Your nation's head-of-state.
The Geschke Dynasty
04-10-2008, 21:12
Just put a bio of your nation's head of state. (For non-monarchies, instead of reign, please put "term" but that is optional. And to answer your questions, yes I do enjoy making these style posts.)
The Head-of-State's Profile.
Name: Nicholas Geschke.
Gender: Male.
Age: 36.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Brown.
Blood Type: A.
Reign: 18 Years.
Title(s): Emperor of the Holy Geschke Empire, King of Geopolis, (Before enthroned) Crown Prince.
Style of Address: His Imperial and Royal Majesty.
Consort: Her Majesty, Empress Rachel Geschke.
Heir-apparent: Crown Princess, Abigail Geschke.
Biography: Born and raised in Geopolis in the Geschke Empire as the youngest child of Emperor James II, Nicholas was never expected to rule. However, from a very young age, he showed a competance that outmatched that of his brothers, as well, James noted the boy had a far more compassionate and kindly demeanor than his siblings.
Given that his other children had performed well in all areas except Politics, Nicholas was also noted for his skill in diplomacy and ettiquete; a fact which made James declare the boy to be the Crown Prince. Over the course of several months, Nicholas became tutored for his role as the heir-apparent, becoming very knowledgeable on many subjects.
As his father was expected to reign for another twenty or so years, Nicholas did not feel he was ready to take the throne but James suffered a terrible stroke on April 20th, and died the next day. Young Nicholas then ascended to the throne at age 13, though he was officially the head-of-state, he was not in power until age 18.
Until that time, the ruling was kept to his mother, the dowager Empress Elaine. At the age of 18, the young Emperor took the reins of government and immediately set forth instituting significant constitutional reforms.
He instated a Royal Council and permanently established the new system of electing its members. He soon created the office of Mayor of Geopolis and created a council of elected citizens in every city to give the people more say in how they were ruled.
The Emperor also established a policy of encouraging the National Guard and Military Units to foster better relations with the community. He was also the author of two books: "Riding the Storm", a history of the Nation's Civil War, and "Just Politics", setting out his ideas for reform.
Also at age 18, the Emperor met his future wife, Rachel, who was the beautiful daughter of a nobleman. The two of them quickly became friends, as her father was a decorated member of the Emperor's court. After nearly eight years of dating and constant media attention, the two annnounced they were to be married.
The couple was married soon afterwards and had their first child, Crown Princess Abigail, two years later. To this day, the Emperor has ruled with wisdom, compassion and integrety. Recent polls indicate the Emperor is extremely popular with 92% of citizens in the Empire, a percent that increases with every year.
He is also said to be on good terms with several other countries including, the United States, Neo-Ixania, Sultenia, Ascelonia, and Clockwatching.
Personal reforms: (Optional)
*The Empire has been brought to the height of economic stability.
*Right of succession has been made determined solely by the Monarch, regardless of gender or age.
*Social equality has been made a right for all citizens.
*Healthcare is easy to obtain, even in rural parts of the country.
*Created the Marine corps and since has increased its size to 212,000 soldiers.
*Females can now hold important positions and are no longer seen as 2nd-class citizens.
occ: probably wrong area for this type of thing but still
The Head-of-State's Profile.
Name: Nyx Darkrider
Gender: Male.
Age: 32
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Brown.
Blood Type: AB-.
Reign(so far): since the mid 1990's.
Title(s): Leader (for life) of the Chazakain Empire, Mayor of Chazaton, (Before election) Mayor
Style of Address: His Presidency.
Wife: Her Leaderess, Mrs. Jessie Darkrider.
Heir-apparent: NA, Elected Official even if it is for life:)
Biography: Born and raised in Chaziton in the Chazakain Empire as the youngest child of Charlie Darkrider, Nyx was expected to die young due to complications at birth. However, he somehow survived and eventually thrived even without his mother who had died 20 hrs after his birth, he showed a competence for sciences that outmatched that of his brothers and sisters, as well, Charlie noted the boy had a far more compassionate and friendly demeanor then his siblings.
Given that his other children had performed well in many different areas except for Politics, Nyx was also noted for his skill in speechwriting and delivery; a fact which made Charlie very happy and proud. Over the course of several years, Nyx rose to power from mayor of Chaziton to eventual leader for life of Chazaka.
