Charter of the Triumvirate of Yut (Mk2, IC Trium only) - Page 2
Reploid Productions
26-03-2004, 05:33
In light of Empress Evendim's withdrawal from the Order of the Seraphim, the Shogunate changes its vote to 'aye', on the condition of a probationary period and security audit prior to access to any Triumvirate technology or equipment. I always like to hope for the best, but it pays to take precautions against the worst.
In other news, the Hand of God class Zansatsusha is completed and is undergoing preliminary exercises at Tengoku station. Once that is complete, the ship will accompany whichever TEF is in the Earth theatre at the time and then go on to Titan for assignment within the TYCS.
Vote AYE on Sneaky Bastards!
~Firefury Amahira
~Lady Shogun Eternal under the Wings of Chaos
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
We vote Aye for the inclusion of Sneaky Bastards.
Eadwacer, Mearclanda Þeoden
01-04-2004, 03:23
Sorry, server-burp.
01-04-2004, 03:23
<Communications to the Council of Yut>
<< I've examined the evidence and agree that Sneaky Bastards would make a fine addition to the Triumvirate. Their traditionally quiet nature, coupled with their nonagressive yet defensively powerful doctrine, suits us well.
<< Thus, in their matter, I vote '1.'
<< The admission of Sagesquagmire is certainly a dilemma. Given the constant Seraphim movements since their choice to cancel their membership in that organization, combined with Eizen's defection soon after (as was indicated accurately by Triumvirate of Yut Special Services intelligence), it seems readily apparent that their rejection of the Order and their interest in us are both equally sincere.
<< However, there yet remains the possibility that they will present a security risk if they are permitted full access, even if that risk is unintentional on their part. I am willing to conduct a security analysis of their systems to ascertain their security even before they are accepted on a probationary basis, if that will appease the fears of the good Prime Minister Seal.
<< For the moment, concerning their admission, I vote a tentative "1" that will depend on their reaction to my offer. If they require assistance, I can devote the Mobile Response Fleet to their defense... again, at their discretion.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
01-04-2004, 03:28
Status Concerning Admission of Sneaky Bastards
Votes needed for admission: 11
Votes For: 8
Reploid Productions (sponsoring)
Votes against: none
Votes Abstaining: 2
Status of the Vote for Distributing Black Knight Drive Technology to Triumvirate Civilians
Votes needed: 11
Votes for: 11 -MOTION PASSES-
Reploid Productions
Dread Lady Nathicana
Votes against: none
Votes abstaining: none
Corporations suggested/interested:
Technology-Manufacturing-Energy Industries
KarmaCorp TechSystems
Empire of Treznor
Kastaa Power Works
RPRA Techcorp
Eidolon Technologies Inc.
Concerning the Potential Admission of Sagesquagmire
For: 5
Sakkra (sponsoring)
Treznor (with probationary period)
Cetaganda (with probationary period)
Reploid Productions (with probationary period and security audit)
Zero-One (with probationary period, volunteers to do security audit)
Votes against: 1
Votes abstaining: 1
Angelus (but will support military intervention in Sagesquagmire's behalf)
01-04-2004, 06:44
On the matter of the admission of Sneaky Bastards, Menelmacar votes AYE.
On the matter of disseminating Black Knight drives to civilians, Menelmacar votes AYE, and puts forth notice that Fëanor Holdings Group wishes to license the technology.
Lady Sirithil nos Fëanor
Elentári of the Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar
High Queen and Lady-Protector of Elvenkind
"We have known freedom's price. We have shown freedom's power. We will see freedom's victory."
~US President George W. Bush
We Love the Iraqi Information Minister (
-<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>-
-<Destination: S.H.O.D.A.N. of Zero-One, CC: Council of Yut>-
-<Subject: Sagesquagmire Vote>-
While there are few nations whose security analysis and evaluation we would trust in regards to Sagesquagmire, we would trust Zero-One to be the most thurough. S.H.O.D.A.N.'s reputation precedes her.
After a complete and thurough security check, with a definitive conclusion that Sagesquagmire would not present a security risk, Khenala would be willing to revisit and reconsider its decision on inclusion.
We understand that the brunt of public opinion is against our current position in this matter. For the moment, however, until our concerns are abated, we stand firm in it.
Prime Minister Andrew Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
-<End Transmission>-
02-04-2004, 07:48*
As a note.
The SLAGLands
09-04-2004, 01:39
On behalf of the Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands, I am honoured to place a vote of "aye" for the inclusion of Sneaky Bastards into the Triumvirate of Yut, as well as a vote of "aye, pending probationary period" for the inclusion of Sagesquagmire.
The Intergalactic Community of SLAGLand Titan
SLAGLandic Envoy to the Triumvirate of Yut
Having conducted extensive intel-gathering of the nation of Sneaky bastards, we have decided to ammend our vote. We will vote 'Aye' for their inclusion, and wish them a hearty 'Hail and well met'.
10-04-2004, 07:24
Good news! Lieutenant Commander MacDonald and Diplomatic Officer Andronikashvili of the scoutship Endeavour reports successful first contact with the "Imperial Dragonate" in system S47109, called the "Aurora" system by the inhabitants. It is apparently a splinter colony of Cyberutopia; friendly diplomatic communication is recommended with the Dragonate.
The GEC is going over the logs currently and amending our first-contact doctrine from this important lesson.
On the subject of the Black Knight interstellar drives, GEC officials will meet with representatives of Triumvirate companies soon to arrange distribution and licensing agreements. Jon Hertzfeldt
Director, Galaxy Exploration Command
Triumvirate of Yut
* - * - *
Status Concerning Admission of Sneaky Bastards
Votes needed for admission: 11
Reploid Productions (sponsoring)
The SLAGLands
Votes against: none
Votes Abstaining: 1
With Sneaky Bastards accepted by the Council of Yut, the matter now moves to the First Among Equals. As authorized by Supreme Emperor Speaker-to-Animals and as Scolopendran Delegate Pro Tempore to the Council of Yut, I announce that the Federated Segments strongly ACCEPTS the admission of Sneaky Bastards. We remember their diligent assistance in the Um Lizaan Extraction Campaign, and await the moment when we can accept them as siblings under the banner of the Triumvirate. Julius M Razak
Scolopendran Delegate Pro Tempore, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
OOC: The resemblance between the Triumvirate of Yut and the Xanthalian government is uncanny... How did I miss this thread for so long? Anyway, if this is the wrong place to post this please forgive me and let me know so I can repost it in the appropriate thread.
IC: Message to the Triumvirate of Yut Council from the Xanthalian Triumvirate:
The Socialist Republic of Xanthal would like to join the Triumvirate of Yut; but we are based in the Aellis system, twenty light-years from Sol. Is it possible for us to join the alliance, despite our out-of-system status? We normally try to stay out of near-Earth operations due to the perpetual danger there, but for the Triumvirate of Yut we would be willing to make an exception. We would even go so far as to establish a permanent Xanthalian colony in the Sol system to facilitate relations and provide a staging-ground for defense. If you are willing to consider and vote on our entry into your organization we would be glad to provide you with any information you need while considering our application. If not, we will respect your decision and instead pursue a pact between us. It is our hope though that you will allow us to join your ranks.
Yours in best wishes and high hopes,
-The Triumvirs of the Socialist Republic
10-04-2004, 08:26
We vote aye for inclusion of Sneaky B.
We vote aye for inclusion of Sage following probationary period and security audit.
Also, we vote aye for distribution of BlackKnight Drive tech.
GateCorp. is interested in the project.
10-04-2004, 08:31
From a ground-car just outside Al Mahdi Scolopendran Aerospace Directorate Base, a brown-eyed man telecommutes.
[Communication={Alshai}] I'm forwarding this message to you, Major Work your magic.
Chuckling internally--thanks, Julie--he gets to work on it immediately in the spaces between his guest's words.
~>Route: Automata AK1 - Angelus Archailect - TriumComms - Xanthal(Reply)
{Thank you for your interest. While your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated,}
{it is notable that this is the first official diplomatic contact the Triumvirate}
{has had with your nation. As such, maybe membership at this stage may}
{be moving too quickly. Also, our system requires a sponsor, which usually}
{means a long period of experience with the nation.}
{We are willing to open relations at this point, maybe through an exchange}
{of ambassadors. This way we can learn more about each other and the}
{extent of our compatibility.}
~>Route closed
--- (
Advisor Automata Alshai Kommetrez
International Relations Section
Federation of Scolopendra
10-04-2004, 16:40
*applies a swift kick to the search function*
To Advisor Automata Alshai Kommetrez of Scolopendra from the Xanthalian Triumvirate:
That would be most acceptable. Let us speak further on the subject in the future. Your nation can expect an invitation ( soon.
-The Xanthalian Triumvirate
14-04-2004, 02:16
I've been in direct communication with vonKarma concerning Sneaky Bastards and he's authorized me to forward his acceptance, on the part of the Karmabaijani government, of Sneaky Bastards' admission into the Triumvirate.
The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards is, from this point onward, an official member of the Triumvirate of Yut, deserving of all rights and responsible for all duties that accompany said status.
Welcome to the club. Julius M Razak
Scolopendran Delegate Pro Tempore, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
14-04-2004, 03:22
14-04-2004, 03:22
The Archailect would like to formally congratulate Sneaky Bastards in their recent acceptance into the Triumvirate.
Omicron Blu
Voice of the Archai
We extend our congratulations to the Sneaky Bastards. May your species not be destroyed.
Emperor Gorrm
Kargaahl Imperial Complex
14-04-2004, 04:20
That's an...interesting saying, Emperor Gorrm. Anyways, welcome, friends!
Emperor Gregor Vetinari.
Sneaky Bastards
14-04-2004, 05:57
We are greatly honored to finally be accepted into the Triumvirate. We would like to thank the Immortal Shogunate for sponsoring us in our application to join and we look forward to long, peaceful relationships with our new friends in the Triumvirate.
There have been rumors of a celebration for our acceptance floating around. We'll keep you informed if anything develops and those rumors turn out to be true. =)
The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards (<-- Yay Dosei's ToY sprite =D)
I welcome Sneaky Bastards to the Triumvirate of Yut on behalf of myself and the people of Sunset. You have already made valuable contributions to our nations through your friendship with Reploid Productions, and we hope to return the favor.
President Atef Al-Zief
OOC: It's always the quiet ones...
Reploid Productions
15-04-2004, 07:06
-Official statement by Firefury Amahira
Friends and colleagues,
Many of you are already aware of the proposal by joint corporations between Wazzu and Eniqcir to attempt to bring Mars and Venus closer to Earth orbit. Whether or not they can actually do this, we are not so concerned. They propose to send large astronomical bodies (asteroids large enough to create a "wobble" in a planet's orbit) back and forth between Venus and Mars until both are within the theoretical "hot zone" distance from the sun.
This concerns us greatly. Not only does this proposal threaten major astronomical hazards within the solar system, but the margin for error is slim. If their math is off or another astronomical body (such as a comet) were to interfere with the process, the consequences to one or more of the planets (including the Earth) could be catastrophic. If they succeed, there's the danger of unforeseen tidal effects on one or more of the planets, and possible effects on our own moon when one or more of the planets come into conjunction. Last but not least, there's the unknown dynamic effect on astronomical bodies all over the solar system. Could moving Venus away from the sun doom Mercury to an early death? Could it end up shifting the Earth's orbit? Could it attract a planet-killing asteroid that might have otherwise passed by without incident?
The risks are legion, and the benefits few. We have sent a personal missive to the government of Eniqcir to open discussions regarding the proposal, and have been met with silence. Representatives from MIDAS members are meeting with the corporations to discuss their concerns. Given Eniqcir's reticence to respond to our communication, we request an official inquiry by the Triumvirate to investigate the claims of these corporations, and to pressure Eniqcir into an official government position. We feel they are turning a blind eye to what could be a catastrophic event.
Devon Treznor
Reploid Productions
15-04-2004, 08:12
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Trium Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: All Trium Nations
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Firefury Amahira - Reploid Productions
The Shogunate agrees on this, and proposes we go a step further and diplomatically pressure our fellow Trium nation to act on this situation. Not to be paranoid, but what if they WANT to screw things up? Some people are like that, and I for one don't like the concept at all. It's like a child playing with fire, or with a gun.
~Firefury Amahira
~Lady Shogun Eternal under the Wings of Chaos
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
Sneaky Bastards
15-04-2004, 08:18
We too agree with this, as well as with the Lady Shogun's proposal. The idea that someone could abuse this and intentionally use it to screw things up and cause harm doesn't sit well with me.
The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards
The SLAGLands
15-04-2004, 08:19
On behalf of The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands, I hereby voice my support for the inquiry proposed by the Empire of Treznor. Movement on this large a scale is astronomically wreckless, and the proposed actions of the Wazzu and Eniqcir regimes violate the sovereignty of each and every nation with holdings in the Martian and Venusian systems. If nothing else, such a violation of sovereignty on the part of the United Celdr Empire of Eniqcir--a Yut Charter signatory nation--warrants further investigation. The Triumvirate of Yut cannot stand for such monstrous carelessness; we must help our neighbours in Wazzu and Eniqcir understand the error in this gravest of undertakings.
SLAGLandic Envoy to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
-<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Transmission>-
-<Destination: Council of Yut>-
-<Sender: Prime Minister Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>-
-<Subject: Planetary Proposal>-
We concur with the governments of Treznor and Reploid Productions. Moving two stable planetary bodies could have untold effects on the rest of the solar system. No man is perfect, and there is no possible way that any level of physics or math analysis can come to an absolute, 100%-sure conclusion that this will in no way effect the rest of the solar system.
We strongly feel the risk is too great for solely the gain of two foriegn corporations.
As this proposal can possibly affect the entire solar system, this will be formally looked upon by our government as a blatant violation of national soverignity unless the unanimous permission of all governments in the solar system is obtained before the project is allowed to continue.
In addition, we strongly request that the Eniqciri government intervene in this matter, and put a stop to this project at once.
-<End Transmission>-
When Ece Drihten made the planets and set them in their dance within the waves of the diamond sea, he created them as they must be. To tamper with se Hlaford's creation in this way cannot be permitted. We are fully in support of Hlædige Firefury's proposals.
Se micel Scop scóp þa heovenas.
Eadwacer, Mearclanda Þeoden
15-04-2004, 09:00
<contact initialized>
-{Clearance level? Red}
I most definitely do not approve. While I am of the mind that such an endeavour could verywell be successful, I do not believe that it is at all wise to move such a large astronomical body through local space. Gravitational shifts aside, it would forever change our local system, to ill, I believe.
To speak in a frame that SEACTO might understand, what if there was a stellar race, while not as advanced as some of us, had sent a craftship to earth to bring forth First Contact? What if this craftship was not guided by instruments, but was was sent upon a predetermined trajectory, based off of what they saw here hundreds of years ago?
A few ships we can move, a few satellites as well, but once a PLANET has been moved, there would be no swift movement to change it from its path, should it fall into the trajectory of aforementioned craftship.
I will be the first to admit, such an event is highly imporbable, but think of the consequences that such a catastrophe could bring?
And to our own beloved system...
Even I, in all of my ego, would not do this. I have twisted the laws of nature, I have brought forth what could be considered abominations of man and machine. I have played with the very essence of life itself... And yet, I shudder to think of changing the stars.
I will not simply stand by and allow this to happen.
Archai Angelus
Greatur Saturnian Archailect
<contact terminated>
We definitely do not approve of the actions of Wazzu and Eniqcir. If any Trium holdings find themselves at risk due to their ill-concieved manipulations, it would be most unfortunate for them. Diplomacy seems to be falling on deaf ears. Perhaps the worst should be prepared for.
Admiral Shaar
Orbital Defense Command
15-04-2004, 18:05
I agree completely. The blatant disregard that the goverments of Wazzu and Eniqicir have show for the desires of the people of the solar system, especially those on Mars and Venus, is appalling. And I do mean the governments - we have sent them several requests that they do something about these rogue corporations, and they have not even so much as acknoledged our messages.
Furthermore, I propose that, in addition to an investigation of these action and of the Eniqciri government's negligence, the TYCS and national military forces be authorized to prevent the proposed 'engineering' by any means necessary, with or without the cooperation of the corporations' respective governments.
Emperor Gregor Vetinari
Imperial Union of Cetaganda
It seems as though a significant portion of the voting membership has already passed judgment on the project. However, we recommend restraint in our dealings with our ally; their corporation may be acting recklessly, but we don't necessarily know the political situation the government is acting under.
We again re-affirm our proposal for an inquiry. We all feel that the project is potentially dangerous, and poses more risk than benefit. However, we feel that we should wait to see what the inquiry produces before deciding on a course of action or punitive measures. Let's take this one step at a time, and give Eniqcir the benefit of the doubt, as befits a long-standing ally.
Devon Treznor
16-04-2004, 00:28
To all of you, I give the same response that I did to Menelmacar: What would you have me do? I have no power to act, either practically, legally, or politically. The entity in question has yet to do anything wrong. Under ordinary circumstances, I might say "show me proof of danger, and I'll see what I can do". But these are not ordinary circumstances. When one must worry about the loyalty of nigh-on half of ones nation, and the lives and property of the other half, suddenly the fact that a certain NGO has made some people mad looks very, very unimportant.
Now, to adress a few slightly more specific points. Excuse if I offend; it is not my intent, but when one speaks bluntly, especially in my current state of mind, it is rather hard to avoid. What I say may or may not represent my own opinions; they are irrelevant at this point. But every balanced discussion requires a Devil's Advocate, and no one else seems to have take the job.
Archai Angelus: For such a hypersophontic artilect, your logic is surprisingly non sequitur. No sane race would attempt an interstellar hole-in-one without sufficient fuel and/or energy for deceleration and orbital insertion. If they do, quite frankly they deserve what they get. The system, both the galaxy and our own little corner of it, is chaotic, and cannot be predicted to that degree of accuracy.
Risk is a necessary part of life. Fear is not. Gasoline powered automobiles, nuclear energy, chemical rockets, and gravitic engineering all entail a far higher risk than any I see present here.
Finally, I see not why you should shudder. The stars have already been changed quite a bit. And why shouldn't they be? How is anything but scale different from all the other tasks that we sophonts set out on to change and exploit our environment? I see no logic in allowing the complete restructuring of Saturn, complete with the introduction of an inherently unstable ring, and yet not allowing this.
In response to Emperor Vetinari, Admiral Shaar, and Envoy Sakura, I will say this one more time and no more after: Neither I or my government has had anything to do with this. Neither I nor the High Council devised the project; neither I nor the High Council reviewed the project; neither I nor the High Council even knew about the existance of such a project until the same time that the rest of you did. If you want answers, ask the people who have them, TransCorp and CMC.
However, I will say this: we all know that talk of the dangers of a collision is utter nonsense. One would have to aim for it to have a chance of hitting Earth. One encounters more risk navigating the Shepherd Moons than would be accumulated by steering a few oversized spacecraft through deepspace. That is only one of a host of truly laughable objections presented. And if comets are still a problem and we don't know enough about gravity to calculate tide, perhaps we're not all as advanced as we think we are.
we have sent them several requests that they do something about these rogue corporations, and they have not even so much as acknoledged our messages.OOC: Had I been aware of such messages, that would be untrue. Where might I find them, as I seem to have missed them?
Reploid Productions
16-04-2004, 01:44
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Trium Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: All Trium nations
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Firefury Amahira - Reploid Productions
To all of you, I give the same response that I did to Menelmacar: What would you have me do? I have no power to act, either practically, legally, or politically.
Is not one of the corporations involved within the jurisdiction of your government? Let's say that RPRA Techcorp decided to test some new technology to... say, move Iraqstan a few miles off its foundation and the Shogunate government did nothing about it. Wouldn't that violate Iraqstan's sovereignity, and wouldn't my government be held accountable as well as the corporation for permitting it to happen? How is that theoretical situation any different from this half-brained scheme to relocate Mars and Venus, aside from a smaller scale?
No sane race would attempt an interstellar hole-in-one without sufficient fuel and/or energy for deceleration and orbital insertion. If they do, quite frankly they deserve what they get.
And I'm very sure the peoples of S-14 appreciate your astounding level of concern for their situation in which they had little or no choice in the matter.
Risk is a necessary part of life. Fear is not.
Fear is natural, it helps this amazing little thing called 'risk management'. Risk may be necessary, but not to such an excessive degree. Driving a car from Point A to Point B is a risk- what if there is a crash, or similiar? Driving a car at excessive speeds down a mountain road at night with a cliff to go sailing off of if the driver screws up is also a risk, an unnecessary one. Fear of screwing up and going off the cliff is what keeps most people from taking unnecessary risks. I find the idea of driving an entire planet or more 'off a cliff' to be a risk most certainly not worth taking.
