©Copyright and Trademark your project. -->Read first page - Page 5
Me and Fryusistan want to copyright the following:
SeaRaptor FB-1
Here you can see the first prototype as it is standing on the runway
This project is a joint-venture between Wettic Aeronautics from the Federation of Wetland and DuPont Military Industries from the the Armed Republic of Friyusistan. The goal of the project is to design and built a STOL fighter-bomber capable of meeting the needs of both the army of Friyusistan and the Wettic Admiralty. The requirements for this aircraft was that it had to be capable to lift of from a Ingenuity Class carrier and that it would be as cheap as possible. Stealth was not a requirement and this kept the costs down considerably.
What came out of this project was the FB-1 SeaRaptor. In outward appearance it might look a bit dated but this the airplane makes up in its electronics. Its active radar for example is hard to detect due to the fact that its signal is divided over seemingly random frequencies and directions. This makes it look like static.
The aircraft itself is light and has 9 hardpoints capable of carrying a wide range of armaments. But the one under the fuselage is being occupied by a fuel tank. The weapons include a 25mm cannon under the left side of the nose, Rb 99 AMRAAM for air to air combat, BK 90 for ground targets, Rb 15f jet powered anti-ship missile, the Maverick and the Yakhont-3. It has an integrated EW system that provides radar warning, electronic support measures and chaff and flare decoy dispensers. Super-manoeuvrability is another trait of this fighter and this was accomplished by the three-dimensional thrust vector control engines which also play a part in the short take-off of the plane.
The pilot's control system is a voice-throttle-and-stick system (VTAS). The stick and throttle tops house 24 fingertip controls for sensor and weapon control, defence aids management, and inflight handling. The direct voice input allows the pilot to carry out mode selection and data entry procedures using voice command.
The cockpit is also equipped with three multifunction displays and a wide-angle, 22x28 degree diffraction head-up display. The central head-down display provides tactical data superimposed on a computer-generated map. The displays on the left and right provide the flight data and the target data from the sensor suites.
Length: 14.1 m
Span: 8.4 m
Height: 4.5 m
Empty weight: 5700 kg
Normal take off weight: 8500 kg in fighter configuration
Payload: 5300 kg
Fuel, internal: 3000 litres
External: 3800 litres
Max take off weight: 14000 kg
Range: 3000 km
Max speed: Mach 1.15 (1400 km/h) at sea level, close to Mach 2 at altitude
Acceleration: Mach 0.5 to Mach 1.1 at low altitude in 30 s
Turn performance: 9 G sustained, G onset rate at least 6 G/s (1-9 G in 1.2 s), min -3 G, 20+ deg/s sustained, 30 deg/s instantaneous
Climb rate: less then 100 s from brake release to 10km altitude; 180s approx. to 14km
Ground turn around: less then 10 min with a crew of six
Armaments: 25mm cannon, 8 hardpoints. Rb 99 AMRAAM, BK 90 or Mjölner which is a gliding stand off submunition dispenser, Rb 15f, Maverick, Yakhont-3,
Price: 24 Million
In the course of testing it was determined that a modified version could perform the duties of reconnaissance, electronic warfare and training.
This modified version featured 2 seats instead of one and had only 6 hardpoints available. The hardpoint under the fuselage would be occupied by a electronic warfare and sensor pod while two of the harpoints on the wing were made to be used only for fuel tanks.
This increased the range of the FB-1B greatly to 4500 km.
A Few Rich People
07-04-2004, 00:41
Copyright on (hopefully "original")
M1028 Canister Tank Cartridge
Holds either small steel ball-bearings designed to provide effective rapid lethal reaction against massed assaulting infantry armed with hand held anti-tank and automatic weapons at close range (500 meters or less) thereby improving survivability. Additionally, this round will significantly increase the tank’s lethality and enhance the tank crew’s survivability. This additional capability will give the Abrams Tank the ability to survive RPG ambushes and to fully support friendly infantry assaults:
Or compressed napalm designed to either a) melt the tanks armour or b) disable by blind sensors and/or choking the engine.
Compression is done under careful conditions (cooled) so that, despite its high igition temperture (400 F or so) it will not ignite. When fired the increased compression begins the ignition of the napalm inside the canister which is designed to have the front shatter on impact of the tank coating it with the viscous liquid.
(PS: If cannot copyright the canister itself, please do the napalm round)
New Empire
07-04-2004, 00:44
You can't copyright real world equipment. You did not invent the XM1028, therefore you can't copyright it.
A Few Rich People
07-04-2004, 00:49
Well fine, though many have taken RL designs and have copyrighted them (Tesla's viscosity pump comes to mind as well as cold plasm etc).
Besides that I at least want the napalm procedure if not the canister in itself.
The Zoogie People
07-04-2004, 02:09
Es-19 Asssault Rifle
The Es-19 is a next generation assault rifle, intended to replace M-16A2s and M-4s currently in service with The Zoogie People's armed forces. It is completely modern tech - and may enter service as soon as Fiscal Year 2005. It utilizes the standard NATO 5.56-mm ammunition, and is very extensible, as illustrated here.
The following is an image of Zoogiedom forces training with the Es-19 assault rifle (From Heckler & Koch website on the US XM-8 Program)
Note: While this is a real life weapon, the one I will employ be different tahn the real one...it will be modified and improved to the extent of my tech level (probably to 2012 standards or so)
Future Combat System(FCS)
The FCS is the future of ground warfare. Two options have been considered, and the go-ahead has been given to both. The first is an evolutionary main battle tank, somewhat like the image here: E-MBT, while the other is a more revolutionary idea. The typical main battle tank in service today, if confronted by six enemy tanks, would be subject to return fire for a very long period of time as it subsequently dealt with each individual target. This second FCS project, already in final phases of research, will be able to take care of all six enemy tanks in less time for an M1 Abrams to take care of one. As missiles replaced guns in naval warfare, and as missiles replaced guns in aerial warfare, so will missiles replace guns in ground warfare.
The information thus far presented is still limited; therefore, the following three PDF articles will be instrumental in aiding your OOC understanding of the FCS...although our own project will understandably differ. Armament,[url] The FCS Future Main battle tank, and The FCS revolutionary combat system (death of the MBT)
EMBT: M-260 Centurion
FCS: M-246 Manticore
AF-11 Lamia NVTOL fighter
AF-11 Lamia
The AF-11 is an aircraft - quite unusual for an army, you might say. But we think otherwise. This very small, light, and efficient fighter will have an unusual, almost helicopter-fighter morphed shape. It will take off vertically from rough fields, and land vertically in rough field conditions. It will carry air-to-air armament for air defense, or air-to-ground ordinance (a seperate, slightly larger version) to deliver lots of firepower more quickly than helicopters can. There will be at least two different variants. No pictures available, although I have sketches of it personally.
Light attack helicopter with canard rotor wing and NOTAR
The AH-X (Not yet designated) will be a light attack helicopter to serve as a replacement for the AH-1. The attack aircraft will feature most notable canard rotor wing and no tail rotor, and will be deployed in large numbers for combat air support roles.
ZaS(ZF)-26 'Talon' Multirole fighter
The Zoogie Aerospace built ZaS(ZF)-26 is the primary multirole fighter in service in Zoogiedom. A twin engine and fairly large fighter, the ZaS(ZF)-26 is nevertheless agile, capable, and deadly. With very high armament load capabilities, automated 3D thrust vectoring engines that propel it to speeds well beyond Mach 2, and advanced avionics, it is easy to see why the Talon has become Zoogiedom's top of the line multirole fighter.
ZaS(ZF)-29 'Flasher' FSW Multirole fighter
Designed by Star Aerospace Systems, the Flasher is a large FSW aircraft with primarily air-to-air functions. FSW is a technology we are currently getting into, and once we find the nation that suggested it to us in the first place, we shall reward them heftily. Despite its -29 designation, it actually has little in similarity with the X-29, except in the technological department. It is twin-engined and much larger, with a greater potential payload and range, similiar to the Su-47..although it is significantly different from that as well. The Flasher is actually the OOC thought evolution of the ZF-24, so think of it as the ZF-24 redesignated.
ZF-42 'Gecko' Strike Fighter
Recently reclassified (from its former name, ZF-43), the ZF-42 is a joint project among the naval, air force, and marine branches. It is a stealthy strike fighter - this much we can disclose. It is similar in mission to the Joint Strike Fighter, but outperforms it so greatly that we are out of ways to express it - a recent fly-off contest between a live fire Gecko Phase IV prototype and a severely reinvented JSF (refined airframe, revamped avionics, different design to accomodate for UAV, enhanced dogfighting manueverability) resulted in the Gecko being the clear winner, suffering minor damage to the rear vertical stabilizer while reducing the JSF-UAV to a flying ball of flame. The Gecko comes in two version, the standard CTOL air force version, to complement the (very fine) Kazakhstanian A-15 in the surgical strike role, and the ASTOVL version, used both in the Navy and in the Marines.
ZaS(ZF)-27 Firebird Air Superiority Fighter / Advanced Technology Platform
The ZF-27 is Zoogiedom's primary (or what we like to term 'flagship') air superiority fighter. It features some of the most advanced technologies on aircraft today. Aside from its top of the line engines, systems, and avionics, it also explores some unchartered waters. Almost no control surfaces are used (and indeed, in the attack model the vertical stabilizers are not present) with much of the manuevering of the aircraft relying on the most advanced thrust vectoring suite Zoogiedom has to offer. Another system now common in Zoogiedom products (mostly in midlife upgrades) but was developed by the ZF-27 project is the dual cannon system, in which two cannons are fired and propelled in the target's direction automatically. A computer system backs up this dual cannon system, tracks the target, calculates the movement of the target, the aircraft's movement, the movement of the target with respect to the aircraft, percentage hit rate, decides which cannon to fire...and then controls the mechanism that propels bullets as much as possible in the direction of the enemy...leaving the pilot free to manuever, giving the Firebird a very fine edge in dogfights. A supermanueverable and capable air superiority fighter, it comes also in a naval variant (ZF-27M) and very extensible ground attack variant (ZF-27E). It is replacing F-15Es, F-22s, and F-14s alike. The Firebird's designers had a common rhyme circulating amongst themselves to constantly remind themselves of several important goals: One fighter to rule them all, one fighter to find them...one fighter to fly rings around all, and in the (varies depending on who you talk to) destroy them.
KC-260 Box Wing Tanker
The KC-260 is unique in that it employs the box wing structure, combining the front and rear wings via endplates. This is aerodynamically sound and even beneficial, especially in this case, allowing this tanker to carry multiple refueling booms. Maximize effectiveness, reduce numbers required - what more could you ask for?
Za-40 'Zweihander' Twin fuselage CAS fighter
The Za-40 Zweihand-something (botched spelling, sorry) is a unique CAS fighter. Two pilots fly the aircraft and sit side by side, with excellent combat field view and amazing battlefield manueverability. The dual fuselage concept works brilliantly and increases efficiency. The engines and control surfaces also can turn speeds down, and manuever the aircraft efficiently around the battlefield, more than any previous CAS plane. Much work also went to make this a very hard aircraft to shoot out of the sky...and indeed it is.
C-240 Multirole Transport - Tanker - Cruise Missile Platform
The C-240 is a supersonic military airlift, capable of great range in excess of five thousand miles, and supersonic speeds if necessary. This makes it a very useful and cost effective (deployed in large numbers) cargo, which also serves as a tanker and cruise missile platform.
C-71 Box Wing Cargo
The C-71 is a very large cargo, capable of airlifting over a hundred and ninety tons of equipment...making this the largest practical cargo in our inventory. It also employs the box wing concept, enabling smooth and stable flying, and focuses much on range and survivability.
All taken from my development thread (if it isn't in it, it should be) located here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=136421&highlight=); the only items I seek to be copyrighted are the military items, most of which I have listed here.
Drizzts Army
07-04-2004, 02:21
we would copyright a Project that has been going for the past few months.
The MoblieSuit Devolpment Project
Basically My Project is trying to build something about the size and firepower as a BattleMech,but more cheaper and faster than one.The Specs for our Prototype MoblieSuit that we are trying to build haven't been finalized yet,but we are making good progress on it
Picture of First MoblieSuit Prototye and Main Production model:
The MS-05(It uses MODERN TECH inside,No Future Stuff!)
Naval Craft to Copyright, (I took them off my storefront) :P
VENGENCE CLASS AIRCRAFT CARRIER (http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/policy/vision/vis99/v99-61.gif) EXCLUSIVE
The Vengence Class Carrier is the largest currently offered for sale. With the larger-than-average aircraft payload, the Vengence can fulfill all your power-projection needs.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: Four Nuclear Reactors, Six shafts, Eight propellers
Length overall: 1,420 feet
Flight Deck Width: 350 feet
Beam: 190 feet
Displacement Approx: 115,000 tons full load
Speed: 28+ knots
Aircraft: 125
Crew: 3,250 - Air Wing 2,680
Aircraft elevators: 6
Armament: 6 Sea Sparrow missile launchers, 4 Phalanx 20 mm CIWS mounts, 48 Cells VLS (ESSM), 16 Cells VLS (Tomahawk, ASROC)
ROYDIA CLASS BATTLESHIP (http://www.eslprof.com/images/battleship.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A true capital ship, the Roydia provides long-range fire, heavy support to a carrier group, and massive shore bombardment. The large guns are capable of raining salvos onto enemy positions.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 3 Nuclear Reactors, 4 shafts
Length: 985 feet
Beam: 126 feet
Displacement: 95,250 tons
Speed: 31 knots
Armament: 12 16”/50 Cal, 8 Twin 5”/62 cal, 4 6.1" AGS, 10 MK26 missile launcher , 32 Harpoon (8 Quad launchers), Quad Canisters Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (96 Cells), 6 Phalanx CIWS, 10 Evolved Sea Sparrow, 16x12.7mm, 12 MK 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight guns
Aircraft: 6xSH-60B/F Seahawk
Crew: 1736
TRIARA CLASS LIGHT CRUISER (http://www.military-art.com/images/dhm_936_small.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The Triara is a light cruiser outstanding in support roles. These vessels usually serve as anti-aircraft cover for carriers and battleships; also, they are fast but still able to stand their group if attacked by capital ships.
General Characteristics:
Length: 582 feet
Beam: 59 feet
Displacement: 10,250 tons full load
Speed: 30+ knots
Crew: 26 Officers, 352 Enlisted
SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator
Armament: 6 6.1" AGS, Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA) Missile; Tomahawk Cruise Missile; 10 12.7mm, Six MK-46 torpedoes (from two triple mounts); 10 MK 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight guns; 4 Phalanx close-in-weapons systems
Aircraft: Two SH-2 Seasprite (LAMPS) in CG 47-48; Two SH-60 Sea Hawk (LAMPS III)
ADARI CLASS AIR DEFENCE DESTROYER (http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/data/%5B(1625)-15-02-2002%5DT45_v4_print%20A.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The brand new and best anti-air destroyer out there, the Adari boasts an array of missile and guns can unleash salvos to provide a virtually impenetrable air net. With the PAAMS long-range radar system, the Adari maintains constant surveillance on the skies. One ship you can't afford to be without!
General Characteristics:
Length: 152.4m
Max Beam: 21.2m
Displacement: 7,350 tons
Speed: 27 knots+
Range: 7000 nautical miles at 18 knots
Aircraft: 2 Merlin helicopters
Armament: PAAMS (Long Range Radar, Multi-Function Radar), 4 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles, 1 5”/62 cal, 6 64 Cell VLS, 4 MK 45 MOD 1 5"/54 caliber Gun Mount, 4 MK 32 MOD 14 Triple Torpedo Tubes (six MK 50/46 Torpedoes), 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS, NATO Sea Sparrow point defense AAW missiles
Crew: 190 (with space for 240)
GREVANT CLASS MISSILE FRIGATE (http://homepage.tinet.ie/~steven/images/988382234m.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The Grevant class is the best versatile support ship out there. Their stealthy design allows them to perform a wide array of tasks. From anti-submarine duty to blockade services, these frigate occupy a pivotal role in a battle group.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: Turbines: 2 CODLAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) Spey gas boost, 4 GEC-Alsthom Paxman Valenta, 2 GEC Electric motors
Displacement: 4,900 tons
Length: 436ft
Beam: 52.9ft
Armament: 2 x Quad Harpoon Missile launchers, Vertical Launch Sea Wolf anti-missile system, 4.5in (114mm) MK 8 gun, 2 30mm Close range guns, 2 Magazine launched anti submarine torpedo tubes
Sensors: Type 1007 navigation radar, Type 996 air/surface surveillance radar, 2 Type 911 Sea Lion tracking radars, UAT Electronic Surveillance System, Type 2050 active sonar
Aircraft: MK 8 Lynx helicopters:
Sea Skua anti-ship missiles
Stingray anti-submarine torpedoes
Mk 11 depth charges
Machine guns
Crew: 185
PORTOS CLASS CATAMARAN (http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/dailypix/2003/Oct/06/mna_b.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A small support vessel, the Portos is used as an anti-air net around the inner sanctums of a battle group. Deployed in group upwards of 5, these catamarans can swiftly unleash tens of aircraft on short notice.
General Characteristics:
Power plant: Combination gas and diesel turbine, can utilize a mixture of petroleum products
Top speed: 42 knots
Length: 80 meters
Width: 28 meters
Armament: 2 Sea Sparrows AAW launchers, 2 Exocet missile launchers, Phalanx CIWS mounts, 2 5"/54 caliber Mk-45
Aircraft: 6 Helicopters, 4 VTOL aircraft
SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator
TYRE CLASS PATROL CUTTER (http://www.cgaux1sr.org/photo/WTC/P00Web04805_small.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A well armed long ranged patrol craft that displays a variety of advanced systems. Added missile launchers provide additional support, the Tyre is superbly equipped at defending your coastline or maintaining a blockade.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 2 Diesel Engines
Displacement: 3750 tons
Speed: 29 knots
Armament: 1 3” cal gun, 2 25mm Heavy Machine Guns, 1 Phalanx CIWS, 4 12.7mm, Quad Canisters Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems, Harpoon Missiles
Aircraft: 1 H-65, SH-60, or SH-2F
Boats: 1 RHIB, 1 MSB
Crew: 167
SHRIKE CLASS HELICOPTER ASSAULT SHIP (http://www.cnn.com/1999/US/12/09/helicopter.crash.02/link.bh.richard.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
In any amphibious invasion, groups of airborne infantry need to be rained down behind enemy lines. The Helicopter Assault Ship's only purpose is to deliver devastating waves of helos to any place within reach. A full maintenance shop is located on board, along with spare parts and weapons.
