19-11-2008, 20:40
I believe WA delegates should be required to view the proposals page at least once a week while not in vacation mode. If they do not do so they should automatically lose their endorsements. If vacation mode is on then they should not count to the 6% required to approve a proposal. If 6% is so hard for even some very good proposals to achieve then there must be about 88% of delegates not doing their job (this estimation assumes an instance where 6% approve a proposal and 6% view it but elect not to).
19-11-2008, 22:24
First off, this belongs in either World Assembly or Technical.
Second off, this has been brought up before. Delegates can't be forced to read proposals; the proposals aren't the only reason people become delegate - some just want to maintain control of their region, some are invaders/defenders, some want the "prestige," some become delegate without full knowledge of the powers of delegates. Besides, anyone with the time and manpower can usually telegram enough delegates to get their proposals over the 6% threshold. If the system ain't broke, don't fix it.