A meeting in the New Highlands: Iansisle sponsors Yarrum
09-01-2004, 07:18
Headquarters - The Alliance of the New Highlands
King Alexander IV, Lord of the House of Laughlin, Protector of the Kingdom of Weshield, one of the Seven Monarchs of the Shield, and Iansisle’s ambassador to the New Highlands wasn’t nearly as ostentatious a dresser as his long list of noble titles would have one believe. He stood at the primary speaking podium in a fine Agrigentian business suit and looked over the crowd. A few faces were brand new; most were all too familiar.
Weshield was the second most populous kingdom on the Shield, after Shadoran, and the combined responsibilities to his duties to his people and those to his overlord, the High King of the Empire, often weighed heavily on the fifty-year old monarch’s mind. Slowly, he raised the gavel and let it fall. It was really an unnecessary gesture, as the room was already silent in anticipation, but he figured standing on tradition was more important than practicality.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. I imagine you’ve all seen the agendas, and know why I’ve called you all here.” Laughlin swept his eyes across the room, noting the minimal impact his words were having. He never had been the best public speaker on the Shield - if he had been, he would have been in Parliament like MacIntyre or Javial. “As you all know, Alliance membership has been fairly stagnant over the last few years, since the Razing.” There were one or two coughs at that. “Iansisle has recently come into contact with a country named ‘the Glorious States of Yarrum,’ and I think they’ve thusly far demonstrated the very traits we find vital in the Alliance.”
Laughlin nodded. “Before I open the floor to the pre-vote discussion,” he started, "Would the Yarrumian delegate care to say anything?"
09-01-2004, 08:15
Just so everyone knows, feel free to have your delegate automatically present...
which reminds me: we've never picked a city / country to have the ANH HQ in...hmmm
You can hold your conference in Sharnhorst, if you like. It's neutral ground, since I try to make a point in not taking sides.
Except against rampant stupidity, of course. :lol:
09-01-2004, 10:42
Well, who doesn't, at that? I thank you for the offer - after all, any friend of D.K.'s a friend of mine - but think we'd better chose an allied state. ;)
Suit yourself. I so enjoy your RPing efforts; I can't wait to see how the "Dead Man's Chest" topic turns out. :twisted:
09-01-2004, 10:58
Well we could have it in Daezeman, except for the unfortunate small fact that it's a smouldering crater now ;)
Javin Katana (everyone's favorite :P) was sitting at his chair in the ANH headquarters. He listened intently to Lord Laughlin, while text messaging dinner plans with Katrina De La Rosa and her sister.
There we go, he thought with a grin, catching himself before Laughlin mentioned the Razing of Daezeman and looking down and saddened at what happened.
He sat forward and looked with interest as the delegates from Yarrum approached the floor...
09-01-2004, 10:59
Hey, thanks. It means a lot to me that someone reads my work and enjoys it.
It will be interesting, I hope. Here's a TG D.K. (enough acronyms yet?) sent me that I think is much to funny to keep secret (I hope he doesn't mind my releasing it):
Boy, when you said a twist, you weren't kidding!
I can just imagine everyone walking upto Dubois at the same time, and then it'd play out something like this...
"I'm here to get you out of here, Mr. Dubois."
"Excuse me.... but I thought I was to rescue Mr. Dubois."
"Really? Oh I say, how embarrasing..."
"Yes, my face sure is red..."
"What to do now, I wonder?"
"Yes, what to do indeed."
Yeah, that sounds about right. rofl
Laughlin nodded. “Before I open the floor to the pre-vote discussion,” he started, "Would the Yarrumian delegate care to say anything?"
A small, thin man with dark skin wearing a little red hat and a denim jacket stood up. "Nothing, except to say that we are honored to be sposored, no matter what the outcome, and, if accepted, we will do our best to serve the Alliance of New Highlands."
He sat down, and qucikly stood up.
"Sorry if I seem under-dressed, our nation is in the middle of a network upgrade, and your notice was one of the few files that was caught in the lag. I came as soon as I could."
He sat down again.
10-01-2004, 01:35
A small, thin man with dark skin wearing a little red hat and a denim jacket stood up. "Nothing, except to say that we are honored to be sposored, no matter what the outcome, and, if accepted, we will do our best to serve the Alliance of New Highlands."
He sat down, and qucikly stood up.
"Sorry if I seem under-dressed, our nation is in the middle of a network upgrade, and your notice was one of the few files that was caught in the lag. I came as soon as I could."
He sat down again.
Laughlin smiled faintly. "Thank you, Mr. - ah?" he stopped, inviting the man to volunteer a name. "His Majesty's Government is sure that making the Glorious States a member of the Alliance is in everyone's best interest."
He looked out across the other assembled delegates. "Now then, before we vote 'aye' or 'nay' on Yarrum's application, are there any other concerns? Questions for the Ambassador or myself?"
Laughlin smiled faintly. "Thank you, Mr. - ah?" he stopped, inviting the man to volunteer a name.
"Gunner. Joseph Gunner, although I answer to 'Seph'."
Laughlin smiled faintly. "Thank you, Mr. - ah?" he stopped, inviting the man to volunteer a name.
"Gunner. Joseph Gunner, although I answer to 'Seph'."
10-01-2004, 01:40
Javin watched as the speaker from Yarrum rose, spoke quickly and returned to his seat.
Hmmmm... that was fast. I guess we need to go on to the other witnesses for Yarrum?
As he worked this out, he was also taking notes on a plan to get an old-ANH nation possibly back into the fold. He quickly punched up a message to Lord Laughlin.
Re: Possible Imitoran return to ANH
I was thinking, we could help to 'spruce' Imitora up for a possible return to the ANH, and make a little money off of it. We hire five gay men, designers, interior decorators, etc. And send them to Imitora to give the entire country and its people a makeover. We could call it
'Gay Eye for the Imitoran Guy'[/code:1:9982801b8d] :P
Re: Possible Imitoran return to ANH
I was thinking, we could help to 'spruce' Imitora up for a possible return to the ANH, and make a little money off of it. We hire five gay men, designers, interior decorators, etc. And send them to Imitora to give the entire country and its people a makeover. We could call it
'Gay Eye for the Imitoran Guy'[/code:1:0fb4b14274] :P
10-01-2004, 02:16
"Ah. Thank you, Mr. Gunner," nodded Lauglin, tapping his fingers together. He was just about to read off the Alliance vote totals when he noticed Javin's message and coughed loudly.
However, the Lord of House Laughlin wasn't picked to represent Iansisle in the ANH for no reason. He quickly tossed the message - he still wasn't very clear how those were sent - to the side and read the vote totals aloud:
"Agrigento, thirty five votes. Twenty eight for population, seven for economy.
"Celeborne, thirty nine votes. Thirty two for population, seven for economy.
"Iansisle, thirty eight votes. Twenty six for population, seven for economy, five for Founding Member Status
"Larkinia, forty votes. Twenty eight for population, seven for economy, and five for Founding Member Status.
"Walmington on Sea, twenty eight votes. Twenty one for population, seven for economy."
He consulted his notes. "Yarrum would have twenty four votes: twenty two for population, two for economy."
(#&$& forum!)
10-01-2004, 02:16
(#&$& forum!)
10-01-2004, 02:21
"Ah. Thank you, Mr. Gunner," nodded Lauglin, tapping his fingers together. He was just about to read off the Alliance vote totals when he noticed Javin's message and coughed loudly.
However, the Lord of House Laughlin wasn't picked to represent Iansisle in the ANH for no reason. He quickly tossed the message - he still wasn't very clear how those were sent - to the side...
(Awwwww, that was a two cough, chuckle and watermelon chuck joke at least! :P)
Javin sat back and pondered the vote. He calculated how many nations would be necessary to meet the quorum to begin voting. He'd read the letter Ambassador Williams wrote about meeting the former President of Yarrum at a party.
Damn, how does he always seem to ingratiate his way into everything... he thought to himself sipping his latte. He's like a viper in the sand, everywhere at once.
10-01-2004, 07:07
Javin looked around then addressed the assembled group.
"Gentlemen, and ladies," He started, "Shall we commence voting?"
10-01-2004, 07:21
Laughlin shrugs. "His Majesty's Government has granted me the power to vote 'aye' on the matter of Yarrum's acceptance," he says, glancing about. "Assuming there are no further arguments?"
10-01-2004, 07:33
(Javin bursts up from the chair.. "I object!"
Or maybe not... ;) )
"Larkinia also votes 'yea' for the inclusion of the Glorious... Esteemable... Innumberable... Ecumenical ...Undeniable... Grammatical... States of Yarrum," Javin says as the spirit of Don King suddenly takes over his body for the moment...
10-01-2004, 07:36
"Thank you for your...exuberance, young Mr. Katana," said an impassive Laughlin, who was obviously not impressed by the antics.
"Between Iansisle and Larkinia, we have 78 of the 91 votes required for membership. We're still waiting on -" he checked his list, as if it were needed "- Walmington on Sea, Celeborne, and Agrigento."
10-01-2004, 07:40
(Hmmmm... tough crowd huh? ;) )
10-01-2004, 07:41
(Thank you, thank you...I'll be here ... all ...night ... ... :cry: ;) )
10-01-2004, 07:43
(LOL, cheer up, I'll be here most of the night too... C'mon, it can't be that bad. ;) We can fire up yet one more RP.. like we don't have enough threads out there yet..)
10-01-2004, 07:45
I was actually just getting ready to have Richard stumble his way over to Jeff in that other thread...or Kate still want to 'talk' with him? ;)
10-01-2004, 07:47
(Well Kate just headed over to talk with Jeff, Richard could be with her. I'm debating how much Katherine really wants to ask for a divorce...)
10-01-2004, 07:55
*falls off his chair*
Woah, woah...what!?
Walmington on Sea
10-01-2004, 07:57
A little late as usual, and a little more shifty than usual, the Walmingtonian representative arrived. No nasal Welshman this time, but a slick fighter pilot-come-politician (after a fashion).
Air Commander Joe Walker, born within audible range of the bells, had left London for Walmington in 1914, coincidentally missing out on surely single-handedly winning the limited air-war over France for the British in the process.
Walker had risen in Walmingtonian society by making a small fortune as a purveyor of non-specific goods, and one who would sell just about anything one may require, except of course for his own Grandmother. In his words, "there wasn't a market for her."
His business took him to the treasure-trove that were -and are- the Cape Colonies where, after.. an encounter one Mrs.Wayne (since deceased), Walker found himself rather pressed into service on the front lines as the Second Cape War erupted. It was during that conflict that Walker first took to the skies, finding that being a member of Walmington's first ever generation of glamorous fighter-pilots carried certain other benefits besides the notable lack of personal danger found fighting against an enemy armed with single-shot rifles and spears.
It was noticible that after the war, though Walker's status has lately risen, that he was never again able to make a Ceyloban's pittance out of all southern Africa, and that his financial status crashed quite suddenly.
With the outbreak of war with Germany, Walker's admitted allergy to corned-beef tragically kept him from being drafted by the army. Thankfully Sir Henry of Waynesia was on hand to point out Joe's past in aviation, and as Squadron Leader Walker flew his MFMkII Wren out of England to three victories over Picardie.
Filling in for the over-worked Sir Talfryn, Walker -supposed by some to be working now with the SOW- is all but certain to try his hand at selling, "a piece of the first Stuka shot-down over France", a kill claimed by himself of course. To get out of buying, one should ask how exactly the pilot is supposed to have recovered the wreckage of his downed opponent. Walker does a mean vanishing act, by the way.
"'Ere." Joe said after the most casual of introductions was granted to the assembly, Walker all the while rumaging through papers withdrawn from his pocket in an effort to find a note not written in lipstick or mascara. "Says 'ere.. Walmington thinks that it would be in the best interests of the alliance to seek revitalisation, right, of its ranks after several tragic losses, or sommink.
"Walmington votes Aye on the matter of Yarrum's potential admission to the Alliance of the New Highlands."
After regarding the room's reaction to his highly professional delivery the Air Commander asked if anyone would like to buy some elastic, for the missus. "..Nah? Nylons for the girlfriend?"
(Ahem, please excuse the long-winded rambling, I was getting tired of Mainwaring, Wilson, and Cheeseman! You'll note I highlighted the relevant 1% :) )
10-01-2004, 08:06
Walker had risen in Walmingtonian society by making a small fortune as a purveyor of non-specific goods, and one who would sell just about anything one may require, except of course for his own Grandmother. In his words, "there wasn't a market for her."
(Hey, what'dya know, a Walmingtonian Pimp in the making ;) )
10-01-2004, 08:08
*falls off his chair*
Woah, woah...what!?
(Yeah. what are the rules about divorce in Iansisle?)
10-01-2004, 08:10
(bah - rambling's what we live for ;))
Had Air Commander Walker merely left his somewhat unconventional approach to international diplomacy at the ‘or sommink’ - seeing as how that was immediately followed by the affirmative vote he was so desiring - Laughlin might have forgiven the man, but the sales pitch was really more than the moderetly-prudish (or liberal, by Iansislean standards) ambassador could take.
He fainted.
(oh, and welcome on board, Yarrum! :))
10-01-2004, 08:12
(Yeah. what are the rules about divorce in Iansisle?)
Man, I didn't even see that coming at all...crazy.
Erm, there's no laws against it certainly - remember, in Iansisle, everything's legal, just frowned upon :P. I wouldn't expect it to go over too well at the next ball, but not illegal by any stretch.
10-01-2004, 08:14
He fainted.
(oh, and welcome on board, Yarrum! :))
Javin pulled out a flask of alcohol, "I've got something to wake him up," he said walking over to Lord Laughlin.
(And nothing's been decided on that point yet, but I'm trying to look at things from Katherine's view, she loves Jeff a lot, but feels like she and children are taking a back seat to the rest of the world.)
10-01-2004, 08:20
(hmm... I understand what you mean. Oh dear, and my characters aren't being much help either, are they?..especially not Richard. I'm trying to play with his character, see where it takes me.)
Javin was joined below the podium by the second-senior Iansislean representitive, who clearly didn't approve of the younger Katana or his methods.
"I don't approve of you, Javin Katana, or your methods," were his exact words as Lauglin spluttered himself awake.
10-01-2004, 08:22
Javin Katana smirked at him as he helped Lord Laughlin up, "Well I'll take a memo to give a damn what you think. How 20 minutes after Never! strike ya slappy!" he told the second most senior Iansislian representative.
(and somewhere, Takeo feels a sharp pain in his ass.... ;) )
10-01-2004, 08:28
(and somewhere, Takeo feels a sharp pain in his ass.... ;) )
"It strikes me as the pathetic comeback of a ten year old on th-"
"The meeting will come to order!" demanded Laughlin, grasping for his gavel. "Baliff, remove that man from my courtroom!" He pointed at a nearby potted ficus.
10-01-2004, 08:32
"It strikes me as the pathetic comeback of a ten year old on th-"
Javin blew him a quick kiss as he was interrupted.
"The meeting will come to order!" demanded Laughlin, grasping for his gavel. "Baliff, remove that man from my courtroom!" He pointed at a nearby potted ficus.
(LOL! A little loopy huh?)
Javin turned to one of the aides in the room who handed him a cell phone.
Javin!! What in the hell are you doing?? I know you're doing something! Takeo's voice could be heard on the other end of the connection.
"Can't talk now dear, we're in an important meeting."
10-01-2004, 08:36
Laughlin shook his head solidly and blinked three or four times. "Ah, better. I just had the strangest sensation.
"Now then, in the matter of Yarrum's admittance to the New Highlands Alliance, His Majesty's Government has instructed me to vote 'aye.' He glanced about the room. "We'll need at least 81 'ayes' to pass the resolution."
10-01-2004, 08:39
Javin piped up, "And despite the flagarant attack of my personage by the second most-high muckity muck from Iansisle, the Government of Larkinia also votes, 'Aye', and if the secretary can read back the Walmingtonian vote, we should have quorum."
(I never envisioned Javin becoming the jackass he is today ;) )
10-01-2004, 08:46
Laughlin blinked once or twice, despite the secretary very judiciously chosing not to read back Air Commander Walker's vote, and banged his gavel. "Then it is settled." He hopped down from the platfrom with a surprising agility and shook hands with Mr. Gunner.