General Characteristics:
Length: 598 feet
Power Plant: 2 Diesel Engines
Displacement: 21,225 tons
Speed: 26 knots
Helicopters: Up to 45
Armament: 4 Phalanx CIWS, 1 AEGIS suite, 2 Sea Sparrows AAW launchers
Crew: 80 officers, 630 enlisted
Invasion Force: 2000
EXECUTOR CLASS COMBAT LOGISTICS SHIP (http://www.btinternet.com/~warship/Today/alsl_rotterdam.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
An extremely able vessel, the Executor can perform any nonengagement duty. From moving cargo to an invasion site, to replenishing battle groups, to command/control/communications operations, the Executor directs your navy to a crushing victory!
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 4 LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engines, 2 Shafts with 6 Propellers
Speed: 26 knots
Length: 754 feet (229.9 meters)
Beam: 107 feet (32.6 meters)
Displacement: 48,800 tons full load
Cargo: Military Lift Transport 800 troops, transport about 3200 Linear meters of vehicles, 550 tons of war maintenance reserve, 2 upper deck cranes, wide and uncluttered assault routes to allow fully-kitted troops unhindered passage to points of offload.
Command/Control: AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar, AN/SPS-64(V)9 Navigation Radar, MK 23 Traget Acquisition System
Communications: WRN-6 NAVSTAR GPS Satellite Navigation Receiver
OMEGA Navigation Receiver, Full Communications Suite
Crew: 68 officers, 591 Enlisted
Armament: 1 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System (NSSMS), 2 Close-In-Weapons System (CIWS), 4 25MM Machine Guns, 4 .50-Caliber Machine Guns, 1 AN/SLQ-32(V)3 Electronic Warfare System, 4 Decoy Launchers
Aircraft: Twin spot flight deck with limited facilities to transport and operate Merlin, Chinook and V22 Osprey.
Landing Craft Fitted with a floodable dock
Crew: 68 officers, 591 Enlisted
PERRIGON CLASS MINESWEEPER (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/c_traveller/hunt.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The largest craft ever constructed out of Glass Reinforced Plastic, the Perrigon sports versatility and durability. These ships come equipped with top grade sonar supplemented with sensors, allowing them to detect mines and remove them. With the wide flexibility of the Perrigon, it is able to combat all forms of mine warfare.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 2 Ruston-Paxman deltic 9-58K diesels, 1 Deltic 9-59 diesel, 2 shafts and bow thruster.
Displacement: 770 tons
Length: 65 meters
Beam: 12 meters
Draught: 2.2 meters
Speed: 24 knots
Armament: 1 30mm gun, 2 BMarc 20mm guns, 4 Light Machine Guns
Sonar/Sensor: Type 193M mine hunting sonar, Mil cross avoidance sonar, Type 2059 Pap submersible tracking sonar, Type 1007 I band sensor
Countermeasures: RCMDS, Mk1 with 2 Pap 104 Mk 5 remotely controlled submersibles, Combined Influence Sweep (Mk3 Towed Acoustic Generator), Magnetic sweep and Mk 8 conventional Oropesa sweeps
Crew: 45
The Burnsian Desert
08-05-2004, 00:51
The Burnsian Desert--
AMBSDS Advanced Missile Defence System (c)
The AMBSDS uses highly advanced laser and artificial reflector technology to create a large anti-missile array that covers the entire country. Pics can be found here (http://www.freewebs.com/theburnsiandesert/Military%20Endevours.htm) under "AMBSDS".
We want to copyright the Deltabird Fighter-Iterceptor aircraft
All the products that have an exclusive next to them at these topics:
Naval: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143683
Aircraft: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143684
Packages: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143685
19-05-2004, 05:32
Whittier wishes to patent/ copyright its new DingDong air launched anti aircraft missile.
These are the Specs:
Used as a long-range, air-launched air intercept missile
Power plant: Liquid propellant rocket motor built by Homeboy Incorporated. The motor uses a mixture of liquid helium and liquid nitrogen.
Length: 13 feet
Weight: 1,024 pounds
Diameter: 15 inches
Wing Span: 3 feet
Range: In excess of 250 nautical miles; 350 statute miles
Speed: In excess of 5,000 mph
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing, sattelite guidance system, infrared, ultraviolet guidance systems, and individual aircraft ID lockon (technology invented and patented by Whittier)
Warheads: Proximity fuse, high explosive, cluster bomblets
Warhead Weight: 200 pounds
24-05-2004, 04:21
Relics New Products (http://www.freewebs.com/bluebomber2/newproducts.htm)
24-05-2004, 04:28
I will not be creating anything. But i do believe that each persons work should bwe their own. I really see no way for any member to enforce the rules, but ok. I'll join.
24-05-2004, 04:29
Project 928 – Frigate
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 4,025 tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 68 Knots
Flank Speed: 85+ Knots
Crew: 320: 15 Officers; 305 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 6” CTTD armor plating
Length: 135.0 meters
Beam: 13.5 meters
Draught: 10.2 meters
Primary Weapons: 2 x 155mm Railguns (1 Forward, 1 Behind)
Guided Missile Weapons: 30 x VLS tubes
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 Raytheon Close-In weapons system
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 6 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: 6 x ASROC VLS Cells
Combat System: AEGIS Mk10 Mod 3 System
Decoys: 1 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
Aircraft: 2 x Sea-Hawk F-Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Four Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 929 – Destroyer
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 9,217 tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 knots
Flank Speed: 75+ knots
Crew: 350; 330 Enlisted, 20 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 8” CTTD
Project 930 – Cruiser
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 11,945 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 66 knots
Flank Speed: 78 knots
Crew: 642; 582 Enlisted, 40 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 10” CTTD armor plating
Length: 623 Feet
Beam: 84 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 4 x 15” Railguns (2 Forward, 2 Behind)
Secondary Weapons: 4 x 155mm Cannons on two turrets on each side of the forward
Guided Missile Weapons: 130 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 8 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 2 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant Helicopter
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 931 – Battleship
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 86,600 Tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 Knots
Flank Speed: 75+ Knots
Crew: 2,820; 2,700 Enlisted, 120 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 14” CTTD armor plating
Length: 1,058 feet
Beam: 108 feet
Draught: 18 feet
Primary Weapons: 6 x 18” Railguns (4 Forward, 2 rear)
Secondary Weapons: 20 x 155mm Cannons on 10 turrets (5 a side, 2 on each
Guided Missile Weapons: 150 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 4 x Mk22 Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 10 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System / OCST
Decoys: 4 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 932 – Carrier
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 99,000 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 64 Knots
Flank Speed: 72 Knots
Crew: 6,210; 210 Officers; 6,000 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 16” CTTD armor plating
SAM Weaponry: 4 x Sea Sparrow (Replaceable) Rotating Launchers
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 6 x Raytheon Mk22 20mm CIWS
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 6 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
armor plating
Length: 510 Feet
Beam: 66 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 2 x 155mm Railguns
Guided Missile Weapons: 96 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 6 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC Vertical Launched Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk 10 Mod 3 System
Decoys: 1 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
None, LAMPS-III installed on rear deck.
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Four Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 930 – Cruiser
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 11,945 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 66 knots
Flank Speed: 78 knots
Crew: 642; 582 Enlisted, 40 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 10” CTTD armor plating
Length: 623 Feet
Beam: 84 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 4 x 15” Railguns (2 Forward, 2 Behind)
Secondary Weapons: 4 x 155mm Cannons on two turrets on each side of the forward
Guided Missile Weapons: 130 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 8 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 2 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant Helicopter
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 931 – Battleship
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 86,600 Tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 Knots
Flank Speed: 75+ Knots
Crew: 2,820; 2,700 Enlisted, 120 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 14” CTTD armor plating
Length: 1,058 feet
Beam: 108 feet
Draught: 18 feet
Primary Weapons: 6 x 18” Railguns (4 Forward, 2 rear)
Secondary Weapons: 20 x 155mm Cannons on 10 turrets (5 a side, 2 on each
Guided Missile Weapons: 150 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 4 x Mk22 Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 10 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System / OCST
Decoys: 4 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 932 – Carrier
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 99,000 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 64 Knots
Flank Speed: 72 Knots
Crew: 6,210; 210 Officers; 6,000 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 16” CTTD armor plating
Dimensions: Classified
SAM Weaponry: 4 x Sea Sparrow (Replaceable) Rotating Launchers
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 6 x Raytheon Mk22 20mm CIWS
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 6 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
Aircraft: Classified.
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Addtl: Classified
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Requesting Copyrights on all mentioned products, including: Finished designs, specialized alloy, drive system, etc.
Sigma Octavus
27-05-2004, 05:31
SOF-9A "Tiger Hawk" SOF-9B "Tiger Shark"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 45 ft 0 in (13.72 m) for SOF-9A, 43 ft 8.6 in (13.33 m) for SOF-9B; Height 13 ft 4 in (4.06 m); Wing Span 36 ft 0 in (10.97 m) for SOF-9A, 30 ft 0 in (9.14 m) for SOF-9B; Wing Area 590.00 sq ft (54.81 sq m) for SOF-9A.
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE614, rated at 42,000 lb st (186.9 kN) with afterburning and 34,000+ lb st (151.3 kN) without afterburning. (F119-PW-614C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-614S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Equipped 22,046 lb (10,000 kg) for USAF CTOL and STOVL, 24,030 lb (10,900 kg) for CV/CTOL; Normal Take-off 38,000 lb (17,236 kg) for USAF CTOL; Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg) for all variants.
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (USAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed 'clean' 1.6 at high altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Combat ceiling 50,000 ft (15,240 m); Combat radius on SOMI mission 600 nm (691 mls, 1110 km), on SOAF mission 850 nm (979 mls, 1575 km), on SON mission 750 nm (863 mls, 1390 km)
(This thread needs to be stickied or something. Always have to hunt it down.)
Sigma Octavus
03-06-2004, 05:45
SOF-10 "Barricuda"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 50 ft 11 in (15.52 m); Height 12 ft 3 in ; Wing Span 40 ft 0 in (12.19 m) for SOF-10; Wing Area 600 sq ft (55.7 sq m) for SOF-10
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE611, of 42,000 lb. (186.9 kN) st. with afterburning plus Rolls-Royce lift fan (X-35B only) of 18,000 lb (80 kN) thrust. (F119-PW-611C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-611S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Operating 25,000 lb (11,340 kg); Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg)
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (SOAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed Mach 1.4+ at altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Service ceiling 50,000+ ft (15,240+ m); Radius of action 540 nm (622 miles, 1000 km) for USMC attack mission, 600 nm (691 miles, 1112 km) for SON attack mission.
I wish everything in here to get copyrighted (I had this done before but I added a lot of stuff..)
i wish this station to be copyrighted
I apologise if any of these ideas have already been taken, I can't be bothered to wade through 50 damned pages to check.
1. Small rotorblades - so a helicopter-esque vehicle could have them on support struts. This would make the size of fuselage, or whatever the damn term is greater in comparison to the sixe of the blades. Basically, I want these beacuse they look cool.
2. Servitorisation: This is a pretty horrific idea, but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. You simply take someone, and then cut out all the bits of their brain related to higher thought. You are left with a drooling vegetable. Why? I hear you ask. Why? What's the point? Well, as I'm sure you've heard, the brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. A few electrodes here and there, and bingo, you've got a lot of space saved in your Terminator by having a brain instead of a supercomputer.
3. Intricate magnetic field manipulation. Moving stuff about with powerful magnets, to make steel, iron, cobalt, etc. objects float around, turn on the spot, etc.
11-06-2004, 04:24
I would like to Copyright the P4lladian Technate's most recent innovation:
PTS-700 series single-use Space-Fold Generator
The PTS-700 series (pictured above floating in space) is a single-use transportation device for starships. After use, they are returned to my space colony for refurbishing.
(ooc: yes, it's a picture of the death star. The actual device is much, much smaller than that, on the order of 5-6 meters in diameter. It has nothing to do with the actual death star.)
see storefront for details (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=152058)
Sigma Octavus
11-06-2004, 05:06
DUDE! Camdean is gone! This sucks.
11-06-2004, 05:07
Kind of eerie when every post on the first page except one is by a deleted nation...
is someone else gonna run this now
I have been away for a while and apologise for any inconveneince..
While I don't want to lay out all of my technology in specific enough terms to warrant a copyright, I certainly will respect the copyrights of other nations whenever I am made aware of them.
That is what this thread is for a big PACT to protect the ideas, and its a benchmark of security for your brain waves as well.
exactly ive yet to update the new list of PACT members but when i do you dont wanna mess with like 100 nations now do you
I would like to copyright the following projects. If someone has already copyrighted something similar in this thread (49 pages is a lot to look through) please tell me and I'll remove it. Doesn't mean I'll stop using it though.
Pictures for all of these things can be found at my storefront here (http://s6.invisionfree.com/International_Mall/index.php?showtopic=190).
Navarro Class Dreadnaught
"The Navarro is a battleship built in the classic Terran style. She was designed primarily to engage enemy cruisers and dreadnaughts at close range with her numerous frontal torpedo batteries. Features include rudimentary minelaying and fighter capabilites, sensors, and the ability to mount shielding (not included). The relativly slow Tachyon Drive can also be replace with Hyperspace drives; due to our license agreement we are not allowed to use this technology in ships built for export. The ship lacks suitable anti-fighter defenses, and thus should be escorted by flak ships or the like.
Ship Type: Assualt Dreadnaught
Length: 1200 meters
Width: 600 meters
Height: 250 meters
Propulsion: 6 Ion Emission Drives (.6xLS), 1 Tachyon Jump Drive (14xLS)
-Torpedo Launcher x42, frontal arc;
-Railgun/Turbolaser Turrets x4 full coverage
-Mine tube x1
-Cruise Missle Tube x1 (allows for any large missle including nuclear delivery devices)
-Large Beam mount x4 granting full coverage
Average Armor Covering: 1 meter of Heavy Ship Armor
Crew: 800
Fighter Capacity: 40"
Fenrir Class Cruiser
"The Fenrir cruisers were designed to complement the long-range cruisers already in service within the Skeelzanian navy. They posses a healthy amount of torpedo batteries, but unlike the Navarro ships they are turret mounted, giving the Fenrir 360 degree coverage. The Fenrir is also unusally fast, allowing it to deliver its payload and quickly get out of range before fire can be returned.
Ship Type: Assualt Cruiser
Length: 620 meters
Width: 260 meters
Height: 175 meters
Propulsion: 3 Ion Emission Drives (.7xLS); 1 Tachyon Drive (14xLS) (can also be refitted with Hyperdrive)
-6 Torpedo Battiers mounting 4 tubes each, giving 360 fire
-2 medium beam mounts, one each on top and bottom of rear "fins"
-1 heavy beam mounted in bow
Crew: 250"
Skeelzanian Uruk-Hai MK III Power Armor
"The Uruk-Hai is a standard sized powerarmor used by Skeelzania's FS divisons. Making use of light-weight but sturdy materials and strength-amplifying devices, the armor is all-together 6.5 feet tall and weighs 95 pounds. Adjustable elevators in the boots allow for soldiers of varying height to equip the suit, which is A/B/C resistant and can be vacuumed sealed for short periods in space. Renders wearer virtually impervious to small arms fire, though tight places are a problem. Seen here weilding the 50. caliber Skeelzanian Assualt Rifle Mk IV (not for sale). Some training with the suit is recommended, and a helpful Operators Manual is included with every model. Devices defective due to manufacturing flaws can be returned within 6 months of purchase for replacement."
Idea I really want copyrighted:
Skeelzanian "Cancer" MK I Radgun
The Radgun is a product of Skeelzania's search for effective energy weapons and love of nuclear technology. The rifle works by firing a concentrated burst of radiation -primarily beta particles- at its target. Upon contact, the target is immediatly exposed to roughly 1200 rads. This can cause serious burns, rupture of cells, and in some cases complete soft-tissue liquidication. Needless to say, this is a very bad things for a biological target (i.e. a soldier with standard combat armor). Even against armored targets and vehicles, the huge amount of radiation is capable of penetrating light armor and causing damage to its occupants.
Fuel for the radgun is typically Spootonium, a Plutonium isotope manufactured by the Skeelzanian goverment for its weapons. However, regular weapons-grade Uranium can also be used for slightly less power.
Also, if anyone sees anything godmodding about these or any other items I post, please TG me or post a reply at my storefront. Thank you.
OCC Edit: Whats the command you use for the (C) symbol?
:arrow: ©Copyright
OOC:- Dont know i just copy and paste it :lol:
Me and Fryusistan want to copyright the following:
SeaRaptor FB-1
Here you can see the first prototype as it is standing on the runway
This project is a joint-venture between Wettic Aeronautics from the Federation of Wetland and DuPont Military Industries from the the Armed Republic of Friyusistan. The goal of the project is to design and built a STOL fighter-bomber capable of meeting the needs of both the army of Friyusistan and the Wettic Admiralty. The requirements for this aircraft was that it had to be capable to lift of from a Ingenuity Class carrier and that it would be as cheap as possible. Stealth was not a requirement and this kept the costs down considerably.
What came out of this project was the FB-1 SeaRaptor. In outward appearance it might look a bit dated but this the airplane makes up in its electronics. Its active radar for example is hard to detect due to the fact that its signal is divided over seemingly random frequencies and directions. This makes it look like static.
The aircraft itself is light and has 9 hardpoints capable of carrying a wide range of armaments. But the one under the fuselage is being occupied by a fuel tank. The weapons include a 25mm cannon under the left side of the nose, Rb 99 AMRAAM for air to air combat, BK 90 for ground targets, Rb 15f jet powered anti-ship missile, the Maverick and the Yakhont-3. It has an integrated EW system that provides radar warning, electronic support measures and chaff and flare decoy dispensers. Super-manoeuvrability is another trait of this fighter and this was accomplished by the three-dimensional thrust vector control engines which also play a part in the short take-off of the plane.
The pilot's control system is a voice-throttle-and-stick system (VTAS). The stick and throttle tops house 24 fingertip controls for sensor and weapon control, defence aids management, and inflight handling. The direct voice input allows the pilot to carry out mode selection and data entry procedures using voice command.
The cockpit is also equipped with three multifunction displays and a wide-angle, 22x28 degree diffraction head-up display. The central head-down display provides tactical data superimposed on a computer-generated map. The displays on the left and right provide the flight data and the target data from the sensor suites.
