NationStates Jolt Archive

TSIF " The Small isles of Freedom " looking for new members

21-10-2008, 15:32
"In fact TSIF ( The Small Isles Of Freedom ) is pretty hard too find, in fact nobody have never found it, until now... Its actually not JUST small islands in the region, some of them is quite big, this is a place for the countries who want too have their "own" little world"

If you dont already understand what this is, its a new region, but the most of the new regions is just "halfseriusly" regions, but this is onehundreds procent seriusly!
Like you saw, this is a region for those who want their own little world, but at the same time, you can choose too not have a "own" little world, you can be a "world police".
But you maybe dont wanna be stuck on a stupid island forever? Well, this is a place for your country too grow, and when the time is right, take the boat and set you country on one of the little bigger regions!
All heil TSIF and its glorius islands!:hail::hail::hail:
22-10-2008, 09:27
That is some terrible grammar there. But I'll still join.

EDIT: actually, looking back, ill think ill stay with TNI.