A hunting we will go ((Finished, being bumped for archives)) - Page 4
09-12-2003, 03:16
OOC:Why am I not surised if it wasn't, would he still be at it if he got his head cut off I wonder? Pictures raven's body walking around trying to find his head to put it back on.
Duke Kern stared, it was too easy, maybe if raven got his head cut, off, thethe body burned with holy fire and the ashes put into four urns, mixed with holy water and hidden, then he would belive raven at this point to be dead.
OOC: Too easy, that.
IC: A green haze began to arise from Raven's body. The sky grew darker. Then Raven's body exploded, and a dark shape reached up to the sky, eyes glowing green.
Veskyr threw himself to his feet, forcing himself to ignore his tiredness. He strengthened his shielding as much as he could. He readied what power he had gathered for a blast of wind.
The gun, rather mindlessly, fired another dart at the huge form.
David fully transforemd into his demon form, looked up at the dark sky. He rushes into the area of the battle. He looks up at the green eyes, his glowing red.
Massive bird like wings beat from behind the creature. It slammed down, a huge earthquake starting.
Duke Kern looked and sighed "Of course, how dull and predictable, they can't very simply die." He readed the holy blade in his hand.
The demon jumps out of the way, throwing a larg fire ball into the mass.
The fire does absolutely nothing to the immense earth elemental. It reaches down, and slams a fist into the ground, scattering mud everywhere, especially onto David.
OOC: Fire gets smothered by earth...
There's no way I can summon a Whirlwind now, or anything powerful enough to fight that monster openly... too tired... but I can do this much.
Veskyr crafted a small air elemental, focusing on speed and agility, and sent it after the being that Raven seemed to have summoned- or become.
It won't be able to do a lot of damage, but that lumbering thing will never hit it. Its speed will keep it alive, and it will be at least a destraction. If he doesn't keep it busy dodging, then it might do some real damage, and if he does, he won't be able to fight us effectively....
The elemental turned, as slow as the rocks from which it seemed to be made. It tried to bat at the Air Elemental. [color=Brown]Guh...[/code]
The tiny Air Elemental dodged its enemy's blow with ease, then dived in to slash in passing at the massive arm near the elbow. Veskyr watched, trying to avoid notice.
OOC: Whenever I'm not posting, assume it continues hit-and-run harassing techniques, like this time.
The fire does absolutely nothing to the immense earth elemental. It reaches down, and slams a fist into the ground, scattering mud everywhere, especially onto David.
OOC: Fire gets smothered by earth...Daivd gets knowcked back off his feet. He sits there for a minute, the flame around his body getting weaker. The fire bursts into a frenzy. He stands up, slowly. His eyes glowing reder then ever. He throws anotehr large fire ball at the elemental.
Norse Lands
09-12-2003, 12:57
I always will remember,
'Twas a year ago November,
I went out to hunt some deer
On a morning bright and clear.
I went and shot the maximum the game laws would allow:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
I was in no mood to trifle,
I took down my trusty rifle
And went out to stalk my prey.
What a haul I made that day!
I tied them to my fender, and I drove them home somehow:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
The law was very firm, it
Took away my permit,
The worst punishment I ever endured.
It turned out there was a reason,
Cows were out of season,
And one of the hunters wasn't insured.
People ask me how I do it,
And I say "There's nothin' to it,
You just stand there lookin' cute,
And when something moves, you shoot!"
And there's ten stuffed heads in my trophy room right now:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a pure-bred Guernsey cow
09-12-2003, 13:19
OOC:If it is a Earth Elemental then water would be a problem for it.
I always will remember,
'Twas a year ago November,
I went out to hunt some deer
On a morning bright and clear.
I went and shot the maximum the game laws would allow:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
I was in no mood to trifle,
I took down my trusty rifle
And went out to stalk my prey.
What a haul I made that day!
I tied them to my fender, and I drove them home somehow:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
The law was very firm, it
Took away my permit,
The worst punishment I ever endured.
It turned out there was a reason,
Cows were out of season,
And one of the hunters wasn't insured.
People ask me how I do it,
And I say "There's nothin' to it,
You just stand there lookin' cute,
And when something moves, you shoot!"