"Mr. Gunner, on the behalf of all the Iansislean people, I welcome you to the Alliance of the New Highlands. May our streets be paved with the blood of those who wish us ill."
The second in charge, one rather lanky Ambassador Third Class Sir Peter Donnaghue was just getting ready a retort for Javin when he paused to consider Laughlin's rather odd welcome for Yarrum.
Walmington on Sea
10-01-2004, 08:49
(Hehe, I was worried that Walker might be out of place and too over-the-top for the thread. Silly me.)
Through the faintings and chaotic exchanges occuring around him, Walker's cockney tongue forced a, "Blimey!"
He then, "Yeah, Aye!"'d once again after Javin's mention of the Walmingtonian vote, and light-up a fresh cigarette without finishing with his chewing gum. He was after all the only Walmingtonian ever to use or even acquire the stuff, and he wasn't about to waste it.
10-01-2004, 09:00
(too over the top? Never! :)
Besides, that other thread was so serious, I thought it would be good to have a bit of fun in this one.)
Donnaghue would have asked Walker to put out the cigarette in such honored chambers, had he not been so occupied.
"That, sir, was not a flagrant attack, it was merely a mention - which frankly has been far too long in coming - of certain character flaws in that personage of yours!"
10-01-2004, 09:52
"Character flaws in me, good sir? Such as? A penchant for grabing a hold of and enjoying life? Not taking things to seriously? Not acting like I have a pine tree shoved up my ass?"
10-01-2004, 09:57
“Exactly!” exclaimed Donnaghue, not considering that Javin may be making fun of him. “Wait, no! That’s just what I mean, your rapscallion, only in slightly less sarcastic tones!”
“Gentlemen, please,” interrupted Laughlin, holding up his hands. “This is a happy moment for Yarrum. They’ve been accepted at last into our humble group of international satanists, and this hardly seems the time to be putting them off of it.”
(this is a good way to let off steam :))
Walmington on Sea
10-01-2004, 10:01
"Yeah, s.. blimey! Satanists? Well, hang about, I might be able to help you out with that. Yeah, I've some great robes, silk an' everythink. Genuine Nazi parachutes!
"I think I can get hold of a couple of virgins for ritual purposes and what not, too."
Walker, ever helpful, never making me that cup of tea I so desperately need to wake me up.
10-01-2004, 10:09
“Exactly!” exclaimed Donnaghue, not considering that Javin may be making fun of him. “Wait, no! That’s just what I mean, your rapscallion, only in slightly less sarcastic tones!”
"Exactly, I don't amble around. Heaven forbid that I don't act seriously all the time and I tend to enjoy my life. OK, what other 'character flaws' are you talking about? Wait, don't you have a daughter? I think I know where this frustration comes from... :P"
“Gentlemen, please,” interrupted Laughlin, holding up his hands. “This is a happy moment for Yarrum. They’ve been accepted at last into our humble group of international satanists, and this hardly seems the time to be putting them off of it.”
(this is a good way to let off steam :))
"Sata... What?" Javin asked pouring more of the contents in the flask in a cup and passing it over to Laughlin. "Now where was I.."
10-01-2004, 10:19
"Exactly, I don't amble around. Heaven forbid that I don't act seriously all the time and I tend to enjoy my life. OK, what other 'character flaws' are you talking about? Wait, don't you have a daughter? I think I know where this frustration comes from... :P"
"Sir, and I use the term loosely, there are so many flaws in your character that I'd struggle to count them with the twenty digits the lord has seen fit to give me!
"Heaven forbid that you should act like a decent human being, especially at such an important meeting! Your antics may win you friends in opium-palaces and brothels, but they do you no favors on the international stage!
"I do have a daughter, though I hardly th..." His eyes widened as he completetly misunderstood the reference, "if you step so much as within a dozen rods of her, I'll shoot you myself!"
Meanwhile, Laughlin had taken an interest in the nazi parachutes, though the virgin sacrafices were tempting too. "I don't suppose you have any with a Hun's brains splattered over it, do you?" he asked, pursing his lips and feeling for his change purse.
(welcome to the ANH, Yarrum. I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly :P)
10-01-2004, 10:24
"Sir, and I use the term loosely, there are so many flaws in your character that I'd struggle to count them with the twenty digits the lord has seen fit to give me!
Javin yawned, "Anytime you want to try and start naming them, I'd be much obliged, because heaven forbid you keep us here until we're as old as you are..."
"Heaven forbid that you should act like a decent human being, especially at such an important meeting! Your antics may win you friends in opium-palaces and brothels, but they do you no favors on the international stage!
"Oh no, because I understand there is a decorum to working on the international stage. One where you," Javin continues in his asian accent, "Talk-ee so-so pohlite to the nicee-nicee man", Javin switched back to his regular voice, "while at the same time stab him in the back when he turns it to you. I'd rather be myself, slight imperfections and all."
"I do have a daughter, though I hardly th..." His eyes widened as he completetly misunderstood the reference, "if you step so much as within a dozen rods of her, I'll shoot you myself!"
(if you'll allow me this little presumption, that they're the same age, et al.)
"Sir, I've been much closer than a dozen rods to her.. much closer than say... one rod in particular? On more than one occasion?"
(Yeah, I think Yarrum will get a kick out of the ANH :twisted: )
10-01-2004, 10:36
Javin yawned, "Anytime you want to try and start naming them, I'd be much obliged, because heaven forbid you keep us here until we're as old as you are..."
"Your insufferable arrogance would be the first that occurs to me, mister Katana!"
"Oh no, because I understand there is a decorum to working on the international stage. One where you," Javin continues in his asian accent, "Talk-ee so-so pohlite to the nicee-nicee man", Javin switched back to his regular voice, "while at the same time stab him in the back when he turns it to you. I'd rather be myself, slight imperfections and all."
"Sometimes, that's just the way things work! If you're so keen on being yourself - doubtlessly a drugged-up vagrant in a sewage drain pipe somewhere - then why do you aggrivate us here!?"
(if you'll allow me this little presumption, that they're the same age, et al.)
"Sir, I've been much closer than a dozen rods to her.. much closer than say... one rod in particular? On more than one occasion?"
(presume away! Heh, my minor characters only live to serve ;))
"You lie!" charged Donnaghue, but his face did pale somewhat. "Margaret's a proper girl - her mother and I have taught her proper!"
Obviously, Javin had touched a nerve. Though his face paled, his eyes flashed with fire. "Obviously, sir, you have no respect for a lady of anysort! I'm glad, at least, that if your genes do get passed on, it will be to some drunken ... scarlet lady..of the night!"
10-01-2004, 10:45
Javin yawned, "Anytime you want to try and start naming them, I'd be much obliged, because heaven forbid you keep us here until we're as old as you are..."
"Your insufferable arrogance would be the first that occurs to me, mister Katana!"
"Arrogant? me???" Javin asked in mock shock. "Why rest assured King Donnaghue, that I'm the very pinnacle of proper, polite, presumtion, post-haste too!"
"Sometimes, that's just the way things work! If you're so keen on being yourself - doubtlessly a drugged-up vagrant in a sewage drain pipe somewhere - then why do you aggrivate us here!?"
"A drugged-up vagrant in a sewage drain pipe?" Javin asked, "Why good sir, I'm here at my President's request, of course. You are aware of our President. That little 'slanty-eyed' chap that was at the Gala? Or is it in your better interests to look down your nose at those not in your... social structure?"
(presume away! Heh, my minor characters only live to serve ;))
"You lie!" charged Donnaghue, but his face did pale somewhat. "Margaret's a proper girl - her mother and I have taught her proper!"
Obviously, Javin had touched a nerve. Though his face paled, his eyes flashed with fire. "Obviously, sir, you have no respect for a lady of anysort! I'm glad, at least, that if your genes do get passed on, it will be to some drunken ... scarlet lady..of the night!"
(Thanks man, I appreciate it ;))
"'Scarlet lady'?" Javin asked incredulous. "Your government let's you out of your house with a bigoted, closed mind like that? Sir I have a very good mind to come over there and slap you.
"Oh, Margaret was proper all right... veeeeeeeery proper. Although maybe a little less than a lady," Javin winked at him. "And you might want to ask Margaret why she's been feeling so sick lately in the morning. Should I start calling you 'granddad' now or later?"
Walmington on Sea
10-01-2004, 11:02
(Heh, I wish I could stick around to watch the rest of this.. and to remember what I was supposed to be replying to, but ..y'know. Off I go (just so you know not to bother trying to buy owt off Walker, and that your daughters (or disappointing lack there of) are safe..r for now. From him you understand, not I.. I'm about as threatening as Switzerland on happy pills.)
10-01-2004, 15:08
Well we could have it in Daezeman, except for the unfortunate small fact that it's a smouldering crater now ;)
No, it sunk into the sea, and was replaced by five new islands, remember?
10-01-2004, 22:49
That's right it did! But there's gotta be a smouldering crater there somewhere too.. ;)
11-01-2004, 04:58
Erm, before I carry on this discussion, I think we really need to figure out just where ANH hq is...er, for no particular reason. And certainly not relating to things that are legal in Iansisle, but not in Larkinia. No, certainly not :P
11-01-2004, 05:14
Erm, before I carry on this discussion, I think we really need to figure out just where ANH hq is...er, for no particular reason. And certainly not relating to things that are legal in Iansisle, but not in Larkinia. No, certainly not :P
LOL, so he's gonna challenge Javin to a duel... hmmmm... where could we place this.. ;) Maybe in WoS, or Celeborne? Golden Agate could hold it if we need to find a place. We've always just kind of held it in limbo. How about we place it in a city, but declare the land the HQ is on is multi-territorial, for each of the ANH nations.
11-01-2004, 05:25
No, no! Whatever gave you that idea?
...well, yes, he is ;)
I was thinking Golden Agate or Ianapalis would be the best choice, as we're the two remaining founders...though the multi-national idea is a good one.
heh, I can't get this image out of my mind:
*Iansislean delegate walks in, drinking his laudanum*
(random other delegate): "Excuse me, but narcotics use is illegal."
Iansislean delegate (confused): "What?"
(r.o.d.) (lecturing): "You're not allowed to drink opium in (my country)!"
I.D. (indignant): "Well, you are in Iansisle!"
(R.O.D.) (triumphant): "But we're on international soil! Ha!"
I.D. (smugly): "Ah, but do no country's or all country's laws apply? Iansislean law holds that my right to abuse my body cannot be infringed."
11-01-2004, 05:32
LOL good point, I hadn't thought of it like that. Well, I'll take it if ya want (unless you want it in Ianapalis)
11-01-2004, 05:50
We could always hold a vote, if you'd like. I don't really care either way, but you never know who might ;)
11-01-2004, 06:25
Yeah, or we could rotate the meeting hall between different nations, like the EU Rotating presidency.. of we could flip a coin.. call it in the air!
11-01-2004, 06:29
Yeah, or we could rotate the meeting hall between different nations, like the EU Rotating presidency.. of we could flip a coin.. call it in the air!
I actually really like the rotating idea...it could be in Golden Agate this meeting, Great Walmington the next, Ianapalis the next, and so forth.
11-01-2004, 06:35
Damn! Good call! right on the side!
Yeah, I like the rotating idea... where were we? Oh yeah, the response.. ;)
11-01-2004, 06:39
Yeah, I like the rotating idea... where were we? Oh yeah, the response.. ;)
Oh, that's right...this thread did have a point...well, emphisis on the past - tense. ;)
I'll have it out in a couple o' minutes!
And if anyone's ever worried about a meeting in Great Walmington becoming the epicentre of a blitz, Walmington's turn could always be held in Vollombo. The Ians might like it as almost all of the relatively few laws here start, "Natives may not.." (plus the potentially reduced journey time).
-Governor Admiral Sir James Frazer sets to kicking a native prince out of his palace and sticking a couple of ANH flags up on the walls over the more naked statues and freezes-
11-01-2004, 07:01
"Arrogant? me???" Javin asked in mock shock. "Why rest assured King Donnaghue, that I'm the very pinnacle of proper, polite, presumtion, post-haste too!"
"I can see you're arrogant ignorant - an intolerable but all too common combination!" sniffed Donnaghue. "For after all, as most in this room know, you slander the Iansislean crowns and all assosiated with them - Lord Laughlin especially, and me as well - by your implications! Calling a mere Knight of Weshield a king - the thought!"
He glared at Javin. "You will address me as Sir Peter or Ambassador Donnaghue, and nothing else!"
"A drugged-up vagrant in a sewage drain pipe?" Javin asked, "Why good sir, I'm here at my President's request, of course. You are aware of our President. That little 'slanty-eyed' chap that was at the Gala? Or is it in your better interests to look down your nose at those not in your... social structure?"
"As we both know, Mister Katana, I am aware of your president. I am also aware that, were you not his brother, the civilized world may never have had to deal with the likes of you!
"And as for social-structures, the institutions that held together the Empire of the Shield are our business, and ours alone! You outsiders have no right to come waltzing into our country and bemoning our way of life! Especially considering the fact that, were it not for westerners, your native country would have continued to stew in its own decadance and backwardness until some sympathetic imperial power had taken pity and colonized you!"
The rest of the Iansislean mission at this point became rather antsy. Race relations were something best kept buried, especially in this modern world. One or two looked as if they'd liked to stop Ambassador Donnaghue, but all lacked the appropriate seniority, and Laughlin was still deep in conversation about nazi relics with the Air Commander.
"'Scarlet lady'?" Javin asked incredulous. "Your government let's you out of your house with a bigoted, closed mind like that? Sir I have a very good mind to come over there and slap you.
"Oh, Margaret was proper all right... veeeeeeeery proper. Although maybe a little less than a lady," Javin winked at him. "And you might want to ask Margaret why she's been feeling so sick lately in the morning. Should I start calling you 'granddad' now or later?"
"Come over here and slap me?" asked Donnaghue in a low, dangerous voice. His eyes burned with a fury none of the other Iansislean representitives had ever seen. "Come over here and slap me?" he repeated, his voice raising to a shout once again. "Sir, after your implications about my daughter, you should consider yourself lucky to get the chance!"
Sir Peter removed his glove and brought it sharply across Javin's face. "Sir, I challenge you to a meeting on the field of honor, in the name of my daughter! That is, unless your belly is as yellow as your skin!"
(my apologies to the millions of Japanese and Asians I've just insulted in this and future posts. Rest assured, I do it merely to stay in character: at no point does Sir Peter speak for my own - and by 'my own, I mean those of the guy typing behind the computer - true views on race, ethnicity, or any other subject. My humble apologies to any who were offended.)
11-01-2004, 07:26
"I can see you're arrogant ignorant - an intolerable but all too common combination!" sniffed Donnaghue. "For after all, as most in this room know, you slander the Iansislean crowns and all assosiated with them - Lord Laughlin especially, and me as well - by your implications! Calling a mere Knight of Weshield a king - the thought!"
He glared at Javin. "You will address me as Sir Peter or Ambassador Donnaghue, and nothing else!"
Javin rolled his eyes at the first comment, "I see sarcasm is a lost art in Iansisle."
He then grinned, "Well, slappy. I would be happy to address you by your title. Shall I call you Sir Slappy or Ambassador Slap-meister?"
At this point a couple of the Larkinian aides are trying to seperate the men as another quickly dials a number on a cell phone
"As we both know, Mister Katana, I am aware of your president. I am also aware that, were you not his brother, the civilized world may never have had to deal with the likes of you!
"And as for social-structures, the institutions that held together the Empire of the Shield are our business, and ours alone! You outsiders have no right to come waltzing into our country and bemoning our way of life! Especially considering the fact that, were it not for westerners, your native country would have continued to stew in its own decadance and backwardness until some sympathetic imperial power had taken pity and colonized you!"
"How dare you?" Javin asked stunned. "Us outsiders? Who came storming into our countries determined to convert us to your god, all the while stealing our wealth, in addition to your destruction of our way of life, including our family structure. You sir, are the unwelcome outsider. Any asian nation you could have possibly entered was doing quite well until you decided your lust for our country, wealth and women was uncontrollable. Our social structure, and governments, were quite strong before you incompetent, petulant, arrogant imperialists decended upon us like a plague!"
"Come over here and slap me?" asked Donnaghue in a low, dangerous voice. His eyes burned with a fury none of the other Iansislean representitives had ever seen. "Come over here and slap me?" he repeated, his voice raising to a shout once again. "Sir, after your implications about my daughter, you should consider yourself lucky to get the chance!"
