NationStates Jolt Archive

Can a nation have its own security force like SHIELD(Marvel)

Freedom Zero
08-04-2009, 02:20
Won't it be cool to have a security force like SHIELD in each nation to monitor the nation and/or the other nations. That each nation would create his/her security group, first create his acronym and define his funtion.
08-04-2009, 02:54
Sure yeah - Currently we're (everyone is discussing) discussing ideas for the improvement of NS - more fields to name and describe things about your nation like national landmarks, newspapers...and even a nation's primary security (as you've mention) is something many of us are salivating for.

Personally I'd love to have an @@ARMY@@ tag and see it register as - Unibot Central Task Agency or Unibotian Thought Police, or whatever the hell I put it as for the Issues.

To weigh in on the discussion for improvements, i'd take a look >>> at this thread. (
We're always looking for ideas and opinions from the standpoint of fresh, and new players (because many of the changes are to benefit you - the newest generation).
08-04-2009, 20:12
I know that some of these things were done in NS2, and there is a reason I had my account deleted and remain here. Sometimes some of these features sound good in theory, but when put into practice, it does get a little boring/irritating. For example, the issues are written from the point of view of a traditional constitutional republic of some sort: either presidential/congressional or parliamentary democracy. Now how I Rp Korintar is that there is no singular head of state, so that makes things a little too messy. I'd much rather Rp such groups and organizations than to mention them on my homepage. The home page is where I have fun and try to see what'll happen when I put my politics into action, Rp is something completely different, which explains why I do not Rp according to what NSTracker says is possible for my nation. I make up my own numbers and have those represent the limits that my country has for the Rps.
11-04-2009, 04:45
Hey, if you've got ideas for things you'd like to see in NationStates make a thread in Technical. We're all listening.