Daniella Shentavo International High School (Wide Open RP) - Page 2
18-09-2003, 02:02
He couldn't help but chuckle. Another mind-reader. It must be a dominant gene around here.
"No, ma'am, not from me," he grinned, tipping an imaginary cap to her.
"No? Well then, first we will test your physical fitness. Outside there is an obstacle course set up, you will run it and be timed. It tests speed, strength, reaction times, and intelligence in situations where you mustuse it quickly. Tomorrow we will test your mental strength. If you would proceed outside there will be someone waiting for you to time you."
With those words she strides outside, gesturing for the students to follow you.
18-09-2003, 02:05
Forgetting that at least three-quarters of the people here can apparently read his mind, Matthew begins singing in his head, as is his wont whenever he is bored.
kisar uses his telepathic powers to block her from reading HIS mind
18-09-2003, 02:05
Link closes his rooms door and opens the big bag and starts putting on his armor slowly.
18-09-2003, 02:06
An obstacle course? Odd, but I think I can handle it. Matthew goes outside with the rest.
Victor enters room 206 in his ROTC uniform. Hey, guys
"Hey, i'm ready for ROTC."
Kisar remains thankful that he is wearing a TSD uniform instead
OOC: Kisar, dont presume to say that. Katarina can far overpower you in all probability, she is insanely powerful.
Adm. Gastons gets up. ok, you will go though the training course.
"I'm definately ready for that."
18-09-2003, 02:12
Physical training? Cripes, this is why I left the ROTC class, winced David, slouching into the back of the line. This one's rather dangerous, though. I could think circles around that buffoon of a math teacher, but this one seems to have some actual brains. David studied her closely. I'll have to be careful - I don't know if I can pull my usual pranks in this class.
OCC:Kisar has been trained scince birth in telepathic blocking and mindreading. he spent 5 years alone with a TSD Telepath Master
Ok you will climb a wall, go though a minefield, then thought a tunnel,and then you two will climb a rope ladder and go down a rope. After that is weapons training.
"I've been through that in Marine training."
Wait until you see Naval Commando training it is 50X harder.
18-09-2003, 02:21
[OOC: I'm out for an hour or two...]
Kisar:i have been trough TSD Training that stresses the body to the limits.
we had to do Mindprobs,inflitration,all out assults,hostage situations and also the worst thing we had to do was kill our own people after they where infested by paritites. so NOTHING you put against me will bother me
18-09-2003, 02:23
Link walks out of his class room in full Elite armor he quickly locks the door and walks outside the school and walks near the obsitcal course and sits down under a tree
18-09-2003, 02:55
Michael had followed along with a few of the students who had left the ROTC class. It wasn't that he disliked it, if he wanted to go through a minefield and go test his skills with a pistol he would of gone to the STOL Academy in Vienna.
He roamed through the hallways a bit, taking the time to look around the school until he looks outside the window to see a few students out running. Hell..If I wanted to get barked at by a drill instructor, I might as well just went to Kostov... Michael thought as he walked outside and toward the group. Once reaching what was a line of students, Michael looked for the instructor, finding a tall woman, dressed in black and giving instructions to the students. He slowly approached the woman and coughed to get her attention.
"Excuse me..I'm Michael Scheifler. I am sorry that of my late intrusion..Miss?.."
Kisar thinks about trasa and the upcomming war against Nazi Duetschland Alliance.he thinks about the members of the Invasion Force and his freinds that are going to war...
Kisar (to self):i hope that Trasa survives the war...
OCC:for more information about the war look in International Inncidents
OOC:Can anyone catch me up on stuff? ive been gone all night.
IC:*looks around*
Kathryn looked around at all the other students. She's in her own gym uniform, very tight clothes reminiscent of Japanese School girl gym uniform.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 09:18
Rebecca stands in next to Kathryn, wondering whether there is a single normal teacher in this whole school. She'd heard that Rave's Academy had an unusual teaching staff, but this some seemed to be competing for the title.
She turned to Kathryn and smiled. "I thought they'd give us an easy first day. You know, introduce themselves, make us feel welcome." She sighed. "Oh, well."
18-09-2003, 09:20
David stood towards the back, doing his level best to look as disinterested as possible. He kept his thoughts as carefully neutral as possible - not an easy thing, considering he had no formal training. Damn school full of mind-readers - I swear I'm the only normal one here was one of those that escaped.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 09:23
Rebecca turned her head and saw another student looking exactly as she felt. She smiled to him, and spoke quietly, hoping not to draw any attention from the teacher. "Hi, I'm Rebecca."
18-09-2003, 09:27
It took David a second to realize that she was talking to him. It shattered what little concentration he had going. "Oh, er, hello," he stammered, the calculated 'cool' lost in an instant. "How're you doin', Rebecca? I'm, er, I'm David."
Kathryn smiled. "Hello. Odd, isn't it. It's taking all of my brother's tricks to keep from having my mind read!" She smiled disarmingly. He's cute. What was his name? David, wasn't it?