Sir Peter removed his glove and brought it sharply across Javin's face. "Sir, I challenge you to a meeting on the field of honor, in the name of my daughter! That is, unless your belly is as yellow as your skin!"
Javin took the slap then spun around to connect a spinning backfist to Sir Peter's jaw.
"Sir Peter," Javin said dangerously, "if you wish to be addressed by your proper title, then I demand to be addressed by mine. Captain Javin Katana, Larkinian Special Forces. You wish to engage in combat with me? I will grant your wish. Meet me on the field of combat, bring your sabre and I will bring my Katana. And we shall see who the last man standing is."
(my apologies to the millions of Japanese and Asians I've just insulted in this and future posts. Rest assured, I do it merely to stay in character: at no point does Sir Peter speak for my own - and by 'my own, I mean those of the guy typing behind the computer - true views on race, ethnicity, or any other subject. My humble apologies to any who were offended.)
(Same here, a plead to anyone reading this, we're just in character for the RP, these are absolutely not our viewpoints, and I would like to apologize also to anyone who is offended.)
11-01-2004, 07:51
Just so ya know that I'm not pulling Javin's background outta thin air, this is where he first mentions his Ranger, et al. training ;)
11-01-2004, 07:52
He then grinned, "Well, slappy. I would be happy to address you by your title. Shall I call you Sir Slappy or Ambassador Slap-meister?"
(I love it! Ambassador Slap-meister? *falls off chair laughing*..*cough* However, I think Sir Peter may be a little more offended ;))
"It is an art better lost if employed by one so clumsy as you!" charged Donnaghue, pointing his finger at Katana as Larkinian aids crowded around, assisted rather half-heartedly by Iansislean ones. "Let go of me, curse you!"
"How dare you?" Javin asked stunned. "Us outsiders? Who came storming into our countries determined to convert us to your god, all the while stealing our wealth, in addition to your destruction of our way of life, including our family structure. You sir, are the unwelcome outsider. Any asian nation you could have possibly entered was doing quite well until you decided your lust for our country, wealth and women was uncontrollable. Our social structure, and governments, were quite strong before you incompetent, petulant, arrogant imperialists decended upon us like a plague!"
"Doing well? Strong!? Mr. Katana, it was the very inherent instability and weakness of Oriental tin-pot dictatorships that forced western interference in the first place! In the east, power can only be won by force of arms! Do I need to recount to you stories of thousands of warlords - Japanese, Chinese, Gallagan, Mongolian, or others, who cut blood swaths across the world that has never been equaled, nor even approached, in the west?
"In fact, Mr. Katana, if you'll remember your basic history, it was the collapse of one such dictatorship into an unmitigated anarchy which forced Iansisle's hand in Gallaga! We could have continued as simple traders for ages had not those Oriental forces you hold so dear sacked Delhi, murdering thousands along the way, and hastened the collapse of the Empire into thousands of competing princely states! We were the one who restored order! We were the ones who kept millions of Gallagans from death by the blade! Do not be so quick to judge!"
(ack..it's always so hard arguing a viewpoint you don't believe in. I think I need a cold shower :?)
Javin took the slap then spun around to connect a spinning backfist to Sir Peter's jaw.
"Sir Peter," Javin said dangerously, "if you wish to be addressed by your proper title, then I demand to be addressed by mine. Captain Javin Katana, Larkinian Special Forces. You wish to engage in combat with me? I will grant your wish. Meet me on the field of combat, bring your sabre and I will bring my Katana. And we shall see who the last man standing is."
The lanky ambassador was down with the punch and a thin line of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. However, he gamely raised his head and then struggled back to his feet to find a couple of arms restraining him.
He smiled at Javin. "Try as you will to avenge your perverted sense of honor, you have already violated every sense of it in every culture." He spat out a bit of blood.
"For my Margaret's honor, I shall do anything. I, unlike yourself, have a respect for the gentler gender. Should I fall defending that respect, I know I will find my way to the pearly gates.
"Heathen, any day could pass and I would still cross blades with you - I should warn you that I was the 1999 Shieldian Conference Fencing champion - but I shall need to send for my sword." He grinned. "I rather hope you do not run crying to your brother before it arrives, for I should most enjoy seeing your blood spilt upon its point."
11-01-2004, 07:55
Just so ya know that I'm not pulling Javin's background outta thin air, this is where he first mentions his Ranger, et al. training ;)
(I'd never accuse you of it! ;) Anyhow, like I said, Sir Peter is just a minor character created to serve your purposes...he likes to talk big, but would easily lose out to any 'major' character.)
11-01-2004, 08:05
Javin grinned at Sir Peter, "Champion eh? Then you might be a challange for me. You wish to avenge your darling daughter's honor? You are such a sweet father to do so, and in doing so you might even think that some 'yellow heathen'.." he turned to the secretary in the room, "make sure the 'yellow heathen' and other assorted comments from Ambassador Slap-A-Reeeno get sent to the papers, so the people can see who they are truly dealing with.... that some 'yellow heathen' won't be integrated into your bloodline.
"As for your falling on the field of honor. You can rest assured that you will. Meet me at sunrise in front of the headquarters building so I can dispatch you before the sun has fully risen over the horizon."
Javin turned on his heel and strode out of the meeting room.
Walmington on Sea
11-01-2004, 08:06
(Nice timing on the, "never equalled in the west" bit. (Cue SOW agents bursting in to announce a chilling discovery in Poland))
"..so I says to Goering, 'Hermann, you may be a big-shot in..' eh up, those two look like they're getting in to it!" Walker nodded at the commotion, tapping Laughlin on the chest with the back of his hand.
"You know what they say, where there's crowds there's profit." He said, paying closer attention to the scuffle, probably hoping to sell a dueling pistol or two.
(Mainly just posting because I feel left out and need to add my own disclaimer- I feel that not doing will make me stand out. If you disagree with the 90-odd percent of Walmingtonian society that is still patronisingly racist feel free to have one of your characters slap one of mine in the face, if they meet ;) Just don't assume that I agree with them!)
11-01-2004, 08:12
(I'd never accuse you of it! ;) Anyhow, like I said, Sir Peter is just a minor character created to serve your purposes...he likes to talk big, but would easily lose out to any 'major' character.)
(I know you wouldn't, but just to keep things on the up and up.. now I have to figure out a way to get Jeff to try and stop the duel and somehow get skewered by both men... :P)
11-01-2004, 08:20
"The rising sun, eh? How poetic," snorted Donnaghue at Javin's back. "Too bad that neither you nor your people shall ever be allowed to bask in the light of noon, as mine have been for centuries."
As the Larkinian vanished, Donnaghue shook himself free at last. "Get off me! And, Mr. Rolls, I'd be most appreciative if you sent for my sword." He brushed dust off his arm.
Meanwhile, Laughlin turned mildly interested eyes towards the scuffle. "Yes, having quite the row, aren't they?" he asked rhetorically. "I suppose it'll all work itself out. Now, commander, I was most interested in how that story was to finish..."
(Mainly just posting because I feel left out and need to add my own disclaimer- I feel that not doing will make me stand out. If you disagree with the 90-odd percent of Walmingtonian society that is still patronisingly racist feel free to have one of your characters slap one of mine in the face, if they meet ;) Just don't assume that I agree with them!)
(very well put!)
(I know you wouldn't, but just to keep things on the up and up.. now I have to figure out a way to get Jeff to try and stop the duel and somehow get skewered by both men... :P)
(yeah, that would make this a much more typical ANH thread, wouldn't it? ;)
Kinda strange that for how close of allies Iansisle and Larkinia have been, this is the second duel between two of our characters, eh?)
11-01-2004, 08:22
(I know, I was just thinking that too... Hmmm, there's a trend that needs reversing. Do you want to start the honors? Or is there a way that both of the leaders involved can formulate a plan to get them out of it. ;) )
11-01-2004, 08:24
"The rising sun, eh? How poetic," snorted Donnaghue at Javin's back. "Too bad that neither you nor your people shall ever be allowed to bask in the light of noon, as mine have been for centuries."
Javin snickered, "Yes, I guess it would be hard to do that when there's a big, racist moon eclipsing the sun. A moon that really needs to be shaken from orbit..."
11-01-2004, 08:28
(I know, I was just thinking that too... Hmmm, there's a trend that needs reversing. Do you want to start the honors? Or is there a way that both of the leaders involved can formulate a plan to get them out of it. ;) )
(I suppose we'd better try the bloodless solution at first...I know D'Carlonia's government would be screaming disassosiation from Donnaghue once they get the news...still, I think I'll take the iniative. ;)
Oh, I should probably mention, though, that I'm flying out to Tucson early tomorrow, and probably will only be on another hour or so. :( )
The news shot from the young ambassadorian assistant who had phoned it in through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' red-tape and up to Sir Archibald Hughes in less than five hours, and from the minister's office to the Prime Minister's in less than an hour. While this was an incredible rate of progress compared to the usual, where important news died somewhere between the sender and the receiver, it still caught Prime Minister D'Carlonia on top of some very important work at home.
After seperating himself rather painfully from it, he turned on the bedroom light and picked up the phone. "Whoever this is, I'm going to count to zero, and then hang up. Ready?"
"Wait! Wait, Mr. D'Carlonia! It's important!..." and Sir Archibald related the story. In less than five minutes, President Takeo Katana was getting a call from Iansisle, charges be damned, assuming he hadn't already called there.
11-01-2004, 08:30
Javin snickered, "Yes, I guess it would be hard to do that when there's a big, racist moon eclipsing the sun. A moon that really needs to be shaken from orbit..."
"but that would throw off the tides!" muttered a junior Iansislean aide to himself, completely missing the point of the analogy.
11-01-2004, 08:34
(some 'work' he was 'on top of' at home huh.... Ohhhhhh beHAVE! ;) )
(Well have a good trip to Tucson! That's right school's about to start again... I might want to register for classes...)
Takeo was talking to the aide that had called from the cell phone..
"He WHAT??? A dual?? Over my dead body... I know that's not the poin.. I know that you ... Jesus ChriST! Get Javin in here. Now!"
He picked up the other ringing phone.
This is an out of Commonwealth call, will you accept the charges of 157 Generals, two virgin sacrifices and ten years mining rights to your gold deposits?
"Yes to everything but the mining rights, we'll work out an oil deal later."
Good enough.
11-01-2004, 08:38
(aw, come on - this is IanCorp we're talkin' about, not RM&M...they'd probably on require one virgin sacrafice :P)
"Ah, thank God, President Katana. This is Prime Minister D'Carlonia - I believe we met at the Gala? - and I've just received the most disturbing news..."
(and just trying to slowly build up some Iansislean sexual tension..heh heh heh :P)
11-01-2004, 08:39
"Ah, thank God, President Katana. This is Prime Minister D'Carlonia - I believe we met at the Gala? - and I've just received the most disturbing news..."
"Yes, there and in Noropia, I'm glad it's you. I've also just received some terrible news and was about to call you. I believe we both have the same bad news, and we have to find out a way to stop this from happening."
11-01-2004, 08:45
"Yes, there and in Noropia, I'm glad it's you. I've also just received some terrible news and was about to call you. I believe we both have the same bad news, and we have to find out a way to stop this from happening."
"I couldn't agree with you more," agreed D'Carlonia earnestly as he pulled up his pants with the phone wedged against his ear. "Er, it has also come to my attention that former Ambassador Donnaghue - the Ministry will served him his termination papers as soon as possible - said some things that were totally and completely out of line. I'd just like to assure you that His Majesty's Government does not stand by any of those statements, and regrets that they were ever made."
He paused before buckling his belt. "Mr. President, I hope that these events, even if, under unfortunate circumstances, we cannot prevent the..." he struggled with the word "...the duel from taking place, that this will not drive a wedge between our countries. However, we shall do everything we can to prevent Mr. Donnaghue from carrying through this dispicable act."
11-01-2004, 08:50
"I couldn't agree with you more," agreed D'Carlonia earnestly as he pulled up his pants with the phone wedged against his ear. "Er, it has also come to my attention that former Ambassador Donnaghue - the Ministry will served him his termination papers as soon as possible - said some things that were totally and completely out of line. I'd just like to assure you that His Majesty's Government does not stand by any of those statements, and regrets that they were ever made."
"I understand these were the words of a.. maverick diplomat, I have plenty of experience with that myself," Takeo replied pouring himself a drink, "Years and years of experience with a particular one. I would also hope you would understand that the government of Larkinia does not agree with the comments and accusations made by the younger Katana, who will be reassigned to a post more in character with him. Maybe a prison warden or something."
He paused before buckling his belt. "Mr. President, I hope that these events, even if, under unfortunate circumstances, we cannot prevent the..." he struggled with the word "...the duel from taking place, that this will not drive a wedge between our countries. However, we shall do everything we can to prevent Mr. Donnaghue from carrying through this dispicable act."
"I trust they will not force our countries apart either. I will do everything in my power to keep young Katana from carrying out his end of this... event as well. I can order the guards at the HQ building to seal it off before this happens, however that might not keep the two from meeting elsewhere to.. deal with this."
11-01-2004, 09:00
"I understand these were the words of a.. maverick diplomat, I have plenty of experience with that myself," Takeo replied pouring himself a drink, "Years and years of experience with a particular one. I would also hope you would understand that the government of Larkinia does not agree with the comments and accusations made by the younger Katana, who will be reassigned to a post more in character with him. Maybe a prison warden or something."
"And I can assure you that Mr. Katana will never again represent Iansisle in any international forum. I only regret that we didn't notice certain...explosive points in his personality before assigning him to so critical a post. The Commonwealth will take full responsibility for the incident."
"I trust they will not force our countries apart either. I will do everything in my power to keep young Katana from carrying out his end of this... event as well. I can order the guards at the HQ building to seal it off before this happens, however that might not keep the two from meeting elsewhere to.. deal with this."
There was a quick grunt and a muffled scraping as D'Carlonia pulled his shirt on over his head without even bothering to unbutton it. "Mr. Katana, I give you Iansisle's full permission to take any acts needed to contain this ... this tragedy, including temporary holding Mr. Donnaghue. In the meantime, I'm afraid I have to head down to Jameston Place to organize a proper government response."
11-01-2004, 09:05
"And I can assure you that Mr. Katana will never again represent Iansisle in any international forum. I only regret that we didn't notice certain...explosive points in his personality before assigning him to so critical a post. The Commonwealth will take full responsibility for the incident."
(I... er... Ummm... I can send Javin that way) :P
"I will make sure to put more care in when I would send Javin, if I send him anywhere, other than to charm school for a crash course in manners."
There was a quick grunt and a muffled scraping as D'Carlonia pulled his shirt on over his head without even bothering to unbutton it. "Mr. Katana, I give you Iansisle's full permission to take any acts needed to contain this ... this tragedy, including temporary holding Mr. Donnaghue. In the meantime, I'm afraid I have to head down to Jameston Place to organize a proper government response."
"I will, at once prepare Mr. Donnaghue's transport, and I will place both of them under house arrest.... No that will come off as poor in the Iansislian Press... Perhaps a dinner invitation for Donnaghue to visit one of the businesses here... he probably won't accept on such short notice. I'll work on a plan here. Thank you for you understanding Prime Minister," Takeo said as he worked on plan.... E to deal with this.
(and I've got to drive home from the office. If you crash before I get back on, then have a good trip to AZ!)
11-01-2004, 09:14
"I will, at once prepare Mr. Donnaghue's transport, and I will place both of them under house arrest.... No that will come off as poor in the Iansislian Press... Perhaps a dinner invitation for Donnaghue to visit one of the businesses here... he probably won't accept on such short notice. I'll work on a plan here. Thank you for you understanding Prime Minister," Takeo said as he worked on plan.... E to deal with this.
(and I've got to drive home from the office. If you crash before I get back on, then have a good trip to AZ!)
"Thanks for all your help, Mr. President," replied D'Carlonia as he pulled on a sock inside-out. "I'll be in touch soon."
After hanging up the phone, he kissed his mistress on the forehead and bolted from the seven hundred thousand general townhouse straight into the waiting door of a new-model Jackrabbit.