Length: 14.1 m
Span: 8.4 m
Height: 4.5 m
Empty weight: 5700 kg
Normal take off weight: 8500 kg in fighter configuration
Payload: 5300 kg
Fuel, internal: 3000 litres
External: 3800 litres
Max take off weight: 14000 kg
Range: 3000 km
Max speed: Mach 1.15 (1400 km/h) at sea level, close to Mach 2 at altitude
Acceleration: Mach 0.5 to Mach 1.1 at low altitude in 30 s
Turn performance: 9 G sustained, G onset rate at least 6 G/s (1-9 G in 1.2 s), min -3 G, 20+ deg/s sustained, 30 deg/s instantaneous
Climb rate: less then 100 s from brake release to 10km altitude; 180s approx. to 14km
Ground turn around: less then 10 min with a crew of six
Armaments: 25mm cannon, 8 hardpoints. Rb 99 AMRAAM, BK 90 or Mjölner which is a gliding stand off submunition dispenser, Rb 15f, Maverick, Yakhont-3,
Price: 24 Million
In the course of testing it was determined that a modified version could perform the duties of reconnaissance, electronic warfare and training.
This modified version featured 2 seats instead of one and had only 6 hardpoints available. The hardpoint under the fuselage would be occupied by a electronic warfare and sensor pod while two of the harpoints on the wing were made to be used only for fuel tanks.
This increased the range of the FB-1B greatly to 4500 km.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Copyright on (hopefully "original")
M1028 Canister Tank Cartridge
Holds either small steel ball-bearings designed to provide effective rapid lethal reaction against massed assaulting infantry armed with hand held anti-tank and automatic weapons at close range (500 meters or less) thereby improving survivability. Additionally, this round will significantly increase the tank’s lethality and enhance the tank crew’s survivability. This additional capability will give the Abrams Tank the ability to survive RPG ambushes and to fully support friendly infantry assaults:
Or compressed napalm designed to either a) melt the tanks armour or b) disable by blind sensors and/or choking the engine.
Compression is done under careful conditions (cooled) so that, despite its high igition temperture (400 F or so) it will not ignite. When fired the increased compression begins the ignition of the napalm inside the canister which is designed to have the front shatter on impact of the tank coating it with the viscous liquid.
(PS: If cannot copyright the canister itself, please do the napalm round)
:arrow: ©Copyright
Its yours m8 if people want it they may have to buy it
You can't copyright real world equipment. You did not invent the XM1028, therefore you can't copyright it.
OMG its roleplay - not mixed with real life, the real world doesnt exist in Nationstates when you think about it.
(how many people havent understood this = too many)
Es-19 Asssault Rifle
The Es-19 is a next generation assault rifle, intended to replace M-16A2s and M-4s currently in service with The Zoogie People's armed forces. It is completely modern tech - and may enter service as soon as Fiscal Year 2005. It utilizes the standard NATO 5.56-mm ammunition, and is very extensible, as illustrated here.
The following is an image of Zoogiedom forces training with the Es-19 assault rifle (From Heckler & Koch website on the US XM-8 Program)
Note: While this is a real life weapon, the one I will employ be different tahn the real one...it will be modified and improved to the extent of my tech level (probably to 2012 standards or so)
Future Combat System(FCS)
The FCS is the future of ground warfare. Two options have been considered, and the go-ahead has been given to both. The first is an evolutionary main battle tank, somewhat like the image here: E-MBT, while the other is a more revolutionary idea. The typical main battle tank in service today, if confronted by six enemy tanks, would be subject to return fire for a very long period of time as it subsequently dealt with each individual target. This second FCS project, already in final phases of research, will be able to take care of all six enemy tanks in less time for an M1 Abrams to take care of one. As missiles replaced guns in naval warfare, and as missiles replaced guns in aerial warfare, so will missiles replace guns in ground warfare.
The information thus far presented is still limited; therefore, the following three PDF articles will be instrumental in aiding your OOC understanding of the FCS...although our own project will understandably differ. Armament,[url] The FCS Future Main battle tank, and The FCS revolutionary combat system (death of the MBT)
EMBT: M-260 Centurion
FCS: M-246 Manticore
AF-11 Lamia NVTOL fighter
AF-11 Lamia
The AF-11 is an aircraft - quite unusual for an army, you might say. But we think otherwise. This very small, light, and efficient fighter will have an unusual, almost helicopter-fighter morphed shape. It will take off vertically from rough fields, and land vertically in rough field conditions. It will carry air-to-air armament for air defense, or air-to-ground ordinance (a seperate, slightly larger version) to deliver lots of firepower more quickly than helicopters can. There will be at least two different variants. No pictures available, although I have sketches of it personally.
Light attack helicopter with canard rotor wing and NOTAR
The AH-X (Not yet designated) will be a light attack helicopter to serve as a replacement for the AH-1. The attack aircraft will feature most notable canard rotor wing and no tail rotor, and will be deployed in large numbers for combat air support roles.
ZaS(ZF)-26 'Talon' Multirole fighter
The Zoogie Aerospace built ZaS(ZF)-26 is the primary multirole fighter in service in Zoogiedom. A twin engine and fairly large fighter, the ZaS(ZF)-26 is nevertheless agile, capable, and deadly. With very high armament load capabilities, automated 3D thrust vectoring engines that propel it to speeds well beyond Mach 2, and advanced avionics, it is easy to see why the Talon has become Zoogiedom's top of the line multirole fighter.
ZaS(ZF)-29 'Flasher' FSW Multirole fighter
Designed by Star Aerospace Systems, the Flasher is a large FSW aircraft with primarily air-to-air functions. FSW is a technology we are currently getting into, and once we find the nation that suggested it to us in the first place, we shall reward them heftily. Despite its -29 designation, it actually has little in similarity with the X-29, except in the technological department. It is twin-engined and much larger, with a greater potential payload and range, similiar to the Su-47..although it is significantly different from that as well. The Flasher is actually the OOC thought evolution of the ZF-24, so think of it as the ZF-24 redesignated.
ZF-42 'Gecko' Strike Fighter
Recently reclassified (from its former name, ZF-43), the ZF-42 is a joint project among the naval, air force, and marine branches. It is a stealthy strike fighter - this much we can disclose. It is similar in mission to the Joint Strike Fighter, but outperforms it so greatly that we are out of ways to express it - a recent fly-off contest between a live fire Gecko Phase IV prototype and a severely reinvented JSF (refined airframe, revamped avionics, different design to accomodate for UAV, enhanced dogfighting manueverability) resulted in the Gecko being the clear winner, suffering minor damage to the rear vertical stabilizer while reducing the JSF-UAV to a flying ball of flame. The Gecko comes in two version, the standard CTOL air force version, to complement the (very fine) Kazakhstanian A-15 in the surgical strike role, and the ASTOVL version, used both in the Navy and in the Marines.
ZaS(ZF)-27 Firebird Air Superiority Fighter / Advanced Technology Platform
The ZF-27 is Zoogiedom's primary (or what we like to term 'flagship') air superiority fighter. It features some of the most advanced technologies on aircraft today. Aside from its top of the line engines, systems, and avionics, it also explores some unchartered waters. Almost no control surfaces are used (and indeed, in the attack model the vertical stabilizers are not present) with much of the manuevering of the aircraft relying on the most advanced thrust vectoring suite Zoogiedom has to offer. Another system now common in Zoogiedom products (mostly in midlife upgrades) but was developed by the ZF-27 project is the dual cannon system, in which two cannons are fired and propelled in the target's direction automatically. A computer system backs up this dual cannon system, tracks the target, calculates the movement of the target, the aircraft's movement, the movement of the target with respect to the aircraft, percentage hit rate, decides which cannon to fire...and then controls the mechanism that propels bullets as much as possible in the direction of the enemy...leaving the pilot free to manuever, giving the Firebird a very fine edge in dogfights. A supermanueverable and capable air superiority fighter, it comes also in a naval variant (ZF-27M) and very extensible ground attack variant (ZF-27E). It is replacing F-15Es, F-22s, and F-14s alike. The Firebird's designers had a common rhyme circulating amongst themselves to constantly remind themselves of several important goals: One fighter to rule them all, one fighter to find them...one fighter to fly rings around all, and in the (varies depending on who you talk to) destroy them.
KC-260 Box Wing Tanker
The KC-260 is unique in that it employs the box wing structure, combining the front and rear wings via endplates. This is aerodynamically sound and even beneficial, especially in this case, allowing this tanker to carry multiple refueling booms. Maximize effectiveness, reduce numbers required - what more could you ask for?
Za-40 'Zweihander' Twin fuselage CAS fighter
The Za-40 Zweihand-something (botched spelling, sorry) is a unique CAS fighter. Two pilots fly the aircraft and sit side by side, with excellent combat field view and amazing battlefield manueverability. The dual fuselage concept works brilliantly and increases efficiency. The engines and control surfaces also can turn speeds down, and manuever the aircraft efficiently around the battlefield, more than any previous CAS plane. Much work also went to make this a very hard aircraft to shoot out of the sky...and indeed it is.
C-240 Multirole Transport - Tanker - Cruise Missile Platform
The C-240 is a supersonic military airlift, capable of great range in excess of five thousand miles, and supersonic speeds if necessary. This makes it a very useful and cost effective (deployed in large numbers) cargo, which also serves as a tanker and cruise missile platform.
C-71 Box Wing Cargo
The C-71 is a very large cargo, capable of airlifting over a hundred and ninety tons of equipment...making this the largest practical cargo in our inventory. It also employs the box wing concept, enabling smooth and stable flying, and focuses much on range and survivability.
All taken from my development thread (if it isn't in it, it should be) located here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=136421&highlight=); the only items I seek to be copyrighted are the military items, most of which I have listed here.
:arrow: ©Copyright
I like the gun btw very smart looking :lol:
we would copyright a Project that has been going for the past few months.
The MoblieSuit Devolpment Project
Basically My Project is trying to build something about the size and firepower as a BattleMech,but more cheaper and faster than one.The Specs for our Prototype MoblieSuit that we are trying to build haven't been finalized yet,but we are making good progress on it
Picture of First MoblieSuit Prototye and Main Production model:
The MS-05(It uses MODERN TECH inside,No Future Stuff!)
Cant see the pic m8
Naval Craft to Copyright, (I took them off my storefront) :P
VENGENCE CLASS AIRCRAFT CARRIER (http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/policy/vision/vis99/v99-61.gif) EXCLUSIVE
The Vengence Class Carrier is the largest currently offered for sale. With the larger-than-average aircraft payload, the Vengence can fulfill all your power-projection needs.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: Four Nuclear Reactors, Six shafts, Eight propellers
Length overall: 1,420 feet
Flight Deck Width: 350 feet
Beam: 190 feet
Displacement Approx: 115,000 tons full load
Speed: 28+ knots
Aircraft: 125
Crew: 3,250 - Air Wing 2,680
Aircraft elevators: 6
Armament: 6 Sea Sparrow missile launchers, 4 Phalanx 20 mm CIWS mounts, 48 Cells VLS (ESSM), 16 Cells VLS (Tomahawk, ASROC)
ROYDIA CLASS BATTLESHIP (http://www.eslprof.com/images/battleship.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A true capital ship, the Roydia provides long-range fire, heavy support to a carrier group, and massive shore bombardment. The large guns are capable of raining salvos onto enemy positions.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 3 Nuclear Reactors, 4 shafts
Length: 985 feet
Beam: 126 feet
Displacement: 95,250 tons
Speed: 31 knots
Armament: 12 16”/50 Cal, 8 Twin 5”/62 cal, 4 6.1" AGS, 10 MK26 missile launcher , 32 Harpoon (8 Quad launchers), Quad Canisters Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (96 Cells), 6 Phalanx CIWS, 10 Evolved Sea Sparrow, 16x12.7mm, 12 MK 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight guns
Aircraft: 6xSH-60B/F Seahawk
Crew: 1736
TRIARA CLASS LIGHT CRUISER (http://www.military-art.com/images/dhm_936_small.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The Triara is a light cruiser outstanding in support roles. These vessels usually serve as anti-aircraft cover for carriers and battleships; also, they are fast but still able to stand their group if attacked by capital ships.
General Characteristics:
Length: 582 feet
Beam: 59 feet
Displacement: 10,250 tons full load
Speed: 30+ knots
Crew: 26 Officers, 352 Enlisted
SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator
Armament: 6 6.1" AGS, Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA) Missile; Tomahawk Cruise Missile; 10 12.7mm, Six MK-46 torpedoes (from two triple mounts); 10 MK 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight guns; 4 Phalanx close-in-weapons systems
Aircraft: Two SH-2 Seasprite (LAMPS) in CG 47-48; Two SH-60 Sea Hawk (LAMPS III)
ADARI CLASS AIR DEFENCE DESTROYER (http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/data/%5B(1625)-15-02-2002%5DT45_v4_print%20A.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The brand new and best anti-air destroyer out there, the Adari boasts an array of missile and guns can unleash salvos to provide a virtually impenetrable air net. With the PAAMS long-range radar system, the Adari maintains constant surveillance on the skies. One ship you can't afford to be without!
General Characteristics:
Length: 152.4m
Max Beam: 21.2m
Displacement: 7,350 tons
Speed: 27 knots+
Range: 7000 nautical miles at 18 knots
Aircraft: 2 Merlin helicopters
Armament: PAAMS (Long Range Radar, Multi-Function Radar), 4 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles, 1 5”/62 cal, 6 64 Cell VLS, 4 MK 45 MOD 1 5"/54 caliber Gun Mount, 4 MK 32 MOD 14 Triple Torpedo Tubes (six MK 50/46 Torpedoes), 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS, NATO Sea Sparrow point defense AAW missiles
Crew: 190 (with space for 240)
GREVANT CLASS MISSILE FRIGATE (http://homepage.tinet.ie/~steven/images/988382234m.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The Grevant class is the best versatile support ship out there. Their stealthy design allows them to perform a wide array of tasks. From anti-submarine duty to blockade services, these frigate occupy a pivotal role in a battle group.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: Turbines: 2 CODLAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) Spey gas boost, 4 GEC-Alsthom Paxman Valenta, 2 GEC Electric motors
Displacement: 4,900 tons
Length: 436ft
Beam: 52.9ft
Armament: 2 x Quad Harpoon Missile launchers, Vertical Launch Sea Wolf anti-missile system, 4.5in (114mm) MK 8 gun, 2 30mm Close range guns, 2 Magazine launched anti submarine torpedo tubes
Sensors: Type 1007 navigation radar, Type 996 air/surface surveillance radar, 2 Type 911 Sea Lion tracking radars, UAT Electronic Surveillance System, Type 2050 active sonar
Aircraft: MK 8 Lynx helicopters:
Sea Skua anti-ship missiles
Stingray anti-submarine torpedoes
Mk 11 depth charges
Machine guns
Crew: 185
PORTOS CLASS CATAMARAN (http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/dailypix/2003/Oct/06/mna_b.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A small support vessel, the Portos is used as an anti-air net around the inner sanctums of a battle group. Deployed in group upwards of 5, these catamarans can swiftly unleash tens of aircraft on short notice.
General Characteristics:
Power plant: Combination gas and diesel turbine, can utilize a mixture of petroleum products
Top speed: 42 knots
Length: 80 meters
Width: 28 meters
Armament: 2 Sea Sparrows AAW launchers, 2 Exocet missile launchers, Phalanx CIWS mounts, 2 5"/54 caliber Mk-45
Aircraft: 6 Helicopters, 4 VTOL aircraft
SPY-1 Radar and Combat System Integrator
TYRE CLASS PATROL CUTTER (http://www.cgaux1sr.org/photo/WTC/P00Web04805_small.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
A well armed long ranged patrol craft that displays a variety of advanced systems. Added missile launchers provide additional support, the Tyre is superbly equipped at defending your coastline or maintaining a blockade.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 2 Diesel Engines
Displacement: 3750 tons
Speed: 29 knots
Armament: 1 3” cal gun, 2 25mm Heavy Machine Guns, 1 Phalanx CIWS, 4 12.7mm, Quad Canisters Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems, Harpoon Missiles
Aircraft: 1 H-65, SH-60, or SH-2F
Boats: 1 RHIB, 1 MSB
Crew: 167
SHRIKE CLASS HELICOPTER ASSAULT SHIP (http://www.cnn.com/1999/US/12/09/helicopter.crash.02/link.bh.richard.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
In any amphibious invasion, groups of airborne infantry need to be rained down behind enemy lines. The Helicopter Assault Ship's only purpose is to deliver devastating waves of helos to any place within reach. A full maintenance shop is located on board, along with spare parts and weapons.
General Characteristics:
Length: 598 feet
Power Plant: 2 Diesel Engines
Displacement: 21,225 tons
Speed: 26 knots
Helicopters: Up to 45
Armament: 4 Phalanx CIWS, 1 AEGIS suite, 2 Sea Sparrows AAW launchers
Crew: 80 officers, 630 enlisted
Invasion Force: 2000
EXECUTOR CLASS COMBAT LOGISTICS SHIP (http://www.btinternet.com/~warship/Today/alsl_rotterdam.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
An extremely able vessel, the Executor can perform any nonengagement duty. From moving cargo to an invasion site, to replenishing battle groups, to command/control/communications operations, the Executor directs your navy to a crushing victory!
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 4 LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engines, 2 Shafts with 6 Propellers
Speed: 26 knots
Length: 754 feet (229.9 meters)
Beam: 107 feet (32.6 meters)
Displacement: 48,800 tons full load
Cargo: Military Lift Transport 800 troops, transport about 3200 Linear meters of vehicles, 550 tons of war maintenance reserve, 2 upper deck cranes, wide and uncluttered assault routes to allow fully-kitted troops unhindered passage to points of offload.
Command/Control: AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar, AN/SPS-64(V)9 Navigation Radar, MK 23 Traget Acquisition System
Communications: WRN-6 NAVSTAR GPS Satellite Navigation Receiver
OMEGA Navigation Receiver, Full Communications Suite
Crew: 68 officers, 591 Enlisted
Armament: 1 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System (NSSMS), 2 Close-In-Weapons System (CIWS), 4 25MM Machine Guns, 4 .50-Caliber Machine Guns, 1 AN/SLQ-32(V)3 Electronic Warfare System, 4 Decoy Launchers
Aircraft: Twin spot flight deck with limited facilities to transport and operate Merlin, Chinook and V22 Osprey.
