.
"Dear Violeta!", he greeted as he came near the group.
"It's a pleasure to see you again. May I also add that you look as gracious and beautiful as always", he complimented, perhaps without realising he had interrupted a conversation. Well, that is one of the consecuences of becoming a bit deaf, isn't it?
15-04-2004, 08:20
"I'm honored to hear that," beamed Bradsworth at the mention of an entire country following him, before piping down and letting Violeta finish.
"Constancio, it's a pleasure!" he exclaimed, extending hand. "You don't mind if I call you Constancio, do you? I'm afraid I always tend to be just a little casual at first meeting. And Mr Sumitro!" He shifted his handshake. "Yet another great pleasure!
"Well, madame," he continued in reference to the last part, "I'm afraid my reputation somewhat exceeds my abilities.." Suddenly, Bradsworth was cut off by a largish sentient bovine walking up. He smiled and waited his turn.
16-04-2004, 00:37
A black limo with dark tinted windows drove up to the park for the picnic.
Harrison sat in the back of the limo with his advisors, "Why are we here again?"
"Because we're trying to salvage your campaign, it's been hovering around the single digits ever since someone tired offing Katana," one of the men said. "Look, you need to try and be charming, and reserved, and for God's sake, don't piss off the diplomats!"
Harrison waved him off, "It won't matter what they think once I'm elected."
He really doesn't get it the aide thought.
16-04-2004, 00:37
The limo stopped and Harrison and his aides stepped out and looked around. The aides rushed over to have a tent set up for the group while another man pulled the grill out and started to assemble it.
"Ahh, goodness! They even bought balloons to celebrate the day with," Harrison said looking at the two blimps overhead. "Look at all of these people. Maybe I should start campaigning," he added.
"No, this isn't the time for it," an aide said, "This is a picnic for your opponent, try and show some decorum, for God's sake!"
16-04-2004, 02:53
*Bad forums! No soup for you!*
16-04-2004, 02:56
As Harrison's aides set up the area around them, he walked over to the group of Bi Bere, the Duque and Bradsworth, "Wonderful weather we're having today, eh?"
Across the street, maybe a hundred yards away, Hoot sat, or more approprately, lay, under a blanket cammoed to match the surface of the building. At his eye was the scope attached to a Artic Warfare Magnum bolt action sniper rifle, the cross hairs never leaving Harrison's head.
The voice came through clear on the subdermal. "You gonna off him?"
"Naw," Hoot replied. "I'm just watching."
Tanah Burung
16-04-2004, 05:22
(uh oh!)
Bi Bere strides forward to greet Harrison. She does not smile. "A fine day indeed. A pity that great man your president is not able to enjoy it with us."
Tanah Burung
16-04-2004, 05:23
(uh oh!)
Bi Bere strides forward to greet Harrison. She does not smile. "A fine day indeed. A pity that great man your president is not able to enjoy it with us."
16-04-2004, 05:32
(uh oh!)
Bi Bere strides forward to greet Harrison. She does not smile. "A fine day indeed. A pity that great man your president is not able to enjoy it with us."
(ooc: She's so subtle :P)
(edit: d'oh...never catch these things 'till Lark calls me on it! ;))
16-04-2004, 05:40
(uh oh!)
Bi Bere strides forward to greet Harrison. She does not smile. "A fine day indeed. A pity that great man your president is not able to enjoy it with us."
(ooc: She so subtle :P)
(OOC: That she is. I'm having visions of a bull in a china shop. ;) But she'll have to be less subtle to get through the block of stone that's Harrison's skull...)
"Yes it is a shame that Katana is not here," Harrison said. "Ah, but I'm sure he'll pull through." he added as he pulled out a cigar and lit it up. "It will be a safer day in Larkinia when the find the perpetrator of that crime, probably holed up in Tharkold."
Tanah Burung
17-04-2004, 22:20
(ooc: Harrison's next line: "I am shocked, shocked to discover there is political violence in Larkinia." :wink: )
"Well, Mr Harrison, would you like some lentil curry?" Bi Bere asked, with a sweet if insincere smile. She nods towards a large steamign vat of curry, embalzoned with a bright green bumper sticker that says: "VOTE KATANA."
17-04-2004, 22:30
(OOC: LOL, damn I wish I'd thought of that)
"Yes, I believe I would," he said with a smile of his own, "Vote Katana, how sweet of you to keep campaigning for him."
I wonder if we brought enough steak for everyone who's gonna show up :P
Tanah Burung
17-04-2004, 23:31
"Oh goodness, how did that get there?" Bi Bere said. "Of course, we would never interfere in another country's election." She began to spoon out a bowl of curry.
18-04-2004, 03:07
"Of course you wouldn't. Not that it matters, you're in Larkinia, you certainly have a right to speak your mind, regardless of my opinion."
Regardless of how short-sighted it is. That'll change after I win, though.
Hell Bovines
18-04-2004, 03:28
OOC: Are you sure you wanna serve steak (or lamb, for that matter :lol: ) in a field full of bovine priests and politicians? Now, that's the kind of things that can get your candidates killed! :wink:
The duque smiled to himself after seeing Bi Bere offer the curry to Harrison. He carefully litted a "La Revolución" cigar before introducing himself.
"Candidate Harrison, right? I'm the duque Mooo IV, of Hell Bovines. I'm quite surprised with your presence over here.......Gladly surprised, of course", he added with an intimidating look, similar to the look a bull gives when about to trample an enemy.
*After all, the killers like to return to the scene of the crime*, he thinks to himself, still convinced that harrison had something to do with the attack on Katana.
As he sees harrison smoking his cigar, he decides to join Bi Bere's game.
"May I offer you a good quality, non-worker exploitable cigar?", he says while showing him the box full of the tobacco-derived products.
18-04-2004, 03:57
OOC: Are you sure you wanna serve steak (or lamb, for that matter :lol: ) in a field full of bovine priests and politicians? Now, that's the kind of things that can get your candidates killed! :wink:
(OOC: Oh I'm hoping the Duque won't let me down. ;) )
"It's a pleasure to meet you Duque," Harrison said with another sincere smile. " I would be happy to enjoy one of your non-worker exploitable cigars," he added putting out his cigar and clipping the end of the La Revolución, "And I'll even light it with my capitalist, built in a third-world sweatshop for 10-cents by eight-year-olds, silver plated lighter that will net the company shareholders a 5 cent boost to their stock."
Harrison lit the cigar and inhaled as his cell phone rang, "Excuse me," he said answering it, "Uh-huh? I see. Yes dear, I'll be right there. If you'll forgive me," he said closing the phone, "It appears my daughter and her husband have had a little argument, and I need to check on her, and put a price out on the cad's head," he joked. "It was a pleasure meeting you all, and I'm looking forward to dealing with you in the future as Larkinia's new leader."
He walked away and entered his limo and as it pulled away, a young woman walked up to the group, "I have a present for the dinner from Mr. Harrison, can I leave it here?"
Tanah Burung
18-04-2004, 04:26
"Of course, dear girl," Bi Bere answered. "And please do thank him for stopping by."
18-04-2004, 04:28
"Yes ma'am I will," she said setting the tray down. Removing the lid showed piles of steaks, lamb chops, veal...
(I'll let the Duque take it from here... :P )
Tanah Burung
18-04-2004, 04:52
(eep. Yeah, the Duque can field that!)
18-04-2004, 04:56
"I can't say I'm too unhappy to see him go," said Bradsworth quietly, watching Harrison leave.
Seeing the pile of meat products, he took a deep breath and stepped back.
18-04-2004, 04:59
(I thought the Duque would especially like the veal and the baby lamb.. no I haven't been planning on making Harrison a particualarly evil bastard... not at all. :twisted: )
Hell Bovines
18-04-2004, 05:02
(Mayhem! :P )
The duque was furious with Harrison's answer. His eyes almost went red. But, before he could think of an answer, Harrison was on the limo and the girl was unveiling the beefy content of the tray....
Horror....that was the only word to describe it. Upon seeing the pile of animal corpses, of dead innocent creatures, all hell bovines, as well as some sensitive humans present at the picnic stopped their activities in shock. Priests dropped their incense and hallucinogenous herbs, diplomats their notes. The bovines eating lettuce coughed and choked. Everyone stopped their activity and stared at the pile of disfigured animal corpses.