(all right, thanks! Somehow, I don't think I'll crash at that time I said...it's only another 15 minutes, and I've not finished half my itinerary ;))
11-01-2004, 09:31
(LOL, gotcha)
As D'Carlonia hangs up the phone, another phone rings at Dun Adien...
"Yes, I'm with the Larkinian Press.. Is King James available?"
11-01-2004, 09:39
(LOL, gotcha)
As D'Carlonia hangs up the phone, another phone rings at Dun Adien...
"Yes, yes, we'll accept the call...hello, you've reached the House of Callahan." Quinton sighed.
"Yes, I'm with the Larkinian Press.. Is King James available?"
"Is it terribly important? I'm sure you know the hour here, and the King is...taking his rest. Perhaps there are a few questions I could answer for you?"
11-01-2004, 09:48
(I'm such a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad reporter.... ;) )
"Well, maybe you can sir. My name's Richard Pipes, I'm with the GA Star in Golden Agate. I was hoping to ask King James about the upcoming dual tomorrow morning."
"You can't stop me from doing this Tak!" Javin said incredulously.
" I can and I will, Javin." Takeo said seriously. "Damnit, all of the times I've tried to school you in diplomacy, Dhawan tried to talk to you about how to act.. and you pull this!"
Iansislian Embassy in larkinia
A messenger at the door handed an envelope to Mr. Donnaghue's assistant.
Inside was an invitation to dinner with Michael Baker, one of the vice presidents of Silver Corp. Industries in Golden Agate.
11-01-2004, 09:57
“The duel, Mr. Pipes?” asked Quinton, twirling the phone’s chord around his finger. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken - there hasn’t been a duel at Dun Adien since...well, not in a long time, anyhow.”
Donnaghue was practicing when the letter arrived and was delivered to him by a rather hesitant staff. The Weshielder considered it with haughty eyes, then tossed it back to the messenger.
“You can give Mr. Baker my most humble apologies, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend tonight,” he said flatly. “Perhaps tomorrow,” he added with a grin, making a slashing attack against a dummy.
Meanwhile, Laughlin wandered in, dressed in a simple dark blue robe and holding a small glass of a dark red liquid. He picked up the card and considered it. “Hmm...if you’re turning it down, Sir Peter, I’d like to take it up.”
“Be my guest, m’lord,” answered Donnaghue, half noticing Laughlin out of the corner of his eye. “Dare I ask what that is?”
“Just a little something I picked up from Air Commander Walker,” replied Laughlin vaguely, taking a small sip of the thick concoction.
11-01-2004, 10:01
“The duel, Mr. Pipes?” asked Quinton, twirling the phone’s chord around his finger. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken - there hasn’t been a duel at Dun Adien since...well, not in a long time, anyhow.”
"Oh no, not at Dun Adien sir, at the ANH headquarters. One ambassador.... Donnaghue challanged the Larkinian Ambassador to the dual. It was accepted and is supposed to take place tomorrow morning. He also said some very insulting things about the race of that man. One... Mr. Katana I believe."
Donnaghue was practicing when the letter arrived and was delivered to him by a rather hesitant staff. The Weshielder considered it with haughty eyes, then tossed it back to the messenger.
“You can give Mr. Baker my most humble apologies, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend tonight,” he said flatly. “Perhaps tomorrow,” he added with a grin, making a slashing attack against a dummy.
Meanwhile, Laughlin wandered in, dressed in a simple dark blue robe and holding a small glass of a dark red liquid. He picked up the card and considered it. “Hmm...if you’re turning it down, Sir Peter, I’d like to take it up.”
“Be my guest, m’lord,” answered Donnaghue, half noticing Laughlin out of the corner of his eye. “Dare I ask what that is?”
“Just a little something I picked up from Air Commander Walker,” replied Laughlin vaguely, taking a small sip of the thick concoction.
The messenger nodded and thanked the staff member and headed back to his car, intending to drive to the Silver Corp. main building.
11-01-2004, 10:06
"Oh no, not at Dun Adien sir, at the ANH headquarters. One ambassador.... Donnaghue challanged the Larkinian Ambassador to the dual. It was accepted and is supposed to take place tomorrow morning. He also said some very insulting things about the race of that man. One... Mr. Katana I believe."
The name 'Donnaghue' didn't raise any memories with Quinton, but the name 'Katana' certainly did. He drew in a sharp breath, realizing just how important this was.
"Well, Mr. Pipes, I'm afraid I don't know anything about that particular incident, and neither does the High King. I refer you to the Iansislean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Good day." And Quinton hung up the phone, then left it off the hook. There was a reason he was the highest paid butler on the Shield.
The messenger nodded and thanked the staff member and headed back to his car, intending to drive to the Silver Corp. main building.
Laughlin ambled out after the man without bothering to change out of his robe. He wished Donnaghue "good luck, and may you gut your enemies like trout before the great fisherman," and opened the back seast tp the car.
11-01-2004, 10:11
(Heh heh)
The man drove Lord Laughlin toward the Corporate Sector, "Maybe Ambassador Donnaghue will be able to join Mr. Baker tomorrow. He was quite impressed with the Ambassador's standing up to Katana."
11-01-2004, 10:14
In the dojo, Javin was blindfolded, holding his katana and waiting as the sensei and his students circled him, each waiting to strike.
He sensed the first blade swish toward him, he rolled and struck at the man and the two men next to him in the blink of an eye.
"Remember Javin," the sensei said, "sense what the man is going to do, see it then strike at his weak point."
Javin responded by rolling toward the sensei then springing up over his slash and leveling the tip of his blade at the man's throat.
11-01-2004, 10:15
"Yeah, Mr. Donnaghue is a man of singular talent," said Laughlin with no sound of conviction in his voice. "I don't know about tomorrow, though; I just saw an order from H.Q. stripping him of diplomatic immunity and other privileges." He didn't sound concerned, happy, or anything. "I think I was supposed to give it to him tonight, as well as evict him from the embassy, but it must have slipped my mind."
11-01-2004, 10:17
(ahhhh, that famous MoFA efficiency... :P)
The driver nodded. "Well, as long as the communique was dated after the events of tomorrow morning, things should be all right.
"So what will happen to him when he returns to Iansisle?"
11-01-2004, 10:20
"He'll find another job, or else he'll starve to death on the streets," said Laughlin bluntly and with a blatant lack of concern. "Too bad, really: he is a very good father."
"Does industry blacklist here in Larkinia?" he asked on yet another blunt and only slightly related tangent.
EDIT: Heh, yeah. And our famous welfare system, too! ;)
11-01-2004, 10:23
The man thought a moment, "Blacklisting? I don't believe so sir. There's always a company willing to hire a smart and hungry person, with ambition."
Edit: You're going to make me feel guilty about him either dying or losing his job aren't you :P
11-01-2004, 10:26
"That's good," said Laughlin, without sounding pleased.
"I hear there's companies on the Shield that won't hire people from the Dominions, or else people who have been fired from government jobs."
He laughed. "I suppose they figure if even the government didn't want you, you must be a complete idiot."
(no, no, of course not...well, yes :P
"Did I mention he has a daughter?" ;))
11-01-2004, 10:29
(Yeah, Javin's very acquainted with her ;) .. Although I got a plan with Javin...)
"Well that sucks," the driver said. "Why would they discriminate against them?"
11-01-2004, 10:33
(Yeah, Javin's very acquainted with her ;) .. Although I got a plan with Javin...)
"Well that sucks," the driver said. "Why would they discriminate against them?"
(Wouldn't it be funny if he'd said "What are you talking about? Margaret weights three hundred pounds, smokes, and is married to a truck driver?" ;))
"The Dominion men? Because they're different. Like satanists."
11-01-2004, 10:34
(Ehhh.. like Javin's that discriminating :P He'd have done it just to piss of the nobility ;) )
"How are they different? Satanists? how?"
11-01-2004, 10:38
(Ehhh.. like Javin's that discriminating :P He'd have done it just to piss of the nobility ;) )
"How are they different? Satanists? how?"
(man...Javin's a braver dude than I am! ;))
"Interesting fact: satanic was first used to describe and denounce people working in science. Sure, many say the occult, but really, it's just a nominal thing."
11-01-2004, 10:41
(LOL, heh, this is where I say something quippy like 'been there done that' :P)
"It was? I hadn't known that. But how does that relate to people from other countries?"
11-01-2004, 10:43
"It doesn't!" snapped Laughlin suddenly, his voice hardening from the soft, drifting melody it had been.
"What do people from other countries have to do with anything?" he asked after a moment's silence.
(Just a word of advice, that knock really did something screwy to Laughlin (am I making it obvious? ;)), and any conversations with him for a while might be a little surreal until he can get some medical attention.)
11-01-2004, 10:49
(I was figuring it did, and I can take him to the hospital in a second if he acts up more... oh yeah, and there'll be a news report on the way in a few.. :twisted: )
"That's a strange attitude for an ambassador," the driver said. "You deal with people from other countries all the time, don't you?"
11-01-2004, 10:53
"That's a strange attitude for an ambassador," the driver said. "You deal with people from other countries all the time, don't you?"
"No, I don't!" he insisted, before suddenly calming again. "I mean, what is really different? Aren't we all just big bags of soppy red goo?"
(ah, dang! Now I can't go to bed! Darn you! ;) Seriously, I can't wait!)
11-01-2004, 10:58
"We are? we're all people, with individual thoughts and feelings and loves and hates, everyone should be treated right. Are you feeling ok sir?"
11-01-2004, 11:02
Evening Edition, the rag you turn to when all the news to print isn't enough!
Larkinian Prepares for Dual
Tomorrow morning, an event not seen for many years, outside of an Akira Kurosawa movie, will be seen at ANH headquarters. A sword-flashing, swashbuckling dual will be held in front of the building.
Iansislian Ambassador Donnaghue was recorded saying, among other things that "You outsiders have no right to come waltzing into our country and bemoning our way of life!"
He went on to say about asian nations that '"were it not for westerners, your native country would have continued to stew in its own decadance and backwardness until some sympathetic imperial power had taken pity and colonized you!"
When contacted for comment, representatives of Dun Adien refused comment and refused to take further calls or media queries about this deadly confrontation or the comments made....
Takeo read the front page of the tabloid.. "Why them.. why now... Of all papers to pick this up they did..."
11-01-2004, 11:04
Laughlin swiftly cut his left thumb with a pocket knife that came seemingly out of nowhere. He watched the blood slowly drip off of it and onto his robe, then licked his thumb and grinned up at the driver. "Looks, smells, smells, feels, and even tastes like soppy red goo to me. Care for any?"
"What, no I'm fine! Of all the - I've not had dinner yet; my stomach always rumbles when I'm hungry!"
11-01-2004, 11:10
The driver nods, "Ummm, no thank you sir. Here, we need to stop off and get you checked up for dinner. Make sure you're ready to eat." he added as he pulled into an ER lot.
11-01-2004, 11:13
(Heh, great article..loved the quote useage ;) Alas, though, I'm off to bed...an hour and a half after I said I would be...heh.)
"What the? I've never had to have an examination before dinner before!" insisted Laughlin. "This is all discrimination, that's what it is! You're just jealous that I'm more attractive than you are!" He leaned over and fiddled with the door. It didn't open, but he did manage to lock it.
11-01-2004, 11:18
"Of course, sir. You are a very handsome man," the driver replied, "but it's a new rule at the office, even I need to get checked out before I can have dinner there."
He hit the switch to unlock the doors and gestured a couple of nurses over to help him with the man.
12-01-2004, 01:53
OOC: Meanwhile, Yarrum is worrying about just what he has gotten himself into this time...
Or maybe not, but still he seems to not be posting much for a thread that was supposed to be made for him...
Well we could have it in Daezeman, except for the unfortunate small fact that it's a smouldering crater now ;)
Message from Imitora-Damn straight it is...
Message from me-Huh?
12-01-2004, 10:26
LOL, it's a long story, but basically boils down to... Daezeman pissed off Imitora IC and Imitora essentially tac-nuked it from orbit.. or something like that ;)
ooc: Good to see the old ANH is still running strong.
12-01-2004, 10:28
Hey D-Man, what's new your way?
ooc: Very little. New RP! join it, you mammal hammers!
OOC: Of special note, Kaji is no longer in control of Imitora, but I the real imitora, am. I guess they allow wireless internet laptops in hospitals now!
12-01-2004, 10:39
OOC: I thought the writing style looked familiar...*ponders a moment* Jesus Christ... Imittora and D-Man posting in the same threds... I'm not mature enough to set a good example to get y'all to play nice! :P
On another note, I hope you're doing better man!
ooc: We're being nice to each other. I'm not using psychic tricks or large cannons this time around!
12-01-2004, 11:09
OOC: and for an IC Post, Yarrum swear to god we're not usually this blood thirsty... *turns to Imitora* Well maybe you are :P
IC: Javin worked in the dojo with the sensei drilling him.
"Remember, strike first. Let him raise his blade to strike. With a sabre, longer slashing strokes are the main attack. Slip under his arm, like so," the sensei showed him with the practice target. "And follow through, use your entire body to power the stroke.
"Stay calm, dashing past his blade, knocking it toward the ground. Quick, cat-like and explosive, not as much swing as a thrust, using the entire blade, not just the point.
"Use your shoulder and drive it into his chest, throwing him off guard, then follow with the slash.
"Keep your blade on the top of his, remember to slap it down. He cannot attack if he cannot lift his weapon."
"I know," Javin said. "And I remember your other lesson, watch his 'spirit'. I should be able to break down his weaknesses in his first three steps.
"There you go young Katana. Now when he starts his attack, use your speed to beat him to the punch, so with each attempted attack, you will thwart him, frustrating him, adding to his recklessness."
Javin nodded and prepared as the sensei started targets spinning and rotating as Javin focused on their random movements.
OOC: And I ake the blodthirsty title with pride. Remeber, Im quick, rich and angry, like a republican, lol. And for the sword fight, I quite TLS when I say...No Mind...
12-01-2004, 11:18
OOC: And I ake the blodthirsty title with pride. Remeber, Im quick, rich and angry, like a republican, lol. And for the sword fight, I quite TLS when I say...No Mind...
(LOL, I thought you would ;) I'm getting all of my info from re-reading the Book of Five Rings. Thought Javin would be down with that)
OOC: Mind the sword, mind the opponent, mind the crows, to much mind. No Mind...Lol...should crack out my Way Of The Samurai book that teaches you all teh tactics.
12-01-2004, 11:32
OOC: There ya go, see if they can find it while you're in the hospital (How long are you in there for?)
Heh, in retrospect, maybe it was a bad idea for Javin to impregnate the guy's daughter, in addition to how many more he hooked up with in Iansisle ;)
ooc: Oi! I need more people in my 'An Invitation' rp. Two person RPs are boring.
OOC: Till teh end of January, depends on the surgery.
And Javin sounds like a man after Hoot's old ways...he he he...Ugh, speaking of which, I need to have a new bad ass ex military type character, dont I...
12-01-2004, 11:41
OOC: Yeah I was gonna ask if any of those Spec. Force guys of your Javin was hanging around with were still around.
(So THAT'S what you named the psychotic AI we get in the choices... Interesting! ;))
And what is going to happen with school this semester? Are they letting you start late?
D-Man I'd be interested in the RP but I'm getting ready to crash, got a long haul ahead of me tomorrow.
boo. Tag it, anyway. I have various things to do, as well.
12-01-2004, 14:13
OOC: Interesting fact: the ANH was formed partially as a response to the terrorist threats from CHAOS and the Jarlsbergian ambassador. Bloodshed is not only common, but inherent in the ANH's existence.
OOC: One or two might be around still working for The Corporation, but Hoot and Robert are gfg, gone for good. Might keep Chavez as a sniper, but he wont be a big player.
I was talking to the doctor today, hes gonna take some x-rays, and see about sending me up to Columbia, so that I can have a buddy of mine get my course work and bring it to me. Otherwise, I'll be taking corespondance till I get back, cuz Im gonna be in whatever hospital they decide for me (Baylor Medical or Columbia) till mid feb. (rehab after surgery)
OOC: One or two might be around still working for The Corporation, but Hoot and Robert are gfg, gone for good. Might keep Chavez as a sniper, but he wont be a big player.