18-09-2003, 09:35
David nodded to her as well. "'lo." He shook his head slightly, tossing a mop of brown hair to one side. It wasn't really well cut or combed, but suited his face well. Father had always yelled at him about that, saying a proper lad ought to have a proper haircut, but there wasn't much he could do after David's sixteenth birthday. "I could use a trick or two as well," he nodded, trying to grin. Go ahead and read, you peeping Toms. I haven't anything to hide.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 09:36
Rebecca ran her hand through her hair, tucking a few loose strands behind her ear. "I'm fine considering I think I'm in hell." Which is an odd statement for anyone from Tartarus. "What about you, enjoying your first day?"
She turned slightly to Kathryn. "They can read mine, their not going to learn anything that I wouldn't tell them." She smiled.
18-09-2003, 09:40
"Not so good," shrugged David at her, "and not likely to get much better. First period was fun enough, I 'pose. Seemed more like Chemistry than Math, though - mix a bunch of overinflated egos and shake well." He grinned, a wry half-smirk that his father constantly told him to wipe off.
"I've had worse. At least this beats Inquisitorial training." She turned to David. "That smirk. It doesn't suit you at all."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 09:46
Rebecca looked at the others, a bemused expression touching her features. "Yes, first class was definitely out of hand. For a tough teacher, he didn't really have any control." She grimaced as she thought of that happening back home. "We'd have been in detention for a year for that behaviour back in Tartarus."
She turned to Kathryn. "I don't know, it's kind of sweet." She smiled at David.
"Heh. I don't want to talk about what they do to ordinary people who act like that in Roania. At least my father is the CFO and a duke, so I'm safe." She looked at David critically. "I'll agree there, but what about the hair?" She opened her bag. "I have a comb somewhere."
18-09-2003, 09:52
David laughed shortly at the joke, but was more impressed at how well the conversation was flowing. At home, he couldn't talk to most anyone - just the old farmhand, and everynow and then his older brother. "From the stories they tell us, that's what I'd suppose every public school's like back in the 'wealth," he replied, before hearing Kathryn's comment. The 'smirk' vanished quickly, only to be back when Rebecca mentioned she liked it.
Then he saw Kathryn go for a comb. A little unusually, he backed up a step. "I'd really prefer y'didn't," he stammered slightly. "I, uh, don't like combs very much."
"Pity. You could be cute if we could just do something about your hair." She put her head on her side. "Though it does look rakish."
((If she's being insulting, she doesn't realise it. Most Roanians don't. They enjoy criticism, within limits))
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 09:57
Rebecca ruffled David's hair playfully and laughed. "Leave him as he is, he has character." She flicked her own black hair with green highlights. "It's better than being plastered onto his hair with a ton of gunk."
18-09-2003, 09:59
David tossed one of his smiles at Kathryn. "Thanks, but I was too good looking as a baby. No reason to hog it forever, eh?" However, Kathryn was soon dismissed as he turned back to Rebecca. "I don't usually go much for the whole neat trimmed thing...it's too much my father." The comment easily could have been addressed to Kathryn, had he not been staring straight at Rebecca.
"Ah... say no more." Kathryn coughed. "Um, who is your father? If I'm not being too bold?"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 10:04
Rebecca continued to smile. "I hate people who conform to rigid rules. Why do you think I did this to my hair." She laughed as she recalled her father's reaction to it. "I was kind of rebelling against coming here." She shrugged and grimaced, realising suddenly how right her fears had been. "But hopefully I'll make some friends while I'm here, and the place won't seem so bad."
18-09-2003, 10:07
David didn't seem to hear Kathryn's comment. "You're lucky in some ways, I guess. Coming here was my father's way of keeping me from rebelling," he laughed. His dark brown eyes darted across her hair. "I like it...not something you'd see on the Shield, to be sure."
Kathryn smiled. Well, I can find out. "My father sent me here because I was getting in the way, and because my stupid brother stuffed up the mission to Rave Shentavo, and no Roanians are allowed there any more."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 10:11
Rebecca shrugged and sighed as she ran her finger through it. "I actually hate it. I guess rebelling has its drawbacks." She turned to Kathryn. "I've heard of the Academy, apparantly its as weird as here, but at least there its mentioned in the brouchure." She laughed.
"Heh. Yeah, same." She smiled. "Vampires and Phalanixians and soldiers, oh my."
18-09-2003, 10:17
"Oh, eh, right," mumbled David, feeling a little stupid. "There's a brouchure?" he asked, not wanting to fall silent for too long.
(I'm out...nice to see that maybe this thread can be saved! ;) 'night, all.)
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 10:28
Rebecca laughed, as she nudged David. "No, silly." She looked at Kathryn. "So Roania's a pretty tough place to live, huh?"