For a moment nobody reacted. The duque was the first to speak, while behind some cowlings were crying and mature bovines stared at the meat with fury.
"What on earth is this supposed to mean!?!", the duque shouted, mooed and roared. "Is this some kind of sick joke!?! Bringing millions of slaughtered inocent creatures to a picnic for peace?.", He couldn't believed what he was seeing. In his whole political career he had never been so offended.
The poor girl tried to excuse herself while the angry herd bovines looked
at her furiously, with red eyes and a sudden anxiety to trample at her.
"I dunno, cowman. uh.. I just was payed to do this, y'know? I don't want to offend anyone"
"But you did it!", the duque answered angrily. He rushed torwards the pile of meat and threw it to the floor and begun stomping at it.
"Who does this harrison think he is to do this?", a random hell bovine diplomat yelled. "I say we bring the bovine revolution to his home", another one added. "Yeah! Yes!"
And so, a large herd of hell bovines begun walking torwards the city centre, following the trail of the limousine. They were determined not to stop until find Harrison. While chanting "Harrison murderer" and "Popular justice will fix him" the column of hell bovines advanced.
18-04-2004, 05:16
(ROFL! ! ! :lol: Damn, I gotta stop posting these at work or my co-workers'll think I lost it! I knew the duque wouldn't let me down!)
Harrison sat in the limo, one of his aides saw the Hell Bovinians marching down the street after them.
"And then.. after his little comment about 'worker friendly' cigars, when I replied, you should have seen the look on that cow's grill! It woulda looked great stuffed on my wall..."
"Sir, they're coming after us!"
"Of course they are," Harrison replied. "Did you expect any less? God, so predictable. There's a reason we're at the top of the food chain and they'd better remember it. Driver, to the airfield, and punch it."
Tanah Burung
18-04-2004, 05:17
"Oh dear God," Bi Bere said. It was as much eloquence as she could muster at that precise moment.
18-04-2004, 05:23
"I - wait!" Bradsworth tried to stop the Hell Bovines, but he couldn't make his voice heard above the wild mooing.
Hell Bovines
18-04-2004, 05:28
(lol. That's one of the good things of posting at night at my home. I can laugh to death and nobody will give me weird looks...)
Benito, the holy cow priest, saw the limo speeding up and leaving them behind. "We will never reach them at this speed", he yelled.
At that moment, a public bus, painted in the red, blue and yellow colors of the larkinian flag went through the road, and Bumpo Blackspots had a wild idea. "Stop!", he yelled to the bus driver and placed himself in the vehicle's path. Then, more and more bovines placed themselves next to Bumpo, with the idea of making the bus stop....
18-04-2004, 05:39
The driver's eyes got wide, as he slammed on the brakes and the bus stopped inches before touching the bovine crowd.
"What the hell?"
(I am SO trying to avoid making any 'Mad Cow' jokes at the moment...)
Hell Bovines
18-04-2004, 05:58
"Excuse me sir", the duque said politely, "But we need to borrow your bus for a moment to persecute a political candidate for sending us meat as gift"
The driver gave a confused look to the torch-carrying angry crowd of humanoid cows before answering....
18-04-2004, 06:03
'But.. hey man I'd love to help, but it'll be my jo..." he looked at the angry... group, herd (?? :P ) getting ready to stampede the keep.
"Hey, help yourselves man," he said handing the keys to one and running as fast as he could.
Hoot watched the ordeal, and despite laughing, he kept the rifle trained on the crowd. However, when he saw the Bovines getting on the bus, he swore under his breath. "I don't think so. He's mine..."
With that, he squeezed the trigger, and sent a 7.62mm NATO round into the front and rear right tires of the bus, blowing out the tires. He worked the bolt a third time, and sent a round into the windshiled of the bus, blinding the bovine driver.
He resisted the urge to shoot the cow, it looked like good meat, and he rolled away, breaking down the silenced rifle, packing it up, and quickly moved down the stairs. He emerged at the street level, wearing a blue polo and kahkis, and wearing a pair of Oaklys. He walked over to the table, grabbed a piece of meat that looked un trampled, and walked over to a grill, tossing it on, and lighting the burner.
Nothing like a fresh burger to sooth the soul.
Hell Bovines
18-04-2004, 08:30
(OOC: That's an evil, evil man! :? )
As the larkinian bus driver got out, all the bovines entered the bus. Ambassador Bumpo Blackspots decided to drive.
He was about to turn on the engine, when a loud noise was heard and the whole vehicle trembled.
"Holy Cow! What is that?"
Before anyone could answer, two shots more were fired, the last one impacted on the busses' windshield. The glass broke into thousands of tiny pieces and in that moment Bumpo felled to the floor yelling "my eyes, my eyes!"
In a sudden wave of panic, the bovines got out of the bus and Bumpo was escorted. It was an unbelievable situation, The peaceful picnic had, indeed, turned into a bloodfest. First, a senseless slaughter of inocent animals, then this!
"You Harrison, son of a hornless ox! (a very vulgar hell bovine insult) His snipers are shooting over us. Take cover"
After a while of hiding being the bus, the bovines realised that the sniper/s had left and so, decided to get out.
With much concern, the crowd decided to return to the park, while others, among them the duque, decided to take Bumpo to the hospital. The poor cow seemed to be blind, as its eyes were now bleeding due to the millions of cristal parts that fell into them.
"Don't worry, Bumpo", the duque tried to cheer up his old friend. "as soon as we get out of the hospital we'll go to the larkinian police and denounce this atrocity so that Harrison can be finally jailed like the murderer he is!"
18-04-2004, 08:34
"Holy Cow! What is that?"
(ooc: :lol: That line just made my entire day!)
Hoot, in full conscious, walked over to one of the Bovines while eating the burger. "A question, if I may," he said, taking a break from the burger, and taking a pull form a bottle of Corona.
"Do you have any proof that the Assasination of Katana, or its attempt, was actually an order of Harrison? I mean, what are you going on, the simple fact that you dislike the man?"
OOC: Job number three of a INSA Fifth Echlon operative...sow teh seeds of disention
23-04-2004, 06:10
As Hoot was walking up, Larkinian security moved into the area, scanning for any of Harrison's snipers while moving towards the Duque and the blinded Ambassador Blackspots.
"Here, we'll cover your eyes, don't rub them, it'll be worse," one of the combat medics said. "Let's get an ambulance over here!" The medics tried to load the Bovinian into the ambulance, and were finally able to get him in if he laid down on a mat instead of the gurney.
"OK, let's take him to the hospital!"
As the ambulance pulled out, the armed men moved throughout the park, "Sorry everyone, the picnic is going to have to be postponed."
25-04-2004, 06:01
Golden Agate Times
Katana - 55%
Harrison - 30%
Williams - 15%
GOLDEN AGATE -- The "Picnic for Peace" organized by Violeta Bi Bere was abruptly halted due to violence and a stampede just after the departure of Presidential Candidate Reid Harrison from the park.
The Hell Bovinian group at the picnic was perturbed at the food that Harrison and his campaign staff brought to the picnic. Platters of steak and other animal products was left at the picnic by Harrison. At that point the Bovinians too to the streets, chasing after Harrison.
"Is this what we expect from our 'allies'?" Harrison asked later, "To have them stampeding through our capital enraged?"
Tragedy struck when, while peacefully procuring a bus, one of the bus tires was shot out, and an explosion shattering the windshield blinded Ambassador Bumpo Blackspots. Blackspots has been in surgery, where a team of doctors has been working at restoring the ambassador's sight with new eyes if necessary.
"The fact that the Ambassador is a Hell Bovinian has made this a very interesting procedure," Univeristy of Golden Agate Hospital spokesman Tyler Gallagher said. "We've used samples of tissue to regrow two new eyes in our cybernetics lab, and are preparing to use them if necessary to restore the ambassador's sight."
LYONE -- The condition of President Takeo Katana has remained unchanged since the assassination attempt left him comatose at the Webster Naval Base in Lyone.