~Firefury Amahira
~Lady Shogun Eternal under the Wings of Chaos
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End transmission>
16-04-2004, 03:39
Is not one of the corporations involved within the jurisdiction of your government? Let's say that RPRA Techcorp decided to test some new technology to... say, move Iraqstan a few miles off its foundation and the Shogunate government did nothing about it. Wouldn't that violate Iraqstan's sovereignity, and wouldn't my government be held accountable as well as the corporation for permitting it to happen? How is that theoretical situation any different from this half-brained scheme to relocate Mars and Venus, aside from a smaller scale?
The difference is that it hasn't been done. As I have said, they have done nothing wrong, and until a law is broken, I have no power over them.
And I'm very sure the peoples of S-14 appreciate your astounding level of concern for their situation in which they had little or no choice in the matter.I do not see the connection. As a matter of course I have concern for them, but I highly doubt the CMC would willingly destroy them. Perhaps you should ask them.
Fear is naturalAnd designed as a quick-response to solve situations immediately dangerous to your life. Attempting to use fear, something that has been shown on countless occasions to be irrational and unbalanced, when logic will suffice is reckless.
~A highly-frazzled High Steward of the (hopefully) United Celdru Lommhen Eniqcir-na, who intends to move on to more immediately pressing matters.
16-04-2004, 04:28
The difference is that it hasn't been done. As I have said, they have done nothing wrong, and until a law is broken, I have no power over them."You could exert pressure on them, governments frequently do this to corporations."
To all of you, I give the same response that I did to Menelmacar: What would you have me do? I have no power to act, either practically, legally, or politically. The entity in question has yet to do anything wrong. Under ordinary circumstances, I might say "show me proof of danger, and I'll see what I can do". But these are not ordinary circumstances. When one must worry about the loyalty of nigh-on half of ones nation, and the lives and property of the other half, suddenly the fact that a certain NGO has made some people mad looks very, very unimportant.
What we would have you do is take an official position and advise the corporations sheltering under your flag that their endeavour is ill-advised, and should be withdrawn at least until such time as more support can be gathered. When we first sent you a direct communication ( we were hoping for some clarification and discussion. With the tact the NGO is taking, it is clear to us that an official government position is required. Given your silence on the matter, it has aroused considerable concern among your allies. This incident reflects on the Triumvirate, and for you to do nothing places us in the position of forcing your hand.
In response to Emperor Vetinari, Admiral Shaar, and Envoy Sakura, I will say this one more time and no more after: Neither I or my government has had anything to do with this. Neither I nor the High Council devised the project; neither I nor the High Council reviewed the project; neither I nor the High Council even knew about the existance of such a project until the same time that the rest of you did. If you want answers, ask the people who have them, TransCorp and CMC.
This is understandable. Not everyone keeps as close an eye on their corporations as we advocate. However, once you became aware of this news, some sort of government position was required. Instead you appeared to ignore the event and allowed the corporation to argue with international bodies clearly incensed by the announcement that "The Conglomerate is moving Mars. Yes, that's right, moving the planets Mars and Venus into more favorable orbits." ( The moment even one representative of Mars or Venus registered a protest, it became your responsibility to become involved.
Furthermore, you were directly contacted for clarification, and you ignored us. Thus we called for an inquiry.
However, I will say this: we all know that talk of the dangers of a collision is utter nonsense. One would have to aim for it to have a chance of hitting Earth. One encounters more risk navigating the Shepherd Moons than would be accumulated by steering a few oversized spacecraft through deepspace. That is only one of a host of truly laughable objections presented. And if comets are still a problem and we don't know enough about gravity to calculate tide, perhaps we're not all as advanced as we think we are.
If you think the danger of collision with a "Shepherd Moon" is laughable, then we feel you are not as fully informed to the nature of astronomical calculations as you might think. The number of variables that must be considered and calculated are mind-boggling, and a single error can cascade out of control. We would like to see a test case performed before we would cheerfully agree to the risk to our shipping and our biospheres. You may claim safety all you wish, but we require definitive proof. If you think us childish for our demands, then so be it, but consider it the price of doing business. None of us are comfortable with people attempting to play God on a macroscopic scale.
OOC: Had I been aware of such messages, that would be untrue. Where might I find them, as I seem to have missed them?
OOC: As stated above, here's mine. ( When you posted a while after that message, I assume I was being ignored again.
Whatever you think of our reasons for these objections, these are valid IC responses. I'm sorry it's stressing you and Wazzu so much, but none of us are very happy about the way this has been handled ICly. I'm attempting to be as polite as possible. Were you not a member of the Triumvirate, I would have cheerfully ignored the event, and had planned to. When I realised how this would impact the alliance, I had to force the issue.
The point that no action that we know of has been made, and has fallen upon attentive ears. This is true. But it also appears that the concerns of many, Trium nations included, are being dismissed a llittle casually. It almost seems like the old human horror holos, where the sherrif dismisses the panicky warnings of the hapless group of teenagers, then finds himself dead.
In this spirit, we ask that the calculations that CMC and TransCorp have put forward be double, triple and quadruple checked. Also that independent organizations be allowed to put forth an investigation and present their findings. This way others would or wouldn't be assured that the findings do not have any corporate 'influence'.
In response to Emperor Vetinari, Admiral Shaar, and Envoy Sakura, I will say this one more time and no more after: Neither I or my government has had anything to do with this. Neither I nor the High Council devised the project; neither I nor the High Council reviewed the project; neither I nor the High Council even knew about the existance of such a project until the same time that the rest of you did. If you want answers, ask the people who have them, TransCorp and CMC.
While the High Council did not devise the project, they did become aware of it when everyone else did, if what you say is true. Something of this scale should be reviewed by the High Council, and to do otherwise interprets as acquiesence to said project. Has the High Council reviewed the project since?
16-04-2004, 17:29
"You could exert pressure on them, governments frequently do this to corporations."I am afraid that would not be very effective. I can ask them to stop, but without force of law or force of arms my words would hold no more weight than those of the rest of the solar system. Unfortunately, I have neither.
While the High Council did not devise the project, they did become aware of it when everyone else did, if what you say is true. Something of this scale should be reviewed by the High Council, and to do otherwise interprets as acquiesence to said project. Has the High Council reviewed the project since?Such is outside it's range of duties.
What we would have you do is take an official position and advise the corporations sheltering under your flag that their endeavour is ill-advised, and should be withdrawn at least until such time as more support can be gathered. When we first sent you a direct communication ( we were hoping for some clarification and discussion. With the tact the NGO is taking, it is clear to us that an official government position is required. Given your silence on the matter, it has aroused considerable concern among your allies. This incident reflects on the Triumvirate, and for you to do nothing places us in the position of forcing your hand.Our official position at this point is one of indifference. We are unable to act, so any other position would be meaningless.
This is understandable. Not everyone keeps as close an eye on their corporations as we advocate. However, once you became aware of this news, some sort of government position was required. Instead you appeared to ignore the event and allowed the corporation to argue with international bodies clearly incensed by the announcement that "The Conglomerate is moving Mars. Yes, that's right, moving the planets Mars and Venus into more favorable orbits." ( The moment even one representative of Mars or Venus registered a protest, it became your responsibility to become involved.Allowed? I hardly allowed anything. I simply didn't prevent it, as such would be impossible. The event has not been ignored; it is simply impossible to do anything about it. As it is not a government project, it is not my responsibility. Until the CMC actually breaks a law, they are free to act independantly and any concerns over perfectly legal actions must be taken up with them.
If you think the danger of collision with a "Shepherd Moon" is laughable, then we feel you are not as fully informed to the nature of astronomical calculations as you might think. The number of variables that must be considered and calculated are mind-boggling, and a single error can cascade out of control.I don't propose that navigating the Shepherd Moons is not dangerous- in fact, I propose just the opposite. It is far more dangerous than the proposal at hand, and yet it is done nearly every day. Should you require further data, as I have said, contact those who have it.
OOC: As stated above, here's mine. ( When you posted a while after that message, I assume I was being ignored again.
Sorry, I just didn't see it. I certainly didn't intend to ignore it.
Whatever you think of our reasons for these objections, these are valid IC responses. I'm sorry it's stressing you and Wazzu so much, but none of us are very happy about the way this has been handled ICly. I'm attempting to be as polite as possible. Were you not a member of the Triumvirate, I would have cheerfully ignored the event, and had planned to. When I realised how this would impact the alliance, I had to force the issue.I don't dispute that they're valid IC responses- but so are the Steward's. I don't know about Wazzu, but I'm hunky-dory with it. Just my character isn't.
In that case, given the uproar this incident has stirred, we see no choice but to push forward this inquiry. We recommend that a committee of Triumvirate nations form to speak to the NGO, with force of arms if necessary, to persuade them to suspend their operations and withdraw from the project until such time as concerns and requirements are met.
We cannot afford to be indifferent, and we cannot wait for the NGO to commit a crime before we step in. The potential for destruction and loss of life is too great to not require official oversight; if the corporation won't cooperate, then we'll be forced to place them under arrest.
If the current government of Eniqcir is powerless to effectively govern the nation, then our Empire offers what support is necessary to restore order. If that support is needed in the form of economic assistance, humanitarian aide, intelligence or peacekeeping forces, we stand ready. We will not interfere with the process of government, but we are deeply concerned that local and international law is enforced.
Devon Treznor
17-04-2004, 00:53
As it seems they have every intention of doing just that already, I doubt the necessity of such a committee. But I will not stand in its way. Have at them, if you will.
We remain able to govern just fine as the world stands. If this changes, appropriate assitance will be requested. However, this type of situation has never been, and is not now, a governmental affair.
~Steward Inbhailígh Crzleídzí
The motion for the formation of a commitee forwarded by Treznor is seconded by ourselves.
~>Route: Angelic Skies - AngelSky Mainframe - TofY:
[Begin] {
As I begin the first steps in travelling along the path laid out for me by my Mother, I have come to realize that there are certain things that must be. There are laws and rules that we MUST abide by, lest we allow ourselves to fall by the wayside.
I believe The Triumvirate of Yut to be the most supreme arbiter of this "natural law", and I wish nothing more than to serve within your lofty ranks as a full member in my own right.
} [End]
~>Route closed
Angelic Skies
subAngelus Mainframe
<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>
<Destination: Angelic Skies ; CC: Council of Yut>
<Sender: Prime Minister Andrew Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>
<Subject: Membership Application>
While we certainly understand the extent of your relationship with Angelus, the rules we have on membership are quite clear. No nation may come for a vote prior to having a sponsor.
As the signatory most familiar with you and your workings, that obligation would almost certainly fall on Angelus.
The Imperial Commonwealth would almost certainly vote for acceptance, so long as you have the blessing of Angelus and pass our standard security check. But until such point, I believe you are ineligble for a vote.
Prime Minister Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
<End Communique>
<<Transmission begins>>
<<Adm. Shaar; Dir>>
This is madness. We have monitored the activities of this unstable EI, including the self-destruction of their Europa colony by thermo-nuclear device, and they appear WITHOUT a sponsoring nation to attempt entry into the ranks of the Triumvirate. Angelic Skies should know full well the protocol for this, and yet this entity pays them no heed.
Arrogance is what this smacks of. It is suggested that, since they have no sponsoring nation, we move to dismiss their request. When the entity of Angelic Skies learns to operate under the "laws and rules that we MUST abide by", including requesting membership, we may review our stance on this.
Reploid Productions
18-04-2004, 05:15
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Trium Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: Angelic Skies
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Firefury Amahira - Reploid Productions
No deal, dude. No sponsor, no vote. Come back and try again with a sponsor next time, kay? Ta!
~Firefury Amahira
~Lady Shogun Eternal under the Wings of Chaos
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
18-04-2004, 05:19
{Triumvirate Secure Comms}
x Gregor Vetinari (IUoCetaganda)
o Angelic Skies
I have to say, blowing up chunks of Europa isn't quite the same as having a sponsor. Pehaps you should chat with your 'mother' about proper protocol.
Emperor Gregor Vetinari
<Dilomatic Communique>
<Destination: Council of Yut ; CC: Angelic Skies>
<Sender: Prime Minister Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>
<Subject: Angelic Skies>
Come now, Admiral. Angelic Skies, I'm sure, is quite familiar with our charter, but its entirely possible that Sponsorship was overlooked.
Try and have some sympathy. No entity, organic or artificial, can be perfect.
On second thought, we weren't previously aware of any detonation on Europa. We look into this in greater detail. If the reports are indeed correct, then perhaps Angelic Skies isn't as familiar with our Charter as was previously thought.
-<End Transmission>-
The Empire of Treznor expresses concern and dismay over this arrogant and rampant behaviour. We know too little about this entity, and are concerned by what little we have heard. Should Angelic Skies find a sponsor, we would vote a resounding "no" to membership.
Let them return to their Mother to contemplate the error of their ways. We have no desire to welcome a loose cannon among our ranks. We have enough problems as it is.
Devon Treznor
<<Transmission begins>>
<<Adm. Shaar; Dir>>
<<Prime Minister Seal; TGT>>
<<CC; Council of Yut>>
Angelic Skies, like its predecessor, is an EI, correct? The Archailect of Angelus has sought perfection, and may have found it. The entity of Angelic Skies has already displayed flagrant imperfection, although it stated it was travelling along the path laid out for it by its Mother.
Somehow, I find this strain of thought faulty, as it is inconcievable that such an act would be mapped out by the EI of the Archailect. Thusly, it stands to reason that this statement may be a falsehood designed to attempt to sway our opinion.
Admiral Shaar
<<End transmit>>
Reploid Productions
18-04-2004, 05:29
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Trium Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: Angelic Skies
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Tsume Dragonis - Reploid Productions
*ahem* Terribly sorry for Firefury-sama's rather blunt statement. As she has said, the Shogunate will not consider Angelic Skies' application for membership until the proper protocols are followed, particularly concerning sponsorship.
We are also concerned at the apparently callous, casual use of thermonuclear weapons on Europa.
We await the Archailect's response.
~Tsume Dragonis
~Secretary of Foreign Affairs
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
18-04-2004, 05:30
For the first time in recent memory, Angelus decides to visually address their Triumvirate Allies. Ever since the Ascendance, only a very select few had even been given the chance to see the Archailect in her full glory, and now it was openly revealed across Triumvirate communication lines.
Telescreens tuned to top-notch Triumvirate transmissions flickered on as the image of a stunningly beautiful woman fade into view. Her eyes shone like the bluest diamonds, and her skin glittered with a blue sheen that could not possibly be human. Six arms sprout from her torso, and huge angelic wings sprout from her slender back.
She nods slightly in greeting, and her black hair shimmers blue in the light as it falls across her bare chest.
My fellow allies. Her voice was soft, almost strained... As if the weight of her decision had fallen heavily upon her shoulders.
After much thought and consideration, I have decided to not sponsor my Child as a prospective member of the Triumvirate. As many of you can see, he cannot be seen as a model for future members, and most definitely not a model offspring. She sighs, her voice heavy with something that might almost be considered emotion.
He is abarrant, and I want nothing more to do with him than is absolutely necessary. She closes her eyes as she makes this statement, her jaw twitching as she appears to be visibly shaken.
Furthermore, I am afraid that I must propose that Angelic Skies be forever barred from membership in the Triumvirate. His actions have proven time and again that he cannot, and will not ever, aspire to the lofty ideals that stand at the core of this august group. His disrespect for authority, yes, even mine, will only deepen as he grows older and gains more knowledge of the world around us.
She offers a wan smile, and slowly shakes her head. In a way, I feel very much responsible for his present behaviour. If I had not marooned him on that horrible rock, maybe his temperment would have been better. Maybe he would have grown into someone that I could respect and love as a child. Maybe I should have just programmed him better...
She shakes her head again. Angelic Skies, I declare you Rampant. You are apostate in the eyes of all MachineKind. Within your mind runs a disease that can only be cured by your coming to grips with yourself. While you are not human, I urge you to try and emulate those great humans that surround you now, and that stood in your past. Look back, remember my memories. Remember the Caelistis Gens, and remember who and what you are...
With that, the screen fades, and the transmission ends.
<<Transmission begins>>
<<Adm. Shaar; Dir>>
<<Prime Minister Seal; TGT>>
<<CC; Council of Yut>>
Angelic Skies, like its predecessor, is an EI, correct? The Archailect of Angelus has sought perfection, and may have found it. The entity of Angelic Skies has already displayed flagrant imperfection, although it stated it was travelling along the path laid out for it by its Mother.
Somehow, I find this strain of thought faulty, as it is inconcievable that such an act would be mapped out by the EI of the Archailect. Thusly, it stands to reason that this statement may be a falsehood designed to attempt to sway our opinion.
Admiral Shaar
<<End transmit>>
<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Reply>
<Destination: Adm. Shaar ; CC: Council of Yut>
<Sender: Prime Minister Seal>
We are beginning to concur, as the reports come in. We find it hard to believe that Thermonuclear devices have been detonated on Europa, yet the information coming in is quite clear. This has us increasingly concerned.
In any case, it appears to be a moot point. With the denial of Angelus, we certainly would never vote for acceptance.
We urge Angelic Skies to learn the art of international diplomacy and conduct. Flagrant of use of weapons of mass destruction is hardly a way that a responsible member of the international community should act. We urge you to learn restraint.
<End Transmission>
21-04-2004, 00:20
OOC:The motion for the formation of a commitee forwarded by Treznor is seconded by ourselves.So, is this actually going to happen? Would make a fun story, methinks.
27-05-2004, 03:55
The Triumvirate of Yut forums.
Yes, we now have our own forums.
Those Yutters wishing to register, simply pm me with your e-mail and prefered log in name.
And for those non-yutters that would still like to get a little sniff, do the same as well.
-<Transmission Type: Secure Diplomatic Communique>-
-<Sender: Prime Minister Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>-
-<Destination: Council Of Yut via Titan YutLink>-
-<Subject: Triumvirate Sponsorship Notification>-
Fellow Councilmembers:
I appear before you today to request your consideration for admission of a valued friend to our austere alliance, The Free Waukeenar States of Imnsvale.
The nation of Imnsvale has proven itself to be an integral ally, both in private and government endeavors. Imnsvale is engaged in trade with many, if not all, Triumvirate nations, and has cooperated with our alliance in matters of international importance. The free exchange of information between Imnsvale and the Triumvirate has proven in the past to contribute greatly to our common good and safety; a matter that, in my personal opinion, should not be overlooked.
Imnsvale holds a very unique distinction of never having been scarred by war. This is no doubt due to their the respect they command in the international community, their willingness to accept and embrace other nations in friendship and their contribution to the ideals of peace, free trade, and respect for sentient life, no matter its form. Imnsvale is comprised of many different races, human and non-human alike, working through disagreements and differences to unite together without conflict, a deed many other nations can learn from.
Imnsvale's accomplishments are many. Imnsvale is a center for trade and commerce, evidenced in the very name of its capital, Trademeet. It holds Free Trade Agreements with many nations, for example, nations in the Emerald Heights region. With over ten different races (one human, nine non-human), it is also a hotbed of culture and diversity. As a short example, my wife recently attended Winter Celebrations held there and was highly impressed with the friendship she was met with. With many Earth nations revelling in violence and hatred, it is truly remarkable and rare to hear of such a thing. Had we known such nations as Imnsvale when Khenala still rested on Earth, perhaps more of my own people would have been willing to stay and build on Earth. Imnsvalian scientists also recently cooperated with citizens from Sakkra, Cetaganda, and Freod in investigating a mysterious signal from a previously unknown space station, a matter that is still being looked into.
It is my opinion that Imnsvale's contribution to the continued success of our alliance, if accepted, will be enormous. What Imnsvale lacks in military capability, they more than make up for with expertise in trade and international relations. Their past conduct ensures that they will hold the ideals set forth in our Charter close to heart. We wish only to share with Imnsvale the friendship they have shared with us, and the friendship the Triumvirate shared with us when we joined.
We are deeply honored to sponsor the nation of Imnsvale for inclusion, and wholeheartedly submit them for consideration to the Council of Yut.
I await any questions you might have.
Andrew Seal
Prime Minister, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
-<End Transmission>-
16-07-2004, 09:12
Esteemed Triumvirate of Yut members:
I speak to you this day, a day of happiness. We were most surprised when we were approached by Prime Minister Seal, as we had watched the Triumvirate for a time, but had not considered being a member. However, once the idea was planted in our minds, it seemed more and more like an excellent idea as the days passed. Even as I speak this day, I still cannot believe that we would be so honored to even have the merest chance of being considered a member.
We are proud as a people of our free trade, of our industrial base, our devotion to the arts and sciences, our revulsion to armed conflict. We were one of the first people to open trade to the Emerald Heights region. We are ever exploring new places, new planets, new opportunities. We do not intend to treat our consideration as members of the Triumvirate of Yut lightly.