Landing Craft Fitted with a floodable dock
Crew: 68 officers, 591 Enlisted
PERRIGON CLASS MINESWEEPER (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/c_traveller/hunt.jpg) EXCLUSIVE
The largest craft ever constructed out of Glass Reinforced Plastic, the Perrigon sports versatility and durability. These ships come equipped with top grade sonar supplemented with sensors, allowing them to detect mines and remove them. With the wide flexibility of the Perrigon, it is able to combat all forms of mine warfare.
General Characteristics:
Power Plant: 2 Ruston-Paxman deltic 9-58K diesels, 1 Deltic 9-59 diesel, 2 shafts and bow thruster.
Displacement: 770 tons
Length: 65 meters
Beam: 12 meters
Draught: 2.2 meters
Speed: 24 knots
Armament: 1 30mm gun, 2 BMarc 20mm guns, 4 Light Machine Guns
Sonar/Sensor: Type 193M mine hunting sonar, Mil cross avoidance sonar, Type 2059 Pap submersible tracking sonar, Type 1007 I band sensor
Countermeasures: RCMDS, Mk1 with 2 Pap 104 Mk 5 remotely controlled submersibles, Combined Influence Sweep (Mk3 Towed Acoustic Generator), Magnetic sweep and Mk 8 conventional Oropesa sweeps
Crew: 45
:arrow: ©Copyright
All the products that have an exclusive next to them at these topics:
Naval: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143683
Aircraft: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143684
Packages: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143685
:arrow: ©Copyright
Whittier wishes to patent/ copyright its new DingDong air launched anti aircraft missile.
These are the Specs:
Used as a long-range, air-launched air intercept missile
Power plant: Liquid propellant rocket motor built by Homeboy Incorporated. The motor uses a mixture of liquid helium and liquid nitrogen.
Length: 13 feet
Weight: 1,024 pounds
Diameter: 15 inches
Wing Span: 3 feet
Range: In excess of 250 nautical miles; 350 statute miles
Speed: In excess of 5,000 mph
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing, sattelite guidance system, infrared, ultraviolet guidance systems, and individual aircraft ID lockon (technology invented and patented by Whittier)
Warheads: Proximity fuse, high explosive, cluster bomblets
Warhead Weight: 200 pounds
:arrow: ©Copyright
Relics New Products (http://www.freewebs.com/bluebomber2/newproducts.htm)
:arrow: ©Copyright
Project 928 – Frigate
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 4,025 tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 68 Knots
Flank Speed: 85+ Knots
Crew: 320: 15 Officers; 305 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 6” CTTD armor plating
Length: 135.0 meters
Beam: 13.5 meters
Draught: 10.2 meters
Primary Weapons: 2 x 155mm Railguns (1 Forward, 1 Behind)
Guided Missile Weapons: 30 x VLS tubes
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 Raytheon Close-In weapons system
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 6 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: 6 x ASROC VLS Cells
Combat System: AEGIS Mk10 Mod 3 System
Decoys: 1 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
Aircraft: 2 x Sea-Hawk F-Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Four Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 929 – Destroyer
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 9,217 tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 knots
Flank Speed: 75+ knots
Crew: 350; 330 Enlisted, 20 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 8” CTTD
Project 930 – Cruiser
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 11,945 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 66 knots
Flank Speed: 78 knots
Crew: 642; 582 Enlisted, 40 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 10” CTTD armor plating
Length: 623 Feet
Beam: 84 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 4 x 15” Railguns (2 Forward, 2 Behind)
Secondary Weapons: 4 x 155mm Cannons on two turrets on each side of the forward
Guided Missile Weapons: 130 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 8 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 2 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant Helicopter
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 931 – Battleship
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 86,600 Tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 Knots
Flank Speed: 75+ Knots
Crew: 2,820; 2,700 Enlisted, 120 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 14” CTTD armor plating
Length: 1,058 feet
Beam: 108 feet
Draught: 18 feet
Primary Weapons: 6 x 18” Railguns (4 Forward, 2 rear)
Secondary Weapons: 20 x 155mm Cannons on 10 turrets (5 a side, 2 on each
Guided Missile Weapons: 150 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 4 x Mk22 Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 10 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System / OCST
Decoys: 4 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 932 – Carrier
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 99,000 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 64 Knots
Flank Speed: 72 Knots
Crew: 6,210; 210 Officers; 6,000 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 16” CTTD armor plating
SAM Weaponry: 4 x Sea Sparrow (Replaceable) Rotating Launchers
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 6 x Raytheon Mk22 20mm CIWS
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 6 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
armor plating
Length: 510 Feet
Beam: 66 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 2 x 155mm Railguns
Guided Missile Weapons: 96 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 6 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC Vertical Launched Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk 10 Mod 3 System
Decoys: 1 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
None, LAMPS-III installed on rear deck.
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Four Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 930 – Cruiser
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 11,945 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 66 knots
Flank Speed: 78 knots
Crew: 642; 582 Enlisted, 40 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 10” CTTD armor plating
Length: 623 Feet
Beam: 84 Feet
Draught: 12 Feet
Primary Weapons: 4 x 15” Railguns (2 Forward, 2 Behind)
Secondary Weapons: 4 x 155mm Cannons on two turrets on each side of the forward
Guided Missile Weapons: 130 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RIM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: Mk22 20mm Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 8 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 2 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant Helicopter
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 931 – Battleship
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 86,600 Tons (Full load)
Sustained Speed: 65 Knots
Flank Speed: 75+ Knots
Crew: 2,820; 2,700 Enlisted, 120 Officers
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 14” CTTD armor plating
Length: 1,058 feet
Beam: 108 feet
Draught: 18 feet
Primary Weapons: 6 x 18” Railguns (4 Forward, 2 rear)
Secondary Weapons: 20 x 155mm Cannons on 10 turrets (5 a side, 2 on each
Guided Missile Weapons: 150 VLS Cells
SAM Weaponry: RM-72 Standard Missile Cell
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 4 x Mk22 Raytheon Close-In Weapons System
Anti-Submarine Torpedoes: 10 x Mk52 (Ruhrian Design) 556mm Torpedos
Anti-Submarine Rockets: ASROC VLS Mk50
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System / OCST
Decoys: 4 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
2 x Seahawk-F Variant ASW Helicopters
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Project 932 – Carrier
Key Data:
Full Displacement Load: 99,000 Tons (Full Load)
Sustained Speed: 64 Knots
Flank Speed: 72 Knots
Crew: 6,210; 210 Officers; 6,000 Enlisted
Frame Materiel: Titanium
Hull Materiel: 16” CTTD armor plating
Dimensions: Classified
SAM Weaponry: 4 x Sea Sparrow (Replaceable) Rotating Launchers
Anti-Missile Weaponry: 6 x Raytheon Mk22 20mm CIWS
Combat System: AEGIS Mk7 Mod 3 Combat System
Decoys: 6 x Mk40 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System
Aircraft: Classified.
AN/SPY-1 Air Search and Fire Control Radar
AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar
AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
AN/SPQ-9A Fire Control Radar
AN/SPG-62 Fir Control Radars
URN25 Tactical Air Navigation system (TACAN)
IFF Transponder
AN/SQQ-94 Sonar
Addtl: Classified
Ion Fusion Drive powering Turbine Six Jet Pumps in the rear, and two in front.
Each rear system has a controllable pitch, while the two forward thrusters rely
upon angle. They are angled 10 degrees downward in order to catch the water and
create a better breaking system. The ship’s backup system is two nuclear
reactor power-plants providing only enough power for maneuverability and ship
Requesting Copyrights on all mentioned products, including: Finished designs, specialized alloy, drive system, etc.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Drive sytem failed process and sepcialised alloy, but your finished products are fine.
SOF-9A "Tiger Hawk" SOF-9B "Tiger Shark"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 45 ft 0 in (13.72 m) for SOF-9A, 43 ft 8.6 in (13.33 m) for SOF-9B; Height 13 ft 4 in (4.06 m); Wing Span 36 ft 0 in (10.97 m) for SOF-9A, 30 ft 0 in (9.14 m) for SOF-9B; Wing Area 590.00 sq ft (54.81 sq m) for SOF-9A.
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE614, rated at 42,000 lb st (186.9 kN) with afterburning and 34,000+ lb st (151.3 kN) without afterburning. (F119-PW-614C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-614S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Equipped 22,046 lb (10,000 kg) for USAF CTOL and STOVL, 24,030 lb (10,900 kg) for CV/CTOL; Normal Take-off 38,000 lb (17,236 kg) for USAF CTOL; Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg) for all variants.
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (USAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed 'clean' 1.6 at high altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Combat ceiling 50,000 ft (15,240 m); Combat radius on SOMI mission 600 nm (691 mls, 1110 km), on SOAF mission 850 nm (979 mls, 1575 km), on SON mission 750 nm (863 mls, 1390 km)
(This thread needs to be stickied or something. Always have to hunt it down.)
:arrow: ©Copyright
yes i agree a sticky would help
SOF-10 "Barricuda"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 50 ft 11 in (15.52 m); Height 12 ft 3 in ; Wing Span 40 ft 0 in (12.19 m) for SOF-10; Wing Area 600 sq ft (55.7 sq m) for SOF-10
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE611, of 42,000 lb. (186.9 kN) st. with afterburning plus Rolls-Royce lift fan (X-35B only) of 18,000 lb (80 kN) thrust. (F119-PW-611C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-611S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Operating 25,000 lb (11,340 kg); Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg)
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (SOAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed Mach 1.4+ at altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Service ceiling 50,000+ ft (15,240+ m); Radius of action 540 nm (622 miles, 1000 km) for USMC attack mission, 600 nm (691 miles, 1112 km) for SON attack mission.
:arrow: ©Copyright
I wish everything in here to get copyrighted (I had this done before but I added a lot of stuff..)
:arrow: ©Copyright
i wish this station to be copyrighted
:arrow: ©Copyright
I would like to Copyright the P4lladian Technate's most recent innovation:
PTS-700 series single-use Space-Fold Generator
The PTS-700 series (pictured above floating in space) is a single-use transportation device for starships. After use, they are returned to my space colony for refurbishing.
(ooc: yes, it's a picture of the death star. The actual device is much, much smaller than that, on the order of 5-6 meters in diameter. It has nothing to do with the actual death star.)
see storefront for details (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=152058)
:arrow: ©Copyright
DUDE! Camdean is gone! This sucks.
i am back :lol:
Sorry again ive been busy lately with clans, Eve online and moving house
From now all Nations who use the copyright will be added into the PA©T auotmaticaly. All it entails is your nation is willing to stop anyone stealing your patented ideas ( with military force ) therefore securing them on NS
If you have a problem with this it can be arranged that your nation isnt in the PA©T.
A reminder Bump that Camdean is back
12-06-2004, 04:26
The government of Argheraal wishes to Copyright these Starship designs..
With a length of 2.7 km, it is the biggest ship the Argheraal military has built.
Since the advent of problems in the Klonor Empire (to whom most of the current fleet was bought), the Government of Argheraal felt it necessary to develop and build it’s own starships.
The Tiger Heavy Destroyer (members of the military are still arguing if it should be classed as Battleship) armament consists of 4 xenium heavy beam cannons, 6 MetalStorm flak guns, 12 xenium heavy laser batteries, 10 anti-fighter xenium rapid fire gatling lasers, 2 demolisher anti-ship missile launchers (7 missiles/launcher) and 2 gravmine dispensers.
The heavy beam cannons are designs based on Klonor beam cannons using xenium crystal for focusing and enhancing beam projection. According to telemetry on one beam cannon test, it is 2.56 times more powerful than a normal Klonor beam cannon. Scientists indicate this is due to the unique properties of Xenium122 crystals.
Also, this four cannons can be fired in unison, the forward section concentrates the four beams on a point 400 meters infront of the destroyer into a single massively destructive one (the beam lasts for about five seconds), the downside to this mode of firing is that the beams are disabled for 7 minutes, and to shoot again in this mode 15 to 20 minutes are required. 1st generation A.I. is required to control de firing of the beam cannons in this mode.
The Tiger’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts. From 12% to 22.5% of the energy is difused along the armor.
The Destroyer is powered by a NovaStar III Engine, again based on design ideas taken from Klonor Ministar Engine (and 20% bigger).
The Demolisher Anti-Ship missiles are used against capital ships (can be used against static installations also), with a payload worth of 3500 Mt, these missiles were designed to be fast and somewhat maneuverable.
The gravmine dispenser is a defensive device used to protect the Tiger Destroyer when retreating or to create a gauntlet run against fighters attacking, each mine produces a 40G tidal shock on a 50 mts spherical area. Very useful to mess with fighters, more so with the more delicate pilot. This mines can be remotely detonated by the tactical crew of the destroyer as they can be monitored with the sensors of the Tiger, the mines are armed with IFF trasponders.
20 Corsair fighters serve as anti-fighter protection and forward scouting.
Warp: 7 (emergency warp of 8.7)
The Jaguar Cruiser is fast and maneuverable, 280 mts from bow to stern is designed for defense of battle areas, key installations and escort of larger ships. It sports 7 triple xenium beam gun turrets, 4 single xenium beam gun turrets, 4 rapid fire heavy gatling railguns, and 2 missile launchers.
The Jaguar’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts.
The Jaguar is powered by a NovaStar I engine and carries 6 Hawk fighters.
Warp: 8 (emergency warp of 9.4)
To quickly deploy troops in conflict zones, The designers in Olympus shipyard came with the Ocelot Troop Transport, 200 meters long it can carry and deploy a full company of soldiers using the three armored drop ships it carries under it’s belly, the Ocelot it is lightly armed with only 6 rapid fire heavy gatling railguns as it is not designed for combat.
The Ocelot’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts.
The Ocelot’s impulse comes from four Kronth-Deraal engines that can pivot up to 20 degrees for quick and sharp maneuvers.
Matthew Steel Saberhagen
Incorporated States of Argheraal
The government of Argheraal wishes to Copyright these Starship designs..
With a length of 2.7 km, it is the biggest ship the Argheraal military has built.
Since the advent of problems in the Klonor Empire (to whom most of the current fleet was bought), the Government of Argheraal felt it necessary to develop and build it’s own starships.
The Tiger Heavy Destroyer (members of the military are still arguing if it should be classed as Battleship) armament consists of 4 xenium heavy beam cannons, 6 MetalStorm flak guns, 12 xenium heavy laser batteries, 10 anti-fighter xenium rapid fire gatling lasers, 2 demolisher anti-ship missile launchers (7 missiles/launcher) and 2 gravmine dispensers.
The heavy beam cannons are designs based on Klonor beam cannons using xenium crystal for focusing and enhancing beam projection. According to telemetry on one beam cannon test, it is 2.56 times more powerful than a normal Klonor beam cannon. Scientists indicate this is due to the unique properties of Xenium122 crystals.
Also, this four cannons can be fired in unison, the forward section concentrates the four beams on a point 400 meters infront of the destroyer into a single massively destructive one (the beam lasts for about five seconds), the downside to this mode of firing is that the beams are disabled for 7 minutes, and to shoot again in this mode 15 to 20 minutes are required. 1st generation A.I. is required to control de firing of the beam cannons in this mode.
The Tiger’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts. From 12% to 22.5% of the energy is difused along the armor.
The Destroyer is powered by a NovaStar III Engine, again based on design ideas taken from Klonor Ministar Engine (and 20% bigger).
The Demolisher Anti-Ship missiles are used against capital ships (can be used against static installations also), with a payload worth of 3500 Mt, these missiles were designed to be fast and somewhat maneuverable.
The gravmine dispenser is a defensive device used to protect the Tiger Destroyer when retreating or to create a gauntlet run against fighters attacking, each mine produces a 40G tidal shock on a 50 mts spherical area. Very useful to mess with fighters, more so with the more delicate pilot. This mines can be remotely detonated by the tactical crew of the destroyer as they can be monitored with the sensors of the Tiger, the mines are armed with IFF trasponders.
20 Corsair fighters serve as anti-fighter protection and forward scouting.
Warp: 7 (emergency warp of 8.7)
The Jaguar Cruiser is fast and maneuverable, 280 mts from bow to stern is designed for defense of battle areas, key installations and escort of larger ships. It sports 7 triple xenium beam gun turrets, 4 single xenium beam gun turrets, 4 rapid fire heavy gatling railguns, and 2 missile launchers.
The Jaguar’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts.
The Jaguar is powered by a NovaStar I engine and carries 6 Hawk fighters.
Warp: 8 (emergency warp of 9.4)
To quickly deploy troops in conflict zones, The designers in Olympus shipyard came with the Ocelot Troop Transport, 200 meters long it can carry and deploy a full company of soldiers using the three armored drop ships it carries under it’s belly, the Ocelot it is lightly armed with only 6 rapid fire heavy gatling railguns as it is not designed for combat.
The Ocelot’s armor is a Duralium-Niobium/Xenium crystal lattice compound very resistant to kinetic and energy impacts.
The Ocelot’s impulse comes from four Kronth-Deraal engines that can pivot up to 20 degrees for quick and sharp maneuvers.
Matthew Steel Saberhagen
Incorporated States of Argheraal
:arrow: ©Copyright
Uh, you skipped me out on the last round of copyrighting. Was this deliberate? If not, then please copyright the following:
I apologise if any of these ideas have already been taken, I can't be bothered to wade through 50 damned pages to check.
1. Small rotorblades - so a helicopter-esque vehicle could have them on support struts. This would make the size of fuselage, or whatever the damn term is greater in comparison to the sixe of the blades. Basically, I want these beacuse they look cool.
2. Servitorisation: This is a pretty horrific idea, but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. You simply take someone, and then cut out all the bits of their brain related to higher thought. You are left with a drooling vegetable. Why? I hear you ask. Why? What's the point? Well, as I'm sure you've heard, the brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. A few electrodes here and there, and bingo, you've got a lot of space saved in your Terminator by having a brain instead of a supercomputer.
3. Intricate magnetic field manipulation. Moving stuff about with powerful magnets, to make steel, iron, cobalt, etc. objects float around, turn on the spot, etc.
Uh, you skipped me out on the last round of copyrighting. Was this deliberate? If not, then please copyright the following:
I apologise if any of these ideas have already been taken, I can't be bothered to wade through 50 damned pages to check.
1. Small rotorblades - so a helicopter-esque vehicle could have them on support struts. This would make the size of fuselage, or whatever the damn term is greater in comparison to the sixe of the blades. Basically, I want these beacuse they look cool.
2. Servitorisation: This is a pretty horrific idea, but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. You simply take someone, and then cut out all the bits of their brain related to higher thought. You are left with a drooling vegetable. Why? I hear you ask. Why? What's the point? Well, as I'm sure you've heard, the brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. A few electrodes here and there, and bingo, you've got a lot of space saved in your Terminator by having a brain instead of a supercomputer.