After his quick rise to power Nyx surrounded himself with many experienced and bright advisers. He instated a Advisory Council and filled it with people all over Chazaka and from many professions.
Nyx also established a policy of encouraging the Army and other Military Units to foster better relations with the community and the forced 3 year military service and retraining every other year.
Nyx meet his future wife at a fundraiser event for his eventually successful rise to Leader, they quickly hit it off and after a year of dating they were married in a quite ceremony in the local courts.
To this day, the Leader for life has ruled with wisdom, compassion and savvy. Recent polls indicate the Leader is popular with 72% of citizens in the Country, a percentage that grows with every year.
Personal reforms:
*Chazaka has been brought to the height of Civil Rights.
*Social and Political equality has been made a right for all citizens.
*Healthcare is fairly easy to obtain, even in rural parts of the country.
*Increased The Military Forces of Chazaka from a couple thousands to several hundred thousands.
05-10-2008, 07:37
The Head-of-State's Profile.
Name: Alfonso Anderson.
Gender: Male.
Age: 28.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Brown.
Blood Type: O.
Reign/Term: 2 Years. (expires whenever they people vote him out)
Title(s): President of The Democratic Republic of Lionslicer, (Before elected) Doctor.
Style of Address: His Greatness, Mr. President.
Consort(s): Her Greatress, Mrs. President Marie Anderson
Heir-apparent: General Jack Robbins(elected by the Congress)
Biography: Born and raised in an unclaimed region in the later Democratic Republic of Lionslicer as the only child of Settler and Doctor William Anderson, Alfonso was born a worker. William Anderson escaped his former country to pursue happiness without ruthless taxation, war, and a corrupt government.
Alfonso grew up working on the farm, he raised lions, and was taught medicine from his father. As more and more people fled to the region, Alfonso was interested in the way people acted towards one another and studied them. He became fascinated in what they did and what they wanted.
When Alfonso was 13 he started to write an overview for a fair and organized government, he finished it when he was 16. With a constitution and laws written in his notebooks, he showed his father what he had done. His father then showed the town, and the town showed the next town and so on.
Almost everyone in the region agreed with what Alfonso made and wanted to pull through with the plans. Within the next 2 years, debates were made over who should lead the country. Alfonso’s father suggested there should be an election. People agreed, and they had an election.
Alfonso did not agree with any of the candidates, so he focused on his studies and when he was 20, he went to the newly funded state college. Alfonso was outstanding in his studies and graduated in 4 years. He specialized in neurology and Diseases. In his free time he would read the newspaper and discuss politics with fellow citizens. He was not happy with what the country, that his constitution created had become.
When Alfonso was 25, he ran for President, he ran against 6 opponents, including the current president. He won by a landslide and became President at the age of 26. He had met his wife while campaigning, they connected and became married shortly after Alfonso entered office.
During the first month of his term, he balanced the economy and took the education to a new level of success. Before his first year in office was over, he had completely balanced the country. Crime was down 90%, Education was up 90%, and technology was rising.
With the skyrocketing rise of the population, Alfonso has had a hard time controlling the Democratic Republic of Lionslicer, with a struggling economy, and rebellious citizens, the young President is trying to reform a country that was once almost perfect not too long ago.
Education: Graduated with MD and took 2 additional years of college for a Bachelors degree in History. Major History, Minor Economics.
View on Religion: Alfonso has stated a belief in God is good, but organized religion is a waste.
Personal reforms:
*Has protected the lion, Lionslicer national animal.
*Religious organizations are being forced to pay income taxes like everybody else.
Collegia Titanicus
05-10-2008, 08:50
The Head-of-State's Profile.
Name: Lord Artificer
Gender: Male.
Age: 54
Hair color: Replaced by cybernetics
Eye color: Replaced by cybernetics
Reign: 32 Years.
Title(s): Lord Artificier, Voice of the Machines,
Style of Address: Your holiness,.
Born Hugo Tarillius to a large family in the Capital city of Mechanius. Religion played a very large part in Hugo's childhood as the rituals and chants of prayer to the machine spirits were instilled into him.
Hugo showed an affinity in the care and development of machines as he attended the nations permire boarding school, Collegia Mechanius. The Techpriests in charge of his education saw his great potential and Hugo was advanced quickly through the ranks of the priesthood becoming one of the nations top Enginseers.