"There's been no change, we have the best doctors in Lyone looking after the President," Lance General Marcus Johnson said to reporters (while stepping on Katana's breathing tube :P )
Katana's political advisors are still hopeful of a full recovery, and are busy preparing for the final campaign stretch. However, a jittery electorate, bolstered by recent violence at the "Picnic for Peace" and Katana's unchanging condition, have shifted some votes away from Katana and into Harrison's camp.
Added to the mix are reports that Larkinian Ambassador to Iansisle Jeffrey Williams is returning to Larkinia, shortly after the mysterious attack on his wife, to address the reports that he will indeed run for President.
Tanah Burung
25-04-2004, 18:10
As the picnic descended into chaos, one of the Tanah Burung officials hailed a taxi. "Follow that limousine," Sumitro told the driver. "I need to speak with one of Mr. Harrison's aides."
(ooc: conversation off stage already, just want to establish the connection :wink: )
A stunned Viooeta Bi Bere turned to her son. "Well, that was a bust, Constancio. I hope i'll have better luck at my next assignment at the International Mediation Council. I hope the weather's nice in GMC this time of year."
Constancio Matebian looked at her sourly. "It was a fine idea. That man Harrison sabotaged it by deliberately provoking that herd of diplomats, though."
"Sometimes, my dear, the unexpected happens. You simply have to roll with the punches. I hear Jeff Williams is returning home. No doubt he'll get a hero's welcome. I'd like you to be there when his plane arrives and pass on my very best wishes to him." With that, she boarded the blimp and departed.
The next mornign, Matebian issued a statement.
The embassy of Tanah Burung regrets the disruptions that took place at the Picnic for Peace. The intent fo the picnic was a non-violent expression of our best wishes for the speedy recovery of President Katana.
To ensure the event would be peaceful, it was planned as a vegetarian event. Unfortunately, some local politicians did not respect this intention, and the result was an unfortunate bout of violence.
Tanah Burung wishes to reiterate our deep respect for the people of Larkinia and their wise judgment in the selection of a president. Democracy is the greatest gift any country can be given. In this troubled time, we remember and pay honour to the pioneers of Larkinian democracy, and we trust that their legacy is safe in the hands of the Larkinian people.
In friendship,
Constancio Matebian, Ambassador
Hoot, now back in a rented hotel room under the name Ryan Veech, a FNW reporter, flipped through the news papers. Sides of ocurse, had been taken, and he chuckled at the situation. Stampeeding cows were always funny.
However, he had work to do, and it needed to be done fast. His first goal was to get the damned cows out of his way, and quickly. He decided the best way to do it was to remove them from the situation all together, in anyway possible. And, as a fake reporter, he typed up an article, and sent it in to his contact at FNW's (First News Wire) Larkinia desk, which would ensure that it would be front page material. He had a great picture of one of the cows stampeeding, looking angry and, to a point, homocidal, and decided it would work.
His next act was to remove a heavily secured satalite phone from his duffle, and dial a number. He heard teh phone click, and he spoke quikly. "We need to schedule a dentist apointment, soon. I have a feeling this wont go over to well, and we need to get him clear fast. Good?" and he hung up. He didn't wait for a response, only spoke, and then tucked the phone away.
The next day, the following article appeared on the front page of FNW's World News Daily, bound to catch the eye of even the most casual observer:
Cows Stampeed, Kill Katana?
Yesterday, at approxamately 12:22pm, representatives from Hell Bovines at the Picnic for Peace, sponsored in part for a gathering of support for hospitalized Javin Katana, caused what could only be described as a sceene from a wild west movie. After being offered a gift by Mr. Harrison, a Larkinia Presidential Candidate, they charged the man, and hijacked a bus. It is not known by whom, but the tires on the bus were shot out, and the driver blinded by exploding glass, possibly saving the life of an innocent Harrison.
However, what would exactly cause these cows to charge Harrison. Reporters and whitnesess on site commented that the cows were calling Harrison murderous and a crook, and obviously were not big fans of the nominee. However, many people, well, many educated people, may wonder how the cows have proof that Harrison indeed ordered the killing or assasination attempt on Katana. Well, I'm a reporter, and I can't find any logical connection.
In Hell Bovines, they may run elections by having the candidates try to kill each other, but I know, after having been stationed here, that this is not the Larkinian way. I don't believe Harrison would, in anyway, support an attempt on Katana's life.
So this brings us to the next logical question: Who did? If you ask me, and many of my colleauges, there is only one answer, the Hell Bovinians. Now, before you, our loyal reader, accuse me of being a Kenedy level conspiracists, allow me to expose some simple facts. One, its openly obvious that the Hell Bovinians do not like Harrison. Now then, that is their priority, even if there dislike is simply based on the fact they do not know the man as well as Katana. So from their we can conclude that they would do everything in their power to get Harrison re-elected, no matter what.
And as we all know, the easy way to keep someone from getting elected is to sully their name. Now, we can assume this: In order to have Katana elected, or more simply put, Harrison NOT elected, they would go to extreemes to distroy Harrison's name. The best way that their minute minds could could pull this off is to hire an assasination team, and attempte to kill Katana, blaming it on Harrison.
The best way to exemplify this is to show how the cow people continue to blame Harrison for the assasniation, when they know less about it than everyone else. We can look at base observations to gather this. Why would a member of Harrison's campaign release footage to a news agency in order to expose those behind the assasination? And then, after realeaseing the news a car bomb, which most likely was set by the Hell Bovinians to cover up the problem.
So, call me a conspiracist if you will, but I'm still not convinced otherwise.
26-04-2004, 12:16
*various obscenities*
26-04-2004, 12:17
*various vulgarer obscenities*
26-04-2004, 12:20
Charles Bradsworth and his sycophants had gotten both lost and separated in all the confusion. Now, the one-handed Iansislean revolutionary-cum-diplomat was somewhere in downtown Golden Agate, alone. It wasn’t too bad; he couldn’t be far from the park, even given the general excitement.
He didn’t relish the thought of returning to the picnic and having to put up with Bi Bere and son again. He looked down in disgust at the Hawaiian shirt and shorts; trying to buy favor with Tanah Burung certainly was a humiliating experience. In fact, Bradsworth thought he’d almost prefer the dirty get-up of a down-on-his-luck ex soldier to the garish abomination in which he was currently dressed.
He glanced about the street again, trying to get his bearings.
27-04-2004, 23:49
Bradsworth looked up the street and saw a group of corporate soldiers approaching.
"Are you with the picnic?" one of them asked him.
"Which group are you with?" another one asked.
Hell Bovines
29-04-2004, 00:22
The old bovine monarch gave a look to the room hospital, where his friend Bumpo was now peacefully sleeping.
Doctors had been sincere to him: there was a 85% of probability that he would remain blind. After much thinking Bumpo had taken the problem a bit lightly, but the duque still felt guilty.
His mind was, in fact, a mix of guilt and anger. He was the one who had decided that Bumpo should accompany him to the picnic. *If I hadn't ordered him to come and if I hadn't reacted in that way torwards the meat, Bumpo would be ok now.*, he thought to himself with regret.
After all, the last month had been a sad one to the duque. He almost felt as if the whole world was crumbling to pieces: Rumbiak had died in the most awful of ways, with Tanah Burung choosing a more radical diplomatic approach. On the other side, his friend Katana was struggling with death, while he, instead of supporting him had ruined the picnic for him. And, now, his best friend, Bumpo, had became blind because of his fault.....
The duque's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of larkinian policemen:
"Hello, sir. We are here to interrogate you about the events that led to this car accident. Can you explain us exactly what happened?"
"Well... Bumpo was driving the bus, because we wanted to catch Harrison so that explained us why he had brought meat to a vegetarian picnic, when, out of nowhere, someone started shooting at the bus. A bullet destroyed the windshield, and the glass fragment hurted Bumpo in the eyes."
"I see.... and what did you do in that moment?"
"I was in a bit panic at first, I must confess, but my first reaction was telling everybody to get down so that nobody got shot."
"Did you managed to see who was the shooter?"
