NationStates Jolt Archive

GRDI National Leaders Directory

23-02-2009, 21:44
Since a comprehensive, yet easily accessible list of national leaders for the nations in NationStates doesn't exist, I've made it a project of mine to create one.

It is essentially a NationStates version of the CIA World Leaders publication, which lists all the Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of all the governments in the world.

If you'd like to participate, just reply with a list of each office you want included, along with the names of the holders of those offices. When possible, use abbreviation. There is a list of abbreviations in the PDF file on page 3, but if the one you need is not on there, use it anyways. I'll update the list accordingly.

Here's the entry for Glen-Rhodes, as an example:
Chancellor: Gregory Eldridge-Talley
Lt. Chancellor: Elisabeth Yellow
Chief Ambassador: Bradford Castro
Chief Attorney: Theodore Marcello
Sec. of Agriculture & Consumer Protection: Stefan Reintz
Sec. of Defense: Oliver Diggory
Sec. of Education: Lauren Olgilvie
Dir. of the Environmental Regulatory Admin.: Rainier Baldureight
Sec. of Finance: Julien Matheus
Sec. of Foreign Affairs: Galliger Taffingway
Sec. of Health: Pascal Cloquet
Sec. of Intelligence: Geoffrey Hanson
Sec. of the Interior: Robert Merrison

NOTE: The Chief Ambassador is also the permanent World Assembly Ambassador of Glen-Rhodes.

You are not required to list all the offices of your government, nor are you required to list the names of the holders. According to the preface:
Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each nation's name, excluding introductory titles (e.g. Glen-Rhodes, not the Commonwealth of Glen-Rhodes). The listing of Chiefs of State and Cabinet offices is at the discretion of the submitting nation, and it is possible that not all offices are listed, or the personal names of the holders of those offices are not listed.

In a case where the personal name of the holder of an office is not listed, the office will be marked UNLISTED. In a case where an office exists, but no person holds it, the office will be marked UNOCCUPIED.

The Official Publication:
Lasted updated February 23, 2009: GRDI National Leaders Directory ( National Leaders.pdf)
Bears Armed
08-03-2009, 20:22
The Confederated Clans of the Free Bears of Bears Armed

Chairbear of the High council of Clans: Ammabarr o BerryGlades
(= Head of State/Speaker of the legislature)

Deputy Chairbear of the High Council: Marro-Siggurr o SeaBear

Chairbear of the Committee for Little Bear: Ammabarr o BerryGlades
(= Head of Government; This position can only be held either by the Chairbear of the High Council or by his/her Deputy)

Chairbear of the Committee for Pig: Beorran o Redwood
(= holder of a position, mainly responsible for handling relationships between the nation’s constituent Clans & other primary bodies, that lacks an exact equivalent in any RL government with whose workings I’m at all familiar…)

Chairbear of the Committee for Owl: Marra GreyBear
(whose department of the government deals with Justice and also with those aspects of Education that are handled centrally)

Chairbear of the Committee for Rabbit: Harran o Strongpaw
(heads the government department that handles finance and the economy)

Chairbear of the Committee for Tiger: Harro Sun-Blesséd
(Minister of Defence)

Chairbear of the Committee for The Strangers: Beorra o Berrum
(Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Chairbear of the Committee for Donkey: Twarra Array-Ben
(Minister for Public Works and Transport)

First Voice of The North: Marro-Siggurr o SeaBear
(as the senior representative present, in the High Council, for all of the ‘Northlands’ clans & free septs)
09-03-2009, 04:01
Since my nations symbol is a Torch each ministry is a flame that is apart of the torch which is a symbolic term for the country.

Iron Count(head of state): Franzderson

Deputy Count: Londala Mith

Flame for Weapons, Munitions, and Armament: Doyle Only

The inferno of Justice: Rolant Dribble

Flame for Science, Education, and Public Instruction: Hank Wakefield

Flame of propaganda and the breath(voice in propaganda films and radio): Humbleton Gregger

Flame of finance,treasury and economics: Brenden Dunkington

Flame of Nutrition and Agriculture: Kerk Duran

Flame of Labor: Shovake Revel

Flame of intelligence and national security: Bruce Vendelson

The Pyrocon (the name of the Altackian armed forces)

Flame of the airforce: Grandun Grooglesmut

Flame of the ground forces: Augustia Florence

Flame of the navy: Frankington Preserva

Altackian Torchmen
(similar to the Nazi SS or Black Shirts, operating as Franzdersons personal guard,elite soldiers and police for occupying territories)

Leader of all offices of the Torchmen: Ender Flankington

Torchmen(Franzdersons personal guard)

Battle Torchmen(The combat arm of the Torchmen which operates as the national guard and elite troops that can be used for any mission at Franzdersons command similar to the U.S.M.C)

Other departments
The Mist(The secret police):Johann Schmidt