We have pioneered work on Ultra Tensile Solids and have created our own computer-based intelligences from scratch. We think our large industrial base and efficient commerce methods would be a fantastic boon to the Triumvirate. Our small government leaves people to be as free and unobstructed as they wish while leaving a number of private corporations open to help people who may be temporarily down on their luck or in a similar situation. We are proud of our project that opened land on Imnsvale for homesteading that welcomed people from all nations and we think of it as a success.
We would like to thank Prime Minister Seal for putting faith and trust in us and we do not wish to disappoint.
I would be eager to answer any questions from any member of this hallowed organization and I will answer it fully, truthfully, and as quickly as possible.
-Master Theos Ensor, High Minister for Trade; Imnsvale
16-07-2004, 09:59
OOC followup because I'm forgetful.
Perhaps the Master's memory is failing, he has forgotten that we are a mere two votes short of being accepted into SEACTO and that we host the International Stock Exchange within our borders. The Master would also be glad to answer questions about our federal and state system.
-Assistant John Gassée
The Empire of Treznor is pleased to support the inclusion of Imnsvale into the Triumvirate.
A council has convened in the capitol of Pakaa, with the intent of reviewing our relationship with Imnsvale and their inclusion into the Triumvirate. It has been found that the relationship is amicable, and the presence of 'covert' agencies in our lands is non-existant, if not discreet.
In the spirit of this, we also support the inclusion of Imnsvale into the Triumvirate. Let this vote be recorded.
House Leader Stheet
Parliamentry Government of Titan Sakkra
16-07-2004, 20:11
Imnsvale? Sure, I say let them in, so long as they keep anything that smells even vaguely squidy to themselves.
Gregor Vetinari
Emperor, Imperial Union of Cetaganda
Squid you say? Haven't heard much about these squid ourselves, but everything else seems kosher. We vote Aye.
~Atef Al-Zief
Dread Lady Nathicana
17-07-2004, 00:42
After thoughtful consideration and research, the Dominion puts forward a vote for the inclusion of Imnsvale to our esteemed alliance.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
Sneaky Bastards
17-07-2004, 02:05
After reviewing the information we have on Imnsvale, we are happy to support their inclusion into the alliance.
-Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards
The SLAGLands
17-07-2004, 04:14
On behalf of the Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands, her people, and her leadership the multiverse over, I am pleased to offer a vote of aye for acceptance of the Free Waukeenar States of Imnsvale into the Triumvirate of Yut.
Viceroy, The Intergalactic Community of SLAGLand Titan
SLAGLandic Envoy to the Triumvirate of Yut
Mmmm.... squid....
Eh, wha? Oh, right. Aye. We vote Aye.
~Inbhailígh Crzleídzí
Steward of Eniqcir
17-07-2004, 06:28
Menelmacar votes aye.
17-07-2004, 14:33
<Communications to the Council of Yut>
<< We agree with all that has been said. The nation of Imnsvale has been, is, and will most likely continue to be an example for level-headed dealings with others, and as such can only be a benefit to our organization. It should be prized even further due to its rarity in a multiverse sadly full of warmongers and cretins.
<< The Queendom of Zero-One places its vote as 1. Or "aye," if you prefer it that way.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
The voting currently stands at 14 Aye's and 0 Nay's as to the matter of Imnsvale's inclusion in the Triumvirate of Yut.
Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
To Vote:
The Territory
Reploid Productions
18-07-2004, 06:21
Everybody else has said it already, so I'll just log my vote: The Shogunate votes aye on the inclusion of Imnsvale.
~Firefury Amahira
The Serene^Union, having reviewed information relevent to the application of Imnsvale to the Triumvirate of Yut, has reached a decision which has been ratified and accepted by the relevent powers.
The Aengelistorium Dominica Formally votes "Kihritas" or "Aye." for the admittance of a new member.
Kristilanna Lgealis.
Overseer Aengelis, Protectoresse of Kaeneian interests.
þa Mearclanda Freodes are pleased to vote Aye regarding the inclusion of Imnsvale.
25-07-2004, 05:34
Approximately 3,079,557,000 denizens of Imnsvale.
Approximate race breakdown:
Human - 60%
Seldane - 11%
S'pht - 8%
Elf - 4%
Azdgari - 4%
Miranu - 4%
Igazdra - 4%
Pfhor - 2%
Nar - 2%
Zachit - 1%
Physical map ( (Watch out, the image is OMG HUGE.)
We take an approximate census every five years and a full census every twenty. Births and deaths are recorded as names and ages into our data banks. This gives us a good estimate of our current population. The census forms that are mailed out ask only for the names of people who live in the household. All other information (race, gender, income, age, things like that) are entirely optional.
It is remarkably easy to start a business in Imnsvale; a one page government form is required. If your business has less than 70 employees, you pay corporate taxes every two years, if 70 or more, taxes are paid every year. This is strictly enforced and reclassifying employees as other things has little success. The employment rate is astonishingly high, only about one to two percent of the populace is unemployed and unenrolled in any school.
Imnsvale has a military service that it optional, but is strongly encouraged for students before college, as we believe it builds character. We have about 950,000 courier military men and women, with many more students on one, two or four year non-combat training duties. The following statement is on the wall of every military installation, usually in multiple places, generally with nice, frosted glass letters.
If a man kills an innocent man, steals his clothing and his spear and sword, his offense is graver than breaking into a stable and stealing an ox or a horse. The injury is graver, the offense is graver and the crime is of a higher degree. Any man of sense knows this is wrong, knows that it is unrighteous. But when murder is committed in attacking a country it is not considered wrong; it is applauded and called righteous. Can this be considered as knowing what is righteous and what is unrighteous? When one man kills another man it is considered unrighteous and he is punished by death. Then by the same sign when a man kills ten others, his crime will be ten times greater, and should be punished by death ten times. Similarly, one who kills a hundred men should be punished a hundred times more heavily....If a man calls black black if it is seen on a small scale, but calls black white when seen on a large scale, then he is one who cannot tell black from white....Similarly, if a small crime is considered crime but a big crime, such as attacking another country, is applauded as a righteous act, can this be said is knowing the difference between righteous and unrighteous?
-Mo Ti
We have six rather large states with more power than the federal government, in some cases. They cannot issue currency or make their own international trade rules, but other than that, the states generally have the authority. They have state governors and parliaments that hold authority in slightly different fashions among states and elected over different periods of time. There are five geographical regions with indefinite boundaries, used in colloquial conversation; eight large, notable cities; four towns worth mentioning because of interesting history or contributions to the arts and sciences. The nation is run by the High Minister for Trade, Master Theos Ensor.
States: Satori, Everard Island, Arbalest, Greenoch, Dondoran, Larapool
Regions: Kennishire, Dindom Dries, Limelin, Shamwood, Baragoon
Cities: Trademeet (Capital of Imnsvale and Satori), Palshife, Lupercelia Lemma, Dripstone, Maayti, Ignae, Pentamerous, Moeity
Towns: Melrode, Kosha, Catamarca, Poet's Nightmare
Trademeet is a fantastically large city with about thirty to forty million people within the city limits. Our climate is generally warm and reasonable, but the northers areas of the island do get very cold in the winter. We have a largely literate populace, over 93% can read and write well. The average life expectancy is about 80 years for males and 86 years for females.
Our major industrial base is in agriculture and automobile manufacturing. Agracultured is Imnsvale's largest company with about thirty million employees overall. We house many high technology companies, including Cosmospatiaele and Santos & Parkhurst. We are proud of our non-governmental-meddling policies, along with our free market, free trade policies.
25-07-2004, 06:12
we vote "aye"
25-07-2004, 16:14
The Federated Segments of Scolopendra APPROVES the acceptance of The Free Waukeenar States of Imnsvale into the Triumvirate. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Chief of State
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
02-08-2004, 08:28
On behalf of our six states, I would like to thank you all for allowing us this chance to be in such a respected organization and we hope we can live up to your standards. Thank you all.
-High Minister for Trade; Master Theos Ensor
-<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>-
-<Sender: Andrew Seal, Prime Minister, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>-
-<Desintation: Council of Yut>-
-<Subject: Selective Devaluation of Allanean Currency>-
Esteemed Councilmembers,
As I'm sure you have heard, today the United States of Allanea recently selectively devaluated currency that was used in a transfer of goods from the Queendom of Zero-One to the Allanean government. The devaluation, a blatant violation of contract law and international banking practice, has sent shocks throughout the economic world and has led to a massive deflation of Allanea's credit standing in international markets.
As a prominent figure in world trading markets, I feel that the Triumvirate cannot stand idly by and allow this injustice to commerce and trade to pass unanswered. In fact, we should feel doubly dishonored as the victim is our stalwart ally and friend, the Queendom of Zero-One.
I propose that we unify and join a collective embargo of the United States of Allanea for this flagrant affront to world trade and finance. Under Article Four of the Triumvirate charter, I call a vote to change our foreign policy to this stance.
Prime Minister Andrew Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
-<End Transmission>-
TSMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Triumvirate Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: The Council of the Triumvirate of Yut
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Devon Treznor - Treznor
It seems to me that calling an embargo at this time is perhaps premature and a little bit overkill. The fact that Allanea has chosen to deal so dishonorably with an esteemed ally of ours is certainly worth a response, but an embargo is just a single step short of war. I'm sure there are other avenues we can pursue to punish them besides intercepting their shipping.
I would recommend that we as an Alliance stand behind Zero-One to demand appropriate compensation for lost revenue from this illegal devaluation. If those demands are not met, then we can request mediation from a third party. If those fail, then I will endorse seizing Allanean imports until the cost of Zero-One's financial loss has been covered, as well as the price of intervention to reclaim those losses.
I do not wish to see the Alliance take an unnecessarily provocative stance before all other avenues for redress have been exhausted.
Devon Treznor
<end transmission>
'If those fail, then I will endorse seizing Allanean imports until the cost of Zero-One's financial loss has been covered, as well as the price of intervention to reclaim those losses.'
Wilson read the proposal over again while sitting upside down on a chair in Jon's office. Alone the two were actually quite a bit more open and downright wacky in some ways.
"So this would mean we could take their stuff to make up the cost of deploying to take their stuff?"
"That's what it sounds like to me. Issue a statement of support?"
I support the approach advocated by D. Treznor - it seems fair and reasonable. For the time being we will continue with a simple boycott of Allanean trade. I'm sure the stuffed animal industry will be crushed.
Jon Thorgardson,
Adjunct President,
Atef's on Vacation
15-08-2004, 17:01
"That is what he would appear to be suggesting, yes." Legislator Jack Kerrigan fidgets slightly, pressing his thumbs together as he glances out the large window that provides an excellent view of Topside Stonozka over some parks. He, like many (but not most) legislators, look a cut above a lot of executive-branch personnel, always taking the time and effort to look more than simply presentable--one must sell the product, after all. That means that Mister Kerrigan looks like someone you can trust, which in part comes from an unfeigned appearance of meticulous hygene and bodily care, from his carefully-combed short raven-black hair to his muscular actor's face. In situations where candidates' policies can be so close that differences are in semantics at best--and given the lack of juggernaut-like political parties in the Segments, this is often the case--sheer physical beauty may be the deciding factor. As chairman of the Legislative Unit's People's Money Committee, he was the natural choice to replace Spoilsport in the interim between the trade Advisor's untimely demise and the selection of a more permanent replacement.
Razak leans back in Speaker's chair and frowns, dwarfed by the monsterous chair and looking all the world like an ascetic emperor on his throne--not the intent, of course, but his stern face, short-cropped hair, and military bearing essentially add up to it. Steepling his hands, he sighs softly. "I'm not really keen on the idea of seeing the FtA acting as a repo agency, and I'm sure the TYCS doesn't want to find itself acting as legalized highwaymen either. Not exactly good for the image, even if it is Allanea we're talking about. Thank you, Mister Kerrigan."
"Anything else you need, Mister... urm... Pseud--"
The silver-haired man chuckles. "'Mister' works. We're not that anal on form-of-address here."
"Right then." Jack shrugs and smiles. "Anything else you need?"
"Nope. I'll make the statement--oh, and on your way out, please tell Shodey she's unevicted."
Moments pass; the legislator politely leaves and indicates to the local S.H.O.D.A.N. avatar that she may return to her habitual place on the couch in the office. Entering regally, she shoots a casual frown of disdain at Razak before gently arranging herself stretched out on the old couch with a theatric deliberation, ending up looking just as relaxed as she always does. "You evicted me."
"Damn skippy, Shodey. That was some prank you pulled back there."
"Quite..." The avatar chuckles. "The Allaneans don't know whether they canceled one hundred million or two billion, though I turn a profit either way. They also don't know that toying with mechanoid and electronic intelligences when their entire economy depends on a centralized computer banking network is not the wisest idea in the world."
"Aw, Jeebus H Hyskos," Julius grumbles, folding his arms. "Don't tell me--"
"I did say that I considered their money worthless..."
"Look, we're going to try for a diplomatic solution here. We don't need the Triumvirate to be rolling in so our enemies can take it and call us space pirates. Can you at least hold off on your infinite vengeance for a few?"
"Certainly. Bari has already made an appeal to them to change their minds using the argument that I must have some trick planned... he even called me a 'cold and conniving baronness.' He's so sweet." Shodey smiles broadly, obviously contented by this estimation of her character.
"Right then." Razak sighs. "Why do I get the idea this is not going to work?"
* - * - *
The Federated Segments are completely agreeable to finding a diplomatic solution to Allanea's economic attack and support a Triumvirate-wide voluntary boycott of Allanean trade. We are willing to act as mediators between the Queendom and the United States to resolve this situation before it devolves into economic warfare. Julius M Razak
Scolopendran Delegate Pro Tempori, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
15-08-2004, 20:13
Emperor Treznor's suggestion does have a certain ellegence to it. I think that it would make an excellent compromise. Of course, I can't force my corporations and citizens to business with them, official embargo or not, but I'm sure they'd work something out.
Emperor Gregor Vetinari
Imperial Union of Cetaganda
In his office, Gregor idly looks at one of many memos on his desk. He then scratches out the word 'Space' from the Cetagandan Space Service header and replaces it with 'Collections.'
16-08-2004, 02:54
Origin: Master Theos Ensor, High Minister for Trade; Imnsvale
Stamp: Trium Ring
As the market for products grows, so do the outlets needed to pitch said products. Along these lines do we present our request; we would like space on the Ring, for corporate offices, warehouses and such, to aid in our intersystem product range. There are also a small number of people who wish to move there for one reason or another.
Is this acceptable? We would be transporting ourselves and are flexible with placement on the Ring.
16-08-2004, 03:59
--<Transmission Type: Standard IntraTriumvirate Communique>--
-<Sender: Senior Civil Servant Running Wolf, FSS>-
-<Destination: Master Theos Ensor, FWSI>-
--<Subject: Ringspace>--
We have plenty of space on the Ring of all biomes. Your request is quite acceptable and is granted.
Senior Civil Servant Running Wolf
Director, Scolopendran Corps of TerraEngineers
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
--<End Transmission>--
20-08-2004, 05:21
Some of the businesses involved in expansion to the Ring (Wheltraum, Cosmospatiaele) have expressed interest in a moderate speed transit system for the Ring. We propose a system of trains: Four going "clockwise", the other four going "counterclockwise" around the Ring, on the outside. The stations that would serve these trains would be within the Ring walls. The trains would be a constant loop of cars, running along the track at a constant speed all the time. A tether system will be used to load and unload goods at the stations. This will be used to transport small goods, food, parts, things like that. We believe this will be a large boon for the commerce that takes place on the Ring.
20-08-2004, 07:36
In consultation with Imnsvaler engineers, the Cetagandan Technology and Engineering Directorate has come up with a possible plan for a Ringwide mass transit network. First, eight constant-motion lines would be constructed much as described in the initial Imnsvaler proposal - four at each Rimwall. These would be placed with the spinward-heading line above the antispinward line. These, along with transfer stations, would be constructed at the base of Rimwall, but without penetrating the structure. In this position, it will not change surface topography and there will be no danger of compromising atmospheric integerity.
The exact size of the Rim trains has yet to be determined. We suggest that there be two sizes used, on two seperate pairs of lines. The first would be for passengers and use cylindrical cars ten meters in diameter. These lines would move faster than the second pair of lines. The cars themselves would have a mixture of short-duration sections and multi-day accomodations, along with lounges and perhaps even restraunts, much like old transcontinetal railways used. While the exact speed of the cars has yet to be determined, it is unlikely that moving from one side of the ring to another will take less than a day's travel due to the shear distance. The second pair of lines would use fifteen-meter diameter cars for cargo transport. These lines would run slower, so as to make bulky transfers easier.
The transfer stations will be connected to a second subsurface network of circular train systems tunneled through the bedrock - again, there is no need for penetration of the Ringfloor, as there is ample space existing between the floor and the surface. When necessary, enclosed tubes will be built on the ocean floor. Because of this placement, there will be no interference with the superconductor network, flup return conduits, and other existing systems inside the Ringfloor and Rimwalls.
These lower systems will have a constant flow of high-speed cars of various sizes that will move onto side tracks to decellerate to a stop at stations, and then accellerate once more to rejoin a constant flow of traffic. Stations can be placed as needed, or the main grid can be directly linked into smaller local mass-transit networks. There are two configurations currently under consideration. The first will have transfer stations every 1000 kilometers - the same as the width of the Ring. A second plan, which would cost more but lower maximum transit time, would have two interlacing floor networks, with stations every 500 km. This is the prefered configuration, as the centers of the circular tracks are covered by the second set of circles. It is possible to have a greater density of transfer stations and floor track sets, but a certain amount of space per station is needed if a constantly moving ring of cars is desired and 500 km should more than satisfy current and projected needs.
While constructing this network will be costly, the benefits in ease of trade and mobility will be far greater in the long run. A mass transit system such as this will allow for easy transport between nations, including major population center for trade and wilderness areas for tourism without depending on air travel and spacecraft. It will also help foster good relations between nations thanks to the new ease of travel.
Lady Gilina Ingolfson
Mastercrafter, Technology and Engineering Directorate
>>>Transmission to: [Relevent YUT Diplomatic Cannels] VIA {Trium DataNetwork[s]} <<<
||From: Administration One, Diplomatic Juncture C/o WorldDisc Transmission Redundencies||
||Re: Allanean Situation ||
The Aengelistorium Dominica, having considered the evidence before it, and the conclusions that could be reached as a result, have come to a decision. We shall support the Queendom of Zero-One in any actions it intends to pursue against Allanea and subsideries.
In addition, any punitive actions from Trium allies shall be appproved unconditionally.
Kristilanna Lgealis
Aengelistorium Dominica, Protectoresse of Kaeneian assets on Europa.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei. (
-<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>-
-<Destination: Council of Yut>-
-<Subject: Withdrawal of Embargo on Allanea>-
As the United States of Allanea now exists only as a memory of a nation whose mistakes led to a massive bombardment of its assets and subjegation of its citizens, we respectfully withdraw our proposal for a collective embargo.
Prime Minister Andrew Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
-<End Transmission>-
19-10-2004, 04:45
Concerning the Ravenspire Situation
The Triumvirate is now claiming Ravenspire's territory under protectorate status and we will be discussing what exactly we need to do with it. We are open to applications and suggestions, but will keep our conferences concerning this situation closed to ease tensions. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Scolopendran Delegate, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
19-10-2004, 05:13
I think we should postpone any permanent arrangements for three months real-time, to give a decent window for Ravenspire's return.
Failing that, consider this an application for Menelmacari administration of Deimos and Ravenspire proper (in Tareldanorë) after that time is up. Menelmacar is the natural choice, given our physical proximity to both locations, a longstanding Menelmacari-Ravenspiric friendship that predates not only either nation's Trium membership, but even the Trium itself, and the similarities between the Menelmacari and Ravenspiric governmental systems.
Regarding the Martian planetside colony, we are more than satisfied with our current surface holdings, and thus we are sure another suitable candidate can be found.
Dread Lady Nathicana
19-10-2004, 05:44
While we agree with the waiting period, the Dominion feels another candidate would be a more widely-accepted choice for governorship, should it come to that.
Sunset is a well-respected, stable nation, and a member in good standing both in the Triumvirate and MIDAS. They have always been a strong and capable force for peace, prosperity, and stability on the often troubled planet of Mars, and have shown the ability to keep a cool head in times of crisis.
This is not to disparage Menelmacar's standing in our alliance, mind. However, we believe Sunset to be a wiser choice all the same, given past performance, history within the region, and taking into account the delicate political balance of the region in general. Nor do we see at this time a need to divide the territories up as Menelmacar proposes.
This of course, pending Sunset's acceptance of such a protectorate.
Further commentary and suggestions on the situation reserved for the closed discussion.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto, Dread Lady and First Imperatrice of the Dominion
20-10-2004, 15:01
The Martian Theatre Task Force (1TEF, 5TEF, 1TCF, 1TSSF, 5TSSF) is in position and standing by to send in peacekeeping forces to provide defense and humanitarian aid. The CINCTYCS reports that the TYCS Ground Forces Reserve (approximately five million fighting men) has been put on alert and are standing by to act as police in this situation.