"No, I'm sorry. But what I do know, as I have studied military armament in my youth, is that the sound of the shot was indeed one from a sniper rifle, I'm not sure if it was a Larkinian Colt 55 Scout or a Darkranger Elipsis. Or perhaps it could have been an Imitoran Blackpanther, I'm not sure."
"Are you writing that down, john?"
"Yes, sir", the other policemen answered as he tried to write everything as fast as he could.
"Were there any witnesses that might have seen anything?"
"No, definently no. The bus driver had run away as fast as hell and my diplomats didn't saw anything so, I guess n.... wait! there was a man that came to ask me something!"
"Can you describe him?"
"Yes, I think I can. I remeber his face very well. He was eating a burger, too."
"Great! Accompany me to the police station. We'll make an identikit of this guy. He may be our only witness!"
The duque accompanied the policemen. A few hours later, the face of Hoot was in the front of many larkinian newspapers, with the subtitle:
"Have you seen him? This man may have witnessed the Spotted Massacre (as the lakinian ironic journalists had dubbed the episode) He might be the only clue to solve the crime!"
Meanwhile, the duque decided to write a letter to the temporal larkinian president to apologise for the whole incident that ruined the picnic.....
29-04-2004, 01:41
Doctors had been sincere to him: there was a 85% of probability that he would remain blind.
(85% probability? Time to get out the cybernetics gear. We can make him faster.. stronger.. better.. He'll become the Six Million Dollar CyberCow! :P )
29-04-2004, 01:46
(Nah, just send him to Tanah Burung - hell, I'd like to see everything in pink ;))
29-04-2004, 04:02
There we go, Acting President Davis thought as he finished the last email to Ambassador Matebian, assuring him there was no cause for apology, and placing the blame directly where it belonged.
God damn that f---ing Harrison. He engineered the whole damn thing to try and cast doubt on who tried to kill Takeo. It had to have been his doing, after all, to have a sniper waiting for the Hell Bovinian reaction, it showed planning.
Davis was sitting at Katana's desk, where he seemed to have been the last three days, as the reports kept flooding in from the "Picnic for Peace". What a right-awful cluster f--- that had turned into. It was a great idea, that went horribly wrong.
He punched up the intercom, "Aiana, any new news on Ambassador Blackspots?"
"Nothing yet sir, they aren't sure they can restore his sight."
"Get Katana's pal Nigatara on the phone. As much as they're dabbling in cybernetics and replacement organs now see if they can clone some bovinian eyes for him. And send a security squad to Harrison's office. I want him brought here immediately."
"But if Mr. Harrison won't come..."
"Then it's up to them to make sure he does, one way or another."
(back in time, complete with cheesy squiggly lines ;) )
The guard detachment approached Ambassador Bradsworth, "Are you all right sir?"
Tanah Burung
29-04-2004, 04:34
(Nah, just send him to Tanah Burung - hell, I'd like to see everything in pink ;))
Doctors have been experimenting with the procedure. They now believe they can arrange it so the victim, i mean patient, can see everything in mauve or pacific teal as well. One high-risk experimental medical procedure: three hot new designer colours!
29-04-2004, 04:45
(ooooh! Teal! Hmmmm, line me up for that ;) We can RP the dropship landing meeting between Jeff and Constancio here if you want to, since Jeff had way too much fun with the reporters in the other thread. ;) )
The duque accompanied the policemen. A few hours later, the face of Hoot was in the front of many larkinian newspapers, with the subtitle
OOC: I don't know exactly what an Imitoran Black panther is...but I'll go with it just to keep the peace of the OOC...
Of course, no one would see Hoot, it was his job to disapear. And disapear he did. It wasn't long before he was in the back of a newly rented SUV, driven by one of the many INSA drivers. And there was little chance that he would be spotted, the Larkinian version of hte Gov't. Exempt plate kept the SUV from being pulled over.
He chuckled at the paper, and was glad he got a good look at the cow person. He'd have a .300WinMag JHP waiting for him soon enough. However, his target was Harrison, and he was still trying to figure out how to get in. Harrison had, of course, fled the sceen after the incident, and would be a little harder to find now. However, Hoot kept an ear open, and waited to find out about any campaign speeches or the like.
29-04-2004, 05:03
(back in time, complete with cheesy squiggly lines ;) )
The guard detachment approached Ambassador Bradsworth, "Are you all right sir?"
((ooh, look at the pretty busts!))
"Yes, I'm fine," replied Bradsworth. "Just lost in my thoughts." And your city.
"I'm with the picnic - the Iansislean delegation. There was some confusion - a stampede - and I got seperated."
29-04-2004, 05:10
"Of course sir, can we escort you back to your embassy?" one of the men asked in a grey camoflage ballistic armor suit. On the man's shoulder was a darkened patch
Arasaka Security Corp.
Tanah Burung
29-04-2004, 05:26
(ooooh! Teal! Hmmmm, line me up for that ;) We can RP the dropship landing meeting between Jeff and Constancio here if you want to, since Jeff had way too much fun with the reporters in the other thread. ;) )
He's got nothing but pleasantries, he mostly wants to know if Jeff's running for president or not. Your call...
29-04-2004, 05:37
(ooooh! Teal! Hmmmm, line me up for that ;) We can RP the dropship landing meeting between Jeff and Constancio here if you want to, since Jeff had way too much fun with the reporters in the other thread. ;) )
He's got nothing but pleasantries, he mostly wants to know if Jeff's running for president or not. Your call...
(Damn, that's a good question, I need to figure out if he's gonna run or not.)
Before Jeff and James reached the car at the airfield, they were met by a young man in a wheelchair.
"Hello Ambassador," Jeff smiled at Constancio, "It's been a while. how are you doing?"
Tanah Burung
30-04-2004, 02:56
"Oh, marvellous," Constancio replies. "Your Majesty." He bows, as far as is possible without standing, towards James.
"What a sad time to be returning home to to your country. Have you come to save Larkinia?"
30-04-2004, 03:35
"Have I? That's a good question. It sounds like I might have gotten myself into it after that little speech I gave," Jeff said. "I might not know exactly what I've gotten myself into though."
Tanah Burung
30-04-2004, 04:08
"The centre of an assassination target, perhaps? Not that such things ever happen. I speak merely hypothetically." Constancio was overcome with a sudden coughing fit.
30-04-2004, 06:24
Jeff laughed at the comment, "Yeah, one can only hope," he winked. "I've heard politics is rough, but this is kinda nuts. How is your mother doing?"
Tanah Burung
01-05-2004, 02:53
"It's sweet of you to ask," Constancio said with a smile. "She's had some a few knocks lately, what with losing the election and her picnic plan turning into the attack of the killer meat byproducts, but they pumped her full of formaldehyde and knitted her a new stomach and she'll probably be as cheerful as a roach on a ham sandwich before long. If that Harrison keeps rising in the polls, i'm sure she'd be happy to hold a campaign event endorsing him, no doubt that would sink his campaign quickly enough since she seesm to be the kiss of death these days. Speaking of the polls, you seem to be rising yourself...." He let his voice trail off.
01-05-2004, 03:54
Jeff chuckled at the comments, not sure how much he should laugh at them. "I'm sure if she'd decided to endore him, his poll numbers would shoot up with that kind of luck."
At the mention of his own poll numbers rising, Jeff shrugged, "Yeah, I don't know why. Given what happened with the last military leader we had, I thought people might be a little more suspicious of an officer. I guess things'll pick up more if I actually do declare to run."
"It sounded like you did already," James said.
"Yeah, but sounds can be decieving."
01-05-2004, 06:27
((I'm still alive, I swear it :P))
That he was facing what amounted to a private army annoyed Bradsworth slightly, but he knew better than to offend what might be his only protection for miles around.
"I'd be honored if you'd do me the favor, mister...?"
James made few other sounds than a low grunt. He didn't know Constancio at all, and was content to stand by the side of the discussion. His father had always derided that habit, but it wasn't one James terribly wanted to break.
01-05-2004, 06:40
(he didn't know Constancio? I thought they met back at the party.)
Jeff turned to James, "James, this is Ambassador Constancio Matebian, from Tanah Burung. Ambassador, this is High King James Callahan the Third from Iansisle. He likes to be referred to as 'your holiest majesty'," Jeff winked.