3. Intricate magnetic field manipulation. Moving stuff about with powerful magnets, to make steel, iron, cobalt, etc. objects float around, turn on the spot, etc.
You need to brand name your ideas, then I can copyright them :)
What i have is a description of your ideas, without a brand name
Very well then:
1. ZIGBLADES© (Hopefully)
Small rotorblades - so a helicopter-esque vehicle could have them on support struts. This would make the size of fuselage, or whatever the damn term is greater in comparison to the sixe of the blades. Basically, I want these beacuse they look cool.
This is a pretty horrific idea, but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. You simply take someone, and then cut out all the bits of their brain related to higher thought. You are left with a drooling vegetable. Why? I hear you ask. Why? What's the point? Well, as I'm sure you've heard, the brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. A few electrodes here and there, and bingo, you've got a lot of space saved in your Terminator by having a brain instead of a supercomputer.
3. IMFM© (Hopefully)
Intricate magnetic field manipulation. Moving stuff about with powerful magnets, to make steel, iron, cobalt, etc. objects float around, turn on the spot, etc.
Holy panooly
13-06-2004, 14:45
Lich Class Submarine
The Evil Overlord
13-06-2004, 20:50
Evil Overlord Enterprises announces the completion of the Poinard anti-tank weapons system.
The Poinard fires a caseless 120mm projectile made of a copper-nickel alloy. A 40mm sabot of tungsten and osmium in the center of the warhead provides the anti-armor punch. This has been the standard EOE military AT round for decades. Use of Poinard to fire HE charges is currently unsafe, as the massive shock of firing detonates the warhead- sometimes within the weapon breech.
The innovation comes from the propellant system for the round. Liquid natural gas is pumped into the weapon's firing chamber after a round is loaded. Chamber pressure is increased to 90% of the self-ignition point. An electrical current is induced to a short length of copper wire attached to the base of the warhead at current levels sufficient to vaporize the wire. The resulting explosion compresses the LNG to the ignition point, propelling the round forward. A simultaneous piston motion from the breech compresses the propellant gases still further, resulting in the projectile reaching hypervelocity speeds (approximately 13km/sec at the muzzle).
Recent testing has shown the Poinard capable of breaching most MBT armor at a range of 4 kilometers. The weapon relies entirely on kinetic-energy effects for striking power- there is no secondary explosive. However- like the depleted uranium round of the last century- there is a significant thermal and shockwave effect within the hull of a target tank, sufficient to kill most vehicle crews and possibly ignite stored munitions.
The firing cycle for the Poinard is recoil-based auto-loading. The recoil pushes the breech back, restrained over the cycle by hydraulic rams. The rams store the recoil energy for bringing the weapon back into battery and to drive the compression piston forward during firing.
The reloading mechanism is attached to the barrel housing forward of the maximum recoil position. As the barrel recoils within the breech housing, the next round is pushed into position in a plastic belt, which is sheared off by the returning breech. The LNG pressure tubing is attached to the breech housing opposite and slightly forward of the reloading mechanism. As the breech closes, the connecting gas nozzles are pushed into position by springs and load the chamber with Liquid Natural Gas. An interlock prevents the gas from being loaded in the absence of a round.
The weight and space savings from Poinard allow tanks and other anti-armor vehicles to carry more ammunition, and further reduce the risk of ammunition exploding within the vehicle's hull. LNG tanks are stored within a section of the hull separated from the crew compartment by a section of hull armor, with blast vents to deflect an explosion away from the crew. The warheads themselves are simple KEWs, so there is no risk of explosion.
EOE has deployed Poinard on the latest generation of Zhukov-III Main Battle Tanks, and several "tank-killer" versions of the Raschid-II LAVs have also been so equipped. All EOE warships are being retrofitted with larger versions of Poinard as they come into their refit cycle.
The Empire wishes to copyright everything within this thread. INcluding the Yallakian designed Tiranial Alloy.
Very well then:
1. ZIGBLADES© (Hopefully)
Small rotorblades - so a helicopter-esque vehicle could have them on support struts. This would make the size of fuselage, or whatever the damn term is greater in comparison to the sixe of the blades. Basically, I want these beacuse they look cool.
This is a pretty horrific idea, but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. You simply take someone, and then cut out all the bits of their brain related to higher thought. You are left with a drooling vegetable. Why? I hear you ask. Why? What's the point? Well, as I'm sure you've heard, the brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. A few electrodes here and there, and bingo, you've got a lot of space saved in your Terminator by having a brain instead of a supercomputer.
3. IMFM© (Hopefully)
Intricate magnetic field manipulation. Moving stuff about with powerful magnets, to make steel, iron, cobalt, etc. objects float around, turn on the spot, etc.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Thank you for your understanding :wink:
Camdeans scientists have come up with a way to teleport single atoms ...
Scientists have performed successful teleportation on atoms for the first time, the journal Nature reports.
The feat was achieved by two teams of researchers working independently on the problem in the US and Austria.
The ability to transfer key properties of one particle to another without using any physical link has until now only been achieved with laser light.
Experts say being able to do the same with massive particles like atoms could lead to new superfast computers.
This development is a long way from the transporters used by Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Kirk in the famous Star Trek TV series.
We are able to teleport in a deliberate way - that is, at the push of a button
Professor Rainer Blatt, University of Innsbruck
When physicists talk about "teleportation", they are describing the transfer of "quantum states" between separate atoms.
These would be such things as an atom's energy, motion, magnetic field and other physical properties.
And in the computers of tomorrow, this information would form the qubits (the quantum form of the digital bits 1 and 0) of data processing through the machines.
Atomic dance
What the teams at the University of Innsbruck and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist) did was teleport qubits from one atom to another with the help of a third auxiliary atom.
It relies on a strange behaviour that exists at the atomic scale known as "entanglement", whereby two particles can have related properties even when they are far apart. Einstein called it a "spooky action".
The two groups used different techniques for achieving teleportation, but both followed the same basic protocol.
Click here for a graphical explanation
First, a pair of highly entangled, charged atoms (or ions) are created: B and C. Next, the state to be teleported is created in a third ion, A.
Then, one ion from the pair - let's say B - is entangled with A, and the internal state of both is measured.
Finally, the quantum state of ion A is sent to ion C, transforming it. This destroys the original quantum state of A.
The teleportation took place in milliseconds and at the push of a button, the first time such a deterministic mechanism has been developed for the process.
'Great potential'
The landmark experiments are being viewed as a major advance in the quest to achieve ultra-fast computers, inside which teleportation could provide a form of invisible "quantum wiring".
These machines would be able to handle far bigger and more complex loads than today's super-computers, and at many times their speed.
"In a quantum computer it's straightforward enough to move quantum information around by simply moving the qubits, but you might want to do things very quickly, so you could use teleportation instead," said Nist's Dr David Wineland.
Professor Rainer Blatt, of the University of Innsbruck, told BBC News Online: "This is a milestone.
"We are able to teleport in a deliberate way - that is, at the push of a button. This has been done before, but not in such a way that you can keep the information there at the end."
Professor Blatt's team, an Austrian-US group, performed the teleportation on calcium ions. The Nist team in Boulder, Colorado, used ions of the element beryllium.
Despite this and some differences in the experimental methods used by the two groups, both teams reached similar values of fidelity - around 0.75.
Fidelity is a measure of how well the quantum state of the second ion after teleportation resembles the original quantum state.
Commenting in an article published in Nature, physicists H Jeff Kimble and Steven Van Enk said: "These two experiments represent a magnificent confluence of experimental advances, ranging from precision spectroscopy and laser cooling.
"The fact that such diverse procedures performed so superbly in two separate laboratories attests to the flexibility and great potential of ion trapping for processing quantum information."
Step 1: A pair of entangled ions are created: B and C
Step 2: The state to be teleported is created in ion A
Step 3: One ion from the pair - in this case B - is entangled with A and both are measured
Step 4: The quantum state of A is sent to ion C
Step 5: The state created for A is teleported to C
Teleportational Solids©
:arrow: ©Copyright
Evil Overlord Enterprises announces the completion of the Poinard anti-tank weapons system.
The Poinard fires a caseless 120mm projectile made of a copper-nickel alloy. A 40mm sabot of tungsten and osmium in the center of the warhead provides the anti-armor punch. This has been the standard EOE military AT round for decades. Use of Poinard to fire HE charges is currently unsafe, as the massive shock of firing detonates the warhead- sometimes within the weapon breech.
The innovation comes from the propellant system for the round. Liquid natural gas is pumped into the weapon's firing chamber after a round is loaded. Chamber pressure is increased to 90% of the self-ignition point. An electrical current is induced to a short length of copper wire attached to the base of the warhead at current levels sufficient to vaporize the wire. The resulting explosion compresses the LNG to the ignition point, propelling the round forward. A simultaneous piston motion from the breech compresses the propellant gases still further, resulting in the projectile reaching hypervelocity speeds (approximately 13km/sec at the muzzle).
Recent testing has shown the Poinard capable of breaching most MBT armor at a range of 4 kilometers. The weapon relies entirely on kinetic-energy effects for striking power- there is no secondary explosive. However- like the depleted uranium round of the last century- there is a significant thermal and shockwave effect within the hull of a target tank, sufficient to kill most vehicle crews and possibly ignite stored munitions.
The firing cycle for the Poinard is recoil-based auto-loading. The recoil pushes the breech back, restrained over the cycle by hydraulic rams. The rams store the recoil energy for bringing the weapon back into battery and to drive the compression piston forward during firing.
The reloading mechanism is attached to the barrel housing forward of the maximum recoil position. As the barrel recoils within the breech housing, the next round is pushed into position in a plastic belt, which is sheared off by the returning breech. The LNG pressure tubing is attached to the breech housing opposite and slightly forward of the reloading mechanism. As the breech closes, the connecting gas nozzles are pushed into position by springs and load the chamber with Liquid Natural Gas. An interlock prevents the gas from being loaded in the absence of a round.
The weight and space savings from Poinard allow tanks and other anti-armor vehicles to carry more ammunition, and further reduce the risk of ammunition exploding within the vehicle's hull. LNG tanks are stored within a section of the hull separated from the crew compartment by a section of hull armor, with blast vents to deflect an explosion away from the crew. The warheads themselves are simple KEWs, so there is no risk of explosion.
EOE has deployed Poinard on the latest generation of Zhukov-III Main Battle Tanks, and several "tank-killer" versions of the Raschid-II LAVs have also been so equipped. All EOE warships are being retrofitted with larger versions of Poinard as they come into their refit cycle.
:arrow: ©Copyright
The Evil Overlord
19-06-2004, 05:12
Evil Overlord Enterprises has perfected a method for protecting light armored vehicles (LAVs) from Directed Energy warheads.
Directed Energy (DE) weapons (also called shaped-charge weapons) employ a focused chemical explosion to force a superheated jet of explosion gases through armor. This rapidly expanding gas jet causes extensive damage to crews and vehicle components after penetrating the armored hull of LAVs.
The EOE Directed-Energy Diffuser Array (DEDA) prevents much of this internal damage by diffusing the gas jet with a powerful electromagnetic field. This does not prevent damage to the armor, but does prevent the LAV from being destroyed or disabled by a single- or even multiple- DE warhead strike.
Conductive metal plates are attached inside the armored hull of an LAV, approximately 3cm from the armor. Cables from a DC electrical source are attached to the conductive plates. The energized system creates a low-level electromagnetic field that does very little until a DE warhead penetrates the armor. With the field active, the expanding jet of gas and molten armor material contacts the conductive plates- completing the DEDA circuit. An electromagnetic field spike occurs, diffusing the gas and metal jet.
The armor will still have a hole in it, and the DEDA plate within will likely be damaged beyond repair by that single hit, but the crew and vehicle components will survive the strike. The rest of the DEDA plates within the hull will still protect the vehicle's interior as long as the system is energized. Spare plates may be carried to replace damaged ones at the crew's discretion with only a few minutes' work.
A standard automobile battery is all that is required for the system to work. When energized, the DEDA system will discharge an average battery in approximately 6 hours. Each successive DE weapon strike reduces battery life by approximately 15%.
Tests involving Raschid LAVs being attacked by armor-piercing RPGs show that the vehicle can survive multiple RPG strikes with DEDA active. One sample vehicle with the engines running to charge the batteries was hit on the hull ten times by armor-piercing DE warheads. The crew (removed from the vehicle during the test) re-entered the LAV and drove it away.
This system prevents internal damage from directed-energy weapons only- it has no effect on kinetic-energy warheads. A redundant battery array for DEDA adds significant weight to the vehicle, but the increased protection DEDA makes the weight increase worthwhile.
Evil Overlord Enterprises has already started retrofitting all Raschid-II LAVs with the system.
19-06-2004, 05:17
I would like to copyright these to ships (the stats, not the the pictures, obviously):
The Ion Mining Ship (IMS)
The IMS is the hammer SCARR weilds callously agaisnt entire worlds. The front half the ship is essentially one large ion cannon, modified to give a wider area of destruction and burn off the crust and atmosphere. It also acts as a carry, ferrying Miners to new worksites.
Name: Ion Mining Ship (IMS)
Role: Site preperation ship
Length: 3000 meters
Beam: 500 meters
Draft: 950 meters
Weight: 175 billion metric tons
Propulsion: 12 IE drives
Armament: 12 light pulsar cannons
Armor: 2 meters of Chobham armor
Crew: 1000
Acceleration: 100 m/s^2
Max Velocity: 3000 m/s
Shielding: Yes
Hyperdrive: Yes
Miner capacity: 8
This is the workhorse of SCARR operations. Carried to the site of a new dig by the IMS, Miners detach from the rear hangers and fly down to the planet surface. Built to withstand the massive heat from the beam impact site, they begin smelting operations and taking of samples. Eventually, they set up the equipment needed to siphon the molten ore off-world.
Name: Miner
Role: On-site smelter/construction ship
Length: 100 meters
Beam: 50 meters
Draft: 125 meters
Weight: 1 million metric tons
Propulsion: 2 IE drives with directional thursters
Armament: 4 autogun defense turrets
Armor: 2 meters of heat-resistant alloy, no combat armor to speak of
Crew: 10
Shielding: No
Hyperdrive: No
Scandavian States
19-06-2004, 05:45
I would like to copyright several tank systems. First, the M-1A1 Conqueror, M-7A1 Jackson, and M-28A1 Linebacker. Also, we'd like to copyright some new tank rounds that are coming into service and our new armour system.
Primary Tank Descriptions: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=110533
Jackson Upgrade and Armour: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153465
Conqueror and Linebacker Upgrades: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153704
Tank Rounds: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153931
The Empire wishes to copyright everything within this thread. INcluding the Yallakian designed Tiranial Alloy.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Evil Overlord Enterprises has perfected a method for protecting light armored vehicles (LAVs) from Directed Energy warheads.
Directed Energy (DE) weapons (also called shaped-charge weapons) employ a focused chemical explosion to force a superheated jet of explosion gases through armor. This rapidly expanding gas jet causes extensive damage to crews and vehicle components after penetrating the armored hull of LAVs.
The EOE Directed-Energy Diffuser Array (DEDA) prevents much of this internal damage by diffusing the gas jet with a powerful electromagnetic field. This does not prevent damage to the armor, but does prevent the LAV from being destroyed or disabled by a single- or even multiple- DE warhead strike.
Conductive metal plates are attached inside the armored hull of an LAV, approximately 3cm from the armor. Cables from a DC electrical source are attached to the conductive plates. The energized system creates a low-level electromagnetic field that does very little until a DE warhead penetrates the armor. With the field active, the expanding jet of gas and molten armor material contacts the conductive plates- completing the DEDA circuit. An electromagnetic field spike occurs, diffusing the gas and metal jet.
The armor will still have a hole in it, and the DEDA plate within will likely be damaged beyond repair by that single hit, but the crew and vehicle components will survive the strike. The rest of the DEDA plates within the hull will still protect the vehicle's interior as long as the system is energized. Spare plates may be carried to replace damaged ones at the crew's discretion with only a few minutes' work.
A standard automobile battery is all that is required for the system to work. When energized, the DEDA system will discharge an average battery in approximately 6 hours. Each successive DE weapon strike reduces battery life by approximately 15%.
Tests involving Raschid LAVs being attacked by armor-piercing RPGs show that the vehicle can survive multiple RPG strikes with DEDA active. One sample vehicle with the engines running to charge the batteries was hit on the hull ten times by armor-piercing DE warheads. The crew (removed from the vehicle during the test) re-entered the LAV and drove it away.
This system prevents internal damage from directed-energy weapons only- it has no effect on kinetic-energy warheads. A redundant battery array for DEDA adds significant weight to the vehicle, but the increased protection DEDA makes the weight increase worthwhile.
Evil Overlord Enterprises has already started retrofitting all Raschid-II LAVs with the system.
:arrow: ©Copyright
I would like to copyright these to ships (the stats, not the the pictures, obviously):
The Ion Mining Ship (IMS)
The IMS is the hammer SCARR weilds callously agaisnt entire worlds. The front half the ship is essentially one large ion cannon, modified to give a wider area of destruction and burn off the crust and atmosphere. It also acts as a carry, ferrying Miners to new worksites.
Name: Ion Mining Ship (IMS)
Role: Site preperation ship
Length: 3000 meters
Beam: 500 meters
Draft: 950 meters
Weight: 175 billion metric tons
Propulsion: 12 IE drives
Armament: 12 light pulsar cannons
Armor: 2 meters of Chobham armor
Crew: 1000
Acceleration: 100 m/s^2
Max Velocity: 3000 m/s
Shielding: Yes
Hyperdrive: Yes
Miner capacity: 8
This is the workhorse of SCARR operations. Carried to the site of a new dig by the IMS, Miners detach from the rear hangers and fly down to the planet surface. Built to withstand the massive heat from the beam impact site, they begin smelting operations and taking of samples. Eventually, they set up the equipment needed to siphon the molten ore off-world.
Name: Miner
Role: On-site smelter/construction ship
Length: 100 meters
Beam: 50 meters
Draft: 125 meters
Weight: 1 million metric tons
Propulsion: 2 IE drives with directional thursters
Armament: 4 autogun defense turrets
Armor: 2 meters of heat-resistant alloy, no combat armor to speak of
Crew: 10
Shielding: No
Hyperdrive: No
:arrow: ©Copyright
I would like to copyright several tank systems. First, the M-1A1 Conqueror, M-7A1 Jackson, and M-28A1 Linebacker. Also, we'd like to copyright some new tank rounds that are coming into service and our new armour system.