I was talking to the doctor today, hes gonna take some x-rays, and see about sending me up to Columbia, so that I can have a buddy of mine get my course work and bring it to me. Otherwise, I'll be taking corespondance till I get back, cuz Im gonna be in whatever hospital they decide for me (Baylor Medical or Columbia) till mid feb. (rehab after surgery)
13-01-2004, 00:27
OOC: Interesting fact: the ANH was formed partially as a response to the terrorist threats from CHAOS and the Jarlsbergian ambassador. Bloodshed is not only common, but inherent in the ANH's existence.
OOC: Damn, that's good point, I'd never really looked at it like that, that's true from a NS Political standpoint...
I miss that Jarlsbergian ambassador ;)
13-01-2004, 11:02
ooc: Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on much lately; I just got back to Tucson, and catching up with everything's really put a limit on my time. Hopefully, I'll be able to participate a little more than the last couple of days in the next few as things settle into a routine here. Once again, sorry!
13-01-2004, 11:53
The thrust punctured the dummy straight through the midsection. Donnaghue smiled to himself as he jumped to the left, dodging an imaginary counter-slice, and leapt backwards, his blade once again at the ready.
He didn’t notice Mr. Howard, one of the junior Iansislean officers at the embassy, standing at the door for quite some time. At last, Donnaghue took a brief break from his practice and spotted the younger man. Dabbing his brow with a nearby towel, he walked over with a cocky grin.
“You’re not going to use your saber, Sir Peter?” asked Howard at last.
“No, no - it would be playing right into his hands.” Donnaghue hefted the rapier he had be practicing with and made a quick jabbing motion at an imaginary target. “You see, true to his name and form, young Katana will use the primary sword of the samurai. The katana is a heavy one handed slashing weapon with an emphasis on the attack. The saber is a light one handed slashing weapon with an emphasis on the parry. In any close match, the katana would win by sheer weight alone.” He smiled. “So I’m going to surprise him. The rapier is a one handed thrusting weapon, emphasis on the attack. I stay light on my feet, always backing away, and eventually, he’ll have to attack. Then, just a simple side step to his off-hand side, a quick thrust -” he leapt a good yard forward, bringing his blade at arm’s length through the dummy’s midsection again “- and I’ve rid the world of one of its major problems!”
“I’m telling you, my stomach always...” Laughlin pried the door open with a variety of pulling the handle and kicking it. He didn’t bother to stay for the end of his thought, tearing off in whatever direction seemed best.
13-01-2004, 12:25
OOC: Oooooooooh, sneaky sneaky... This will be fun :P Except the katana should be used one handed, it's his Wakizashi he'll need to worry about.
IC: "Of course it does sir" the driver said as he raced after the man with the two orderlies in tow.
13-01-2004, 12:37
OOC: Oooooooooh, sneaky sneaky... This will be fun :P Except the katana should be used one handed, it's his Wakizashi he'll need to worry about.
IC: "Of course it does sir" the driver said as he raced after the man with the two orderlies in tow.
(D'oh! Knew that, honest I did ;). And don't worry; Donnaghue is the only one with any pretensions of winning...if the fight even happens :))
Laughlin went down with a heavy thud on the asphalt surrounding the hospital. He didn't appear to have tripped over anything, but was holding his head and moaning as the orderlies and the driver approached.
13-01-2004, 12:43
(Well my idea was they fight to a draw and each learn something from this ;) )
The driver and orderlies quickly caught the fallen Laughlin, "Quick, get a stretcher out here!" the driver told the orderlies, who returned a minute later with a gurney and an ER Doctor.
"Get him on here," the doctor told the group, examining him on the way into the hospital.
13-01-2004, 12:50
(Sounds familiar :) Unfortunately, my characters about to be shipped off home to live off his family's savings and stew in his humuliation...unless he leards a very good lesson. ;)
Uh oh: here's the part where I get embarassed: I can't think of anything that might be wrong with Laughlin that would produce the side effects we've been seeing. :oops: Perhaps it'd be better if we simply ship him off to the hospital for the thread, 'cure' him, ship him off to relax at his estate in Weshield, and bring him back for the next ANH meeting?
In the mean time, does D'Carlonia owe Katana the Older a call?)
13-01-2004, 12:55
(Well, actually a head injury would cause the problems that we're seeing with Laughlin. I'll take it from here if it's OK with you ;)
Still trying to make me feel guilty huh, it might work.. maybe :P Oh yeah, and I need to remember to have Javin put a pocket of cayanne pepper in his pocket to distract him with ;) )
The doctor quickly flashed a light in Laughlin's eyes, "one pupil's dilated, the other's blown out."
He examined the back of his head, just behind his ears, " 'Battle's Signs', he's bruising at the base of the skull right behind the jaw."
His diagnosis was confirmed when he gingerly touched the back of the man's head. "Softish, move it people we have a head injury coming through, probably fracture. Call emergency surgery and tell them we're on the way..."
13-01-2004, 13:06
(Well, actually a head injury would cause the problems that we're seeing with Laughlin. I'll take it from here if it's OK with you ;)
Still trying to make me feel guilty huh, it might work.. maybe :P Oh yeah, and I need to remember to have Javin put a pocket of cayanne pepper in his pocket to distract him with ;) )
(O.k. with me? It's great! you know far more about medicine than I could ever hope to. Please, feel free to take any sort of liberties you want; I was mainly being silly.
I suppose I'm only kinda trying to make you feel sorry for Donnaghue; I'm just wondering if I should start perhaps trying to sculpt out a past for him in order to take part in future RPs...maybe we could have Iansislean thugs in the pay of the MoFA (roughly) 'escort' him back to the Shield; Javin feels kinda bad. And we go from there.
Heh...he leards a good lesson. Heh.)
13-01-2004, 13:13
(I swear, they can each learn a lesson... although I wonder how many little Javin's there'll be in 9 months time in Iansisle.. talk about your diplomatic crises!
Yeah, you can have him 'escorted' back to Iansisle, and Takeo is going to make sure that Javin is 'escorted' to charm school. And if you want D'Carlonia to call that's cool.)
Seph awoke to an emtpy meeting-hall. He realized that, in his haste to arrive on time, he had forgotten to take his anti-narcolepsy medication.
He pulled out his cellular telephone and tried to reach Javin, or Laughlin, to offer apologies and ask if his nation had been accepted or not.
14-01-2004, 05:57
Training Dojo
Javin was just putting his swords back as he heard the cell phone ring.
Maybe it's Donnaghue getting ready to wuss out, it'd serve him right if I just tore through him like the dog with Christmas Turkey...
He picked the cell phone up, "Hello?"
"Oh, Mr. Katana, I offer my humblest apologies on behalf of me and my nation. I forgot to take my medication in my hurry to arrive on time, and I feel asleep during the meeting. Uh... did we make it?" He asked hopefully.
14-01-2004, 06:16
While Javin was training at the dojo, Takeo was busy at the Presidential Palace trying to avert what could quickly become a catastrophe. He punched up the security forces in Golden Agate on his computer and reassigned three extra units to the ANH HQ building for the remaining night and morning.
He then sent another unit to the Iansislian Embassy just in case he needed to escort Donnaghue to G.A. International and ordered two units , one each, to Javin's favorite dojo and his apartment in the Executive Zone.
At this point his phone also rang. "Hello?"
The driver from the limo was on the other line. "Sir we have a problem. Donnaghue refused the invitation, and Laughlin accepted in his place. However Laughlin injured his skull at the ANH HQ and is currently in emergency surgery."
Why?? Why is it never easy??
"I understand, you stay with the Ambassador, and I'll move on to plan B."
14-01-2004, 06:18
"Oh, Mr. Katana, I offer my humblest apologies on behalf of me and my nation. I forgot to take my medication in my hurry to arrive on time, and I feel asleep during the meeting. Uh... did we make it?" He asked hopefully.
"Yes you did," Javin said with a smile. "I'm just sorry you missed the fireworks. Lord Laughlin's resulting actions have caused... tensions, that have been in the ANH for a short while to surface, and we are working to get them resolved.
"Congratulations for your inclusion in the Alliance of the New Highlands."
"Yes you did," Javin said with a smile. "I'm just sorry you missed the fireworks. Lord Laughlin's resulting actions have caused... tensions, that have been in the ANH for a short while to surface, and we are working to get them resolved.
"Congratulations for your inclusion in the Alliance of the New Highlands."
Seph calmly put his hand over the receiver before shouting, "Woo-hoo!" and tossing his hat in the air, which surprisingly enough landed back on top of his head. He spoke into the phone again.
"Thank you, sir. And don't worry, I won't be missng any fireworks, there's been a big pyrotechnic show planned in celebration of our admittance. We weren't assuming, we just wanted to be ready."
14-01-2004, 07:08
Seph calmly put his hand over the receiver before shouting, "Woo-hoo!" and tossing his hat in the air, which surprisingly enough landed back on top of his head. He spoke into the phone again.
"Thank you, sir. And don't worry, I won't be missng any fireworks, there's been a big pyrotechnic show planned in celebration of our admittance. We weren't assuming, we just wanted to be ready."
Javin smiled as he heard a muffled 'Woo Hoo!" over the line.
"Well, if you don't want to miss any fireworks here, you should meet us in front of the ANH HQ building tomorrow morning when Donnaghue and I.. settle our differences. Then we can visit Yarrum and see those fireworks."
Tabloids were most offten the best source of info, and right now, based on many a tabloid, a black MH90 Spiderhawk owned by The Corporation was on its way to the ANH headquarters to view what most likely would be the death of someone. Byrnes looked as this as more than just a nice fight, but a buisness chance. He read through one of the many world financial papers, and sat back in his seat.
14-01-2004, 09:28
In the dark of a night on the Great Shield, Alfredo D'Carlonia scrambled into a full meeting of his cabinet. Sir Archibald Hughes was the first to stand, and his face was grim. "Glad you could make it, sir. Things aren't looking good."
D'Carlonia made a face. "Dare I ask how 'not good' they're looking?" Despite the odd sentence structure, Hughes caught on right away, and shrugged.
"We sent word to Ambassador Lord Laughlin that Donnaghue was not to be allowed to go through with the duel, and to place him under house arrest at the embassy until we could get out there and escort him back to the Shield, but Laughlin hasn't responded. For all we know, Donnaghue could be out on the street killing anyone who looks like the younger Katana."
"I see," muttered the Prime Minister with a grim expression. "I think it's about time we called back Mr. Katana the elder." He signaled at a nearby assistant. "Roberts, set up the conference call equipment." There was pride evident on the young tech's face as he assembled Iansisle's newest gadget: an extremely primitive speaker phone.
(a litter of little half-Iansislean Javins? That's not a crisis...that's a disaster! ;))
14-01-2004, 09:30
(Yeah... that would be cool.. :P Not! )
The direct phone line in the Palace rang again. Takeo hurredly picked it up in between slamming mugs of coffee.
14-01-2004, 09:33
The direct phone line in the Palace rang again. Takeo hurredly picked it up in between slamming mugs of coffee.
"Mr. President?" shouted D'Carlonia. His voice came through with the pitch elevated, but the volume was still low on Katana's end. "It's Prime Minister D'Carlonia! I've arrived at Jameston Place, but I'm afraid we're still in the dark! The Ministry has been having trouble contacting Ambassador Lord Laughlin and Ambassador Donnaghue!"
14-01-2004, 09:36
"I've only heard a few minutes ago, Ambassador Laughlin injured his head when he passed out after the vote at ANH headquarters. We have him in the hospital now, but he's in surgery. I'm sending additional police to keep an eye on Donnahue and Javin also."
14-01-2004, 09:51
The news of Laughlin's injury sent a murmur about the table.
"If he's incapicitated, that leaves Donnaghue as the leader of the mission," whispered the Duke of Thesia, D'Carlonia's Minister of Education.
"And there's not a God damned thing we can do about it, either," said Sir Archibald with a shake of his head. "We can't get a message to empower his subordinates, and we can't get Lauglin out of the hospital to overpower him."
"What if we sent a message in the clear?" asked Giulio Sansonetti, D'Carlonia's Minister of Finance. "Direct it at the receiver directly, telling him not to pass it along to Donnaghue, but rather Cruxley or Tennant?"
"That wouldn't work," replied Hughes with a wave of his hand. "Our decrypters are taught to discard messages like that - it has to be assumed that some hostile power is trying to upset the chain of command. That's the same reason we couldn't ask the President to send a messanger to our embassy to replace Donnaghue."
"Well, Mr. President, all I'm hearing on my end is that we have no idea what to do now," shouted D'Carlonia. "If you have any suggestions, we'd be glad to hear them. Sitting around not being able to do anything is a horrid feeling!"
14-01-2004, 09:56
Takeo sat back in the chair, reaching inside his desk quickly to replace the coffee with whiskey.
"Well, I could have both of them arrested for assault, they did each threaten the other. That would keep them locked up long enough for each of us to figure out the next move. However that does run the risk of a public relations disaster, two strong allies, their diplomats being arrested. IanCorp and some of the media outlets here would jump all over that. Some already have.
"However, a dual is not allowed in Larkinian society, if they each showed up armed to the ANH building, I can have them detained. Then ANH treaties and diplomatic immunity come into play. If Donnaghue is detained, will that remove him from lead of the diplomatic mission?"
14-01-2004, 10:12
"He's right," said Thesia. "Any sort of detainment, especially before blows have been exchanged, and IanCorp would be all over it. If they find out that our government is involved, and there'll be cries of Tablet violations left, right, and center. If Donnaghue gets himself a good lawyer -"
"Considering his family's wealth, that's almost a foregone conclusion," grumbled D'Carlonia.
"- if he gets himself a good lawyer," continued Thesia, "then he'll be able to sue the government for collaborating to violate his rights. And then we'll be in the middle of a public relations disaster. I don't need to remind you just how vulnerable the coalition is right now, I'm sure."
"Not to mention, as President Katana did, the possible foreign consequences," said Hughes as he tapped his fingers together. "The Alliance's credibility would be shaken: to them, one alliance nation is allowed to raze another; one nation can freely imprison diplomats of the other for minor offenses." He shook his head. "Gentlemen, this is a very tricky situation."
"Can Donnaghue be arrested?" wondered D'Carlonia. "Sir Archibald, doesn't he have diplomatic immunity?"
"Thank God, not anymore," smiled Hughes. "Even if he hasn't received the news, he's no longer a representitive of the crown of the embassy grounds. And his arrest would count as incapacitation, so..." He shuffled through papers. "Ambassador Third Class the Honorable William Cruxley would take command of the mission. He's considered a real level-headed rising star in the Ministry."
"Here's a potential problem," cut in Sansonetti suddenly. "What if Donnaghue invites Katana to the embassy grounds for the duel? The guards wouldn't be able to stop him, and a duel is very legal on what is considered Iansislean territory?"
"I suppose we'll just have to hope that Sir Peter's mind doesn't work the same way as yours," sighed D'Carlonia while he rubbed his temple. "Unless you have a suggestion for that eventuality, Mr. Katana?"
14-01-2004, 10:33
Takeo sat with the phone on speaker-phone when General Rios and Minister Davis walked into the office.
"Here's a potential problem," cut in Sansonetti suddenly. "What if Donnaghue invites Katana to the embassy grounds for the duel? The guards wouldn't be able to stop him, and a duel is very legal on what is considered Iansislean territory?"
"I suppose we'll just have to hope that Sir Peter's mind doesn't work the same way as yours," sighed D'Carlonia while he rubbed his temple. "Unless you have a suggestion for that eventuality, Mr. Katana?"
"Yes," Rios said darkly as he walked in, "Make sure Donnaghue has a good undertaker."
"Gentlemen," Takeo said, "General Rios and Minister Davis have joined me in the office.
"If he doesn't have immunity anymore," Takeo continued, "That would take care of any complaints he could offer up. Can't Ambassador Cruxley then order him home?"
Davis shook his head, "Probably not. If he didn't receive the orders, he could always claim that he was still in charge. That he was being set up even if he said the orders were false."
"So we need to wait for them to exchange shots at each other before we can stop them? Who knows what will happen!?" Takeo said.
14-01-2004, 10:42
There was a set of muffled 'hello's for the new arrivals.
"I wish that were true, Mr. President," said Hughes about the immunity issue. "Alas, Ambassador Cruxley cannot do anything until Laughlin or Donnaghue tells him that he's in charge. All the loss of immunity means is that you can arrest him without us being obliged to file a formal diplomatic complaint.