And there's ten stuffed heads in my trophy room right now:
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a pure-bred Guernsey cow
Norse Lands
09-12-2003, 13:53
Almost every day during the hunting season you see at least one item in the newspapers about somebody who has shot somebody else, under the impression that he was a deer with a red hat, perhaps. Maybe a large flesh-colored squirrel. At any rate, it seems to me that this marks an encouraging new trend in the field of blood sports, and deserves a new type of hunting song which I present herewith.
OOC: Could people please not post unrelated items in the middle of our battle? Just because both mention hunting isn't an excuse for interupting an important episode.
10-12-2003, 04:57
OOC:No kidding
The fire does absolutely nothing to the immense earth elemental. It reaches down, and slams a fist into the ground, scattering mud everywhere, especially onto David.
OOC: Fire gets smothered by earth...Daivd gets knowcked back off his feet. He sits there for a minute, the flame around his body getting weaker. The fire bursts into a frenzy. He stands up, slowly. His eyes glowing reder then ever. He throws anotehr large fire ball at the elemental.
OOC: Might be wise to return to human form.
The Earth Elemental tries to bat the air elemental away, but gives up. Again, the fire does nothing. Finally, the Earth elemental flies upwards, and tries to force the air elemental to touch the ground.
OOC: Could get it wet, yes.
10-12-2003, 05:05
Duke Kern called out to Veskyr. "Water, its Earth Elemental, water is as much a threat what you been throwing at it."
The air elemental easily rises faster than its enemy, slashing at a glowing green eye on the way up.
A massive round of mud suddenly rises up around the air elemental.
An Earthquake starts.
Duke Kern called out to Veskyr. "Water, its Earth Elemental, water is as much a threat what you been throwing at it."
Veskyr staggered toward him. "Too tired... calling up the Whirlwind was exhausting... then, had to fight..."
The gun continued shooting, with the patience of the inanimate, at the dark shape.
OOC: Don't you have a magic crystal from that lake dweller? (or was that someone else? I don't remember...) That might be water related.
The blasts of focused sound from the gun are closely akin to wind; they should be doing a bit of damage.
A massive round of mud suddenly rises up around the air elemental.
An Earthquake starts.
The air elemental darts straight up, startled.
Veskyr, unsurprisingly, falls over. "Oof! Cursed earth elementals..."
10-12-2003, 05:33
Duke Kern called out to Veskyr. "Water, its Earth Elemental, water is as much a threat what you been throwing at it."
Veskyr staggered toward him. "Too tired... calling up the Whirlwind was exhausting... then, had to fight..."
The gun continued shooting, with the patience of the inanimate, at the dark shape.
OOC: Don't you have a magic crystal from that lake dweller? (or was that someone else? I don't remember...) That might be water related.
The blasts of focused sound from the gun are closely akin to wind; they should be doing a bit of damage.
OOC:Yep that was me.
Duke Kern manged to keep his footing and not fall to the ground.
The elemental rises higher into the air, and then all of a sudden dives straight for the ground. Krendall jumps into a tree.
OOC: Throwing the stone might do some good...
10-12-2003, 05:44
Duke Kern pulled out the stone he recovered from the lake dweller. If mages valued it it was likely magical and connected to water, it was riskly but the only mage had exusted himself. He threw the stone directly at the Earth Elemental.
It exploded upon contact, showering the Earth Elemental with water. It screamed, and started to melt away.
10-12-2003, 05:56
Duke Kern watched carefully as it began to melt away, reading for anything that could possablely happen.
Veskyr rolled over to watch what was happening. "Good throw."
10-12-2003, 06:26
Duke Kern nodded. "Yes, not bad at all."
The Earth Elemental, slowly becoming a liquid, managed one last throw. As it died, it started a huge earthquake.
10-12-2003, 06:33
Duke Kern fell to ground and spoke. "Why, am I not surpised. They never go quietly."
OOC: No, that's a dramatic, everyone runs for their lives, end of thread Earthquake...
It's a big un.
10-12-2003, 06:41
((Hmm, cool.))
"Holy-" Roy started to say, but the rest of the massive earthquake cut him off.
The hunter turned to get the hell out of there, and the rolling ground helped him along, pitching him forward several meters.
10-12-2003, 06:42
Duke Kern followed quickly. Muttering about villains never going easly.
Veskyr, summoning the last remains of his strength, opened a portal below him. He landed on his bed, at home, and lapsed into unconsciousness. His last thoughts: I hope that earthquake doesn't do too much damage.... I must contact Merrech again when I wake up.
OOC: You'll tell us what the effects of the Earthquake are, right?