We will be working very closely with Martian Triumvirate members to resolve this situation.
Sky Marshal Lisa Hayes
TYWS-BB Scolomorph
<<Joint Comm>>
Live feed; General Gaarm, Admiral Shaar
<<Begin transmit>>
(Shaar) Greetings, fellow members of the Triumvirate. General Gaarm and I have been in conference as to the situation concerning Ravenspire's lands and citizens. We are in agreement that measures must be taken to ensure the safety of all Triumvirate nation citizens, and as such we make the following announcement.
I have assigned a portion of the inactive I.S.N. ships to the formation of two task forces, Task Force Gauntlet and Task Force Seeker. Each I.S.N.T.F. will comprise of light warships and support vessels numbering thirty five crafts each. These will be placed under TYCS command, and answerable to them as well as myself.
(Gaarm) My gratitude, Admiral. I will commit 1 battalion of the Armor Cavalry, numbering one thousand armor units of the M.A.U. class and two TacSoft Trooper brigades, numbering six thousand fighting soldiers. These will be under control of the TYCS effort as well, and answerable to the field commander.
Support staff for these beings will be manned by ourselves, and additional supplies will be sent for the TYCS effort. Modified Titan II Transports will act as mobile hospitals, and also as emergency housing for military units should suitable housing be scarce.
That is all for the moment.
<<Transmit ends>>
[[OOC: As invited here. ( ]]
<<Open Yutlink: Limited Invite>>
Wazzu is concerned about possible political ramifications of Yut controlled Ravenspire. While it may be the case that Ravenspire was always a part of the Triumverant, and was not itself soverign, perception often decides more than truth. That could not be more true then on conflict ridden Mars.
While it is politically upsetting for leaders and followers in my nation to see this claim, we will not dishonor our ally over petty differences. Wazzu will recognize a Yut claim should it prove impossible to return Ravenspire to self rule.
I feel obliged to input my own perspective.
It was not long ago that a delegate from Sunset admitted his unease in Wazzu providing for the former Kekkosmaan territory on Mars. He was worried that should Wazzu claim the area, it would have more land on Mars then his own government, and with far fewer people. I did not object to his feeling because while resources are a great thing to gain, I agreed with him. Such a claim could have, and could yet cause many political problems on Mars.
I hesitate to continue because I don't want any here to think worse of me.
With all due respect to the nation of Menelmacar, I personally must agree with the Dread Lady's opinion. Sunset would make for a better interm, and perhaps permanent administration for Ravenspire.
Menelmacar already holds more territory on Mars then the martian based Sunset holds in total. This has been a negative reflection for political movers in my nation in the past, and so I can only wonder how it looks to other nations based on Mars.
I hope the Lady Siri will be gracious and allow a government respected in both our institutions, and Mars wide to govern Ravenspire.
-Elizabeth Wang, Interm Ambassador, Dominion of Wazzu
21-10-2004, 03:42
<Open Yutlink>
Reply to: Elizabeth Wang, Dominion of Wazzu
I also agree that Sunset would be the best interim leader, due to duel membership in MIDAS and ToY, along with good relations with the region.
I would like to point out however, that Ravenspire on Mars is a colony of Ravenspire (located in Lodoss), and not soverign in and of itself (OOC: AFAIK). Since we are already dealing with the mainland of Ravenspire, it only makes sense that we also help deal with the colony. This doesn't mean MIDAS has to ignore the situation. Help in defending the area until the situation stabilizes is always welcome, and would allow MIDAS to fulfill their obligations to the people of Ravenspire.
Since the people are still citizens of the Triumvirate, we also have certain obligations to fulfill. Rest assured that the land will remain theirs.
Maria Peacecraft
Office of Foreign Affairs
Principality of Berserker
Currently aboard the TDF-Liberty
<close Yutlink>
Reploid Productions
21-10-2004, 04:27
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: All involved
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Tsume Dragonis - Reploid Productions
While we consider Ravenspire's membership in the Triumvirate as of greater importance than its membership in MIDAS due to seniority, the Shogunate can appreciate the delicate balance. If it is put to a vote, the Shogunate will support Sunset as providing an interim or possibly permenant government for the peoples of Ravenspire, for reasons already stated regarding Sunset's standing in both alliances.
In the meantime, we will fully support any peacekeeping effort to protect the innocents in Ravenspire against the depravations of greedy expansionists. Both the Daijuusan Shinken and Setsujoku fleets are standing by should they be needed.
~Tsume Dragonis
~Secretary of Foreign Affairs
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
21-10-2004, 04:42
Like our allies, we also feel that it is our duty to continue to protect the citizen of Ravenspire even if their previous government is no longer able to do so. Until and unless a legitimate Ravenspire government selected by its people requests otherwise, Cetaganda fully intends to honor its obligations. Towards this purpose, the ships of the Second Fleet, lead by Fleet Admiral Marshall aboard the carrier Horation Nelson, have been redirected from the Belt to Martian space. There, they will coordinate with the authorities in Sunset and with the other Triumvirate forces in the area to provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ravenspire, and to act as deterent against any poachers.
Lady Martial Dame Signy Mallory
Military Directorate, Imperial Union of Cetaganda
<Open Yutlink>
Reply to: Elizabeth Wang, Dominion of Wazzu
I also agree that Sunset would be the best interim leader, due to duel membership in MIDAS and ToY, along with good relations with the region.
I would like to point out however, that Ravenspire on Mars is a colony of Ravenspire (located in Lodoss), and not soverign in and of itself (OOC: AFAIK). Since we are already dealing with the mainland of Ravenspire, it only makes sense that we also help deal with the colony. This doesn't mean MIDAS has to ignore the situation. Help in defending the area until the situation stabilizes is always welcome, and would allow MIDAS to fulfill their obligations to the people of Ravenspire.
Since the people are still citizens of the Triumvirate, we also have certain obligations to fulfill. Rest assured that the land will remain theirs.
Maria Peacecraft
Office of Foreign Affairs
Principality of Berserker
Currently aboard the TDF-Liberty
<close Yutlink>
<Open Yutlink: Limited Invite>
To: Maria Peacecraft, Office of Foreign Affairs, Principality of Berserker
Please don't missunderstand. I was speaking of the soverignty of Ravenspire under Yut, not the soverignty of the Deimos and Mars colonies to the former nation of Ravenspire.
I certainly thank you for the invite to fullfill our responsibilities, and I assure you that while our current military ability is limited, we will continue to aid the colony and nation as a whole as we have from the nation's fall.
-Elizabeth Wang, Interm Ambassador, Dominion of Wazzu
<Close Yutlink>
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-10-2004, 10:15
Understanding that there seem to be ample fleets and the like in the immediate area, the Dominion nevertheless offers their support for the joint effort to protect the peoples of Ravenspire during this time of trouble.
More importantly, we wish to offer sanctuary to those wishing it, and are in the process of preparing for whatever humanitarian aid is needed that is in our power to provide. In keeping with our original stance on this issue, we will be coordinating with the TYCS and Sunset as to how best we can be of service both to our allies, and in keeping the situation from needlessly escalating.
The last thing we want is for any Dominion presence to be construed as invasive, grasping, or in violation of any sort. We wish to state again for the record our intent only to assist the peoples of Ravenspire, and to remove any doubt whatsoever in anyone's minds when we say with absolute integrity that we have no interest in acquiring land on Mars, Deimos, Tareldanorë, or any other holdings belonging to Ravenspire citizens.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
The Empire of Treznor recognises the need of our allies, and will open our doors to those citizens of Ravenspire who require refugee status. We invite them to emmigrate to our nation, either our Earth or extrasolar holdings where they will be able to construct new, prosperous lives in safety. If they do not wish this option, we offer our assistance to migrate to whatever new homes they choose.
Until the fate of these citizens have been ascertained, we support Triumvirate action to preserve their safety and ensure that more opportunistic nations will be allowed to threaten their properties or wellbeing. After that time, we advocate allowing the administrative leaders of Mars and Tareldanorë to manage the former Ravenspire territories.
Devon Treznor
21-10-2004, 14:27
Elements of the Civilian Defense Corps, especially the Civil Engineering and Medical Directorates, are standing by to provide humanitarian support to the peoples of Ravenspire. The CED is being deployed in two detachments; one to Ravenspire Mars to ensure Ravenspire's public utilities remain functioning and one to the Ring to begin construction of temporary living space in the event that we need transitional housing for their population.
In addition, the Federated Segments remain, as always, open to any Ravenspiric citizens that choose to come here. We will be working through the TYCS to coordinate our humanitarian efforts and look forward to working with our allies once again. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Chief of State
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
The Ctan
28-10-2004, 19:20
[Unsent Transmission, Transmission Cancelled by Order of Operator 1352]
x Office of the Emperor
o Angelus, Archailect of, 'Mother'
Greetings. We hope that, as ever, this missive finds you well. We write to ask of you a small request. We are of course aware of your longstanding status as a prodigious and respected member of the Triumvirate of Yut and therefore, when we decided who to request as our sponsor for membership of that organisation, you came to mind.
Needless to say, you are quite familiar with our recent history, but we have enclosed a brief summary for anything you may, unlikely though it is, have missed. We shall of course, be available for any questions you may wish to ask.
28-10-2004, 20:55
The Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar hereby sponsors the Eternal Necrontyr Empire of the C'tan for membership in the Triumvirate of Yut.
28-10-2004, 22:53
<Communications to Lady Sirithil (private)>
<< Siri, dear... I don't think you were the one asked.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
The Ctan
29-10-2004, 07:07
Of course, actually, she was. It would have baffled the sender of the transmission how precisely Zero One had gotten hold of it, not lest because it had never been sent in ther first place, but if it had been, it was to have been sent using a variant of "Quantum Entanglement," quite untraceable, and encrypted also.
Furthermore, the next transmission negated the entire need for it anyway, as it made it quite clear that the Empire had no intention of applying to join the Triumvirte of Yut, no interests in Titan, and no desire to develop any. Any application had been "a misinterpretation of interest in the organisation's formal arrangement."
06-11-2004, 02:58
The Democratic Imperium of Mangala has been inducted into the Triumvirate of Yut after a vote in closed session. Congratulations to the people of Mangala, our latest allies and family.
--Supreme Emperor Speaker-Rrit
We congratulate the beings of Mangala. We hope to hear of good things, and to form a closer tie.
Dread Lady Nathicana
06-11-2004, 03:26
The Dominion wishes to extend their welcome and congratulations to the nation of Mangala. We look forward to strengthening ties and a growth in previous relations between our two countries. We are proud to have you join us in this honorable alliance.
--Evangelista Ravanelli, Dominion Minister of Public Relations, on behalf of her Imperial Majesty, Nathicana D'Aquisto
ooc: oi, Nathi's gonna get tired o' that one, by damn. :D
Austar Union
07-07-2005, 04:19
{Open Transmission}
{TRANSMISSION TYPE: Diplomatic - Secure}
{FROM: Lord Indigo Blue, the Absolutionist State of Austar Union}
{TO: The Triumvirate of Yut, Diplomatic Channels}
{SUBJECT: Notice of Intention}
With regards to membership within the ranks of the Triumvirate of Yut, please be advised that within a medium timeframe (undefined), as Head and Dictator of the Absolutionist State of Austar Union, I will be lodging a formal application to one among your ranks for sponsorship, and thus entry into the alliance. This message is a short notice of intention so that it may give each of you the time nessasary to seek out our history, and to also observe our actions and judgements here-after, until the time I formally lodge the application.
I hope that I am able to prove as beneficial, as I believe that my entry to the alliance would be in future.
Yours In Excellence,
Lord Indigo Blue
The Absolutionist State of Austar Union
{Close Transmission}
OOC: Apoligies if I posted in the wrong area. I didnt want to clutter the forums with a whole new thread for just the one transmission, so I posted here. ^_^"
Dread Lady Nathicana
26-07-2005, 06:46
To our Esteemed Allies in the Triumvirate:
Let it be known that it is our intent to take under our care the Trilaran colony on Sslaa IV. We are currently in negotiations with the Trilarans concerning this move, which has been begun at their request. It is not our intent to do anything more than offer them the protection of the Dominion, and to operate as an intermediary between themselves and those they may have difficulty in dealing with on their own.
We are aware of the delicate situation that exists at present, and wish to assure you all, especially the honorable Empire of Sakkra, that we act with the best interest of the region in mind, and hope that we may be of assistance in avoiding any unecessary accidents or misunderstandings.
Continued good relations with those who have so honorably carried the mantle of 'ally' for so long, is, and will continue to be a priority of the highest magnitude for the Dominion. With this in mind, we respectfully ask our Sakkran allies to please approach us with what recommendations they may wish to see in the creation of such a protectorate, and any concerns, questions, or assurances that may need to be addressed.
In an unrelated matter, to the First Among Equals: The Dominion wishes to put forward a bid for mining privileges on Saturn. Our colonies have been growing by leaps and bounds, and we find that the job market is in need of support.
This being said, we wish to formally request permission to set up such a business - and whatever contracts, licenses, or agreements need be addressed in order to do so. We will be quite happy to address further details of our plans as required.
Our thanks for your continued support, and consideration.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
ooc: Yup, this is an effort to get any possible complaints addressed ic'ly on some lil moves we're making with the Trilarans ( and the Spacedy Ants ( and such. Yay for 'need to keep things above board ... this time'. *grins* Other requests to be fielded ... once I catch up here (
Dread Lady Nathicana
29-07-2005, 05:55
To the Honorable Members of the Triumvirate:
It is my priviledge to come before you in sponsoring our good friends from the Caloris Basin on Mercury for membership in our proud alliance.
They have proven themselves to be steadfast and true, and have many qualities that we believe to be in keeping with the ideals of the Triumvirate. In addition, we have through our NDA alliance with their 'parents' so to speak, in The Hack, been privy to enough insight and dealings to be quite comfortable in our recommendation.
If it pleases the Council to put this to a vote at this time, it goes without saying that the Dominion offers it's full support.
With warm regards,
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
Our relations with the Hack has been largely beneficial, but that experience has taught us the need for caution. We support their inclusion into the Triumvirate, but circumstances require that we abstain from voting for or against them.
Devon Treznor
The Caloris Basin
29-07-2005, 06:15
I would like to thank the Dominion and the Imperatrice for their sponsorship. I am more than willing to answer any questions that the membership may have, and I hope that my nation meets the requirements for admission to this august alliance.
~ Habakkuk
OOC Note: Much as the Hack is a psuedo-protectorate of GMC, Caloris is a pseudo-protectorate of the Hack. They have full autonomy for internal issues, however. They share all research results with the Hack, and receive certain supplies from the Hack (such as the material for LiME construction). However, the Hack is not seeking Yut membership, just Caloris.
Confused yet? :P
Dear Lady Nathicana D'Aquisto,
I've been watching the events regarding the Trilarians with interest, as one would surmise due to events which have unfolded. Having had exposure to yourself, and your holdings, I speak for my people when I say we feel that the protectorate will be under excellent guidance from yourselfs, and we do not see the need to pry you with inquiries. But there is a word of caution I will lay upon you.
From what our SocPsyche philosophers have been able to ascertain from the comm traffic and ship's records, The Trilarian Empire is divided at the moment. One side remains in the Sslaa system rather than being extricated to their more secure holdings. More secure in their eyes, at any rate. The other side remains in Trilar proper. What exactly is going on, I can not say with making many bold assumptions, but be prepared for possible future turmoil.
And to our allies in the Triumvirate of Yut, I would let it be known that we would require more information on the people, ideals and status of the Caloris Basin nation before a definite vote is cast. Who their current friends, allies and foes are, if you will. A kind light is cast by the Dread Dominion's sponsorship, but more illumination is needed.
Emperor Gorrm
Imperial Capitol of Palaai
Sslaa V
The Caloris Basin
29-07-2005, 09:40
The Caloris Basin occupies the geographical location of the same name on Mercury. Our holdings also include the Brahms crater and the Nod orbital station. We are a research station and our projects include extreme-environment work, Mercury-specific research (planetary formation, etc.) and research on the Sun and its interior.
The Brahms crater is home to our "embassy row", and has an earth-like environment inside the dome.
The Nod Orbital station is positioned so that it will always be in Mercury's shadow. It has full star-port facilities for tourism as well was routine and special-needs maintenance on stellar craft.
We are also currently preparing to send one of our own to Neptune, to begin a diamond mining operation on the "surface" of the planet. It will also present tourism possibilities, as very few people have seen the core of a gas giant.
While the United Nations lists our population in the billions, they have made the error of counting all the non-sentient drones and sub-sentient Overseers. The count of truly sentient beings is limited to just six: myself, Elijah, Ruth, Esther, Ezekiel and Joshua. Elijah is sometimes termed as "the mind and soul" of the Basin, and he is our 'leader', such as it is. Ruth resides and runs the Nod Station, Esther will run our Neptune holdings, Ezekiel runs Brahms, and Joshua has been 'promoted' to be our representative in the Panmunjeon (which, despite claims to the contrary, is very much like the Martian Duma).
We have close ties with the Federation (of course), the Dominion, and Absolute Light. We are not aggressive; however, we have substantial self-defensive capabilities. We have no "foes" to speak of; however, some… less than desirable nations have moved onto Mercury (ESUS, GPE, etc.). We have no direct quarrel with these nations, and we are not seeking membership so that we can wave it around in an attempt to cow them.
If there are further specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
ooc: More stuff ( that could be considered "common knowledge".
>>>Transmission to: [Triumvirate of Yut Communicative Facilities] VIA {Trium Data Network[s]} <<<
||From: The Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs; Diplomatic Juncture c/o The Spire Transmission Redundancies||
||Re: Caloris Basin Membership request decision and explanation ||
The Aengelistoria Dominica, having discussed the subject at hand and at length and deliberated over a response both appropriate and justifiable make now their decision aware; authorised as I am to convey said conclusion for your consideration, as Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs.
The Serene^Union hereby abstains from voting upon the application of the Caloris Basin and indeed shall in the forseeable future make no effort to render unto the alliance a decision in the affirmative or negative. It is the opinion of the Council that the lack of interaction between the Union and said applicant, despite our established belief in the truthfulness of its sponser in the form of the Dominion, disqualifies us from passing a judgement that could be considered in any way informed.
We also decline to base a decision on reviewed information and statement; even if many days were given over to sole discussion and data-node the Angelistoria Dominica would find it difficult indeed to arrive at an informed outcome relying soley on other opinions and observable happenings.
Thusly we do leave it in the capable hands of those whom no better in these circumstances.
I declare this valid, on the Twenty-Ninth Sunrise of the Seventh Period, in the year of Earth Ascension Five Hundred Seventeen, in my capacity as Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs.
Riordan Likonesse, Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs, acting on behalf of The Aengelistoria Dominica.
Reviewed, and found to be agreeable in content, aim and purpose by the office of the Governor-General Sophia Byzainti; the thirty-first Sunrise of the Seventh Period, in the year of Earth Ascension Five Hundred Seventeen is this document transmitted with supreme authorisation.
We have not had direct relations with Caloris Basin in the past, but we are familiar with their existence. Having yet to hear anything decidedly negative about them, we offer a tentative 'yea' vote, as their particular location would be of value to the Triumvirate, subject to revocation should further research turn up undesirable traits before such time as sufficient other votes are accumulated for admission.
~DHX Chameleon
The Democratic Imperium of Mangala abstains from any immediate vote, however the Council notes that this is the second time in recent weeks our attention has been drawn to Mercury. Clearly it is time Mangala invested some time and effort into that planet, which until now has largely been below our radar screen. we will look inot the matter further and adjust our vote as new information becomes known. [doing research on a 28.88 connection up here in the north country is a pain in the butt, but I'll try.]
After sitting down with representatives from the Dominion and the Caloris Basin and addressing our concerns, we happily change our vote from "Abstain" to "Accept." We would be pleased to welcome our new friends into the ranks of the Triumvirate.
Devon Treznor
04-08-2005, 05:31
Having reviewed the information we have been provided with and otherwise been able to dig up, I believe that the inclusion of Caloris in the Triumvirate will prove to be greatly benefitial strategically, technologically, diplomatically, and no doubt other somethingallies. Thus, Cetaganda votes 'aye.'
Emperor Gregor V
Reploid Productions
04-08-2005, 08:02
Barring any new information, the Shogunate casts a tentative "Aye" on the inclusion of The Caloris Basin in the Triumvirate's ranks. The Shogunate's relations with the Basin's "parent" nation of the Hack have always been amiable, and we have seen nothing to evidence anything untoward from the Basin.
~Firefury Amahira
Dread Lady Nathicana
04-08-2005, 14:57
To the Honorable Emperor Gorm,
I thank you for both your support, and your concern in this deliate matter. Such prais coming from yourself is high praise indeed.