"Yes. More than most of you realise." She shuddered. "Breaking the rules is strictly punished. There are cameras every where, watching the ordinary people. The upper classes are safe from that, but if we put one foot out of line..." She grimaced. "The punishments are harsh. It's considered a good week if your name doesn't turn up in Polizei or Inquisitorial records."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 10:40
Rebecca shuddered. "Doesn't sound too nice. I don't like the idea of appearing on records." She sighed, as she thought about having a record. "Must be hard to remain unnoticed.
She thought for a moment, recalling home. "We have rumours in Tartarus of people disappearing, although I think that is just to keep everyone in line, and there's a rule book a mile high, but it's not too bad a place to live, if you behave."
"Hah. At least in your nation, when they disapear, you know why."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 11:33
Rebecca shrugged. "Not necessarily. Tartarus is just like most governments, they do things that no one knows about." She looked at Kathryn and smiles. "Roania may do everything in the open, Tartarus does everything behind closed doors."
Kathryn smiled, though a little voice at the back of her head screamed 'Danger'. She leaned forward. "Besides 'Moppy', any other cute boys here?"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 11:51
Rebecca laughed, at the sudden change of subject. Speaking conspiratorially. "Not really had the chance to have a good look, considering." She cast her eye across the other students present. "Excepting David, the others seem to have no conversation unless its my toy's better than yours." She smiled cheekily. "But if it's just looks you're after, there are a few."
Kathryn grimaced. "1 cute, smart boy, and three girls. This won't be nice."
((Is DS still posting here?))
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 12:23
Rebecca looked at David, and couldn't help thinking that he may be uncomfortable with three girls chasing after him. "It is only the first day, I guess we should allow the others a chance to redeem themselves."
Although I don't believe they will.
((Okay, I've gotta go))
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
18-09-2003, 14:00
Fred walks over to Rebecca, Katherine and David. "Hi there, do you know if there's supposed to be a lesson going on around here somewhere at the moment? Apart from the military training thing, of course. After that last lesson I don't want to see what happens here when the students are armed."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:02
Rebecca turned to Fred and pointed to the teacher at the front. "Physical Education, obstacle course." She raised her eyebrows to heaven. "Great first day, huh?"
18-09-2003, 14:10
"Oh yes," Fred replies, "Just what I needed after the long flight out here. Perhaps they'll calm down after a while. Surely nobody can be like that all the time."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:20
Rebecca shrugged and laughed. "I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you." She smiled. "I'm Rebecca." She pointed to the others as she spoke. "And this is David, and Kathryn."
18-09-2003, 14:23
"Nice to meet you all. My names Fred and I'm from a rather obscure country called Keoii. Where are you all from?"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:27
"Koeii? What's it like?" Rebecca had to admit that most countries were obscure to her. Geography was not exactly her favourite subject. "I'm from Tartarus, Kathryn is from Roania, and David is from 'The Shield'." She counted them off her fingers as she recited them, then smiled.
18-09-2003, 14:32
So far, Matthew had successfully remained unnoticed by the teacher, and it didn't look like that would change any time soon. He noticed four people over in a corner of the room talking amongst themselves and decided to go join them. "Hi guys," he said as he walked up.
OOC: Sorry bout not posting anythgin last night, my scholl server is a POS. I hate working on servers. So ummm...anyhting major happen over the past 10 pages since I've been gone?
18-09-2003, 14:37
"It's essentially just a big city and a lot of suburban housing. It's good for fast cars and cutting-edge novels, but that's about it. I don't really get to spend a lot of time there to be honest. My family isn't really liked there." Fred sighs, "So what brought you to this little country?"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:39
Rebecca turned as another student joined them. "Hi, I'm Rebecca, and you are?" She looked at him sure she remembered him from the last class, but as so much had happened in it, it was hard to recall.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:40
OOC: Sorry bout not posting anythgin last night, my scholl server is a POS. I hate working on servers. So ummm...anyhting major happen over the past 10 pages since I've been gone?
[ooc: not a lot really, just a bunch of people talking about who was better than who, before the class broke up. We are now having Physical Education, and just introducing ourselves.]
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 14:43
Rebecca turns back to Fred. "My father travels around a lot and had heard this was a good school, so here I am." She sighed, feeling homesick again.
OOC: Gotcha, I'll try to find a way to write myself back in.
18-09-2003, 14:51
"I suppose most people here are in the same situation." Fred says, then he turns to the new-comer, "Hi."
18-09-2003, 15:16
Matthew notices one of the girls speaking to him. "Hi, Rebecca. My name's Matthew." He is then greeted by one of the boys and returns the greeting. "Some weird teachers we have in this place, eh? Nothing at all like home."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 15:18
Rebecca laughed, reminded of an earlier conversation. "That's true. We have nothing like them back in Tartarus...fortunately." She grinned.
Kisar takes his TSD cap and puts it on the ground and starts to practice the TSD martal art of Hiasa-Juasa
OCC:in the commen tounge is means "Lightning-hands"
after 5 minutes of practicing he reaches into his pack and brings out a violin and starts to play Chris de burgh's "The Tower"
(OOC Is Daniella Shentavo here in person at any time? Just wondering)
OCC:i don't know. i am just playing the vilolin so i am not paying attention
OOC: Im jsut tyring to find a way to write myself back into this after my school's server crashed last night.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:09
[ooc: just approach someone, and start talking.]