In a freak accident the Previous Lord artificier was lost as an experiment in one of the Lab/Shrines went horribly arry and exploded. Young Hugo was chosen to be the next Lord Artificer after much debate by the Council of Logis.
Leaving his former name behind he assumed the title and became the 32nd Lord Artificer and has led the nation into its current state of growth.
06-10-2008, 18:41
Name: Manuelo Fernanda (
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Blood Type: O-negative
Term: Five years (expires 2010)
Title: President of the Federal Republic
Style of Address: Mr. President
Consort: Currently accepting applications; must provide references, measurements and list of turn-ons.
Biography: Born in a Latino neighborhood in East Paradise City, Fernanda gained notoriety as a professional boxer on the show "The Contender," where he was a crowd favorite for 11 episodes before being kicked off the show for lying on his application and not disclosing a previous arrest for indecent exposure backstage at the Miss Omigodtheykilledkenny 2003 pageant. When President John Thorne in 2005 announced his support for federal restrictions on the production and sale of pornography, Fernanda embarked on a one-man crusade to save one of his favorite pasttimes. He found a lot of friends in Hollywood and the liberal media on his quest, and before he knew it, his Free Porn campaign had transformed into a run for president. The Conservative Party practically handed him the nomination (adopting the campaign slogan, "Even This Guy's More Qualified than the Bum We Have Now!"), and Fernanda, going into general election season facing charges of being "inexperienced," simply fed the voters a bunch of crap about "hope" and "change" and was elected handily, despite a gaffe wherein he promised to meet with psychotic dictators like Gardab Woltzten IX and Captain Spaulding I, "without preconditions."
Several months into his presidency, terrorists bombed a football stadium with the Paradise City Dumb Blondes still inside, and as they were the president's favorite cheerleading squad, the nation has been in the midst of a global "War on Terror" ever since. Accomplishments of the Fernanda presidency include unprecedented international outreach, three United Nations repeals, two World Assembly resolutions, and the unceremonious destruction of the UN three years into his first term. Sure, he may not have actually done it, but he's certainly not above taking credit for it.
President Fernanda's popularity has been in sharp decline the past year, and he currently faces a serious primary challenge within his own party for the 2010 election, which is unusual for a sitting president. Polls currently show Fernanda with a 10-12 point lead over his primary challenger, but the first ballots won't be cast for another six months or so, and plenty can happen between now and then.
The Altan Steppes
06-10-2008, 19:06
Name: Alana Ferigha Kasimira
Gender: Female (transgendered)
Age: 39
Hair color: originally brown, currently blonde
Eye color: brown
Blood Type: not disclosed
Term: three years (expires 2011)
Title(s): President of the Trilateral Federation; Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Defense Forces
Style of Address: Madam President
Consort: none at present
Political party: Altan Liberal Party
Born: August 13, 1969 at Melin Community Hospital, Kyrinia (born as Aran Kasimira; parents Menir and Lara Kasimira)
Education: Kyrinia Primary School 13; Kyrinia Secondary School 1; Royal University of Ael Khalas (master's degree in political science)
Career: Community organizer, 1995-97, Kyrinia 3rd Ward; Councilwoman for 3rd Ward, Kyrinia Municipal Council, 1997-99; Mayor of Kyrinia Municipality, 1999-2001; Junior Assemblywoman, Kyrinia Delegation, Altanari Peoples' Assembly, 2001-2004; Senior Assemblywoman, Kyrinia Delegation, 2004-2008. Unsuccessful run for Altanari Prime Minister (defeated by Jinella Agaranth) in 2007.
Notable Accomplishments: First transgendered mayor of an Altanari city; first transgendered Assemblyperson in Altanari history; first leader of the Liberal Party (party formed from combination of Modern Democratic Party and smaller parties); winner of the Royal Altanari Prize for Literature in 2004 (first politician to win that award).
Throughout her career, Kasimira has emphasized "people power" over "hard power". Her goal is to build the Altan Steppes into an "intelligently governed state".
Kasimira's main political base can be found in the Federation's fast-growing urban areas. She is especially popular among younger and more progressive voters, college students, recently naturalized citizens, and the GLBT community. Her base of support is the port city of Kyrinia, where she is from originally and where she built her political reputation. Unlike many ethnic Altanari politicians, Kasimira also has strong support among the Akamian and Argali populations.