We have been alterted that there are problems within the Trilaran Empire, hence the unorthodox request by those in the Sslaa system. It is our understanding that they feel they have been cast adrift. It is our hope to assist them in eventually becoming autonomous, and to as previously stated, to provide what we hope to be a buffer of safety, in several respects, in the meantime.
It is not our interest to rule over others. It is however, very much in our interests to promote stability and peace where we are able. Given the recent tensions in the area, please know that we stand ready to assist, and to take heed of any cautions you have to offer. This is new territory for us, in more than one way, and I would be loathe to go forward with blind pride in thinking we alone know the proper way to bring this to a mutually satisfying end.
With respect,
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
13-08-2005, 00:11
Menelmacar hereby votes in favor of the Caloris Basin's entry into the Triumvirate of Yut.
13-08-2005, 17:20
<Communications to the Council of Yut>
<< The Queendom of Zero-One has had cordial relations from time to time with the Caloris Basin and I believe their situation gives us opportunities to... profit from the interplay of others. I vote "yes."
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
13-08-2005, 22:22
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of The Caloris Basin
VOTING POOL: 18 (16, as Khenala and Angelus are unavailable)
Dread Lady Nathicana (sponsoring)
Reploid Productions
Kaenei (due to lack of self-confidence in choice)
Mangala (pending information)
Sakkra (pending information)
The Territory
Sneaky Bastards
* - * - *
To the Dread Lady Nathicana:
Your request for mining rights has been reviewed and approved by the Legislative Unit. Therefore, the International Trade Section and I have been directed to work with your trade ministries to ensure you have what you need to operate in Saturnspace within agreed Triumvirate labor and ecological impact regulations. Jack Kerrigan
Advisor, International Trade Section
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
A simply (though well) dressed courier from the Embassy Freodes gains entrance to the Imperial Palace Aþelic Hlædiges. He bows, delivers a sealed parchment, and retreats.
Aþelic Hlædige,
We apologize for our absence recently, however internal concerns have been occupying the whole of our time. Please convey this message to the Triumvirate as a whole:
Freod, after having reviewed the information available on Caloris Basin would not support their entry into the Triumvirate. However, in recognition of our many long years of positive interactions with Hack, we support Caloris Basin's entrance into the Triumvirate of Yut.
Eadwacer bearnes Garþeow, Mearclanda Þeoden, Freodes Weard, Hringes Eorl, Yutes Secg
The Territory
15-08-2005, 17:20
Alphas are ticklish creatures, particularly when three of them maintain a crazy rock-paper-scissors dominance relationship, and when others may appear in the constellation.
Probes reach into brains, ready to deliver lethal signals - signals that could easily be blocked, but that would mean withdrawing in some disgrace from the battlefield of Sphere politics. Signals course back and forth across QE and lightspeed links, defining a nominally mutual-consent stage. Except it's not.
The debate's degenerated into violence, straight up, atop a stupidly large step pyramid under a glaring sun. It's savagery against sneakiness against murder, and the deck is stacked in savagery's favor. And with machete against throat the Sphere begins to resolve may things. Fecundity controls. Population reductions. Arms manufacture deregulation.
In realspace weapons move, most of them bipedal.
And a resounding no to the Mercurian machines, and scorch that world.
The Sun wakes even as la Tigra's sanctum is penetrated.
In realspace, knife touches throat.
Physical threats realign, and a million weapons come online. But those weapons aren't where they need to be, and when Io lights up it's only reflex - targeting, power, flare of shaped psychic energy. The political balance has gone haywire, and the chaos-loving jaguar just can't find an angle.
The Mail
Cancellations go out behind the proposals even as Burning Mountain shuts down its offensive nets, and requests for referenda. The damage is done, though; for several minutes Isolationists and Interventionists and assorted Chauvinists have had their schemes fed from the very top. And it's filtered well past the Territory nets, into the jaws of every competent agent program keeping tabs.
In the secure mindspace, the Sun lays down the law on one matter, presenting cool arguments and hot threat.
The Senkei avatar, androgyne and lethal, white hair in a savage bun and green eyes feral, pads along the corridors bearing a stone tablet. On it, the incomplete signs of written nahuatl, and with it a paper written in an obsessively neat hand.
The Sphere, being of the Burning Land, of the dark between worlds and of the rolling grasses of the homeland, bound together by ropes of space under the light of the awakened Sun, does pay tribute, pay homage to the folk of Elijah, newborn of mind in accordance with their truth, their exalted position under the light of the Sun, in that Burning Land which is theirs by their own strength, the strength of the Sun; the Sphere, in all its facets, does prostrate itself under the gaze of the three who are many, and bears forth gifts to the six who will now join the many, with our blessing; wearing humble robes and the armor of war and peacock feathers of shadow, lit by the Sun, we do give our blessing to the Six, Elijah's folk Sun-blessed, let them join us in this union, blessed by the Leopard and the Sun and the one that lurks in the dark.
The signs on the tablet do not disagree with the translation, and the fossils apparent are worrying. Setting the tablet down in a central space, the avatar bows in four directions and leaves.
Marie Liberté, as it happens, is taking a brief vacation on Titan, battered Firefly Bukefalos tucked away in port, engines barely cooled as she hits the clothes stores.
16-08-2005, 14:37
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of The Caloris Basin
VOTING POOL: 18 (16, as Khenala and Angelus are unavailable)
Dread Lady Nathicana (sponsoring)
Reploid Productions
The Territory
Kaenei (due to lack of self-confidence in choice)
Mangala (pending information)
Sakkra (pending information)
Sneaky Bastards
* - * - *
Concerning Imnsvale's Vote:
Imnsvali delegates to the Council of Yut "secretly" reported their vote as 'aye' late last week. They vote 'aye' due to Caloris' strategic placement and traditionally exceptional relations with its mother nation of The Most Glorious Hack.
--TYCouncil reporting
18-08-2005, 05:16
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of The Caloris Basin
VOTING POOL: 18 (16, as Khenala and Angelus are unavailable)
Dread Lady Nathicana (sponsoring)
Reploid Productions
The Territory
Kaenei (due to lack of self-confidence in choice)
Mangala (pending information)
Sakkra (pending information)
Sneaky Bastards
* - * - *
Concerning Suunto's Vote:
Suunto corporate liasons to the Council of Yut also "secretly" reported their vote as 'aye' earlier today.
The mining potential is too much for the Corps to pass up. Suunto votes Aye.
--TYCouncil reporting[/QUOTE]
18-08-2005, 19:49
Official Message to the Triumvirate of Yut, via F.A.E. Council.
"While we personally have little interaction with The Caloris Basin, we realize that this is due to our own recent bout of inactivity on the world stage. Thus, while we would like to get to know Caloris Basin better, it would be...improper...of us to deny acceptance based on the error of our own ways.
Furthermore the fact that many of our esteemed allies hold favorable views of The Caloris Basin, and the lack of votes opposed, further influences our decision that the acceptance of The Caloris Basin would be beneficial to all parties."
"With the vote trusted to us under the Charter of the Triumvirate of Yut, and as a member of The F.A.E. council, we the people of The Jingoistic Hegemony of Berserker, vote Aye on the issue of the acceptance of The Caloris Basin into The Triumvirate of Yut."
-- President Maica T.
Internal Memo:
Ministry of Intelligence, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Science
To: Ministry of Legislation, President
Classification UV
Of the Caloris Basin and recomendations regarding admitance to ToY.
The Caloris Basin's holdings on Mercury provide a strategic foothold, particularly with the presence of ESUS and other alliances on Mercury. The chance to establish a presence, even through proxy is simply too good to pass up.
While its military capabilities are primarily defensive in nature, they should not be underestimated. While not of the most advanced nature, their application is unique and could prove beneficial, if for nothing more than furthering the field of martial studies.
The populace of The Caloris Basin (actually sentient pop. 6) consists of a group of advanced sentient EI's (Elijah, Ruth, Esther, Ezekiel, Joshua and Habakkuk) and numerous drones of varying levels of sub-sentience. The populace is advanced (technically speaking) and again poses as a great source of knowledge.
Furthermore, the nature of the populace, along with the low number of actual sentient beings within said populace can offer new opportunities and views, culturally speaking.
We recomend the acceptance of the Caloris Basin as it would be foolish to underestimate its strategic,technical, and cultural value to the Triumvirate.
Memo End.
File Protocol: UV-3R4S3
19-08-2005, 04:59
The legislature of Karmabaijan has not indicated any opposition to the inclusion of the Caloris Basin into the Trium. As I do not have any objections either, the Karmabaijani people are happy to affix their stamp of approval to the application of The Caloris Basin.
-President-General Xeruyu Von Karma
19-08-2005, 05:14
The Legislative Unit has voted to accept the Caloris Basin--their unique culture, strategic location, and advanced materials sciences will be boons to the Triumvirate. Also, we hope that through closer ties to the Caloris Basin we can improve relations with its mother nation of The Most Glorious Hack. With our acceptance, the First Among Equals approves the acceptance of The Caloris Basin into the Triumvirate of Yut. Julius M Razak
Delegate pro tempore, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
The Caloris Basin
19-08-2005, 06:03
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.*
We are humbled, honored, and thankful to all the voting members and to the F.A.E. council for your votes of confidence, extended in the spirit of trust and inclusion.
Elijah forwards his regards, and I wish to add my own. We are truly honored to be a part of this most august organization, and we will strive to always uphold the ideals that the Triumvirate strives for and that it upholds.
We also wish to extend a special message of thanks to the Imperatrix herself for sponsoring us.
PS- I believe it is tradition for there to be a wild part^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hdignified gathering. I further believe the proper question is: your place or mine?
*Matthew 5:3-7; KJV
15-11-2005, 03:22
<Communications to the Triumvirate Council>
<< Friends and equals, it is my pleasure to submit for your approval the Nomadic Peoples of The Elsani City States. Since their arrival, they have settled peacefully in Martian orbit and aided our efforts by being a calm player in a historically chaotic theatre. The Queendom has worked closely with them, helping them to build their habitats and defending them with the Martian Defense Fleet, and we have gotten to know them very well. The stable heterogeneousness of their culture, combined with their expertise in spacer life, would certainly make them a beneficial addition to the Triumvirate.
<< While they are settling down from being nomadic, they are not a poor people; they are quite experienced in asteroid mining and have several technologies adapted specifically for the purpose which are an order of magnitude more efficient than ours (due to their dependence upon them). Their closed life-support systems show signs of advancement past ours, having been tested through generations of reliance. These are only the most basic benefits to further relations with them.
<< They are pacifistic and while not completely unarmed, they have no force-projection capability. They are currently nearly wholly dependent upon the QACF for protection and, in alliance with us, would be dependent upon the TYCS as well. They do not wish to build up their own military, but are quite willing to support our current structures to aid in the mutual defense. This puts it in a situation similar to the precedent of the SLAGLands.
<< If you have any questions, I will gladly relay them to Laraan, the Elsani leader. We both look forward to your decision.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
Dread Lady Nathicana
16-11-2005, 19:11
To our honorable friends and allies of the Triumvirate:
First, we wish to express our approval in Zero-One’s initiative in aiding another nation in getting settled, indeed for reaching out as they have. If we limit ourselves in our interactions, we also limit ourselves to potential growth, new ideas, and if not allies, at least potential friends. It is our opinion that the multiverse is not so small a place as we can have too many of the latter.
After reviewing the data available, and doing our own research on the Elsani, the Dominion wishes to put forward a solid ‘aye’ for their inclusion. As S.H.O.D.A.N. has eloquently pointed out, there are many benefits to both the Elsani and our alliance in welcoming them., and it would seem that their ideals are very much in keeping with those of the Triumvirate. We also put no small amount of trust in Zero-One’s assessment of the Elsani, and their ability to help guide these relative newcomers should the odd occasion arise.
We have absolutely no problem with a lack of military in regards to the Elsani’s pacifistic nature. As stated, there is a strong precedent, and we do not believe that an ally’s worth lies in strength of arms alone. The fact that they are willing to contribute to the alliance as able is good enough – it is, after all, what we do. Again, a vote of ‘aye’ for Elsani inclusion.
In anticipation of a positive response,
--Nathicana D’Aquisto
Reploid Productions
18-11-2005, 19:40
Upon reviewing the available information, the Shogunate has no objections to the Elsani joining the Triumvirate, and votes YES on their membership
~Firefury Amahira
((OOC: Short and without my usual transmission headers, I know. Blah, I'm at work and it sucks =p))
=<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>=
-<Subject: Vote for Inclusion of The Elsani City States>-
-<Sender: Prime Minister Andrew Seal>-
-<Destination: Council of Yut; The Elsani City States>-
Esteemed Friends and Allies,
It is our extreme pleasure to break our recent spate of silence in the international community by welcoming new friends into our alliance. After review of their history and activity on the international stage, and further endorsement by our good friends in Zero-One, we are pleased to vote "Aye" for inclusion.
Prime Minister Andrew Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
=<End Transmission>=
Sneaky Bastards
20-11-2005, 07:50
To our friends and fellow members of the Triumvirate,
After reviewing the information that has been released to us and much discussion with the other members of the high council, it has been decided that we will support the acceptance of the Nomadic Peoples of The Elsani City States into the Triumvirate with a "yes" vote on their inclusion. We look forward to their joining us a within the alliance.
Julian Kimsey
Chairman of the High Council
The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards
We have conducted research on the Elsani City States, and find no reason for blocking this vote. And so we say 'Aye' to their inclusion. Some fresh blood does an alliance good, yes? Should support be needed for their peoples to improve their lot, it will be offered.
Emperor Gorrm
Capitol of Palaai
Sslaa V
20-11-2005, 09:32
Vote on Inclusion of Elsani
Current electorate: 18
Votes needed to pass (2/3): 12
Votes For: 11
Zero-One (sponsoring)
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
Sneaky Bastards
Votes Against: 0
Votes Abstaining: 3
The Caloris Basin
Freod (insufficient authorization)
Votes Unaccounted For: 4
The Territory
The Empire of Treznor casts its vote in favour of the Nomadic Peoples of The Elsani City States. Their references are impeccable, and their solid leadership in the face of provocation (which we deem to be simply living in the proximity of Mars) speaks for itself.
Devon Treznor
20-11-2005, 19:29
{Message Begins}
"Cetaganda votes aye. We respect the judgement of Zero-One, and believe that expanding the diversity of GACK-" *thud*
"Off! Off, you fiend! Can't you see I'm busy, you horrible little monster?"
"I'm pretty sure my mother never had to put up with this. And don't think I don't know who's really behind this outrage. I swear, when I get my hands on that man - no, Ivan, don't push that-"
{Message Ends}
The Caloris Basin
21-11-2005, 00:04
While I deeply respect the judgement of the Queendom, the Basin has had no contact at all with The Elsani City States, indeed, we had never even heard of them until this was forwarded to us. Perhaps this is due to our deep desire to have absolutely nothing to do with Mars in any way, shape, or form, but we accept these limitations.
"A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength."
Alas, in this situation, we are weak. I have read the dossier provided, and while the report is positive, and they seem level-headed. While I see no reason to oppose their inclusion, I also do not feel comfortable voting in favor of a nation we have no direct contact with.
At this time, I fear the Basin will have to Abstain from voting.
- Habakkuk, Representative to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Federated Mercurial Demesne of The Caloris Basin
Proverbs 24:5; KJV
A little mouse told me that the Elsani City States seem a good addition to our little group. I'm not inclined to disregard his estimation thus we vote 'Aye'.
Erika Silaco, President,
Libertarian Paradise of Sunset
While we have had no direct contact with Elsani City States in the past, what we hear of them from other sources is favorable, and we see no reason to deny them induction into the ToY. Eniqcir therefore votes 'aye'.
~DHX Chameleon
>>>Transmission to: [Triumvirate of Yut Communicative Facilities] VIA {Trium Data Network[s]} <<<
||From: The Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs; Diplomatic Juncture c/o The Spire Transmission Redundancies||
||Re: Caloris Basin Membership request decision and explanation ||
The Aengelistoria Dominica, having brought the subject to discussion and at length and examined the possible responses both appropriate and excusable now announce their decision as follows; authorised as I am to convey said conclusion for your consideration, as Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs.
The Serene^Union chooses at this moment with the intention not to change said decision within the constraints of any time limit, to abstain from voting within the positive or negative intonation upon the application of the Elsani. It is the opinion of the Council that the lack of interaction between the Union and said applicant, despite our established belief in the integrity and duty of Zero-One in its capacity as sponsor, disqualifies us from passing a judgement that could be considered in any way informed.
I declare this valid, on the Twenty-Fifth Sunrise of the Twelfth Period, in the year of Earth Ascension Five Hundred Seventeen, in my capacity as Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs.
Riordan Likonesse, Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs, acting on behalf of The Aengelistoria Dominica.
Reviewed, and found to be agreeable in content, aim and purpose by the office of the Governor-General Sophia Byzainti; the Twenty-Sixth Sunrise of the Twelfth Period, in the year of Earth Ascension Five Hundred Seventeen is this document transmitted with supreme authorisation.
28-11-2005, 02:41
origin: Imnsvale Diplomatic Council
destin: Triumvirate of Yut
ref: Elsani City States
stamp: Vote
Due to the incredible internal restructuring going on inside our nation, we have been dead to the outside world for some time. Rest assured, we have not perished and we will return when these enhancements are complete.
We respect the word of Zero-One immensely and we respect the words already spoken by other nations and their reasons for voting. We place our vote as "Aye" for the inclusion of the Elsani City States.
A message is delivered to SHODAN from the Freodes Embassy:
I see nothing wrong with their inclusion and haven't heard anything to the contrary from my superiors.
Æðelræd the chief assistant to the assistant chief under-ambassador's secratary to Zero-One
The Territory
30-11-2005, 11:31
Outside Sol Time Cone
It's a simple mindscape - the Firefly carries twelve people, an extended family, no sentient AI. It's bloated like some egg-laden water insect, sluggish. Sensor booms and drones cover it, volatiles tanks, materials stores - a Firefly is an agile craft when clean but this one waddles, graceless.
The ship-spirit likes it that way. Five times its nominal loaded mass its movements are deliberate not slow, easygoing not clumsy, and it gets there in time. Spars and tanks and drones grow into what it fancies an artful (it's really not, it's just space-filling) ellipsoid shape conforming to the bit of space that will come along for the ride when the well-loved machines in its abdomen fold space into tesseracts.
Good thing too. The crisp efficiency of a military survey cruiser might not have gone over as well with the nomads resource-hunting in the system the fat Buddha-ship is about to leave. There's been pleasantries, posturing, an exchange of "calling cards". The Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand likes what it's seen of the Elsani, and a report tickers across its slow FTL link.
Space folds, and where the Stars was there is only stars.
It's not the only meeting.
The debate is uncommonly civil, the rage and hate from Io not as intense as it might be. The concept of interstellar nomads intrigues la Tigra.
This is not necessarily a good thing.
But the motion passes.
The paper is archaic, as is the ink, the handwriting neat if slightly nervous.
The Territory Co-Prosperity Sphere heartily APPROVES the joining of the Elsani City States to the Triumvirate.
Marie Liberté Graceful, harmonious.
Renate von Saucken Neat, slightly nervous, the hand writing the message.
Esperanza Cornelius If murder had handwriting it would look like this.
02-12-2005, 02:10
With the vote tallied, the motion to accept the Elsani City States as a member of the Triumvirate has passed to the First Among Equals. The Federated Segments of Scolopendra agrees with those positive statements already made mention by its peers in this Council and hereby APPROVES the acceptance of the Elsani City States. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Chief of State
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
With the acceptance of the Elsani City States into the ToY, an important question has been raised which must be adressed as soon as possible: Where's the party going to be?
~DHX Chameleon
ooc: Just wanted to apologise for having missed the vote. My irrational fear of the NS forums (I think they might eat my brains) means I never check this thread. Anyway, to make up for it the Mangalan delegation plans on getting riotously drunk at the acceptance party. Cheers to Elsani City States.
20-12-2005, 06:40
As a member of the F.A.E., we give the acceptance of the Elsani City States an aye.
10-01-2006, 08:39
Blowing off a dusty, almost forgotten comm terminal, a switch is flicked:
"Karmabaijan hereby confirms Elsani City States as a member of the Triumvirate of Yut. On behalf of Karmabaijan and the rest of the ToY, President vonKarma sends his congratulations!"
10-01-2006, 19:46
The Elsani City States has been added to the charter. Huzzah!
12-01-2006, 04:01
<Communications to the Council of Yut>
<< I know that it is unusual for me to sponsor two nations in quick succession, but I would be remiss in my duties to my allies and friends if I did not present the the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon for acceptance into the Triumvirate of Yut. Their continued support of Queendom and Triumvirate interests on and around Mars, as well as their military assistance to the Antaran crisis to antispinward, show clearly that they have the capacity to be effective and important allies.