Leon walks into the hallway and runs into someone.
18-09-2003, 18:12
David listened with a bit of shock to the descriptions of Roania and Tartarus. "Wow," he whispered. "Anyone tried that in Iansisle, Parliament and the High King would find themselves strung up in Unity Square." He nodded to Fred and Matthew as they walked up, remembering Matthew from after first period. After they arrived, though, he didn't say much.
18-09-2003, 18:13
Link slowly walks out to the students in there class and looks for the teacher. He walks up to the teacher almost looking like a angel of death walking among mortals
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:15
Rebecca turned to face David. "You seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden?" She smiled kindly.
18-09-2003, 18:17
"Hi I'm Link the re-cal teacher," he says to the other teacher "We should get to know each other after your class is over." Link turns around and starts walking away
((Hey where are you guys))
Kisar puts his violin away and brings out a acustic guitar and starts to play "Eight Days a week"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:22
((Hey where are you guys))
[ooc: outside, I think. There was some mention of an obstacle course]
Marisa walked around, wondering who to talk to. She saw a small group of students talking, and walked over to them, and stood silently, trying to quietly work her way in. She heard one comment on someone being 'strung up', and wonderd if he meant that they hung people.
Kisar finds a tree to sit on and he leaps onto it and playing "Please Please me"
18-09-2003, 18:25
Rebecca turned to face David. "You seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden?" She smiled kindly.
He seems startled. "Oh, er, right. Nah, I was just thinking." He noticed that duffer of a teacher from first period trying to look impressive, maybe even court their other teacher. He couldn't resist giving it one of his smiles. Somehow, I don't think Rainbow seems your type, Darth.
Rebecca turned to face David. "You seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden?" She smiled kindly.
He seems startled. "Oh, er, right. Nah, I was just thinking." He noticed that duffer of a teacher from first period trying to look impressive, maybe even court their other teacher. He couldn't resist giving it one of his smiles. Somehow, I don't think Rainbow seems your type, Darth.
Kisar: i heard that
18-09-2003, 18:26
Link startedd walking towards the students. His armor added a unknown fear factor to his looks. He almost seemeed like a war god.
((Be afraid be very afraid))
Leon walks out and looks at Link. Leon says, "Link is really starting to freak me out." Leon shrugs and walks off.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:29
He seems startled. "Oh, er, right. Nah, I was just thinking." He noticed that duffer of a teacher from first period trying to look impressive, maybe even court their other teacher. He couldn't resist giving it one of his smiles. Somehow, I don't think Rainbow seems your type, Darth.
Rebecca laughed. "Thinking in a gym glass, that has to be a first." She followed his gaze to where it rested on the two teachers, and her heart sank. Another lesson going to the wall. "I think it's going to be impossible to graduate from this school."
Kisar continues to play "while my guitar gently weeps"
18-09-2003, 18:30
"Oh no it will be posible. If you stay on my good side that is," Link says to Rebecca as he walks closer
Kisar sees link and waves to him
Leon climbs up a tree to the very top. He pulls out a knife and a sharpener and starts sharpening his knife.
18-09-2003, 18:33
Link turns his armored helmet and gives Kisar a nod
Marisa watched Link walk by, and gave him one of those 'Am I supposed to be impresed?' looks. She noticed a pause in the convorstation, and looked at David. "Aye, I've seen scarier things in my brothers room than that," she joked.
Kisar returns to playing his guitar
Kisar thinks to himself that it isn't too bad outside
18-09-2003, 18:35
Wonderful - ol' sparky hands is coming over here. Probably thinks he can intimidate us physically. He turned to Rebecca. "I don't know - but in the 'wealth, at least, it's considered rather bad form to interrupt another teacher in their lesson. The same in Tartarus?"
Wonderful - ol' sparky hands is coming over here. Probably think he can intimidate us physically. He turned to Rebecca. "I don't know - but in the 'wealth, at least, it's considered rather bad form to interrupt another teacher in their lesson. The same in Tartarus?"
Kisar looks up and says
Kisar:I HEARD THAT THOUGHT! that was VERY rude
18-09-2003, 18:38
Marisa watched Link walk by, and gave him one of those 'Am I supposed to be impresed?' looks. She noticed a pause in the convorstation, and looked at David. "Aye, I've seen scarier things in my brothers room than that," she joked.
David jumped slightly, as if he'd been burned, when Marisa started talking. "Oh, er, sorry - you reminded me of someone." He nooded to her, with a curious look, before continuing to pointedly ignore Kisar.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:39
Rebecca sighed, as she watched Linx walk past. She turned to Marisa, and nodded in a bleak way. "Not so frightening as a person, but in an education type way..." She mouthed. "Nightmare." She laughed.
She turned back to David. "If this school was in Tartarus, it would be closed already and the teaching staff would probably have been shot." She grimaced at the thought of her potentially wasted school years and vowed to kill her father.