"Jackson," the man replied, "Chris Jackson. If you'll come this way, we'll take you back to your embassy," he said as an aerodyne Humvee landed in the road next to them.
("come into my parlor," said the spider to the fly. :P )
01-05-2004, 06:46
(Did they? Oi, my short term memory is so bad! Um...let's just say James' is as bad as mine ;))
"A complete fallicy, I assure you," grinned James, wondering if he ought to shake hands. "Just James is fine."
The young man in the wheelchair had seemed awfully familiar; now that James had a name to go with the face, he quickyl recovered. "Constancio Matebian? Mini.." He had started to say 'Minister Bi Bere' but pulled up just short and changed it to "Ms Bi Bere's son? We met at that party, didn't we? I'm sorry - my memory seems to be going with my advancing years."
James couldn't have been more than thirty.
("only if you have crackers and cheese," replied the fly...or somethin')
"Thank you, Mr Jackson," nodded Bradsworth. That there was the possibility of even some sort of trouble never registered as he eyed the strange vehicle.
Hell Bovines
02-05-2004, 03:16
Ah... but what about the dramatism of him losing his sight? we could turn it into a soap opera! :P
Ok, ok, turn him into the Six Million Dollar Cybercow 2.0!!!! :D
You don't know what an Imitoran Black panther is?!?
Well, its...umm... a sniper rifle I made up for the story. Tell me if you don't agree, and I'll change it.
"That's good news", the duque told to the doctor.
Apparently, there was a posibility for Bumpo recovering his sight, after all.
Feeling much happy, the duque decided to return to his country. He didn't trust Whitey Bighorns, the vice-duque, that much. Not after his wine begun dissapearing on every diplomatic trip he made.
Besides, he had taken an important decision and was ready to announce it as soon as he arrived at home.....
OOC: No problem, but Hoot was just using a AWM .300
05-05-2004, 08:37
Katana - 51%
Williams - 34%
Harrison - 15%
GOLDEN AGATE -- Despite several missteps in the impromptu campaign press conference, Larkinian Navy Captain and Ambassador to Iansisle, Jeffrey Williams, has passed challanger Reid Harrison in polls leading up to the election.
While the start of his press conference dealt with a female friend of the ambassador's and his level of involvement with her, Captain Williams did make statements alluding to Harrison's level of involvement in the plot to assassinate current Larkinian President Takeo Katana. This, coupled with a quick advertisement campaign reshowing the broadcast footage of the assassination plot, pulled to within 25 points of Katana.
Harrison has quickly fired back, accusing the ambassador of improper relations with whoever this female acquaintance is while Williams' wife was still comatose in a private hospital in Celeborne. There has been no comment from the clinic at this time.
Williams, who still has yet to actually declare his candidacy, response to Harrison's attacks has been to challange Harrison to a lie detector test on live television. Harrison has not replied to the challange yet.
Hell Bovinian Ambassador Bumpo Blackspots, a recent victim of violence resulting from the "Picnic for Peace", has recovered from surgery to replace his eyes, which were damaged during the violence. The ambassador's sight has not been determined yet, and the Golden Agate Times will report on any updates.
05-05-2004, 09:02
At the Niven Mansion in Celeborne, Pridemore (Niven's personal assistant and trusted second in command) takes a small note that was left for him and smiles. He then turns to a small computer and begins to type quickly. in response funds begin to move from around the world to a bank account in Larkinia. Overnight 15 million dollars (Larkinian) are deposited into Jeff's campaign fund after being laundered through Larkinian businesses that Niven holds stock in or owns outright.
He leans back in his chair, " That should make the race more interesting".
At a secret base in Celeborne, a unit of Niven Covert Urban Combat Specialists board a small aircraft and head for Larkinia......
05-05-2004, 09:24
The next morning, at a small office in Golden Agate
The team of volunteers that had become Jeff's campaign staff to talk him into running checked the dwindling supplies of cash.
"Holy sh*t!" One woman said, "You guys gotta see this!"
"Are we out already?" another man asked as he walked over, "It'd be nice if this guy'd kick in for his own campaign.. Oh my f---ing god!"
The bank account read 15 million and 45 NuYen in the black.
Diablo Base, Home of Larkinian Black Ops
Lance General Marcus Johnson read the morning paper, he was incensed. He couldn't believe how this was going. First Worthington gets caught on tape buying Antony's services to kill Katana, then he implicates Harrison, and now Williams was above 30% and hadn't even declared yet.
Johnson had become the supervisor of the project, and decided it was time to leak a little of Project Aeneas to the press.
He dialed a number on the desk phone.
"Yes, I'd like to talk to News Desk Editor James Goldwin," he said. "I have a news tip into the background of one of the presidential candidates."
05-05-2004, 09:28
pulled to within 25 points of Katana.
OOC: 15 points, even.
05-05-2004, 09:30
pulled to within 25 points of Katana.
OOC: 15 points, even.
( :oops: D'Oh! Now that low grade on the group budget presentation in advertising makes sense... ;) )
05-05-2004, 09:32
The Combat team hit the shore of Larkinia just before sun up and were in local civilian clothing within minutes.
These were some of the best trained men that money could buy. All 5 of them were former members of Kali force team Horus. All were combat veterans with dozens of covert missions under thier belts. All were members of the extended Niven "family" of employees, and all five of them bore a tattoo on thier left forearm that marked them as members of the Brotherhood of Van Helsing.
They easily moved into the crowds of Larkinia and began making thier way towards the last known location of candidate Harrison.
05-05-2004, 09:39
As Niven's team moves toward the MediCare Co. Building, they catch a glimpse of the following article.
(Local political tabloid)
GOLDEN AGATE -- That's right ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first! Presidential Candidate Jeffrey Williams was genetically grown in part of a secret military project. Engineered by his mother, who died as a result of the genetic mutations her body went through with him, Candidate Williams is as different to you and me, as we are from the ape family.
This is the first of a three part series looking into the background of Candidate Williams. Is this truly a man we want leading our country?
05-05-2004, 09:42
The unit commander, one brother Fiest, looked at the headline. Seconds later two of his men broke off and began to move towards the headquarters of the news paper.
Fiest flanked by two men who looked about as dangerous as milkmen entered the Medicare Co. building. "We would like to see Mr. Harrison."
05-05-2004, 09:46
The three men walked into the building and approached the secretary.
"He's not in yet, gentlemen," she said. "Can I take a message for him? What is this about? If it's about the campaign, we're accepting volunteers on the second floor."
05-05-2004, 09:53
"Thank you ma'am, we represent a group of businesses that would like to contribute a large sum to the election. We feel that he is the man for us." He then laughs and winks at the other two men with him " But if he is all that we have heard that he is, we may just stay and do some volunteer work."
The other two laugh a bit and check out the security.
"Do you think we could wait for him ?"
The other two approach the Larkinian Sun. Upon entry they ask to speak to the person who wrote the article about Jeff.
05-05-2004, 10:05
(Hmmmm, a large donation of cash... why am I having flashbacks to a certain General that was never seen again after suffering a 'heart attack' ;) )
"Yes you could sir," she said, directing the men two a lounge, "He should be in for a little while this morning, then he's flying out to Lakuri for a couple days with the fundraisers out there and spending some time on the beach.
"Can I get you three anything to drink while you wait?"
Larkinian Sun Main Office, Editor's Office.
"Yeah whatdya want," Nate Docson, Executive Editor of the Sun said to the two men in front of him. "I ain't got all day."
05-05-2004, 10:11
"Thank you, coffee would be great. " the three men take seats. "Do you know how long it will be ?".
(( Could be......))
"We would be most interested in meeting the person who wrote this article. You see, we would like to reprint his articles in our magazine. We are doing a special issue covering the election. We would, of course, compinsate your paper for the use of the articles, and we would not be going to print until after you had the opertunity to print the entire series."
05-05-2004, 10:14
(Well heck, Harrison's not as bright as Grant, plus no one knows what really happened ;) )
"It shouldn't be more than half an hour," she said as she sent an aide off who quickly returned with some coffee for the three men.