"I'm afraid that seems to be the case," shrugged D'Carlonia, before he got a glimmer in his eyes. "Unless unless unless..." he muttered. "Mr. President, how fast could you get a passanger aeroflyer out to the Shield? I think I may have a plan." He mouthed 'wake ambassador johnson up' in Hughes' direction, who nodded and slipped out of the council room.
(I'm off to bed...night, dude!)
14-01-2004, 10:56
There was a set of muffled 'hello's for the new arrivals.
"I wish that were true, Mr. President," said Hughes about the immunity issue. "Alas, Ambassador Cruxley cannot do anything until Laughlin or Donnaghue tells him that he's in charge. All the loss of immunity means is that you can arrest him without us being obliged to file a formal diplomatic complaint.
"Damn," Takeo sighed, "So either way we're still screwed."
"If you want to reactivate Javin," General Rios thought, "I can assign him to another base. Problem is, unless it's an emergency, national-security risk black or more, I can't get him on such short notice."
"I'm afraid that seems to be the case," shrugged D'Carlonia, before he got a glimmer in his eyes. "Unless unless unless..." he muttered. "Mr. President, how fast could you get a passanger aeroflyer out to the Shield? I think I may have a plan." He mouthed 'wake ambassador johnson up' in Hughes' direction, who nodded and slipped out of the council room.
(I'm off to bed...night, dude!)
Takeo turned to Rios, "Dave, what do we have out Iansisle's way?"
"Well the Arkadia is still finishing refit in Noropia. And Liberty..." Rios started before Takeo snapped his fingers.
"Liberty's the test ship for the X-14's, isn't it?" Takeo asked.
"Yes sir," Rios said before it hit him. "Are you serious?!"
"Yes I am. Mr. Prime Minister, whatever you've got planned, make it fast, I'm sending a... test plane to Iansisle. It'll be there in a few hours. General Rios is punching up the orders now. Dave, get a group of refuel planes in the air, staggered, this trip's gonna be non-stop."
(G'NIght dude!)
Javin smiled as he heard a muffled 'Woo Hoo!" over the line.
"Well, if you don't want to miss any fireworks here, you should meet us in front of the ANH HQ building tomorrow morning when Donnaghue and I.. settle our differences. Then we can visit Yarrum and see those fireworks."
"I'll be there! On time and awake, I promise!"
Seph searched his pockets for his backup pill, found it, and quickly popped it before he had a chance to nod off again.
Then he wondered. 'Settle our differences'? Maybe just a friendly debate. Doesn't matter, he'd be there, politely wait while Katana and Donnaghue did whatever they planned, and connsumate the new alliance with a sky candy show. Joseph Gunner's political career was off to a great start.
15-01-2004, 01:41
Three hours later, on approach to Shadoran Airfield
The X-14 Night Hawk (insert picture of a SR-71 here ;)) slowed under Mach 1 and was on final approach to Iansisle.
Major Dan Tyler had been woken up at dark-o-clock with orders to fly to Iansisle. No reason why, he was told he'd receive his orders while on the ground at Shadoran. Although he didn't know why the military would order his rocket to Iansisle. Couldn't be for scientific or technical reasons... showing off? Nah, not the government's style..
He dipped the jet down as the runway closed up on him.
He jerked forward as he touched down and brought the jet to a stop.
15-01-2004, 02:12
By this time, the rest of the cabinet had caught on to the plan.
"Wouldn't it be easier to send Sir Archibald?" asked Thesia. "I mean, he's the top man in Foreign Affairs - surely, that would drive the message home."
"No, no," insisted D'Carlonia. "This is a tricky situation, and it'll require deft handling of the press. I think that Ambassador Johnson is the right man for the job - he'll have clear cut orders signed by Sir Archibald, and Johnson has much more experiance in this sort of situation." The Prime Minister grinned. "Plus, Sir Archibald gets airsick." The rest of the room laughed.
"Mr. President, I think that, with yours and God's speed, we should be able to handle this emergency. Let me once again apologize for the actions and words of Ambassador Donnaghue."
Under most normal circumstances, Ambassador First Class Quincy Johnson loved riding modern aerocraft, but this evening he had cause to be slightly grumpy. He had just gotten off to sleep when his telephone rang. He had actually refused the call the first time, saying some rather regrettable things to the young IanCorp operator, before she told him that it was a government number calling.
And now he was rushing off to Larkinia with only a few hours' notice. He realized the magnitude of his task, but a lack of sleep made him surly and ready to refuse just about any task, even in the King's name. However, Sir Archibald had absolutely insisted, and now here he was on the tarmac.
At least this newest contraption is an impressive looking tool, he thought. Sleeker than the damned Bankfields, anyhow. Surrounded by red-coated R.I.F.C. aerocraftmen and officers, some of whom were supposed to help him aboard and some of whom were just eager for a look, Johnson found himself being hustled along towards the Larkinian flyer.
15-01-2004, 02:38
"No, no," insisted D'Carlonia. "This is a tricky situation, and it'll require deft handling of the press. I think that Ambassador Johnson is the right man for the job - he'll have clear cut orders signed by Sir Archibald, and Johnson has much more experiance in this sort of situation." The Prime Minister grinned. "Plus, Sir Archibald gets airsick." The rest of the room laughed.
"Mr. President, I think that, with yours and God's speed, we should be able to handle this emergency. Let me once again apologize for the actions and words of Ambassador Donnaghue."
"Yes, and for what I'm planning, Sir Archibald getting airsick in tight quarters won't help..." Takeo started.
"God knows what that would do to the X-14," Rios chuckled. He could just imagine what that would do to the equipment. He'd already have to turn one into a flying gas can anyway to make this work.
"I'll have a helicopter standing by at the airfield for the plane's arrival, it can take Ambassador Johnson directly to the embassy. I also hope we can handle this emergency, Prime Minister. I am also truly sorry for Javin's actions and statements that precipitated this disaster."
Under most normal circumstances, Ambassador First Class Quincy Johnson loved riding modern aerocraft, but this evening he had cause to be slightly grumpy. He had just gotten off to sleep when his telephone rang. He had actually refused the call the first time, saying some rather regrettable things to the young IanCorp operator, before she told him that it was a government number calling.
And now he was rushing off to Larkinia with only a few hours' notice. He realized the magnitude of his task, but a lack of sleep made him surly and ready to refuse just about any task, even in the King's name. However, Sir Archibald had absolutely insisted, and now here he was on the tarmac.
At least this newest contraption is an impressive looking tool, he thought. Sleeker than the damned Bankfields, anyhow. Surrounded by red-coated R.I.F.C. aerocraftmen and officers, some of whom were supposed to help him aboard and some of whom were just eager for a look, Johnson found himself being hustled along towards the Larkinian flyer.
Major Tyler had just hopped out of the jet and was showing it to the R.I.F.C. Airmen as the group approached, "Hi I'm Major Dan Tyler, Larkinian Military. Would someone here be able to tell me what in the name of God's Shiny Buttocks is the plan here?"
He nodded as the situation was explained to him. "That would explain why the nav seat's open..."
Is this rocket painted yellow?? Does it have the word 'Taxi' printed on the wings??? Does this mean I'm getting a tip at the end of this little trip??
He turned to Ambassador Johnson, "Well let's get you strapped in, Ambassador." He handed Johnson a bottle of water and a bag of peanuts, "And as always I'd like to thank you for flying Air Larkinia. Be sure to sip that slowly, cause at 65,000 feet, your restroom options are.. um... limited."
15-01-2004, 02:38
*Damn forum... just because you can't read 'God's Shiny Buttocks' just once :P*
15-01-2004, 06:06
Tyler strapped Johnson into the X-14's seat behind him. He handed the Ambassador a helmet and an oxygen mask.
"Barf bags are here," He chuckled and handed the man a bag. "Try not to if you can help it. So what in the hell are we doing anyway?"
The ground crew had just finished the refuel and were clearing the runway as the major slid back into the front seat and fired up the engines. The plane taxied for a few moments on the tarmac then shot forward for take-off.
15-01-2004, 07:02
Javin looked out of his apartment window as the evening wore on.
What in the hell is a security detachment doing down the road...
It dawned on him that Takeo might be trying to stop the duel, and there'll be none of that. He looked out the back window of the complex, and saw more guards there. He was debating how to get out and picked up his cell phone.
"Aaron, Jav here, I need a favor from ya. Does your brother still own that old, beat-up med-copter?"
15-01-2004, 07:04
OOC: any chance I could get a summary ? and if Iansisle puts them up, they have my vote.
15-01-2004, 07:14
The vote went down, Yarrum was voted in unanimously. Then Javin and one of the diplomats from Iansisle started trading barbs, which concluded in Donnaghue slapping Javin and challanging him to a dual in front of the ANH HQ, and some... er... less than flattering statements about those being colonized (i.e. Gallaga) and those doing the colonizing (Iansisle) went back and forth. Now P.M. D'Carlonia and Takeo are trying to stop the dual from happening in the morning.
Oh yeah, and Iansisle's main ANH ambassador fainted after the vote and is currently in emergency surgery for a head injury, leaving Donnaghue in charge of iansisle's embassy.
15-01-2004, 07:32
Oh, my. Another duel......
15-01-2004, 07:34
Ummm, well, maybe. We've got a couple of plans on how to keep it from happening. I think. At least jeff's not involved in this one ;)
15-01-2004, 08:43
sorry I vanished there...the internet went down for six or seven hours...for me, at least. Darn it! ;)
Here's the post I tried to submit umpteen billion times:
"I'll have a helicopter standing by at the airfield for the plane's arrival, it can take Ambassador Johnson directly to the embassy. I also hope we can handle this emergency, Prime Minister. I am also truly sorry for Javin's actions and statements that precipitated this disaster."
"Thank you for your understanding and help, Mr. President; General Rios; Minister Davis. I hope you'll not think me too rude, but I need some time with our public relations gurus before we put out an official statement to the press. I hope you can excuse me?"
Is this rocket painted yellow?? Does it have the word 'Taxi' printed on the wings??? Does this mean I'm getting a tip at the end of this little trip??
He turned to Ambassador Johnson, "Well let's get you strapped in, Ambassador." He handed Johnson a bottle of water and a bag of peanuts, "And as always I'd like to thank you for flying Air Larkinia. Be sure to sip that slowly, cause at 65,000 feet, your restroom options are.. um... limited."
Johnson, a slender tall man of advanced age, managed to wedge himself into the X-14's navigator's spot with some difficulty. He accepted the bag of peanuts and water bottle with a small smile. "Thank you, Major," he said quietly, hoping that the man wasn't too upset. Despite the friendly words, Johnson could detect a tinge of distaste in the airman's voice. He settled in uncomfortably and waited for the takeoff.
15-01-2004, 09:19
Major Tyler smiled at Ambassador Johnson and nodded. "It's all right sir. Hell of a night, huh? How much sleep did you get before they woke you for this adventure?"
15-01-2004, 09:31
Major Tyler smiled at Ambassador Johnson and nodded. "It's all right sir. Hell of a night, huh? How much sleep did you get before they woke you for this adventure?"
"Not nearly enough," grumbled Johnson, not quite ready to be a fully functionaly member of society. "I hope you did, though, Major - I understand this'll be a long flight?"
15-01-2004, 09:34
Tyler cleared his throat, "Yes sir, I got enough. And this will be a long-ish flight, but not as long as usual, thanks to this baby," he said patting the control console. "Hold on a second Ambassador, we're going to blast outta here."
He punched the throttle and suddenly the X-14 rocketed down the runway and lept into the air, leaving contrails behind it, quickly punching through the sound barrier.
"We'll be up about..12 or 13 miles above the ground. We've got some planes to meet us on the trip for refueling, so we won't have to stop. What are you going to do when we get to Larkinia? How will you stop this?"
15-01-2004, 09:44
Johnson was so terrified by the take off and acceleration - they easily blew through the sound barrier that had continued to perplex Graye and Bankfield's top engineers - that it took him a few minutes to formulate a coherent sentence.
"I...I'm glad to hear that," he said, not making it clear what question, if any, he was replying to. At last, after another couple moments of ear-popping, Johnson's head was clear enough string together enough words to constitute a response.
"Well, the plan's simple enough - I show up at the embassy, round up the guards - I outrank Amba...Mr. Donnaghue - and then have him escorted to the nearest aeroflyer dock, probably with your government's help, and complete his recall." The elderly man shrugged. "Simple in planning; complicated in execution, no doubt."
15-01-2004, 09:46
ooc: Iansisle, PM.
(got it - reply on its way)
15-01-2004, 09:50
Tyler nodded, "That sounds simple enough... hang on again."
The X-14 leveled off high in the atmosphere, then Tyler punched the afterburners in, pushing Johnson and he back in their seats for a few more moments.
"But what if he doesn't agree?"
15-01-2004, 09:55
Johnson gritted his teeth and grunted.
"He doesn't have to - that's the best part. I'll have the full complement of guards from the embassy, plus whatever help your president has conjured up once he steps off the ground. And we're not arresting him - just recalling. He'll have complete freedom of movement once he's out of Larkinia."
The ambassador fought down a sick feeling in his gut and concentrated on what he was saying. "I suppose that leaves Javin Katana as the real wildcard. If his brother can't stop him from following Donnaghue back to Iansisle, God knows what we'll do."
15-01-2004, 10:00
"Hmmmm, that's the President's brother... I don't know much about him. Apparently he's quite the party boy at times. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to travel just to get involved in duel... If you want some rest Ambassador, it'll be a pretty calm flight now that we've leveled off until we drop out to refuel."
15-01-2004, 10:04
"Hmph. I know Javin Katana, and..." Johnson started, before sheer diplomatic instinct drew him up short. "And I think I would like some sleep. You'll be so good as to wake me up before any radical turns, won't you?" And he settled as well as he could into the nav seat.
15-01-2004, 10:10
Tyler grinned at the first comment, "And... Gotcha. Yes sir, I'll try to do that unless we take fire."
A couple of hours later
Tyler held onto the stick as he slowly brought the jet down below Mach 1. He flipped on the front cockpit HUD and it showed him the location of the first refueling jet.
"Someone call for a tow truck?"
"Yeah, comin' up on your six," Tyler replied.
"What? God damnit Tyler is that you?"
"We shoulda just let you drop off. You still owe me $100 from that poker night. And no excuses about getting reassigned."
"You fuel us up in time, and I'll double that."
15-01-2004, 10:13
Johnson blinked several times as his stomach protested the lowering of altitude and speed. He only listened with one ear to his pilot's conversation.
"I'm sure that the Ministry would be happy to cover your gambling debts if you get me to Larkinia in time to stop this thing," he grinned. "In fact, I'm sure they would be."
15-01-2004, 10:25
Tyler's ears perked up at that. "Oh really?"
The plane slipped up behind the refueling jet and was quickly loaded up again.
"Tell that next jet to be waiting on me, I've got debts to pay off."
A few hours more..
After another refueling, the X-14 quickly approached Larkinian airspace.
"Ambassador?" Tyler asked, "Wake up, we'll be in Golden Agate in a very short while."
Javin had slipped out of his apartment, in his old special forces black BDU's, with the two swords strapped to his back, and other assorted goodies waiting for Donnaghue packed with him.
A part of Javin's brain was telling him that it might not be fully fair to do what he was going to do, but the spec. force part said that honor meant going home at the end of the day.
He climbed to the roof of the complex, and saw a helicopter in the distance closing in.
15-01-2004, 10:29
(I know this is a horrid time to call it quits, but I've got to shove off. If I don't, I'll never get up in time for classes tomorrow. Sorry, man. :()
15-01-2004, 10:30
(*gasp*!!! ;) No worries, I've got to get up too and argue with the school that I deserve to be going this semester. Later dude!)
15-01-2004, 10:31
(eep...good luck with that. Night.)
Seph hummed a little tune to himself as he set up his folding chair and reading lamp in front of the ANH HQ. He wanted to get a good seat for... whatever was going to happen.
He turned on the lamp and began to read. This was the most content he had felt as long as he could remember. In a few hours, he would roll out his sleeping bag, and let the narcolepsy take over until morning.
It was going to be a big day tomorrow, and he was excited.