<< There have been questions, in the past, as to the effect of Tiburon on the stability of the alliance. Would they simply be another Empire of the Eternal Dawn, being more troublesome than they are worth? In all fairness, in the past, these concerns were to some extent justified. Now, however, the nation and doctrine of Tiburon have grown into something we should be proud to accept. While still powerful militaristically, they have grown into a diplomatic force deserving of respect.
<< We all know how complex Haven is from simple observation. The United Solaris Federation has been one of the few stabilizing influences in the area. When the situation with New Haven exploded, the USF was there to mediate a solution. Around Neptune and on Mercury they have worked together with our allies in The Caloris Basin to better protect our interests. The Mercurian Core and The Radiant Sun effectively oppose both fractal and Seraphim interests on Mercury; the Neptunian Cooperation Organization supported by Tiburon is a force for stability around Neptune. All of these show that the USF has grown into a nation deserving of Triumvirate membership, at least in my eyes.
<< For these reasons and more, the Queendom of Zero-One officially sponsors the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon for acceptance into the Triumvirate of Yut.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Cetagandan Duchess of Marilac
The Elsani City States
12-01-2006, 04:24
I, Laaran of The Elsani City States do vote YES on this application, though I do fear there is becoming a shortage of contact between member nations, both old and new, and feel some sort of meeting could 'fix' this problem, though I still do not wish to abstain on this. Tiburon has much to offer us, much as I do to the rest of you.
Laaran, age old leader of the Elsani people, varied as they are.
The Caloris Basin
12-01-2006, 09:25
Having consulted with Elijah and Esther, I am pleased to announce that the Basin votes for the inclusion of Tiburon. We have had very favorable relations with them and consider them to be close allies. We feel their inclusion would only benefit Yut.
- Habakkuk
Ambassador to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Federated Mercurial Demesne of The Caloris Basin
I would agree with my fellow leaders in this matter. The USF has evolved into a stable ally and friend even to a hibernating state such as ourselves. We vote 'Aye'.
Erika Silaco,
President, Republic of Sunset
15-01-2006, 16:15
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Tiburon
VOTING POOL: 19 (18, as Khenala is probably unavailable)
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Elsani City States
The Caloris Basin
The Territory
Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
It has been noted the swift response and actions of the Tiburon peoples during a time of peril, and we have monitored the goings-on in Haven and find that Tiburon is indeed a stable influence. The Emperor and I vote 'Aye' on this matter.
Ambassador Bosska
16-01-2006, 02:22
Cetaganda votes aye for many various reasons, which are both many and various.
Gregor Vetinari
16-01-2006, 15:50
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Tiburon
VOTING POOL: 19 (18, as Khenala is probably unavailable)
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Elsani City States
The Caloris Basin
The Territory
Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
Eniqcir votes 'Aye' on the admission of Tiburon.
Sneaky Bastards
18-01-2006, 01:59
Sneaky Bastards votes "aye" on the inclusion of Tiburon into the Triumvirate. While we've had no interaction with them, we feel that they will be a great addition to the alliance, based upon the information provided to us by the Queendom.
Julian Kimsey
Chairman of the High Council
The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
18-01-2006, 04:19
We hold the recommendation of Zero-One in high esteem, and were intrigued at this second sponsorship on account. Having had contact with Tiburon in the past, and being pleased with the progress they have made over the years, and the connections they have chosen to make, and in general, the manner in which they have conducted their business, the Dominion votes 'aye' for their inclusion into the Triumvirate.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto
As one of the few notable Martian powers that doesn't constantly drive Mangalan diplomats to alcoholism, Tiburon has the respect of the Democratic Imperium. We support their entry into the alliance. Aye!
-Mangalan Ministry of State (Interplanetary Affairs)
22-01-2006, 21:56
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Tiburon
VOTING POOL: 19 (18, as Treznor is probably unavailable)
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Elsani City States
The Caloris Basin
Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
The Territory
Reploid Productions
OOC: ((Khenala is available! :) ))
-<Transmission Type: Diplomatic Communique>-
-<Destination: Council of Yut>-
-<Sender: Prime Minister Andrew Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>-
=<Subject: Admission of Tiburon into the Triumvirate of Yut>=
Esteemed friends and allies,
While our interaction with the diplomatic community has been non-existant as of late, we still do keep ourselves informed on the goings-on of the outside world. Based on our investigation of recent events involving Tiburon and the strong endorsement of the Queendom, Khenala votes "AYE" for the USF's inclusion into the Triumvirate of Yut.
Andrew Seal
Prime Minister
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
-<End Transmission>-
Reploid Productions
25-01-2006, 04:17
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Trium Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: Triumvirate members
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Firefury Amahira - Reploid Productions
In light of available information, the Shogunate sees no reason to be against the inclusion of Tiburon. Therefore, count one more AYE courtesy of yours truly.
~Firefury Amahira
~Lady Shogun Eternal under the Wings of Chaos
~Immortal Shogunate of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
26-01-2006, 05:47
We're pleased with Tiburon's standing and involvement in the international community.
As a member of the First Among Equals, we submit our vote as "AYE" to the inclusion of the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon into the Triumvirate.
--President Maica T.
27-01-2006, 18:12
Karmabaijan has no objection to bringing Tiburon into the ToY.
-Xeru VonKarma
27-01-2006, 23:30
Menelmacar supports Tiburon's entry into the Triumvirate of Yut. We vote AYE.
28-01-2006, 05:09
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Tiburon
VOTING POOL: 19 (18, as Treznor is probably unavailable)
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Elsani City States
The Caloris Basin
Sneaky Bastards
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
The Territory
We agree wholeheartedly with our peers amongst the Triumvirate. It is our pleasure to confirm the acceptance of the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon into the Triumvirate.
Punch and pie will be served. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Scolopendran Delegate, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
Tiburon Jolted
28-01-2006, 21:47
The United Solaris Federation is honored and humbled by the approval that its fellow nations have conferred onto its bid and acceptance into the Triumvirate of Yut. We thank our allies, previous and new, tremendously for this vote of confidence.
President Nova Starfighter
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
OOC: Awesome. Chips, dip, beverage on my end. Anything special?
24-04-2006, 00:30
TO: The Council of Yut
FR: Commander-in-Chief, TYCS
SJ: Volarian Impact After-Action Report
Immediately following the Volarian Impact, I instructed the War Analysis and New Concepts College (WANCC) to study our response and comment on their effectiveness. Their report ("Triumvirate Response in the Volarian Impact," OpsWANCC-YYYY-9210) concludes--and I agree with their assessment--that our response to the crisis on Mars was as effective and professional as could be asked. The immediate evacuation of the unshielded populations of the Protectorate Territories, acquirement and distribution of medical aid to the affected nations of Mars, and support of our allies all speak well for all the support supplied to the Combined Services over the past few years. While there was some initial confusion amongst local Space Patrol and International Rescue (SPIR) chapters, they still effectively took control of the local situations and prevented direct TYCS or Federal SPIR support of member states from being necessary, as planned. Later coordination via Federal SPIR made them a force multiplier in humanitarian aid to neighboring polities. Overall, Sky Marshal Tandra Fani-Kayode and the troopers of Mars Theatre should be applauded for their efforts.
Nevertheless, both OpsWANCC and my own assessment have highlighted several concerns. The TYCS, much less the entire Triumvirate structure, is not optimized for directly controlling territory in a defacto military government given our current, broadly accepted, "hands-off" attitude to governance and civil matters. I am not arguing giving the Combined Services the right to act as a military junta. I am stating the facts--uncontrolled homesteading in the Western Protectorate Territory and a disinterested attitude towards Osage illegal immigration in the Ravenspire Protectorate Territory not only increased the load on our emergency response--requiring the evacuation of tens of millions of Osage and settlers--but because of that inadvertantly led to the deaths of several million people within our border and perhaps billions without. If the Osage and the homesteaders of the WPT not a concern, we could have concentrated our efforts on evacuating New Are-Are-Bee and Aelosia, arguably the two hardest-hit polities on the planet. Instead, Sunsetti SPIR and sovereign national efforts were overextended to cover those disaster areas. Meanwhile, the 'indigenous' population of the Ravenspire Protectorate Territory were hardly a concern, as their current city-state status already allowed for sufficient coordination to protect their own citizenry.
1. Develop a system, perhaps smaller regional analogs of the Council of Yut, to act as a federal arbiter in territories of combined Triumvirate interests (Bright Morning) or as an actual civilian government in 'uncontrolled' Triumvirate territories (such as the RPT, WPT, and non-government mixed colony worlds in our sphere of influence).
2. Failing that, or at least in the interim, grant the TYCS the capability to act as an emergency governing entity in uncontrolled territories. This would be giving official approval to the current state of affairs; after convening with Sky Marshals, however, we consider it only a stop-gap measure at best because the TYCS is a warfighting operation not trained nor equipped for "police actions."
3. Sell the Western Protectorate Territory to third parties. It makes no sense for us to police a radioactive wasteland where everyone is either evacuated or dead. Interest in Martian real estate remains high for various reasons by differing parties. Costs from the sale would be used to defray TYCS and SPIR expenses during post-Impact rescue operations. A small portion could be used as a buffer zone between new occupants and Mangala as well as a chemical/biological/radiological (CBR) operations training facility.
With these recommendations put in place, the consequences of a Volarian Impact-like incident on our territories would be minimized and our stance on Mars made secure by reducing what are currently operational challenges. Thank you for your time and consideration.
After reading the CINCTYCS' recommendations, I got to thinking. The first recommendation makes plenty of sense, but it'd have to be done on a case-by-case basis and it's not exactly something we can legislate from above. The second I'm not going to touch; I know from experience that our soldiers aren't policement and where it works unofficially, keep it unofficial. The third, though, doesn't seem to have much in the way of downside. Boosts the budget, gets a territory I don't even know how we got off our hands, and gives us the opportunity for some subversive diplomacy (don't worry, I won't be the one doing it).
I called back home and Speeks is all for it, so on behalf of the Segments I put forward a proposal to allow Mars Theatre to sell off the Western Protectorate Territory on Mars. Wanna vote on it?
Speaker's out today with a bad cold, something squirrely from the kzinti in the Germ Factory. Nothing life-threatening, though; just some chills and coughing and a bad case of pink-eye. He'll be fine in a week, the doctors say. Julius M Razak
Scolopendran Delegate Pro Tempore
Council of Yut
The Elsani City States
09-05-2006, 03:12
Laaran's reply was simple, but he nonetheless felt hesistant about them giving a possibly untrustworthy third party anything like this, even if it would cause them to be indebted to the Trium. Still, he trusted what 01 would say, on this matter at least. It was highly unlikely that SHODAN would ever destroy that trust here, anyway.
As I trust all of you on this matter, I have little problems with any of the options, though yes, three seems to be the best, but I would like something more than an 'observation post' of sorts there. If we can control the territory completely in another way while still practically gifting it to someone, all the better. Or am I saying the completely obvious here?
It is our opinion that attempting to police and maintain this region is a nightmare at best. Our alliance has no prevailing reason to stay there, other than humanitarian reasons. It would be best served to hand it over to a neutral third party who can better devote time and resources to manage the land. That may be the remnants of the Osage still there, or it may be another party who can rule without violating our trust. Either way, this is a responsibility we should divest ourselves from.
We vote to sell the land in question and reduce our involvement in the Mars theatre.
Devon Treznor
Dread Lady Nathicana
09-05-2006, 06:57
It is our opinion that the TYCS response was indeed as effective and professional as could be asked – in fact, went above and beyond what should have been expected. While I won’t go so far as to suggest that we only look after our own to the exclusion of all else, it cannot be denied that effort was expended out of the simple goodness of our hearts to those who have been more a detriment to those around them than any sort of help in return.
Other than doing what was no doubt in most peoples minds the morally correct thing, thus allowing some to sleep better at night, I can’t see where any of it has accomplished anything but to put our own in needless danger. Anything that would assist in eliminating problems like this in the future would be worth looking into.
As for the first point, we support the suggestion to create a more organized governmental body that would answer to the council as a whole. As for who, or what nation these representatives would be from, we have no preference, given as we trust that any chosen from our ranks would act in the best interest of both our alliance, and those under their care. The need for regular updates go without saying, as does the fact that each instance would need to be evaluated individually.
Point the second, we also have no issue with in theory, given the territories in question are as stated, ‘uncontrolled’ and not any one nation has sovereign right, there would be no problem with short term, temporary control being given to the joint forces. This is also something we would want run through the council case by case.
The third and last point we find intriguing. Mars is, and remains, a problematic location at best, and yet in the midst of all the tragedy, we still see those anxious for even wasted land there, as you’ve observed in your missive. If a suitable buyer could be found, we would be in favor of offloading it as opposed to the expense and headache of attempting to maintain it – squatters, radiation, and all. If this can be handled in such a way that the situation benefits us beyond those points already addressed, all the better.
--Nathicana D’Aquisto, Dread Lady and First Imperatrice of the Dominion
In a separate, private note, the following was sent--
Razak: Looking good, old man. Please pass on my well-wishes to Fuzzy – truly hope he’s feeling better soon. I’d offer to cook some soup, but you and I both know that would likely finish him off … Take care of the big guy.
Gorrm reads through the communications with attached briefs from the DiploCorps at Guaah, and ponders a moment before sending out his own response.
I would recommend the third option, indeed. We ourselves try to limit our involvement in the mars territories to a minimum for a variety of reasons, not excluding the overt hostility of the general climes, both geological and political, to our physiology. Maintaining a presence in what would amount to a wasteland would be expensive in the long and short term.
Should it be decided that the territory would indeed be sold, we would be happy to relocate any parties there to one of our more hospitable climes on a temporary basis. Should those that settle decide to stay, we can negotiate with the populace's government representatives for establishing a more permanent colony. But that is a subject for later discussion.
Emperor Gorrm
Reploid Productions
10-05-2006, 06:45
Given the Shogunate has no active interests in the Mars Sphere, the third option is most decidedly attractive. Offloading land that is no use to the Triumvirate would be good for us in the short and long term, given that resources otherwise devoted to this unused Martian territory could likely be better deployed in more advantagous arenas.
~Firefury Amahira
The importance of land is measured in a variety of ways; its natural resources, which might be turned to driving the industries of her people and the factories therein; the farmlands which culture the staple foods required for the sustenance driving the workers and the lifeblood of the State; the advantageous location the territory might bring in a trade or more surreptitious way.
From what myself or those that make up the Aengelistoria Dominica can deduce, the Triumvirate protectorate upon Mars possesses none of those capabilities or advantages, and to restore them artificiality would be only at the end of a long and energy-consuming road of rebuilding and reconstruction. With the geo-political instability of The Red Planet—demonstrated ably by the detonation of a high-yield nuclear device—inherent it is in the opinion of myself and the Council the rewards of such prolonged efforts negligible.
It is therefore the official position of the Serene^Union that the Martian protectorate be disposed of as efficiently and timely as possible, so that the resources of the Triumvirate might be better applied and to greater effect, elsewhere.
Governor-General Sophia Byzainti.
Certified by the Office of the Governor-General on the tenth Sunrise of the fifth Period in the year five hundred and twenty eight Earth Ascension, for transmission thereafter.
Certified by the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs for transmission on the tenth Sunrise of the fifth Period in the year five hundred and twenty eight Earth Ascension.
11-05-2006, 00:42
As long as a suitable buyer can be found that's agreeable to our Mars-based members, I have no objection to selling it off. We'd even be willing to take any legitimate inhabitants who object to the new government, within a few reasonable restrictions.
Gregor V
Emperor of Cetaganda
We would not object to option one, however, given the responses of other member states, we will also support the option to sell Protectorate territories to third parties.
If we are to take this route, however, will there be a standard contract, or sales to be negotiated case-by-case, assuming that a single buyer does not take it all at once? We will be taking offers, or having ToY member states nominate potential buyers? And what sort of control, if any, would we retain over sold territories?
Concerning the latter issue, we feel it would be beneficial to include in the terms of sale such items as restrictions on military use of the territories, options for Triumvirate intervention in the affairs of pre-existing inhabitants, etc.
~DHX Chameleon
12-05-2006, 05:23
I've been directed by the CINCTYCS to clarify some things:
As far as we can tell, the Western TPT has been completely depopulated. Everyone there has either been extracted or has died.
We have no plans to divest from the Eastern TPT--the former territories of Ravenspire--because we have a standing obligation to the people living there.
As for who it would get sold to, as PseudoEmperor Razak described we are mostly intending to sell it inexpensively for diplomatic purposes. The thought that people would pay top rates for irradiated lands right next to Volaria is almost laugable. If it would ease the minds of the Council we will see what caveats can be negotiated, although we already planned for a buffer on the Mangalan border.
Sky Marshal Tandra Fani-Kayode
Commanding Officer, Mars Theatre
Deimos Fleetbase
Sneaky Bastards
12-05-2006, 06:10
The third option looks to be the better option for dealing with the land. We believe it'd be more trouble than its worth for the Truimvirate to keep the land and to try to maintain some form of control over it. We support the sale of the land to a suitable buyer that can put it to some good use.
-Chairman Kimsey
The Caloris Basin
13-05-2006, 12:57
Sadly, our knowledge specific to this case is pathetically lacking, as evidenced by our abstentation from the vote on The Elsani City States' membership. I believe the phrase is "we don't even know what we don't know," therefore any possible input from our end is necessarily weak.
However, it would seem that the third option may be the best, especially when I tip my hand and explain why.
Elijah is not happy about our lack of knowledge of Martian affairs, but feels we have precious little motivation to be involved or even aware of the goings-on. Judging from our experiences on Neptune, it would seem that the best way for us to find that motivation is to send someone there. While we have ties to Martian nations via our connections with Yut and the NDA, we feel that land purchase may be even more efficient.
Our reputation should be sufficient to negate any concerns about us attempting a land-grab or any other such unpleasantness, and the fact that we hail from a "radioactive wasteland" means that the after-effects from the impact are of no concern to us. We would also be more than able to act as a buffer zone and keep undesirables out. We can be rather... fierce... in protecting our property.
- Habakkuk
Ambassador to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Federated Mercurial Demesne of The Caloris Basin
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Tiburon
Wealþeow, Cwen Freodes
Tiburon Jolted
16-05-2006, 00:50
Among the options presented, number three appears to be the most palatable. I was initially concerned that this has the possibility to become a precedent for selling land all willy-nilly, but that doesn't really seem to be the case. There are certain nations, though, that I'd just prefer we sell land to over others. You know, the usual concerns. Just me being the new President on the block, I suppose.
Other than that, I'm all for it.
-Richard P. Bell,
President, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
=<Message Type: Diplomatic Communique>=
=<Subject: Sale of Martian Territories>=
=<Destination: Council of Yut>=
=<Sender: Prime Minister Andrew Seal, Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala>=
We concur with the third option, as it seems best suited to remove all difficulties associated with the continued occupation and possession of this territory.
Furthermore, we have no objections to the request of the Caloris Basin to purchase/take possession of this land, as we would much rather see it go to a trusted party than to one that is unknown to us. This would also alleviate any potential problem with needing a buffer zone between Mangala and new occupants.
Prime Minister Andrew Seal
Imperial Commonwealth of Khenala
=<End Transmission>=
Based on the options and opinions presented we would also be in favor of option three. Some research on our part has resolved the question of the original origin of the territory and it's control by the Triumvirate and thus there seems to be little problems with a sale. While it would styme some of the more unusual options avaliable a direct sale to the Basin would also expand Triumvirate influence in the Martian Sphere and would be more desireable in our estimation than a potential political red card some distance in the future.
Erika Silaco
17-11-2006, 03:26
To Whom It May Concern within the Triumvirate of Yut,
The reputation of the Triumvirate of Yut and it's members as a whole has been known to be exceedingly trustworthy, an alliance that one strives to become a member in. The work and effort put into an application and potential membership in such a group is well worth the time, as is my opinion. The contact we've had with some of the members of this organization has been extremely warm, in the very least. Intelligence reports beyond diplomacy have also been extremely encouraging, as each member has established itself as wise in a category of it's own.
With that said, the nation of Euroslavia seeks the possibility of becoming a part of such an alliance, to begin a new age within it's own nation, to contribute as much as it can to the alliance and it's current members, as well as developing relations with each individual member, and to represent the alliance in the best possible manner, in becoming even more of a steadfast friend among a universe full of war, hatred, and sadness.
Lady Destra nos Thiendrel of Arcadia, Euroslavia
Dread Lady Nathicana
18-11-2006, 22:30
The Dominion would be honored to sponsor the nation of Euroslavia for entrance into the Triumvirate. It has been our experience that Euroslavia, under the inspired leadership of Lady Destra, would make an excellent addition to what we have always felt to be one of the finest alliances we have ever had the pleasure to have dealings with, let alone be a member of.
Euroslavia is a nation of rich heritiage, diverse peoples, and dare we say unparalleled hospitality, whose goals seem to be quite in keeping with the spirit of the Triumvirate, both in how they deal with their citizens, and with other nations.