By contrast, Kasimira has less support in rural areas, and also is not popular with older voters, traditional-minded Altani, and the devoutly religious. She has also had a hard time shrugging off the legacy of her party's predecessor, the Modern Democratic Party, which many people associate with failed liberalization efforts during the 1970s, 80s and early 90s.
Kasimira is a longtime player in Altan politics who finally broke through to the top rungs of power by narrowly, and unexpectedly, defeating popular rival Jinella Agaranth in a presidential race that most people thought was Agaranth's to lose. The President of the Trilateral Federation carefully balances her liberal ideals with the understanding that she is the leader of a nation that is not particularly liberal in its outlook on many issues. Kasimira is pragmatic and not afraid to compromise with other parties to move things forward. She is somewhat of a technocrat, and is determined to transform the Altan Steppes into a truly modern nation, as well as an economic and diplomatic powerhouse. Kasimira is estranged from her parents and her wealthy industrialist family due to her more liberal politics.
06-10-2008, 19:10
Name: Winrich Albrecht Von Altershtauf.
Gender: Male.
Age: 27.
Hair color: Blonde.
Eye color: Blue.
Blood Type: A rh+
Reign: 4 Years.
Title(s): The Grand Master Of Theutonic Order (of NationStates), Grand Master of Order of the German House of St. Mary in Jerusalem (of NationStates), His Holiness Archbishop of Marienburg. Commander of Marienburg.
He was born as the son half-brother Julius von Altershtauf. For the youngest years he was prepared for the duty for order. In the age of years 15 he was sent to the monastic school. After two years he became the brother and after next three Knight Minor of Order. He served under Adalbert von Nethoff. In exchange for rescuing him from one of skirmishes with infidels becomes Major Knight of Order. For next years he faithfully served the order as the Commander of Vilnus. Supposedly he belonged to Secret Hood Court. After the death of the Grand Master Ugo Baldomer von Nithestein he was chosen for performing this function. He became famous for the tough internal policy connected with broad contacts in the foreign policy.
Free Outer Eugenia
06-10-2008, 19:20
Our last 'head of state' rotted on it's pike decades and decades ago.
The Geschke Dynasty
07-10-2008, 00:46
(OOC: Forgive me if I'm being rude, but, If you're not going to post something IC, then please don't bother to post at all)
Name: Shino Nanao-Villa
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (late teens early adult hood)
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Green
Blood Type: Unknown
Reign: Under the United Flag: 1.5 years
Title(s): Grand Duchess, Duchess,
Style of Address: Her Majesty, Lady Duchess
Consort: His Majesty George Villa
Heir-apparent: Marcella Villa.
Biography: Due to inadequate record keeping much of Shino's early life is circumstantial based on her and other testimonials. What is know is that Shino was born under the Duchess and Dukes of Aurora Island and was the heir apparent until their sudden death of her parents. The Duke Halsa never returned from a fishing trip and her mother Kaori eventually succumbed to an illness, probably a result from eating the toxic Fugo fish.
When Shino was named the reigning duchess of Aurora Island she was given the ability to allow due process of law and allow a fair justice system for all the islanders. At this time the islands were only individual states including Aurora. Shino took with great enthusiasm to her work, she always was regarded as a kind Duchess who helped her people, especially in the wake of Hurricanes and other bad storms. Shino usually saw to it that her hut was rebuilt last which led to her staying in the company of others, generally women but on some occasions men. These were all purely platonic of course.
Shino sought out the protection of a first world nation, Kanami, for her and her other fellow island states. The agreement lasted barley a year as war broke out between old rivals of Kanami and the islands were sucked in the middle of the war. In the middle of the War Shino was taken as a Prisoner of War, by Independent Hitmen, it's something she still refuses to discuss openly. She has only given slight details about the conditions of her holding cell which is still disputed. There is no evidence of any serious abuses of Shino's human rights, but there is no evidence against the potential of Shino being held captive in the most horrible fashion.
After a month of captivity, Shino was finally released and returned to her island. During the AHSCA constitutional conventions she was given the Duchess Title for the entire island chain as they united under one banner.