"Well I worked on the Williams Editorial," Docson said. "You want to buy some of the republication rights? I think we can work out a deal for a certain region. What region are you interested in?"
05-05-2004, 10:17
Smiling brightly at the secretary "That will be fine, and thank you for taking such good care of us."
" Actually we are going to print it nation wide as the debut of our new magazine." Then clearing his throat " But we will need to meet with the author."
05-05-2004, 10:22
"Of course," she smiled back before walking out.
About 35 minutes later she walked in, it was just as "The Brainless and Bimbonic" was starting on the TV in the lounge.
"Gentlemen, he's here and can spare a few minutes. Which company are you with again?"
Docson hit a button on the phone, "Sharon, come in here please?"
A striking blonde in her mid 40's walked into the office and closed the door, "Yes? Hurry it up I've got the second part of that article on the screen."
"Gentlemen, this is Sharon Jenkins, she's our investigative reporter, she and I put together the article."
She cleared her throat.
"She wrote it and I... revised it."
05-05-2004, 10:31
"Of course, I am sorry." He hands her a card that reads:
Larkinian young business mens political action commitee
Johnathon Fitzgilbert
" We represent the political interests of many young business people, both company owners and executives." He straightens his tie. "May we see him ?"
"Wonderful, we have you both here." Smiling he reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a check book.
"You will have to forgive me a small lie, but I have no real interest in buying your story, but I will pay a nice sum to know how you came accross this information. And a bonus if you will retract the story."
Crimson America
05-05-2004, 10:38
OOC: Hey...I called Harison a while back... :cry:
Crimson America
05-05-2004, 10:39
OOC: Argh, my secret identity has been revealed...
05-05-2004, 10:40
(Damn, I wonder how Niven's gonna react then to the fact that an Iansislian member of Parliament tried to have Jeff killed in Gallaga. Oh yeah, in another thread,
Jeff walked into the middle of his own state funeral. You'd enjoy it ;) )
"Right this way sir," she leads the men into an elevator that quickly shoots up to the penthouse suite.
The elevator opens into a large room with a group of bodyguards and a man in his mid 30's sitting behind a mahogany desk, "Gentlemen," he said with a smile as he stood up, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"What?" Docson asked, "How dare you?? I won't sully our journalistic integrity with a brib..."
"How much?" Sharon asked the men.
05-05-2004, 10:45
OOC: Hey...I called Harison a while back... :cry:
(Oh crap! Did I miss the post? Where is it?
OOC2: Hey, who is this? :P )
Crimson America
05-05-2004, 10:47
OOC: Its Imi...and yeah man, I called Harrison a while back. Why else did I put Hoot in Larkinia? Remeber the hunting idea?
05-05-2004, 10:49
(But I thought Hoot was pulled back after the Duque exposed his identity)
Crimson America
05-05-2004, 10:57
OOC: Nope. Hoot is a master of disapearence, and your forgetting, all records of Hoot show that he died after the Deazemani incident. So anyone who would recognize Hoot's face, and put it to his identity would think the Duque was crazy, seeing things, or the sketch artist is one of hte worsts artists in the world. Hoot was the one who wrote the article discrediting the Bovinians anyways. All the Duque did was make a new enemy whom he should really watch out for.
05-05-2004, 10:58
(I am having an Imitora moment now)
After the elevator doors close the three men pull weapons out and shoot the body guards, they all go for head shots.
"Do not push any alarms, do not make any calls, do not even flinch. You have made a very bad mistake, you have insulted the son of a very important and powerful man. You have the rare opertunity to set things right. You will call your public information officer, press secretary, or whoever and have them retract your statement about Jeffory Williams being unfaithful to his wife. You will do this now, you will also issue a public appology. You will also do this now. And before you decide to be a hero, or think that this is a great way for you to get more political clout by exposing this attack on your person, I want you to understand a few things." He then takes a seat.
"I don't give a f*ck. Understand ? I have no problem with killing you, your family, everyone you have ever met. Understand ? The only reason you are still taking breath is because my employer thinks that you are worth more alive than dead. I also have no problem with dying. So lets just conclude our business, take care of this mess on your carpet and get back to life."
"One more thing, never insult Jeffory like that again. You can say that he is evil, that he will spend all of the nations money on hard candy and bikes. But never talk about his family or his relations with them again. Last time, understand ?"
" I see that we are going to be able to do business. Pick a number "
05-05-2004, 11:22
Harrison looked at the three men, "But... but it's right there in the records. He denied being anything more than friends with this person before anyone even challenged him. He has a guilty conscious, I know it."
Looking down the barrels of the handguns gave Harrison a different view altogether.
"I... I think I can handle that," he said.
"10 million NuYen," Sharon said, "Paid now to get this off my hands and since I get the feeling I'll be fired after this, I can live quite well for a while."
"I won't let you!! This is Sun property," Docson said.
"i can only give you a rough description of the man, recievable as soon as I get the check cleared?" she continued, ignoring him.
05-05-2004, 11:28
"We will just take care of this mess while you take care of your mess."
(( I hope you don't mind a little magic))
The two men with Fiest begin chanting and the bodies and blood disapear.
"Your turn." He says gesturing with his pistol.
Ignoring the editor " Ten million for a retraction and the end of these stories, and the discription ? Sounds fair. " one of the men starts writing a check.
The second man looks at the editor and in a very calm voice "So what is your price ? One way or another we will have a deal before we leave."
05-05-2004, 11:36
Harrison clears his throat as he presses a button on the desk, "Susan, I'd like to send out a retraction of our ads and statements on the Williams Adultery case?"
"Are you kidding?" the voice replied, "That's our best weapon!"
"Susan, take care of it now, and change all our ads to his inexperience."
Harrison clicked off the intercom.
"We got a deal?"
The editor turned to the second man, "What? Look..." he saw he'd get nowhere with the men. "Look, just get out of my office and if I happen to find a check for 20 mil on my desk, then I'll consider it an increase in ad sales..." (And who says journalists don't have their price? ;) )
The woman deposited the check in her electronic account while she picked up the files from her desk.
"Here are the files," she said walking back in. She gave a quick description of the man that roughly sounded like General Johnson himself.
05-05-2004, 11:45
Fiest stands and gestures to the other two men. "Sir, so long as you do not mention ambasdor William's family you will never see us again. Have a nice day."
"20 million seems a bit steep, call it 10 and we are gone and you have just made a very nice profit. Deal ?"
Taking the files " It has been a pleasure doing business with you."
05-05-2004, 11:50
Harrison could just watch as the three men walked out of the room.
First the assassination attempt getting blamed to me... now this... I think I'm gonna get out of politics.
Docson nodded, "Find, just get out of here."
Sharon grinned, "Believe me, the pleasure is all mine."
EDIT: I'm about to collapse, to be continued tomorrow? Damn it's good to see you back Cele!
05-05-2004, 11:59
At the Larkinia sun
" Thank you so much for your hospitality." He drops a check on the table and walks out.
They regroup at local resturant.
"Mission objective alpha has been achieved, but we need to track down the person responsable for the story in the paper."
"We have a description"
"Do we have any contacts in Larkinia ?"
"A few, mostly military.'
"Start there and then we will move outwards."
"yes sir."
One of the men leaves the the table and pulls out a small computer. He types in a message to a few of his contacts in the Larkinian military that includes the description of the man.
05-05-2004, 12:03
I'm outta here, see above edit ;) Bye!
05-05-2004, 12:05
((Cool, I will be here tomorrow night.))
06-05-2004, 05:34
Larkinian Military Command
General Dave Rios read the communique as it hit his inbox. "Interesting," he muttered as he pieced together the description. He quickly punched a response back.
Sounds like big shot general I know. Meet me tonight, 2100, Briar Patch Bar[/code:1:3f4145d208]
Diablo Base, Eastern Ridge Mountain Range
General Johnson read the screen as Rios read the first message and typed out his own. He knew it'd be a good idea to tap the man's computer.
"Now now now, we can't have that," Johnson said as he picked up the receiver on his desk. "Yes, I'd like the Striker team in my office for their next mission."
06-05-2004, 05:39
He returns closing the computer. "Fiest, we have a meet. Our contact is Rios, I worked with him back at the last assasination attempt, good man. I trust him."