Kisar gets a evil idea. he starts to send telepathic messages to the insects that the guy ignoring him clothes is food and he suggests to them that they take some home
they trust their freind and start crawling up the guys leg and tear little holes inot his clothes
18-09-2003, 18:40
"Then you havn't seen my home right now," Link says to Rebecca as he stops walking
"Oh, sorry, didnt mean to startle ya," she said, smiling. She looked over at Kisar, thoght somethign, and then giggled. She heard Rebeca's comment, and responded wiht a confused look. "Why would they close the school and shoot the teachers? Are they that bad?"
Kisar Glares at rebecca for that thought and tell the Spiders to climb into her hair and lay eggs
Leon takes a nap in the tree but falls out. He gets back up unscathed. He says, "You're very lucky you're a tree and I don't have a chainsaw."
18-09-2003, 18:43
David chuckled slightly at what he thought was a joke, before noting her glum look. "Oh, er, sorry - thought you were making a joke..." he said, voice trailing off slightly in embarassment. He looked down at the ground slightly. The wasted years of education didn't really matter to him - hell, he had wasted the years on the Shield when he'd been going to well-taught institutes.
18-09-2003, 18:45
"Rebecca you do know what happened in Phalanix only 10 days ago?" Link asks her
Leon gets bored and walks to the group.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:48
Rebecca smiled sadly at David. "I was...kind of, although it's a very unhappy joke." She turned to Linx. "Yes, I know what has been happening in Phalanix, but does that mean that my life should be disrupted as well?"
"Yes, I know all about the nuclear explosion." say Leon.
Kisar gets down from the Tree and sits at the Trunk of the tree and plays on his Guitar "The Spanish Train"
18-09-2003, 18:50
"It's explosions. 7 to be exact. Over 10 million dead," Link says
Ten days ago? Do you know whats been happening in my home for the past century? Marisa thought. Of course, and outsider wouldn't understand, and she just wrote him off as another person who had no idea what true oppresion and destruction were. She noticed a new commer, and turned to greet him. "Hi," she said with a nod and smile.
Kisar puts his guitar away and starts to study for the next class
Leon smiles and says,"Hi" to Marisa.
18-09-2003, 18:53
David kept his face impassive, and remained quiet. Do you want a cookie, Darth? he asked silently.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 18:54
Rebecca looked sadly at Link. "We understand what has happened in your country, but we came here to be taught. Our parents have paid good money to send us here. Is it too much to expect to get something out of our time here?" She sighed.
It's not like we can stop those 10 million from dying.
18-09-2003, 18:55
No he dosn't. He has feasted on 10 million already Link sends to David's mind "Also you got another class with me. But we are not doing boring math," Link says
Marisa extended her hand. "Marisa McManus, pleased to meet..." she was interupted by her own laughing at David's comment, although she mannaged to keep it to a slight giggle. She elbowed him playfully, leaning over and whispering, "Aye, that was nice one."
David kept his face impassive, and remained quiet. Do you want a cookie, Darth? he asked silently.
Kisar sends a telepathic Bolt of pain going up his neck and arms for that thought
Leon say,"I'm Lance Corporal Leon Anderson. Pleased to meet you."
18-09-2003, 18:59
"Gee, that's swell!" exclaimed David. "I was just thinking we didn't see enough of you, even in the classes you don't teach!" He brushed at his forearm in mild annoyance. He shot a half-grin, half-smirk at Marisa
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 19:00
[ooc: okay, I'm afraid I need a little rant. Can we stop all this mindreading? It's getting so annoying every time you put a thought in someone attempts to pay you back for it.
And can we all remember this is a highschool, not combat academy.]
Lance Corpal? At this age? Wonder if...nah she thought to herself. "A bit young to be a Lance Corpral, aren't we?"
"I know, I was trained at 7 to be a Marine." Leon says proudly. He knows what people would say about that.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 19:02
Rebecca turned to David and raised her eyes to heaven. "That will be a class to look forward to...not."
"Gee, that's swell!" exclaimed David. "I was just thinking we didn't see enough of you, even in the classes you don't teach!" He brushed at his forearm in mild annoyance. He shot a half-grin, half-smirk at Marisa
Marisa held it in, the last thing she planned on doing was bursting out into laughter right here. She didn't want to emberass herself on her first day of school, and fought to keep it in. "So...David," she said, stuttering, "where are you from." It took everythign to not fall over in tears of laughter.
18-09-2003, 19:03
"If you don't want to do math just come with me. And David if you keep the smart mouthing up you will fail," Link says as he starts walking towards his jeep
Being the proud Irish girl she was, Marisa simply smiled. "David, Leon, it was of course a pleasure talking to you, but I believe I'll go with Sgt. Heartman here to see what the big bad Phalanzian has in store for us," she joked as she followed Link to his jeep.
