NationStates Jolt Archive

Alrighty, trading time!!

28-11-2008, 00:38
I'm new to the Nationstates Forum due to E-mail issues (no idea what lol) and was wondering how people would determine their annual budgets. I've read that an IC year is a RL month long, so I'm planning on using that to do my mathematics. I was thinking maybe use the Nation's Economy rating and priorities but I don't have an idea of how to determine how much money I'd have in my budget. I have a pop of around 950 million and a very strong economy, so I was thinking a base amount of money for the economy then some extra for every hundred million of population?

EXAMPLE very strong economy-- let's say a base of, oh, 10 billion currency?
then the population bonus which would add 9x the bonus amount, which will be, maybe half a million? which would be 4.5 billion, so a 14.5 billion total for my budget? (the base and bonus money is not set at this time)
01-12-2008, 05:18
Welllp, after 402 days of life with Nagiyuma, the majority of that spent forum-less (I've only been on the forum for a few days now), my first time of buying stuff for my military and police force has finally come :D .

I did the math (not really, had it done somewhere else. I'm lazy...), and I have 1,361,546,256,844.32 Kiens to spend on the military, about half of which I'm guessing is just bases, salaries, and all that. So, I have about 680,773,128,422.16 Kiens for actual equipment.

Who out there wants a piece of that? I need guns, ammo, tanks, planes, ships.... heck, you name it and I'll probly want it lol.

Those Kiens are burning a hole in my pocket lol xD
01-12-2008, 05:28
Gameplay isn't about roleplaying. You appear to be seeking roleplaying munitions. Try International Incidents.

Thread closed.