Fiest chewed on the ear piece of his sunglasses. " Good, lets play this one by the numbers. We get this one right and the boss has promised us a bonus."
They ordered brunch and began to make plans in low voices.
06-05-2004, 05:52
The group of men were standing in Johnson's office as the general started in. He handed out a printout of Rios.
"This is the person in question. His name's David Rios, and he has knowledge of this base and its dealings. Suffice it to say, he can't be allowed to spread that information. He has a meeting at the Briar Patch Bar this evening at 9 p.m., if you can, deal with him before that time. If not, then try to implicate those he is meeting with.
"Next, a team will need to go to the Larkinian Sun news building. They have found some infomation on Project Aeneas. Burn the building to the ground, preferably with the two people listed in your file still in the building. Dismissed."
The group started to walk out of the room. "Jack," Johnson said. One man stopped and turned to him, "I want knowledge of this base contained."
"Yes sir," the man saluted.
06-05-2004, 06:14
17:35, Golden Agate
The small jet touched down at Van Der Meere Airfield outside of Golden Agate with a minimal amount of notice. It hadn't been logged when it took off or landed, and the team slipped out in a group of cars with diplomatic tags which had been waiting for them.
The teams coordinated as they slid onto the freeway and into Golden Agate. One team took the first ramp into the corporate zone, heading toward the Sun, while the other two cars headed for the Military Command buildings and the Briar Patch Bar.
06-05-2004, 06:20
17:35, Golden Agate
The small jet touched down at Van Der Meere Airfield outside of Golden Agate with a minimal amount of notice. It hadn't been logged when it took off or landed, and the team slipped out in a group of cars with diplomatic tags which had been waiting for them.
The teams coordinated as they slid onto the freeway and into Golden Agate. One team took the first ramp into the corporate zone, heading toward the Sun, while the other two cars headed for the Military Command buildings and the Briar Patch Bar.
06-05-2004, 06:21
The team gathered and headed to The Briar Patch (ooc: Please don't throw me in the briar patch) in a rented car. One team member stayed with the car, two took the bar, and Fiest and the comm officer found a table to wait for Rios at.
06-05-2004, 06:33
(OOC: heh heh)
The team had set up in a group of buildings across from the bar and were waiting for Rios to arrive.
He's at the bar, one of the voices in the headset spoke to the team.
Rios stepped out of the car and paid the driver before he slipped into the bar. He quickly scanned the room and a familiar face caught his eye.
06-05-2004, 06:42
The two men made a space for him at the table. The comm officer (who we will call Sanchez) stood and shook Rios' hand "It has been a long time, how are things ?"
06-05-2004, 06:47
Rios smiled at Sanchez as he sat down and ordered a beer. "I'm doing quite well, how are you doing?"
After the pleasentries were exchanged, Rios took a swig of the beer, "Now then, this person you were asking about, he sounds a lot like one of the Lance Generals that come and go from Mil-Com. Guy by the name of Johnson, Marcus Johnson."
06-05-2004, 06:52
" A lance ? That complicates things. What can you tell me about him ?" He leans back in his chair and takes a drink.
06-05-2004, 06:58
"He's a real a--hole," Rios said. "He keeps running from Mil-Com to some of his more classified assignments. Pretty high level stuff, stuff I can't even get access too. He's some combo officer, part JAG officer, part politician it looks like. Really connected. Was hooked into Grant when he was running the country into the ground."
06-05-2004, 07:01
"Grant ? I was wondering when that son-of-a-b**ch's name was going to come up in all of this. Do you know what Johnson's current assignment is ?"
06-05-2004, 07:06
"Not really, it's pretty locked down, but I've heard rumors. Something about one of the black ops programs maybe. He's not around Mil-com much anymore."
06-05-2004, 07:10
"Well, a name is more than we had this morning. Do you know of any of his past assignments, I am trying to get a feel for him. I have the feeling that the boss is going to want to talk to him before long."
06-05-2004, 07:17
"Well, during the rebellion around the last election, he was working with part of the defense forces around Aguila. Then he helped revamp the military command council after the coup attempt was ended, in part to try and keep another military leader from power.
"Then he worked as a liason to Parliament, then his first setback happened at the Williams court-marshall. He'd lost that case, but was the lead prosecutor there, apparently he was the one that ordered Williams to go to Tharkold to spark the trial. Then he was assigned someplace classified."
06-05-2004, 07:24
" Oh yeah, I know who you are talking about now. He sure has it in for the ambasadore. Any idea why ? "
06-05-2004, 08:09
"Well, he was one of Grant's lackey's back when he was in charge. Grant knew of the captain before he became something of a hero in certain parts of Larkinia and at times took an interest in his career. The usual rumors floated around about some kind of program. Real Area 51 stuff. Williams' mother was some hot shot bio-engineer before she died, so that fanned the flames of these rumors."
06-05-2004, 08:13
" So he is into the black side of military operations and is not afraid to use his knowledge and influence to further his own goals. Sounds like a very dangerous man."
Fiest seems to be preoccupied for a moment and then he turns " Sorry to cut this meeting short, but we are on a tight schedule here. Is there anything else that you can think of that might be usefull ? We have a plane to catch, I hope that I do not appear rude."
The two men at the bar move to the door and wait outside. The man in the car starts the engine.
06-05-2004, 08:18
"Not at all," Rios said. "Only that the main center for black ops that I know of is Diablo Base, back in the Eastern Ridge Mountains. Where we caught Grant at the end."
Rios watched as the group moved outside the bar.
06-05-2004, 08:26
Sanchez stood and extended his hand " Thanks for everything Rios. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, you call me and I will make it happen."
Fiest stood and started towards the door.
Sanchez turned to Rios again and in a low voice " Sorry about having to split so fast, but the boss is really upset about this situation and Fiest has his balls in a vice right now. When we get done with this, I owe you a beer, or a brewery." The lkast being said with a broad smile.
06-05-2004, 08:34
"Hey anytime, I owe you guys for all the times you've pulled our asses out of a bind," Rios said as he walked Sanchez to the door. he held the door open for the man and started to follow him out. "You know, I may take you up on that brewery idea..."
The team saw Rios step out the doorway with the other man. "Ready?" the leader asked.
"I've got right."
"I've got left." the second man replied.
Two covers snapped off of two sniper rifles at the same moment and a second later, two quiet sounds came from the barrels.
"... cause I always love a good be.."
Rios' head suddenly snapped back, blood shooting from both eye sockets and the back of his head.
06-05-2004, 08:39
Firearms came flying out of holsters as Rios' body dropped to the side walk. The best cybernetic eyes that money could buy searching the area for the shooters...
((up to you if they see them or not))
06-05-2004, 08:51
As the eyes scanned the area, the first man, with the binoculars peeked out from a window and looked down on the area. He saw one man who was looking in his direction.. no, he was looking at the man.
He ducked down quickly and whispered into his mic, "I think one of them saw me. You get out of here."
The two other men were on different levels of different buildings and started crawling away from the windows they were hiding behind.
06-05-2004, 08:54
Three of the team jumped into the waiting car and pulled off. The man who spotted the binoculars did a quick bit of mathmatics and then quickly screwed a pistol launched grenade (yes I have been reading my cyberpunk books again) and fired it into the window. The second team member left behind began running towards the door of the building.
06-05-2004, 09:05
The last thing the man saw was the grenade shatter the window and land in his lap.
Oh shi....
The floor rocked with the explosion of the grenade.
The other two men finished attaching the blasting caps to their rifle butts and setting a 60 second delay, dropped the rifles and their black gear into the garbage chutes of the buildings before walking into the alley, dressed like any other street bums.
06-05-2004, 09:08
"Son-of-a-bi..." The runner hit the front door of the building and started up to the room that had just been destroyed. When he hit the room he switched to microvision and checked out the smoking ruins of the room for any clues as to who the snipers were. He already had his suspicions, but he needed hard proof for Fiest.
On the street the shooter replaced his pistol in it's holster and started walking to the rendeavous point.