Shino eventually married George Villa from Mokostana, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
Personal reforms: (Optional)
*Helped finalize the unification progress for the five island
*Allowed the Island of Truce to take part in a free open election
*Social equality has been made a right for all citizens.
*More interaction with the international community.
*More personal businesses on the islands
*Modernized and unified the island Militias.
Edwards Street
07-10-2008, 19:48
Name: Luke Gregory
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Hair Color: Brown w/ blond highlights
Eye Color: Green
Blood type: not disclosed to public
Reign: 1 year (elected to 5 year term in 2007)
Title: President
Style of Address: Mr. President
Biography: Born Christmas Day 1989 as the son of a mechanic to a devoutly Christian family, he was well-known as a political activist for the Edwards Street Free Speech Society. Though he had humble beginnings, he was a descendant of the Edwardian monarchy, which was overthrown after his great-grandfather John Edwards threw out the Edwards Street Parliament in 1936, and declared himself Communist dictator. An alliance of Christians, Mormons and Buddhists who were oppressed for their beliefs under the rule of John Edwards overthrew him in a revolution in 1941. Luke Gregory become known as a smart intelligent speaker and leader, in 2007, the Edwards Street Constitution was amended to allow him to run to Prime Minister at 18, he won in a landslide victory as an independent candidate, endorsed by both the Libertarian and Conservative parties of Edwards Street, defeating the candidate of the Liberal Nationalist party by a 4 to 1 margin
Accomplishments: Under his leadership, Civil and Political liberties have been expanded for all citizens, and the country enjoys a thriving economy. Luke Gregory believes firmly in political and religious freedom for all, and in economic policies which support capitialism
07-10-2008, 21:29
Name: Zakir Sezadu
Gender: Male
Age: 53
position: head of directorate, also Director of International Affairs
title: Senior Director
Bio: Typical Korintari: He achieved his MA in Diplomacy at age 23 and passed the civil service exam with a score 9872/10000. This allowed him to progress in rank quickly in the bureaucracy very rapidly. Due to being a registered voter, who voted regularly, he was sorted to the National People's Assembly at the age 40. He became Director of International Affairs 3 years ago and was sorted as Senior Director for a one year term.
Accomplishments: There are few accomplishments to name as Senior Director Sezadu has such a short term in this office, which is more ceremonial than anything else. Furthermore he is primus inter pares so he mainly sticks to foreign policy issues.
However his record is as follows:
He voted for appropriations to expand the police forces, thus reducing crime.
He has consistently supported a modern space based military.
He has consistently supported sentient/sapient rights expansion in the WA.
He, acting in concert with the other Directors, has use line-item veto powers to reduce administrative costs in the bureaucracy.
He has argued for the right of national recall for all political offices, except those in civil service.
He has voted to greatly expand the education budget so every child can recieve a quality education.
Allowed the peaceful secession of Via Crucis and split of Helini from Korintar.
The Geschke Dynasty
10-10-2008, 01:26
(OOC: Just wondering: Generally, how many Dictators are there? It seems as though most Republics here follow in the steps of some of the Evil Dictatorships of real life)
In terms of Politics, the Emperor/Empress of the Holy Geschke Empire is the head of state, though the reigning Emperor is an autocrat, he is far less autocratic than most other authoritarian monarchs, and holds less power than modern dictators. He is in the tradition of the enlightened Monarchy; embracing certain aspects of other types of governments while melding them with his own ideals.
For instance, the Emperor makes the major decisions, but leaves the day-to-day ruling to the Prime Minister and to his consort. He also delegates control of provinces to his family members while allowing the citizens some freedom to elect members of city-councils. As well, he can legally declare war and personally signs the papers and delivers the speeches to the citizens about declarations of war.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
10-10-2008, 22:58
Latin style: Regulus Serius Sirius.