16-01-2004, 01:03
(Awwwww, I'm sure we can get Seph a hotel room at least. ;) )
16-01-2004, 01:35
After another refueling, the X-14 quickly approached Larkinian airspace.
"Ambassador?" Tyler asked, "Wake up, we'll be in Golden Agate in a very short while."
Johnson woke with a grunt and a shake. The sleep he had gotten was, for the most part, fitful and uncomfortable, but at least it was something. He blinked several times in the sudden light as Larkinia rumbled below them. It took him a couple of seconds to get his bearings, but the mountains ahead were very soon familiar.
"We made pretty good time, then?" he asked to make conversation as the X-14 came in. "Ergh...it's been too long since the last time I went to Golden Agate."
16-01-2004, 01:55
"Yes, sir" Tyler nodded. "We were able to cut the flying time down by about half with this jet and the in-air fueling, so an (X) hour flight turned into an (X/2) trip."
Tyler dipped the nose on approach to Van DeMeere Airfield. "We'll be landing at the base airstrip, just outside of GA International. From what I understand President Katana will be waiting with a helicopter to take you to ANH HQ.
"So how long has it been since you been to Golden Agate?"
The small helicopter landed on the roof of the complex for the moment it took for Javin to spring over and jump in.
Two of the security guards saw the helicopter land, one pulled out a pair of binoculars and saw Javin enter the helicopter.
"That's him! We've gotta stop that chopper!" he said pulling out his radio. "Command, we have a problem, 'Pain in Ass' has escaped the complex. Currently in small chopper leaving area. Request backup."
The two men jumped in their jeep and started following the helicopter, keeping it in sight.
Rios listened in to the security lines, Hmmm, took him a little longer to escape than I figured..
Takeo turned to Rios, "Dave, we've gotta stop that chopper before it reaches ANH HQ."
"We could down all air traffic over Golden Agate..."
"No," Minister Davis said, "That'll not just disrupt air travel for tens of thousands of people, but then we won't get Ambassador Johnson to the HQ building."
Takeo sighed, "OK, keep an eye on the chopper. I want two squads of assault choppers up in the air after him. Let's see if we can force it down..."
16-01-2004, 02:20
"Yes, sir" Tyler nodded. "We were able to cut the flying time down by about half with this jet and the in-air fueling, so an (X) hour flight turned into an (X/2) trip."
Tyler dipped the nose on approach to Van DeMeere Airfield. "We'll be landing at the base airstrip, just outside of GA International. From what I understand President Katana will be waiting with a helicopter to take you to ANH HQ.
"So how long has it been since you been to Golden Agate?"
(well, that's only if you use Larkinian aircraft technology. For Johnson, it's been like an X/511 flight :P)
Johnson's stomach lodged itself in his throat again as Tyler guided the X-14 in to Van DeMeere.
"Much too long...it seems like the Ministry always needs me to go and pee out some fire they set somewhere. It seems as though I've not been to any country that wasn't theatening to have me drawn and quartered in some time." He laughed. "Seriously, though, a couple years at the least. This country has some great memories for me; the Third World Conference, for example - did you know I was the first Iansislean to fly in a jet-powered aerocraft?"
(heh...'pain in the ass'
Got it, D-man
Stupid infinity symbol not working)
16-01-2004, 02:34
'Well, do you enjoy that kind of a job at least? I mean, always working with crises of some sort, that's got to take a toll on you," (says the test pilot who loves to take rickity jets out for a shakedown :P)
"You were? How did that feel? Then, you're also the first to ride in one of our next generation planes. This baby was made to fly higher, faster and sneakier than anything we've had before."
The jet came around on one last approach and descended gently toward the approaching runway. *screeeeeeeeeeetch*
16-01-2004, 02:40
16-01-2004, 02:40
'Well, do you enjoy that kind of a job at least? I mean, always working with crises of some sort, that's got to take a toll on you," (says the test pilot who loves to take rickity jets out for a shakedown :P)
"You were? How did that feel? Then, you're also the first to ride in one of our next generation planes. This baby was made to fly higher, faster and sneakier than anything we've had before."
The jet came around on one last approach and descended gently toward the approaching runway. *screeeeeeeeeeetch*
"It does; it does," sighed Johnson. "Of course, we all have our own crosses to bear."
"It felt...wonderful. Like nothing I'd ever experianced before. I don't think I looked away from the window once between Lyone and Golden Agate." He laughed softly. "It's kind of sad, how something that was once so magical has become so common place that I can sleep through a flight like this one. What is this world coming to?"
Johnson grunted with the landing and waited for the jet to come to a complete stop before clicking off his straps.
16-01-2004, 02:47
"It does; it does," sighed Johnson. "Of course, we all have our own crosses to bear."
"It felt...wonderful. Like nothing I'd ever experianced before. I don't think I looked away from the window once between Lyone and Golden Agate." He laughed softly. "It's kind of sad, how something that was once so magical has become so common place that I can sleep through a flight like this one. What is this world coming to?"
Johnson grunted with the landing and waited for the jet to come to a complete stop before clicking off his straps.
Tyler nods, "That's why I became a test pilot. You can experience that feeling with each new jet you test out, of course, it could be the last feeling you have if the jet has a problem... hang on, here we go."
Tyler brought the jet to a stop in front of a group of men and a still warming-up small transport helicopter.
The ground crew quickly opened the cockpit and helped the two men out of the jet.
16-01-2004, 02:52
(Awwwww, I'm sure we can get Seph a hotel room at least. ;) )
(Thanks for the consideration, but he wants a good seat!)
16-01-2004, 03:09
ANH Headquarters Building, Diplomatic Sector, 3 a.m.
Groups of security officers, in urban camouflage uniforms spread out around the building and accompanying grounds of the ANH HQ.
They'd received their orders from the president, to keep some kind of fight from occuring. They were surprised when they saw a man resting in a chair, with a reading lamp and a book.
"Who's that?"
"It looks like the representative of Yarrum," one of the guards who had worked at the ANH building during the previous day said.
Something made Seph jump up, startled.
Uh-oh. This was bad.
His reading lamp's battery had run dead.
He squinted and tried to read by moonlight as best as he could.
16-01-2004, 07:23
Something made Seph jump up, startled.
Uh-oh. This was bad.
His reading lamp's battery had run dead.
He squinted and tried to read by moonlight as best as he could.
(Well that's what ya get when you have a solar-powered lamp :P)
16-01-2004, 07:38
Johnson's feet were slightly wobbly, but he managed to keep them both beneath himself. Spotting President Katana across the tarmac, Johnson forced himself to walk in a straight line with a smile cracking on his face and a hand extended.
"Mr. President, it's a pleasure to see you again. I understand we have ourselves a bit of a crisis?"
(sorry about vanishing so much...I'm actually just about to go to sleep.)
16-01-2004, 07:42
Katana shook Ambassador Johnson's hand, "It's a pleasure to see you Ambassador Johnson. Yes we do appear to have quite the little problem on our hands. If you'll follow me, I have a helicopter waiting to take us to ANH central."
(Oh yeah, hopefully a few more days I'll have Larkinia's website up and rolling, it's too late for the class I was going to turn it in to :oops: heh, oops.)
16-01-2004, 07:45
Katana shook Ambassador Johnson's hand, "It's a pleasure to see you Ambassador Johnson. Yes we do appear to have quite the little problem on our hands. If you'll follow me, I have a helicopter waiting to take us to ANH central."
(Oh yeah, hopefully a few more days I'll have Larkinia's website up and rolling, it's too late for the class I was going to turn it in to :oops: heh, oops.)
"Thanks, Mr. President," replied Johnson, perhaps a little more curtley than usual. He held up a little packed. "I have Ambassador Donnaghue's recall right here, signed by Minister Hughes and sealed."
(Heh, I can't wait! Will you have a full map with it?)
16-01-2004, 07:57
"Excellent," Takeo said as one of the guards slammed the chopper door shut, "I do apologize for this Ambassador. It's.. unfortunate that this happened."
The helicopter rose slowly and angled towards the ANH HQ Building. A voice came over the radios in both men's helmets.
"Mr. President, we're losing the other chopper in general air traffic. We believe they'll still be making a line to the ANH building."
Takeo nodded. "We can take you to the Iansislian Embassy or ANH HQ."
(I hope to, that and the pics for the Katana boys are taking the most time.)
16-01-2004, 08:47
"From what I understand, it's at least as much our Foreign Affairs ministry's fault as your brother's," smiled Johnson, hoping that wasn't too rude or blunt. He wasn't really awake enough to care too much if it wasn't.
"If you could just take me to wherever Ambassador Donnaghue is, that would be best," Johnson said. "Though, we will need some muscle to convince him in case that is the ANH building."
(ok, so I lied. ;) Now I'm off to bed!)
16-01-2004, 09:29
Takeo nodded slowly in partial agreeement and gave a half-smile.
Javin might have been wrong to push the issue, but.... the sooner we get that racist bastard out of my country, the better.
He picked up the radio, "Have two security units meet us outside the Iansislian Embassy."
"They're already there sir, keeping an eye on the Ambassador."
22-01-2004, 10:12
His rapier tucked away in his belt, Sir Peter Donnaghue stepped into the crisp Larkinian morning air and took a deep breath. To an outside observor, his behavior might even be classified as light-hearted or careless; to him, in was cold and purposeful. His eyes scouted out around the Iansislean complex.
Blood was to be spilled this morning, and he hoped that it wouldn't be his.
((Lark, you still want to do this thing?))
22-01-2004, 10:16
(Heck yeah)
The helicopter closed in on the Iansislian Embassy quickly. Takeo looked over at Johnson and pointed, "We should be there in a few moments."
The police around the embassy tried to not appear to be too menacing a force, because undoubtely people would start asking why the police were around the embassy of such a strong ally as Iansisle in such great numbers.
Javin jumped out of the small chopper, thanking the pilot for showing up on such short notice before heading toward the ANH building.
He slipped behind a couple of late night/early morning joggers when he first noticed the police in front of the gates to the building. He quickly darted inside a bagel shop, ordering a cup of coffee to not appear too out of place, and hoping the trench he was wearing would conceal the blades to the average watcher.
22-01-2004, 10:23
Donnaghue could hear the charateristic thwump of a helicopter - after all, he had spent most of his time out of the Commonwealth - in the distance, and smiled inwardly. There wasn't much time. He ducked into the nearby garage. The three men inside looked up, surprised.
"I want you to take me to the ANH headquarters. Now." He pointed at the driver, then fixed his eyes on the pair of embassy guards. "You two shall escort me. Quickly now!"
After it was discovered that shipping a native-built Westerton to Larkinia would cost more money than buying the most expensive motor-car available in the Principality, the MoFA had relaxed it's "no advanced foreign products!" dogma and allowed the embassy to purchase a stretch limo and pair of unassuming black sedans [generic brands; I'm not really sure what would be available ;)].
Donnaghue climbed into one of the later, his newly appointed and very confused guards following him. It only took one reminder that "I'm the senior ambassador on this post!" to get the car rumbling from the embassy.
"There's a lot of police here, sir," said the driver quietly.
"I see them. Keep going."
22-01-2004, 10:28
Some of the police saw the stretch Navigator and two BMW's starting to pull out of the garage.
"Sir, we've got a situation, a convoy is leaving the embassy," one of the policemen said into his throat mike.
Takeo muttered something before speaking up. "I was afraid that this we might be too late. Officers, follow the convoy, try to... divert them into a side route. Pilot, take us to the ANH building."
22-01-2004, 10:36
Two tiny Crosses of St. Patrick fluttered in the wind as the lead BMW - Donnaghue figured that one would be best, as they'd probably assume he was in the Navigator - took a sharp left.
"What? What are you turning here for? Fool, don't you know how to get to the complex?"
"The police, ambassador, they waved me over here," stammered the driver. "I didn't have a choice."
"Hmmph. Next time they wave you to the side, I want you to take the best route, not the one they indicate. But watch out for spike strips and road blocks."
"Pardon my impertinence, sir, but what's going on?"
"It's not pardoned; rest assured, there will be a black mark in your file if you continue to question orders. Drive on."
22-01-2004, 10:43
As the BMW took the left, a police cruiser pulled between it and the Navigator, and another one slipped between the Navigator and the other BMW. Donnaghue's assumption was right, the police figured he would be in the Navigator, not in either of the escort cars, but their orders were to stop the convoy, not just one of the vehicles in it.
The cruisers flipped their lights on, while another group of officers at the next intersection were signaling the convoy to take another left.
22-01-2004, 10:51
"I think that means they want us to stop," said the driver nervously as red flashing lights obliterated his rear view.
"They've no right to stop us; this is a diplomatic vehicle," replied Donnaghue flatly.
"Erm, should I turn left, sir?" asked the driver. The man heard the ambassador swear under his breath.
"No, the complex is [left; straight? whatever you like], damn it! And step on it!" The driver hesitated. "Now!"
With a growl, the lead BMW shot off in the wrong direction, the driver praying that he wouldn't hit any cops...or cop cars...or pedistrians. Behind it, the navigator and the second BMW were confused as the cars in front of them went off in different directions. The Navigator started to turn left, noticed everyone else going in different directions, and slammed on its brakes.
((I think I'm off, man. Glad we got this started again!))
22-01-2004, 11:12
The BMW sped forward, trying to make the right-hand turn at speed, jumping onto the curb..
Lt. Steven Nickson, Larkinian Security Force, was looking forward to his retirement and heading off to school to finish his degree as he was directing the emergency traffic for the convoy plan. He had his back to the BMW and only heard a momentary burst of speed before feeling the grill of the BMW slam against his back, throwing him forward, slamming his head into the windshield of a parked car, and flipping his body around. His armored shin-plates slammed into the face of a woman walking with a stroller. Her neck snapped back at an awkward angle, he last conscious motion was to push the stroller out of the way of the rampaging BMW...
Takeo looked down at the broadcast in horror at what was unfolding. He knew what he was trying to do wasn't worth the lives it was costing his people.
"That's enough!" He growled, punching a new code in the radio. "Get me 'Havoc'.. yes all of them!"
(oooooh, gonna make me bust these guys out early, I was hoping to wait until part 5 of TPTB ;) )
Captain Nick 'Havoc' Parker and his team were the first soldiers to volunteer for the Cyborg Conversion Program (C.C.P. :P). His body was slowly replaced with cybernetics until his skin bulged in places, hiding the cybernetic plate, his arms, legs and vital organs were replaced with bio/mechanical substitutes.
He heard the call ringing in his ears. His eyes snapped open and he rolled out of the rack, he read the small scrolling message bar in the bottom of his vision. He knew what the situation was instantly and received his orders.
He walked out into the hallway with the other Ren-Borgs, the name given to he and his team.
"Boys, we've gotta catch a ride," he said as the team picked up their weapons from the vault before running, literally shaking the ground as tons of cybernetics pumped through the hallways, to the waiting aerodynes.
(Gotcha, g'night dude! I am too, I was gonna ask if you wanted to finish this)
22-01-2004, 17:51
((Oh, you would go and make me feel all guilty, wouldn’t you? :P))
The driver’s stomach lurched as he momentarily saw someone’s back, then there was an resonate thud and the sedan shuddered. Then it was going again, but the driver could see the start of a good dent forward. He slammed on the brakes, and the car slid to a stop.
“What are you doing?” cried Donnaghue as he felt the deceleration.
“I think I just hit a man, sir, I have to stop!” replied the driver in a high pitched, wavering voice. “We have to see if he’s all right..”
“It was probably just a barricade. Drive on!”
“Not unless you tell me what’s going on, ambassador,” said the driver, his voice still shaking.
“Do you want to never work for Foreign Affairs again, mister?” Donnaghue checked out the back of the tinted windows. “It’s a matter vital to Iansislean security. Now, drive on!”
“No,” answered the other man flatly, as best he could manage considering how shaken up he was. Then he heard the soft double-clunk of a round being chambered behind him.
“Drive on!”
The sedan leapt forward again.
In the helicopter, Ambassador Johnson put a hand over his mouth at the unfolding scene. He was about to say something to Takeo, to apologize, but he instead clapped his mouth shut and sat back. The look in the president’s eyes didn’t indicate that conversation would be the best course of action right now.
((C.C.P.? Well, I guess they don’t have any Iansislean volunteers ;)))
23-01-2004, 01:14
((Oh, you would go and make me feel all guilty, wouldn’t you? :P))
(Did I happen to mention his wife and two children? ;) And that poor lady.. a single mother you know.. :D )
As the sedan shot away from the intersection, one of the security officers activated their throat mike.
