NationStates Jolt Archive

Convince me to join your reigon

25-10-2008, 05:51
right now, life is pretty sweet for KJO in the New Inquisition, so try and convince me why your reigon is better. go on, try.

25-10-2008, 06:24
Well, we, The Commonwealth, hold monthly elections and has an organized military...
25-10-2008, 06:31
25-10-2008, 07:39
Um, we have about 5 regions and 2 embassies from other regions.
25-10-2008, 07:40
We liek mudkipz too...
25-10-2008, 10:59
mudkipz, slightly convinced..... NEXT!
25-10-2008, 14:20
I am inviting you to the region of which I am a citizen; Paradisia. It is a great region and I will outline some of the reasons why this is so. If you want to see for yourself, please visit It’s our offsite forum where everything happens and no registration is required to take a look.

As a citizen of Paradisia, you will have the opportunity to join or create clubs and societies of interest to you; take part in forum-based games; make use of and contribute to our University; create and publish a newspaper for your nation; propose, debate and vote on laws in our Parliament, where you will have a seat as a citizen; join the staff of one of our Departments (Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Defence); role-play and join one of our political parties. In the longer term, you may wish to stand for election as a Senator, our World Assembly Delegate or try to get elected to the Cabinet table. You can be involved in as many or as few aspects as you like from day one; we are an open and welcoming community.

We have a unique system of government in our region and although it is interesting, it can be confusing for our new citizens which is why we prove an Orientation Pack to get you on your feet straight away. If you have any questions, Paradisians are always eager to help.

If you have any questions, need more convincing or want more details on any of the aspects mentioned above, please do not hesitate to telegram me and ask.

25-10-2008, 17:39
Okay, here is the deal. I have been on Nation States before... I know I appear to be new here... but I've been playing for about 2 years.

Anyhow... I have decided to create a new region with a legitimate purpose... To become a new force of the world.

My country is that of The Empire of the UTC, The United Territorial Commission. I am looking for members to become part of this scheme.

There are a few bonuses here.
--- Regional Placement - Unlike most regions... you are just placed in the region... and get a message saying welcome to the region... That in Xenogara is not the case... We of the UTC have barricaded off and secured 7 million sq km. of land to use at our disposal. We have 22 positions on the map you can be placed, you can choose your own from the avalible areas, and if we end up filing up all of these, I will give out portions of my own countries land to form new nations.

--- Regional Backup & National Security - Another country bothering you, we have re-enforcements... millions infact. All of the UTC's gross national product is spent as military fortification. You may not have an army, ours will cover that whole

--- WA Counciling - Not geting regional support in your World Wide Politics Ventures! Well we will give your country a strong vote in the office... as long as you have a steady population... 500 million or more... Which it is


Region: Xenogara

Good Morrow!
Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 04:31
Well,our region Dixie,is all about hospitality and kindness.We make sure all our nations have enough money to survive.We protect you if you are in war,or under attack.We also endorse each other if endorsement is necessary.

Sincerely,The Republic of Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 04:33
if u dont I'll kill you
26-10-2008, 04:56
OK lets review:
Paradisia: offsite forum (tni has one also. scratched)
university (again, tni has one. scratched)
come to think of it, it looks alot like tni.

ill give your reigon a consideration.

UTC:new force of the world (cheh, try gettin past Lazarus, have fun with that)
reigonal placement: good idea
reigonal backup: a brotherhood idea, i like it
i dont get the last feature you mentioned though
i will definately check out yo reigon

Dixie: no. just no. any nation that has the word "klan" in it, i dont trust.

bullics reigon?: ?????

im gonna go with Xenogara. thaks man, sounds good.
Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 05:31
No No No you got it all wrong klan means family and our region is about sticking close like family.Please reconsider.
Thanks,Da Nasty
Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 05:35
In fact you should check out the country's names in Dixie
26-10-2008, 05:38
still, it's is correctly spelt with a c, and wrongdoings are represented with the k spelling.

checked out Dixie, didnt like what i saw. have already moved to Xenogara.

and btw, you dont have to post twice if you leave something out. you can just edit your message
Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 05:41
One more thing look at my flag it's a picture of a children's hospital
Da Nasty Klan
26-10-2008, 05:43
Sorry you feel that way.c u later