18-09-2003, 19:06
Link stoped at his jeep and smiled evily and reached inside nd pulled out 2 fairly large bags and set them down on the ground
"So," Marisa asked inocently, rocking back and forth, "whats in the bag? Your girlfriend?"
18-09-2003, 19:09
"No something much more fun," Link says as he opens one bag and tosses Marisa a helmet
18-09-2003, 19:09
((First off, I quite agree with G.T. - enough with the mind reading and psychic powers. It's ok if there's one or two - but what's the likelyhood of the all being telepathic? Second off, I'm going to play all psychic attacks on my character as 'mildly annoying', especially given the frequency with which they appear to be thrown around.))
David waved to Link. "Bon voyage! I think I'll stay and try for an education!" He snorted - failing wasn't a threat. He hadn't really been planning on passing in the first place. "Oh, I'm from the Shield...er, in Iansisle. I, er, don't believe I caught your name."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 19:12
Rebecca seeing that this class was going nowhere fast, decided that she might as well find out where her room was. She didn't think that anyone would miss her for a while.
She smiled at David. "Catch you later."
Kisar Finishes his studying then practices Hiasa-Juasa (lightning-hands)
At the thought of having Link having more fun with a helmet than a female, she dropped the top in discust, and made a mental note to go wash her hands. She approached the group, wlaking back up to David. "My name's Marisa. Iansisle eh? President McGuire was on his way there when I left home."
18-09-2003, 19:13
((Ya the mind reading is a bitch. One or two is ok but all is just BS))
Link just gave David the finger and pulls out a paint ball rifle and loads it and smiles evily
then he sees link with a paintball rifle then he quickly gets a machine Paintball rifle out and calls to link
Kisar:Hey linky! *fires rapidly*
Leon sees Link with the paint-ball gun and has an adrenaline rush. This is the first bit of combat he's seen since leaving home.
*Makes mental not to never go to this school in real life*
18-09-2003, 19:17
Link just smiles and fires a single shot at Kisars head falloweed by a quick backflip over his Warthog and fallowed by another 15 rounds at Kisar
18-09-2003, 19:19
David didn't see anyone flip him the bird because he was too busy saying goodbye to Rebecca. Crikes - did I say something wrong?
He slowly turned as Marisa walked back up. "Oh," he answered slowly, and a little forlornly. "Yeah, I heard about that too." He didn't have any idea who President McGuire was.
Great...more boys and their toys...
"I, uh, think I'm going to ditch this class before it falls apart any farther. Care to join?" he asked in a manner that wasn't all that inviting.
18-09-2003, 19:20
"Hey Kisar hold your fire," Link shouts "Now anyonje who wants in come to my jeep and we can suit you up."
Kisar dances out of the paints way while fireing 40 rounds at Link
Kisar:is THAT the best you can do?
Leon runs to the jeep. This is the first bit of combat he's been in since leaving home.
18-09-2003, 19:22
Link tosses Leon a helmet some gloves and a rifle fully loaded and shouts "NO RULES!"
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 19:23
Rebecca walked back to the main building and checked at the desk where she could find her room. After several minutes, she was on her way. When she entered, she picked the bed she wanted and unpacked her things, from the cases that had been brought up already.
She flopped onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. This was going to be a long year, she could tell that already.
Marisa simple noded. "Aye, somehtign about Jeff and James. Don't quite know who they are, but then agian I'm not President McGuire, and I dont have to do teh invitational stuff."
She watched as Link and Kisar shot at each other with paintballs, and mumbled somethign about children. "That Kisar fellow, he's a few cards short of a straigt," she said, turnign her back to them.
"Eh, anything is better than hanging around here," she finished, offering a half smile.
Leon puts on the gear and grabs the gun and shouts, "YEAH!!!"
18-09-2003, 19:23
"Oh dear. Guns." Fred says icily. Disgusted at the concept of war games. "If you will excuse me, I'm going to try to find out where the dormatories are."
Kisar ceases fire and walks to jeep
OCC:i g2g for about 15 or so minutes
18-09-2003, 19:26
Link suddenly pops up and tosses Kisar a helmet and some gloves and then starts running.
18-09-2003, 19:26
James, at least was familiar - High King James III, Regent of the Empire. David showed nothing outwards. "'pose they have a moving-picture house around here? I could go for catching the new Kirk Valoon flickerer." He dug his hands in his pocket as he walked slowly away from the jeep and the incredible immaturity.
Leon runs outward shooting at Link.
18-09-2003, 19:28
Link quickly rolls on the ground taking about 2 paint balls to the feet and he stops rolling when he is facing Leon and opens fire on him.
Leon gets hit in the arm 3 times and ducks, rolls and opens fire.
"Not sure if they do, but I wouldn't be suprised if they did. We'll have to find someone who knows their way around here. But whose this Kirk Valoon," she asked, not knowing the name.
18-09-2003, 19:31
Link starts running for the school again and smiles evily
18-09-2003, 19:32
"Eh? Oh, sorry. He's the big moving-picture star back in the 'wealth. Starred in Seven to Gadsan and the Hunter's Hunter." David didn't say much, and was broken and distracted in his answers.