Primary Tank Descriptions: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=110533
Jackson Upgrade and Armour: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153465
Conqueror and Linebacker Upgrades: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153704
Tank Rounds: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=153931
:arrow: ©Copyright
19-06-2004, 15:46
I'd like to copyright everything below. I designed the picture and came up with the name, information, and specs.
Orbital Stargate Mark I
The Orbital Stargate Mark I is massive, circular ring, connected to two starbases, capable of sending starships hundreds of thousands of lightyears via an interstellar conduit called a "wormhole."
How It Works
The Orbital Stargate still uses the glyph system used by the older smaller stargates. Instead of requiring a manual dial-up, everything is all digitially encoded in more than 1 trillion lines of code. This makes the whole dialing procedure much easier. There are no more gate addresses to remember. For an example, if you wanted to dial the orbital stargate for Earth, you now do not need to dial in a lengthy address, which can be a pain to remember. All you now need to do is go to the computer console, select which orbital stargate you would like to go to and hit "Enter", and the computer automatically begins the power-up process.
One side of the gate holds nine equally-spaced, V-shaped locking mechanisms, or "chevrons,". These chevrons indicate the power level the stargate is currently at. For an example, when the stargate has 3 chevrons locked, that means that the power level is at 33%. When the ninth chevron locks (indicating it's at full power level), an unstable energy vortex emerges from the gate, incinerating everything in its wake. Once the vortex is gone and the event horizon is established, outbound travel may commence. Once objects have exited the other side, the Orbital Stargate has the capability of shutting itself off.
Starbase Height(main): 4,648 meters (2.9 miles)
Starbase Height(overall): 5,795 meters (3.6 miles)
Inner Stargate Diameter: 7,239 meters (4.5 miles)
Total Diameter (Stargate + Two Starbases): 13,335 meters (8.3 miles)
Decks: 2 sets of 1,200 decks
Mass: 1,740,000,000 metric tons
Crew: 30,000 military, typically 40,000 to 70,000 civilian
740 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 4,480,000 TeraWatts
48 x Type 2 burst fire photon torpedo tube
Defence Systems:
High Capacity shield system, total capacity 4,480,000 TeraJoules
Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Docking Facilities:
Two Internal docking bays - capable of holding up to fifteen starships each, depending on type
Thirty hangar bays - capable of holding up to six hundred shuttlecraft
Not capable of independent movement; attitude control and/or orbital adjustment only.
Dialing Time: 3 minutes 42 seconds
I'd like to copyright everything below. I designed the picture and came up with the name, information, and specs.
Orbital Stargate Mark I
The Orbital Stargate Mark I is massive, circular ring, connected to two starbases, capable of sending starships hundreds of thousands of lightyears via an interstellar conduit called a "wormhole."
How It Works
The Orbital Stargate still uses the glyph system used by the older smaller stargates. Instead of requiring a manual dial-up, everything is all digitially encoded in more than 1 trillion lines of code. This makes the whole dialing procedure much easier. There are no more gate addresses to remember. For an example, if you wanted to dial the orbital stargate for Earth, you now do not need to dial in a lengthy address, which can be a pain to remember. All you now need to do is go to the computer console, select which orbital stargate you would like to go to and hit "Enter", and the computer automatically begins the power-up process.
One side of the gate holds nine equally-spaced, V-shaped locking mechanisms, or "chevrons,". These chevrons indicate the power level the stargate is currently at. For an example, when the stargate has 3 chevrons locked, that means that the power level is at 33%. When the ninth chevron locks (indicating it's at full power level), an unstable energy vortex emerges from the gate, incinerating everything in its wake. Once the vortex is gone and the event horizon is established, outbound travel may commence. Once objects have exited the other side, the Orbital Stargate has the capability of shutting itself off.
Starbase Height(main): 4,648 meters (2.9 miles)
Starbase Height(overall): 5,795 meters (3.6 miles)
Inner Stargate Diameter: 7,239 meters (4.5 miles)
Total Diameter (Stargate + Two Starbases): 13,335 meters (8.3 miles)
Decks: 2 sets of 1,200 decks
Mass: 1,740,000,000 metric tons
Crew: 30,000 military, typically 40,000 to 70,000 civilian
740 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 4,480,000 TeraWatts
48 x Type 2 burst fire photon torpedo tube
Defence Systems:
High Capacity shield system, total capacity 4,480,000 TeraJoules
Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Docking Facilities:
Two Internal docking bays - capable of holding up to fifteen starships each, depending on type
Thirty hangar bays - capable of holding up to six hundred shuttlecraft
Not capable of independent movement; attitude control and/or orbital adjustment only.
Dialing Time: 3 minutes 42 seconds
:arrow: ©Copyright
The Evil Overlord
22-06-2004, 11:52
Evil Overlord Enterprises annoounces the deployment of the Scimitar Local Air Defense (LAD) weapons platform.
Scimitar is built on the chassis of the Raschid Light Armored Vehicle. The armored box has been replaced by the Radar/Lidar array and the weapons mount.
Several Raschid variants have been equipped with missiles for local air-defense, but their magazine capacity is limited. The Scimitar system is designed to complement the local air defense capabilities already in place.
Scimitar uses twin 30mm Hephaestus chainguns linked to the onboard radar/lidar system. The guns are mounted below the emitters and can swivel 360 degrees in just under one second. The guns have a range of 3000 meters. Missiles and aircraft within this range can be destroyed by a self-correcting stream of high-velocity osmium bullets. The guns each have a rate-of-fire of 3,000 rounds per minute. The vehicle can carry 60,000 rounds in the aft magazine.
Scimitar has two modes: local control and central control. Under central control, a centralized radar/lidar system- usually under control of divisional headquarters units- tracks all air threats and assigns anti-air assets to engage them. Under local control, the onboard search-and-targeting systems detect and engage air threats.
Normal artillery shells on ballistic trajectories are invulnerable to this system. However, terminally-guided munitions do not exhibit ballistic tracks, and are vulnerable- but only when Scimitar is under central control.
Guided artillery rounds- such as anti-tank guided munitions- must deploy sensors to detect and engage ground targets. The slight hesitation this entails gives centrally-directed Scimitar systems a chance to engage the munition before it hits.
Scimitar requires a crew of 4: 1 driver and 3 technicians to maintain the communications and detector array. The emitter/weapons tower only occupies the center of the vehicle, so the communications and computer equipment is located aft of the vehicle's cabin. The weapon magazine is a large box located aft of the weapons/emitter tower. The rounds are fed to the weapons by twin enclosed belts feeding through the center of the tower.
The entire vehicle is enclosed by 80mm of ceramic-steel-kevlar composite armor, backed up by EOE's DEDA system. The vehicel is slightly slower than the standard Raschid, but still capable of 100Km/hour over all but the roughest terrain.
Scimitar is the latest component of EOE's recent "Total Superiority" Doctrine, intended to keep Evil Overlord Enterprises in the forefront of mechanized warfare.
Holy panooly
22-06-2004, 12:07
Lich Class Submarine
Before we started with designing this fine new vessel we asked ourselves this question: what can possibly so special and diffirent people will fear it?
The answer lies between an ICBM submarine and a normal anti-ship submarine. We combined both ideas and come up with a special design built to withstand the massive pressure and to lay waste on the enemies fleet. The reasoning simple, why lauch a torpedo horizontally when it's also possible vertically?
This was our first concept. The design was simple yet advanced. Stylish, yet deadly.
A view from above.
Maximum missile capacity: 70, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 85
Builders: Barrow & Spencer HP Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: One nuclear reactor, one shaft
Length: 377 feet (114.91 meters)
Beam: 34 feet (10.36 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 7,800 tons (7,925.18 metric tons)
Speed: 25+ knots (28+ miles per hour, 46.3+ kph)
The almost 95% with foam covered exteriour of the submarine is coated with a special foam wich absorbs roughly all of the radar waves directed at them. It works the same as a normal stealth bomber, only this one is under water.
Business Alaska
22-06-2004, 23:45
"Protector" Class Bunker
(Small "C" Size - Capacity: 10 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 30'X30'X10' | Armament: None )
(Medium "B" Size - Capacity: 25 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 80'X80'X15' | Armament: None )
(Large "A" Size - Capacity: 75 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 230'X230'X10' | Armament: None | NOTE: This variant comes with additional living quarters. )
"The Protector Mark I Series is designed to protect those in immediate danger of bombings, ballistic missile strikes, and artillery assaults. All variants of the Protector Mark I series contain a storage area stocked with first aid and emergency food supplies. The bunker sheel is composed of concrete reinforced by steel rebar to increase structural integrity in case of an attack. All Protector Mark I bunkers come equipped with a 500W battery and power outlets for lighting and other such electrical needs. A 150 gallon fresh-water tank capable of 30 PSI is also built into the foundation.
Redmire wants to copy right the Truth and reconciliation model..
for more info on this ship just search redmire and look at the post titled ships for sale
sry about the sixtuple post lol 56k is slow..
P.S. heres the link
I want to copyright the marine T.A.P.A or Titanium Anti Projection Armor
This armor is light weigh and offers very good protection against bullets, energy based weapons and the force of a small grenade, it also includes a kevlar helmet reinforced with titanium and inside, a fiber obtic network for a HUD eye piece and a camera to record the action! Also includes combat boots which are comfy,durable and reinforced.
The cloth underside of the armor is made out of fiber kevlar and has a 60% chance of stopping bullets and a 98% chance of stopping energy based weapons.
Extras: the suit includes ammo pouches,grenade belt and a latch for rifles and a socket for a pistol. On the back plate there is survival gear or anything you want to put there.
Pat pend. Copyright etc.
Evil Overlord Enterprises annoounces the deployment of the Scimitar Local Air Defense (LAD) weapons platform.
Scimitar is built on the chassis of the Raschid Light Armored Vehicle. The armored box has been replaced by the Radar/Lidar array and the weapons mount.
Several Raschid variants have been equipped with missiles for local air-defense, but their magazine capacity is limited. The Scimitar system is designed to complement the local air defense capabilities already in place.
Scimitar uses twin 30mm Hephaestus chainguns linked to the onboard radar/lidar system. The guns are mounted below the emitters and can swivel 360 degrees in just under one second. The guns have a range of 3000 meters. Missiles and aircraft within this range can be destroyed by a self-correcting stream of high-velocity osmium bullets. The guns each have a rate-of-fire of 3,000 rounds per minute. The vehicle can carry 60,000 rounds in the aft magazine.
Scimitar has two modes: local control and central control. Under central control, a centralized radar/lidar system- usually under control of divisional headquarters units- tracks all air threats and assigns anti-air assets to engage them. Under local control, the onboard search-and-targeting systems detect and engage air threats.
Normal artillery shells on ballistic trajectories are invulnerable to this system. However, terminally-guided munitions do not exhibit ballistic tracks, and are vulnerable- but only when Scimitar is under central control.
Guided artillery rounds- such as anti-tank guided munitions- must deploy sensors to detect and engage ground targets. The slight hesitation this entails gives centrally-directed Scimitar systems a chance to engage the munition before it hits.
Scimitar requires a crew of 4: 1 driver and 3 technicians to maintain the communications and detector array. The emitter/weapons tower only occupies the center of the vehicle, so the communications and computer equipment is located aft of the vehicle's cabin. The weapon magazine is a large box located aft of the weapons/emitter tower. The rounds are fed to the weapons by twin enclosed belts feeding through the center of the tower.
The entire vehicle is enclosed by 80mm of ceramic-steel-kevlar composite armor, backed up by EOE's DEDA system. The vehicel is slightly slower than the standard Raschid, but still capable of 100Km/hour over all but the roughest terrain.
Scimitar is the latest component of EOE's recent "Total Superiority" Doctrine, intended to keep Evil Overlord Enterprises in the forefront of mechanized warfare.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Lich Class Submarine
Before we started with designing this fine new vessel we asked ourselves this question: what can possibly so special and diffirent people will fear it?
The answer lies between an ICBM submarine and a normal anti-ship submarine. We combined both ideas and come up with a special design built to withstand the massive pressure and to lay waste on the enemies fleet. The reasoning simple, why lauch a torpedo horizontally when it's also possible vertically?
This was our first concept. The design was simple yet advanced. Stylish, yet deadly.
A view from above.
Maximum missile capacity: 70, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 85
Builders: Barrow & Spencer HP Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: One nuclear reactor, one shaft
Length: 377 feet (114.91 meters)
Beam: 34 feet (10.36 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 7,800 tons (7,925.18 metric tons)
Speed: 25+ knots (28+ miles per hour, 46.3+ kph)
The almost 95% with foam covered exteriour of the submarine is coated with a special foam wich absorbs roughly all of the radar waves directed at them. It works the same as a normal stealth bomber, only this one is under water.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Lich Class Submarine
Before we started with designing this fine new vessel we asked ourselves this question: what can possibly so special and diffirent people will fear it?
The answer lies between an ICBM submarine and a normal anti-ship submarine. We combined both ideas and come up with a special design built to withstand the massive pressure and to lay waste on the enemies fleet. The reasoning simple, why lauch a torpedo horizontally when it's also possible vertically?
This was our first concept. The design was simple yet advanced. Stylish, yet deadly.
A view from above.
Maximum missile capacity: 70, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 85
Builders: Barrow & Spencer HP Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: One nuclear reactor, one shaft
Length: 377 feet (114.91 meters)
Beam: 34 feet (10.36 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 7,800 tons (7,925.18 metric tons)
Speed: 25+ knots (28+ miles per hour, 46.3+ kph)
The almost 95% with foam covered exteriour of the submarine is coated with a special foam wich absorbs roughly all of the radar waves directed at them. It works the same as a normal stealth bomber, only this one is under water.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Sigma Octavus
24-06-2004, 22:17
Good that you're back. Oh, I've got two posts with three things waiting to be copyrighted back on page 52.
Scandavian States
25-06-2004, 23:21
I would like to copyright the Mk.III and Mk.IV St. Ives Battle Armours (SIBA) as seen here: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=155411&highlight=
"Protector" Class Bunker
(Small "C" Size - Capacity: 10 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 30'X30'X10' | Armament: None )
(Medium "B" Size - Capacity: 25 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 80'X80'X15' | Armament: None )
(Large "A" Size - Capacity: 75 Adult Humans | Dimensions: 230'X230'X10' | Armament: None | NOTE: This variant comes with additional living quarters. )
"The Protector Mark I Series is designed to protect those in immediate danger of bombings, ballistic missile strikes, and artillery assaults. All variants of the Protector Mark I series contain a storage area stocked with first aid and emergency food supplies. The bunker sheel is composed of concrete reinforced by steel rebar to increase structural integrity in case of an attack. All Protector Mark I bunkers come equipped with a 500W battery and power outlets for lighting and other such electrical needs. A 150 gallon fresh-water tank capable of 30 PSI is also built into the foundation.
:arrow: ©Copyright
Redmire wants to copy right the Truth and reconciliation model..
for more info on this ship just search redmire and look at the post titled ships for sale
:arrow: ©Copyright
I would like to copyright the Mk.III and Mk.IV St. Ives Battle Armours (SIBA) as seen here: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=155411&highlight=
:arrow: ©Copyright
SOF-10 "Barricuda"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 50 ft 11 in (15.52 m); Height 12 ft 3 in ; Wing Span 40 ft 0 in (12.19 m) for SOF-10; Wing Area 600 sq ft (55.7 sq m) for SOF-10
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE611, of 42,000 lb. (186.9 kN) st. with afterburning plus Rolls-Royce lift fan (X-35B only) of 18,000 lb (80 kN) thrust. (F119-PW-611C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-611S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Operating 25,000 lb (11,340 kg); Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg)
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (SOAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed Mach 1.4+ at altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Service ceiling 50,000+ ft (15,240+ m); Radius of action 540 nm (622 miles, 1000 km) for USMC attack mission, 600 nm (691 miles, 1112 km) for SON attack mission.
SOF-9A "Tiger Hawk" SOF-9B "Tiger Shark"
Crew: One
Dimensions: Length 45 ft 0 in (13.72 m) for SOF-9A, 43 ft 8.6 in (13.33 m) for SOF-9B; Height 13 ft 4 in (4.06 m); Wing Span 36 ft 0 in (10.97 m) for SOF-9A, 30 ft 0 in (9.14 m) for SOF-9B; Wing Area 590.00 sq ft (54.81 sq m) for SOF-9A.
Engines: One Pratt & Whitney F119-PW turbofan derivative, designated SE614, rated at 42,000 lb st (186.9 kN) with afterburning and 34,000+ lb st (151.3 kN) without afterburning. (F119-PW-614C for CV/CTOL and F119-PW-614S for STOVL variant).
Weights: Empty Equipped 22,046 lb (10,000 kg) for USAF CTOL and STOVL, 24,030 lb (10,900 kg) for CV/CTOL; Normal Take-off 38,000 lb (17,236 kg) for USAF CTOL; Maximum Take-off 50,000 lb (22,680 kg) for all variants.
Armament: Six AIM-120C AMRAAM or two AIM-120C AMRAAM and two 2,000 lb. JDAM in internal fusleage bay; provision for one 20mm M61A2 rotary cannon with 400 rounds in starboard wing root (USAF CTOL variant). Provision for 4 underwing pylons with 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) capacity each.
Performance: Maximum level speed 'clean' 1.6 at high altitude; Maximum rate of climb at sea level classified; Combat ceiling 50,000 ft (15,240 m); Combat radius on SOMI mission 600 nm (691 mls, 1110 km), on SOAF mission 850 nm (979 mls, 1575 km), on SON mission 750 nm (863 mls, 1390 km)
(This thread needs to be stickied or something. Always have to hunt it down.)
:arrow: ©Copyright
We would like a picture of the SOF-9A, in the next few weeks please.
Camdean has updated its Vangaurd-class submarines to carry cluster style long range nuclear warheads, it is said that 1 of these subs could easily wipe out half the planet.
Special Agent deplhi had this to say : " Even though camdean has turned its attention to space travel and exploration we feel the home ground must allways be protected, we are using these submarines as a nuclear deterent incase anyone would turn on Camdean"
I would like to copyright the Mark III MBT, the Katrina low-level missile system, the Ivanova APC, the Thunderfist, and the Sundancer systems as seen below:
Five Civilized Nations
19-07-2004, 20:37
Every single of my vessels and mobile suits are copyrighted... I'll add the links soon...
19-07-2004, 20:41
I'd like to have all my ships and mechs I am constructing copyrited.