English style: Erik Sirius Serius
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Blood Type: O+
Reign: Since March 15, 1980
Title(s): HIH the Emperor of the Roman Empire, HM the King of Rome, HIH the Emperor of the Commonwealth Territories, Pater Patriae, Pontifex Maximus, Proconsul, Consul, Tribuniciae Potestatis, HM the King of Jerusalem
Style of Address: His Imperial Majesty
Latin style: Valoria Serius Veria
English style: Proserpina Serius Veria
Latin style: Lucius Serius Sirius
English style: Loki Sirius Serius
Biography: Regulus Serius Sirius (Erik Sirius Serius) is the second born son of Imperator Servius Serius Sirus (Lazarus Servius Serius), but the first born of the Imperatrix consort, Virtia Serius Argentia (Rose Virtii). Regulus was born in Rome on April 20, 1950, he was baptised into the Roman Catholic faith on April 24, 1950 at the Basilica of St. John Lateran. He was educated by private tutors until the age of 12 when he was enrolled in the School of the Imperium, he was sorted into the Leo House, where he met many of his future close advisors. His college career was one of intense study, he graduated with doctorates in Political Science and Law. Erik assumed the throne in 1980 at the age of 29, going on 30; Lazarus had been assassinated by an Israeli loyalist who was upset that ITD invaded Israel in 1972, transforming it into a vassal state.
10-10-2008, 23:05
Oh, all the information needed is HERE (
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Blood Type: AB+
Reign: 4 years
Title(s): President
Style of Address: Mr. President or President Radchenko
Consort: Prime Minister Valentina Borofski
Vladimir Radchenko has served as the President of Karshkovia since 8 January, 2004. His presidency is seen as ushering in an era of reform, healing, unity, and competency. Radchenko is immensely popular among the voters. Internationally, Radchenko is commonly credited for committing to free-market economic measures, opening trade and military alliances, promoting religious and national tolerance, optimism about the future, and tough stance on terrorism and religious extremism. However, he is criticized by some for slow action on widespread corruption and the rebuilding of Karshkovia. He has been called one of "ultimate oligarchs" of the post-Soviet states.
Vladimir was a civil engineer, trained and educated outside of Karshkovia and the Soviet Union. On his return, he became a voice for worker reform, leading the fight for better, sanitary working conditions for all workers. He also met Valentina Borofsky and they began a relationship. This deeply angered Radchenko's boss, who had made his feelings known about Valentina though she rejected him. He went to Moscow and demanded Radchenko be dismissed and jailed. Vladimir was arrested by local authorities, however before he could be moved out of Karshkovia, the revolution began. Vladimir was freed and became a strong leader in the resistance, however he made many attempts to work with Moscow on a peaceful solution, all of which failed.
Radchenko claims to have never fired a weapon in the revolution, however he does admit to killing one man out of necessity. This has never been confirmed.
During the revolution, Russian military personnel were attacked and often killed on sight, so Vladimir hid Valentina at his family's cottage in the Karshka Mountains. After independence was declared, Vladimir and Valentina were married in a small ceremony attended only by friends as both families had disowned them. Vladimir's father, a Major in the Soviet Airforce, believed that Vladimir had betrayed the Soviet Union by participating in the revolution, even as a peacemaker. Valentina's father, a Captain in the Soviet Rocket Brigade, believed that Valentina had betrayed the Soviet Union and the family by marrying a 'half-breed' who had fought against the Soviet Union.
The years following independence were been marked by significant reforms to the Soviet-style economy and political monopoly on power. Under Nutan Nabayev, who initially came to power in 1989 as the head of the Communist Party of Karshkovia and was eventually elected President in 1992, Karshkovia made significant progress toward developing a market economy.
Radchenko worked in the newly formed Trade Union to reform working conditions and worker safety laws. However, disliking the politics of the other parties which ran under the position of moving Karshkovia into a communist state, Radchenko declared he would run for President. He was backed by the Trade Union which had just formed into a political party.
Opposition political parties held demonstrations in Zostar for three days calling for the formation of a communist government and the resignation of Radchenko after he had appointed Valentina Borofsky as Prime Minister. The protests became violent when rumors began to spread that Radchenko was selling Karshkovia out to the Russian government. Radchenko addressed the nation that night, asking the protesters to stop the violence on their countrymen. He asserted they did have the right to assemble and protest, but not to cause damage to property or harm others. He spoke on his feelings for his wife, pointing out the forced relocation of many Russian citizens during Soviet rule, the need to embrace all people equally as brothers who all loved the nation as their home country, and the rejection of Karshka, Cassock, or Russian ethnic background as it created separation in the people. He stated Karshkovia had always been a crucible of people and to that effect was dissolving ethnic background and renamed all people Karshkovians first and only.