Leon chases after Link firing rapidly.
18-09-2003, 19:33
Link runns past a group of older stuents and letts Leon's shots hit them as he ran laughing.
Leon runs past the students and says,"Sorry". He then chases Link even more while picking up the pace.
18-09-2003, 19:36
((I'll brb in a few min need to clean up room))
"Really? Is he a good actor?" Marisa asked as she stepped inside the building, looking over her shoulder at Likn and Leon and Kirsa. "Like little children. Always a pissing match," she said. "Do you know what room your in?"
18-09-2003, 19:39
Fred checks in at the desk and finds his room surprisingly quickly. I'm glad it doesn't seem to be shared accomodation. He thinks, as he takes his few personal belonging out of his bag. I wouldn't want to have to share a room with those psychopaths.
He takes an old Keoan novel from his bag and sits down to read it. While wandering why Link could run around school shooting things without getting arrested.
18-09-2003, 19:40
"Yup," he nodded, not really listening to her question. "I'm sorry? Oh, yeah, good enough. I suppose." A second later - "No, don't think so. If Darth has his way, I expect to be sleeping in a cardboard box behind the dumpster."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 19:42
Bored of looking at the ceiling, Rebecca decides to find the nearest sweet shop and stock up on chocolate confectionary. She slides off her bed and leaves her room.
Marisa giggled at teh box comment. "Yeah, he seems a wee bit on the off side."
18-09-2003, 20:02
David smiled, but didn't seem terribly eager to continue the conversation. Seeing as how all the authority figures were apparently running about shooting paint guns, it was easy enough to slip out of the school to town.
Marisa looked around the inside of the school from where she stood, and decided that the convorsation was heading no where, so decided to take her leave. "Well, it was nice talking to you, but I think I'll be heading back to my room. Unpack and all," she finished, walking off.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 20:06
[ooc: Do you want Marisa to share a room with Rebecca?]
18-09-2003, 20:07
"Later," waved David, continuing to walk towards the edge of campus.
Taking a break from shooting the paintball gun, Leon walks to his room to unpack.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 20:10
Rebecca walked out of the main building back into the sunlight. She was pleased to note that Link and the other students had driven off in the jeep. She was sorry that she had to leave the lesson as she was beginning to make some friends.
Damn, school.
She walked along the path, smiling to people walking towards her, the whole time trying to decide which chocolate most suited her mood. It didn't take her long to reach the school gate.
18-09-2003, 20:15
Matthew isn't the type of person that tends to get bored easily, but the first two "classes" have definitely bored him. He leaves the area to go drop off his stuff in his room. He has no idea what he will do afterward.
18-09-2003, 20:16
David sat down on a bench on the main drag through town. Running a hand through his hair, he looked around. This place wasn't quite the same as the 'wealth...
18-09-2003, 20:16
Link done with his paint ball fun walks back to his jeep and grabs another pack and starts walking into the school towards his room.
[ooc: Do you want Marisa to share a room with Rebecca?]
OOC: Its your call, but sure
Leon gets done unpacking so he watches some T.V.
18-09-2003, 20:21
((BRB must kill dog))
Link opens his rooms door and tosses his stuff inside and removes his armor's helmet
Kisar walks into his room wich is decorated with weapons and a small laboratry
Leon gets hungry so he grabs an MRE out of his pack.
Then Kisar reaches into his ear and pulls out a Translator and begins to clean it at the lab table
Leon gets through eating his MRE and he begins hanging up Langham Marine Corps. posters.
After a short bit of searching, Marisa found her room. SHe opened the door ans look in. Whoever her roomate was had already stopped by and unpacked before leaving. "Might as well get down to buisness," she said outloud to no one in particular, and began unpacking.
meanwhile Kisar is in the middle of a expariment when he acidently mix the wrong chemicals and smoke activates the fire alarm.
Kisar:Opps! :shock:
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 20:30
[ooc: Do you want Marisa to share a room with Rebecca?]
OOC: Its your call, but sure
[ooc: I say they share]
Leon sees smoke comming from Kisar's and he runs to Kisar's room with a bucket of water.
Kisar turns around to see a bucket of water comming at him
Leon puts the bucket down and says,"There, that fire is no more."
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 20:33
David sat down on a bench on the main drag through town. Running a hand through his hair, he looked around. This place wasn't quite the same as the 'wealth...
Rebecca spotted a familiar face, looking rather downcast. She walked up to the bench and sat down. "What's the matter? You seem miles away?"
Victor plays AC/DC loud in his room.
Kisar looks angary.
Kisar:THER WAS NO FIRE YOU IDIOT! i just mixed the wrong chemicals and it created smoke but NO FIRE!
Slugs Leon
Leon falls to the ground. He gets back up and slugs Kisar.
Victor plays AC/DC loud in his room.
Kisar grabs Leons arm and twists it as HARD as he can then brings out a stun gun and zaps him.
Leon falls to the floor and starts flopping like a fish. He trips Kisar in the process.