06-05-2004, 09:17
There wasn't much in the room, it had been a regular office building. After examination, the door appeared to have been pried open before the explosion. The man, or what was left of him, had no identification on him, nothing out of the ordinary.
06-05-2004, 09:24
The runner quickly scanned the room and body one last time and then exited the back of the building..."Interesting election year around here.."
In the car Fiest was calm and stareing straight ahead as Sanchez typed quickly on his keypad.
Pridemore read the message again " this is not good...not good at all." he reclined in his chair and rubbed his temples.
After a few moments he picked up his phone "Sorry to bother you, but we have a situation." He quickly outlined the information and then leaned back and listened.
"yes, sir. I will do just that."
06-05-2004, 09:43
06-05-2004, 09:43
(ooooh! I love plan B's! ;) Oh, and in the other thread, the mirrored reflection of Jeff is his cyberpsychotic side. :P )
06-05-2004, 09:47
( I am glad you like plan B's . I read the other thread, nice post. I think Jeff is going to slip a cog soon...)
06-05-2004, 10:08
Pridemore cracked his knuckles and stared at the screen of his computer. He had typed the message 5 times already and it just never came out right. He cleared the screen and started again, he decided that this time he would make it short and simple...
Do not breach military base under any circumstances.
New threat is now primary target. This is a nonspeaking engagement. Nuetralize the threat. Any requests to the candy store are preapproved.[/code:1:41189b7545]
It seemed strange, no matter how many times he had ordered a persons death for his employer it never got any easier. He drained his glass and stood up, this had been a long day already and he needed to clear his head.
Sanchez read the message to Fiest. " Well, get the standard package together and I will reasemble the team. Get Tracker to find out where he is."
Sanchez found Tracker in his hotel room hanging upside down from the bar in his closet. Tracker was the other initiate in the group, and as such he and Sanchez had spent a lot of time together. They had a good line up of talents in the group, Sanchez thought as Tracker flipped down off the bar. Two cybersoldiers, a detector and a combat machine. They also had two initiates, Tracker who could find anyone anywhere, and himself, a magical/mundane communications specialist. Then there was Fiest, he was the rarest of mixes he was a cybersoldier/elementalist, not someone to screw around with. They had all also recieved some of the most intense traing and combatr experience available. They had trained 10 different nations special forces teams and had come out top of the class every time.Sanchez was snapped out of his thoughts by Tracker cracking him across the ass with a towel "So what is it, zombie boy ?"
"We need to locate this person." He handed Tracker a picture .
"This all you got ?"
"This is going to take a while"
"Thats all right, room service is on the boss."
"Nice, give me a couple of hours to prepare and then don't disturb me until I come up."
"Yeah, I know the drill. We also have carte blance at the candy store, anything you want ?"
"A new pair of 9s machined to my specs and a street howitzer.'
Sanchez's eyes rolled up for a moment
06-05-2004, 10:33
(Sweet! I can guess who the picture is of. ;) You might want to save some of those boys for Jeff, if he cracks I'm not sure how to bring him down. It'll be like that scene in Blade 2, with the guys killing the guards and the pile of bodies at his feet...)
Diablo Base
Johnson read the quick email from the field, and was watching Network News 54 and LNN for the updates on Dave's poor... run in with the wrong elements. He wasn't too happy though. He didn't know how much Rios had known, but he knew it was more than enough.
Rios had worked with some guys from Celeborne before, in this very base trying to chase down Grant. If he'd told this group about the base... F--- me with a chainsaw sideways... God damn it..
The base couldn't move, Antony did God knows what to implcate Harrison, and there was still the election to consider. Too much shit was going down too quickly.
06-05-2004, 10:50
( no worries, Niven has 6 teams very much like this one on staff. I bet you can guess who the picture is of ;) , you are good like that.)
Tracker relaxed on his bed and began to let his thoughts fly about in random directions. He was searching. After a time, he got his first clue, it was a woman thinking the name Marcus Johnson, he was on the trail now.
Sanchez had completed his report and had orded the equipment the team needed. He took a little time for himself. On the roof, he applied flame to the incents and began his chant. He called for protection and guidance for his friend who had just left this world.
Fiest was in contimplation of the cigar he was chewing on and listening to a phone reciever. " I swear, I am going to retire after this sales trip" he said into a phone handset that was on the verge of explosion as he tightened his grip. "Honey listen, this is how I pay the bills, I am sorry that my sales trip got extended and I promise this is the last one." He knew as he said it that the only way he was keeping that promise was if he rode home in abody bag.
Aaron was doing a quick break down and refit of his toys...Guns guns everywhere. He was also prepairing himself to do what he was built and trained for, release a man from the mortal coil.
Runner was asleep, he was always asleep when not working.....
06-05-2004, 10:59
(heh, cool)
The woman in question was Aneska Suzan, a new secretary at Diablo Base. Not just a secretary, but Johnson's secretary. She was busy bitching about her new boss to her sister. This also gave Tracker a close estimation where buried in the mountains the base was located.
06-05-2004, 11:08
(Glad you liked it)
Tracker sat up, exhausted. He made one more quick search and discovered where Sanchez was. His thoughts raced out I know where is base is
Sanchez had just finished his prayers when Trackers thoughts hit him " Damn, but that boy is loud." He got up and met Tracker in front of Fiest's room. They heard the sound of a phone being crushed thru the door. They waited a moment and then knocked.
The air in the room smelled of ozone and the phone was a small melted lumb of plastic and metal. No one mentioned it.
"Sir, we have the targets base."
"When do the toys get here ?"
"Pick up is tonight at Mail Boxes r Us"
"Take Aaron and do the pick up, we leave in the morning."
Sanchez and Aaron arrived at Mail Boxes R Us that night and took delivery of a very large box.
Tracker returned to his room...he kept thinking that he had forgotten something, he relaxed again and let his thoughts go out....There were a few people that night who were thinking about his target, and somewhere out on the edges he thought he heard a woman's scream......
06-05-2004, 11:18
and somewhere out on the edges he thought he heard a woman's scream......
(?? which woman?)
06-05-2004, 11:24
and somewhere out on the edges he thought he heard a woman's scream......
(?? which woman?)
((OOC: Sorry, I meant to put a note in my last post. That was just flavor text and perhaps a teaser for some future story line. Again, sorry.))
07-05-2004, 00:02
(No worries man, I was just thinking I might have left a thread loose, although with Antony still out there... )
07-05-2004, 02:19
*ack! Ptttbbbbbttt!* :P *
07-05-2004, 02:23
The runner quickly scanned the room and body one last time and then exited the back of the building..."Interesting election year around here.."
(Ya know, one day I'm gonna have a nice, calm, peaceful election, I swear to God I am! ;) )
07-05-2004, 05:10
((OOC: never going to happen :) ))
07-05-2004, 05:19
(OOC: Well... um... yeah you're right ;) You'll locate the dear General at the base)
07-05-2004, 05:24
The team assembled over breakfast in the hotel's returant. They had outfitted themselves to appear to be tourists off for a days hike in the country. Large amounts of ordinance had been hiden in various camp bags and back packs.
Sanchez looked up "Good eggs."
Fiest raised an eyebrow at him and started laughing "Thanks for breaking the tension."
Tracker had the location locked in his head and was ready to lead the team out.
The team finished eating and headed out to the car, Aaron started whistling........
07-05-2004, 05:48
The team stashed the car about 10 miles away from the location of Diablo Base, they unpacked thier gear and began to hike in. Runner took point looking for any signs of traps or patrol, Fiest was next and he began slowly moving in some cloud cover (using his elemental powers) he tried to do it slowly enough that it would not be noticed. Sanchez was scanning the area for any signs of radio activity, Aaron was deep in contimplation and preparing himself for what was to come, Tracker was leading from behind and scanning for signs of thier prey.
07-05-2004, 06:01
The entrance to Diablo Base was a small dirt road that led to what appeared to be an underground bunker. Dependant on the fact that no one knew about the base, the innocent looking road was only guarded by four tired-looking men at that point in the day.
07-05-2004, 06:20
((Is it possible for the team to set up with out being seen ?))
07-05-2004, 07:17
(sure it is! They're not close to the group, and they're tailor made for a surprise ;) )