OOC: Of course. Where is NEE?
((Sorry, I was sick asleep in bed. -_-))
The demon started to runs back to cilvilazation, slowly turning back to David.
OOC: Quite all right.
IC: In Roan Palace, an antique vase fell off its perch and shattered. In Wolf Tower, one of the bookshelves toppled over and crushed the poor seeker-bot.
Hundreds of miles away, in Jungleton, the earth rattled and trees fell. In Port Agua, in The Order of The Sapphire chapter-house, several tanks of fish vibrated and exploded.
This was one, big, earthquake.
David looks for the direction that Joan ran in, the earthquake making things harder. He spots a small village that he thought Joan went. He begains to run with all his speed. He gets to the out skirts of the town, and bagains to look for Joan, and a place to take cover.
Joan runs out. "David! What's happening?"
12-12-2003, 05:44
As they ran Duke Kern called out to Krendall. "You know for just once I would like to see a villain that did do the overly dramatic deah."
Krendall nodded. "Aye, but the day that happened weld be the day ye get a good glass of beer out of an elf!"
Should I skip forward to the award ceremony?
12-12-2003, 06:31
OOC:Why not.
Duke Kern chuckled. "True or dragons when willing give up their stolen hordes and kill themselves."
Joan runs out. "David! What's happening?"He runs up to her, kisses and hugs her "Raven let out one more earth quake before his death, now let's find some cover."
Prince Alexander sighed on the podium. "So, what awards would all of you like?"
"Me own mine!" Krendall said, loudly.
"Besides that... fine. What about the rest of you?"
"I'd like citizenship in Roania, so I can marry Joan(She dosn't know yet), and settel down here."
13-12-2003, 15:59
Duke Kern chuckled. "This been the most fun I had on a hunt in quite while. That in itself is enough."
"I'd like citizenship in Roania, so I can marry Joan(She dosn't know yet), and settel down here."
"Hmm..." Alexander paused, considering. "Very well." He pulled out a small piece of paper, and handed it to his aide. "Make it fast, please."
Duke Kern chuckled. "This been the most fun I had on a hunt in quite while. That in itself is enough."
"Ah, perhaps I can provide a little more." Alexander turned, and stepped aside. He whispered a few words, and summoned a sword out of the air. His ring glistened. "There... perhaps this is a fitting gift." He handed the sword and ring over to Kern. "So long as you wear that ring, you will never be without a weapon."
OOC: Cyberutopia and Tir-Kedron...
David smiled largley. "Thank you sir.
Prince Alexander sighed on the podium. "So, what awards would all of you like?"
"Me own mine!" Krendall said, loudly.
"Besides that... fine. What about the rest of you?"
Veskyr (who had returned for the ceremony) replied "Well, If I could use Archmage Merrech's copy of the Tome one more time, I would greatly appreciate it."
"Hmm..." Alexander pondered... "Archmage Merrech?"
I would be honored...
15-12-2003, 04:19
Duke Kern bowed. "Thank you for this useful gift. I can see when it would be most useful."
"Hmm..." Alexander pondered... "Archmage Merrech?"
I would be honored...
"Thank you, Archmage." Veskyr opened a small portal, then pulled out a book, an odd quill pen, and a bottle of ink.
Merrech snapped his fingers and the book appeared before Veskyr.
"Ah..." Veskyr sat down, opened the book, and spoke to it quietly. Images flashed across the page, and then it was filled with writing. Veskyr opened the book he had brought, dipped the pen in the ink, and began writing.
Several hours later, Veskyr closed the Tome. He wrote a bit more on the first page of his book, muttered a quick spell, and closed it. Putting away his supplies, he said "Thank you very much, Archmage. This will be very usefull..."
OOC: He's made a copy of the Tome... it works the same as the original. :D
OOC: Yes, but it's very hard to do. You have to have the right kind of paper, the right number of pages, the right type of ink, the right kind of pen, etc. Most of this stuff is very difficult to get, as well. Veskyr found out how to do this using the Tome a while ago, but the copy he used was destroyed while he was getting the materials to copy it.
16-12-2003, 00:41
((Sorry, was away at a friend's place.))
"Nah, I don't take awards. They're rather pointless, if you ask me. But you didn't, so I won't go on." Roy said with a small smirk.
David approches Joan, later that night. He gets on his knees and holds up a ring, saying "Will you marry me?"