Victor helps Leon by kicking Kisar.
Kisar get's up and grabs Loen by his collar and throws him out the door then starts cleaning the mess up
Kisar:ok..NOW I AM PI$$ED OFF!
he gets a stun grenade and arms it.
Leon goes flying out the door and yells,"THAT'S THE LAST TIME I'LL HELP YOU!!!"
Kisar closes the door and disarms the grenade and finishes cleaning up
Kisar:Morons! i am surrounded by morons!
Leon says,"Thanks for the help Victor". He then walks to his room and slams his door shut and locks it.
18-09-2003, 20:41
Link hears the fighting and shakes his head and starts walking down to his class room.
Marisa was in the process of sticking up her countires flag on an empty space over her head when she heard teh fight. "God," she said quietly, "give me the strength to not go out there and kill all three of them." She finished putting up the flag, and flopped on the bed.
after the room was clean he goes onto his bed and starts to play solitaire
Victor knocks on Kisar's door.
18-09-2003, 20:43
Link entrs his class room and closes the door and starts taking off his armor and putting on his street wear
Leon walks to Kisar's room with a mallet.
Victor sees Leon. Whats with the hammer.
looks up and get's a M-16 ready just in case.
Kisar:Don't you DARE think of that
Leon walks to his room and get a M-153 Ghost Assault Rifle.
Leon yells,"FINE WITH ME!!!"
Are you two trying to ruin this RP?
OCC:nope. just some normal male hostility's going on
18-09-2003, 20:48
Link hearing the yelling sighs and grabs his M9D from his armor and putt it in his holster in his jacket and grabs his keys and walks out of his class locking the door and walks to his jeep
OOC:Yep, nothing new. Male hostility.
OOC: If that is what you call normal male hostility, then you both gotta be girls. Let me ask, are you all in college or a boarding school like enviroment (In real life)?
OCC:anyway's. back to the RP
Kisar looks at what's left of his experiment
Kisar:this was my last chance to help come up with a cure for my father.
Kisar starts to read WW2 books and he falls asleep while in the middle of the third one
Leon returns to his room and takes out his laptop and reads the Langham news.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 20:55
OCC:i brought 4 Trasian weapons with me for SD. so bug off
2 daggars,1 lugar in TSD uniform and 1 M-16
18-09-2003, 20:59
((Each elite armor has atleast one pitol. one clip so no worrys))
Link fired up his jeep and started driving to the gates of the school
OOC: G-T, let them have their fun, and we people stop RPing with them over it, they'll change.
about 4 hours later Kisar wakes up and practices Jansa-Kisafa(Streching-Bodymucles)
Victor plays AC/DC loud in his room.
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 21:09
[ooc: These threads always go like this. How many schools do you know of where the students come in fully armed with military weapons? I personally know of none. And it's not fun for the rest of the people RPing when they have to acknowledge incidents that they think are totally over the top. If they want a weapons fight, why can't they go and start another thread.]
OOC: Yeah, but what are you gonna do? Like I said, those of us who are actually gonna RP this just ignore them, and eventually they'll get bored and leave. Anyways, I'm off for a few hours, gotta go get food and write a paper.
ooc: I got it.
ic: Over the PA system Katarina's voice sounds, "Leon and Kisar, you will report to room 213 NOW, I have some issues we need to discuss."
Victor reads Jennifer Government while watching RNN.
18-09-2003, 21:25
25 min later...
Link pulls back up to his parking spot and turns off his Warthog and begens walking towards the school again.
18-09-2003, 22:14
Rebecca spotted a familiar face, looking rather downcast. She walked up to the bench and sat down. "What's the matter? You seem miles away?"
(sorry this took so long - I had class (ironically enough). And I must say that I quite agree - I don't know about Danya, but if you were toting military grade weapons around MY school, I'd have you tossed out, and probably tried. I mean, a fully automatic weapon like an M-16 is probably illegal anyway. Sheesh.)
David seemed startled, looking up quickly. "Oh, Rebecca - hi. I, uh, thou- well, nothing." He was silent for a moment, not really looking at her, and not really away. "Just thinkin' about home."
(UFI - St. Patrick's Cross or the green, white, and orange?)
18-09-2003, 22:15
"Hello Victor. Now where is a fridge and a beer wen you need one," Link says as he enters his room
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 22:20
Rebecca fidgeted uncomfortable, and made to get up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She looked at her hands, which she were interlacing together. "I won't disturb you." She rose from the seat.
18-09-2003, 22:22
"No, no!" he insisted, rising too. "It's alright - I doubt that sitting around moping is the best thing to do."
OOC: Damn . . . over 20 pages! I've been gone for too long!
Gehenna Tartarus
18-09-2003, 22:24
Rebecca nodded in agreement. "That's what I was doing, so I thought I'd buy some chocolate." She sighed, and shook her head slowly. "To be honest, I think I was looking for an excuse to get away from the madhouse." She laughed lightly.
Kisar goes quickly to room 213