After this speech, the protests stopped, though the opposition leaders were still calling for the protests to continue. An upswelling of support formed for the idea of Karshkovians being one people only. This is when the "Healing and Unity" movement began. This is when outside observers noted the opposition parties lost their political power. His government's policies are considered moderate and fair.
On 20 December 2007, a popular movement of the Karshkovian people forced a bill before the parliament with a vote of 98%-for 2%-against, declaring that President Vladimir Radchenko be given lifetime powers and privileges, including becoming de facto "President for life", immunity from criminal prosecution, and influence over domestic and foreign policy. The bill passed the parliament with a nearly unanimous vote.
Late on 21 December, President Radchenko addressed the nation on all radio and television channels, thanking the people for their support and pledging to continue to offer them his continued 'best efforts' as President, however he denounced the bill and signed the veto to the bill while on the air, stating that the people's right to choose their leader every five years was non-waivable.
On December 22nd, the bill passed the lower house with a vote of 59-for 1-against, while it passed the upper house unanimously thus overriding the presidential veto. That day, President Radchenko noted he accepted this bill under extreme protest and submitted a request for the Karshkovia Supreme Court to review the bill and declare it unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has yet to decide if it would review the law.
Opposition parties questioned the competence of the current administration and made accusation of serious irregularities in the people's popular vote. They, however , have stated numerous times that Radchenko was not suspect given his continued maneuvering to quash the new law.
Forgive me for sounding like a "noob", but are your respective Heads of State completely made up?
Sorry, I only signed up earlier today and I'm rather enthralled by peoples' creativity.
12-10-2008, 16:07
Forgive me for sounding like a "noob", but are your respective Heads of State completely made up?Yes.
13-10-2008, 03:59
The Head-of-State's Profile.
Name: Unknown; known as "Ego" by his close friends
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Blood Type: O
Reign: Two Years
Title(s): Communist Chairman of Yanbania; (former title) Communist Propoganda Minister, serving in the Yanbania sector
Style of Address: your excellency
Wife: Single (marriage is banned in the Yanbanian Communist Party)
Heir-apparent: his trusted advisor, Deigen II
Biography: Born a begger in the dangerous streets of Yanbanis, Yanbania's capital, the Chairman joined the Communist party under the alias "Ego" at the age of 15. After serving for three years as a street thug, he became the Communist Party's premier propaganda officer for five years. Soon afterwards he renounced his Communist beliefs and became the Democratic President of Yanbania. This but lasted a year, and his former Communist Party rebelled. Ego was accepted back in like an old friend and was not questioned. Yanbania's economy was a mess when he took office. It was literally BACKWARDS! The Hampsharian Pound, the currency of the region of Hampshire, was being brought down because Yanbania's economy was sluggish and backwards. Then, IT happened. The stock market of Yanbania crashed two years into Ego's rule. Handling the situation with care, he has since won the admiration - and envy - of political opponents and his subjects alike. Despite his policy of little political freedom, his allowance of personal freedoms makes him a well liked leader, known more for his sucesses than for his flaws.
Personal reforms: (Optional)
*Economic stability has been achieved in Yanbania. Ego is planning more reforms to speed the economy forward.
*A well-trained and fair police force has been established in Yanbania. Since the country's founding 15 years ago, Yanbania hasn't had a more peaceful time then when Ego took office two years ago.
*The Parliment (the only remaining symbol of Democratic Yanbania) has actually become more representative of the people than it ever was when the Democratic Party ruled.
*Water has been clean for the first time in Yanbania during the second year of his rein. Cholera and other waterborne diseases, as well as malaria due to mosquitos, are at all time lows in infection rate since he passed water cleaning laws.
*The YCSP (Yanbania Communist Secret Police) was founded under his rule the day he took power. Serving as both an intelligence agency and as an Elite Soldier Corp. (similar to Marines, but a Secret Police force), the YCSP is Yanbania's first true elite military sector (army, navy, and airforce don't count). The YCSP has been keeping Yanbania's military intrests secure and keeping its loyal citizens safe.
13-10-2008, 18:25
Kandarin has no singular individual who could be considered the head of state. It's probably just as well; given the dispositions of the people who tend to be in charge, anyone who managed to truly take over would probably be some sort of Dark Emperor.