Super Cruiser Cannon Class lin
Mech Links
I would like to copyright the Mark III MBT, the Katrina low-level missile system, the Ivanova APC, the Thunderfist, and the Sundancer systems as seen below:
Every single of my vessels and mobile suits are copyrighted... I'll add the links soon...
I will need the links before the process can be completed
I'd like to have all my ships and mechs I am constructing copyrited.
Super Cruiser Cannon Class lin
Mech Links
29-07-2004, 19:52
Infantry Weapons of Azteclan
Type-1 Mictlantecuhtle Assault Rifle (MAR)
Based heavily upon the classic Klashnikov design, this nationalized assault rifle was contracted to Royal Arms Manufacturing, a native Azteclan company, for production. It has been modified from the original for use in Jungle Warfare, the barrel shortened for close combat. The MAR fires 7.62 mm rounds, rather then the more "modern," 5.56 standard NATO round. The reason for using this larger round is to knock back the target, presumably in close combat. The MAR comes with an attatchable bayonet. It has an ambidexterous safety catch, and a wooden stock. It retains the infamous reliability of the Kalashnikov it is based on.
A variant designed for Spec Ops use comes with a folding stock.
Type-6 Mictlantecuhtle 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun
Based upon the American Mossberg 500, this shotgun has also been modified for Jungle Warfare. It is made by Royal Arms Manufacturing. Like the MAR, the MPAS has a shortened barrel. It has an ambidexterous safety catch, and a corrosion-resistent nickel finish for use in a humid environment. The reliability of the American Mossberg is retained in this variant.
©Copyright Azteclan, July 29th 2004
Kamata's Ship Propulsion Ideas
Magnetic Propulsion Tubes-----
Tubes are placed underwater, and charge incoming water positively, which is then attracted to the rear of the tube, which is a negative section, electricity is discharged, and the water is shot out the back.
©Copyright Kamata, July 29th 2004
Magnetic Propulsion Catameran-----
The front of each side of the catemeran charges incoming water positively, which is then attracted to the rear of the tube, which discharges the water and shoots it out the rear of the catemeran.
©Copyright Kamata, July 29th 2004
(I'm pretty sure these don't conflict with existing copyrights. These are all of my own ideas, mind you, not any from a movie. I'll let you know I've heard that something here is similar to something from a movie called "The Hunt for Red October", but I've never even seen the movie or heard of it until now. Have a nice day!)
Kamata's Ship Propulsion Ideas
Magnetic Propulsion Tubes-----
Tubes are placed underwater, and charge incoming water positively, which is then attracted to the rear of the tube, which is a negative section, electricity is discharged, and the water is shot out the back.
Magnetic Propulsion Catameran-----
The front of each side of the catemeran charges incoming water positively, which is then attracted to the rear of the tube, which discharges the water and shoots it out the rear of the catemeran.
Infantry Weapons of Azteclan
Type-1 Mictlantecuhtle Assault Rifle (MAR)
Based heavily upon the classic Klashnikov design, this nationalized assault rifle was contracted to Royal Arms Manufacturing, a native Azteclan company, for production. It has been modified from the original for use in Jungle Warfare, the barrel shortened for close combat. The MAR fires 7.62 mm rounds, rather then the more "modern," 5.56 standard NATO round. The reason for using this larger round is to knock back the target, presumably in close combat. The MAR comes with an attatchable bayonet. It has an ambidexterous safety catch, and a wooden stock. It retains the infamous reliability of the Kalashnikov it is based on.
A variant designed for Spec Ops use comes with a folding stock.
Type-6 Mictlantecuhtle 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun
Based upon the American Mossberg 500, this shotgun has also been modified for Jungle Warfare. It is made by Royal Arms Manufacturing. Like the MAR, the MPAS has a shortened barrel. It has an ambidexterous safety catch, and a corrosion-resistent nickel finish for use in a humid environment. The reliability of the American Mossberg is retained in this variant.
Holy panooly
31-07-2004, 18:26
Underworld Class Artillery Barge
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/gunboat.jpg)
After the HP shipbuilders saw the grand cannon which is being sold by the Island of Rose they immediately got to work designing a vessel capable of carrying the gun and being able to operate it without destroying the ship with the recoil.
The gunbarrel has been made shorter but is still able to fire 800 and 700mm rounds. Because we upgraded the firing mechanism, the gun still maintains the same range even though the barrel is shorter. After we liften the whole thing off the train, we ripped everything off which wasn't needed to operate the gun. This gave us a much lighter gun to work with.
Gun Specifications
Effective range: 40 km
Max. elevation: 55°
Total weight 1000 tons
Barrel weight: 300 tons including 80 tons breach block & ring
Overall length: 32 m
Width: 6 m
Height 12 m
Barrel lenght: 28 m (40 times its caliber)
Shell type Armor: capped 3.75 meter shell (without propellant casing)
Shell Weight: 7000 kg
Ship Specifications
Crew capacity: 220
Ammo capacity: 1000 shells
Armour thickness: 0.8 inch steel plating - 2 cm
Ship length: 120 m - 394 feet
Ship width: 65 feet - 20 m
Maximum speed: (nautical miles): 29 - 55 KM/hour - 34 miles/hour
The shells have also underwent some serious changes. A more explosive composition as well as a lighter material give the shell more power and higher range. This works very well for 600mm shells. The old engine has been improved also, from diesel engines to 2 nuclear powered engines.
Serpentine Class Stealthship
The latest breakthrough of the HP Shipbuilding Company. Remember those old 18th century warbarges? Pirates and rum? Well this ship is an homage to the old days with the same design but underwent a major change to fit in the modern times we live in.
Because those old ships had whole cannon batteries we thought why don't we do the same thing. Six 455 mm howitzer guns have been placed on one side of the hull. They are mounted on a rail so quick shooting on both sides of possible. 6 Vulcan miniguns operated by computers have been added onto the top of the ship to wear off boarding parties and for close combat. Two 255mm have been placed on the bow of the ship. They all had to be adjusted to lower the recoil and minimize injuries to the operator. Not only they fire much faster than a normal gun on a battleship, this ship works amazingly well as a support ship during a landing on enemy shores. Not designed to encounter other battleships on the high seas, this ship is made for coastal offensive operations. A special launching system for seamines has been added and a small launching unit for medium ranged cruise missiles.
The stealth technology has also been installed as well as the latest naval radar systems. It may sound weird, but this ship is incredibly stabil even when all guns are being fired at the same time.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/ship1.jpg)
Cruise missile and seamine launching pads added.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/ship2.jpg)
Maximum crew capacity: 185
Maximum bullet capacity: 1 million rounds per Vulcan gatling
Maximum shell capacuty (455mm): 10.000 shells (255mm) 5000 shells
Lenght: 330 foot (100 meter)
Lich Class Submarine
Before we started with designing this fine new vessel we asked ourselves this question: what can possibly so special and diffirent people will fear it?
The answer lies between an ICBM submarine and a normal anti-ship submarine. We combined both ideas and come up with a special design built to withstand the massive pressure and to lay waste on the enemies fleet. The reasoning simple, why lauch a torpedo horizontally when it's also possible vertically?
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/s1.jpg)
This was our first concept. The design was simple yet advanced. Stylish, yet deadly.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/s2.jpg)
A view from above.
Maximum missile capacity: 120, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 150
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: Two nuclear reactors, one shaft
Length: 377 feet (114.91 meters)
Beam: 34 feet (10.36 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 7,800 tons (7,925.18 metric tons)
Speed: 25+ knots (28+ miles per hour, 46.3+ kph)
The almost 95% with foam covered exteriour of the submarine is coated with a special foam wich absorbs roughly all of the radar waves directed at them. It works the same as a normal stealth bomber, only this one is under water.
Juggernaut I Class "Mephistopheles"
After our designers saw the amazing specifications of the Doujin Class we decided it was time do build our own and we did it. This ship is a bit smaller than Doujin's but the firepower is unmatched. All ammunition is adjusted to penetrate the thickest armour and laying waste on enemy shores or fleets. The food capacity is for 7 months. 12 nuclear reactors power this mighty vessel. The special propulsion system replaces ordinary screws adding greatly to the ships speed.
The guns are fully computer operated. A laser measures the exact distance between the target and calculates the correct angle, velocity and explosive force to destroy the target. An automatic system of fast-firing system has been implemented in all guns adding 80% more accuracy. While the ship may have 'light' armour we have used several plastics which give the ship a great advantage over others, since plastic is lighter, as strong as steel and cheaper and easier to produce. Only the outer and inner hulls, walls and weapon systems are made of steel, the space between has been made of either wood or fibreglass.
Fully EMP and other electricity disturbing weapons protected, heavy AA missiles and the ability to fire ICBM missiles this vessal outguns nearly every opposition. The ICBM which are fired can be aimed with angstrom
(1 angstrom = 1.0 × 10^10 meters) precision thanks to the specially designed satellite which only operates to guide the Mephistopheles Class ships. The satellite can bought seperatly. The AA missiles under the command center aren't necessarily for AA missiles. When loaded with ordinary computer steered missiles they can be used against other ships as well as land targets.
A 6 torpedo tubes in the side hulls are 800mm, can be loaded with nuclear payload and are the heaviest of its kind. It speaks for itself that only 1 can fired at a time due to incredible force required to shoot it off. The torpedoes itself are marvels of present engineering. Computer steering systems, heat seaking are all included. Anti submarine systems have also been added like the most modern types of sonar and radar, specially designed anti submarine mines which are invisible to virtually all known radars... The list of systems and options is endless.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/supership.jpg)
Length: 945 meters (3100 feet)
Width: 290 meters (951 feet)
Cargo: 25.000 tons
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipyards,
Financing: Casady & Locke Banking and Trust
Maximum crew capacity: 6980 Persons in total
ICBM capacity: 20
Tripple hull; trimerian.
Maximum speed: 30 knots.
Empty: 1,200,000 tons
Fully Loaded: 1,600,000 tons
1. First gun: 455mm.
2. Second gun: 455mm; 180° radius.
3. Third gun: 255mm; 180° radius.
4. 18 Anti-Aircraft missile battery.
5. Command tower. The fibre glass windows are 4" thick and cover 2 floors. The windows give a 360° view.
6. Fifth gun: 455mm.
7: Seventh gun: 255mm; 180° radius.
8: Eight gun: 455mm.
9: Ninth gun: 455mm.
10: Tenth gun: 600mm mortar launcher; 270° radius.
11: 3 205mm guns.
12: Weather station.
13: Rudders, 3 in total.
14: 18 Side placed screws for maximum stability and more maneuverability.
15: Eleventh gun: 455mm 180° radius.
16: Torpedo tubes, 6 in each of the side hulls.
2 Doppler radars, sonar masking systems, GPS systems, Radar jamming systems, APAR 12 Type B, 6 laser guided torpedos 800mm, 108 60mm AA guns, ICBM launching system (1 launching system), 1 flight deck able to carry 80 aircraft, 2 ICBM launching units.
Hull armour: 22"
Deck armour: 5"
2nd deck armour: 12"
Command tower armour 4"
Guns (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9) 28"
Guns & Turrets (10) 22"
Main structure 25"
Lich II Class Attack/Defence Submarine
The new Lich Class submarine is here! We hereby present our new marvellous creation to the world. Updated and improved version with some amazing new features. The vertical torpedo tubes have been placed from vertical to diagonal. This gives a higher penetration effect and lowers to risk of a torpedo falling back to the sub. The uranium tipped special torpedoes filled with one of the most corrosive superacids on the world (superblue) when it comes into contact with the enemy ship, the torpedo locks itself onto the hell and injects the acid into the hull, eating it away.
Engines have alo been improved, from 2 to 3 nuclear reactors giving more speed. Anti-radar technologies have also been added as usual, the latest developments in radar/sonar also seen in our super battleship.
Hull armour: 5"
Command tower armour 5"
Maximum missile capacity: 300, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 210
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: Three nuclear reactors, two shafts
Length: 450 feet (137.16 meters)
Beam: 40 feet (12.192 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 8,000 tons
Speed: 27 knots (= 50km/h = 31mph)
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub1.jpg)
1. Observation center/launch control
2. Steering hut, captain's cabin, navigation
3. Torpedo deck
4. Officers- crewmess, officers quarters, crew quarters
5. Engine room
6. Storage
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub2.jpg)
1. Diagonal tubes, 17 on each side, 34 in total
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub3.jpg)
1. Stabilizers
2. Command tower
3. Torpedodeck
4. Rudder & engine tube
Underworld Class Artillery Barge
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/gunboat.jpg)
After the HP shipbuilders saw the grand cannon which is being sold by the Island of Rose they immediately got to work designing a vessel capable of carrying the gun and being able to operate it without destroying the ship with the recoil.
The gunbarrel has been made shorter but is still able to fire 800 and 700mm rounds. Because we upgraded the firing mechanism, the gun still maintains the same range even though the barrel is shorter. After we liften the whole thing off the train, we ripped everything off which wasn't needed to operate the gun. This gave us a much lighter gun to work with.
Gun Specifications
Effective range: 40 km
Max. elevation: 55°
Total weight 1000 tons
Barrel weight: 300 tons including 80 tons breach block & ring
Overall length: 32 m
Width: 6 m
Height 12 m
Barrel lenght: 28 m (40 times its caliber)
Shell type Armor: capped 3.75 meter shell (without propellant casing)
Shell Weight: 7000 kg
Ship Specifications
Crew capacity: 220
Ammo capacity: 1000 shells
Armour thickness: 0.8 inch steel plating - 2 cm
Ship length: 120 m - 394 feet
Ship width: 65 feet - 20 m
Maximum speed: (nautical miles): 29 - 55 KM/hour - 34 miles/hour
The shells have also underwent some serious changes. A more explosive composition as well as a lighter material give the shell more power and higher range. This works very well for 600mm shells. The old engine has been improved also, from diesel engines to 2 nuclear powered engines.
Serpentine Class Stealthship
The latest breakthrough of the HP Shipbuilding Company. Remember those old 18th century warbarges? Pirates and rum? Well this ship is an homage to the old days with the same design but underwent a major change to fit in the modern times we live in.
Because those old ships had whole cannon batteries we thought why don't we do the same thing. Six 455 mm howitzer guns have been placed on one side of the hull. They are mounted on a rail so quick shooting on both sides of possible. 6 Vulcan miniguns operated by computers have been added onto the top of the ship to wear off boarding parties and for close combat. Two 255mm have been placed on the bow of the ship. They all had to be adjusted to lower the recoil and minimize injuries to the operator. Not only they fire much faster than a normal gun on a battleship, this ship works amazingly well as a support ship during a landing on enemy shores. Not designed to encounter other battleships on the high seas, this ship is made for coastal offensive operations. A special launching system for seamines has been added and a small launching unit for medium ranged cruise missiles.
The stealth technology has also been installed as well as the latest naval radar systems. It may sound weird, but this ship is incredibly stabil even when all guns are being fired at the same time.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/ship1.jpg)
Cruise missile and seamine launching pads added.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/ship2.jpg)
Maximum crew capacity: 185
Maximum bullet capacity: 1 million rounds per Vulcan gatling
Maximum shell capacuty (455mm): 10.000 shells (255mm) 5000 shells
Lenght: 330 foot (100 meter)
Lich Class Submarine
Before we started with designing this fine new vessel we asked ourselves this question: what can possibly so special and diffirent people will fear it?
The answer lies between an ICBM submarine and a normal anti-ship submarine. We combined both ideas and come up with a special design built to withstand the massive pressure and to lay waste on the enemies fleet. The reasoning simple, why lauch a torpedo horizontally when it's also possible vertically?
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/s1.jpg)
This was our first concept. The design was simple yet advanced. Stylish, yet deadly.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/s2.jpg)
A view from above.
Maximum missile capacity: 120, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 150
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: Two nuclear reactors, one shaft
Length: 377 feet (114.91 meters)
Beam: 34 feet (10.36 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 7,800 tons (7,925.18 metric tons)
Speed: 25+ knots (28+ miles per hour, 46.3+ kph)
The almost 95% with foam covered exteriour of the submarine is coated with a special foam wich absorbs roughly all of the radar waves directed at them. It works the same as a normal stealth bomber, only this one is under water.
Juggernaut I Class "Mephistopheles"
After our designers saw the amazing specifications of the Doujin Class we decided it was time do build our own and we did it. This ship is a bit smaller than Doujin's but the firepower is unmatched. All ammunition is adjusted to penetrate the thickest armour and laying waste on enemy shores or fleets. The food capacity is for 7 months. 12 nuclear reactors power this mighty vessel. The special propulsion system replaces ordinary screws adding greatly to the ships speed.
The guns are fully computer operated. A laser measures the exact distance between the target and calculates the correct angle, velocity and explosive force to destroy the target. An automatic system of fast-firing system has been implemented in all guns adding 80% more accuracy. While the ship may have 'light' armour we have used several plastics which give the ship a great advantage over others, since plastic is lighter, as strong as steel and cheaper and easier to produce. Only the outer and inner hulls, walls and weapon systems are made of steel, the space between has been made of either wood or fibreglass.
Fully EMP and other electricity disturbing weapons protected, heavy AA missiles and the ability to fire ICBM missiles this vessal outguns nearly every opposition. The ICBM which are fired can be aimed with angstrom
(1 angstrom = 1.0 × 10^10 meters) precision thanks to the specially designed satellite which only operates to guide the Mephistopheles Class ships. The satellite can bought seperatly. The AA missiles under the command center aren't necessarily for AA missiles. When loaded with ordinary computer steered missiles they can be used against other ships as well as land targets.
A 6 torpedo tubes in the side hulls are 800mm, can be loaded with nuclear payload and are the heaviest of its kind. It speaks for itself that only 1 can fired at a time due to incredible force required to shoot it off. The torpedoes itself are marvels of present engineering. Computer steering systems, heat seaking are all included. Anti submarine systems have also been added like the most modern types of sonar and radar, specially designed anti submarine mines which are invisible to virtually all known radars... The list of systems and options is endless.
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/supership.jpg)
Length: 945 meters (3100 feet)
Width: 290 meters (951 feet)
Cargo: 25.000 tons
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipyards,
Financing: Casady & Locke Banking and Trust
Maximum crew capacity: 6980 Persons in total
ICBM capacity: 20
Tripple hull; trimerian.
Maximum speed: 30 knots.
Empty: 1,200,000 tons
Fully Loaded: 1,600,000 tons
1. First gun: 455mm.
2. Second gun: 455mm; 180° radius.
3. Third gun: 255mm; 180° radius.
4. 18 Anti-Aircraft missile battery.