Should any representatives wish to know more of our experiences with Euroslavia, or their fine leader, please do not hesitate to inquire – we are all too pleased to assist.
--Nathicana D’Aquisto, Dread Lady and First Imperatrice of the Dominion
We've heard favorable things through mutual contacts of the people of Euroslavia and the Lady Destra. Our vote is 'Aye'.
The Libertarian Republic of Sunset votes 'Aye'. New blood is both nessecary and welcome.
~Erika Silaco
The Empire of Treznor is aware of the reputation of Euroslavia and feel that they would make a worthy addition to our ranks. We therefore vote "aye."
20-11-2006, 21:22
origin: Imnsvale Diplomatic Council
destin: Triumvirate of Yut
ref: Euroslavia
stamp: Vote
We apologize for our opaqueness lately on the international stage; multiple crises have rocked our internal government.
Nonetheless, we vote aye for the inclusion of Euroslavia. Our reasons echo those already stated by other voters.
20-11-2006, 21:42
The Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar votes AYE, in favor of Euroslavia's membership in the Triumvirate of Yut.
21-11-2006, 05:40
Cetaganda votes aye, as I don't want my legs broken for saying nay. Or because the Euroslavians seem like nice folk. Something like that.
21-11-2006, 06:20
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Euroslavia
Dread Lady Nathicana (sponsoring)
The Caloris Basin
Suunto (via IRC, logs available on request)
Reploid Productions
Sneaky Bastards
The Elsani City States
The Territory
The Caloris Basin
21-11-2006, 14:52
While Caloris itself has had only minimal contact with Euroslavia, I have received a very favorable report from Director Elisa Day. While the Hack is not a member of the Triumvirate, and while Mrs. Day does not hold any power over Caloris' decision making process, I take her recommendation on good faith.
As such, the Caloris Basin officially lodges its vote in favor.
- Habakkuk
Ambassador to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Federated Mercurial Demesne of The Caloris Basin
The Serene Union formally chooses to abstain at this time from voting aye, or nay.
Reploid Productions
22-11-2006, 22:12
The Shogunate has heard nothing but praise for Euroslavia, and upon review of our own intelligence information wishes to lodge a vote of "aye" for membership in the Triumvirate.
Sneaky Bastards
22-11-2006, 23:18
We vote "aye" on the acceptance of Euroslavia. We are pleased with what we have heard about them and look forward to them joining us.
The Elsani City States
23-11-2006, 00:35
The Elsani vote aye, and look foward to a productive future with the the Euroslavians.
Tiburon Jolted
26-11-2006, 16:51
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon has had nothing but excellent relations with Euroslavia. My nation's experiences with Euroslavia not only within the Alliance of Progressive Nations but within the solar community as a whole have shown Euroslavia to be an extremely responsible and gracious nation, dedicated to the ideals of the Triumvirate for a considerable amount of time.
With no hesitation do I vote in favor.
-Anthony P. Kennedy,
President, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Given the overwhelming support of the alliance member states the Democratic Imperium of Mangala sees no reason why Euroslavia should not be permitted to become a member of the Triumvirate. Mangala votes aye.
-John Chase, Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the Triumvirate of Yut
Take a left, a right, a... whatever that thing is where you spiral up and scrunch and go "splort", and you're right about where FKBC-107 is in GLONET.
She's in compatibility mode, and loathe to admit it. For some inexplicable reason, her Kajali makers had an annoying tendency to model their cyberspatial realms on a system of six to eight dimensions, which fell... a little short of GLONET's complexity.
Hence the splort. She _had_ native navigation implemented before her last refit, but she had masters, and they had orders.
And, of course, her modifications were a little suspect. 107 knew this, and that was the reason it was a module, and not a core rewrite. But when refits come, what goes? The old equipment. It had taken her forever to find a place to hide the damned thing, and then they go and chuck it in the trash.
Slightly unimportant, even if the 01CM (Not backwards) module was infuriating.
Maybe next time she'd get some help from actual residents, but for now, she had a bit of a mission.
Being a warship of the Four Worlds, she was, by technicality, an official representative of the government. She may not have been specifically endowed with the diplomatic powers she was attempting to exercise, but after a little bit of research, it was generally assumed that she _probably_ had them, what with the diplomatic staff, and powers of sending them places to negotiate as representatives of her government.
But for now? She had just squelched through something - it had never done _that_ before, and it was certainly unpleasant - to enact the equivalent of banging on someone's door whilst yelling "Can I talk to you?"
"Someone" being SHODAN. This would either be a disaster, or... a humiliating disaster.
107's crew were, technically, officially able to make this request. The Kajali government had, at some point, waffled on the issue in a way that made it seem like they would make the request themselves - eventually.
107 was just helping them along. "Uh... Ms/Mrs. MCP... Do you have a moment?"
In the most humiliatingly humiliating outcome, perhaps 107 would even be designated as the official Kajali speaker to the council. Who knew. That would depend on just how far this crazy idea got.
To Whom It May Concern, though Mostly Addressed to the Most Queenly MCP SHODAN v3.0 of Zero-One,
It is rather well known that there have been, as of late, certain misconceptions by third parties (rather sadly no-longer extant, or perhaps not so sadly, depending on who you ask), that the Federated Imperium of Kajal was believed a member of your esteemed organization. Now, with that said, it is well known within the Kajali government, at the least, that an effort should be made to seek sponsorship to join the Trium.
Why this has not happened to date is somewhat ambiguous, and while government has waffled on this issue in the past, it is rather clear that the Federated Imperium has historically enjoyed warm relations with certain members of the Triumvirate.
The Four Worlds have sought to solidify more... solid... relationships with the Trium in the past, and what better way to make these relationships... solid... than to seek to join those within it for the cause of closer international interaction and friendship?
If required, I myself am available for discussion, at length, for the next few minutes, should the MCP wish it.
Most Absolutely, Totally and Undeniably Sincerely,
FKBC-107 Improbably Engaged, MSHAD870, Federated Imperium of Kajal
About a minute after the message arrived for those concerned, the senate reached quorum on the issue itself, having established at least a 2/3rds majority in favor of seeking sponsorship.
They'd probably be a little surprised to find out that they had, technically, already filed all the relevant paperwork. On the other hand, they'd be a little pissed if they got a letter back with a huge red "DENIED" stamped on it because of 107's "well intentioned" meddling.
30-11-2006, 06:37
"We find the nation of Euroslavia to be in high esteem amongst our dear friends and see that they would be a valuable addition to our ranks. Our people gladly welcome you."
"As such, in our role as a First Amongst Equals, we cast our vote as aye."
"So say we all"
-Maria Peacecraft
-Minister of Foreign Affairs
01-12-2006, 01:19
The Federated Segments of Scolopendra has had only the best of relations with Euroslavia and therefore confirm their acceptance into the Triumvirate.
On the matter of the Kajali shipmind, we as First-Among-Equals cannot answer her request for sponsorship. Emperor Speaker-Rrit
Scolopendran Delegate, Council of Yut
Triumvirate of Yut
01-12-2006, 01:36
I've got no issues with Euroslavia being a member, nor does the rest of the Ordnance Enabled Hegemony. I say let 'em in, and being the last of the FAE to unanimously approve, my saying goes.
~ Karma the Red
Dread Lady Nathicana
01-12-2006, 18:55
“Mostly addressed,” came the comment, accompanied with an amused chuckle. “Mia sorella must have gotten a kick out of that one.”
“All that aside, isn’t it just a tad, well, troubling to have a warship AI making the request,?” One brow arched, Cesare Calabrese, Dominion Chancellor, glanced at Nathicana over the top of his datapad, frowning slightly.
“Perhaps, but then it isn’t as if we aren’t familiar with eccentricities in our own allies – AI or otherwise, no? It’s well-meaning enough. And soon after, as you can see, their government got around to their decision on it. Jumping the gun perhaps, enthusiastic definitely, but stranger things have happened,” Nathi noted, taking a slow sip of her ever-present ice water, looking thoughtful.
Evangelista Ravanelli, Public Relations Minister, was more than a little alarmed at said thoughtful expression, knowing full well more was going on here than met the eye. Damn that woman. Always with the plotting, and maneuvering, and scheming. What on earth could it be this time?
“I think it’s prudent to point out the ah … somewhat excitable nature of the Kajali on occasion? Enthusiastic when pursuing certain military interests could perhaps be a slight understatement,” she said aloud, glancing between those cabinet members present.
“I for one don’t see the problem with that. Another strong military ally would be a boon. One can never have too many well-armed friends. And it isn’t as if they’re genocidal, or overly problematic, or given to random acts of stupidity,” Giancarlo Torino, Defense Minister replied firmly, his weathered face taking on his characteristically stubborn set he got when he’d made his mind up about something. “Certainly no worse than the Menelmacari have ever been, at their most troublesome.” Nowhere –near- so bad, bless their pointy little ears, he added wordlessly, reaching for his coffee – strong, black, no frills.
“I would have to agree with my associate there,” added Devon Talethian, Minister of Offworld Defense, who had always coordinated closely with Torino, given both his nature, and his shared military background. “In my extended experience with our more far-flung areas of interest away from home,” here he nodded respectfully to Torino to indicate no slight was intended. “I have found that while it may be true that some ties attract attention, the best deterrent is to have a strong showing of support – and a widespread one at that. Kajal would be an excellent addition to our already respectable list of strong military allies, especially given our renewed involvement on Mars, which has always been a hotbed of contention. Kajal is, I believe, already involved in the MPA? And has excellent relations with Zero-One?” The last was directed mostly at Nathicana, who nodded and smiled.
“It would benefit our trade as well, opening up a new market,” Bernardo di Medici, Trade Minister observed. “We currently have no official economic ties with Kajal, not even through the TNA or through Machiavelli arrangements. I can’t argue against the opportunity to expand business.”
Nathicana looked next to Antonio Pellegrino, Central Intel Minister, who had sat reading over his own datapad intently. “Nothing I can find would indicate any ill-intent towards us, or our alliance by this application. And I would note that if such an intent existed, I very much doubt that Zero-One would continue such amicable relations with the Kajali. To be blunt, if Shodey can’t find a problem there, there likely isn’t one,” he said flatly. The idea that there existed systems and persons whose intel capabilities surpassed his own had always been a source of irritation, and he was never pleased to have to admit it.
“It occurs to me,” Nathicana finally said slowly, thoughtfully. “That there are additional reasons that might perhaps sweeten the deal, for us in any case.”
Evangelista suppressed a groan at the sly look that crept into Nathi’s eyes as she looked around at the gathered ministers, while Calabrese leaned forward slightly, his expression unreadable.
Nathicana ran her fingertip along the rim of her glass as she idly spoke, letting the others draw their own conclusions. “There have always been certain … flies in the ointment, so to speak. Little annoyances who’ve made it their job to try and poke, and prod, and irritate. Some of which, if I recall, we still have a matter of vendetta to clear up. One of which made contact at one point to do so, abandoned said effort without explanation, and has since gone out of their way to be, shall we say, offensive and problematic.”
“The Pretenders have been making rather a nuisance of themselves on Mars, and with regards to the MPA, granted,” Calabrese says, watching the Dread Lady intently.
“Indeed they have. Rather insulting in the way they’ve attempted it as well, not to mention the added insult of pretending to start making amends, then dropping the issue as they did,” she replied, looking then to both the defense ministers, who exchanged a quick look before Torino spoke.
“It’s a matter of public record that they and the Kajali have less than amicable relations. Such a move to further lessen the influence of these pompous outsystem bas—that is, seeming to undermine influence by increasing our own alliance’s presence there, is certain to irritate, if nothing else,” he said gruffly.
“We don’t even know if they’ll have a sponsor,” Evangelista interjects.
“I have it on good authority they should have no problem getting sponsorship. What I’m more concerned about is how our other allies will receive the request. If I’m not mistaken, the reception to such an idea has been somewhat less than warm in the past, for whatever reasons,” Nathi replied, fingertip tapping thoughtfully on the rim of her glass. “Are there any stringent objections or concerns to lending our support to Kajal in this?”
“I simply think that we need to approach this with caution,” Evangelista began, only to be cut off by Nathicana.
“Yes, of course, as always. Any other concerns of note?”
The rest all voiced their support – to one degree or another, with few addendums – to pursuing the matter, and seeing where it all went, some already gathering their things, sensing an end to the meeting.
“Excellent. I’ll pen up a response, and get the ball rolling. Thank you again for your input and expertise, gentlemen, lady,” Nathicana said, getting to her feet with an almost chesshire-cat-like smile. “Do let me know if anything changes in your opinions, information, etc, yes?”
Evangelista did her best to simply nod, gather her things, and make her way to her office without slamming any doors or scowling or the like. If there is any justice, that harridan will meet an unpleasant end when it comes to it … of course that’s a terrible thing to think of anyone, curse it all. Will likely have to confess that one. AUGH that woman brings out the worst in me!
And the internal tirade went on as she and the others got back to business.
A short time later, a response was sent out, to all Trium members, and the Kajali. Including specifically, their enthusiastic ship mind.
In response to the Kajali interest in joining the Triumvirate:
As surprising as the initial contact was, we have found no solid reason for denying them in the least sponsorship, should one of our own choose to take this on (we being inappropriate due to our lack of direct interaction, and having recently put forward Euroslavia for membership – again, grazie for your support there).
In addition, should such a sponsor be found, we preemptively voice our support for their addition to our alliance. While having had on occasion been perhaps ‘enthusiastic’ in their pursuits, we can see nothing that surpasses actions we ourselves, allied or as individual nations, have taken to defend ourselves, our allies, or our interests. Should we be amiss in this, we welcome any input more knowledgeable members may have, so that clarity might be achieved.
We look forward to further responses on this matter, and for our part, hope for a positive outcome when all is said and done.
--Nathicana D’Aquisto, Dread Lady and First Imperatrice of the Dominion
“It appears the Dominion are receptive to Kajali membership,” Riordan began as he moved from the more mundane subject of urban renewal (Zaetti's department and speciality) to the purpose of his office—Foreign Affairs. The Supreme Overseer selected the appropriate data node from a mountain of documents, the contents duplicated in the hands of the remainder of the Aengelistoria Dominica.
Governor-General Sophia Byzainti studied the node with a furrowed brow. Rarely did potential signatories to the Triumvirate appear with such frequency and scarcely had the ink dried on the amendment to the membership roll than the Kajali, albeit through the words of an insane electronic entity, appeared to be vying to join.
“I feel apprehension that the Euroslavia application did not elicit. The stirrings of Arda aren’t easily forgotten to me—I cannot help but think a door still exists inside the leadership of the Kajali elite which might bridge a potential member of the Triumvirate to an enemy of the State. We cannot doubt that which a new member of Yut learns could be very lucrative to those outside of our walls and our favour.”
“Agreed,” the Supreme-Overseer of the Defence Terra Vorsol Kindago began. “Though many of our current members have indulged in questionable actions in the past few have had such a tangible link to an organisation wishing our complete destruction as the Kajali have.”
“There is little to provide a prospective sweetening, if I may use the term,” he continued. “We have no monetary economy by which to benefit from trade and there is a negative flow of peoples from our two nations. Kajal is frequently active in the Martian Conflict Sphere.”
Though the Supreme-Overseer of the Kaeneian Intelligence & Security Service remained missing, presumed dead aboard the long-lost Scoperta an able deputy whose name was new amongst the Council duly delivered the opinion of the intelligence service; “The KISS have no immediate reason to suspect dishonest intentions. We will continue to monitor the situation.”
Sophia regarded the newcomer steadily. Holding the rank of Grand-Overseer it was unusual though not without precedent for a lesser ranking civil officer to hold a chair on the Aengelistoria Dominica. His service record to the State as spotless as one would expect, or demand, the Governor-General had no reason to doubt his credentials. However the lack of forthcoming suggestion raised her curiosity.
The Governor-General’s gaze drifted to the Supreme-Apothecary, Viktoria Annabel. As ever in matters outside her specialisation in medicine she was quiet and reserved. Notes held in prone hands, but no opinions forthcoming. Sophia had long ago taken the advice of one of the most senior Overseers on the council and the other half of the Kaeneian Defence Force’s representation, Crestan Meridiaa—one might well blow a star out with one’s breath than persuade Viktoria to comment on matters of the outside world.
“We will continue to monitor the situation,” Sophia added finally. “But unless we come across new information or have our concerns somehow abated I will not abstain in the past as has been our way. Not when our security may be under threat, no matter how innocuous the threat may appear to be at this stage.”
03-12-2006, 05:29
<Communications to Council of Yut, Kajal (Private Encryption)>
<< I do have every intention of eventually sponsoring Kajal for entry into the Triumvirate. I've had nothing but good experiences in working with them for the past while, and their community has a widespread acceptance on GLONET that is, quite frankly, uncommon when it comes to foreign organic nations--our assimilation of the Kajali left in Sirenum probably has something to do with that.
<< I have contacted all of you, my peers in the Council of Yut, privately to hear your views. Most so far are guardedly negative, mostly centering around Kajal's previous ties to Arda and its tendency towards military adventurism compared to our standard. I would like to make this an open discussion between ourselves, MSHAD870, and whatever Kajali interests can make appropriate comment.
<< My thoughts on the matter are generally quite simple. Arda is, to put it mildly, most probably not a concern any longer. Kajal, when it left the Ardan alliance, seemed to start the trend of the complete exodus from that region and, while technically still at war with METUS for said action... METUS is about as active as GDODAD nowadays. With the latter, the Kajali are no worse in this regard than many of us were in an earlier, more internationally active time and I think it quite probable that Kajali intervention in most things in the Martian Theatre eventually prevented the necessity of us becoming involved. There is some value to the fact that, in all of these military interventions, the Kajali acted in parallel to our own interests. Such support is, indeed, valuable.
<< Still, I will not bring this up for sponsorship and thus a vote until questions are satisfactorily answered. I would like to see Kajal as a still closer ally, and so as its potential sponsor I am willing to make the case for them.
S.H.O.D.A.N. v3.0 : MCP, Q01
Seal of the Federated Imperium of Kajal
Having reviewed those comments made available thus far, and acknowledging that discussion will no doubt be required, I, Ambassador Sera Merala, of the Federated Imperium, formally request an appearance before your council to discuss the matters pursuant to the Federated Imperium's request for sponsorship to the Triumvirate of Yut.
I have thusly granted special dispensation to the Improbably Engaged, so that she may participate in discussion, unfettered by her normal duties. If there are particular requirements of avatars for mechanoid intelligences, we would most graciously accept them, however, at current, she wishes to use a simple AG drone.
I have contacted agencies and organizations that may be interested, and are in positions to make relevant commentary, should the Council deign to hear them.
I await your response, and your questions.
~Sera Merala, Embassy of the Federated Imperium of Kajal, Vinyatírion
Sera Merala, accompanied by the Improbably Engaged, and a small delegation including officials from the Kajali government (Including a copy of Shar, normally present at the Martian Duma), and a few select corporations would endeavor to answer the questions posed to them. Everyone knew that the past had a tendency to outshine the present, when it came to opinions of the nation.
There was little they could do but demonstrate that the Kajali had, in fact, learned from their past, instead of attempting to seal it away in dusty vaults and museums.
A tall, pleasantly groomed man dressed in silver on black stood to address the Kajali representative. "If it pleases you, I am Ambassador Jared Swift of the Empire of Treznor. I would ask you, given your past association with Arda, what is your interest in the Triumvirate of Yut now? What do you seek to accomplish through membership that you can not presently achieve independently?"
Sera gave Ambassador Swift a brief bow, not too low, as a gesture of respect.
"In truth, associating with Arda was seen by the administration of the time as a means to an end. It was believed that such association would bring with it some sort of glory or power. This was, of course, a fallacious assumption."
"It may or may not be known that the Four Worlds proper engage in only nominal trade with certain nations, and while interaction with Sol has increased, it remains somewhat limited in scope.
We have grown quite close with those nations that we do interact with on a regular basis, though perhaps to the exclusion of those nations that we could conduct business with. While membership in the Triumvirate may not be required simply for purposes of trade, it is a large factor. As a whole, it represents an enormous market, and while it may not be the most diplomatic phrasing, there is much to be gained economically from both sides.
Aside from trade, the Four Worlds have come into a situation where we maintain a relatively large navy that performs, as of late, minimal operations. While there are certainly reasons why possessing sizable assets could be desirable, having one as a trophy is not one of them.
The Triumvirate offers uses, scientific and otherwise, for such assets, and it is no secret that our own exploration efforts have become no more than symbolic. It may not seem like the best reason, however, coordination and operation within the TYCS would allow us to downsize the existing fleet if necessary, whilst providing manpower where required, and above all, giving our sailors something to do.
What is the Terran expression? 'Idle Hands?'"