"We've got a black BMW 7-class sedan with diplomatic plates headed east into the corridor," he said. "Try to set up a spike cross-strip at Fifth Avenue and Onyx. Do not open fire, I repeat, do not fire on the car!"
At this point, there were several choppers in the air with Katana, Johnson and the other regular traffic. LNN, ANH News Corp and several local stations had their news choppers airborne and broadcasting live.
The BMW approached the next intersection and police had finished laying out the spike strips
"We've got a black BMW 7-class sedan with diplomatic plates headed east into the corridor..."
Parker looked to the other men in his aerodyne, the first rays of the sun were glinting off of the group's armor.
Parker growled into his headset, "Chief, I need you to get us as close as possible to that damn car. Dynes 2 and 3, set up intercept vectors after Fifth and Onyx."
The first Aerodyne located the chase quickly and slowly bore down on the location.
((C.C.P.? Well, I guess they don’t have any Iansislean volunteers ;)))
(They might, you have anyone you wanna send? ;) )
23-01-2004, 01:40
(Did I happen to mention his wife and two children? ;) And that poor lady.. a single mother you know.. :D )
(( :cry: And just think how long it will take to pound that dent out of the grill! [/insensitivity] ;)))
The driver could swear he saw a couple spots of blood on the windshield, but Donnaghue didn't even seem to be paying attention. He was sitting calmly in the back, both hands out of sight, chastising the driver every time the brakes went on.
The car sped onto [Onyx? Fifth? Whatever'll take me to the ANH building ;)] with a squeal of tires. The driver didn't know what was going on, but he certainly didn't like it, not one little bit. Despite his best attempts to focus on the high speed chase, he found his mind kept wandering back to his wife and young children in Dunerbridge, Weshield.
Donnaghue started whistling in the back.
((Nah, I don't think there would be any...the only Iansisleans who aren't scared by something with the acronym "C.C.P." are a bunch of old men eagerly trying to stab one another in the back ;)))
23-01-2004, 02:04
(LOL, I don't know if I can top that one ;) )
The BMW zipped onto Fifth Avenue, again jumping the curb to avoid the spike strips. (But not hitting anyone this time ;) )
As the car punched it down the street, the first aerodyne pulled above Fifth Avenue and raced to catch the car.
A rope ladder was lowered from the aerodyne and Parker climbed down, holding on for dear life as the aerodyne dropped to 20 feet above the ground to catch the car.
23-01-2004, 03:33
'Havoc' held onto the rope ladder as the rest of the team lowered it slowly, inch by inch toward the speeding car. He quickly flipped the visor down on his helmet and tried to look inside the car, but just saw darkness through the tinted windows.
The Aerodyne shuddered, not used to being flown this low, this fast for this amount of time. He hoped the security guys had another plan or this'd get ugly fast.
I'm getting too old for this crap...
23-01-2004, 06:37
Donnaghue could see the figure outside his window, and so could the driver. Donnaghue wondered if the other could see in, and met his searching eyes with a hard glare of his own.
"Faster, man, faster!" the ambassador said quietly but urgently. However, the driver instead slammed on the brakes. Donnaghue would have seen the man outside his window go zooming past as the speeds changed, but he was too busy watching the front seat rush up and wishing he had worn his seatbelt.
"What's going on?!" he tried to shout, but the young man had jumped out of the car as soon as the speed dropped low enough. Donnaghue saw a street sign looming ahead, and tried to grab for the wheel, but the BMW was still moving at nearly twenty miles per hour. The sedan hit the curb, flipped on its side, and skidded along the sidewalk until it ran out of momentum and settled with a crunch on its roof.
23-01-2004, 06:44
Parker was about to jump onto the roof of the car when he heard a squeal of tires, then suddenly the car was gone. In it's place he saw a quickly approaching building as the aerodyne tried to change course to meet the car again.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!
The aerodyne took a sharp turn, narrowly missing the building. 'Havoc', however saw his reflection in the mirrored windows rushing towards him.
The next thing Parker knew, he was rolling head-over-heels in an office. He sat up after he stopped rolling and looked back to see how far he'd gone. He estimated he went about.. 70-75 yards into the building.
He stood up and shook some of the glass and dry-wall off of him.
What a ride! And I didn't even need an 'E' Ticket for it!
Meanwhile, the aerodyne landed near the crash site and the other members of the team rushed over to the car, two locking onto where they expected the Ambassador to be, another one securing the driver and the other three flipping the car back onto it's wheels.
The pilot of the aerodyne immediately placed a call to the trauma units, requesting multiple emergency vehicles come to the crash location.
23-01-2004, 06:52
What a ride! And I didn't even need an 'E' Ticket for it!
( :lol: )
The driver had rolled away safely. He had some nasty bruises, but nothing that a hot bath wouldn't cure. As the team member approached, he quickly raised his hand and started babbling on about orders, a gun, and how he really didn't mean to hit that person.
Inside the car, Donnaghue had been caught without his belt on, reaching over the seat to grab for the steering wheel. He coughed wetly as the two men, upside down by his persepective, approached, and blood bubbled up. His tattered body was caught in a tangle of broken steel frame.
((I trust that wreck wasn't too unrealistic? Most of my own experiance just comes from watching the Dukes of Hazzard ;)))
23-01-2004, 07:08
(Looked good to me, glad you liked the joke ;) )
Javin heard the commotion as the BMW approached, then as the BMW jumped the curb and roared towards the ANH building he saw an aerodyne fly over it and a man drop on a rope ladder.
The rest was a blur, the BMW braked, a man rolled out of the car, it slammed into a post, then a curb, then flipped, the aerodyne turned, sending the man on the rope into the Arasaka Complex through a 17th story window.
Javin ran over to the crash site, the Iansislian flags didn't register to him, nor the diplomatic plates. He helped the security officers flip over the BMW then looked inside at Donnaghue gurgling blood.
He crawled into the vehicle though the crushed windshield.. (and pulled out his wakizashi and slit him open!! or maybe not.. :P) and placed his hands on the sides of the man's neck, stabilizing his spine.
"Hang on, the medics are on the way."
(What? I thought Seph would get to give a big, dramatic speech about non-violence, tolerance, and anger management, and maybe get a nasty cut from a wayward sword slash. Oh well.)
23-01-2004, 07:18
(and pulled out his wakizashi and slit him open!! or maybe not.. :P)
(awww, come on....;) You know he wants to!)
(@ Yarrum: yeah, er, sorry. I think fate consipired against this duel. Still, I imagine once Donnaghue recovers slightly..and finds his daughter pregnant...he'll be itching for a rematch somewhere where it's legal. Or else too glad that Javin saved his life. I dunno, we'll see what happens. :))
Javin couldn't see any open wounds; it had to be internal. Donnaghue blinked once, twice, his eyes trying in vain to focus in on the man holding his head.
(and, as usual, I'm going to have to leave the trama injuries in Lark's much more capable hands. Sorry to keep dumping this stuff on ya, man. ;))
Johnson watched the crash in horror; he was expecting some poor but adorable Larkinian kid sucking a lollypop or a litter of precious kittens to waltz out right in front of the skidding car.
23-01-2004, 07:29
(That's a good idea, I was thinking about having Takeo do the same thing ;))
23-01-2004, 07:34
(awww, come on....;) You know he wants to!)
(Oh you have no idea... :P )
Javin couldn't see any open wounds; it had to be internal. Donnaghue blinked once, twice, his eyes trying in vain to focus in on the man holding his head.
Javin looked around the car, he was scrunched in pretty well with the roof caved in, but he kept his hands on Donnaghue's neck (and he just squeezed and squeezed... :P) as the medical teams started arriving. Javin took a sniff, something didn't smell right, and he wasn't talking about Donnaghue's bathing habits... this time.
"Uhh.. guys," he said to the security team, "can someone check the gas tank?"
Johnson watched the crash in horror; he was expecting some poor but adorable Larkinian kid sucking a lollypop or a litter of precious kittens to waltz out right in front of the skidding car.
(Awwww, I'm not that bad. ;))
OOC: Combat for honor is legal in Imitora...
23-01-2004, 07:51
(and he just squeezed and squeezed... :P)
(aww...come on, you know he wants to! :lol: )
Javin took a sniff, something didn't smell right, and he wasn't talking about Donnaghue's bathing habits... this time.
"Uhh.. guys," he said to the security team, "can someone check the gas tank?"
One of the team member's glanced over. He could see a constant drip of gasoline-like liquid falling down from where the tank was. There wasn't any immediate risk of ignition that he could see, but still.
"We got a gas leak!"
23-01-2004, 07:53
OOC: But most Imitorans look for any excuse for a fight ;) Looking cross-eyed at a step-sister while not bathing on the third Friday of the month is good enough to start getting the smack on. :P
23-01-2004, 07:57
One of the team member's glanced over. He could see a constant drip of gasoline-like liquid falling down from where the tank was. There wasn't any immediate risk of ignition that he could see, but still.
"We got a gas leak!"
Javin heard that loud and clear, "Great," he muttered. One of the medics picked up a fire extinguisher and sprayed the gas leak to try and keep it from igniting.
One of the other team members looked in, "We can't cut the roof off to get your guys out," he said. "We're going to have to move him out manually."
Javin looked around the car. A medic quickly threw his armor off and crawled in to stabilize Donnaghue's head and neck while Javin crawled back further in the car's backseat.
"Ok, we're gonna have to inch him out," Javin said as the two men started moving Donnaghue's body slowly over the dashboard and out the windshield towards a waiting stretcher. As the body moved out of the car, more hands were able to give them help. making the job easier for Javin, who was pushing against the crunched in back seat to move the man's body out.
23-01-2004, 08:02
Donnaghue groaned as he was moved slowly from the car.
Watching from a fair distance was the driver. He shuddered at the image of Donnaghue's mangled body and the wrecked state of the BMW. Or maybe he was shaking for another reason.
"Is...is he ok?" whispered the driver. Just who the man was talking about was fairly ambiguous.
23-01-2004, 08:11
The medics moved Donnaghue onto the stretcher for a quick examination.
"Coughing up blood, caved chest, rattling when he breathes. We've got broken ribs on both sides of his chest, probably internal injuries to the heart, spleen, kidneys," the first medic said flashing his light in the man's eyes, "concussion, bruising on the forehead, possible head trauma."
"Blood pressure dropping," another medic said as he pulled out a pair of angled scissors and cut the man's clothing to fit him into the MAST pants. Moments after they slipped and velcroed the pants around the man, they instantly inflated, forcing the man's blood back up into his body, spiking his blood pressure as they started to move him into the ambulance.
"I need some suction here," the first medic said as the tube pulled the blood out of the man's mouth.
23-01-2004, 11:11
As the medics moved Donnaghue's body into the med-dyne, the helicopter with Takeo and Ambassador Johnson touched down in a parking lot near the ANH building.
The men jumped out and rudhed over to the scene while another medic was examining Javin.
23-01-2004, 11:15
Johnson was still debating when the best time to offer Iansisle's condolences for any loss of life and property that Ambassador Donnaghue's joy ride may have incured would be when the helicopter touched down. As fast as his tired, aged body could, he rushed after Katana to the accident scene, still thinking that it may be best to let certain emotions die down.
The driver recognized Johnson at once. "Ambassador! Ambassador! Thank God you're here! It wasn't my fault! Donnaghue, he had a gun! I've a family to support, and foreign affairs doesn't pay life insurance! And..." The man went on, but Johnson forced himself to ignore the increasingly desperate cries.
((one more post, and then I'm off to bed, I'm afraid. Stupid readings...I don't feel any smarter for having done them!))
23-01-2004, 11:23
Takeo blew past the driver trying to explain what happened.
"Javin! Are you all right??" he asked urgently.
"Nothing too bad Mr. President," the medic answered for him, "Some Carbon Monoxide inhalation, not serious. Bumps, bruises and some scrapes."
Takeo nodded and embraced his brother. "Thank God Javin," he said quietly.
Javin smiled and hugged his brother back, "I'm fine Tak."
"Javin, I'll... We'll have to talk later. I'm guessing you know you did have a part to play in what happened today," Takeo said.
"I... But I.."
"Javin, you may have saved Donnaghue's life," Takeo started. "But if not for what happened yesterday, today would have not happened. We didn't know what would happen, but we each are partly responsible for this."
23-01-2004, 11:30
Johnson had tagged along, but fell back from the family reunion. He clasped his hands behind his back and cast his eyes over the scene. It was a right mess, but he thought he could identify a rapier blade amongst the shattered wreckage
((night, dude!))
Seph looked up from his novel.
Was the sun coming up?
He hoped Katana and... what was the other man's name? Well, he hoped they would make it. It would look impressive to the mayor if he came back with the ambassadors of Yarrum's two new allies in tow.
He leaned back and closed his eyes. Maybe he could catch a few winks before they arrived...
(Seriously, is it daylight yet?)
24-01-2004, 04:35
(The dawn's just starting to crest the mountains)
Takeo nodded to the medic, "Have him taken to the hospital and examined. Then have him sent to the Presidential Palace."
I have to figure out what to do with him next...
Takeo turned to look for Ambassador Johnson when another security officer ran up, "Sir, latest report, Nickson's in the hospital, he's really iffy, and that lady with the stroller.. well we don't know yet about her. We've taken her child to one of the Child Watch programs here until we know more.."
24-01-2004, 08:13
Johnson, standing a couple yards behind Katana, heard the security officer's report. He had felt embarassed about his nationality before; chiefly when someone looked at him and realized that he couldn't understand what to them was a very basic concept. Now, however, he could swear he felt the eyes of a thousand Larkinians boring into his back.
His eyes met Takeo's briefly, and the president may have seen a slight fear in them. Johnson quickly shifted his over the president's shoulder. He took another couple steps forward.
"Mr. President, I can only blame myself for this tragedy. Had I not been so lazy back in Ianapalis, perhaps this disaster could have been avoided. On behalf of both myself and the Empire of the Shield, I would like to offer my most humble apologies..." The diplomatic apology seemed hollow and meaningless as it spilled from his lips.
OOC: But most Imitorans look for any excuse for a fight ;) Looking cross-eyed at a step-sister while not bathing on the third Friday of the month is good enough to start getting the smack on. :P
OOC: Actually...thats punishable by death....
24-01-2004, 08:29
"Mr. President, I can only blame myself for this tragedy. Had I not been so lazy back in Ianapalis, perhaps this disaster could have been avoided. On behalf of both myself and the Empire of the Shield, I would like to offer my most humble apologies..." The diplomatic apology seemed hollow and meaningless as it spilled from his lips.
(And somewhere a fighter pilot is crying about having to pay his gambling debts ;) )
Takeo took Johnson by the shoulder (and wrapped his hands around his throat and squeezed and squeezed... :P), "Ambassador, please understand that I don't believe an apology is necessary. This is not your fault. There is nothing more you could have done, both men seemed set on this course of action.
"I hold myself responsible. I should have forseen this and added more security to stop it. It's early in the morning, but I think we each need a drink."
24-01-2004, 08:36
(aww, come on, ya know you want to! ;))
Johnson nodded and smiled. "I appreciate that, Mr. President, and I'm sure my government will as well." He paused.
"I ought to mention that neither Donnaghue nor his driver was protected by diplomatic immunity once they left the compound. We will understand any criminal proceedings you may wish to initiate against them; the Empire will leave such matters entirely up to you.”
He smiled at the last comment. "And I have to say, a drink sounds pretty bloody good right now."
24-01-2004, 08:41
(I'll have a response in a bit, gotta jet home)
yes i would like to see that man dead count me in. i also have a safe hide out join Ready to rumble, the password is toy :twisted:
24-01-2004, 10:00
(I'll have a response in a bit, gotta jet home)
((No problem; I was took the break to play Europa Universalis II for a bit.))
24-01-2004, 10:02
(back, ready to rock, gotta figure out what to do in 4A in a minute.. any suggestions?)
Takeo led Johnson over to meet with Seph, "Sir, I"m Takeo Katana, and this is Ambassador Johnson from Iansisle, we would like to take the opportunity to ask you to join us for a morning drink," Takeo turned to Johnson, "is the office here acceptable?"