5. Command tower. The fibre glass windows are 4" thick and cover 2 floors. The windows give a 360° view.
6. Fifth gun: 455mm.
7: Seventh gun: 255mm; 180° radius.
8: Eight gun: 455mm.
9: Ninth gun: 455mm.
10: Tenth gun: 600mm mortar launcher; 270° radius.
11: 3 205mm guns.
12: Weather station.
13: Rudders, 3 in total.
14: 18 Side placed screws for maximum stability and more maneuverability.
15: Eleventh gun: 455mm 180° radius.
16: Torpedo tubes, 6 in each of the side hulls.
2 Doppler radars, sonar masking systems, GPS systems, Radar jamming systems, APAR 12 Type B, 6 laser guided torpedos 800mm, 108 60mm AA guns, ICBM launching system (1 launching system), 1 flight deck able to carry 80 aircraft, 2 ICBM launching units.
Hull armour: 22"
Deck armour: 5"
2nd deck armour: 12"
Command tower armour 4"
Guns (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9) 28"
Guns & Turrets (10) 22"
Main structure 25"
Lich II Class Attack/Defence Submarine
The new Lich Class submarine is here! We hereby present our new marvellous creation to the world. Updated and improved version with some amazing new features. The vertical torpedo tubes have been placed from vertical to diagonal. This gives a higher penetration effect and lowers to risk of a torpedo falling back to the sub. The uranium tipped special torpedoes filled with one of the most corrosive superacids on the world (superblue) when it comes into contact with the enemy ship, the torpedo locks itself onto the hell and injects the acid into the hull, eating it away.
Engines have alo been improved, from 2 to 3 nuclear reactors giving more speed. Anti-radar technologies have also been added as usual, the latest developments in radar/sonar also seen in our super battleship.
Hull armour: 5"
Command tower armour 5"
Maximum missile capacity: 300, including normal torpedoes
Maximum crew capacity: 210
Builders: Barrow & Spencer Holy Panooly Shipbuilding.
Power Plant: Three nuclear reactors, two shafts
Length: 450 feet (137.16 meters)
Beam: 40 feet (12.192 meters)
Displacement: Approx. 8,000 tons
Speed: 27 knots (= 50km/h = 31mph)
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub1.jpg)
1. Observation center/launch control
2. Steering hut, captain's cabin, navigation
3. Torpedo deck
4. Officers- crewmess, officers quarters, crew quarters
5. Engine room
6. Storage
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub2.jpg)
1. Diagonal tubes, 17 on each side, 34 in total
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
Click here for picture (http://members.lycos.co.uk/manhattanproject120/sub3.jpg)
1. Stabilizers
2. Command tower
3. Torpedodeck
4. Rudder & engine tube
Hmm i guess ..
Requesting copyright of this (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6986829#post6986829) ship design.
Requesting copyright of this (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6986829#post6986829) ship design.
WSOG(S) :: Weyrean Star Ocean Guard (Ship)
The Shadow class is designed for outer system and interstellar warfare and patrol. Heavy weapons and armor have been dropped in favor of significantly lowered detection potential. The Shadow is designed to stay outside system perimeters for months without detection. Electronic systems have been minimized, replaced by mechanical systems or human labor. The Shadow is constructed of a non-metallic, synthetic polymer, minimizing magnetic signature.
Fusactors have additional shielding to prevent stray particles from escaping. The engines have extra shielding to prevent particles from going in non-desired directions, thereby ensuring that an enemy has to pass directly through a Shadow's trail to etect its engine emissions. Overall, any stray radiation from the Shadow would be mistaken for background noise unless the system or person knows what to look for.
The Shadow contains the best sensor systems, which can detect ships from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. In case of close combat, the Shadow can utilize powerful active sensors to detect its targets.
The Shadow contains powerful weapons. The vessel's primary armament are its sixteen missile tubes (eight on either side). These missiles carry heavy antimatter warheads, which can be either guided via internal or external sensors and cues. A dozen WMC turrets can be drawn from behind protective plating. These weapons fire multi-megaton shells with high precision at enemy capital ships at rates of once per four seconds. Anti-fighter armament includes four-dozen flak and chain guns.
Layers of defenses protect the Shadow. Flak cannon can effectively intercept missiles. Ion-magnetic shields can deflect positive energy beams and absorb negative energy. The hull is built in three layers, each two meters thick. Self-sealing bulkheads, blast spaces, and automatic fire extinguishing systems prevent widespread blast damage.
The Shadow needs several minutes to power up its shields and active systems, whch are kept offline to reduce the vessel's signature. This makes it vulnerable to fast ships that can quickly close distance and blast the Shadow with close-in weapons fire. The dsign requires a few minutes to fully power up fusactors, which are normally kept at very low output to reduce emissions.
The Shadow also suffers from a weakened hull, although that is offset by the fact that it has three of them. Crew had been known to go psychotic during long missions. Due to a greater reliance on human labor and mechanical components over electronics, greater maintenance is required; as a result the vessel is prone no small mechanical failures, and systems are slower to respond due to the time it takes to power up automatic defenses.
WSOG Shadow
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Class: Assault Interception Outsystem Weapons Platform
Nationality: United Weyrik Prefectures
Manufacturer: Weyr Sky and Space Designworks
Hull Length: 1,107 meters
Hull Width: 231.2 meters
Hull Width: 260 meters
Mass: 108,388 metric tons
Crew: 1,162
Spacecraft Bay: 3 Neo-Zero Interceptors, 3 Astro-Zero interceptors, 1 Airbus
Sale Cost: US$220billion
Real Cost: US$65billion
Annual Cost: US$3.5billion
Power: 4x Starfire Mk4 fusactors
Output: classified
Firien capacity: classified
Firien efficiency: 92%
Rear screws: 4x chain drivers with shielding, reducing stray emissions by 88%
Maximum acceleration: 22km/sec
Forward screws: 4x chain drivers with shielding, reducing stray emissions by 88%
Maximum acceleration: 22km/sec
Maneuverability: 38deg/sec
Armor: 2 meter composite in three hulls
Energy Shield: Positive ion magnetic shield (ionized gas circulated above the outer hull, contained by magnetic fields)
Kinetic Shield: Vortex Mk21 shield generator with overall 910,000N rating
4x engine-mounted spreadshot cannon
--Fire bursts of plasma from engines, with maximum range of 5,000km and maximum arc radius of 5km
12x double-barrel "Class 4" WMC retractable turrets in spiral axes along hull
--primary weapons, firing heavy shells at close to the speed of light, with inbuilt self-destruct past 5,000km. The guns can be retracted into the hull for protection and lowered signature. The WMC can each fire one shot per four seconds, and the ship carries up to two hundred shots per turret.
4x forward-facing missile launchers
--long-range antimatter weapons capable of hyperspeed, with a range of 100,000km, and with both on-board and remote guidance available. A missile arms itself after 10,000km, unless commanded otherwise.
2x forward-facing double-barrel retractable WMC cannon (top + bottom)
16x side-facing missile launchers
24x retractable flak guns along hull axes
--guns that fire explosive shells with either proximity or timed fuses, which explode in bursts of heavy metals and cat as anti-fighter and anti-missile defenses. Maximum practical range is 3,000km
24x retractable chain guns along hull axes
--multi-barrel guns firing heavy sub-etheric shells at relative velocities of up to 20km/sec. Maximum effective range is 3,000km
Full spectrum particle passive detectors
--detects any particles emitted by ship reactors, engines, or other systems. This system detects the status of a target, but only allows for targeting at relatively close quarters.
Gravimetric distortion passive detector
--detects distortions a vessel casts onto space-time. This system is highly effective, and forms the bulk of a Shadow's long-range sensor systems.
Infrared passive detector
--detects heat radiation put out by a vessel
Magnetic field distortion active/passive system (EMF)
--detects disturbances in natural magnetic fields caused by metallic hulls and other items aboard vessels. This system can also produce its own magnetic field.
LADAR active system
RADAR active system
OOC: Meh. Might as well make sure that no-one tries to copy my giant virtual ____.
The HOPLITE(X) armor is an all-purpose self-contained battle suit. While it can be used for space and underwater missions, the HOPLITE is best used in ground combat. Combining high-end firepower, heavy armor, and a good degree of maneuverability, the Hoplite is the weapon of choice among the Weyrean armed forces. It is said that the wearer of the HOPLITE will die from the sheer force of a weapon blast before the suit itself breaks.
The Endosuit
The endosuit consists of reinforced arachnoweave "breathable" bulletproof fabric. The endosuit interfaces with the exosuit to provide real-time sensory two-way feedback, and contains a self-sealing mechanism that can protect the wearer from biohazard materials and nanites. Integrated microfilaments provide or remove heat. The fabric of the endosuit allows sweat and wastes to pass through easily. For prolonged operations, a special recycling system can be installed that will convert waste into water and solid materials. Gelpads placed at the joints, as well as rapid-deploying pads along the spinal column, neck, and head, provide protection against severe shock and impact.
The Exosuit
The Exosuit is segmented armor that provides protection, and carries weapons and scanners. The exosuit is made of heavy nanoplating backed by arachnoweave and gelpad, and can withstand nearly any conventional kinetic weaponry. Weapons on the exosuit include a "Needler" gatling railgun; four high-velocity guns on either gauntlet; liquid knuckle spray for close-in non-lethal attacks; high-power electroplating; and an extendable pulse blade on either arm. Additional weapons can be mounted on the back. The Needler gatling can be removed, and a heavier weapon, or one better-suited for the mission, can be mounted on the suit. Scanners on the exosuit consist of millimeter-wave RADAR; standard infrared; sonic ground scanners; EMF monitoring; and laser rangefinder. All of these systems can interface with the endosuit, and can be overlaid onto the visual, audio, or pressure feedback.
An integrated Pseudo Intelligence system can track multiple entities on the battlefield, and can even assume control of weapons systems if necessary. A full ghost interface is available for those who have a ghost system.
Manufacturer: Gromada Armor, Ltd.
Type: Medium-weight self-contained powered armor suit
Height/Width: depends on user
Net Mass: 66kg
Exosuit Mass: 62kg
Endosuit Mass: 4kg
Run Speed: 42km/h max
Jump Height: 22 meters
Fall Height: 88 meters
Power Pack: Firien, S-type
Cell Endurance: 19hrs-48hrs (depends on usage)
Onboard PI: MSS Corp XX-12
Ghost: Recommended
Exosuit armor: Reinforced composite with integrated feedback
Endosuit armor: Arachnoweave with Gelpad support
Atmospheric seal: 48hrs
Shielding: None
Primary Weapon (Optional): Needler Gatling
Caliber: 3mm, sub-etheric railgun
RoF: 2,400rds/min (400rds/sec)
Magazine: 24,000rds/belt
Secondary: 8x kinetic guns (4 per arm)
Caliber: 12mm, sub-etheric railgun
RoF: 12rds/min
Magazine: 36rds/gun
Tertiary: 1.5m variable-length pulse blades
Estimated Sale Price: US$1,280,900
OOC: Meh. Might as well make sure that no-one tries to copy my giant virtual ____.
The HOPLITE(X) armor is an all-purpose self-contained battle suit. While it can be used for space and underwater missions, the HOPLITE is best used in ground combat. Combining high-end firepower, heavy armor, and a good degree of maneuverability, the Hoplite is the weapon of choice among the Weyrean armed forces. It is said that the wearer of the HOPLITE will die from the sheer force of a weapon blast before the suit itself breaks.
The Endosuit
The endosuit consists of reinforced arachnoweave "breathable" bulletproof fabric. The endosuit interfaces with the exosuit to provide real-time sensory two-way feedback, and contains a self-sealing mechanism that can protect the wearer from biohazard materials and nanites. Integrated microfilaments provide or remove heat. The fabric of the endosuit allows sweat and wastes to pass through easily. For prolonged operations, a special recycling system can be installed that will convert waste into water and solid materials. Gelpads placed at the joints, as well as rapid-deploying pads along the spinal column, neck, and head, provide protection against severe shock and impact.
The Exosuit
The Exosuit is segmented armor that provides protection, and carries weapons and scanners. The exosuit is made of heavy nanoplating backed by arachnoweave and gelpad, and can withstand nearly any conventional kinetic weaponry. Weapons on the exosuit include a "Needler" gatling railgun; four high-velocity guns on either gauntlet; liquid knuckle spray for close-in non-lethal attacks; high-power electroplating; and an extendable pulse blade on either arm. Additional weapons can be mounted on the back. The Needler gatling can be removed, and a heavier weapon, or one better-suited for the mission, can be mounted on the suit. Scanners on the exosuit consist of millimeter-wave RADAR; standard infrared; sonic ground scanners; EMF monitoring; and laser rangefinder. All of these systems can interface with the endosuit, and can be overlaid onto the visual, audio, or pressure feedback.
An integrated Pseudo Intelligence system can track multiple entities on the battlefield, and can even assume control of weapons systems if necessary. A full ghost interface is available for those who have a ghost system.
Manufacturer: Gromada Armor, Ltd.
Type: Medium-weight self-contained powered armor suit
Height/Width: depends on user
Net Mass: 66kg
Exosuit Mass: 62kg
Endosuit Mass: 4kg
Run Speed: 42km/h max
Jump Height: 22 meters
Fall Height: 88 meters
Power Pack: Firien, S-type
Cell Endurance: 19hrs-48hrs (depends on usage)
Onboard PI: MSS Corp XX-12
Ghost: Recommended
Exosuit armor: Reinforced composite with integrated feedback
Endosuit armor: Arachnoweave with Gelpad support
Atmospheric seal: 48hrs
Shielding: None
Primary Weapon (Optional): Needler Gatling
Caliber: 3mm, sub-etheric railgun
RoF: 2,400rds/min (400rds/sec)
Magazine: 24,000rds/belt
Secondary: 8x kinetic guns (4 per arm)
Caliber: 12mm, sub-etheric railgun
RoF: 12rds/min
Magazine: 36rds/gun
Tertiary: 1.5m variable-length pulse blades
Estimated Sale Price: US$1,280,900
02-10-2004, 05:08
I'd like to have my X-101 Dreadnaught and the Super Cruiser Assault Class copyrighted.
Both are on the same thread.
Link: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=362044 (CLICK ME)
I'd like to have my X-101 Dreadnaught and the Super Cruiser Assault Class copyrighted.
Both are on the same thread.
Link: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=362044 (CLICK ME)
The Evil Overlord
01-11-2004, 12:58
Qayin-class Q-Ship
Length: 212 meters
Beam: 20 meters
Height (Waterline to gunwales): 4 meters
Displacement: 20,000 tonnes
Powerplant: Four 50,000-horsepower Vulcan Diesel engines
Drive: Two twelve-blade variable-pitch screws
Maximum speed: 32 knots
Crew: 63
Enlisted- 56
Troops: 120
Officers- 5
Enlisted- 115
Two 330mm Poinard cannon (2 concealed single-mount barbettes- FWD)
Eight Rapier anti-ship missiles (VLS mount aft)
Two Haultecler MTHEL air-defense lasers (in hidden mounts FWD and Aft)
Eight 30mm Hephaestus chain guns (in hidden mounts, 4 per side)
Six 90mm high-velocity Durendal cannon (in hidden mounts, 3 per side)
Small craft:
Five motor launches (10 meter inboard motor boats, davit mounted)
18 automatic liferafts (mounted on superstructure, 9 per side)
10 5 meter RHIB assault boats (in hidden well deck aft)
The Q-ship concept is an old one, designed to deal with pirates and other raiders of commercial shipping. The Qayin-class ships appear to be container ships of a slightly unusual configuration. What look like containers are stacked up three high forward, and four high aft. The superstructure is sloped, with standard communications equipment and radars. The cranes fore and aft are slightly larger than normal. The ship rides low in the water at less than 24 knots.
This appearance is designed to lure would-be pirates into the killing zone. Hidden within the false containers on deck are many gun mounts. Forward of the superstructure are two huge main-gun barbettes. The sides of the "containers" covering the guns slide downward, allowing the short-barrelled big guns to swivel to either port or starboard within 30 seconds. Both guns can swivel 60-degrees to either port or starboard, but will not bear forward or aft. The 330mm kinteic energy shot from the main guns has an effective range of 10 kilometers (the KEW shell will travel many times that distance, but the gun's short barrel makes accuracy impossible beyond 10 klicks). Rate of fire is only 3 shots every 2 minutes, due to the cooling cycle between shots (CO2 is pumped into the tube to increase barrel life).
Concealed within other containers both FWD and Aft of the superstructure are the high-velocity Durendal 90mm cannon and the Hephaestus chainguns. Most of these guns can only bear to either port or starboard, but two chainguns are positioned to bear over the stern as well. The chainguns can not bear on aircraft or missiles more than 30 degrees over the horizon, and are intended as anti-ship weapons. The 90mm Durnedals have an effective range of 20 kilometers, and fire 3 APHE shells per minute.
Weapons directors and search radars are concealed within the oversized "crane" booms, within "containers" on the deck, and in pop-up mounts in the superstructure. The air-defense MTHEL lasers are also in disappearing mounts on the superstructure. They can deploy within 15 seconds.
The center of the aft stack of "containers" holds a vertical launch system with 8 Rapier missiles. All 8 missiles can be launched simultaneously if necessary. The Rapiers climb vertically to 5 kilometers altitude, after which they turn over and attack the laser-illuminated target (targeting lasers are located on the Q-ship). Climb speed is approximately Mach 3, dive speed is approximately Mach 5. Since the missiles are coming down from directly above the target, it is extremely difficult for standard air-defense systems to engage them during the dive phase.
The stern opens into a well-deck which can launch all 10 assault boats within 2 minutes. Each boat can carry 15 troops, and each RHIB is equipped with two Marauder 11.5mm machine guns.
Typical tactics for Q-ships involve appearing to make an attempt to escape the raider/pirate, followed by heaving to until the raider gets within 5 kilometers. When the raider gets close enough (or deploys a helicopter or boarding boats), the Q-ship deploys its weapons and fires, concentrating on the raider's weapons and superstructure. The storm of heavy weapons fire is intended to disable the enemy radars and weapons directors until a Rapier missile can hit. The main guns will switch to the enemy hull as soon as the missiles are launched.
Although the Q-ship is armored, and faster than it looks, it relies almost entirely on surprise to destroy enemy warships. At the close ranges typical in pirate attacks, few warships of any size are immune to the Qayin's attack. Any contest involving distances over 10 kilometers change the odds in favor of the real warships.
Qayin-class Q-ships are usually deployed with at least one submarine in support.