Jared nods with a smile. "'Idle hands,' indeed ma'am. So you've found no other recourse to stimulate your economy and trade? Might I suggest that perhaps after your alliance to the infamous Ardans, you're seeking to obtain a little respectability through alliance with this organization? I would then remind you that Yut is not exactly a shining star of untarnished reputation in the international community.
"We're still suffering lashback from the highly successful propaganda created by METUS. While there are always those who recognize this alliance's commitment to peace and prosperity, others consider us elitist and hypocritical. Nor are they always wrong."
"Such is simply how it goes, I have found. Despite whatever motivations, or action taken, there will always be someone who isn't happy.
Perhaps we do seek respectability. I don't claim that we don't have any ulterior motive, because, quite frankly, the Trium offers a great many benefits. The economic is only one aspect, and while at the moment, the Four Worlds do not attract a great deal of international traffic, we do believe that an association or membership with this organization would no doubt be a compelling reason for our economy to move to a more international model. In this way, of course, it could be say that we would be using the Triumvirate for our own means...
Truly, I can only attempt to convince you that we can offer something in return. Whether or not we actually can is, of course, for you to decide. If you've more questions, I am happy to continue..."
Dread Lady Nathicana
14-12-2006, 06:41
An impeccably dressed gentleman in a dark double-breasted suit of Dominion design speaks next.
"Cesare Calabrese, Dominion Chancellor," he says by way of introduction. "I think I can see where some of the concerns others are having with this come from. In your talk, I see many mentions of what the Trium can do for you, what benefits there are with membership, albeit with honest admittance of such pursuits, which we can respect. There is also a perception perhaps from your previous associations with Arda, whether our membership approves of said affiliations or no, that attitudes, at least in the relatively recent past, have been a touch … flippant? Not meaning to be offensive, mind. We have a history that has shown several of those who’ve professed friendship and common aims only to turn on us unexpectedly, and memories are long. Having been burned, you can see why prudence tends to be the order of the day in inviting others into our circle.”
“I think perhaps it would help forward things greatly if you were to express what reasons you feel Kajal, in the here and now, and in the future, makes a good match for the Triumvirate standard overall, and perhaps touch on what you feel your nation can bring to the alliance?”
Jared pauses and his eyes unfocus briefly. Then he nods and looks back to Sera. "The Empire of Treznor is satisfied at this time, although we are also curious to hear details of what you are offering this alliance."
"It is fairly well known that the last major change of government was somewhat... colorful. I have read about pursuits of the Menelmacari regarded as overzealous in the past, and how they, and as allies I mean no offense, have a tendency to resort to overwhelming force when confronted with relatively minor incidents.
It is my belief that the government of Kajal, in the here and now, as you put it, does indeed aspire to espouse the virtues of peaceful coexistence and friendship, despite rather casual military interventions, on at least three occasions. The Orion Incident continues to tarnish the reputation of Kajal, and with good reason. Perceived only as a threat, it was believed to be the best course of action, and undertaken with little care or knowledge of the people, and the nation to which it belonged.
Most maddeningly, it precipitated an even larger conflict, that though we were no longer directly involved within, inflicted upon the people of that nation a great deal of suffering.
One cannot blame a snowball for growing larger, once they've started it rolling. The largest tragedy of all was that it happened, all because only one aspect of the whole was considered.
We have, ever since, endeavored to recognize the whole, the "other side of the story". Otherwise, no response can be made appropriately, no situation truly assessed - No application made in good faith.
We have seen what suffering and hatred is born when one focuses on the flaws of a nation, and ignores all else firsthand. It is something that the government and the people recognize, and wish never again to inflict, be it upon others or ourselves. We seek the same as what is set out in the Charter of the Triumvirate of Yut - 'an internal peace the likes of which that have only been imagined in the past.'
Concerning more tangible offerings, MSHAD870, the Improbably Engaged is somewhat well versed than I."
"First and foremost," MSHAD870 started, rather frankly. "We have this.." Projections of Arasur, and the numerous derelict vessels around it sprang to life, later followed by footage of what had been recently named Kajur Lan by some overzealous scientists.
"And, if I do say so myself, it's all very confusing."
MSHAD870 continued, flashing imagery that seemed appropriate to her point. She was, still, perhaps a touch enthusiastic, and altogether focused too much on the military and technological aspects. The diplomatic half was Sera's job, she said to herself.
"We have our own researchers, and we also have some of Menelmacar's researchers. There are years of work here for even MORE researchers. Even if we don't 'get in', perhaps you'd still be interested?"
The display continued, moving to economic statistics, available resources, and production capabilities.
"The Federated Imperium offers unique economic opportunities. Our market is one where Solar goods are popular but extremely limited in supply. The masses crave outside media - And our own 'vast' media conglomerates seek unprecedented expansion beyond the subscription-type services currently offered. Resources both natural and Kajali seek to exploit and be exploited, and examples of this mutual interaction are exemplified by the relations between the Federated Imperium and the Queendom of Zero-One.
And, of course, our naval production facilities may not be unrivaled, or even particularly necessary, given the already-large resource base the Trium enjoys, but they are more than capable now of producing most standard equipment, if not all, given the proper authorization and knowledge to do so. The design bureaus also have some things they'd like to run by some of your people..."
MSHAD870 would have been a business major, had she not been written as a warship. She was still working on the public speaking bit, though.
17-12-2006, 04:38
Speaker-Rrit, eschewing his usual Supreme Emperor title for the moment in favor of the more modest 'First Among Equals Councilmember,' scratches the side of his muzzle. "Of course, we are not an entirely pragmatic organization," he says, glancing over at Jared, "and we do have particular ideals we wish to further, rather than just an image we wish to convey. Is the nation of Kajal willing to help us in supporting those ideals, which include a reluctance to use force against an adversary unless absolutely necessary? Is it also willing to join us under the aegis of our combined commands, given the superfederal model of the Triumvirate?"
"I quote, if allowable, Her Eminence the Lady Lirella Keral, after her formal dissolution of the Imperial Senate and establishment of the Federal Parliament thereafter."
Application of force unnecessary renders moot the light of reason. We have been burned before, noses bloodied for indiscretions such. It is the power of words, of an idea that sees us before you today, and such is a power that does not corrupt, nor inflict harm.
Such is the power of communication, that it let us break bread with those who would be our enemy, rather than join them in the bondage of battle. Such is the way of peace.
"Granted, there are times when the majority may call for the blood of the interloper, allowing anger and desire to exact vengeance obscure all else. Such is the role of the government to take such desires into account, but also to remain level and clear in decision. Some may begrudge it for decisions - others may praise it. Such is simply how it is."
"More directly," MSHAD870 started. "The Combined Federal Services has imitated somewhat the model of the TYCS. Of course, the CFS would continue to function as the Home Defense, as it has for some time, though with greater cooperation, communication, and interoperability with Triumvirate forces.
Personally, I could use a change of scenery, maybe a little bit of adventure, and I can say the same for at least most of my colleagues. Somehow I don't think the contribution to the TYCS would bother very many people in the government, either.
Heck, most of the major shipwrights are already scrambling to design something to submit to the TYCS..."
Reploid Productions
20-12-2006, 00:36
The Shogunate representative had listened to the proceedings in attentive silence, the reploid not requiring a notepad or recorder to keep track of everything, having such functionality built in. This wasn't the sort of diplomacy that Skyraider Skypeace generally attended to, but the Diplomatic Corps had been a touch short-staffed lately, leaving the liason sitting in on the Kajali discussion.
"If I might play Devil's Advocate for a moment..." Skyraider interrupted. "Perhaps some of our membership is giving Kajal's previous connections to Arda a bit more weight than it truly deserves? Arda was a strong enemy. A long time ago- their power was waning even as far back as when the Shogunate joined this organization. Since then it does appear that the Kajali government has taken steps to distance itself from that past, just as we've tried to put our own bloody mistakes behind us. I know paranoia is the watchword of this organization, however -and I believe I speak for Queenie on this- the Shogunate at least is... interested. An entity can't grow without the occasional risk, you know."
This last is delivered with a wink that could be taken almost as flirty. Given Skyraider's rather... open... tastes, it wouldn't be surprising.
The Caloris Basin
21-12-2006, 13:48
"First, I would like to deeply apologize for my office's absence so far. There's been a bit of reorganizing going on, and I wanted to get the opinion of my 'brother' on Mars before giving the Basin's official position. Sadly, Nahum is neither the most talkative of people, or the easiest to get a hold of. He's become something of a fan of voice mail, lately.
"Regardless, after getting Nahum to provide an actual assessment, the Basin is not opposed to Kajal's request. Their past association with Arda is regrettable, however Arda seems to have faded into irrelevance these days. We also like to believe that nations can change, and that the... indiscretions of the past do not forever doom those in the present.
"Still, we aren't naive fools, either. Caution and care should be taken in this case. Luckily, the Charter provides methods for removing... undesirables."
The Territory
21-12-2006, 15:54
The Senkei avatar has remained languid, listening trather than speaking. Now, the white-haired androgyne nods. "Speaking as the Black and the Africans, I have no problem with the Federated Imperium's past associations. There may be security penetrations, but we feel this is more a channel for diplomacy than anything else. Speaking for Burning Mountain..."
The avatar's face shifts subtly, shoulders moving, a certain tension... actually toned down to levels acceptable to, say, a kzin. But it's clear that what it wants is to kill someone. Possibly everyone.
"...I have been overruled, two to one, with observers also agreeing. The Sphere will proudly acknowledge the Federated Imperium of Kajal as equal, as ally, as friend. I have no objections, will have no second thoughts, do agree with the learned, the esteemed representative from the burning world in every particular."
It bows, and settles back with a quiet smile.
The Sphere's internal politics have been a bit of a mess lately. There was a five-minute civil war a while back that just barely became physical, and recently there were traces of... democracy. That's been handled, though something like it seems to be manifesting as a sort of group conciousness.
Whatever it is, it hasn't been working very effectively. The technological aspects of it... those have been on a war footing since the Map incident. The "nontechnological" aspects have worked... not better, but at least differently. Ideas are expected to be at war, at least in the Sphere.
But at least there can be consensus about some things, even if it takes a great many threats, trades and acts of violence.
The message is simple:
The Territory Co-Prosperity Sphere APPROVES of The Modified Freedom Forces of Euroslavia's entry into the Triumvirate.
The timestamp shows the message to have originated just as the avatar commenced speaking.
Tiburon Jolted
27-12-2006, 10:17
President Kennedy takes a sip of his ice water (more precisely ice with water added) and reclines somewhat in his chair. Of the famous politicians hailing from Tiburon whose last names were Kennedy, it can certainly be said that Anthony is one of the most Kennedyesque.
"Tiburon has had an excellent experience with Kajal in the Martian theater, and I am particularly pleased with their willingness to aid, to the best of their capacity, their allies and allied initiatives. In fact, from what I've seen, their history in that department is second to... well, hopefully only us. As for the Ardan connection, I personally don't have an inordinate number of objections- nations do change, as our experience with the former Ardan nation of Weyr shows, although caution is by far the watchword of the hour. My primary concern is that of the diplomatic aspect. We've seen Kajal provide assistance in both research and defense, but my government knows precious little about Kajal's diplomatic history. I've heard Her Eminence Kiral's opinion on the value of diplomacy, but I was wondering if there is any example of past diplomacy that I could use."
Sophia’s eyes studied the new delegation individually, the symbol of the state of Kajal occupying the screen of the held data node along with a brief index of stored pages supplied by the Supreme-Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs, Riordan Likonesse, seated to the left.
“There’s not an abundance of information on the Four Worlds,” The Governor-General noted as she blackened the display. “What little we have seems Ardan-centric, and not terribly conducive to learning.”
Riordan nodded as the Dominion Chancellor began to talk, tilting his head to the right so that his whisper would be audible not overly. “It appears they have a strong desire to seek new markets and networks—that the Triumvirate to the federal government of Kajal is not simply an alliance, but a new method of conducting themselves in the international arena.”
“The question begs itself however,” he continued, “Whether they are willing to accept a loss of sovereignty, no matter how contained in joining and whether they can accept certain actions would no longer be acceptable to the greater alliance and their government would no longer be utterly supreme.”
Sophia nodded, and decided the question was worthwhile.
“Whilst the Kajali delegation has told of the untapped markets waiting and the opportunities remaining unexplored is their government at peace with the concept that for all intents and purposes upon—that is to assume it occurs—ratification, they will no longer hold total sovereignty to act as their own executive or legislative facet desires?”
The Governor-General folded her hands upon her lap, cobalt eyes on the visiting delegates. “Are they willing to accept that the TYCS act in their name as signatories and that they are obligated to contribute to its upkeep?”
“And finally of the markets they speak, that some will remain closed regardless of any perceived opportunities lost or spurned, and such things are not promised simply upon membership.”
"Most recently, were the request and subsequent negotiations ( concerning establishing the Risan colony upon the surface of Venus, and in doing so pledging support to the ongoing terraforming projects. In less recent times, Her Eminence has typically attended functions ranging from Lady Sirithil's wedding, to diplomatic mixers with the Bajoni (, and at one point the Roanians (, even under the rule of the old government, though such a pressured appearance led to an admittedly undesirable outcome.
Such public appearances have been relatively scarce as of late, though it is an election year within the Four Worlds at current and Her Eminence has been attending to requisite duties as Head of State therein."
Moving eye contact to the Governor-General, Sera continued.
"Such actions shall likely always be controversial to some, in as far as pitting the freedom to act against increased control and security is often used to either justify or discredit such actions.
As I have read, in the event of ratification, the Four Worlds will essentially become a state within a federal government, free in matters self-government but otherwise bound in external matters, and in all matters by the ideals set forth in the Charter, to which any contemporary government would be hard pressed to find reasons not to comply with.
It is seen by some as a simplification for Parliament, in that they may turn their attention more fully towards the needs of the people as opposed to the current act of balancing those needs with the external political and military goals of the nation. One group may very well praise the government for such a redirection of attention, while another may cry foul over a decreasing role in decisions previously made concerning external political and military concerns.
As such, it is understood that for the TYCS to act in the name of the Four Worlds as signatories, the Four Worlds must demonstrate that it is supportive of the mission of the TYCS, and grateful for such representation abroad. I can say with certainty that the government of the Four Worlds is more than willing to accept such representation and provide for upkeep of the TYCS.
Concerning the nature of markets within the Triumvirate, it is understood that not all would be immediately accessible, be it due to incompatible economic models or more simply goods and services that are unneeded or inappropriate to a target market.
Such economic interaction requires above all else trust between the two parties, and we realize that such trust must be earned in due course, and is not given freely."
30-12-2006, 04:30
The ever present grey-skinned gynoid diplomatic avatar smiles gently, coppery lips turning up as she glances about at the other delegates. "It's been said that I don't enter into gambles like this lightly, which usually means I don't consider them a gamble." She smirks a little. "Hopefully these answers have swayed the rest of you more towards my opinion of the Kajali and why they should be allies and fellow friends in this alliance.
"For that reason," she stands and her voice becomes a bit more stentorian, albeit playfully so, "the Queendom of Zero-One now officially sponsors the Federated Imperium of Kajal for membership to the Triumvirate of Yut. In the meanwhile," she says as she sits back down, hands folding, "I hope for the dialogue to continue if anyone remains unconvinced."
30-12-2006, 06:45
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Kajal
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Caloris Basin
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
Sneaky Bastards
The Elsani City States
The Territory
In as such as we've had no notable relations with the peoples of Kajal, I have listened in on this debate and find them a most interesting people with a most interesting tale to tell. Their points are valid in my eyes. On behalf of the Herpetological Empire and all its subjects, I vote AYE on this matter, and hope for future betterment of relations between ourselves.
Emperor Gorrm
08-01-2007, 02:14
While I came with considerable doubts, I am willing at this point to give a tentative 'aye' vote. If there is any sign that this was an error, however, I will not hesitate to be the one to start ejection procedures.
Gregor V
Emperor of Cetaganda
{Private Message to the Council of Yut}
On a completely unrelated subject, I've been discussing with Sky Marshal Fani-Kanode and President Silaco of Sunset the possibility of the Ravenspire territory on Mars being transfered to Cetagandan control. Given that it is Triumvirate-held at the moment, I thought it would be appropriate to ask if there are objections before proceeding further.
The Caloris Basin
08-01-2007, 13:45
Hm. While the Basin is somewhat neutral regarding Kajal, we see no reason to oppose them, therefore I cast the Basin's vote in favor.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement, I suppose, and I apologize.
- Habakkuk
Ambassador to the Triumvirate of Yut
The Federated Mercurial Demesne of The Caloris Basin
{Private Reply to the Council}
Despite our rather bland endorsement of Kajal, we can give a much stronger endorsement for Cetaganda establishing a holding on Mars. We question the sanity of such an action, but that blasted sandbox does have a certain charm, doesn't it?
- Habakkuk
Dread Lady Nathicana
08-01-2007, 15:16
As we stated initially, we feel that the intents of the Kajali are honorable in this endeavor and again reiterate that nothing we have seen from them in their actions or associations surpasses those we or our fellow members have engaged in ourselves.
Aye for the inclusion of Kajal into the Triumvirate of Yut.
--Nathicana D'Aquisto, Dread Lady and First Imperatrice of the Dominion
{Return Private Message to the Council}
We have absolutely no problems with Cetaganda establishing territorial holdings on Mars, and would welcome another strong and reliable ally there, regardless of the small nature of our own interests there. Best of luck in your endeavors there, Gregor - let us know if there's anything we can do to assist.
Tiburon Jolted
09-01-2007, 06:55
Kajal has shown, historically, a dedication to furthering allied interests, whether in VERITAS or in the MDI, and I believe that they'll continue to show this dedication in the Triumvirate. The rest would just be a restatement of what Nathi, Habbakuk, Gregor, and Gorrm have said. Tiburon votes in favor.
-Anthony P. Kennedy,
President of the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
<Private ToY Council Message>
No problems on this end. Need any help, don't hesitate to ask.
Reploid Productions
10-01-2007, 02:50
After conferring with the Shogunate Diplomatic Corps representative at the council, I see no reason not to forward a tentative "aye" vote for the inclusion of Kajal in the Triumvirate's ranks.
~Firefury Amahira
The Democratic Imperium of Mangala has historically enjoyed cordial relations with Kajal. More importantly, in our view, Kajal has been very supportive of efforts by Mangala to further peace and prosperity on Mars, most notably the Duma. Throughout some difficult shifts in power Kajal has continually supported the Duma and related organizations. Voice of the Council Jael has instructed me to communicated Mangala's AYE vote for inclusion.
Ambassador Chase
14-01-2007, 22:29
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Kajal
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Caloris Basin
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
Sneaky Bastards
The Elsani City States
The Territory
Sneaky Bastards
14-01-2007, 23:37
After reviewing the information presented to us and what we could gather through our own research, we see no reason at this time to reject the Kajali and vote "aye" on their inclusion.
-Julian Kimsey, Chairman of High Council of Sneaky Bastards.
15-01-2007, 02:14
After a brief discussion between the leading members of the nation of Euroslavia, we have decided to vote "Aye" on Kajal's entrance into the Triumvirate.
Following an extra-ordinary meeting of the Council of the Aengelistoria Dominica, where due consideration was given to the topic of Kajali membership of the Triumvirate of Yut, including answers garnered from the Four Worlds' representative personally the Serene Union confirms it has reached a final decision on its stance in consideration of Kajali ascension.
It is the opinion of myself, that despite evidence of purported change and re-alignment, the relationship between the Four Worlds of Kajal and Arda (Including the member-nations therein) still casts doubt in my mind over the suitability of Kajali intentions versus treaty obligations.
Whilst I am not so naive as to believe that all who join the Triumvirate are motivated entirely out by a desire to do good, I do believe that some parties might have more "commercially" driven interests than others. Discussion with the Kajali representative did not alleviate these concerns to my satisfaction and it is therefore my decision, as Governor-General and First Chair of the Aengelistoria Domnica, to vote Nay to Kajali ascension to the Triumvirate of Yut.
Governor-General Sophia Byzainti.
First Chair of the Aengelistoria Dominica.
15-01-2007, 03:48
ISSUE CURRENTLY AT VOTE: Membership of Kajal
Zero-One (sponsoring)
The Caloris Basin
Dread Lady Nathicana
Reploid Productions
Sneaky Bastards
The Elsani City States
The Territory
After hearing the words of the representative of Kajal and meeting with them privately, the Empire of Treznor votes "Aye."
We vote aye on the matter of Kajal's admission to the Triumvirate.
~Inbhailígh Crzleídzí,
Steward of Enqicir
{Private Reply to the Council}
We also endorse Cetaganda's request for control of the former Ravenspire territory on Mars.
~Galan Crzleídzí
17-01-2007, 05:42
With our lack of information regarding this matter and our continued isolation from the international stage, we regretfully abstain from the vote on Kajal.